#like if they change it later I’ll fight through the first issues but if it doesn’t wellllll
kierancaz · 6 months
Does anyone else not like the way Damian is drawn in the new Batman and Robin comic ????
Like, after his solo Robin series, I just cannot look at him like that. He looks almost exactly like Jon.
Where is his tan skin ??? His green eyes ??? HIS HOOKED NOSE ???? They took away everything that made his design cool and interesting and new and pretty and also just like a huge part of his ethnicity.
It just bothers me so much like I want to read the comic bc it does seem pretty interesting but Damian’s design is making it soooooo hard. It extra sucks bc the art style is amazing. I actually love the way Bruce is drawn and also White Rabbit is super cool. Damian is just throwing me off so hard like that’s literally not him that’s Tim or Jon or Dick but that isn’t Damian Wayne/AL GHUL like tf look at this
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He’s pretty yah, whatever, now look at this:
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THESE ARE NOT EVEN THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE ???? It’s not even a difference in art style bc there was plenty of variations in art style in the Robin series but he still had his main features I mentioned earlier.
Idk call me a nitpicker or smth but this bothers me so much if it doesn’t change at some point I don’t think I will be able to read the new Batman and Robin series.
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lovingdabeessss · 4 months
Mini ramble cause I’m tired I’ll expand later probably
Blake and Weiss have trouble with their emotions because of their different kinds of abuse they’ve experienced but they still clearly have them, you know? They talk about them and they talk about it a lot their was a whole arc that was just them talking about their emotions very loudly at each other so having the emotions or expressing it doesn’t really bother them that much
or at least not in every environment, Yang and Ruby are the safest space they got they’ll fight each other to the death around them if they’d let them if you want to have unsavory emotions and unsavory words they’re the two people they’re both comfortable doing it around
It seems like they’re biggest issue with having negative emotions is how other people perceive them and how others react and putting up a front around others unless really comfortable
(What an incredible life changing experience it must’ve been to have that kinda safe space with people who care about you for no reason other then because they do and not for any ulterior motive after so long of not feeling like that to love someone so much you could safely hate them and they’d still ask you include you in ever conversation, it’s like that one measurement of love and comfort where if your kid complains and whines about things you make them do to you then they love you and think your safe to be around and if they’re silent and obedient and distant they think your not)
However with Yang and Ruby it’s not a front they’re not pretending to not feel the emotions they’re actually just not feeling them
They’re refusing to outright
Ruby doesn’t vent till she’s in a universe where GRIM DONT EXIST and then the emotions overwhelm her so much she DIES
Yang does let herself have negative emotions but ONLY anger which is controlled and specifically when she can take that kinda heat she expresses anger not only with the acknowledgment of the risk to herself but also often when other people are also already upset
Yangs semblance is clearly designed to make it easier for her to take hits for others this expression of anger goes along with the fact that it lights her on fire and makes her big and bright she’s making herself a bigger target
Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough YOU KNOW LIKE WHAT YOU DO AGAINST BEARS?!?! GOLDILOCKS!?!?!? Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough
(And Yang and Ruby will sometimes have breakdowns because of this where everything totally boils over and they have no way of dealing with it and they end up sobbing but even then they usually manage to do it in a closed off room)
Their lives have been centered completely around becoming huntresses and surviving through and killing grim it’s been their whole lives if the grim are attracted to negative emotions it doesn’t matter if you don’t show it on your face it’s GETTING you
To be a hunter you have to choose either:
1- go fucking crazy (all of the teachers at beacon for whatever reason)
2- be good enough at your job to be mentally ill (qrow)
3- DIE
So they just couldn’t feel shit cause they didn’t hav the skill level as children to allow that and survive
And obviously they do feel these things but it’s SOO repressed (Ruby I believe less so but it’s still beneath the surface so she’s good)
Blake and Weiss had a ton of shit to worry about but Blake was always more focused on other people as enemies and only had to personally worry about that after she joined the white fang and learned how to fight and I GENUINELY believe that the forest with Ruby was the first time Weiss’s isolated SKY CITY looking ass ever saw a real grim in person and not her sisters fake ones
And I think this is just really interesting because of how long it might’ve taken Yang and Ruby to realize the difference between their partners and them and why I think it might’ve led to interesting interactions but they’d probably never outright talk about it with them because it might lead to emotions
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darkwolf989 · 2 months
Outside The Office Part Twenty Two
Hi All,
SO GLAD I got so many comments and likes on the last chapter- I hope y'all enjoy it! Trigger warning for body image issues and disordered ideas of what is healthy.
As always, please feel free to drop a comment, a DM or an ask if you have a situation you want Val and Reader to explore together- from shopping to sex, nothing is off limits!
An hour to the dot later, Lucifer appeared in the living room. Val had left me behind as soon as breakfast was eaten with a kiss and a promise to make good on his words. As soon as he left I changed into the required attire and let myself lounge on the couch and scroll aimlessly through sinstergram while I waited. 
“Well, I see you look ready,” Lucifer said drily as his eyes raked over me. 
I looked up at him from where I laid on the couch. Dressed in black leggings, a tank top and sneakers I assumed my relaxed position was what he was referring to. I rolled to the side and walked towards him as I tucked my phone in my pocket. 
“Ready when you are. Where are we going anyway?” I asked as he opened a portal. “Soul collecting?”
“No. And don’t call it that. We don’t collect souls, we contract souls.” He paused but shook his head, “I mean, we technically collect them but don’t call it that. I don’t like it.”
I stared at him. Even for Lucifer, that comment was weird. “Alright then, where are we going?” 
“To see exactly where your military skills lie- and where you need to improve,” he answered. 
His gaze fell to my wrist, and then to my collarbone. Wordlessly, he brushed his finger against both. 
The bruising and pain vanished instantly. 
“It’s only temporary. Won’t last more than a few hours, but at least I can get an assessment of your full, uninjured body, ” he said easily. “Word on the street is that you were one of the most ferocious angels to ever see combat.”
I didn’t answer. Extermination wasn’t something I participated in, but battling demons who encroached on our territory? That was something I did in my younger years. Mercilessly, and without thought- just as my father had taught me. But the hours I used to spend training were now spent doing much less physical tasks- modeling for Velvette, reading contacts or doing office work for Vox, and of course, studio time with Valentino. I may have been continuing to work out for a few hours a day out of habit, but I was nowhere near where I used to be. 
I stepped through the portal behind Lucifer and looked around. The room was large, with mats shoved against one side and an assortment of weapons on the far wall. I eyed them. Crossbow. Sword. Gun. All things I could easily handle. 
Lucifer gave me a look. “Don’t even think about it. Today is an assessment of your physical skills and fitness. Not how well you can aim a gun. That comes later, I promise. Follow me.” 
I followed him through the door in the back and stepped into another room, this one fully matted, lit only by electric blue light. 
“This is my own personal creation,” Lucifer said proudly. “Over the course of the next few minutes you’ll be surrounded by enemies that feel as real as you and I are. But that’s the kicker- they’re not! That being said, every punch, every kick, every action you give or take will feel real, though at the end that pain will vanish. I strongly suggest you fight as though your life depends on it- the longer you last, the stronger the enemies. And again, I promise you no actual harm will come to you. Go stand in the center of the room.”
I did as I was told and looked around at the matted walls. A sense of unease washed over me as they flickered that same electric blue. 
“I’m going to stand in this corner right and send enemies your way. Fight like you would any other battle. I’ll call time when you’re officially dead.” Lucifer said. 
Faceless black figures filled the room. I allowed my instincts to take over. The first punch hit me in the gut thirty seconds in and I doubled over as pain shot through me. Fuck, he wasn’t kidding when he said they felt real. It was like fighting my own father, or one of the other top angels. Behind me, I felt hands grab my hair. I reached behind and yanked the shadowy being flipping it on its back as hard as I could. It vanished.
“Kill one.” a robotic voice rang out. 
Lucifer clapped his hands together. “Excellent job dear, keep going.” 
I dodged the next, and fought as hard as I could until a searing pain shot through my chest. I gasped and dropped to the floor.
“Time till death. Two minutes and forty seven seconds.” the voice rang out. 
“Oh reader, that was sorely disappointing. You’re going to have to do better than that, “ Lucifer tisked. 
Bright white lights flooded the room and he strode over to where I lay. The pain vanished but I still struggled to catch my breath, my muscles sore from the exertion. Lucifer extended his hand and helped me to my feet. 
“That was…less than impressive, my dear.” he reiterated with a shake of his head. He pressed his finger against the pulse point on my neck and looked at his watch. “I would toss you back out again, but a muscle tear would only further delay us. And judging by how slowly your heart rate is going down, I would strongly suggest conditioning yourself over the next two weeks. We can reassess then. I’d like to teach you how to utilize the power you hold, but I’m afraid we can’t do that quite yet. You’re just not physically ready.”
I must have looked dejected because he gently ruffled my hair. “Enough of that. Just because you toss inebriated demons through a wall, doesn’t mean your stamina is the same as it used to be. Follow me, I want you to see one of my staff doctors before I send you back home. Make sure you’re physically unharmed.” 
The familiar portal opened and I followed him without protest, my mind reeling with both anger and disappointment at myself. I knew how to fight, I was strong, respected, and feared. Or at least, I used to be. 
I stepped into what looked like a hospital room. Lucifer flung himself into one of the chairs and pulled out his phone. As the doctor performed his physical, he glanced up every now and then but quickly went back to typing.When I was told I was cleared of all major health issues, Lucifer stood up and tucked his phone into his jacket pocket. 
“Alright then, let’s get you home, shall we? Again, condition- hard- for the next two weeks. We’ll repeat the same process again then, hopefully with better results.” 
I followed him back through the portal, a dark cloud of shame hanging over my head. As I stepped into the apartment I was hit with the smell of vanilla cake. Velvette sat on the couch, salad in one hand and phone in the other. At least four stacks of pancakes covered the coffee table, accompanied by what looked like banana bread and cookies. 
“Glad you’re here. Vox is in a tizzy.” Velvette grumbled without looking up. 
“What’s his problem?” I asked as I surveyed the scene. I could see Vox whisking something in a bowl. Cookie dough maybe, or brownie batter. 
“My problem?! My problem is that fucker has made his way back to hell and now I have a fucking issue!” Vox hollered from the kitchen. 
Velvette rolled her eyes. Lucifer looked amused. 
“Who….exactly is that fucker?” I asked.
“Alastor.” Velevette and Lucifer answered in unison. 
“Radio demon.” Velvette explained as she stood up, her bowl empty. “They used to be friends until…”
“Until shit hit the fan. But we have bigger issues that I know were caused by him. Like the angels that killed your father and half of the angelic military have been spotted swooping through our fucking skies. And is it really that much of a stretch to notice that Alastor shows up at the same time? I think the fuck not.” Vox shouted over the oven timer. “Where the fuck are the chocolate chips? We can’t be out of them! Velvette! Come take the cake out of the oven before it burns! I need help!”
“In more ways than one,” she muttered as she walked towards the kitchen. “Settle down Vox, I got it.” 
His words snapped me to attention. “They’re here? The angels that killed my father? Here in hell?”
“I mean, they were. I made quick work of them this morning, but you- you need to get your shit together Princess. We are running on a timeline here.” Lucifer said in an unhurried voice.  “Why do you think I pulled you today? And I’m glad I did- you have work to do.” He studied my body and crossed his arms. “You’re not exactly getting tubby, but those muscles could use some work along with your fitness level.”  He checked his watch, and mumbled under his breath. “I gotta go. See you soon, I expect improvement in two weeks' time.” 
He vanished and I stared at the place where he stood. First the physical failure, and now he was insulting me? I felt the heat burn in my cheeks. Had I really let myself go that much? 
“That was mildly rude.” Velvette said as she strode back to the couch. She flopped down and pulled her phone back out. “Care to elaborate?” 
“Not really, I need some time to myself.” I replied as I turned down the hallway to my bedroom. 
Vox yelled something and she walked back to the kitchen,her attention effectively diverted. I closed and locked the door behind me. Standing in front of the mirror, stripped myself down to nothing and studied the reflection within.  As pretty as my hair and skin were, my body told a different tale. My stomach was definitely softer, my curves more prominent. My face, as clear as my skin was, was definitely rounder, an indication of the fat gained and the muscle lost. My arms, once solid, were less muscular, and my entire frame less defined. The guilt that washed over me with Lucifer flooded me now. I bit back my tears of frustration. They wouldn't solve anything- I needed a plan. 
As I dressed for the gym, I thought back on how we trained new recruits- soldiers who did less than I did on a daily basis. By hell’s standards, it would probably be considered cruel. I grabbed a notebook, outlining the plan as I remembered it. Reading it back to myself, even I had to admit it was brutal, that was for sure, but also proven time and time again. Sure, I had done it to newbie soldiers a thousand times before, but never to myself. How bad could it actually be?
Find their breaking point, my father fathers voice echoed in my head. Push them until they pass out, puke or die. And then push them harder the next time. Eventually their body will break and something stronger will take its place. 
I quietly slipped out of the apartment and headed down to the gym. To my relief, neither Vox nor Velvette were anywhere to be found.  With the exception of several of Velvette’s models, I was alone in the gym. Perfect. 
