#i blame discord for this 100%
clockwayswrites · 1 year
Tim Jr., Coffee Machine Extraordinaire
The Start (Edit: this not a prompt! I am writing this one shot! I'm just sharing the start here.)
Dick worried his lip between his teeth as he looked Tim over. His little brother was standing, zombie-like, in front of the Cave’s coffee machine.
Not that was unusual.
The thing was, Tim had been doing better. His dark circles had been fading, his snippy moments less often, his focus better, and he’d even been putting on some much needed weight. Dick had been so proud (as had Alfred and Bruce). But now the circles were darkening again and Tim was staring at the coffee machine like he used to— like it was his only salvation.
Jason stepped up to Dick’s side, joining him in the bird watching.
“Hey Timbit,” Jason said, breaking the silence of the moment. Trust Jason to get down to it.
“What happened to your hand?”
Tim blinked down at his gauze wrapped hand as if he had forgotten about the injury. Not a good sign with Tim. Dick was betting on over 48 hours without proper sleep at this point.
“Oh.” Tim said, the exclamation was emotionless. “Tim Jr. Bit me.”
Dick and Jason exchanged looks. Who now?
“Um, did you get a pet, baby bird?” Dick gently asked.
Jason rolled his eyes. “Who’s Tim Jr., Timberino.”
“Oh.” Tim said. The brothers waited impatiently for Tim’s brain to roll over. “My coffee maker. Little brat refused to make me any…”
“Okay, yep, alright. No patrol for you tonight Timtam.” Jason said with a clap of his hands.
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If you are managing/moderating and you are not:
Delegating labor when you are overtaxed
Training or seeking out others with necessary skills
Building up new leaders
Taking accountability for your failures (or the ones that happened under your watch)
Fostering an open or accepting environment
Accommodating concerns
Listening when people state those concerns
Everything will eventually go down in flames.
No matter how much you proclaim from the highest heights that you did all you could and you couldn’t possibly have done wrong.
If you stop learning, you stop fixing your approach.
Get Better. Do Better for Longer.
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mbat · 4 days
when you hear someone say "this comic ruined my life and made me unable to accept my identity!" and you think itll be something like
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but in reality its fucking this
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#everyone ever saw boyfriends and said THIS COMIC IS THE WORST THING EVER I HATE IT SO MUCH#meanwhile the comic is literally the most tame boring thing ever and is LITERALLY JUST LIKE EVERY SINGLE OTHER#FLUFFY BOYS LOVE ON FUCKING WEBTOON#at the very least i cant blame anyone for hating the webtoon ads or the way that webtoon is obsessed with this comic#but the comic itself? its NOTHING. NOTHING HAPPENS. ITS LIKE 100 PAGES OF 0 THINGS HAPPENING#my post#ignore me#// transphobia#// stonetoss#sorry for using a shitlord nazis comic but like... thats literally what it sounds like when people talk about boyfriends#they sound like theyre talking about the type of shit a guy like pebblefuck would make#this isnt even coming from nowhere i literally used to read and like the boyfriends comic! it was cute! it was fine! whatever!#i stopped reading it because fluff comics get so fucking boring after a while! because nothing! fucking! happens!#the maturity tag is literally because of the transphobic imagery. sadly tumblr doesnt have image censors like discord#i know its not my place to tell someone about their own experience but ive literally had people tell me that the boyfriends comic made them#unable to accept their own queer identity and im like ??? how??? what happens in it??? that caused that???#ive heard people say its fetishistic but that was mostly terfs who were being transphobic against the creator#transphobia#i know this is a weirdly mean spirited post for me to make but like. whatever#transmisogny tw#transmisogny#<- at the very least im trying to tag so people can choose not to see the top image ajfjs
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emmettworld · 2 months
hello, my beloved whump community. this is Emmett. but you probably know me better as this blog:
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or you may remember the blog before that:
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you may have even been here since this blog:
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...i'm not taking you farther than that. xD
my account was terminated without any warning today. March 25, 2024. all of my blogs are gone and i have lost everything i have on them. you won't even be able to see any comments or reblogs for me on any of your posts.
if you have commissioned me over Tumblr DMs and not Discord, please contact me here. i did not have a copy of my commission list saved. i do not know who hasn't paid and who already has. i do not remember who was on the list. i do not want anyone to be cheated out of their money.
i have no idea why this happened. i was not doing anything that could justify my account being terminated with no warning or explanation. i'm so paranoid about it that i won't even type the blog names; that's why they're images instead.
but at this point, most of you know the type of whump creator i am. one who creates whatever he wants, no matter how disturbing or explicit it may be. one who loves creating whump and content in general of the Not Safe For This Website kind.
getting one of my blogs flagged, and now losing everything, is not going to stop me. i'm not going anywhere. but i am going to be changing my approach to posting content.
this is my Language Key. i will be using a system of emojis for tagging instead of words, so please read this before you go on my blog and know which tags you need to block.
if you need to block my blog for any reason, go ahead. i don't want to disturb anyone by showing up in the tags.
all of my artwork that is Not Safe For This Website will be linked to an external storage website, MEGA. it is completely free to view and you do not need an account. there will be no cropped previews unless they are 100% Safe For This Website.
all of my writing that is Not Safe For This Website will be linked directly to where i post it on my AO3. it is completely free to view and you do not need an account. there will be no writing put under a read more unless it is 100% Safe For This Website.
trust me, i'll have a better pinned post up at some point explaining who i am and my multiverse of AUs, series, and OCs, and links to my commission page, and my Ko-Fi...and i'll do my best to finish the masterlists and, once again, build myself up from the ground up...
but i'm exhausted. i never saw this coming, and it's made me realize just how unsafe i am. i lost so much content that was only posted on Tumblr and not saved anywhere else.
believe me when i say that i am fucking devastated.
but i'm not going anywhere. i will die with this site when it eventually goes down, and not because it tried to kill me.
that being said, you can find me here on Cohost, which is where i'll migrate to when this place dies or where i'll communicate if i happen to get IP address banned (probably without warning) or something that prevents me from coming back.
if you don't want to refollow me here, i totally understand. i can't say how grateful i am to everyone who does, but like...i get it. it's tedious having to refollow me all the time, never knowing when a blog (or full ass account) is going to suddenly disappear. if you want to get off this crazy, unpredictable ride now, i don't blame you.
