#and Damian may have a bit of an addiction to it
It was quite a shock when Damian had asked his brothers for assistance in a project for his advance music theory class.
It was a unspoken knowledge that music was a part of the Wayne family.
If they didn’t have an affinity for an instrument then it was singing and if not singing dancing.
Almost everyone who came into the family had some sort or knack and those who hadn’t picked it up along the way.
Damian was the most uninterested members when he had joined the family so it was quite a shock when he demanded help this morning.
Testing out the drums Jason shared a look with the others before asking,
“So why did you need all of us to begin with? You’re not recording or anything right?”
Damian let out a tch as for himself ready,
“Not right now, but I felt it imperative to go over my composition at least once altogether, in case I felt the need to add.”
The kid continued to tune the ukulele in his hands.
It was a strange choice for the ex assassin but when questioned he merely claimed it was due to it’s size being easier to travel with.
“Well I think it’s an interesting choice in lead instrument baby bird!”
Dick claimed as he played with his maraca while glancing over his sheet music.
“I think it will go nicely with the your lyrics! But I do have to ask-“
“I made the lyrics very clear.”
“And you did! But-“
Damian gave a glare as Dick took a seat.
“I will cut out the maracas, do not test me Richard.”
Tim gave a snort from his place slumped over the piano,
“Just be glad you got to see the vocal sheet music, he just annotated the places he wanted me to harmonize with you.”
“Yeah we’ll you kind of have to be more focused my your hands than anything else.”
Silence fell as they finished their warm ups and Damian began to strum his cords.
The eldest watched as the others raised their eyebrows at the tempo and of the tune but came just the the same.
“I lost my cool, I’m not sure how to act, not even sure how I can keep my pride intact.”
Jason felt his eyebrows raise at the lyrics as Dick and Tim started their backup harmonies.
“No, I'm not falling for you, so please have mercy on me
'Cause it's not romantic, I swear I'm not gasping for air
I want you to be here, but please don't come near
'Cause even though I'm pretty sure my head's exploding
I'm not ready for hand holding
It's not love, I swear It might be closer to despair.”
The first interlude began and Jason shot an incredulous look at Dick. Was this the demon brat? Were they sure he hadn’t been replaced in the night with some sappy clone?
Dick for his part tried to convey to younger brother to just keep playing.
“No, I don't want want you to teach me how to dance Get your heart away from me, you'll put me into a trance
And even though I think about you day and night
I'm not sure if this whole love thing sounds quite right”
Tim craned his neck as the chorus started again, to look at Damian and nearly fell off his stool when he realized that there was blush on the younger’s face.
‘Who in god’s name has somehow wiggled their way past the kid’s defenses?!’
Damian, for his part was refusing to look in the other’s direction as he powered through to the last verse.
“Cause even though I'm pretty sure my head's exploding
I'm not ready for hand holding
It's not love, I swear
It might be closer to despair”
Crooning the last notes to the song, Damian seemed to take a moment to gather himself before quickly striking last note and letting the room fill with silence.
No one seemed to know how to react after such a performance for a second.
Then Dick tried to clear the frog in his throat and the moment was over.
“Baby bird-“
“Cease your prodding, this was for a school project and nothing more.”
Damian gritted out as he stood from his seat,
“Now if you excuse me I am going to return to my room, I feel that if I were to add a bass to the background it would help with the mixing of sounds.”
And left as quickly as he could without raising suspicions.
“Holy fuck,”
Jason breathed out,
“When did the brat gain his first crush?”
“It has to be new.”
Tim rubbed his temple with his thumb,
“He’s still clearly in denial so he hasn’t really gotten used to the idea.”
“You say that like he doesn’t share his dna with the most emotionally constipated man in the known universe.”
Dick raised his hands in exasperation,
“We can argue on whether or not he’s conscious about his crush later. Right now I want to do some background checks on this person.”
Before exiting the music room,
Tim gave him a disbelieving look,
“Background checks? Dick we don’t even have a name here.”
“Yeah dickhead, even if we’re assuming that he wrote this song about someone in his school we’re still looking a number in the hundreds.”
“That would be true,”
Dick’s eyes took a mischievous look as the other’s followed him into the office.
“If it wasn’t for the fact that Damian had complained about this assignment beforehand, so I know for a fact that it’s about someone in his Advanced music theory class.”
Jason and Tim shared a similar expression as they joined him in the cave.
“That does narrow it down a bit, what’s an average class size replacement?”
“Oh about 20 students, but with the fact that this is an non essential elective course, I would bet it to be smaller.”
With a shared nod and grin they started up the bat computer.
Not like they had any other big plans today anyways.
The song if you want
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redhood414 · 4 months
This was requested!
Brotherly love. (Headcannons. How would they treat each other)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚
Dick Grayson ₊˚ପ⊹
Dick for sure would pamper every one of his brothers. Even if they dislike it or show ungratefulness (secretly they all love it).
With Damian he'd for sure take him to the zoo for example or go visit museums about art and help him with school.
If Damian has a crush and Dick finds our ohhh boyyy you can count on Dick teasing Damian, but also give advice on how to handle it since Damian doesn't know how to handle these kinds of stuff since he always got teached it's weakness. "I love you, little Dami"
With Jason Dick for sure would help his brother with his nightmares, panick attacks, meltdowns, flashbacks etc. If Jason's having a panick attack. "You're okay Jason. He's not here and you're safe. At the manor" Oh be sure Dick would be ready to help him calm down and after pamper him with the help of Alfred of some cookies and hot chocolate and a blanket, a good book or a movie.
If Jason is stressing out he'd go to hit it all away against a punch bag but would later go on a walk with Dick, he would listen to Jason's frustrations etc.
If Jason has a crush, Dick would wanna know *everything*. This man wouldn't live Jason down. But he'd help Jason for sure too since when he died he missed out on the teenage love. So if he has a crush he's acting like a teenage boy in love.
With Tim Dick would force him to take breaks, he knows Tim's a hard worker, but boy, with his addiction for coffee and his need to show people he's able to do it, he often doesn't sleep for a *whole week. Dick would definitely put his computer off and throw the coffee away. And say like "Work is done. You can do it later, Tim."
Tim would protest but eventually listen to Dick and get in bed. Since he doesn't take good care off himself Dick often stops by too force Tim to take breaks. He knows Tim has the need to prove the batfamily something, but Dick would comfort him and say
"You don't need too prove yourself to us, Tim. We're already proud of you and we couldn't wish for a better brother"
Jason Todd༉‧₊˚.
With Dick he may be a bit softer too, like if someone hurts him. Oh boy. The house is too small. He's already planning the funeral of the person.
While Dick may come off as a confident and strong person, deep inside he has the insecurity that people will leave him. And Jason knows that cause he has the same feeling. If Jason notices Dick feeling down he'd for sure take Dick to like a cafe or a restaurant or a movie to cheer him up.
I have also the feeling they'd pull pranks on Damian and Tim. Jason would obviously go into extreme and Dick trying to talk him out off it.
"Hey idiot, we're family here. You told me that when I got back from that pit. And we're not leaving you behind."
Tim Drakeׂׂૢ
I have the feeling he wouldn't really try to give something to his brothers but if they ask for sure he'll be there. Or if it's like really serious.
If Dick is hurt he'll rush up to help Alfred with the wounds and since it's Dick he'll basically tie him up on the bed. (Just kidding.) Or am I. No it's a joke, chill out. But he'll basically force Dick to rest. "You taught me to take care off yourself. So you should as well."
Tim would love to do sparring training with Dick so he can learn more from him. He could teach Tim more cool tricks with his bow staff.
With Jason Tim would be a bit more awkward since Jason's a violent and rough guy. Also since he's the most buffed and tallest in the family for Tim he's a bit intimidating. But at the same time he looks also up at Jason.
Like for one Tim would always come to Jason if someone made fun of child!Tim. And Jason would for sure give him advice on beating someone up and if Bruce passes he'll tell Tim it's a joke, but when Bruce leaves he'll tell him it's a joke.
Comes to Jason to learn new combat attacks. "hey Jason! Can you teach me that cool new combat attack you had today??"
With Damian Id be more difficult since Damian's jealous off Tim. He has the need to prove he can be as great like Tim. Greater even.
So when Tim talks to Damian why they have a problem with each other and Tim finally understands Damian, he'd give him a big hug and tell him it's alright. And that he doesn't have anything to prove. "You don't have to prove anyone anything, Damian. You're perfect the way you are"
Damian Wayne𓆩♡𓆪
With Dick he'd for sure show a softer side. Like I said with Dick they would for sure go to parks together to feed ducks or go to the forest to admire the birds and chipmunks.
Damian would show his drawings to Dick (it's personal to him so Dick is obviously honoured.) And I believe he would make a small head statue of Dick or a mini sculpture. If Damian drew something new he would run to Dick with excitement and hold it up. "Grayson, I tried to draw this girl on my school. She's my new friend."
If anyone I tried to hurt Dick or already did hurt him, Jason and he would be *the guys* to plan the person's funeral and go to kill him.
With Jason they'd do the meanest pranks on Bruce. Like these guys would have NO MERCY on the poor old man. I'm not kidding. Ones Bruce woke up with a 3D printed body of Jason Todd when he was Robin and Bruce started freaking out since he thought he was still dreaming. (They all got on camera)
They'd be like partners in crime. No kidding. They'd judge anyone, but don't care if they're the ones being judged.
Also Damian would randomly buy Jason books he has on his book list and leave like a note with it. "Hope you enjoy your book, Todd."
With Tim I'd be more a comedian show. Or yeah. Kinda. Jason would film the whole thing while Damian forced Tim to rest with a katana against his throat. You'd have Tim running around the manor while he's being chased with an angry (but secretly) worried Damian forcing Tim to rest or take a break.
If Tim wants something but doesn't have the time too or so he says, Damian would force Tim to go visit him together. (Uses excuses like: Drake, I need to go to there for a school project. Let's go) to cover he just wants Tim to have some break and peace too.
(Everyone knows every brother would happily kill someone if someone's gotten hurt. Like no kidding.)
Bonus: if we were their sibling, they would let no one near us. For protection.:)
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
Dick being a good eldest sibling and team mom headcanons but written by someone who is actually those things because none of y'all understand how found family works
So first thing's first to avoid any confusion:I headcanon Dick as a tomboy trans woman mostly because i've seen so many transfem DC fans say she's an egg but also a bit because i'm an eldest daughter and she's one of my biggest comfort character's who i relate to a lot and i want representation!Now with that out of the way,let's get into this:
A master chef thanks to growing up being taught how to cook by Alfred!!She used to pack Jason and Tim lunch and still does for Duke and Damian and taught Cass a bunch of dishes
She's very openly affectionate both physically and verbally because of how loving she is and Kory and Roy's influence on her and it's common for her to give her younger siblings hugs and platonic kisses.They're all big fans of it except Jason who wants to keep up his 'i'm so cool and edgy' image and gets embarrased by it unless it's only the two of them and she teases him about it by reminding him how much he used to love it and return her actions when he was Robin and that gets him even more flustered
Extremely supportive of the other Batkids' special interests(Autism is a requirement for being a Batfam member).Her and Jason read classical literature together and she was actually the one who opened the gateway for him by introducing him to Shakespeare,Tim and her play video games often(and she may or may not have briefly developed an Ultra Blue Monster addiction briefly thanks to him,whoops-)and her favorites are the time management genre Animal Crossing and Tloz,participates in gothic subculture with Cass whenever asked,tells Duke all about her times living in the 80s and 90s,takes care of and researches animals with Damian and buys purple things she spots for Stephanie when she's out
Speaking of Stephanie,she took one look at her in her Robin costume and went 'There's no way i'm letting Dad handle her alone'.So Dick becomes her big sister/mother figure and Steph's time as Robin is gentler on her thanks to it and when Gotham ressurects her out of love for and belief in her,she goes to her as soon as she's finished revealing she's alive to Bruce and Tim and Dick is an odd mix between shell-shocked and unbelivably happy as Stephanie squeezes her up into a hug,grinning from ear to ear
Next to Damian,she's the shortest of the Batkids thanks to her estrogen making her shrink and they love making jokes about it and she finds it annoying but won't do anything about it other than glaring and threatning to take away [insert privilige here]
Cass finds out she's a butch lesbian super fast because like.Dick is helping Babs in raising her and Miss Nightwing is out there being built both like the Bat Equivalent to Power Girl and an Amazon while having a wolfcut and dressing like That and Babs is,y'know,*makes Batgirl gestures*.She's gotten an undercut by her Black Bat era and the only reason her and Stephanie pine after eachother for so long is that the mix of their trauma and being eachother's first real female friend makes things confusing asf(Also:They grow up to be only valid Batman x Batwoman ship)
She's constantly switching between encouraging them to be more responsible and mature and telling them to be as chaotic and untamed as possible.The eternal eldest daughter and mom friend conflict😔
Sometimes she treats them as younger than they are but not intentionally-It's just that she's so much older than them that she can't help but see them as little kids.Jason and Tim get the biggest brunt of this,with picking them up like she used to out of habit and 'Timmy' and so forth
The other Batkids have to deal with a LOT of thirst comments about her.Jason,Tim and Duke think they're nasty asf and want them to just end already,Cass wonders how they keep coming up with this shit,Damian dosen't get them and Stephanie thinks they're the funniest shit ever.Dick herself couldn't care about them one way or another
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twincovesgame · 2 years
Hi hi! Random question to pop into my head at 1:50 in the morning. Part 1. What kind of Music do each of the ROs listen to? I'm a music addict so I'm curious to see what kind of taste each of them would have. Part 2. And maybe add a genera no one would expect them to like but they do? (if they have one. Also may or may not make some playlists for some of them lol)
I'm 99.9% sure I answered this before... but tumblr is a hellscape when it comes to finding things soooooo let's go!
Az: classic rock
Cass: indie/folk
Damian: pop/rock
Eli: a little bit of everything
Kai: indie rock
Lir: new wave
Rook: metal
Wren: pop
Xander: jazz/lizzo
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Damian isn't one for comforting, he isn't good at it. It took a lot of studying Grayson to find out what can help. Drake was a little difficult for him to connect with, Damian apologized and they still didn't always see eye to eye. Maybe it was how stubborn they were that got in the way. Regardless of it, Damian heard his brother even if he isn't close to him, his hearing already told him what he thought.
"Drake, may I come into your room?"
A small whine was all Damian heard in response.
Damian opened the door quietly and sat in front of Tim. "Drake, it's Damian. There is no reason to be afraid brother"
Tim kept looking around in fear and his breathing was uneven. "Drake are you okay if I touch you?" Tim looked at Damian and gave a tiny nod "Though I do not say it often, you are an amazing detective, why don't you tell me what you feel?" "Numb" "No, not that, I mean what's on your arm?" "Warm..." "This may be a good time to tell that I've been working on drawing on shapes, what does the warmth on you feel like?" "Shape... hand?" "Thank you, you are correct detective. It is my hand, how foolish I am to not notice it"
Tim was focusing better, his breathing slightly still uneven.
"Tell me Drake, what is your favorite drink?"
"Ah yes the famed coffee addict you are, while not good for times, it does seem to make you better when you drink it"
"Yeah... I am"
"Mhm, now may I ask, what can you see?"