I picked up a garbage can and hesitated. I knew what was to come, and the concern that Valentino would find out and be less than enthusiastic flitted through my mind. I wondered what he would think of the whole process, but quickly decided it was in my best interest to not find out. I set the garbage pail next to the treadmill and I climb on. My wireless earphones synched up to a playlist and I let myself fall into the rhythm of a run. A mile passed. Then two. Then six. The machine didn’t stop and neither did I. 
I felt the first twinge of exhaustion around mile ten but pushed on. My chest burned as I tried to keep my breathing regulated and my focus elsewhere. Angels were made for endurance, far beyond that of any human. I wasn’t quite sure where demon stamina came in but as mile thirteen passed I felt my body start to give up. Much like I pushed the new recruits I pushed myself to hit the next ten mile goal. 
Blackness. Tripping. I grabbed hold of the machine and hit the emergency stop button, gasping for air. I grabbed the garbage can I had strategically placed and coughed until my stomach was empty. Fuck, this sucked beyond words. 
I pulled myself back up and wiped my mouth with a tissue, tossing that in the garbage along with several others. In the back of my mind I could hear my fathers disappointed voice. How I let myself get weak. How absolutely unacceptable my performance was. I sat at the edge of the treadmill and took a sip of water. Much like I had seen in the recruits, the first sip came right back up. I waited a few moments. The second sip stayed down. With that settled, I scribbled down in my notebook how far I had run and how long it had taken me. I took another sip of water and when I was sure that would stay down, I pulled myself back to my feet and headed for the weights. 
An hour and a half later I stood under the hot water of the shower, scrubbing every inch of my body. Physically, my muscles ached and I felt nauseous. But mentally? I was prouder of myself than I had been in a long time. My notebook was tucked securely away in my gym bag, not that I honestly thought any of the Vee’s would go looking for it, notice or care. But to be on the safe side, I didn’t need them to know. If I was being honest with myself, I was afraid of what they would have to say. A soft knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.
“Princessa?” Valentino asked, “can I come in?”
I took a deep breath. His voice reminded me of the next issue to be addressed, one I couldn’t hide. Something would have to be done about the calorie laden pasta dinners we ate more often than not and Valentino had a history of noticing what I did and didn’t eat. Maybe I could just explain to him what happened and tell him I was trying to eat healthier and build muscle. Not bring up the exercise part, but at least I could be transparent in this regard.
“Come on in Val,” I answered as I turned the water off. I heard the door open and shut. I stepped out of the shower and he handed me a towel. His eyes softened as he took in the sight of my body and I felt myself flush. Why didn’t he see the shameful issues that I saw?
“You look exhausted, babydoll,” he observed. His hand pressed against my forehead and ran down my cheek. “Are you feeling alright?”
“Yeah,” I lied as I wrapped my towel around myself. “Just tired. I had a long day.” I filled him in on the events of the day with Lucifer and left out his comment about my body, and the part about the workout after. I watched for his reaction. 
His expression remained neutral and he pressed his lips to my forehead and wrapped me in his arms. “Baby, I’m sorry you had such a hard day. How can I help?” 
I felt a pang of something I couldn’t identify. Shame? Guilt? I closed my eyes against him. Better to just spit it out. 
“Val, will it be an issue for me to stick with salads and chicken, fresh fruit, eggs, that sort of thing? And cut back on the alcohol? At least, while I work on getting my muscle back? I’ll feel better than if I eat pasta and pancakes.” I waited for his reaction, for him to yell at me about wanting to control what I ate. 
To my surprise, he didn’t look upset, or even the slightest bit concerned. 
“Not at all princessa. It doesn’t bother me one bit. What you put in your body is your decision as long as you’re healthy about it.” He  ran his hand under my chin and tilted my head up to meet his gaze. “You sincerely look tired though. Do you want to stay home tonight?”
I nodded and rested my head against him, relief flooding through me. He wasn’t mad, he wasn’t angry and he would let me eat how I wanted to. I couldn’t ask for more from him.
He kissed the top of my head. “Good. I’ll stay with you, we can have a night in together. Our own little date night,” he grinned and tugged the towel off of my body. “Starting now, yes?” 
The soreness from my workout vanished from my mind as he pushed me against the counter and pressed his lips against me. He broke away after a moment and entwined his fingers in mine. 
“Come, princessa. I have an idea I think you’ll enjoy.” 
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veronicaphoenix · 2 months
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Chapter tags & trigger warnings: swearing, talks about physical abuse, physical fight, implied depression, alcohol intake. | Word count: 3.1k | Cross posted on AO3 | Series masterpost. ✧.*
General trigger warnings: This work addresses and depicts issues related to addiction and violence, contains explicit sexual content, and explores themes of childhood trauma. Reader discretion is advised.
 “You’re no better than me, Noah!”  “I don’t give a shit. You touch her, you answer to me!”
Author's note: I'm so so sorry for taking ages to update this fic. I'm back to working on it now, and I plan on completing the missing chapters for this part during this month ^^ This is the baby of my fics and the first one I wrote with Noah, so it's very special and personal, and I can't wait to fully dive into it again and continue the story from Zutto. Thank you to each of you that are still following and keep supporting this story, it means a lot to me 🤍 (I don't even know if I had a taglist for part 2, but if you want to be tagged, please just let me know and I'll create a taglist for the upcoming missing chapters ^^).
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“Oh, crap,” I heard Lia mutter from the kitchen. 
            I made my way from the studio and leaned out through the doorframe into the open kitchen. Lia stood by the island, still in her pajamas, her arms raised at shoulder level as she surveyed the scene before her. The scent of that morning’s breakfast still lingered in the air as she cautiously stepped back from the puddle of liquid on the floor.  
            “What happened?” I asked.
                She turned to face me, revealing a knocked-over bottle of juice and a sizable mess on the floor. Her clothes were stained, clinging to her skin. 
            “I’m sorry,” she apologized, taking a few more cautious steps away from the messed-up area before reaching the kitchen rag beside the sink. 
            I approached her, careful not to tread on the spilled juice, and took the rag from her hands.  
            “It’s alright. I’ll handle it. You go get changed.”
            Lia looked at me with a touch of helplessness, her shoulders slumping. 
            Five minutes later, her voice called out my name from the bedroom. I found her locked in the bathroom, the scent of her toiletries and perfume wafting out. When I entered the bedroom, she peered out from the bathroom door.
            “What is it now?” I asked. 
            “I need something to wear,” she said. “These pajamas need to get washed. Can I borrow one of your…?”
            Before she could finish, I had already nodded and made my way to the drawer. I pulled out the first t-shirt I found and handed it to her through the open bathroom door. She thanked me with a small smile before closing the door. 
            When she appeared in the hallway a few minutes later, with her hair gathered in a messy bun with two stray locks escaping from it and wearing white socks and my oversized t-shirt that fell down to her knees, I couldn’t resist eyeing her up and down. I couldn’t stop myself that time, and I could not stop myself later, when she’d reach for a cereal box placed too high in the kitchen cabinets and the hem of the t-shirt would ride up, revealing another slice of her thighs, nor when she’d walk and the fabric swayed, teasingly revealing more. The sight was too tempting.
            I’d seen her in less clothing before, at the pool, at the beach. Hell, she’d even changed outfits in front of me once clad only in her underwear. Yet, there was something different about seeing her in my clothes. I knew the details—her hidden nipple piercing, the scar on her waist. Yes, she had also worn my t-shirt many other times, even when we lived together in the past. But this time it felt singular. With us being home alone (Jolly off at a friend’s house), there was an inherent intimacy in having Lia here like this. She was my responsibility. I had to look after her. And I couldn’t help but think that this was what I had been doing all my life and what I wanted to keep doing. 
            “I’m a mess,” she muttered, looking defeated.  
            “You’re not,” I reassured her with a half-smile, wiping my hands on the rag.
            With a sigh and a rub of her hand across her forehead, she hesitated a moment before speaking. 
            “Do you think you could take me to Mitch’s house?” 
            The question caught me off guard, making me look down at her with a frown between my brows. 
            “To retrieve the rest of my things”, she clarified. “I want to get it done. He should be at work now, and I still have a spare key.”
            “I’ll go,” I offered.  
            “No,” she insisted firmly, shaking her head. “I’m not letting you go alone.”
            “You said he’s at work.”
            “He should be, but I don’t want to take chances.”
            “And I don’t want to take chances with you,” I asserted, trying to make her see my concern. Her features softened at my words.
            “I’m not taking chances with you, either” she replied, giving me that determined girl’s look that said that she wouldn’t change her mind, no matter how hard I might try. 
            This time, I was the one who sighed. I nodded and told her to get ready; we would leave in the next twenty minutes. 
If Lia had seemed confident and determined when suggesting that we go to Mitch's house to pick up her things, that attitude faded and her confidence waned as we neared the residential area. I noticed her shrinking back in her seat, fingers fidgeting in her lap. 
            While I wouldn’t have minded going alone and spare her the discomfort, I also didn’t want to overstep boundaries with her. Plus, after a little bit of thought, perhaps this final visit could help her find closure, putting an end to that chapter of her life… 
            Mitch was a fucking bastard, and I didn't think my desire to beat him up would lessen any time soon. At least it was satisfying to arrive at his block and find his trashed car. The boys had done a pretty good job. Lia, however, said nothing, her eyes fixed on the vehicle, her mouth slightly agape. 
            After a few moments, she blinked and shook her head, stepping out of my car and gesturing for me to follow. 
            We stood in front of Mitch’s apartment door. Lia attempted to insert the key into the lock, but her hands were trembling. I took hold of her wrist, relieving her of the keys to open the door myself.        Before entering, I squeezed her shoulder and reminded her that if she felt overwhelmed at any point, she could wait in the car, or we could leave immediately.
            I felt a swell of pride witnessing how Lia composed herself, focusing on the task at hand. 
            The house appeared even worse than when I had pulled Lia out from that toxic environment. Dirty dishes were piling up high in the sink, empty beer bottles were strewn about, cupboards were left open, and dirty laundry was scattered around. The apartment exuded a musty odor, and my heart ached at the thought of Lia having spent so many days under such conditions.  
            Lia had brought a couple of suitcases with her, and I had retrieved and folded two empty cardboard boxes I had found in the garage from the last merchandising order. We filled them with what was left of her clothes. Lia didn’t say, but I sensed that she had been afraid she would find that Mitch had burned her clothes or done something like that. Luckily, Lia’s clothes that had been left there were still in place. She gathered up her things and even a couple of mugs that belonged to her that she found at the bottom of one of the cupboards in the kitchen. 
            I excused myself briefly to take the heavy boxes to the car. 
            When I returned, I was greeted by the sound of cups shattering. I rushed to the kitchen to find Lia smashing everything in sight, her face contorted in anger.  
            “Hey, hey. That’s enough,” I intervened, first attempting to quell her destructive frenzy by restraining her hands, then encircling her waist to guide her away from the chaos she made of the kitchen. Tears welled in her eyes as I managed to pause her rampage, standing together amidst the wreckage. “Lia, enough. Let’s go. There’s no need to cause any more damage. The apartment is already a mess,” I urged, my voice firm yet gentle. “You won’t get anything from doing this.”
            “I don’t care. I want to wreck his life like he wrecked mine,” she retorted with a fierce tone. 
            “Lia,” I gently cupped her chin, waiting until her tear-filled gaze met mine. “He’s lost you. He can’t get any more miserable than that. His life is already in shambles.”
            A few sobs threatened to escape her. She reminded me of a small child in need of a hug and safety, things that her own mother had neglected her from. 
            “Why do you always have the right things to say?” she whispered, her voice strained with emotion.
            I shrugged, offering a faint smile. “Maybe it’s some sort of autopilot mode that kicks in when I see my best friend hurting.”
            With that, she let her head fall against my chest. After a few moments, her breathing steadied, and she released her grip on my hoodie, stepping back.
            “I'll check if there’s anything left in the bathroom. Then, we can go,” she declared, sniffing and wiping her face with her hands. 
            I nodded, watching her retreat before turning my attention to the task of loading the suitcases into the trunk of my car, leaving the door of the house ajar behind me. As I arranged the boxes and bags like pieces of a puzzle, the morning sunlight bathed the quiet street, where a few cars passed by and pedestrians enjoyed leisurely walks, unaware of the what we were going through.
            I decided to tidy up the car’s interior while I waited for her, clearing dust off the seats and ensuring there was no overlooked clutter. Lost in my task, I didn’t expect the sudden piercing scream that echoed from inside the apartment, followed by Lia screaming my name. Within a second, I bolted back inside. 
            Lia was trapped at the far end of the hallway, overshadowed by a figure much larger than herself, leaving her with nowhere to go. 
            Even before his voice reached my ears, I knew it was him. I’d recognize that bastard anywhere now. My muscles tensed at the sight. 
            “You thought I wouldn’t catch you sneaking back in?” he was saying to Lia. “Lucky for you, I decided to take a few days off because my damn car is fucking trashed! I step out for twenty mintues to grab some beer, and look who waltzes back into the house!” Mitch’s voice filled the hallway with venom.
            “Get away from her, now,” I grunted through gritted teeth. 
            Mitch turned to face me, his expression showing no surprise, but his eyes widened as Lia took the opportunity to slip past him towards me. Mitch made a clumsy grab for her, but I was faster and swiftly moved to shield Lia behind me.  
            “Well, well, if it isn’t Prince Charming,” Mitch sneered, his face contorted with malice. “Not surprised to see you here, considering you couldn’t leave the bitch’s mind for a second during our entire relationship.”
