#maribat adrien agreste
raeuberprinzessin · 1 year
The big Scam
It's 2:15 am where I am, but I just had to write this down and now it's your problem 😅
AU maybe a bit "Roaring Twenties"? No Miraculous, could be Maribat Bio Dad Bruce, rich Marinette -> I think I'm going to call these kind of stories "Not a Cinderella Story"
Since his family lost everything, Felix gets by as a con artist. Now his cousin Adrien is down on his luck, too: His mother died years ago and after losing his company his father disappeared with his assistant.
Felix decides to help the only family member he has left but this turns out to be difficult. Gabriel owes the wrong people money and since they can't get Gabriel, they threaten Adrien.
The solution Felix comes up with: Adrien has to convince a rich lady to marry him. But Adrien is a hopeless romantic and wants to marry for love.
Only when they learn from some magazine that Marinette is single and wealthy, he agrees to try to woo her. Marinette was once Adrien's friend and they haven't seen each other since their early teens. He was always fond of her and the idea of marrying her sounds actually nice.
So they move to where she now lives (if it's Maribat then they move to Gotham and Adrien hasn't seen Marinette since she was sent to live with her father). They get in contact with her and it seems to go well.
The people who are after Adrien find them and they try to buy themselves some time by stealing jewelry and giving them that, even though it's not enough. (Maribat: Selina notices and takes them under her wing)
Coincidentally Felix spends a surprising amount of time with Marinette and without meaning to, he falls in love with her, which is a problem. First of all, it was hard enough to get Adrien to go along with the plan. By working he would never be able to pay back his father's debt and these people are getting a bit impatient. They can't just wait for the next girl Adrien would be willing to marry. And second, he is well aware what kind of man he is and that his cousin isn't as morally bankrupt as he is. Marinette deserves the fairytale prince, the white knight on the horse. Not some crook.
Still, he can't help himself and there are moments when he thinks Marinette might feel the same. He wonders if Adrien would hate him, if he tried to woo her. Maybe he could tell her about the problems Gabriel left Adrien with. Would she help her old friend even if she didn't marry Adrien but Felix instead?
But whatever budding romance Felix thought he might have with Marinette seems lost when her protectors learn about his past and his and Adrien's plan. To protect Marinette from the truth, they are willing to give them the money they need, if they leave and never bother her ever again. Otherwise they will show Marinette all the proof they compiled. (In a Maribat I picture this to be Damian and Tim who proposed an alliance to protect Marinette: Damian is very protective of his sister and Tim has the instinct to immediately or at least pretty soon doubt Adrien's intentions. He did the research, compiled the proof and got the money ready. Being confronted by Tim's ice cold logic and calculations and Damian's fiery temperament - and maybe sword - should intimidate even Felix)
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alittledoseofchaos · 1 year
Marvelous Miracles (Please Disregard the Ghosts)
Pt. 1.
× Not specials or seasons 4-5 compliant on the MLB side.
× Lots of lore littered throughout.
× Adrien and Marinette were 13 and 12 when Hawkmoth started and it has now been three years. Fu passing on guardianship happened their first year and the akumas got more violent as time wore on.
× Platonic Lovesquare
Ladybug paced the roof she stood on anxiously. She rung her hands. When she finally stopped pacing, she started to rock back and forth on the balls of her feet, a habit the came from a friend of hers. Ladybug groaned; she couldn't believe this was happening because of a rumor.
°•°•°•°•°•°•Earlier that week°•°•°•°•°•°•
It had been a dull morning in Paris. The night before had been interupted by yet another nightmare akuma. Madame Bustier's class was no exception to the exhaustion that plauged the City of Lights. Her students were running on caffeine from various sources and a mountain of spite directed towards a certain butterfly-themed supervillain. The teens barely spoke as they all filed into the dim classroom. Even Chloe Bourgeois sat silent, which was something most had thought impossible.
One girl entered the classroom without a care in the world. She looked around the room with olive-green eyes that were equal parts sly and greedy. The girl's presence demanded attention, whether it was the good or bad kind, most didn't know. Oh, and one of the most important things about her? She lies like most people breathe. This girl's name is Lila Rossi
"G-guys! I just heard that Marinette is Mayura!" Lila cried out. People all around the room wearily rose their heads to look at the girl. Silence filled the room. You could hear a pin drop. Just as Lila started to think she'd gone too far, a sharp laugh rang through the room. That laugh broke the dam and suddenly most of the class was laughing their heads off.
After some time, a short girl with pink hair cleared her throat and tried to contain the wild grin that spread across her face.
"Nice one Lila! Pfft- Marinette is Mayura," Alix said with a chuckle. A new wave of laughs filled the room at that.
"Y'know, the only times Nett has come close to looking like a supervillain was to protect her friends. Li-like-" Nino wheezed. "Like the Halloween Incident."
Most of the class didn't know what that meant, but Kim started to giggle like a maniac. Chloe paled and shook her head. Juleka mumbled something and those around her turned to look at her. With no small amount of shyness, Juleka cleared her throat and spoke up
"I think she was scarier during the Fork Fiasco."
Kim was practically on the floor with laughter at this point and Nino nodded at Juleka's assessment. Lila sat there dumbfounded as the class swapped stories about Marinette losing her temper on their behalf. It was Rose who brought up the the rumor Lila claimed to hear.
"Marinette would only help a villain if they threatened to hurt her loved ones otherwise! She's scary when she's angry, but it comes from a place of concern and love!"
The class hummed their agreements and Lila watched in confusion as nobody voiced any doubt.
"Umm...Guys? I don't think everybody is as sure of Marinette's innocence as we are," Alya said. She stared intently at her phone. Everyone stopped and turned to Alya. "There is an entire article dedicated to this rumor!"
"What!?" Someone shouted. Several of the teens vaulted over their desks to see the article. They made noises of outrage as they read. Lila stared at the group as they started to argue about whether to tell Marinette.
"Marinette should know about this, she'll want to do damage control," Max suggested as he adjusted his glasses.
"We can't tell Marinette about this! She's already so stressed!" Nathaniel argued.
"Tell me what?" Everyone turned towards the doorway. Marinette's eyebrows were furrowed and she eyed Lila with suspicion. Adrien stood beside Marinette and looked around the room hesitantly.
"Well-" Alya began before being cut off by Mylene.
"There's a rumor going around that you're Mayura, and there's an article dedicated to proving it!"
"W-what!?" Marinette rushed towards the group in horror. Adrien right behind her. Marinette grabbed the phone from her friend's hand.
The class had devolved into arguments. Lila was dragged into it at some point, but wasn't doing much. Juleka discussed the ethics of lighting the article author on fire with Marc, who had snuck in to bring Nathaniel a comic script. Rose advocated for talking to the writer instead. Adrien tried his hardest to get everyone to calm down, which didn't work all that well.
It had all gone down hill from there. Marinette had been brought home by a local officer before the rumor became worse. Her parents had to shut down the bakery for the rest of the day. The plan was to release an official statement that stated that there was no proof for the claim, but the universe has always loved messing with Marinette. She couldn't leave the bakery without being harassed by the news or people who demanded she be arrested. Her number and social media blew up with threats. Akumas and akuma victims had both come after her multiple times.
Everyone she knew suggested she leave Paris.
Jagged suggested an old friend to take her in. Seeing no other option, her parents caved.
•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•The Present°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•
Ladybug was brought out of her head by the sound of two people joining her on the roof. She looked up to see Chat Noir and Wonder Woman. She straightened and let her Ladybug persona wash over her fully.
"Ladybug, it is unlike you to summon us so short notice," Wonder Woman started, "what is it that you need?"
"I'm being forced out of Paris." Chat Noir dropped his baton as his hands went slack. Wonder Woman was unreadable, but the unease on Chat Noir's face was as clear as day.
"B-but how will you fight akuma victims? Or purify the akumas?"
"Then it is a good thing Fu gave you the miracle box." Wonder Woman declared, which cut off Ladybug's reply. Both miraculous holders stared at her as if she'd grown a second head. She had been quite vocal about her displeasure with Fu for leaving the miracle box to a child, and her frustration with herself for letting her childhood admiration for the guardians slip into blind trust. She smiled at her young apprentices. "You can use the horse miraculous to teleport over during akumas."
The tension in Ladybug eased as she smacked her face in exasperation.
"Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" She grumbled. Chat Noir looked less panicked now, but there was still a small issue. "But what am I supposed to do if I can't get away to transform? I'm a terrible liar."
"Then don't lie, just stay you watch Paris news to know what's going on with your friends and that your worried about them." Chat Noir suggested. Ladybug weighed the excuse in her head before she nodded.
"Good thinking, little warrior!" Wonder Woman cheered. Both women chattered on and ignored how he was turning as red as Ladybug's suit. Their teasing stopped abruptly as Ladybug noticed that he had zoned out.
"Kitty?" Chat Noir's tail twitched slightly.
"Will you teleport over for patrols and training?" Ladybug grunted in offense.
"Try keeping me away!" Wonder Woman smiled at the young heroes. Nobody in the trio bothered to point out that patrol was more of an excuse to hangout.
"Have you already told your other teacher?" Wonder Woman asked. At Ladybug's nod, she let out a satisfied hum. "Are you still sure that you don't want us to train you at the same time?"
The two teens smirked. Wonder Woman had been making feeble attempts to figure out who the other hero training the duo was for months now. Wonder Woman wasn't worried, she knew the duo was careful, but she wanted to make sure their mystery mentor wasn't being too harsh and maybe she wanted to gush about her babies to someone who knew of their existence.
"Not a chance." Chat Noir said gleefully. Wonder Woman sighed in disappointment. She smiled as the two laughed. They talked on their secluded roof for a long while.
Three days later, Marinette Dupain-Cheng stepped on a plane heading to Gotham city with one last wave to the city she grew up in.
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liquid-luck-00 · 1 year
Connections 15
Chapter 15
this is based on @thepeacetea daminette soulmate au
MasterList *** First *** Previous
Under the cover of darkness, close to midnight, did Mari leave to meet Wonder Woman.
When Marinette arrived at the Justice League headquarters in France she was met with not one, not two, but three Amazonians.
"Queen Hippolyta, it’s wonderful to see you once again." She greeted.
"As well as you, little bug." Came the Queen‘s response.
Marinette de-transformed and then they started the conversation.
They discussed how they would proceed with the miraculous threat and how to retrieve all the miraculous without causing irreparable harm. Because the thought is that whoever this Hawkmoth is, he was no chosen of a Kwamii. Meaning there will be consequences, and even though his actions are not ones they condone or support. That doesn’t mean they are cruel enough to let this person be harmed by their own stupidity.
Yes the miraculous give blessings to their holders, but only if they are the right holder, with the right jewel. As each time a miraculous is used, the holder quite literally channels the kwamii's power. The more compatible, to the kwamii, a.k.a. a true chosen, the person is able to use the powers of the miraculous safer and easier. The opposite is also true, and incompatible person will be hurt to the point of damaging themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and even damage their souls.
Which is why they also had to find this guardian to see about taking back the miraculous of the cat.
Which brings us to the reason why there’s three Amazonian‘s currently in front of her in Europe.
Wonder Woman, because yes she is Marinette's teacher of sorts within the Justice League.
Queen Hippolyta, for being a past ladybug, and also because it would be wise to seek out the Guardian.
And finally Artemis who was tasked with finding the guardian to discuss how this threat will be eliminated.
After a bit a back-and-forth Diana decided that she would have to head back, and so did Hippolyta. Artemis had decided to start the search halfway through the conversation and had left.
Now that she was alone, she knew there was another person she needed to meet with. So, she re-transformed and checked her yo-yo.
Luckily there he was transformed and roaming the city. With a quick text of directions, she was off. It took less than 10 minutes to arrive, seeing as he was already there.
Before she said a word, with a practiced motion, she drew one of her escrima sticks. And proceeded to draw a spell glyph in the air. Resulting in a protective box inside the bell story.
"Thank you for coming Chat Noir."
"Is there something you need to discuss?"
"Yeah… there is." She took a breath to steady herself.
"Are you planning on sharing our identities?" He wiggled his eyebrows, she assumes.
"No, I wasn't." She saw him deflate. "Did you receive your miraculous from the guardian?" She started to question.
"Yeah… " He seemed to think but almost like he wasn’t sure, figures, seeing that he was rubbing the back of his neck.
"You don’t actually know." It wasn’t a question but a statement.
"Sorry." He shook his head.
"No, it’s fine. Artemis can find him, and Hippolyta will know what to do." She hung her head and whispered to herself ever so slightly.
"Was that all you wanted?" He stepped towards her, but she stepped back.
She shook her head in response. "Did your kwamii... did Plagg tell you..."
"How the black cat and ladybug are soulmates meaning you and I are Soulmates. Oh what do you think our soul mark is. I haven't noticed anything different have you?" He spoke without taking a breath, waiting for her answer.
"Sorry, but you aren't my cat." She shook her head.
"You and I aren't soulmates." She stepped forward, taking his hands in hers. The certainty in her voice caused him to freeze.
"Does this mean I'm not a hero." His voice and ears dropped; his head bowed sadly.
"No." Her voice was steady, no hesitation in her voice or posture. "You are a hero. Your actions so far prove that."
"But I'm not your cat."