"A bit blurry"
"Do as best as you can"
"I can see... my baby brother"
"Tt I'll let that pass" Damian smirked as he rolled his eyes "Yes I am your young brother" "Why are you here?" "I heard you having a bad time, I decided to help. Cause I care for you or something like that"
"You're a brat"
"A brat who came to your aid"
"Haha yeah... thank you Dami"
"Of course Drake, though we have our differences, you are still my brother"
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toulousewayne · 2 years
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Batfamily Music Taste or favorite genre 🎶
Bruce Wayne:
I like the take of The Batman with Bruce being a loner and staying in the cave and only leaving to patrol. I feel like for my pick that’s still canon but I feel like over the years he’s not as much as a hermit and he’s created the dual personality as Bruce, and Batman. So I think he can evolve his tastes somewhat but I think the kids get a kick out of Old Man Bruce being a Nirvana fanboy 😭.
The Man who Sold the World - Nirvana
Suspicious Minds - Elvis Presley
Another One Bits the Dust- Queen
Dick Grayson:
When I think of Dick I think of the 80’s. The wild colors, the crazy hair, hell even the style of clothing I could see him take into his own personal wardrobe. I could see him singing these songs all around his apartment, in the car on long trips and even to just mess with his siblings. He feels a sense of peace and just being a big kid listening to some songs and others he feels that he can relate to some of these songs. I feel like soon one of them will sing along with him.
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club
Careless Whisper - George Michael
Kids in America - Kim Wilde
Jason Todd:
I feel like Jason could go multiple ways. One hand I definitely think out of all the kids he would listen to rock music or something along those lines. But I feel like that’s not his favorite, and with him being into literature I see him enjoy classical music too. I think Jason may be misunderstood most of the time and he’s just seen to be this or that but I think he just like what appeals to him at the current time which could be any genre but he has a few songs or works of music he feels nostalgic about especially from his Robin days that he likes a lot.
Rihannon - Fleetwood Mac
Sonata No. 42 in D Minor- Mozart
2012 - Evolove
Tim Drake:
When I think of Tim I think of the early 2000’s a lot. Believe it or not Timothy coffee addict Drake was once a skater boi and I of course believe deep down he was obsessed with the Avril Lavigne song. I do think Tim most of the time is in the clouds or really just not mentally presented and not in a bad way. It’s hard to explain because I do it too, and I thinks it’s not to take your thoughts and be free to your favorite songs and I think music can help Timmy decompress a lot especially with the crazy family he loves and deals with daily.
Jealous - Eyesdress
Bring Me Back to Life - Evanescence
Freaks - Surf Curse
Damian Wayne:
Damian is an artist to me and as such I think he’s would prefer to be alone in his room painting or in the gardens sketching away with Alfred the cat next to him. I think deep down Damian has a lot of sadness and hurt inside of him that he doesn’t know how to express. From his mother treating him as a instrument of distraction, his father not having an idea of him being born. And that’s not his fault truly he still feels like he was cheated out of a father and son relationship when he was little. I also think Damian is angry, but not in the typical Damian way. Damian is the baby and will always be compared to his older siblings and why I think he tries or berates them so much is to draws attention away from that insecurity he has. But he has no need because even though the young teen has his demons now he will always find someone a door next to him that can give him advice. That’s if he wants to swallow his pride and ask for the advice.
The Scientist- Coldplay
W.D.Y.W.F.M? - The Neighborhood
Mt. Washington - Local Natives
Stephanie Brown:
The Waffle Warrior, I feel like she’s a Pop kinda girl. More of a 90’s diva kinda girl. I feel like Steph is just more of a brighter being in the family, she likes to pull prank with Jason, she’s constantly working Damian’s nerves but also I feel like deep down the kid respects her as a sister figure even though Bruce hasn’t formally adopted her. Yet! And her friendship with the other Batgirls I love you see it and feel like Steph is the type of girl you meet once and you already feel comfortable around her to spill your troubles to and she’ll listen and give you good advice on your problems. But best of all she has a new place in my heart because I feel like she’s can be look as the underdog,but she’s been a Robin and Batgirl so put some respect to her name please. 😌
Vision of Love - Mariah Carey
What A Girl Wants - Christina Aguilera
Hot Like Fire - Aaliyah, Timberland
Cassandra Cain:
Cass gives me sporty big sis vibes so I wouldn’t be surprised to find fast pace,or more songs about being on the go. I feel like is like the trendsetter in the family and it’s funny when everyone tries to copy her and it doesn’t have the same feel as her, she naturally does her thing and it works for her. Cass loves her siblings and they know when Cass isn’t messing around. She’s baddie and isn’t afraid to let you know that, Cass often isn’t home or she’s off in the manor practicing ballet or training but she’s doing it in style.
Hot in It- Tiësto, Charli XCX
My Prerogative - Britney Spears
Hot Girl - Megan Thee Stallion
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bad4amficideas · 2 years
@dcsupersimp of couse Robin!Reader is the Peter Parker cinammon roll of Bruce.
Note: English is not my language, so I hope you will be understanding of any flaws you find.
AND I'm calling this AU "Reader it's Robin" Earth-112 XD
And it's gonna feat the Teen Titans and Young Justice 1st seasons as "TITANS" (Raven, Starfire, Cyborg, Beastboy, Kid Flash, Aqualad x2 maybe one change their name to aquaguy/aquakid/aquaboy?, Artemis/Tigress, Arsenal, Miss Martian, Superboy, Zatanna, WonderGirl) cast with villain!Batfam aka Talon!Dick, Demon!Damian, Siren!Steph...
And I'm not so sure about Jason and Tim, Cass and Barbs, send suggestions because I don't like Joker so if I put a Joker Junior I'm killing Senior.
... RagDoll! Someone (feats Scarecrow, because I love the aesthetic even if Flash has a villain called so)
About Robin!Reader
🐣 It may or may not be isekai ... what? What did you expect, it's ME.
🐣 Reader was in one of the Wayne Foundation orphanages as a problem child, since the houses in Gotham that adopted her did so for money and kid didn't like got beaten.
🐣 Reader wasn't from Gotham, her family were there on the way to a third place when they got involved in one of the villains weekly schemes they died and she ended up in the system.
🐣 Because sleeping in so many bad foster homes, sleeping in quiet places gets on her nerves, she had trouble sleeping in the mansion at first.
🐣 Bats met Robin in a storm near where Bruce parents died. She looked like a boy, she was dressed in an orange hoodie with the white silhouette of a bird and gray sweatpants (charity clothing)
🐣 Robin!Reader helped Batman to get in the batmobile in one of those weird moments after getting out of a beating.
🐣 Bruce and Alfred says her codename comes from when the second told Bruce "When robins appear, loved ones are near" as she appeared as a helping hand sent by his parents. Also, robins can means the ending of an old phase and the promise of something new.
🐣 Robin helps Alfred by cleaning her room and bathroom, doing the laundry and cooking with him. She doesn't want to be a hindrance and not overly dependent either. Also because she is a girl and wants privacy.
🐣 Reader is afraid of being replaceable and tries to be nice to everyone.
🐣 But at the same the idea of loving someone and or someone loving her scared hers.
🐣 She has a second room for her hobbies because she's actually pretty spoiled so her fears had no base.
🐣 Not that she's not scared of being a vigilante, but she's addicted to adrenaline so she's great at dissociating and then passing out at home. But this only Alfred knows.
🐣 At least in the beginning. The great thing about being Batman's protégé is that you have access to information from all people in the world. And knowledge is a helpful power.
🐣 The reader's suit is very well protected because Bats is paranoid. She even has her own chunk of kryptonite in her "robinbelt". And a gas mask and another to breathe both in water and in space.
🐣 Reader wears a wig/helmet when going as her vigilante persona. She changes it color often. The people who got took it from her found themselves receiving it as a ball in the face. Now everybody who knows that she's wearing a helmet, refrains from removes said helmet for fear of the blow.
🐣 Reader Weapon of Choice is a staff that can be split in two (like, we mix Tim and Dick's weapons here) and do discharges.
🐣 For reasons that she will not enter Reader knows how to use lassoes and whips.
🐣 Reader has an open offer to work in one of the Lantern Corps.
🐣 Seeing her fight and deal with villainy is more of a choreography than anything else. A bit of an OCD by her part, she must do it pretty.
🐣 All the heroes adore her although she doesn't have the charisma of a traditional leader, she's the representation of the trope "the heart" of the team. She always giving her all and willing to help.
🐣 Reader enjoys theorizing and is a specialist in suggesting the use of people's powers in non-conventional ways (like using being elastic to enlarge your brain and be smarter like Mr. Fanstastic would or pump more blood pressure in your muscles as Luffy does)
🐣 For the same, her plans are quite good.
🐣 Unlike Dick was in another universe, she isn't a particular fan of Superman, because ahe doesn't like "perfect" people (she and Shazam started to get along when she saw that he was a brat who also got into fights). Not that he hates Superman, but she doesn't like the "perfect" christianlike hero image.
🐣 Sep, Billy here is almost the same age, he's studying to be a reporter and he's her best friend.
🐣 In her time at the Gotham Academy she was picked on for being Wayne's charity case. She had a hard time because she knew better than return the blows in weaker-than-her kiddos.
🐣 Although she came back one day and the bullying suddenly disappears, which was weird.
🐣 Reader!Robin for the moment wants to dedicate herself 100% to vigilantism and be a hero. She's living her dream.
🐣 Her future goal is to think of something to do for when she is too old to continue in that job.
🐣 Reader goes to Gotham University and takes courses for pleasure like any rich kid who has no goal in life.
🐣 Literally, she has a very strange mix: plastic arts, graphic arts, mythology, filosophy, business management, finances, psychology, translation, communication, criminal justice, and more the strangest popurry.
🐣 Bruce and Alfred aren't looking forward to her leaving home, so she is welcome study what she wants as much as she wants and not work. She is an enlightened/ilustrate soul, they say.
🐣 The only downside is that Robin always has to accompany Bruce to the galas.
🐣 Bruce has hired a private stylist for her and buys her jewelry specially for clothes that she will only wear once. It's an exaggeration. Reader is exasperated.
🐣 It's also nice to be bathed in affection though.
🐣 Regardless of what Reader looks like, as the press comments on something about your appearance, Bruce is eating up their company. He's done it twice, so everyone knows that asking superficial questions is a no.
🐣 His daughter isn't a doll she is a rich and deep human being and if someone wants to appreciate her, they will appreciate her for that, not for how good she looks (although he knows the looking good part it's true too)
🐣 Gotham villains have the "peculiarity" of not doing so much nonsense or on such a grand scale during exam time, although if you ask them, they will vehemently deny it.
🐣 They are also good at answering Robin questions or giving her advice on something school related.
🐣 But Reader is polite even with the villains, after all they have practically been private teachers of hers between detailed explanations of evil plans, going so far as to repeat themselves when she was in doubt.
🐣 Once upon a time, Robin went on a field trip outside of Gotham and someone jokingly mentioned that she had finally found her "lovebird" and when she came back everyone was crazy giving her talks, warnings and advice. The thing got out of her hands.
🐣 Bruce didn't say anything because he was busy taking note of the advice they gave him.
🐣 So now everyone thinks that Robin has dated a super and she doesn't know why a super. If Conner or John or Kara, people discourse it.
🐣 Reader's first kiss was stolen by a villain. Of course, Starfire stole one too.
🐣 After that someone started a betting fund on the next one. And if Batman would killed said person.
🐣 Damian never lived at Wayne Manor, so he and Robin met at 18.
🐣 At first there was a bit of resentment in a "you took away my position" way from him, but this Damian is an Al Ghul in the end.
🐣 The rest of the Batfam has been vying for Reader's attention since young.
🐣 Reader has never had a second date, because anyone she knows, villains and heroes alike makes sure to scare to death whoever dares to agree to go out twice with her.
🐣 Reader delusionally thinks that, it's sad when she tries her partners are actually not interested in her.
🐣 Thanks to the masked and costume themed balls, all yandere-for-Robin!Reader cast have managed to get at least one dance out of her.
🐣 They keep score. From their melee fights, their solo encounters, their dances, it would seem that it's a competition, but it's because they are possessive as fuck and want to make clear "their territory".
🐣 Seniors have their own bet on who will win or do so. Enough to try and play matchmakers. Barry Allen in the good guys side and in the bad one Lex Luthor are the current winners (the last one because he expend more time you would think in this bet, but Carol Ferris go next)
🐣 Robin!Reader uses bird terminology and phrases to go with her theme and so exasperate people (I'm perched, flock, flying to the nest, preening, chirping, chick, cage, feather, lovebird)
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"If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands." Douglas Adams
“A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” Maya Angelou.
“No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.” William Blake
“Birds of a feather flock together.”
"Until you spread your wings; you'll have no idea how far you can fly." Napoleon Bonaparte.
"It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds." Aesop
"The homing instinct in birds and animals is one of their most remarkable traits: their strong local attachments and their skill in finding their way back when removed to a distance. It seems at times as if they possessed some extra sense - the home sense - which operates unerringly." John Burroughs
"A forest bird never wants a cage" Henrik Ibsen
"I think penguins are the most human of all the birds, which may be why people love them. They're cute, they stand upright and they look like they're wearing tuxedos." Shia LaBeouf
"Soft feathers cannot make a cruel bird kind" Munia Khan
"I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg" J.M. Barrie
"We think caged birds sing, when indeed they cry" John Webster
Birds born in cages think that flying is a disease.- Alejandro Jodorowsky
“The robin flew from his swinging spray of ivy on to the top of the wall and he opened his beak and sang a loud, lovely trill, merely to show off. Nothing in the world is quite as adorably lovely as a robin when he shows off — and they are nearly always doing it.” Frances Hodgson Burnett
“Not every hen lay eggs. Not every hen that lays eggs gets them hatched. Not everyone born with greatness becomes as such. Go, hatch your eggs.” Israelmore Ayivor
Why nobody told me I can copy&paste the colors of samsung notes to Tumblr??? Yellow its coming bitvhes!ro
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scandalsavagefanfic · 3 years
Hello! I am a huge fan of ur writing. I've loved everything I've read of yours. I've read alot of what you've posted, except for a couple of the tags that are squicky for me (so I'm very thankful you tag very thoroughly). No judgement for the squick, it's just not for me. & when I'm having a bad day, I usually just go thru ur ao3 and find something to reread. I think about Therapy's Bruce & Jason every damn day. While I obvs appreciate ur darker more "problematic" content (I really vibe with some of the themes you write about bc of my own trauma, & so it's very cathartic to read about in a fictional setting), I am truly a sucker for ur more happy content. The Happily Ever After verse also lives in my head rent free. Idk more wholesome stuff just seems more special when you write it. Anyways. I would die for you. But the point of this ask is cause I'm curious as to why you don't like Urban Legends? I'm sorry if you already talked about it here or on twitter and I missed it. I was just wondering because I really enjoy your take on things and would love to hear why you dislike it. I've been enjoying it so far personally, but I am always open to DC comics criticism.
