#maribat bruce wayne
raeuberprinzessin · 10 months
Dick, excitedly showing his newest little sister Marinette the Batcave: This is the Batcave! Overe there is the Batcomputer and here we sharpen our Batarangs. On this side are the Batbikes and if you follow this path you'll find the Batplane. And right here is the Batmobile! Isn't it amazing? We should totally take you on a joy ride with it, don't you agree? What do you say?
Marinette, slowly taking it all in: I feel like you were going for a theme with this ... Let me guess? Moody broody late-pubescent goth?
Alfred: Very well said, Miss Marinette.
Jason, peering at a stricken-looking Bruce: Well, I guess trying to show off how cool you are to your new daughter might not go as planned. Any contingencies, old man?
Tim: Going off of experience, it's having a moody brooding session in the dark cave. You know, like a late-pubescent goth.
Bruce, murmuring: I didn't even name most of these things, why am I getting attacked?
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liquid-luck-00 · 8 months
Marks of Magic
Day 6 Cat of Maribat Spooktober 2023
First *** Previous *** Next
Language and cursing is used
1600 Words
Well shit.
"Miss Marinette how do you know of the kwamii, especially those two?" Alfred questioned and she curled a bit under his gaze.
"I… Paon." She looked up at him, but averted her eyes towards Jay, but he was staring at both herself and Alfred. "August 24th 1944."
She looked up, the words she was speaking didn’t seem like her own. But she knew them all the same. Alfred seemed to pale.
"How do you know that?" He staggered slightly, catching himself on the back of a couch.
"It’s when they were lost." She shrugged, the story that Fu passed to her easily came to her mind, because it wasn’t her memory but Fu’s. (Guardians pass memories along to the next so they wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes.)
"I am so lost, Alfie?" Dick rose and tried to get the older man to talk.
"You are much to young."
"Ha." She snorted. "And you think I didn’t tell Fu that."
She crossed her arms.
"Where are they? You said they were lost, how? I can’t seem to remember." Dick had gotten him to sit down but his every question sent pangs through her heart.
"They have been found, and are safe." She was still fiddling with her ring.
"The miraculous of the black cat." Alfred spoke so certainly that it forced her to look up, away from the the kwamii she had drawn. "Where is he? He can come out, we…"
He looked around at the boys but stopped when his eyes landed on her. Silent tears rushed her face, all the words she has been wanting to share choked her.
Tikki, she wishes she was still here but that will never happen. Plagg, she didn’t meet often but he really did care about her, the other kwamii, and especially Chat Noir. Chat Noir has it worse she has told herself constantly. More than likely Plagg was his friend too and then overnight without warning he was gone, no way to contact her, and not knowing why.
"Nettie…" Jay stepped towards her, quickly glancing between her and Alfred, stopping in his tracks. "What’s going on?"
"They’re gone." She finally choked out. "I got the grimore, Nooroo, and even Dusuu back, but… I miss them."
"What did you do?" Alfred dropped down onto the floor and lifted her chin.
"I won the war in Paris."
"What war?" Dick she thinks spoke but her eyes were on Alfred, his aura calming her.
She pulled out her phone and quickly searched it, turning the device towards the others.
"What is this!" A voice she wasn’t expecting practically growled, Bruce was standing in the room, reading over Dick’s shoulder.
"You made a wish?"
The question wasn’t accusatory, but she flinched. "No, but it might have hurt less if I did." She finally looked away from the group.
"Marinette, who are you?" Alfred asked her, she looked up and something clicked a flash of dark blue light emulated from him. Pinned on his lapel was none other than the miraculous of the peacock. The man tenderly touched the broach as if it was going to disappear forever, she knew she could trust him, so with that she took a breath.
"I am, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Holder of the miraculous of the ladybug, the heroine of Paris, Ladybug, and the guardian of the Chinese zodiac Box of Miracles." She addressed resolutely, her conviction and pride fueled every word, while understanding seemed to flood Alfred’s features.
"If I had known… " Alfred whispered, looking at her like the pieces fell into place.
"Are you saying this happened, that children fought this maniac. Why not ask for help, there are other heroes in Paris, even the Justice League could have sent reinforcements." Bruce seemed to seethe.
"It’s not like I was given a choice, the other heroes left or quit, besides the Justice League knew about it and did nothing." She became defensive, even if she felt she could trust them, Bruce’s tone rubbed her the wrong way. She started this fight at the tender age of 11. Fought a magical war while trying to not feel anything for 3 years. Endured bullying and heartbreak for just as long, but couldn’t let herself feel it. So yes she is angry when someone she barely knows is offering ‘solutions’ when she had exhausted them long ago.
She didn’t even notice how quiet the room had gotten, but was staring at the man who offended her character. She was a child when all this started, of course she tried, but why, why would he be so mad. That is what she didn’t understand.
"Master Bruce calm yourself!" Alfred scolded the other adult in the room. (Who was making a straight beeline towards the grandfather clock to his right.)
"It doesn’t matter anymore, it’s over." She sighed finally deflating, knowing that anything done now won’t change anything.
"Miss Marinette, that is not nothing." Alfred stood and faced her.
"That is not something you should have had to do alone."
"I wasn’t, I had a partner." She mumbled as if it would change the minds of the adults.
"You said you were the holder of the ladybug miraculous, but you are wearing the miraculous of the black cat. Did you wield both?" She was asked by Alfred who seemed to know the most.
"I did a few times, but I wasn’t Plagg’s cat, I was Tikki’s. My partner was Chat Noir, he was the holder of the black cat."
"What happened to him?"
"I don’t know?" She shrugged. She took off the ring and started tracing the face of the ring. "Probably worried, Hawkmoth, Plagg, Ladybug, and Chat Noir disappeared without warning from his life. Black cats really are bad luck."
"Nettie, you’re a hero". Jay was now right in front of her, tentatively he reached out and took her hands.
"Was… the kwamii don’t exist in this universe, not anymore."
"My dear." Alfred placed a hand on the top of her head. "This proves they still can. That they are more of the metaphysical than before."
He tapped the broach before pointing to the ring in her hands before noticing her earrings.
"Why don’t you both go to bed, it’s getting late, and it’s a school night." Bruce finally spoke again. He was still angry, yet she could tell his anger wasn’t towards her. Actually she couldn’t tell who he was angry at, but she knows he is.
"Okay." Mari palmed the last tears from her eyes as Jay stood up and pulled her from the room.
"Alfred tell us all you can." Master Bruce marched down the steps into the cave.
Master Dick and himself followed. "I don’t know what exactly happened to her, but the miraculous, I may be able to shed some light on."
"If my math is correct she was eleven when all of that started. B she was a child." Master Dick was horrified.
Although he went through similar event he was older, the boy was only 13 at the time of his parents accident after all. Master Bruce was also young during his parents death, and although he became the Bat it wasn’t until he was and adult.
"Why did no one take it seriously?" He was scanning all calls to the Justice league, until a call log from Paris showed on the screen marked from two and a half years ago.
‘You’ve reached the Justice League, how can we help?’ A bored voice, the log said Booster Gold, answered the phone with a yawn.
‘Hello! Please Paris needs adult heroes, all the older heroes left and we can’t keep this up!’ A young female voice started to rush their words.
‘I’ve told you before, kid, nothing has happened in Paris. Stop prank calling. This line is only for actual emergencies that require actual heroes.’ Booster Gold seemed to wave the girl off. ‘Don’t call again.’
They continued through the log, some earlier calls were looked into but since nothing seemed to be proven they dropped the inquiry. If what they saw from the site the Ladyblog it was no wonder. All damage all lives taken were brought back in pristine condition. Ladybug, Marinette, and who she called Chat Noir were the primary heroes for the past three years. Few other heroes would aid them, which he recognized the miraculous that they used.
"We can’t do anything about this can we." Master Jason had come down into the cave. "She’s asleep."
"The past is past, unfortunately." Master Bruce dragged his hands down his face. "Besides these children are practically meta, or even magic users, right?"
"Yes. But don’t forget these children grew into child soldiers and more than likely they could not trust anyone with this pressure. If Miss Marinette’s emotional collapse is any indication." Alfred supplied.
"Jay go to bed Dick and I will go on patrol."
"Jason." Bruce snapped at the boy.
