#middle earth headcanons
doodle-pops · 7 months
House of Fingolfin | Being In An Arranged Marriage With Them
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A/N: This takes place in Valinor, in a no–darkening verse and arranged marriages are common traditions among the elves. By now, I'm considering this an AU within the Silm verse with all the ideas that’s been swimming in my mind after writing each headcanon (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Warnings: feelings of neglect and loneliness, resentment, disputes, there is some comfort, angst because it's an arranged marriage
Arranged Marriage AU: Arafinweans ver.
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☆ . ࣪ ˖ ࿐ Fingolfin
Fingolfin strongly resents being told what to do. However, if complying benefits his family and upholds his royal status as an exemplar for princes, he will reluctantly follow through. In this context, he would have no significant objections to an arranged marriage.
He genuinely believes in his father’s good intentions and considers his mother’s agreement as final. Fingolfin would attentively attend the meeting, listening to the criteria and rationale for the arrangement while occasionally glancing at your disheartened expression.
Initially, he might struggle to comprehend why you don’t view the situation as a win–win, given that you’re marrying a prince and about to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. The notion of being forced into this or having a lover only dawns on Fingolfin when his younger brother or a friend brings it up.
He’s determined to make the relationship work and hopes you won’t be confrontational or resist connecting with each other. Your reluctance to make things work is a source of frustration for him, but his pride prevents him from complaining to others.
But it is important to keep in mind that as much as he’s fighting you to make this work, he is respectful of your boundaries and personal space.
“I may have been slow to realise your reservations about the arrangement, but may I ask that you at least attempt not to distance yourself when all I want is for this to go smoothly? Yes, we will be married soon, but I’m not suggesting a romantic involvement, just a basic level of cooperation to ease the tension, please.”
He’s eager to make the arrangement a success because he sees it as essential for his role as a prince and a way to outshine his older brother. In Fingolfin’s perspective, this is a competition, albeit unfortunate for you.
You must assert that for this relationship to work, it shouldn’t be a platform for competition or jealousy, but rather something mutually beneficial and meaningful. You seek a partner you can rely on and trust, while he desires a confidant.
Despite the challenges, you enjoy a royal lifestyle with extravagant parties, balls, and dinners, access to the finest materials and food, a luxurious house designed to your liking, and any other desired indulgence. Fingolfin explicitly mentions that the house was created with your preferences in mind in hopes of ensuring some form of comfort is achieved.
An added benefit of the relationship is Fingolfin’s trust in your abilities as a mediator and leader. As a means to enhance communication, he gradually opens up and seeks your advice in the hopes of strengthening the arrangement.
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☆ . ࣪ ˖ ࿐ Fingon
Initially, when the news was broken to him, Fingon found it all rather amusing. He doubled over and laughed in his father’s face, thinking it was some kind of joke. It took a while for the seriousness of the situation to sink in, and he soon realised that this was no laughing matter. Fingon is a free–spirited individual who believes in choosing when to marry, not never for political reasons, as was the case in this instance.
When you’re in the room, Fingon prefers to keep his anger in check and maintain a pleasant demeanour, as he doesn’t want to frighten you. He’s well aware that you had no say in this decision, and his father is the only one he has an issue with.
The sorrowful look on his face when he meets your eyes is heart–wrenching, as both of you are victims of politics. Despite the circumstances, he does his best to shield you from the harsh reality and maintain the illusion of a simple friendship.
Among all his siblings and his father, Fingon is undoubtedly the most agreeable elf to be married to. Despite his inner turmoil and his father’s constant pressure to make the relationship work, he remains cheerful and amiable in your company, ensuring your comfort throughout the entire engagement.
However, in the early days of the marriage, he was the complete opposite of his usual self, largely due to your reserved nature. He was distant and mostly silent as he grappled with controlling his temper, trying to figure out how to make the relationship work.
If he’s going to be your husband against his will, he’s determined to be the best one you could hope for. Do you require your space? You got it. Do you not wish to see or speak to him? He’ll respect it. Do you want him to stop pretending that everything’s perfect? You’ll get that as well, although it may not be what you expect.
“You might be expecting me to shout, scream, or completely ignore you. I couldn’t bring myself to do any of that, though, as it’s not how my mother raised me to behave when I’m dissatisfied... I understand that you see through the façade I put up; it’s mostly to get my father off my back. But it’s not an act when I’m around you.”
Count on Fingon to make your forced marriage bearable and tolerable. He alleviates the typical anxiety associated with arranged marriages by filling it with unconditional love, support, appreciation, and trust. He never lets the burden fall on you and always stands by your side, ready to defend you.
One thing he won’t tolerate is anyone belittling your role as his spouse, whether it’s from your family or his. He respects your choices and ensures that you’re comfortable before engaging in anything personal.
Fingon never rushes you into anything uncomfortable and allows you to make decisions, trusting your judgment and revealing his vulnerability. He sees this as a hopeful approach to overcoming the arranged marriage label that hangs over your heads.
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☆ . ࣪ ˖ ࿐ Turgon
Even if it were his father delivering the news that an arranged marriage was necessary to uphold the family name, Turgon was on the verge of overturning a table and vanishing before his father could reveal your name. However, Turgon knew he wouldn’t get far before being compelled to return home and address the situation.
It was the gloomiest atmosphere in recent memory when he was in the room, glaring at your presence as you entered with your family. The whole ordeal made him feel nauseous, especially when he observed how supportive his mother was in the matter.
Turgon didn’t speak or acknowledge your existence. If you were residing in your preexisting home, you both slept in separate quarters. He even made an effort to become familiar with your schedule to ensure you didn’t cross paths because he wanted to avoid giving the impression of any interest in making things work.
It felt like living alone with a brooding spectre who constantly muttered under his breath as though he was casting a spell. He was quick to anger and often directed his frustration at everyone around him, not just his and your parents. Congratulations, you were arranged to someone who unjustly blamed you.