Aw thank you so much! I'm so flattered by everything you just said. You're so sweet ❤❤❤❤❤
I haven't talked about Urban Legends here or twitter (I haven't been very active in either place lately. Just a lot going on and no energy 😔) but I'm happy to do it here.
Before I start though, I just want to add a standard disclaimer and make it clear that if you like it, there's nothing wrong with that and you don't have to let me ruin it for you lol. Like what you like.
That said, since you asked...
I said this when I was talking about it on discord, that there is a difference between hope and expectation. I always hope that a new story centered on Jason (or anyone really, but things have been especially egregious for Jay for 15 years) will be good or at least treat the character with a minimal level of respect (to be honest, the bar is super fucking low). But my expectations always temper my hope, to keep it from getting unrealistic. Because my expectations are based on experience.
The long history of Jason Todd, since even before his resurrection, has been one of retroactively trying to make him "a bad seed" in order to absolve Bruce of any responsibility in his death.
I don't even expect DC or their writers to start honoring the fact that Jason was not an angry, reckless Robin (and less of the later than Dick or Tim and definitely Damian). There plenty of ways that retcon can be folded into his history and be compelling and sympathetic. And if they're going to stick with that retcon, I'm only asking that they do it in one of those compelling and sympathetic ways because Jason was 15 when he died, heroically, in one of the most selfless acts in comics, to save a woman who literally handed him over to be brutally murdered. He was 12 when Bruce plucked him off the streets, he'd been homeless and fending for himself for at least two years. I personally think that Jason's story hits harder for him and Bruce if their original, canon relationship, of Jason as starry-eyed and eager to learn and absolutely devoted to Bruce and Bruce to Jason, is preserved. But Jason's origins does leave room for a meaningful interpretation of him as angry and frustrated at the lack of meaningful results of Bruce's methods.
And that's really where my irritation at stories like Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer and Batman The Adventure Continues has it's roots.
Every time one of these stories comes out, I think (or hope, rather) that this will be the one that remembers and respects the origins of the Jason and the Red Hood, that takes into account the changed sensibilities of comics readers in the 30 years since Jason's death and the subtle, 20 year, retroactive campaign to make him the "bad Robin". The "born bad" trope is played out and literally no one likes the message it implies. That some kids are just bad eggs and there's nothing parents or the adults around them can do. Especially when it's played as the kid's fault. If Jason's time as Robin is going to be characterized by anger, then it should be rooted in anger at the social injustices he witnessed as he grew up in an impoverished, crime-ridden, area and the horrors he faced raising himself when every day was a battle for survival. There are topical, meaningful, stories to tell with that backdrop.
But those are never the stories we get.
⚠⚠ Spoilers for Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer ⚠⚠
I'm particularly disappointed in Urban Legends because for the first issue, it looked like that was the kind of story we were going to get. I was put off by the first flashback of Jason being mesmerized by Bruce's guns, and I got that feeling in my gut that it was a bad sign. Jason depicted as impatient and overconfident and the scene with the guns is heavy-handed foreshadowing that got my spidey-sense tingling. I had a inkling then (in the first three pages) of how this story was going to play out, but it was early and I could still see many narrative paths that could lead to a satisfying story. My concerns were soothed somewhat and the little flame of my hope fanned, with the flashback of Alfred scolding Bruce, with Barbara's concern for Jason. A bit of worry returned with the way Jason ruthlessly pursued an addict who didn't appear to be a dealer and with the ending of the issue. The stuff with the addict sat wrong with me but the ending was tempered some by how despicable Tyler's dad was written. The scene was clearly set so that the reader could sympathize with Jason's decision and the scene with the addict could be brushed aside as a side-effect of comics over-the-top need for constant action, so I still held hope.
Issue 2 made me uncomfortable and it's where my hope starts to take a backseat to my expectations. I can dismiss Jason's self-deprecating internal monologue as unreliable narration, except that the flashback reinforces his thought process to explicitly show that it's not unreliable narration, and should be taken at face value. Jason faces physical abuse at the hands of his mother's drug dealer and when the flashback continues later, Jason kills the drug dealer. To be clear, this is a pre-Bruce Jason. His mom is still alive. He's like... 10. He kills this guy for shoving his head into a wall and implying Jason's mother paid for her drugs with sex. This is a scene that serves a single purpose. To show that Jason has always been prone to violence.
In the spirit of full disclosure, there is the small chance the drug dealer might not be dead. But the story obviously wants the reader to think he is, and it hasn't done anything to change that yet.
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Starlin already did this story with The Diplomat’s Son in 1988 and he did it infinitely better. AND that’s still technically canon. So now I’m supposed to believe that Jason lost his cool bad enough to kill two douche bags before his sweet 16? Like it’s totally normal for abused kids raised in poverty, who’ve led hard and heartbreaking lives to just... haul off and kill people? That’s bullshit, and when taken with the Jason in the third issue, who is little more than an idiot thug, this story is really doubling down on some fucked up stereotypes.
Which brings us to the most recent issue. I went into this installment with very low expectations. I thought this story was going to be about Jason, through this experience with Tyler, a young boy with a similar background to Jason's, coming to the realization that Bruce's way is the best way and that Bruce did his best by Jason.
That would be annoying (in no small part because it takes increasingly absurd levels of plot armor to keep Bruce's no kill rule relevant, let alone irrefutably right). But I can probably live with that, if only because maybe if Jason officially falls back into line with the Bats crusade, maybe I'll get stories that treat him with respect, stories that don't relegate him to comic relief, dumb brute, or a background body with no lines in a story about the Joker burning Gotham (like Jason would just fucking stand there quietly for that).
And that may still be where the story is going, Jason realizing Bruce is right.
But holy shit do I not have the right words to describe how fucking insulting and gross issue three is.
From start to finish--including the flashback--Jason is written as cruel and fucking stupid. Like straight up dumb.
The entire issue is Bruce explaining the fucking basics to Jason like it's his first day. And Jason flies off the fucking handle and terrorizes a doctor he knows isn't a part of making the Cheerdrops, beats the shit out of some random addicts, and finally, when he can't accomplish anything on his own because he's a dumb brute he calls Barbara for help and rushes in with no information where he's promptly incapacitated and must now wait to be rescued by Batman.
This panel is the least of the issues sins but I can’t screenshot the entire story but it’s representative of the tone for the whole issue (and retroactively tainted the prior two issues).
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This is beyond insulting. The only conclusions Jason comes to in this issue are the ones Bruce leads him to by talking to him like he can’t make the simplest connections. And like... in this story Jason can’t make the simplest connections.
This (and the Jason throughout the entirety of this issue) is a far cry from the Jason we fell in love with in Under the Red Hood, who was competent and strategic and intelligent enough to seize control of Gotham’s underworld from Black Mask (who’s no fucking slouch, he’s the first and only person to unify organized crime in Gotham) AND elude and manipulate Bruce until the time and place of his choosing.
This is a far cry from even the Red Hood and the Outlaws Jason who is competent enough to fight the League of Shadows and Ra’s al Ghul (among very dangerous and skilled others) and smart enough to create antidotes for mind control nanotech viruses.
As he should be, by the way. Jason Todd is one of the best, most comprehensively trained fighters in DC’s stable of non powered vigilantes. He’s not irrational or hot headed. He’s pragmatic, tactically minded, and patient. He’s a detective. Right now. Has been since he was 12. Bruce doesn’t have to make him one because he already is. 
Jason is not a stupid thug who uses his fists because his brain doesn’t work. And I can’t tell you how so very exhausted I am by this narrative. 
This is actually the most egregious example of Jason’s skills and intelligence being not just undermined but dismissed entirely. Even Morrison’s Jason had some degree of competency. 
The one, single redeeming factor of this story is the art. It’s beautiful. And Marcus To is a godsend he seems to be one of only a couple of artists who remember that Jason was a child when he was Robin and I’m literally only buying this book because of him. 
Anyway, I’m sorry. I didn’t want that to come out so... um... passionately lol. I’m just very very tired. My intention with this isn’t to ruin it for you, if you like it, that’s fine. 
But this issue shot this story to the top of my "Vehemently Despise” list. 1) Batman: Urban Legends (Cheer), 2) Battle for the Cowl/Morrison’s Batman and Robin, 3) Batman The Adventure Continues.
I hope the next issues somehow salvage this dumpster fire. But I’m not expecting it.
(Damnit. That sounded harsh again. To reiterate, I’m not trying to judge anyone who enjoys it, I just personally hate it and you asked me why lol 😅)
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Stalker X Stalker, Part 12
Perma taglist: @nathleigh @peachmuses
Stalker x Stalker taglist: @aespades @jayjayspixiepop @blueslushgueen @fan-written @seraphichana @nerd-nowandforever @toodaloo-kangaroo @khneltea @raeuberprinzessin
Tim had exactly zero idea what was going on.
Marinette had disappeared into the shower so he’d figured that, hey, work was over and he was 90% sure it was the day she usually shaved (something he knew because every time she shaved she excitedly asked him to touch her leg because it was smooth) so he had time to kill…
He walked over to her jewelry box.
He’d already bugged all of the new jewelry he had bought her but her old stuff was perfectly intact and he kind of wanted more insurance. Sure, they lived together now so it was unlikely she would have much reason to leave without him, but he was known for his millions of plans and contingencies and he wasn’t about to mess up when it was someone he cared about.
So, he went to work on the first necklace he grabbed. It had a tiny cat with green emeralds for eyes.
He looked at the tiny black pupils that the cat had. He pulled a tiny pick out of his pocket and carefully started carving a circle in it for the bug.
And then a bug-shaped god came flying out of the door for something.
There were a few beats as Tim and Tikki stared at each other.
Tikki broke it with a loud groan.
He watched her float past him for the towel hung on Marinette’s bedpost and then go back inside.
He darted towards the bathroom, only to pause at the door. He really didn’t want to burst in while Marinette was probably naked, that was a huge breach of privacy, but he also didn’t want Tikki to tell him about all the bugs he was planting! Shit! He bit his lip, considering.
“Here’s your towel, Marinette,” Tikki said with a sharp edge to her tone.
“... are you mad?”
“Not at you. Where are the cookies you baked last night?”
“Uh, the fridge --?”
“Thank you.”
Why hadn’t she told her? Tim wasn’t complaining, of course, but he was a little confused. She was clearly mad about it and he doubted that Marinette had made some rule that said ‘you can’t tell me about people bugging me’ because that was oddly specific and not a very good idea… so… what?
He didn’t know. He was just going to thank the god of luck -- he was pretty sure that was Tikki -- and continue what he was doing.
Marinette didn’t have to struggle to keep everyone inside the first night. She liked that. More time to plan.
But how did she get herself let out, you may ask?
Remember how Tim had said that all-hands-on-deck situations are the only exceptions to the Stay Inside While Injured Rule? Well, guess what had happened.
Arkham had had a huge breakout and Marinette wasn’t going to complain… even if her kwami might be a little disappointed in how happy she was about it.
She was even happier when she’d found out that one of the people that had broken out was Scarecrow. She’d been meaning to tell him about her guesses about his brownie recipe for a while and she hadn’t really had a chance to do it when she was talking to him through a phone with a thick glass between them.
Batman -- Bruce? -- didn’t need to know that they’d broken into a bakery for the night to test out their theories before she had taken him back to Arkham.
He’d thank them when he got the brownies (the missing ingredient was Mexican cinnamon!). Or, at least, she hoped he would.
Tim had to say… Marinette's plan to get everyone in her house was working.
He could warn his siblings but, honestly, he found it kind of funny.
He was surprised to see Jason show up first. He raised his eyebrows at his brother. “Didn’t know you were in town, Flamebird.”
Jason did an exaggerated eye roll that Tim swore he could see despite the domino. “Marinette said she had something she wanted to show me.”
And she did. She walked over and dropped the Harry Potter books onto the window ledge beside him. “This is terrible and I hate you for making me read them.”
“It gets better later on --.”
“I read two books. That’s six hundred pages. If you can’t get your shit together in six hundred fucking pages then you don’t deserve my time.”
He scoffed. “They’re not that bad.”
“Oh yeah? Read it. It’s been years for you, right? Get to book three and tell me it’s good.”
Jason scowled and grabbed the books, taking a seat in the armchair.
Tim grinned and rested an arm around his girlfriend. “You don’t actually hate Harry Potter, do you?”
“Only the book version.”
He frowned. “I think we need to break up.”
“Nope. Not allowed to break up with me.”
“Oh, well, if I’m not allowed then I guess I won’t,” he said, leaning down to press a tiny kiss to her lips.
There was a groan from the window and they both rolled their eyes, turning to look at Damian.
“Why must you sully my good mood so early on with your disgusting displays of affection?”
“It’s our apartment, you just so happen to be here,” said Tim, glaring at his brother. “We can do what we want.”
Marinette, bravely, stepped between the two of them with a bright smile. “Now, boys, it’s not the time.”
“It is not the time for your libido, and yet...” argued Damian.
“Please, that isn’t even close to libi --,” Tim started, only to get elbowed in the stomach.
She gave him a look that told him to let her handle it and, while he didn’t think that was a good idea, he held up his hands in surrender.
“Robin, it’s unbecoming of you to argue with everyone you meet,” she chided lightly.
… did she speak Damian or something? Because Damian actually looked a little reprimanded at that and Tim needed to learn her ways.
Then, she leaned down with a grin. He could see her hands start to rest on her knees but she thought better of it at the last second. “I got some new stuff from the pet store and I wanted to know if you wanted to help test them out on Vanelope.”
Damian narrowed his eyes slightly. “What kinds of new things?”
“A bunch of cat toys.”
“... I suppose I can test them out for you.”
“I mean, I said you could help --,” she started, but Damian was already heading towards Vanelope without her.
Tim looked over at his girlfriend. She didn’t seem all that put out by this.
“You really had something planned out for everyone?”
She smirked and took a seat on the windowsill. “Yep. It should take Flamebird about two days to finish the first two books -- assuming he can even get through them that quickly -- and Robin is sure to be very thorough in his testing of all the cat toys.”
“Oh? And what’s your plan for everyone else?”
She shrugged just slightly. “Guess you’ll have to wait and find out.”
When Dick appeared she set him up with Beat Saber, saying that she was curious about why the VR glasses gave her a headache and wanted to see if he had the same problem. Tim knew the problem was that they were made for men and therefore sometimes had negative side effects for women, but he bit his lip before he could offer to get a set custom-made for her in favor of watching Dick select the poppiest pop song in existence and instantly get addicted to the game.
Tim raised his eyebrows slightly when Steph appeared, textbook in hand.
“How did you know everyone would show up?” He asked once Marinette had set her up with a particularly long and difficult worksheet to make sure she got the lesson.
“Well, Spoiler shows up every Saturday night for tutoring, Robin comes by every other day or more and he didn’t stop by last night, Nightwing pops by most weekends, and I called Flamebird over myself… speaking of which…” She pulled out her phone and tapped a few buttons. “Right, Signal said he’ll be here in ten minutes seven minutes ago… so, he’s almost here.”
Tim grinned. “You forgot Cass.”
“She only ever really shows up to get away from all of you guys so, with everyone here, she’d have no reason to come over.” Her face split into a sheepish grin. “Also, she’d see through me pretty quickly.”
