#fire witch
maryhale1 · 7 months
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This would be my perfect home 😍
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moodboard-d · 4 months
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secretie · 6 months
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Firestarter 🔥 Insta
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our-lord-satanas · 21 days
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BEGINNER WITCH: a beginner Witch is simply a person who is new to the practice of Witchcraft. Beginner Witchcraft encompasses various beliefs, traditions, and rituals that a person may follow or adopt as they explore and learn more about the craft. Beginner Witchcraft can involve studying various aspects of history and practice, learning about the components and tools used in Witchcraft, practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques, exploring your inner self and capabilities, and integrating spiritual belief systems into your life and practice. A beginner Witch may have a specific focus or area of interest in their practice, such as tarot reading, crystal healing, herbalism, or spellwork. They may also experiment with various rituals and spells to find their own personal way of practicing. They gather knowledge and read books, so the journey of a beginner Witch is uniquely customizable and transformative, as they learn more about themselves and the world around them through Witchcraft.
FIRE WITCH: a fire Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specializes in utilizing fire as an element or tool in their practice. Fire witches seek to harness the power of fire, using it as a symbolic and spiritual representation of strength, transformation, and creation. They strive to explore the depths of their inner potential and express themselves through the element of fire. As with any type of Witchcraft, the practice and beliefs of a fire witch can be tailored to the individual. However, some common practices may include spellwork, ritual work with candles and fire, divination, protection work, and exploring the element of fire through meditation and reflection. They tend to work with the energy of fire and the Sun. 
EARTH WITCH: an earth Witch is someone whose practice of Witchcraft draws from the energy and power of the earth. They may have a fascination with nature and the natural world, feeling a deep connection to the land and its energies. An earth witch typically incorporates aspects of nature into their practice, drawing inspiration from the animals, plants, and natural elements around them. Some common practices of an earth Witch may include spellwork, divination, protection, gardening, and working with herbs and other plants. Additionally, an earth Witch may also focus on rituals and celebrations that are connected to the natural cycle of the seasons. They tend to work with elements from nature like moss, herbs, and stones. 
WATER WITCH: a water Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specializes in the use of water and its energies for their practice. They strive to harness the mystical and healing qualities of water, using it as a symbol of change and renewal. Water Witches seek to explore the depths of their feelings and emotions, allowing them to flow freely and naturally. They may explore the mysteries of the world through the lens of water. As with other types of Witchcraft, the practice and beliefs of a water witch can be tailored to the individual. However, some common practices may include spellwork, divination, rituals, protection, and exploring water through meditation and reflections. They tend to work with elements such as seashells, water, and rain. 
AIR WITCH: an air Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specializes in the use of air as an element in their practice. Air is representative of freedom, movement, and communication. An air witch aims to explore the depths of their own mental state, seeking to understand the world around them through an empathetic and open-minded perspective. They strive to tap into the power of the mind and imagination, allowing themselves to explore the realm of ideas and possibilities. Some common practices for an air Witch may include meditation and reflection, divination, spellwork, protection, and learning to navigate through life in a creative way. They tend to work with the wind, smoke, cleansing, and knot magic. 
WHITE WITCH: a white Witch is a term that refers to a practitioner of white magic or Witchcraft. White magic is seen as the opposite of black magic, focusing on positive energy and intentions. A white Witch uses their practice and intentions to bring peace, happiness, and protection to others. White Witches typically believe that true power comes from kindness, love, and compassion. In terms of their practices, white Witches may focus on healing and protection spells, rituals, divination, meditations, prayer, and more. Their intentions are geared towards positivity and kindness, and they seek to create a space of harmony and balance for self and others. They tend to use healing, blessings, charms, and incarnations. 
CRYSTAL WITCH: a crystal Witch is a type of spell monger who uses crystals and other stones in their magic. Crystals and gemstones are believed to possess certain metaphysical properties such as energy healing and protection. A crystal Witch may use crystals and other stones to amplify and focus their intention, to protect themselves and others, or to bring specific energies into a spell or ritual. Crystal Witches often have personal relationships with specific stones, carrying them with them as protective talismans or charms. In addition to spellwork and rituals, a crystal Witch may also employ other metaphysical and spiritual practices involving crystals such as collecting, cleansing, charging, and divination.
FOREST WITCH: a forest Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specializes in working with the energy and power of the forest. Forests are seen as sacred places of rebirth, growth, and renewal, and they hold a connection to the elements and divinity. A forest Witch believes in preserving and cultivating the natural balance and order of the forest, respecting the plants and animals that inhabit it. In terms of their practices, forest Witches tend to focus on rituals and spellwork that involves forest energy and the forest itself. This may include connecting with nature, seeking guidance and wisdom from the forest spirits, and communicating with plants and animals. Forest Witches may also explore the powers of herbs and natural ingredients, integrating them into their spellwork. They tend to work with plants, animals, trees, herbs, and natural energies. 
COSMIC WITCH: cosmic Witches are a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specialize in the energy and power of the cosmos. The cosmos, or the universe, is seen as a source of infinite potential and possibility. Cosmic Witches seek to tap into the energy and power of the cosmos, seeking guidance and enlightenment in the vastness and mystery of the universe. They strive to understand the greater mysteries of life and our place in the universe. In terms of their practices, cosmic Witches may focus on rituals and spells that involve the cosmos and its energy. They may use divination, spellwork, rituals, meditations, and other spiritual practices to explore the cosmic energies and gain understanding of the universe. 
HEDGE WITCH: a hedge Witch is a type of magical and mystical practitioner who specialize in working with the land, nature, and herbalism. They see the earth as a source of both energy and wisdom, recognizing its power and potential for healing and protection. Hedge Witches use their magic to connect with the land and its energies, seeking wisdom and enlightenment from the plants and wildlife that inhabit it. They strive to preserve the balance and order of the land, using their craft to protect the environment and advocate for sustainability. In terms of their practices, hedge Witches typically focus on rituals and spells involving the land, nature, and herbalism. They may use herbs and other natural ingredients in their spellwork, perform rituals in nature, collect and cultivate the land and its energies, and explore the spirituality of the earth and its depths. It's about forging a personal connection with the land and its energies, bringing respect, wisdom, and enlightenment. Aside from herbs and plants, they also tend to work with dirt, soil, rocks and stones, animal bones, animal fat and oils, natural fibers, and other substances found in nature.
