#but it will never fly again
elliethefroggy · 5 months
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Sad day for Martians,
Ingenuity, the ‘little helicopter that could’, the first ever helicopter to fly on another planet is down. It took its final flight on the 18th of January where one or more of its roter blades were damaged.
We weren’t even sure it was possible to fly a helicopter on Mars before Ingenuity, and yet this tiny little shoe box of a helicopter managed to fly in an atmosphere less than 1% as dense as Earth’s, flying a total of 72 times in the last 3 years, far exceeding the 5 planned flights.
Having arrived on Mars hitched to the Perseverance rover’s belly, this little guy has spent these 3 years scoutting ahead for Perseverance. But now Perseverance will have to continue its mission without Ingenuity. For the first time since its creation, Perseverance is on its own in that endless red desert.
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(images of Ingenuity were taken by NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU)
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daenerysies · 3 months
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theandrosaur · 1 year
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He just wants to live his cottage wife dream, Wukong. When will you listen to him.
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zzoupz · 3 days
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promised like 10 people i would animate them making out n im a man of my words
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cellphonehippie · 6 months
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the beauty that i’m faking
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reineydraws · 20 days
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i have this fic series i'm still working on where mihawk sort of becomes rayleigh's kid and spends ages 11-17ish on the oro jackson.
shanks and buggy imprint on him (bugs considers him a sort of older brother figure/sparring inspiration and shanks has a crush that eventually turns into full-blown love) and this is how i imagine they're like on the day mihawk sets off on his own haha.
#fic recs#dracule mihawk#akataka#mishanks#buggy#buggy the clown#shanks#akagami no shanks#red haired shanks#one piece#one piece fanart#op fanart#clearly my workaround to 'i should be working on my deadlines instead of doodling mishanks' is to finger-draw on my phone instead#on the plus side i'll never be tempted to go and fully render what was supposed to be a sketch#on the minus side i'm wondering if drawing with my finger takes up the same amount of time anyways.........#smh#anyways in this au i have this part planned where after shankd and buggy get into a fight over the chop chop#shanks comes crying to mihawk all devastated and annoyed and mihawk who is 16 and absolutely doesnt want to deal with a crying 12 year old#decides to fix things himself by showing buggy the pros of his devil fruit via forceful and incredibly harrowing sparring session LOL.#makes him see right away how much of a boon it is to never be able to get cut by a blade. it turns into an actually fun sesh#'cuz mihawk starts enjoying the challenge and the creativity and control and buggy starts wielding his knives in flying hands.#ends with mihawk berating him on how he treats his brother and how mihawk never wants to have to deal with shanks like that again#and also lowkey encouraging buggy by saying he's a resourceful kid and he's got people if he cant do things himself.#at this point in time shanks kind of wants mihawk to be his knight in shining armour so he's happy to hear what mihawk did#but mihawk is Fully Over bunking with two 12 year olds. ray please can he just set out on his own now. he's done it before. come on.#he is not a babysitter!!!!!!#tho these fics will focus mostly on hawk & ray jsyk#i digress
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rox-of-iu · 10 months
my old blorbos are back in my brain
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heart pirates my absolute beloved. shame theyre chillin somewhere in the ocean lol (do not mention the pre-time skip hats of penguin and shachi I'm still attached even tho its already been a million years since then)
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anyway every time i remember that Law and Kid are assigned german and Scottish by Oda i gain one hundred years
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wisteriagoesvroom · 4 months
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source: mclaren ig stories
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kori-senpai · 9 months
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pov you're looking for the love of your life and hear rumors that he is terrorizing the Caribbean while sporting a new flag with a bleeding heart
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maysrinn · 16 days
I’m a ✨DAD✨
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Daddy duck and his MINI BORBS ✨
wanna know which one is who? fear not, I’m here to help!
From left to right:
Audree & Aubrey ??
Janus Crimson
Rosie Aurelian
Clementine Auburn (On top)
Cedar Fern
Xanthos Olive
They hatched the following spring after his little summer romance with Goosey Gray, she had to stay the winter after breaking her wing and not being able to follow the covey south. Coriolanus made her the prettiest and warmest of nests, with the best hay and his most beautiful plumage! Food in bed, the best view and well needed rest, How can she say no to that??
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tubbytarchia · 4 days
was looking through old pictures and found this drawing I did. We were discussing what Pokemon Jimmy would be and I wanted to say Absol but pre-evolved. So here is my pre-evolved Absol. It's Jimmy
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rewrittenwrongs · 8 days
It must be horrible having super strength. Imagine being half asleep and ripping your bedroom door off its hinges. All the bent cutlery and shattered plates and smashed eggs. How often you know you can fix something but can’t because it would reveal your identities/powers. Accidentally breaking your steering wheel or car horn because you couldn’t quite get a lid on the road rage. Crushing whatever you’re holding the second something startles you. How terrifying it must be to hold or pet animals. Friendly punching someone in the arm and seeing a wicked bruise there the next day, or maybe a cast…
On a funnier note, I am now imagining the Super family playing catch with various fruit as part of their Learn How Not To Crush Everything You Touch training. Tim starts recording when they upgrade to eggs.
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egophiliac · 2 years
SO I DIDN'T KNOW WHO ELSE TO ASK, but you seem like an expert on lore so I just had to know, is the headcanon of "long haired, super tall, past Lilia" actually accurate?? I know he was definitely a war general back then, but I can't seem to remember if he was actually as tall as Malleus with super long hair before as well. Would you perhaps know if this is a fanon or canon concept?
I am nowhere near an expert on lore, so if I'm wrong, then hopefully someone will be able to tell us both! I'm pretty sure though that both of those are 100% fanon -- I think drawing him with long hair is mostly a quick visual shorthand for Ye Olde Past Lilia vs modern cut-his-hair-in-the-dark Lilia (and/or the artist just felt like it and honestly more power to them). that, and it's occasionally implied that he was a lot more serious back in the day, so it makes sense that he'd have a less...artistically creative hairstyle. fingers crossed we get some answers in episode 7, even if just in silhouette 👀
this is the first time I've heard of a tall Lilia theory though! he does talk about using being short to his advantage during fighting, so I think that one is pretty unlikely. ...plus I really love the idea that he was so absolutely terrifying as a soldier that people were shitting themselves at the sight of this skinny little 5'2" goblin with the build of an uncooked spaghetti noodle. he doesn't need a height advantage to do terrible things to your internal organs! ✨👍✨
(and anyway, if he did want to be taller than Malleus, he's not above cheating)
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mashmouths · 4 months
post limit was created to silence women
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cosmic-d1ce · 7 months
phil and tubbo having to fight eachother and then phil using the last of his wings to fly tubbo to safety.....
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marsixm · 8 months
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