“Don’t you want B to have no help?”
She shrugged. “It should be a light night since almost everyone important is in Arkham right now but that doesn’t mean that the two of them can deal with all of Gotham’s petty crime on their own. I give them until three or four before they crack.”
“... you might be a little scary.”
“You don’t last long as a vigilante if you’re not at least a little smart,” she chirped. “I just choose to turn my brain off most of the time.”
He smiled. “Oh? And the exception is what? Making you stay inside?”
She waved him off. “Kind of. It’s more that I only put effort into making sure I’ll never be bored. What’s the point of thinking about anything else? All that does is make you sad.”
Well that didn’t sound healthy, now did it? Tim was pretty sure that was just repression but, honestly, he had no clue. His family famously did not use therapists.
Before he could figure out how to address that there was a knock on the door.
Marinette grinned and opened it to reveal Duke, who was holding a computer.
Duke looked around the apartment, raising his eyebrows at all the people there. “Uh… should I ask?”
“I’m spiting Bruce.”
“Wild. Whatever. Ready for GBBS?”
“Sure. Tim, you gonna watch it with us?”
He hesitated. Steph had been sending him pleading looks since she had gotten her worksheet and he felt kind of bad for her… but then Duke and Marinette sat on the couch and she rested her head on his shoulder lazily to get a better view of the computer and Tim figured that Steph was smart enough to do the worksheet on her own if she really tried.
He took a seat beside her and smiled a little when she switched to lean against him instead.
“So, who’s your favorite person for the season?” He asked.
She thought for a minute before shrugging. “The guy that always wins but keeps being anxious about his bakes. Forgot his name, though.”
“Rahul?!” said Duke.
Duke frowned. “I’m not sure whether to be happy you like at least one contestant, be proud it’s Rahul, or be annoyed you didn’t remember his name.”
“Character development takes time,” said Tim wisely.
Marinette scoffed a little. “Just put on the damn show. I’m tired of listening to you assholes talk.”
Duke grinned. “Fine. Fine.”
Time passed as the three of them watched the show.
Other family members slowly made their way over one by one. Damian brought the cat with him. Jason came over to give his brain a break after all the reading he had done (and then, when Marinette pointed out that you never take breaks while reading good books, had gone straight back to Harry Potter). Steph decided she didn’t want to pass her class and came to lay across the top of the couch. Dick eventually got tired and rested his body after the intense game that is Beat Saber.
… B released her at almost exactly three thirty. They ignored their comms in favor of continuing to watch the season finale.
Marinette bit her lip anxiously as she preemptively turned off the notifications on her phone. Tim did the same.
They typed up matching tweets about how they were moving in with their partners, tagged each other...
Their fingers hovered over the tweet buttons.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I’m sure one of my siblings will do something stupid in a few days and the media will leave us alone,” said Tim.
She smiled awkwardly. “That isn’t what I’m worried about.”
He frowned just a little and slipped his arm around her. “Well, can I help with whatever it is?”
She hesitated. It would be better to warn him, she supposed. “Not really. You’re going to get the ‘shovel talk’ --.”
“My dad is Batman, Bean, I’ll live.”
“-- by the person who currently controls the embodiment of chaos and destruction.”
His face paled a little (which is dangerous, considering he was already pale enough). “Does Chat Noir not know we’re dating yet?”
“... so he’s going to find out through the media?”
She nodded her agreement, curling into his side and glaring at the phone.
Adrien was going to be pissed. Especially since he was going to learn through the media. Sure, that was the intention, she was hoping that Tim would be left more or less alone because her friend would be too busy being hurt about not being told to focus on his anger at her boyfriend… but, yikes, she didn’t really want to deal with that just yet.
Also, she thought with a wince, Adrien was going to be even angrier when he figured out that she hadn’t exactly given up, as he called it, ‘stalking’ the people she was interested in. Marinette was pretty sure that Tim already knew about some of it but she wasn’t completely sure and, just in case, she wanted to keep it a secret for a while… a few years, at least, and she wanted to be the one to tell him because she was sure that Adrien would be a lot harsher about it than she would. He already called it ‘stalking’ when it was clearly different, she didn’t want to know what he would say if she let him talk about it in more depth.
Unfortunately, though, Adrien wasn’t stupid. He’d eventually catch on. The longer they dated without him knowing the guiltier he would assume she was.
She sighed and took his face in her hands. “I’m leaving it up to you. I’m not sure. I’m leaning towards being public but...”
He bit his lip as he considered it. She fought the urge to stretch his face until he let go.
He smiled hesitantly. “Well, I’ve lived long enough, I think.”
“Don’t worry, darling, I’ll summon a lucky charm for you,” she half-joked.
He gave a puff of laughter that wasn’t quite real and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Thanks, Bean, but I doubt that’ll be necessary. This is Gotham, no one dies here.”
“We don’t know how long that’ll take, though,” she said with a pout. “I’d prefer to have you back as soon as possible.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’ll always have my siblings.”
“But I want you,” she huffed. “You’re my favorite.”
She felt his cheeks warm beneath her hands.
“I’m your second favorite,” he reminded her. “Cass.”
She snickered. “True. You’re my favorite until Cass accepts my proposal.”
“Hm. I’ll have to enforce the bro code to make sure that never happens.”
“Oh no! I guess I’ll be stuck with you forever, then. What a shame!”
He smiled brightly. Sometimes she lamented the fact that he didn’t give a lot of genuine smiles. The grins and smirks were nice, of course, but she liked to watch the way he would duck his head slightly to try and cover his face with his bangs. Still, in the privacy of her own head, she had to admit that the fact she could get such a smile out of him when few others could made her heart rate spike. He smiled for her. Who wouldn’t be flattered by that?
She pulled the smile that she loved so much down for a kiss.
The first time they stepped out the door as an official couple they were hounded by reporters.
Tim wanted to ask how they knew where they lived. He settled for asking them to blur the area around them.
It was more than a little annoying to be harassed on your way to the grocery store. They had just wanted eggs, milk (Marinette kept leaving it out for some strange reason), some cat food, and enough miscellaneous snacks to keep Cass occupied. They did not want cameras shoved in their faces.
But years of being public figures had trained them to keep pleasant smiles on their faces and to answer questions with as little information as possible.
Finally, though, they made it inside and a manager kicked out the reporters.
Marinette let her shoulders slump a little beneath his arm and Tim flexed the muscles in his face before it could get stuck in that awkward half-smile forever.
He squeezed her a little. “You alright?”
She shrugged as much as she could without displacing his arm. “Yeah. Just… hate reporters.”
He nodded his understanding. He pressed a kiss to her temple.
“Want to buy some Oreos while we’re here?”
Her face lit up. “Can we?”
“I’m rich. Of course we can.”
And, so, they did. He made a mental note to start buying oreos in bulk. All the flavors, just in case she ever got sick of the normal version.
They glanced out the door and, though they couldn’t see the paparazzi waiting just outside, they were sure that they would be back soon. They ducked through back alleys to try and get away.
Only to stop in the middle of a dark alley at the high-pitched cry of: “Give me your money or else!”
Tim sighed and set down the cat food to hand over everything in his pockets. A glance back at Marinette confirmed she was doing the same --.
And then he stopped short. He turned more fully to look at their mugger and then started to laugh.
“I’ll… I’ll kill you!” Said the mugger, who was just a kid. They might not have even hit puberty yet.
“With a pocketknife?” Tim said.
Marinette turned around as well at that and a grin spread across her face. “Oh my gods, that’s so lame.”
“It’s Gotham, you gotta do better than that,” said Tim. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a butterfly knife. He handed it over. “Here, have this, at least. Christ, that’s terrible.”
The kid didn’t seem to know what to do about the fact that his would-be victims were laughing at her and apparently helping her mug people.
Marinette handed over everything except for the necklace Tim had given her. “Here, kid. And get a mask or something to hide your face, it’s not nearly dark enough in here for you to just go with a hood.”
“Oh, and here’s my address,” added Tim. He typed it into his phone -- damn, he should have brought more than a pager -- and then handed it over. “We always have a lot of extra food, so if you ever need it just knock on the window.”
“... thanks?” said their now adoptive kid (they didn’t make the rules, this kid was theirs now).
“Yeah, yeah, no problem. Can we go now? One of his siblings is coming over soon and he will start our show without us.”
“Uh… sure?”
Marinette sat on the kitchen island, squinting at the cast on her arm. Was it worth taking off for the sake of doing work? Maybe --.
Tim’s voice crackled through her ear and she perked up a little at the sound, smiling. He was talking, greeting guests it seemed. Right. He had a meeting today, Janet had mentioned it earlier that morning.
Marinette sighed a little at the reminder that, while she might not care about her broken arm, her boyfriend did. Yeah. Tim would probably be stressed if she took off her cast before the doctor said it was okay. She settled to lay back on the counter, head resting on her good arm, and stare at the ceiling as she listened to his voice...
Only to dart up when she felt a tap on her arm.
She looked over, eyes blown wide, and only relaxed slightly when she realized she recognized the person.
Adrien stood over her, arms crossed over his chest despite the glasses/miraculous he had hooked to the collar of his shirt, but he apparently wasn’t angry enough to not accept the usual kisses on both cheeks that Parisians did as greeting.
He said something that she couldn’t really understand with the part of her brain still concentrated on Tim explaining some sort of chart.
She sighed and reached a hand to her ear to turn off the bug. “Hey, can you repeat that?”
He didn’t. Instead he squinted at her ear suspiciously. “Does your ear hurt?”
“... no?” She said slowly, a little confused.
“Whatcha listening to?”
She paled. Shit. He was going to be pissed (or, at least, more pissed than he already was) if he found out that her supposed ‘stalking’ was getting worse. She needed an excuse.
“Uh, that one rapper, uh --.”
“BS. You don’t listen to rappers.”
He held a hand out and, reluctantly, she handed it over to him. She might as well get her murder over with.
He set it in his ear and, after a few attempts, turned it on. His face soured even more, somehow.
“This better not be who I think it is.”
She gave a tentative half-smile.
That was all the answer he needed. He grabbed her by the back of her shirt and started dragging her through the streets.
No one helped. Not that she expected them to, it was Gotham, but it was still a little hurtful.
Adrien stopped suddenly after a few minutes of walking.
“... wait… where’s his office?”
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The Fallen
Timothy Drake-Wayne. Wayne Enterprise's current co-ceo, tech genius and somehow Red Robin. Also currently sprawled across his mess of a bed, half asleep with a half finished coffee cup loosely held in one hand.
Guess he’d just have to add “Professional disaster in life” to his list of oh-so great achievements.
He could have become a doctor, Alfred would've said.
But it was too late now. It was to be left in the past, he’d become too old and-
Knock, knock, said the door.
“Master Timothy.”
He snuggled deeper into his blankets and gave of a noise of acknowledgment to give away his presence.
“I’m sure your blankets wouldn't despise you if you left for having breakfast.”
He groaned. “Maybe you're sure, but I'm not.” He mumbled bitterly, not one to dare speak against their family's only string of sanity.
He rolled his blanket over him and reluctantly slugged to the door in his best work style. Pretty impressive if you asked him.
Alfred opened the door having already guessed what he'd decided to do, he supposed. Alfred's lips twitched, trying not to break into a smile, he suspected.
Tim grinned. “Anything I can do for you, dearest Alfred?”
Alfred tilted his head downwards to look him in the eye, now no longer hiding a small smile. “Maybe wake up Miss Marinette as a favor to me, Master Timothy.”
Oh. Oh. Oho.
What exciting news.
“Anything for you Alfred.” Alfred's smile now turned into a sharp smirk.
“Even not skipping your breakfast?”
He averted his eyes. “I think beans snores are getting louder. I'd better wake her up soon.”
Tim didn't let Alfred speak another word, instead, rolling forward, forcing Alfred to take a step back.
And then he heard the snores. The one of a kind, Marinette only snores. And he jusy knew the door near him led to Marinette's. He grinned, maybe a bit more manically than he should've but never mind that now.
He pushed against her door and rolled his way in.
He took a deep breath.
No response. He should've known.
“Adrien Agreste is waiting for you outside.”
She stirred. Aha! He had her all figured out, didn't he?
“He's in Paris, you coffee addict.” Her speech was slurred by sleep, and she showed no more signs of waking.
He rolled his eyes. “Look who's speaking.”
No response. Typical.
“I’m going to jump on you and make sure you feel all the weight of this ‘coffee addict’.”
“You can't do that wrapped in blankets.” She growled, snuggling into her blankets as if that would make him go away.
He didn't say anything. No, he couldn't say anything. Not when he was angling himself in the right direction for him to fall on her without messing his comfortable position.
Marinette wheezed.
“Get.” She gasped. “Off.”
“What was that?” He asked like the innocent bastard he was, “You sound a little put of breath there, beanie.”
“You're not even that heavy.”
He pressed down harder. “What was that?”
“Why, you little-”
“I’m trying to sleep, you babies- oh. Oh. Oho.” They turned slowly to look at a smiling-too-much-right-now Jason.
And it wasn't surprising when the both of them were in sync as they said:
“Oh fuck.”
Jason's grin only widened at the declaration as he took a leap towards the two pour souls.
Now it was both him and beanie gasping for air. Not as fun to be on the receiving side.
“Jason, if I die, I will come back to haunt you.” Beanie grumbled, although it was barely comprehensible.
Jason pressed his weight on us harder. “Another thing crossed off my bucket list then, little pixie.”
“Jay, please spare me, you've already tried killing me enough times!” He was barely comprehensible too but it didn't matter. Not if we wanted to get out of this alive.
What was next? Someone else coming in and doing the same thing and the cycle never ending?
“I come to the mansion for one peaceful day and you ruin it first thing in the morn- oh.” He jinxed it. Oh boy. He jinxed it, didn't he? Why else would Dick show up right on sync with his thoughts?
“Oh. Oho.”
‘Twas too late.
Now it was three of them wheezing and coughing and gasping for air.
“Did you have to make three back flips as you came?” Jason asked for them both, being the only one with the energy to speak now.
“I'm a bat!” If he had to guess, Dick was grinning too much. “Of course I did!”
“What's with all this ruck-oh. Oh. Oho.”
“Please not again.” Nette pleaded weakly.
-2 minutes of instant karma later-
“This is all Tim’s fault.”
At this point he can't even guess who said it, but weak noises of agreements filled the room.
“It is,” He took another deep breath, “not my fault that-” Another hard breath, “-that all of you decided to stack up on us.”
“Well,” said Stephanie from the top (the lucky bat), “You're the only one agreeing to that here.”
“You can't blame me,” he snapped as best as he could with the limited breath, “For eight other people joining the stack. That's all on yourselves!”
The others above him- if he remembered correctly, Jason first, then Dick, Titus, Damian, Duke, Aunt Kate (Don't ask), Cass and Steph at the the top, all gave their own noisy protests.
“What's with all the screaming-?” Bruce's gruff voice came. “Oh.”
“Bruce, please, for once, don't.”
“Maybe if we call him dad, he won't- OOF.” There went the rest of Stephanie's sentence. It'll be the only thing that'll be missed.
Marinette, poor Marinette, groaned from under. “All of you will wake up tomorrow with the worst morning and I'll make sure you do.”