and if you decide to stick around, for however long, thank you. this day has been one of my worst nightmares and i don't think i would be handling this with nearly as much grace if it were not for my friends and everyone on my Discord server (which, by the way, is the only safe place where i share everything uncensored).
they were my first line of communication. they helped me get the word out. they rallied for me and kept me from having one massive breakdown over this, so my heartfelt thanks go out to them.
i'm using the whump community tags in hopes that more people will see this. i had hundreds of followers on my last blog, more than a thousand on the blog before that...i know this isn't going to reach everyone, but i hope it will reach some people.
thank you so much for reblogging this to help spread the word if you do. and thank you for reading. ❤️
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mochapads · 6 months
❝ love weighs more than gold ❞
in which we specify what type of gift-shoppers are the [BLLK] boys? a.k.a eeearly Christmas headcannons:)
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no. Ⅰ !
The type to make something handmade. Most likely tried looking for a gift in various shops, but didn’t really find anything to his liking — therefore started looking for ideas regarding Christmas gifts. Most probably started over at least 3 times, sincerely because the gift wasn’t 100% the same as the imagine of it in his head. (Likely left the gift-wrapping to another day)
— ISAGI • Hiori • Ness • BAROU • Kurona (matching PJ enthusiast, change my mind) • Nanase
no. Ⅱ !
The type to give you a beautiful bouquet, containing your favourite flowers. A box of your favourite chocolates is also essential. 110% is hiding a candlelit dinner reservation in his hand behind his back. Is also the type to tell you that he is, in fact your gift throughout the whole year therefore got you nothing.
— Without the crossed part: Yukimiya • REO • Chigiri • LOKI • Sae
— WITH the crossed part: KAISER • Oliver • Karasu
bonus: Shidou most likely is only the crossed part lol
no. Ⅲ !
The type to intentionally forget your gift at his place so you’d have to take a train together and watch as the heavy snowfall steadily paints the city’s concrete roads white. While you’re getting there he most likely drifts to sleep for a few minutes, blaming the calm rocking of the bus afterward. You most likely make hot chocolate — with marshmallows, if preferred — once you two arrive at his place.
— Bachira • NAGI
no. Ⅳ !
The type to invite you to his place, solely wanting to do nothing but enjoy a hot cup of whatever drink there is at home, while watching a film to your liking. Only after giving you your gift, of course. Expect any and every small thing ever mentioned by you — you liked a perfume at the drug store? Look into the bag. You enjoyed certain sweets half a month ago? Look into the bag. Honestly for him it’s enough to be just you, him, snacks (if needed) and a movie.
— RIN • Gagamaru • Kunigami
note: thanks for reading~ I have not posted for months if not a year on this platform, but I’m glad to be of service with this quick 11pm scratch:) Merry Christmas to everyone in advance, bless y’all <3
[The post is NOT proofread, sorry in case of mistakes! I was more focused on the aesthetics tbh haha.]
credits for the template (stars) in the beginning to: @..syifafh on Discord.
Do not repost nor translate my content neither here nor on other social platforms!
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The Ultimate Compilation Callout
Hey Guys! AR OOC once again to say I am 100% done.
I'm done with this. I thought it was finally dying down and the drama was finally getting to be over with but then she came back and is now trying to say that we are the ones in the wrong. And she is STILL trying to blame Leona's mod when, as both @/castaway-achlys and I have stated numerous times at this point, they were asleep during the entire event. They did not ask for us to defend them. We were both just tired of hearing our friend be exhausted and stressed out by her.
And the fact that so many people have come out to give their own experiences of her being rude and cruel to them just proves this is not a singular event.
I'm putting all this under a cut because it's gonna get long guys. In fact, I’m probably going to end up needing to create a couple reblog chains to get it all out.
But I'm done playing nice. I have all the receipts. Like I went allllll the way back to when the discord was first created. I caught her in her first lie.
Which, coincidentally, her very first lie in the Discord server happened on the very first day it was formed. What a way to start.
I call her the Malleus mod as an identifier in these screenshots, because unlike her, I am not petty enough to reveal peoples’ personal information on the internet just because I don’t like them.
HOWEVER. I will remind everyone that she is not JUST the owner of the Malleus account. Even if you don’t want to look under the read more because there are a LOT of receipts, know that these are all her known blogs.
I do not condone harassment. Harassment is basically what started all this. Just block and go.
Malleus Draconia @/therealmalleusdraconia
Falena Kingscholar @/the-falena-kingscholar
Aijuka (A Leona gf OC) @/the-one-aijuka
Jack Howl @/frosh-jack-howl
Fellow Honest @/fellow-honest
Meleanor Draconia @/meleanor-draconia
Baul Zigvolt @/baul-zigvolt
Sebek’s Mother @/thethickestone
Marja Felmier @/marja-felmier
And her latest: Eric Venue @/ericvenue
(Bonus non-rp blog @/thetwistedminds)
Before we get too far into it I will say there is a slight color code! But only a tiny one!
Gross light green color - look at that lie! 👀
Gross darker green color - a lie is revealed! 🤭
Orange - note the date/time! 🗓️⏰
Let me show you what I mean in the lie I’ve already mentioned - her very first one. :)
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There we have the orange, telling you to note the date. That’s because I was wanting to make sure it was known that the pet posts were made on the same date that the discord was created.
And then we have the gross light green around Malleus mod claiming that this bunny is her bunny and that it was her bunny’s birthday recently.
Now here is the follow up with the gross darker green of a lie revealed. 😌
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And there we have it! The color coding system and her very first lie told the very first day the Discord channel was active and easily disproven with an image search.
Now let’s get into the FUN STUFF! /sarc
We’re going to be doing some rehashing here but I’m also going to probably be including some new things so stay with me folks! This’ll be a ride! Buckle up!
So, originally I was thinking I'd start with the current drama. But considering that a lot of that has already been covered and what hasn't been covered needs more context, I'm just going to keep going in chronological order, I guess.
I've been up for over 24 hours compiling receipts, editing them to protect IDs, and then getting them all sorted so let's finally do this so I can pass out!
