#end israel's genocide
northgazaupdates · 1 day
1 June 2024
Journalist Abed Alqadr Sabbah documents the return of displaced people to Palestine School, a school now being used as a shelter for displaced families in north Gaza. The building has been destroyed and the neighborhood purged of residents on at least 3 separate occasions by the IOF. And still, the people of Gaza return. Efforts are underway to clean the rubble and rebuild life. The people of Gaza love their home. They will never leave.
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kaapstadgirly · 19 hours
Swifties literally bending over backwards to get Taylor to speak up is so stupid. It's been 9 months. If she cared, she would've spoken up already. And if you lot cared, you would've already held her accountable and stopped streaming her music. Stopped buying her show tickets and blocked her. But noooo...
You lot have to stop worshipping these people it's fucking weird.
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northgazaupdates2 · 18 days
This is Suad Ahmad. You can read her full story here.
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Suad is a successful engineer and professor from Gaza. On top of her professional accomplishments, Suad found out she is pregnant. Sadly, a week later, the occupation began bombing Gaza and planning an invasion.
Suad’s home and workplace were destroyed, and she and her husband’s family were displaced. While living in a cramped tent and subjected to the elements, Suad became extremely sick with gastroenteritis, a dangerous condition during pregnancy. Food is scarce, and they are all suffering malnourishment.
Suad’s due date is coming very soon, and she wants her baby to have a better life than the one she’s living now. She is trying to evacuate to Egypt, where she and her family will be safer and healthier.
The campaign has been open for several weeks, but has received almost no support. We are trying to get Suad and her family evacuated before she gives birth, so we have only a few weeks left. Please help give Suad and her family a better future. If you cannot give, please reblog this post and repost the link across all of your social media accounts.
Thank you
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fairuzfan · 5 months
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Help Gaza's Children!
Palestinian children experiencing this latest aggression are homeless and in need of food, drinks, clothes, and more during the harsh Gaza Strip winter.
Your donations will help save the lives of these children as they experience these harrowing circumstances, so please consider donating!
Please spread this donation link around. Any amount will go a long way in helping the children of Gaza, no donation amount is too little!
Donate here:
Reblogs are much appreciated!
[Image ID: a 16:9 image that reads in big serif letters "help gaza's children" with a subtitle in serif letters that reads "Donate for the relief of homeless, stricken Palestinian children experiencing harsh winter in Gaza to meet their needs like buying food, drinks, clothes, and more." There are two white paint strokes highlighting the title text with "gaza's children" in red whereas the rest of the text is black. The background of the image has two transparent olive branches in black line art and gradient of red, yellow, and green.]
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 2 months
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From Quds News, we can see the car is clearly marked as World Central Kitchen (WCK) even from above. Check this post for the WCK statement on the attack but also have a look at how the spins & lies have already begun:
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You don't need to be an expert to know a roadside bomb would have hit that car differently. Like do they think our eyes and brains don't work?
WCK had 3 cars in their convoy and have reported 7 workers total killed. Now they have suspended operations for aid delivery. Aid from every direction is being blocked and affected in the strip, israel is starving the people of Gaza and killing anyone who tries to get food or give them food. It's insane and that word doesn't feel like enough but I don't know what else to say at this point.
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violottie · 3 months
Read it again. Read it again. Read. It. Again.
Understand the gravity of this. This is genocide.
from Al Jazeera English, 13/Mar/2024:
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“This war is a war on children. It is a war on their childhood and their future,” the head of the #UN’s Palestinian refugee agency #UNRWA Philppe Lazzarini wrote.⁠
"Over 12,300 children were killed in Gaza between October 2023 and February 2024, the data shows, compared to 12,193 children killed in global conflict from 2019 to 202, Lazzarini has shared this data on X." ⁠
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remindertoclick · 1 month
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Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
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iso7010 · 5 months
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letting those of you who aren't yet aware that there'll be a general big strike throughout the 21st to the 28th for Falasteen. this infographic should tell you the basics while the ig post by Bisan goes into detail. stock up well, extract physical money from your accs, let's do our best
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tikkunolamresistance · 2 months
Jeiwsh Actress Miriam Margolyes has recently made a statement speaking out against Israel;
“What we are doing, the Jewish people, over in Israel is shocking, embarrassing and wicked. and I cannot understand why all Jewish people, particularly members of Synagogues, do not want immediately to stop what is going on. And in the name of Humanity, I call upon all Jews to shout, beg, scream for a ceasefire.” You can watch the full video here.
Although Margolyes feeds into Zionist, anti-revolutionary rhetoric by saying “of course I condemn Hamas”, a phrase often used to devalue and discredit the Palestinian revolutionary movement and justify Israel’s bombing and destruction of the land— Margolyes statement is essential. She directly calls out the international Jewish community, our religious institutions, our silence. She will be called an antisemite, a Jew-hater, and everything Zionists tire out. But, Miriam Margolyes is right.
We, as Jews, must do more. We must call out our Shuls, our institutions, our Rabbis and our families. We must demand to be heard, in the name of freedom, of humanity, of Judaism.
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asterism-collective · 1 month
If there was a day dedicated to one person each day for every person Isr*el has martyred since Oct 7th alone…
we would be mourning for 95 YEARS STRAIGHT.
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northgazaupdates · 3 days
31 May 2024
Photographer Dawoud Abo Alkas documents the destruction of the Al-Hato family home in Al-Daraj, Gaza City, north Gaza
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kaapstadgirly · 3 months
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Never forgive. Never forget. World leaders, world-famous celebrities, and all those who are silent will answer.
via eye.on.palestine
TW ⚠️: Child death
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northgazaupdates2 · 19 days
This young family is trying to procure a tent and supplies to shelter them in Rafah. Right now they are sleeping on the street, with no privacy and no protection from the elements. This is a horrible way for anyone to live, much less an entire family. The amount they need is relatively low, and I think we can meet their goal quickly if we share widely.
You can make a tangible, immediate difference in the lives of displaced people in Gaza right now. Please reblog this post, and repost the link across your social media accounts.
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dallasstarsdyke · 4 months
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[ID: 2 nametag stickers colored with designs in support of palestine. the first is a watermelon on a black and white striped background. the second is a palestinian flag, with different designs for each color. red contains concentric hearts, black is a starry sky, white is a kufiyah, and green is an olive tree. end ID.]
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 27 days
Rafah Update from Bisan May 6, 2024
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mangocheesecakes · 5 months
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