PLANT WITCH: plant Witches are a subclass of hedge Witch specialising in working with plants and nature. They focus on utilising the natural energies of the plant kingdom for spellwork, divination, and protection. Plant Witches seek to connect with the plant world and gain insight into the mysteries and power of nature. They strive to forge a deep and personal connection to the land and the plant kingdom, using their craft and intention to heal and protect the environment. They tend to work with soil, dirt, rocks and stones, animal bones, animal fats, essential oils, tinctures, and syrups in their spell work. 
GREY WITCH: grey Witches are a unique and eclectic subgroup of Witches who identify with traits from both light and dark magic and incorporate aspects of both into their practices. They seek to find a middle ground between good and evil, light and dark, and order and chaos. Grey Witches recognize both the divinity of the universe as well as its imperfections and grey areas. They strive to walk their own path, seeking wisdom, empowerment, and enlightenment through a balance of light and dark forces. In terms of their practices, grey Witches may explore both light and dark magic, voodoo-esque magick, chaos magick, using elements of both in their spellwork and rituals, and other esoteric traditions. They tend to work with herbs and plants, crystals and jewelry, candles, oils and perfumes, incense and smoke, rituals and spellwork, tarot and divination, and meditation and reflection. 
DIVINATION WITCH: a divination Witch is a type of mystical and magical practitioner who specialize in the use of divination in their practice. Divination, or the art of foretelling the future, is an ancient practice that has been used by cultures around the world for centuries. There are many different forms of divination, including tarot card reading, palm reading, astrology, astrology, numerology, oracle cards, and more. The practice of divination is driven by the belief that there are hidden depths and energies at work in the world around us. Divination Witches rely on their intuition and powers of perception to tap into these energies and gain insight into the future.
CHAOS / CHAOTIC WITCH: a chaos Witch is a type of magical and mystical practitioner who specialize in the use of chaos magick. Chaos magick is an eclectic and experimental approach to magic, drawing from various traditions and teachings. Chaos Witches embrace uncertainty and embrace the random and the unexpected in their spellcasting. They seek to create their own path and experiment with different forms of magick, incorporating elements, techniques, and practices from various traditions. Chaos magick often involves creating unique rituals or spells that may not fit neatly into defined categories. In terms of their practices, chaos Witches may explore a wide range of magickal and metaphysical practices, including spellwork, rituals, meditation, and more. 
HEREDITARY WITCH: hereditary Witches are a type of magical and mystical practitioner who inherit or are born into a family line of Witchcraft. They are typically raised and trained in the craft by their parents, grandparents, or other family members and practice a lineage or tradition of Witchcraft that has been previously established. Hereditary Witch families often have their own unique traditions, practices, and beliefs that are distinctive from other forms of Witchcraft. Hereditary Witches may focus on spells and rituals that are unique to their family or coven, and they may follow a hereditary practice or path that has been passed down through the generations.
GREEN WITCH: a green Witch is a type of magical and mystical practitioner who specialize in working with the natural world and plants. They have a deep connection to nature and see the power and potential in the plant kingdom. Green Witches seek to connect with nature and use their craft to heal and protect the environment. They may use their magic to nourish and nurture plants, grow and cultivate gardens, bring balance to their environment, explore the spiritual and metaphysical properties of plants, and more. In essence, green Witches focus on the spiritual and mystical energies of the natural world and seek to work in harmony with it. They tend to work with nurture herbs and plants, explore the metaphysical and spiritual properties of plants, grow and cultivate gardens, utilize organic substances like dirt and soil, explore the properties of essential oils and other plant oils, and more. 
LUNAR WITCH: lunar Witches are a type of magical and mystical practitioner who specialize in working with the moon and the lunar cycles. The moon has long been a powerful symbol of the feminine and of magic, and lunar Witches embrace this energy and use it in their practice. Lunar Witches seek to synchronize with the lunar cycles and draw on the power and energy of the moon in their spellwork and rituals. They may use the phases of the moon as a guide in their practices and rituals, and seek to align their actions and intentions with the flow of the moon. They tend to work with herbs and plants that have ties to specific phases of the moon, objects that contain lunar energies (moon water and crystals), natural light sources (candles and fire light), and symbols that represent the phases of the moon (crescents and circles). They also practice divination and astral travel. 
SOLITARY WITCH: a solitary Witch is a type of practitioner who practice Witchcraft on their own and follows their own individual path. They do not belong to a coven, family tradition, or established order of witchcraft. Instead, they rely on their own intuition, connection with the natural world, and their personal experience to practice Witchcraft in a solitary setting. Solitary Witches may have various different backgrounds and beliefs, but they are united in their desire to explore and practice Witchcraft in a way that resonates with them. Solitary Witches may focus on their personal development, exploring their own spiritual and metaphysical path without reliance on outside influences. They tend to work with ritual, meditation, divination, spellwork, herbs and oils, candles and firelight, crystals and stones, and divination and tarot cards. They may also explore aspects of spirituality and self-discovery, including prayer and meditation, dreamwork and journaling, exploration of their own psyche and identity, as well as incorporating various other personal beliefs and rituals into their practices. 
ECLECTIC WITCH: eclectic Witches are a type of practitioner who blend multiple traditions and practices into their craft. Eclectic Witchcraft is characterized by taking a broad approach to magic, incorporating elements and concepts from various traditions and beliefs. Eclectic Witches may incorporate aspects of nature worship, herb lore and healing, astrology and divination, spellwork, and more. They might pull from various cultural traditions, deities, and symbols to create a unique, individualized and personal practice. Eclectic witches are often drawn to exploring a variety of different perspectives and are open to incorporating new ideas and interpretations into their craft. They incorporate the practices that resonate with them and find balance in a unique, personalized, and tailored approach for their spellwork and rituals.
DEATH WITCH: death Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with and exploring the concepts of death and dying. Death Witches see the end of life as a natural part of existence, and seek to embrace it in their practice. They may work in a range of areas related to death, such as end-of-life care, funerary rites, cremation rituals, death positive activism, funeral service provision, and more. Death Witches seek to celebrate and reflect on the essence of life and death, embracing the finity of existence and finding beauty and wisdom in the transition. They tend to work with candles and firelight, flowers and herbs, skulls, bones, ashes, crystals, and water. 