First up is something that actually has been covered a bit but I'm going to expand on it slightly - her blatant lie to @/elysia-nsimp (I'm not tagging anyone because I'm not forcing anyone to get notifications on this lmao).
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Here's what everyone has already seen. But to expand on the event, we didn't call her out on her bad behavior, even though we probably should have as she had just lied straight to another mod's face about her blog ownership. I simply DM'd the mod in question privately to make sure they were okay and then tried to keep the peace in the main chat.
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Because, believe it or not with this major callout post, I don't generally like confrontation. But I stepped in there for Elysia and I stepped up during this for Leona's mod.
Now, later that night, she posts this as if nothing had happened and she hadn't just been told that she needed to work on her roleplaying skills:
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Uh huh. Sure. That's your last account. Because you have shown so much self-control when it comes to filling character voids within the twst rp community already. I'll be generous and give you a month before you break.
Now these next ones need a tiny bit of background information and a note: the Malleus mod is German and, as far as we know, lives in Germany. These next pictures are little indicators that she has not experienced the United States at all. These indicators may not seem important now, but they will be in just a little time. So keep them in mind for after the pause.
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You cannot tell me anyone who has spent any length of time in the United States has not at least heard of Walmart.
Quick pitstop to say wow! You didn't even make it a month! Congratulations!
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Also, note the question from the admin and the pretty obvious passive aggressiveness from me. We were sending plenty of hints that they needed to stop - sometimes coming outright and saying it, sometimes simply implying. Either way, we were all ignored.
She says she's not a mind reader. Well, apparently she's just not a reader period.
Now... a bit of an oddball here. And I want to say I do not necessarily think this is a lie. I am including it for a lie that is coming. The one that I included all those America comments for.
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I'm sure you will note that I said that I don't "necessarily think" it's a lie - indicating that I do think it could be a possibility. That would be correct.
She has been lying since day one and, after this doozy of a story I'm about to share with you, I honestly don't know what to believe when it comes to her.
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So.. to sum this up...
We went from a cringe ask from an OC account that she didn't want to answer -> the asker wasn't supposed to be on tumblr because they were underage (???) and was trying to date her irl and somehow had all of her information (oh but don't worry guys she deleted the ask!) -> he found her social media accounts and sent her NSFW pictures and started spam liking, demanding pictures of her kids, sent pictures of her at-the-time boyfriend, sent pictures of his family and his kids -> so she blocked him on everything and then started spam creating the rp accounts to see if he did it with other people or if it was just her (...mmmhmmm...) but nope he was only interested in Malleus -> she then apparently moved to America for a bit to crash with her boyfriend because this underage person went to Germany to find he.
Oh, by the way, why was this guy obsessed with her? Oh, he was obsessed with German women. He decided that all German women were pretty. And she's German-Russian! And Russians have intense standards for women you know! After this guy found out she was German AND Russian, I mean... it was only a matter of time before he upped his game to try to find her!
Guys, she's not saying she's too beautiful for her own good - the underage stalker speaks for itself!
Now, since this stalker found her through her Malleus account and was obviously very determined, you would think the first course of action would be to, ya know, delete the Malleus blog. Right?
No, no, no! Then she would have to start all over and, of course, if she switched accounts she would be forced to make a post on her current blog saying what her new blog is and he would just find her there. That's why she's trying to make her other accounts more active than her Malleus account (her Malleus account was still, by far, before all this happened, the most popular of all her rp blogs)!
Can I also mention that in that post announcing her pregnancy ON HER MALLEUS ACCOUNT WHERE SHE SUPPOSEDLY HAS A STALKER, she had tagged ALL OF HER BLOGS AT THE TIME?
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But yes, Malleus mod. I definitely believe your story. :)
Please. Please tell me you all can understand why I just cannot find it in me to trust a single word coming out of this woman's mouth.
Especially now that during this whole drama, she has been lying through her teeth and trying to pin the entire blame on Leona's mod.
Now this part is nearly over (thank whatever gods anyone believes in) but let's just post the last few of the "before drama happened" pictures, shall we?
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...I'm realizing I didn't underline the part where I called her out for having that many blogs in the gross dark green of a lie caught... oops. This is what happens when you have far too little sleep.
But either way, here is another time when she was called out on a lie of hers. And her little comment at the end means she read it and she acknowledged us.
She just didn't care because it didn't suit her.
Yeah. This is going to come out in PARTS. I can't cover it all in one post because there is a picture limit.
So, I'm going to end up making a reblog chain...
Real talk? I need to sleep. Desperately. It's nearly two in the afternoon where I am and I have not slept yet.
Do not underestimate the power of spite and my loyalty to my friends. Both are very strong motivators.
But my body's needs are finally winning.
When I wake up, I'll have the Ultimate Drama Arc to post and expand upon and then the Return of the Drama Arc.
Yay. (said in the most unenthused voice ever lmao)
Anyway. Enjoy all this. I'm gonna go die. /j
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koyoriin · 6 months
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So I have once again chosen to obtain this Series Pass reward through Frontlines, and I have some more thoughts on the matter!
tl;dr: The issues that existed before have only been made worse this time around, largely due to huge groups of players that game the system and openly mock others for not doing it.
I have some thoughts on “precons” and a postmortem on the whole situation, and will talk more about it through the cut!
Just as a disclaimer, I’m also vividly aware that Frontlines (FL) is one of the most side pieces of side content imaginable in this game; even I only really engage in PvP for FOMO rewards (which bothers me, but that’s a whole other thing), but my main focus is generally the story and raiding. So all of this primarily bothers me as a community issue as well as a game design issue.
Anyhow! So this pass contains the third armour set glamour since the PvP overhaul, Crystalline Conflict (CC), and Series Pass launched. I’ve once again avoided doing CC for it because of my poor experiences with it in the past (see previous post if you’re curious!), but I only do the Series Pass if there’s an armour or emote reward.
Since last time, here are the changes:
The Pros:
- A daily Series XP boost means that it’s now more feasible to get through it with FL only, and not having to grind CC if you’re not in a rush
The Cons:
- Pretty much everything else
So one big “phenomenon” this time that people have brought up elsewhere, are “precons”; groups of people who queue together, both within the 4 person per party limit…and then some. They coordinate in a linkshell or Discord, queue with enough people to fill multiple full parties (up to a full faction at times), and they have set roles of the most frustrating combos that SQEX hasn’t patched out yet (DRK + DRG + SMN are their bread and butter).
