#hamlet omelet
a film version of Hamlet, except the characters all all chickens
and it's called "Omelet"
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dexabite · 1 year
okay but what if the reason why shakespeare says “...that’s the great idea...?” is because he calls the thing he wants to write in the future, the best piece he’s written, “his greatest work”? and since he knows that nick just asked for his future writing from nostradamus (aka hamlet), he thought that his greatest work was... a musical about omelets. i feel like he asked himself if he went mad that split second that he said “...that’s the great idea...?”
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valentinemailbox · 2 years
i find it funny that hamlet is named hamlet. when he was born his parents must have been like you know breakfast sounds real good right now. what do you get when you pair a ham and an omelet together? a hamlet! lol
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aurianneor · 7 years
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Hamlet Omelet
You can cook oignons and tomatoes (or any other vegetables) on a low heat in the pan before pouring the eggs.
- How To - make an omelette, from 'Jamie Does...': https://youtu.be/wA_Op5SoAAM
- https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2010/jun/03/how-to-make-perfect-omelette: As with all very simple things, the omelette has attracted a certain mystique amongst those convinced that there must be more to it than meets the eye. In the titular essay from the collected short works of Elizabeth David, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine, the 'awful genius' of post-war food writing tells of a certain Madame Poularde, celebrated throughout France for her omelettes.
The gourmands of France slathered over her light and fluffy creations, and indulged themselves with endless speculation as to her secret:
"She mixed water with the eggs, one writer would say, she added cream asserted another, she had a specially made pan said a third, she reared a special breed of hens unknown to the rest of France claimed a fourth. Before long, recipes for the omelette de la mère Poulard began to appear in magazines and cookery books. Some of these recipes were very much on the fanciful side. One I have seen even goes so far to suggest she put foie gras into the omelette."
Finally, David writes, someone saw fit to ask Madame herself for her recipe. "I break some good eggs into a bowl, I beat them well, I put in a good piece of butter in the pan. I throw the eggs into it and I shake it constantly. I am happy, monsieur, if this recipe pleases you."
- Les Nuls - Omelette: https://youtu.be/7TwG1S8Xk5A
- Hamlet, William Shakespeare: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099726/ (All the eggs are broken at the end).
- No, it is not what you will have on the head after the shampoo, you just need to rinse your hair with chilly water: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/160878723215/healthy-hair-les-cons -dune-to-wookie
- And what about eating chicken?: Rotten S01E04: https://youtu.be/2_2kPaGIwgo  
- En français: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/164123918374/hamlet-omelet-vous-pouvez-faire-cuire-à-feu-doux
Other recipes:
- Super Tomato: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/178633764890/super-tomato-a-long-time-ago-my-flatmate-used-to
- Ancient Rome Vegetables: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/170614247865/ancient-rome-vegetables-the-higher-the-quality-of
- Golden chicken: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/175341955105/golden-chicken-1-the-success-of-this-dish-depends
- Miss Terra cheers me up: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/174691526195/miss-terra-cheers-me-up-tira-terra-earth-soil
- Far Breton: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/172032829795/far-breton-in-french-le-phare-is-pronounced-the
- Honey, ice-cream please!: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/173920497515/honey-ice-cream-please-1-tablesppon-of-honey
- Le mon coeur: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/172853367915/le-mon-coeur-it-doesnt-taste-at-all-like-the
- Oh purée! du céleri-rave!:  https://tmblr.co/ZprwNe2VjVBq6
- Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language!: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/174213052895/tonta-jeanjeansgin-taginetajine-whats-this
- Pain à l'oeil:  https://tmblr.co/ZprwNe2PyPFKN
- Tom Mozart: https://tmblr.co/ZprwNe2PKi5ry
- Empanada franco-gallega:  https://tmblr.co/ZprwNe2SIGKlp
- Healthy Nutella: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/176835143390/healthy-nutella-this-has-a-different-taste-from
- Coffee Invitation: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/162392229350/coffee-invitation-a-
- Healthy Soda: https:/aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/158971101626/healthy-soda
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lavenderapollo · 4 years
incorrect shakespeare quotes #6
hamlet, putting honey in his tea: hell yeah, get in that leaf juice you sexy, sexy bee sauce
horatio: ... do you take constructive criticism?
hamlet: i absolutely fucking don't
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ottpop · 6 years
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Yo meet Omelet the shop wren. He keeps coming into the paint shop no matter how many times we chase him out cause he likes to feast on the dead bugs in the high windows
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call-me-gibby · 2 years
For the longest time my only exposure to Hamlet was something rotten but I never finished something rotten so for 80% of my life I firmly believed hamlet was about an omelet
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lisutarid-a · 2 years
[Gakuen K] Yata Misaki Route Translation
Reading contest
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: ...Reading contest?
Totsuka: Yes, yes. The contestant pairs have to read the assigned script wholeheartedly.
