#denial is a hell of a drug
paperfeedee · 2 months
I truly am out here asking myself "wow, why am I getting so fat all of a sudden?" when this is how I look 90% of the time
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It was quite a shock when Damian had asked his brothers for assistance in a project for his advance music theory class.
It was a unspoken knowledge that music was a part of the Wayne family.
If they didn’t have an affinity for an instrument then it was singing and if not singing dancing.
Almost everyone who came into the family had some sort or knack and those who hadn’t picked it up along the way.
Damian was the most uninterested members when he had joined the family so it was quite a shock when he demanded help this morning.
Testing out the drums Jason shared a look with the others before asking,
“So why did you need all of us to begin with? You’re not recording or anything right?”
Damian let out a tch as for himself ready,
“Not right now, but I felt it imperative to go over my composition at least once altogether, in case I felt the need to add.”
The kid continued to tune the ukulele in his hands.
It was a strange choice for the ex assassin but when questioned he merely claimed it was due to it’s size being easier to travel with.
“Well I think it’s an interesting choice in lead instrument baby bird!”
Dick claimed as he played with his maraca while glancing over his sheet music.
“I think it will go nicely with the your lyrics! But I do have to ask-“
“I made the lyrics very clear.”
“And you did! But-“
Damian gave a glare as Dick took a seat.
“I will cut out the maracas, do not test me Richard.”
Tim gave a snort from his place slumped over the piano,
“Just be glad you got to see the vocal sheet music, he just annotated the places he wanted me to harmonize with you.”
“Yeah we’ll you kind of have to be more focused my your hands than anything else.”
Silence fell as they finished their warm ups and Damian began to strum his cords.
The eldest watched as the others raised their eyebrows at the tempo and of the tune but came just the the same.
“I lost my cool, I’m not sure how to act, not even sure how I can keep my pride intact.”
Jason felt his eyebrows raise at the lyrics as Dick and Tim started their backup harmonies.
“No, I'm not falling for you, so please have mercy on me
'Cause it's not romantic, I swear I'm not gasping for air
I want you to be here, but please don't come near
'Cause even though I'm pretty sure my head's exploding
I'm not ready for hand holding
It's not love, I swear It might be closer to despair.”
The first interlude began and Jason shot an incredulous look at Dick. Was this the demon brat? Were they sure he hadn’t been replaced in the night with some sappy clone?
Dick for his part tried to convey to younger brother to just keep playing.
“No, I don't want want you to teach me how to dance Get your heart away from me, you'll put me into a trance
And even though I think about you day and night
I'm not sure if this whole love thing sounds quite right”
Tim craned his neck as the chorus started again, to look at Damian and nearly fell off his stool when he realized that there was blush on the younger’s face.
‘Who in god’s name has somehow wiggled their way past the kid’s defenses?!’
Damian, for his part was refusing to look in the other’s direction as he powered through to the last verse.
“Cause even though I'm pretty sure my head's exploding
I'm not ready for hand holding
It's not love, I swear
It might be closer to despair”
Crooning the last notes to the song, Damian seemed to take a moment to gather himself before quickly striking last note and letting the room fill with silence.
No one seemed to know how to react after such a performance for a second.
Then Dick tried to clear the frog in his throat and the moment was over.
“Baby bird-“
“Cease your prodding, this was for a school project and nothing more.”
Damian gritted out as he stood from his seat,
“Now if you excuse me I am going to return to my room, I feel that if I were to add a bass to the background it would help with the mixing of sounds.”
And left as quickly as he could without raising suspicions.
“Holy fuck,”
Jason breathed out,
“When did the brat gain his first crush?”
“It has to be new.”
Tim rubbed his temple with his thumb,
“He’s still clearly in denial so he hasn’t really gotten used to the idea.”
“You say that like he doesn’t share his dna with the most emotionally constipated man in the known universe.”
Dick raised his hands in exasperation,
“We can argue on whether or not he’s conscious about his crush later. Right now I want to do some background checks on this person.”
Before exiting the music room,
Tim gave him a disbelieving look,
“Background checks? Dick we don’t even have a name here.”
“Yeah dickhead, even if we’re assuming that he wrote this song about someone in his school we’re still looking a number in the hundreds.”
“That would be true,”
Dick’s eyes took a mischievous look as the other’s followed him into the office.
“If it wasn’t for the fact that Damian had complained about this assignment beforehand, so I know for a fact that it’s about someone in his Advanced music theory class.”
Jason and Tim shared a similar expression as they joined him in the cave.
“That does narrow it down a bit, what’s an average class size replacement?”
“Oh about 20 students, but with the fact that this is an non essential elective course, I would bet it to be smaller.”
