#family in need
dazedasian · 2 months
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strawberryspritzy · 24 days
I hate to share bad news like this but
My family's house caught on fire totalling it out with major damage 💔
We're currently seeking any type of funds or help towards reconstruction, food, clothing, and also emergency vet bills for one of our dogs that was caught in the smoke inhalation.
Even if you can't donate, sharing helps a tremendous ton and I will gladly appreciate all the help for my family.
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anexperimentallife · 1 year
Help a Filipino family with a newborn and three other kids stay in their home!
UPDATED POST about the Tolentinos' situation after some negotiation with the new landowner!
Right now they have to come up with 6,000 pesos (about 120 dollars) by the end of April, 6,000 more by the end of June, and 12,000 pesos (about 240 dollars) more in December. (So basically around 480 dollars, with a quarter of it due immediately. This is less than what they WERE going to have to pay.)
Thanks to you, $98 of the first payment has already been raised! Thank you! We're still not quite there, though.
Here's Jhane Tolentino's PayPal donation link
In case you missed the earlier post, here's the deal in the nutshell: Jhane's* dad is partially disabled, and works as a taxi driver two days a week, for about 10,000 pesos (less than 200 dollars) a month, which is about all he can manage. But twenty years ago, the Tolentinos built a house for their family on land they were told they could occupy forever.
The landowner passed away, and his heir refuses to honor the agreement. He is demanding the Tolentinos start paying rent or vacate the house they built. After some negotiating, the price is dropped a bit, and he is allowing them to purchase the property their house is on (once again, the house they BUILT there, because they were promised they could stay there forever), but they have to come up with the above amounts by the times indicated or forfeit the deal.
If they can get through these first few payments, they hope to be able to handle things on their own, but this came out of the blue, and right now they need a hand.
*In case you don't remember Jhane (@geniussheepworld), she's been a friend of the family since 2021, shortly before El was born. Back when I was hooked up to an oxygen machine for a month, Jhane moved in with us to help Zoey (@thesurestthing) take care of Baby El and me, and pretty much just became part of our little family. She's living with us again to reduce the financial strain on the rest of the family, but that's all we can really afford to do.
P.S. This is originating on my blog instead of hers because she's new to Tumblr, and we don't want her to get mistaken for a bot or anything, whereas I've been here since 2012.
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 17 days
organized by Hani Abdalhadi
This family of four includes two young children, Sham and Maryam, who urgently needs eye surgery. Sadly, they are stuck in 🍉 and they desperately need to leave due to the mass destruction making it impossible to live there.
They need funds for both travel and Maryam’s medical care, and it’s $7k per adult and child to evacuate. Even the smallest contribution makes a difference, and if you can’t afford anything rn, reblog/share so it reaches more people.
€13,087 have been raised out of their €32k goal
thank you for your time and don’t forget your daily click
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nutzo0001 · 3 months
Friend need help:
In just 60 days we will be forced to leave our home. Rent prices in California has made it very very hard to find a new place despite our efforts. Owning this house is out of reach which is very depressing since my parents have worked countless years to keep this roof over our heads just for it to be taken away.
$1,495 USD raised of $5,600 goal
Finding a home that truly fits our needs has been a struggle, and planning for the future has caused us stress. But we're staying positive. We're working hard to save money and protect my nephews from this situation. Recently, our landlord offered to sell us the house we're currently in. It's tough right now, as we're barely making ends meet, but we're exploring options like seller financing or rent-to-own deals. House hunting has become monotonous, with unresponsive listings and deceptive schemes. It's not easy, especially with little kids, to find an apartment where noise isn't an issue. However, we believe things will work out. The support from our community has been incredible, and we're grateful for every dollar we receive. Though we know there's still a long road ahead, we will remain hopeful.
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happynightmoonsworld · 6 months
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chinookorca · 1 year
Hello everyone. As some of you are aware it's been a hard year for me and my daughter. We are currently staying with family while we wait for a new apartment. We are hoping to be in by 31st of this month.
Since I'm using all the money I currently have on moving us into our own place again I will not be able to get my kid anything for Christmas.
If you are willing or able to help here is her wishlist . I told her I'm having Santa bring her stuff to my dad's. This is going to be the first year we are not going to have our own tree.
Also if you would like to help with the moving fees that would be amazing.
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theeonlycatlady · 7 months
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I'm raising money on behalf of my family. Eviction is looming and we are facing a lot of uncertainty. I have several autoimmune conditions which make it difficult for me to hold down a full time job. However, I am a gig worker and work as much as is physically possible for me. My partner was laid off in July and is still waiting for his unemployment to go through. He has been applying for jobs since then with no luck, he has a bachelor's degree in biochemistry. Unfortunately, we live in a small city that doesn't have many jobs relating to his degree. We appreciate any amount of help and if there are any locals that may know of any jobs/careers in town that hire people that have a Bachelor's in biochemistry. Thank you & much love!