"Fine…" The child surrendered, all his fight leaving him at Bruce’s words. The boy trudged up the steps.
"Bruce he’s worried for his friend! Can’t you see that." Master Dick slammed his hands on the desk in front of him.
"She’s a meta Dick."
"She is a child."
"That doesn’t change facts." Bruce spun around to face his elder ward.
"You work with aliens, metas, even magic users, and so do I. Our teams are made up by them, so what’s the difference." Master Bruce didn’t say anything, making the young man even angrier. "Figure it out Bruce." Dick started to walk away, before turning back. "Don’t call until you do."
He left without another word.
"Master Bruce."
@jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07 @mizzy-pop
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alittledoseofchaos · 1 year
Part Of A Work In Progress
Marinette burrowed into a soft blanket as the news played on a very large TV. She lazily turned up the volume as the video switched to be infront of a semi-demolished building. A woman in a purple pantsuit waved her arms to get the attention of someone. Soon, Ironman landed infront of the cameraman.
"Mr. Stark! You just saved tons of people from a burning building, how do you do it?"
"Like he does everything, with narcissism." Tim muttered from Marinette's left. She blinked at him. A round of hums in agreement came from all Waynes and Wayne-adjacents in the room. She watched in a mixture of amusement and fascination as the comments slowly escalated.
At one point Jason put his book down and joined the people on the couch in mocking the hero. Marinette knew for a fact that Cass hadn't been holding a "Ironman's a JERK" sign at the beginning of this, but she was now. Steph was burning a shirt with the Ironman symbol. Damian was standing on the back of the couch, monologuing about how he was a disgrace. Tim was standing on an armchair, how he got there she didn't know, and was somehow agreeing with Damian while insulting him? Duke was chanting 'burn the hierarchy' as if that was something perfectly normal. Marinette is pretty sure Babs was recording this; most likely for blackmail. If it wasn't for the mischievous smiles on their faces, and their night-time activities, Marinette would be worried she was living with supervillains.
"Mr. Stark, people are saying that you are living proof that superheroes could reveal their identities without danger to their loved ones, do you agree with this take?"
A suffocating silence filled the room as all those present fixated on the screen. Marinette swore none of them were breathing.
"That is completely false. People I care about have been put in danger, and that's with all the tech and money possible."
Marinette watched as they all did a double take. She could practically see them all rebooting. Not long after they shook off their shock and continued on.
Jason returned to his book. Damian climbed off the couch and used a cup of water to put out the growing flames. Tim pulled off his jacket and mopped up the excess water. Cass folded up the sign and slipped it between the couch cushions. Dick, who had been watching this all unfold, shook his head fondly. Steph gathered the popcorn that was spilled in the anarchy. Duke went back to writing in his handheld notepad.
At this point Marinette's eyes were comically large, and she couldn't fight the laughter that came bubbling out of her. Everyone's eyes whipped to Marinette, almost as if they forgot she was there; except Cass because she's Cass. Nobody did anything until Dick started laughing too. Noise filled the room, but this time because of laughter and jokes rather than criticisms.
That was how Bruce found them later, all except Damian laughing. When asked what was going on, they all just fell silent and exited through different entry points. Bruce blinked. Looking around the now empty room, he decided that he was better off not knowing the cause of the newest burn mark on the coffee table.
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marauderundercover · 1 year
us against the world (pt 2)
“Miss Dupain-Cheng?” Mr. Weston calls. Marinette sits up straight, wincing slightly. She totally hadn’t been falling asleep in the middle of history class. American history was so…interesting. Why ever would she fall asleep? 
“Um, yes sir?” She says uncertainly. 
“I have a note for you from the office.” He says, holding a sticky note up. Marinette feels a wave of cold wash over her. Why would the office have a note for her? Was she in trouble? Did something happen to Penny or Jagged? Swallowing thickly, Marinette walks to the front and takes the note from him, hands shaking as she sits back at her seat. Opening the note slowly, her shoulders relax as she reads it. The last two weeks at Gotham Academy had been pretty average. And if she was being honest, she was kind of constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Luckily, the note wasn’t that. 
Ms. Rolling called. She’s stuck in traffic and Mr. Stone’s plane has been delayed. Miss Dupain-Cheng is to catch a bus home.
“Are you okay?” Bruce asks quietly, his voice barely audible. Marinette gives him a small smile before sliding the sticky note towards him with a short shrug. His face twitches into a frown briefly, before he flips the note over and scribbles something on the back. 
You live in Bristol, right? 
Marinette nods, and Bruce scribbles again. 
Would you like a ride home?
“Mr. Wayne and Miss Dupain-Cheng, need I remind you that the weekend does not start for another three minutes. Until that bell rings, I expect you all to be paying attention. This is something that you will need in the future.” Mr. Weston insists. Marinette feels her eyebrow twitch, but she stays quiet. She wasn’t exactly sure how the dates of the American revolution would help her in the future as the Guardian or a fashion designer. Or anything, really. But that wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have right before the bell rings on a Friday. 
“Sorry, sir.” Marinette says, silently hoping that Bruce will stay quiet. His lips press into a thin line and she can practically feel the outburst boiling just under the surface. Before he can say anything though, the bell rings and Marinette lets out a sigh of relief. Bruce rolls his eyes, shoving his books into his bag and raising an eyebrow at her. 
“Well? Would you like a ride home?” He asks again. Marinette frowns. 
“I wouldn’t want to be a bother-” She tries to say, but Bruce shakes his head. 
“It’s fine. Besides, Alfred would have my head if he knew I was going to make my friend take the bus all the way to Bristol.” He says. Marinette’s mouth twitches up into a grin. 
“Friends?” She asks, a hopeful spark in her chest. Bruce’s eyes widen slightly before he nods slowly. 
“I- er- yes. Yes we are.” He says. Marinette’s grin turns into a full smile. 
“Awesome. Well, friend, let’s get going.” She says, slinging her bag onto her shoulder. Bruce huffs, but it’s the closest thing she’s heard to a laugh from him in the two weeks she’s known him, so she accepts it without complaint. Following him outside, he opens the backseat of a very nice car and sticks his head in. 
“Afternoon Alfred. Would it be alright if we drove Marinette home today? She lives in Bristol as well.” He says. The man in the front seat turns and gives her a small smile. 
“Of course, Master Bruce.” He says simply. Bruce climbs into the backseat, sliding all the way over so that Marinette can also slide in. Shutting the door, Marinette smiles at Alfred. 
“Thank you for the ride home, sir.” She says. 
“Well of course, Miss Marinette. Where is it we’re taking you?” He asks. Marinette rattles off the address and Bruce raises an eyebrow. “Well, it appears you live in the manor on the immediate right of Wayne Manor.” Alfred says. Marinette’s eyes widen as she turns to Bruce. 
“I can’t believe we’re neighbors.” She says. Bruce nods. 
“Lucky for you, I guess. If you ever need a ride to or from school, you could join us instead of taking the bus.” He offers. Marinette tries not to laugh at the mention of luck. Despite everything she had feared, it seemed that Gotham was better luck than Paris ever was. 
“-until the day you learn how to start a normal conversation, I will have to be right there to fix the messes you make.” Bruce sighs, shaking his head at Harvey. Marinette raises an eyebrow, arms crossed as she leans against her locker as she catches the last part of their conversation. 
“Let me guess, Carissa Livingston again?” She asks, grinning. Bruce nods solemnly as Harvey just groans. 
“I don’t know how we always end up going down a weird rabbit hole every time I try to talk to her.” He says. 
“It’s likely attributed to the fact that you continuously find increasingly random ways to start conversations with her.” Bruce says. Marinette snorts, and Bruce tilts his head. “Now that I think about it, you do that with every girl besides Marinette.” Marinette turns to Harvey, raising an eyebrow as he flushes pink. 
“I’m hurt, Harv, really, I am.” She teases. “Why don’t I get the fun, bizarre topics?”
“Oh- uh- well, Bruce-”
“Thank you, Harvey. Come on, Marinette. Alfred should be waiting for us.” Bruce interrupts, quickening his pace as he herds her towards the door. Marinette laughs, shaking her head as she turns back to wave at Harvey. 