Like his cousins, you had to assert yourself and demand respect, forcing your voice above his constant grumbling.
“Listen, I’ll make this clear just once, so don’t make me repeat myself. Stop blaming me and direct your frustrations at my parents and yours. We’re in this together whether we like it or not—so accept it and put an end to the complaining, just like I did. We’re going to make this work—we don’t have to share a bed or be best friends, but we should find common ground and understanding. I won’t accept ‘no’ as an answer, as it’s proven to be pointless, so stop whining and work with me!”
You earned his respect because no one had the audacity to confront him like that without fearing his explosive anger. From that day on, there was a subtle change in the household routine, like not avoiding your schedules and sharing the same space (excluding the bedroom).
Any attempts at conversation were initiated by you, and you had to strain your ears to catch his mumbled responses. When it came to public appearances, he was as stiff as a board and communicated sparingly.
However, it was his instinct to defend you and his family if anyone made disrespectful comments about your situation. That was something for him and you to contemplate, not for others to meddle in, so someone would be put in their place. That night, you saw the most emotion from him apart from his temper.
An incident like that brought you both a step closer to displaying your emotions and feelings, particularly your protectiveness toward him. As simple as it may seem, he wanted to know about your day and if anyone insulted you when you were out. It was a step in the growth of your relationship.
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☆ . ࣪ ˖ ࿐ Argon
Argon is fucking bewildered and struggling to comprehend the situation because he’s still a young individual being informed of an arranged marriage he never wanted. He responds with profanity and loud protests until his father intervenes to calm him down.
He despises every moment of it, particularly when he recalls how his cousins and brothers were subjected to the same process. He can’t believe he’s in the same situation despite his strong desire to find love on his own. Even if you were present in the room, his anger blinds him to your concern.
For days to weeks, you two may not exchange words, with occasional glances and stares being the only form of communication. Even after the marriage, he only engages in minimal conversation, ensuring your well–being and comfort in the shared space, though his tone is often filled with bitterness.
Initially, your marriage feels like cohabitating with a mere housemate, as your interactions are limited to household chores. Meaningful conversations based on your interests are virtually non–existent. It would take significant time and effort before either of you musters the courage to address the awkward silence in the house, ideally during breakfast.
“May I speak? No, it’s not about breakfast; it’s about us. We’ve been living like roommates for months, hardly even acquaintances. All we do together is eat and do chores. I know you’re still upset about this arrangement—so am I—but I’d appreciate it if we could replace this white noise with something resembling friendship. We’re already living together, so we’re past the stage of being strangers.”
Argon is genuinely sorry to discover that you desire more meaningful interactions rather than distance, which he had assumed. Your first breakthrough occurs when you jest about his misinterpretation of your gestures, breaking the awkward silence with a touch of Argon’s playful nature.
Following in the footsteps of his eldest brother, he emulates his gestures in the hopes of fostering a deeper connection. Although his emotions make him eager and impulsive, he doesn’t want you to bear the blame for his dissatisfaction.
Eventually, a level of vulnerability emerges in your discussions, allowing both of you to overcome this significant turning point in your lives. More joy and laughter infuse the household as you both express your opinions, views on the situation, and expectations for the future. Given his youth and the wealth of advice he’s received on arranged marriages, he engages in meaningful conversations to ensure you share the same expectations.
He has no intention of subjecting you to the mistreatment that others might inflict on their spouses, placing trust in you and expecting the same in return. For the majority of your marriage, despite lingering awkwardness, you manage to build a friendship with someone who is open and respectful.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine being like Newt Scamander and showing your creatures to the elves.
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(I had to do some research to get the names right, and I only managed to come with this three so no fourth one unfortunately, I hope you like it)
Requested by @a-contemplation-upon-flowers​
Warnings: None really, some wizardry and elven stuff and mystical creatures. 
-He thought you were odd upon your first meeting. The bag you carried was oddly shaped, and he wasn’t sure what you would carry in there. 
-You called it a briefcase and a special kind too. Maglor was curious, but you did not elaborate further on what was inside – saying it’s a secret. 
-You were strange, the way you spoke and dressed was nothing he had ever seen, and he was curious about what was inside your briefcase, so he decided to befriend you. 
-You turned out to be a kind-hearted person despite your odd habits. He felt ashamed for thinking lowly of you. 
-You told him you had a task and wrote a book on how to live beside mysterious creatures and even care for them. 
-And that you were a sorcerer of a kind. 
-Maglor found the subject of your book peculiar, and he had seen you do magic with your wand, so he believed the latter even though it was unbelievable a human was capable of magic. 
-However, he was not ready to witness what was inside the mysterious briefcase when you finally said you trusted him enough to show him. 
-He was expecting you to show him an item of some sort, not you suddenly walking in and disappearing into the briefcase. When he hesitated, you showed your arm through and gestured for him to follow you. 
-Maglor looked in and saw stairs leading down, which was unbelievable, but when you called out to him. He cautiously went in and walked down the stairs.
-He found his way into your hut, where you prepared food of some kind and even scared him with a flying creature for shit and giggles. But when he stepped outside the next door – the shock arrived like a slap in the face when he saw the vast world of your briefcase. 
-He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander around, looking at the several mysterious creatures, small and big, mysterious and beautiful. He roamed into every habitat to take a look, and you even allowed him to pet most of them. 
-It was like everything a little kid would dream of in one place. It was beautiful, and he finally understood the meaning of your book. 
-He could not help but smile and laugh when you allowed him to feed the Mooncalves, hold an Occamy, and even pet the strange Graphorns.  
-He even enjoyed watching the little Bowtruckles play around the tree. 
-It almost felt forbidden for him to be there. 
-He came up with several new songs when he was there — among your creatures. 
-He promised to help you find the creatures you lost in an accident and never said a word to anyone so your animals could be safe, and you were forever grateful for that. 
-He found your little performance odd and funny when you two were trying to capture the giant Erumpet, but — he did not like when he accidentally spilled the concoction upon himself and got the giant’s romantic attention. You had to save him on that part. 
