#maya is good evil genius
theredheaded-stuff · 2 years
Damijon ask:
Damian develops a crush on Jon and begins to draw him in his sketchbook a lot because of it. So what would happen if one day, Jon, while waiting in Damian's room, walked by his desk and accidentally dropped Damian's sketchbook on the ground (since it was sitting on the edge of the desk), making it fall open in the process, revealing to him the pages that have him drawn in it?
How would Jon react about it after seeing them and how would he react around Damian after? Would he try to bring it up or keep it to himself?
Highschool sweethearts au
I chose this name because is normally what people do when they're the highschool artist and have a crush
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Damian being the artistc soul he is of couse would draw the one he likes perfectly, and his drawings skills are just amazing.
Everyone of the main nine knew of Damian's crush on Jon, well everyone but jon ( in that case would be Maya, Billy, Kathy, Colin, Tai, Suren, Mara, Jon, Damian)
Damian wasn't subtle, c'mon, he had sketchbooks full of superboy and Jons drawings, if you don't know something is happening or you're blind or you're oblivious as jon
Jon was surprised, and then he didn't believed at all, well Damian draw everyone on the main nine didn't he? He started to see more pages and there it was some drawings of the group but then...him again.
Jon could feel his face grow more Reeder at every single page passed, Colin stared at him quietly, in thoughts he swears if this half alien boy don't pick up the hint now he is seriously dumb
Maya and Tai are playing paper and scissors to see if Jon gonna hide the sketchbook or go confront Damian about the drawings, maya bet her luck at hiding the drawings but talking about it later, she was right.
After everything Damian got back to the room, smiling widely as a Wayne could, some deserts on his arms while he shout out to everyone "is snack time, no no choice in the matter, yes Tai you need stop to drink your water, no no objections accepted"
Jon was tomato red, his eyes looking around the room shamelesy avoiding Damian's green eyes, well it was what he did all the time now, since he also discovered a crush on the boy
Damian perceives of couse, but can't quite get himself to understand why Jon is doing it, he simply nods to Maya and she does take care of the matter of Jon snacks, he knew Jon would avoid him for the time being.
Damian won't admit ever in life, but he was scared to know why or what he did to Jon start avoid his eye, so he didn't asked, everything was fine, after all Jon was quite oblivious himself, surely he would ignore his heartbeat getting faster everytime the Kryptonian got closer
Alfred the cat was very clear on what he wanted while bitting Damian's shirt sleeves, Damian leaves the room to feed the desperate kitten, even if he did put food for him at some minutes.
Colin exchange looks to Maya, who exchanges with Kathy and then with Tai, they started a pretended banter about "why Damian had left?" Dramatically every single one of them adds a reasoning until it got to the point "Damian is upset!"
Jon shakes while he hears, worried that he may or not be the cause of Damian "upset mood" he leaves the room gathering his courage to talk to his best friend
Damian gave Alfred the cat some treats happily, he won't admit that he was sure a little uncomfortable with Jon's avoiding gaze, until he didn't.
They started talking about some movies struggling to keep a subject, maybe internally both knew something was off, maybe Titus knew since he jumped on both taking them down, they laughed while petting the big dog
The tension was not int he environment anymore, the both exchange a long look that resulted in sweet smiles.
Maybe for the time being Jon would not touch in the subject, but you know what? He has enough time to touch on it and rip the band-aid of someday but today he was just smile and let his head rest on Damian shoulder
Titus was still on their lap, Alfred did room on Jon's hoodie, Damian comfortably watched the sweet now asleep boy, for the time being he would admit to himself he was happy with what they have
Jon have him and Damian have Jon even if the other doesn't quite perceived, they do feel belonging to each other
Tim smiles with the scene at his front, almost mischievously while he let Alfred treat toy disappear on the laundry room, Maya was right they did make a cute couple indeed.
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alexis-royce · 5 months
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Youuuuuu got it @windienine ! Updating an old post since the formatting broke on it:
Like any good OC gremlin, I have playlists for all my favs. The one I’ll put before the cut, though, is Kinesis’ theme song, written by Andrew Huang. He legit wrote it for Evil Plan. It’s both about my OC and it has a slick guitar theme that is just….EVERYTHING. It is the best character theme I have and I adore it.
Here’s a pile (though not even close to all) of character songs under the cut:
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Evil Plan
Kinesis: Upside down - Barenaked Ladies, Defeat You- Smash Mouth, half the Dr. Horrible Soundtrack because of course, Evil Genius - Pat Benatar, Bank Job- BNL. A reader also once sent me “Sexy Supervillain” by Fanatical, and I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair.
Alice: Science Vs Romance, Rilo Kiley , Do It - Spice Girls.
William: Vanishing, BNL.
Lemon and Lime - Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
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Anna & Susan - Odds Are - BNL
(Cannot for the life of me find the rest of those playlists. I’m sure there were a ton. Anyway I know a fuckton of weird old musicals, it’s mostly them.)
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morphE - Mage: The Awakening Campaign
Campaign Theme: Dark Blue - Jack’s Mannequin
Ammi: Esperandote - Rika Muranaka & Vanesa Quiroz
Sanguine (The First One) - Mister Blue Sky in G Major
Amical: Golden and Green - The Builders and the Butchers, Hurricane - Panic!, Killer Queen - Queen
Billy Thatcher: Every fucking song from Chess, The Musical, by Tim Rice and the boys from Abba
Hendrik Rakove: Hurt So Good - John Mellencamp, Lovefool - Spencer Day’s Cover, Love Me Dead - Ludo, Grace Kelly - BYU A cappella cover, Talk about You - MIKA, It’s All Been Done - BNL, Boomerang - BNL, The Show Must Not Go On - Harvey Danger, Circus- Drew Gasparini and Lindsay Mandez.
Andrew Cross: Camisado- Panic!
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Closing Shop - (The weird experimental meta campaign that literally ate itself)
Steam Rising - Murder By Death, Devil’s Calling - Florence and the Machine, Talkin at the Texaco - James McMurtry, Keepin’ It Real - Barenak BLOW BY KESHA BLOW BY KESHA GET MY SONG RIGHT GET IT RIGHT, Sometimes the Line Walks You - Murder By Death
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Exit Signs- Slashers/mixed nWoD Campaign
Season One theme: What if I’m Wrong - Damien Rice
Season Two Theme: I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
Cyril: Disaster - Drew Weston, A Little Irony - Tom Milsom.
Dea ‘Exit’ DeLus: When I Grow Up - Tim Minchin, Break Your Heart - BNL, If I Had a Heart - Fever Ray, Crystalline - Bjork, Still - Ben Folds, Come Into My Head - Kimbra, Dinner at Eight - Rufus Wainwright, What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club, Big Dark Love - Murder By Death, Bitter and Sick - One Two,
DRT: Bitter Rivals - Sleigh Bells, Passcode - BNL.
Swing: Boogie Feet - Kesha.
Deirdre Whitman: Welcome to the Ball - Rufus Wainwright.
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NonPlatonic Forms
I’m Gonna Win- Rob Cantor Boomerang - Lucy Schwartz, Hate that you know me so well- Bleachers, Jericho - Rufus Wainwright, Guster - Center of Attention, Toe to Toe - BNL, Give It Back to You - BNL, Limits -BNL (I apologize for nothing I love Silverball), Blood - ANIMA!, and of COURSE- Dead Inside by Patricia Taxxon!
- Other characters -
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Channery Keene
Artificial Heart - JoCo, Erase Me - Ben Folds Five, Desperate Measures - Marianas Trench, Haunted - Maya Kern, Cake - Melanie Martinez, Bulletproof- La Roux, Cassandra - Area 11, Stolen - Greentree, Guster - Simple Machine, Make Me Feel - Janelle Monae, Could I Leave You - (specifically Donna Murphy at the Sondheim’s 80th concert).
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Chrome and Prism
Kiss with a Fist - Florence and the Machine, Langhorns - Spybeat, Dancing’s Not a Crime - Panic!, Thanks I Hate It - Simple Creatures, Sweet Talk - Saint Motel, This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller, Nothing Without You- Vienna Teng
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Harold Ludicael
Consequence Free - Great Big Sea, Sea of No Cares- Great Big Sea, Don’t Threaten me with a Good Time - Panic!, Dust and Ashes from Great Comet, I Need to Know from Jekyll and Hyde; Boy Decide - Murder by Death, Spring Break 1899 - Murder By Death, My Type - Saint Motel.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 9 months
Laws of Attraction ep 8
I watched the ep on Sat as it aired but then forgot to post these notes. With it being the last ep, I didn't have so much to say...beyond screaming over the brilliance of everything, but here it is anyway.
(Oh god it's all over after this 😭 I miss them already).
That fight was actually great...even though I don't like boxing/fighting. I don't know why Navin isn't worried for Charn's safety though...
Those bruises on Tinn... 😂
I adore Rose and Maya as spies!! Spin-off series now with them as leads running an underground pi business with the bar/singing as a front! Thank you please.
What a fucking location. Out-fuckin-standing.
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Please Charn, please turn off your ringtone 😭🙏🏽
Oh no...Tinn's going to rush in there, get caught by Thatthep's men, and they'll use him to lure Charn out. No no no...
Oh thank god...but wait...
Oh oh oh, there's half the ep left. Please let it just be Charn and Tinn being stupidly adorably in love.
Well I was right that the evidence from the doll would be too weak for a prosecution 🤷🏽‍♀️
I can't believe Tanthai still wants to see his father. Smh. I guess despite everything Thatthep did to him, he still seeks recognition and...love?
Charn is such a little shit. I love him.
Not the post-it notes 😭
The marriage equality advocacy speech!!! 👏🏼😍
Glad to see as a collective fandom we are all ignoring the Chan and Tin spellings of their names the show is using. Also, the lettering is in blue! (And it's already been pointed out that it's the same date as the airing day).
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Charn telling his mother that he's happy, with Tinn by his side, surrounded by All. That. Yellow.
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Navin! That's it. He's amazing. 10/10. No notes. The best ex-boyfriend we could have gotten for Charn.
I love how Thatthep looks out of focus and obscured (even more than Charn is) behind the metal fence, as though he's not a prominent presence in Charn's life anymore (these are completely unedited screenshots apart from a little crop).
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Oh my god the couple sweater vests 😂
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Tanthai (and Thee) are finally freeeeeee!
We're all Granny! Yelling at them to kiss 😂
Ugh people in love stink (affectionate)
Not the dolls! 😭
Maya and Rose and their rings!
Tinn still has the ring necklace, and Charn's using his evil babygirl lawyering for good now!
All in all, a fantastic last ep. I think they could have had the wedding date a few years in the future and left it ambiguous as to whether it was a legal wedding or not. But I'm SO glad that from the beginning they set up Charn as being a bit smug about how great a lawyer he was...then made us wonder if he was going to do something stupid and impulsive...but then followed through with Charn's brilliant plan to 'catch' and deal with Thatthep. Yes, he is brilliant and he was right all along about it.
I guess I should add a final note on the colours...which stayed pretty consistent through the series (maybe I'll write another post about just this later) but in short I felt like green represented Tonkhao; Tinn was definitely a loyal blue boy; both Thatthep and Charn also used blue but as a front/a mask to their true selves; Tanthai was generally black and white but was forced to conform to his father's (blue) wishes and tied to the accident of (green) Tonkhao; and Charn...was a bit of an enigma because as well as his blue, he was accompanied by the red of revenge...but under it all I think he was a soft pastel, earthy tones guy, much like his mother...and which is why the shot of the dolls at the end made me gasp so much. Because not only were they there to represent Tonkhao but they both also have Charn and Tinn's colours.
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[ep 1] [ep 2] [ep 3] [ep 4] [ep 5] [ep 6] [ep 7]
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retroyousei · 3 years
Female characters in retro shojo [70s edition, part 2]
In this series, the female characters in 70s shojo are being analysed. In part one, three of the most common types were examined; the “average” protagonists, the villains and the tomboys. In this article, other three very common types are being discussed.
The westerners innocent blondies
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They are either orphans who just want to find a place to belong, princesses who dream about falling in love, or normal girls who always knew that they weren’t where they meant to be and they somehow discover that they are royalty or from a noble family. Either way, they are lively, innocent, but naive, so sometimes they may be betrayed or belittled, but they have a kind heart that knows how to forgive and have faith on people, so they make friends easily. Many times they are portrayed as Tomboys who love the nature and sometimes they get into trouble accidentally. They may seem helpless and dense sometimes, but despite all of this, they are actually very independent, as they may travel to the other side of the world all alone if they have to (they will make new friends wherever they go anyway) and if they need to, they can kick some serious ass too. But their most precious weapon is their inner strength to move forward, no matter what.
In “Candy Candy” Candy, is an orphan girl who goes through so many hardships. At first, her best friend Annie gets adopted, leaving her behind, but her troubles had just begun. She gets adopted by a rich family to keep company to their daughter, named Elisa who is the one who, along with her brother will constantly try to make her life miserable, firstly when she was staying at their house, then in the private school in England and afterwards when she was working as a nurse. But Candy makes many friends and has many allies and with her inner strength and lust for life, she overcomes all the obstacles that she faces. But that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t lose some of her dearest friends along the way. As she grows up she learns the hardships of life, but all those obstacles makes her only stronger and she never loses her hope for a better tomorrow.
In “the Rose of Versailles” we see Marie Antoinette evolving from an innocent and silly girl, to an irresponsible young woman, to a sorrowful, regretful, but determined queen. In the first volumes, she was still a child who just wanted to have fun and didn’t care about homework, traditions and preparations for being a queen. Later, during her first years as a queen she was portrayed as a naive person who didn’t make the right choices. Also, her friendship with Countess de polignag was a bad influence for her as she goaded her into gambling. But she was also well intensioned and just wanted her loved ones to be happy. Oscar always tried to be her voice of reason, but it wasn’t enough. Later it was more and more clear that she was spending her country’s money in clothes, gardening and building the petit Trianon to be with her inner circle, because she wanted to fill the void of being a woman who cannot be with her beloved. In the end, during the time that she was captured, before her decapitation, she surprisingly matured, realised what she had done all those years and wanted to make things right, but it was too late. Her final thoughts was about her family, Fersen and Oscar and she was proud and composured until her last breath. Throughout the story she was portrayed as an innocent woman who was sacrificed for the sake of politics.
In “Alpen Rose” Jeudi is an amnesiac girl who lives in Alpes with a boy named Lundi. She works as a nurse and has a quiet life, until a French nobleman captures her. Luckily she is very clever and with Lundi’s help they get away. And that’s how their journey towards finding Jeudi’s parents start. Along the way, Jeudi befriends many people, like a little girl with his brother and his girlfriend, a journalist who helps her a lot, a young couple and a mysterious musician named Leonard Aschenbach. Jeudi is different from other characters in this particular category because of her wit and courage. She also has a strong sense of justice and in matters of life and death, such as hiding from the nazis in the trains, planning traps for them and solving mysteries with the information that she gathers with the help of her friends, she succeeds. She also cares about the others and tries to see the good side in everyone. When she finally found her mother, she was asked from her grandparents to pretend that she wasn’t her daughter, because she was blind and in a fragile state, besides there was another girl who resembled Alicia (Jeudi’s real name) a lot. She had patience and it was repaid in the end.
Rosalie from “Rose of Versailles” was a poor girl who lived with her mother and her sister Joanne and she just wanted for others to be healthy and was happy with the simplest of things, like being able to buy bread and helping other children in the neighborhood who can’t afford to eat anything. When her mother is killed by Polignag who was in fact her birth mother, she is devastated and swears that she is going to get revenge from the nobles who don’t care about anyone else. When she befriends Oscar and Andre and stays at Jerjeyes household, she learns fencing, manners, horseriding and and history, to make her debut in Versailles. There, she meets the woman who killed her mother, her sister who suicides because of Polignag and managed to get away from her. She also felt disappointed with her other sister, Jeanne who betrayed her, but she was sad when she was killed. Later she meets and falls in love with Bernard, a friend of Oscar and they get married. As the years passed by, she evolved from a stereotypical nice girl, into an accomplished woman who can protect herself and the others. By the end of the story she was pretty much the only one from the main characters who stayed alive.
There are many other characters who fit this image, such as Georgie from “Lady Georgie”, who lived in Australia with a family that wasn’t hers and after meeting an English noble young man, Lowel, they fall in love, so she decides to follow him in England where she makes new friends, faces many enemies and also finds out about her real family. Lynn from “Lady Lady” travels to England to live with her father and her step sister and there she faces her evil step mother and her children, but she also finds many allies too.
Note: “Anne of green gables” was and still is popular in Japan, because of Anne’s passion for freedom and expression, the book’s “pastel” aesthetic, so Anne’s imagination and strength despite being an orphan, might have inspired those characters.
