#dr. brenner
messrsbyler · 1 year
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uhm... why would they parallel this if not because melvin is bon- [GUNSHOTS]
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Something something people connected to the upside down recognise each other even if they've never seen them before
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
An au where Billy's camaro has a mind of its own and is taking revenge on certain residents of Hawkins after Billy's death ("Christine" vibes)
Part 1 Neil / Part 2 Brenner / Part 3 / Part 4
Dr. Brenner has seen it all now. Has been to the upside down and back. Has survived it. If he was powerful before, guess how mighty he is now. With all that valuable knowledge, all that unique experience that he possesses.
One day he will rule the world.
That evening Brenner left the laboratory at 9.30 and got into his car.
"Home." - he briskly instructed the driver and made himself comfortable in the backseat. Things have not been going the way he had planned them. With multiple deaths, including some prominent people of Hawkins, the lab had been closed. This fool Owens was too soft and had no idea what potential was at their disposal.
But now when Brenner is back, everything needs to get back on track again. He's pulled some strings, used his connections, described the possibilities to those in higher power, and voilà, got the lab reopened again. This time, though, they won't concentrate on kids with psychic powers. This time .. ooh, it will be tremendous.
He will rule the world.
The upside down spat Dr. Brenner out on the 4th of July. Something huge was happening that day, he remembered how the whole upside down world was shaking violently, vines restless and slithering, thunderclaps exploding in the sinister sky. Portals, big and small, opened and closed, one after another, and the whole dimension was unsettled. A portal opened up right in front of him, in the ground and Brenner jumped at the opportunity. Jumped through. He found himself in the forest not far from that mall that was built while he was trapped in the other dimension. Something was going on there, helicopters scissoring the night air and ambulances flashing red and blue all around.
The things Brenner had seen in the upside down, the creatures he had come across.. Unlimited opportunities. They could create an army of demodogs. Multiple armies. Demobats could be their air force. Demogorgons were not so numerous, but they could breed them, and with such formidable forces they would be unstoppable.
They literally could rule the whole goddamn world. Russians would cower before them. Anyone and everyone would fall on their knees before them.
"Sir, there is something ahead of us."
The biggest issue seemed to be control. They needed someone in both worlds, someone who had access to the hive mind but also belonged here, someone who
"Yes?" - Brenner answered with reluctance. He hated to be distracted from his contemplations.
"There's something ahead of us. It's.. a car but it looks like it's.. on fire?"
"What do you mean?" - Brenner leaned forward. There was indeed an object that looked like a car, engulfed in flames, and it was moving towards them. Fast.
Brenner understood immediately that it did not promise anything good
"Turn the car around, quick!! Drive back! BACK!" He hollered
The driver switched gears but the ball of fire gained unbelievable speed and
The sound was deafening. Head-on collision, aimed to kill.
After the dreadful sound of metal grinding on metal, it suddenly became very quiet.
Brenner was still alive.
His vision blurred. He saw the driver's lifeless body in the front seat, blood all over the windshield. Everything was so quiet all around, except the crackling sounds .. and the smell .. the awful disgusting smell of burning paint. He had to get out.
Brenner tried to open the door with a shaking hand, gasping for air, and luckily, it budged. He forced himself to crawl out of the burning vehicle on the asphalt.
The mysterious car that had caused the crash was slowly retreating and rumbling gutturally.
Brenner had just got a spark of hope that maybe this was the end of it and whoever was driving that hell on wheels had got what they wanted, when the car's engine suddenly roared and it went from 5 to 50.
The remnants of Brenner's body were scraped off the road later.
So much for world domination.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 2 years
Okay just finished episode 5 of ST4 and even I wasn't ready about this parallel... 😅
Speaks volumes about what they're trying to say here and it's really sad...
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hearteyes-wheeler · 9 months
listen i hate brenner he's a piece of shit and i'm glad he's dead but like 😭😭 the scene where he's basically trying to get el to forgive him 😭😭 and el says goodbye papa and leaves him to die 😭😭 it makes me kinda sad lmao like god i hate him but also ow??? like yesss you go el don't forgive his ass but also why am i crying???
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elekinetic · 2 years
if they bring brenner back i hope joyce shoots him in his stupid fucking face
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aripariii · 2 years
I am extremely disappointed by the lack of Dr. Brenner x reader fics there are. No shade but he’s been here for 4 seasons- Eddie has been here one….It’s abhorrent. Like it’s literally a given?????? I wish I was a writer so I could free us all 🧎🏽‍♀️
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can-of-pringles · 2 years
[Brenner accidentally dropping a piece of butterscotch candy on the ground, causing the lab kids to dive for it, fighting over it like a pinata was just smashed open]
Peter: Aren't you going to... break it up?
Brenner: No. It builds character.
Peter: It's building injuries, that's what it's building.