-He will never get involved with Erumpets ever again. 
-He most likely met you after encountering one of your creatures. He had an unpleasant encounter and saw you chasing it with your briefcase. 
-Miraculously, you captured the beast and used magic which he thought was impossible for humans unless you were a sorcerer of a kind. 
-None of less, your meeting was accidental, and it was hard to brush him off when he became fascinated with you and wanted to know what you were hiding in your briefcase. 
-He also had some unfinished business with your Niffler as the creature had stolen something important from him, his father’s ring. 
-You agreed to help retrieve his ring if he helped you find the Niffler so you could return his father’s ring. 
-When you showed the inside of your briefcase, his reaction was like Maglor’s, full of wonder and amazement. 
-He would try to befriend most of your creatures, even the dangerous ones, so you had to watch him so he wouldn't accidentally get killed. Some of the creatures you saved were still aggressive from the hardship of the outside world. 
-He would be an eager listener when you tell all the stories about your creatures and how you rescue them. 
-He admired your resolve trying to save and find a way to teach people to live beside these creatures, so they wouldn't have to kill, and the latter wouldn't have to go to extinction. 
-You had even tamed a couple of creatures of Morgoth. Dragons and other creatures he thought were nothing but mindless beasts. 
-He adored the Bowtruckles and even allowed them to climb and play around his body. 
-When you went to look for your creatures that escaped, he was determined to help you and followed all the instructions to raise the success of each capture. 
-When you two finally found the Niffler, the capture turned out tricky as even you had some problems catching it.
-The little bugger even managed to steal one of his golden ribbons. 
-So, Fingon ends up using a little force out of frustration. He would never harm your creatures to upset you, but with your Niffler, his tolerance dropped low. You honestly didn’t blame him. 
-It was thanks to Fingon that the little troublemaker got finally caught.
-He was surprised how the little thief could fit so many valuables in its stomach when you grabbed its leg and forced the thing to empty itself. Your creature dropped enough pieces of jewelry and gold to fill out a treasure chest.
-He got his ring back, so it was all good in the end. 
-Human visitors were ordinary in Nargothrond. Finrod did not want anyone to feel ridiculed or alone, so he tried to make his kingdom for all types of people. 
-He thought you were just one of the commoners with a very peculiar bag. 
-He was curious, so he welcomed you and asked about it, and from that, he learned it was a briefcase. 
-He thought it was an ordinary encounter, but then he began to notice your odd absence. 
-Although he knew you had a room, you were nowhere to be found, neither among your people nor anywhere else.
-Some say you rarely came out of your room, and when you did – you would run away somewhere only Eru would know. 
-He became curious. But when some began to report you for suspicious activity. He took it upon himself to investigate because he believed there was a reasonable explanation for your behavior. 
-He did not expect to find your briefcase wide open and see stairs leading down, which should be impossible because there were no stairs under your floors. 
-He began to get suspicious, so he took a step to investigate where the stairs would lead him. 
-Finrod found his way to a hut filled with herbs and food that would not suit the mouths of ordinary people. It was strange. 
-He then found a door. He wasn’t sure what else he would find, but he decided to go for it and see what was behind it. 
-The world behind the door made his eyes widen with wonder and amazement. He found several strange yet beautiful creatures in habitats, and the noises made by the creatures sounded like songs to his ears. 
-He found you standing in rain, holding a wand that allowed you to create a parasol made out of magic, and above you flew a glorious golden bird with six wings. 
-The mighty bird let out beautiful sounds before it landed on the rocks upon your calls, allowing the rain to disappear and fill with sunlight. 
-He watched as you talked to the beast, letting it eat from your hand and affectionately petting its head. 
-It was beautiful until the bird saw him and screeched, alerting you of his presence. 
-You panicked when you saw the king of Nargothrond and tried to come up with an explanation. 
-Finrod calmed you down and assured you he was not a threat to you or your creatures, but he did demand an explanation of your visit and the meaning of your briefcase. 
-You told him everything. He listened and didn’t mind helping you feed some of the creatures while you told him why you came to Nargothrond. 
-He found joy wandering your mystical world. He was frightened by the giant two-headed snake, and he wasn’t much fond of the Niffler, who tried to steal the jewelry on him, even mistaking his hair for gold.
- He was awed by the giant two-winged horses, the Abraxans. They were simply humongous, and he did not know flying horses were possible. You were surprised when they allowed him to pet them because they were usually very proud creatures. 
-You were trying to find a couple of creatures that wandered into his kingdom. They were harmless, but people were not so much if they found them. Most people do not see your creatures in the brightest light. 
-Finrod offered to help since there had been strange happenings lately and thought maybe they were connected with your lost creatures. 
-The first thing you found was the demiguise.  
-It was surprisingly an easy capture because Finrod decided to befriend it, and it worked. He strolled back to you with the white-haired creature in his arms and asked what was next on the list. 
-The next thing was one of the occamy that inhabited one of the abandoned rooms. 
-Finrod was startled when he learned the beautiful blue-winged serpents could grow their size to fit the space of the current room because the occamy was massive. 
-The capture was tricky because of the occamy’s size and defensive nature. Finrod then concluded a plan when you told him occamies fall effortlessly asleep with songs. 
-So – he sang with his beautiful voice, and the occamy fell asleep, shrinking into the size of his hands. 
-It was a strange capture, but it worked, so you didn’t complain – but it was hard to convince Finrod to let you take the occamy because he didn’t want to disturb its sleep. 
-You were grateful for his help and thanked him for keeping the creatures safe from people. 
-Finrod was happy, but he wanted to try and befriend the rest of your creatures and pet them – so you had to stay in Nargothrond for a little longer.