“Sorry Harv! See you Monday!” She calls over her shoulder. She loved being friends with Harvey and Bruce. It was easy. It didn’t hurt. 
“Mr. Stone and Ms. Rolling will be gone until later tonight, right?” Bruce asks as they walk out the door. Marinette nods. 
“I tried to convince them that it would be fine if they just stayed at a hotel and come home tomorrow instead, but Penny insists that I shouldn’t stay home alone overnight.” She explains. Bruce’s eyebrows scrunch together and he frowns, obviously thinking hard. 
“Do you want to come have dinner with me and Alfred? We can drive you home after. That way you don’t have to eat alone.” He suggests. Marinette grins. 
“Are you sure that would be okay with Alfred?” She asks. Bruce nods, opening the car door and scooting over so she can climb in too. 
“Alfred, could Marinette have dinner with us tonight?” He asks. 
“Of course, Master Bruce. Miss Marinette, you are always welcome, my dear.” Alfred says, and Marinette can’t help the warm feeling in her chest. She’d only been in Gotham for a few months, but it was already home. 
Tag list:  @stainedglassm  @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess @crazylittlemunchkin @buttercupsbitch @toodaloo-kangaroo @kking13   @babylovebug18 @bookwalmartav @maybeanalien0-0
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jayphoenic · 1 year
Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 4
Letters revealing a scary truth by @mysnis
"Please reach JL, villain in Paris."
"What? A villain in Paris?" Bruce asked. He frowned. "Why is she hiding it?"
"I'm hoping that the previous letters will reveal that." Tim answered. Damian stared between the two before heading to his room. He came back quickly looking at them.
Lost and Found by @soulmate-game
This doesn't actually have a title
“Is that a kid?”
“Yep,” Batman’s grin grew.
“Is she… stealing my tires?” Hood was so, so glad he wore a helmet that hid his expression. Because… wow.
“Yep,” Batman finally lost his composure, chuckling. “This seems like Karma, don’t you think?”
De-Aged by @timinette-is-best
“How is there a fairy in the Pixie’s pocket?”
He asked jokingly while swinging the hands back and forth!
“Lookin lookie!  It’s a Ladybug fairy!  She’s so pwetty.”
Marinette held Tikki in both of her hands and jumped up and down trying to get him to look.  Jason chuckled and looked down at the toy.  It was cute, he had never seen something like it before.  Then it blinked, and flew out of Marinette’s hand, and oh gosh, IT CAN TALK?!
Innocence, avoidance by @consumeconstantly
To be more precise, he’s hoping that she’s simply avoiding his detection, and hasn’t gotten swept up in something bad.
It takes Jason three hours-- three hours-- to find the girl who can’t be much older than ten. Probably not even ten, judging by her size.
“You’re lucky it’s me finding you, and not someone else, Pixie.” He finally catches a glance of her glaringly sparkly backpack, complete with fairies and unicorns covered in some sort of holographic overlay.
The New Adoptee by @purple-goo-writes , @mochegato & @thepacifistavenger
This doesn't actually have a title
Alfred will tell him.  Alfred knows everything.
“Master Bruce, I’m shocked at you.  Surely you know your most recent adoptee’s name?”
Adoptee?!  When–?  How??
There’s a light tap just below his right shoulder blade–she really is a tiny slip of a thing–and he turns to meet her wide-eyed, innocent, sapphire gaze.  Oh, no.  Did she learn this look from Jason?  Or is it her own and that’s how it is that she fits in so well with the rest?
@waremyth @onfire-garbagecan @dyinggirldied @mystarlightlight @leftguard66 @255940g @virgil-is-a-cutie @the-dumber-scaramouche @mewwitch @dopefirevoidscissors @bambicambi @batmanzplan @just-a-bottle-of-chaos @luvielle @elijahcrevan @gotham-redridinghood @chelama @intercoursefluids @weirdo-with-no-beardo @chocolate1721 @slytherinpride35 @summerfox1988 @skyerie
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the-coffee-fandom · 1 year
Tumblr media
Gif by @the-coffee-fandom please do not repost or steal, tumblr kind of killed the quality with its file size max
❥ Timari :
Marigolds Pierce My Skin
Cat’s Don’t Always Chase Birds
A Duck And A Ladybug (Roommates Edition)
Coffee Is My Love Language
Into The Depths Of Our Minds
Death Came For Me
I Don’t Need To See Stars (I Saw You Instead)
Don’t Overwork Yourself (Trust Me Because I Love You)
A Date With Sleep
❥ Bio Dad :
Dreaming Of Anemone
My Identity Is By Your Side
My Heart Is Tied To Family
Argue With Me Sister
First Meetings Aren’t Always The Best, But Sometimes They Are
❥ Damianette :
Memories Filled With You
Hold Me Tight Till Mornings Light
Some Angel’s Die, Some Angels Fly
Sister!?! Preposterous!
❥ Jasonette :
The Cookie Problem
❥ Dickinette :
Did You Fall From Heaven? (No It Was The Chandelier)
❥ Cassette :
Death Bouquet
❥ Multi-ship :
Valentine’s Day Special 2021
❥ Collabs :
Leave (And Ignore The Pain Behind My Eyes) (Written with @miraculousmelodies ; Timari)
Alphabet Soup (Written with dragonbug, @jinx-jade, @legends-live-in-memories, @shamrockace, RayBell (Shard_Of_Stained_Glass), @tylindel, @wildbookcat ; multi-ship)
Friendships A Fine Line I Could Never See (Written with @miraculousmelodies and Ever_lore ; Timari)
From Your Favorite Chaos Gremlins (Written with @miraculousmelodies and Ever_lore ; found family)
Don’t Blame Me (Written with Ever_lore)
In Sickness And In Health (I’ll Love You) (Written with @coolkid-mcgee, Miarculas, @miraculousmelodies ; Timari)
And That’s The Tea (Written with @serenescribbles and @miraculousmelodies ; Jasonette)
Sunflower (Written with @izanae, @newdog14, @nitwitjustice ; Timari)
Pure Sugar (Written with @coolkid-mcgee, @izanae, @miraculousmelodies ; Timari)
Captive Hearts (Written with @boldlyanxious, @izanae, Ever_lore, @jumpingjoy82, @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn ; Jasonette)
Memories Of Family: A Pass Story (Written with @izanae, @jumpingjoy82, @serenescribbles, @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn ; Family)
If Baldness Was A Crime (We’d Solve It With Crayon) (Written with @jumpingjoy82, Ever_lore, @miraculousmelodies, @serenescribbles ; Timari)
If Your Girlfriend Gets Mad (We Fix It With Logic) (Written with @miraculousmelodies, Ever_lore, @nitwitjustice ; Timari)
If Your Nemesis Fights Back (We Kill Him With Glitter) (Written with @miraculousmelodies, Ever_Lore, @nitwitjustice ; Timari)
❥ Series :
Rim Drake (Timari Crack Fics)
Flowers Aren’t Always A Love Language (Unconnected Hanahaki au’s)
Team Issa’s Stolen A (Event Collection)
❥ Collections :
Admission Fee Fics (Co-ran with @velveteenshadow)
❥ Related Works :
No Stronger Bond Than Ours @serenescribbles (Inspired by Sister!?! Preposterous!)
❥ Gifts :
And They Were Roommates @jinx-jade (Damianette)
Hearts Entwined TheNumberFairy (Tim/Marinette/Stephanie)
Time’s TikToking sunshinyy_rose (Damianette)
Not Crazy, Creative sunshinyy_rose (Damianette)
Paying For A Strangers Coffee May Lead To Unexpected Results @peachieplanetssb (Timari)
Tim-Marry @izanae (Timari)
Mastermind! @peachieplanetssb (Timari)
Petals Of You @ggomos-maribat (Timari)
When All Is Too Much Lean On Me @tylindel (Timari)
Camellia Japonica @ggomos-maribat (Timari)
Smexy Chocolate (Or Coffee Overlords) QueenKitten101 (General Pairings)
Coffee Lovers @miraculousmelodies @tylindel Ever_lore (Timari)
“I’m the favorite!” “No you’re not you little-” @ellienettie (Dickinette)
Never Enough Time Butterflies_and_Ladybugs @jumpingjoy82 (General Pairings)
No Stronger Bond Than Ours @serenescribbles (Family)
What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been @izanae (Jasonette)
❥ Awards :
Tag Team Tournament 2022 ~
High score & Most submissions
Challenge Accepted
Java Junkies MVP
Maribat Awards 2021 ~
Runner up in Most Underrated Maribat Fic
Maribat Awards 2022 ~
Most Underrated Author
Best Historical/Fantasy AU (as well as runner up)
❥ My Art :
Damianette Soulmates for @tree-reads
Vee Owl House
King Owl House
Only Rocketships Timari Scene
Only Rocketships Sheep Costume
Only Rocketships Cover
❥ Check Out These Super Cool Authors :
Miracle-Sham (ShammrockTales)
Jinx-Jade (Trial_and_Error)
❥ Want to join me on discord?