The worthy rivals
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Those ladies tend to have what the main heroine lacks and they serve as her opposite. They tend to be considered prettier than the main characters and that circumstances are easier for them, something that isn’t true. They also appear to be elegant and refined, on oppose to the heroine who is more clumsy and tomboyish. They are usually more practical, down to earth and skilful than the main heroine, causing her to feel inferior to them. They may start off as the snobbish girls who look down on her and don’t take her seriously, due to her clumsiness and her easy going attitude towards work, but as the time goes by, they realise her real talent and her worth, causing them to consider her as a worthy opponent and expect great things from her. They may appear as almost perfect at everything they do, but the truth is that they are also insecure and they are having other types of problems, such as finding it very difficult to make friends, due to their cold nature, as they always appear antagonistic and determined to win. But as time goes by they may change their attitude with the help of the heroine, or better, with their own realisation.
Ayumi from “Glass Mask” is the greatest example of this. She is the daughter of a famous actress and a famous director and she was always on spotlight ever since she was a kid. She is beautiful, refined, elegant and admired by everyone, also considered to be a genius, as she excels at acting techniques, dancing and reciting. Her family environment helped her to pursue a successful career as an actress. But that doesn’t mean that she is rest assured as she always seeks to exceed her parents’ talent, so that people will see her as her and not as a daughter of famous parents. She also stated that no one truly knows how hard she worked in order to reach her current level. And that hard work was something that she succeeded on her own. When she encountered Maya for the first time and faced her on the stage, even though she (Ayumi) was better than her, she felt as though she was defeated. From that moment, even though it seemed like Ayumi had everything and Maya had nothing, Ayumi always thought that Maya had something that she lacked; a deep understanding of the characters that she portrays. Ayumi may excel at the techniques of acting, but she never manages to portray the true depth of emotion of each character. Her portraits of characters are accurate and true to the play, but Maya’s are refreshing and original. Even when it’s clear that she is way ahead of Maya, she always walks off stage with the feeling that she was defeated. As a rival, she is also very fair and she likes to unlimitedly challenge Maya in many ways. Of course, as the story progresses, Ayumi’s talent evolves and she becomes more open as a person.
In “Candy Candy”, Flanny is a girl who works as a nurse in the same hospital with Candy. She is the best of the nurses there, as she’s always on time, always knows what to do, is very practical and smart, yet she is rather cold and distant towards others. She only cares to get things done, that’s why she is often annoyed by Candy’s bubbly nature. What’s more, as soon as she learns that Candy is an Ardley, she assumes that she only works out of boredom, contrary to her, who she has to support her poor family. She even goes at the front, to work as a nurse and support the soldiers there. Candy respects her for that this and she visits Flanny’s family to inform them about her decision, as her own relationship with them is bad, as she only sends them her monthly allowance and they never seem to appreciate her hard work. Her and Candy make an interesting dynamic and many stated that both of them make the perfect nurse, with Candy’s gentle and caring personality and Flanny’s practical skills. At the end, both of them learned from one another.
In “Swan”, Sayoko is a refined woman who loved ballet ever since she was a child. But when she meets Masumi for the first time, she starts being insecure about herself and afraid that she will overshadow her, as she’s younger than her with a bright future, whereas she had a night of glory as a prima ballerina, but after an accident she needs to learn how to dance again. But she still feels sympathy for her, besides they both shared their love for ballet, thus a rivalry begins.
In “Aim For The Ace” Reika is the best player on the tennis team and so her nickname is “Madame Butterfly”, due to her grace in the field. Hiromi is fascinated by her and even though at first Reika isn’t impressed by her, later she appreciates her skills and thus a friendship begins.
The “damsel in distress” love antagonists
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They are fragile, sweet and pretty, that’s for sure. They are either the daughters of an important family which aspires to marry them with the love interest, thus expand their power, or they are someone who because of some circumstances, grew closer to the love interest, before the main character even could or when she was separated from him for various reasons. Nevertheless, they are in a better social situation from the heroine. Their character arc usually begins at some crucial point of the plot, which is halfway through the story, when the main character and the love interest’s relationship have had already developed, but had not quite bloomed yet. They are considered to be innocent and kind, contradictory to the main character who is much more spontaneous, causing trouble to other sometimes. As expected, they slowly fall in love with the main love interest, in some cases before the main character even realises that she loves him. Either way, those characters add an extra dose of melodrama and constitute to the story, sometimes a little bit, some others a lot to a point of changing it.
Shiori from “Glass Mask” is an interesting case. She is a lady from a wealthy family, so she’s elegant and accomplished. She’s also very pretty, but fragile, as she suffers from anemia and many times she passes out. At first, she’s sympathetic, as she goes out with Masumi and starts falling for him, even though Masumi loves Maya. But as the story progresses, looking at the way Masumi talks to her (Maya), she starts to suspect that he likes her. Slowly but steadily, she evolves into a manipulative woman, who uses her weak health to keep him close. She sees Maya as a threat and she goes out of her way to make her seem like a bad person in front of Masumi. When he learns about all of this, he breaks up with her, but afterwards, Shiori attempts suicide and passes out. When she recovers, she loses almost all of her sense and she goes mad. She’s hospitalised in her room, where she barely speaks and sometimes she growls Maya’s name, rips apart her pictures in magazines and orders bouquets of purple roses to rip them too. At this point of the story, her parents don’t allow him to break their engagement, until their daughter recovers, leaving him responsible for her. In conclusion, Shiori evolves from a sympathetic woman, to a pathetic creature who’s adrift to its feelings.
Susanna from “Candy Candy” is a young talented actress, with a good heart, who works at the same theater company with Terry. During the time of their troupe’s performances in Chicago, she starts falling for him. Seeing that Terry’s heart is set on elsewhere she tries to keep him distant from Candy. Later on, in New York, during a rehearsal, the spotlight that was above of Terry, was ready to fall, so Susanna ran and pushed him away to save him, but the spotlight fell down before she could walk away from it. In the hospital, the troupe learns that she’s alive and healthy, but unfortunately the doctors were unable to save her legs and were forced to amputate them, meaning that her career as an actress was over. Terry took the responsibility, having a strong sense of duty and being pressured by Susanna’s mother. When Candy arrived to New York and see his play, she learned about it soon. Before she even fathom the news, she ran to catch up to Susanna, to save her from a balcony, before she could jump, trying to suicide, to free Terry and let him be with the one he loved. Candy manages to save her and decides to leave them be. So Terry chose to stay with Susanna to take care of her.
Lalissa from “Haikara-San Ga Toru” is a character that appears in the second half of the story. She’s a Russian noble, who arrived to Tokyo with her husband, who is in fact not her real one, but he’s Shinobu who suffers from amnesia after the war and believes that he’s married to her. Lalissa is elegant and quiet, but sad and the truth is that she had lost her real husband, that’s why she wants Shinobu near her, due to his resemblance to him. Benio, who’s Shinobu’s sweetheart, believing that he was dead, was shocked when she saw them together. But due to the circumstances and the fact that Lalissa suffers from tuberculosis, Benio decides to give up on him. But when the Kanto earthquake stroke, Lalissa was severely injured and ready to die, whereas Shinobu regained his memory and she told him to marry Benio and be happy.
Another mention, is Marie from “Alpen Rose” who liked Lundi and that was the reason that she miraculously stood up from her wheelchair to help him, although it’s clear that he likes Jeudi.
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wildfey · 3 years
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boundries of life and death fanart? on my blog? it’s more likely than you think.
I actually wasn’t going to do any more but then chapter 19 hit me like a truck... I think I’ve made it perfectly clear in the past that maya and miles being trauma buddies is my weakness and also that @abluescarfonwaston is an evil genius who exists to cause me that (very good) pain.
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akane171 · 2 years
Haha, not that long 😉
Ahh, okay🤔 Yeah, it kinda does… It’s just full on ridiculous that they spent 3 seasons establishing Kara’s biggest problem being that she can’t be Kara Zor-El on Earth and doesn’t feeling comfortable without the Kara Danvers/Supergirl part of herself (as shown on Argo) only to never get back to that and instead act as if being Supergirl had been the problem… And no, apparently, they do not at all remember what they’d written…😫
Oh, and about the Kadashian comparison: 😂 First thing I had to think of was that Karamel fight all the way back in S2 when Kara claimed Mon not superheroing made him a bad person and he told her that she only liked the attention/worship 😅🙈 (Btw, I’m still dissapointed they never had Kara learn/acknowledge that you do NOT have to be a superhero to be a good person and that living a normal, calm life is NOT selfish… Like, when I first saw that scene, I was admittedly very annoyed at her, but it makes sense for her to take that position because she did seem to have major survivor’s guilt and helper syndrome, but that’s no healthy way of thinking and it’s ridiculous everyone who claims to love her never sat down with her and made her understand that she has a right to live without having to be “useful” or whatever. Like, just no. Poor Kara…
Can’t say much about the reporter thing, I only saw a few scenes after S3, but I’ll take your word for it🙈😅 
Ohhh, yeah, that idea is full on evil😍😂 Those comments are cruel, but genius, and I can totally see an angry 20-year old who lost her father and brother say that🙈🙈 And Ohhh, that scene with Winn showing up and the necklace would be epic 😱😍😂 The goodbye scene is already breaking my heart and you haven’t even described it 😭😭😭 (Tho is the version of Kara who went back dead or did she really just not come back? Poor Maya in either case🙈😭) 
Maya from El Mayarah is so sweet and genius that knowing what will happen in her life becomes even sadder… You pure evil genius😭 (What’s her brother’s name then? Kaolan from “kaoshuh”?🤔😂😉) 
Queen of not written angst alright😂 I feel like your ideas alone might be more angsty than anything LW has written up till now😂
Scifi, clones and no romance at all? Ohh, you’re really set on extending my “still to read whenever life decides to stop being annoying and give me time to read actual books again”-list, aren’t you?😂😉 Sounds interesting tho!
Ohhh, that really sounds like a curse😳 But I get it, most of my favourite characters are ultra-tragic idiots or side characters who get overlooked anyway, so getting screwed is something i expect going into a story nowadays… At least fanfics can fix stuff!😁 (Ohh, yeah, I know Ichiruki 😅 I always thought they were a thing and Orihime was his sister until years later a friend told me about the ending😅) 
Ohhh, Lydia’s mom 🤦🏻‍♀️ Right, totally forgot she still existed since we barely ever saw her😅 And Dunno, I still feel like Lydia would have been best with Parrish or back with a redeemed&kinder Jackson😅 (Their moment in the finally was cute 😂 They’d have been an awesome BROTP as well, if Jackson had still been around) 
Ahh, yes, relatable😅 I just forgot he had a first name since noone ever called him that 🙈🤦🏻‍♀️(Would have been funny to see how he’d have reacted to someone actually calling his name tho🤔😂)
Just four?!?! Okay, kill me now. I won’t survive that if I can’t go get fluffy/angsty alternatives😭😅😂🙈
Ohhh, okay, good to know 😅 Then I REALLY shouldn’t get into those books right now but wait for when I actually don’t have other urgent things to do🤣 I’m bad enough about binging books already, with that much “fuel”, I would’t do anything but read 24/7 for the next 3 weeks or so😂 (Themes like Depression and split personalities?😍 Jup, definitely on the to-read-list!)
Yup, hard not to since most digimon fics seem to be mix-ups anyway 😂 Sadly, the old fics have been kinda silent the last few years 😅 I’m already ready to cry and throw a parade when Shara Raizel updates one of her stories once a year on Odaiba day😂 
And uhh, a bit, but it’s usually crap and I only do it to get that itch to draw outta my system through doing it and growing frustrated enough with the result to not make another attempt for the next year or so🙈😅
Oh god, you learnt German in school?😅 I’m so sorry for you🙈 Dealing with all the articles etc is a freaking mess on a good day😅🤢🙈 Ohh, did you watch it on RTL2?😂 
Ehh, well, Fairy Tail itself wasn’t bad (tho it did get more and more ridiculous and too sexualized at some point IMO), but the ship wars were overwhelming, like e.g. NaLi vs. NaLu… (Tbh, I could mostly get away from that cause at some point I made one of the very-side characters my favourite and fanfics involving him mostly don’t deal with the problematic pairings😅)
Ohh, Naruto… Haha, yeah… That fandom was a mess too😅 Tho the fanmade next generations and fanarts were spectacular🤔😂
As long as the show is better than the movies, I don’t think they can mess up toooooo much (hopefully I didn’t just jinx it😅🙈)
Where would be the Fun if there was no weirdness?😉😊
Hush you, they don’t have to agree, it is as it is: You guys are too nice!😂
Aww, thanks, you too!😊
PS: Sorry about the long messages🙈🙈
Under the cut :D
I’m just so done. Aside of the fact they bascially made her a clone of Clark (journalist, usamerican perfect citizen, who cares she remembers krypton, William = Lois, humanity uwu etc) just wearing a skirt (well, hello s5) and aside i really liked her space puppy happy personality, look how they fucking MISSED the opportunity when they have ridden of ALL what made her outstanding in comics. The fact she remembered Krypton, she didn’t kiss humanity ass, always felt like an outsider, anger issues etc. Juts imagine how Melissa would absolutely nail it. Sigh
I mean, wasn’t he right in a bit? That was so splendid about him in the beginning o s2 - he was able to call out her shit. I mean, I was wondering about it too- so waht, someone has paiting talent but don;t want to be a painter/artist and what? He or she should be damned for wasting talent? While he or she wants, dunno, farmer. And people who don’t have some talents should not persuade careers when THEY want? Also, what about Kara? With her point of view, she should just forget about journalism and spent 24h on saving people. And well, funny thing, she SUCKED at being a reporter. The fact i can do something, doesn’t mean I HAVE TO. Like???????
Seriously the writers wanted to give us some Oh My God Eye Opening statements, while we got plastic.
In which they could have given Kara’s therapy but decided whyyyyyyyy, boring, let’s focus on Kara’s reporting career, so exciting yay
Believe me, as an ex reporter, it was shit and painful to watch without rolling eyes.
Hmm, I don’t know. I thought about making Kara staying for good reason in the present, because shit happening or something and then being unable of coming back? The point was she would be the selfless hero who always puts others above her happiness and well bieng. But what happens, when becasue of that her family suffers?
Kaolan? Lan for short? Works! Congrats! You are godmother of a some poor karamel kid who was killed and I’m not even going to wrote about :D Also, you don’t want to know about the scene when Maya learns her father died ;DDDDD
That’s why I’m not writing them. But who knows, maybe one day? When i will need to release the whole annoyance I’m still feeling after s6.
I mean… you screwed yourself when you said you like reading books. Sorry, not sorry, you are on my radar now.
So, tragic high-five, then? I guess we just like something else than typical romances/storylines/plots etc. And that is usually left for side characters who are more likely to die horrible deaths or being ignored. Sometime I wish I had liked things all other people like *stares into teh void*
I mean… they were typical shounen endgame? And they were fucked? Because apparently MY FAULT??? TT God, IchiHimeeeee was my absolute NOTP (a big breasted, cute, sweet, fangirl and every japanese dude perfect waifu wet dream). Tbh, the same happened to me and Naruto, so yay for me ==’
Lol, that moment she smiled so broadly and ran to him and how they embraced for a while and how Mieciu was butthurt. Perfect scene showing how srydia was a fanservice :)))))
Come on, The Hellhound and The Banshee - THE POTENTIAL?!!!! OMG?!!!! And he was the first guy who ALWAYS treated her like his equal and a mature intelligent girl, with respect and everything. And ugh. Remember their jail scene? Or the coffee? Or the lighter scene? Or how she “attacked” him when they were searching for Nemeaton (or… whatever that was called). And how she screamed in his naked chest and he just absorbed it an saved everyone? HOLY FUCK AND IT WAS WASTED.
And now I remembered how pissed off I still am about it. I even written fics about them. sigh.
Greenberg calling him Bobby would be a peak comedy.
READ LIGHTBRINGER FIRST! Heh, I do it too. READING like a maniac and not knowing what is happening around me. But i try very hard to read every day, even a little, to not end with Oh, I Haven’t Read A Single Page In A Month D:
Let’s not talk about not finished fics from old fandoms or I’m going to howl…. But fingers crossed all your fics are going to be updated!
Ouch. I mean, I was a big fan of Sailor Moon and tried to draw them but yeaaaaaaah, no. But I guess we all manga/anime fans tried to draw at some point xD
Yeah… well, I had German for two years and my energy was focused just on “PASS AND FORGET”. The fucking articles. Who needs them, for god’s sake….
Bingo! RTL2 was my never ending source of anime at some point xD the funny thing is i kind of understood the storylines even if I could have only ordered a beer in german xD nothing more advanced xD
I mean… i saw some drawings from FairyTale and…. so typical….
You know what is the worst thing about side charcters? No fics about THEM, usually they are just cheerleaders for the main ships. That pisses me off too.
Yeah, naruto fandom created a lot of amazing stuff, still I kept my ass away from them as far as I could have xD
tbh, I kind of erased naruto from my memory, movies included (I had like… 50 volumes at home but when it ended i just donated them all to local library because I was so dissapointed with the end)
ikr?!!! You get me, yay!