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
Problems Elrond was expecting in Aman:
Trying to make a new home after leaving Rivendell behind
Dealing with Valinorean elves who are very weird about him being part human and part Maia
Avoiding being crowned again (this one isn't just a Valinor problem)
Trying to stop Bilbo from causing problems
Trying to stop Galadriel from causing problems
People attempting to drag him into the clusterfuck that is Valinorean politics
Having to grow a bunch of his herbs himself because the plants aren't native to Valinor
Problems Elrond was not expecting in Aman:
A sudden abundance of doting parents, grandparents, and other ancestors
(He's gotten very used to being the person who takes care of everyone else)
(Look it's not his fault he's forgotten how to react to parental affection normally)
(It's been a really long time...)
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tsuyonpuu · 1 year
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The fellowship but they are just a bunch of little guys 💙
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Gandalf said ‘do not offer me that’, Galadriel said ‘I would be a queen, great and terrible,’ but Elrond said ‘get that the fuck away from me’ and this is nonsensical.
The other keepers of the elven rings were most challenged by the One, why not Elrond? Is his struggle merely hidden? Is it his Maia blood? Is it simply his mixed blood? Is that why Aragorn withstood, too?
Canonically the race of men are most easily corrupted, yet Elrond half-elven, who is almost 40% man, doesn’t notably bat an eyelash. Why?
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Lmao imagine if a couple wanted to get married in Lindon or Imladris and saw Elrond and was like “sure why not” and just, asked him to witness their vows in place of any actual maiar or valar.
Like the relationship between the elves in the Valar-Only-Mildly-Care Place and the Valar/Maiar themselves has got to still be stiff since elves are stupidly stubborn about holding grudges, so imagine if a couple just went “fuck the valinor glowsticks, Lord Elrond has been feeding us well and sheltering us for over a century. He’s got some ainur blood anyway.”
So they ask Elrond to be witness and he agrees thinking they just want a lord’s blessing or something and then-
“[Elvish Marriage Vows] we swear in the name of Lord Elrond Peredhel and Eru Illuvatar [More Marriage Vows]”
And at this point Elrond just has to roll with it but he bluescreens later while Erestor and Glorfindel laugh at him (Celebrian and or Gil-Galad too if they’re around)
Bonus points if It becomes a tradition in Imladris/Lindon even though he neutrally suggests a vala instead every time like
Elrond, trying not to get smited as soon as he steps foot into Valinor: hey Lady Yavanna is pretty cool though, right?
Elven Couple, exiled thousands of years ago and still frost-bitten: yes, pity there were no flowers in the Grinding Ice, my Lord. Anyways, would you mind being a witness to our wedding ceremony?”
Elrond starts glowing slightly and never lives it down. He goes to Valinor and people still ask him out of tradition or genuine respect and the Valar just have to put a small tapestry of Elrond as a patron of unions or something so they can claim some sort of control over the situation.
Elrond is mortified, and nobody lets him live it down.
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mrkida-art · 8 months
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Based on this A Stiffbeard dwarf and their companion.
Certain parts of the Stiffbeard clan breed giant cats. The mother cats sometimes take it upon themselves to help out with the dwarflings.
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autistook · 2 months
I am half asleep and started thinking about the Fellowship at the dentist, so:
Frodo: No. Goes to the dentist very rarely anyway, as his genes have blessed him with basically zero cavities.
Sam: A little nervous about it, but he goes there regardless. He has cavities, and Frodo convinces him to go. His hands sweat while he is in the chair, and he bows as a thank you before leaving the room.
Pippin: No. He goes there for fun, because he wants to try the laugh gas. Claims to have cavities more often than he actually does, just so he can take a handful of the candy offered for kids when he leaves.
Merry: No. He goes in, flirts with the receptionist, sits in the chair, and goes home.
Aragorn: No, but before he became King and he went there once, there was a shit ton of cavities and it took him like 3 appointments to take care of them all.
Gimli: Doesn't even go. Some of his teeth are probably some gold he struck in his mouth himself to resemble teeth.
Boromir: Terrified. Said "Gondor has no dentist, Gondor needs no dentist" so many times that he was dragged to the dentist (next to his house) by force. He acts all cool, but when he stands up from the chair, its just wet from his sweat.
Legolas: Doesn't need a dentist. Sometimes goes there to hold Boromir's hand and to look at all the equipment in amazement.
Gandalf: Doesnt need a dentist, but goes there from time to time just to sit down on the chair and talk to the dentist and the assistants for hours. He does this so often he has been banned from several places because 'he keeps wasting work time by endless talking'.
And as a bonus:
Bilbo: Passes out the second he sees the drill.
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r0sa4077 · 11 months
Thought I'd share this meme that has been developing on the r/lordoftherings subreddit over the last couple days. Enjoy!
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velvet4510 · 28 days
Tbh, I used to think Maglor had a wife, but after many observant people (to which I’m quite grateful) pointed out that it is only said that he “was wedded,” a new headcanon was born:
He was unmarried until the dawn of the Second Age. He decided to make the effort to survive the sinking of Beleriand, wanting to punish himself for his actions with eternal loneliness. He then one day met another lonely and depressed minstrel named Daeron, who also sought self-punishment in exile. Across many centuries, they fell in love and wedded, finding a happiness that neither of them thought they would ever find.
Elrond eventually learned of this, and thus scribbled a vague note in his history books that his foster father was wedded at some point, but intentionally did not elaborate.
Eventually, in the Fourth Age, Elladan and Elrohir convinced Maglor and Daeron to accompany them on the Last Ship to Valinor.
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doodle-pops · 4 months
House of Feanor | Having A Human S/O
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Request: Can i request a feanorian group headcannon about having a human lover? — @misfortunateleprechaun
A/N: I couldn’t resist including a short reader in the mix because I know most of us are tiny beside these elves :)
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Curious to learn all there is about you. Whether you’re naturally short, how you age, your life span, your features, culture, linguistics, everything, you name it. And when he does, it pushes for him to become even more intrigued with YOU.
Wants to follow you around as much as possible. Just picture a short you and a giant elf nearly 8ft trailing behind you asking millions of questions or silently observing you in your natural world.