Timari Coven
Holy Miraculous, Batman!!!!
Maribat Server
❥ Things I help run
Maribat Prompts Blog
❥ Inbox messages open for questions, suggestions, ideas, recommendations, and otherwise!
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mae-dwrites · 6 months
A Bundle of Heliotropes - Chapter 2 - Apprise
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Now Marinette hadn't been avoiding her parents, nope siree! She wasn't strictly talking about the bakery, her commissions, school work, and every other thing in between when she was with them. She wasn't avoiding them, nor was she avoiding the growing elephant in the house.
Wait. What elephant? There's certainly no elephant, because for there to be one in her home her house would need to be bigger! Unless you're talking about the metaphorical kind, which there was none. That would require tension, and avoiding something.
Marinette does not avoid things. No, never even! She handles things head-on!
Which is why this is a tactical maneuver! As her soulmark could possibly reveal who she was despite the magic, but by how much? That is unknown, so to show or not to show. To tell or not to tell. To lie or not to lie…
Marinette hated lairs…lies; everyone knew that. And being Ladybug kinda went against that, she’ll admit. The pure irony made her cry from laughing when she first started this whole Protect Paris thing. Tikki had tried to reassure her but it didn't really help most of the time, Marinette had gotten over it through the years.
“Marinette! Alya’s here,” Sabine called from the other side of the trap door.
“She can come up, thank you maman!”
“Hey Mars,” Alya said as she came up. Marinette looked over the documents Mlle. Bustier had sent her this morning. Mlle. Bustier was putting all the budgeting for the class on Marinette, much like she had been for the last few years.
Which she shouldn’t even have to be doing since all her friends and her should be in different classes for their career-based tracks, but with Akumas and the fear of causing more: students were forced to stay in their same classes. Which sucked for the most part, i.e. Lila and Chloé always being on her. Well, Lila more so than Chloé since last year.
“Hey Alya,” Marinette didn't look up at her friend, still looking at the notes.
“Girl you need to relax, let me help.” When Marinette didn't say or do anything Alya continued, “Better yet why haven't you told Mlle. Bustier to stop dumping this on you?”
Marinette finally huffed and pushed herself away from the desk space, “I did last year. She threw a fit at me. Remember that?”
“Mlle. Helper? That's what that was about,” Alya gapped at Marinette.
“I thought you knew that,” Marinette frowned, she had told Alya, hadn’t she?
“You were very irritated after that Akuma that you told Alya you would talk to her later,” Tikki popped up. “You might have forgotten to tell her if you didn't message her.”
“Okay,” Marinette mumbled to herself, almost a grumble of sorts even, as she turned back to the sheets in front of her.
Their class hosted two major dances this year and were going to host another one in the middle of May. They also had multiple fundraising events, their entire year had been doing events left and right to get enough money for them to go somewhere out of France. Marinette had come up with the idea that they spent this year raising money so that next year they could fundraise for some extra cash. They would go somewhere much cheaper and close by at the end of May.
Next year though? They still hadn’t decided, but the staff were supporting them thoroughly.
“Marinette,” Alya’s hand gently took the papers from the Eurasian. “You for one need to put your foot down, and hard this time. Even if it means we need to fight an Akumatized Bustier twenty times. You have so much already, I don’t want you to overwork yourself more than you already do.”
Marinette frowned back at her friend, who just frowned at her harder.
“Are you going to tell your parents?” Alya finally asked, her true reason for randomly popping by this time.
Marinette’s lips became a tight thin line, she wasn’t going to lie to Alya but she knew what she was going to say. Marinette’s head rolled back and squeezed her eyes shut. She didn’t want to think about it or deal with it for that matter. She didn’t want to deal with anything she was dumped with these last three years honestly.
If she had never become Ladybug would she be unfit for her soulmate? Would they still work? Or maybe if she wasn’t Ladybug, wasn’t the Guardian, was just Marinette, whoever was her match wouldn’t be hers. Maybe she’d be with Adrien or Luka, perhaps it would be platonic instead.
Marinette’s lips went from tight to droopy, she swallowed as she thought over possibilities. She got pulled from it with a light squeeze on her wrist, she opened her eyes. Her vision now blurry, she blinked away her tears before looking at her friend.
Alya had a small, reassuring smile on her face as she carefully stated, “I think it would be better for them to know you’re Ladybug..”
This admittance from Alya was not unfamiliar to Marinette, they’d had conversations surrounding identities many times before. Marinette didn’t tend to handle them well, that was a recurring theme that made her avoid it more so. When she had asked Alya for the Fox Miraculi back she had thought it had made it clear where she stood on identity sharing.
That request had later led to a fight between the girls, Alya pointing out all the ways Marinette picked and chose her rules, and how she saw the difference between Chat Noir's involvement to that of either of them. It had been tense, to say the least.
But eventually, Marinette came forward and explained her side more thoroughly, though was careful to still keep the secrets the Order wished her to. It only left apologies and tears, and perhaps a bracelet.
Marinette’s gaze shifted to the bracelet on her best friend’s wrist before looking back up to look her in the eyes. The previous times they’d talked about identities it had been much calmer, but with soulmates coming up more and more Alya had taken to approaching the topic more.
Alya listened more and didn’t push Marinette past what she said she couldn’t handle, she dropped it when she clearly was over it. Alya’s face still held that same smile, so full of patience she didn’t have before. There was already acceptance in her eyes, acceptance for whatever Marinette said now.
Marinette opened her mouth to speak but closed it to clear her throat, having become dry in her emotional moment and lack of speaking. Alya let a quiet laugh out, earning her a half-hearted glare from Marinette.
“It wouldn’t be the worst plan,” Marinette finally said with a laugh. She didn’t like it, not one bit, but what choice did she truly have? Her parents weren’t pushy by any means, they respected her space and privacy. That had been one of the few things that made being Ladybug really easy, but they would want to see. If they didn’t realize it immediately they would put it together eventually.
“It really wouldn’t be,” Alya grinned.
“Perhaps you should plan how to tell them,” Tikki spoke up again.
“I think that is a swell idea,” Wayzz expressed from Alya’s shoulder. Alya smiled down at the green Kwami before looking over at Marinette, “That sounds good? Maybe it’ll help keep you calm?”
Marinette nodded, “Yeah. Yeah, we can do this.” Marinette wiped her eyes with a sniff. “That sounds good, let’s do it.”
“That’s the spirit!” Pollen cried from above them, making the girls laugh.
“This isn’t going to end well,” Marinette mumbled to herself. “They’re gonna throw me out,” she whined.
“That’s completely irrational. What happened to the confidence we had earlier?” Alya asked from behind her.
“I know, I know,” Marinette groaned before taking a deep breath. “This isn’t going to be a disaster. If it will Bunnix come out now.” Marinette held her breath for a moment. Alya groaned behind her.
“Marinette,” Alya grabbed Marinette by her shoulders. “I know this is hard but I think this would be very beneficial for you. Your parents love you, and no matter what they will support you.”
Marinette’s face still held a frown, “What if they’re disappointed?”
“Dis-disa-” Alya howled at the thought, “Do you know how our parents reacted when they found out you let us be temporary heroes? They were kinda mad at you for a moment but it also gave them some perspective of who you were. And after the worry mostly subsided they were really proud of us. Anark doesn’t shut up about it to other parents! So your parents are definitely gonna worry but they’ll be proud and support you.” Alya paused, holding Marinette’s hands, “Just start with your mark.”