            “Watch your mouth, I warn you,” I replied, my finger pointing towards him.  “God knows I’m dying to break your face for what you did to her.”
            “Yeah. Did you ever stop to think that maybe she deserved what she got?”
            “Don’t you even dare,” I muttered, raising a finger. My breathing was becoming ragged, and Lia’s hand clutching at the back of my hoodie wasn’t helping. She was nearly pressed against me, and I could feel her own heartbeat against my back. 
            “What? You really didn’t?” Mitch questioned, raising his chin. “Of course everything she got, she got it because of you! Because you were always somewhere in that little head of hers! Wasn’t he, Lia? I’m sure you even thought of him while I fucked y—!”
            I charged towards him, a surge of raw emotion flooding my senses, an amalgamation of anger, fear, and protectiveness that suddenly threatened to consume me. Lia’s tear-streaked face loomed large in my mind, her pain igniting a fire within me, driving me forward with a fervor I had never known. When I launched myself at Mitch, I did so by grabbing his shirt. propelling us forcefully towards the wall. 
            “You son of a bitch,” he shouted.  
            “You’re a despicable piece of trash,” I spat back. 
            “You’re no better than me, Noah!”
            “I don’t give a shit. You touch her, you answer to me!”
            And it was about time that he fucking answered.  
            The words dripped with a venomous promise as I launched myself at him again. Every fiber of my being screamed with the need to protect Lia and to give this piece of shit what he deserved. Mitch’s fist collided with my face, splitting my lip and sending a jolt of pain searing through my body. But in that moment, the pain took a backseat to an overwhelming need to unleash all my pent-up rage. I hit him back. The surge of ferocity was foreign to me, but I had no intention to contain it.  
            “She’s nothing more than a fragile little thing, always needing her dear best friend Noah. But you couldn’t stand the thought of anyone else having her, either. Could you, Noah?!” Mitch’s loud voice reverberated with malice.  
            “Shut up!” I shouted back. 
            “No! I want to know. Have you fucked her yet?!”
            With a primal roar, I lunged at Mitch, my fists flying in a flurry of punches aimed at his face. The force of our collision sent us crashing to the ground, the impact jarring my already split lip, while Mitch’s bruises and cuts began to ooze blood.
            Every blow I landed carried the weight of months of pent-up frustration and fear, fueled by the knowledge that Mitch had been terrorizing Lia for far too long and that he didn’t seem to stop. His abuse had not only left Lia bruised and broken; it had shattered her spirit. 
            But it was Lia’s own rage that fueled and ended the fight. With every blow exchanged, I could sense her anger boiling over as she screamed at Mitch to stop hitting me while we rolled on the floor. With one last scream, Lia launched herself at Mitch, driving her foot into his chest and then delivering a forceful kick to his side, causing him to clutch his stomach. When he stood up and staggered backwards into the hallway, expecting Lia to retreat, she advanced with determined steps, and with a swift strike to his knee, she brought him crashing to the ground again. 
            “Don’t you ever touch Noah again,” she seethed.  
            Mitch lay sprawled on the floor, bloodied, and defeated. She spit on the floor next to him, cementing her resolve to end that right there right then.   
            “You’re doomed, Lia. Hate me all you want,” he said, checking his nose with a hand and checking the blood dripping from one of the nostrils. 
            “I don’t hate you,” Lia stated. “You don’t even deserve that from me.”
            “Whatever. You’ll be miserable for the rest of your life,” he said, clutching his stomach as blood dripped from his face onto his t-shirt. His left eyebrow began to swell. My knuckles hurt from the hitting, but fuck him. “Now, get out of my fucking house!”
            Lia threw the house key at him before returning to my side, seeking reassurance in my eyes. She wrapped an arm around my waist and together we made our way toward the door, stepping out into the sunlight, holding onto each other. 
            Back home, the adrenaline of the fight still pulsed through my veins as if refusing to let go. Lia moved with a sense of urgency, her movements almost automatic as she hurried to gather a first aid kit from the bathroom and tend to the split on my lip. I watched her, feeling a mixture of gratitude and frustration swirling within me. Gratitude because she was fine; she wasn’t hurt. Frustration because I still couldn’t erase the past, no matter how hard I had hit Mitch. 
            His words still echoed in my head, accusing every bruise on Lia’s skin as my fault. Maybe he was right. Maybe I shouldn’t have demanded her company so insistently or failed to accept her relationship to another man like the fucking I adult I was. 
            But I didn’t. 
            And now I had a split lip and a best friend grappling with the aftermath of an abusive relationship. 
            For a moment, rage threatened to boil over, and when Lia insisted on cleaning the wound for the third time after my dismissals, I snapped sharply at her. My voice came out as a harsh scream, causing her to flinch. Instantly regretting my outburst, I reached out to her.
            “I’m sorry…” I sighed. “I’m just… I should’ve done more.”
            “No,” she cut me off. “You shouldn’t have.”
            “Yes, I should’ve—!”
            “None of it was your fault. It doesn’t matter what he said.”
            We locked eyes and stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I didn’t even have to say it; Lia knew exactly what had been on my mind. 
            As I reached for her hand, gently stroking the back of it with my thumb, I asked her if she was hurt. She shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes, and I felt a pang of guilt. 
            Sitting on the sofa, I lifted my head towards her, silently offering myself to her care.
            Lia raised my head with her fingers, and with her other hand, she clutched a piece of cotton damped with alcohol. Regardless of the stinging sensation, Lia’s touch was tender and delicate when she disinfected the cut. Despite the violence that had erupted just a while ago, she was able to be so sweet to me. As she cleaned the wound, silent tears began to fall from her eyes, and my heart ached at the sight of her pain materializing.
            I reached out to pull her into a hug, but Lia pulled away, refusing my comfort. Instead, she headed straight to the kitchen, discarding the blood-stained cotton in the bin and then opening the fridge, from where she retrieved a beer with trembling hands. I watched her, my heart heavy with concern, as she took a long swig from the can.
            “Lia,” I called out, but she didn’t respond. “Lia,” I pressed. “Come here, please.”
            Reluctantly, she came back and took a seat next to me, can still in her hands. I didn’t take it from her, but I made my disapproval clear.
            “You know that’s not the solution.”
            “I’m aware,” she replied, pretending to show that she didn’t care. 
            “Have you thought about what we talked? Going back to therapy? You haven’t called her, your therapist, have you?” 
            “Not yet,” she admitted with defeat, her head low, her eyes away from me. 
            “Why don’t you give it a try? You can always stop it if it doesn’t help or if you don’t feel comfortable. You can always talk to me, but I’m afraid I won’t be enough.” 
            At those words, she lifted her head to meet my gaze, her eyes telling me that I was wrong about myself. But successfully, she agreed to give therapy a chance and call for an appointment. 
            She lay her head on my shoulder. 
            I sighed softly, knowing that healing would take time, that the scars left behind by Mitch’s abuse ran deep. But in that moment, all I could do was hold Lia close, offering her the safety provided by my company. 
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spicedrobot · 6 months
what was lost, what was gained Ch. 2
A continuation of my amnesia maul fic. I'm also posting this on ao3 if any would prefer to read there! thanks @bluedaddysgirl for the original ask and @withercrown for the beta. 💕
Cody left the medbay. The general had the situation under control, and there was always another fire to put out in the 212th. By the time he made the long trip back to the central command, he had only managed to loosen his jaw. 
Shake it off. Focus.
He acknowledged the troopers on duty and got to work. There was a small mountain of reports to get to, so he handled the most egregious ones first. Then he signed off on some requisition orders, adjusted the schedules of a few troopers, beefing up security. They hadn’t planned for a Sith prisoner, after all. If General Kenobi mentioned it later, Cody would be sure to press the issue.
Even if the general trusted Maul’s supposed amnesia, change of heart— whatever—it didn’t mean that it would last. They needed to be smart about this, and Cody didn’t have the Force to guide him. He only had his training and, barring that, his gut, which still hadn’t settled.
If this was the final straw that gave him an ulcer and he got reassigned to security detail like Commander Fox, he would throw himself out of the nearest airlock.
He surveyed the rations and supplies for the voyage to Coruscant. The trip wasn’t planned, but it was also the only good thing that had come out of the Sith’s presence. It gave the 212th a welcome reprieve from battle. The deployments had only grown in length and intensity these last few months, and though he and his men were proud and battle-hardened, they wore down the same as any soldier. 
As he finished his review, his wrist comm pinged. Even through the hazy banding of the holo, the general still managed to look exhausted.
“Commander Cody, please send someone to fetch my datapads and bring them to cell 202 in block two. I will be rooming here for the remainder of our voyage to Coruscant.”
Two-oh-two. The cell across from Maul’s. Cody frowned under his helmet. 
“General. If I may speak plainly…” General Kenobi nodded.  “You’re exhausted, sir. Surely you would sleep better in your own quarters.” He saw fight in the general’s expression and pressed on anyway. “I’ve added a few troopers to security detail, and I’ll personally oversee the prisoner while you rest.” 
The general ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead. It was a mess. All of him was a mess, actually. 
“I would be asking too much—”
“—you wouldn’t.” And even if you did, I would do it anyway. “Would I lie to you, sir?” 
General Kenobi seemed to perk up at that, smiled a small, unguarded smile, short-lived though it was. 
“No, you wouldn’t,” the general replied. Against his better judgment, Cody felt his own lips twitch upward. 
“I’ll be there in five, general.”
“Of course. Thank you, Cody.” 
Cody pulled up a chair in front of cell 203. He wasn’t planning on relinquishing his post until the general had gotten proper rest. That meant letting him sleep past the beginning of his next shift. For all that General Kenobi stretched and skirted rules… Well, two could play that game. It would be good for him. Besides, the Sith was more or less inert—as much as that was even possible.
In the cell, secured behind two levels of ray shield, Maul was lounging on his cot. He dragged a clawed forefinger along the metal band on his neck. So the general wasn’t as trusting as Cody had thought… or maybe the Force-nullifying collar was for everyone else’s peace of mind, rather than his own.
Sssrk. Sssrk. Sssrk. Keratin on metal, just loud enough to hear over the hum of the shields. It was, of course, irritating. Cody almost adjusted his helmet’s adaptive sound parameters, but decided against it. He didn’t want the Sith to know that it bothered him. 
Even without the Force, Maul still looked as relaxed as he did when the general had handled him. Half-reclined on his cot, metal legs splayed, head propped against the durasteel wall. He didn’t acknowledge Cody in the slightest. His eyes were cast downward, a dark gaze through darker lashes. 
Cody pulled up Maul’s medical report on his datapad. It wasn’t as useful as he had hoped. A few blaster burns, several lightsaber wounds… including a stab through the shoulder. The general had checked that injury so fastidiously during his examination. Why? Had he felt guilty? The Sith wouldn’t have thought twice about killing him… or his entire squadron, for that matter.
The headache that had begun in the medbay bloomed behind Cody’s eyes. He continued to read.
Sssrk. Sssrk. Sssrk. There was slight cranial trauma, but it didn’t seem like the kind of injury that would cause amnesia. Though their knowledge on this race of zabrak was limited. Few of them ever left Dathomir, and their people were a secretive bunch.
Sssssrk. Sssssrk. Sssssrk. Cody looked up without raising his head, watching the Sith through his visor. The scratching had slowed, elongated, dragging from one side of his neck to the other. The motion looked unnervingly like cutting a throat. Just how sharp were his claws?
“If you break your collar, I’ll be forced to sedate you. Or worse,” Cody warned.
Maul didn’t stop immediately, finishing the motion before the block fell silent. He looked up at Cody then. Cody stared back. The Sith was a frightening figure, even in repose. Cody couldn’t imagine what he looked like normally, yellow eyes drowned in red and black, saberstaff arcing and blazing, singing for blood. The general could kill as easily as breathing. If a Jedi could do that, what was a Sith’s capacity for violence?
“Commander… Cody, was it?” Maul asked. He drew himself up, sitting back against the wall. “I hope you will excuse my… hesitance during your medic’s initial examination attempts. As you know, I was not in my right mind.”
Cody wanted to laugh. “And are you in it now? Your right mind?”
The man’s frown was slight, soft. “No, I suppose not. But I am no longer acutely disoriented.” Maul touched his own face, a seemingly absent gesture. Thumb followed forefinger over chin. He blinked. Caught Cody’s gaze again. The shift was abrupt, the attention intense.
“Would you remove your helmet, Commander?”
Cody bristled. “Why?”
“Let’s call it curiosity.” The way he dragged out the last word, rolling it along his tongue, made Cody’s skin crawl. 
Fear. It was a healthy response, but it angered Cody anyway. He took a long breath. Focused. Maul couldn’t hurt him. He also had to watch the Sith for several more hours. What was the harm in humoring his request?
Cody took off his helmet. He met Maul’s gaze head on.
“Hm. Another clone,” Maul said. He looked away, as if he’d seen everything there was to see. “Though you have a fine scar. Attractive, among my people."
The insult was expected. The compliment was not. What was Maul playing at?
“Thanks,” Cody murmured, wary. “It’s attractive to humans, too.”
Maul smirked. A sharp, mean expression. “Is it now…” he trailed off, as if lost in thought. But his lips remained upturned, as if he was enjoying some amusing joke all to himself. Cody wasn’t about to ask after it.
