#cluster b personality disorder
autopsyfreak · 2 months
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my anhedonia is eating me alive so i’m making these mental illness memes to cope
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starspd · 6 months
people with personality disorders: it was difficult to survive on the ground, so i climbed in a tree and now im stuck and can’t get down
mental health workers (and everyone really): it seems that they climbed in trees to manipulate us. they are fully capable of getting down but doing so would make it harder to abuse us, so they stay there
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necroticcadaver · 2 months
Do not claim to be a mental health advocate or a safe space for the mentally ill if you demonise systems, cluster B personality disorders and/or psychotic disorders.
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neuroticboyfriend · 10 months
a lot of the time, abusers are just regular people. abuse is something we're all capable of - it's a pattern of harmful behavior in which there's power imbalance. we all hold various privileges, connections, and knowledge that can be turned into the power to abuse others. we can all exert our will, thoughts, feelings, etc. onto others in a way that hurts them and takes power away from them.
abusive people have done something horrible and inexcusable, yet they aren't... inherently special. they're people, capable of choosing between right and wrong, capable of change, just as much as others are. i say this in part because i think a lot of people have this lofty idea of abusers that leads them to think they couldn't possibly be a victim of abuse. but abuse can be incredibly mundane - and this also means we all have to watch out for abusive behaviors in ourselves.
abuse isn't just something Obviously Bad People (TM) are capable of... and abuse isn't caused by mental illness, substance use/addiction, gender, etc. etc., even if these things impact what happens. idk. there's no real end point to this post. i just wish people didn't mystify abuse, and realized how (deeply unfortunately) normal and subtle it can be... and often is.
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siren--squid · 11 months
Anyways, support people with low/no empathy, sympathy, and/or compassion.
Those things are not required to be a good person, and nobody should feel like those things are a requirement in life.
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starfallensyndicate · 3 months
It's funny how our narcissism influences how we love.
We see someone extraordinary and unique in a person we love. Someone who is finally on our level. Someone we are willing to show what perfect love means — and that they can experience it with us. We want to show them all the wonders of the world, give them a place beside us, with their own throne, beside ours. In the grandiose fantasies, we make room for them and especially for them.
It's not a manipulative, cold-blooded attempt at controlling someone when we do everything to make the person we fell for feel special — because we actually view this person as special. Why else would we want them around us.
Like, the need for association with extraordinary people and fantasies of ideal love are literally in the criteria, so what should anyone expect here?
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will-pilled · 10 months
It gets so... tiring hearing people speak about those of us with cluster B disorders like we're a completely different species who is incapable of reading and hearing the things they say. They speak like we're not even here.
Do they even feel love?
How to spot them.
They're so hard to manage.
I am a person. I am right here. I can hear you. You can just ask us instead of speaking like you're studying aliens. You can just... speak to us. You realize we're the same species right? Like, we have feelings, right?
You realize we're prisoners of our own mind, right? That we don't choose to suffer like this? We don't choose to need extra support? You know that, right?
You can just.. speak to us like people.. because it gets so tiring, and people can only withstand being treated like another species for so long before they get mad.
I'm just.. tired.
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thenarc-angel · 3 months
hey btw narcissists are so pretty and deserve to do whatever they want all the time because they're a joy to be around. the world would be so sad and awful without them.
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^me petting all my fellow narcissists because I love you
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maegamists · 3 months
woke up in the middle of the night mumbling something about how npd supply is basically "getting your narcussy slonked" and i don't think i've mentally recovered from that yet
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violentviolette · 1 year
i think a lot of people would benefit from internalizing the reality that just because u had a negative emotion doesnt always mean someone else did something wrong
we can be hurt without someone else being to blame for being the epicenter of that hurt. just because something makes us upset or hurts us, doesnt mean the other person made a mistake or should have done something differently or needs to apologize
negative emotions are an inevitable part of life and sometimes they were always going to happen no matter what because of the situation and there was no way to avoid them and thats okay. sometimes there's nothing to be done to fix a negative emotion or prevent it from happening. sometimes people we love and care about are going to hurt us and thats okay. its a part of being human. we will inevitably do the same to them. but just because we were hurt doesnt mean they did something wrong.
and we can take the time and space to be upset about that privately without involving them in our emotions at all. because even when our emotions are triggered by someone else, that doesnt mean they have to answer for them
the world is not divided into victims and perpetrators and sometimes people hurt us when they do the right thing. sometimes everyone can do everything right and we can still get hurt and be upset. that doesnt make them bad people and it doesnt give us the right to blame them for it or hold them responsible
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autopsyfreak · 2 months
i hate that BPD gives me such a lack of emotional permanence.
you can spend hours describing the ways in which you care about me, yet the moment you stop my brain will immediately decide you hate me and are destined to leave me.
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necroticcadaver · 2 months
I love talking about myself.
You ask me questions about myself? I could spend literal hours happily talking about me.
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radicallyfucked · 1 month
I hate not being able to put labels onto my feelings.
I have no idea WHAT i'm fucking feeling. I want to smash someone's head into a wall, I want to scream. But i'm also tired, and I feel like all I can do is sleep.
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a-sip-of-milo · 9 months
Everyone with a personality disorder deserves an unlimited supply of their favourite food and drinks, along with their favourite form of affection from someone they trust to go with it.
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clusterblood · 6 months
having personality disorders is sooo funny couse if I have at least two hours of feeling great, I forget I have em
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mischiefmanifold · 8 months
hey guys guess what my therapist told me today:
it's totally normal to view most of your interactions with other people similarly to how villager interactions in Minecraft work (I give you something and you give me something, transactional relationships)!
this is mostly for my fellow cluster B's who struggle with feeling like everyone around them is an NPC and that their interactions are incredibly superficial
that's normal, especially for survivors of complex trauma like us
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