Alya smiled at Marinette, it made Marinette’s chest go tight. Why couldn’t she be so sure? Why was she so scared? She knew those things, yet she was still so very terrified to tell her parents.
Three years. Three years and they never knew, or at least they never came to her about it. Three years of hiding, of following a rule that even Marinette sometimes found stupid. Three years of imagining telling them, ranging from welcoming her and supporting her to making them move or being told it was too dangerous to have her around. From the most realistic of outcomes to the worst, even if they were very unlike her parents.
Her parents loved her, she knew that.
Marinette held her breath for a moment.
This would be fine…yeah. Yeah! Bunnix would have stopped her right here and now if it didn’t go mostly right.
Marinette straightened up and gave an affirmative nod for no one but herself. She finally opened her room door and made her way down the steps. Marinette could sense the other Kwami making their ways down phasing into hiding spots, she felt Tikki in her pigtail and she knew Wayzz was likely close to Alya.
“Marinette! Alya,” Sabine greeted before asking, “are you staying for dinner? Staying over tonight?” The woman looked up from her pot, she tapped her spoon on the pot before putting it on the dublé. “Of course you’re welcome to but please check with your mother, I really don’t want her to relive her panic that one time.”
“Oh I’m just staying for dinner, and I already messaged her a while ago,” Alya reassured the older woman. “Marinette actually asked me to.”
Marinette felt her poke her in the back, she probably would have shot her a glare if she hadn’t been so nervous. She took a deep breath, “Yep uh, yep. I actually wanted to, to talk to you two with Alya.”
Marinette’s insides roared with trepidation, and she’d only said she wanted to talk!
“Of course sweetie,” Tom said beside Sabine. “Dinner’s almost ready, you want to set the table?”
“Of course,” Marinette made her way to the cupboards the familiar actions helped to ground her emotions. Alya tried to help her but the Dupain-Cheng household refused to let her, instead she was forced into a seat by Sabine as Marinette placed her plate and Tom came dishing her up. Alya crossed her arms in (lighthearted) annoyance of the sweet family.
Under the annoyed look love came off her, which was enough for the family of three.
When everyone was seated on the island and they’d all had some to start Marinette took a deep breath. She sent Alya a look that made the older teen feel the need to straighten up, just to simply show she was there whenever she was needed.
“So Maman, Papa, as I said there is something I wanted to talk to you about,” Marinette started, gaining her parents' full attention. “I believe it would be best for you to have an empty mouth.”
This made her papa nervous, she could tell as he tried his quickest to finish the bite in his mouth. Sabine though slowly lowered her fork with confusion a small frown on her lips.
Marinette swallowed and opened her mouth to speak but had to close it to center herself. Alya what she assumed to be a reassuring nudge with their knees. Marinette looked up at her parents with resolve.
“You know my birthday happened this week,” she watched her father grow concerned while her mother seemed to unintentionally lean forward. “Well I got my mark,” she trailed off for a moment, “And the thing is that I want to show you, but I believe you need to know something before I do.” Her voice almost sounded like it was tailing again but wasn’t quite.
Her parents stared at her as she sat there, not doing anything. She’d already put the start out, she’d gotten their attention on the matter and that meant no going back.
“Maman, Papa, I’m,” she struggled, gripping her fork tightly, “I’m, I.” She grew irritated with herself. It’s not that hard to say it, two words. That’s it, two simple words. Two simple, extremely life-changing words.
“Marinette, dear, it’s okay if you’re not ready. We’ll wait however long you want, you don’t ever have to show us,” Sabine reached out for her daughter’s hand. She had barely even grazed her hand when Marinette pulled away and firmly stated, “I’m Ladybug.”
Marinette squeezed her eyes shut. Finally, she’d said it, but the silence following was deafening. Moreso than any Akuma she’d fought, worse than getting a recipe wrong, worse than having to restart a project, worse than-
“Oh baby,” Sabine’s voice cut through. “Oh my baby,” she said softly rushing to her daughter. Arms encompanced the girl making her draw a quick breath, no sooner her father was quick to follow suit. Marinette swallowed as she slowly opened her eyes, staring at the empty seats. Her heart raced and she felt a bit lightheaded.
Overwhelmed. That’s it, she’s just overwhelmed.
Not by her family though, no not them. Saying it, her panic had come that’s what.
Marinette focused on the feeling of her parents' arms around her, the pressure that came with their love, the smell of the meal they’d made, the bakery coming off of them in waves…
Her maman murmured words she couldn’t quite make out into her hair, one hand smoothing her hair as the other held her. Her father’s giant arms encompassed her as she felt light tears drop onto her head.
A hand slid into hers. Alya, her mind supplied. Her best friend gave a gentle squeeze which she gladly returned. Marinette let her eyes shut as her own tears slid down her face, tears of relief. She took a deep, happy breath.
“My strong baby,” she made out before her mother kissed her practically on the ear. Marinette didn’t mind, she’d take it all.
Sabine slowly pulled away making Tom to take it as a cue. Sabine held her daughter’s face in her hands looking over her face seeming to be searching, searching for the trick, for the prank, for the lie. There was none, and no all she saw was her little girl. Who’d turned into a strong woman, had become…a solider of her people.
Sabine’s eyes became glassy.
“I’m fine dear. What about you? How are you?”
Marinette swallowed giving a weak smile, “A lot better right now.”
Sabine squinted at her, “Tell me the truth.”
“It is,” Marinette insisted laughing wetly. “I didn’t like it, lying to you.”
“Oh sweetie,” Sabine said so simply, so thick with words she couldn’t ever know how to say. She looked over to Alya and smiled, “I’m happy you had someone.”
Alya sat up with pride, but not without blinking rapidly. Tom bombarded her with a hug as he wailed, “Thank you for being there for her Alya.”
Alya laughed, “I wasn’t there the whole time.”
“It doesn’t matter, we mean it all the same,” Sabine said still smiling. The woman sighed looking back at her daughter, “I suppose you’re gonna show us missy?”
Marinette laughed, “Of course Maman.”
Damian had been very careful these first few days of having the mark, but sadly his brothers’ occasional nonchalant attitudes had infected him at some point. Now that meant something a little different for every family member, but for Damian that meant being sure; leaving him to slowly become truly careless.
Why? Because Jason was busy tracking someone in Crime Alley, the person had left him on quite the chase. Tim had holed himself in the cave the past two days, soon enough he’d pass out or Alfred would cause him to. Dick was currently in Blüdhaven for the next few weeks. And Father was busy with WE as to be expected.
Damian was safe for the time being, he smiled to himself as he decided what to wear for the day. He didn’t want to change as he had promised Titus that he would take him to the park today, and his friend knew what those words meant very well.
His neck prickled making him straighten up. It must be Alfred, he must have slipped in and he hadn’t noticed. It was fine, Alfred wouldn’t say anything. And he could keep it a secret, and-
Cassandra stood behind him with a wide smile. She’d seen, she knew, she’d tell Stephanie and then it would be over.
“Cain,” he said carefully. “Don’t tell anyone.” Her face became impish, Damian felt his stomach drop. His eyes glanced down to her hands, she was holding her phone.
“You didn’t,” Damian's voice became strained as he eyed the device. His panic seeped through more than he ever allowed, but that didn’t matter because Cass would know regardless.
His sister stood before him in a calm excitement. She didn’t need to answer, she knew she didn’t need to, Damian already knew she had. His brothers would pester him, Dick would be hurt he didn’t tell him, they wouldn’t stop talking about it…They wouldn’t stop talking about it. He hadn’t even told Jon, Jon would be upset he wasn’t told.
Damian stood staring at her in panic and shock, Cass stood staring back with an almost eerie calm.
“You didn’t share,” she said simply. Damian’s phone started ringing.
Oh. Oh Damian was in for it.
Damian glared at Cass from across the table.
He’d turned his phone off for the day so he wouldn’t answer Dick, but Tim had tried to chase him as he left with Titus. He thought he could stall but not even an hour of being at the park with Titus and Jason strolled in. Damian had barely made it out of the park without being spotted.
Damian suspects Tim had called Kon which led to Jon finding out. Jon had flown to Gotham and face planted on his car. Now Damian needed a new windshield and hood.