With a shared nod and grin they started up the bat computer.
Not like they had any other big plans today anyways.
The song if you want
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sweetingseva · 1 year
do you think jacks wanted to bite eva only because of the vampire venom? i know in his chapter in TBONA he wonders what eva would do if he bit her without venom but i would like to know your thoughts on it!
No, I don't think it's solely because of the vampire venom. I think it worked as an amplifier to Jacks's feelings.
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It makes me back to a moment where LaLa told Evangeline that Jacks only needed a hint of attraction. I bet when he saw Eva in her dark outfit that it hit him that she was attractive to him.
“I like you right now. I like you a lot.” He gently sucked her skin. “In fact, I can’t think of anything I like more.”
This is from this post:
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I also like to add Evangeline's perspective when she got bitten. According to Chaos, vampire venom affected people's instincts.
When Evangeline saw Jacks, all she wanted was to be with him. It didn't matter that Chaos was pinning her to the bed or that Jacks was untrustworthy. She wanted him. And she didn't need the vampire venom to realize it.
I can safely say that this pretty much worked out for Jacks, too 😘
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ambrosethedarling · 1 year
Meta Bats AU
TW Derealization
After Jason died he haunted the a Manor.
The first time Bruce caught a glimpse of Jason’s ratty red hood darting around a corner, he went straight to the cave and tested for every single toxin and poison in the database three times. He was cleared every time.
The next time it happened was in the cave, Dick had needed to cross reference some data he’d collected in Blüdhaven against some old files kept in the backlogs of the bat computer. Bruce had just been returning from an extra long patrol and caught Dick on his way out, Jason trailing behind him.
The incidents were few and far between, he’d hear Jason’s snorting laughter in between jokes Dick would throw Alfred’s way, hear the familiar pattern of Jason’s footfalls intermingled with Dick’s in the garage.
In hindsight, Bruce should have known.
When Dick first came to live with Bruce the boy kept any and all traces of his abilities shoved deep within himself. It wasn’t until a year later that Bruce got to see a glimpse of the magic that runs through the Grayson family. Dick had been in the middle of emphatically telling Bruce a story from his life at Hayley’s, his hands waving and fluttering, voice rising and dropping at the appropriate moments, when Bruce heard it.
A faint melody filled the room as Dick’s story continued towards its climax, rising and swelling with every word. Dick seemed to be sitting under a spotlight and if Bruce squinted he could just barely make out the outfit Dick had spent a whole two minutes describing. From the shimmering sequins of his ruby red leotard to the gold glitter of his stage makeup, it was all there. The smell of kettle corn and chalk faded with the last of Dick’s words, but if he strained hard enough Bruce could still hear the faint roar of a crowd.
After that Dick had no reservations using his ability. From pulling silly pranks at the manor or heightening Batman’s scare factor in dark alleys, the alluring gleam of Grayson magic filled Bruce’s life.
Bruce really should have known.
It took too long for him to recognize what was happening, even Alfred who had a knack at spotting Dick’s influence was slow to put the pieces together. Or maybe neither wanted to see it.
Bruce followed the sound of Dick’s voice to the den, he had been staying at the Manor while his ankle healed— Bruce had seen a lot of Jason since. With a clearer mind, a knowledge of what was really happening, Bruce could recognize that Dick was speaking to an empty room, that Jason’s young voice riddled with cracks wasn’t actually responding. In the months that Bruce had been catching glimpses and hearing snippets, he had never actually seen whatever Dick had been, Alfred neither.
Laying on the floor, nose scrunched and tongue out in concentration was Jason, Dick shoulder to shoulder with him as they played a racing game. Bruce knew this moment, it had been real once. He had stumbled across them like this a week after Jason’s 14th birthday, Dick had gifted him the console and would come over once a week to play with Jason.
Bruce could see through it all now.
Freckles were missing from Jason’s face, the tv lay dormant, the lights hadn’t been turned on. Grief and guilt lay heavy in the air and when Dick turned to Bruce his eyes had gone blank in a way he’d only seen once. Once when Dick was too convincing, when he’d left the interrogation room apologizing and a glaze-eyed henchman shivering in the chair. The man came back to reality an hour later.
Dick was smiling now, he was laughing and so was Jason and Bruce could feel the tears sliding down his face. Those were real. He’d gathered Dick in his arms, pressing him close and tight, and reached for the sparkling magic within his son. He cupped the flame, gathering every stray spark, and closed tight around it until he couldn’t see Jason staring back at him. Until Dick slumped into him, until his son slowly came back to him.
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katie618318 · 1 year
I was wondering how Hank seemed so well adjusted. Denial!