"No, but you are a chosen."
"How could you know that for sure?"
He looked at her sadly as if he didn’t believe a single thing. A small small part of her understood that whatever he was feeling was because of something in his personal life made it so.
That the love and attention he got was conditional. It broke Mari's heart but also, she understood. She remembers before Papa, Uncle B, her brothers, before Damian, the love she received in Paris was conditional. She also knew Damian would understand because of the League's similar conditions.
She had to shake her head before she could spiral. "I know you are. Because your soul resonates to the miraculous. It just isn't that of the black cat. But..."
"LB. you should give this to your soulmate." He didn't let her argue, he dropped the transformation. "You are Ladybug and I am not your cat."
He took off the ring, grabbed her hand and placed the ring into her palm. "I’m sorry for wasting everyone’s time."
There in front of her stood a blond-haired boy, his eyes closed, with a sad, defeated look on his face, and a say in his shoulders.
"You didn’t."
She grabbed the blonde haired boy’s wrist.
Marinette was going to drop her transformation, but call it intuition or maybe this was cosmic interference, so she didn’t. "Please, keep the ring until my cat can take your role. But you have helped so much, please continue being a hero."
"You're just saying that. You don’t know me." He mumbled barely audible. If it weren’t for her enhanced sense and close proximity, she would have missed it.
"Hey kid." Mari heard a new voice drawl. "Adrien."
The boy looked up and noticed the black kwamii floating in front between the two of them. "Plagg?"
"You might not have been my kitten, but you are a hero. And I’ve seen my fair share of them." Plagg responded as a matter of fact.
"Adrien." She repeated the name, drawing his attention. "Plagg is right. Heroes are more than just being chosen by a miraculous, artifact, or powers. It's what they choose to do with that power. You have a heart of a hero, so please don’t lose faith so easily."
She took the ring that was placed in her hand, grabbed his wrist, and pushed the ring of the black cat in his palm. "Fight with me for the time being."
"I..." She didn't let him answer. She turned and swung away from the tower.
"Are you putting the ring back on or what kid?" Plagg's voice snapped him from his racing mind.
"Yeah." He re-transformed and went home. The next morning he was resolved to go to school. Natalie and Gorilla caught him at the gate, but let him go in.
He made his way to the homeroom. When he stepped in everyone went quiet before he was tackled by Chloe.
"Adrikins!" She clung to his neck as he tried to regain his balance. "There's an open seat here in front of me!"
she led him to a front desk. "Thanks, Clo."
Was all he could say before the blonde next to him shouted. "What are you doing in my seat!?"
"The only thing needed for the triumph of evil, is for good people to do nothing." A bespeckled girl sitting behind him sat resolved.
"Get..." Chloe started but was cut off.
"Here-Here," A girl with blue hair, dyed at the ends responded, causing the entire classroom to watch her. But she didn't look up from her tablet.
"You're supposed to be on my side, Mer!" She stomped.
"And outburst like this is why everyone thinks you're a brat, Goldie."
"I have high standards." Chloe argued back.
"And you can still have them in the empty row up front." the girl pointed forward without looking up.
"I hate when you use that logic." Chloe grumbled but moved seats.
Adrien couldn't believe it. Someone could actually reign in Chloe.
"Hi, name's Nino." The boy sharing his bench introduced himself, snapping him out of his trance.
"Adrien." He greeted.
"I have to ask are you really friends with Chloe?" Nino asked.
"She's my only friend." He shrugged.
"Well now you have two." Nino pointed to himself.
"I'd like that." Adrien smiled.
"So, you don't know Marinette?" Nino brought up.
Nino pointed at the bluenette in the back who was still absorbed in the tablet. "she's apparently also Chloe's childhood friend."
"Really?" Adrien didn't recognize her.
"Apparently she just came back to Paris." Nino informed. "She seems nice enough, she's just blunt. We all don't know her well though."
"I heard she moved because of bullying?" A brown-haired girl behind him piped in.
"Really gurl." The bespeckled girl popped in. "You’re in the know Lila, spill."
The two girls behind him started talking, but his attention was on the girl sitting in the back of the class.
The whole day he tried to talk to her, but someone kept him. Be it Nino, unknowingly, Chloe demanding his attention, or her disappearing.
Then he saw her.
They were the last two in the school. It was almost like his luck started to turn. She was standing by the entrance, just before stepping out in the rain. She was on the phone. It took him a moment to realize she wasn't speaking French, but english.
So, he quickly hid behind a trash can while in earshot.
"I know I should've..." He doesn't think she noticed him.
'...' The other person must've said something, as she pursed her lips.
"That would've crushed them!"
"I know... but."
'Sigh.' "Why don't we talk later." She breathed. "The walls have ears after all." She looked directly at him.
She knew he was there; did she know the whole time.
"No need, I'm already here." A boy with black hair came running in the rain.
"You're soaked!" She hit him with her umbrella.
"Sorry." the looked down and opened his own umbrella. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop." He held out the umbrella to the boy.
He hesitated before taking it.
Thunder clapped.
Adrien ran out to the waiting car.
He might not have talked to her, he might not have made the best impression, but he hopes that it's a start. He smiled down at his hands. Barely catching a glimpse of the golden ink that was sinking back into his skin.
Permanent Taglist:  @itsmeevie01  @adrestar  @miraculouspenta  @vixen-uchiha  @animegirlweeb  @jumpingjoy82  @thedragonbug  @astoriaandroses  @icerosecrystal  @t1dwarrior-of-earth  @moon5606  @zalladane  @midnightrosecrystal  @myazael  @prettylittlebutterflie  @toodaloo-kangaroo  @roseisred  @galaxymoon  @queenz-z  @mystery-5-5
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mae-dwrites · 1 year
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Taking Flight
Between dating Luka, helping her friends and family, and being Ladybug it was already hard enough for Marinette, not to mention her current attempts to get over Adrien at the same time.
But now Marinette has another thing on her plate. Marinette has become Guardian after only a year of being Ladybug.
And just in time for her aunt to come to town. The Universe doesn't seem to all too helpful right now, at least that's what Marinette thinks. The Universe has some other things in mind.
Meme: Dump 1 -
| Ao3 | Wattpad |
Chapter 1 - Life - 2011 • 2013 • 2018
Chapter 2 - To Feel - September 11, 2019
Chapter 3 - Set Forth - Sept. 14 and 18/19
Chapter 4 - Echos - Sept. 14, 16, & 18
Chapter 5 - The Grater - Sept. 19
Chapter 6 - Verdict - Sept. 20
Chapter 7 - Free Falling Feathers - Sept. 22
Chapter 8 - Surviving - Sept. 25 & 26
Chapter 9 - Come Again - Sept. 27
Chapter 10 - Ikari Gozen - Sept. 28
Chapter 11 - Our Winnings - October 4 & 5
Chapter 12 - Not All Can Win, So Prepare The Gates - Oct. 4-7
Chapter 13 - Oblivio - Oct. 8
Chapter 14 - Recoupto - Oct. 8
Chapter 15 - Conference - Oct. 8
Chapter 16 - Entry - Oct. 9
Chapter 17 - Arrival - Oct. 9
Chapter 18 - Gamer - Oct. 10
Chapter 19 - Registration - Oct. 11
Chapter 20 - Behind the Veils - Oct. 11
Chapter 21 - xx xxx xxx xxx xxxx xxx - Oct. 12 & 13
Chapter 22 - xxxx xx xxxxx - Oct. 14 & 15
Chapter 23 - xx xx xxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx - Oct. 15
Chapter 24 - xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx - October 13 & 15-17
Chapter 25 - xxx xxxxxx - Oct. 20-24
Chapter 26 - xxxxxx xxxxxx - Oct. 27
Chapter 27 - xxx xxx x xxxx xxxx - November 1-4
Chapter 28 - xxxx xxx xxxxx - Nov. 5
Chapter 29 - xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx - Nov. 9th
Chapter 30 - xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx - Nov. 10-14
Chapter 31 - xxxxxxx xxxxxxx - Nov. 17, 20, & 24
Chapter 32 - ?? - ??
Chapter 33 - xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx - December 7 & 8
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jayphoenic · 2 years
Hi, there’s this fic that I read on tumblr. The name escapes me but from what I remember of the premise: the JL goes to Paris for X reason, the ML cast was all grown up, there was the Miracle Court, Mari used Ladybug and Multimouse interchangeably and I think Luka was the Black Cat as well as the Snake, also that it wasn’t really JL friendly. I was wondering if you knew it?
Ok, so I'm pretty sure this is the one you're looking for, nonetheless, if I am wrong this is still a good fic to recommend for those who haven't read it yet.
Paris: The Forgotten City by @multifandomscribette
This doesn't actually have a title
This Is How We Survive | We Fight Side By Side
We Value One Another | We Lift One Another Up
We Heal Each Other | We Become A Family
We Adapted And Adopted | We Become A Family
We Present A United Front
“Welcome to Paris. The Forgotten City.” Even the members of the Council were surprised at the tone of her voice. She was completely cold and almost bitter and biting as she addressed the League.
The citizens of Paris had coined a new name for their city after they were first abandoned by the outer world, left to their own devices and forgotten for all but they sights. No one had cared, nor remembered their initial pleas for help, no one had responded, not even the very people who claimed to defend all of Earth’s people. They were left alone, Ladybug and Chat Noir, only thirteen years old at the time abandoned to their own devices, left to defeat a villain who took advantage of any one and everyone to reach his goal. While Paris would forever remain the City Of Love to the rest of the world, Parisians identified their home as The Forgotten City.
Remember some chapters are longer than others (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
@akana-sama @g-arya @dawnwave16 @roseinbloom02 @marinettepotterandplagg @tall-and-angry @krispydefendorpolice @chocolatecatstheron @starwindmaden @calliopeia @weird-pale-blonde-person @satans-favorite-homo @iggy-of-fans @thanks-captain-obvious @luciferge @northernbluetongue @hecate-hallow @zalladane @trickstermiraculous @persephonebutkore @novicevoice @trickstermiraculous @graduatedmelon @scribblinggraveyard @thatrandomfandomgirl @beauty-and-her-bookshelf @alexresides @mochinek0 @thesunanditsangel @dur55 @redscarlet95 @interobanginyourmom @souleateralicestein @fandomkitty8 @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @kae690 @winter-gardenflower @hell-or-high-waters @thekeikk @the-dumber-scaramouche @musicalspirits @multplelifes @radishpie @happy-sunny-flowers @jintana-critical
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the-coffee-fandom · 10 months
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marsrize · 1 year
Tim’s cat [Part 3]
Ao3 | Part 1 | Part 2 >>>>>>>>Part 4. Summary: Tim vs The Cat. Warning : reference to an injured animal.
This cat was weird.
Not only did it refuse to leave HIS house, it was way too smart.
Tim had set traps to capture the animal and take it to a kennel or somewhere that could take care of the animal. But the critter was not only able to avoid the traps, but seemed to be able to disable them at times.
Tim couldn't understand how the cat was able to outsmart his traps. It was like the cat knew what he was thinking and was always one step ahead of him. He started to feel a bit uneasy around the cat, but at the same time, he couldn't help but be drawn to its strange intelligence.
Tim decided to test the cat. He wanted to see how far the cat could go. He decided to trap the food in the house.
To his amazement, the cat managed to dismantle some of the traps (not all of them, since it had paws and not a hand). But Tim discovered that the creature was able to pick a lock with its claws. It could open doors.  It even seemed that this cat could turn on the TV.
It was suspicious.
He began to make more and more elaborate and powerful traps.
One day, Tim set a trap in the kitchen, hoping to catch the cat and take it to a shelter. But something went wrong. The trap was too powerful, and the cat got badly hurt.
Tim discovered the cat on the kitchen floor after returning from his patrol and appeared motionless.
He had never meant to hurt the cat so badly.
Tim could see that its leg was badly injured, and there was blood on the floor. He immediately called the nearest animal hospital and rushed the cat there. He had to lie to the vet that he had found the cat in this condition.
The vet let out a sigh.
"It's sad, but unfortunately, lately there's been an increase in the torture of black cats.
"I see... hm... It's disturbing."
Tim kept this information in a corner of his head to analyze later. For now, here he was in an animal hospital with a cat that wasn't even his. His life had really gotten weird.
“Mr. Drake, I'm afraid I have some bad news. The cat's leg is broken, and it has lost a lot of blood. We need to perform surgery right away to save its life.”
“I see…”
His heart tightened. Now he really felt guilty. It was stupid. It was just a cat, why did he have that sick feeling?
“We can perform surgery to fix the leg and stop the bleeding, but it's going to be a delicate operation. We need your permission to go ahead with it.”
“Of course, please do whatever you can to save the cat's life. I'll cover all the costs.”
“That's very kind of you, Mr. Drake. We'll do our best to save the cat. But I have to warn you, it might be a long road to recovery. The cat will need a lot of care and attention in the coming weeks.”
“I understand.”
“That's great to hear. We'll take good care of the cat during the surgery, and we'll keep you updated on its condition.”
“Thank you.”
He had never meant to hurt the cat, and now it was fighting for its life because of his actions. He had to return home. He was really tired, but he couldn't sleep. The house seemed empty. At least when the cat was there, Tim had something to do.