He could feel Jon glaring at him as he sat right next to him. Dick had driven right back to Gotham and was currently giving the saddest puppy dog eyes from across the table. Damian ignored him as he stabbed his brussels sprouts.
He was going to tell Jon, maybe even Cass, and his brothers could learn it when they became significantly insufferable. Damian tried to tell Jon that he was planning on telling him, but Jon was focused on the fact that he wasn’t told and learned from Kon.
“What’s it look like,” Brown whined, dramatically stretching her arms on the table. It’s all she would say it seemed, Damian was beginning to wonder if she was finally going insane.
“Stephanie he doesn’t have to show us,” Father said for what seemed like the twentieth time. His father while he was composed was obviously just as hurt as Dick was, Damian could’ve sworn he’d seen him sending heartbroken looks at him.
“We’ll see it eventually,” Todd said, looking smug at the thought. “It’s only a matter of time.”
Oh how Damian wanted to leap across the table with his fork.
“You didn’t have to show us, just tell us that you got it,” Grayson spoke up still looking forlorn.
“When did this happen?” Drake asked, sadly he hadn’t passed out yet like Damian hoped. Damian spent a moment trying to incapacitate him with his mind-will alone. Perhaps he could convince Raven or another hero to teach him spells without father finding out.
“Only this week, it hasn’t been very long,” Damian stated plainly.
“And you couldn’t tell me,” Jon’s voice woven with betrayal on par with Dick and with offense laced in. Damian certainly felt bad for not notifying his closest confidant, and was slowly feeling bad he didn’t say anything to Dick. The only thing stopping him from succumbing to the feeling was that he saw it as his brother moping.
“Dude you’re like second on the list who gets to know,” Brown stated with a mild glare.
Jon frowned as he snapped back, “That would make you third then.”
“Excuse me?” Stephanie squinted at him slowly moving her hand across the table to reach for a utensil.
“I’m his best friend, you’re a family friend,” Jon said, almost seeming to want to start a fight at the table. Damian felt a headache coming on, and by the look on Bruce's face so was he.
“That’s how you started out, and I was here first you’re a newborn,” Brown fumed with a predatory look.
“Stephanie,” Bruce strained from his seat.
“Best friend,” Jon said, his voice suddenly dropping his usually predominant Metropolis accent to encomancing his Kansas’s one thickly.
“Jon I will call your father,” Bruce hung his head not even wanting to take in the visual of his not-child and nephew arguing.
“He’d agree with me,” Jon mumbled just loud enough for Damian to hear.
“No he wouldn’t Jon,” Damian said bored. Being upset with Cass would not solve his problems and Dick and Jon would get over it eventually.
Damian looked down at the table to see Duke wide awake with mashed potatoes, gravy, and mushroom sauce dripping down his face and onto his suit. Damian frowned serving his brother; Duke, as he always has, does the dayshifts but he also stayed up for night classes he took college classes. At least he tried to get sleep between his schoolwork and working to patrol during the day, unlike Tim.
When Summer Break came Damian would be sure to take day patrols, while they weren’t his favorite he didn’t want to leave Duke to handle all of it. Jason occasionally joined which made plenty of rouges and lowlives think twice when they saw him or heard from others. Damian could probably put a few hours on the weekends to help lighten the load now while school was still in session.
Dick had rushed to help Duke almost immediately, the only reason Damian hadn’t gotten up himself. Alfred was soon with them presenting proper towels for the mess.
“Duke, what did I say about getting rest?” Selina’s smooth voice announced her presence, along with the happy babbling of Helena in her arms.
“Sorry, I’m trying, just today was busy,” Duke yawned at the end of his sentence. His suit appeared fine and with Dick’s quick action to wipe up any goopy mixture of the food it was safe to assume nothing important had been ruined. Alfred took the messy towels to dispose of them, he nodded to Selina as he passed her.
Damian got up and went to his stepmother, “Allow me.” He said simply referring to his sister.
“You don’t have to Damian,” Selina still handed the baby to him with a fond smile at both of them.
“Of course I do. She is my sister, and you shouldn’t have to be the sole caretaker. You’ll become too drained to properly take care of her,” Damian stated with a firm nod to Selina before making sure the baby’s head was well supported.
Selina's smile was soft as she kissed the tops of both their heads, “Thank you Damian.”
Damian hummed back taking his sister to his seat, he was glad he had eaten most of what was on his plate so he wasn’t trying to eat while he held his sister. Jon looked at his sister with the same wonder he had seeing anyone just younger than a toddler. His father kissed Selina as she sat down, they briefly spoke of their daughter before moving on to other topics that Damian ignored to give his attention to his sister.
She babbled excitedly to him trying to move her hands. Damian smiled at her while nodding seriously, “Fascinating, anything else to look out for?”
Helena reached her hands up trying to reach his face, which he gladly aided in her attempt to reach up. She tapped his nose and dragged her hand down to his cheek.
“She’s so cute,” Jon cooed forgetting both his food and his betrayal from his best friend.
“Very,” Damian agreed as the infant continued to tap his face. He gave a kiss on the top of his sister’s soft head, she made noises as though she was trying to speak again.
Damian’s smile softened, maybe he was thinking too pessimistic about it in the name of being a realist.
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unkownsimoperson · 11 months
Siblings be like:
Jason: Hey, that a new top?
Marinette: Yeah!! I actually-
Jason: Yikes..
Marinette: You little..
Dick: *walks in, wearing Jason's whole closet* Okay, buddy boy, 'ere it is. You hide my favorite sweater, I'm wearin' everything you own.
Jason: That is so not the opposite of taking somebody's sweater!!
Dick: Ya know, it's kinda hot in here. I better not do any, I don' know, acro skills. *proceeds to do acrobatic skills*
Marinette: *laughing so hard to point she's rolling on the floor, her phone set up to film the whole interaction*
Dick: ShE bRoKe Up WiTh mEeE. *😭*
Jason: *annoyed that he disturbed his reading time* You never had a girlfriend.
Dick: I know. I just wanted to see if you cared.
Jason: F#uck you.
Dick: Awww, love you too.
Marinette: Welcome to dating advice with Marinette! Dick, what's your question?
Dick: How d'you tell if a girl likes you?
Marinette: She doesn't!!
Bruce: My house, my rules.
Marinette: Ma knife, you life. *smiles innocently*
Bruce: Oh...
Dick: Oh..
Sabine: That's my daughter right there!!
Jason: That's my sister right there!!
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
original prompt | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
this snippet is inspired by this post that had me wheezing yesterday
“Tim, can I ask for advice?” Marinette shuffles over to sit beside her sleep-deprived brother, handing him a cup of green tea. 
He stops typing to take a sip of the drink. “Sure, what is it?” 
“So I caught Dad researching some, um, modern slangs,” she begins. “And I thought it’s pretty harmless, y’know? He’s doing it to understand us better. I didn’t mention it at all but the definitions were a bit questionable.” 
“Uh huh, go on.” 
Marinette frowns. “But one day, this thing happened.” 
Marinette finishes lining up the freshly baked macarons on a circular tray. She perks up when she notices Bruce entering the kitchen. 
“Hey, want some macarons?” She picks a strawberry-flavored piece and hands it to him. 
Bruce takes a bite. “Mmm . .  this shit bussin’.” 
Marinette’s too stunned to speak. Her brain freezes, flashing back to the time she caught him researching slangs. Oh no . . . But before she formulates a coherent response, Bruce finishes the macaron, pats her on the head, and leaves for work. 
“He said WHAT?!” Tim nearly does a spit-take. 
“Yeah, he said that.” Marinette cringes. “I was wondering if I should tell him not to say those things.” 
Tim sets down his mug and holds both of her shoulders. She stares at the dark circles under his eyes mirroring his. “Nettie, listen to me, you can’t tell him.” He narrows his eyes. “Every instance he does that will be the drug that will motivate me everyday to live and we need everyone to witness it first.” 
“Uhh, okay.” 
“What else did he say?” 
Marinette glides down the grand staircase with her new dress. For a rare time, she’s made a piece for herself and herself only. Bruce passes by and she waves him over. 
“What do you think of my new outfit?” She does a spin. “I just finished making it.” 
Bruce gives a nod of approval. “Slayyy.” 