Totsuka: It's simple but important event at the school festival. Why don't you and Yata participate in it as representatives of the Red сlub?
Yata: Why me too?
Totsuka: Hmm, dare I say it's a process of elimination? Kamamoto will participate in the food contest. And King and I already participated the last year.
Totsuka: I heard that if you represent your club, its budget for next year will be increased.
Totsuka: And if you win, you will get a special prize. So, why don't you perform with us?
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Choice: [I'm going to perform!] ♥
Saya: Special prize...I'm going to perform!
Totsuka: Haha, I like your enthusiasm! I knew you'd say that. What about you, Yata?
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Choice: [I don't know if I can do it...]
Saya: Reading...I wonder if I can do it.
Totsuka: Don't worry. I'm not telling you go for the win. I'm just saying "It's worth it to participate".
Saya: Okay, I undertand...I'll do my best!
Totsuka: I'm glad you said that. So, what about you, Yata?
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Yata: I'm not very good at reading.
Totsuka: Hmm, I know. I don't think you're very good at this.
Totsuka: You really don't want to do this? Well, I guess I'll have to enter the contest and spend the whole time practicing with her~
Yata: ...! I'll deal with it!
Saya: Really?
Yata: Yes. A man doesn't go back on his word!
Totsuka: I like that spirit. Here's the script and the key to the audio-visual room. Use it as a place to practice.
Yata: Yup. I'll be there as soon as I can! Come on, you're going too!
Saya: Oh, wait!
Totsuka: Hehe, Yata seem to be in good shape. I'm looking forward to the school festival.
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Yata: What the hell is this script, a parade of illegible kanji characters?
Yata: Uh..."Go to Biji..."
Saya: Huh?
Yata: It's written in Omelets’ line. "Biji".
Saya: ...It's "Ama-Dera".
Yata: Ah?
Saya: Nunnery. And it's not Omelet, it's Hamlet...
Yata: No, that was...a joke!
Yata: You seem nervous, I was just trying to help you relax! I can read this just fine!
Saya: Yeah, I got it. Yata-kun.
Yata: ...What?
Saya: Let's do our best in the reading contest!
Yata: ...Yeah.
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[Prev chapter] [Next chapter]
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adventuregeezers · 2 years
The Alpriate alberque where we stayed is a small 10 bed lodging for perigrinos (pilgrams). This is a little early in the season and to our surprise 9 of the 10 beds were taken. We had a perigrino dinner at a nearby cafe and met several of the other house guests, a young lady from Taiwan, another from France, and a couple from Holland. We ate Portuguese vegetable soup, an omelet, fried chicken and fries. Unfortunatly the only cafe in town will be closed for breakfast, but the trail provides... We had a chance to grab a couple of loafs of bread and a big hunk of sheep cheese from a bakery truck that stopped in the middle of town (hamlet), which we'll have for breakfast along with some spinach and nuts we carried with us. Thank goodness, I brought a little secret stash of Starbucks instant coffee along.
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BNHA characters as things I've said apparently
So I just learned my friend cow writes down the things I say out of context so I asked if I could see her list and oh god (some of them were over text but they still count)
Content: dumbassery, bad words, queer mentions, idiocy
momo: do whatever you want. at the end of the day, i'm still a lesbian
tamajiki: you call it being an attention whore, i call it having intense social anxiety and needing constant validation from everyone or i'll assume i'm worthless and start crying
deku @ todoroki at the sports fest: cauterize me, daddy
kaminari: do dolphins neigh?
toga: everything's more fun when someone dies
tiger: i'm not like other girls. i'm a boy.
mina: just wanna;;,hit a rat on the head with a shoe
jiro: i'd either survive or be the last to die in a horror film because i'm a butch lesbian
kaminari trying to decipher shakespeare: hamlet, omelet, hempet, trumpet, ham,
bakugo: go piss yourself deku: did- did you mess up 'go fuck yourself' and 'pissboy'? bakugo: did i fucking stutter
kaminari: same tho bro bro head-to-toe cheerio
overhaul: what if you had hands
twice: i've confused in you
todoroki, having just woke up: ...shit. i still didn't die in my sleep?
sero: what's up, twink?
mina: "what is the next way to experience theatre?" idk, shoving it up my ass?
deku: hey, how did you break your arm? for research purposes
bakugo: good job, you killed him!
monoma: i kissed him. and then he died, the end.
kaminari: i now pronounce you bimbo and himbo, you may kiss my ass
deku: you can't keep playing me like a goddamn monopoly board!
