#dont you love a good cliche
tiktokonaclock · 7 months
The Siren and The Demon Chapter 4
Flash Forward
Gill woke up with pain on his waist and back. God, he was old, wasnt he?
He looked around. He had also woken up alone. Where was she? Had she left? Where had she gone? Why did he Feel so gloomy that he couldn’t find her next to him?
He pushed the white blanket aside and put his trousers back on. The sheets still had her floral scent on them, when he looked at the bed, he saw now messy it looked.
He opened the bedroom door and the smell of fresh coffee reached up to him instantly. He followed it to the kitchen.
And there she was. She put her hands on the kitchen bench, waiting on the coffee machine. She had a short, white and satin robe on. Her long, blonde hair was down; this was the first time he had seen her hair without the usually ponytail on. He had never realized how long it actually was until now.
Then she turned around.
“Hey" She smiled. "I was Just brewing us coffee.” Her hand got up and showed the machine. "I normally don't eat breakfast but I can prepare something for you if you want.”
Gill looked at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face. His eyes were wide and his lips were left slightly open. "Uh, no.” He finally said, after realixing that she was waiting for an answer. "I don't eat breakfast either.”
“Okay then.” She said softly as she showed him the kitchen island. "Take a seat."
As he sat dawn, she reached up to the kitchen cupboards on her toes and took out two mugs. She was so light on her feet that it looked like she was walking on air. Her robe and nightgown were twirling around as she moved. Her cheeks were flushed and she had a slight smile on her face, if he saw it correctly.
This was not the woman he knew. The worman he knew was tough, tense and agressive; especially when she was treated agressively, mostly by him.
On that moment, the woman that he knew would be screaming at him, threatening him to accuse him of rape if he doesn't keep his mouth shut.
She would be crying because of her anger, not towards him, but towards herself. She would hate herself for being so “vulnerable" with him. For presenting her body to him, for allowing him to see it, and touch it. For giving him pleasure.
And the man that he knew would prove her point by making fun of her, and degrading her every way Possible.
But that woman and that man were left at the door last night. This woman was offering him breakfast and making him coffee, a treatment he hadn't seen from anyone.
She put his mug in front of him. Locks of her hair fell on his face, filling his lungs with her fresh, floral scent once again. “Here.” She slowly said.
It was just a stupid coffee. But the presence of this woman serving him coffee with ease in her every move was such a relief from his chaotic life that he felt like crying.
But he didn't. Instead, he turned his head up and gazed at her. She realized it and gazed him back.
“You don't regret it.” He said slowly.
“I don't." She replied, her tone of voice was so delicate, as if she was afraid of ruining that moment.
He held her hand. “Come" He said as he gently pulled her to his lap. She put her left arm around his neck as she crossed her legs. Her other hand gently rested on his chest. One of his hands grasped her by the waist, while the other went to her hair.
"Your hair is so soft," He said, gliding his fingers between her strands.
"You Seem so... surprised that I'm here..”She said as her fingers drew a small circle on his chest. "Do the girls you sleep with run away the next day?“
“I thought you ran away when I first woke up."
“I wouldn't.”
“I'm So glad that you are here, my dear.”
A soft smile graced her lips. He started to smile as well, unable to erase the expression off his face. Then the realization hit him like a brick.
He had Fallen in love with her last night.
end of flash forward
“Our scouts have reported that the second shield is operating at increased power. Tell me you've got a Strategy, Kazarina!" Barodius said agressively. Kazarina’s response was calm and confident: “If we increase Exocor's ability level to a class two, then regardless of the shield's strength, I am confident that Dharak will be able to crush it like a thin can.”
“Those are strong words, Kazarina."
Dharak said as he flew up to her. Kazarina leaned down towards him. “Yes.”
“And how long would that take?"
“Three days.”
Gill turned towards her, tossing his cape over his shoulder. The movement caused a wind that carried his woody scent to her. She tried not to be distracted by his perfume as he opposed her.
"Are you serious? Who knows what the Neithian Forces are doing while we sit here twiddling our thumbs. Emperar Barodius, I recommend that We strike back immidiately.”
She tumed towards him. "Did you hear me? The Shield is stronger than before, It would be a struggle for our troops to breach should they attack.”
“And whose Fault is that?" Gill pointed his finger at her.
Kazarina glared at him. He was as frustrating as always. She wouldn’t be effected by him this much normally. But today was different, Today, he was boiling her blood.
Emperor put his hand up to shut them down. "Gill makes a good point. Every moment we we give the Neithians provides them with an increased advantage which we cannot afford. The fact is we must be ready to attack at any moment and we will do so Kazarina.”
"Yes sire,"
“I want you to lead a reconnissance mission so you can advise on our first strike point. Take Nurzak with you.”
“Me sire? Would’nt I be better-“
She was going to say that it would be better if she stayed behind to finish working on Exocor. Anyone could’ve done the mission, They were losing a day just because of their pettiness.
Gill Smirked. "How dare you question the emperor's orders? why don’t you leave strategizing to the grown ups, little girl?”
Kazarina inhaled a sharp breath. Her violet eyes were wide open. She could’ve used her powers on him right now. She could make him faint so fast, he would hit his head on the floor. His head would soon be lying in a pool formed by his own warm, dark red blood.
Or, she could make him her servant. She could make him do whatever she wanted. She could order him to jump off the balcony.
The reason she didn’t do it was because she respected their mission, and their cause. If it wasn’t Gundalia's destiny that was at stake, she would’ve made both of them her boy-toys already!
“I'm Just trying to do what's best for everyone. I'm not like you, you're Just trying to satisfy your pathetic ego because you cannot deal with the fact that yaur only competition is a woman.”
Gill Forced a laughed. "You are Just making Stuff up as you go."
"No, I'm not. You wouldn't be so intolarent of Me if I were a man." She leaned on, "If I Were a man, you would listen to me."
Gill shook his head to the sides. “Why are you so pressed? Are you on your period or something?”
Barodius couldn't help but chuckle as Kazarina rolled her eyes. "I don't need to be actively bleeding in order to be baffled by your idiocracy, Gill." She raised an eyebrow. "Also, I'm not your little girl.”
“Guys." Barodius said slowly, as they both turned to him. "Could you please shut up and do as you are told?"
"You allowed that worthless Mason to escape, and You lost to the brawlers?!”
Barodius asked.
He wasn't shouting, but Kazarina had never seen him so angry. Of course, right before this conversation she had been hauled off and thrown on her knees before the emperor in a not-so polite manner. So she didn't need any more clues on his aggression.
“I am so sorry Emperor Barodius.” She said as she put her palms on the floor to support herself. "Please Forgive me, I will do anything!”
Was this how Jesse and Lena felt?
The purple light of the electricity charging up on emperor's hand illuminated her face as she turned her head and looked at him.
She was willing do anything to escape punishment on that moment. Truly anything. But she doubted the emperor would want her on that moment, she was pretty ragged and did not look her best.
“You have already done enough!” He said. He didn’t look like he was in the mood, at all!
The electric shock flashed inside of her brain. It felt like a thousand needles were poking on her skin.
They didn’t even allow her to recollect herself. They just kicked her out of his study like a piece of trash.
She slouched, holding her left elbow with her right hand to ease her pain. She attempted to walk. She tried to suppress her grunt as she scarcely tottered.
She didn't know how long she walked. It could be only few steps, or it could be miles.
It was untill she had to physically stop herself from bumping Nurzak's chest. The idiot had no intention of getting out of her way.
"Nurzak." She Snarled. "What do you want?”
“I’m sorry I didn't get Mason." He said with a completely poker face. "But the pain of your punishment will pass.”
“Did you come here to offer me hollow words of condolance, or are you trying to rub it in? Either way. I don't have time for this, Nurzak.”
She turned her head up to look at him. God, he was tall. She hated to be unable to stand straight. She looked even shorter than her usual height. She hated it all.
“Actually Kazarina, the real reason that I came was to tell you that I'm leaving the emperor.”
She was suddenly interested. "Why should I care about that?”
“Because now that Gill's emperor's second in command, it seems like you need to hang your hat somewhere else. Quickly.”
“Ha. You don't beat around the bush, do you Nurzak? Okay then, consider us partners ih crime."
She said and continued to lotter away, without checking out his face expression.
She needed to reach her own room. She didn't want anyone else to see her in that condition. Only if she could reach to her room-
Her Feet had taken her to somewhere else.
Her Stomach burned as she knocked on the door. The pain was becoming unbearable.
Gill opened the door. Their eyes locked. It felt like the time had stopped on that moment.
Suddenly, her violet eyes started to fill with tears, blurring her vision. A single drop glideded over her face.
"I didn't know where else to go."