SEA WITCH: sea Witches are a type of mystic and magickal practitioner who specialize in the use of the sea and its energies. They seek to connect with the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of the sea, exploring the power and potential of its vast depths. Sea Witches may work with the forces of the water, the tides, the tides and the oceans in their spellwork and practices. They may also explore the folklore and mythology of the sea, seeking insight and wisdom from the past. In terms of their practices, sea witches may incorporate elements such as herbs, water, bones, sea weed, beach sand, driftwood, crystals and stones, candle and firelight, seashells and other ocean objects. 
DREAM WITCH: a dream Witch is a type of practitioner who specialize in working with and exploring the realm of dreams. Dreams have long been seen as a mystical and metaphysical space, a world in which the veil between the conscious and unconscious is thin. Dream Witches seek to tap into the spiritual and metaphysical energies of dreams, seeking insight and wisdom from this realm. They may use dreamwork techniques and methods to explore the world of dreams, draw upon the potential of dreaming, and incorporate these experiences into their broader magickal practices. Dream witches may utilize various rituals, spells, and practices related to dreaming.
STORM / WEATHER WITCH: storm/weather Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with and controlling the forces of weather. They see the weather as a powerful, metaphysical force that can be manipulated and used to one's own advantage. Storm Witches seek to exert their control over the elements of nature, manipulating the weather to achieve their goals or purposes. They may also explore the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of the weather, seeing it as a gateway to the cosmos or a way to communicate with spirits and deities. In terms of their practices, storm/weather Witches may use rituals, spells, and prayers to manipulate and control the weather. They may call upon the storms, call on spirits and deities associated with the weather, create rituals that incorporate weather magic, seek protection from the elements, and more. They may also make use of ingredients and objects associated with the weather, such as rain or snow water, lightning rods, and crystals.
COTTAGE / HEARTH WITCH: cottage/hearth Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the domestic, everyday, and home-based aspect of witchcraft. Cottage Witches see the household and the home as a sacred space that can be a source of power, healing, and protection. They focus on creating a safe and cozy environment in their home, embracing the warmth and comfort of the hearth and the hearth fire. Cottage Witches seek to connect with the metaphysical and esoteric aspects of the home, harnessing the power of their space and the items within it.
KITCHEN WITCH: a kitchen Witch is a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of food, cooking, and kitchen magick to accomplish their spiritual and metaphysical endeavors. Kitchen Witches see the kitchen as a sacred space, and the act of cooking and preparing food as a profound and ritualistic activity. They seek to harness the power of food and nourishment, embracing the life-giving and nurturing aspects of cooking and eating. Kitchen Witches may incorporate various ingredients and tools into their practices, using herbs, spices, and baking ingredients for spellwork and rituals. They may also explore culinary and cooking traditions, creating special recipes and meals for magical occasions.
TEA WITCH: a variant of kitchen/cottage Witch; tea Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of tea and the art of tea-making in their spellwork and practices. Tea Witches see the act of making and drinking tea as a powerful metaphysical tool, a way to connect with the natural world and enhance one's spirituality. They may use various types of tea leaves and ingredients to imbue their tea with metaphysical and energetic properties. Tea Witches incorporate tea into their rituals and spellwork, using it as a medium for blessings and messages, and a way to align with the elements and cycles of nature.
GARDEN WITCH: garden Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with gardens and the natural world. They see the garden as a sacred space, a source of enlightenment and healing. Garden Witches seek to create a harmonious and nurturing space, cultivating plants and herbs, harnessing the energy of the earth and its nature, and embracing the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of the garden. They may explore the interconnectedness between the garden and the cycle of life, using it as a platform for spiritual and magickal practices. Garden Witches may incorporate a variety of components and elements into their spellwork and rituals, such as herbs and flowers. They are also closely related to the Green Witch. 
TECH WITCH: tech Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of technology and the digital realm in their spell work and practices. Tech Witches see the internet and the technological realm as a powerful metaphysical tool, a way to expand their own knowledge and wisdom. They seek to embrace the power and potential of technology, leveraging its capabilities to connect with spirit spaces, access metaphysical knowledge, and enhance and improve their spellwork. They may use different forms of technology in their practice, including laptops, digital sigils, tablets, an online/digital BoS and/or Grimoire, phones, virtual realities, and more. 
ELEMENTAL WITCH: elemental Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the elemental energies and forces of nature and/or afterlife. They see the four or five elements as a foundational aspect of existence, and seek to harness and balance their energies to achieve desired outcomes. Elemental Witches seek to connect with Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit, exploring the different aspects of each element and utilizing them in their spellwork and rituals. They may utilize various rites and practices associated with the four elements, such as meditation, prayer, incense, candles, herbs, and more. Elemental Witches may also have a particular affinity for one element, and concentrate on connecting with it. They typically work with magick that is worked by honouring/acknowledging the 4 or all 5 elements: Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit. Commonly an Elementalist will dedicate different areas of their altars to each element, call upon them during spells and rituals, and use symbols to represent each. 
FLORA WITCH: much like a Green or Garden Witch, flora Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the metaphysical and spiritual potential of flowers, herbs, and plants. Flora Witches see flowers and plants as sacred beings, and seek to connect with their energies and properties. They may work with various herbs and flowers in their spellwork, rituals, and practices, drawing upon their metaphysical virtues to enhance their own spiritual growth, balance out and restore energies, attract beneficial energies, and more. Flora Witches may incorporate elements of gardening, cultivation, and nature preservation into their practices, creating a harmonious and healthy balance of natural energy.
URBAN PRIMATIVE / CITY WITCH: urban primative/city Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the practice of Witchcraft in urban and city environments. They see the city as a space overflowing with energy, vibrations, and metaphysical forces, as well as the unique, modern, and powerful elements that only a city can provide. Urban primatives seek to tap into this energy and harness it in their rituals, spellwork, and practices. They may explore the metaphysical aspects of the urban space, as well as the cultural, sociological, and anthropological aspects of it. This type of Witchcraft may incorporate elements such as urban architecture and design, street art, and technological infrastructure. 
FAERY / FEY WITCH: faery/fey Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the realms of the Faeries and the fey. Faeries are a common part of magical, spiritual, and metaphysical beliefs, described as a race of mystical, mischievous beings that inhabit a realm or plane of existence between the mortal world and the spiritual realm. Fey Witches seek to explore the realms of the faeries, build relationships with them, give thanks, and harness their power and energy. They may utilize various faerie folklore and mythology in their practices, including offerings, rituals and spellwork, and connection with their energy.