This was always a thing since the PvP overhaul and has never been addressed, but it’s only gotten worse. A single “precon”? Well, usually it’s feasible to deal with; I’ve seen them try very hard but still lose. The current trend of “precons” where it means multiple parties of people queuing at the same time, enough for a whole faction or at least close? Well…throw in more than one precon into a faction and it becomes exponentially more difficult to deal with for each one.
As of the last season pass, I noticed a large group of people gathering to run FL together, and I saw them queue back to back all day, daily or at least on Seal Rock days. I assumed this was to get the Seal Rock coat glamour, and I assumed correctly as a large number of them did obtain it after that and left. The fact that Seal Rock has a notoriously difficult 100 win requirement, and SQEX gave people the opportunity to play in the most irritating and broken way possible pretty much goes hand in hand.
In part, I would also blame SQEX for not altering the achievement in some way or even changing the reward structure as it not only incentivizes but rewards this kind of behaviour. In any case, I didn’t play much of last pass so I paid them little mind, and I consider the Seal Rock coat out of my means to obtain anyhow.
However, as of this pass, the “precons” are still running daily, and are now present in every format other than Seal Rock too. The idea is pretty simple; get a group of people together in a community who can coordinate their DRK/DRG/SMN (and AST/RPR/DNC if you want to get fancy) LBs and movements, and you can easily steamroll the other factions, get an easy win. Everyone (cough) has fun, you get the maximum payout of XP/points/whatever. It sounds pretty innocuous and everyone moves on with their day, for better or for worse. Right?
Well, it’s unfortunately grown a bit beyond that at this point. Even if it began as a group of people who gathered together to make getting the Seal Rock coat "easy", it’s become a group of people who exploit the system and then openly mock the people who complain about them; an exercise in punching down on people who aren’t in the clique and sabotaging people who aren’t in on it. Making people miserable has grown beyond just steamrolling them in FL, and occasionally include arguments and mockery.
Essentially, what goes on is:
- The group gathers on a specific DC; locals, Wanderers, and even Travellers, and they queue at the same time. I’ve seen up to 24 and beyond queuing at the same time, enough for a full faction and then some
- They gather in multiple parties of 4 (the current maximum per party) and queue at the same time to get matched in the same game
- If they don’t get into the main group/faction, they intentionally feed the biggest one; I’ve witnessed multiple cases of people just running into combat and not hitting a single skill, repeatedly, just to feed kills and Battle High for an entire match
- The group with the most people will follow one of the group’s shot callers and use their DRK/DRG/SMN LB exploit, with multiple of each back to back to make it impossible to shut them down effectively, since control abilities don’t work that way and are easily cancelled out
- They steamroll the other factions and win with a huge lead because no one else has nearly two dozen people coordinated in that manner, and are just in randomly assigned groups and playing other classes
- Then they gather and queue again; and if they’re called out on it, they begin to mock and argue with the people who called them out, quoting inane things like the “spirit of the solo queue” to imitate people who aren’t in their group, while ridiculing people for losing or not playing DRK/DRG/SMN like they do.
It’s awful. I don’t care about PvP as I only really do it out of FOMO on the rewards so my engagement is not for personal enjoyment—but it’s beyond a chore when a large group of people have fostered a community that’s actively gaming a system SQEX has failed to balance and then openly encouraging unmitigated contempt within their group towards people who aren’t in with them. I love this game, so it especially hurts to see it happen, when the rest of the community has been great.
> Can anything be done about this? Well, probably not unless matchmaking is adjusted, or instances are intentionally staggered for people who queue in the same window, or SQEX finally decides to adjust FL separately from CC. The only times I had matches that were at least somewhat more fair, was when I queued intentionally when these people were not around.
A similar issue existed years ago when PvP used to be based on your Grand Company; Maelstrom was the go-to for PvP, and if you were not in Maelstrom you would essentially expect to lose. Then they made the Freelancer system (joining a random faction when queuing) and it almost dissolved that aspect of it. But even back then, there weren’t unbalanced combos that exist now where you can annihilate an entire faction with your light party in 4 seconds. In addition, the group I witnessed doing it is a mix of people from other data centres. Freedom to queue for PvP wherever you’re visiting has also enabled this kind of behaviour.
The most baffling thing is; there are no leaderboards. It’s not a competitive thing where you get ranked (unlike CC), and by now they have cleared the Series Pass and then some—so I can only assume the group does it for their ego and the joy of ridiculing others, and it’s really so disappointing to see and experience.
Unlike last time when I wrote about the Series Pass, I have no solutions to propose beyond the typical “DRK/DRG/SMN/AST need to be re-balanced”, and FL as a whole needs to be re-balanced separately from competitive CC. “Precons” in general make the experience awful for everyone who isn’t in one, and the even larger ones are just miserable.
And if you’re reading this and my description of that large group sounds like you, I’m sorry you’ve become this way and that this is somehow a point of pride for you. I hope you can find some other way to be have fun that doesn’t involve ruining others’ experiences.
tl;dr: FOMO continues to make people feel like they need to do PvP, and extra large "precons" are ruining the experience for everyone due to a drastic imbalance in specific class combos such as DRK/DRG/SMN/AST, some even going as far as mocking people in public chats.
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ngray192 · 9 days
Ok, Chaos Theory came out and I watched ALL OF IT.
So, I'm gonna share every thought I had while watching, with no context whatsoever!
• Brooklyn is already dead ig
• The animation is beautiful
• Darius to the rescue!!
• He's so grown up
• Hes still so Darius
• Sammy would be proud
• This animation is gorgeous omg
• He took mannerisms from his friends omg
• Allosaurus killed Brooklyn!!!?!?
• Omg this show is darker than the first
• His groceries are gonna fly out
• Curse, I know you want to
• Is it a gun gun or tranq gun?
• Omg is he leaving voicemails to Dead Brooklyn??
• Did they get Jenna Ortega back or no?
• He's got a little cabin
• Wtf is that gun??
• Brand!!
• He's like 20 rn?
• Kenji and Darius had a falling out??