bakugo: i just came kirishima: bro moment
kaminari: okie dokie artichokie pepsi cokie mopey dopey
toga: oh yeah btw my dream last night was that i had a giant cock
bakugo: i'm gonna pull your teeth out through your ass
mic: i don't know how many cookies it takes to be happy but so far it's not 57 mic: *vomits* mic: starting over, i see
kaminari: *does a very graceful double fouetté and lands it perfectly* kaminari: i am a god and i rule over you all and this god says fuck you
todoroki: oh... i have to interact with my dad this weekend? todoroki: that's disgusting
deku: look what i can do with my kneecap! deku: *wiggles and then dislocates kneecap* deku, softly: fuck
shigaraki: sorry, but i don't trust you with my emotional baggage. it's designer and i know what you did to that gucci bag you used to have
iida during the stain incident: oh lovely, i seem to be paralyzed from the waist down, what a dilemma iida: since i can't do it, could you please punch that bitch
kaminari trying bakugo's cooking for the first time: you're toxic, i'm slippin under, with the taste- kaminari: -of that curry, my mouth's on fire, get me a glass of milk oh my gOD
twice: roses are red, violence is too, i'm really hungry. fuck you
monoma, about bakugo: i'm going to de-bone him and serve him as a jam
tsu: it takes some honey and a kiss to make something sweet uwu
bakugo: you're dying today, dipfuck
kaminari: is my shoe in my sweater? wait- wait i meant to say is my sock in my pocket sero: how the fuck did you mix that up that bad
iida when deku proposes ideas: won't you get like dead or something tho
twice: flippity flappity fuck
mineta: i have a dick and you can't stop me!
shinso: my brain is making sad beep beeps
monoma: i love being right
deku: i could totally drown you in my tears, no problem!
kaminari: i made up an instrument in my dream, it's one of those sticks you get at the dollar tree that goes NYOOO NYAAA when you tip it and one of those stress-balls-on-a-string taped to one end so you can smack it around like FWAP FWAP NYOOO FWAP NYAAA FWAP FWAP FWAP
shigaraki: the time the void of sleep next decides to consume my waking body is entirely up to the gods
bakugo: i'm gonna suck your eyes out with a straw like boba outta milk tea
momo: don't be such a bucket of stones
kaminari, short circuiting: jelly colon and reginald turpin
deku: sadness is all i eat
mineta: i don't deserve to think
bakugo: i don't care if God's a man or a woman, i'm shoving my foot up their ass either way!
mina: 100% organic maneater
kaminari: go suck a dick with your butt
monoma: shut up you dirty microwave
mic: hey ho, daddio
dabi: i can hardly meet my own expectations, what the hell makes you think i can meet yours
bakugo: eat lead!
kaminari short circuiting: pi, oovd vsg tmrsg hr gzsg r pmrsg zmrm gstrn oorgh vpro vn? V H Z V O K K O V S ...t
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improbabledreams900 · 3 years
The play is something rotten! In which an unknown contemporary of billy shakes is trying to one up him and goes to an oracle for guidance to steal Shakespeare's most successful play from under him before he can write it, only the oracle is sort of Skewed and the guy accidentally invents musicals a few centuries early when he puts on "Omelet" instead of Hamlet
lol! It sounds amazing. I'll have to see if anyone in my area is putting it on!
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humanastatus · 4 years
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E agora ninguém vai chorar meu choro, mas até quem eu não conheço quer sorrir o meu sorriso.
Ela me diz que faz cinema, minha vida é um filme. Nóis dois é combinação que vale Oscar.  
Eu sou a volta por cima.   
Fiz da minha vida um omelete de Brasil com Hamlet, tragédia.  
E na paz ou na guerra, é tudo nosso.  
Então peguemos de volta o que nos foi tirado, mano, ou você faz isso ou seria em vão o que os nossos ancestrais teriam sangrado.  
Bitch! Please, não rouba minha onda.  
Minha mente é indecifrável, funciona em cifrão e cifras.  
Nessa vida pouca coisa faz sentido, só que ainda eu não tô pronto para a morte.  
Relações tão sinceras quanto a existência do Mickey.  
Feridas se curam com o tempo, não com gaze.   👊
Viver machuca. Talvez por isso que minha língua é uma bazuca.  
As grades prendem homens, não ideias.  
Mente fria, sangue quente.  
Falar em carne, faço a preta ser a mais cara do mercado.  
Construído um império sem precisar de grana ou arma.  
Eu sou daqueles que dá o papo reto e vive torto.  
Hoje eu acordei meio Renato Russo, querendo recuperar meu tempo perdido.  
Impossível de adestrar esse amor vira lata.   👊
No fundo dos seus olhos não consigo ver maldade.  
A gente briga só pra se acertar de novo.  
Você não costurou só roupa, né. Teve que costurar um mundo. De trauma, abdicação, luta.  
Companheirismo é discordar e ir pro corre junto.  
Tenha medo de quem tá vivo e respeito por quem tá morto.  
Eu quero ser leal enquanto nosso lance for real.  
Mas nunca esqueça onde reside sua força.  