He had become attached to this cat? Seriously?
It had to be said that his current situation was not ideal. He wasn't really on good terms with his "family" and didn't really want to bother his friends with his existential problems. This cat had become a distraction.
The vet called him in the morning to tell him that the surgery had been successful, but that the cat would need a lot of care and attention in the coming weeks. Tim decided to take the cat home and care for it himself. He felt guilty about what had happened and wanted to make it up to the cat.
Tim was torn. He knew he couldn't keep the cat forever. He wasn't ready to take on that kind of responsibility. But he also couldn't bear the thought of giving it away to someone else. The cat had been through so much already, and Tim felt like he owed it to the creature to take care of it.
As he watched the cat sleep peacefully in its bed, he realized that he had already made his decision. He couldn't give the cat away. He was going to take care of it himself, no matter what it took. He would make it work.
With a determined look on his face, he made a mental list of everything he needed to do to make sure the cat was comfortable and well taken care of. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready for the challenge.
Over the next few weeks, Tim spent all his time caring for the cat. He gave it medicine, cleaned its wounds, and made sure it had plenty of food and water. He even slept on the couch so that he could be close to the cat in case it needed anything during the night.
One night he woke up because something was rubbing against his face. He realized that the cat was licking him.
He would deny it until the end, but that day the cat won his heart.
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
Rebirth Chapter 1 | Healed
This work is a direct continuation of the one-shot Remembrance.
Jason wakes up gasping for air. He feels the texture of the bed underneath him. Back at the hotel . He squints at the dark sky outside and focuses on his brothers' curious looks.
"I saw her."
Those are the first words he utters.
"Hey, wait. Don't strain yourself." Dick lays a hand on his shoulder. Face contorting into a frown, Jason shrugs him off.
"I saw her. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The dead girl," Jason insists again. Dick and Tim share a worried glance, which he scowls at. He knows what he saw. He knows she's alive.
Jason notices that something is off. He looks down on his bare chest, which bears no marking, no wound indicative of what transpired earlier. His heart pounds. He's sure he has injuries from that encounter. He can remember the sting near his shoulder, the sharp grip of those monsters, and his muscles aching from the effort to escape. A concussion. I should have a concussion.
But there's nothing. Not even the cuts from the friction of the solid ground can be seen on his palms. What he notes, however, are the bloodstains on his pants and arms. 
"What happened?" he hisses.
"You sent a distress signal," Tim replies, readjusting his laptop on his lap. "We found you unconscious in the middle of the road."
"Didn't you see anyone there? I'm supposed to be out of blood." Jason rubs his head. "I'm supposed to be dead."
"You had blood all over you, but no sign of injury," Dick explains.
"The cameras." Jason scrambles out of the bed, clutching the edge of the cushion. It can't be a hallucination or a fucked up nightmare. The blood and his nausea are enough proof for it.
"We already checked the cameras," says Tim. "We need you to explain first what you saw."
" I told you. I saw that girl. Her eyes were green. She got revived by the Pits. She fought off those monsters." When Jason stands up, he feels strangely reenergized, more invigorated than before he started the day. "I think she healed me too."
Tim turns his laptop around and presses one key. It shows a grainy feed from one of the street cameras. The ghastly creatures that appeared are there, along with Jason himself. The events are repeated in the video just as he remembers, but his savior's presence is entirely absent. Instead of the odd lights he saw, there's only the shine of the moon. It ends with the monsters melting into the shadows like liquid and Jason passing out.
"That's impossible." Jason weaves his fingers through his hair. "I saw her. I swear I did."
She's alive. She's actually alive.
"Okay, before we get to that part," Dick steps in. "What the hell were those things? I thought the situation was resolved in Paris two years ago and none of the Miraculi are active anymore."
"I did a bit of research." Tim begins to type on the keyboard again. "It's true that the Miraculi aren't in use anymore, but there is one that wasn't retrieved during the final battle."
A picture of a brooch emerges on the screen.
"The Peacock Miraculous," Tim supplies, "It has the power to create sentient beings. Sentimonsters, as they called it. The sentimonsters come from deep emotions."
"So whoever has this Miraculous, they made those monsters?" Dick asks. Tim nods in confirmation.
Jason makes his way to the closet to grab a new shirt. That partly explains the appearance of those monsters but there are other pressing questions. Who made them? Why did they only come out now? Why make them?
"About Marinette . . ." Tim's wary gaze strays over to him. "She didn't show up anywhere in the feed. I checked the other cams too. Are you sure—"
"Go back to the video."
Jason studies the playback again. He directs Tim to pause and slow down at a certain mark. It's evident in the slowed version: as one of the sentimonsters pins Jason down, it suddenly gets knocked to the side without an apparent source of the blow.
"See?" Jason crosses his arms. "Something hit it. Some one. Obviously not me."
"Why wasn't she in the video then?" Tim questions.
"What else did you see, Jay?" Dick plays the video again.
"I was already losing blood, mind you." Jason racks his brain. Memories flutter in his head. "But I saw . . . like a green shield thing. It looked like a sphere. There was also a black light and she had two swords with her. I didn't see other weapons."
Tim blinks at him tiredly, perhaps wondering if he's in the right mental state. "Okay, assuming she was actually there, that doesn't make sense. A green shield? That sounds like the power of the Turtle Miraculous. And that black light, I think, comes from the Black Cat Miraculous. As far as I know, both Miraculi are under the care of the former hero Chat Noir, also known as Adrien Agreste."
"And if we try to guess that a revived Marinette borrowed those Miraculi from him, that's unlikely. As far as they know, she's dead. We saw them grieve her this morning." Tim shoots Jason a pointed look.
"We should ask them then," Dick pipes up. 
"We can't do that." Jason narrows his eyes at him. "What do you expect us to do? Knock on their door at two fucking a.m. and tell them that their dead friend is alive? In civvies? "
Jason forces himself to calm down. Dick, of all people, should know what it's like to receive that kind of news. He sees his brother's fists clench but he doesn't say anything more.
"We should look more into it." He turns back to Tim. "But I bet all my guns I saw her. Maybe if those monsters show up again, she'll be there."
"No, I think I believe you." Tim massages his wrist. "If she can use the Miraculi's powers without the actual Miraculi, then she could've used the Fox's illusions to make herself disappear on cams."
Tim opens his mouth again to add something but Jason snaps at him. "If you're just gonna say 'I told you so', you better shut your mouth, Replacement." He turns his head towards the other doors. "Where's the old man and the brat?"
"Sleeping," Dick responds.
Jason nods. He doesn't want Bruce to catch word of it yet; the man will wear himself out in deep investigation if he gets the hint that his daughter may be alive.
They just have to figure it out before anyone else does.
Adrien wakes up slowly, in soft waves that carry him in and out of dreamland. He realizes that he's not imagining the chatter coming from the corner of the room. There are, in fact, two voices conversing by the door. He wearily blinks up at the unfamiliar ceiling, remembering that he was staying in Chloé's room in Le Grand Paris.
Rubbing the skin at the base of his ring finger, he stands up and walks to the door to see a jacket-clad Chloé arguing with a red-headed man.
"Officer Raincomprix?" He says hoarsely.
"Adrien!" Roger breathes out. "I wanted to talk to you! There has been an emergency—"
"At five fifteen in the morning, really, Roger? " Chloé put one hand on her hip irritably.
Adrien puts a hand on her shoulder. "What emergency?"
"There was—um—a bunch of noises reported earlier. We checked the cameras and we think it might be the activity of sentimonsters."
Adrien stops breathing for a moment.
" Sentimonsters? Are you absolutely sure about that?"
"There's no other explanation Miss Bourgeois."
He closes his eyes, feeling bile rise to his throat. Sentimonsters. The Peacock. They only retrieved one Miraculous back then. At the cost of his best friend's life. His legs shake at the thought of a new person terrorizing the city.
"We don't have to go see it now, Adrien," Chloé tells him. "We can go with Gams and Luka later."
"No." He checks his other friends. They're still sound asleep. "We'll go see the tapes now."
Chloé complains to Roger for the duration of the trip to the police station, while Adrien only stares at nothing with a blank expression. A part of him already knows the danger of the missing Miraculous, but his trembling fingers say that he's not yet ready. He won't know what to do if another terror plagues the city.
And he won't have her .
Chloé starts talking to him, soothing him out of a potential panic attack until they reach the station. Roger shows the videos and true enough, the monsters are mostly likely from Duusuu's power. But those monsters are different from what they've seen before. They're ruthless. Grotesque. He flinches at the blood of the victim, aware that no healing light comes afterwards.
"Who did they attack?" Chloé asks following the third loop of the feed. "He looks familiar."
"Jason Todd-Wayne." Roger removes and fiddles with his hat. "Adopted son of Bruce Wayne."
Adopted son of Marinette's biological father, Adrien completes the statement in his head. He recalls the tall man with a white streak in his hair, who he first saw during her funeral. He never bothered talking to the Waynes before. "What happened to him? Is he okay?"
"A couple minutes after this, two of his brothers came to get him." Roger frowns. "But he hasn't been taken to the hospital as far as I know."
Adrien and Chloé exchange bewildered looks. Were the damages reversed after all? Or are the injuries not as worse as they looked?
"The police can't handle this themselves, but we’ll help you with anything you need," says Roger.
Adrien purses his lips. Consequences of revealing yourself to the public. There's a million questions begging to be answered, but they can't rush into it carelessly. Even if two years have passed, Paris is still in the process of healing.
He straightens his shoulders, looking at Roger in the eye. "Take us to the place."
The first drops of sunrise kiss the ground when they finish looking around. The police closed off the area, so there aren't many people around. The authorities are yet to disclose the happenings to the public.
Adrien takes slow steps to the corner where the monsters disappeared during the incident. A few bloodstains taint the white lines on the road. Strips of metal decorate the cracks on the sidewalk, faded muddy footprints show signs of an intense scuffle, and the pools of water in the potholes are yet to dry.
"Not much clues," Chloé murmurs, pinching the edges of the police tape with manicured fingers. "I wonder why they backed off."
Adrien rubs his finger again. There is no requirement for amokized objects to be near the sentimonster itself; there's little to no chance that the holder was around during the attack.
"Officer," he calls out. "Have you spoken with the Waynes?"
Roger momentarily pales. "I—I can't possibly disturb them at this time—"
"Where are they?" Chloé folds her arms. "Our hotel?"
"At a different hotel, Miss Bourgeois, to keep away from the public eye. We will ask them later this afternoon—"
Adrien interrupts the fidgeting man. "When you do, we'll come with you."
Roger heaves out a sigh. "Listen . . . both of you. They're not from around here. They're not used to these kinds of stuff 'kay? I can't bring you two. You might scare them off. Mayor Bourgeois won’t be happy if you do."
"They're from Gotham, Roger. They probably see blood everyday," Chloé says, tugging on her jacket. "Maybe that’s why they didn't go to a hospital. As for my father, I'll have a word with him myself."
Adrien makes his way to Chloé's side as Roger relents and turns to speak with another cop. He nudges her arm, tugging them into the side, out of earshot.
"Are you okay?" she whispers, squeezing his hand.
"Yeah. Thinking of . . . of asking the kwamis about this."
Her eyebrows raise. "Are you sure? You're going to open up the box?"
"They might have answers. I don't know. I have a bad feeling." That this will be worse than Hawkmoth. 
Permanent Taglist: @tinybrie
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I wanna put these kids in situations
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mochinek0 · 11 months
No one from Françoise Dupont High School expected Marinette Dupain-Cheng to walk into the ten year reunion. As far as they knew, she hadn't been invited. Marinette strode in, with her head held high, and walked right up to Lila Rossi.
"I want to thank you for being such a bitch to me, Lila." Mari smiled, "You changed my life for the better."
"E-Excuse me?" Lila questioned.
'There' no way that forcing her out of school and isolating her gave her an amazing life!'
"That whole shit about telling people what they wanted to hear." Marinette began to explain, "I got really tired of defending myself and being told that I had to 'love you' to make you a better person by the staff. I got tired of being stacked with doing shit for free: all that babysitting I never said I would do, the banners, uniforms, clothes, fundraisers! It was exhausting for a fifteen year old."
Mari smiled, "Once you turned everyone against me, I realized how much free time I had! I signed up for homeschooling and worked extremely hard to graduate early. I even skipped a couple grades. It turned out that my husband's family were huge fans of my designs, so they offered to pay for my schooling if I moved."
"Husband?" Lila asked, concerned, "I didn't realize you had gotten married."
"Yeah." Marinette stated, "We met when I was seventeen and got married when I was nineteen; we have two kids."
Lila looked up and down at her arch-rival. Aside from a growth spurt and a larger chest, Marinette didn't look like she had changed at all. She looked like she was in her early twenties!
"So, thank you for bullying me." Marinette continued with a smile, "It was the best thing that could have happened to me."
Lila stayed silent. She didn't know what to say to that. None of her other victims had ever thanked her. She could feel eyes on them. She knew people were listneing in on their conversation. If she started to make a scene, it wouldn't end well.
"We'll, I'm married too!" Announced Lila.
"Oh, congrats." Marinette smiled, "Where is the lucky person?"
Lila spotted a tall, dark, and handsome man walk into the venue.
"There he is." Lila smiled.
