#mutual respect
e-nig-mas · 2 days
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Fight for the fairytale, it does exist... ✨
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small-z24 · 2 days
One-Shot: Shadows Entwined
Y/N, Tamlin's cousin and a shadowsinger, longs to escape the oppressive Spring Court. When she encounters Azriel, the Night Court's Shadowsinger, their initial animosity transforms into a deep bond. Together, they navigate court tensions and confront their pasts, discovering a shared future.
Word Count: 2413
Warnings: This story contains themes of trauma, emotional distress, and violence. There are scenes depicting tense confrontations and discussions of past abuse. Reader discretion is advised.
The Spring Court was a place of deceptive beauty. The vibrant flowers and lush greenery belied the underlying tension that permeated the land. Y/N, Tamlin’s cousin, knew this all too well. She had a secret, one that set her apart from the rest of the court: she was a shadowsinger, able to summon and command shadows just like Azriel of the Night Court.
Her gift was both a blessing and a curse. The shadows had been her companions and protectors since childhood, a result of the trauma she endured growing up. Now, they were her only solace in a court she despised. Tamlin's erratic behavior had worsened since Feyre’s departure to fulfill her monthly contract with Rhysand, and Y/N longed for an escape from the madness.
One evening, as twilight descended, Y/N's shadows whispered of an intruder. Moving silently through the gardens, her shadows swirling protectively around her, she found him—Azriel, the infamous Shadowsinger, spying on the Spring Court.
“You're trespassing, Shadowsinger,” Y/N called out, her voice laced with cold disdain.
Azriel turned sharply, his hazel eyes narrowing at the sight of her. “And you are out of your league, little shadow,” he replied coldly.
Y/N’s shadows flared around her, mingling with Azriel’s own in a way that seemed almost playful. “Leave now, or I’ll make you,” she threatened, stepping closer.
Azriel’s shadows reacted to hers, intertwining and whispering secrets only they understood. He frowned, clearly unsettled. “Your shadows know me,” he said, his voice tinged with suspicion.
“They do,” Y/N replied, her eyes narrowing. “And they don’t trust you. Neither do I.”
Azriel’s expression hardened. “You’re Tamlin’s puppet. What would you know of trust?”
Her shadows bristled at the insult, wrapping tighter around her. “I’m no puppet,” she snapped. “And I won’t let you leave with whatever information you’ve gathered.”
Azriel took a step forward, his wings casting a menacing shadow. “Try and stop me, and you’ll regret it.”
The tension between them crackled in the air, shadows clashing in the dim light. Despite their animosity, their shadows continued to bond, drawing them inexplicably closer.
“Why do they do that?” Azriel muttered, more to himself than to her.
“Maybe they recognize something we don’t,” Y/N retorted, her eyes blazing. “But it changes nothing. You’re still my enemy.”
“And you’re mine,” Azriel shot back. “But perhaps not forever.”
Y/N scoffed. “Don’t get your hopes up. I have no love for the Spring Court, but I despise spies even more.”
The weeks that followed were a constant battle of wills. Azriel returned frequently, and their encounters were marked by sharp words and cold glares. Yet, beneath the surface, their shadows continued to bond, drawing them inexplicably closer.
One night, as they stood facing each other in the moonlit garden, Azriel’s frustration boiled over. “Why do your shadows insist on following mine?” he demanded.
Y/N’s own frustration matched his. “I don’t know,” she snapped. “Maybe they see something we can’t.”
Azriel stepped closer, his gaze intense. “Or maybe they know something we refuse to acknowledge.”
Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest as his shadows brushed against hers, their touch soothing and intimate. “And what would that be?” she whispered, unable to keep the tremor from her voice.
Azriel’s eyes softened, though his expression remained guarded. “That we’re more alike than we want to admit. That perhaps... we’re meant to be allies.”
“Or more,” his shadows seemed to whisper, though neither of them dared to voice it.
One particularly tense evening, Y/N found herself cornered by Tamlin’s rage. His erratic behavior had reached a boiling point, and she knew she needed to get away—for her safety and sanity. She had planned to leave, but Tamlin caught her before she could escape.
“What are you doing?” Tamlin’s voice was a dangerous growl.
Y/N stood her ground, her shadows swirling protectively. “Leaving. I can’t stay here any longer.”
Tamlin’s eyes flashed with fury. “You think you can just walk away? You belong here, with the Spring Court.”
Before Tamlin could react, Azriel appeared, his presence a dark and formidable force. “She’s leaving,” he said, his voice cold and unyielding. “And you won’t stop her.”
Tamlin’s eyes narrowed. “This is none of your concern, Night Court scum.”
Azriel stepped closer, his wings spreading menacingly. “Y/N is under my protection now. If you want to harm her, you’ll have to go through me.”
Y/N’s heart pounded as she watched the confrontation, her shadows quivering with tension. She had never seen anyone stand up to Tamlin like this. Azriel’s fierce protection both unsettled and comforted her.