• I miss them
• Someone do the "despite everything it's still you"
• Ok he slayed that electric staff whip tho
• He's anxious af
• God this is so sad wtf
• Ofc there's a site caller Dark Jurassic
• I saw this scene in the clip already
• Teamwork
• That was the whole episode?!
• "Aw crud"
• Someone broke the fence
• Why did you park so far away??
• Ofc he drives a van
• The eyessss
• Lockwood Estate mentioned
• Always the logical one
• He wrote down his theories
• Boyfriends??
• "Dork pouch"
• He's so goofy I love him
• Facial expressions on point
• "Yee-haw"
• Do they only have one picture of them all?
• It's a female voice??
• Oh it was Brooklyn
• They didn't even try to make her sound the same
• I don't like her hair
• She's still Brooklyn
• Isn't that the plot of someone's fanfic on the Discord??
• Someone's gonna read that scene as romantic
• Ben is a reckless driver god damn
• Where are they that they can drive to Texas easily?
• Move dino move!!
• No rear view mirror doesn't sound safe
• Let this boy pee
• He's so done with him
• Hes giving season 4 episode 2
• Boyfriends??
• Hero Ben!!
• Ew the face
• Camp fammmmm
• THE HEAT WAVES this animation is everything
• We get different end-credits every ep??
• Cows!
• "Chip me"
• He's so happy to see the ranch
• The ranch is so Sammy
• Awww she's so Farm Girl
• She's STRONG
• She got tall lmao
• Bessie had a calf?!?
• Do Yaz and Sammy usually live together?!!
• "Ding-dong"
• ITS BUMPY!!!!!!
• Is Mantah Corp back??
• Boooo Sammy
• Fuck Carl
• She's an herbivore tf
• Me and Ben on the same wavelength fr
• Tell him, Sammy
• Let this girl have her pie
• She's Sammy, but she's grown up a lot
• She still has her jacketttt
• What happened to her???
• She's so saddd
• Why aren't her parents talking to her??
• Don't split up!!
• Omg Carl
• Communication through hand signalsss
• That shot with the raptor and the moon tho
• We haven't had many cute moments yet, it's really about survival now, they've really grown up
• Not the pieeee
• The genuine fear in her eyes holy shit
• No more Beanie Ben
• So now he has a rear view mirror
• This reminds me a lot of Jurassic Park 2
• This episode is titled Brothers
• Season 3 episode 7 vibes
• I love how Ben loves Bumpy
• Their faces are so close
• Fucking liar lmao
• Does Kenji blame him???
• God I cannot get over the animation
• Poor boy kenji???
• The kick lmao
• He almost sounds like Ryan Porter
• He's not the tallest anymoreeee
• Benji???
• He doesn't act like Kenji 100% but it's still there
• I miss Ryan Porter
• Another framed photo!!
• They use the words "death" and "dead" a lot, but not "died" or "killed"
• Yes, go get your girl
• Ok but Sammy and Ben are so Mom and Dad
• Good thing he just had spare gear???
• Oh it's probably for Brooklyn
• That shot he looked so much like Little Darius
• Oh no they broke up, so sad 😐
• Woah
• Valid reason to break up
• He's completely valid for being mad idc
• Ofc he loves this kind of music
• You guys are supposed to be family tho
• EVERY WEEK I love Kenji
• "Love you" awwww
• She's so sassy I love her
• The head sway omgggg
• The carobbbb
• These background characters are way too hyped for this
• Bobby Nublar?
• Awww poor baby dino
• Free the dinos!!
• Oh he got OLD
• Damn straight in there
• She's so hurt :(
• He only thought Sammy was suspicious
• Creepy ass big ass forehead bitch
• Daniel Kon is a LIAR
• We should've gotten Kenji speaking Japanese in JWCC
• Love sassy Kenji
• "Yeah ok, I'll get my violin" GIRL
• Omg he almost punched Ben
• Yesss Sammy beat the shit out of him
• Those are the smallest corn dogs ever
• You're a shit dad
• What?! Brooklyn would never
• Kenji and I are on the same wavelength
• Different? Was it her voice?
• Are those lillies?
• These bitches are everywhere
• Kill Daniel
• He's old af hes about to have a heart attack anyway
• Shitttt Daniel tackled that raptor
• Holy shit they killed Kenji's dad
• She's so fucking creepy omg
• I hope she's not from Dominion cause I haven't watched that
• Who's driving the car???!
• She's coping!!
• She wants to make it work!!!
• Ok but the crop top on Yaz???
• Ben is everything this season
• "Love you too" AWWWW
• Where is there an island in Wyoming??
• She's so nervous/excited
• They're perfect together
• "Fadoula"
• She's happy here. Writers, let her be happy
• "Benny-boy"
• She's so geeky
• "Your favorite"
• They're all the same but so grown up
• Ben's scream lmao
• So Brooklyn has been dead less that 14 months
• They're both valid in this argument
• Ok but Ben and Yaz friendshipppp
• Is Ben actually dating someone??
• Ooo that's a cool dino
• Omg this show is darker than the og
• How did she walk so far??
• Yaz holding Ben's arm is cute tho
• Girlfriendssss
• Dumbass DPW
• Wtf??
• Omg
• Therapy girlfriend to the rescue
• Omg I forgot about Darius and Kenji
• Noooo baby boy Kenji
• Wow 2 major deaths already
• God I love Ben
• I feel like they should've drowned by now
• They held hands while swimming up
• Aw he has a daughter
• He lowkey sounds like Ryan Porter
• Idc about this Brooklyn death backstory
• Sammy looks fucking crazy in their one picture of the 6
• Ben 3rd wheeling just like all of season 5
• Their heads SLAMMED together
• He's so weird about this car lmao
• The car scene is funny
• They're in Colorado now??
• This hill is STEEP
• He's been waiting to throw those phones for DAYS
• Why tf would he be coming with you?
• Why did I believe the voicemail?? I saw her phone get ruined
• Darius CALM DOWN let kenji have at least something about Brooklyn DAMN
• Dude this mystery is DEEP
• Reminds me of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom
• Gonna barf because of this "bwookie bear" scene
• He always has been a bad liar
• Sammy is physically fight for EVERYBODY'S lives
• Omg we're actually doing the Darius×Brooklyn plot??
• So that means no Ben×Darius plot???