Thanks again :D
PS. Make them as long as you want ;3
3 notes · View notes
shintorikhazumi · 3 years
Sleeping Beau-
A/N: Happy Birthday Leoooooooo
MAKING IT A TWO(?)-SHOT SO THAT CONGRATS ON YOUR GRADES TOO YEY! (Also because It was getting too damn long)
k. that’s all from me. Sorry for the meh quality and sorry in advance for all the mistakes and plotholes. I’m getting rusty. Forgotten how to write.
~Shintori Khazumi
[Okay, how about a Mayakuro "remake" of seeping beauty? Where Claudine is all like "Tendo Maya give me that sword, I can do this shit myself" and wasn't in a coma like sleep but that it was just a rumour or something. ...she'd be so confused for a minute, no one told her that the princess would have that much of an attitude.]- Was the request, hihi.
“Sleeping Beau-”
“A princess... in a tower, oh so far away from me. This dear princess, deep in slumber, oh how much I long to see...”
“... Is this because you want to use her as reference for your new play?” A certain brunette mumbled through a mouthful of food she’d managed to smuggle in while on duty.
“Dame Aijo... It’s not like that.”
“I thought I heard you ask that vendor girl earlier for the location because you had plans to visit.”
“Shut up, Karen!” The bespectacled playwright frowned, scribbling down her latest line. “And how do you even know about that?” Junna narrowed her eyes at the knight who merely shrugged. Junna clicked her tongue, turning back to her sheets of paper. “I’m just a little curious, is all!” She defended, mumbling incoherent complaints to herself.
“But Miss Junna, the last time you used actual people as references for your script, you got scolded by Hikari.” Karen reminded, resting her head in her palm as she watched Junna jot down more lines, more notes for her newest work.
“Th-that was only because she didn’t like how I stared at you or Mahiru for too long! I couldn’t help it! I have to study my subjects intently to fully grasp their characters and way of life, and embody-” She was going off on a tangent, and Karen couldn’t help but giggle.
“So you are thinking of her as a reference.” Karen grinned smugly.
“Now, now. What’s all the fuss about?” A voice called from the other side of the room, catching the occupant’s attention. The pair froze in place, minds registering the identity of the newcomer.
“Your highness!” Junna greeted first, immediately straightening up as she and Karen offered their respects in deep bows to the tall figure, regal and proud, stood at the doorway of the study.
The Royal Princess, Tendou Maya, in her full glory, sauntered into the room, not forgetting to shut the door behind her, before taking a seat on Junna’s desk- much to the latter’s chagrin- and immediately destroyed her image of poise and elegance as she hid behind closed doors.
“Finally.” Maya sighed, gazing out at Junna’s balcony, seeing the bright blue sky and the rustles of trees as the wind’s whistling was heard through open windows. “I thought they’d never end.” She huffed, jumping back onto her feet as she walked about the room.
“Princess, what are you doing here?” Junna addressed their new companion once more, surprised at the sudden visit. Usually Maya would inform her beforehand if she was planning on dropping by. “Did you run away from more noble meetings?”
Maya smiled at her in an amused manner that had Junna feeling a little irritated. “Can’t a student come see her Tutor at any given time should she have any queries in mind?” Maya asked sweetly, picking up a random book from a nearby shelf and flipping through its pages.
Junna stared, trying to read the woman’s expression and actions. She couldn’t. Groaning, Junna replied, “First of all, you are no longer my student. You’ve learned all you’ve needed to from me, finished all your course work two years ago. Secondly, do you even have anything to ask that I can answer that you don’t already know?”
Maya kept smiling at her mysteriously. “How are you?- is a valid question that you can answer and I don’t already know?”
“Don’t be cheeky, Your highness.” Junna rolled her eyes, getting back to her script on her desk.
“My, the genius scholar, the Kingdom’s royal tutor, can’t answer one of the simplest questions?” Maya faux-gasped. “Whatever shall we do? Find a new one?” She continued to tease.
Junna frowned, feeling a headache coming on. “Maya, you really don’t want me to dive into a long discussion on how that question could actually be one of the most difficult to answer.”
As if to remind the pair of her presence, Karen agreed enthusiastically, nodding her head at the same time. “You wouldn’t want to get bored, your highness. One time, Miss Junna tried to explain to me why I could buy five sacks of rice in the next town over for the price of only three in the capital, and I still don’t get it.” She chuckled sheepishly, scratching her head in confusion.
“Um, Dame Aijo, that’s a little different. You might be somewhat slow-”
“Oh, how interesting!” Maya clapped, playing along with Karen. Turning to Junna who had just flinched, she directed another question. “How can that be, teacher?” She asked innocently.
Junna grimaced, really not up to the task of having to play Maya’s little games today. Regaining her composure, Junna cleared her throat. “Okay, for what purpose have you actually come to see me, Princess?” She asked, hoping for a reasonable answer.
“To see my good old friend and catch up on life?” Maya tried.
Junna deadpanned. “Like hell that’s true. You haven’t visited me in three months. Each time you’ve visited before that, it was to either ask me to hide you from marriage interviews, sneak into a play, escape whatever duties you found tedious, or snack on baumkuchen secretly with Karen over here.”
“Baumkuchen is good for the soul.”
“Not for your figure.” Though she said that, Junna frowned as she remembered the time she was chewed out by the etiquette tutor for allowing Maya to eat ‘junk’ outside of mealtime; allowed her to eat more than her designated and controlled portions.
Despite knowing how nobles liked to keep up appearances, Junna hardly found it necessary to impose such a diet on the princess with how active she was anyway. Also, as someone with lists and lists of responsibilities to cater throughout the day, she worried if it was even enough, what they fed the poor girl.
What if she simply collapsed one day?
“You don’t mean that.” Maya smirked at her, propping up her face in her hands on Junna’s desk.
Junna’s frown deepened. A splash of color appeared on her face that she quickly hid behind her manuscript. “I suppose not.” She admitted quietly.
Maya laughed freely, stepping back to allow her friend some breathing room. She went over to Karen to strike up some more amusing conversation maybe.
“So what kind of whimsical fairy tale has Miss Junna tried to string together this time?” She asked Karen.
Junna choked on air as she turned to glare at the cause of her stress today. “Why would you like to know?”
If the princess claimed she wanted to take part in another one of her productions, Junna would have to discourage her from doing so. She used to be pleased to have Maya on board, sometimes even pleading her because of her talent and potential for the stage- she was very clearly loved by its goddess. However, Junna had quickly learned that a Royal should not be placed under that kind of spotlight.
They were already on a high enough pedestal that was better tailored to people of their caliber; worlds and worlds beyond even the most talented actors, the brightest stars.
When His Majesty’s second wife,  the queen consort, had heard of these activities, she had hounded Junna, and her fiance Nana- the director and owner of the theater- to cease any production that would ‘taint’ the Royal Princess’s image and only serve as distraction from her duties that were of greater significance.
Such as trying to succeed the throne.
It wasn’t only for her sake that she had to turn Maya away from the stage that called to her like a siren from the sea. It would be better for that sailor to keep away and stay alive all together. After all, mermaids were temptingly beautiful, but they devoured the life of those drawn to them.
So would it be for Tendou Maya.
“There’s just been this rumor circling about, princess.” Junna heard Karen begin, looking over at the pair who shared amicable smiles as they conversed.
Should she halt this topic?
“And this rumor is...?”
“Oh, just how there’s this weird, abandoned, palace-like thingy in the forest just by the border to that terrible west kingdom.”
Junna watched as Maya seemed to perk up, not liking the interest that was apparent on her face.
“They say there’s a princess there!”
“My! A princess!”
“They said she’s been sleeping there for a while!” Karen continued to share without much thought, Maya nodding enthusiastically and clinging onto every word. An action Junna did not like. “And that she’ll never wake up. Poor princess. Can’t they bring her to a clinic or something?”
“Ohoh? I suppose that would be the usual course of action.” Maya replied, going along with Karen’s storytelling. “What else do you know?” Maya asked, hoping to fish out some more information, no doubt.
Junna had to stop her already burning hunger from getting even bigger.
“Nothing else that you should hear of.” She cut the conversation off with a tap of her pen. “Anyway, it’s all just a rumor.” Junna stated. “It’s not as though there is proof of an actual structure suddenly being there in the western forests, nor is there any certainty about a princess residing in deep slumber there.”
Maya flashed her an evil grin, walking over to her table again, standing right in front of her once more.
“But there isn’t any proof that it doesn’t exist either, right?” She whispered to Junna with a glint in her eyes that only spelled trouble.
“Don’t get any funny ideas, Maya. The kingdom will absolutely have my head if they learn that I’ve somehow placed ideas in yours.” She sighed, rolling up her papers and smacking Maya on the head lightly. The princess simply laughed in amusement.
“Worry not, my good friend. I’ve taken your kind words into consideration.”
Junna stared at her, still skeptical. Knowing Maya, ‘consideration’ was just that. Consideration. And, most likely, Maya was considering going against Junna’s warning.
Really, she could only hope for the best, and pray that Maya wouldn’t do whatever her pretty little head had clearly already planned.
‘No, no.’ Junna shook her head. She should trust Maya. She was an adult, responsible, and a royal. She knew her duties, and she knew what was right. Maya was an intelligent woman. She wouldn’t just thoughtlessly go out in search of the existence of some baseless tale. Yes. Junna shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
She looked over at the princess still casually conversing with Karen, all cheers and smiles coming from the pair. The knight continued to entertain Maya with more and more trivial details regarding the stories of that hidden castle in the woods, and the shine in Maya’s eyes that Junna usually associated with her excitement and craving for adventure only became brighter and brighter.
This was worrisome.
Junna bit her lip, anxiety growing more and more as she tried to convince herself that everything would be just fine.
Okay, okay. Even if Maya would, hypothetically, try to go off in search of this ‘mystery princess’, there were many guards posted about the castle anyway.
She couldn’t escape and do anything, right?
No, in the first place, she wouldn’t do anything. Right?
She shouldn’t be doing this. She knows it deep down.
Should her parents catch wind of her plans, she could either be disowned or forever locked away in her own tower.
Regardless, these threats of consequence could not hope to quell her hungered curiosity. Maya couldn’t sit still after hearing such a tale- an adventure outside the walls of the palace. One that was much like the stories she had only ‘played’ thus far.
This time, it was real.
And so did the princess sneak out into the dead of the night.
“Come now, Samson.” A lone horse’s whinny shook the silent air, Maya feeling her heart pound at the thrill of game she had begun to play. A game of life. “Shhhh. Be silent, my boy. We must be discreet.” She whispered, stroking the silky mane of her stallion, hoping it would soothe him.
It seemed to have worked and Maya sighed in temporary relief.
Looking ahead into the darkness of the courtyard, she surveyed the area ahead in attempts to check for any possible dangers. Finding none, she took one final look behind her to ensure that she was not being followed.
Good. The coast was clear.
Addressing her loyal companion, Maya took the reins and commanded forward. “Shall we?” She smiled as she got a little huff. “Hyah!” She exclaimed, loud enough only for their ears to pick up.
She cantered Samson over the currently-empty courtyard, out the back, having known a secret pathway through the castle gardens to get onto the streets without passing the main gate where guards were usually posted, and rarely left.
She should really advise their knights on how to better their security. People could get in through places besides the gate.
...or people could sneak out.
She could.
But maybe... not now.
Stepping onto the cobblestone pavement, she grinned. So far, so perfect.
Catching sight of the palace gate, she giggled as she saw a guard stretching in the distance, probably yawning from drowsiness during night duty.
Yes, she should indeed talk to her father in the future. Or not.
Into the dense forest, they ran. Galloping hooves braving a weather that was somehow stormy. The air and the scenery was somehow eerie. Darkened clouds and thorny paths had so soon greeted them as Maya traversed towards the direction Karen had pointed out.
The location of a hidden tower.
From what Junna and Karen had shared in terms of the rumors they’d heard about it, they said a princess from the neighboring kingdom had been born twenty or so years ago. She had been blessed by three fairies, and cursed by a witch, Maleficent- was her name, apparently.
The girl was to prick her finger on a spindle of a spinning wheel, and then she’d sleep on death’s bed inevitably.
That was how it had gone.
Maya was a believer in the magic of the world. After all, the members of the royal family were some of the few who had been gifted with its wonder.
She wouldn’t call them miraculous, but she had undeniable strength that far exceeded many of their best male knights, as well as healing abilities that could get rid of smaller cuts, and halt excessive bleeding.
This proved useful as Maya made her way through the thick brush, feeling the sharp of thorns on occasion as she went deeper into the forest.
After a good hour or so of searching, Maya had found herself at the base of what she had presumed was the ‘palace’ from the rumors. Tall-standing and surrounded by thorns, with an eerie air that only added more fearsome layers to its image shrouded in darkness, Maya deliberated continuing on her little adventure.
Should it hold terrors far greater than she had initially accounted for, this curiosity trip would very easily end up with chaos and sorrow in an entire kingdom.
However, should rumors stay as rumors...
Maya laughed at her own foolishness as she dismounted Samson, tying him to a nearby tree.
“Let’s hope I don’t die, my boy.” She stroked her trusted steed as he nuzzled against her hand. “I’ll be back.”
Another cough exited her mouth, particles of dust shrouding her vision. Clearing away a cobweb with her hand, Maya found the first open door to any room she’s passed by thus far. A long winding stairwell sat inside, steps that snaked their way to the top of a tower invited Maya to take them and uncover the secrets they might lead to.
Maya took one step. Then another. And another.
Half-way to the top, she had found another door. Right away, she knew it was different from all the other wooden entrances she’d encountered so far. Besides the odd glow that seemed to be coming from within, it had an equally strange inscription carved into its wood.
With a light push, the door flew open, revealing a spinning wheel. The glow she had initially taken note of didn’t come from the room, apparently. But neither was it from the spinning wheel itself.
Maya focused her eyes on one part of the machinery, seeing the spindle sparkle alluringly, almost invitingly.
“What a dangerous-looking contraption.” She murmured, stepping closer. Sharp. It was sharp, she observed, the closer she got. “What if... someone got hurt?” In a trance like state, her body continued to close the distance between herself and the seemingly glowing piece of furniture. Her eyes remained fixated on its eerie shine. “...How tragic... would that be...”
Stopping just inches shy of the spindle, Maya’s breath stilled. Almost as if it had a mind of its own, almost as if Maya had forgotten the whole tale she had just been told, her hand lifted up, reaching for the spindle-
...when a creak suddenly caught her attention. As though a spell had been broken, Maya blinked, quickly pulling her hand away and looking up towards the source of the noise. She saw another door, one that was slightly open, leading into more darkness, revealing none of what possibly lay beyond it.
Her heart beat fast at the thought of either being caught by someone from her kingdom, or by an entirely different entity- a monster or ghoul perhaps? Either way, the dangers the options presented was not to her liking.
Still, this did little to douse the fire that was her thrill-seeking curiosity, and thus, she went after it: the dark and beyond.
She took careful steps, pushing the door to widen its opening in hopes that the strange light from the previous room would help to illuminate this new one. The hinged wood budged with an echoing creak, one that made Maya flinch, still wary of alerting any possible inhabitants of the palace.
Upon entering the room, Maya’s eyes fluttered about the dim surrounding, scanning over the surprisingly dusted furnishings, and well-kept room.
How strange.
For a place that supposedly only had a sleeping individual of a few years already, to be this clean... Was this also due to the effects of magic?
Her gaze continued to travel, hopping from one thing to another. She took careful, quiet steps about the room as she surveyed it, searching for a better source of light at the same time.
Coming to a curtained wall, she pulled the fabrics apart, hoping a window was present there. Smiling victoriously at her correct assumption, she allowed the natural evening light to flutter into the room and illuminate it as she turned around to see things more clearly.
And clearly she saw. Eyes widening, they came to rest upon a figure glowing under the elegant light of the moon. A sleeping beauty, resting. The princess of the rumors. Maya gazed upon her face, mind blanking and unable to tear her gaze away.
Her cheeks were somehow still a gorgeous apple-red despite supposedly having lack of nutrition due to her lengthy slumber- should the rumors hold any truth- albeit somewhat hollowed out. She had long lashes, and was fair-skinned. What drew Maya in the most in that moment was the glow of golden hair. Silky, fluffy, seemingly magical.
“Absolutely beautiful.”
Maya, outside of her conscious control, reached out to touch it- much like she’d almost done to the needle before. However, unlike that earlier attraction, this one was... different.
The pull of danger was as a hypnotic, malicious trance. Despite the dread coursing through your veins, the fear pounding in one’s heart, you could not step away. On the other hand, this allure was gentle, soft. She was not as a moth to a flame, nor a sailor to the siren’s song.
This was a hand held out, beckoning her for a life-changing dance as her fate entwined with whoever it was that lay upon satin sheets in an abandoned castle.
Maya flinched once her skin made contact with silken gold, before relaxing, enjoying their soft feel. Holding a few strands that slipped through her fingertips, she brought it to her lips placing a kiss on them.
Her heart beat painfully in her chest, but she did not think it was in any way unpleasant. Her eyes scanned over Sleeping Beauty’s features once more, resting upon slightly paled lips somehow growing larger and larger in her view.