Alfred has gotten them all to be present at the family dinner that night. Marinette slips into the seat next to Tim, casting a furtive glance at her father. She both hopes and dreads that he strikes during mealtime. 
As utensils scrape on plates and chatter fills the room, she patiently waits. Suddenly, Damian clears his throat. “Father, I refuse to attend the gala this Saturday.” 
Bruce sighs. “We already talked about this. All of you will go, and no exceptions this time.” 
“What if I have homework?” 
“Then finish it before Saturday.” 
“But Father—” 
“You are going to the gala, Damian,” Bruce declares sternly. “Periodt.” 
The madness that consumes the entire room is peak chaos. Tim and Marinette lean against each other, covering their mouths to muffle their laughter. Dick’s fork falls and clatters on his plate. Both Stephanie and Jason are choking on their food, while Duke and Damian wear looks of confusion. Cass’ eyes grow wide. Even Alfred quirks an eyebrow. 
“Sorry, B, what did you say?” Dick coughs. 
“Periodt. End of discussion.” 
“Oh. My. God,” Stephanie whispers, wiping her chin. 
Marinette is certain that Batman will also make it a point to throw out straight-faced slangs during patrol. After transforming, she asks Alfred to help connect her to the comms so that she’ll be able to hear the others while still being untraceable. 
“The robbers are heading to an abandoned building,” Oracle reports. “I don't think that place is anywhere near accessible.” 
“That’s sus,” Batman comments.
“Sorry, that’s what?” 
Inari positions herself on a rooftop near where the other vigilantes are. Nightwing does an extravagant flip when he moves from one building to another. 
Batman only mumbles but the sound is picked up by the comms: “So extra.” 
The sound of someone wheezing follows after. Inari guesses that it came from Red Robin. 
“What was that, B?” Red Hood asks. 
“I said your movements are on fleek today, Nightwing.” 
“I got him!” Robin calls out, pinning one of the criminals in an alley. 
“Good. Wait for us, Robin. They’re going to catch these hands,” Batman instructs. 
Inari bites her lip to keep any noise from escaping. It’s a good thing she recorded all of that. 
Taglist: @tinybrie @sinoffalsejudgement @its-maemain @kamarallil @toughluna @golden-promises
*if you want to be tagged, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll add you to the taglist :)
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person25 · 5 months
for some reason, every time i get back into dc and/or miraculous i always end up here:
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Just want to share my favorite Maribat stories' links (not arranged in any particular order). :) :) :)
Yes. Because I am in that phase again lol
If you are the author, let it be known that you are awesome!
1) Taking Chances by Undercover_fangirl - This is a biodad Bruce Wayne story. Mari gets sent to Gotham thanks to an Akuma, and voila - you have a dad and a chaotic set of siblings!
2) for us to collide by LadyLiterature - This is a Daminette story which I love love love love!! And the dynamic of the Miraculous team? AMAZING.
3) Stalker X Stalker by oliviaandersonisntmyrealnamelol - This is Timinette story. Caffeine deprived coffee addicts + kwami unapproved stalking tendencies = hilarious chaos XD
4) No, Mr. Wayne, You Can't Adopt Me! by ggomoz - This is a Marinette as Bruce Wayne's secretary fanfic. It is chaos and very good if you wanna laugh out loud!! XD They have no idea she's MDC and has miraculous powers. They wanna adopt. Damian wants her in the fam, but not by adoption.
5) Joint Filing Status by ew_selfish_art - This is a new fav Daminette. Surprise, surprise, turns out they're magically married. Both are as chill as fuck about it. The RobinxLB epic power couple we all want without knowing we want it OMG!!!! 🩷🩷
6) 1-800 Emergency Magic Management by ew_selfish_art - A very amusing Robinette one-shot in which the Justice League is trying to recruit the operator of a magic helpline from Paris. XD Nth read. Like seriously. LMAO
P.S. If you know any more hidden gems, please for the love of us, feel very free to reblog and add it to the list. If it's an old fic in AO3, I probably have read it but add it anyway. And if you know any new awesome fanfic, then do tag me. I would love you for it. Thank youuu!!!!
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raeuberprinzessin · 2 years
I love the "Bruce adopts Marinette" trope as much as everyone else, but I want you to consider this:
Bruce learns that (for whatever reason) Marinette is in need for a guardian/parental unit/up for adoption and he has the papers ready - but he's still too late. Queen Hippolyta wanted to take the newest baby Ladybug under her wing at least as badly as Bruce. And since he already has so many kids and this is her chance to get a lovely little sister, Diana bribed everyone in the Justice League as well as Alfred, Oracle and the bat kids to keep Bruce in the dark long enough.
Bruce only stops pouting when Alfreds scolds him, but he's still extra broody, Cass stays away for a while because he's so clingy and he sighs loudly and theatrically whenever he sees something pink or anything about Ladybug.
Diana wonders whether she should convince her mother to share custody, just to get Batman to behave normal. He didn't even reprimand Hal after his stunt during the last mission! The Green Lantern expects said reprimand at any moment which makes him unbearably skittish.
Feel free to add 😂
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alittledoseofchaos · 8 months
Marvelous Miracles (Please Disregard the Ghosts)
Note: bold and italic means that it is said in french.
First, Prev,
'In. Out.' Marinette thinks to herself as she clambers out of the van.
"Here you go, Miss Marinette." She feels her nose crinkle in displeasure as she turns to accept her suitcase.
"Just Marinette, please." She feels her eyebrows furrow as Alfred chuckles quietly. Bewilderment spreads through her as he just keeps walking up the steps. Realizing she's being left behind, she rushes forward. She's just in time for him to reach the door. She turns to him to repeat herself when she hears a crash.
Spinning around to face the oak door, she finally takes in the sight around her. A vast, stone building looms infront of her. The manor's windows are small, but plentiful and built with stone mullions. The manor is clearly old with all the chips she could see in the stone. Gray skies threaten rain and pale vines blanket the walls.
'Goth and elegant, just like Juleka.' As soon as the thought forms, a rush of inspiration and aching loneliness fills her. Pushing aside both, she pulls out her phone to take a picture.
Her thumb hovers over the button as the feeling of being watched overcomes her again. Her grip tightens. She finally understands how people can feel like they're suffocating even when they're outside. The overwhelming sense of walls closing in, inch by inch. A pressure presses against her neck and cuts off her air flow.
Another abrupt crash brings her back to reality. She takes in a large, greedy breath. Feeling the air fill her lungs grounds her slightly. She opens her eyes, and shudders when everything appears to be tinted green.
"Miss Marinette, are you alright?" She turns towards the voice hesitantly. Meeting Alfred's eyes, she goes to answer when the front door slams open. A young man rushes out, his black hair being the only distinguishable thing as he runs through.
"I'm going to kill you Drake!" Another blur yells. The limited sunlight glints off the sheen of metal. The second blur tackles the first and their both sent tumbling down the remaining steps.
"I do hope you both decided to wash your own clothes, since you've clearly decided to ruin them." Alfred cuts in. The blurs freeze before scrambling apart. There before her stands two boys.
One appears to be nineteen, with incredibly pale skin and calculating blue eyes. The other boy has forest green eyes and looks to be about twelve. She watches as the older boy takes a knife out of the other boy's hands and throws it to the side. Why does he have a knife? The boys stand straight and tall. The youngest's face scrunches into a scowl.
"Really, another one?" The boys say in sync. Seeing that the boys were close to murdering each other, Alfred steps in.
"Master Tim, Master Damian, if you would please refrain from attempted murder infront of our guest, that would be wonderful."
"So successful murder is still on the table, then?" The shorter boy says dryly. Marinette watches in awe as Alfred raises his eyebrow and the boys reluctantly shuffle inside. Following them into the foyer of the mansion, Marinette eyes everything around her with bug eyes. Alfred clears his throat, staring at the boys pointedly.
"Oh, right, I'm Tim and you are?" The older boy greets. Taking a closer look, Marinette sees that eyebags as dark as an abyss weigh down his eyes.
"Uh, Marinette, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." He nods solemnly.
"Cool. Bye." She flounders as he walks off. She hears Alfred sigh behind her.
"I guess that means you're Da-" She stops as she realizes that Damian is no longer with them. "What in camembert cheese is happening?"