• BUMPY (again)
• What did they do to you, Bumps???
• "Oh heyyyy" "boo" I LOVE THEM
• I love a good chase scene
• If a car can just drive through it, that fence was shit
• Nobody does a stampede like this show does
• Lots of death (even if they're all cutaways)
• God I'm flying through this show
• The heartbeating is EVERYTHING
• Anxious girlfriends
• More good camerawork and angles
• Ofc they'd be good at charades
• Are there still no male dinosaurs?
• Big Eatie mentioned
• "Ok I get it, you're a climber"
• Oh are Camp Fam at the same place?
• She's sick???
• If Bumpy dies I'll kms
• Why is he just carrying a stick?
• I love reunions
• No cause why am I sad
• Did he call her "MICROBANGS"
• They're still the same kids from the island and I love that
• Once again, they're so Mom and Dad
• Is she in labor?!?!?!
• What're they gonna name the egg?!??!
• Last episodeeee
• Oh shit we used the word "killed"
• His hat is so tall
• Omg he shocked Ben
• Benji?
• We have so much to wrap up in 23 minutes
• This is lowkey scary
• This is so suspenseful
• She looks familiar
• Is she just dead then???
• Toro!!
• The slow-motion scene is so cool
• Coolest dino fight ever
• Awww she's bonding? with her guard-raptors? I don't care
• Wait is that it??
• They better make another season
• Everyone's so happy for Darius being in love
• She didn't feel the same?! THATS why he didn't show???
• I fucking knew she was still alive
• Her hair got even worse
• So we're getting another season???
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ddlcbrainrot · 2 months
Monika, as we all know, has a Twitter that we can actually follow and stuff. But she is definitely also a Pinterest girlie 100% i will not be taking any notes on this thank you very much
Sayori used Instagram the most, its great for socialising with your friends ect. Then Tiktok came out, which is basically the social media for people with no attention span, aka Sayori's one weakness. You cant really blame her for getting just a tad bit too into it
Yuri ive never really though would use any kind of social media, at least not excessively. Maybe she'd watch book reviews on Youtube, but thats the most i thought she would use social media. And then @heartbeatbookclub made a post sometime back abt Yuri being a discord mod and i cannot believe i didnt think of this sooner. She canonically plays DND, i could definitely see her having a discord server for it and everything + she mentions having online friends and in my experience most online friends talk through discord
Natsuki uses Tumblr. Or, she did back in middle school. Then her friends started to make fun of her for it and she switched to Insta. She also mentions having online friends so her having a discord account isn't that far fetched. Maybe she watches Tiktoks from time to time, not that she would admit that however
MC is a Redditor.
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spiribia · 1 year
I LIKE discord servers but there’s a kind of woe in seeing browser pet sims or sites in general have built-in forum boards with all their organized categories that are ghost towns if you go past the surface at all. meanwhile everyone has taken to creating scattered unofficial discord servers with 100 people in each of them, or solely talking in the in-game single-channel live chat box where previous conversation is not preserved for future ref and 70% of all questions about the game go to get irretrievably buried unanswered under two players having a niche conversation with each other about a tv show. And then you get even further displaced into the toxic bog of external anonymous confession blogs about the game just to see people’s reactions to updates. In things with active economies at their heart, in-game trade forums are outpaced by publicly inaccessible discord trade channels. There’s no real blame for any of this, it’s just an unfortunate thing for me.
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ikamigami · 5 months
About Sun's death flags
I think that people got that wrong.. I mean I've seen that people were saying (mostly on Discord) that Sun won't die.. Sun's death is a red herring.. etc.
But the thing is that I think that they forgot about some really important lil crucial detail..
Who said that villain will be the one to kill Sun? Or who even said that anyone else will kill Sun.. accident or not..
Many people either don't want to see or just simply ignore that one important detail..
I think that the one who will kill Sun is he himself.. or more likely he'll attempt to do that but fail.. and end up being either in a coma or severely damaged..
Show still is hinting that Sun is suicidal.. - most recent episode them playing russian rullete with a shotgun.. cause why Sun is the one who is playing and he seemed to be curious about what will happen if he'll die.. silly little guy *giggles*
Or another one - them reacting to animatics.. I'm talking about when Sun was in Ruin's dimension.. and like I said Sun didn't even care that Ruin's Monty could've kill him.. he didn't hacking care...
I bet that they chose that animatic because it had not only hallucinations mentioned but also one of the major signs that Sun is suicidal..
Also I don't believe that Sun is doing "oh so great".. like even Earth sees that he's hiding something but she doesn't know how to help him without causing more damage.. - "I care about you".. she says also that he and Moon can talk to her about their issues..
Like come on.. Is Earth really the only one person that sees that there's something "off" with Sun..
But like I said on Discord.. Earth can't be the only one who cares about Sun cause it's obvious that she doesn't know what to do..
I'm glad that she's pushing Moon to deepen his bond with Sun.. cause it doesn't seem that good tbh..
Like Moon is hanging out with Solar a lot.. it's not a bad thing.. but the way they seem to treat Sun isn't the best.. they both often times say that Sun is dumb to his face and think that Sun can't help with things.. like it's obvious that they treat him more like a "do this, bring that" way.. they don't seem to rely on him.. "he's dumb" so they don't need him for planning..
And I'm 100% sure Sun notices that..
Also like I said I think that Sun was really ready to kill himself.. but Eclipse showed up and he needs to take care of a threat cause he feels responsible for Eclipse's existence in the first place and don't want for his family to deal with problems he caused in the first place...
Also now that Moon has a good companionship in Solar's person and Earth and Lunar have each other.. they also have Monty and Foxy.. and they have on their side Castor and Pollux.. And Earth and Lunar can take care of the Daycare..
Sun realises that.. he isn't needed anymore.. and they would be better without him cause he causes so many problems.. if it wasn't for still existing threats hanging over them..
The fact that events seem to repeat - slightly differently but still.. and the fact that Sun remembers everything.. and knowing the show things will go downhill.. and Sun will 100% blame himself for this.. cause if he remembers but still wasn't able to help or stop bad things from happening once again then what does it say about him..
The answer is simple.. it would mean that Sun is a failure and that he truly is awful..
I think that the show is going in this direction.. it won't happen soon.. but I think that this is it...