Maya had been drawing closer.
And Maya was about to kiss the lady.
Breath stilling in her lungs, Maya pulled her senses together, shaking her head as she berated herself for even considering such a distasteful course of action- throwing herself upon someone without the least bit of consent.
She’d seen many beautiful faces in her lifetime, she’d flirted with some too- much to Junna and her parents’ chagrin. But never had she felt as... captured as she was in this moment; never had Maya been filled with a strong urge to know who this person was, to have the pleasure of being acquainted with someone such as this.
She had never felt the desire to steal a kiss from someone she’d just met, and hoped that maybe... they’d kiss back.
Eyes widening, Maya slapped her hands against both sides of her face; the feeling of the warmth of her cheeks grounded her back in the reality of the moment as she attempted to take a step back and recollect herself-
And suddenly she found herself looking up at the ceiling and into precious garnets with a flame-like passion burning within them as she was pinned down to the mattress by their glare and their owner’s physical strength.
A lovely owner, might she add.
“Who. Are.  You.”
Maya blinked.
‘Even her voice is lovely.’-She thought, despite the venom in its tone. Whether Maya’s heart was picking up speed due to fright or something else, she didn’t know. Her mind was a jumbled mess of being dumbfounded and starstruck at the beauty presented to her, her subconscious’ warnings that she was currently in danger, and confusion towards this predicament she had found herself in.
“I said, Who are you.” Maya’s fair lady repeated, shaking her by the collar for emphasis that she was not to be joked with, and that Maya should answer seriously if she wanted to make it out of this situation in one piece.
Did she, however?
Maya wondered if she had some sort of odd preferences deep down that despite her apprehensions and surprise, she couldn’t help but feel merry and excited in her position, laying beneath some unknown gorgeous woman who was angered and threatening.
She couldn’t help the smile that broke out on her face as she replied, “Why, I’m Maya. And you?” She hoped it at least looked charming, like the one she usually used on all the pretty village girls as their faces soon turned red and flustered.
She didn’t expect to get a growl instead... or should she have?
“Are you one of her servants?” The blonde interrogated, not answering Maya’s own question as she searched Maya’s eyes for any motives of deception and dishonesty.
“Her?” Maya cocked her head to the side curiously. “Who might you be referring to, my dear?” She asked, somehow still hoping to charm or tease the woman with a subtle pet name that only went ignored.
Golden brows scrunched up further, fangs baring more obviously for Maya to admire as the woman answered her question. “Maleficent, obviously!”
“Maleficent?” Now where had Maya heard of that before...
Apparently, this strange beauty had taken it upon herself to fill Maya in on the details, as she released her from her grip, pushing her away and onto the sheets as she got up to pace the room in clear vexation and rage from just the thought of whoever this ‘Maleficent’ person was. Just her name was enough to rile her up, it seemed, and Maya’s suspicious and intruding presence was now quickly forgotten as her newly-awakened companion went off on a raged rant.
“She who has locked me up for who knows how long. With the silly prophesy that I’d prick my finger on a spindle and fall asleep for many years.” She explained, pausing in her steps to give Maya a look. “That one.”
Maya still didn’t quite follow. It all did sound so familiar.
“I beg your pardon?”
The lady didn’t seem to have heard Maya as she continued on her fiery tirade. “Who in their right mind, when being told the exact misfortune that would serve as their demise, go with it? Certainly not I!”
“I see...?” Maya had now assumed a more comfortable sitting position atop the room’s mattress, watching the woman in front of her continue to grumble and pace about.
“Avoiding that damned curse was nothing of a challenge- it was trivial, even.” She sighed, biting her nail in annoyance. “But there’s an entirely different issue at hand!” She exclaimed, stomping her foot down as she crossed her arms and looked to Maya, as if asking her to tell her what it was.
Maya had no clue whatsoever.
She heard her companion click her tongue in disappointment at the lack of response, and that somehow stung for Maya.
Maya was quickly enlightened once more by the things she had no clue about.
“I can’t leave the building for some reason. Each time I’ve tried, it was as though I’d entered a never-ending maze.” She huffed. “And even if I got passed that, I’ve discovered that she sends a dragon to check up on me from time to time. The timing is sporadic so I can’t even plan a definite schedule of escape. Maybe if I had my sword, though...” She mumbled the last bits to herself. “Maybe it would be a different story.”
Maya watched the troubled girl continue with her mental acrobatics and murmuring, still bewildered by the sudden outburst of emotions and quickly growing pile of information that she was still trying to process bit by bit. She reviewed the story she had heard in her memory to the best of her abilities, somehow feeling that something was off with the tale she had just been told.
Something clicked, and she snapped her fingers in realization, as she got up from her seat and walked over to the perplexed lady.
“Excuse me-”
“What.” The response was biting and cold.
Maya flinched, but prepared an unbothered smile as she tried to strike up a coherent conversation with this girl.
“I’m sorry, but... I just wanted to confirm something.”
The blonde only raised her brow, telling Maya silently to go on.
Maya suddenly felt nervous, and nervous wasn’t really something she thought she was capable of feeling, not with all her background and training. However, under the scrutiny of those intense eyes, she felt her throat dry as she struggled to use her words.“Um, so...” She began, feeling the urge to rub at the back of her neck to ease her sudden anxiety. “You said you couldn’t find a way to leave?” She finally got out lamely.
“Yes, that’s what I said. Weren’t you listening?” Was the fiery response that confirmed Maya’s confusion.
“I... I see.” Maya stuttered. She cursed at the fact that she did. Still, she had to continue on with this conversation in order to understand what was nagging at her. “I see, but...”
Maya pointed towards the way she came in, the door still wide open and with that odd glow from the needle in the previous room she’d passed to arrive in this one. “The exit is right there, milady.” She stated slowly, clearly, hoping the other woman would get her message.
She received an angered glare, feeling her collar grasped once more as Maya was pulled to meet the woman eye to eye. “What foolishness are you spouting?” She questioned, thrusting a finger in the direction Maya had pointed at. “That is clearly a wall.”
Maya blinked, tilting her head in confusion. No, no. She was clearly not blind, was she? She was sure that she wasn’t dreaming either- that she was in the right state of mind. So why...
Instead of trying to explain things, or understand through words, Maya decided to figure things out the easier way. She pried the other woman’s hands away and made her way towards the door. She felt the heated gaze on her back as she stood in front of the open frame. Looking back once, she nodded.
And she walked right through the door.
Staring at the lady through the passage, she wondered why she wasn’t being followed, why there was no ‘I hadn’t noticed that there’, or any similar words.
All she heard was an awed, “How did you do that?”, and her lagging brain clicked. Oh.
Maya came back in, multiple possibilities and reasons now running through her mind as to why this girl could not see the clearly placed exit. Right, this place was covered in magic. Why hadn’t she thought of that sooner? Maya put on her smile once more, approaching the girl as she took her by the hand and led her closer to the door. “I’m telling you, milady. There’s nothing here.”
She still looked at Maya skeptically, clearly in doubt.
“Milady, do you believe in magic?”
She received a deadpanned look, and she realized it wasn’t the smartest question to ask someone who had been locked up in a tower, guarded by a dragon, and cursed to suffer eternal slumber by the touch of one tiny needle.
“Apologies, of course you do.”
Maya watched the blonde sigh, as she nodded, looking at Maya with a calmer demeanor as she stated what they now thought they both knew. “So there’s a door there, and I simply can’t see it because I’m probably under some type of illusion spell.”
Maya hummed her agreement, and admired the way her companion’s face lit up in relief and a joy she didn’t think she’d ever see replace the grouchy expression that seemed to be forever set in place.
“Well.” Maya’s sleeping beauty smiled at her, unknowingly making her heart skip a beat. Maya wondered what that was about.
“Well?” Maya parroted, clearing her throat after a minor crack in her voice.
“Now that we know that this wall is but an illusion... I guess I feel like a fool for not trying to figure that out any sooner.” The woman laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she turned to look about her room. “I suppose it’s time for me to leave this musty old building and claim my freedom.” She grinned. “I wonder if I can find anything of use here that I can take with me.”
Huh. She was leaving.
Somehow Maya didn’t like the sound of that.
She couldn’t leave. Not when they hadn’t even had a proper conversation yet.
To where would she go? Would it be to a place where Maya could find her, or seek her out? Maya felt compelled to stay with her, or have her stay with Maya. Maybe they could go back to Maya’s kingdom together... and then she could get to know her more. Maya... wanted-needed to get to know her more. Even if she didn’t know why that was herself.
Right, Maya still didn’t know her name. Where was she from? Why was she... Maya needed to ask. Maya needed to know.
Clearing her throat once more, she reached out for the girl.
“So, I was wondering-”
“It was nice knowing you, thank you for showing me the way out.” Were the words that interrupted her plans.
‘Wait, no. Not yet. Where are you going?’
“Now I must be off-”Maya’s panicked hands were too late in catching the girl as she tried to exit the room, “Oof-What the...” but instead found herself hitting a hard barrier and falling onto her back.
“Hmm? What... happened...” Maya asked, quickly kneeling to check on her fallen companion.
The woman rubbed her forehead, a red spot marking the area that probably hurt the most. “That’s what I’m asking.” She quickly turned to glare at Maya, pointing an accusatory finger at her. “You.” She angrily spat. “You lied to me.”
“Wha- I did no such thing!” Maya felt compelled to defend herself, getting up from her spot and hastily walking in and out of the doorway, as if that would prove some point. “See?”
“I don’t see!” The blonde exclaimed, crossing her arms as she sat on the floor. “You really are one of Maleficent’s henchmen! What, did she send you here to make a fool of me? Is she watching from somewhere? Is this some kind of sick entertainment for her?” She madly questioned, standing up and jamming a finger into Maya’s chest, forcing her back.
“I’ve already told you, I’m not!” Maya countered, her own volume raising.
“Then who are you?!” The woman screeched at her, pinning her against the wall- except that it wasn’t a wall for Maya, and she promptly fell through into the other room and onto the cold hard floor.
“Ouch... that hurt...” Maya groaned as she got up, running her fingers against the back of her head gently to soothe the sharp pain there.
She looked up to see the girl on the other side of the entryway banging her fists against a barrier Maya could not visualize, but the other could not deal away with, apparently.
“Who are you?” She was asked again. “Who are you?! If you aren’t one of those people who have thrown me in here, how did you find me? How did you know of this place? Why are you here?! Tell me!”
Maya silently watched her continue to yell in fury, continually slamming her hands desperately against the ‘open door’.
“Were you here to toy with my sanity? To give me false hope that I’d finally get be able to be free?”
Each question was accentuated by a hard thumping sound as she beat against the wall.
“Did you leave already?! Figures you would! You didn’t even try to prove me wrong!”
Maya considered the option of exiting the place, no longer willing to tolerate the manner with which she had been treated the entire time. She considered it.
She considered no longer having to deal with this clearly crazed woman. She did not know what came over her when she thought that she was the least bit attractive.
She considered getting up. She got up.
She considered turning away. Maya did.
She considered finally walking out of the room...
-until she heard it.
The tiniest sniffle, so small she could have missed it if it weren’t for the sudden complete quiet after all the loud noise.
“...I just thought I’d finally be able to find my way home...Wherever home is...”
A pang shot through her heart as she turned back around, eyes falling upon a forlorn face that was quick to be covered in tears. If that wasn’t enough to drive an emotional knife through her chest, the lady beyond the wall began to wail helplessly in what Maya could only describe as pure, unadulterated pain.
“WHY AM I HERE?! WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO DESERVE THIS?! WHO EVEN AM I?! WHY ME?!” The girl sobbed. “Damn you, Maleficent! Damn you, dragon, damn this stupid tower, damn it all!”
Maya watched the girl slump against the clear barrier, falling to her knees as her poundings returned in weak waves and slaps against the wall, until she ended up curling on the floor, quietly sniffling and well-worn.
Maya approached the door once more, wanting to reach out, but not knowing what to say. She crouched down, mouth opening and closing until her voice eventually came out.
“I... I’m still here.” She spoke softly. There was no response. “Can you hear me?” Nothing still.
Maya bit her lip nervously. If she tried to go back in, would she be walking straight into death’s clutches? Would she get beat up? Even if she escaped later, how was she to explain what happened once she returned home?
Maya needed to think... wait, but did she have the time? She didn’t have all night to do whatever it was she came here to do. She needed to be out by sunrise and well on her way home. Wait... home? What home? Where was she? Why did she need to go home? Why was she here in the first place? Where was here?
“What am I...”
She felt a sharp pain in her head. Was it from the fall? Maya suddenly felt dizzy, her head began to spin and ache as she fell to the ground. She cursed the throbbing in her head. Maybe she could try healing it with magic. Maybe that would assuage the pain.
Healing? Magic?
Maya shook her head. She didn’t have the time to think about all these things that were suddenly confusing her. She just had to do what she needed to.
Her hand took on a golden glow that almost seemed foreign to her. She didn’t know what it was, but somehow her body told her she should do it, that she could.
Shakily raising her hand up in a struggle, she managed to touch her head, and suddenly, along with a blindingly bright glow that filled the room, she felt clarity and many thoughts flowing in, as the pain melted away into nothingness along with the light.
Maya blinked, suddenly remembering so many things that she didn’t even know she’d forgotten. “...The princess. I’m... a princess. I’m Tendou Maya and I’m here to... I wanted to find out about a princess- the princess!” In panic, she turned to the lady she had been with all this time, her story earlier now registering in Maya’s mind and associating with the tall tale Junna and Karen had spoken about.
Maleficent... a tower... magic... a spindle and a curse.
Maya whipped her head about to see that the needle was no longer glowing to her. It looked like any old spinning wheel, sat in a room.
It was like an enchantment had been lifted off of Maya, and she saw with clearer eyes what was going on.
When had it settled? Was it the moment she entered this forsaken castle? Was it when she had laid eyes on the cursed contraption? Maya did not know.
All she knew was that she needed to help set free this woman that was most probably the princess from the rumors that may as well not be rumors. But how?
Well, it didn’t matter right now. Maya just needed to take some course of action to temporarily ease the situation. She could figure out the rest later. Soon. She did not know how long she’d been here in the tower, nor did she have a way of telling how much time she had left before needing to leave except through the window she’d opened in the other room. If she had to go in anyway, she may as well explain things to the captive princess inside.
Maya swallowed thickly, wondering what she should do now. The princess still lay across the way. Should she simply step over her and enter like that? Or should she move her out of the way first. Either option would probably get her beat, but Maya didn’t need to think about that right now... maybe if she held her in place to prevent her from attacking once she notices Maya’s presence?
Nodding to herself, Maya crept closer to the open door, knelt down on one knee, bracing her arms for the weight.
She needed to do it smootly and quickly, before there was any time for the other woman to register what was going on.
Three... two... one...
Maya slipped her hands and arms under the princess’ weight and hurriedly carried her up and over to lay her down on the bed before she could react.
“You!” Wide eyes regarded Maya with shock as she pinned the other princess down by her wrists, hoping that she couldn’t break free. “Why are you back?! What more are you going to do to me?! Are you- Get off me! Get off!”
“Wait! Wait! I need you to listen to me for a moment! Please!”
“Why should I, you rascal- what are you doing to me-mmpghhmm! Mmmmphhh!!!”
Maya had managed to hold down both the other woman’s wrists with only one of her hands, while she used her free one to cover her mouth, hoping to silence her, if only for a bit.
“PLEASE JUST LISTEN FOR ONCE.” Maya shouted sternly, shocking them both by the power and force in her voice. She felt worse as she noticed the still-present tear stains on her cheeks. They stared at one another in complete silence, until Maya regained her thought process. “Please. Listen. I’ll tell you all I know. But please listen first.”
The girl still looked shocked, but nodded.
Maya nodded back, pondering her next words. “If I... release you. Will you promise to stay silent and behaved, and let me explain everything?”
She watched the girl slowly nod once more.
Maya looked at her doubtfully.
“You won’t attack me?”
Another nod.
“...okay. I’ll let go now.”
To be safe, she first took her hand away from the girl’s mouth, receiving a disgusted glare.
“Leather tastes awful.”
“You promised to stay silent.”
“You promised to release me.”
Maya felt her brows furrow, feeling the slightest bit annoyed.
“Do not attack me.” She warned, slowly releasing the woman’s hands. “I swear, do not attack me. Do not.” She chanted, hands finally completely off.  “I’m telling you, I swear. Do not-”
And once more, she found herself pinned against the cushions, only this time, she was face first into them.
“Tell me who you are and why you are here!” Was demanded of her. “And don’t try anything strange.” Maya could probably find a clever way to weasel her way out, but she knew if she raised any more suspicion by being untruthful or vague, she’d get nowhere in negotiating and explaining with this person.
Sighing her usual pride away, she asked a single question first.
“Will you believe what I’m about to tell you?”
After all, there would be no point if she didn’t.
“Yes.” The answer was quick, and Maya was genuinely surprised.
Genuinely surprised.
“Just spit it out. No funny business either.”
Maya actually felt elated as she did her best to nod in her position.