Lila watched as her prey came towards them.
'Just a few more feet and I'll be able grab him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind playing along for a few minutes.'
Lila reached out a hand to grab him, when he put his arm around Marinette's waist and kissed her.
"Hello, Habibiti." he spoke.
"Everything okay without us at the company?" Mari asked.
He sighed, "Yes. It was just Grayson being himself."
Marinette giggled, "I'm sorry, Lila. This is my husband, Damian Wayne. Where were you saying your spouse is?"
Lila plastered a smile on her face, "They just stepped out. They had their cellphone out. It must be an important client. We're both models."
'There's no way she is married to this guy! The sooner she leaves, the sooner I can tell everyone I recognize him as an actor.'
Lila couldn't believe her luck. Adrien had just walked though the doors.
'Marinette was obsessed with him for years! Her fake marriage will be exposed and I can get the guy to stay with me. It doesn’t matter how much she paid him. I'm sure I could pay him more.'
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted.
He was quick to run over and hug her, pulling her away from her husband.
"Agreste, put my wife down." Damian growled.
Adrien turned his attention to Damian and froze.
"Hey, Wayne." He smiled, before looking around, "Where are the kids? Where's my neice and nephew?"
'Kids? They're really married and have kids?'
"They're with my parents, Adrien." Mari answered, "I'm sure they're being fed sugar and will pass out soon."
"So, is that an invite?" the model asked.
"To my parent's place for sweets?" Mrs. Wayne questioned, "You live here! They call me like once a week saying you were at the bakery!"
Adrien chuckled, "No. What about my time with the kids?"
Marinette looked to Damian, who shrugged. She turned to Adrien and shot him a look.
"Tell you what, you can see them in two days." she replied, "A whole day with Uncle Adrien."
'Uncle Adrien?'
"Really?" Adrien cried out, happily.
"But, you got to plan it." she answered.
"Disneyland Paris?" the Agreste heir suggested.
"Fine." Marinette growled, "But if you lose one of my kids, again, I will hurt you."
Adrien glanced towards Damian.
"Adrien, if you think my husband is scarier, just because you have seen his sword collection, you're wrong." Marinette Wayne declared, "You lose one of my children, I will hurt you worse than my husband could ever imagine."
"Got it." Adrien smiled, "Plan awesome VIP experience for the kids!"
"Great!" Mari smiled back.
"Man, you moving really toughened you up." the model winced.
"I punched my brother-in-law the first day there because I thought he grabbed my ass." Mrs. Wayne spoke.
"That is still one of my best days ever. No one has underestimated you since." Damian stated, before kissing her head.
"So, what are you doing here?" Adrien questioned, "Didn't you graduate like two years before us?"
"Oh, I just wanted to thank Lila for bullying me and getting me homeschooled." Marinette smiled, "It sucked that she bullied me, at the time, but if she hadn't done that, I wouldn't be with Damian and we wouldn't have our kids."
Adrien quickly turned to Lila, "Thank you for being a bitch to my best friend. I love my niece and nephew. Marinette, do you think we should get her like a fruit basket or something?"
Mari laughed, "We have dinner plans so we're gonna head out. Enjoy the reunion, Adrien."
Adrien took a step back and eyed Marinette's dress. It was a short black bodycon dress with puffy transparent sleeves. He eyed the black heels, warily.
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"Dressed like that?" he questioned.
"Eyes on my wife's face, Agreste." Damian growled.
Adrien rolled his eyes, "She's all yours. I don't think I've ever seen you dressed like this, is all. You think you'll be able to take care of the kids dressed like that?"
Marinette answered, "They are staying with my parents tonight." before walking away.
Adrien watched as Damian placed his hand at Marinette's waist, likely making sure she didn't fall in those heels.
Adrien smiled, evilly, "Hey, Marinette!"
The designer turned to look back at her friend.
"I want another neice or nephew!" he shouted.
Marinette's face morphed from shock to embarassment, before she quickly glared at her best friend. She squeaked as she was quickly lifted into her husband's arms.
"Damian, you put me down!" she snapped at him.
"No." her husband responded.
"Why not?" she growled.
"Adrien won't get his wish if you're in jail for harming him." Damian smirked.
Marinette buried her face in her husband's chest and remained silent.
Adrien laughed as Marinette was carried out of the reunion. Nino walked up to him, confused.
"You….You kept in touch with Mari?" he questioned.
"Of course!" Adrien smiled, brightly, "I helped her with her math sometimes and she talks with Father about designing. She's my best friend."
"Designs?" Rose asked.
"Marinette is a fashion designer in the states." he answered, "Her husband's family runs an international company. She occasionally designs for their clothing line, but they do other stuff, too. Marinette has an office in their building, but she mostly does custom work. I think last year someone asked for a wedding dress. It was around $25,000."
"Seriously?" Alya asked, full of surprise.
"Oh yeah!" Adrien smiled, "She's an amazing deisgner. A lot of her dresses and suits have been coming out on runways and red carpet events."
"You're forgetting that she bullied Lila!" cried Sabrina, "She was mean to her! How can you be friends with her?"
"Actually, it was the other way around." Adrien stated, "Lila once claimed that Mari pushed her, after school, so hard that she injured her knee and was forced to walk home with a limp. I tried to tell you that Marinette couldn't have done it; Marinette had been with me the day before. You told me I was just confused. You never let me speak. You just decided Lila was right."
The class just stared at him.
'Had they really done that? Had they ignored Adrien when he tried to defend Marinette?'
"You never listened to me or Marinette when we told you about Lila being a lying bitch." he shrugged.
"But you're married!" Kim shouted, "How can you choose Marinette over a model?"
"I didn't. I'm bi and dating a male model from my father's company." Adrien announced, "Lila was fired when she was sixteen. Wasn't Lila held back a grade? Why is she even here? You didn't graduate with us or even from this school."
"It was a computer error!" Max spoke up, "Lila said that-
Adrien rolled his eyes, "Her mother called Natalie and declared she was owed a meeting with my father. She said we ruined Lila's future by forcing her to model. She threatened to sue the Gabriel brand until we showed her the 'signatures' on the forms. Turns out, Lila forged those so her mother's hands were tied. Her mother started shouting how she should send her to boot camp, back in Italy, as the left the house."
One by one they turned to look at Lila.
"i-I wanted to see everyone." she whispered, weakly, "I missed my friends."
"Thank for stopping by." Adrien stated, "You can leave now."
"Adrikins!" Chloe shouted.
"Chloe!" Adrien called back, "I missed you. We loved that spa treatment. You're the best!"
Chloe smiled and pulled Adrien away from the rest of the group to socialize with the other students.
"You still talk to that trash?" they heard Chloe ask.
"Rossi?" Adrien questioned, "Nah. You missed Marinette by a couple minutes. She came here and thanked Lila for being a raging bitch. The rest of them were still trying to kiss ass."
"The queen, herself, and I missed it." the Bourgeois heiress teased.
"Date night." Adrien quipped, "She brought Damian and the demon brigade."
"I missed the little ones?" she screeched.
Adrien laughed, "They're with her parents. Better book your time with them before they leave again. Oh, and Mari is already threatening bodily harm if anything happens to them."
"You lost one last time!" Chloe cried.
"I said I was sorry!" Adrien rebutted.
Chloe scoffed, "You're lucky you didn't die that day."
"I know." Adrien sighed, "Would it be weird if I put them on one of those kid leashes? I feel like they would fuck with me and purposely try to get lost to see me sweat, again. Honestly, I don't know if it's a mini Damian or mini Marinette. Don't get me wrong, Damian is frightening and he could probably work in the CIA torture room, but seeing Marinette pissed off, scares the living crap out of me. She's creative and could probably make something specifically to hurt me."
Chloe looked up from her phone, "I bought you the leashes. They'll be here tomorrow. You're welcome."
"Chloe." Adrien replied, "You didn't answer me."
"I was frenemies with her for years, Adrikins." Chloe answered, "Mari will find some way to hurt you and she wouldn't need her godly husband to do it. You have every right to fear for your life for pissing her off. Look at what happened to the idiot brigade: they believed a liar and bullied her. None of their dreams came true. The Waynes own half the companies those idiots wanted to work for. I wouldn't put it past Damian to rat those losers out to his family and have them blacklisted. You have seen how overprotective he is of their kids; he's the same way with her."
"True." Adrine sighed, "He still yells at me when I hug her."
"Idiot." Chloe declared, rolling her eyes.
The class looked at each other before pulling out their phones. They looked up Marinette and the Wayne family. The class shifted nervously as they realized what Chloe had said was true. The Waynes and Marinette owned their jobs. They were all comfortable with their jobs, but they weren't anything to brag about. They had all wanted bigger and better things at thirteen.
None of them were the doctors, rock stars, DJs, journalists, environmentalists, or the Olympians they thought they would be. They worked desk jobs or became something close to what they wanted. Lila knew she would never model again when Gabriel told her that he was going to blacklist her. The Waynes owned everything from food to biolabs to steel to shipbuilding and aerospace. Lila silently left the reunion as everyone came to terms that their dreams ended long ago.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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leadenn · 7 months
Hello welcome to my Chloé, Adrien, Jon, and Damian being childhood friends agenda. Chloé and Damian fucking hate each other until they're 13 and form an alliance against Gabriel bc they both hate him more than they hate each other.
Bruce knows Gabriel bc rich people stuff, so when he had another accidental child acquisition arc he figured Damian could use a friend or two his age (Jon, Chloé, and Adrien)
Damian dislikes this at first, but then he doesn't hate being around Jon and Adrien. Chloé is a different story. She's a spoiled brat, he hates her, and he doesn't understand why killing her would be a bad thing. The feeling is mutual.
Jon and Damian have comical little shenanigans hiding their hero identities from Chloé and Adrien, and they have to do the same shit except hide it from Jon and Damian once they get their miraculous.
I can imagine them all going on vacation together or something and going over the various ways to hide shit from each other
Damian: I open the doors so you can't rip them off the hinges by accident- Jon: I did that twice. Damian: Because Agreste said something you considered "cute" and you were flustered enough to behave like a barbarian. Do you have any other comments? Jon: You know you're only allowed to have two weapons on your person, right dude? Damian: Tt. Yes. Jon: Do I need to check your pockets? Damian: *pulls out an unrealistic number of knives from his pockets, and reaches into his socks to pull out more knives*
Meanwhile in paris Chloé: You don't need to lecture me about making sure Pollen behaves. She's never done anything wrong ever. Adrien: You and her came up with the idea to pretend Pollen is a wasp and have her try and sting Lila in front of everyone Chloé: Yes, and? It was funny and she totally had it coming. Adrien: ... Chloé: Don't fucking say it- Adrien: Beehave. Chloé: If Pollen and I can't do the wasp thing YOU CAN'T MAKE BAD PUNS-
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ghostdoodlen · 1 year
Stickers I made somewhere back in February? For a sticker competition in discord.
Just found out they became stickers like two hrs ago
You can imagine my excitement
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Unfortunately they had to be 320x320 pixels :P
But I still like them.
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nana-mizu-shiki · 6 months
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It good. Read. Kudo. Do it.
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quindread · 1 year
Yet another Daminette post.
An actual fic this time. IDK if this will remain a one-shot or nah.
It’s not everyday you discover that the person you are undeniably attracted to is a retired hero. Damian did not know whether to feel horrified or relieved.
This was Jason’s fault like always. He just had to go and befriend Marinette as his alter-ego. And somehow that ended up with her outing her past so she could purge the pit madness out of him because she was kind and generous like that.
But who was he kidding, Damian was happy for his older brother. This was Jason’s chance at normal life. Besides, demoting him back to Peter sounded like an appropriate retribution anyways.
Now, Spoiler, Orphan, and Red Hood were on Marinette’s balcony as was agreed upon. Since Marinette was familiar enough with Damian and his mask could only cover so much, Robin was relegated to chair duty since it was too risky to have him in the meeting. So he wormed his way into a task he would normally leave to the other members of his team to be able to observe - babysit - his siblings in fear that they would scare Marinette off.
Through the Bat-computer, Red Hood could be seen knocking four times against Marinette’s glass door when the clock struck ten. Not a second later and it slid open.
Damian did not expect to see a topless blond. And so did everyone else it seems from the sound of gasps coming from inside the cave and the monitors. He could not even imagine any guy close to Marinette without the risk of popping a vein. But there he was, gaping at the view of an unknown guy his age standing in her apartment.
“Oh, hey. It’s the batfam!” The man grinned like it was completely normal to have three vigilantes on what was supposed to be a lone woman’s balcony. “Come in! Mari’s waiting in the living room.”
An invisible weight dropped against Damian’s stomach. This guy was apparently on nickname basis with Marinette.
The footage shook slightly as his siblings step foot into Marinette’s home. He ignores the pit in his stomach in favor of taking in every detail he could. Cream walls, random trinkets, vintage decorations, and a painting he recognized as a gift her gave her, framed and hanged beside a vase of irises. The weight in his chest seem to dissipate at the sight.
Then the footage pans to the topless guy again as he opens a door. He could hear Timothy whistle in appreciation and Damian would have shivered in disgust if the monitor did not currently have the vision that is Marinette Dupain-Cheng plastered on it.