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 month
Wordgirl Infection Au: Mouse Virus
(So I have been looking at different infections aus from different fandoms and decided, hey why not try a version of my own. This idea stems from a mouse zombie apocalypse that I came up with and discussed with friends on discord. I am changing some things from the original idea such as with the virus its not fast acting in the infection au unlike the zombie idea. The cause for it is still the same as well as those who can be infected and those who can be immune.) VIRAL OUTBREAK REPORT: ENTRY 1 NAME: Professor Steven Dr. Two Brains SUBJECT: 01-OMEGA BIO INFECTION "aka" Mouse Virus CLASSIFICATION TYPE: Viral Infection ORIGIN OF OUTBREAK: Fair City Somewhere TIME OF OUTBREAK: April 10th, 2015 RATE OF INFECTION: 2 to 72 hours NUMBER OF INFECTED: 2,734 and growing NUMBER OF SURVIVORS:...less than 400 maybe even less than that SIGNS OF POSSIBLE IMMUNIZATION: Myself Only animals show 100% immunity to the infection SIGNS OF INFECTED: Scratches and bite marks SYMPTOMS: Discussed in another entry. TIMELINE OF INFECTION: Discussed in another entry STAGES: Recorded data in another entry from Beck an infected subject. PATIENT ZERO: UNKNOWN CURE:..Still in testing phase CAUSE: IT'S NOT MY FAULT! IT'S NOT MY FAULT! I DON'T KNOW WHY THE BLAME ME FOR THIS! I NEVER WANTED SOMETHING LIKE THIS I JUST WANTED CHEESE! THE DEVICE SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS! SOMEONE TAMPERED WITH IT! I'm sorry Becky, I'm so sorry! CAUSE: Rodent mind reading device.
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lore-gore · 4 months
Hii, I'm sorry if this is a weird ask or comes off as aggressive, I want you to know it's not my intention to come off that way and that this is 100% a genuine question:
I saw your post recently about debunking someone's points about Viv being a bad person, and I'm curious as to what the debunks were? I always hear people say stuff is "debunked" in regards to her, but never have I seen any actual arguments that prove anything is debunked, they just say, "Oh, [x] is lying" or "Oh, all the screenshots of conversations with Viv are fake" which imo isn't really a debunk, it just makes things a "he-said-she-said"... And as someone who's read the whole KenDraws document as well as his rebuttals to the false rumour Viv spread of him being a predator, it really doesn't make her look good? Not to mention that she directly victim-blamed a child that her employee sexually harassed, like, that's something she did very, very recently and very, very blatantly.
Again I'm really sorry if this comes off as confrontational or something, I'm just really tired of seeing the word "debunked" thrown around without any actual reasons to WHY stuff is debunked, so that's why I was curious about the conversation you mentioned in that post
Here is the link debunking many of the dramas. As for the ones you mentioned, I have not heard about thrm till now. If they are true that is very disappointing. Still, my main problem is people acting like just because a creator is problematic people should hate the work. It's a toxic mindset and annoying for someone who just wants to enjoy the shows. Not to mention the amount of hate is disproportionate. They hate her like you would a politician and it's concerning.
Edit: looking a bit into this using posts from both viv stans and antis, all I have to say is this: if KenDraws can be slandered by an ex friend, so can Vivziepop. All we have for proof is discord messages, which aren't very solid. In any case, separate the art from the artist. Like what you like. Enjoy your life. Join fandoms, not hatedoms.
Edit 2:
Here is a vivziepop fans opinion on it, which makes a lot of good points. That being said, none of this is hard proof, and I do not expect this to change your mind. It is simply a perspective from the opposite side.
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 7 months
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I blame @luckyshotwrites and @vore-toast for giving me the courage to stop lurking and actually post stuff, y'all have changed my life for the better. (and everyone in the itwom and widfali discord servers!)
I used to browse around voreblr for years thinking about how cool you guys were - now i'm friends with some of you, and it's such an honor!! I still freak when I see some of you like my stuff, lol.
AND THANK U GUYS....100 people is too many to eat!! but I'll try!!
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thescrumptiousstuffs · 7 months
Only Friends Episode 11 - Move On, Move In
In which we see Top finally stood his ground, Boeing flies from one couple to another (pun intended), we get domestic Sand/Ray while Nick/Boston comes to an understanding
Top & Mew
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Top has made tremendous effort to change his ways to prove he is worthy for Mew. So, I'm glad he finally confronted Mew regarding the whole Boeing situation with Top astutely picking up the core point is that Mew can't seem to forgive Top's past transgression. And without being able to pass that point, both of them will just keep going in circle. Top was absolutely right when he said they might as well just forget about giving their relationship a second chance as Mew will keep becoming paranoid about every single interaction Top may have with other people.
However, it's obvious Mew is miserable without Top and as his lovely moms gently pointed out - if they really want to work it out, Mew must find away to somehow forgive (but not necessarily forget what Top has done).
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Mew's face-off with Boeing is also much needed - the latter has been sneakily sewing discord in TopMew's journey of reconciliation, purely out of spite against Top. The man is bitter and being obvious about it - I mean his parting shot of not wishing Mew luck cause he knows they won't make it??? - yup, someone is salty he got dumped!!!
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But by far my fav scene with this couple is the sweet scene in Mew's childhood bedroom - their heart to heart talk was much needed with both side confessing they still love each other very much. We ended with them hopefully on the same page, starting afresh with no 3rd party causing havoc!
Nick & Boston
Who will have thought Boston will have a change of heart? (cause I didn't!). But these 2 are made for each other - they are both slightly deranged and loony. However, Nick understands Boston in so many levels that his so-called friends (or even father) doesn't. And in Nick, Boston has find a kindred sprit - someone who has never judged him but also tells him straight if he doesn't agree with what he does.
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Also, their plot against Atom - completely unhinged but definitely on-brand for them? (only Nick will make up a plan to hey, let's seduce the boy, and while I get hot & heavy here, instructs Ton to video /photograph the deed so that we can "pretend blackmail" him while also simultaneously give a heartfelt lecture on Atom about one-sided love), which in turn gives Boston a much needed reality check on how he feels about Nick.