Understands that humans are delicate and much more breakable than elves, so he treats you with the same care as he does for his jewels. You are fragile and deserve the utmost protection and care.
With that being said, you are not spared from being blessed with the great riches he is endowed with. Showers upon showers of gifts bestowed to make your mortal lifespan enjoyable and full of luxuries.
An enjoyment of his would be your vast size difference, as would all the elves when you lie, sit or walk beside him. Even when he needs to make jewellery, he marvels at the sizes and concludes that you are no larger than an elfling.
He will keep to himself knowing how you react when being compared to an elf child…or he might mention it because he enjoys your responses and phrases unheard of to elven ears.
Feanor takes great pride in having you as his S/O and accepts no criticism from anyone. He adores you with every fibre of his being and will worship the ground you walk on.
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“Why are you so tiny, unlike other mortals I have come across?” That would be words spoken to himself upon meeting you because he’s already a freaking giant. It’s worse when you must stand on objects to meet this over-eight-foot-tall figure.
Holds out his hand and watches as you wrap your entire hand around two of his fingers. He has to bite his lip to hold back the laughter, because you attempt to guide him, and it looks like a child leading him off to Eru knows where.
Prefers when you sleep on his chest while (awake) he reads or relaxes on the balcony. Never allows you to close when you’re sharing the same bed and he’s sleeping. Do you want to go flying through a window with one of his kicks? You’re fragile babes, sleep on the floor.
Deep down, he believes that you deserve a lover who doesn’t have to place a restrain on everything they’re doing to prevent hurting you…physically. Play fights are a thing that happens rarely because you once knocked your own hand on the bedpost, and he blamed himself for forgetting your fragility.
With that being said, he gets worried about you when you accidentally injure yourself because you’re a mortal…soft, squishy and delicate. Please, don’t make him wrap you in the duvets like a burrito for your safety.
Since your lifespan is shorter than his, Maedhros’ main goal is to in ensure as much peace can be granted in your life. Takes you to the most scenic places around Beleriand or just nearby Himring and keeps you far away from his brothers, minus Maglor. Gives you a Shetland pony to ride for the kicks of it and watches as you fold.
He doesn’t seem to understand how you joke so easily about ageing and grimaces every time you crack a joke about your soon-to-be wrinkled appearance or increased fragility. You’re set to give him the heart attack instead of you.
Loves to compare your size to an elfling and jokes about having to purchase ready-made clothes in the children’s section for you.
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Humoured by your size and delicacy, and equally motherly as Maedhros. Henning over every little accident with a read-to-scold expression on his face and incoherent words spilling out his mouth about needing to cover you from head to toe.
Maglor adores your compliments when he sings for you or writes sonnets or poems. He understands that his species differ greatly from humans, hence his voice would sound ethereal to your ears, sparking grand praises. It tickles his ego and spurs him into never-ending songs because he lives for your praises.
Adores carrying you around because you’re as light as a feather and he could lift you with his pinkie finger. Sit on his shoulders, piggyback rides, cling to his legs or chest as he walks around his fort and ignores all the strange looks his servants are giving him.
He’s someone who respects humans and mortal life, so at no point would he ever allow you to feel insignificant compared to his elven nature. Hates to hear you ill-speak your mortality or even condemn the relationship to failure because of your differences.
Still hesitant when it comes to playfighting and unlike a certain brother, he wouldn’t scold himself for your injury. However, he would still engage and quickly dissolve everything to cuddles or a nap.
Sleep atop his chest and he’ll fawn because you look so tiny and feel weightless. One time you both fell asleep, however, Maglor forgot you were sleeping on his chest (because you’re so light), so when he rolled, you fell right off the bed.
Surprisingly cool with your human ageing jokes, especially the wrinkly potato ones. Sometimes he’ll cruise in with an affectionate joke to make you swoon about being his favourite potato.
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It takes a long time to get it into his head that you’re delicate because, in his mind, he saw you performing hundreds of daredevil stunts, why stop the fun for safety purposes. Wherever Tyelko is, you are curled up under his arm like a sleeping bag being carried around on his adventure.
If he’s riding a horse large enough to carry an elf, then so are you—doesn’t matter if you’re four or five feet. If you fit, you sit. However, you prefer to ride Huan because he understands your comfort and safety more than Tyelko does.
Playfighting to the roughness degree and be prepared to end up in the healer’s room sporting bruises or a sprained joint, he’ll even lie down on you. He has an affinity for challenging you to your limits, solely because it’s thrilling to him. “Try lifting me off the bed and walking to the door.” (you collapsed under his beefy body)
As big and scary as he appears, start coughing or having a fever and watch as he crumples like a left. Clingy and never leaves your side the entire duration you’re resting or in the healer’s room.
Acts as though you’re going to die in the blink of an eye from a single sneeze and the next thing you know, he’s praying that you survive your common cold when the healers have informed him that you’re alright.
In addition, he’s the perfect teddy bear for a cold night with all those muscles he has going on. The issue is his ability to cuddle to the highest degree. You cannot escape his cuddle grip, even if you need to pee.
Tyelko has confidence that’s out of this world, so no one can attempt to shun or berate your relationship, not even mock him for choosing a human to be his S/O over an elf. Celegorm makes it clear that you’re his choice and he’s proud to have you.
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Someone who admires you day by day and how easily you overcome obstacles without lamenting the way his race does. For a human, you are quite fiery and able to keep up with his pace of living, though he prefers that you relax while he lavishes you.
Vocal about his appreciation towards you in private as you lay in his chambers on the sofa or bed, cuddling. Like his siblings, he prefers that you lay atop him, refusing to even displace an ounce of weight for fear of crushing you.
Spoils you, spoils you, spoils you more than you could even imagine because he wants your life to be filled with comfort and luxuries before your end. Complaining about how much he spoils you is like kicking a puppy.
The only thing you cannot do is tear this elf away from his duties when he’s locked away in his studies deciding who to conduct his next trade with. He’s married to his work and then you.