💜#gofundme #donate #help #fyp #foryoupage #evictionnotice #ayuda #familianecesitaayudayapollo #familyemergency
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thelittlebluedruid · 3 days
As I keep saying, wherever I post this link, I am not comfortable asking for help. But we REALLY need it. Me and my family are dying, and we could use any help we can get. If you would like to contact me, please instead go to the link and contact my mom, who is running the gofundme.
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dazedasian · 1 month
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anexperimentallife · 2 years
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Disabled, neurodivergent US couple and daughter caught in a bureaucratic and medical nightmare overseas
Summarizing the situation until now (new post because the old ones were getting bloated woth updates): We got pregnant in the Philippines at the beginning of what turned into a two-year national lockdown, with nearly expired visas--which has resulted in thousands of dollars in overstay fees, even though we COULDN'T leave.
Our daughter was born here during the pandemic, with complications requiring a C Section, and an error on her birth certificate kicked off an expensive year+-long struggle to get her paperwork corrected so she could be acknowledged as a US citizen--because even after travel restrictions were lifted, we could not take her with us if we left the country until her citizenship was confirmed and she had a passport. That meant MORE overstay fees, because there was no way we were leaving the country without her.
Many thousands of dollars in donations later, El's citizenship is at long last confirmed, and we finally have her passport, but the struggle is not over.
We now have to come up with an estimated 4,000-6,000 USD more for additional overstay fees (which are several times more than normal extension fees) for all the time it took to get this sorted, and another trip to Manila before any of us are allowed to leave the country. This is in addition to the 13K in debt we've racked up over this.
And the longer it takes, the more the fees add up.
My disability is our sole source of income, as Zoey is not allowed to work here.
While dealing with all of the above, I had covid twice, and with my existing health issues, it nearly killed me both times--I spent a month on an oxygen machine--and have developed other issues (heart, eyes, joints, and a persistent two-year infection that just finally got resolved after a surgery and industrial strength antibiotics) as a result of long covid. That's taken a huge chunk of the money already donated.
Once we get the funds together to pay off our overstay fees, we plan to take the cheapest tickets we can find.
@thesurestthing and I finally managed to get married (turns out Utah will do weddings over Zoom, even for non-residents). Now that we're married, other options may be open to us once the immediate crisis is resolved. But we have to get through this first.
If you can help or reblog, we'd appreciate it. Thank you, and thank you to everyone who has already kicked in or reblogged. We would not have made it this far without you.
PayPal donation link (lowest fees): https://href.li/?https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AAPN4HRA9YLA4
ko-fi: https://href.li/?https://ko-fi.com/anexperimentallife
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theeonlycatlady · 7 months
Hi! Me and my partner were t-boned while turning left on a green arrow to get onto the interstate. The car appears to be totalled and we were both injured. I was taken to the hospital via ambulance for my injuries, low blood pressure and losing consciousness twice. My passenger later went to the ER to get checked as he began to experience pain in his chest, shoulder and entire right side of body.
I suffer from autoimmune thyroiditis and psoriatic arthritis with enthesis. Due to my health conditions I am extremely concerned over current and newly developing injuries and how they can and most likely will effect me now and in the future. Any injury to my body be it to my skin, muscles, tendons, joints and/or bones can be highly problematic and put me at risk for developing permanent damage to said areas.
I had started working as a gig worker (Spark and Roadie) in September and due to the accident I have no car to do deliveries in and my injuries are making it difficult for me to lift, carry and pick up items. We're also experiencing financial hardship and have an 8 Year old and many cats. Our landlord will be filing for eviction today. We have no where to go and no car to live in if absolutely necessary.
It's been one hell of a month to say the least. We need guidance on where to go from here and lots of help if anyone can and would like to help here are links to make donations;
GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/c41ffdcf
PayPal: @wcolor
Venmo: @wcolor
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missjackil · 2 years
Gofundme Update 10/12
I had to choose to pay the electric bill this pay check, instead of paying on the car because I am on a budget plan with the electric company and I can't go into arrears or I'm taken off the plan and will have to pay the full amount due or get shut off.
Many people told me they can't shut my electric off between October and April but it seems I need to be over 60 (which I am not) or under 18 (which I am not) or otherwise need electricity to power my oxygen or cpap etc (which I do not)
Still a ways from goal...I hope this is over soon
Thank you all for your help
Direct contributions can be made to $MissJackiL on Cash App
Otherwise follow or share the link below
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dazedasian · 6 days
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darkmagenugget · 11 months
This one not for me:
But my sister was screwed out nearly $5k on a false commission scam and is in desperate need of help. If you can, consider donating to help her and sharing this around! She is a good person who got massively hit by this.
Let's do what we can to help her out. She really didn't deserve to have this happen. I am no good with tags, so add any tags yet, so add any tags that allow this to be seen if you can.
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