Exhaustion, when it caught up to the Sith, was sudden. Cody had only just returned his attention to his datapad when he noticed Maul had fallen asleep. The Sith didn’t even have the chance to lay down. It looked like an uncomfortable position.
Cody didn’t wake him.
“Commander,” General Kenobi said. His voice was carefully pleasant. He was annoyed. 
Cody kept his own expression neutral. “Sir?” 
The general approached. His inner robe was neatly tucked, but the collar of his outer was folded under itself on one side. His hair was still a mess. His complexion was ruddier than normal.
“It seems I’ve overslept…” He ran his fingers through his hair, as if only realizing its current state. “I was so tired, in fact, I seemed to have forgotten to set my alarms.”
Cody fought the urge to smile. “It was no problem, general. Nothing unusual to report in your absence.”
General Kenobi sighed. “I know it was you, Cody.” The ire in his voice softened. “I appreciate your concern, but there are schedules for a reason.”
“Of course, sir. I won’t adjust your chronos again.” 
I’ll just have Gregor do it. 
“You know I can tell when you’re being facetious. You’re very bad at hiding it.” The general crossed his arms, but his own facade was broken. He shook his head, and then he smiled. It was one of those looks that made Cody feel like he was watching the sun break through the clouds on Kamino. “Thank you, Cody. It was nice getting a full night’s sleep for once.”
He touched Cody’s shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze. Cody could hardly feel it through the armor, but that didn’t matter.
“Of course, sir. Anytime,” Cody replied. They both smiled, sharing that small, short-lived peace. No enemy to fight, no problem to fix. Not in that moment.
Maul watched them through his eyelashes, feigning sleep. He did not smile, but he did experience a sort of strange pleasure from the sight before him, knowing not where the cruel glee from within had manifested.
Next chapter ->
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runa-falls · 6 months
scratches and bites?
scratches and bites - miguel o'hara x spider-girl!reader
s&b was my first miguel fic and was initially going to be a smutty one-shot, but clearly i had issues sticking with some plotless porn. first there was one part, then two, then three, and now 4 (the last one has been sitting in my google drive XD).
i really enjoyed introducing an "extremely-new-doesn't-even-know-about-her-powers-yet" spider-girl into spider society because it was almost like i was writing how i'd react to the changes the spiders go through.
the first part introduces grumpy impatient!miguel and the reader who's barely through her transformation into spider-girl. i used this part to create some undeniable tension in their first meeting bc i wanted to make it clear that despite miguel's rough nature, he'll always fall for the reader.
in the second part, when the reader goes to nueva york, i wanted to focus on the dynamics between different characters (peter, gwen, hobie, etc) + how miguel and the reader's relationship evolves (jealousy, missing each other, defiance for attention). this chapter had the most plot and least interaction between the love birds, but i thought it was important to push miguel to the edge.
the third part was...mostly PORN. finally right? it did seem like most people skipped the second part (which is a bit disheartening) but i get it. i mean, i wrote this series thinking it would only be porn.
this part included the big fight scene and the big FUCK scene. i love writing arguments but irl i HATE conflict, so this is how i get my fill <3 from what he almost says (he was interrupted by the reader lol) it's clear that miguel wants to keep the reader safe, but he isn't ready to admit that he cares for her.
i know it seems to early for miguel to have feelings for someone that he barely interacts with, but the reader is the only person he's even considered opening up to after all these years. i think the fact that the reader is so new to being spider-girl makes miguel feel like he's needed + that's all he's really wanted since the accident.
later, after the fucking and sedation-kink, i wanted to highlight miguel's attachment issues due to his past. i mean, he's particularly needy in this third chapter (NSFW):
“Be mine, baby, and I’ll take care of you forever.” His claws dig into your web-pasted as he works himself into you, post-orgasm slick smothered carelessly over the both of you. “I promise.” He whispers breathlessly next to your ear.
sry this was so long. i honestly didn't know i had this much to say, but i guess i just wanted to convey my understanding of the story in case anyone is curious.
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gaybananabread · 6 months
for the thing i saw that you were open to magnus chase potentially fierrochase with oranges and cherries? Lee alex ler magnus? You definitely dont have to just curious (for 300 fruit thing)
Fruit(s): Oranges, Cherries
I haven’t read these books in a while, but thanks for reminding me of them! I was younger when I first read these; the gay went right over my head. Also, severe LACK of tk content for this entire series! Now I can obsess over these as well (UvU). Used she/her pronouns for Alex on this one. Magnus strikes me as a shy ler, ya know? Hopefully these peeps aren’t too OOC, same with any lore or character dynamic issues (). Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Alex
Ler: Magnus
Summary: During one of the Hotel’s fights to the death, Alex and Magnus slip away for some calm. Unfortunately for the son of Frey, Alex got geared up for the fight and is feeling antsy. He offers another kind of fight, and while it’s not what Alex had in mind, it's certainly a laugh.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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It was business as usual in Hotel Valhalla; Einherjar running around, trying to pop eachother’s balloons that were attached to their chests, various weapons flying across the playing field. Folks of all ages screamed in frustration as spears, axes, and arrows went through their balloons and hit vital organs. The usual mayhem.
Two residents managed to sneak away from the craziness, locked in a room with a nice, peaceful atrium. Magnus took a deep breath, savoring the quiet peace with his partner. The blonde spared a quick glance at her face before turning back to the trees, blushing softly. “Thanks for dipping with me, Alex. Sorry if I spoiled your fun with Mallory…”
Alex rolled her eyes, pinching the hand she was holding. “You didn’t spoil anything, dork. I’d rather relax with you than kill that loudmouth again. I’ll get her later.” Her free hand moved up to her chest, absentmindedly twisting the changing pronoun pin Magnus had got her on their last trip to the mortal world. That day, it read, “she/her/hers.” She wore it every day, though a certain blonde got punched whenever he brought it up. 
The calm sounds of nature surrounded the pair, bringing a small smile to Magnus’s face. He much preferred the quiet to the chaos, though he had to admit a few of the games were kinda fun. The son of Frey could’ve stayed there all day.
Alex, on the other hand, was really starting to get bored. She was all for supporting her boyfriend, but Gods, they’d been just sitting there for almost twenty minutes. She had no problems ditching the fight for Magnus, but it left her fidgety. The greenette wanted to move, the urge to do something like an itch on her hands she just couldn’t scratch. She tapped a quick, repeating pattern on her arm, trying to distract herself. 
It took the blonde all but four seconds to see how antsy Alex was getting; he nudged his partner’s arm, sighing. “You don’t have to stay here if you’re bored. I’m fine by myself.” The look on his face was a smile, though his eyes gave away how desperate he was for Alex to stay.
That got an eye-roll; how poor was that boy’s self-esteem? Alex wrapped an arm around Magnus’s shoulders, squeezing him a bit harder than necessary into a hug. “Maggie, listen; you’re good. I know you don’t like super loud ‘n crazy stuff, and they’re literally killing eachother while popping loud ass balloons. It’s actually refreshing that you have the sanity to not wanna do it.”
Magnus’s guilt faded, the desperation melting into adoration; what did he do to deserve someone as awesome as Alex? Well, besides saving a bunch of stuff and almost dying for it, but he didn’t count that… “Thank you, Alex. Seriously.” Still, something nagged at him to make it up to his partner. He really didn’t feel like actually fighting, though a silly idea popped into his head. One his partner might enjoy even more than revenge on Mallory.
“Hey, I know it’s not Last Einherjar Standing, but do you wanna do our own thing in here? Like…a fight, but not killing eachother?” A small blush decorated Magnus’s cheeks, making his partner hum. It sounded better than just sitting there, though she could tell there was more to it than that. “Okay…what’s the catch?”
The fact that he only got redder was very telling for the child of Loki. Another silly Magnus idea…but anything was better than nothing. “Well, we could, ya know…tickle eachother instead.” He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth; why would Alex ever wanna do that? He tried playing it off, hoping he wouldn’t get teased for it. “It’s, uh, nevermind dumb idea-”
“Eh, sure. I’m bored enough.”
Magnus was a bit stunned, to be honest. Alex actually wanted to have a tickle fight? He was shocked for a good few seconds before snapping back to reality. “Oh…alright then. You wanna count it down, or…?”
Alex rolled her eyes, seeing the shock on her boyfriend’s face. Normally, she would’ve teased the Helheim out of Magnus for even mentioning something like that. That day, though, she was feeling kind; kind enough to let Magnus have his fun. While he’d never directly expressed it, it was clear to literally everyone close to him that Magnus liked that kind of thing. Still had appearances to keep up, though. “We can count it if you want. I don't really care.”
A vibrant red hue decorated Magnus’s cheeks, a rare bout of confidence overtaking his thoughts. Things were gonna be fun; if he could win without combusting, that is. 
“Okay…uh, three, two, one…go!”
Not in a thousand years would Alex have expected Magnus to pounce like he did. I mean, she was already planning on letting the blonde win, but damn. Boy was excited. 
Magnus was quick to wrestle Alex down, his mind racing with all the possible ways the greenette could wreck him. Animal claws, bird feathers, multiple appendages… Best to get her before any of those played out. Soon, the shapeshifter’s arms were above her head, wide and slightly surprised eyes staring up at Magnus.
“Dahamn, Beantown! Didn’t think you had it in you~” Alex, ever the tease, smirked up at his boy. While there was no avoiding what was about to come, she could at least see the little flash of red across her boyfriend’s cheeks.
Predictably, the blonde blushed, his confidence faltering for a second. “Quiet…” Okay, Alex was so getting it after that. However, the doubtful thoughts wormed their way back into his head. Gods, he hated his head sometimes… “Hey, are you sure this is okay? Like, you’re fine with me ti-…uh, doing this?”
Alex rolled her eyes, a small groan escaping her. Magnus said “fight,” not feel guilty about everything; was he seriously gonna make her ask? The anticipation was honestly getting to Alex, her heterochromic eyes shining with a nervous giddiness that she would never admit. “Yes, my Gods, just do it already!”
Magnus huffed, feeling himself get a bit red at the annoyed ask. Still, he kept Alex’s arms above her head with one head, the other experimentally kneading at her hip. 
She bit her lip, squirming in his hold as she tried not to giggle. If she really wanted to, Alex could’ve just shifted into a ferret and slipped away; she could’ve won the whole fight if she wanted to. Magnus seemed down though, and while she’d never admit it, she loved the wondrous little gleam he got in his eyes when he was happy. So, for him, she endured. It wasn’t that horrible…
“Aww, c’mon Alex. You were begging me to get started, and now you’re not even gonna giggle?” He dug in, drilling his thumb into Alex’s hip. Hello, confidence! Alex’s strained focus broke, surprisingly bubbly giggles spilling past her lips. Even more of a shock: her cheeks grew red, almost matching her boyfriend’s. “Sh-shuhuhut ihit!”
Magnus was stunned for a second, his mind taking a moment to process the sound of her giggles. So cute…she’d kill him for saying it, but it was true. He had to hear more; the hand traveled upwards, curiously clawing at her ribs. He wasn’t disappointed.
“MAHAHAGNUS! F-FUHUHACK!” Alex arched her back, not expecting that spot to be so bad. She hadn’t really been tickled as a kid, and while that stuff was more common with her friends, most of them were too anxious to really try it. That was…really the first time someone had actually gotten her. She didn’t…hate it? It was a lot.
The blonde chuckled, his eyes sparkling as she laughed. Okay, new favorite sound… Alex had never sounded so carefree. “Wow Alex, such dirty language. It’s just a few little tickles; no need to get so worked up!” Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, Magnus moved his spidering fingers to her stomach.
“Y-yohohohou’re the wohohorst!” It was hard to take that “insult” seriously with all the giggling she was doing. That side of Alex was one Magnus didn’t see often, but he loved when it would show. “Am I? I mean, you did literally ask for it. I’m kinda an awesome boyfriend for giving you what you want, no?” 
Alex groaned through her giggles, mentally rolling her eyes. “Noho, you dohohork!” She wiggled in his hold, but made no real effort to get away. It still lit up her nerves, but the gentle tickling on her belly was actually kinda nice… Well, until Magnus started talking. “Wasn’t this supposed to be a tickle fight? Kinda seems like you gave up, love~”
Her cheeks went red, an indignant grunt flowing with the adorable giggles. “I- thahat’s nohot-... Ihi hahahate youhu…” Alex tried to hide her face in her shoulder, her arms still above her head. 
Magnus gasped, feigning a hurt pout. “You hate me? Wow Alex, I thought we had something…” He sighed, shooting his hand back to claw at her ribs. “Guess I can’t feel bad for doing this anymore.” 
“NAHAHAHO! MAHAGNUHUS, YOUHU AHASS!” She squealed, her face turning an even deeper, lovely and vibrant shade of red. Magnus couldn’t help but coo. “That’s actually adorable, Alex. I mean, I knew you were a shapeshifter, but I never knew your cherry impression was so good!”
“SHUHUHUT UHUHP!” Alex twisted and turned in Magnus’s grip, her face only getting hotter. She really wasn’t used to tickling, and while it was kinda fun, she was nearing her limit. While it hurt her pride to do it, she tapped out. “ENOUHUHUGH!”
The son of Frey stopped almost instantly, his arms wrapping around Alex to pull her into a hug. He was pushing it with all the affection, but he was feeling brave. “Sorry, that was kinda mean. You good? Did I go too far?”