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dayurno · 3 months
I know you've read every kevin fic in the world but have you read the new kevjean fic where kevin gets kidnapped? there's only one chap but something about it made my stomach twist, i just wanted talk to someone about its existence😭
EVERY kevjean fic in the world is too strong but yes i have LMFAO im excited for more i thought it was interesting and so worrying..... kevin where did you go what happened to you....... i think if kevin took a plane to meet jean in california and disappeared right after jean would seriously pull the plug like he CANNOT have anything good in his life apparently! anyway i hope they find kevin soon...... jeandreil have a suicide pact ready if they dont i wager
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designernishiki · 11 months
sue me but i just really don’t wanna see someone try to rectify that terrible cliche out of character love triangle again like. if they chose to cut that out all together (not cutting YUMI out all together, obviously, just the romantic implications) then they’d probably have my attention. but let’s be real that’s probably not gonna happen
#legit you can cut out all romantic implications in that story and it’d literally not effect the plot at all#all the driving forces of the plot are already there. and they set that in stone when they made yakuza 0- nishiki and kiryu’s story#is between them and them alone and that’s how their story should end as well. yumi is important to the plot of y1/kiwami but not as a#an object in between kiryu and nishiki- she’s important for her own individual reasons and throughout the entirety of 1 she functions by her#own volition. she’s got her own shit going on and though it intersects with kiryu and nishiki in the end (and before that via haruka)#it literally has nothing to do with romance– it has to do with the 10 billion yen and haruka and how she ties into all of that#the fact that they’re all childhood friends COULD have been a very interesting piece of the ending to play with narratively speaking but#they don’t explore that instead they just say unga bunga straight men must fight over woman unga bunga#like come on are you fucking kidding me#she had her own whole ass life for 10 years. so did the other two for better or for worse. nishiki is a murderer and kiryu got ten years of#his life taken away by prison. but no it’s all secretly actually connected by a love triangle that’s been#just sorta hibernating for ten years or something#god#sorry I just. I hate it man i hate it so much there’s so much potential and good parts of the plot to explore but they DONT#becuase of heteronormative cliche bullshit that doesn’t make sense both narratively and in terms of the characters’ personalities#and backgrounds and morals and aggsgdhshshsxjhdhfjfjfjxjfhdhshss#rambling#call me a misogynist or whatever if you want but if you read these tags you see why I think the LESS misogynistic option would be to cut#out the love triangle/romantic shit completely and focus more on HER as HER OWN gigantic piece of the puzzle#with her own fucking Life#yk1
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lonely--seeker · 2 years
Saw op red film today and firstly, I enjoyed the movie, really did. Secondly tho, why do I feel there was so much, so much, potential lost?? Can I trust fanfiction will fix this?
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potatobugz · 2 years
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Some more creatures and their lusii! Having a lot of thoughts today about these silly folks (I might ramble some about them in the tags)
#homestuck#hs#homestuck oc#OK SO FIRST OFF i changed Maltur's name to Marmur but im still super indecisive and thought 'Marmut' sounded cool too#Marmur fit sorta well bc it sounds like murmur and his whole thing is that he doesnt talk out loud often#and when he does hes usually very quiet#he has a SHORSE DAD#vigila is a teal blood so of course hes got the whole justice thing going on. hes like a detective who takes the law into his own hands#sorta.#like batman except hes lame as shit (affectionate)#hes not nearly as tough as he thinks he is & hes got a big sweet tooth; he loves candy#he absolutely would read stuff like nancy drew. his lusus is a hound dog sorta like scooby doo. Scooby Dad if you will#Lepido is a gold blood so ofc she has psychic powers but as cliche as it may sound she doesnt have a good handle on them yet#the reason her horns are different in two pictures is bc those were older pictures of her so ive changed her design since then#she gets excited very easily and is a bit of an airhead (but we love her anyway). she dies photography as a hobby#and shes pretty good at it :]#i dont have much to say about Molee other than their pronouns are they/them theyre an artist and they eat crayons#or chalk#one of the two. they definitely eat their art supplies#i only have two typing quirks figured out but Lepido triples the last letter in her sentence and doubles her punctuation#and Marmur replaces 'o' with a period and ends his sentences with punctuation followed by a comma#anywho. sorry 4 rambling like this i have not done this on tumblr in a while. but if youve read up to this point thank you :]#potatart
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everyone on the internet when a artstyle exists: OMG i HATE this ARTSTYLE it's fucking EVERYWHERe it's always THE FUCKING SAME I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT FUUUUCJKK
everyone on the internet when the entire animation industry of an entire country (Japan) has been basically using the same artstyle for years (Anime): this is good actually :3 (Gains ability to complain about the western (read: american) industry but not the japanese one because weeb)
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*head in hands* oh God my parental issues affect my view of Kiryu
#it feels so DUMB and CLICHE like is it not enough for me to fully understand this man and why he does what he does and the fact that it#always comes from a good place and yet his actions nearly ALWAYS hurt those around him so it makes me irratated with him. Is it not enough#for him to be a mirror that reflects back at me and reminds me of everything I hate about myself? Is that not enough?#Noooo I have to go and care about Haruka more than the writers do so what I see is a girl who wants stability and who loves her father#who tries to be like 'im always here for you you can always count on me' but in practice is distant and leaves her to struggle alone#the one man she always knows will be there is the same man she can count in to never be there. his actions being fuelled by love and his ow#untreated issues somehow don't dull the pain but they do make you think you should be grateful for what you have and don't be harsh#It is at this point I May Be Projecting but always I'm correct. Anyway their relationship isn't 100% me n my dad ofc#I wouldn't even say we're both LIKE the characters but I'm seeing the threads. I'm seeing the reflection. I dont like it dnbmhfgndgdn#smol speaks#once again life would be easier if I JUST hated Kiryu but he makes it very difficult to do so but he also makes it difficult to like him#He's so fuckin stupid. But also his upbringing sucked. His views of the world and how he's 'supposed' to act clash with his inherent desire#and nature to be selfless and help others. Trying to prove to himself and others a 'true yakuza' is some beacon of honour#the people's champion. imo he is proven wrong time and time again but he refuses to hear it. At what point does it stop being a case of#standing your ground an act worthy of respect but then becomes bullheaded stupidity#selflessness into selfishness. courage into idiocy. love into hurt. fuck off Kiryu. get some help. you have it#smol plays yakuza
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diegopenate · 3 months
Sometimes you have to catch up on being sad
I'm afraid I start to enjoy how deeply sad I can get.
It's like dominos falling and each one is just a hair bigger.
Today it was your five-year-old not wanting to eat while she's sick, getting upset, crying, and screaming. She probably has less of an appetite because she is sick. She didn't like the fried rice because I didn't put enough soy sauce. She didn't like the reheated sandwich she didn't finish yesterday.
She's fine tho.
I can hear her saying "Aye YOOO" at the computer watching a YouTube video.
She's not crying anymore.
She took three whole bites of her rice and ate the whole hotdog that was in there.
She's laughing.
Then it was another girl.
A girl you wished was the one.
It feels unfair to imagine that the more I live the more time without my person I will spend.
I just want to spend the rest of my life on this planet and in this meager existence with the person I can call home.
I want her forever and my forever to join already.
My heart can't take much more.
I cried for 30 minutes today and I'm still crying a little as I write.
I needed it I guess.
I hadn't been this sad in a while.
It's been days now and it definitely feels like a roller coaster.
She finally called me the other day after months. She told me she needed encouragement and someone to listen and I gave her that. Then she told me we weren't gonna speak again until she needed me again. I asked her why? Did she just wanna use me now? I thought she wanted a friend. She told me the call was a mistake and said goodbye.
That hurt.
Back to today and now I don't even get to drive to work. My brother took his keys by accident (fuckin forgot to leave them).
So I'll take an Uber.
I remind myself I'm not a bad dad.
I am a good friend.
I deserve romantic love.
I deserve to be sad.
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reductionisms · 1 year
arc where the gang goes back to the ghost ryoukan to help out bc its been suddenly filled to capacity (gag is that the guests are all different personas of utsuro)
#gintama#i wish i could pull this off but lets face it. i couldnt.#however i think utsuro would have to go through the ghost ryoukan as sort of a planetary-narrative drain declogging/river undamming etc#as for specifics i think nobunaga nd co should come back to visit bc the cross-utsuro interaction would be funny. also the oiwa-rei-gin#dynamic is perfect. and the body posession. and the badly singing the historical figures to heaven. if you put that on utsuro I think#you could play it pretty good for laughs (canonically least and most enlightened character who refused to move on peacefully but now#hes a ghost at the hotel where their only objective is to force you to move on peacefully re: thru-series ghost destroyer gin. also against#the combined anti-ghost forces of kabukicho distilled (yoroyuza plus otae and otose thru oiwa. maybe fit in hsgw))#so its a kabukicho arc but bc utsuros there shk sonjuku would have to reluctantly make a appearance#excpet for zura since hes kinda part of the gang. but hes only there bc he plays uno with the his excellencies (not possessed himself)#we alsohave reincarnated young emo adolescent tksgi as the (forced to be there) part timer under rei bc theyre kinda the same person. haven#decided if he has his memories or not but i think its funnier if he doesnt. the climactic moment when it suddenly gets sad-serious-stupid i#amid the rioting utsuros theres one shouyou (whose face we dont see only his hand) who like is there to pat someone on the head and then go#since he fulfills the cliche of the loving parent who is so loving that they cant move on to heaven without seeing their kid one last time#yadayadayada. then chaos and destruction after.#okay this may all just be bc i have a soft spot for ghost ryoukan arc.#(says the person who got so upset over gintama endgame and ending 2 years ago that they got sick for weeks) yeah thats it. Hah.