“Okay, I will tell you. My name really is Maya.”
“Maya. Maya what?”
“T-Tendou Maya.” She answered, before adding, “I’m a princess from the nearby kingdom, and I came here to confirm a rumor.”
Suddenly she felt herself released. Easing up into a sitting position, she turned to look at an oddly nervous face.
“... Are you serious about the princess bit... Tendou Maya?”
A tingle ran through her spine at the sound of her name rolling off those insanely gorgeous lips that she was suddenly so conscious of once more, almost forgetting to respond.
“Y-yes. Yes. I promise. No lies here.”
She was given a once-over, before the other party looked away and whispered a quiet ‘sorry’.
Why... was it so cute.
“So we can be civil.” Maya quipped, lightly teasing.
“Shut up.” The woman huffed. “And so? What rumor, p-princess?” Maya was asked carefully, snapping her out of any unnecessary thoughts.
Right. Maya inhaled deeply, breathing out a question in return to first confirm something. “Do you know how old you are?” She asked.
Her companion looked at her confusedly, before nodding. “If my guess is right, and that Maleficent visits every year or so to see if I still exist... then I know I am roughly twenty years old from the time I was taken away at six. But what does that have to do with what you’re saying?”
Maya nodded to herself, now a little more sure, and hoping that these rumors actually held some kind of truth to them. She looked seriously into confused eyes, ready to explain.
“If that is so then... the rumor was that a princess had been asleep in a castle in the woods for many years. I... came here to investigate.”
“Princess?” The girl echoed. “Me?” She asked again, pointing a finger to herself.
Maya nodded.
“If the rumors hold any weight to them, then...”
“But really, a princess?” The girl continued to be skeptical, and Maya was becoming just as confused as she was.
“Wait, don’t you know that? But...” Digging through her memory, Maya was so sure that... “But you knew that you were supposed to prick your finger and fall asleep, didn’t you? Why wouldn’t you know that you’re a princess...”
Two confused ladies sat on a bed, staring at each other in utter confusion.
“I was raised in a cottage in the woods by three aunts. They just happened to warn me about something odd like this. And they told me that if I ever came across a Maleficent person, I should try my best to get away...”
“But how did you end up here?” Maya was now so very lost.
“I honestly do not know.” The blonde shrugged. “I woke up one day in the room with the needle, somehow felt angry that I fell into the stupid situation I was trying to avoid... and I remember walking away from it. Next thing I know, I’ve already grown up in... this place.” She shrugged nonchalantly, gesturing towards the whole room. Maya suddenly felt the urge to laugh.
“Pff- what?”
“What?” The look on the other woman’s face told Maya that she was slightly offended with Maya’s reaction.
“No, I just... Your tale sounded like it should have been much more dramatic than that. But then you just... walked away. From what was essentially your life’s bane.” Maya giggled, laughed in disbelief, combing a hand through her hair. “I can’t... I can’t believe you.” She said, looking the girl in the eyes in amusement.
“How rude... after I believed every word you said.” She grumbled.
“Except that you are possibly a princess?”
“...No one would believe that.”
“And you believe that I am?”
She received a shrug. “Best be safe than sorry. If you ever go back to your little kingdom and report that you were manhandled by a random prisoner in the forest, I might be free from this prison, but moving straight into another. Though that doesn’t sound so bad if it means I have company.”
“Pfff.. ahahahha. What are you saying?” She broke out into laughter, wiping tears away from her eyes, feeling more and more relieved by the second.
Everything felt so surreal to Maya. It all felt peaceful and settled, like she wasn’t just adventuring in a dangerous area; like she hadn’t just been under- and fighting against- the effects of a spell that was distorting her mind; as though she wasn’t just wrestling for life with the woman now seated calmly across from her.
A woman she still didn’t know, but felt like she should.
“And so?” Maya said, finally calming down.
“So? So what?”
Maya felt a familiar giddy smile playing over her lips once more.
“You told me what was essentially your life story, so how about you finally tell me your name next?”
“My name?”
“Yes. Your full name, if possible.” Maya said with a bat of her lashes that earned her an eye roll.
“Right, how about no.”
Maya felt her lips fall into a pout. “But why? Isn’t it only fair that I get your name in exchange for my own?”
“All is fair in love and war, whether you get my name or not.” The woman shrugged, returning a grin of her own.
Maya liked that. The grin, and the mention of love.
Love... huh.
As Maya continued to get hung over on those words, she heard a cock crow in the distance, reality immediately sinking in as she looked in the direction of the window only to be greeted by the thin orange line of the morning horizon.
“I-I have to go!” She sprung up to her feet, panic in her voice as she looked around the room hastily for anything she may have dropped of hers. Finding all her things secure, her gaze finally landed on the lonely smile on the face of the woman she had strangely become attached to- so much so that she didn’t want to leave. She gasped, realizing what she’d said wrong. “I-I mean... we- we have to-”
“I suppose this is goodbye.” The other woman said quietly in a tone that was a far cry from her earlier fierceness. “We both know I can’t leave. Not unless we figure out how I could.” She spoke, eyes trailing towards the door only Maya could see. Her voice was small, insecure. It was sorrowful. It hurt.
But it didn’t have to, Maya realized.
She coughed a few times, approaching the foot of the bed, kneeling by the seated maiden. She hesitantly offered her hands up, pleased when the response of the woman was to place her own in Maya’s.
Maya took in a deep breath to counter the unexpected anxiousness growing within her.
Lifting her gaze up, her words came out in a mere whisper. “M-May I... come see you again?”
Maya watched her eyes express the widest range of emotions she’d ever seen from a person. Shock, embarrassment, warmth, fondness, gratefulness...
They were beautiful.
Even the small drops of tears that had begun to form at the tips of her long lashes, beautiful.
Her current smile and bout of gentle laughter, beautiful.
The way she sniffled, and the fresh trail of tears that rewrote the story of the prior stains on her face- so beautiful.
The way her golden hair framed her face, stray tresses sticking to her slightly sweaty skin- beautiful.
Maya stared at beauty itself, and was left in awe.
“Only if you bring me a better meal than stale bread and uncooked potatoes.” She chuckled through her sniffling.
Maya felt her heart flutter erratically, barely managing a playful response. “Any requests?”
“... Tuna.” Was the near inaudible reply, coupled with a shy tint on her companion’s cheeks.  
“May I inquire as to why?” Maya asked, feeling her stupid grin widening so much, it ached.
“...I just like it...”
Just who was this adorably shy creature, and how could Maya make her even happier.
“Understood. I will acquire for you only the best.” Maya smiled, the pads of her thumbs running circles over the smooth skin of the other princess’ hands.
Another crow of the rooster made her grip those hands lightly, the sting in her chest coming back.
“I s-suppose I’ll see you again later.” Maya said, looking down at their joined hands, avoiding the other’s gaze as she stood up.
As she began to pull away, she felt a light tug. Looking up, she met bashful garnets searching her eyes, and quivering lips that were trying to communicate something.
“Yes?” Maya gently prompted, squeezing her hands lightly.
“Claude. For now... you can call me... Claude...J-just so that... when you come back...” Claude trailed off, averting her gaze shyly- rather endearingly, might Maya add.
“Claude.” Maya smiled, placing a chaste kiss on her knuckles. “I will come back.”
She relished the blush blooming across ‘Claude’s’ face, pocketing it in a memory to be recalled multiple times throughout her everyday, no doubt.
“I will definitely bring you home. I’ll figure out a way.”
Maya cupped her face, wiping the few tears that had escaped away as she rested her forehead against Claude’s.
“I will definitely bring you home, free.”
A/N: I clearly strayed from theme. Sorry. Ah. ;-; sorry, this was no-good ;-; Sorry Leooooooo, hope you liked it even a littleeeeee.
~Shintori Khazumi
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newyoungjustice · 3 years
Things they love and hate about each other for the nyj?
Of course!!!! I assume you mean things their teammates love/hate about them, but if not lmk, also i’m gonna list it by character!
Damian: His teammates and him definitely got along more like 8-ish months to a year into their time as a team, and they do like his sarcasm and they all very much respect how hardworking and determined he is. He is also very passionate about things he cares about, and he definitely jokes around more once he starts dating Maps. He is a little stuck up and will make them do extra training a lot, and definitely will get mad about dumb stuff occasionally.
Jon: They like how positive and happy he is usually, and how he always makes everyone laugh. He also cares so much about his friends and always does his best to cheer them up if someone’s having a bad day. He does tend to get a little flustered when he’s stressed and will get a bit mad. He also takes on more then he needs to.
Maya: She jokes around a ton and has a good energy usually. She also has a lot of fun ideas and jokes around a lot. She can be a bit pessimistic sometimes in bad situations, and a little too blunt occasionally (not really to her teammates though)
Kathy: She’s super sweet and likes to make things fun even if they aren’t. Also they love her sense of humor and how she jokes about everything and how her powers help them learn crazy stuff about the league lol. But her powers can irritate them when she uses it against them (she doesn’t do that for anything personal though, just dumb stuff) She also hides her feelings sometimes, which her teammates wish she wouldn’t.
Irey: Well they love how sunny she is, but also that she got a bit of snarkyness when she talks to villains. They all think she can get a little overwhelmed and go a little too fast to make decisions too quickly.
Jai: They like how many ideas he has and how passionate he is. Also how much he jokes around and has fun pranks and jokes they can play on people. He can get a little frustrated and also isn’t always too sure of himself
Milagro: They like her spunk and her jokes and sarcasm. Also how she doesn’t ever deal with peoples bs. She can be a little over or under confident depending on the situation.
Colin: He is very funny and likes to try new things. He’s also very hardworking and fun to be around and pretty calm. He can be a little under confident and shy occasionally.
Lian: Well she is a lowkey evil genius which they all like and is also not afraid to speak her mind. She makes jokes all the time and likes to play pranks and have fun. She sometimes doesn’t know when to hold her tongue and will be a bit too brash, and also can get a little too aggressive on missions.
Maps: This girl is down to try anything. They all love how adventurous and positive she is, and how she just does whatever she wants without caring what other people think about her. She can be a little too positive sometimes and also takes on things she can’t always deal with on her own/as a civilian.
Suren: They like how deadpan his humor can be, and they like to see him trying new things and getting to be himself. He is also very regal and put together. He can be a bit arrogant or angry about things and also will get very tense in difficult situations.
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Operation New Me: Father Figure Wu & Reader
-⛔if you're sensitive, to things like bullying, fist-fighting, mentions of insecurities etc, I don't recommend reading this⛔
-young Morro is in this because I love him
Summary: You're beginning your first day of high school despite being a dropout since like third grade
"Are you ready?" The question was quite innocent and short, yet held a deeper meaning only you seemed to catch. Morro didn't pay any attention to what Wu was saying as you stuffed the last of your supplies in your book bag, and to be honest, you weren't sure if you'd ever be ready for today.
You spent the past week meditating and reading whatever material you could to catch up on what you've missed, but it just wasn't enough--it'd never be enough. How could you even think of cramming seven and up years of knowledge you didn't even understand in a mere month?
You adjusted your bag around your shoulders and walked through the monastery doors to meet Morro and Wu on the front steps. "Sorry. Let's go." Morro gave you an odd look, sweeping his bangs out of his eyes with a huff. "Don't act so worried. If you can survive Sensei's training, you can survive anything." You snorted and ruffled his black locks. "Being a ninja is a completely different concept than being a student at school. You learn things you don't even use, so it's a waste of time."
Wu shook his head dismissively. "It is not a waste of time. What you will experience there is something even I can not teach."
"Which is?"
"Social skills." he plainly replied with a smile. You zipped up your (f/c) sweater as a chilly breeze passed. The sun had barely risen over the horizon, leaving the moon high in the sky for drifting clouds to cover. "All you know is the monastery," continued Wu, "and life as a ninja. What happens if you are thrown in a situation you cannot 'ninja' your way out of?" You pursed your lips together, which Wu took as an 'I don't know'.
"Exactly, which is why you must get out in the world and learn." he said with a reassuring smile. "You are sharp, so I have no doubt you will be okay."
You continued down the monastery steps in a comfortable silence. It wasn't unnatural for you to be quiet at this time of day, especially since you weren't a morning person. Once you finally descended down every last step, Wu summoned his elemental dragon.
When Morro asked why he didn't do it in the first place, Wu said it was to get a bit of 'exercise in' and to learn a lesson of 'gratefulness'. Boy did the last one stick, because despite practically living at the monastery for more than half your life, rarely had you ever ventured down the steps.
The cool, crisp air against your face, the natural wind in your hair made by nature and not Morro, and the view of the endless skies just made you feel so alive. In the air suspended upon a golden dragon was something you missed. "When was the last time we got around like this?" you shouted over the wind. Morro grinned as brightly as the rising sun. "'We should do this more often Sensei!"
He chuckled a little and gave his reins a good shake. "Hold on!" The dragon flapped his wings and you were suddenly speeding through the skies, cutting passed the cool winds at speeds no man could ever reach.
"SENSEI!" you screeched. He laughed loudly as Morro cackled in your ear. "SCARED, (L/N)?!" he shouted.
The dragon steadily slowed, continuing into a descend towards the city below. Wu let out a playful laugh. "That was a lesson on keeping your guard up, no matter how comfortable you may be." You placed your free hand over your pounding heart with a long sigh. "Well that's a lame lesson, Sensei. I saw my life flash before my eyes."
"Did you now?" he inquired with a chuckle. Morro snickered along with him, a look of approval on his smug face. "Sensei," you grumbled, "you're more like Garmadon than you think."
Landing in Ninjago City was like being in a dream. It was bigger than any village you've ever visited, and the buildings, although in construction, remained taller than anything you've ever seen in your life. "Woah..."
Wu smiled, ushering both you and Morro towards the high school. When you set eyes on the building, you had to blink a few times to fully comprehend its size. Windows lined the three stories that seemed to stretch out all the way to the end of the block. As for te cream colour exterior, you thought it blended nicely with the modern-ish touches.
Wu guided you towards the front gates, where dozens of students plowed their way up the stairs and into the front doors. Some lingered on the front lawn to enjoy their breakfasts with friends. "It's a pretty big place, isn't it?" said Wu. Morro snorted and sassily crossed his arms. "That's why we're in a city Sensei." You rolled your eyes and pulled out your schedule.
Your Sensei placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "School is a ground for learning, so don't feel like you have to know everything. Just remember what we leanred together and everything will be fine." You tried to match the smile on his lips, but it just wouldn't happen. Besides almost cutting off one of your fingers with a katana last month, this had to be the scariest thing you've ever done.
"Our paths don't always go in straight lines," added Wu, "so don't feel like you have to have this day perfect." You nodded in understanding. Morro sent you a quick thumbs-up and a 'don't die' face that you snorted at. "Well, I'll see you after...school." You turned on your heel, preparing to march onto the school grounds like any other student.
Describing the school as 'big' and 'modern' was an understatement. It was humungous and actually quite nice to look at. You wished you could say the same, positive things about the students, but they didn't look too welcoming. Not only that, but for the first time in ages, you felt...
...out if place.
You really didn't fit in here with your sweater bearing your sensei's mark on the back and your own on the front. All the other girls here seemed to wear a skirt or dress in navy blue or black and plaid while you chose to wear trousers specifically for martial arts. The boys were no different with their white button ups, sweater vests or plain sweats.
You checked the dress code before hand to make sure you wouldn't embarrass yourself, but even then, here you were, already afraid of making the mistake of wearing the ancient fashion of your Elemental Master ancestors under your (f/c) sweater.
It didn't take a genius to know you were rhe new kid on the first day of school. Everyone else seemed to know each other from middle school or even primary and long before that while you had no one. They loved to gawk at you and side-glance your clothing as if you were some foreigner from a different realm. It was then that you began realising just how disconnected you had been from the trendiest and latest fashion.
"Only paintings wear her clothes."
"Don't tell me she's a villager."
"I bet her dad's a farmer."
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Your clothes were still widely used in not only martial arts, but villages and small towns. You also weren't a villager, and for the record, your father wasn't a farmer when he was alive. He had to be one of the greatest Elemental Masters and just so happened to pass on his element, light, to you.
You were proud of your heritage, but the amount of scorns you kept getting throughout the day kind of made you want to believe you were someone else.
Lunch was slow to come, especially during your algebra one class. When it finally hit you that it was time to eat, you made your way outside to take a seat far away from the students sat at picnic tables in the courtyards or laid flat on top of blankets on the grass. You took refuge from all the drama and scowls under a lone tree.
The music of its swaying leaves helped calm the ache in your heart. It was a reminder of all the lessons you learned throughout your life from your sensei Wu and Garmadon. You had to be patient, kind, calm and--
"Oh I'm so, so sorry." You looked up at the girl who had spilt her soda pop over your head. She and her two friends quietly snickered to each other as you wiped away the sticky mess with your (f/c) handkerchief. A strained smile made its way onto your lips. "It's...fine."
