#he probably wont
ghouljams · 11 months
Ok so jealous König is my current obsession rn 😭 I’m so sorry for the bad english 😭😭 Bee and Cowboy!Konig going shopping for groceries and the cashier keeps flirting with her, which she doesn’t even realize and keeps talking thinking she’s just being polite
No need to apologize!!! I have a couple cowboy!König being feral asks that I'm going to work through, but this one was too good to pass up!
König can feel his teeth leaving indents in each other, his jaw clenched so tightly he thinks he might break it.
"That's funny I have a friend living in the city, maybe you know her," the cashier flirts, leaning against the register. Your groceries are already sitting bagged in your cart, this interaction should be over.
"Oh yeah because we all know each other in the city," you joke back, holding your card, waiting for the reader to pop up with your total. König knows full well that this little... boy is holding it hostage, dragging out the conversation past what's polite.
"Don't all the pretty girls have a group chat?" You laugh at his resulting smile. König's nails dig neat crescents into the palms of his balled fists.
"Stop," you bat away the compliment, "I don't think we could all fit in one chat."
He's not jealous. Not of some stupid barely twenty asshole. Not when you don't even know he's flirting. And yet...
And yet he's angry, upset, fuck. Jealous is not the right word. Possessive. That's a better fit for it. König stares down the cashier, glares under the shadow of his hat. His hand uncurling from its clenched fury to press against the small of your back, pull your attention back to your task.
You look up at him with big shining eyes, his perfect, pretty, treasure. All smiles because of a petty compliment from this nothing man. He eases up on his glare, smiling down at you with all the warmth you conjure in him.
"Is there a problem with your card Schatz?" He asks innocently. You drop your gaze to the card reader, tapping the screen with your finger.
"Did my card not go through?" You ask the cashier, König returns to his glowering as the stupid boy looks up at him. Apparently just noticing the giant shadowing you. He pales, straightening from where he'd leaned over the register, and quickly punches a few buttons to pull up your total on the machine.
"Uh, no," his voice cracks, he clears his throat, "No, I must've forgotten to finish the sale. You should be good now Mrs- uh-" he glances up at König again.
"No problem," You tap your card against the machine. Singular focus keeping you from questioning the end of the cashier's rush. At least he's smart enough to know who you belong to, not that it makes up for the way he spoke to you.
"Do you need any help to your-"
"She'll be fine," König cuts him off with a growl. The cashier nods quick enough to give himself whiplash.
"Of course Sir."
"All good to go!" You chirp, oblivious to the aggression pouring off of König. He fixes a smile for you when you turn back to him. "Ready?"
"Of course, hummelchen, lead the way." König nods, you grab the handle of your cart and push it towards the exit with a friendly wave at the cashier. He doesn't wave back.
When you get your groceries loaded in your car König stays hovering nearby, eyes fixed on the store. You frown and touch his arm to get his attention.
"You good?" You ask, his eyes snapping to you as soon as you speak.
"Of course," he reaches past you to close the trunk, "just thinking."
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tenyrasims · 4 months
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I nearly choked to death on my food for this, thanks Kiyoshi 😂 specially the first one
Feel free to share and follow me anywhere for more ♥ I'm also animating Storys on youtube with him [BL] Check my Channel out HERE.
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arttuff · 4 months
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brucie wayne is not immune to the sudden urge to hug his son
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....just had a horrible terrible thought while watching the vod for the wolftross stream last night-
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 21 days
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1, Omake (Extra): Master of Time - (here)
Act 1: What was left behind. - read here
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sugarqueencosmos · 1 year
my dog just went for a surgery and the mf didn't know so he's in the car smiling big not knowing what the fuck is going to happen to him
god bless him and the doctor who has to face the repercussions of operating on him
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sourfrootz · 1 year
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gay people are real
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Danny, desperate to get someone competent to help him with his growing problems in Amity, travels to a dimension full of heros and villians and in true Phantom fashion, overshadows one of the first Heros he sees- Nightwing.
He immediately tried walking away to a more discrete location to create a portal but was interrupted by Nightwings allies who were very suspicious of Nightwings sudden change in behavior. Unfortunately for Danny, he wasn't fooling anyone and made a run for it. He wound up ditching Nightwing and disappearing.
Danny, seeing how amazingly competent these people are, only becomes more determined to kidnap them and take them to Amity...
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dxkjf · 8 months
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Uh oh guyssss uh ohhh digital circus oc uh oh
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felsicveins · 4 months
I think John Dory should have 7 (evil) exes and you have to defeat all of them in order to date him.
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Choose your fighter 💥💪
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voidlesscreator · 2 months
AU where Danny is a stressed college student student aerospace engineering and is caught up in a fear gas attack, but since he's half ghost his biology is slightly fucked up when it comes to drugs and chemicals so it does the exact opposite and he's now as high as a kite while everyone is screaming in fear.
Meanwhile Scarecrow is curious about the young man who started giggling when he inhaled the fear gas and slips a little note into the man's pocket before dipping and the bats show up.
Cue Danny ending as the- actually paid- tester for Dr. Crane's new and other improved gasses which are actually good for him and awful for others. Like one guy is sent into hysterics as everything just hits him all at once, the air being audible, that one flickering light being ear shattering. Meanwhile Danny has just pulled out his notebook for his aerospace engineering class and started writing down new ideas with this sudden hyperfocus that seems chill to him.
This eventually leads to the bats finding out while Danny's just being given vapes filled with that overwhelming gas so that he can actually focus on his exam studying without getting distracted.
(Scarecrow is probably in the giddy stage of a new test subject that has positive feedback for his work. Mans had a contract written up and prescriptions made for Danny to use the gasses legally for himself.)
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fantasykiri5 · 8 days
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for day 24 of @hermitadaymay it’s ZombieCleo!!
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mblue-art · 27 days
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this man. ..
(inspo) (og meme)
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pempempemto · 10 months
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still thinking about. the last encounter with eclipse .
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beykhabarr · 2 years
*manifesting that he texts me because I'm nervous*
Lets see if it works this time
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juniemunie · 4 months
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If we're not giving up, don't give up wherever you are.
That's a promise.
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