SPIRIT-WORKING WITCH: spirit-working Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with spirits and the metaphysical realm. They seek to build relationships with the spiritual world and draw upon its energies and knowledge for personal growth and enlightenment. Spirit-working Witches may engage in various practices, including rituals, spells, communing with the spirits, divination, and more. They may work with different spirits and entities, engaging in communication with them and learning from them. Spirit-working Witches may also connect to their own energies and higher self, seeking to explore their own spirituality and consciousness.
DRACONIAN WITCH: draconian Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the energies of draco or dragon magic. Draco is a term used to refer to the divine or elemental energy of dragons, and is thought to possess powerful, protective, and transcendent energies. Draconian Witches seek to build a connection with this energy and draw upon its power in their practices. They may incorporate elements of draconic magic, imagery, and worship in their spellwork, rituals, and practices. Some might see this work as a form of worship, while others may approach it as a form of energy work.
SEASONAL WITCH: seasonal Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the cycles of the seasons and the metaphysical powers associated with them. They see the changes of the seasons as a profound and powerful aspect of nature, and seek to harness and tap into this power in their practices. They may explore the different meanings and symbols associated with the season, as well as its metaphysical aspects and potential. Seasonal Witches may use various methods to tie their practices to the seasons, such as rituals and spell-work that relate to the time of year, incorporating elements of nature and seasonal folklore into their craft.
PAPER WITCH: a paper Witch is a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of paper and written word in their practices. This includes using journal-keeping, creating spellwork and enchantments on paper, burning paper written with sigils, chants, symbols or spells, and utilizing papercrafts in spellwork and rituals. Paper Witches may also incorporate their own written works, such as poetry, short stories, manifestos, and more, into their practices. They see paper and the written word as a potent metaphysical medium, and seek to harness its power for their practice. Their craft may be focused on a specific purpose, such as writing for healing, protection, or manifestation.
MUSIC WITCH: a music Witch is a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of music and sound in their spellwork and practices. They see the metaphysical power and influence of music and sound to connect with the spiritual realms. Music Witches may include various types of music in their rituals and spellwork, from folk songs and folk music to modern and contemporary music. They may also use musical instruments, such as drums, chimes, bells, triangle, flutes, and more, to connect with the divine and the metaphysical. A music Witch's craft may centre around a certain type of music, genre, rhythm (humming, chapping, singing chants, during spells, or mood.
ANIMAL WITCH: a variant of a Green Witch; animal Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with animals and the metaphysical power of the animal kingdom in their spellwork and practices. They see the animal kingdom as a vast and powerful realm, with a deep connection to nature and the spiritual world. Animal Witches may incorporate various animal spirits into their ritual work, seek to form partnerships and bonds with animals, and use their own connection to animals and animals they encounter to enhance their spells and spellwork. Their craft may involve a variety of rituals and spellworks, as well as techniques such as animal communication, psychic connection, or animal divination. Some animal Witches may also use bones, wings, feathers, skin, fins, scales, (etc) from deceased animals in their magick, if they choose to do so. 
SANGUINE WITCH: meaning “blood” or “blood red colour” in Latin, a type of magick that deals with blood or other life living fluid. Sanguine Witch is a term used to describe practitioners who specialize in working with blood magic. Sanguine magic is the use of blood and other bodily fluids in ritual practice and spellwork. Sanguine Witches seek to harness the power and life-force of blood, the essence and essence of life itself, for healing, protection, or manifestation purposes. They may use blood from their own body or the bodies of others in their rituals and spellwork, as well as working with menstrual blood, animal blood, and other bodily fluids. Sanguine Witchcraft may also incorporate elements of vampirism.
EMBROIDERY / SEWING / KNIT WITCH: embroidery/Sewing/Knit Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in the use of embroidery, sewing, knitting, quilting, and other textile arts in their spellwork and practices. They see embroidery, sewing, knitting, and other fabric arts as an artistic medium, a way to express and create. They may incorporate embroidery or cross-stitch patterns into their ritual work, use knot or chord magick and knitting in their spellwork, or create quilts and handmade items for spiritual purposes. They might also use sewing for healing, protection, or manifestation, by mending or creating new clothes.
SIGIL WITCH: a sigil Witch is a term used to describe practitioners who specialize in the use of sigils in their spellwork. Sigils are symbolic symbols or icons that represent an intent that a practitioner seeks to manifest in their work. Sigils may be simple or complex, handwritten or designed digitally, and may contain all forms of symbols, shapes, and images. A sigil Witch seeks to create sigils by meditating or channeling an intent, and then charging the sigil with energy through specific techniques. Sigils are then used in various ritual practices, such as casting circles, protection spells, and spell jars.
ART / CRAFT WITCH: an art/craft Witch is a term used to describe practitioners who specialize in the use of art, crafts, and creative expression in their spellwork and practices. Art/craft Witches see the creative process as a sacred and powerful act of expression and connection. They seek to incorporate various artistic and creative mediums, such as painting, drawing, writing, needlework, sculpture, and more, into their rituals and spellwork in order to manifest their intentions and desires. Some may also seek to incorporate elements of intuition, inspiration, and intuition into their practices. Their craft may include a wide variety of artistic practices and expressions.
BONE WITCH: witches who commonly collect, clean, and use animal bones in their magickal practice. Bone Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with bones and other remains in their spellwork and practices. Bones are a potent symbol of death, death and rebirth, and transformation, and can hold a deep metaphysical and spiritual significance. Bone Witches seek to harness this metaphysical power for various purposes, such as healing, protection, and manifestation. They may collect and use bones from various sources, including animals, humans, or even fossils (all respectfully), in their rituals. They may also integrate bone art and carving into their practices, as well as utilize specific techniques such as bone readings and bone divination.
ASTRONOMY WITCH: astronomy Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the skies and celestial energies in their spellwork and practices. They see the stars, planets, comets, and other celestial phenomenon as a connection to the metaphysical realm and the divine. Astronomy Witches seek to harness the energy and power of astronomy and celestial phenomena to enhance and strengthen their own metaphysical energy. They may incorporate celestial energies by monitoring planetary cycles, using astrological charts and interpretations, and observing comets, meteor showers, etc. They may also use celestial imagery and iconography in rituals and spellwork.