Sempre que abro minha boca faço história.  
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softboyscully · 3 years
percy, at three AM: hamilton + omelet = hamlet, meaning that hamlet had the family issues of hamilton and the brain of an omelet
annabeth: I don’t think you know much about Hamlet.
grover: go the frick to sleep
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fizzingwizard · 3 years
One more sims post! This time about silliniess.
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So there is this vampire - pictured above, though usually she... wears more weather appropriate clothing, lol - who I have never interacted with. Lit never even introduced any of my sims to her. but she is STALKING THEM.
In particular she’s stalking Snufkin. She just poofs in front of him and starts talking to him. She’s also the one who stole his tent I mentioned before lol. If he cooks something on a public lot she turns up to eat it. If he plays violin on a public lot she turns up to listen. He camped out at the waterfall and she stayed at his fire pit THE ENTIRE TIME. Every now and then she’d poof away only to REAPPEAR seconds later. THE WHOLE TIME. Wtf xD I’ve never played with vampires and only bought the pack for the build/buy, but I also haven’t turned them off because they have never annoyed me before. THIS ONE THOUGH... SHE IS MANAGING IT X’D
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Also I discovered that if you play music and have a friendship with a flock of birds, they will fly out to turn you into a disney princess when you play x’D
Ok so remember my chicken Robin Hood who vanished without a trace. Well... my chicken Hamlet also vanished recently... after a thunderstorm that took out half my outdoor furniture... and then... well... I found this by the coop...
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... poor Hamlet... didn’t even get a notification that he died x’D
Alright and now remember my cow, Mooomin, and my chicken, Honeysuckle? Well both are elders now. Even though that makes no sense because Honeysuckle was a chick like, yesterday... and Little John, Blackberry, and Mercutio have all been around longer than her and are going fine as Adults... My game is super bugged, yup. :P
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Anyway, Mooomin is an elder cow, and I turned the corner to discover Grim just hanging out at her shed. I was like NO NOT MOOOMIN and made sim!Moomintroll give her a hug and a final milking... meanwhile Grim just stood there and watched... and then...
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I guess he was so touched by what an amazing cow Mooomin is that he changed his mind... but poor Honeysuckle! I loved her. Why was her life so brief lol
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This is Sim!Moomintroll reacting to the sight of Grim. It was a grim surprise.
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Snufkin’s reaction left his in the dust, though x’D I was amused.
RIP Honeysuckle and Hamlet. We have a new chick now named Sunny. Also I renamed my rooster Romeo to Hamlet because the whole point of having a chicken named Hamlet was as a partner for my other chicken named Omelet -__- I mean. Anyway long live Mooomin
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aurianneor · 7 years
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Hamlet Omelet
Vous pouvez faire cuire à feu doux dans la poele des oigons et des tomates (ou autres légumes) avant de verser les oeufs.
- How To - make an omelette, from 'Jamie Does...': Click here: https://youtu.be/wA_Op5SoAAM
- Les Nuls - Omelette: Cliquez ici: https://youtu.be/7TwG1S8Xk5A
- L’autre vie de la Mère Poulard au Mont-Saint-Michel: Cliquez ici: http://m.slate.fr/story/120393/mere-poulard-mont-saint-michel-omelette-grande-marque
- Hamlet, William Shakespeare: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099726 (Tous les oeufs finissent cassés).
- Non, ça n’est pas ce que vous aurez sur la tête ou sur la barbe après le shampoing, il faut rincer à l’eau tiède voire froide:https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/160878723215/healthy-hair-les-conseils-dune-wookie-pour
And what about eating chicken?: Rotten S01E04: https://youtu.be/2_2kPaGIwgo
Autres recettes sur ce blog:
- Tom Mozart: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/164629703880/tom-mozart-plus-la-qualité-des-produits-est-bonne
- Poirococo: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/160584550355/poirococo-pour-se-r%C3%A9galer-au-quotidien-ou-oser
- Tom Mozart: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/164629703880/tom-mozart-plus-la-qualit%C3%A9-des-produits-est-bonne
- Pain à l'oeil: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/165295437470/pain-à-loeil-jai-essayé-de-nombreuses-recettes
- CCC: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/165794777210/ccc-la-recette-préférée-de-mes-enfants-marmiton
- Ancient Rome Vegetables : https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/170614245990/ancient-rome-vegetable-plus-les-ingrédients-sont
- Le camembert de la ratatouille: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/163527936245/le-camembert-de-la-ratatouille-le-midi-et-le-soir
- Healthy Nutella: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/159532347580/healthy-nutella-merci-à-sissy-mua-pour-sa-vidéo
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chartedrights · 4 years
Watching the artist on one of my favorite soap making channels on YouTube run though Hannibal, Hamlet, Omelet and Annabel before finally going “HAMILTON” is genuinely serotonin inducing
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