This brings me to you easily clinging to his body because you wish for him to stay in bed longer. All he does is roll his eyes at your antics and continue to walk around the room while you disguise yourself as a backpack.
Sneeze and there’s a deafening silence that follows before a grumpy Caranthir paces out of the room to call for the healers. You are not permitted to go anywhere, basically bedroom arrest. You want water, food, more blankets; he’s there. Want to go for a walk, sure; he’ll walk you around the room.
As much as he admires your resilience as a human being to the harsh reality of life, many of your natural occurrences terrify him due to rumours of terrible endings for others. So, expect the protectiveness to go up a few notches.
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Everyone was surprised that he had a human lover when he strolled into a ball with you decked out in jewellery from head to toe. Poor you were trying to breathe under the weight of the gemstones breaking your neck.
Curufin isn’t any different in my dating him headcanons with the addition of his protectiveness increasing. He loves to use it as an excuse to tag along with you anywhere when he really wants to spend time together (what a tsundere).
Finds himself confused at all your human terminologies because how can “Break a leg” or “Knock ‘em dead” mean best of luck. “You humans are strange with your words, why can’t you just say what you mean.” – Curufin
Finds your excitement and expressive manner endearing given elves’ lack of facial expressions and enjoys bestowing all sorts of gifts upon you just to witness your reactions. He finds them better than the simple use of words when accepting his creations.
Less inclined to school you like his father, but still peppers you with indirect questions to learn more about humans and their odd differences from elves. If you’re female, then be prepared to blow his mind with talks of your menstruation. He considers you a brave warrior for going through that every month.
Curufin doesn’t like talks of how your lifespan is short and you’re bound to die soon, and you tend to use this to your advantage when you want your way.  “But what if tomorrow doesn’t come, and I don’t get to eat chocolate cake? You should let me eat it now, so you don’t regret not letting me.”
 (Tries) Keeps you away from Tyelko because he’s a terrible influencer and causes the majority of your injuries which sends Curufin into cardiac arrest. If Curufin has never shown much emotion in his life, it was the moment he learnt that you were in the healing rooms.
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Excited because he has someone to love him, but heartbroken about your shortened lifespan, which means he’s going to cram all his years of adventure into your lifespan so it can be shared with you.
Every morning, he walks you up with a brilliant smile as warm as the sun before dragging you out of bed to go hiking or host a breakfast picnic while the sun rises (sorry if you hate waking up early).
You are not spared from his pranks or the confusion between him and his twin when Amras decides to trick you. Aware that you are human and more breakable than elves, but he’s still going to engage in roughhousing or lying half his body atop yours so you cannot go anywhere.
As I had mentioned before, he’s touch–starved being the youngest bunch in the family with less attention being directed. So when you entered the picture, as a human, it was natural for you to be overly affectionate which stunned him. Never before had Amrod believed that he was capable of receiving so much love.
He doesn’t care about the fact that elves aren’t physically affectionate, he accepts every hug, kiss and touch you gift him. He considers them your greatest gift, second to finding you.
Already protective of his younger brother, so it’s natural when you enter the picture. Prefers being your bodyguard so he can spend every second with you, never allowing for there to be a moment when you aren’t together.
I have mentioned that he’s into woodcarving, so you can expect figurines of you and him (more you) to appear before your door in beautifully wrapped boxes. You have a collection by now and can consider it a hobby thanks to Amrod.
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Prefers to spend all his time with you in tranquillity and away from his nosy and noisy family, including his twin who doesn’t understand the concept of personal space and attempts to chaperone each date.
The realisation of you being human doesn’t sink in for a long while because he’s pleased that he has someone whom he can love. Amras will be spending his dates surrounded by nature.
Waterfalls, hiking trails, rivers, ponds lakes or fields of flowers, you have seen it all in your human lifespan. Places you didn’t believe existed or could be viewed by the naked eye would be revealed to you.
Amras is more open to receiving affection from you and enjoys the lavish amounts you shower him in. He is stunned by the volume that humans are capable of delivering and how dependent they are on physical touch.
Like his brothers, Amras will shower you with tons of gifts, especially handcrafted ones. He is skilled in crocheting and competes with his brother for who can make the best look-alikes of their family. In between, you can expect to receive stuffed animals or a miniature of yourself.
Reaches out to his elder brother, Maedhros and Maglor for advice on how to date a human since they’re more aware of mortal mannerisms than him. It’s a cute sight to witness as Amras practices learning your mannerisms and culture so he can help you feel at home.
His major concern is ensuring that your time spent with him was the best years you’ve ever had in your entire life, and he was able to fulfil many of your wishes in the short space of time granted to you.
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Tyelpё would like to know what he has done to inherit a significant other in the first place. Forget that you’re human, he wants to know how you can choose a person like him after the history of bloodshed his family has left.
Like any normal relationship, he’s doing his best to control his temper and be as patient as possible. He would hate to make you go running for the hills with a terrible slip-up.
Eyes of a hawk at your every move, wanting to learn as much as possible with the stark differences between you in particular and him. He’s already aware of how indifferent elves and humans are, it’s just to learn your netiquettes and mannerisms.
Like his father, you will be gifted tons of jewellery—it’s his love language—with your neck breaking under the weight of the gems. Tyelpё adores seeing you decked out and looking like a disco ball; you’re his mannequin for his pieces.
As one who spent years in the forge, he’s far from small and will crush you under his weight. Thus, he’s cautious when cuddling or any form of play fighting. The last thing he needs to hear is that he injured you from his bulky muscles.
Please hold his hands and let him fawn over the size difference. You’re only able to hold two of his fingers when tugging him about the place when you’re eager to show him something.
Did someone say standing on chairs to meet his height? Yes, that is exactly what you would have to do because he’s a giant eight-foot elf. Or even parading around in his long robes pretending to be him? Yes.
Protective to a degree, but not as overprotective as his uncles since it’s the second age and let’s assume that our buddy hasn’t shown up yet to ruin the peace. Tyelpё will gladly allow you to roam freely without worrying about your safety tremendously and would even request that you return with treats.