Alex buried her face in his shoulder, giggling off the ghost tickles. “Thahat was- Gods, Mahaggie. Yeah, Ihi’m good…” She took a few deep breaths, her slightly dazed smile becoming something much more mischievous. “Uh…Alex?”
Suddenly, his partner shrank, a small ferret in her place. The fuzzy noodle zipped under his shirt, climbing up his torso and around to his back. He squeaked, squirming as her fur brushed against his poor skin. Finally, she made it to his neck, hopping out and shifting back. 
Alex wasted zero time with her plan. In seconds, Magnus was on his back, his arms stuck firmly above his head. She smirked down at him, a playful smirk on her face. “Here comes the fight, Beantown. Hope you’re ready~”
Magnus gulped, looking up at his partner with wide eyes and a wobbly smile. “Oh Gods…” The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter, the chaos of the morning’s strange murder-game forgotten. While it wasn’t exactly what either of them had planned for the day, it was definitely the most fun they’d had in a while. Totally worth it…
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BMB day 1!
feat. @flowers-the-sun-witch, @wizblr-blue-moon-ball's Lurien and @hyper-lynx's Liam and Hemi. Keep in mind that because my interactions somewhat overlap with Liam's and Hemi's, there's a lot of dialogue that's the same between them. If that's an issue, I'm happy to change it though.
The sun is starting to get low in the sky when Flowers sees the entrance to the ball.
They'd been struggling to figure out where it is in the first place for the better part of half an hour – fight them, it's not their fault they have a terrible sense of direction – and their legs are getting tired. Logically, they probably could have taken a look at the address on the invite and teleported over, but considering they barely even know what the place looks like besides a few vague details, there's a not-zero chance that they'd have passed out by now.
Well, in any case, at least they've arrived.
At least, Flowers thinks they've arrived, judging by the massive gate ahead of them and the sprawling practically-a-city around them. They take a moment to stare at the intricately-designed buildings and decorations surrounding the plaza – it's a little bright, considering how late the event will be running. They trust they'll get used to it though. It's too beautiful not to look at, what with the almost mountainous clouds all around the city and the jagged outcrops of stone floating around the main island. Everything seems to almost glow, even though the only light visible is from the sun, which is quickly setting. Whoever made this place really outdid themselves with this one.
After a few seconds of gazing upon their surroundings, Flowers elects to visit the gardens. From what they can see, there is an abundance of flora that they haven't encountered yet in their admittedly few travels. They step through the gate and are immediately bombarded with plants and flowers and flora of every kind, some of which they have never even heard of; a little surprising, really, what with the amount of study they have done on this subject, but not an unwelcome surprise. Flowers settles against a rock outcrop, internally going over everything in this section of the gardens she knows of.
Flowers is snapped out of their thoughts by the sight of a figure before them. They jump, slightly startled, and wrack their brain to work out who this person is. They're dressed in an elegant white tunic and frilled pants, along with a pair of navy high-heeled shoes. Their hair flows around their shoulders, and if they turn a bit they can see a moon pin tucked into it. The host, they think.
"Oh, uh, hello there sir," Flowers stutters, still a little flustered by the host's sudden appearance. They smooth down their dress, suddenly aware of how little it suits this event. There's no going back now, though. "I like your outfit," they continue more evenly, flashing their invite from one of their pockets. Not for the first time, Flowers is glad that they know how to sew their own clothes. They'd probably go a little bit insane without pockets.
"Thank you," the host says, "Flowers, I assume? Just Lurien is fine, by the way."
"Yes, that's me. It's a pleasure to meet you." The two stand there in an awkward silence for a few moments, before Flowers speaks up again. "When will the ball start? I'm afraid I didn't bring a watch and time-related magic is not my thing."
Lurien thinks for a moment before responding. "It's about twenty minutes until the formal schedule commences," he says, "You're actually somewhat early."
"That is a relief," Flowers replies, "I think I will stay here for a while."
Lurien turns around for a second, then back to Flowers. "It appears that we have another guest here," he says, “I’ll allow you two a moment to become acquainted. There’s a matter I’ll need to attend to.”
Not a second later, a great eagle swoops dangerously close to the edge of the courtyard and begins to circle the courtyard. Lucien sighs, then lifts off to redirect the rider. "Oh gosh!" Flowers giggles, hand against her mouth, then, in a more controlled voice, "Oh my goodness."
The other person, who had apparently appeared in the few minutes they were talking to Lurien, shakes their head. "Some people…" They then blink, focusing on Flowers. “Well– ah, greetings!” The person gives a curtsy. “My name’s Liam.”
Flowers returns the gesture. “I’m Flowers, the Sun Witch. It’s nice to meet you!" After a short pause, they added "I like your dress.”
“Thank you~!” Liam twirled around a little. “Yours is very cute.”
Flowers smiles, but doesn't respond otherwise. They lean against the rock and watch Lurien guide the eagle, now a bright point in the darkening sky. They then turn their attention to Liam's dress. It's pink and somewhat round – very much unlike their own. Their ear twitched as they tried to think of what it reminded them of. After a moment, it clicked.
“I’ve not seen a dress of that style in a while. Lunar hibiscus, right?” they comment.
Liam's head tilts in their direction. "How did you—"
Flowers grins a little. “I don’t call myself ‘Flowers’ for no reason. The color’s pretty accurate, too. Though, those flowers are pretty rare on the island…”
“Ah, I’m not actually from here. I’m not even properly a wizard – that title belongs to my partner. I’m his plus-one.”
“Oh!” Flowers glances along the rim of the floating landmass. A little ways away is a person, sitting alone on an outcropping and staring into the sunset. “Is that him?”
“Yeah… He’s a little shy. I’m sure he’ll warm up when things kick off.”
Flowers nods, tapping their foot. “I hope the host is back soon… I hope everything’s alright with the bird situation.”
As if on cue, on a beam of light, Lucien appears next to the two guests. “I apologize for the wait, Mx. Flowers. I hope you’ll forgive my cutting your tour short for the moment, as the floor will open momentarily. I suggest you both make your way to the main hall and meet some more of the guests in the meantime.”
Flowers jumps (again! They should really get some spatial awareness at some point.) “Ah—! Of course, thank you.” They start to walk down the path toward the person on the rock. Maybe they could find another new acquaintance. Lucien, apparently satisfied, vanishes into light.
They hear Liam fall into step behind them. "Um," he says, "The fastest path is to the right."
They glance back at him. “We need to collect your partner, don’t we? Besides, I need to compliment his dress, too.”
By the time both Flowers and Liam reach the rocks, the sun has fully set. The clouds around the islands, no longer glowing red and purple, swirl like dust.
She glances back at the other person. They are wearing a deep indigo dress, made with a soft fabric and, unlike their partner, no plants in mind. As they turn to face them, Liam speaks. “Hey, we’re supposed to go inside soon.”
Admittedly, Flowers is a little distracted for the rest of the conversation. All is fine, though; they go through the motions of introducing themself and compliment the other's— Hemi's, if they remember correctly— dress.
Hemi smiles at the compliment, but Flowers turns toward the door, from which they can hear the sound of it unlatching. “Ah, it seems it’s time to enter. Have a wonderful time, you two—!” they say, then head off.
This might be more fun than they thought.
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leafbladie · 1 year
Kuroe Character Analysis Rough Draft
A year ago, inspired by how much I really liked Kuroe’s depiction in the anime, I was inspired to make a character analysis for her in a similar vein to my ones on the other Madoka Magica characters. However, my life had grown a lot busier since then, and while I got a rough draft completed, I never got around to cleaning it up, editing it down, and making a satisfying throughline. Over a year has passed, and nothing’s changed, besides being wheeled off in an ambulance a few days ago. Life’s short, so I felt I might as well release what I did write up for you guys, and I hope you all enjoy it.
Part of the reason Kuroe is so interesting to me, is that iconic line by Madoka, “If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to have hope, well, then, I'll just tell them they're wrong. And I'll keep telling them 'til they believe! No matter how many times it takes.”
To me, Kuroe is that “someone” who would tell Madoka it’s a mistake over and over again. She’s a Magical Girl who doesn’t belong on stage, thrust onto it anyway. She was a character who was meant to disappear after the first episode, absorbed into the faceless mass of Magius, only to be pulled into focus right at the end of season 1, forced to answer a call to adventure. This happens when Nemu has her search for Iroha despite Kuroe obviously not wanting to. Then later seen in how Iroha convinces Kuroe in episode 4 of season 2 to help her stop Touka and Nemu, how the camera gives us PoV shots from Kuroe’s perspective to show that Iroha is essentially having a conversation with herself; talking past Kuroe.
To Iroha, doing the “right thing” just comes as naturally as breathing, as she discusses with Kuroe when they get on the train in the same episode. However, Iroha’s willingness to do the “right thing” without hesitation only serves to make Kuroe feel worse about herself for not being up to snuff. Before she could blame it on her weakness, but when she met Kuro (other pink hood girl), she realized that even girls physically weaker than her had this quality she lacked.
When Kuroe tries to sacrifice herself in episode 5 & 6, she tries to emulate these strong people, to find meaningness through self sacrifice. However, she can’t, she just feels like a hypocrite. She can’t find meaning through friends and relationships, because she doesn’t feel she belongs with them, as we see in episode 8 of season 2. This is in stark contrast to the Magical Girl archetype, one who finds meaning through helping people and their relationships with others. Any benefit she got from being a Magical Girl through her wish is gone as well, she threw it away herself, so she can’t even say she’s fighting for her wish. Devoid of any intrinsic or extrinsic motivations, what reason is there left for Kuroe to be a Magical Girl? The answer is that Kuroe shouldn’t be a Magical Girl, yet she is forced to be.
And that’s what Iroha misunderstands. She assumes the issue is just Kuroe’s lack of strength, that she can become a great Magical Girl if she just takes a step forward and leans on friends, because that’s what Iroha did. We see Iroha talk of her friends completing the puzzle of who she is by giving her the missing pieces. However, when Iroha offers Kuroe such a piece, we see from its color that it’s a piece to complete Iroha’s puzzle; not Kuroe’s.
Through Kuroe, we finally see Iroha’s rather trite moral philosophy challenged, exposed, and shattered. Iroha was literally about to turn into a Witch/Doppel Witch before her friends called out to her, from the realization that just doing the “right thing” is an impossible choice for some people. That’s why she has such trouble believing that Touka and Nemu are the Magius, because they wouldn’t do the “wong thing”. That’s why Touka and Nemu feel they have to work through illicit means, because they can’t convince Iroha to consider doing the “wrong thing” for her own benefit. Through Kuroe’s death, Iroha finally understands that she actually doesn’t understand Kuroe, Touka, and Nemu. So instead of appealing to them to do the right thing, she appeals in a selfish manner, shouldn’t we enjoy the time we do have, make it precious?
Kuroe’s failure to live up to the role of Magical Girls also provides a rather interesting critique of Madoka’s salvation for Magical Girls. Because I think an eternity as a Magical Girl would be a living hell for Kuroe. She finds no joy in being a Magical Girls, it only reminds her of her weakness. Madoka’s salvation is for the “strong” Magical Girls, not the most physically endowed or combat blessed, but the ones who can stand by their ideals and find meaning in their existence as Magical Girls. Something even Sayaka is able to do at her own end.
It does nothing for “weak” Magical Girls like Kuroe, who find nothing in that well but their own prison. Who have been duped by Kyubey into accepting a raw deal, hung out to dry, with nothing to show for it, forced to conform to a role they do not desire. That’s why Kuroe turns into a Witch, willingly, she finds more freedom in that existence than continuing on in her forced role as a Magical Girl.
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hederasgarden · 2 years
Mistakes Were Made - Part 1
Summary: When you take the job as Bruce Wayne’s publicist, you’re prepared for some surprises but finding out he’s Batman isn’t one of them. The good news is you’re not fired. The bad news? Batman definitely needs some PR help.
Pairing: Bruce Wayne (The Batman) x F!Reader
Rating: Gen. Humor with a brief scene with threatened violence. Future chapters will include mature themes. 
Word Count: 1.6K
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When you take the job as Bruce Wayne’s publicist, you’re prepared for some weirdness. Your time in LA working for out-of-touch celebrities and eccentric silicon valley types taught you to expect that much. Rich people, regardless of their occupation, weren’t normal. You’ve been screamed at, berated and even had a chair thrown at you once by a very intoxicated B-List celebrity client but still, nothing prepared you for the sheer awkwardness of every interaction with Bruce Wayne.
It’s hard to tell if he’s just painfully shy or actually nonverbal. Alfred does most of the talking when you first arrive at the manor and it’s apparent this wasn’t Bruce’s idea. Or if it is, he’s strongly regretting it. But you power through, talking enough for the both of you. The first time he does speak, it's a simple 'no' at your request for him to attend the Halloween-themed fundraiser for a children's charity. He ends up writing a nine-figure check that you yourself deliver and issue a press release about.
You’re slowly learning to navigate the different types of silences and minute changes in his facial expressions to understand what he wants. A lip twitch is a good sign but that little deep furrow that appears in his brow means he has concerns. Awkward silences punctuated by a sigh indicates he’ll go but the worst by far is how he stares at you, not quite making eye contact but fixating on a point just above your shoulder as you ramble through why he needs to attend certain events. Your crowning achievement was the one time he looked you in the eye for a second and grunted.
