hpdcultureis · 2 days
Hpd culture is why do I have to want so much? I need people infinitely more than they need me... I don't know how to love I don't know how to be loved please pay attention to me is there anything left when the performance goes away? Please please im desperate ill do anything!!! If you don't pay attention to me I will die, if you don't have me it will just be a normal day for you...
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"We need more mental health acceptance and awareness!" Y'all still call ppl with cluster b disorders evil 💀
"We need more weird people!" Y'all COMBUST when someone is xenic 💀
"Healthy coping mechanisms are important!" When someone age regresses, you call them creepy 😭
"More people need to be proud of who they are!" When you see a furry, you cry 😭
(U should totes follow me if ur a supporter of these so I can b on the good side of tumblr XD /nf!)
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equalperson · 4 months
i think we should always take predominant sexes and races for psychiatric disabilities into question.
are men really more likely to be antisocial or narcissistic, or are women just overlooked because ASPD/NPD are seen as too "aggressive" for them?
are women really more likely to be borderline or histrionic, or are they just seen as so "hysterical" that they have to be feminine?
are black people more likely to have schizophrenia or ODD, or are labels of "psychosis" and "defiance" simply used to further dismiss, oppress, and imprison BIPOC?
are white people more likely to have autism and ADHD, or are doctors just more willing to accept that white children are disabled and not just "bad?"
oppressive biases are everywhere in psychiatry. never take psychiatric demographics at face value.
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reef-sys · 2 months
neurodivergent people are not immune to being ableist
you as a neurodivergent person are not immune to being ableist
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unfortunately for the both of us, i really like you
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sin-esthezia · 9 months
the thing that gets me the most about ableism against pd’s is that ppl will be like “these disorders make you an ASSHOLE!!!!” and then turn around and pretend that other disorders can’t and don’t make you act shitty.
depression and anxiety can make you irritable and snappy. they can cause you to refuse to listen to people and to be distant and withdrawn. they can cause you to seem angry, bitchy, rude, uncaring, etc.
ptsd causes an array of difficulties in forming meaningful relationships. it pretty much shakes up your entire worldview and sense of self a lot of the time. ptsd can cause you to get angry often. it can cause you to yell and scream. it can cause you to withdraw from others, run away, or cut them out. it can cause general changes in demeanor and more cynical worldviews. it can make you seem grouchy, negative, explosive, impolite, difficult, needy, controlling, etc.
and yet when people with personality disorders have symptoms of that nature, suddenly we are irredeemable monsters. when it’s npd, bpd, hpd, or aspd instead of ptsd or depression and anxiety, people suddenly and magically lose the ability to be understanding.
mental illness is an explanation, not an excuse. i firmly believe that. hurting others is never justified simply because you have any disorder.
but if you can be patient with people who have depression, anxiety, ptsd, ocd, or any other more well understood mental illness, you can be patient with us.
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npdemu · 7 months
thank you for your constructive criticism. unfortunately, i have been sent into a rage which i will not mentally recover from for three years
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autopsyfreak · 2 months
tired of people on tiktok acting like BPD and HPD are the ‘good cluster b disorders’ or the ‘victim cluster b’s’ meanwhile NPD and ASPD are the ‘evil mean abusive cluster b’s’
we’re in the same cluster for a reason, you can’t support some whilst demonising the others.
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frogsforthefrogwar · 1 year
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We love people with low and no empathy here!
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doomsdayradio · 2 months
born to be vague and mysterious for attention, cursed to overshare and have zero boundaries. also for attention
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hpdcultureis · 2 days
hpd+bpd culture is wishing you got gr##med like someone you knew, because once they called out their ab#ser they got so much attention and comfort for it, then feeling awful for constantly having feelings like this.
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as someone who has experienced abuse from someone with a personality disorder, it's actually incredibly easy to not dehumanize everyone with a personality disorder. i've seen people do borderline eugenic rhetoric surrounding people who have npd, aspd, bpd or other personality disorders, and then be like "I'M allowed to say these things because i'm a survivor, and if you disagree you are hurting abuse victims."
and frankly? i'm tired of it. as an abuse survivor i'm here to say that you're NOT allowed to turn into a fucking eugenicist the moment you're hurt by someone with a personality disorder.
does hurting and belittling other people who happen to have the same disorder as your abuser, people that are already suffering and that are already looked down on by society, bring you any healing? does it bring you peace?
Being hurt by someone isn't an excuse to hurt others that you feel justified in lashing out on. you're literally in control of your own actions,
you may claim to be making a safe space for abuse survivors, but i will never feel any solidarity with you, and i ESPECIALLY don't feel safe with you considering i might have a personality disorder.
you are excluding a large amount of abuse survivors in the name of "advocacy". a lot of people with personality disorders developed one or multiple due to heavy abuse. in the aim of creating a safe space, you are excluding the ones who need a safe space the most.
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[image id: 4 kittens sitting upright next to each other looking at the camera. from left to right, the orange cat has the text bubble of "i'm bpd". the light colored cat has the text bubble of "i'm hpd". the black cat has the text of "i'm npd". and the gray cat has the text bubble of "and i'm aspd" end image id]
[gif id: pink sparkling text that says, "we are the cluster b brothers!" end gif id]
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necromances-chances · 8 months
how the world feels about cluster b
bpd: need me a bpd girl ahah mood swings hahaha crazy girls with daddy issues
npd: a narcissist is anyone who is mean to me ever and i sense them with my Empath Eyes
aspd: exclusively serial killers and psychopaths, they are so evil and terrible
hpd: what the fuck is that
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Some of y'all be like "Oh yeah I support Cluster B" until they:
Have debilitating cognitive problems
Are depressed
Have emotions that aren't aesthetically pleasing
Don't know healthy coping mechanisms
Have a different view of social norms
Struggle with relationships
Do actions that for you are "obviously purposefully evil"
Explain the thought process behind their actions, not excuse them
Have trauma that just by existing doesn't invalidate yours but somehow that thought scares you
It's almost like you don't support Cluster B, hm.
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npdemu · 7 months
i got a b in personality disorders??? did i not study enough?
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