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wegottagetouttahere · 2 years
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sweetfirebird · 2 years
I'm not saying that this year's flu strains are not bad or that RSV isn't an issue more than ever this year, I'm just saying I love that the possibility isn't being mentioned in the news that uh maybe one of the reasons both of those things are hitting people faster and harder is that a lot of people have weakened immune systems right now. Because if they mention that possibility, they have to acknowledge the virus they don't like to speak of anymore because it reminds people of governmental failure and/or "it's over" and/or "it's just a cold."
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Just finished season 5, episode 4 of The Last Kingdom and as far as I’m concerned, for the sake of my mental health, that’s where the season ends. Nothingggg happens from then on, they just sit drinking ale and chatting among friends… let me live with that idea 🥲
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Taking a page of Cecil's denial book and deciding to only listen the episode tomorrow as I travel home because I need to get ready for the emotional damage of this arc.
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goingbybubble · 1 year
i’m living in denial that today is not beetlejuice’s last day on broadway because what the heck
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thelustybraavosimaid · 3 months
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Same guy btw:
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Were people mad about Marion x Sean not happening? I know it was popular during episode 1 but I feel like by episode 2 most everyone saw the writing in the walls with Marion and Jean obviously being into each other.
A refreshingly small number, honestly! It was one or two people in the main tags and maybe one or two more who said obnoxious things in the tags of my posts. I used that as an example because it was fresh in my mind and because that was genuinely such a great line in a fantastic arc in a fantastic series that closing yourself off to it is a miserable prospect.
Here is the thing about writing on the walls: there is a level of shipping where people will openly ignore it, eg: literally everyone who claims Beau and Yasha "came out of nowhere"; basically anyone who focuses extensively on microexpressions because that frequently goes hand-in-hand with ignoring Character A and Character B kissing each other in favor of how Character C blinked a millisecond too rapidly in A's direction; etc.
This also, honestly, isn't limited to shipping, though that's the most common case where I see it. I think part of why Campaign 2 hate is so bitter at times is because there are genuinely many, many people who watched all 141 episodes and who loved almost everything in 140 of them and then hated that the finale did not bring back Molly or did not have the ship they thought was "supposed" to happen appear - I was there, and people who claim Campaign 2 sucked were there too watching along throughout the whole thing; they just definitely thought the couples would all break up and rearrange in episode 141 for no apparent reason.
That's really my larger point: I think there is a certain kind of person who tells themself how a story "should" end, whether it's a particular ship or a particular story beat, and becomes furious when the story - which never made that promise - fails to deliver. Not only did Candela pretty clearly signal that Marion and Jean were into each other, it also told us inherently within the story and in literally every out of character interview that this was pretty much guaranteed to not end remotely close to any sort of happily ever after. It's funny - earlier in campaign 3 there was a lot of flack towards some fans' (of which I was one) frustration with the story on the basis of narrative/pacing, and I still see the inane "must stories have conflict" argument pop up. But those same people who get mad at those who talk about inconsistent themes or characterization or awkward pacing are, more often than not, people whose assessment of a story rests entirely on the incredibly narrow "did I get the exact ships and plot elements I wanted out of this and was my blorbo the coolest guy ever all the time," rather than the broad and inclusive "did this story capably deliver on an interesting premise."
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asterdeer · 2 months
found an old post of mine that was like “ugh i keep looking at fanart of korrasami and daydreaming about having a girlfriend but i know i’m just a straight person who’s really lonely” you dumb bitch!!!! adorable
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misscammiedawn · 11 months
Ah the good old moving target of denial and self-judgmental doubt in your own experience that comes with chronic dissociative disorders.
This nonsense is so insidious because it does not care about context, just making you push it all down and stop engaging with it.
"My doctor probably thinks I'm faking for attention because I refuse to be medicated and if I really did have a condition then I'd take meds to feel better"
"My doctor probably thinks I'm faking to get access to meds and if I really did have a condition then I'd be willing to work on it rather than relying on medication"
Neither sentence is true, and both would be judgmental as hell if applied to anyone other than ourself, but this lovely malfunctioning meat computer will say anything it can to get out of dealing with our issues.
Because at the end of the day the true statement is more akin to:
"My doctor probably thinks I have a condition because she diagnosed it and has been working for half a year to help us come to terms with it and gives us the tools to survive and cope. I just want to pretend we don't have it because I want to continue living in blissful denial of our "live in blissful denial" disorder."
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nanamiiiiiiin · 9 months
Adachitoka, I literally said I didn’t want this to happen
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science-bastard · 1 year
my friends (all queer) in high school figured out i was a lesbian long before i did. to be fair, i did bawl my eyes out after having my first kiss with a boy
[send me a 🌻 and i’ll just tell you whatever the fuck i want]
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