ENERGY WITCH: energy Witches are a type of practitioner who specialize in working with the energetic realms and metaphysical forces rather than physical tools or materials in their spellwork and practices. They see energy as a fundamental aspect of existence, spanning all dimensions and forms, from physical to spiritual to metaphysical. Energy witches seek to harness and manipulate this energy, to create and connect with their own metaphysical energy. They may incorporate various methods and techniques into their craft, including meditation, visualization, breathwork, and energy work. Their practice may also include utilizing different types of energies, such as life force, aura work, healing energy, and spiritual energy, depending on desired outcome.
LITERARY WITCH: a literary Witch is a practitioner who specialize in using literature, books, and the power of words in their spellwork and practices. Literary Witches see words and language as a fundamental aspect of existence, the foundation of human communication and expression. They focus on the power and potential of the written word, seeking to embrace their own creativity and literary abilities. They may write their own spells and rituals, and include literary references and imagery in their practices. Their craft may also include writing poetry and songs, or incorporating symbolic, literary, and mythological characters and elements in their work. Also a term used to describe Witches in stories, books, or movies. 
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candles-by-mokosh · 1 year
Digital Litha Altar 🌼
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A little moodboard of sorts to use in blog decoration or even just to keep as your altar for any closet witches!
Gifs belong to their rightful owners 🌼
Blessed Litha!
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jrdnmichelle · 3 months
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mini altars to the elements
earth air fire water
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maryhale1 · 7 months
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My perfect workspace 🥰
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witchywonders98 · 2 years
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Fire witch aesthetic
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magickkate · 3 months
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Good day, witches! Let's talk about what not to burn in your magical practice. While fire is a powerful tool for transformation and manifestation, it's essential to use it responsibly and ethically. Here are a few things to avoid burning:
Plastic: Burning plastic releases toxic fumes and pollutants into the air, harming both you and the environment. Stick to natural materials like wood, paper, or herbs for your burnable offerings.
Synthetic Materials: Similarly, avoid burning synthetic fabrics, rubber, or other man-made materials. Stick to natural fibers and materials that can safely be incinerated without releasing harmful chemicals.
Toxic Herbs: Not all herbs are safe to burn. Some herbs can produce irritating or toxic smoke when burned, so do your research and make sure you're using safe and non-toxic herbs in your rituals. Do research what plants are unsafe or toxic to burn, especially if you have fur/scale/feather-babies.
Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade): Its name says it all. It’s lethal. Hemlock: Socrates sipped it; you shouldn’t. Foxglove: Pretty, but deadly. Mandrake: It won’t scream, but it’s still toxic.
Animal Products: Avoid burning animal products such as feathers, bones, or fur, especially if you're unsure of their source or ethical implications. Opt for cruelty-free and ethically sourced alternatives instead.
Sage, if used outside of its designated closed practice. Here's some alternatives
Cedar: Cleansing and grounding. Palo Santo: Sweet, fragrant, and eco-friendly. Rosemary: Purification powerhouse.
Remember, fire is a sacred element, so treat it with respect and reverence in your magical practice. Choose your offerings wisely and always prioritize safety and sustainability. 🔥🌿✨
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callunavulgaris · 11 months
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Fiery hair in loose winding curls for a hot summer evening! I'd like to imagine all these folks dancing around an open bonfire or preparing their individual trades for a booth at an after-dark festival!
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moodboard-d · 5 months
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Hephaestus: Introductory Post
Ἡφαιστος (Vulcan) Greek God of Fire and Metal-working
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Epithets: ✧ Amphigyḗeis [Lame-one] ✧ Kyllopodíōn [Club-footed] ✧ Pyrotes [Smith] ✧ Aitnaos [Of mount Aetna] Domains ✧ Smith ✧ Fire ✧ Stonemason ✧ The arts ✧ Ceremony
Duties ✧ Smith gods and heros their own gear ✧ He also made their furnishings and dwellings
Devotional acts: ✧ if you can, carve stuff! Crystals, wood, stone, etc. ✧ Collect rocks ✧ Light a bonfire ✧ Support small businesses and artists, especially those that sell handmade items ✧ Get into mini making!
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Symbol: ✧Hammer & Tongs
Element: ✧Fire
Color: ✧ Orange, Red, Grey, Gold, Silver, Yellow, Metal: ✧ (UPG) All of em but especially forging metals like steel and titanium Crystals and Stones: ✧ Amber, citrine, ruby, garnet, carnelian Fruits,Vegetables,Flower, Herb: ✧ No known association Animal: ✧ Donkey ✧ Crane ✧ (UPG) You know those lava snails? Yeah.
Incense: ✧Frankincense ✧ Dragon's blood ✧ Manna
Food & Drinks: ✧ Red Wine ✧ Olive Oil ✧ Water ✧ Fruit ✧ Honey ✧ Bread ✧ Meat ✧ Spicy things and Hot Beverages
Day, Season, Time of Day: ✧ N/A Tarot: ✧ Judgement ✧ King of Swords
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🔥 fire signs ; passionate, innovative, ambitious, competitive, confident, independent.
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our-lord-satanas · 1 month
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• The history of Witchcraft.
• Different types of Witches.
• Types of magick.
• Types of spells.
• Types of divination.
• Talismans vs sigils
• Seals.
• Altars.
• Closed/open religions.
• Lucid dreaming and astral projection.
• Spirits.
• Basic Witch supplies.
• Symbols and symbolism.
• Basic Witch supplies.
• The elements.
• Grounding and energy work.
• Herbs and their magick.
• Crystals and their powers.
• Sabbaths.
• Moon phases.
• Energy.
HIMALAYAN PINK SALT: protects relationships, removes negative blockages and curses. 
RED SALT: home protection and blocks negative energies. 
CELTIC SEA SALT: protection and attracts financial abundance. 
BLACK SALT: powerfully protective. 
TABLE SALT: good all-round cleansing properties. 
SEA SALT: purification, good for cleansing, and helps balance emotions.  
• Start a lunar diary.
• Keep a dream diary.
• Write your spells.
• Astrology meanings.
• Write your rituals.
• Record rituals.
• Tarot meanings.
• Magickal correspondences.
• Crystal meanings.
• Your natal chart info.
• Herbs.
• Deities.
• Crystals.
• Recipes.
• Faeries.
• Elements.
• Mediation.