Now, four months later, he does speak to you… mostly in short, stunted sentences. Today you’re working on getting him onboard with a visit to benefit a children's hospital. It’ll be great press and make the board happy.
“I’ll have a makeup artist on stand by,” you tell Bruce, typing away at your MacBook. “In case you make another visit to your super secret fight club the day before.”
You have no idea what crazy rich person hobby Bruce has that leaves his face scraped up on occasion but you know he can’t attend the Children’s Cancer benefit with a shiner. It’s your own little joke, coming up with new and inventive activities to explain his injuries. Last week you asked how his spelunking adventure went. That earned you a longer stare than usual.
When you glance up Bruce is watching you, head cocked to the side. You fidget under his look but after a tortuous minute the skin around his eyes crinkle and you relax.
“An hour?” He questions.
“Two and you have to do a photo op with the mayor.”
“No photos.”
“An hour and two photos. One with the mayor and another with some kids,” you counter. It’s like arguing about naps and screen times with your nephew except Bruce is infinitely more grumpy.
When Bruce stands and purses his lips you know you’ve won. Internally you give yourself a high five, externally you stare at the computer and wait until you feel the heavy drag of his eyes finally leave you.
“Well done,” Alfred praises, appearing out of the shadows like Batman himself. You flinch and his expression softens in apology. He and Bruce have a habit of appearing seemingly out of nowhere from the endless supply of shadowy nooks in the manor. At least you’ve learned not to yelp. That was embarrassing the first time it happened. The second time you’d thrown your scalding cup of coffee on Bruce. In typical Wayne fashion he didn’t react but did kindly help you up off the floor.
“Honestly I’d have been happy with just 30 minutes and a single photo. But don’t tell him that,” you warn.
“I’m good at keeping secrets,” Alfred assures you. “I was about to set out some afternoon tea. Will you join me?”
“Yes. Will there be little sandwiches?” You ask hopefully.
“Yes, and scones.”
“You’re my favorite person, Alfred,” you praise before setting down your phone to look at him consideringly. “You gonna get mad if I ask for coffee again?”
“The tea will be served in 10 minutes,” Alfred replies.
“Tea it is,” you whisper to yourself.
It’s 9 pm on Friday and you’re exhausted. Not even comfy PJs and a chilled bottle of white wine can wash away the intense week you’ve had. If it weren’t for your standing phone call with your best friend on the west coast you’d have been in bed already. You look forward to these talks. She always patiently listens to you complain about your job and Bruce.
“The man is the walking embodiment of My Chemical Romance in a $10,000 suit,” you tell your friend, phone cradled between your ear and shoulder as you heat up the leftover pasta. “Except he probably doesn’t listen to emo music. Honestly, he probably sits alone in silence,” you continue. Your calico kitty twines between your legs and you scratch behind her ears absently.
“Have you seen Batman yet?” Your friend questions, clearly uninterested in the reclusive billionaire of Gotham.
“No. I’m half convinced he’s some elaborate prank Gotham is playing on the rest of the world. What sane person dresses up like a freaking bat and fights crime?”
“He’s hot though, you gotta admit.”
“Oh yes, the three inches of his face you can see in costume are practically panty-melting.”
“It’s about what you can’t see,” your friend insists suggestively. “Listen, the suit fucks. God, why doesn't LA have a caped crusader?”
“If you want to see a crazy person in a superhero costume you can hit up Disneyland. Or downtown LA.”
“Ugh, the east coast has made you boring,” she laments. "How’s the dating scene there?”
“Wouldn’t know. Bruce Wayne is my full-time job right now.”
“Just promise me you’re going to get out and have some fun. All you did in LA was work. At least download Hinge and give it a try. Sex is a fantastic way to blow off some steam.”
“I’m hanging up now,” you warn your friend.
“You know I’m right,” she singsongs. “Anyway, did I tell you what happened to James?” She questions, launching into some crazy story about her latest date.
Later you’ll blame it on the wine, but after you get off the phone with her you download Hinge and set up a profile. What’s the worst that could happen? You go on a boring date and then delete the app?
As it turns out, a boring date is the least of your problems.
Dinner is uneventful and its own brand of excruciating as you listen to Brad talk about himself and how he's got platinum status on American Airlines -whatever that means. You let him walk you to the subway station, even as he tries to pressure you into letting him give you a ride home. You know what the offer will cost you and you’re not interested in listening to him talk anymore about himself or cryptocurrency.
Brad keeps trying to rest a hand on your lower back and you’re so preoccupied trying to sidestep the touch you don’t realize the two men walking towards you are trouble. They brandish a knife and demand money. You freeze, too surprised to give up your purse but when one of them reaches for it you step back automatically, moving the purse out of his grasp. Your heel catches on the subway grate and you land on your ass hard enough to make you grunt in pain.
“Hand it over, bitch,” he snarls, lunging forward but before he can reach you a black blur appears and suddenly both men are on the floor, groaning. One stands up but gets knocked down immediately. The other tries to stab who you now realize is freaking Batman in the leg. The knife breaks off and Batman kicks him hard in the jaw, knocking him out.
You continue to stare as Gotham’s caped crusader makes quick work tying up both men. He turns towards you, offering his hand. He pulls you up easily and you teeter on your heels, steadying yourself with a hand against his chest. Whatever material his suit is made out of is hard and cold. You rip your hand back embarrassed.
“Are you ok?” He asks gruffly, staring intently at you.
“Peachy,” you reply automatically, almost wanting to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. “I mean, uh, I’m fine.”
“You shouldn’t have tried to fight, you could have gotten hurt,” he chastises.
Maybe it’s the spectacularly bad date or the adrenaline of almost getting robbed but you find yourself stabbing your index finger into his chest plate, more than a little angry.  "I'm from LA. I can handle myself," you tell him. “Plus I really like this purse.”
The Batman growls. "Nothing is worth your life." He continues to stare at you, intense and brooding in a way that’s oddly familiar. “Things can be replaced, people can’t.”
There’s something in his voice, a strange undercurrent of emotion so at odds with his demeanor that you feel the fight go right out of you.
"That’s… fair. Um, thank you for your help. I kinda thought maybe you were an urban legend. Like bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster if he wore the smokey eye look,” you continue.
There's a brief twitch of his lip but otherwise no reaction.
"The police are on their way. Stay out of trouble," he warns gruffly before disappearing in a swirl of black fabric.
"Well, that was cool. Met the Batman." You turn to your date only to find him looking wide-eyed and terrified.
He shakes his head and promptly vomits on the concrete. You awkwardly pat him on the back. At least you could tell your friend you met Batman.
Part 2 can be found here.
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mcytblr-archive · 3 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: Anonymous
our interviewee is an anonymous member of gay castle, the sleepyheads server, and was involved in the MCYTblr elections. below is a transcript of their account!
Q: You mentioned several things in your initial message to me, so let’s work through them one by one. What was it like to be in the “Gay Castle” server from when it was created?
A: Gay castle was originally made so as to have a place for friends that wasn't the drama-filled space of sleepyheads. It was orchestrated by Conarcoin on tumblr, though technically the server was made by someone else just due to timing and such. Conarcoin is the owner of the server, though. At first you could only join the server via a direct invite from Conarcoin, but since it is no longer just an escape from another server, people now invite their own friends and mutuals as well. Gay castle originally was much smaller and much more mcyt-focused. I don't have a perfect memory of what it was like, but a lot of my time in the server was spent discussing headcanons and aus with other people, or playing minecraft together.
Q: What do you remember from the first MCYTblr election? (And, as a bonus question– do you remember who you voted for?)
A: I wasn't super involved in the first election, but i was there for it. I remember the hype was pretty big- people made animatics and edits and fanart. There was some sort of issue with who won, some sort of drama with how it was decided or how the election discord server was run, but I don't have exact knowledge of what went down. From what I know the people who were most involved started doing a rp based on the elections later, but I was never told much about it.
Q: What was the early life (and later downfall) of the sleepyheads server like? Was it a natural death, or was there some incident or drama that ended it?
A: Okay so sleepyheads was a bit wild. I wasn't there from the beginning, but I was there for at least most of the downfall. It did not die naturally- it does still exist from what I know, but completely remade, so you can't find any old conversation history or anything. It was the first mcytblr discord server I joined. The owner of the server had originally just created it for friends, and when so many people joined it got way out of control. There were issues with people not respecting the blacklist, not respecting pronouns, having nsfw discussions in all-age chats, lots of misogyny to female creators, etc etc. However, it was a big server, and so people didn't really take much notice. One of the things about the server, though, is that a lot of people used it for writing. There were several channels dedicated to individual aus people had made. One day the server owner decided that there were too many au channels, so they deleted all of them. The majority of people had not backed up their writing from the server, which meant a lot of fanwork was lost in one fell swoop. That really angered people and brought up a lot of grievences that people had been letting go, such as a server member getting kicked when people beleived no rules had been broken. Server members decided to create a channel that mods weren't supposed to read so they could discuss how to bring up their grievences and what they wanted changed. While discussion was going on, one person started spamming a general channel with screenshots of all the issues they'd had with people in the server and the server owner, and it took the mod team a while to ban them. People started arguing that there should be a vote for someone to replace the server owner, and there was a lot of fighting. A bunch of people left at that point, and the server kept bleeding members over time. By now it's completely remade and, as far as I know, pretty much dead.
Q: I haven’t asked anyone else about this, and I’m unclear on a lot of the details, so I’ll ask it here– who was ‘fakenoblade’?
A: "Fakenoblade" was a member of sleepyheads and the sleepyheads smp. They had a very good Technoblade impression and made their discord account look exactly like Technoblade's did at the time. They were very popular for acting as Technoblade on the smp and in voice calls. At one point several people took screenshots of one of the calls and posted them to tumblr, joking that Technoblade had actually joined the vc. Much later on, after the Sleepyheads server issues, they made it clear that they didn't go by Fakenoblade anymore, and I beleive they don't use the Fakenoblade discord account or tumblr account anymore, though I could be wrong.
Q: Do you remember any imposter blogs in specific? What do you remember from them? What was the general community response to imposter blogs?
A: The imposter blog that I remember the most was Drinnie, aka iamdreamwastaken, a very popular Dream imposter blog. They played into a lot of current mcytblr jokes, as well as encouraging interactions and fanart. They also created Dreambot, a bot trained off of a dataset of all of Dream's tweets, which would create "original" posts. I mostly remember them because they actually joined the Gay Castle discord server while not giving away who they actually were, and even joined a voice call, though I don't know if they used a good impersonation or a soundboard. They were one of the earliest imposter blogs, which helped with their popularity- people weren't yet used to the blogs, and so were genuinly unsure if any given blog was real or fake. As more blogs were created, and more "creator on tumblr" scares occured, people generally got used to the blogs, and were ambivilant towards them at best, hostile at worst. Drinnie and Zonebur were the two most memorable imposter blogs, mostly because they were early enough that there was still some mystery about them.
Q: What do you remember from the “Penis SMP”? Can you give a short explanation on what it was?
A: Penis SMP was basically just an earlier Goncharov. An outsider of the fandom made a post about how absurd mcyt tags were on tumblr, something along the lines of "this is just like the electric chair scene with penisunavaliable and shittyfartbaby69!!1!" (There's defenitly screenshots of the post still floating around, and it's possible that the og post is actually still up.) A lot of mcyt fans thought this was hilarious, so people pretended like it was real. There was fanfiction, fanart, worldbuilding, etc. More characters were created, with other absurd names like "milfboss", and the fandom grew enough that a group of people decided to make it real, creating a discord server so that they could stream as the characters on Penis Smp, though that project has died out and the server is now deleted. There's still 4 or 5 people posting about Penis Smp, I think, and it even got a Polygon article about it, which was a good enough source that Penis Smp is refrenced on the official Dream SMP Wikipedia page. Even though it's not really around anymore, it was absolutely a big part of mcytblr history- It kind of united a bunch of mcytblr into a collective project, at least temporarily.
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aphantpoet · 2 years
Characters that had better redemption arcs than Zuko:
Disclaimer; while I do criticise the series I do actually like it overall. There are just some things that don’t sit right with me because of the time the show was made in. While I recognise how revolutionary Zuko’s redemption arc was that does not make it immune to criticism.
The first point we need to address is “what am I measuring “better” by?”. That goes into the issues with Zuko’s redemption arc to begin with. Zuko’s redemption has always felt a little shallow to me. He spends most of the series chasing and trying to capture/kill a 12 year old in the name of colonisation and then has a crisis of faith when he realises that the side he fought for no longer served him. He doesn’t address the toxic mindsets he was raised with, he merely changes sides.  how I am determining what characters did better is is they made a conscious change in behaviour and mindset. Lets’ get into it, i’ll try to limit myself to three paragraphs.
1. Li Ping/ The Serpent.-Detentionaire
For the uninitiated,  The Serpent. was an antagonist in the latter parts of Detentionaire. The series followed Lee Ping, the son of Korean immigrants as he tries to find the culprit who set him up for a schoolwide prank that got him a year of detention. through the series Ping battles rivals, brainwashing and shadow governments, uncovers family secrets and confronts old family demons.