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derangedmoth97 · 24 days
I'm not an AM simp but for some reason this idea popped into my mind when I woke up this morning. Also, I like enabling selfshippers
What if you did his bidding? Perhaps through some kind of hypnosis or as a way to avoid his wrath. Maybe it's his way of showing that he loves you doesn't hate you AS MUCH as the rest of humanity. Maybe you share his opinion about humanity too. Or maybe it's your form of torture if you're naturally kindhearted and hate the idea of hurting people.
I can imagine that he would alter your appearance to look more monster-like, sharp teeth, dagger like claws, eyes to help you find anyone who tries to avoid his hate. this little makeover of his could be permanent or be a temporary state.
He would complement you during or after you torture your victims. All of them ooze a form of sarcasm, also the pet names he picks would be the most embarrassing and cliche ones, just to get under your skin. "Good morning angel, I hope you slept well." (You didnt) "Make sure to go for the eyes dear." "Yes, Thats it, do it like that. You're doing so great my love."
"Such a good girl/boy, maybe I'll reward you later~" (He gives you basic necessities)
If you refuse, he'll either threaten you... "Oh? You DONT want to hurt them? You're so sweet." He coos softly as his wires squeeze your neck tighter and tighter. "Maybe you would like to join them?" I have a little cage..." The screen threatens to burn off your poor eyes. "Just. For. YOU."
"Please...I'll do...it."
The wires loosen around your neck. "Do what?
"I'll..I'll hurt them." "Good, good..." Wires tangle around your hair in an attempt to pet you. Or maybe he'll appeal to your sense of justice... "Do you honestly think these people are innocent?" He'll either use half-truths or straight up lies to get you angry enough to exact "justice". He'll also use ""evidence"" to convince you. (Honestly, he doesn't really need to lie to get you to hate Benny or Nimdok.) If none of that works...Well Mind control is always a useful option And after all of this you can't help but wonder. "Why? Why do you want ME to do this!?" "Because dear..." He forces you to gaze into that oh so familiar screen.
"It's because you're my favorite."
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
starting ur fitness girlie era⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌷
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starting ur fitness girlie era is actually super easy! its consistency and discipline where most ppl struggle. i hope this post can help make the sustenance of ur fitness girlie era super easy and fun + some fun working out resources to start ✨
when starting anything, the most important thing, although cliche is starting from a place of love rather then hate. it feels better and is more sustainable in the long run.
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be clear on your goals for ur fitness girlie era. is this something that u wanna maintain in ur day to day life for general health? do you wanna gain/lose some weight? do you just wanna be stronger?
knowing what ur trying to achieve makes finding workouts that target your goal specifically more easy (the more specific the better)
you should be fueling ur body properly in order for ur body to function well when ur in ur fitness girlie era. if ur goal for example is to gain weight but u notice that u have a habit to eat very little, make a log.
i started a what i eat in a day log for a couple reasons. one bcuz i love lists and documenting things about myself, and two bcuz i wanted to make sure that i was eating well and eating good quality foods. bcuz i notice that when i eat well -> i feel well.
eat to fuel your body, dont eat just to eat
include fresh foods
make sure that you eat healthy portions (calling four almonds a meal is NOT healthy, and calling six pizza pies a meal is NOT healthy)
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overall just be mindful of what u decide to fuel your body with. an easy drink that helps to be mindful with what u fuel ur body with is with SMOOTHIES.
im so sick of ppl sleeping on smoothies cuz if u dont like to directly eat vegetables or if u want an easy way to intake fresh fruits and veggies smoothies are the way to GO.
the fun part of the whole journey, romanticization. made a pinterest board for ur fitness journey aesthetic and make it super pretty. invest in cute workout clothes to motivate urself to workout.
formulate a playlist for ur workout, something that gives u energy and motivates you. find a workout class or a youtube channel that you love. dont make working out BORING. get a workout buddy, make some video diary entries about working out/ur workout for the day.
make a blog that records whatever workout that u did. find fun ways to work out, like dancing or going on hot girl walks. create an atmosphere where u can work out and treat the time that u spend working out as a time to nurture and nourish your body.
motivation isnt going to get u through a sustainable fitness girl journey, motivation can only get you so far. its DISCIPLINE that gets you the results that you want and consistency.
be patient with yourself even if u fall off ur routine and grind, ur only human so let yourself live. as long as you dont make falling off a habit, you'll be okay.
make sure that u emphasize the mind -> body connection bcuz thats super important. working out is not just about working up a sweat; it's about connecting with your body and embracing the mind-body connection.
le sserafim workout - i've done the le sserafim workout once or twice and it absolutely destroyed me 💀 but in a good way. its challenging but its also rly effective so i recommend.
dancing - if ur into dancing, find a way of dancing that u enjoy to do. some examples include ; ballet, kpop dances, jazz etc
join a sport - join a sport with a friend to make it more fun! but theres lots of different sports that u can play and not only is it good for ur health, but its also super fun
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kcokaine · 4 days
U should watch/read Heavens Official Blessing if you love sad BL (totally not trying to see what they look like in ur style)
Also, what's ur recent sketch?
BL that tends to be actual bl intetionally usually isn’t good, i dont like it at least. Gets cliche alot
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Also grown up megumi
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hanniluvi · 6 months
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[ DAY NINE ] of the advent calendar !
( 🤍 ) SYNOPSIS . who knew taking a bus ride back home on a cold day could be romantic?
( 。♡˚ ) PAIRING . classmate!niki x gn!reader
( 🤍 ) GENRE . fluff, classmates 2 lovers
( 。♡˚ ) WARNINGS . none ? ~~ WORD COUNT 0.8k+ ( 833 )
( 🤍 ) NOTE . HAPPY NIKI DAYYY 🤍🤍 the back 2 back bdays in dec okayyy 😍 LMAO ANYWAYS i love riks sm u dont understand . but yes yk i had to think of a cute kinda cliche fic idea for this !!! hope u enjoyyyy 🤍🤍
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"I have to go," Niki declared, catching Sunoo off guard as he put on his hat. Sunoo looked at him with confusion, and his confusion only deepened when Niki suddenly started running away. "Hey! I thought we were gonna—" Sunoo stopped mid-sentence, realizing Niki wouldn't hear him from where he was. Shaking his head, Sunoo continued on his own way home while Niki had places to be.
Rushing to the bus stop, Niki spotted you with reddened hands—apparently, you'd forgotten your gloves. The bus hadn't left yet, providing him with an opportunity to steal a few moments with you. Sneakily standing next to you, he nudged you a little, prompting you to look in his direction. With his head turned away, Niki pulled out a hot pack from his pocket, offering it to you.
"Thank you," you smiled, taking the hot pack from him. He simply nodded, and both of you turned a shade of red, and it wasn't just because of the chilly weather.
A slight awkwardness lingered between you both, but it dissipated as the bus finally arrived. Leading the way, you approached the bus entrance, with Niki following right behind you.
Finding seats on the bus, you and Niki ended up in the same row, side by side. The awkwardness from earlier lingered, but there was an undeniable cuteness to it.
As you settled into your seat, Niki hesitated for a moment before mustering up the courage to speak. "Uh, YN, do you mind if I sit next to you?"
“Oh I don’t mind—here,” quickly removing your bag off the empty seat, a small smile played on your face as you nodded.
He grinned in return, his enthusiasm evident. "Thanks,” Then, with a touch of shyness, he added, "But, uh, can I sit in the window seat?"
Chuckling at the request, you gestured toward the window. "Of course, have it." Rising from his seat, Niki offered a quiet expression of gratitude and slid into the seat, smiling at you as he tapped the empty chair beside him. Responding to the unspoken invitation, you swiftly took your place, feeling a gentle touch between your legs due to the limited space on the seats.
Despite the subtle physical contact, you couldn't help but smile, a hint of red tinting your cheeks at the unexpected closeness.
At one point, you noticed a familiar tune playing softly on Niki’s phone. It happened to be a song you both liked, and without a word, Niki pulled out his earphones and handed you one side, sharing the music.
You glanced at him with a playful smile, placing it into the left side of your ear. "Oh, you like this song too?"
Niki chuckled. "Yeah, it's a good one. Thought we could listen to it together as we wait for our stop.”
“That sounds nice,” and you two continued to listen along. With such similar music tastes, you two just had to exchange phone numbers so that you can send song recommendations anytime. You two were getting closer than you thought.
But as the bus neared Niki's stop, he reluctantly pulled the earphone out, giving you a warm smile. "I have to get off here. It was really nice sharing this with you."
"Goodbye—oh, hold on." As Niki rose to leave, the realization dawned on you that you still had his hot pack. Getting up from your seat quickly, you retrieved it from your pocket, you offered, "Here—"
"No, you can keep it," Niki declined, gently placing your hand, hot pack and all, back into your pocket. "I've got an extra—that one was just for you," he smiled, knowingly bending the truth, knowing that was his only hot pack. But, perhaps, he hopes you'd think of him later because of this gesture.
You returned the smile. "Thank you. Will I see you tomorrow?"
"You bet."