• Moon phases.
• Casting a circle.
• Full moon names.
• Wheel of the Year.
• History of Witchcraft.
DAWN: spells of study, business, employment, healing, and travel. Preform rituals of purification and to bless new beginnings.
NOON: spells of strength, courage, protection, success, opportunity, and money issues.
SUNSET: spells for release, letting go of illness, heart break, and failure. Banish misery and pain. Perform rituals for breaking addictions and negative habits.
NIGHT: spells for enhance self development. Psychic dreams, awareness, divination, spirituality, love, peace, healing of old wounds, and releasing stress.
• Pentacle.
• Solar cross.
• Mars symbol.
• Hamsa.
• Eye of Horus.
• Triquetra.
• Pentagram.
• Bindrune.
• Hexagram of Solomon.
• Crossed spear.
• Black obsidian.
• Clove.
• Black pepper.
• Rosemary.
• Dragons blood incense.
• Garlic.
• Cinnamon.
• Basil.
• Black candles.
• Tourmaline.
• Bay leaf.
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azari-31 · 7 months
Two worlds collide - Namor x OC/reader
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A/U: so.... it's finally here. Im bad at writing a romantic non angst things, cuz i love angst. I had no idea how to write some scenes, but maybe in a few weeks i'll update it with this missing scenes. For now - enjoy this "masterpiece". Sorry for some mistakes, but i'm not good at english as i want to be. the end. now...
words; 3700-ish
She hid behind the column and prayed to any deity to stay unseen. Tears ran from her eyes and a silent sob escaped her mouth. She wanted to come back home, to hug her mum. She wanted to reunite with her mother! 
The blue people were killing everyone one by one. Screams of guards and priests hurt her ears. She covered them with her small hands, but it didn't help much. That was horrifying. Unconsciously, Azula called to her magic and a fire ring appeared around her protecting her from anyone.
Soon after everything ended. 
Screams and yanking of steel; everything went silent. The only sounds were grunts of dying soldiers. Girl managed to open her eyes and looked at the battlefield. Flames slowly went out and left a burned mark on the ground.
A young boy looked at her and offered his hand. He spoke something to her in an unknown language. Terrified, she was looking at him for a relatively long time until one of her fellow prisoners said to her. 
-He's asking you to join him. - the closest woman translated the newcomer's words. - He said he sees your talent and that he can provide you with shelter. 
-Why? - she turned to this boy and the chains on her ankles crunched. Azula felt as the blood flowed down from wounds. She was weak. Very weak. Girl stumbled, but quickly regained her balance. Chains weighed her down and irritated her wounds. Pain was almost unbearable. She clenched her teeth.
In a matter of seconds one foreign warrior came to her and broke her shackles. With no word she grabbed the warrior’s arm and rested all of her weight on him. Girl didn’t even notice K’uk’ulkan walking towards her.
-Friends? - she looked surprised at the boy's hand and then at him. He wanted to be her friend? It was strange and uncommon for her. 
She took a glimpse at the surroundings and finally answered:
-Friends. - flame in her eyes ignited with joy in her heart. 
Many years have passed. Azula has excelled at magic as a witch. Her body was adjusted and used to do more demanding and experienced magic. A curse of fire in her blood was still a problem, but thanks to Namor it wasn’t that much of a problem. 
After all these years her friendship with the king of Talokan grew stronger. They were inseparable. They could end each other’s sentences like they read their minds. This bond was something they needed. Both of them had time and no biological family to love. Two kids from different worlds – the surface and underwater. Something no one could think would work. Their feelings grew stronger and suddenly they couldn’t live without each other. 
Azula was doing some ancient ritual when Namor came out of the sea. Spirits of the dead were surrounding her and the campfire. It was the time of year, when the spirits of ancestors wanted to meet with the living ones, but in Azula’s tradition it was about giving power to the dead. Her clan believed spirits had to consume their descendants’ magic to be able to survive. 
Namor sat down on the rock silently and watched her moves with admiration. This woman was graceful and delicate despite the power that was surging inside. He saw a few burns and wounds from her fire. They made beautiful marks like tattoos, but painful. Many times he had to tend to her wounds, because she was exhausted.
-I got you, Mi Reina. - he said as he caught her. The love for her was so strong. 
-K’uk’ulkan. - a smile appeared on her face at the same moment as she saw his face. - Thank you.
-You know I could burn the world for you. - he caressed her face and kissed her forehead. 
-It’s my thing, Elio. Your domain is water and stick to it. - she winked with greater smile.
She barged into the ruined throne room right after M’Baku. She looked around and her eyes stopped at one point. There he was, in the broken window, looking at the young crying princess. For a second she laid eyes on the floor and saw Ramonda’s unconscious body. From that moment everything went silent.
-Bury the dead. Mourn your losses. You’re the Queen now. - Suddenly, the meaning of Namor’s words came to the witch. One look at the scene; Shuri stopped by M’Baku, Okoye and Nakia trying to resuscitate Ramonda and Riri. This was enough for her. K’uk’ulkan looked at Azula for the last time before he decided to go back. Her rage turned into blue-ish flames covering her arms.
-Estas muerto, Namor. - she threatened and sent a fireball at him. Before Namor disappeared, she could see the betrayal in his eyes. When he was already gone, she snapped out of trans and didn’t think twice of what she was doing. The flames vanished spontaneously leaving her skin burned.
Okoye was still trying to resuscitate Ramonda, but her efforts were in vain
-She has passed. - silent words came out of Nakia’s mouth. Everyone heard it, but not Azula. Witch forced her whole body to move. As she was close, she pushed Okoye away and kneeled beside Ramonda. Azula took a knife out of her pocket and cut the inside of her hand. Then she put it on the queen’s chest, tainting the material of the dress.  
-It’s not too late. - Azula said to herself. - There’s still hope. I feel her spirit. - she wiped tears away from her face and started some incantations. Her voice was cracking, breaking every few words. Even breath control didn’t help. She put everything in that spell; her emotions, feelings, even her soul. Damn it, she would sell it to Satan himself if she could. She couldn’t fail this time, she just couldn’t.
Witch felt the curse kicking in, but it didn’t stop her, even made her sacrifice more for a friend. The feeling of her magic devouring her from inside was excruciatingly painful. At some point she heard her scream. Azula forced every molecule of her body to do as she commanded. The flames subtly covered Ramonda’s body and pumped life energy inside.