The Serpent [who i will be calling Li to keep thing brief] was apart of said Shadow Government and Lees older brother. He was raised by the Council as a weapon and he encounters Lee and his friends on quite a few occasions.Li doesn’t have many interests that we know of, we know he’s a bit immature and that he loves his snake Priscilla. When he discovers that he was taken by Council not given up he turns on them, getting captured and giving Lee and his friends time to escape. Ther series was canceled so we never get to see where his story goes.
Li changes his actions because when he realises that his biological family did not abandon him he has no reason to fight them and with the understanding of the lies he was fed he’s done being manipulated.
2. Stanley Pines-Gravity falls
When twins Mabel and Dipper Pines are forced to stay with their Grunkle Stan in the mystery shack, they discover that there is  more to this sleepy town and in it’s off colour residents.
So spoiler, Grunkle Stanford Pines was laying about his identity. When Grunkle Stan was younger he had a twin brother, Stanford. Ford was the smart one while Stan was the strong one but they were close until an accident with Fords science project caused a rift between the brothers. they meet up years later as adults and Stan is a con man living paycheck to paycheck and Ford has fallen into the supernatural happenings of the town. A fight causes the portal Ford was building to activate and suck him up. Stanley goes on to assume his brother’s identity and try to find the other journals to rebuild the portal and save his brother. 
When we meet him he’s still up to his old tricks and he can be harsh sometimes, but he genuinely loves his niblings. In the end he sacrifices his memories to defeat the ultimate evil. He’s a shady guy by all means, but by the time he saves his brother he has more than redeemed himself.
3. Pacifica Northwest- Gravity Falls
In the beginning Pacifica is a bit of a one dimensional bully, she is as Dipper says ‘the worst”. As we see her more however he has a miniature redemption arc. We realise that her parents are controlling and abusive and she genuinely does not know better.  During the Northwests ball her house is being haunted by a vengeful ghost that pertifies everyone. Pacifica learns that her family is not that great and decides to break the cycle and let the undesirables in. This frees the ghost and saves everyone.
While Pacifica is a minor character her redemption is set up and gradual and shown in a way that does not obstruct the overall narrative. her redemption is earned through addressing the abuse she suffered and changing her behaviour, even she she cannot change the behaviour of others, she’s only a kid after all. 
4. Catra-SPOP
Spop follows child soldiers and childhood friends,  Catra and Adora and their  pains and adventures on both sides as they make their way back to each other.
Catra is a villian for most of the series. Because we benefit from her direct perspective her abuse under Shadow Weaver, Hordak and Horde Prime is well documented an ongoing and, in her mind, unescapable. Catra does show vulnerability despite this on multiple occasions and it’s usually unaddressed or punished, this creates a cycle of her pushing people away to keep herself safe.When she sets off the portal she doesn’t have any real idea of what will happen, she just knows there’s a chance she’ll also dies and that doesn’t sound too bad. She finally snaps out of it and saves Glimmer from Horde Prime, sacrificing herself to a fate worse than death in the process. Over the rest of season five hse gets closer to the Best friend squad and apologises even saving the world by letting love in.
Catra learns that it is by letting yourself be loved that you become worthy of it. While her actions with the Horde are not good, she knows that. Much like Pacifica, she just does not know a better life or rather feel she deserves one. Catra is only accepted when she proves she has changed beyond a doubt. the choices she makes throughout the series that show the glimmer [hehe]that she might be better underneath come from her. No one makes her give Adora the sword back, no one makes her toast Scorpia in the Crimson Wastes, no one makes her get Glimmer off the ship, no one but her.
5. Amity Blight
When Luz Noceda ends up on the Boiling Isles she meets a cast of characters, among them is Amity Blight. the youngest daughter of the Blight family, abomination prodigy and self important snob. We first meet her bullying Willow Park. When Lux aggress to help Willow cheat Amity calls her out on it, while a bit heavy handed in approach she’s not wrong. They meet again at the convention where she challenges Luz to a witches duel. cue Lilith cheating and the girls bonding a little.
Amity’s actions don’t go far from the realm of petty bullying but as season 1 goes on she starts to gain more depth. Controlling parents, self esteem issues and a surprising gift with kids. She and Luz start to for a mutual friendship and then Amity enters her tomato era. She stands up to her mother and apologises to Willow, they make peace and become friends again. 
Amity becomes a better person, which isn’t unrealistic, she’s a kid who unlearns toxic mindsets though finding someone able to see more than the top student. her better qualities come out and she leaves her old friends. It looks like Skara also abandons Boscha, so good for her to.
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suchine-toki · 1 year
Gintaka or Takagin?
Short answer:
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Long answer:
The issue of who comes first in the ship's name is usually tied to who has the most power over the relationship. In heterosexual couples, 99% of the time the man is put first by default, but when this doesn’t happen, it’s more complicated and falls on the preference of each one.
I would like to examine their relationship based on canon. I’ll do it chronologically, analyzing only a few moments so as not to extend myself too much.
One of the ways that power in a relationship is measured is through physical strength, but we know that Gintoki and Takasugi are evenly matched in this regard because they keep track. This is striking because it reflects the hyper-competitive side of both, even from Gintoki, who usually avoids unnecessary conflict out of laziness.
Another way in which power is measured is in regard to the ability to influence the other, which I'll discuss below.
At the beginning of the relationship, it seems Gintoki has more control, usually being the one who teases Takasugi. However, we do know of other instances where Takasugi has teased Gintoki as well. This shows that since they were little, they’ve had a balanced dynamic in this regard.
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In childhood they were more allowed to antagonize the other, which changes with the capture of Shouyo. Before they used to compete for his attention, now they’re forced to work together to rescue him. When they’re older in the Joui war, Takasugi seems calmer and more collected, while Gintoki remains relatively the same.
They continued the teasing nature of their relationship. Although one point I find interesting to highlight is how Gintoki allows himself to be hit by Takasugi without retaliation (immediate at least), which is unusual with the male characters in the series. This raises another point about their ability to compromise.
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I know I said that I would only consider the canon material, but I wanted to cheat a little and refer to a moment from the second movie (BFY), which was written by Sorachi and I believe to be semi-canon.
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Here Takasugi tells Gintoki to follow them, when there was no need to. I mean, where else he would go at that moment? This reflects Takasugi's bossy nature, which was likely reinforced when he became a general, and Gintoki’s more passive nature (in the strict sense of the word). Instead of getting mad, Gintoki just says he will follow, and he does.
With what I’ve expressed, it seems that Takasugi is the one who has the most influence on the relationship. However, it’s at crucial moments, such as the promise they make and Shouyo's subsequent beheading, that Gintoki's influence over Takasugi is evident. After all, it’s because of Gintoki that Takasugi lives on and continues his destructive crusade.
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Continuing chronologically, their first meeting at the beginning of the series comes after 10 years without seeing each other. Here Takasugi presses his sword against Gintoki's back, who in response immobilizes it with his bare hands. In the manga it’s not shown, it can only be assumed the meeting ends with them leaving without another word. This would be the first time that both declined to fight.
Later in Benizakura arc Gintoki tells Takasugi to be careful if he catches him walking down the street. Ironically, their next meeting is in Courtesan of a Nation arc, in which they pass each other on the street, the second time they both decline to fight.
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I expose these moments because they’re quite revealing in retrospect. The first time I watched the series, it seemed to me that Takasugi carried more emotional energy into the relationship, albeit in a negative way, while Gintoki was rather indifferent. How wrong I was. Reviewing these points after the end, it can be seen there’s a strong emotional energy that’s present throughout the entire series, with a feeling of longing on the part of both, waiting for the return of the other.
I also find it surprising that Gintoki, despite his self-deprecation, knows how important he’s to Takasugi and tells him so in the Shogun Assassination arc. Meaning, he acknowledges that he has power over Takasugi. Also, in this arc, Gintoki demonstrates his more possessive tendencies towards him, stating only he has the right to protect or kill him. In the same way, Takasugi has also spoken like this about Gintoki.
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The second part of Silver Soul arc focuses on the relationship of these two. At first, it’s appreciated that Takasugi keeps some distance from Gintoki, but at the same time he wishes to be with him. The truth is Takasugi wants to protect Gintoki this time, he wants him to be happy. However, Gintoki chases after Takasugi and refuses to let him go. It’s a push and pull in their ability to compromise.
Their interactions in this arc were particularly interesting to me because you can see how the power dynamic changes, leaning more towards Takasugi on some occasions and more towards Gintoki on others. A good example of this is when they’re fighting over Shouyo's crystallized heart.
Takasugi takes leadership of the situation and messes with Gintoki before reaching the ship. However, when Gintoki demands he hand over the heart, Takasugi concedes. In this way, it can be seen how in certain cases Gintoki does what Takasugi wants, while in others Takasugi does what Gintoki wants.
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Even if they spent years apart, in the end, they understand how important they’re to each other. That the other is an indispensable part of their own being, thus recognizing both the affection and the admiration they mutually feel. Both have an enormous capacity to influence the other.
Now, if you mean R18+ stuff… I'll just say I can't see one bottoming or topping all the time lol they’d probably keep track of that too 😂
In short, Gintoki and Takasugi’s dynamic is one of the most equal in the series in my opinion.
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ummick · 11 months
Mick's Diary: Bringing Performance to the Track
Hi everyone. Welcome to another chapter of my diary! Plenty has happened since we last spoke. The season is now in full swing, and a lot has been going on. I've done the first test in the W14 which was great. Completing the Pirelli tyre test in Barcelona and getting back in the car was a good feeling, and very special. For me, it was a big step up driving the W14. I know the team are working hard to create a winning car and I have no doubt that they will. I've seen this in the past couple of weeks, how determined the team is and how everyone's got their heads down, focused and how responsive they are to issues and feedback. There have been loads of things that I've learned from the team so far and I really appreciate that. Things that I can take forward in my career.
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It's been a very busy, but good, period in the simulator too. I'm aware that the simulator is never going to be a 100 percent replication of real life. You have certain factors that play a role driving the real car that you just don't have in the simulator. In the sim, it's all about having as close correlation as possible with reality. That's what we are working for, and I feel like we are taking the actions necessary to bring the simulator as close as possible to the real thing. Spain was a tough day and long night in the simulator on the Friday, so it was nice to see the comments afterwards from Toto and the drivers. What's also important is crediting the people behind the scenes in the simulator and the whole team in Brackley and Brixworth who work day and night to push the development forward.
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I've definitely been on a learning curve since joining the team, but now I've settled in more and have a deeper understanding of the car itself. As I have driven the W14 too, I have a reference so can really judge the changes that the drivers make on track and relate to those feelings that I had driving it. It's a different kind of learning now. The simulator work can be quite tough mentally. You are driving in front of a computer, so the screen makes your eyes tired. Whenever I'm away from it, I try to reduce the screen time, not sit glued to my phone or computer.
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Most recently I was at the Goodwood Festival of Speed with the Team. It was my first time there and I really enjoyed seeing so many fans. It was a shame the weather meant we couldn't run on Saturday, but Sunday was super special. I got to drive the 2021 car, the W12. It was amazing how much grip the car had and the speed it could carry through the corners, so it makes sense how Lewis and Valtteri were able to win races and fight for championships in it.
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Driving the 2011 W02, the car that my dad drove for the Team, was particularly special and I had a lot of emotions driving it. I even did some donuts in it. I want to say a big thank you to everyone in the Team for creating the opportunity and making it possible. There's been lots going on, as you can probably tell! So when I'm not working, I've been enjoyed being out in nature and having some proper time off. I feel like I've found a good balance so far. I've been just as busy as I have been in previous years and I wouldn't have thought that prior to the start of the year. That's been a good thing, keeping me sharp and hopefully that'll prepare me for when I am back in a car.
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I just wanted to finish this entry by thanking you, the fans, for all your support. I hope everyone is doing well and looking out for each other. Hopefully these diary entries give a good insight into what I'm up to. I'll be checking in with you later in the year so until then, take care.
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ichijager13 · 1 year
Teach me how to be loved
Chapter II
Cause I’ve got monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off
Pairing : Eren Jäger x reader
Characters: Eren Jäger, Annie Leonhart, Pieck Finger.
Tags: Unhealthy copping mechanism, unhealthy relationships, childhood trauma, physical and verbal abuse, self-esteem and trust issues, domestic violence, implied/ referenced cheating and a touch of sweet, lovable and non fuckboy Eren Jäger
Masterlist, AO3,  Playlists : Reader’s POV, Eren’s POV
A/N: Hey there angels, I would like to thank each one of you for take the time to read my work and for all the support you are giving. There are no enough amount of words that can describe how thankful and happy you make me feel.
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The sound of glass crashing on the floor made you jump in your place. “Why did you move those papers?” He rumbled going through the files scattered on top of his desk for the third time in a row. “I don’t even have another copy and no one is at the office to send me one at this hour”. “Let… let me look for them”. You stuttered. “Don’t, just don’t”. His voice was shrill. “I’ll take care of it”. “I’m sorry, dad. I didn’t mean to…”. Your voice broke as your eyes filled with tears. “Why the fuck are you crying now?” He screamed, face red before he slams his hands against his desk. Knowing what was about to follow you stepped away before you rushed out of the room.
