#hope is a radical act
thoughtportal · 10 months
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greenhorizonblog · 6 months
Your apathy does not make you cool, or noble, or interesting, or intellectually superior, it makes you a coward
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toastysol · 2 months
I don't get why everyone's surprised that the brotherhood use the correct pronouns with Dane. I think people have forgotten a major aspect of the fallout environment. The bombs falling destroyed conventional societal norms. This includes any political agenda to erase trans people from history and the future. Also this is fiction. The brotherhood of steel are not a conservative christian political party. They care about what they dub "abuse of technology", this includes the biproducts thereof. The only people who fit that category are synths and mutants who they view as abominations that need to be exterminated. If trans people even counted as abuse of technology (which they don't and shouldn't, as the technology used for transition is helpful and not hurtful), they would be so far down the list the brotherhood wouldn't care. Why would they care. It's really not a big deal imo. It's a big deal in OUR world, but not theirs. Not by a long shot.
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righteousruin · 3 months
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Oh Christ,
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Steadfast belief in restorative justice is psychosis, Grant??
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(love that this blog is essentially me rambling and complaining in a very first world problem way but hey, isn't that what tumblr is for?)
self-flagellating self awareness aside, I do think it's very funny that when I realized I did not want to have sex with men and was not actually very attracted to men at all, I immediately attached myself to asexuality as a label since based on my experiences (which had been exclusively with men) I felt so sexually and romantically dissatisfied and ended up pretty sex-averse because of it, and I just felt so awkward and unnatural with the whole process of dating that I decided I was definitely aromantic and asexual because I probably felt that way towards everyone! yeah that makes total sense!
because there was no way I'd ever want to date a woman, that'd be way too subversive and totally didn't match my personality at all, and since I'm uncomfortable with porn and the way sex is portrayed in most media, I probably wouldn't want to actually sleep with a woman (even if I have fantasized about it and would be happy to participate if the opportunity naturally arose in some way...) and man, wouldn't a future with a woman be so unattainable even if I wanted it, since I won't come out to my parents about anything because that notion terrified me? and hmm, I am obsessed with male attention, which probably has nothing to do with internalized misogyny and my lack of social development as a child. also, I'm definitely not a girl so I can't even be gay like that, and I'm not really interested in sex with trans women** so that's probably not very lesbian of me-
sooooo turns out repression and internalized homophobia goes a long fucking way lmao
living in a male-centered world truly messes with your brain like nothing else.* I was somehow convinced that just because I wasn't attracted to men, it meant I would never feel love ever in my life because what else is there? actually being able to truly put men out of my mind and life recently has made some things a lot easier. I used to not be able to picture a future version of myself and the life I could lead, which I once thought was wholly due to a "gender thing", but now, being able to conceptualize a life full of love and romance exclusively with women suddenly clears a lot of the mental fog up, and I find myself being able to actually want something in the future. I want to find love with a woman, I want a girlfriend, I want a wife. I want to build a life with her.
I still have a lot of growing to do as a person, obviously. turns out building a self-esteem actually takes... effort! crazy, I know. but now I can move forward with an assured mindset where I don't have to pretend like the concept of love is stupid just because I don't understand it (yeah. I did think that for a bit... along with wanting a qpr... which. well. I have a lot of thoughts about internet asexual culture that are far too jumbled at this point to be any kind of meaningful blog post so maybe some other time lol) because I finally have some kind of life full of love to look forward to.
*I'm sure the internet didn't help much with this either. my generation does love simplifying every lived experience down to aesthetics since social media has made us so damn obsessed with personal branding and the like, and the wlw/soft sapphic culture and aesthetic I saw a lot of in these internet spaces really didn't work for me as I'm not really into such feminine rituals or makeup and dress-up aesthetics. kinda bleak that for a generation and culture that promotes diversity, we love boiling things down to easy stereotypes and consumerist tropes instead of embracing real lived experiences... **aside from the obvious, in reflection I think my lack of attraction here also majorly falls on the fact that a lot of trans women adopt a hyper feminine image to pass and as described above I think my type and interests just naturally leans away from makeup products and "dolling yourself up" so it wouldn't really work out based on what patterns I notice in the presentation of trans women
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homesickvenus · 1 month
Yes, there'll be more people coming out as detrans and no, that must never be used to invalidate trans people and deprive them of necessary and life saving resources. What we need instead is for a detrans community (ideally within the trans community itself) that does not treat it as a taboo but as another queer identity that deserves support and validation too.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Regarding your post on suffering and thrive:
But many many other trans people have suffered sooo much - if I don't suffer, am I even worthy of being trans? I feel like a traitor for not suffering. Because they all had suffered and/or still suffer - and I'm taking the easy route. That's how it feels atleast.