And they did. All of them did. If the screams that erupted the next morning were anything to go by, of course.
Happy New Year-
Jskdjdkskdkskskdksk, I may have vanished for a while *cough*months*cough* and will probably go vanishing for a little more while *cough*more months *cough*, but! For! Good! Reason!
Or maybe not but let's no go there-
This school year be kinda important academic wise so I be dedicating more time for that.
Ehe. Have this lil thing as a bye bye gift for now-
Wish y'all a better 2021 ٩(๑^w^๑)۶
Toodles (´∀`)♡
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chocolate1721 · 4 years
My brain won’t let me rest until I share these prompts.
Ok, so the class is in Gotham and it’s the last night before they leave. They went out to eat and on their way back to the hotel they run into and injured Harley and/or Ivy. The class freezes while Mari and Chloe rush over to help them. Mari starts tearing her clothes while Chloe is making sure they are coherent. They class comes back to their senses and start hurling insults at the rogues and start talking about calling the police. They class gets more hostile towards Mari, Chloe, Harley, and Ivy as they move towards them. Suddenly the Joker appears behind the small group. The class runs away and leaves Mari and Chloe behind. Marinette jumps up and stands in between the Joker and the injured rogues.
Joker is impressed. Very few men would even think of getting in his way, but this child doesn’t hesitate to do this. While Joker is assessing Mari, Marinette subtly grabs a (conveniently placed) crowbar that she found on the ground.
Chloe is trying to get Harley and Ivy to stand up, so they can all get out of this situation. She is successful but both Harley and Ivy are leaning heavily on her.
Marinette takes a swing at Joker, when he gets too close. Joker is getting more and more intrigued by her. He taunts and teases her. Getting close then backing away when she swings at him. Looking to see how far he can push her.
Harley is terrified. She sees the look in the Joker’s eyes. She knows that look. He is interested in this girl who is protecting her and Ivy. But she can’t do anything to help.
The Joker slowly maneuvers the group into a corner. Marinette still swinging at him, but he keeps walking closer to them. She realizes that the only way out is past Joker, so she stops backing up. The next time she takes a swing it connects with his forearm. He blocked it. Joker yanks the crowbar out of her hands and tosses it away from them. He walks closer to the group, but Mari refuses to move.
Before he gets to them several dark figures swoop down and fight him. After he is defeated, Marinette grabs the closest vigilante (perferably not the love interest) and demands that they help Harley and Ivy.
Mari and Chloe stay at the hospital while both Rogues get worked on. They answer the questions from the police and batfam. They refused to leave the hospital until they knew that both of the women would be ok. So they stayed the night. Waiting for the Rogues to wake up.
The next morning Harley and Ivy were shocked to see the girls who helped them. They watched as the girls slept in those uncomfortable hospital chairs. The police arrived not long after Marinette and Chloe woke up. The police officer asked them who their guardian was. Marinette and Chloe were then taken to the police Stanton as they waited for Bustier to pick them up.
It was around lunch when they were informed that the class could not be found. Gordon was walking by when he saw these two girls go very, very pale. They turned to each other and started whispering in French. He paused and watched as the officer asked the girls what was wrong.
“We are supposed to go back to Paris today. Lately our teacher hasn’t been taking roll call, and she takes what our classmates say as fact. We’re hoping she didn’t leave for Paris without us.”
“Who are we kidding Maribug. She wouldn’t do a headcount for a trip to the museum, why do we expect her to do it before leaving a country.”
Gordon was shocked, then scared. He rushed to his office and called the airport. After several people told him that the information he was wanting was classified, and being transferred around a bit. He slammed his hands on his desk and informed the person on the other end of the line that “THERE ARE TWO MINORS WHO BELIEVE THAT THEIR TEACHER LEFT THEM BEHIND WHEN SHE TOOK THE REST OF THE CLASS BACK TO PARIS! NOW TELL ME IF THEY BOARDED THE F*CKING PLANE OR NOT!”
He got what he needed, and he was furious. Not only did the teacher not do a headcount but they have video evidence of one student ripping up two tickets, that he assumed where for the two girls in the lobby of the precinct.
He called Bruce Wayne, since he is technically responsible for them while they are in Gotham. He explained the situation, and Bruce was more livid than Gordon is. He told Gordon that he would pick the girls up and take care of getting them back to Paris. Gordon sighed and went to tell the girls. Who took the news rather well. He talked with the girls, asking them if this was normal for their teacher. They had no reservations, well the blonde had no reservations, about telling him every toxic, manipulative, and downright mentally abusive thing their teacher has done.
By the time Beuce Wayne, and his hoard of kids, arrived; Gordon was going to send a tip to the French Board of Education about this. He pulled Bruce aside and told him about the teacher. Bruce agreed that this teacher is aweful and he is going to make sure that she is never allowed to teach anyone again.
Bruce took the girls back to the manor and had Tim arrange a flight to Paris on their personal plane. He also had the girls call their parents and let them know what happened. Sabine was out for blood. He talked to the parents and let them know he will personally bring their children back to Paris.
After talking to their parents all that was left was to have the plane get ready. They agreed to wait until tomorrow to leave for Paris. This gave Jason enough time to teach both girls how to shoot many different types of guns. Damian was teaching Marinette swordsmanship, he was rather impressed on how dedicated she was. He is a difficult teacher, harsh and strict, but she was enthusiastic and learned from her mistakes. Chloe and Dick has a blast in trying to “one up” the other with flexibility and gymnastics. And finally, Tim has finally found another insomniac coffee addict. Mari and Tim trades coffee recipies.
The entire Batfam went with Marinette and Chloe back to Paris. They didn’t want to miss watching their father rip this teacher apart. Then we’re then introduced to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. . . . . . They literally had to pry Jason’s fingers from the door to get him to leave.
Bruce launches a formal investigation into the school, and Bustier. The Board of Education does this as well. It didn’t turn out well. Bruce suggests that Chloe and Mari wait a few days before going to school. See if the school contacts their parents about why they are missing. When 4 days passed and the school didn’t contact them, the girls showed up after lunch one day. Along with their parents, investigators for Bruce and the Board of Education, and the entire Wayne family.
Bustier is confused and asks the girls why they have been ditching class. This sets sooo many people off. Sabine, Jason, and Chloe have to be physically held back from attacking Bustier.
Marinette, passes Chloe to be father, and steps up to Bustier.
“We didn’t skip school. You left us in an alley with an injured Harley and Ivy, when the Joker appeared. Then when we were rescued by the Batclan and went to the hospital to make sure they were alright, you didn’t try and find us. You left us in Gotham.”
“Marinette, you need to be more responsible. The Joker is very dangerous and trying to protect two criminals was foolish. Also Lila has to get back to Paris to help her mother with some upcoming business.”
This set off so many people that they had to be removed from the class room. Bruce stepped up to Bustier.
“Did you do a head count? If not then why are you putting one student who said they have prior engagements, who should have already gotten it done if they were going to conflict with scheduling or not have come on the trip at all, over two students who were in danger?”
Bruce is beyond livid. He is about to blow a fuse. Until a purple butterfly appears, then Marinette yeets him out of the way. Everyone watches as the akuma goes into one of her hair ties. The class is panicking and are tripping over themselves to get out of the room. Chloe and Marinette’s parents are telling her to fight hawkmoth. Marinette just calmly stares “hawkmoth, if you akumatize me, I will come after you and no one else.” Not long after that state was made. A pure white butterfly emerges from the ribbon.
The class are amazed by this. Adrien smiles and said “see Marinette is our everyday Ladybug, she even rejects Hawkmoth.” Marinette turns towards Adrien and b*tch slaps him. “I may have rejected him, but I shouldn’t have to be in a situation where I have to do it.”
Alya and Lila start yelling about how Mari and Chloe did this for attention, then Lila’s lies are revealed and she and alya get sued.
Lots of salt please. Adrien, Alya, Lila, and Bustier salt. I love my salt
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Play me like a violin...
For the wonderful @marilynmonroefanfics​ 👄👄​
Hope you’ll like it!
TW: Smut in the area!
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I wanna be loved by you, just you
And nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you, alone! 
I wanna be kissed by you, just you
And nobody else but you
I wanna be kissed by you, alone
Marylin Monroe - I Wanna Be Loved By You (1959)
Bruce can't believe it. Even if it was days ago, he still can't believe what happened to him: he married him. He married this wonderful and handsome angel named Peter. 
He feels like it was yesterday they start dating. He, Bruce Wayne, the renowned playboy of Gotham, finally settled with the young man he met during a gala two years ago.
He remembered well the night when he introduced his lover as his boyfriend to his family: they were astonished that someone managed to get his hands on Bruce Wayne. 
Alfred exclaimed: "Finally! He found someone!" while Stephanie, Cassandra, and Barbara cheered gleefully. As for the boys, Dick was amazed, whereas Jason was taken aback, yelled: "WHAT THE HELL?". 
Tim was happy for his mentor, and Damian stayed calm, as usual, but expressed his respects towards Peter.
Overall, he can say that the Bat-family accepted Peter as its new member.
He was glad to find him: his husband is loving, caring, understanding, patient, and funny. The embodiment of perfection, at least.
Speaking of the angel, Peter appears in the room, dressed casually and with a genuine smile on his face.
"Hello, beloved husband. What are you doing?"
And this voice, my God: it sounds like an angel.
The billionaire smiles:
"I just wondering how lucky I am..."
He holds the hand of Peter.
"I mean, I am grateful to have you with me!"
"Til death do us apart if I remember well..."
"It's been six days since we get married if you don't forget?"
"How could I even dare to forget the best day of my life?" chuckles Bruce as he gently kisses Peter's knuckles.
The young man beams at the lovely gesture. And to think that he was a bit worried when he caught the interest of Bruce Wayne...
He was so scared to be just a one-night stand of the notorious Gotham Don Giovanni that he rejected his advances first. Slowly, he discovered what hides behind the seductive façade.
He saw a tortured soul, wounded by personal tragedies, who tried to give meaning to his life as the Dark Knight of Gotham named Batman. 
He also noticed the other side of Bruce's personality: a caring and loving man who have compassion. How not fall in love with this man?
Peter leans his head on his husband's shoulder while enjoying the view in front of him. Currently, they fancy their honeymoon in California, where Bruce rents a mansion with a look of the sea.
"I'm happy that we manage to have a moment for the two of us... I know you have a turbulent life and that we won't have a lot of quality times. But at least, you try to give me the best of you!"
"Because you deserve the best, love!" answers Bruce as he looks at the ebony eyes of his beloved.
They are shining like two black pearls of innocence. Something that amazes Bruce... and also turns him on.
While smiling, the billionaire holds his young husband against him as he lets his hands linger over this body he worships every day.
Suddenly, his phone rings:
"Oh, what again?"
"Let's see... Ah, it's Alfred!" says Peter as he answers the phone.
"Hello, Peter Wayne's on the phone!"
"**Hello, Master Peter. I'm calling to check if everything is fine!**"
"Oh, Alfred, it's a living daydream! California is a lovely place, especially when I am with my dear husband!"
"**I'm glad to hear that. May I speak to Master Bruce?**"
"Sure! Wait a minute, I turn the speakers on!"
Once it's done, Bruce speaks:
"Hello, Alfred."
"**Hello, Master Bruce. According to Master Peter, you enjoy your vacation in California?**"
"Exactly. Everything went smooth."
"**I'm relieved to know that both of you are satisfied with your honeymoon.**"
"And you, Alfred, how are you?"
"**I'm fine, thank you. And your protégés are fine, too. They expect your return on Saturday with great impatience!**"
"They missed us that much?" smirks Bruce.
"**You had no idea, Master Bruce. But, as a picture is worth a thousand words, why don't you hear it by yourself?**"
Half a second later, the couple hears the voices of all the young members of the Batfamily saying hello.
"**Hello, Californian lovebirds. You're alright?**"
"Hello, Dick. Yes, everything is perfect!"
"**Aw, you are so lucky! Can't wait to hear your stories!**"
"Don't worry, Stephanie: I'll tell you the best when we will come back!"
"**Does Bruce treat you like a prince?**," asks Tim.
"Not like a prince, Timothy, but like a king!" states Bruce with a smile.
"**You better do: he marries you, so you have to respect and cherish him!**" reminds him Damian.
"Don't worry, Dami: he is the best husband ever!" says Peter as he glances tenderly towards Bruce.
"**We hope so. Well, as long as you say everything is cool, we are happy for you! Enjoy your honeymoon!**" kindly replies Barbara. 
"**Yeah, sure. Especially Bruce, who wants to satisfy his hunger for Mama Peter!**" snickers Jason.
Bruce facepalms while Peter brightly blushes.
"**Master Jason, are you sure it was necessary?**" sighs Alfred.
"**Todd, you pervert jerk!**" snarls Damian.
"**Boys, calm down! Anyway, we are delighted to hear from you. Especially with good news!**"
"So are we, Cass."
"**Well, we leave you alone. See you on Saturday, Masters Bruce and Peter!**"
"Goodbye, Alfred! Thank you for the call!"
After he hung up the phone, Bruce sighs:
"Those kids, I swear to God they are going to kill me!"
"But you love them!" Peter smiles.
His husband returns the smile and holds him again.
"Yes, but I love you more than anything in the world!"
"Oh, really?" innocently asks Peter.
"Of course... Let me prove it!"
And with a mischievous smile, Bruce kisses his partner with passion. The latter, amused, answered the kiss with the same intensity.
Without interrupting the kiss, Bruce slid his large callused hands under his husband's shirt, greedily stroking his soft skin.
This gesture surprised Peter, who asks:
"But what are you doing again?"
"I take care of my husband, this is what I do!"
"Don't be innocent, honey. You've got an idea in your head, and I'd like to know which one!"
"Very well, since you insist ..."
Bruce leaned over his lover's neck and kissed it several times.
"Since we are on our honeymoon, I said to myself that we could take the opportunity to consummate the marriage ..."
At these words, Peter began to blush. So far, they had never had sex and the thought of having his first time with his husband scared him: what if it turned into a fiasco?
"Are you all right, Peter?"
"Yeah, it's just that ..."
The young man lowered his head, a little ashamed.
"It's just that I'm scared!"
"Afraid of what?"
"Let's say I'm apprehensive because it's my first time ..."
Bruce strokes his husband's cheek:
"You don't have to worry, Peter: I'll be careful! I'll make it unforgettable!"
"I don't doubt it, but ..."
"But what? What can you worry about so much?"
"The two of us! I mean, look at yourself: you look like a Greek God, while I look like a bun next to you!"
Bruce rolls his eyes, a slight smile on his lips, before stroking his husband's hips.
"You should stop putting yourself down, honey. Of course, we're different, so what? That's what I liked about you: your playfulness, your zest for life, your kindness ... You are the light that was missing in my life! "
He takes Peter by the waist before adding:
"As far as your body is concerned, know that I find it perfect. Besides, comparing it to a bun is not completely inappropriate ... since I find you delicious!"
And without warning, he lifts his husband off the ground and takes him to their room.
"Bruce, stop!" laughs Peter.
"Definitely not! I'm hanging on to you forever!" the latter jokes.