You jolt out of sleep; your mouth was dry and your heart felt like it was about to climb up your mouth. You took long and deep breaths trying to calm yourself. You glanced at your surroundings before you realize you are in a stranger's room. A low grown left your chest when you realized the man has already woken up. You left the bed scanning the floor for your stuff. Once you got everything in reach you perked your ears trying to locate him. Based on the sound of water running, he was under the shower. It's now or never, you told yourself before stepping out of the bedroom. A few minutes later you were in the elevator sending a message to your friends. It wasn't until you got home, that you remembered the dream you had. It's been a while since you had one of these. You were so far gone in your thoughts when your ringtone blasted. It was Pieck. "Was it at least worth abandoning us?" Those were the first words she shouted once you took the call. "Not my best shot, but he was pretty decent. An amazing kisser and if my memory is not failing me he was handsome". You answered serving yourself your first cup of coffee of the day. “Like a 9 out of 10 type of handsome”. "Too bad". She scolded, and you had a hard time holding back your laughter. "Now that you had your weekly dick dose, will you join us?" "I'll take a shower, change my clothes, and join you". You replied sipping your coffee.
You spent the rest of the weekend at Annie’s place cooking, eating, and gossiping. It’s been a long time since you last cooked such an enormous amount of food. “Don’t you dare put the blame on me if you gain weight and your men ditch you”. You warned placing a dish containing carbonara in front of the girls. “God, I almost forgot how flavorful your food is”. Pieck hummed after taking a bite. Feeling your phone buzzing in your pocket, you quickly dried your hands and unlocked it. You grimaced when you recognized the email address. “You never give up, do you?” you hissed before pocketing your phone. “Is something wrong?” Annie asked, noticing how frustrated you are. “Nah, nothing”. “One of your men is seeking attention?” Pieck taunted. “Trust me these are far more annoying. Besides, I never give my number to men I sleep with”. You frowned at the thought of receiving dick pictures in the middle of the week. It’s been a while since you last received an email from them. And you honestly thought that by not responding they will end up giving up. Unfortunately, you were wrong. You shook your head trying to chase them and their persistent emails from your mind. “Want more?” you asked Pieck who has already emptied her plate. “Yes, God, I don’t think I’m gonna fit in the clothes I came with by Sunday”. She groaned, but she slapped you when you attempted to take back the now-filled plate. “By the way, Armin asked me to give you the invitations for the dinner they are organizing to celebrate the new partnership deal they concluded a week ago”. “Aren’t you supposed to get yours at work?” A thin line appeared between Pieck’s brows when she saw Annie handing you one too. “Yes, except that I’m going on a trip and won’t be back till two days before the said night”. You answered. “Another internship?” Annie inquired and you nodded. “Must be cool being a design engineer”. Pieck pouted. “It has its perks”. You shrugged. “Where will you be heading this time?” the brunette asked. “Wolfsburg, Germany”. You replied eyes gleaming. “Our new partner is the new head of the operational headquarters of Volkswagen in the country”. “And he’s Armin’s childhood friend”. Annie added. “Oh, I thought the chairmen are Germans and isn’t he a little young to be at the top of such a company?” “Eren was born and grew up here, but his parents are German. He is a hard worker and a brilliant guy. He’s an engineer as well, graduated from MIT, and he is quite handsome”. She winked at you. “And somehow my boss”. You sighed annoyed. “I don’t fuck my bosses and colleagues”. “Just saying”. The blond stifled a laugh watching your disgusted expression. You reached and snitched your invitation from her.
The departure day has finally come, you were so excited about this trip you arrived three hours earlier at the terminal. Once you registered your luggage you headed to a coffee shop with your friends. “I still can’t believe I’m going to spend three weeks at the place that gave birth to the first Volkswagen”. Your eyes were sparkling and it made the girls feel happy. You were fuzzing about all the places you are planning to visit when you caught a glimpse of him. Your eyes widened in horror before you turned your head. “What’s going on? You look like you’ve seen a ghost”. Annie frowned. Without a word, you stood up and scurried to the bathroom. “Wasn’t she all thrilled and smiles seconds ago?” Pieck asked confused. “Oh, it’s Eren”. Annie waved at the six feet brunette. “The hot boss?” “Yes”. She smiled when he waved back and started walking toward your table.
You immediately locked yourself inside the bathroom. Your heart was pounding so fast you feared it might stop one moment or another. Remembering the doctor’s advice, you started inhaling deeply by the nose before releasing your breath slowly. It took you several minutes to control your breathing. The palpitation slowly calmed. You squeezed your eyes shut trying to push back memories fighting their way to the surface. “Not now, please not now”. You whined. You slowly walked to the sink; you watched the water run down the faucet before reaching shaky hands. “Calm down”. Your voice was desperate. You splashed water on your face once, twice, over and over again until you felt your cheeks and neck cool down. By the time you turned the faucet off your hands were somehow steady. You took your time drying your face and clothes. Despite knowing you’d regret it, you glanced at your reflection in the mirror. The woman that looked back at you reminded you of memories you tried hard to repress. You took another deep breath and left the bathroom. “I can do this”.
“Here you are. If you came back minutes earlier you would’ve met Eren”. Pieck spoke as soon as you took place by the table. “Let me tell you, girl, the word handsome is not giving him justice”. She snorted. “Isn’t she about to get married?” you huffed. “This doesn’t mean I can’t admire God’s work of art”. The brunette scolded. “Are you alright?” Annie inquired visibly worried. “Yeah, I had a cramp”. You lied.
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faofinn · 9 months
18. “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
The autumn meant the start of the rugby season, as well as a new term at uni. Fao was looking forwards to it, having taken the summer to build his fitness and prep for the upcoming season. The weather had changed quickly, from the Indian summer they often had in September giving way to cold rain. 
Fao’s first match of the season was at home, which was nice, and meant Sheila and the family could come and watch. He loved having them there, even if they did fuss over every tackle.  
It had been a long, tough game in the mud and the rain, Fao playing the full 80 minutes. When he finally came off, the team victorious, he was soaked to the skin and freezing cold, though shaking more with the adrenaline. They’d finished celebrating, though there would be drinks that night for sure, and Fao paused to see his parents, grinning.
The three were bundled up in coats and scarves and hats, faces flushed and beaming. Fred called out to Fao in celebration, Finn joining in from beside him. Sheila waved him over, unable to stop being a mother hen.
He headed over, water dripping from his hair. “Hey.”
"Here, put this on, you'll get cold." She passed his coat over. "You'll feel it now you've stopped."
"You were super cool!" Finn interrupted. 
Fao waved it away. “It’s fine, I’m gonna go shower.” He murmured, turning to his brother. “Yeah? You think so? Did you enjoy it?”
"Yeah! You were so fast and then you dodged the other guy and got past him and he didn't even know what was happening!" Finn beamed. 
“And then I scored.” He said with a grin. 
“Was good, eh?” Fao said. “I like it when you come to watch, makes me play harder.”
"It does?"
“Yeah, of course. I’ve gotta win for you guys.”
"And you did!"
“I did! Of course I did.”
"Can I come say hi?"
“Of course you can, c’mon.” Fao offered him his hands. 
"Don't be too long, though." Fred reminded. 
"And wear your coat, Fao, you'll catch a cold." Sheila tried again, holding it over the barrier. 
“Yeah, yeah, later.” Fao said, taking it and draping it over his arm. He helped Finn over the fence, and headed over to the team. They all adored Finn, they’d be glad to see him. They’d been thrilled when Fao told them he was watching. 
"Now, Fao! Put it on!" She called, shaking her head. She knew she was fighting a losing battle. 
“I’m gonna shower!” He shot back over his shoulder, heading across the pitch, Finn next to him. The team were happy to see Finn, laughing and grinning, and they all headed to the locker room to change and shower. 
Finn loved being included with the team, the older boys accepting him like an honorary younger brother. They all knew what he'd been through, what both of them had been through, and most of them were fiercely protective of the both of them. 
Fao had no issues leaving his brother with the rest of the team as he stripped off and showered, and whilst the locker room wasn’t the best environment for a 12 year old, the whole team weren’t about to ruin things by talking shit. As Fao got dressed, conversation turned to the night’s celebrations, where they were going to go. 
“Fao, you’re coming, right?”
“Ah, I’d love to, but with Finn and my parents here should probably head back home.”
“Nah, shut up. Finn can come with us, he can celebrate too!” 
"Can I, Fao? Please?" Finn’s face lit up. 
“I’ll have to ask mum, yeah?”
"I'll behave super well." He promised, grinning. 
Once they’d all changed and got sorted, they headed back home for a couple of hours before they planned on going out, which gave Fao and Finn time to convince Sheila to let them go. Fao wouldn’t stay for long, just the first pub, get a drink with the boys and then take Finn home. But the whole team had been egging him on to do it, promising they’d look after Finn, that there’d be no stupidity, and after a lot of begging she agreed. 
So they headed out, Sheila insisting that Fao wear his coat yet again, something about him already being cold making it worse. Fao shrugged her off, and as they walked from his flat to the pub in the rain, he draped his coat around his little brother to stop him getting cold. Finn was more important, at any rate, and it was cute to see him in the personalised jacket that had Blackwood, Captain on the back, as well as the uni logo. It was like he belonged. 
Finn loved every minute, feeling like one of the boys. Wearing Fao's jacket felt like a privilege, and he held his head high as he swaggered around. The coke he'd been bought was full sugar, too, which only added to his good mood. The boys were rowdy, and Finn quite happily joined in, celebrating along with them.
The pub was a firm favourite of theirs, they were well known and got plenty of good drinks. Fao was already on his second pint whilst Finn clutched his own pint of coke, the boys immediately treating him like one of their own, laughing and joking. Fao nudged his little brother, looking over at him. 
“Hey, Finn.”
He grinned at him. "Yeah?"
“Want a sip?” He offered.
"I'm not allowed." He shook his head, eyes wide.
“A sip is okay, if you want it. You don’t have to, it’s okay.”
"You won't tell mum?"
“I won’t. One sip is okay.”
"Go on, Finn. Give it a try!"
"Okay. Just a little one." Finn agreed. 
Fao pushed the glass towards him. “Careful, it’s heavy.”
He took it with both hands, doing his best to be careful. He took a cautious sip, quickly pulling away with a grimace. "Ew!"
Fao couldn’t help but laugh, as did the rest of the table, taking back the drink. “Not for you, eh?”
He shook his head dramatically, still pulling a face. "It's so gross!"
“It’s not that bad.”
Finn gratefully took his coke one of the lads next to him passed him, taking a big gulp. "It really is."
“Maybe you’ll like it when you’re older.” Fao told him, ruffling his hair. 
"I'm not gonna be allowedp to."
“Eh, you don’t know that.”
"I'm not allowed to with my medications."
“They might change in time, it’s okay.” Fao told him. “But you don’t have to drink to enjoy yourself.” 
"I know. I'm not right now."
“Exactly.” Fao sipped his drink now Finn wasn’t interested in it. 
Fao's teammate reached to ruffle Finn’s hair as well. "When you're old enough, you'll have to come out properly with us."
“When he’s old enough we’ll be bloody ancient.” Fao joked, clearing his throat. He definitely had a sore throat brewing, but he wasn’t about to admit it. That would just add fuel to Sheila’s fire that he should’ve worn his coat. 
"You're already ancient." Finn teased. 
Mischief was clear in his grin. "It's true."
“Cheeky little git.”
Soon enough they finished their drinks, and as the rest of the team decided to head out to their next bar. Fao nudged his brother, and they said their goodbyes before they went home. Fao certainly didn’t need any more to drink, and the boys deserved a chance go be drunk and messy and rowdy. 
They headed back home in the cold, the rain having started again, and Fao made sure Finn kept his coat on. Finn needed it more than him, even though the scratch in his throat made him sure he was getting a cold. Better him to have it than Finn, a bit of rain wasn’t going to hurt him. He’d be fine. 
When they got in, Fao shook the rain from his hair, shutting the door behind him. “Mum, dad? We’re back.”
Sheila rounded the corner with a smile, though the look she gave Fao as she shook her head was less than impressed. "You didn't wear your coat, did you?"
“Didn’t want Finn to get cold.” He said, ruffling his brother’s hair. 
She folded her arms. "Go on, then. Go get warm, the pair of you."
Finn passed Fao's coat back to him, dropping his own on the floor. "Mum, guess what?"
"Mm?" She gave him a smile. "Did you have fun?"
"Yeah, loads!"
“Yeah, it was nice, wasn’t it?” Fao said, reaching to pick Finn’s coat up off of the floor and hanging both coats up on the rack. 
"Yeah! And you don't have to worry about me going out when I'm older, mum. I'm just gonna drink coke because I don't like the beer." Finn said lightly, heading through to the living room.
Fao rolled his eyes. “Oh my god.”  
Sheila turned to Fao. "Do you want to explain?"
“I offered him a sip - if he wanted - of my Guinness so he didn’t feel too left out. He didn’t really drink anything.”
"You know what? It's better I don't know." She laughed. "Go on, go get yourself warmed up."
“Honestly Mum, it was barely a sip.” Fao defended. 
"You boys are gonna be boys. I should know better by now." She shook her head, though was far from actually mad. "Go on."
“Figured he’d want to try, we were all drinking, making him feel like one of the guys. Obviously I wasn’t going to let him actually drink. And he hated it.” He said with a smile. “We did buy him proper coke though, I am responsible for that.”
She covered her face with her hands. "You should just have just bought him the beer."
“Probably.” He said, but moved to hug her. “Thanks for trusting me to take him out.”
"You know, I trust you to take more care of him than I do yourself." She said, hugging him back.
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