With a friendly goodbye, Niki exited the bus, leaving you in the now vacated window seat. Seizing the opportunity, you moved to the window seat, looking out at the passing scenery. The atmosphere inside the bus felt a bit different without him, but you welcomed the solitude.
As the bus moved along, you noticed a slight fog forming on the window. Absentmindedly, you drew a smiley face on the glass, only to realize there was already a message etched there. Through the mist, you saw something: “me + you = date?”
Right next to the message, there were blurry hearts, already slightly erased due to the fog. Since when did he have the time to write such a sweet confession in the most unique way possible? Were you that focused into the conversation with him that you didn’t bother looking around your surroundings?
Either way, your heart skipped a beat as you read the unexpected message. Blushing, you couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth that lingered even after the fog on the window had cleared.
With a smile, you took out your phone, contemplating what to text Niki. It wasn't going to be just another song recommendation; you had something else in mind.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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wintersera · 6 months
study date? || futa!wonyoung x f!reader
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notes: first time ever writing futa and i feel like a hentai loving freak for doing so- anyways “hermaphrodite” futanari especially refers to pornographic characters in erotic manga or anime, known as hentai. basically wy has a pussy and a dick 😭 also happy belated birthday @wonysugar this was for u
cw: futanari, sub!wonyoung, dom!reader, dacryphilia, strap on (i say cock as well), overstimulation if you squint, praise(?), 100% not proofread leave me alone 😭
wc: 5k
“you know you’re about to be kicked off campus if you don’t pass right?”
your teacher had summoned you a mere 5 minutes ago to drop the most devastating news you had ever heard in your half assed school life. obviously you knew your grades weren’t the best- they were shit.
you had joined the university to get away from your annoying ass parents, and you were very VERY lucky to have been accepted into such a prestigious one, a university that would make your parents proud. only skimming the entry requirements by a passing grade.
anyways, you couldn’t have the risk of losing the good friends you had made, so you started thinking... if you were to study hard you could stay, maybe fuck around at parties and whatnot, but then again you and studying don’t go hand in hand, unfortunately. even if you tried to sit down in the lecture hall with a notebook and your laptop on the side you’d most likely forget the content in as soon as you step out.
groaning in frustration, you throw your hands up into the air dramatically “ughhhh… okay, i’ll make it up to you somehow. please don't kick me out just yet”
stumbling into your next class like the dramatic person you are, you mumble under your breath with a displeased look on your face obviously shown by furrowed brows and your persistent frown.
“fuck this class, this is so shitttt” uttering as you take your note book from out of your bag to scribble down some barely readable half assed notes, since your teacher was rambling about some topic you didn’t quite grasp.
it was extremely obvious that you had no clue on what was being taught. instead of embarrassing yourself in front of the whole entire class by extending your arm up in the air, it was only natural for you to ask the person next to you for help. the girl next to you was known as the most intelligent person in the class, maybe the most intelligent person on campus if you say so yourself.
“…hey” whispering while poking her shoulder “what exactly are we learning?” the girl carefully placed down her pen to turn her head in your direction, her hair doing that cliche slow motion sway as she adjusts her glasses, making sure that it was tucked behind her ears. it took her a while to speak up, maybe it was nerves. people often depicted you as an outgoing ‘popular’ person, but you didn’t believe that at all- i mean who uses school hierarchy at your big age. sure, you have a couple of close friends here and there and you easily become acquainted with people, yet that doesn’t really make you popular… you think. just a few drinks and you’re already chatting to everyone at the club.. you wouldn’t call that being popular, right? or maybe she was repulsed by you instead, you dont know why, but maybe she just didn’t fuck with your vibes- your personalities clashed severely, and although you weren’t a believer of those cliche stereotypes where the nerd is absolutely terrified of the avid partygoer- those cliches almost felt too real.
her eyes widened and it seemed like all the blood had rushed up to her cheeks as she stared at your face for a few seconds, completely forgetting what you had asked her before “uh.. um… what did you ask me again?” by her body language alone, you could sense that she was tensing up. okay maybe you were a little bit intimidating, who wouldn’t think you were by the way you waltzed into the lecture hall all dramatic like that.
“i’ve been behind on everything and i’m about to get kicked out so could you maybe help… please?”
“um- well, it’s kinda impossible to learn all the content in one sitting, since our professor kinda just talks for hours on end. so… uh if you’re okay with it, do you wanna do a little studying together?”
“yes?! oh my god perfect, you’re a lifesaver. just say where and i’ll be over” immediately accepting the offer just like that. you’d think that she would be more timid considering that she was literally paralysed when you poked her, but luckily enough, she had the balls to speak to you. god bless confident ass nerds.
being too enthusiastic about studying with her, she was a little bit caught off guard by the way you beamed “w-we could do it after class. i’m not busy and no ones gonna be in my dorm today apparently…” you thought about it. even though you were fine with studying at a local cafe, or the university library, a change of environment could possibly help you “that’s if you want to of course” fiddling with her pen as she softly added the last sentence.
“sure, why not. a change of environment wouldn’t hurt- and plus i might study better with someone as smart and cute as you”
“h-huh? what?”
you felt a little pang in your heart, her confused face made your pulse race a little too fast for your liking “ah… i didn’t mean that in a flirtatious way” sureeee “i meant it more like- you know what… i'm digging myself a hole. i meant you’re very very smart and i’d love for you to help me study” flashing her a quick smile.
“uh- um yeah.. ahaha. so my place is fine?”
after another painful hour of sitting impatiently in your seat, class finally ended with you still not understanding a single thing that came out of your professor's mouth.
“i have no idea what she was yapping about”
“it’s because you sleep at the back sometimes. you better stop taking naps or else she’s gonna kick you out for real”
“…you pay attention to me sleeping in class?” interrogating her seemed fun. she was always so quick to answer your questions with a funny flustered response. something along the lines of stuttering profusely everytime you ask her a simple question. it was like you knew her for a while, being so comfortable in her presence that you can easily toss banter around.
“NO- i mean.. it’s because you sleep so soundly and so obviously, probably because you’re partying almost every night, r-right?”
“you’re so cute when you stutter- also yes i do go out a lot but not that much” teasing her a bit more as you walk out of the lecture hall “so where’s your dorm at pretty girl?”
“oh! uh.. it’s just a 10 minute walk away”
you called her a pretty girl? out of nowhere? it was involuntary but it came out smoothly and without you thinking, plus it really messed with her head. score. what you failed to realise is that she walked a little funny, shuffling as she walked beside you. the tent in her pants being so obviously apparent that she covered it up with her bag, that was thankfully big enough.
that 10 minute walk to hers felt oddly familiar, until you realised that you lived in the same accommodation. what a shocker.
what's even more funnier is that she lived one floor above you
“y-yes?” she jumped in place as she reached for her keys in her bag, the keys almost falling out of her hands.
“it’s kind of funny how i live right below you” giggling about how silly you thought it was “how come i’ve never seen you around?”
“hmmm… too busy studying i guess”
“ah, that would make sense. anyways why are you just standing at the door, are we gonna go in or nah”
you waited as she lowkey struggled to insert the key into the door. watching her closely as she curses under her breath, she must’ve thought that she looked like a complete and utter loser. she was right. she was a mess in front of you-
“take your time babe”
“s-stop don’t call me that. you’re gonna make me mess up again” panicking as she missed the key hole.
the door finally opened and you were in. her room was, well, basically the same size as yours of course, but it was definitely much more organised in contrast to your hell hole of a room “god damn, i’m glad you didn’t offer to go to mine”
as you sat down on her bed, you scanned across her walls and other stuff, taking note of what types of posters she had on her wall just in case you felt generous one day and decided to give her a gift. not like you had any money for that though. it wasn’t surprising when you glanced over her desk to see a couple of shoujo anime figures still fresh in the box “hah wow you really are nerdy”
“s-shut up and come sit here”
“alright so that’s how you finish off this part… are you okay… you look out of it” she questions you while you slide down her conveniently placed extra chair that was placed right next to her.
“that felt like a fuck ton of cars just crashed simultaneously into my brain. wonyoung i know you’re smart, but can you dumb down the explanations plea-” you pause as she got up from her seat- your jaw swung wide open in shock laying your eyes upon something you guess wasn’t meant to be seen.
“how about we take little break. let me get you some.. um y/n? helloooo- are you good? is your brain fried?”
yeah it was. your focus was shifted onto something else. no thoughts, no words just..
you responded to her question with a nod- yeah yeah your brain was definitely fried, you even questioned if it was because the studying REALLY did fuck your head up, but my god it was as clear as day. the print in her pants was certainly real, there was no way that it was fake. her bulge being so unrealistically big that it looked like her pants were restricting all the space in there- no room for her cock to breathe at all.
“i… i uh- i don’t wanna be a creep or anything but… wonyoung i think you might have an issue down there”
“down where?” HOW did she not realise that she had a massive hard on right in front of you.
luckily she was cute, and thankfully you had a huge thing for nerds like her. you take a deep breath- praying to the skies that she doesn’t find you weird for asking this specific question.
“need help?” you breathe shakily, the sight of her cock begging for it to be released from her tight pants made you almost drool. heat spread to your face while she looked at you confused for a second until it hit her.