Once in their room, he gently set Peter down on the bed before closing the door behind him.
Then, he comes back and positions himself above his lover, who gives him an innocent smile.
"I guess it's time to get down to business!"
"Exactly, my little prince! Now let me do it and enjoy!"
With that, Bruce again captures Peter's lips in a passionate kiss.
The newlyweds hasten to get rid of their clothes, and they find themselves naked as on the first day.
Bruce is dumbfounded at his husband's naked body: for him, it is the most beautiful thing he had ever admired in his life.
As for Peter, he is amazed by the impressive musculature of his lover, but not only. It must be said that Bruce is well fitted, especially at the level of the private parts.
He swallows: he wonders how something so huge would be able to penetrate him? Nothing to think about it makes him uncomfortable ...
"If you don't want us to do this right now, I would understand. It might be going a little too fast for you ..."
Peter shakes his head:
"No, Bruce, it's going to be fine. I trust you."
Reassured, the latter kisses his husband again before letting his lips slide down Peter's neck and chest, making the young man moan with pleasure.
This reaction amuses the millionaire, who continues his little game, lingering on his husband's hips before descending to his penis.
"Bruce ..." Peter moans, bracing himself under his lover's expert licks.
His cries of pleasure grows louder when he feels Bruce's mouth tickle his cock. He thought his brain would not stand the shock of the sensations that seizes him.
"Oh my god, Bruce!"
"Good boy, so responsive!" his husband whispers as he continues to explore the young man's privacy with his tongue. While doing so, he lets his large hands caress and pinch his nipples.
Quickly, Peter becomes a moaning mess, clutching at the sheets as if his life depended on it.
He's used to Bruce's hugs, but this is different: it is addicting, and he always needs more.
"Tell me, Peter, do you want to go further?"
"Oh yes, Bruce."
"Tell me what you want, Peter."
Catching his breath, his husband answers:
"I want you to take me, Bruce. I want to offer you my innocence!"
A hungry smile appears on Bruce's face:
"It's a beautiful gift you are giving me, beautiful boy! And it deserves a reward!"
He lays down on top of Peter, tucking himself between his legs, and position himself close to his privacy. Before doing anything, he glances at Peter and asks:
"Are you ready?"
"Yes," the young man whispers.
Bruce kisses his lover before slowly penetrating him so that the latter gets used to his presence.
Peter gasps when he feels his husband's cock inside him. The pain is so unbearable that he sheds a tear that slid down his cheek.
Seeing this, Bruce feels guilty: he wanted this moment to be magical for them, not to make his husband suffer. Gently, he brushes the tear away from Peter's cheek.
"Excuse me if I was brutal."
"No, no. It's not your fault. It's just that I'm not used to ... It's my first time, after all!"
"Don't apologize; you'll be fine. Take your time, and when you're ready, we'll continue!"
Peter took his time to calm down and get used to Bruce's presence.
He mentally told himself that he does not have to worry, that everything would be fine. Besides, Bruce is patient and understanding: with him, he is in good hands.
Gradually, he relaxes and let his husband understand that he was ready. The latter understands, and he begins his thrusts so as not to rush Peter.
Once he is more at ease, the young man lets himself go and quickly takes pleasure in feeling the kidney strokes of his husband as he moans louder.
As for Bruce, he gives a slow and sensual rhythm to this particular dance. With his old one-night stands, he was content to have a good shag and nothing more. But there, with Peter in his arms, he is taking his time and experiencing a pleasure he had never reached.
But above all, he loves Peter, and he wants to give him that pleasure he currently feels. And the latter's cries of desire confirm that he is doing it well ...
"B-Bruce ..."
"Yes, my angel?"
"G-Go faster!" Peter moans, wrapping his legs around Bruce's waist.
"Your wish is my command!"
And with that, the millionaire picks up the tempo, thrusting faster.
Overwhelmed with pleasure, Peter feels his sanity give up, and he latches onto Bruce's back, scratching him lightly at the shoulders.
This action excites his partner, who continues his thrusts between the hips of his lover rhythmed by their sighs and cries of pleasure.
"B-Bruce, I ... I'm going to cum!"
"Yeah, me too, babe! Just wait for me, darling!"
After several thrusts, the two newlyweds reached seventh heaven with a final moan of pleasure.
Then Bruce slowly withdraws from Peter's privacy before laying down next to his husband.
The latter is still under the effect of adrenaline and does not realize what had just happened. But for sure, the young man loved it!
"So, honey, this first time?" Bruce demands, slightly panting.
"It was perfect. Yes, really perfect!" Peter replies, settling in the strong arms of his husband.
"Good, that's what I wanted for you."
"And I thank you for that."
Chuckling, Bruce kisses his husband's forehead before hugging him and settling down to sleep.
"Come on, I think we have the right to a well-deserved rest!"
"Yes, my body is numb for now!"
"Tomorrow, you will probably be in pain."
"I will hold you personally responsible!" jokes the young man.
"What if I offer you a bath tomorrow to make amends?"
"There, I accept."
The two men laugh and take advantage of the calm, embraced. Then, won over by sleep, they let themselves go in the arms of Morpheus.
"I love you, Bruce Wayne."
"I love you, Peter Wayne."
And with these words of love, the two lovers fell asleep with serenity, far from the tumult of Gotham.
Must be love on the brain
That’s got me feeling this way
It beats me black and blue but it fucks me good
And I can’t get enough
Must be love on the brain yeah
Rihanna - Love on the Brain (2016)
Thanks for the reading!
Hope you enjoy the story!
See you later! 🥰😘😍
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hateswifi · 4 years
No More Second Chances: Chapter 7
So yep, i think this is the third chapter this month. imma tired, I haven’t slept properly since Sunday. its almost three k words so yeah
The Master: Master List
No More Second Chances: Master List
Apparently, school had to go on April break for her to get any sleep. Clark and Lois decided that the first half of the week would be spent in Smallville and she couldn’t remember the second place, it’s not even her fault though, people like to talk to her before she can drink coffee. 
“Another grandchild! Is this one a clone like Connor?” Aunt Martha asks, pulling everyone into hugs.
“No, Ma, this is the exchange student that we’ve been taking in for the last month and a half, I told you about her,” Clark says, hugging his mom.
“Oh thank god, I don't know how I would react if someone cloned you again, because it was either she is a clone or another one of Bruce’s, but no matter, you’ll be staying Kara’s room,” Martha says, leading the bluenette inside the homey-farm house.
It was fifteen minutes later after she was done getting comfortable that Aunt Martha appears in the doorway. She smiles while saying, “I hope everything is good, I don't know if you want to, but there’s plenty of ingredients if you want to bake. Clark told me that you grew up in a bakery.”
“I would love to, I haven’t baked since before I left home,” Marinette smiles, putting down her sketchbook.
“What are you working on?” Martha asks, taking a seat on Marinette’s bed beside her.
“Oh, these are designs I had to put off because of the move and family issues. Uncle Jagged was understanding but because it’s spring break, I would love to be able to get them to him as soon as possible,” Marinette explains.
“That’s cool, do  you want to be a designer when you’re older?”
“Yeah, I guess that’s what I get for growing up in the fashion center of the world,” Marinette shrugs.”
“Well, honey, if there’s anything that you need let me know, I’m going to get out of your hair,” Martha says.
“You’ll never be a bother,” Marinette giggles.
“Dinner will be at five,” Martha says, closing the door behind her. Marinette sighs and goes back to sketching. Uncle Jagged needed his outfits soon so if she designed everything the first half of the week, she can go to the closest fabric store wherever they’re staying the rest of the week. A couple of hours later, though it felt like minutes, she was being called down for dinner where she met Jon’s, Uncle Jonathan.
“Welcome to the family, Marinette,” he greets with a pleasant smile. “You’re not a clone, right?”
“See what I mean! You could definitely be a clone!” Martha points out.
“I guess I could be, but thankfully I’m not,” Marinette giggles.
“But she’s a hero,” Jon smiles, pulling her into a side hug.
“Seriously Jon, why are you calling me out?” Marinette asks, rubbing her temples.
“I’m not!” Jon says, feigning innocence. “She’s a Parisian hero!”
“Or as Dick put it, a magic girl,” Marinette sighs.
“Oh we know, we know everything,” Martha chuckles.
“But you didn’t know that I am not a clone?”
“It gets blurry when it comes to specific things,” Jonathan shrugs. “Jon, you ready to help me tomorrow?”
“Of course! I’ve missed working,” Jon responds with a smile.
“Can I help?”
“You can do whatever you want,” Jonathan says. The rest of the dinner was spent talking about plans and getting to know each other. After dinner, Marinette called Adrien and talked to him for a bit while sketching. They had to hang up not too long after the starting call because it was late for him. 
The time flew by, she helped out in the field Uncle Jon, explored the town with Jon, designed for Uncle Jagged, and baked with Aunt Martha. She had a lot of fun and completely forgot about her Parisian problems. Aunt Martha and Marinette shared baking recipes and Aunt Martha sent a recipe to her baking buddy. 
On Wednesday, Clark and Lois cam to pick Jon and Marinette up so they could bring them to the other place where they would be staying for the rest of the week. Marinette, again, didn’t hear nor did she care where they were going next. She put in her headphones and sketched the last outfit that Jagged had requested. Marinette asked Lois and Clark to stop on the way to their destination, which they did. She loved the fabric she picked out and couldn’t wait to start sewing. She barely registered when the car stopped, she grabbed her stuff and Jon led her wherever they were staying. People talked around her but she couldn’t hear them, she was focused on her music and studying her designs. She saw people moving out of the corner of her eye but she couldn’t care, she just wanted to sit down and started sewing. 
The next thing she knows somebody, who she thinks is Jon, is leading her to a different, which she hopes is her room so she can start working. 
“Here’s your room,” the person said, opening the door. She mutters a thank you before sitting down at the desk that was across the room from her. She starts laying out fabrics and separating them for each outfit. That was all she could get done by the time Clark and Lois walked in to say goodbye it was almost dinner time already. She was going to go downstairs when she was interrupted by a call by Adrien. She decided to forgo dinner and just continue working. She heard a quiet knock on the door and an older man walks in. 
“Welcome to Wayne Manor, Miss Marinette, it would seem that you missed dinner, so I took the liberty to bring you some food,” he greets.
“Great thank you,” Marinette mutters, putting down her sewing actually taking a minute to look up. “Alfred? Where the heck am I?”
“You’re in the Wayne Manor, Miss” Alfred repeats, putting the plate down. 
“Oh my apologies, I’ve been distracted with my work, I didn’t even realize where I was,” Marinette sighs, before realizing she was still on the phone. “Sorry Adrien, I’ll call you tomorrow, go to bed, it’s late.” She finishes, hanging up.
“I heard from Martha that you like to bake,” Alfred says.
“Yeah, that’s true, I grew up in a bakery,” Marinette shrugs, taking a piece of bread.
“The kitchen is open if you would like to use it,” Alfred says before leaving the room. Marinette nods to herself while eating her food while it’s still warm. After she finishes, she decides that she needs a stretch so she takes her plate to the kitchen and to grab a coffee. 
When she gets to the kitchen she’s shocked to see a pot already brewing. There’s a guy half-passed out, or half-awake depending at how you look at things, practically sprawled out on the counter. “Are you ok?” Marinette asks, looking for a mug.
“Oh my gosh! Are you real?” he asks, startling awake.
“I would assume I’m real, you’re Tim, right? Where are the mugs?” Marinette asks, opening random cabinets. “Nevermind, I found them.”
“You’re the magic girl, you don’t need coffee,” he says, pouring himself a huge mug of coffee.
“Against popular belief, we do need sleep and basic human necessities,” She explains taking the pot from him.
“Why do you need coffee?”
“When I was in Smallville, I wasn’t able to go to the supply store. I asked Lois and Clark to take me they said yes, so we stopped on our way over,” Marinette says, sipping her coffee.
“What supplies?”
“Fabric, I’m behind on my Uncle’s orders, but he understands,” Marinette shrugs.
“Great what we need another coffee addict,” Another voice grumbles, entering the kitchen.
“Good to see you, Demon, what are you doing up?” Tim asks, unimpressed.
“I heard you shriek,” Damian deadpans.
“I didn’t shriek,” Tim says, offended.
“Well, I’m just going to go back to my room, you guys can work out whatever brotherly love is going on here,” Marinette says, brushing past Damian.
“Wait,” he says, grabbing her wrist.
“What?” she asks, turning towards him.
“I- umm..,” he starts catching himself. “Welcome to the manor, I hope you’ll find your stay enjoyable.” he finishes, letting go of her arm.
“Umm.. of course, thank you, Dami,” Marinette yawns, rubbing the back of her neck before rushing off to do her work.
Once she disappeared from view Tim snickers behind his mug. “I can tell you one thing you didn’t inherit from Bruce.” He chuckles.
“I like it better when you were unconscious,” Damian says, stomping off towards his room.
“Words can’t hurt me,” Tim yells at his back.
“But swords can,” Damian shouts over his shoulder.
“Must have gotten on his nerves, it’s been a while since he’s threatened us,” Dick says, entering the kitchen. “Aso what have we agreed on for coffee?”
“But Marinette had some,” Tim whines, rushing away from Dick before he can take his sustenance. 
“She’s a magic girl, she gets a pass,” Dick yells at his back.
Marinette was back in her zone sewing what Jagged needed the soonest, he has a concert in Boston soon before going to New York and then coming over to Gotham. She was working on is concert wear first. She works through the night until a knock interrupts her thoughts once again, expecting it to be Alfred or Jon, she mindlessly says come in.
“Good morning, Marinette,” Damian says, entering the room.
“It’s morning?” She asks, looking up from her work.
“Yes, have you been working all night?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I guess I have,” she responds in a daze.
“What are you working on, if I may ask,” Damian asks, sitting down on the edge of her bed.
“Just a commission for my uncle.”
“Your uncle is going to wear a purple-glittery suit?” 
“Uncle Jagged is over the top like that, but it suits him,” Marinette shrugs, inspecting her handy work.
“Jagged as in Jagged Stone, you’re his personal designer?”
“You didn’t realize that?”
“If I didn’t realize that, there’s no way my incompetent sibling realized it either,” Damian smirks.
“Why does it matter?” She asks, looking up from her work.
“They love Jagged Stone and they love your designs,” Damian explains.
“Well, Jagged will need to pick up his stuff, by the way, I should mention he’s also trying to adopt me,” Marinette says, continuing to work on the finishing touches to the piece. “Oh by the way, what made you stop by?”
“Oh.. um- I wanted to see if you wanted to come down for breakfast,” Damian responds.
“Sure, let me put this down,” she finished before standing up to follow Damian to the dining room. They enter the dining room together and all of the eyes are on them. 
“Hey, Marinette, I thought you were dead,” Jon jokes, taking a bite of toast.
“Not dead, just exhausted. Also, thanks for having us, Bruce,” Marinette says, taking a seat in between Jon and Damian.
“It is my pleasure to,” Bruce says, looking over the newspaper.
“This won’t give you the advantage in the adoption war,” Jon snickers.
“I have a different way to get her in the family,” Bruce retorts.