Suddenly she encountered a void. An empty vessel without even the smallest signs of life. Azula’s magic hasn't had anything to become an anchor. Nothing worked. Even draining from her life forces didn't help. Flame in her dangerously dimmed inside.
Like behind the mist, she saw Shuri crying over her mother's corpses. She failed. Again. Tears started to flow from her eyes and blurring her vision. Drained out of energy, Azula barely stood up by herself. She looked at the ruined throne room and tragedy in front of her before she left them. She had unfinished business with someone. 
Azula entered Namor’s chamber like it was her own. Inside she encountered his third-in-command. They weren’t friends for a long time, but now this “not caring about the other” turned into hatred. 
-Leave us alone. - she commanded with her strong voice, but the warrior didn’t even flinch. Commander waited for her King’s reaction. He nodded and the talokanian warrior left the room. From now on they were the only people inside. The silence between them was terrifying and tension was almost touchable.
-Long time no see, Zaz… - he wanted to greet his friend, but didn’t have a chance. She pushed away his hands. Next thing she did was attack him verbally. 
-Cut that shit, Namor. We both know what you did. 
-So it's no longer 'Mi Corazón'? Not even Elio? - he asked playfully, with a little bit of sarcasm. But under this facade he hid the little fear. She had magic in her possession. Five hundred years of magical experience and knowledge. 
-You attacked Wakanda against our agreements. - The witch's voice was harsh and washed from emotions. - The country of my beloved friend! 
-They didn’t pick a side and that was my warning. And now I need you to help me destroy them once and for all. - the calm in his voice sent chills down her spine. For a moment she forgot how dangerous he was. Underwater, in his domain, she had low chances for winning in a direct fight. Of course Azula could beat him, even kill him, but it required time. And he wouldn’t give her that in a fight. 
-You killed their Queen! - she shouted, but her voice seemed flat, once again washed from any form of emotion. Her eyes were piercing his very soul. He wanted to flinch, but his pride didn't let him. When he looked at her, in her irises he saw something that he didn't think he would see again. It was something primal, something wild and untamed. Something from her past.
-That was necessary. And I don’t owe you any explanation. - he said and looked away from her piercing gaze. It was often fascinating, but this time it was paralyzing. Sometimes he felt like beneath Azula’s skin a monster was hidden. Like she was a monster in human flesh. Or rather unsatisfied, ferocious flame.
-I can curse you forever and you will never experience the feeling of water again. - she started her tirade on him. She didn’t even try to hold her magic anymore. She wanted to do a scary spectacle. - I can make you as weak as the human race is, even weaker than them. - woman threatened him with magic focused in the palm of her hand. 
Her fingers touched his skin subtly as the magic tightened its grip on his throat. Suddenly he felt like his power and vitals left him. The feeling lasted only for a short amount of time, but it was strange, almost frightening for him. Now he knew Azula thrived as a magic user and was much more powerful than before, when she left Talokan and him for the surface world. But still he didn’t know her full potential, neither did she. 
-Even then I will not change my decision. - he hissed through his teeth. He couldn't let her know how scared he was. - My people will follow me and do everything to protect Talokan. - he answered with confidence and calm worthy of the greatest king and warrior. 
-You’re ready to start a war with the surface? - Azula was surprised by the decision of her friend and the idiocy of the plan. But the rage was more powerful and it quickly covered every other thoughts and emotions. - Fully knowing the consequences of not having an alliance with Wakanda? Or any powerful ally? 
-I won't make a pact with them anymore. They had their chance. - he turned to the paintings and it looked like he studied it for a moment. The picture showed a short story about how Azula met him and became the Protector of this city. And his heart. - And they rejected my offer.
-Why? - she asked while holding her anger and grief in check. They both knew bad emotions were the best fuel for her dark magic, even better than sacrifices. He learnt it the wrong way a long time ago and didn't want a reround. 
-One of them killed a guard. - as the meaning of words came to her, she looked at him stunned. Someone didn’t tell her all the facts and truth. She knew Talokanil meant everything to Namor. He could do anything for them, even die if that meant he protected them. The fact that someone killed one of his subjects was terrifying. For sure it was Nakia, because Shuri and Riri had no weapons to execute anyone. - That is the real reason for my aggression towards Wakanda. That’s how Talokanil and K’uk’ulkan return the favor.
-Tell me one thing. - she asked, fighting with the urge to destroy something and crying from helplessness. She kept her composure with the last piece of energy she had left. - Why am I not even surprised by what you want to do? - the pain in her voice was almost touchable for the ruler of the underwater kingdom. - You killed their queen, destroyed their capital and you want more?!
-I'll bring justice for my people.
-That’s not justice! That was pure revenge. - she hissed. Magic flames almost covered her irises for a brief moment. And yet he took a step towards her. 
-I must secure Talokan’s future. That was always my goal and you knew it from the beginning of our relation. - K’uk’ulkan answered confidently, trying to keep his emotions and feelings hidden. Now he wasn’t sure about which side Azula picked. Just in case, he must’ve been prepared for everything. - And Wakanda will be our warning for the surface world. 
-I could kill you right now ‘cause of your broken promise. - she warned him while she stepped further from him. The feeling of her magic surprised him again. It was climbing from his feet. They looked deeply in each other's eyes fighting a wordless battle. The face of a man she loved so deeply for years; now she didn’t recognize it, like it belonged to a completely different person.
-We were friends once. Why can’t we go back to those times? - he asked, and his look softened. He tucked a strand of her hair in his fingers and gently put it behind her ear. She knew he was trying to make her choose him, but she already decided. - Join me and … - he started, but the witch stopped him in the middle of the sentence. 
-In the name of the friendship we once shared, from the respect to each other we once had I won’t kill you this time. - she said and turned her back to him. She made a few steps to the doors, but stopped about 1 meter in front of the exit. - Next time we’ll meet on the battlefield… We won’t fight on the same side. And I won't be that merciful as I am today. - K’uk’ulkan noticed gathering tears in her eyes. Instincts forced him to wipe them away, but he resisted this urge. It wasn’t appropriate and wanted by her. It would end terribly for both of them. 
-Azula… - he tried again, but he failed once more. All his thoughts were focused on this woman and how he could persuade her to stay with him and fight by his side. He couldn’t lose her as an ally, but mostly as a friend. Not because she was powerful, but because she was the closest person he had after his mother. But something she said next broke his heart into a million pieces irrevocably.