“ah, you meant t-that? aha i don't know how it got there um uh.. it’s definitely not because- i mean it’s like… well it seems like i have a hard on ahaha” there was an awkward silence that washed over the both of you.
“i- sorry i didn't mean to get turned on by you” shyly admitting whilst attempting to cover her hard on with her note book.
“oh, so i turned you on?” a smirk slowly appearing on your flushed face, a teasing hand brushed her cock ever so slightly as you crossed your legs.
“fuck… y-yeah you did.. sorry” she began to lose her balance as you cupped your hand around her bulge.
“no need to apologise” once again, silent washes over you- collecting your thoughts on how to approach her again “…wonyoung”
“take your pants off for me” you eyed her down like a predatory animal, crossing your arms as she slowly takes her pants, then her boxers off. her cock sprung out and hit her stomach with a thud. damn, she was hung-
telling a cute girl to strip in her own dorm room wasn’t really on your to do list today, or at all, but here you were. the cute girl in question having a massive cock and what seems to be the lack of balls.
wait pause? she doesn’t have any balls? interesting- now you’re equally intrigued and horny.
“sit down on the bed for me cutie” the sudden use of a pet name made her whine aloud. you guess she was weak towards those types of words- adorable. she sat down on her bed, legs shut from embarrassment “awww” you coo at her “how cute. come on, spread your legs for me baby”
“mmm.. wait wait you’re gonna be weirded out. i-i don’t think we shouldn’t do this”
“there’s nothing to be ashamed of. be proud of your dick wonyoung, people would die to have a cock this size” lifting yourself outta the chair to kneel in front of her “nowww, i did say i was gonna help- i promise i won’t be weirded out”
even though her dick was out, and you were so ready to suck it off. clearly nervous, you placed a reassuring hand on her thigh “it’s not like i’ve never seen a dick before- you’ll be fine with me, promise”
“it really isn’t about my dick. it’s more about the um… the… okay i don't have balls”
“huh?” you sat there perplexed- she has what? what do you mean she has no balls “n…none at all? well it’s not like i care anyway, dick is dick”
“okay so um- instead it’s just… actually just look for yourself” no words could explain how embarrassed wonyoung felt, her cheeks heated up- actually no, her whole entire face lit on fire. slowly spreading her legs apart, she revealed her sopping wet cunt.
yeah whatever, you weren’t opposed to the idea of nerd girl jang wonyoung having a massive fucking cock and a pretty tight pussy at the same time- more so, it turned you on severely knowing the nasty things you could do to her “you don’t need to worry about it baby, i’ll make you feel so good that you’ll forget about being embarrassed” you say after licking a strip up from the base of her cock to the very tip
“ah.. mhm… your tongue- warm” hands extending to grab your head gently, her long fingers tangling themselves in your messily tied hair.
“first time?” looking up from in between her legs. surprisingly, she shook her head with the bite of her lip “not a virgin? okay so i can do this” swooping one strand of hair to the back of your ears, you make haste, your mouth opening wide as you let her cock slide into your mouth, and a little into your throat.
“hngh s..so deep, sorry i lied ah- i am a virgin” it makes you giddy on how she always gave such honest answers, not a single drop in this woman's body could lie. even through pleasure she was true, her hips jolting upwards and never shying whenever you did something she enjoyed. you played with her tip, attentively listening to her whines gradually increasing in volume. for funsies, you then ease one finger into her needy pussy, her head thrown back- rolling her hips shamelessly.
releasing her cock from your mouth and resting your face next to it “feeling good?” you ask, just to make sure she’s actually good. she doesn’t answer, well she does, but in a series of whimpers and squeals. her response confirmed it for you, she felt more than good.
your pulse quickened, her once tense body relaxed under your control. to be an extra tease, you flashed her a cheeky smile before you take her cock back in your mouth. she gasps again, you watching her face contort; brows furrowing, biting her lip, her eyes occasionally rolling back as you curl your fingers inside- stretching her pussy by adding a second finger just so you can see her mouth fall open.
wonyoung felt like she was crumbling over the edge with your fingers pumping in and out of her hole without any breaks, and your tongue working magic around her throbbing cock. soon enough her legs were wide open for you and in return you giggled a little. an unknown feeling building at the pit of her stomach freaked her out yet it was oddly welcomed. you knew by the way her thighs trembled that she was close to finishing.
she couldn’t help but call out your name. she really tried her best to take her cock out of mouth while she came, but you refused to move even an inch, letting her load paint your throat white as you gulp down every last drop of it. you still kept fingering her until she couldn’t take it anymore, wriggling herself out of your hold and flopping onto the bed “that… felt… too good. i-i think i need to.. catch my breath” she says while blankly staring at the ceiling.
even in a situation like this you found her endearing, unlike the many hookups you’ve had where you’d leave after a good fuck. she was different from rest; a hidden gem “sorry i got carried away, you’re too cute wonyoung” like that her dick sprung back up “really, just by me calling you cute your cock is back up?”
“it has a mind of its own, leave it be” you giggle at her silly antics. with zero hesitation, you pull off your flimsy shirt exposing your bare skin to the air. it’s a little cold
still on the bed lying down, her eyes closed, you straddle over her hips “can we do it again, i didn’t get off. or maybe no… you know i don’t mind, i just wanted to see you flustered, and of course feel good”
she sprang up- which, to be honest, caught you off guard. huffing into the crook of your neck, peppering ticklish kisses alongside. there was a minor look of desperation on her face that you weren’t familiar with when it came to her. you’d usually see her around campus all calm and collected, looking so poised and shit and yet here she was, crumbling over a simple comment you made about her and her dick.
she switched between light pecks to open mouthed kisses, definitely leaving obvious bruises all over “you’re.. so.. pretty… wanna-”
“yeah? you want that dont you baby. wanna fuck my pussy don’t you” poor girl was flustered at your words. her lips grazed your neck again and whimpered as she kissed your jaw.
“yes please” your stomach twisted. so so cute begging to fuck your pussy. you complied, quickly discarding your underwear and tossing it somewhere. a hand took her shoulder, stabling yourself as you gradually let yourself sink onto her cock.
“hnggh… fuck. wonyoung you’re so? haaa- you’re really big” you felt a little lightheaded after fitting the entire length of her inside. you weren’t expecting her to reach that deep into you, maybe to the point of you losing yourself all over her dick. it was insane to you how much you could take. really really insane how she was able to stretch your pussy out so much to the point of your eyes rolling back.
fuck, why was she that big? you started tearing up and she wasn’t even moving “won… wonyoung, please i need you to start doing something” i think you might’ve driven her past processing because tell me why she wasn’t listening at all. she could be pussy drunk for all you care, actually no she was one hundred percent drunk off of your pussy. you were wet beyond comprehension, and the feeling of your walls clenching down on her cock made her moan so loud. thank god her flatmates weren’t because if they were, they’d hear the most filthiest things through the thin ass walls.
you gave her some time to adjust herself accordingly, waiting… for… quite a long time. it really looked like she was basking in the heat of your cunt and you honestly you thought that was quite endearing, but fuck, you needed her to ram into you or at least move around. she still hasn't done that still… good lord she was gone. so taking the situation into your own hands, you lifted yourself off of her hips just a tiny bit and harshly slammed down, both of you moaning at the overwhelming feeling “ah- fuck? wait wait..” you couldn’t wait any longer, you needed to be fucked crazy.
“mhm, just- just stay still like that. let me do what i need to do” you bounced once more, watching as wonyoung threw her head backwards, her mouth agape and everything.
even though you were mid fuck, wonyoungs glasses were still on. she needed to take them off for some reason, but you didn’t let her “hey don’t- keep those glasses on, you look so… mgh.. you look so fucking good” saying all of that while you increasingly sped up. now your thighs began to ache, worth it though. with each time her cock pumped inside, the closer you felt towards coming.
shit, you felt it so much, it was much stronger than usual and you felt like you were about to explode.
“come- fuck. wonyoung baby, are you close too?”
she nodded weakly. she was about to come again after the last- and so quickly too. her head was spinning, her thighs clenched, snapping back up to wrap her arms around your torso to keep you still; and to keep you close “close.. gonna…”
“me too… me too. keep- oh my god” your movements became frantic. then, not so shortly after, wonyoung lets out a long lasting moan. a mind breaking orgasm hits her so hard, her mind blanking out yet again while her thick semen fills you up. you followed straight after, your hand gripping her shoulder tightly until your knuckles turned white. a harsh groan reverberating inside of wonyoungs head as you moan straight into her ear.
awkward and weird as it may sound, but you immediately thought about hmmm… strap. you really wanted to try it. the thought of her with her ass high up in the air, with you dicking her down and jacking her off seemed something almost so pornographic and unrealistic that it excited you beyond comprehension.
why not give her the chance to cum all over you, and then get severely embarrassed about it. something about her just made you want to tease her until she’s crying. well that did sound like an appealing thing to do.
wonyoung laid down again. out of breath “made me… come again… i’m so…”
“cute… haa.. you’re really cute” you were equally as spent as she was but you HAD to try pounding her pussy. sure, your legs weren’t able to support you standing back up, after all you did use them to fuck yourself on her, but you were UP “can i go back to my room real quick? i’ll be back, it’s a pleasant surprise, i promise”
“uh, sure?” she was confused as to why you grabbed your pants and her shirt that she took off to then sprint outside of her room. quite strange don't you think? well whatever.
you hurried to your door, searching for your keys in your back pocket “come on- come onnnn” your thighs were so sore but you had to get that damn pink strap out of your closet. it was a need to fuck her perfect pussy.
there it was in its glory, a small rectangular box that concealed your strap. alright, time to speed back up the stairs.
i guess she wasn’t even bothered to check who it was, but she immediately opened the door as soon as she heard you knock once “hey i’m back, i got you a present” you heaved as you legitimately ran up a flight of stairs not too long ago.