Tamlin, recognizing the threat, backed down with a snarl. “Fine. Take her. She’s not worth the trouble.”
Azriel nodded, keeping his gaze locked on Tamlin until he was out of sight. Then, he turned to Y/N, his expression softening. “Are you alright?”
Y/N nodded, though her heart still raced. “I am now. Thank you.”
Azriel’s shadows reached out to hers, intertwining in a gentle, comforting embrace. “You’re safe with me,” he said quietly. “Let’s get you out of here.”
As they left the Spring Court behind, Y/N felt a strange sense of relief and apprehension. She was leaving behind everything she had known, but she was also stepping into a future that felt uncertain yet full of promise.
Over the following weeks, as she adjusted to life away from the Spring Court, her relationship with Azriel shifted. The animosity that had defined their interactions began to dissolve, replaced by a growing respect and understanding.
One evening, as they stood together on a balcony overlooking the Night Court, Y/N turned to Azriel, her heart full of gratitude. “Thank you, Azriel. For everything.”
Azriel looked at her, his hazel eyes filled with warmth. “You’re welcome, Y/N. You deserve to be free and happy.”
Their shadows danced together, a testament to the bond that had formed between them. In that moment, Y/N realized that what had started as enmity had blossomed into something deeper, something that held the promise of a future filled with light and love.
And as they stood there, side by side, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, their shadows forever intertwined.
As Y/N settled into life in the Night Court, she couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast between this new environment and the oppressive atmosphere of the Spring Court. Velaris was a city of light and beauty, where the people thrived under Rhysand's just and benevolent rule. Yet, despite the warm welcome she received, Y/N often found herself grappling with feelings of guilt and apprehension. She had left behind her home and family, even if it was one ruled by a tyrant.
Azriel was a constant presence by her side. Though their relationship had begun with animosity, it had evolved into something more complex. He was patient, never pushing her to speak about her past, but always offering a quiet, reassuring presence.
One evening, as the stars twinkled above and the gentle breeze carried the scent of night-blooming flowers, Y/N found herself alone on the balcony of the House of Wind. She was lost in thought, her shadows swirling gently around her in a dance of their own.
Azriel joined her, his silent approach only noticed by her shadows, who greeted him with a playful flicker. "You seem troubled," he said softly, standing beside her and gazing out over the city.
Y/N sighed, her eyes tracing the patterns of the stars. "It's just... everything is so different here. It's peaceful, and everyone is so kind. I almost feel like I don't belong."
Azriel turned to her, his expression serious. "You do belong, Y/N. You deserve peace and kindness as much as anyone else."
She looked at him, her eyes reflecting the turmoil within. "It's hard to shake the feeling that I abandoned my family. Even though Tamlin has become unbearable, he's still family."
Azriel's gaze softened, and he reached out to gently touch her arm. "You did what you had to do to survive. To protect yourself. There's no shame in that."
Y/N nodded, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders. "Thank you, Azriel. Your support means more than you know."
They stood in comfortable silence for a moment before Azriel spoke again, his voice tinged with a hint of hesitation. "Your shadows... they trust you completely. It's clear that you've been through a lot to earn that bond."
Y/N's heart ached at the memories of her childhood, the trials she had endured to gain the trust of her shadows. "I suppose we both understand what it's like to find solace in the darkness," she said quietly.
Azriel nodded, his own shadows swirling around him in a protective embrace. "Yes, we do."
Their shared understanding forged a deeper connection between them, one built on mutual respect and empathy. As the days turned into weeks, they spent more time together, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.
One night, during a particularly fierce storm, Y/N found herself unable to sleep. The howling wind and crashing thunder reminded her too much of the turmoil she had left behind. She wandered through the House of Wind, seeking solace in the familiar embrace of her shadows.
She found Azriel in the library, surrounded by books and scrolls. He looked up as she entered, his eyes filled with concern. "Couldn't sleep?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
Y/N shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself. "The storm... it brings back memories."
Azriel stood and approached her, his presence a comforting anchor in the chaos of her thoughts. "Would you like to talk about it?"
Y/N hesitated, then nodded. "I suppose it's time I shared my story."
They sat together on a plush sofa, the storm raging outside while Y/N recounted her past. She spoke of the trauma she had endured as a child, the harsh lessons that had taught her to control her shadows. She told him about Tamlin's descent into madness and her growing desperation to escape the Spring Court.
Azriel listened intently, his expression never wavering from one of understanding and compassion. When she finished, he reached out and took her hand in his. "You are incredibly strong, Y/N. You've survived so much, and yet you still have so much light within you."
Tears welled in her eyes, and she squeezed his hand. "Thank you, Azriel. Your words mean more than you know."
He pulled her into a gentle embrace, his wings wrapping around them both like a protective shield. "You are safe here, Y/N. And you are not alone."
As she rested her head against his chest, Y/N felt a sense of peace settle over her. For the first time in a long while, she felt truly safe.