-You really are a niño sin amor. - she said before vanishing from Namor’s chamber. A one single drop of tear rolled down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away. Today she lost two of her friends. How much must she lose before she can live peacefully? - she asked herself while she went back to her room in Wakanda's palace. She only prayed that the upcoming war won't end by his or Shuri’s death.
Why does she always have to suffer? Why can’t anything go strictly as it was planned? And why does it always involve hurting someone close to her?
She sat alone on a rock for a long time now thinking about everything that happened. She knew she did everything she could, but couldn’t help herself. She blamed herself for Ramonda’s and T’Challa’s deaths. She could prevent those events from happening, but she failed. And now she had to pay the price.
-Zaz? - he asked, surprised while walking out of the water. He didn’t expect her coming to Talokan nor even calling him ever again. They were enemies with a shared, and maybe for her, unwanted past. But there she was, waiting for him.
-You came. - she smiled slightly. Namor could only see her right profile. Her eyes were directed into the sunset. The beach she chose meant something to both of them. They met here for the first time and became friends. 
-You called. - he answered and took a few steps in her direction. He stopped right in front of her and sat beside the rock. They watched the sunset together in complete silence. Instinctively she put her hand on Namor’s head and started playing with his hair.
In this precise moment there was nothing else, but them and the setting sun. He gently put his head on the side of her thigh. Namor just wanted to be a normal man, even for a short while. And all that mattered for her was to be with him. 
-Mi corazón. - she whispered, still looking at the horizon. It felt like they went back in time, when they were just lost, abandoned kids. - Do you remember our talk about our lifespans? - he nodded in agreement. - I wasn't entirely honest with you that day. 
-What do you mean? 
-You can live for about how many years more, huh? It's gonna be at least 500 years. We don't know that. - she shrugged without any other move - On the other hand, I knew that you would outlive me. I use dark magic and this type of magic focuses on sacrifices, like plants or animals. Or the user's life force. I did it to extend my life, but it was only temporary. I always knew that.
-But you perform sacrifices every time. You were very cautious about it. - a sad smile showed on her face for a second and quickly faded.
-I told you this a long time ago and I'm gonna tell you again. Every… 
-What did you do? - he asked, scared of what she could do or already did. He couldn't afford to lose her now. Nor ever.
-...thing has a price. And I didn't pay the price for defying death twice.
-What do you mean by "defying death"? - he asked, terrified. As the last words came out of his mouth, Azula turned to him and showed her full face. The left part was missing. It looked like it was burned. Namor looked at her in shock.
-Year ago I tried to bring T'Challa back to life. It didn't go well and from that moment I balanced between life and death. Second time was right before Shuri took the throne. I struggled with resurrecting Ramonda, but that went even worse than I expected. - she spoke last words shyly, like she didn’t want to admit it to him. Admit that she failed. Even if it was his fault.
-How long… - the man tried to ask, but he couldn't say anything.
-I have a few minutes, maybe less. - she replied shortly. - If it's about how long I hid this from you and others… - she pointed at the scarred part and tried to smile, but it didn't work. - More than a year. It became worse after T’Challa’s failed resurrection.
-No… - Namor said, still not believing in Azula's words. 
-You craved for an answer why I called you today. So here it is. I wanted to see my old friend and the love of my life for the last time. - she smiled slightly. Her answer seemed honest and genuine; no hooks or hidden meanings.
-I asked you once if you could be Mi Reina. - he smiled and joined their hands together. It felt good, like they were meant for eachother. 
-And I said 'over my dead body'. - woman chuckled quietly. 
-But you already were the queen of my heart. - He confessed and looked at her. In her eyes he saw joy and tiredness. Both feelings were fighting with each other for dominance, but neither could win. For now, all she felt was overwhelming joy. She'll die in the arms of a man she loved for so long. 
-Can I ask you for something?
-Anything for you, Mi Reina. - he couldn’t hold back his tears anymore, but he had to. That was her goodbye to the world and to him. And he couldn’t stop it.
-Try to love the surface and its people. They've changed, the world has changed. And you will find someone worth trusting. Just give them a chance. - she asked him. All she ever wanted was to be with him. Just like now, only two ordinary people, no more nor less. But that was a dream, and her dreams never came true.
-You are the only part of the surface world I love. - his attempts to hold his tears failed. Soon one tear ran down his cheek and after this another came. It shocked Azula to her core. Last time she saw Namor crying was after his mother’s death.
-But not the last. - her words were full of hope and kindness. He couldn’t believe how she could be so kind and happy and hopeful in her last moments of life. He barely believed that moment existed and it was real.
-I always loved you, Mi Reina. - he said with a fading smile. He did not hold back his tears. - And I always will. - he gently put a kiss on her forehead. 
-See? They were wrong. - she smiled through her and his tears. - You can love. - he watched as she took her last breath and her eyes closed for eternity. Her grip on his hand loosened up and the heart stopped beating. With tearing eyes he hugged her dead body to his own. All those years lost because of thought he knew better. Her death was caused by his selfishness and not listening to his best advisor. The flame in her was gone. And with that his last piece of love for the surface world.
He already missed her heartbeat and her smile. Her true happy smile. Everyone he loved was dead. But Talokan still existed. And with it her flame and dream did too. That was the only thing that mattered now.
The funeral ceremony was made with great respect.Talokanil farewelled her like a Queen, whom she was for them. He wanted to bury her underwater, near him and his people. But that was his selfishness speaking.
Long time ago she confessed to him about her wishes of last destination. She mentioned one place. A small city by the sea, near Alicante. Her hometown. That, he remembered. And she deserved this, to be buried in her ancestors’ home. Nevertheless, she deserved to live even more. 
-K’uk’ulkan. - Namora greeted her king. Even she felt grief. Azula gave her heart to this kingdom and its people.
-Queen Shuri is asking you to take Azula’s tomb. What shall I say?
-That I’m going with them to make sure her last wish will be executed properly. - Namor commanded. He took a glimpse at the mosaic of him and Azula. Kids from 2 different worlds marked with violence for the rest of their days. Even after 5 centuries he would do the same thing; he would still ask Azula to be his friend. And he would finally ask her to become his queen.
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thesorceresstemple · 9 months
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