“a present for me?” i mean she was bewildered, you had a box in your arms. no decoration, just a plain ass box.
“yeah- fuck, let me catch my breath… okay yes i know it doesn’t look like all that, but look-“ you opened the box to reveal your unused strap on “can i use it on you?”
you cannot stress this enough, but wonyoung’s face was violently red again. given the fact that you had made her cum twice and she was still this flustered about it had you drooling at the thought of making her a mess all over again.
“y/n do you think that can fit… in me?”
“we can try. i know your pretty pussy can take me whole” and with that she was soaked again. she felt that and got hard once more.
“g-get inside, you’re in the doorway”
“oh shit yeah okay”
wonyoung fell on top of her bed, cushions and blankets were still messed up. you closed the door behind you and opened up the box, a whole eight inches just for wonyoungs pussy “it’s so cute how you’re still soaked, were you thinking about me while i was gone?”
“it was five minutes… yeah, i was thinking about you” hiding her face behind her hands.
“aww cute, lean on your hands and knees for me babe”
“o-okay” she responded obediently to your words. wonyoung got onto her hands and knees and waited patiently for your next order. her back looked way too pretty, so you got up onto the bed, planted a kiss on her lower back making her twitch in response and cooed
“aww still so sensitive?” she didn’t realise it before, but you were behind her with your strap already fitted on you. she unintentionally arched her back, feeling your presence already there “god, you’re so desperate for me aren’t you?”
“please… just- i’m ready. just hurry up and take me” you giggle as you acknowledged her insatiable craving for your cock.
“you’re dripping.. and you’re so hard, tell me how much you want it” telling her just to be a tease “beg for it”
“…please…” her voice low, almost a whisper.
“good girl” you slowly buried yourself inside her cunt, letting her familiarise herself with the new sensation. her hands gripped the sheets tightly, a fist full of cloth was keeping her from losing her control.
“oh my go- so… fuck” she cried out your name a couple of times before spilling out incoherent sentences. something like “good, so good” and a few more unintelligible words followed with high pitched moans.
a girl this cute and needy deserved more than just this. you slowly paced your thrusting, making sure that she felt comfortable, and by also not shoving the entire strap inside of her. all though you wanted to go rough and abuse her tight hole, that was for another day or maybe even in a couple of seconds actually.
“you good?”
“nnghh- s… so good” she couldn’t even form sentences. there was no need to even ask. her body alone showed how much she yearned for your touch.
oh so now you needed to fuck her till she’s dumb. what happened to that little smart brain of hers? so spent out on being fucked till she’s dry made her behave like she’s out of her mind. you started thrusting your strap in even deeper, hoping that she can take the full thing. she did. with how wet she was, it wasn’t surprising that it slid in so easily. a choked moan coming straight from her mouth as soon as you finished pushing it all in “you’re taking me in so well. i knew you could do it babe”
it was like you didn't think but you started to pump in and out of her faster and harder. each guttural moan that came out of that pretty mouth of hers, the faster you went. the more ruthless you got. oh how hard you were going, giving wonyoung no time to settle. the sounds her pussy made were nothing but filthy, the sweet sounds of her squelching pussy was like music to your ears. she loved every single thing you did to her body, although she couldn’t express it through her words.
you grabbed her hips, moving them and slamming them straight back into your cock just to make her scream out your name “you like that? want me to pound into your pretty pussy like that again?” there was a slightly mean tone to your voice.
“mhmmm… again- do it again” she begged and cried for more.
this time you pulled straight out, leaving her whining until you slammed right back into her again, but this time with a twist. you leaned over wonyoung a little, resting almost on top of her back. you slithered your hand across and grabbed her cock, teasing the tip a little before snapping your hips that made her ass push into you. she sharply inhaled as you played with her cock, moving from her sensitive tip to stroking her length gently while you ravaged her insides
“too- too much.. feels so.. haaa… mmmmm” two sensations blending into one could be described as too overwhelming and extremely overstimulating. being fucked dumb made her sob a little, feeling as if her insides were about to collapse, and feeling as if her dick was about to erupt.
shit, it felt way too good.
her entire body convulsed, her hands were balled into a fist, clutching onto the sheets desperately, she screamed profanities into her pillow. her orgasm hit her harder than it did the other two times. you could say it even made her almost pass out. poor girl was seeing stars as you kept stroking her cock to help her ride out her climax. you never knew she could scream that loud… or even cum this much. beds being completely drenched with both her juices and her cum. you’d have to help her clean up for sure…
“stop- stop.. oh god… mmm oh my god”
and maybe you could do this again. another study date.
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angel-maybe-alive · 6 months
Retelings cliches that piss me the fuck off
♡Alice in Wonderland is about drugs - it could be about society, it could be about neurodivergency but no, white girl doing LSD is cooler, I guess.
♡ what if Superman was evil - then it wouldn't be Superman dumbass, like the main point of Superman is that he is a good person like it's the whole deal hyperpowerful but really good
♡actually any what if the heroes had no morals- then you are just doing Greek myths with extra steps
♡Romeo and Juliet, but one is an oppressor and the other the oppressed - Litterally, both families were in equal standing in society. Why you need to make it abusive for no reason.
♡Beauty and the beast, any reteling of beauty and the beast - no, it's not Stockholm syndrome, no a shapeshifter elf with abs doesn't count as a Beast, and Belle was a nice person In the original why everyone remakes her as a cunt.
♡my book it's just like the hunger games but...-Shut it I need you to please tell me if you understand that no, hunger games isnt just about reality television and a battle royale, I swear to God...
♡Pinocchio but it's about a robot- flower print for spring groundbreaking
♡it's inspired by the works of tolkien- no, it's a transcript of you and your group of only male friends playing dungeons and dragons while high on cheap weed at 03:00 am on the suburbs while listening to pop punk on MTV in 2003, we get it you want to bang a hot elven maiden and slain a dragon
♡is inspired by Harry potter- For the last fucking time Rowling doesn't own the concept of magic schools let go of those fucking chains and let this woman go it's a magic school book just call it that goddamn it
♡it's inspired by fairy tales - Disney version or the cultural ones because one way or the other, your childhood crush on an animated villain shouldn't be the only thing fueling your writing career.
♡it's about Greek gods...-*sigh* I don't even know where to start with those just read something other than Percy Jackson(I love percy Jackson by the way) Lore Olympus and the first page of Wikipedia on Greek mythology and then maybe spend a long time thinking if whatever you are planning to write isn't somehow more misogynistic than whatever the fuck an old Greek scholar wrote thousands of years ago okay.
♡what if (real life bigotry) was reverse - just don't for a first time writing, for someone in a privileged place in society, it's just a bad idea altogether, Dont
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4unnyr0se · 6 days
❥ study sesh | satoru gojo
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warnings: college au!, fem reader, gojo is submissive lol, goldren retriever gojo, gojo isn't very smart but thats okay we love him, fingering, roughness, making out, hickeys, top! reader, geto is mentioned several times, couch sex, readers favorite kind of sushi is also my favorite kind, degrading, insecure reader, asphyxiation, mentions of vaping and drinking, mentions of marijuana use, protected sex, choso mentioned, geto is a bastard, doordash is expensive and i dont like that
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 4k
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Gojo groaned at the email he was just sent, running his hands down his pale face in annoyance. He slammed his laptop closed and tossed his head back, groaning exasperatingly. Failing a required class, seriously? Out of all the things he could do at university this was by far the most cliche. So annoyingly cliche, like his entire college life was a very niche film. Rolling his azure blue eyes, Gojo opened his laptop to reread the email his professor sent him. His high-and-mighty professor had arranged a tutoring session with the only tutor for History of Japan 201. Lucky him.
“Dickhead,” Gojo mumbled, pushing himself out of his rolling chair. He quickly stretched and placed his laptop inside his backpack along with the mess of empty vapes and crumbled-up phone numbers that he swore he would text (he never did.) He checked out how he looked in the mirror, adjusting his v-neck collar and fluffing out his snow-white hair just a little bit. He may not have known who you were yet, but he’d be damned if he didn’t look fine at any given moment.
“Yo, I’m going out.” Gojo spoke to Geto, his suitmate. Geto took the joint out of his mouth and raised an eyebrow, offering the blunt to Gojo. 
“Why? There are no parties happening tonight, at least not that I know of.” Geto asked, sitting up on the edge of his bed. Geto’s bed was significantly nicer than Gojo’s his sheets didn’t have any suspicious stains on them and they smelled like laundry.