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weirdworldofwinnie · 11 months
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Did this awhile ago
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rindecisions · 1 year
HD Reference, Martin Brenner 3
Season 4 Episode 1 (The Hellfire Club)
HD Reference Directory
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thelastdayalive · 2 years
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The Brenner Strut ™
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will80sbyers · 2 years
I don't trust Sam Owens, I think he's connected to Henry on a personal level (maybe he raised him for a period) and now I'm thinking he could even be the one that decided (or at least had planned) to kidnap Will in s1... maybe Vecna got there first and took Will first?
and after they saved him and Brenner went into hiding they didn't have to kidnap Will anymore because Joyce brought Will to them to make them study him voluntarily so they played along saying that it was all in his mind and nothing was real until they found out that Will was possessed and everything that happened in s2 happened
then they found out El was alive at the end of s2 but jancy made the government shut down the program...of course they kept working in secret him and Brenner and were interested in finding El but she was protected by Hopper and the gate was closed so they left her alone for the moment because they had nothing to study anymore... then the Russians open the portal again, Vecna comes back as Billy and all the chaos starts again and there is a new opportunity to take El back with them to find Henry again, maybe they want him back because he's the most powerful and the original... with Herny they can re create new kids with superpowers!
but in s3 they make the mall explode and everything close up again AND Eleven loses her powers so all seems lost, they go back to their homes but keep monitoring Eleven and Will (Will doesn't manifest any power) because they literally are the only ones that know where El lives... they are acting outside of the government now... then the murders start and Brenner and Owens realize that they need El to get her powers back so they trick her to make her come back for the Nina project...
Owens doesn't want to kill Will or El and he needs them because they are his chance to capture Henry again?
but now the government finds out about everything and is going after El and wants to kill her because they THINK she's somehow keeping the portals open or the possibility of the portals being opened again ?
I don't think they know about Will having powers because Owens and Brenner kept that secret + Will never manifested any power so they left Will alone...
but maybe the link between the worlds is not El, it was always Will
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buckybxarnes · 2 years
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Waaaait so Dr. Owens is dead? :c
I really liked him :c
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bebx · 2 years
Reblog if you’ve finished Stranger Things 4 vol 2 and believe Doctor Brenner is definitely still alive
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year
love Brenner numbering Henry 1 knowing full well he was going to tell the rest of the kids that there is no 1 and that he started counting at 2 for no reason. instead of just naming Henry 0. papa you silly goose
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Stranger Things Zodiac Signs: The Villains
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Billy Hargrove // Scorpio
Is anyone really surprised? If you were to look up toxic Scorpio man in a dictionary Billy's face would be the example. He has trust issues, daddy issues, mommy issues, he's aggressive, insensitive, possessive, manipulative, holy shit the list goes on and on. These are the negative traits of a Scorpio. I'm sure anyone who's ever met a male Scorpio who was a total asshole knows how Billy is like this. I feel like I don't need to elaborate on that, it seems pretty obvious.
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Peter Ballard/Henry Creel/Vecna/001 // Aquarius
I already know this will be a controversial opinion, but hear me out. So, the fact that this dude has four names is big Aquarius energy to start. Also the fact that he becomes an inter-dimensional being is very Aquarius, since there's always a stereotype of Aqua's being like aliens. However, diving more deeply into it, Henry Creel (I'm calling him that because it's the name on his birth certificate) is representative of what happens when an Aquarius goes to the dark side. Aquariuses are visionaries and forward thinkers, constantly thinking about changing the future. Since Henry was a child, he had goals about changing the lives of the people around him, unfortunately because he was a little sociopath it wasn't for the better. Aquariuses are also very human orientated. Now I can already see y'all say "But wait, he hates people! That's his whole thing!" I'm getting to it. Henry Creel was fascinated about the behaviors of humans, how they interact normally versus their deep dark inner secrets. Aquas tend to be people watchers, in order to try and understand them, and that's all Vecna does. He stalks people. Aquariuses place a lot of ego in their ideas, and this guy has an INSANE God complex. He felt personally attacked when Eleven didn't agree with his plans and freaked the fuck out, and then she actually did attack him. Aquariuses are known to be concerned for the welfare of the world, if you aren't a psycho then that would probably lead you to be interested in humanitarian efforts. Henry has great concern for the world, and he thinks people are the cause of it. Didn't we all hear that speech he made to Eleven? Henry also hates being trapped in Hawkins Lab, he feels like it was a prison built for him. There is nothing Aquas hate more than lack of freedom. Aquariuses can be progressive forward thinkers for the better of humanity, but if their world view is warped, they can end up like this.
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Dr. Martin Brenner // Capricorn
Dr. Brenner is a scientist, ambitious with his MK Ultra project in creating psychic super child spies. He's so ambitious that he doesn't care how his decisions effect people, even if he thinks he does. It's his goals over everything, and that's the end of it. Very Capricorn, the girlbosses of the zodiac. Dr. Brenner is what happens when Caps go unchecked, when their ambition gets the best of them.
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