Other people aren't you, at the end of the day, and we all have different burdens we carry. How can you be sure other people don't look at you and think, "wow how can they carry that weight on their shoulders?". And besides, needlessly suffering... how does this make you "more trans" or "less worthy" than identifying as trans in the first place? Why is suffering a litmus test for how true your identity is, or if you belong? Cis people don't have to suffer to be their gender or suffer in general for being cis to be valid, and that logic applies to trans people.
I'm not trying to argue with you, but I'm providing this point of view to challenge the idea that you need to suffer. You don't need to suffer, anon. You don't deserve to suffer. Trans people don't deserve to suffer. And honestly? The more trans people who don't suffer, the better. I want to see you thrive and be happy and lead a fulfilling life - however that looks for you. That is the best thing you can do for your trans self. I want you to try to internalize this, the idea that you deserve to be happy.
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an-absolute-nightmare · 7 months
me: india is not secular anymore it's turning into a hindu nationalist country :(
my so called liberal and open minded parents: india is not secular anymore it's turning into a hindu nationalist country :D:D:D:D:D
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linka-r9-vysocina · 11 months
all the tumblr posts about how hope is a necessity, how you should be in awe of the world, how beautiful it is to experience childlike wonder, how loving the world and having hope is a radical act, and a part of me understands the intention of them, but the other part is someone who has depression and is pretty much unable to do do any of this, and this part can't help but see those posts as similar to motivational quotes, which you sincerely share and feel when you are already motivated but which don't actually help when you lack motivation
and boy, the guilt that they bring.
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kecleonplush · 2 years
Man I am really sorry you had a bad experience with people giving you a bad time for asking questions when you tried to learn. Some people don't understand that if you attack someone they WILL defend. So as long as people are respectful we should also try to stay respectful and if we are not okay answering questions we can at least guide them towards resources because let's face it there's bad resources out there too and it can be hard to navigate.
Thank you for this! I really do appreciate it. I'm glad to hear that other people understand.
I sympathize with people who are angry about the rights and treatment of women, queers, BIPOC and every other marginalized people, especially those of us who are direct victims of this oppression. I often find myself in that headspace too. You can and should be angry and your anger is valid. But directing that anger at people who really just want to learn and know your struggle is self-defeating.
The confused privileged white kid who just wants to understand is not your enemy, but they can be if you scare them off and let them fall into the hands of the right. The right is eager to get their hands on them and has tons of tools to do so, many of which dance at the top of Google or Youtube to be found by that scared off white kid. But your single act of kindness and understanding, or even just a little bit of patience, can help them sort things out and keep them from falling down the rabbit hole of bigotry.
Not everyone has to be on all the time and not everyone needs to be ready to summarize A People's History of America at the drop of a hat for every ignorant kid that wanders in. You're not obligated to be their savior. But I think we can at least foster an environment where people who want to learn have the opportunity and resources to do so, and just that frame of mind will help keep people from being radicalized as an agent against us.
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justanawesomeowl · 7 months
Biscuit guy just sent a message to a group we're both in about LTM and I'm like... I know it seems cool on the internet but it's probably one of the last things you need rn
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roboticchibitan · 1 month
Today I'm going to talk about a form of radical resistance that anyone, no matter their situation, can engage in: cultivating hope.
Are you filled with hopelessness and despair at the state of the world? I have some good news and some bad news.
The bad news is you've fallen for a tool of the status quo. Despair freezes us. It keeps us from imagining and working towards a better world. Despair is easy, because it means we have no reason to take action to make things better. Capitalism? Our oppressors? They want you hopeless for a reason. Because you're easier to control that way.
The good news is! There's a lot of very real reasons for hope. However, hope is something you have to cultivate. It takes work. It is a radical act. It is looking at the status quo and going "actually, no. I refuse."
Maybe you can't risk losing your job to unionize your workplace. Or maybe you're an oppressed minority who can't risk going to protests because our criminal justice system is racist. But cultivating hope in yourself is just as radical an act of resistance as those two things. It is another form of imagining and working towards a better world.
It's not as flashy as starting a union or going to a protest, true. Maybe it feels selfish, like you're only helping yourself. But that's not true. It's a lot harder to help others when you, yourself, are frozen by despair. By working on yourself, you are making it easier for you to help others, in whatever form that takes for you.
For me, since I started my hopepunk practice I have been more able to engage in activism, even if I no longer post about it. Before calls to action froze me. I was so overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of our problems that I was unable to address any of them.