"Here, let me help you." One of the girls kicked at the dirt, sending pieces of fresh grass and pebbles into your face. She let out an evil laugh as her friends joined along. "Sorry, I can't touch you or I'll be infected with your grandma fashion." You wiped the dirt out of your face and jumped to your feet. "I dare you to say that again."
"If I touch you, I'll be infected with your grandma fashion." the girl repeated with a smirk. Perhaps Morro had rubbed off on you, or you had been thinking about your old Sensei Garmadon too much, because before any of the girls could blink, you snatched your lunch out of your bag and flung it at the group of girls.
One of them blindly lunged at you, making a mad grab for your hair and giving it a good tug. You wrapped your hand around her wrist and gripped it tight enough to cease her blood circulation. She let out a cry and let go as you swung around and blocked a punch from her friend.
A crowd began to form as you wrestled with the girls. All of the drama could have been over if you had gone full-out and actually fought back, but the Art of the Silent Fist worked well enough with them. You weren't about to give what your peers wanted: A fist fight.
"What is going on here?"
You dodged a punch to the face and spun around as another girl made a grab for your collar.
"Hey! No! Stop fighting!"
You paused in your footsteps as your History teacher parted through the crowds like the Master of Water, Maya. He suddenly let out a shout and threw out a hand, but you were too late to notice the uppercut to your jaw.
Later that day, you awoke to the one and only face of your Sensei, Wu. As you sat up in bed, he handed you a cup of warm Jasmine tea. "How are you feeling?" You rubbed your sore face and head with a low groan. "I'm dizzy."
"That must have been quite a punch, because you've been sleeping the day away." he said. You took a sip of your tea, surveying your bedroom with a frown. "You...picked me up from school?" Wu nodded. "Your bag is in the kitchen if you're wondering. Dinner should be done in another hour; I made some soup that'll make you feel better."
You caught a glimpse of your bedside clock, your jaw unhinging. "Eighteen thirty [6:30PM] already?" You jumped out of bed and scrambled towards the door. "Why didn't you wake me up? I have so much homework to do, and I was supposed to help you cook--" Wu calmly stood from his seat and placed his hands around your shoulders. You didn't even realise your hands were shaking until he guided you back towards your bed and took a seat at the edge with you.
"What happened at school today?" His calm eyes were swirling with a serious concern you couldn't ignore. It made your heart ache again, and all words everyone threw at you flow into your head like a broken record. The faces of your peers and their smiles they hid behind their hands, the pointing and the laughing, and then the fighting...
...oh, how could you forget, even for a moment, how awful that made you feel? Hos awful everything made you feel? The hot anger in your chest seemed to grow heavier and heavier.
If I touch you, I'll be infected with your grandma fashion.
Only paintings wear her clothes.
Don't tell me she's a villager.
I bet her dad's a farmer.
"(Y/n)?" called Wu. "Are you alright?" You heaved in a shaky breath to centre your hurricane of emotions. "I...I'm fine Sensei." You forced a smile. "Those girls were only looking for trouble. I got distracted by a teacher telling them to stop, so that's why I got hit. If I weren't distracted, you bet I would have blocked that punch." You chuckled a little to try and lighten the atmosphere, but Wu wasn't so easily convinced.
You should have expected that, but you hoped he would take the bait and just leave you alone for a bit. That was all you wanted, and that's how you liked it. Wu knitted his brows together as if he were searching your face for any clues of what else might've happened. "Is that all, or...?"
"Yeah." you casually replied. "I'm fine. It's just a scratch." Wu slowly nodded before leaving your side and venturing into the hallway. You were about to flop down on your bed, but he quickly popped back into your doorway. "I forgot to tell you, Garmadon's visiting for the weekend." Your eyes lit up, all that anger and weight in your chest vanishing. "Really?" Wu smiled so you did too, for real this time around.
"Yes. For real."
The only motivation keeping you from ditching school and running all the way back home was the fact that Sensei Garmadon would arrive in just two days. All you had to do was survive two more days of school before you were free on the weekend to do whatever the heck you wished. In theory, two days didn't seem so bad, but as soon as you entered the jam-packed building flowing with sleep-deprived teens, you realised just how long two days really was.
Along the way to your homeroom class, a guy had the audacity to spit his chewing gum at you. Of course, you dodged the flying projectile like a pro, but someone collided with you last second and the gum landed straight in your hair.
You remember spending the rest of the day dealing with fifty thousand insults about your clothing again, a few angry teachers giving fourty-five minute lectures about yesterday's fight, and having your whole grade blame you for the incident. Someone slammed you into a locker for payback while a group of girls decided it would be funny to trip you in the hall and scatter all your classwork on the floor.
You scrambled passed people's sneakers, madly grabbing at all the papers as if your life depended on it. You didn't have time to sort the jumble of packets and loose worksheets back into their respective places, so you threw everything in your bag and made a run for your next class.
Your teacher looked you up and down as you took a seat at your desk. "Late and running in the halls?" she inquired. "Detention! Tardiness will not be tolerated in my classroom." Your classmates sent you side-glances as you covered half your face with a hand. "Great. Could this day get any worse?" you grumbled.
Fast forward: it did. Passed the bullying and passed the tripping in the halls, the gum in your hair refused to come out, so during lunch, you had no choice but to cut it. You being you, whipped out a kunai knife that a teacher 'so happened' to see. And besides getting another detention slash possible suspension, you hadn't even started cutting your hair, leaving you with a wad of gum practically super-glueing all your locks together.
Wu had no idea about the detentions, so when you exited the school about an hour later than you should've, you deeply wished you hadn't left at all. He had his hands on his hips as you made your way down the front steps, and Morro looked like he wanted to give you a good punch in the face.
"I heard you had two detentions in a row!" exclaimed Wu. "What happened?" You handed him a yellow slip of paper and stuff your hands in your pockets with a huff. "Both my teachers want to have a 'parent teacher conference' with you tonorrow."
Wu looked like he was torn between being angry and confused, but maybe that was because he realised just how exhausted you looked. Your shoulders were slumped while your voice remained in a monotone, and you had your hood pulled high over your head (to hide the gum stuck in your hair). Morro stood on his tippy-toes to get a good look at the yellow slip of paper. "What did you do?" he questioned. "You're usually the 'good' one."
A bitter laugh escaped your throat that you couldn't hold. Wu frantically looked up from the paper to get a good look at your face, a deep frown spreading on his face. "Can you please take off your hood (Y/n)?" His voice was gentle and soft, as if he were afraid of scaring you.
"Yeah, I can't see your face."
Wu gave Morro a scolding shake of his head before turning back to you. "There's no point in hiding your face."
"I'm not hiding my face...I just...I like keeping my hood up." Wu folded the yellow paper and put it in his pocket with a sigh. "Come here (Y/n)." You hesitantly trudged over to him and he placed a hand on your head, gently pulling down your hood. Morro gasped as Wu's gaze bounced from your tired expression to the wad of gum tangled in your hair.
"Who did this to you?"
You wanted to tell him that it was an accident, that someone left their gum on the table and you were just unfortunate enough to lay your head down and get it stuck in your hair. But then you saw the fierce fire in his eyes and felt his strong resolve to help you. There would be no point in lying to him and Morro if he'd eventually find out anyway.
"Some guy at school did it."
"He spit it at me. I tried to dodge, but someone pushed me and it got stuck in my hair."
"What about the detentions?"
You hesitated. "It...it was..." Morro pursed his lips together angrily. "Don't you dare lie!" he exclaimed. "Lying doesn't grt you anywhere." A sigh escaped your lips. "I was late to one of my classes because someone tripped me on purpose in the hallway. Some other guy threw all my stuff on the ground, so that's why I was late. I got another detention after that because I tried to cut the gum out of my hair with my kunai."
Wu's eyes doubled in size. "You what?!"
"I tried to cut my hair with a kunai knife because I didn't have scissors." you repeated. Wu ran a hand over his forehead. "Father, help me." he grumbled. "(Y/n), you do know that weapons are prohibited? This...school is..." He trailed off and motioned for you and Morro to follow him.
"How about we go home and discuss this over a nice cup of hot tea?"
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sevi007 · 3 years
Second part of “Turnabout Succession” ramblings! It’s all over the place, I’m very sorry – I jumped in between the past-present-cases so much, I got confused while writing these notes down. XD
 * So this whole uh – MASON System? Yes? This thing was WILD. What an interesting idea, both as a mechanic, as well as story-wise. I thought I would have to finish the past investigations first, and then the presents ones, but in truth, I had to jump in-between to finish one after the other. Heck, I could take evidence from the present to the past and back again! I was really mind-blown about this bit. It was a bit lengthy, okay, but super fun to puzzle it altogether, and really FEEL how Phoenix was trying over the last seven year to find the truth, and all of it. Wow. Really genius bit here!
  * Listen. Zak Gramarye? I’m honestly not sure if I like him, as a person. Not as a character – he’s a great character! But, like the rest of the Gramarye troupe, he’s actually a bit of an asshole. Magnifi is easy to say why – he used the “death” of his own daughter to get leverage over his disciples, that’s pretty ugly. Valant tried to frame his friend and partner for a murder neither of them was responsible for, just to get the stage rights. But Zak? Zak just kind of jumped everything on Phoenix AND left him there to suffer consequences alone while he went into hiding, is shown to hit a so called “friend” – Brushel – in the face multiple times, just kind of “dumps” his eight-year-old daughter without making sure that Phoenix would take her in (he just ASSUMED), he never even kept informed about how Valant is doing and thus never heard that his former partner was unofficially being accused of murder because HE had vanished in the middle of court… I could go on.
Listen, as a character and magician? Super cool. As a person? Not so much. I honestly couldn’t warm up to him if he was a real person and I was meant to interact with him. The whole Gramarye troupe is pretty dark, actually, deep down.
  * Glad that Apollo finally got to know everything he needed to know. I LOVE Phoenix, you all know I do, but I was actually a little pissed with him that he let Apollo go into cases related to his past again and again without telling him very important parts. Again and again, Apollo was caught off guard and had to force his way through cases. I understand that part of it was because the Jurist System was not yet active – but in “Turnabout Succession”, the Jurist System was being used, Phoenix was on the way of getting Kristoph down, and he STILL waited until AFTER Vera was poisoned to tell Apollo everything. I don’t understand this decision, and I was glad when Apollo finally got everything he needed to win this.
  * Kristoph actually makes me sick. HE’s an amazing character, good villain, but he literally makes me sick. His reason, especially. Everything – everyone – had to suffer so much because a) wanted to win cases and b) was so hurt in his pride when Phoenix got picked over him that he destroyed his career, his life, made his own brother an unwilling accomplice in this, had an innocent nearly considered guilty, killed a man and (nearly) the man’s daughter… I cannot even summarize it all, it’s too much. And over what? Hurt pride.
He probably got the most laughable motif out of the entire series, and he did SO MUCH damage. It’s ridiculous. (On that note, it’s very similar to von Karma’s motif, but Kristoph nearly overtook him in evil here.)
  * I absolutely loved two of the “good” characters in this last showdown. First of: Trucy. She knew – somehow – or figured out that Shadi was her Daddy, and instead of hesitating or asking anything, she was like “What is it, Apollo? Keep going! We can talk later!”. Goddammit, that girl is fifteen, and I know that deep down she is hurting (even Phoenix said it) but she was so awesome, from start to finish. As supportive and mature yet childlike as any other of the supporting characters. I was really proud of her right then and there. You’re doing amazing, sweetheart!
And second of – Klavier. The moment he realized what had happened, without a single moment of hesitation, insecurity or denial, he was like “GET HIM APOLLO!” and went out of his way to give Apollo hints to bring Kristoph down. His own brother. It would have only been normal for him to try and deny the truth, at first, but he hounded after it instead, ignored all threats Kristoph threw at him, and did his outmost to clear up his own “mistake” from seven years ago.  I was a little awestruck, I’m gonna be honest. Klavier quickly got very likeable  for me from the first second on, but this was just to top it all of “yeah he’s great”.
 * I mean the entire last trial was such a volley of evidence, testimonies and shouts of encouragement from the side, I was on the edge of my seat, and my hands shivering. When the breakdown of Kristoph came, I was cheering in victory. It was great. XD
  * On the note of Klavier -  I would really love for Phoenix and Klavier to have a post-trial talk. The moment Klavier realized the evidence was not forged by Phoenix, but Kristoph, he must have realized that he had basically part in Phoenix’ disbarment when the man was in fact, innocent. He must have felt horrible. I really would have loved to see a talk between the two men – because I don’t think Phoenix holds a grudge against the younger man, but Klavier might feel bad about it, and needs to hear that.
 * God the sound I made when I realized the hand I was using to select “guilty” or “Not guilty” was Lamiroir’s… that was so well-made. It was still the player’s decision, but we saw through her eyes – gave me chills. Really great!
 * APOLLO AND TRUCY ARE SIBLINGS! Listen I thought they are related, alright, but I was gonna be happy with like – dunno, cousins. Like Maya and Pearl! But now I’m just delighted they are actually siblings. And LAMIROIR IS THEIR MUM! Gosh. Gosh when I said “her face-model looks like Trucy’s” I was kind of joking here? XD I was… not fully expecting this. Jokingly dreaming it up, yeh, but not really expecting it. How cool! I’m super happy with this.
   Honestly guys? This was easily one of my favorite cases so far. Right up there with “Bridge to the Turnabout” – though that one had a lot of found family and teamwork, and y’all know I’m WEAK to that, so that one is my favorite so far. But Apollo Justice was AT LEAST as fun as the original trilogy – some of the extra gameplay mechanics even better, like the fingerprints or the finding of tells – and I loved the new characters as much as the old ones. (Though I miss some of the old ones, as well.) I had fun playing from beginning to end, and was so excited about the story… wow. They just keep bringing out one great game after the other, eh?
 Dual Destinies is next (I think? Yes). I’m VERY excited to start that one – I had seen it once, on stream, as a kid, but I couldn’t buy it back then… kept dreaming about it though, for almost 12 years or so. This is like a childhood dream coming true, so I’m double excited for it!
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youngbounty · 4 years
Why Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is Uninteresting
I want to talk about my issues with Nahyuta Sahdmadhi. There’s a reason I consider him to be the most uninteresting prosecutor in Ace Attorney. It’s disappointing, because I do see a lot of potential in his character. The things that make him uninteresting will boil down to the fact he is boring, until the very end of the game. With other prosecutors, while we are never given backstory of them until the end, there was still something about them that grabs our attention. Miles Edgeworth was a smug, but genius prosecutor that only cared for Guilty verdicts. Franziska Von Karma was a vengeful prosecutor with a whip and the daughter of Manfred Von Karma, who was the villain of the first game. Godot was a coffee addict prosecutor that often used coffee metaphors, seemed wise and had a vendetta against Phoenix that we continued to question. Even Klavier and Blackquill had something interesting to them that made them stand out, whether it would be a rock star prosecutor that became the reason for Phoenix losing his job or an inmate prosecutor that used psychology and samurai skills against his opponents. Aside from being a monk prosecutor and throwing beads, there isn’t anything about Nahyuta Sahdmadhi that makes him different from the typical asshole prosecutor we meet in every game. Though, at least we never had to question why they were assholes. 
When I have to question why Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is an asshole prosecutor, despite being built up as the opposite at the beginning, that’s already a bad sign. Yes, we didn’t know much about the other prosecutors, but as I stated before, there was never a question why they had to be assholes. Edgeworth was an asshole, because he only believed in winning and Guilty verdicts. Franziska was an asshole, because Phoenix placed her father in jail. Yes, she did correct it was because of Edgeworth, but even that made sense. Godot had a vendetta against Phoenix and, while we didn’t know what that vendetta was, at least we could make sense that it was the reason he was being an asshole. Blackquill being an inmate and the Dark Age of Law already speaks for itself of why he’s an asshole. Why is Nahyuta an asshole and does he have to be? Klavier certainly wasn’t an asshole prosecutor, so why do we have to accept that every prosecutor we meet has to be an asshole of some kind. If we had something concrete, it would be enough to pull us in. Claiming that he’s an asshole, because he and his country hate defense attorneys is not a reason when he prosecutes internationally and has a father, who is also a defense attorney. Speaking of prosecutors with fathers as defense attorneys, Edgeworth didn’t like Defense Attorney’s either, but he at least had a concrete reason for it that wasn’t just Guilty Verdicts. I’m still questioning why Nahyuta treated Apollo and Athena so horribly, it isn’t like they’re in his own country where all eyes are on him. Even if he did have eyes on him, he could just say, “I need to be respectful to these people and their beliefs or our country will be at war with theirs and there will be no peace.” 