“I should mention, can my uncle come over later this week to pick up his orders?” Marinette asks, pouring herself more coffee.
“What day?”
“Friday afternoon I would think,” Marinette says, stabbing the food in front of her.
“I was informed that he is also in the running adoption,” Damian says, sipping his water.
“I’m not thinking about adoption,” Bruce says, which brought some confused looks and some coughs.
“All I’m going to say is, my dad is freaking Superman so I think we’ll win this adoption war,” Jon shrugs.
“Jon!” Multiple people say, which caused everyone to look around.
“Wait you guys know?” Marinette asks, confused.
“Of course we know, how do you know?” Jason asks.
“Oh, after she was revealed as a magic girl, Mom was quite annoyed to be left out of the superhero club,” Jon says.
“That makes sense,” Damian shrugs and continues eating. They continue eating breakfast, with some light chatter, and some teases mostly aimed at Damian and Marinette, and there total not crushes on each other.
After breakfast, Marinette holes herself back up in her room to continue working on her commissions. That’s how she spends the rest of the day, she gets a phone call from Adrien and they talked for a while. After lunch, Damian came in and sat with her for a bit and they made light talk. He sat and read his book as she sews more, breaking every once in a while to talk. She was honestly very happy how she spent one of her last days of vacation.
She is even happier the next day Jagged and Penny arrived. The boys’ shocked faces are priceless.
“You’re trying to tell me your Uncle is, Jagged Stone, as in THE Jagged Stone,” Jason exclaims.
“I swear I mentioned this,” Marinette says, scratching her head before shugging.
“How’s my rockin’ ladybug!” Jagged says, pulling her into a hug. 
“I’m doing good, I’m exhausted, though,” Marinette yawns before going to grab the bags that held her work from her room.
“Did you guys let her stay up way too late to finish them?” Jagged asks, in all seriousness.
“She lived off coffee for the past two days,” Tim says.
“If you’re ever around her when she’s like this, she has a curfew of one a.m.. At that time, you are allowed to gently take everything from her hands and just lewd her to her bed,” Jagged explains.
“Are you betraying me, Jagged?” Marinette asks arms crossed to the best of her ability because she was holding his outfits. 
“All I’m saying Mari is that you lost enough sleep as a hero teen, you need to catch up on it now,” Jagged said, copying her posture.
“Hey you can’t even blame me, I remember having to fight a Fang because he was akumatized into freakin dragon around midnight,” Marinette deadpans. “I don’t hold it against you though, I got to fly, it was liberating.” 
“I wrote you and Adrien a song because of it,” Jagged fires back.
“Conversation over, go try on the outfits,” Marinette says, shoving them into his arms.
“Fine, fine, so bossy,” Jagged sighs, before walking away.
“So you’re his personal designer? Which means you are Nettie!” Tim says.
“You’re Nettie and a magic girl! Bruce can we adopt her please!” Dick pleads.
There are three in sync no’s that follow, one from Jagged, one from Marinette, and lastly, on from Damian. 
“Damian, why wouldn’t you want Marinette apart of your family? She rocking! If you can’t see this amazing girl, then you’re blind,” Jagged defends. “It doesn’t matter anyway, I got first dibs.”
“Tell that to Adrien’s aunt, she wants to adopt me as well,” Marinette responds.
“Don’t forget about my parents,” Jon adds.
“Joint custody?” Jagged shrugs. “Can we cut Adrien’s aunt out? She can have you when you visit him.”
“It doesn’t really matter to me, I’m just trying to make the most of what my life is right now,” Marinette shrugs.
“It’s decided, Clark and I have split custody,” Jagged shrugs.
“Woah, Woah, Woah, you can’t come into my house and cut me out of the adoption,” Bruce says, crossing his arms.
“You just wanted her in the family, we don’t need a triple custody for that,” Tim points out.
“Well this has been a great conversation, and I love being adopted and stuff, but I haven’t slept since Wednesday so I’m going to go to bed,” Marinette yawns. “Goodnight everyone.”
“I’ll walk you to your room so um you don’t get lost, it is a bit manor,” Damian says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Um… sure, let’s go,” Marinette says, letting him lead her down the hall. When they’re out of earshot Jagged says. “They’re totally into each other, I’m no the only one seeing, right?”
“You’d have to literally be blind or be one of them to not notice it,” Jason says. 
“So were you happy to see your uncle?” Damian asks.
“Of course, I haven’t seen him since before my move,” Marinette smiles.
“I’m pleased that you’re staying for the rest of break with us,” Damian says as they approach her room. “Sleep well, Angel.” He says, kissing her hand.
“Damn, I really hope this isn’t a dream,” Marinette mutters out, her eyelids feeling heavy. He leads her to lay down and she drags him down with her. “Imma go to sleep now,” she says hugging him tightly.
“Let me go first,” Damian mutters out.
“No, you’ll help me sleep,” she mutters back into his chest.
“You better not remember this tomorrow,” Damian grumbles. He doesn’t get a response.
Tag List:
@sturchling @maribat-is-lifeblood @sonif50 @thestressmademedoit @myazael @mochinek0 @messymessyml @amayakans @weird-pale-blonde-person @animalgirl05 @justafanwarrior @kalianoble @mewwitch @elmokingkong @noirdots @itsmeevie01 @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @tis-i-beanbandit @thetinymoonflower @whats-she-gonna-post-next @alwaysnumberonetruth @hauntedwintersweets @not-annoying @wargraymon0709 @tired-butterfly @heldtogetherbysafetypins  @toodaloo-kangaroo @feliciakainzofspades @lozzybowe @imnotfluffy @moonlightstar64 @angelofmusickaterinapetrova @pirats-pizzacanninibles @sassakitty @gwennex @whats-she-gonna-post-next @dawnwave16  @ccwkm6967 @softlysobbingpostendgame @pale-lady-dreamer @a-star-with-human-name
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@sociallyanxious-1 @notmycupoftea26 @spyofthenightcourt @smolplantmum
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Barbara Gordon was targeted. Richard Grayson disappeared. Jason Todd ran away. Tim Drake was kidnapped. Stephanie Brown crashed. Damian al Ghul was killed.
Hawkfire rose from the ashes. Nightwing soared through the sky. Red Hood hunted the streets. Red X found the trail. Spoiler haunted her targets. Renegade vanquished his foes.
Batman watched over them all from the shadows.
Followed by Black Bats
Deleted scene
Barbara Gordon was fourteen years old when she was targeted by Pamela Isley. Pamela, calling herself Poison Ivy, blamed Commissioner Gordon for the accident that resulted in her chlorokinetic abilities. She launched an attack on the Gordons’ home that landed the commissioner in the hospital then proclaimed she would reward anyone who could take down the commissioner's daughter. When word got around, it was a free-for-all. The commissioner tried to get Barbara protection, but faith dwindled after a corrupt officer sold information that resulted in the girl taking a gunshot that nearly paralyzed her. Then Barbara’s security detail was attacked by an unknown assailant as she was being escorted out of the hospital. When the girl failed to reappear, the city mourned. Isley was questioned, but she had been locked up at the time and, according to her, no one ever came forward to claim her reward. The commissioner was realistic due to his years in the force and didn’t try to push the searches past the routine timelines. When asked, he would say that they would likely never know what happened if no one came forward with information and he could only console himself with the knowledge that she was likely in a better place now.
Richard Grayson was nine years old when he disappeared from the circus he’d been born and raised in while it was stopped in Gotham. The Gotham police searched, but there was never any sign of him. Commissioner Gordon reached out to Batman, but nothing came from it. After two months the search was called off. There was too much work on GCPD’s plate for them to be putting so much of their focus on one missing child, no matter how publicized the event had been thanks to quite a few of Gotham’s elite seeking to help the poor boy. The Lost Gray Son of Gotham, they called him. His parents remained in Gotham in hopes to find their lost child, but they never succeeded.
Jason Todd was twelve years old when his father reported that he’d run away. Willis Todd, owner of the luxury casino Solitary Wing, reported that his son and an associate had been traveling to the casino together when the boy suddenly leaped from the car while it was at a stoplight and disappeared into the crowd. Despite Willis using his connections to keep it going, the search didn’t last more than a month. Runaways were just too common in Gotham for the police to put much work into it. Willis paid men to keep looking, but after a year all they could come up with was a sighting early on of a boy vaguely resembling Jason disappearing into an alley with a tall man so Willis had to give up. He and his men continued to keep an ear out for the boy, just in case, but nothing ever came of it. The closest thing was a small conspiracy theory about how a boy killed in Ethiopia by the Joker and former Gothamite Sheila Haywood a few months after his disappearance matched Jason’s description, but the theory quickly faded into obscurity.
Timothy Drake was eleven years old when his parents called in his kidnapping. The boy had been home with his nanny when someone snuck into his third-floor bedroom and stole him away. The figure was nothing more than a shadow on the cameras, long and lithe. Every one searched for the young heir, police, Batman, and civilian alike thanks to the hearty reward the Drakes offered, but the search had to be called off after a year passed. His parents continued to offer the reward for any honest information, to no avail. All that appeared were a few claims of people seeing the boy stalking the streets at night with a camera in the years leading up to his abduction, but the Drakes waved it off with the assurances that the boy’s nanny never would have allowed that.
Stephanie Brown was fifteen years old when she and her mother disappeared. Her father reported that his ex-wife must have absconded with the girl after she’d lost custody in their divorce due to an addiction problem. Three months later, Crystal Brown’s car was dredged up from the bottom of a river in Burnside with bags filled with clothing belonging to her and her daughter. The police reported both had died due to the crash, which was likely caused by Crystal’s drug habit. Stephanie’s father continued to search after he discovered their bodies were not located, but he never found them.
Damian Tate was ten years old when he was killed. He had come to Gotham with his mother to meet his father Bruce Wayne for the first time. He was taken days after their introduction by an unknown group. They held the boy for ransom, but when Wayne paid, all he received in return was a video of the boy’s death by a gunshot through the head. When police tracked down the shack he’d been held in, all that remained was charcoal and a few bits of DNA. His parents grieved, even as his mother left Gotham.
Six stories ending in grief.
This is what the news told you.
Hawkfire was the leader of the Birds of Prey, a team of heroines who operated out of Platinum Flats, California. She’d made herself known when she, Black Canary, and Huntress had teamed up to face down the Daughters of Platinum. Instead of having powers, she utilized a belt of gadgets as well as extraordinary computer skills and pyrotechnic gear.
Nightwing was the leader of the Titans, a team of outcast heroes who operated out of Jump City, Florida. He’d made himself known when he led a group of teens against an alien invasion threatening the city. Instead of having powers, he utilized a belt of gadgets as well as extraordinary acrobatic skills and escrima sticks.
Red Hood was the leader of the Outlaws, a team of antiheroes who operated out of a hidden island in the Caribbean. He’d made himself known when he and Artemis of Bana-Mighdall clashed over a job. Instead of having powers, he utilized a belt of gadgets as well as extraordinary strategic skills and an assortment of firearms.
Red X was the leader of Young Justice, a team of teen heroes who operated out of Happy Harbor, Rhode Island. He’d made himself known when he, Wonder Girl, and Impulse freed Subject 13 from a Cadmus lab. Instead of having powers, he utilized a belt of gadgets as well as extraordinary investigative skills and a Bo staff.
Spoiler was the leader of the Outsiders, a team of covert heroes who operated out of Steel City, Washington. She’d made herself known when she and Beast Boy helped save Raven from cultists. Instead of having powers, she utilized a belt of gadgets as well as extraordinary stealth skills and invisibility technology.
Renegade was the leader of the Teen Titans, a team of legacy heroes who operated out of San Francisco, California. He’d made himself known when he learned that certain young heroes were being targeted by the Demon's Fist. Instead of having powers, he utilized a belt of gadgets as well as extraordinary martial arts skills and a katana.
Oracle was a powerful computer program, one utilized by Batman in his war on Gotham’s underbelly and occasionally brought in to help on Justice League cases. Some theorized it may be a form of artificial intelligence, but none have ever been able to confirm it.
Black Bat was an urban legend, a shadow sometimes said to be seen at Batman’s side as he worked in Gotham. There was no proof of their existence except the whispers. No one could agree if they were child or adult, male or female, short and stocky or tall and lithe.
Six stories of hope and power, one story of logic, and one story of rumors.
This is what the news told you.
What the news won’t tell you?
Hawkfire’s teammates know her as Babette "Betty" Kane, but her family calls her Barb, Barbara, Mistress Barbara, Babs, Barbie, Babsy, and Kane. She was the first Oracle. She was the second to stand as Black Bat.
Nightwing’s teammates know him as Dixon Malone, but his family calls him Dick, Master Dick, Pixie, Dickie, Flyboy, and Brother. He was the first Black Bat. He was the second to work as Oracle.
Red Hood’s teammates know him as Jace Knight, but his family calls him Jay, Master Jason, Redjay, Little Wing, Red, Scrappy, and Knight. He was the third to work as Oracle and Black Bat.
Red X’s teammates know him as Alvin Draper, but his family calls him Tim, Master Tim, Shortie, Timmy, Timtim, Chipmunk, and Draper. He was the fourth to work as Oracle and Black Bat.
Spoiler’s teammates know her as Carrie Kelley, but her family calls her Steffi, Stephanie, Mistress Stephanie, Shadow, Stepstone, Stepher, Steph, and Kelley. She was the fifth to work as Oracle and Black Bat.
Renegade’s teammates know him as Terrence Malone, but his family calls him Damian, Master Damian, Dames, Dami, Demon, and Terry. He was the sixth to work as Oracle and Black Bat.
Batman to most was Gotham’s Dark Knight. A few of his Justice League companions know him as Bruce Wayne, but his family calls him something else. For Alfred, he was Master Bruce. For Barbara, he was Uncle Bruce. For Dick and Tim, he was Dad. For Jason and Stephanie, he was the Old Man. For Damian, he was Father. For all of the kids, he was their protector.
The news will tell you a lot, but they don’t always know what’s going on behind the scenes.
If anyone's confused, Barbara comes first because I like The Batman (2004)'s timeline of Batgirl coming before Robin. It kind of eases Bruce into both having a partner and being a parent before Dick shows up in all his traffic light glory.
All their aliases are references so see if you can figure them out. I think Jason's is the most obscure, but we'll see (No, it's not Arkham Knight. I only remembered that connection after I'd settled on the name).
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thezestywalru · 4 years
Here is my take at a maribat mafia au- here ya go @stareyedmoonchild. I have no idea what the pairing should be, but if anyone stumbles across this, please let me know your opinion. Just want to be clear: THERE ARE NO MIRACULOUS IN THIS FIC AND SOME THINGS MAY BE VERY OOC. This is my first fic ever on tumblr. Hope you like it! Thanks!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng peaked around the corner of the alley, ducking in quickly. She unloaded the empty cartridge of her handgun, listening to the satisfying click as the new bullet clicked into place. She smiled before realising herself. Reluctantly clicking the safety on, she stowed it into her purse. 
Strolling down the streets of Gotham, the petite woman of 23 perused the shops she passed, evaluating the clothing on the plain mannequins inside. Marinette was careful not to linger too long at any displays, having learned from her years at Gotham that appearing distracted would make you a target. Her phone buzzed from the pocket inside of her jacket, so she calmly opened it up. 