She stands and smiles and Damian could only stare. He was glad the monitors were generations better than the ones his father originally used. He could see how her eyes crinkle into half moons as she greets his siblings.
“Sit wherever you like.” Her voice sounded just as refreshing coming from speakers.
His siblings all settle around on their chosen seats. From Spoiler’s view, the topless blond is seen leaning against adjacent wall. Where the fuck is his shirt?
“Uh, is he supposed to be here?” Spoiler points at the guy and Damian takes note of this, she did always support him in his paltry romance endeavors.
“Oh! This is Adrien Graham de Vanily—“ Ah, yes the next name to be added in Damian’s ledger. “—but you may know him as the first Chat Noir.”
That changed everything. Marinette told Hood about her relationship and role in the Court. She mentioned that she was closest to the cats and the dragon - they had a good camaraderie. They were teammates. Friends. Just friends.
But why in the world was he without a shirt? Does he not have any decency, lounging there like he was some sort of nudist? Is this some datum of friendship Damian was not aware of?
“And why is he…?” Yes, Stephanie asking the right questions.
Marinette eyes her friend and sighs. “Ah, we were—“
“We were in the middle of a very heated debate,” Graham says with a smirk and Damian swear he could see crimson. He squeezes his armrest hard.
Footsteps sound from his back. “Dames, it’s probably nothing—“
“Fuck off, Drake.”
“Okay! Woah. Last names. Geez, you really like her.” Before Damian could respond, a smack echoes through the cave.
On the monitor, Marinette is shown standing by Graham as she slaps him on the arm repeatedly. It sounded like music to Damian’s ears.
“People will get the wrong idea!” Marinette admonishes but her efforts are futile as Graham laughs louder at every contact of her hand against his skin. She faces Damian’s siblings with a slight flush on her face.
“We really were debating,” she says.
“About what exactly.” Red Hood drawls in amusement. “And did he really need to be shirtless for it?”
“It was to prove a point!” Graham exclaims.
“And the point being; you lose!” Marinette slaps him again.
“You’re biased! I’m literally a model!”
“Am not!”
Graham sticks a finger into each of his ears. “Your biased opinions are painful. I gonna get tinnitus,” he snickers and that seems to stop Marinette from hitting him again. Shame, it was beginning to get entertaining.
She glares at him for a second which just seemed to amuse Graham even further.
“You know what,” Marinette starts. “You can call me biased and I won’t give a fuck.” Damian definitely did not get hooked at the way she cursed.
Marinette pokes Graham’s chest before taking a huge breathe.
“Because for me, Damian Wayne is way hotter than you.”
Tim gasps beside him. “Holy shit.”
Holy shit, indeed.
Damian sat there, fully aware that he was probably as red as the accents on his suit. His head was ringing with embarrassment and he swears that he might get thermal shock if he tries to breathe in the drafty air from the cave.
And Marinette was not even finished. She pokes at Graham with ferocity - her every word clear with conviction.
“You may have abs but Damian was literally carved by the Gods.”
Damian disagrees but preens at the compliment anyways.
“I will die happily after he lets me take a body shot off of him.”
She can’t! Damian would be the one doing the dying the moment her tongue touches his abdomen. And he has been through it before, what’s one more if this is the particular cause of death?
“So, you do wanna bone him!” Graham exclaims smartly.
“Kwami! Yes, I do! Can this discussion wait another time?!” Marinette shoves him this time. Damian can hear his heartbeat drumming in his ears.
“But why don’t you?!”
Good question.
“Because we’re friends! And I’m fine with that!.”
Graham raises any eyebrow at her. “Are you?” He asks and she falters, stepping back with her arms crossed.
“You’re a shit liar.”
Marinette tries to slap his arm again but her catches his wrist. “You are more than just your duties, Marinette.”
The way Graham’s playful demeanor melts of his face suddenly reminds Damian that this man was a hero, a child soldier, who lived with his emotions under duress for years. His voice was solemn, grave with grief.
“You’ve given up more than anyone for the sake of the Order.”
“Why can’t you take a pause and live—“
“It’s not that!”
“Damian isn’t interested in me—”
“You don’t know that!”
“—He’s gay!”
What the actual fuck?
“He and Jon dated. How am I supposed to compare to his best friend? And that’s even if he would so much as look at me which he never will because he is not interested on the opposite sex!
No. Nonononono. This was nightmare, somebody wake him up. Damian and Jon kissed twice and that was the end of it - you could find more spark in a coin battery. And he looked at Marinette plenty. He just makes sure she could not see him doing so like the sneaky assassin that he was.
Timothy had dropped to the ground a while ago and was cackling so hard that Damian fears he might pop open like a kernel and loose his spleen. Again.
From the monitor, his siblings were laughing up a storm as well as Marinette and Graham stood there in confusion.
“Wuahahahahahaha—He’s not—hahahaha—The Wayne kid is—Oh my god, I’m so glad I volunteered to be here.” The feed from Spoiler was pointed at the ceiling. Damian could imagine her clenching her stomach as throws her head back in laughter.
“He’s bisexual.” Orphan says, amused. The only reliable footage came from her albeit a little shaky.
Marinette blinks at her. “And you know that how?”
“We talk. Rescue him and his family all the time.” Hood and Spoiler could be heard agreeing.
Graham pushes Marinette down on her spot on the couch. “And now that we’ve established that, you are going to make a move on him,” he says.
“I will not.”
“You will—“
“He doesn’t see me like that!”
“—after you heal M. Hood.”
That snaps the mood in place and the conversation is stirred away from the topic of Damian.
Said subject was unfocused during the rest of the meeting, his thoughts replaying every single interaction he and Marinette had. In the end, he came to an obvious conclusion:
Marinette will be getting that body shot.
AN: There you have it folks! Another one from my archive. I just edited the dialogues. And speaking of archives, should I post this on AO3?
Inspired by the recording contact lenses in Battinson. Here we have an indirect Daminette confession witnessed by Cass, Steph, Tim, and Jason.
You may have noticed that Damian first-names his siblings in this one. I always though that it would be a good measure of his growth as a person. And I headcanon Damian going from last names to middle names to first names as his tolerance (read love) for his siblings grows. He goes through middle names because his male siblings absolutely detests it (except Duke). Imagine pubescent Dami addressing Jason as “Peter”.
Adrien taking his mums maiden name after handing Gabriel’s ass to him? This is non-negotiable. But I really had no idea if I should write Damian referring to him as Graham or Vanily. I like graham crackers so there you go.
Damian and Jon as a ship will always have a place in my heart. Like I can see them trying for more but deciding against it. I think Jon has a partner in the comics. And with his new age, he and Damian now have this space between them I hate with a passion. (I saw a fan-art of Damian crying about how his Jon was taken from and I bawled like a baby. Please do link that art in the comments. I enjoy pain.)
And finally, should I make this a multi-chapter fic? Or is it satisfactory as one-shot?
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mae-dwrites · 5 months
Taking Flight - Chapter 18 - Gamer
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October 10
“This is a disaster,” Marinette spoke quietly.
Marinette sat on the bench in the locker room. She’d said goodbyes to most of her friends and not many people were still in school so she didn’t have to worry about people hearing her.
Marinette groaned; as it was most of her friends did not include Max at the moment. Numerous times between lessons she tried to talk to him but he just dismissed her or flat out ignored her. Despair had settled on her as she sat there holding her head from her chin.
“Oh Marinette don’t say that. You didn’t know,” Tikki tried to comfort the girl. “You don’t need to dwell on it. Besides you get to hang out with Adrien!” Tikki unintentionally flew in a circle in front of Marinette. The Kwami was determined to cheer up the girl she cared deeply for.
Marinette, for all she had at the moment, simply sighed. She cast her gaze to the floor before closing her eyes and taking a breath. She faced Tikki and put on a smile, “Of course, I should get home and get the rest of the Kwami situated before Adrien comes to my house.”
“Exactly,” Tikki beamed and zipped into Marinette’s purse; they made their way home. Marinette smelt the bakery before she even crossed the street, her home practically inviting people to come and buy something.
Marinette went around the bakery and entered through the residence door, but she couldn’t help but pop her head in. Her Maman and Papa must have been in the kitchen due to the smell of more pastries being made and Bridget at the cash register.
“Psst, Āyí,” Marinette said to the young woman.
Bridget turned, “Oh Marinette you’re home!”
“Uh, yeah. Can you give me a chasan?”
“Of course. Will only speak to me for food,” Bridget said sarcastically as she put the requested food on a napkin for the girl. Bridget squinted at the food and then put her eyes back on her niece, “Need anything else? Any help?”
“I’m good, see you,” Marinette waved and exited up the stairs. Hurrying to get to her room, she knew Adrien was going to arrive soon and the quicker she got the Kwami set the smoother practice would go.
Marinette almost tripped up the steps to her room but caught herself. She pushed her trapdoor open, “Hey guys I’m home, let’s get your tray and coloring books set up.”
“Guardian,” many cried zipping around her and her room grabbing items. Marinette giggled as some of the fluffy affectionate Kwami nuzzled her cheeks. Ziggy rammed into her bicept making Marinette snort at the Kwami’s goat quality.
“Okay guys, let's focus on getting you all situated.” The Kwami dispersed allowing her to set her backpack down next to her desk.
Marinette found the tray half filled with the Kwami’s various snacks, Barkk and Daizzi were struggling to lift the container of strawberries out of the small fridge. Marinette grabbed it allowing them to grab some other lighter snacks. Marinette placed five strawberries down and put the container back.
Marinette filled the rest of the tray up with the help of Barkk, Daizzi, and Trixx. Many Kwami would come up to her asking if the drawing utensil they had was okay to use; to which she would say yes.
Marinette brought the tray up to her bed and set it right in front of her pillow. Kwami were zipping in and out of the green book organizing their drawing utensils. Marinette opened the coloring books and set them on the bed next to the tray of food, and hung a sheet from the ceiling on the side facing the rest of her room.
Marinette smiled at her handy work as the Kwami got settled and calmed down. There were plenty of colors so they wouldn’t fight over who used what color when they colored.
“Wonderful work Marinette,” Tikki said, phasing in and out of the sheet seeing how it looked.
“Thanks Tikki. Now let’s-”
“Marinette,” her mother called slowly opening her trapdoor. “Adrien’s here for training.”
Marinette turned too fast and her grip slipped on her latter and fell, she broke her fall with her forearms.
“Marinette are you okay?” Sabine asked letting herself into the room. Marinette smoothed her overcoat while giving a reassuring smile to her mother, “Yes Maman. Just slipped.”
Sabine huffed while she looked over her daughter, “And this is why we learn how to fall properly. You could have seriously injured yourself.”
“It’s not that bad,” Marinette started. Sabine frowned and opened her mouth to continue when Adrien popped his head up, “Is Marinette okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” Marinette said rushed, with a small smile.
“That’s what she claims,” Sabine stared hard at her daughter before turning back to the hatch.
Adrien smiled, “Well I would hope she is. Wouldn’t want my partner out of commission.”
Marinette’s smile became strained as she laughed, “Right. Of course, because I’m now your partner for the tournament.” She clapped her hands together, “And nothing else, well there is nothing else because we don’t partner up for anything else really.”
“Yeah,” Adrien said awkwardly, holding his smile. Sabine raised her eyebrows at her daughter in question. Marinette gave an affiliative-like smile in response along with raising her shoulders a little.
Sabine nodded to herself, she took in a breath as she turned to Adrien, “Well have fun and work hard?” The woman laughed, “Never thought I say that about video games.” Sabine started down the steps, “But really, have fun and if need anything just ask Marinette or one of us. Okay?”
She looked between her daughter and the model, who smiled,” Of course Mme Cheng.”
Sabine grabbed the trap door and squinted at the boy in a playful scolding, “Haven’t I told you to call me Sabine.”
“Right,” Adrien said sheepishly. Sabine nodded with an amused expression as she shut the door.
Marinette dropped onto her chaise took a deep breath and gave a wide smile to the blond standing next to her chest seat, “So I read up on the Ultra Mega Strike Three Tournament last night, we fight as a duo, as you know, but how well do you do partnered battles? And what’s the fastest you’ve gone through the Champion Chapters on randomize mode?”
“I don’t have experience playing partnered battles other than the one time Nino played with me,” he explained eventually avoiding eye contact with her. “And I’ve only done randomize twice, both I struggled, even with the second time having the computer partner.”
Marinette’s brows came down as she asked, “You never did the online battles?”
Adrien shook his head, “Father never permitted me to, and even before then my parents didn’t like the idea of playing online for the second game.”
Marinette nodded before giving a smile, “Well luckily for us I have online access, we can start with battling the computer before moving on to battling actual players.” Marinette got up and took her regular chair, leaving the spinnable office chair for Adrien to use. Marinette, while she had told them they didn’t need to do things for her, was thankful the Kwami had put the controllers and turned her computer on for her.
Her screen saver was no longer a collage of Adrien but all her friends and family, she’d kept the heart but made them change colors but was mainly still pink. After the news incident before school let out for the summer she had been mortified and had been quick to make a few adjustments to her room setup. She was glad though that Adrien wasn’t the only person on her wall, but he did take up the majority of the space along with her desktop screen saver.
Adrien frowned at the desktop noticing the change, he swallowed the frown away as Marinette pulled up the game to practice. Adrien briefly wondered if he’d done something wrong.