What makes even less sense is why Nahyuta avoids Apollo. For Edgeworth, it made sense, because he didn’t want those he loved to be involved with something that traumatized him as a child and Phoenix was already too deeply involved and with those involved in it. For Blackquill, it made sense, because he was protecting his dead master’s child from being arrested for a murder she may or may not have committed as a child. For Nahyuta, you could argue that there was a reason, being that Apollo is his brother and did not want him to be anywhere in his country or defending those of said country. But, the thing is, Apollo isn’t involved with Khura’in and neither is Athena. It’s possible Nahyuta may’ve predicted their involvement, since the game mentions of him predicting someone’s karma, but we never get into detail with that sort of power or understand it. If Nahyuta didn’t want Apollo getting involved, wouldn’t being a complete asshole do the opposite? It isn’t like Apollo knew what was going on, except through Phoenix, and even when he did, he made no plans in going to Khura’in. Considering Trucy’s situation in The Magical Turnabout, Nahyuta’s actions make less sense, if he was intending on protecting his loved ones from his kingdom’s tyranny. Had Trucy been found Guilty, all the money from the agency would be milked dry, Phoenix would be stuck in Khura’in and Apollo will be without a job. Wouldn’t it make better sense if Nahyuta was sweeter and nicer to Apollo to give him the false sense of security that everything was doing fine in Khura’in, so that he won’t worry? Wouldn’t it make more sense if Nahyuta was more livid and unforgiving toward Roger Retinz, after finding out about him conning Trucy and that almost putting the Agency in jeopardy, because it would have done harm to his brother? At least Turnabout Sisters made it clear that Redd White had blackmailed prosecutors and everyone involved with DL-6 to give the players a hint that Edgeworth was probably blackmailed into indicting Phoenix for murder. 
Speaking of reading people’s Karma, what kind of power is that? We know Nahyuta has that power, but we don’t know what it is or how it’s used. It’s not to say that magic has never been used in Phoenix Wright, but there’s always context or rules to it. What are the rules for Nahyuta using his karma-reading abilities? Can he predict the future? If he can, how is he able to do so? We are never given anything and this is sad, considering I was expecting something like the Divination Séance or Spirit Channeling where we can see some supernatural stuff. What we get instead is guesses and “duh magic” being the answer. One of Nahyuta’s magical abilities is using some magic item like beads or Apollo’s bracelet to constrict, but are never told how it works. At least with Apollo and Athena, we are shown and told how their powers work and if they’re passed down. There are rules and limitations. What rules or limitations does Nahyuta have? Are they from his mother, who is a spirit medium? Are male offspring of spirit mediums given certain abilities different from spirit mediums as a symbolism of their royalty? If so, what are they? Do the males in the Kurain Village where Maya lives have those abilities? Throw me a bone here! If I can’t understand how Nahyuta’s powers work, I’m not going to care or feel threatened by them. 
There are others that don’t make sense, but these are the main parts of Nahyuta that stood out to me. The sad part is that these could be fixed to where his character can stand out a little bit more without changes to his backstory. For instance, perhaps instead of introducing Nahyuta during the trial of The Magical Turnabout, introduce him as Apollo’s brother paying a visit and joining with him to watch Trucy’s show. Have him be very kind and sweet at the beginning, excited about seeing Apollo and wanting to spend time with him. Then, when it’s revealed that he will be prosecuting against Trucy, his asshole personality will be taken as him trying to protect Apollo from someone he thinks is trying to hurt him and thinking Trucy to be that person. This will introduce him as an overprotective brother using his ruthlessness to protect his family and those close to them. Nahyuta telling Phoenix, Apollo and Athena to “let it go and move on” will make sense as someone trying to protect the only good defense attorneys and those close to his brother in his own way, because he doesn’t want them to suffer or have to run like his father is. Instead of avoiding Apollo, perhaps he is more social with him in trying to give him a false sense of security that everything is going good at his home when it is not. 
I would especially go into detail about Nahyuta’s ability to read people’s karma. Perhaps it is something like fortune telling where he can see the fate of someone through their eyes in the form of a vision. His limitations are that he can only see the vision, but not touch, taste, smell or hear what is going on. He also cannot predict when they will happen and only lasts for maybe a minute to five seconds. Also, the longer he sees these visions, the more taxing it will be on his energy level, much like with spirit mediums summoning spirits. Perhaps his abilities to use beads or Apollo’s bracelet to constrict whatever it is wrapped around is how he’s able to gain these visions. He has to use the beads to wrap around his opponent’s source of strength, then as it tightens around the opponent’s body part, Nahyuta gains clear visions of their karma or fate. He can do this with any jewelry that has a source of magic. As for how Nahyuta gained these powers, they can be from his mother and be considered magic passed down among royalty through the males. This can make it to where even males with these kinds of magic have some sort of hierarchy. 
While this would risk having Nahyuta being revealed to being Apollo’s brother, it will not spoil any backstory he has. It won’t even spoil who their father is. If anything, it adds mystery to who this new opponent is and Nahyuta would be considered the first prosecutor openly related to one of the main characters, even if it’s as a foster brother. Having Apollo’s brother be the opponent to Spirit of Justice would give his character that uniqueness he needs, especially if his motive for facing against the main characters are to protect them against a tyrannical dictatorship in his country. There is an attractiveness towards characters that are willing to make sacrifices and make themselves evil in order to protect their loved ones. So then, by the time  you get to Turnabout Revolution and Nahyuta realizes his father is dead and Apollo might be next, there is this sense of dread that he feels he’s failed to protect those he loved, after doing so much and giving up everything he stands for, for their sake. 
Of course, these are my thoughts. Now, I don’t think Nahyuta is a terrible character, just poorly executed. To be honest, I think Rayfa should’ve been the Prosecuting Attorney, because I felt she was a much more interesting character. It would also be interesting to see a young spirit medium as a prosecutor. If there ever becomes an AA7 with Apollo Justice, I would like to see the main prosecutor of that game be a spirit medium. Though, what do you guys think?
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askaceattorney · 4 years
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Inferno,
Co-Mod: Nope, I just decided to have that be a fun addition to her character after her first letter.  I didn’t tell her any specifics, though, so the time-space continuum should still be safe.
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Dear Anonymous,
The Mod: I’d love to see some flashbacks to characters that never got to be seen in their heyday. Give me Diego with a rookie Mia as his assistant. Give me a Grossberg case. Have me play the villainous Kristoph cheating his way through a case against an ever saddening Winston Payne.
I don’t see Capcom doing that, since the new team seems scared of messing with Takumi’s characters, even to their own detriment (which is why Maya still acts like she’s 17 when she’s 28 and Pearl is so stupid she thinks a person in a raincoat is a frog), but I’d love to see it anyway for nostalgia’s sake.
I’m not personally big on costume DLC. I like the characters to look the way they’re supposed to look, but I can see why other people like it.
Co-Mod: My eyes are currently stuck on the words “new AA game,” just so you know.  I’d love nothing more than to see something brand new with the current cast of characters (possibly including a flashback case or two), buuuuut I’d rather not get my hopes up for it.
I don’t really have an opinion on costumes, but the idea of Athena with a scarf and a key in her hair does tickle my fancy a little bit.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Thanks!  I was wondering where he might have come from.  I never would’ve guessed he was from a game that was published by Capcom.  Go figure.
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Dear Shamus,
Co-Mod: Technically, the Ace Attorney timeline occurs in an alternate world where a few things are different (i.e. different nations are formed, the bombing of Pearl Harbor never happened, etc.), so it’s hard to say how close to our reality it would be.  I imagine most things happening the same way, though, so the rioting and the coronavirus 19 are canon in Ace Attorney as far as I’m concerned.
Questions about coronavirus are okay, but the rioting’s a bit too divisive of a topic for this blog, so I probably won’t answer letters to the characters about it.  That’s just me, though.
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Dear power-joe-fanclub,
Co-Mod: Here she is, compadre.  I had to search for it twice for some reason, and I found it almost in an instant the second time.  Life’s funny like that, ain’t it?
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Dear Nicco,
Co-Mod: Hey, not bad!  I’m not much good with 3D graphics or animation, so I’m always impressed when someone creates something convincing with it.  That being said, I doubt we’ll use them here, since we usually use the Phoenix sprites with backgrounds, but thanks a bunch for sharing them!
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Dear Anthony,
Co-Mod: Wow...  Empty parking spots at a Walmart are a beautiful sight, aren’t they?
...Oh, you mean the sky.  Yep, those are some beautiful color combinations.  Thanks for using the miracle of photography to share them with us!
On a semi-related note, I recently had a dream where I was driving, and when I looked up, I saw a triple rainbow.  Is that even a thing that exists?  Either way, I hope it’s a sign of good news in the future.
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Dear Shamus again,
Co-Mod: I can sort of imagine that happening, but I doubt he needed much outside influence considering how much of an evil genius he is.  Not to mention his poker face.  And, y’know...the other one.
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-The Mods
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
modern day (Like highschool) Spirit animals headcanons?
Mkay let’s see what I can come up with. FYI this is kinda gonna be Meilin-centric because she’s my fav. Also this somehow turned into a drama club AU? But I think it turned out okay???
Meilin is a straight A student and is really good in every class but doesn’t have any friends because tbh she’s kinda a bitch.
And she’s okay with that I mean who needs friends right?
But her dad thinks she does so when she hits high school he tells her she has to join one club.
She’s not happy about that but she does.
She figures she heard the theatre club’s production of Mary Poppins was good, not that she bothered to go see it, but she decides to try that out because acting is easy right?
Wrong. Meilin finds that theatre is not as easy as she though it’d be and even just the choreography calls are hard.
Then on top of that there’s her fellow freshmen and Conor seems okay but Abeke is competition for female leads and Rollan is just plain annoying. Nobody else really even talks to her.
Rollan hates Meilin because she seems like just some rich entitled bitch who doesn’t even care about theatre which he finds super annoying because Rollan loves acting more than anything.
Even before the 4 of them make friends with each other, they end up friends with a college kid named Tarik because Tarik is really nice and is the club advisor but the members refer to him as Theatre Dad.
Tarik and his girlfriend Lishay starred in everything when they were younger but now they just mentor everyone else.
Also they run a website that partners young actors with professionals for anonymous mentoring. The kids get to ask questions and the pros get to give advice to without anyone getting too excited because the kids don’t know who their pro is and the pro doesn’t know anything about the kid beyond their audition tapes. Not everyone gets picked but a lot of people do. The 4 freshmen get signed up as soon as possible.
Conor gets picked first by someone who uses a wolf as a profile pic. He doesn’t know this, but it is basically that universe’s equivalent of like Chris Evans.
Abeke gets picked second by like Lupita Nyong’o, who uses a leopard profile pic.
Meilin gets picked by someone like Lucy Liu with a panda profile pic.
Much to his annoyance, Rollan is the last to get picked but he does eventually, by a less-known actress. (In my mind she’s like Mizuo Peck {the lady that played Sacajawea in natm})
Basically these actors advise them throughout the AU but moving on.
The next musical is Into the Woods.
Many of the older kids don’t have the advantage of mentoring so all 4 get cast in main roles.
Conor is Cinderella’s Prince.
Abeke is the Witch.
Rollan is the Baker.
And Meilin, much to her annoyance, is the Baker’s Wife.
Also Maya is a year older but she’s short so she plays Little Red.
But basically they all run into a little dilemma here because Rollan and Meilin really want these roles but they also fucking hate each other and while they can get through the scenes where they argue fine they can’t act like a couple for more than 5 minutes to save their lives.
Tarik is the director so he puts them in a room and tells them to figure it out or he’s going to have to move them to different roles.
And Rollan does not want to be Jack for some reason. Maybe because that insinuates that he’s small and dammit it’s not his fault he hasn’t gotten his big growth spurt yet.
Meilin doesn’t want to switch either so they argue talk and eventually work out their differences.
Rollan finds out that Meilin is guarded because she doesn’t have any friends. That she’s never had any friends.
Meilin finds out that Rollan thinks she doesn’t care and he’s defensive because he’s an orphan and theatre is all he’s got.
And maybe they’re not exactly friends after that but they definitely aren’t enemies anymore.
Tarik doesn’t ask what they talked about but he knows that their character dynamic is a million times better so he doesn’t really care.
But Abeke is curious and she drags Conor into it when she tries to investigate but it is Conor who comes to the (wrong) inevitable conclusion which is...
Meilin and Rollan had one decent conversation and now have crushes on each other.
So now Abeke and Conor are trying to get them together, when in reality, Rollan doesn’t have a crush on Meilin (yet) and Meilin is just learning to think of him as a friend.
But besides that, there is a sinister plot going on.
2 weeks before opening night, Maya is caught on the edge of an explosion because someone planted a bomb in her car. She’s alive but she definitely can’t perform so a girl named Drina gets the role. Oddly, she doesn’t seem to feel any sympathy over what happened to Maya.
The police don’t want to scare the kids so they don’t tell them but of course they all find out why Maya’s car blew up.
Meilin starts getting a little paranoid, knowing whoever it was will likely come after other main actors, too.
Sure enough, 3 days later, Finn, the guy who plays the narrator, gets a set dropped on him and is lucky to be alive. His understudy, Zerif, takes his part.
Over a series of ‘accidents’ that badly hurt a lot of actors, most of the remaining ones quit, leaving their understudies in their place. The 4 freshmen kind of close ranks, figuring they can’t trust anyone but each other.
Abeke drops her guard when Shane, the guy who plays Jack and the only other actor who hasn’t gotten off the cast one way or another approaches her and asks if he can stick around their group.
When Abeke asks her friends, Conor is willing to try to trust him, but Meilin and Rollan are pretty sure there’s something... off about him.
She should’ve just ask, but being a dramatic little shit, Meilin breaks into Tarik’s office and finds that Shane wasn’t going to be Jack. The guy who was originally picked was in a car crash before the cast list was even released.
Unfortunately, Meilin is caught in there, making everyone think she’s the one who’s been masterminding the attacks to get people who pay her on the cast. It does not help that one of Shane’s friends plants cash in her locker.
Rollan, Abeke, Conor, and Tarik are the only ones who believe she didn’t do it besides her own father, but none of them can prove it was actually Shane, who Abeke is feeling hella betrayed by.
Also it’s like 2 days to opening night and most of the original cast is incapacitated and Meilin is very possibly going to juvie and if she doesn’t get out Rollan is going to have to act alongside this basic bitch called Ana who he hates.
As a last ditch effort because he has faith in his kids Tarik tells the cops he did it and framed Meilin and he feels guilty for that but he was behind the attacks.
Of course nobody from the school believes it but it’s good enough for the cops and Tarik gets fired and Meilin gets her role back.
But at this point the 4 freshmen want their roles just a bit less than they want revenge.
So at like 4 hours to curtain Meilin confronts Shane because she knows he framed her and figures he knows she can’t prove it.
Little does Shane know Meilin has a recording device on her and she’s recorded his entire confession.
She goes back to the others with all the evidence they need to send Shane packing. Abeke is about to take it to a teacher when Meilin is like:
“Wait. We’re not going to reveal this just yet. Rollan is going to have it in his pocket the entire show and he’s going to play it in a microphone for the whole crowd to hear after finale.”
Rollan is s h o o k.
Like he met her like... a few months ago and she’s trusting him with her revenge and she’s like an evil genius?
He gets overwhelmed and kisses her.
*gasp!* Rollan apologizes but Meilin... doesn’t mind.
Fast forward they do the show without a hitch and the 4 of them are great and Abeke pulls off her quick change from an old lady to a beautiful witch flawlessly.
Conor and Meilin agree never to speak of the Any Moment scene.
When Meilin dies and her ghost is singing to Rollan he actually like... sheds a few tears??? Because the two of them are hella good and Rollan forgot she’s not actually dead.
Then they get revenge on Shane, who goes to jail and gets what he deserves.
So do all his friends.
So happily ever after.
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sammysreelreviews · 5 years
8 New Netflix Originals
Hello people there is a lot happening May 10th. Britney is going to court, Bieber is dropping a new song, and Netflix is dropping new shit per usual. Here are some new movies and shows that are coming out and some that are already out. I promise that the next post will be for my Hulu hoes. I’ve been neglecting you and it’s not fair. I’ve also been frantically binging Netflix foreign films and shows so expect some lists soon about those too! If you love Prime I probably won’t post until June and I’m so sorry it’s just that Hulu literally owns my ass and I only watch Netflix cause it gets people to actually read this blog! Also please notice how I gave 8 options instead of the usual 4 or 5. Do not ask me for a Netflix recommendation until fucking July. Ok enough of me rambling happy binging!
1. The Society (Season 1)
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A group of good looking teens wake up in their town but they realize somethings off when their parents are all gone. Kathryn Newton stars in this show and the writer of this blog (me the beautiful and charismatic Samantha McFarland) was an extra on it! Obviously I can’t tell y’all what happens but I think you’ll love it! Btw thats me in the right hand corner with the maroon hat on! Woo!
Streaming: May 10th
2. Someone Great (2019)
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Jenny’s (Gina Rodriguez) boyfriend (the amazing LaKeith Stanfield) breaks up with her the night before she’s supposed to move across the country so her best friends Blair (Brittany Snow) and Erin (Netflix’s She’s Gotta Have it star DeWanda Wise) help her have an epic last night out in New York City. I actually really loved this movie cause it flashbacks to the relationship. It also is genuinely funny and TOO relatable. It’s like Broad City in movie form.