“Fucking Professor Yaga is making me go to a tutoring session for my history class. Says if I don’t do it then my grade’ll be tanked.” Gojo sighed, running his hands through his hair as he leaned against the door to their apartment.
“Tanked? You mean your grade was good this time around?” Geto smirked, putting out the joint at the bottom of his shoe.
“If you count a 59% as good,” Gojo shrugged, putting his hands in his jacket pockets.
“Oh, you’re fucked man.” Geto laughed, laying back down on his bed. “Good luck with the history nerd, you’ll need it.”
“Fuck off man,” Gojo punched Geto on the arm, eliciting a smug chuckle out of Geto’s throat. “I’ll be back when I’ll be back. If you’re bringing a girl over, text first. If I have to see your face covered in cum again I’ll vomit.”
“What, someone jealous?” Geto rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth.
“Whatever man, see you.” Gojo walked out of his apartment, walking down the steps in a hurry. “And get the fuck out of my room! You have your own!” He yelled up the stairs, knowing the chance of Geto hearing him was slim to none.
He put his headphones on, turning up the music to drown out his thoughts. What if you were fucking annoying, or shitty at teaching? How fucked would he be then? Even worse, what if you were too good at your job and Gojo’s grade skyrocketed? Would he be asked to become a tutor? No one fucking wants that, especially not him. Tutoring was for losers and virgins, and he certainly wasn’t any of those.
Gojo walked across campus with a spring in his gait, nodding to the girls who waved at him. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence for girls (and occasionally the female professors) to get flustered when he walked past them. His classmate fainted one time he asked her for a pencil, but he thought she was probably faking it. It wasn’t a secret that Gojo was a known player on and off the campus, but why did the women he slept with have to exaggerate everything? It felt fake, artificial. Gojo liked his women to be lively, to be real. 
Whatever, he didn’t need to think about that right now. Gojo approached the library, taking off his headphones and placing them over the curve of his neck. He sat down at a table near the back end where all the books were stored, slowly gathering dust. Hell, some of them haven’t been touched in decades. Maybe it was for a good reason.
“There you are! I looked everywhere.” His ears perked up at the sound of a feminine voice approaching him, his ocean eyes turning to get a look at you. You stood in front of him, clutching your messenger bag in your left hand and a pencil in the other. “You’re five minutes late, you know. Now we only have 55 minutes to go over the material instead of an hour, dummy.”
Gojo rolled his eyes and opened up his backpack, fishing aimlessly for a pencil and a sheet of paper. An empty puffbar fell out and landed on the carpeted floor, which made you raise an eyebrow. Gojo coughed and picked it up hastily, shoving it back inside his black hole of a book bag.
“Don’t act like you’ve never seen a vape before,” He muttered, adjusting his posture.
“No, I have. I’m just surprised that you like that flavor. Blue raspberry ice is so basic.” You retort, sitting down across from him. Spreading out some papers from your messenger bag, you hand Gojo a highlighter and a pen, both in the color blue. “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. You are going to highlight what’s important on the documents and write them down on the notebook paper. After that we’ll make flashcards from your notes and just do those until the hour is up, does that sound okay?” You looked at him, taking out your pen and paper to observe how he studied. You didn’t need to review the material, you knew it all by heart anyway. But if you were being completely honest with yourself, it was such a treat to have the academic fate of Satoru Gojo in your hands. Like a little bird trapped in a cage, except this bird was unironically stupid.
“I’d rather kill myself, but okay. Anything to pass this lame-ass lecture.” Gojo muttered in frustration, pulling the lecture documents forward. His eyes lightly skimmed over them, not absorbing much of the information anyway. He could just do this in his apartment, why did Professor Yaga feel the need to torture him with this useless tutoring session? Because his professor hated him, that’s why.
“Hey, don’t diss Japanese history. It’s fun sometimes if you forget about all the wars and whatever.” You softly giggled, curling a lock of your hair behind your ear. Gojo looked up from his highlighting to stare at you for a brief moment, the ghost of a smile touching his plump lips. 
‘Cute,’ He thought to himself, turning his attention to the documents once more. He continued to sneak an occasional glance at you to gauge what kind of person you were. Were you a typical history nerd, or was this a persona you put on to protect yourself? Gojo always had a way of reading people, but you remained a mystery to him.
Gojo would groan in frustration frequently, covering it up with a hasty cough. Why couldn’t he read you, and why did he want to get to know you better? This has never happened before with him, not sure for quite a while. 
“Uh, are you okay? You’ve been coughing the entire time, do you need to go home or something? I can always email Yaga and tell him you aren’t feeling the best.” You spoke, packing up your pen and papers neatly into your bag, a stark contrast to the way that Gojo’s bag could be considered a biohazard. 
“Oh, yeah I’m fine. Just thinking real hard about the Heian period is all.” He smirked, covering up his hazy mind with quick wit.
“Mhm, I’m sure you were, princess.” You retorted, flashing a smug grin at him. “By the way, thanks for completely reinforcing the stereotype of a dumb frat guy. Keeps my image of your kind on track.”
“The fuck you mean by that?” Gojo asked defensively, getting up and throwing his bookbag over his shoulder. “Are you saying that all frat guys are stupid or something?”
“That’s exactly what I’m implying, pretty boy.” You began to walk to the door, grinning to yourself as Gojo quickly caught up to you in just a few paces.
“You’re something else, girl.” He spoke, walking with you out of the library towards the university center. “I like that. Where are you going?” Gojo asked, following you like a lost puppy.
You rolled your eyes, stopping in your tracks. “To the university center. I want dinner.”
Gojo shook his head and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you away from the path. “No way, I’m not letting my tutor get food poisoning from a shithole like that. I’ll order us something, okay?” He flashed his pearly whites at you, which you couldn’t help but admire. For such a disorganized slob he sure knew how to take care of his hygiene. 
You raised an eyebrow skeptically, not minding how he wrapped his arm around you. Almost like Gojo wanted to protect you weirdly enough. “And why would you order me food? All I did was teach you about the Heian period, it wasn’t anything.” You babbled on in an ill attempt to make excuses.
“Just let me buy dinner for you, okay? We can go back to my apartment and study some more there, the library is suffocating me anyway.” Gojo whined, steering the both of you in the direction of his university apartment. It wasn’t a very long walk from the main campus, and yet he was almost always late to every single one of his classes this semester.
“Suffocating you with knowledge, perhaps. Is your brain seriously that small?”
“Maybe don’t diss the guy that’s paying for your dinner, sweetheart.” Gojo wiggled his thin eyebrows at you, walking up the flights of stairs to his apartment. “My roommate might still be home but don’t worry about him. Suguru is usually too stoned to notice anything.” He turned the key and let you both inside, kicking off his shoes onto the carpet beneath him.
You took off your shoes and placed them beside his own, sitting down on the living room sofa. Gojo had sauntered off somewhere, yelling for his suitmate. “Looks like he isn’t here, probably under a bridge or skating with Choso.” He placed his hands in his pockets and sat down a couple of feet beside you. 
“So, what did you wanna order? Burgers, Chinese? Anything except soba, I fucking hate soba.” Gojo chuckled, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. 
Thinking for a moment, you snapped your fingers together. “Sushi. I haven’t made decent sushi in forever.”
Gojo slowly nodded and opened up a popular food delivery app, hitting the little sashimi icon on the home screen. “A little expensive but okay. D’ya like rolls or sashimi or what?”
“Rolls, spicy. Salmon, if you can.” You told him your preferences, leaning down to take your laptop out of your messenger bag. “I’m making you a Quizlet so that my time here doesn’t feel completely pointless.” As you mumbled to yourself, a tiny little foil packet well out of the side pocket. You grabbed it quickly and shoved it in your front pocket, praying that Gojo didn’t notice. 
“Foods ordered, it wasn’t cheap either. Not that I mind, I got plenty of cash to spare!” Gojo smiled, miming throwing money in the air. 
You let the faintest smile touch your face, typing away at your laptop. “You’re like a puppy, you know. Like those white labs I see all the time.” You looked at him, admiring the way his messy white hair added to his devilishly handsome aura. “They’re pretty cute.”
Gojo raised an eyebrow and leaned closer to you, almost teasing you with his proximity. “Are you saying that you think I’m cute, nerd?” He purred, sticking his tongue out.
You blushed and rolled your eyes, closing your laptop. “Maybe, so what if I did? I’m just your tutor. Yaga is giving me extra credit just by talking to you.” You mumbled, noticing that Gojo was still leaning closer to you.
“Well…I think you’re pretty cute too.” He grinned, a blush covering his stupidly adorable face.
Your fingers tensed up in your lap, your gaze locked onto the shag carpet beneath you. You wouldn’t dare look into his eyes, not now. They would only suck you into his sexy blue vortex and then before you knew it you would be on his lap, straddling his waist and making out with his neck.
“You think all girls are pretty, you’re a player for fucks sake.” Your voice was filled with scoff and denial, the tension between you two growing with each passing second. “My friend saw you shoving your tongue down a sorority girl's throat last night, did you think she was cute too?”
“Well, technically yeah but it’s only on the surface. She was attractive but she had no personality, unless you count downing vodka crans as a personality trait.” He pointed out, wrapping his arm around your shoulder once more. You two were pressed against each other, your arms limp at your sides. You had no idea what to do, should you touch him as well? Where would you touch him?