No, he couldn’t have. Every interaction had been positive from what he remembered, or at least he thought so. Marinette smiled at him as he sat down, it turned out one of the controller's batteries were dead. Adrien watched in awe as Marinette pulled a floorboard open to reveal dividers, Marinette pulled out a box and a different controller.
Below them, Sabine made her way back down to the bakery where her sister bombarded her.
“So that’s the boy,” Bridget grinned upon her rounding on the kitchen. Her words were a statement not a question to the older woman.
“Yes, that was Adrien,” Sabine confirmed as she rejoined her husband. Bridget hung at the door clearly not satisfied and wanted to poke her sister more, “The Adrien you’ve spent multiple conversations telling me about?"
Sabine loved her sister, she truly did; and even with years spent apart mainly due to their mother, Sabine knew her sister was only so invasive because of the lack of time together. Unfortunately, that bled into her treatment of Marinette as well.
Tom struggled to stifle a laugh, his wife shot a glare at him that said to stop laughing at her predicament. Sabine received a look practically stating she did this to herself.
Sabine sighed before speaking, “Yes that’s the one I told you about.”
Sabine swore she heard her sister’s head coming up with ideas, so she added sternly, “Baihu you leave those two alone.” She turned to see her sister had just stopped herself from leaving; Sabine gave a narrowed-eyed look to her little sister, “Adrien is a sweet boy who doesn’t ever get out of the house other than for his father’s company. He was homeschooled his entire life and his only friends were his cousin and the mayor’s daughter.”
Sabine’s face softened as she continued, “I know he wouldn’t do anything, there’s nothing to worry about. Compared to you at that age he is just experiencing the world, think about that.”
Bridget had lowered her limps to more natural positions taking in the information, to say she wasn’t worried about her niece was an understatement. She thought about how she didn’t have friends till the end of elementary school when she lived in California, and how not soon after did she lose them to moving to another state. Then again after middle school, she lost her friends for moving to another state unexpectedly.
Being isolated to just two people and whoever was brought to your precinct sounded much lonelier.
Bridget leaned against the doorframe, “Okay I won’t go up, but if they come down it’s open season.” Her smile nearing mischievous, despite this Sabine seemed to relax as she said thank you and resumed her work.
Most of the billboards throughout Paris were plastered with Adrien’s face, but when special events were happening it seemed as though Gabriel Agreste graced those people's usage of said billboards.
A good 45.7% of the boards were promoting the Ultra Meta Strike Three Gaming Tournament rather than the blond's face. His mother had asked about the tournament only to meet with Max’s scowling face while he stated he would not be participating in the tournament. This left Claudie worried as she asked him why, her son appeared to be struggling with whether or not to tell her.
When she tried to gently get his attention to not lose him, she was met with him brushing her off before storming off to his room.
Claudie sighed and leaned against her countertop. Max usually talked to her when something was bothering him or of any alterations to his plans, but he hadn’t this time only leaving her to find out now. She wasn’t used to him acting like this, especially when he was a very forward person. Even as a boy once he’d found his voice, he wasn’t one to beat around the bush or allow time to dwindle.
Her hand brushed against a slip of paper.
“Markov must have printed this,” she murmured to herself. She straightened herself, Max was a smart boy and could very well handle himself for a few hours.
She picked up her purse and knocked on her son’s door, “I’m heading to the store. I’ll be back soon, message me if you can think of anything Markov didn’t put on the list.”
She made out a heavily muffled, “Okay Mom.”
Claudie held a light frown on her face, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Max made his voice louder so his mother could hear him. He could just make out her footsteps as she walked away and the front door shut.
Markov’s heating fan and rotor blades whizzed between Max and the door. Markov’s screen showed his concern as he flew over to his friend.
“Max I understand you’re upset. What if we focused on another activity to take your mind off the tournament,” Markov swayed to get the boy’s attention as he spoke. Markov’s digital eyes drooped as Max turned over on his bed and mumbled something unintelligible. Markov moved so that he hovered just six centimeters from Max.
“Max I believe it would be better for you to busy yourself with something else you enjoy as a distraction until you leave for the New York Trip on Saturday.”
Markov observed Max as he lowered himself to the bed, allowing his claw to sit on the bed. Markov did not like seeing his friend like this, it was very rare that he saw Max so demoralized with discomfit. The living machine lightly tapped Max’s arm with his claw, trying to get his attention.
Max glanced at him, his frown still ever-present. Markov looked hopeful on his screen, sometimes it even amazed Max of what he had made to be so animated. Right now was not one of those moments.
“Markov go through blueprints,” it was more of a command than a request. Markov’s screen held lines to showcase he was doing just that. Max pushed himself off his bed and pulled on a hoodie, this made Markov stop.
“What are you doing?” A question mark on the screen.
“Out for a walk,” Max said, trying to sound unbothered.
“Then I will come with you,” Markov propelled himself up with confidence.
“I would like more solitude,” Max opened his door to walk out, but Markov was right behind him.
“But Max, your emotional state could–”
Max cut him off, “I want to walk alone; that includes you not coming with me.” Max grabbed Markov, “And I know will keep pushing, for now, have a system break.”
“No Max–” Markov was cut off by Max shutting down the intelligent creation. He gently set down his friend on his resting spot.
Max was soon on the streets. He truly was hoping that a walk and some fresh air could help him center himself. But at every turn, there was Adrien’s face, there was a promotion for the Tournament.
His watch indicated a slightly higher blood pressure than usual. And dang it he knew that, he didn't need to be told, or reminded every five minutes.
Where did he program the settings for that! He just needed to turn it off, and could calm down more. He stared downward, hard at his watch. Tapping and swiping, if he could just find where he put the settings for it.
He ran into something hard, he fell back with a grunt rubbing the frontal region of his head. He looked up and there he was again!
But behind, up on the roof of some poor fool's house was promotion for the tournament. And he looked to the right and there was Adrien, and as Max got up he spun around there was Adrien and the tournament.
Max didn't hear his breathing become harsher, the people around him panicking, running, groaning as the flaps of a beautiful glowing Lepidoptera came for him. He didn't see the people dissipate from his area, nor some getting their phones out. No, all he saw was Gabriel and Tournament promotions.
Suddenly everything was a hazy lilac purple, a cloud blocked everything, but Max could still see the promotions clearly. Everything became muffled, and his mind felt as though something slowly cradled his consciousness. A hand gentle but firm, Max while his anger and betrayal turn up the nth degree had relaxed. The soothing hands on his mind were a comfort as they went through the file folders of his mind.
But that was done in milliseconds before his voice sounded in his mind.
“Hello Gamer, I am Hawkmoth, you have had a chance taken from you. A chance that you so rightfully deserve, and all because of some crush?”
He tsked in his head sending vibrations through his nerves. Marinette had taken his place, and all cause she wanted Adrien. But she won, fair and everything. He can't blame her for the talent that came with hard work. But she wouldn't have joined if she wasn't after Adrien.
“Now that won't do will it? You can take your place back, I’ll get you it and you can prove how much better you are. You just need to get me Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous, so simple.”
Yes, it was a simple request, wasn't it?
“Do you accept my offer,” his voice was so comforting, full of promise. It almost calmed his anger, but it was still blaring just as loud as his voice.
“Yes Hawkmoth,” Max smiled with glee.
“See that time was faster,” Marinette exclaimed.
“It was mostly you again,” Adrien laughed.
“You got the last hit,” Marinette pointed at him, a light glare cast his way too.
Adrien covered his face and dragged his hands down muffling his response.
“You’re still great at the game, just need more practice,” Marinette tried to reassure him.
“Marinette you could probably beat them without my help,” he said very seriously.
“Psst, no,” Marinette laughed. “I’m lucky but not that lucky.”
“Well you are the everyday Ladybug,” Adrien grinned at her. Marinette rolled her eyes and stage whispered, “You want to know my real secret? This is my secret weapon.”
She pulled out a red string with big beads from children's sets and a single clay one. Marinette grinned while Adrien raised an eyebrow, “You’re messing with me.”
“Nope,” Marinette popped the word. “I made this in cours élémentaire 2, and ever since I win every round.”
“You did not have that on you yesterday,” Adrien looked back at her.
“Did I?” a grin still on her face.
The door slapped open making the two jump, and a loud voice boomed, “How about some fresh chocolate croissants with spinach and sourdough bread.”
“Dad,” Marinette whined. Adrien just laughed, “Maybe now would be a good time for a break.”
Marinette slumped against her seat but agreed, her father enthusiastically stretched to give Adrien the tray. Marinette stretched realizing how sore she felt from staying in mostly the same position.
“Why don’t we go down the park? Stretch our legs a bit,” Marinette suggested. Adrien was quick to agree, being glad not to be just confined to her room, but he knew the Dupain-Chengs wouldn’t force him to.
Marinette stopped him for a moment, “Hey you don’t mind if I invite Makzenie, do you?” Marinette pointed to the door of the apartment the girl and her aunt were using. “It’s just that she doesn’t get to hang out with many others, most of the girls’ hangouts are out around the city and she isn’t comfortable going all around.” Marinette smiled a little more nervous, “And we’re only going across the street, and not to mention you’re a very comfortable person to be around. Well, not that it isn’t a mentionable quality it’s just that it seems kinda obvious.”
Marinette trailed off with a laugh.
Adrien had been staring at her a little wide-eyed and if he was being honest hadn’t expected that. He knew Makzenie had gone to the bakery, to finally have a safe place to be but he hadn’t actually seen her. He couldn’t ask to see her because that would be weird of Adrien to do, and he hadn’t dropped by as Chat Noir to see her specifically because that could come off as creepy and he did not want Makzenie nor any of the Dupain-Chengs to think badly of his hero side. That was already rocky with M. Dupain, and he did not want to expand to the rest of the family.
Oh Kwami he’s been quiet and staring for too long, hasn’t he? And Marinette was now rambling about how it was completely okay if he wasn’t comfortable with it.
“She can join,” Adrien interrupted a little too loudly. He cleared his throat, and he could feel the embarrassment of trying to choke him, “It’s a great idea, you’re very considerate Marinette. I’m sure this will help her, also it would be great to meet her myself after you and everyone talking about her.”
It was mainly the girls as they hung out with Marinette the most, but Nino, Max, and Ivan had met her. So that’s all he had to go off as Adrien.
A smile blossomed on her face and she clapped her hands together, “Awesome, let me just see if she wants to join.”
Adrien leaned against the railing, holding the tray of food Tom had brought up, while Marinette knocked and spoke quietly to the girl on the other side. The door opened a little wider and the brunette peaked to squint at him. Adrien had experience with that look plenty as Chat Noir, but without his mask, it made him almost squirm. Adrien gave a small wave to the girl, Makzenie only nodded and said something to Marinette and appeared to leave the door open.
She reappeared in seconds pulling her ponytail through a cap and had a jacket half on, it hung off one arm, but she pulled it on as she pulled the door shut with her elbow.
“Ready,” the girl stated firmly to Marinette. She then faced Adrien and put a handout, “Makzenie.”
Adrien smiled and shook her hand, “Adrien, nice to meet you.”
“I know, you’re everywhere.”
Ah, there’s the ever-blunt attitude he missed during patrol.
“Well let’s get going. Adrien and I are just taking a break, but you join us if you want when we come back to practice more,” Marinette said trying to take the tray from Adrien. Adrien grinned and lifted the tray in the air, “I’m carrying it.”
“You’re a guest,” Marinette glared up at him.
“I thought I was your partner? That means equals, doesn’t it?” Adrien stated smug and lifted the tray higher.
Marinette’s face rippled for a moment and she looked back and forth between his eyes. It made Adrien raise his eyebrows at her in question. Marinette’s eyebrows knitted together, her face was set in a look of confusion at the blond. A strange look of concern he wasn’t used to.
“Are we going or what,” Makzenie asked as she walked between the two. “I was promised snacks and sunlight. I’d enjoy them at a level that I can reach.”
“Right, fine you carry it,” Marinette surrendered following the younger girl.
The trio made their way down the stairs and decided to pass through the bakery. Tom had already arrived back downstairs. Marinette and Makzenie freely snagged some extra treats from the display cases, the former more confidently in the pastrynapping. Marinette kissed Bridget on the cheek as she passed with a, “Love you Āyí.”
Bridget watched the teens make their way out of the bakery. She saw them go to the crosswalk from through the windows, she just needed to follow them. The girls might end up needing her, or they may need help getting away from his crazy fans. She knew about the mob mentality that the boy’s fans tended to have.
Though Bridget’s current theory about that was it was from the effects of mind control Akumas.
“Bridget,” Sabine’s voice spoke out warningly.
“I said it was open season, and your help will be here in,” the woman glanced at the clock, “three minutes.” Bridget started taking off her apron, which she didn’t need but her sister insisted she wear it.
She heard Sabine sigh as she hung up the apron and removed her tag.
“Just be respectful,” her sister said with resignation.
“Of course,” Bridget waved her off. Bridget was mildly self-aware of her tendencies, but it wasn’t anything unusual in the family. The bell dinged and she turned to see Huang with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cup of tea in the other, and a bag hanging off his end fingers on one hand. “And there’s my insurance Xia,” Bridget grinned to her.