But wow, the whole scene with Boston taking Nick's pictures, it is so soft and romantic (for them) - "Your photos took up the whole roll of film" as opposed to an earlier episode when he used an almost similar line "I’ll just use up to finish the roll of film"
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Plus, when Boston asked if Nick wants to be a boyfriend - you can tell it affected Nick in a profound level. But I don't blame Nick for being wary, he got burn so badly by Boston before. Anyway, it seems we are finally getting some domestic bliss for the finale episode (although hey, is that Boeing I spy possibly causing havoc after almost succeeding with Top/Mew and now causing some cracks in Sand/Ray blossoming relationship?)
Sand & Ray
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Speaking of Boeing, that dude is truly like his namesake, flying from one couple to another...
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Just as we have achieved some domestic bliss with this couple - from the heartfelt, teary confession plus apologies from Ray to Sand followed by what I can only described as Ray/Sand being giddy in love - both of them beaming with joy, Ray taking every chance possible to call Sand his boyfriend while spoiling the latter to Sand indulging Ray's whims and them making plans to travel around the world to attend music festivals...
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And so, to have Boeing raining on their parade....look, I'm not 100% sure how Boeing/Sand relationship was in the past, but on the surface Sand looks uncomfortable with having Boeing around himself (and Ray for that matter). But one of Sand's weakness is his difficulties in setting boundary - he failed with Ray (although it did work out for them at the end). Sand's mother summed up Sand's nature best - super caring, a caretaker by nature. So, an ex that previously meant a lot to him come barging back in, he probably doesn't have the heart to cut Boeing ruthlessly.
Furthermore, I mentioned this with a previous post, I get the feeling Sand doesn't want Boeing anywhere near Ray probably because he feels insecure at some level (also Ray can be a loose cannon with his hot temper). Boeing left him for Top and Ray is cut from the same cloth like Top (both rich, handsome and now with Ray sober - charming). Also on the flip side, we have Boeing who is not that dissimilar to Mew (both smart, loves plants etc) - with Mew being Ray's first love/crush...well, I think Sand is afraid he will lose Ray.
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But never fear, it seems we have Ray already clocking what Boeing is up to. As viewers, we can see how possessive Ray is on Sand - I don't think there is the slightest chance he will let Boeing interfere with their newly found bliss. Unfortunately, Ray's possessiveness is a double edge sword - him inviting Boeing to the private pool party is definitely a test of sort for both Sand (and I think he is failing) as well as Boeing. From the finale preview, it seems Ray has given the ultimate to Sand "I don't like it inviting people into your life like this. You go and finish it off otherwise I'll take care of it myself."
(my one grip is that I wished Boeing was introduced slightly sooner cause trying to wrap everything up in the last episode...it's going to feel rush and sloppy?)
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On the side note, I am not fan with how the whole Atom storyline went - he lied about being sexually assaulted, and when he finally confessed to his sister, all Cheum did was hugged him and say she understood Atom realising his newfound sexuality is hard? At the very least, I wanted Cheum to emphasise how dangerous it is to lie about these issues and her apologising to Ton?
As usual, so many thoughts and emotions - so many good moments but if I have to pick my fav scene - it will be SandRay being absolutely father material (esp Sand!) with the children in the hospital.
Can't believe next week it will be the finale!!!! (what am I going to do every Saturday after that?)
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cerseimikaelson · 4 months
Why is there literally no fanfiction about children of Athena that AREN'T Annabeth?
Before you all hate me, Annabeth is great. She is awesome and I love her. But Cabin 6 is supposed to be one of the biggest at Camp, and the only other Athena child Rick has mentioned is Malcolm Pace.
Only people who get this will get this, but children of Athena are technically Ravenclaws. So imagine what it would be like to throw a Slytherin child of Athena in their midst.
Still smart, but emotionally so. Cunning, resourceful, an excellent manipulator, body language expert, who gets under people's skin whilst smiling like spun sugar.
(I can't add bullet-points for whatever reason, but here are some absolutely canon facts for you)
Instead of being afraid of spiders, when they try to bite them OC offers them insects to chew on and asks them for tips on weaving and lockpicking because there isn't really that much of a difference, right? And the spiders are so confused but eventually spread the word that this Athena child never hurts them, so OC gets permission to go to Australia during spider season and returns with a spider familiar named Natasha (forget owls, OC has a black widow in their corner) that throws Cabin 6 in chaos.
Instead of praying to their mother for help because they have figured out Athena isn't interested in any other child whose name isn't Annabeth anyway, OC prays to the minor gods and goddesses, because they have done their research and realize just how outnumbered the 12 Olympians against the OVER 100 minor deities are. OC prays to Eros, Eris, Hebe, Eileithyia, Tyche, Nemesis, Iris, the Nereids, Melinoe, Charon, Kairos, Horkus, literally anyone that's ever been ignored in Greek mythology.
And the minor gods are so confused a demigod child of Athena knows their names, let alone prays to them, and they start visiting OC, and eventually get roped in hanging out with them because OC is witty and draws people in because they know appearances matter and makes an actual effort to be likeable.
And so Hebe braids OCs hair and Melinoe takes them out on rock festivals and the Nereids volunteer to clean the beach with them and eventually Eris is won over and makes OC apple pie (DON'T TELL ME THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN, APPLE OF DISCORD ANYBODY??) on their birthday which of course Athena doesn't acknowledge.
And OC gets free pass into the Underworld and when Hades asks them what in his name they are doing there, OC takes out an invitation to Charon's birthday party that Hecate is throwing and shows him the Italian suit they and Eros picked out for Charon.
And OC actually bribes someone (maybe Mr D) to tell them where Auntie M's Garden Emporium is and waltzes in and APOLOGIZES to Medusa because SHE WAS A VICTIM and Athena BLAMED HER. And Medusa is so bewildered by this kid that presents her with Dior sunglasses and a Hermes headscarf (because OC is best friends with Psyche and the Graces and they appreciate the importance of good taste) and their pet spider that's actually a massive fan, but eventually semi-adopts them because OC needs some good role models in their life.
And eventually word reaches the Olympians and everyone is like, "are you sure this kid is Athena's?" because OC fell behind on Ancient Greek to learn hieroglyphics instead (because of course you aren't the only gods around!) and always watches the movie before reading the book.
...... Did I just write a book?
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