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @ladyenchanted @mcwentfandomtraveling @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @a-tong @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @hermaeuswhora
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
Imagine being the child of Tulkas and Nessa
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Warnings: None, family fluff, laughing, Tulkas and Nessa being the most loving parents ever. 
-It was a peaceful day. The people of Aman were casually going about their day, buying things from the market and talking with their neighbors. 
-Then – out of nowhere – the earth began to shake, causing fright and confusion among the people until they saw Tulkas, the champion of the Valar, yelling something while running through the streets. 
-” He’s/She’s here!” He yelled as he ran toward his realm, which he shared with his wife, Nessa. His footsteps that caused the earth to crumble, vanishing into the distance. 
-The elves were left confused but curious. They wondered who came to cause the champion of the Valar to run through the realm. They got their answer when they heard the latest news; Nessa had gone into labor. 
-Tulkas quickly arrived at his home, searching for his beloved in a frantic yet excited state. 
-His Maiar quickly guided him toward his shared chambers, where Nessa was currently resting. 
-The champion of the Valar was almost jumping on his feet. The thought of finally meeting his little one after several months made him excited yet fearful since he did not want to miss their birth. 
-The birth of their little miracle, which no one expected to happen. 
-It was a surprise when he and his wife learned they were expecting a child. They thought it was impossible, but it didn’t make it less exciting, and now, their little one was finally here. 
-Unfortunately for Tulkas, when he arrived at his chambers – he saw Nessa already holding a bundle in her arms which meant he had missed the birthing. He was disappointed, but it made him sigh in relief when he saw his wife alright since he had heard many things about how birthing can cause complications or immense pain. The thought of his beloved wife being in pain made him anxious for many months, so he was relieved Nessa did not face any problems while giving birth to their little one. 
-On the contrary, she possibly had one of the most uncomplicated births Arda had ever seen.
-When Tulkas heard the little whimpers coming from Nessa's arms – he quickly went to lay on the edge of the bed and stared at the little babe. 
-Nessa ushered him closer and then laid the bundle into his arms. He was almost frightened to hold them, but he took his little one into his arms and looked at them with wonder and amazement.
-It was you, his little champion. You were beautiful like your mother, and when you opened your eyes and looked at him – you giggled with an innocent smile. Tulkas fell in love with your little laugh. He couldn't help but kiss your little head, tickling you with his beard, which made you laugh even more.  
-And that’s how you were born. 
-Tulkas was excited to be a father, and after letting Nessa rest from the progress of birth, the two introduced you to the rest of the Valar, who were curious and excited to see you after hearing the news. 
-Many congratulated the new parents, and some were cooing at you.
-Manwe decided to hold a feast in honor of his friend and to welcome you into the world. 
-The news of your birth spread quickly. The elves were excited and happy for Tulkas and Nessa. Many were curious to see you as you had to be the first Ainur to be born from two Ainur parents. 
-Orome was happy for his sister and gifted you a puppy, so you had a friend to grow up alongside you. 
-However, Nessa and Tulkas were inexperienced, so they sought help from some of the elves, who were eager to help and give guidance on how to raise a child. 
-They both would spend a lot of time with you. 
-Tulkas especially loved spending time with you. He would not mind waking up in the middle of the night to soothe your cries or change your diapers. He would carry you around, and do everything, so Nessa would have to scold him to let her have some time with you. 
-They would compete for your attention… just a little. 
-Tulkas would carry you around in a little baby sling, showing you around Aman and the two trees. People would sometimes come outside and try to catch a glimpse of you since they were curious to see you. 
-Tulkas would love making you laugh. He would do the silliest thing to make you smile and giggle. 
-Sometimes, he would end up laughing with you, and together your laughing would bring smiles to those who hear it and nightmares to a certain fallen valar.
-Melkor would be the only one displeased to hear one of his greatest enemies had a child. 
-Nessa would take you out for walks and meet animals. Sometimes, she would spin around with you like you were dancing together, making you shriek with delight. 
-She would love singing to you. She would lull you to sleep with Tulkas, and you would get fussy if you did not hear them sing before sleep. 
-Her voice would be soft, while Tulkas’s would be deep but soothing. You like sleeping on your father when he hums and holds you since his chest vibrates with his voice. 
-When you took your first steps, Tulkas and Nessa would shed tears of joy and encourage you as you learned how to walk to them. 
-When you got the hang of it, you would run around, giggling and laughing as Tulkas would chase after you like he was trying to catch you. 
-He would play wrestling with you and let you win. He would be a bit dramatic, lying on the floor defeated while you sat on top of him with a victorious laugh. 
-You’re rather energetic, so when your parents wish to have a break and some alone time – they let Orome babysit you. 
-Orome would be a fun uncle to you. He would take you on rides and allow you to play with his dogs. 
-You might have met young Celegorm and accidentally yanked some of his hair out, making him cry out of pain. 
-Your abilities developed early, so you had a bad habit of yanking people’s hair off and breaking fingers with your strength. It caused people to be careful around you.
-You would share a lot of physical attributes with your parents. Your father is the champion of the valar while your mother was the dancer, so you were quite strong and fast for a young toddler. 
-You became a bit troublesome when you reached the rebellious toddler phase. You would run away when it was time for baths and bedtime, and no one else but your parents would be able to catch you. 
-And you sometimes end up causing a mess by toppling over large cabinets and things to get cookies or treats for your puppy. 
-Those times are the only ones when your parents would scold you since they were worried you would accidentally hurt yourself. 
-You would be sad because you did not like making your parents unhappy, which would end up in tears and them comforting you. They would tell you it was alright. They were not mad at you, just worried. 
-Tulkas would be protective when you reach your teenage years. 
-He would happily teach you how to fight if you wanted. If not, he would happily watch you learn dancing from Nessa. He would support any of your hobbies, but when it came to relationships – that's when he puts his foot down and watches you like a hawk. 