“We have a new assignment for you.” The message read. She smirked slightly, opening the burner app up and quickly devouring the contents. They instructed her to meet her contact at the club run by her clients. You see, Marinette was not a normal person, though she lived under the guise of one. Marinette lived for the adrenaline pushing through her veins. When the money she had saved up had run out, she had no choice but to accept the jobs. 
It was better than selling her body, she supposed, but in reality, she was selling her soul. It became a rhythm. She received her tasks, would scope out the... person of choice, and would her use method of choice. Marinette often implicated others for her deeds, changing the way the victims were killed so it wouldn’t seem too suspicious. A little sloppier on one person, a crime of passion on the other, quick bullet shot through the chin for the next. The blood didn’t matter any more- she had hardened herself to it. 
“Ah, lovely.” The boss stood up to greet her, grabbing her shoulders and leaning down to quickly kiss both of her cheeks. Bruce Wayne stood over a foot taller than Marinette, and she would be lying if she didn’t admit that she was slightly terrified of him. 
Bruce Wayne was the CEO of a fortune 500 company in Gotham. He had inherited it after his parent’s untimely deaths. Enraged, he had done everything he could in his power- barring becoming a vigilante- to avenge them. As a shrewd business man, he knew better than to be implicated in killing. He let others do the dirty work while he pulled the strings. You see, Bruce ran in the underground. Doing so, he provided shelters for the city’s homeless, giving in random acts of kindness, and it wasn’t just always to keep the police from sniffing around him. 
He had adopted several children, from what Marinette had found out. A majority had been recruits off the streets, and while she had never met them, she knew their names and their stories. 
Richard “Dick” Grayson had been a gymnast with his parents. He had been left an orphan at a young age, and Bruce had took him in. She remembered scowling at the old news-clippings fawning over the pair, as Bruce was known for his stoic demeanor. 
Jason Todd was next, an runaway with an unfortunate pain problem. By that it is meant that Jason had become addicted to the toxic pill known as the Lazarus. It had warped his mind, leaving Bruce to scoop him up and transform the boy’s world views. 
Tim Drake had been chosen only a few years after the other pair. He was an apparent genius, proven by his intelligence quota of 142 and acceptance to many Ivy League schools. Of all the brothers, Tim was the one Marinette respected the most. 
Lastly came Damian Wayne, Bruce’s biological son. Damian was the reported result of a drugged one-night stand between Bruce and his rival’s daughter, Talia Al-Ghul. Her motives were unknown, as she had left the boy with his father when he had turned 10. From the photos, he looked like a younger Bruce, stoic and unfeeling. 
Marinette idly wondered what the meeting was about as she sat down on the velvet couch in the VIP room of the Bat-cave, the name of Bruce’s club. It was used for many operations. There was a room that you could use for safe drugs. All drugs there were at minimum pricing, and had clean purposes. This helped get people off the streets as more and more addicts chose to join Bruce’s rehabilitation program that he had started with Jason. 
“You do so much for this city,” Marinette began. “So what can I do for you?”
Bruce chuckled warmly, taking a sip out of his beverage. He waved her slight praise away, ever humble. After all, Bruce Wayne may have been a mob boss and a bad-guy, but that didn’t make him a bad guy. 
“I’ve always said that respect is better than fear.” He responded. “This way, I can help get people off the streets. They make a living, I make a bit of money, and people are safer.”
He turned considerate. Marinette straightened up in her seat, feeling her switchblade in her boot shift against her ankle. 
“i would like you to work on a case with one of my sons. I believe you would be able to teach him some of your... how shall I say.... expertise?” He cocked an eyebrow, sipping once again from his drink elegantly. She opened the flask of whiskey from her purse, and bumped it against him clear glass in a gesture of good faith.
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zayray030 · 4 years
Why can't you understand? I didn't want this.
Summary: Bruce wanted to cry. Or die. Whichever came first really. He was just so tired. Why couldn't anyone understand that he didn't want his kids to have this life? Why couldn't his own kids understand that?
Bruce wanted to cry. Or die. Whichever came first really because he really wanted to get out of the cave.
The reason why he didn't want to be in the cave was because of his kids.
Now, he loves his kids. He never wants anything bad to happen. He never wants to see them cry or get hurt. He just wants to see them happy and living happy normal lives. And if he actually had a say in it, then they would have normal lives. But they were all dumbasses. Lovable dumbasses, but dumbasses non the less.
Currently they were all ganging up on him for taking them into this life.
It had all started when Bruce was typing in the report for the night. He had the costume off and the place was silent. Normally meaning that it was going to be interrupted one way or another and one of his kids will storm away from him or in tears and shouting at him. Well he got the first one right, just not the last one. He would be the one in tears shouting at them.
“Hey, Bruce!” exclaimed his oldest son as he walked into the cave, while Barbara wheeled along with him she gave him a small smile before going back talking to Dick.
Bruce just gave a small nod of acknowledgement and continued typing on the batcomputer. Soon, all the other others began joining in and they were all huddled around Barbara and Dick. Normally such behaviour would have worried Bruce, considering the fact that a fight would have broken out now, but he didn't pay attention to it. He really needed to finish his report to get some rest for tomorrow.
How naive could he be to hope it would be that simple?
“Hey Bruce? I have a question.” said Tim as he walked over to him, the others following suit behind him, their faces holding anything but innocence.
“I'm sure it can wait, Tim. I have to finish this report and-” started to say Bruce before he was cut off by Jason.
“Nah it can't wait, actually old man.” snapped his second oldest son as he crossed his arms and glared at Bruce. So it was going to be one of those nights. Bruce really didn't want to get onto a fight with his son, especially after they've been doing so well.
“I just need to finish this report. I'm sure he can ask one of you.” replied Bruce, still focusing his attention on the screen and trying to remain calm. However, it was proving harder than he thought. Maybe he should have listened to Alfred when he said to go and sleep earlier.
“He can't exactly ask us on why you insist on having child soldiers.” Dick replied, slightly peaceful. He was clearly trying to be the meditator while also making it obvious on whose side he was on. However Bruce could really care less right now. He was just trying to stop himself from crying as the question was asked again.
Why can't they see he didn't want this life for any of them? Why can't they understand it wasn't completely his fault?
“Grayson. Say it nicer.” snapped Damian. Even his own son thought he had child soldiers. He would have at least thought he would be on his side, but no such luck.
Bruce fully turned from the computer, his report half finished. He would continue it later when everyone storms out after he accidentally says something emotionally constipated.
“We are not going to have this conversation right-” tried to say Bruce but he was cut off again, this time by Barbara. She looked slightly guilty by what she was going to say, but it was also obvious that she had wanted to say it for a long time.
“I'm sorry Bruce, but we need to have this conversation right now. It's not safe for you to put a child in a costume and force them to go out and save Gotham. It's not sane either.” she added. That little…
“I-” he tried to say something, anything, to defend himself, but he was interrupted yet again. This time by Cassandra. Even her? She thought he would willingly put children in harm's way? His heart started breaking even more.
“I love dad, but dad hurt others.” she said with the limited words she had learnt. Bruce had to hold back a sob at the fact his daughter said she loved him but had yet again thought that he would harm a child.
“If you let-” tried to explain Bruce. He just wanted to explain that he hadn't wanted all of them to go through this shit. He had wanted them to stay happy and love others as much as he loved them. Why couldn't they see that?
“Let you what? Kill another child in your regime. It's bad enough it happened to me, but it also happened to others because you forced them into this shit show.” snarled Jason, looking at Bruce like he was worse that the scum that he fought nightly. Bruce felt his heart crack even more at the look but he kept his face stoic.
“Would you ju-” tried Bruce again, his temper rising. But instead of steam wanting to come out, it was tears. However he was interrupted by Duke. Why did they have to turn Duke? Duke and him were finally connecting. He may never be able to replace his parents, but he could at least be a good guardian.
“Sorry boss, but why? Like yeah, I get it's hard to navigate life at night, but they were just kids.” he asked, looking at him in disappointment. Bruce felt his heart cracking even further but he just continued to remain stoic.
“Can I just-” he tried to snap but Stephanie cut him off. Poor, sweet Stephanie. The one who had the most horrible relationship with him when she was Robin.
“No, you don't get to be pissed with us when it's your fault for starting this fuckery.” snapped Stephanie. Bruce wanted to cry or hit something, say it wasn't his fault, but he just took it. That's at least until Dick’s comment.
“I mean, you had to weaponize my childhood to start this ridiculous thing-” but Bruce cut him off. If they where going to demand for answers then they would fucking receive.
“Excuse me!?!” he snapped at his oldest,causing a look of surprise to be etched on his face. “I didn't even allow you to go out at night.” when it looked like he was going to get interrupted, he just raised his voice. “You were the dumbass to put on a bright red tunic, green panties and a neon yellow cape on. You decided to go out there and try to find your parents killer and kill him. You decided, without any sort of training, to go out there and find a mob boss, who has more experience than you. I told you multiple times not to. However you wouldn't fucking listen so I decided to make sure you didn't die in the fucking process!!” he yelled at Dick, who just stood there, shocked and if he looked just slightly longer he would have noticed the guilt, but he was already moving on to Barbara.
“You decided after solving one fucking mystery at a fucking Halloween party, while dressed in a ridiculous costume, that you would start fighting crime. You continued trying to fight crime, even after I told you not to. You continued even after I threatened to tell your father. I just fucking decide to make sure that you didn't die, giving the commissioner major heartbreak, so be fucking grateful.” be snarled at Barbara. The normally quick witted woman had nothing to say, just stared at Bruce guiltily. He could barely give a shit as he turned to Jason.
“You decided to steal the tires of the fucking batmobile when you saw it, instead of turning around and going somewhere else. You decided to hit me with a tire iron, instead of just giving me my fucking tires back.” he practically screamed at Jason. Jason was looking at Bruce in horror and that's when he realised that tears were running down his face. Fuck, he hadn't even felt it. “I tried teaching you how to put your size to your advantage by using speed, but you fucking insisted just to punch the villains.”
He then turned to Tim, on a roll now. “I told you to fucking go home! I told you not go out there on the streets of Gotham and fight crime. But NO!! You had to fucking take pictures of me and insist that you be my partner even though you had a good life going for you. You had no fucking training prior and since you were obviously not going to fucking listen to me, I decided that the next best thing was to fucking teach you how to defend yourself.” he screamed at Tim. The coffee addict had the sense to look down guilty and look ashamed of himself. But he didn't care. They asked and he would fucking deliver.
“You decided to instead of turning your father to cops, when finding out he was a supervillian, to dress up in a purple costume and fucking fight crime, even after I told you to fucking go home. Even after I was a dick to you, you decided to stay and not take a fucking hint!” shouted Bruce at Stephanie as he turned to her, not caring at the fact that he was crying openly now. Stephanie just stared at him, horror growing in her eyes.
“I told you not to go to Shiva, but you didn't listen to me! I told you not to insert yourself into dangerous situations but you fucking decided to ignore me and go out to Hong Kong!” he yelled at Cassandra. He didn't bother lowering his voice. He was upset and he wanted his mother telling him that he was doing good and he wanted his dad telling him that he'll protect him.
Cass looked at him with wide eyes but Bruce didn't have it in him to care. He just wanted to go to sleep. He quickly turned to his blood son and softened just the tiniest bits.
“I benched you multiple times after I found out your mother had put a hit on you but you decided to change your name to Red Bird and continue to fight crime! Even after I benched you multiple times and explained to you the dangers of going out there. I told you to stay in the cave and away from the evil zombies invading Gotham but you didn't fucking listen! And that's not even scratching the surface!” he yelled at his son. Damian wasn't crying, but he was frowning and looking mighty guilty but Bruce didn't care. He wanted his own dad and he wanted him now.
“You decided to challenge the riddler when you were barely even in the double digits!” he snapped, turning to the newest member of the family and Duke had the sense to look ashamed of himself as he rubbed the back of his neck. “You continued to fight crime, even after I told you to leave it to the professionals and not to get involved with his shit! But you wouldn't listen, so I had to turn you into a professional!”
“I may not have been the best fucking parent out there, but I damn well tried to make sure you lot didn't die! Was I the best at it? No! But I fucking tried to stop you! So don't you fucking dare say I put you in that costume willingly!” he finally screamed. “I just wanted to be a normal dad! I just wanted to give you guys the experience I never had! I tried my hardest to be a good dad to you all, like my parents were to me.”
Slowly he was trailing off, mostly just half sobs and barely even standing, already on the floor, face in his hands as he cried.
Suddenly he felt small arms wrap around him and he didn't have to be the World's Greatest Detective to know it was Damian.
“I apologise to have caused you such great distress, father.” mumbled Damian into his chest. Bruce didn't care, he just cried into his son's hair.
Slowly, other arms wrapped around his shaking figure and there were a multitude of sorrys coming, but he couldn't pinpoint who said what, he was just so, so, so tired.
Later on he woke up on his bed, but he felt a small weight on his chest. Looking down, he saw Damian and when he looked around he saw the rest of his children. Even Barbara was on the bed.
Looking around, he saw Alfred walking in and suddenly everything that had happened last night hit him like a train. Alfred just looked at him in sadness and handed him a cookie.
“I see you have decided to join the land of the living, Master Bruce.” said Alfred, the butler not breaking out of his stoic tone and the only way to know that he was actually worried was if you knew him personally.
He just hummed slightly. “Shit, Alfred I had a meeting and-” Bruce began as he tried to discreetly move Damian, however the child was not budging whatsoever.
“Don't worry, Master Bruce. Everything has been taken care of already. You have no work to do for a week and the children have decided, for their own punishment, to take care of everything for you.” replied Alfred already pushing the man down. Bruce just grumbled and ate his cookie.
“What am I supposed to say Alfred? Nothing I say is going to take back how awf-” began Bruce as sudden guilt began to consume him.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Master Bruce. If anything, the children and I have to give our apologies for berating you for so long.” Alfred said, cutting him off. Alfred had a slightly guilty look at the confession and Bruce wanted to soothe him but he was tired and wanted to go to sleep.
“Sleep some more, Master Bruce. I will inform you if you need to worry about anything.” said Alfred. The old butler walked out but cast one last mournful look behind his back.
“He's right you know.” said a muted voice to his right. Bruce turned around and his eyes caught Jason's blue green eyes, which were swimming with guilt.
Bruce didn't say anything, just draped an arm around Jason and brought him closer to him. He felt his jumper wetten a bit but he didn't care. He just let his son cry on his shoulder. Soon all of his other siblings started to wake up and when they all turned to look at Bruce, he could see the immense guilt in their faces.
There were a lot of sorrys going around and when finally he heard Damian say sorry he spoke.
“We all said hurtful things last night. And it might take a while for us all to get back to where we were, but I forgive you all.”said Bruce. He could still feel their guilt but they'd deal with it. Like a family this time.
“Get some sleep old man.” Dick finally said.
“Yeah! I've already taken care of WE.” said Tim.
“Just get some sleep Bruce.” said Stephanie.
"Sleep, father." said his son nuzzling into him.
Soon he was lulled by his children's quiet voices and his world was consumed in darkness
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