She ignores Alfred's quiet "pardon?" and turns to a man descending the stairs. His black hair falls into a careless look, but his dark blue eyes are full of careful consideration. He appears very relaxed, which should've been her first clue that things were only going to get worse.
"Hello! I'm Dick! You must be Marinette."
"I- yeah?...Isn't that a cuss word?" She mumbles.
"It's an old nickname for Richard." He replies breezily. Marinette nods her head.
"Yeeeaaahhh, Alfred may you please take me to my room now? Or back to Paris, atleast I'm used to the crazy there."
Alfred smiles at her warmly and Dick laughs. Heat blooms across her face. She crosses her arms as she tries not to throw her arms up in exasperation.
"Tired of us already? And here I was, hoping you'd enjoy your stay here." A man in a suit says from her left. Another person with black hair and blue eyes She feels her eyes widen as she realizes who he is.
"Th- that's not what I m- meant Mr. Wayne! I'm really grateful for you helping me out and-" Bruce Wayne smiles and cuts off her rambling with a wave.
"I'm just joking, Ms. Dupain-Cheng."
The next hour is a blur for Marinette as she goes through a brief tour and Bruce lists off the ground rules. When she finally gets to her very large guest room, her mind is whirling. Her phone lights up as a shrill ringing fills the room. She reaches for the phone and answers it absent-mindedly.
"Hey Nathaniel..."
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marauderundercover · 1 year
us against the world
“Now this might sound controversial, but I think that went well.” Jagged says cheerfully, sticking the key into the ignition. Marinette huffs out a laugh, shaking her head. 
“If by well you mean the school is still standing, then sure, it went well.” She says. Jagged frowns, pulling the car away from the curb. 
“What’s wrong, M?” He asks, his cheerful tone switched for a serious one. Marinette frowns, turning her attention out the window. 
“I just- I don’t think I’m going to fit in at that school. It’ll be like being around a bunch of Chloes, and I just- I don’t know.” She sighs. 
“Just- just give it a chance, yeah?” He asks softly. Marinette nods, silently. She would try to like Gotham Academy. Just like she would try to like Gotham itself. “You start tomorrow, but I’ve got an interview I’ve got to get to in New York. Penny’s gonna stay behind and make sure you get to and from school okay.” Jagged adds. Marinette turns to him, raising an eyebrow. 
“You’re going to go do something without Penny?” She asks. He nods. “You know I’m fourteen, right? I can take care of myself for a few days.” Jagged frowns. 
“I’m not leaving you alone for your first day of school, Mari. I know- I know that I’m not your dad, and that I’m not the best person to try and be a parent for you. But I’m trying, kid. I really am. And part of that is making sure you have support when you need it. Starting at a new school is definitely something that you need support with.” He says.
“I think you’re doing fine.” Marinette says softly.
“Thanks, kiddo.” Jagged says, just as softly, as he turns the car down the excessively long driveway. Gotham, Marinette had decided, was odd. But she would try to enjoy it. 
Staring up at the building looming over her, Marinette tries hard to not panic. It was just school, after all. Sure, she was transferring in two months after everyone else had started. And she was in a new country. And she was alone. But that was fine. Everything was going to be fine. Sucking in a deep breath, Marinette pushes through the front doors. And immediately runs into a person. 
“Mon dieu, er, I’m so sorry. I just kinda shoved the door open and I wasn’t really looking where I was going because I’m so early and I thought that no one else would be here yet and-” Marinette begins to ramble, nervously wringing her hands. 
“Tt. If the doors to the building are unlocked, there is usually someone else inside.” The boy says stiffly. Marinette glances at him, trying to figure out if he was being serious or sarcastic. Deciding to just count her losses, she nods. 
“Right. Well, sorry again.” She says. The boy simply hums in acknowledgement before walking away. Pushing her bangs out of her face, Marinette sighs. The first classmate she’d met and it’d gone horribly. Go figure. Hopefully once she had her schedule, things would go better. And who knows, maybe mystery angry guy wasn’t in any of her classes. 
Marinette was going to have a long, long talk with the kwami when she got home. Theoretically, they probably had nothing to do with her horrible luck. But not only did she share almost every class with the angry guy, but she was also assigned to sit next to him in said classes. Including being assigned his lab partner in biology. You would think saving France from a crazed meglomaniac would give her enough good karma that she wouldn’t have to worry about sitting by grumpy boys who refused to talk to her in every class. Apparently not. Walking into the cafeteria, Marinette can feel her panic creeping in once again. Tables were full, or nearing full, and she had no friends. It wasn’t easy when everyone else already knew each other, and had routines that they’d been following since August. Scanning the room, she spots a fairly empty table, but pauses. The guy from earlier was sitting there, angrily tearing apart his sandwich while another boy talks animatedly to him. It was the last thing she actually wanted to do, but seeing as it was the most empty table, she’d have to just go with it. Better to sit away from the two boys quietly than sit at a table where people were going to ask her a million questions that she didn’t want to answer. Stopping at the edge of the table, she clears her throat and tries not to flinch when the boy from earlier sends a small glare her way. 
“I promise I won’t talk to you guys, there’s just- most of the other tables are full. Could I sit here?” She asks, direcitng her question to the talkative one instead of the angry one. His eyes widen slightly, but he nods. 
“Oh, uh, sure, of course. Um, you can sit closer to us if you want.” He offers, nodding to the chair at the end of the table closest to them. Marinette hesitates. 
“Oh, well I wouldn’t-” She starts, but the angry boy cuts her off. 
“Just sit. Lunch is only twenty minutes and you’ve already wasted nearly half of it.” He says, his voice lacking the venom she’d expected. Marinette sits and pulls out the lunch that Penny had packed her, her lips twitching up at the note. 
“What’s that?” The talkative boy asks, leaning slightly in. Marinette feels herself blush involuntarily. It’s not that she was embarrassed that Penny had left the note but- well, she was in high school. 
“Oh. Er, my-” Marinette pauses, trying to think of a good word for Penny. “Guardian put a note in my lunch. I think she was worried since it’s my first day.” She says, shrugging. 
“Guardian?” He asks. Marinette winces. 
“Yeah. Guardian.” She says. He opens his mouth, probably to ask another question, but his friend cuts him off. 
“Harv, cool it with the questions.” He says. His friend- Harv?- pouts, but nods. 
“Sorry about that. I’m Harvey, by the way. Harvey Dent.” He says. Marinette smiles. 
“I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” She says, glancing at the ‘angry’ boy. She raises an eyebrow to him and he snorts. 
“Really? You don’t know me?” He asks, and it didn’t sound pretentious. Instead, he sounded shocked. And a little tired. Marinette shrugs. 
“Haven’t been in Gotham for very long.” She says. 
“I’m Bruce.” He says. “Welcome to Gotham Academy.” Marinette smiles back at the boy. Maybe Gotham Academy wouldn’t be as bad as she thought it would be.
So this idea came to me and wouldn’t leave my head. Let me know what you guys think! I have a general idea for where I want to go with this, and once I have a little more, it’ll move to AO3 (as is typical for my stories). 
Permanent tag list: @stainedglassm  @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess @crazylittlemunchkin @buttercupsbitch @toodaloo-kangaroo @kking13  
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ghostdoodlen · 2 years
Bruce tries to get Marinette in his family.
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Overall, just choose your ship.
The last is a bonus drawing I think someone requested in discord.
Basically instead of choosing one of the bat kids, Marinette chooses Jon while Clark rubs it in Bruce's face.
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This has turned into a superbat post
Courtesy of @smartlanceisreal (gonna have to shout you out again for the inspiration)
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They're now married. Jon is happy
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the-coffee-fandom · 4 months
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Cover by me
Authors Note: My friends convinced me to write what I dreamt of last night so here’s my quick ficlet on the part I remember. Join us on discord if you’d like.
The Mimic
By: The Coffee Fandom
Gifted to: @velveteenshadow and @aries-infinity
Fandom: Maribat
Rating: Explicit
(Dead Dove: Do Not Eat)
Pairings: Gen
It was rampant in the streets. There was no escaping it. So many had been infected already but in Gotham? It created a sense of community almost.
That is, until it evolved.
No one is safe anymore.
We're... re.... aaaa..... safe... •
Please.. leas... ase... r...n.....n.....n....
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