Since I've started cultivating hope in myself, I've unfrozen enough that I was able to choose the causes that matter to me and put my energy there. I engage in more charitable donations and political actions now than I did before. I am happier and also helping others more than I did before.
Cultivating hope in yourself is hard at first. You feel defeated before you even start. But you start putting work in and you find a little hope. And then a little more. And a little more. And then, suddenly. It snowballs and you're doing better than you have in years, and hope comes easier to you now.
If you don't know where to start, go follow @hopepunk-humanity @hope-for-the-planet @afeelgoodblog and @reasonsforhope or follow the hopepunk tag
There's also things like the good news network, who have a daily email they send out with a handful of positive news stories. Some of them I find kinda dumb and shallow like "lost dog returned after 3 years" type stories. But there's also a lot about scientific advancments in green energy, medical care, etc that I find helpful for cultivating hope. Did you know about the CRISPR gene editing tool that's being used to cure incurable illnesses? I didn't! And now I do! afeelgoodblog also runs a substack "best news of last week" newsletter every Monday that I find has stories with more substance, tho it is US focused.
Despair isn't helping anyone, especially not you. Engage in a radical act and start cultivating hope in yourself. You deserve to leave that despair behind, and in the process, you are directly going against the powers that have decided we are easier to control if we are miserable.
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twow · 11 months
i didn't have super high hopes for the barbie movie going into complex feminism and political issues or anything considering its made by mattel but the right-wing and male reaction honestly had me really hopeful that i was wrong and that the barbie movie is trying to say something radical. and then i saw the movie and its just like. the most basic boring surface-level feminism movie ever. the most political thing they say is that women have it really rough under the patriarchy which like. yeah obviously. its also extremely nice to men like its clear that the kens turn bad not out of malice but misguidance and ryan gosling ken gets whole musical numbers and a whole arc about finding himself and getting to know ken w/o barbie. even the all-male leadership at mattel is depicted as well-meaning albeit buffoonish at times. so the fact that men and right wing audiences are claiming that the movie is anti-men or is this super radical film is just. incredibly sad to me. like even a movie this non-political with such surface-level corporate feminism is offensive to you? and even the leftists are acting like its revolutionary somehow. if your boyfriend didnt realize how bad women have it before seeing the fucking barbie movie you need to get a new boyfriend. idk. its just disappointing all around to see something as basic as "women have it rough" treated like its a revolutionary concept and it makes me genuinely despair for the future of women that the barbie movie is the most feminism some people have been exposed to. and even that little amount is too much for some people.
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
25 Life Lessons I've Learned In 25 Years
In honor of turning 25 this month, here are some lessons I wish someone could've baked into my brain by 18. Hope this helps xx
Putting yourself first is not selfish, it is an act of self-care. Actively discounting others is not the same as protecting your peace.
Pay attention to who gossips and keeps to themselves amidst an interpersonal conflict. Insecure people or those in the wrong will speak the loudest and go on the longest in a fight to prove their innocence. Individuals who are self-assured and comfortable with the truth know it's better to communicate their feelings appropriately and then move past it. Confidence is assertive, tactful, and relatively silent.
If you want to know who to believe in an argument, pay attention to how both sides speak about the conflict. The perpetrator will often speak about the individuals' character/morality while the victim will explain their personal experience in the context of the relevant situation.
Display empathy and consideration, but don't live to satisfy others' emotional needs and expectations. Say farewell to anyone who dismisses or guilts you for your own needs, emotions, priorities/life goals & aspirations.
Your needs matter. No one needs to approve or validate your desires. If someone feels they have control over you or tries to persuade you to change your mind to ensure you put their emotions and needs first, cut them out of your life. They do not care about you.
Almost no one deserves insider access into your life and mind. Upholding your right to privacy – especially regarding your finances, dating life, health conditions/concerns, and long-term goals – is the simplest way to protect your peace.
A friend to all is a friend to none. Be wary of those who will not stand up for you behind closed doors. These people do not care about you, they care about what your place in their life does for them and their ego.
Be radically honest and accepting of who you are. Don't apologize for your preferences, aspirations, and values. You deserve to live in a way that makes you happy, not to appease others in hopes of their approval or future favors due to your karmic good deeds.
You deserve happiness, love, and nice things, life experiences, relationships, and opportunities in your life regardless of what others may or may not possess/ be able to experience. Dispel this scarcity mindset ASAP. Jealousy and internalized shame are destructive to your self-esteem and all your relationships.
You are worthy and offer many incredible, unique gifts to the world. Don't allow naysayers, critics, or bullies (of any age) to dim your light or sacrifice pursuing your dreams. Decide you're the leader of your own life. Then act accordingly.