“What did I say about magic,” Sabine hissed at Bridget. Bridget rushed across the bakery grabbing their brother by his arm, “That you love and appreciate that we practice.”
Bridget pulled Huang out with her before Sabine decided decking her was an attractive option.
“Hey these are hot,” Huang glared at her.
“Oh please you can cool them,” Bridget said as she tugged the bag from his fingers. She went to open it but glanced up at him, “Which one is mine?”
“Neither,” he frowned. “You’re annoying and lack respect.”
“I have plenty of respect,” Bridget's nostrils flared while she frowned back.
“Say that to my arm,” Huang grumbled. “What did you want them for anyway,” he nodded to the small bag before they crossed the street.
“Oh we’re gonna follow Marinette,” Bridget chirped as she opened the bag and grabbed a silver ring out.
“Excuse me,” Huang stopped in his tracks. His face was pure bewilderment, “Bridge.”
“Yeah,” she looked up from inspecting the piece.
“That’s, uh, it’s unethical,” Huang said with hard enunciation.
“Yeah,” shrugged at him. “Oh don’t worry we’re gonna use these to follow the heroes during fights. Observe them better, and find places they frequent. It’s hard following them, they have heightened senses and stuff. Besides we’re gonna be in contact with them soon and we need to be prepared. Marinette’s friends aren’t gonna be perfect sources.”
Huang just stared at her but Bridget wasn’t having it, “Come on. Track them.”
Huang would not answer her summoning again. Ever even, he will take the spell back at the end of this.
As they made their way into the park, invisible rings on, a thudding could be heard coming toward the area. Several phones went off making Huang’s stomach drop. Just a few yards away stood a giant robot of sorts, he slowly looked down to see it was looming over the three teens his sister wanted to stalk.
He was just close enough to hear Marinette with only annoyance in her voice, “Tell me this isn't some kind of publicity stunt for the tournament.”
“Well, well, if it isn’t the lovesick nincompoop. How about we see who is victorious now Marinette,” the Akuma cried, its amplified voice making a person or two just hide in a bush to overhear.
Huang stood there slack-jawed at the giant machine, he thought the Miraculous the villain was using transformed people. Not give them entire vehicles, unless it was connected to him? Yeah, he didn’t want to go down that train of thought, but he might end up regardless later.
“Lovesick,” he saw Marinette cringe as she repeated the word while at the same time Bridget went, “Really? Nincompoop? Jeez, might as well say zoinks while he’s at it.”
Huang faced his sister with utter horror, “He’s threatening our niece and that’s your only reaction?”
She shrugged, “She’ll be fine.”
“She’s fifteen,” he stressed.
“She’s Xia and Tom’s,” she countered.
He couldn’t believe they were having this conversation now, “She just got shot at with lasers!”
“Yeah, let’s go,” Bridget said running ahead. The teens had already started running, with lasers to follow. He ran joining his sister, watching in horror as Adrien got separated from the girls. Huang went to follow him but Bridget grabbed his arm, “Marinette is more important, besides the Akuma is after her. We’ll have a better chance at observing the heroes if we stick to her.”
They ran after the girls instead, and damn, these girls were fast. At least Bridget didn’t have a problem keeping pace behind them. Marinette yelled something to Makzenie that Huang couldn’t hear. Makzenie and Marinette went back and forth for a few seconds, while running.
Seriously where did these kids get their lung capacity from?
Mackenzie ran off from Marinette; Marinette turned around running backwards without losing speed, and oh Celestials help him, yelling at the Akuma. He doesn’t know how Sabine hasn’t succumbed to her stubborn need to be a bulwark.
A cry sounded as a black blob came down on the machine of the veicheal, the momentum the…cat hero brought knocked the machine into the building. Sounds of rubble falling, glass shattering, and metal snapping from the pressure could be heard as the building collapsed from the large machine.
“Dang,” he heard his sister say, her voice soft but disconnected. Her detachment was very telling that she heard some of the screams that made their way to their ears.
“Hello Purincess,” the Cheng sibling's heads whipped to Chat Noir as he bowed to their niece, “May I ask why someone Akumatized into an avatar from one of the popular games on the continent is after you?”
“I may have accidentally taken his place in the upcoming gaming tournament,” Marinette’s voice came out strained and her face showed shame.
“How did you accidentally take someone’s place in a tournament,” the feline hero frowned as he glanced between the Akuma and the girl.
“I just wanted a play a round and I beat him and then they said I’m playing then and no one would listen to me when I tried to say I didn’t want to participate and he’s been mad at me since yesterday,” Marinette said fast-paced as she looked to the Akuma and took a step closer to the hero.
“Can you get me out of here real quick?”
“How about I get you out of here real quick?”
They said at the same time.
Huang was very close to yelling in frustration, he did not have the necessary materials on hand to follow them. A heavy sigh that morphed into a groan sounded beside him, he saw his sister glaring at the direction the cat hero had taken their niece. He was thankful that looks did, in fact, not kill.
“It’s fine,” she hissed. He knew for a fact that it was not fine, but they also had bigger problems. “We can just follow the Akuma and observe the heroes,” Bridget said as the giant machine got up and began to shoot lasers and get…plus symbols. Guess Huang could give credit where it was due, the guy knew how to be on theme.
Chasing the machine and trying to help citizens had made Huang send his drinks away long ago. At least the heroes were here now, including a new turtle-themed one. The turtle hero did not seem to be as familiar with the game as the main duo.
Now Bridget and Huang watched from the top of a building as the turtle hero put a dome around the stadium. It wasn’t a great place to be but they got a general gist of what was happening. Their goal had come to minimize his level-ups and disturbance to the rest of the city.
“It’s so hard to see,” Bridget complained, she squinted hard at the structure, “at least I could follow Grater.”
“What a kid get cut trying to help mom with the cheese,” Huang said as he resummoned his drinks, offering Bridget the tea.
Bridget murmured thanks before shaking her head, eyes still glued to the dome, “Akuma not even half a day being here, she was giant.”
“Bigger than the robot,” he asked curiously.
“Taller than the school,” she said still squinting. Suddenly she faced him, shoving her reading glasses in his face, “Enchant them.”
“Excuse me,” Huang leaned away from the excited woman.
“You heard me.”
“Yes I did, figure of speech,” Huang frowned. “I can’t just cast spells willy nilly Bridge. It’s dangerous to do it so carelessly.”
“Just make them act as binoculars temporally.”
Huang really wished he could say she was convincing. She wasn’t, but he couldn’t say no to her. He held the glasses for a second, pushing energy into them, making a limited pocket of magic on the item.
“There,” he said turning to his now cold coffee. “Ten minutes, you can see through the stadium better than I can and closely if you concentrate.”
Huang rested his chin sipping his drink, it’d take more energy from him to reheat it than to summon a new one. A bright pink light shined through the barrier, making him raise his eyebrows at the structure.
“Spray paint,” Bridget said beside him in question.
“They lucky thing?”
“Yeah,” Bridget said, “And it’s lucky charm.”
Huang sucked in a breath to retort but it died down when the barrier around the stadium had fallen. Seconds after he sees the turtle hero jump to the top of the stadium and throw something large. And seconds after that, red bugs flew through the sky, undoing the damage from the Akuma.
Huang watched mouth agape. The magic made his insides warm and spin, he felt as awake as he had before the Akuma, everything around him felt notched to 100th degree, like everything was on blast. He looked at his cup and reheated it without feeling any sort of drain.
He grabbed Bridget’s reading glasses, “Hey!”
Like an eager child for some candy made a thicker braid of magic on the item. It was so easy. Huang laughed in a partially crazed state, this city was practically a hub of magic at every level of being.
“It’s permanent,” he said, handing the glasses back.
“What?” Bridget put the glasses on, she gasped after putting them on and she faced her brother, “I thought you couldn't do magic all willy-nilly?”
“Not on my own,” Huang said standing up, he took a deep breath. “Not without worrying about using up my magical resources or reserves. This city is rebuilt and destroyed by magic almost daily, sometimes right?”
“Yeah,” Bridget nodded, thinking over the back-to-back Akuma’s she’d read on.
“Every single time,” he moved his hand with each enucleation that came from his mouth, “she cases that spell it didn't just rebuild and bring back the dead.” His words were almost breathless and made Bridget move so she sat on the ledge of the building watching her older brother pace.
“It made the very buildings imbued with it, the people probably have natural reserves inside of them that they don't even realize they have,” he ran his hands down his face. “It’s in the very air we breathe, the soil we walk on, the plants we pass, it's everywhere.”
He laughed again, this time giddier in sound, he looked almost as if he was gonna dance around on his tiptoes.
“I can’t believe I didn't realize this soon,” he continued pacing. He paced a moment to face Bridget again, “I mean I did, just not at this caliber.” His feet were soft despite the urgency they had taken. “But I feel it now,” he stopped and looked at the city and the stadium.
The heroes were long gone at this point, but the residue of their magic was still lasting. Huang didn't even need to try to see the remnants of Ladybug’s magic flitting through the air.
“Don’t you see it,” Huang said, “It’s still there.”
Bridget turned around confused, she never understood her brother when he got like this. He’d long stopped but when it came to magic he slipped into that same crazed wonder he’d use to talk about the world around them. It made her feel like a little girl again, looking over a field to see, to understand, what it was her brother saw.
For once she saw exactly what he had been talking about.
Speckles of green that were just barely visible surrounded the stadium and from there spread out strips of red.
“You mean the,” Huang interrupted Bridget with clear certainty, “Yes.”
After standing there for what was certainly too long Bridget spoke up, “I think we should go back.”
Huang still stared out, “Yeah, yeah. Go.”
And on the way back to the bakery Huang was much more aware of the city around them.
“And then Marinette tripped, face in the carpet,” the young woman laughed, “but she didn’t spill a single drop of the soup.”
“I find that highly doubtful,” Damian frowned at her. “The amount of skill and experience needed not to spill any of the soup would have also kept her from tripping in the first place.”
“You’d think,” Fei laughed before taking a bit from her plate. “Her mom has trained her in self-defense and stuff but she does not have a sense of balance.”
Cass silently giggled next to her while Stephanie smiled with as much amusement over the story. Bruce watched as his daughter’s friend interacted with his son. Tim was “staying late at the office” so he could not join them this evening with Miss Fei Wu.
Bruce kept a pleased smile as he ate, a good part of it was out of being polite but he was happy his daughter had found a friend during her temporary mission in Hong Kong. Though she had met the young woman when she went to investigate Shanghai as he had requested.
Fei was to fly back to Shanghai within the next week, and Bruce had yet to try and prod any information out of her about what she’d experienced during that night in the city. But it seemed his daughter could tell every time when he was going to ask about it, which didn’t surprise him, he should have expected, she seemed to be against him asking her about it.
“Mr. Cheng is one of the best chefs in the world, but I couldn’t tell you who is better,” Fei said deflecting Stephanie’s targetted question.
“I would rather like to have a competition between Pennyworth and Cheng,” Damian spoke up, and he raised his chin as he declared, “but Pennyworth would certainly win. His skills in the kitchen are unmatched.”
“You and your competitions,” Cass signed with a playful roll of her eyes.
“They are the only proper way to measure someone’s competence in such a manner,” Damian frowned defiantly.
“Sure Dami,” Stephanie said dryly, “Like the cart race in the Blüdhaven Target, you thought all of you were extremely competent.”
“I do not appreciate your sarcasm or that eye roll at the end Brown,” Damian squinted at Stephanie before continuing his meal. Stephanie snickered before doing the same. Fei had followed suit in snickering and turned back to Cass.
“We should do that with my friends in Shanghai,” Fei’s face was mischievous and was soon matched by Cass who grinned back.
Oh, Bruce did not like the sound of that. But he would preserve through.
After dinner Cass, Stephanie, and Fei went to the family sitting room while Bruce and Damian went to “rest” for the rest of the night. For as much as Bruce wanted to stay behind to try and get information out of Fei, he knew by this point that it wasn’t going to happen. That and he wasn’t very sure about leaving just Tim, Jason, and Damian on the field, even with Barabra and Alfred.
Stephanie snickered for a moment before bursting out laughing after Bruce had bid the three girls goodnight. She looked between Fei and Cass giddy.
“I still can’t believe you snuck in a magic-using hero,” Steph whispered.
“Not exactly what I am, but,” Fei tilted her head as she extended the word, “It kinda counts.”
“B would freak out regardless,” Steph said crisscrossed. She leaned back and forth, “So while you tell me about the night Bruce really wants the dets to, have you ever played Yahtzee?”
Fei shook her head making Steph light up, “Perfect!”
Stephanie got up and ran to get the game out, Fei’s phone buzzed. Fei looked and smiled, she tried not to sigh.
“Marinette,” Cass questioned with amusement.
“Yep,” Fei laughed. It was what? One in the morning over there? The girl needed sleep, regardless of her and Adrien’s nightly duties. “Wish I could strap her to a bed and take over for her.”
Cass hummed as Steph got back, “Did I hear Marinette?”
“Yeah,” Fei waved her phone. “Probably doing one of her many projects.”
“You said she designs and sews right?” Steph looked up at her as she pulled out the game from the box. Fei responded as she replied to the younger teen, “Yeah, she knits and crochets too. Makes her own clothes.”