-Especially if you were shy toward people. 
-It did not matter if it’s a boy or a girl who caught your interest. Tulkas would carefully observe and most likely take the individual out for a little chatz despite your protest. 
-You were his precious child, and he would allow no one to hurt your feelings. 
-In his eyes, you were still his little child, and he did not want you to grow up so fast. 
-You would have to rely on your mother to keep your father away if you ever wanted a chance at romance. 
-You love him, but rather not have him scare away all the potential partners. 
-You would grow up graceful like your mother, strong like your father, and spoiled with love because no matter the age, you would always be their little champion. 
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Whenever Numenor experienced a plague or outbreak, Elrond came, without fail, to treat the sick and offer the people of the island comfort. He did it for many reasons– to honor the legacy of Elros and his descendants, because he sometimes considered the Numenorians more his people than either elves or men, because he was a healer who believed deeply that all life had value.
Of course, treating mortal plagues is a hazardous business– especially for a part-human medic who is just as susceptible to the disease as his patients.
Elrond, never one to be dissuaded from trying to save lives, tries to find a way to protect himself from the infection while being able to treat his patients. No one in Middle-Earth knows exactly how mortal diseases spread, but it's clear that it spreads from the healthy to the ill– through bad air, coughing, infected blood, or some other means. So, Elrond has to find a way to not make contact with or breathe the same air as his patients. While treating them.
Eventually, he settles on a set of robes that leaves no inch of his skin uncovered, along with heavy, opaque veils and a mask of his own design for his face. The mask– full of athelas flowers to purify the air– is fashioned in the shape of a bird as an homage to Melian, who was said to have healing powers. He made the main piece mask with his own hands, carved it from dragon bone– sturdy, and thought to have protective powers against against diseases and curses. The eyes are made of dark tinted glass that glows faintly– a gift from Celebrimbor.
In all fairness, Elrond did not realize how creepy the bone white mask and fully-black outfit was, especially given his general aura of strangeness ad birdlike mannerisms. He had bigger concerns at the time. That said, his outfit, which kept him from getting sick even during the worst of the outbreak, was soon adopted by many of the Numenorian healers. Over time, the story of the plague doctor shifted became part of Numenor's legend– that healers dressed in such strange outfits to frighten disease away. In that way, the odd, birdlike appearance of the plague doctors soon became a comfort to the Numenorians, rather than a fright.
As gifts for helping with various outbreaks over the years, Elrond also got several plague doctor masks that were decorated, more for style than for purpose. He wears them at fancy elvish events sometimes, just to mess with everyone. And whenever he heads off to Numenor, he always makes sure to bring his full plague-doctor regalia, just so the people there will know he's always there to protect them from any lurking plagues.
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Thorin is a cat-person, change my mind.
Fili is a dog -person, Kili loves both, but Thorin totally has a cat in his royal quarters who he hangs out with and complains to, among the lines of "you are the only one to make sense, Mr. Kitten, I should make you steward" or when Balin wakes him at an ungodly hour he'll just be like "can't come, the cat is sleeping on my chest, too bad".
Will absolutely spoil her with fresh meat and fish and feed her from his plate when alone, but loudly deny that he cares for it at all, "she is silent and eats vermin, so I allow her to occupy the same space as me" nevermind that the cat has never had to hunt once in her life because Thorin almost overfeeds her.
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kaia-art · 1 year
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"Elrond my dear brother! Do not cry for me for this is the path that I chose. I am contented, satisfied and happy..." The last words from Elros was finally sent to his brother after a very very long time. The reason why the letter had not been sent to Elrond from the beginning and lost for a long time is unknown, But Elrond finally got the letter from a herald of the Númenóreans - who could not hide their emotion while giving it to him solemnly. Then the night fell. The candle was out. The grief once more was unimaginable. But Celebrian was there... -------- -------- -------- -------- Elrond is usually in the role who taking care for others but when it comes to himself, I think it’s kinda hard because he has a deep background and history and all….so I just thought that even the person seems like they’re always doing a very good job at holding themselves together, can even show their true feelings. It’s OK to be sad, to miss someone, to be who you are.
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Thranduil Hot Takes #1
Request by @lemonivall : Can you do Thranduil with prompt #6, #27, and #29?
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6) Hobbies
I like to think his hobbies consist of more hands-on things
One thing I think he'd have an affinity for embroidery - I mean, have you seen this man's robes?
Along with very long and slender fingers, his hands were practically made to handle a needle and thread
one thing he'd totally make for you is a handkerchief with elvish written on it
something like "beloved"
I also like to think he's a bit of a sap, so he definitely sews/crochets flowers for you
but yes, he is a embroidery kind of man - we stan this, we need more of this
27) How they sleep
Considering he is a king, he sleeps with mountains of pillows
I like to think he just brings pillows from the various corners of Middle-Earth he's visited and just sleeps with them
He's also compensating slightly for how lonely he feels
Sometimes, when he can't sleep, he does tuck a pillow into his arms and hug it
His bed is also massive as well
Common sleep positions he enjoys is either spooning or the mountaineer
He is a light sleeper too, so the slightest movement could wake him up
It wouldn't be unusual to sometimes just notice him staring up at the ceiling and just stare
29) How they express love (platonically and/or romantically)
awww, you're friends? you're really lucky then
it is not easy to be friends with him: 1) he's a king, so he is busy, 2) he has a lot of emotional baggage he hasn't been able to filter out yet so be prepared for a storm
he likes giving you head pats - idk, maybe it's just because of how small you are compared to him (bro's like 6'7)
he also shares his personal stories with you - he trusts you enough to hear them
this makes me so soft
like is said in the hobbies section, he is a sap, so expect much affection
he picks you up and hugs you tightly, mainly due to the fact he is super touch starved
this man is also a big kisser - kisses are a bug part of his love language
he loves kissing your nose, cheek and hand - but boy does he love your lips
he also is big on gift giving - one big, lavish gift after the next
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