Direct communication is always the way. Remain tactful, but at least when dealing with non-manipulative people, always say what you mean and mean what you say. It will save a lot of trouble and petty disagreements that could've been avoided with clearer communication.
You don't owe anyone an explanation for your feelings, emotions, and actions that don't have a direct, inescapable impact on someone else. "No" is a complete sentence.
Approach conversations as a meeting of the minds. Healthy debate or conflict is about seeking to understand the other person, not prove yourself right. Leaving your ego at the door will allow you to expand your mind and avoid many unnecessary conflicts or arguments.
If it's not a hell yes, it's a no. For a job, date, sex, attendance at a time-sucking social event, family gatherings, an informal meeting not essential for you to keep your job, a wedding, birthday party, holiday invitation, etc. Outside of your contracted hours and time necessary to keep yourself/your home clean & well-maintained, you should spend your time exactly as you please. Doing things you don't want to do will only breed resentment down the line toward yourself and others.
Detangle yourself from any who refuses to self-reflect and take accountability. This person is selfish and will never see you as fully human with emotions, needs, and a complete life/internal world of your own. Cut them out (or at least fully emotionally detach and limit contact with them) immediately.
Speak your truth, but always say a little less than you feel necessary. Overexplaning and oversharing do you no favors. At a minimum, this approach allows you to protect your peace. In the worst circumstances, this tactic can also save you from a lot of trouble in your personal or professional life.
Learn to ask for a little more than you're comfortable with, but do so with grace, tact, and confidence. Whether it's a salary/rate negotiation, flight/hotel/restaurant accommodations, get in the habit of making that slightly higher/up-leveled request like you're expecting a "yes." You can't get something you don't ask for, so speak up and show you know your worth. This habit can bring a lot of great opportunity into your life and builds up your confidence.
Everyone is on their own timeline and path. Don't compare yourself to others' credentials, job titles, relationship status, net worths, or jean sizes. Comparison is truly the thief of joy. Remaining envious of others only takes up the energy that could otherwise be used to elevate or enrich your life.
Become clear on your priorities, and remain diligent with your habits & routines. Set SMART goals. Implement healthy habits and rituals into your daily lifestyle. Be consistent with goal-supporting and wellness rituals (generous sleep schedule, healthful eating habits, daily movement/regular exercise, reading, task time-blocking, cleaning, and life/work admin schedule), so they become second nature. Help yourself by creating these default habits to ensure your brain is wired for success whether you're in an easygoing era or a stressful life season.
Stop seeing other people (especially other women) as your competition in your profession/dating life and within your platonic relationships. Use your immediate criticisms as a tool for self-reflection. Actively deconstruct the patriarchy in every aspect of your life. Other women coworkers, dating prospects, and friends are not your rivals nor individuals who should be evaluated based on their assertiveness, sexual history/appeal, relationship status, or desire to perform traditional maternal/domestic roles.
Understanding how to interact with others in a cordial, tactful manner is significantly more important than having everyone like you. Learn how to positively influence people without seeking approval. What other people think of us is none of our business. All we can do is show up as the best version of ourselves, and remain optimistic about a potential connection.
Acceptance, accountability, and consistent discipline are the holy trinity to creating a sustainable change that you can maintain for the long haul. There's no shame in starting from the bottom, but you need to be honest about where you're at, so you can create a realistic game plan/small behavior-changing habits that stack up over time to help you implement the radical change you're craving.
Let go of any internalized shame. Being the "good girl" does you no favors in life. Set a standard and expectation to be respected, not to be perceived as "innocent" or submissive – this is how you get taken advantage of in professional, platonic, and intimate relationships. Remain ravenous for respect. It's the only way to live life to the fullest.
24. Investing in your appearance is a form of self-respect. Wanting to look & feel your best and present yourself in the best light possible to others is not a superficial pursuit. Remain unwavering about your hygiene/beauty/grooming routines, deliberate styling choices, healthy eating & workout habits, and mindfulness of social graces. You're your #1 publicist, so act like it. Life is all about embracing satisfaction with a sprinkle of reputation management.
25. Be unapologetic about your financial ambitions, priorities, investments, savings goals, etc. Financial freedom IS freedom. The only way to change the system is to break it from the inside out. Leverage is everything. Allocate, and assert your (financial) power wisely.
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orpheuslament · 3 months
having hope in the world despite it all is a radical act. btw
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anyways the only reason i use he pronouns is to be sexy. there is no ulterior motive it is genuinely just. to be hot and cool and piss people off
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