“That’s so awesome, wish I had the time to do that,” Steph passed Cass sheets for both her and Fei.
“She doesn’t have the time, but she makes it.”
“Really?” Steph looked at her again.
“She’s a miracle worker,” Fei said, she fought to not laugh at her pun. She took one last look at her phone before turning it off. She smiled with her full attention on the blond, “So how do we play this?”
Hey this next week I’m going to be in New York, you said you were in Gotham right?
Could we call at some point? It would be great to call while in the same timezone!
Sure thing Marinette! Can’t wait!
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dessarious · 5 months
This was not the Plan
New Years one shot (please let it stay a one shot)
Marinette could not for the life of her figure out how she'd ended up here. She was supposed to be at home, in her pajamas, asleep before the ball dropped. She had a plan, damn it.
That plan did not include Alya showing up at her apartment in London. Especially since she was supposed to be covering the ball drop in New York. It didn't involve said friend dragging her to an upscale party where Adrien and Felix just happened to be in attendance. And it damn sure didn't involve listening to Alya try to give her a pep talk (read lecture) about asking Adrien to kiss at midnight. No, this was definitely not the plan.
Cass and Steph were supposed to be on a plane to Gotham. Unfortunately, some asshole (read Scarecrow) gassed the airport, and it was in lockdown until a HazMat team gave the all clear. Instead, they were stuck in an upscale London hotel. Which wouldn't be bad except there was a fancy New Year's party going on and the host had cornered them as they were checking in to invite them. Cass hated having to keep up a public image. But at least she had Steph to make things bearable.
They were standing along one of the walls, Steph making highly inappropriate comments at other people's expense, when Cass noticed two women. One obviously excited to be there and the other... not so much. As they wandered closer, Cass could hear their conversation.
"I feel I've been very clear on this." The one who looked like she'd rather be anywhere else sounded frustrated and annoyed.
"I know you think he's out of your league, but you'll regret it if you don't shoot your shot, girl!" Her tone was exasperated, if fond. Given the reaction from the other woman, this was a recurring debate. Cass didn't think she'd ever seen anyone roll their eyes so hard.
"I don't think he's out of my league. I'm just not interested in him. I really wish you would stop acting like we're still teenagers. It was an adolescent crush, and it wasn't healthy on top of that." Her friend didn't seem to hear her.
"Look! There he is. Now's your chance."
"Alya, you're not listening to me. Besides, that's Felix, not Adrien."
"Oh? You can tell that just by looking, huh?" Her tone seemed to imply that meant something but her friend just gave her a dry look.
"Anyone who's met them should be able to tell that." She gestured to the man Alya had pointed out. "Grumpy cat." Then she scanned the crowd before pointing to another man identical to the first. "Excited puppy."
Cass observed the two and had to admit the other woman was right. It kind of reminded her of the difference in Damian and Jon's personalities. The first man was comfortable in the setting, but was extremely standoffish and full of himself. The other was happy and friendly, talking to anyone who got close to him.
"Quit stalling. It's almost midnight."
"Alya, I'm not-"
"You can't bail on me this time. Do you have any idea what it took for me to get tickets to this party? Give me one good reason why you can't go ask him to kiss you for New Years."
Given how red the other woman's face had gotten during her friend's rant, Cass expected an explosion. What she wasn't expecting was for the woman to turn and pull her down into an angry, almost desperate kiss. She didn't know how to react, so she just let it happen. Honestly, she felt bad for her... it was also kind of nice if she was being honest with herself. When the woman pulled back, Cass was a bit dazed. She turned on her friend.
"That's why!" And promptly stormed out to the balcony. Cass was startled out of watching her when Steph let out a laugh.
"I'd say that's a pretty good reason." Steph's amused tone caused Alya to flush red before storming off in the opposite direction from her friend. "You should go check on her." Cass raised an eyebrow at her and Steph gestured to the balcony with a knowing smirk.
"Do you really think she wants to see me? That had to have been embarrassing." Cass signed at her in confusion, but Steph just turned her and gave her a push towards the balcony. Cass still wasn't certain it was a good idea, but Steph had a better understanding of such emotions, so she went. She found the other woman leaning over the balcony, muttering into her crossed arms. "Are you okay?" She spoke in English even though they'd been talking in French before hoping she understood since they were in London. She could understand French well enough, but speaking it was trickier.
"I'm fine." She said it in English, barely audible. When she looked up Cass watched her go through a variety of emotions. First was exhaustion, then confusion, recognition, embarrassment, and ending with horror. "Oh dear Kwami, I can't believe I sexually assaulted a complete stranger. I am so sorry!"
"It's okay." Cass hadn't thought of it that way, but she supposed it was technically true.
"It's not okay! It's the complete opposite of okay. I can't believe I did that. I'm such a terrible person. I understand if you want to call the authorities. Or I can do something to make it up to you. I'm a fashion designer, not that you need new or better clothes, you look amazing in that dress, but if you wanted something, or I can tailor some things if you need it. Nothing will make up for-" The woman wasn't stopping to breathe and Cass had been trying to get her attention, but ended up latching onto her forearms to get her to stop. The guilt in the woman's eyes was painful to watch.
"I'm Cass." It wasn't what she really wanted to say, but it did stop her, well for a second anyway. Then she looked embarrassed.
"Oh, I'm Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She started going through her handbag and pulled out a business card. She wrote on the back before handing it over. "That's my work phone on the front. I put my real name on the back and my personal phone number so you can get a hold of me for whatever you decide. I really am sorry." Cass frowned at the card for a moment. "Is something wrong?"
"You're the designer for Foundational Fashions?" She couldn't help her surprise. It was an innovative brand that Jason had actually introduced her to.
"Oh, um, yes, but I'd appreciate it if you would keep that to yourself. I try to stay below the radar."
"I know." That got a confused blink. "My brother and I have been trying to find a way to commission you for a couple of years."
"Then I can make you something, both of you, to apologize." She sounded almost excited at the idea, and Cass had to force herself not to frown. No way was this worth whatever her prices were.
"I wouldn't feel right not paying you. Just getting a slot for a commission is more than enough." The woman's expression fell and Cass would blame that for what happened next. She really didn't like seeing her unhappy. "There is something else."
"Of course. Anything."
"Let me kiss you at midnight."
"Sure, no problem... wait what?" Cass looked for any sign she'd made Marinette uncomfortable, but all she saw was confusion. "After what I did, why..." She didn't seem to be able to finish the thought. "I mean, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to... why would you pick me?"
She seemed genuinely confused, and Cass didn't really know how to respond. The longer she stayed silent, the more Marinette drew in on herself and she had no idea why. She didn't seem to object to the actual kissing part though, so Cass felt a bit less creepy about asking.
"I don't want to kiss anyone else." Marinette's cheeks turned bright red and Cass was worried she'd said the wrong thing. "Earlier I felt... I would like to try it again." It was times like this she wished she was better with words. When she looked back at Marinette, the woman was studying her. She seems less embarrassed and more thoughtful.
"There's still half an hour until midnight. Why don't we sit and talk? Maybe start on you commissions."
Cass looked relieved at the suggestion, and Mari realized she wasn't the only one floundering. She still couldn't believe she'd done something so stupid and could only be glad that Cass didn't want her arrested. Once they were settled at the table that happened to be on the balcony, Mari wasn't certain where to start.
"So, what are your hobbies?" That was a good starting place, right?
"Ballet, and I do martial arts."
"Well, that certainly explains the physique." Yes Mari, let's be even more creepy. She absolutely should not be flirting.
"What explains yours?" She could practically feel Cass' eyes running down her figure. Okay, maybe she should be flirting.
"I grew up in a bakery. When it comes in bulk, everything is heavy. And once I got into design, bolts of fabric aren't light either. Then, Hawkmoth showed up, and I ended up in self-defence and parkour classes with a lot of my friends. Nothing anywhere near as structured as what you've done, though." And the whole superhero thing, but that was definitely not a conversation for a first... whatever this was.
"What happened to him?" Marinette fought not to wince. That was the million dollar question that only she knew the answer to. It was an extremely messy take down, and she'd had to wipe the memories of everyone involved. Including Adrien because of how badly he'd reacted to finding out Gabriel was Hawkmoth.
"All we know is that Ladybug said he'd been taken care of and she and Chat were retiring. Most people were just grateful it was over, to be honest." Granted, that attitude was helped along by the fact that no one could find her to question the official story. "Where are you from? Your accent sounds American."
"I live in Gotham." Cass' tone was odd but Mari couldn't place why.
"Oh, then you're used to worse. At least most of the damage Hawkmoth did could be reversed. The emotional toll was bad enough, but I can't even imagine constantly being afraid that anyone around you could end up dead in the next attack." Cass gave a hum, and Mari was worried she'd offended her.
"It is... difficult." Mari noticed Cass moving her hands as she spoke and realized she'd been doing it since they started talking. "I think most people have developed a sense of apathy, or maybe just put on blinders to the danger until it actually happens, since there's not much they can do if one of the major rogues decides to attack. At the same time, more and more people and organizations are coming together to try and help each other. It is still hopeful, and Gothamites are stubborn."
"Yes, people seem to be able to get used to just about anything if they have to." Humans were extremely adaptable, and that wasn't always a good thing. "Oh! You're signing, aren't you?" Mari hadn't meant to say that out loud and given the embarrassed look on Cass' face, she shouldn't have. "Sorry, I just noticed the movements."
"It's how I first learned to communicate. My childhood was... unorthodox." Given her tone, Mari had a feeling that was an understatement. "I can stop if you-"
"No! I mean it's fine. I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable." Mari really, really wished she could stop making an idiot of herself in front of the woman. She'd like to blame the sleep deprivation from her per Christmas dash to get everything done, but this was just how she was. She always turned into a disaster around pretty people. It's why she was so nervous around Adrien originally, because he had always been extremely pretty. Other people had called him handsome, but his features had always been too delicate for that. It took Mari three years to understand why she thought she liked him. And wasn't that a fun week long mental breakdown?
"It's fine. Some people just seem to think I'm trash talking them instead of going through the motions to help find the right words." Mari could only blink at her for a moment.
"I feel like those are the same people who are constantly trash talking people in their head and projecting that on to you." Cass let out an amused snort.
"Probably." They settled into a comfortable silence. It was nice, if Mari was being honest. Too many people she knew felt like they had to fill the silence, even when they had nothing to say. As the minutes ticked by though, she started to get nervous. Cass obviously noticed.
"We don't have to, if you don't want to." Mari started at her voice. God, she needed to not be so high strung.
"It's not that... honestly, this whole thing is just a bit bizarre. It would have made more sense for you to have slapped me. I'm just... trying to make sense of things." Mainly because, in her personal life, she wasn't this lucky. Then again, Cass was from America, so this probably wouldn't lead anywhere. And that thought made her realize that so far, she did want this to go somewhere. Great.
"I don't think there's a lot of people here that would slap a beautiful woman for kissing them." Mari felt like her face was on fire. This woman, her seriously could be a model, thought she was beautiful? Yep, crush officially formed. Shit.
"That still doesn't excuse my bad behavior. I shouldn't have taken out my frustration with Alya on other people. My being pissed off that she never actually listens to me is no reason to do what I did."
"I don't know. She seemed to get the message." Mari just sighed.
"Maybe. That or I'll be getting an extremely long lecture about embarrassing her tomorrow." Probably the second. Might be a good idea to find somewhere else to crash after the party. And figure out when Alya was set to leave London so she could avoid her until then. She loved her, but she was beyond sick of the whole Adrien thing.
"She should stop talking and start listening." Mari let out a giggle.
"Can't say I disagree, but I don't see it happening. Alya's extremely stubborn about certain things."
"If you're not willing to make excuses for your bad behavior, you shouldn't make them for hers, either." Mari blinked at her before letting out a huff.
"In theory that's true. But I can't control her actions, only mine." Cass let out another hum. Before she could say anything, people inside started counting down.
Oh dear Kwami, this was really happening, wasn't it?
Maybe it was a trick. Cass' way of getting back at her for what she did.
No. The way she was looking at Mari... she was actually going to do this.
Come on, Mari. It's just a kiss.
A kiss from someone with the softest lips she'd ever felt, but just a kiss.
Okay. Her heart felt like it was about to explode. She might actually pass out.
No. She is not going to create another scene tonight. She just needed to breath.
When did Cass get so close?
What if she was disappointed in the kiss? Mari was pretty confident in her abilities, but she had no idea what kind of experience Cass had.
What if she wasn't disappointed? What were they going to do then?
Cass closed the distance, and Mari just closed her eyes. Yep, definitely the softest lips ever. She was going to have to ask how she managed that. When Cass deepened the kiss, Mari's brain completely short-circuited. This. This is what home was supposed to feel like. She was so screwed.
When Cass pulled back, it took her a minute to remember to breathe. When she finally opened her eyes, she was on the receiving end of the softest look she'd ever seen. Suddenly, Gotham was looking like a better idea. Surely she could do some good there. She forgot how to breathe again when Cass cupped her cheek and ran her thumb over Mari's bottom lip.
"Happy New Year." The words were as soft as her look and Mari, for once, thought that for once, it actually was a good start to what was looking to be the best year she'd had in a long time. Even if it hadn't been her plan.
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