Streaming: Now
3. Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile (2019)
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Zac Efron, the love of my life, plays Ted Bundy in a creepy look into his life. Lily Collins plays Ted’s girlfriend at the time and Kaya aka Effy fucking Stonem Scodelario plays his wife. If you’re looking for a movie that shows the murders, this is not it. This film is all about showing how much Ted was a psychopath. Zac shines in this and you need to see.
Streaming: Now
4. The Last Summer (2019)
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This thrown together movie is about a some high school seniors enjoying their last summer before college. I’m not gonna lie it’s not very good but Kj Apa, Tyler Posey, Halston Sage, and Maia Mitchell are in it. So if you love any of those people I guess it’s the cheesy movie for you.
Streaming: Now
5. Easy (Season 3)
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Easy is one of my favorite Netflix original shows and this is sadly the last season! Each episode shows the dynamic of a different couple. Some couples are recurring throughout the seasons while some episodes have new couples! I’ve written about the show Easy before and I will be writing about it again VERY soon. Dave Franco, Kiersey Clemons, and Orlando Bloom are in it to name a few stars. If you love a realistic adult show about love and life this is the show for you! 
Streaming: May 10th
6. Dead to Me (Season 1)
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Christina Applegate plays a recently widowed woman who makes a new friend who seems to have a secret. I honestly haven’t watched any of this yet cause I’m currently between literally 15 shows right now, I am not even exaggerating, so I haven’t had the time to get to it. BUT I’ve only heard amazing things so give it a go and if it sucks you can’t blame me I’m just giving y’all some fucking options.
Streaming: Now
7. Wine Country (2019)
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This is a film with Amy Poheler, Tina Fey, Rachel Dratch, and Maya Rudolph with other funny women in Napa drinking wine... need I say more?
Streaming: May 10th
8. See You Yesterday (2019)
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CJ (Eden Duncan-Smith) and her bff Sebastian (Dante Crichlow) build a time machine to save Cj’s brother who was murdered innocently by a cop. I’m so excited about this movie. I’ve learned that I love time travel movies for some reason but the fact that the cast is all black makes me extremely happy. It’s so great to have a black girl portrayed as a genius and show the real effects of police brutality. Representation is so important and I’m glad Netflix is catching on to that.
Streaming: May 17th
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dashimba · 5 years
THE 100 my thoughts of 6.07.
Well, me, finally, calmed down and rewatched the whole episode again.
The first thing is that this episode was splendid! I loved it all from first minute to the last once, basically was glued to the screen all the time.
I enjoyed the idea of space minds, because, firstly, it allows to see character deeper and feel their intention, fears and feelings through simple objects of reality, pictures, things. It also gave us a link to ‘Inception’ movie and pointed to Freudian concept of the unconscious. Besides, it also guides us to the Eric Burn theory that each person contains ‘child’, ‘adult’, ‘parent’ personality.
It was smart to use the rain as a metaphor of Clarke swings moods, chest with the code for her secret memory, also show us her dads video and Jasper glasses inside of it.
Her mind is constructed by series of locations. The reason behind is that Clarke really changed through all of her stages in life. Each one has its own meaning for her, as she grew from a young idealistic teenage girl to a grown woman, complicated and contradictory person. She became not only leader to her people, but also a parent figure. We could equate it to the thing of becoming a real mom to a child, who needs care and protection.
Clarke character this episode, her development was really thought through.
Lets try to analyze main locations.
First, we should compare how Clarkes personalities are connected with each stage of action. Second, we ll try to have a general concept of each mind space.
This place is where all Clarke memories lies, her story. I guess its just a hard drive to the whole computer, shortly her brain. There she is represented as ‘the princess on the spaceship’ and also as Wanheda, also as The Clarke ‘Madis mother’ ( Read it that way ‘child’, ‘adult’, ‘parent’) . These three parts of her personality show us the two parts of Clark, the peaceful one, rebelious one, guilty one. It’s her three sides, which are struggling to fight each other to prevail in behavior. She still has her child hopes. She still tries to be rigidity and consistency in her solutions. She now is accepting her responsibility, drowning in a blame for her decisions.
The Clarke on the spaceship is the Clarke, who believes that there is so much more than survival and fighting for life. She appears to be the most vulnerable one. Wanheda has the power of being more dark for the purpose of the survival and life. She is the dark side of Clarke who was formed by conditions of her living. Clarke from season 5 and 6 is Clarke who is trying find a peace for herself as a human, suffering inside from two sides of her world.
The lights and the colors in this mind space are truly melancholic and blue. I feel her depression and longing for sadness through this location. Clarke at the moment does not feel right at all, she is feeling down and she is losing hope.
2. The forest
Its totally the most dark place, therefore dark lights and night forest as the symbol of loss and deprivation. Its kinda blurry here too. The ruined throne of Lexa is her pain, which hides under the layers of self-control. There she loses her hope after fake memories of Bellamy. He is still that person, who has that strength and hope for her which she seeks. He is her last pillar of energy to survive and live, as the leader of her people. Because of him shes still trying.
‘You still have hope?”
‘Were still breathing’
But after the fake memories, she doesnt see any benefit to live as someone who can look for her people. Shes already dead, why bother?
3. The fighting pits and the Mountain weather.
Sharp and bright light. The fighting pits is another symbol of her guilt, though Bellamy forgave her, she coudnt do it herself. She didnt win her war with her demons. The BloodRena represent rage, anger for herself, crawled inside Clark. The Maya is the sigh of her moral system confused, her inner guilt for what she thought she would never have done as a child on Spacekru ship.
4. The home
The place where Clark feels most safe, focused and calm. Warm,
light colors and drawings not from her memories, bur from her feelings. The most significant drawings are Ebby, Madi and Bellamy. Its her family now. There she meets Monthy, there she finds her dad alive.
Its her heart in this home.
Her last hope is to live for Madi, as Monty reminds her. To be a mother to a child she raised. I mean, obviously, Madi is the last reason, why Monty as her mind protection appears. Monty was her friend, who truly figured that sometimes good and evil are twisted, and having burden of blood hands doesnt mean ure a bad person, but still means that its the best way to live and find peace.
There she is a ‘parent’.
Anyway, this Clark destination is to forgive herself and to start create something new through the ashes, to find something beside Madi, her people and Bellamy to live for. To heal and become more balanced.
Whats about Josephine?
Her line is connected to Clarke one, as their minds are tangled.
Let me say one thing, she is really hell of sociopath. I do not hate her as a character, but I do see the motivation of her behavior.
The thing is that in Josephine minds her father is the really important figure, affecting her the most through all stages of life. His voice is everywhere, in the library(her voice from childhood memories, calling him. reading letters). Through the door. He is shouting ‘The Sanctum is mine’. This pair could be compared to Odin and Hela relationship. Same spirit there.
Her brain structure is the library, completely rationalized and sorted. She doesnt feel mercy or regret, pity or happiness, pain or pleasure. She doesnt understand human emotions, as she is not able to comprehend them fully. By all sort, she is freaking genius(knows various language, deep in biology and science, gifted for art) but by the cost of her mental disorder. In her memories she adored herself so much that she could stop drawing her first body. She doesnt know what moral is. Its a blurry concept for her.
Her moral is to provide herself the immortality on all costs. She doesnt find it right or wrong to murder, to betray, to tortue. She doesnt care about anything but about herself. Not life of a newborn baby, her friends lover, her father could prevent her from achieving the goal. Its truly frighting and dreadful. She shouldn't be in the lead at all.
Read this to insure yourself that Jo is in fact sociapath https://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html.
And she knows that. Her hidden thing is the awareness on that. She doesnt accept it at all. She is savoring it, not trying to control or to restrict herself. Its caused by the trauma of guy who kills himself , but still not completely.
I also liked the referral to the predator behavior( dialogue of J and R, when they are haunting Clark), as the main concept of Lightbourne views.Besides, they regard science as the God for them, it means the complete refusal to moral question and ethics.
Josephin: I studied all species, insects are almost fascinated me the most,...ruthless. People theyre so messy, theyre too emotional.
Josephin: You, nulls, are more than worthless, you all don have positive value. You are less the useless. U delude the bloodlines...
So on.
From Clarks side theres a lot of talking whats right or what wrong, even with ALLIE. What defines God.
Its not a coincidence that she tells Monty about the God question, overshadowing Lightbournes things. About connection of moral and real life.
‘I dont want to decide for everyone, Just for myself’
Its a good thrust that through her mind projection of Monty she still thinks:
The end does not justify the means
Murder is still murder, whatever it brings after, peace or war.
She doesnt devalues the human life. Thats why Clarke is the best leader from the start. Her moral compass is always there to remind her that leadership should be based on clean hands, true intentions to help and grow, not in dark night, but in the light of a new day.
Clark also says: ‘Theres no joy without pain’.
For me, it sums up all of her personality. Meaning - to have something good, first sacrifice. To earn happiness you should feel the real anguish. But even after the pain, you are capable of finding hope and peace. Thats why she agrees to go with Monty and fight J.
That what differs Clark from Lightbourne.
She is still in a process of defining what decisions shed like to make, what person she should be. She senses and appreciates.
Lightbournes are in stagnation there.
The last few senconds
Bellamy is just the ‘heart’ all over the place. He is back to his natural statue.
That means head and the heart in work, which, I remind you, always the best.
Thanks for reading.
All the love :)
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scrapyardboyfriends · 5 years
Jenny’s Belated Live Blogging - 11th April 2019
- I love Maxine episodes so much. No one is surprised by that at this point but they always work so well and have such nice flow and fit in a lot of the things that I like. When does she get to write every episode?!
- even from the start just getting Eric and David standing outside the B&B while all the ornathologists were running around. That was fun and felt like the old days with random ridiculous things going on in the village. And I loved Bob and Dan running around in their camo trying to take a picture of the bird and getting the wrong one and all the other villagers just being amused. That’s a plot that we would not have gotten this time last year and I’m really happy that kind of stuff is making a comeback because it’s just good lighthearted fun and it’s something that works great with those characters too.
- the Kim/vets stuff was great too. I am so thrilled to see a return to the work related stories. I feel like part of the reason there were so many dumb cheating plots and so many heavy stories in the past couple years, is because a lot of the work drama just got cut out and they had to fill time in other ways. But aside from just the general, I just really like this vets story now that Kim is involved and that’s not something I thought would happen. But her and Rhona together is so good. It brings her down to earth even if she is still scheming. And there’s minimal Graham, which is excellent. I also love that they’re going to continue to build on this relationship by having her get Rhona to help with Jamie, which is a great idea. I’m so happy they’ve managed to turn Kim around now that the Joe Plot is...over?!?
- And Paddy and Vanessa who we can sometimes get annoyed with when they’re in their respective relationships, work so well together in this type of story. I’m so happy Vanessa was finally allowed to go back to work so we could have this content again. That suspension was the worst decision ever. I even loved them both not wanting to tell Chas and Charity about the deal. This kind of content is what will make those relationships work better too because they have each other to bounce this kind of stuff off of. A couple months ago, Paddy and Vanessa sharing a scene was so weird because it had been so long and now it finally feels like it’s supposed to and I’m so glad.
- the Vic/Ellis, Tracy/Billy stuff was also a lot of fun today. I love that Tracy and Billy figured out what Vic was up to straight away and then locked them in but also spent the whole day together anyway so maybe they’ll work on things between them too. Things were thawing anyway. She got a drink with him. And Vic and Ellis singing Cher and drinking champagne together was perfect. They got together so weirdly and we didn’t even realize they’d become anything more so I’m sort of glad they broke up and now we get to see a little of them getting back on the same page. Those early stages are really important for me to enjoy a couple so I’m glad we’re getting that. I just fear for the Big Night Out stuff but for now it’s all lovely and sweet.
- I thought the Liv/Jacob/Maya stuff tonight was great. I’m soooo glad that Jacob said no and broke up with her just so she didn’t have to have sex with him and do something she didn’t want to do even if I was still heartbroken for her.
- I’m so happy Gabby was back with her this week too. I love their friendship and it was so nice seeing her be so supportive with Liv. That hug she gave her was so important too. I adore them when they’re getting along.
- with regards to the ace stuff. I do think it’s kind of time for her to use the word. They really did miss their opportunity when she said she was doing internet research. It’s a bit frustrating because, we all get it and it’s very clear that they did their research because she is saying all the right things. Like the part about ‘sometimes people like me just do it anyway for their partners’ or some variation of that. I just wish they’d stop having her talk around it even if everything she says does ring very true. I still hope she gets to say the word one day.
- that said, my heart broke when she said that she didn’t know how someone was ever going to want someone like her because I feel that so much. And again, I loved that Gabby was there to give her a hug. She needed that and the encouraging words and I’m glad she got them.
- I was also very happy to get to see both Robert and Aaron be there for her tonight. Thank you Maxine. I liked that, you know, we got typical Aaron wanting to kill Jacob and Liv having to talk him down. I loved Robert putting a hand on his shoulder to keep him in his chair. I of course adored the entire conversation with Robert on the bench. Definitely long overdue. I also can imagine them finding the condoms and deciding Robert may be the best one to go have that chat just because Aaron a) doesn’t always do well with that and b) he might get too worked up. In any case, I love Robert and Liv’s relationship and I’m so glad that Maxine loves it too so we get this kind of content. He was so sweet with her and understanding and calm but also so encouraging, telling her she’s brilliant as she is. Plus, I love the added bits of humor in there with the ‘boys are rubbish’ line and the ‘you’re telling me not to get revenge?’ line. Perfection.
- and I liked that that wasn’t it either. I loved that we got Aaron checking in with Robert after the chat and Robert telling him not to worry. I loved that Liv came downstairs and reiterated that nothing happened and that she was okay. They were such good family scenes, the kind we rarely get and the three of them do work well together when given the chance.
- and of course, the surrogacy stuff. There were definitely a few things that could have used more on screen discussion but I was relatively satisfied by what Maxine did manage to get in there within allotted screen time.
- I was happy Aaron questioned Robert’s sudden decision to give him a chance to explain. They were always going to have to do it in the UK for logistics purposes anyway, so I don’t mind his change of heart. I also liked that when he said he didn’t want to make Aaron wait, that Aaron challenged him on that too so he could explain. I don’t know that every writer would do that. I mean, I still wish they would address Aaron’s Seb related issues/motivation. It will forever drive me crazy if they never go back to it and I don’t think they will now but I guess I’ll have to get over it. I at least like that they addressed some of the Robert concerns.
- I also just liked seeing them so excited to be on the same page again and to feel positive after the meeting. Plus, Aaron’s cute little clothing crisis before hand was amazing and I loved Robert telling him he looked great. Also I liked that they managed to get both of their color codes in today. Red and blue earlier and then they changed into their blue and black. Well done.
- even though they’re talking about money still, I like that they’ve moved forward a bit in the process now. We’re no longer stuck completely at square one and that is very needed. Even if this surrogate doesn’t work out, at least they’re at a new stage now.
- I also loved having Liv involved and interested in what was going on and especially that she did it in that sarcastic way. They really felt like a family tonight and it made me very happy.
- with regards to the ‘swimmers’, haha, I do wish they’d had that conversation on screen but I’m glad that they at least said that they’d had a conversation and didn’t just announce that they were going to use Aaron sperm or something. And I know there’s a portion of the fandom that has a massive problem with all of this but like...I don’t think that the characters at least did it in a particularly offensive sort of way. Especially since Maxine consciously had Aaron correct himself and say ‘well it’ll be both of ours obviously’. Plus, I always love Aaron not being able to talk about that sort of thing and his ever popular awkward hand gestures. I love that that’s just his consistent thing. Haha
- and of course the sofa cuddling and giggling at the movie. I’ve waiting ages for them to lay on the sofa like that and I’m so glad it finally happened. Plus the dialogue, talking about their future kid. Again, I loved the family banter with Liv saying Seb was going to be an evil genius and Robert correcting her and saying ‘handsome genius’ was perfect. And of course the comment about Aaron’s eyes. We all use Robert loving Aaron’s eyes so much in fan fic so it was great to get that little moment. And Aaron craning his neck to look up at Robert was lovely. Good content. I am pleased.
- as for the blackmailing. It makes a lot of sense that it was Liv that caught them and that it’s her that’s blackmailing Maya. With anyone else, I feel like it wouldn’t make sense that they would tell but since Liv has been involved this whole time, Maya is able to use that and her alcohol problems to manipulate David to preemptively discredit her and then threaten her with. But I also really liked that Liv brought up Gordon. Yay relevant character history! It’s good that she can take that knowledge and apply it to this situation and see through Maya. But it’s also such a messy situation since Liv was with Jacob and there’s so many hurt feelings on top of everything else. It makes a tough situation even tougher so it all does still feel relatively believable. At least within the context of a soap. And as much as I wouldn’t want robron using pedophile blackmail money to fund their surrogacy, I sort of like that Liv even went there because well...she’s learned from the best living with her brothers. Haha. But yeah...it’s all a mess and I can’t wait for it all to come out so all these kids can start getting help.
- all in all, these were great episodes and again I shall profess my love for Maxine Alderton. She is perfect.
- I hope these thoughts met your expectations @memorieswarm haha
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