#i just love their friendship
steveybucky · 3 months
probably been said before but headcanon that sam was a captain america fanboy sorta like coulson and he was like “wow I can’t believe that’s captain america running past me, he’s such a great guy I had his ACTION FIGURE when I was a kid”
then after the 30th on your left sam is like “never mind, this steve rogers guy is an asshole”
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shamixlour · 2 months
This brings me so much pain...you don't understand. Their bond is so special.
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notemaker · 10 months
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Part 1 of Ace! April + Best friend Dynamics - Next? Some context: April isn't very confident about being around people in canon. She's weird and badass, and while we love that, she thinks she's got to 'be normal' to be liked, and make friends. It reminded me of the Ace Experience, and how that'd add another layer to the slow acceptance that is herself. Enter Donnie.
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anywaymuahahahaha · 2 months
I come bearing food for all Magolor and Elfilin truthers
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lonisaiou · 7 months
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They left Peebs a lil surprise on her phone 🙆
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asingingpenguin · 1 year
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mobvla · 2 years
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joy-girl · 2 years
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hanjisungz · 2 years
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binsung: *exists* me: i must gif this
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vp-gilear-faeth · 2 years
i don’t think i will ever be normal about “it’s gorgug, keep going”
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mapoeggplant · 11 months
how shima's envy of kanechika got him back into acting: a small debate
skip to loafer // general spoilers
one word that i would use to describe kanechika is “greedy” — and don’t get me wrong, i meant this with the best intentions in the world. since day one, he presented himself as someone who’s always aiming for something ahead of him, always craving for his next big achievement, always thinking about how to show who he really is, be it by being on the stage or behind it, as a screenwriter.
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kanechika is character who’s shown a strong perseverance mixed with a tinge of self doubt here and there. his presence and self confidence can be seen by others as arrogance, or an invasive character, thanks to his never ending pressure on shima for him to join the club. as for me, i just see in him someone who’s not afraid of finding his place on earth by doing what he loves the most, by trying to find people who will help him in some ways or others. and, well, on the other side of the spectrum, we have another boy: shima.
kanechika embodies everything that shima is running away from. he’s energetic, true to himself and proud of his story, while shima is desperately trying to rewrite his own past, a new character for him to play that’s different from who he is or what he represents. by confronting someone who’s so sure of himself, his old feelings start to bubble up, which scares shima. and not only does he see in his senpai his dreamy old self who truly believed everything would be alright, but also someone who was able to keep fighting no matter how many times he fell — something his coward (on his own eyes) was never able to do.
it strikes a nerve. it makes him envy. he wants to be him, wants to have his strength, wants to fight again, something that he didn’t even believe it was possible. he wants to be onstage knowing he belongs there, not feeling like an imposter stealing someone else's place. kanechika is everything shima isn’t, and that makes him feel even inferior.
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but that doesn’t make him hate him or even feel any animosity towards kanechika: he sees him as someone to look up to. his insistence on giving shima a second chance at acting doesn't come as a negative — in the end, it works: shima finds in himself strength to find his own passion on acting, a new way to overcome his older fears, his traumatic past.
kanechika is, for shima, a fresh of breath air, a second chance he didn’t want to accept. the envy that shima felt brought him closer to kanechika, which in consequence brought him closer to acting again; but now, there isn’t anyone forcing him to do anything, he’s there for himself and for the people who wants to see him happy.
kanechika persistence not only gave shima a second change, but will make him go further and further, will make him create more and more. can’t wait to see his creations on the big screen, maybe with shima as his main actor.
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i don't know if i made myself clear with this thread. sometimes i want to say a lot but try to keep it simple because i don't want to write a bible!!!!! but anyways, hope you guys liked it 💛 thank you for reading!! i'm always here to have a healthy debat
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pepart · 5 months
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They meet for TEA 🍵
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shamixlour · 3 months
Ayo Edeberi during the 2023 Film Independant Spirit Award: "to quote my favourite poet Jeremy Allen White, i love acting!"
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weezley · 1 year
headcanon that MC is scribbling down size calculations so she can figure out how to take mandrakes on her travels, Sebastian and Ominis are like "wtf are you doing now?"
so she just shrugs and says "im gonna throw them at trolls", completely joking, but both boys are like YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHAT?!?!!
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creativename87 · 1 year
Nahida and Scaramouche’s friendship is so funny to me because Scaramouche is such a tsundere about everything and Nahida’s smart enough to figure everything out
Nahida: My birthday is coming up, do you want my wishlist?
Scaramouche: HA! Foolish of you to even CONSIDER the fact that I would stoop as low as to get you a gift. What a RIDICULOUS thought that I would EVER even NEED your idiotic WISHLIST.
Nahida: You already got me something didn’t you
Scaramouche: …no
Nahida: You got me that new microscope I wanted, right?
Scaramouche: what the fuck.
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mchatter · 1 year
Joe: I call it my disco kettle! I boil the water and a bunch of coloured lights come on! It's like a party everytime I make potatoes!
Cleo: ...Joe you need to get out more
Joe: I know. I've been saying that 😅
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