“So…you think my personality makes up for the fact that I don’t have a pretty face?” You sighed, your insecurities surrounding you like haunted spirits.
“No! No way, no.” Gojo assured you, cupping your cheeks with his hands. “I think you’re pretty and smart and funny and…I know I’ve only met you a couple hours ago but you’re really fucking sexy.”
You gulped as you felt his warm and large hands on your face, leaning into the touch slightly. Satoru Gojo called you sexy, his history tutor. He thought his history tutor was sexy. You smacked your glossed lips together, your noses touching. “How long until the sushi gets here?”
“Twenty minutes.”
“Do you think we could fuck in that amount of time?” You boldly asked, staring into his gorgeous, enchanting blue eyes. You bit down on your bottom lip, your own eyes containing unspoken desires. 
Gojo smirked and pulled you onto his lap, his hands resting on the swell of your hips. “Hell yeah, sweetheart.” He whispered, crashing his lips against yours. The kiss was slow at first, your arms wrapped around his neck while his own hands trailed up and down your back, occasionally stopping to feel the round flesh of your ass.
Your tongue entered his mouth, doing battle with his wet muscles before exploring his cavern. Gojo groaned at the sensation of your tongues colliding, attempting to shift himself so he was on top.
You pulled away from the kiss and tutted at him, pushing his chest down so he was leaning against the leather texture of the couch. “No, pretty boy, I’m on top this time.” You spoke softly, your voice dripping with sexuality and confidence. 
“This time, huh? You wanna see me again after this?” Gojo smirked, slapping your ass gently. “Someone sure got confident real quick.”
You shrugged and bit down on his bottom lip with your teeth, pulling away a second later. You saw how Gojo reacted to your dominance, how the breath left his lips the second you laid down the law. Your long nails dug into the black tank top he wore, your thumb slipping under the hem to feel his abs.
“You’re so fucking ripped, holy shit.” You breathed out, planting gentle kisses on his neck. You squeezed your legs shut, anxious to receive any friction that would make you feel amazing.
Gojo grinned, taking off his jacket along with his shirt and tossing it behind his head. “What about now, you still like what you see princess?” He chuckled, flexing his biceps to impress you.
“Oh shut up and finger me.” You smiled and rolled your eyes, slamming your lips against his once more. Your hand guided his under the hem of your sweatpants and underneath your panties, prodding them at your weeping entrance. “Fuck me with your fingers before I ride you, Satoru.”
“God, I love it when you tell me what to do.” He groaned, shoving your pants down to your kneecaps along with your panties. He put his fingers inside of his mouth, a popping sound leaving his lips as they were soaked in his spit. “Gotta make sure they don’t hurt you.” He teasingly ran them up your folds, inserting his middle and index finger inside of you slowly. Gojo thrust them up and down at a regular pace, not knowing if you liked it rough or gentle. 
“S-shit, your fingers are so fucking long. Oh shit.” You moaned into his ear, slumping yourself against his muscular chest for support. His fingers continued to drill up and inside of you, observing how you convulsed around him if he fucked his fingers in and out of you at the speed of light. 
“Yeah, you like that pretty girl? You like getting fucked by some dumb frat guy's fingers?” Gojo whispered into your ear, biting the shell harshly. You squealed in pleasure as you felt his thumb rub harsh circles on your clit. Fuck, he was so fucking good with his hands. 
“Fucking love it, holy fuck!” You gasped, feeling your knees start to give way as your orgasm approached. Suddenly, you grabbed Gojo’s wrist and pulled it away from your pulsating core, your breath slow and shallow. 
Gojo raised an eyebrow in confusion, his cock throbbing horribly in his boxers. “Was I too rough or something?” He asked, concerned about his performance. 
You shook your head in assurance, kissing his forehead gently. “N-no, not at all. It’s just that…I wanna cum on your cock, not on your fingers.” You whispered, playing with the drawstring of his sweatpants. “Also…that erection looks pretty fucking painful. Are you gonna let me ride you or what?” You teased, thumbing with the hem.
Almost instantly Gojo’s sweatpants flew off his body, leaving him only in his very tight black boxers. Your hands tugged down on the hem, pulling the boxers down so only his cock and balls were exposed. He was huge, his mushroom tip was pink and he had a large pulsating vein wrapping around the shaft. “Fuck…do you have a condom?” You asked, wanting so badly to just slam yourself down and fuck him senseless.
“Y-yeah, in my bag over there.” Gojo pointed to his discarded backpack at the entrance of his apartment, secretly wishing it would just fly into his hand like Thor with his hammer.
You wobbled over to retrieve the condom, shuffling through old candy wrappers and empty vape pens. Finding it, you practically sprinted over to sit back down on Gojo’s lap. He took the condom from your hands and tore open the foil with his teeth, rolling the latex on with ease. “Fuck, I’ve never been this sensitive before. You’re a witch.” He breathed out, kissing you softly as you hovered yourself above his cock.
“Shh, just lemme fuck you. Alright, baby?” You purred, lowering yourself down onto his cock. You hissed as his thick mushroom head pushed past your entrance, the pleasure outweighing the pain tenfold. “F-fuck, you’re so fucking big.”
“Tell me something I don’t know, pretty girl.” Gojo chuckled, grabbing onto your hips. He pushed you down further onto his cock, whispering sweet nothings into your ear until he’d bottomed out.
You started to move yourself up and down on his cock, bouncing slowly to grow accustomed to his length and girth. You kissed him passionately, gripping his broad and muscular shoulders for support. “Ngh, fuck!” You cried onto his lips, placing his hands on your waist to guide you.
Gojo’s hands pulled you back and forth, up and down on his length until you got the hang of handling how big he was, your hands now groping your tits as you fucked yourself on his cock. The filthy sound of skin slapping and squishing against skin filled the apartment, the still and stiff air being replaced with the intoxicating aroma of sex and lust. 
“God, just like that baby! Fuck, you’re so fucking good at riding this dick princess. Ride my dick, fuck, ride me! Fuck me!” Gojo cried out, resting his head on the cushions behind his naked body as your hips slammed onto his pelvic bone repeatedly, surely leaving bruises for him to wake up to tomorrow.
“You’re so fucking noisy.” You growled, wrapping your hands around his bruised throat. Not enough to stop him from breathing, just enough to let him know who was in charge. 
Gojo whimpered as he felt your hands wrap around his throat, his cock twitching inside of you. He had no idea he liked it when he wasn’t in charge when he was being used like a fucktoy. Gojo fucking loved watching ride him, how your sobbing cunt took his cock so nice and so deep.
You tilted your head to the side and smiled darkly, moving even faster on his cock to the point where you were just bouncing on the abused appendage. “What, baby forgot how to use his words? Are you being fucked too good you can’t even speak, huh? Adorable little slut.” You whispered, your lew words making Gojo want to become yours even more.
“Oh, is somebody gonna fucking cum?” You mocked, pouting your lip. Your grip around his neck tightened as you continued to ride him, feeling your orgasm fast approaching. “Fucking cum for me baby, cum like the good little whore you are.”
“Fuck, I’m c-cumming! Fuck, ngh, fuck! Oh my God, fuck! Please” Gojo practically sobbed as his orgasm filled the rubber he wore, his grip on your hips not faltering. He could feel your cunt milk him for all he was worth, still bouncing on him with vigor. “P-please cum, please! Wan’ feel you on me, please!” He begged, his beautiful blue eyes swelling with tears.
You threw your head back as your orgasm finally hit you, pleasure coursing through every single possible vein in your body. “A-ah, shit! Fuck, fuck, oh my God!” You cried out, the bouncing on his cock slowing down as you rode out your high.
Exhausted, you collapsed onto Gojo’s sweaty chest, admiring how good he smelled even after sex. His arm wrapped around your soaked shirt, embracing you gently. “Fuck…that was the best sex I’ve had in a while.” He chuckled, kissing the side of your face.
“Oh yeah? We should do it again sometime after you do your homework of course.” You offered him a half-smirk, pulling yourself off of his now soften cock. You tied the condom and tossed it in a nearby wastebasket, pulling up your sweatpants and panties. “The sushi is probably here by now, should I go get it?” 
“Oh fuck,” Gojo grabbed his phone and unlocked it, seeing the notification that the sushi had been delivered ten minutes ago. “Fuck me, we took thirty minutes! Guess you were wrong about timing there, hm?”
You rolled your eyes and opened the apartment door to be greeted by a smug-looking Geto holding your sushi. “I’ve been standing here for about five minutes, you guys are really fucking loud.” He chuckled, allowing himself inside.
“Really, Satoru? On the couch? I sit there sometimes, dude.” Geto placed a hand on his hip, handing you the boxed sushi.
Gojo rolled his eyes and walked over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. He had put his pants back on but his abs were still very much on display.
“Fuck off, Suguru. Please.” Gojo mumbled, squeezing your waist. You smiled at the welcome touch, especially enjoying the banter the two of them shared.
“Seems like you already did, Satoru,” Geto smirked, walking off to his room.
“Fuck you, dickhead!”
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