The days turned into weeks, and the bond between Y/N and Azriel continued to deepen. Their shared experiences and mutual respect blossomed into a genuine friendship, and perhaps, something more. Y/N found herself looking forward to their time together, the moments of quiet conversation and shared understanding.
One evening, as they walked through the moonlit gardens of Velaris, Azriel spoke of his childhood, of the horrors he had endured and the solace he had found in his shadows. Y/N listened, her heart aching for the boy he had been, and admiration growing for the man he had become.
"You've been through so much," she said softly, reaching out to touch his arm. "Yet you've emerged stronger, kinder. It's remarkable."
Azriel smiled faintly, his eyes softening. "We all carry our scars, visible or not. It's how we choose to move forward that defines us."
Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a familiar figure. Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court, approached them with a knowing smile.
"I see you two have become quite the team," Rhysand remarked, his gaze flicking between them.
Azriel nodded, his expression serious. "Y/N is an invaluable ally."
Rhysand's smile widened. "I'm glad to hear it. In fact, I have a mission that requires your unique skills."
Y/N's curiosity piqued. "What kind of mission?"
"A reconnaissance mission," Rhysand explained. "We need to gather information on a potential threat in the Summer Court. Azriel, I want you to lead the team, and Y/N, your shadows could prove crucial."
Y/N glanced at Azriel, who gave her an encouraging nod. "I'm in," she said firmly.
Rhysand nodded in approval. "Excellent. Prepare yourselves. We leave at dawn."
The mission to the Summer Court was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but Y/N and Azriel faced it together, their bond only strengthening in the face of adversity. They navigated treacherous waters, evaded capture, and uncovered crucial information that could protect the Night Court from potential threats.
Throughout the mission, Y/N found herself relying on Azriel more than ever. His unwavering support and calm demeanor were a steadying force, and she realized just how much she had come to care for him.
As they returned to Velaris, successful in their mission, Y/N knew that her life had changed irrevocably. She had found not only a new home but also a new purpose, and perhaps, a new love.
One evening, as they stood on the balcony of the House of Wind, Azriel turned to her, his eyes reflecting the myriad emotions he felt. "Y/N, I need to tell you something."
She looked up at him, her heart pounding. "What is it, Azriel?"
He took a deep breath, his shadows wrapping around them both in a protective embrace. "I've come to realize that you mean more to me than just an ally or a friend. I care for you deeply, and I want you to know that."
Y/N's heart soared at his words. "I care for you too, Azriel. More than I ever thought possible."
Azriel's expression softened, and he reached out to cup her cheek. "Then let's face whatever the future holds together. No more enemies, only allies. Only us."
Y/N smiled, tears of happiness in her eyes. "Yes, only us."
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, their shadows intertwined, Y/N knew that she had finally found her place. With Azriel by her side, she felt ready to face any challenge and embrace the future with open arms.
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pratchettquotes · 4 months
"I never shook hands with no king before," said Detritus. "No dwarf, either, come to that."
"You shook hands with me once," said Cheery.
"Watchmen don't count," said Detritus firmly. "Watchmen is watchmen."
Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
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The ironic part is that Percy chose Annabeth because he thought there was no way in hell they would ever be friends, so she could never betray him. Which fine, sound logic.
EXCEPT, given everything we know NOW about their dynamics, by this logic, Clarisse would have been a fine option too.
Percy and Annabeth don’t get along at first, but they end up way more than friends… Clarisse and Percy do eventually go on a quest together… and they still don’t like each other.
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hurtcomfortguaranteed · 8 months
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In L.A. Confidential, after spending most of the film as enemies, Bud and Edmund join forces to take down corrupt cops. By protecting one another during a shoot out, they come out the other side battered, but as friends.
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karihighman · 23 days
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healthy, communicative, non-competitive, wholesome, productive female friendships >>>>
it was such a great end scene for lucy & celina in this episode because it truly shows how far they’ve come in their professional and personal relationship, and how they can not let one interfere with the other. respectful & receptive were the perfect words for them to use too!! 💙
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constancezin · 5 months
♥️ sending you love! I hope you’ve had a good week sunshine!
My week is perfect since you've ask!
Hope yours is good too! And if it isn't yet, here a very charming James love
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cityzenchick · 20 days
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Love the relationship that these two have .......🩵
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borderlinebelle · 2 months
Hello! I’m a teenage girl who was recently diagnosed with BPD and it’s nice to see people on here that struggle with the same kinda thing. Loving your blog! ♥️
awwww fuck yeah. you are gonna be on the other side of this weird little brain blast of bpd one day and ohhhhhha shit are you gonna have the most beautiful full life kid. There is so much wild and otherworldly weirdness that exists outside the realms of your own brain prison… I am moved by even the thought that … you’ll get to see all that cool shit one day despite maybe even BECAUSE of your diagnosis. I hope you turn all the negative into art and magic and mayhem toward injustice toward the disadvantaged. I hope you recognize that you’re not evil or inherently bad or beyond monstrous at all… just hurting. I hope you are healing. You deserve love and kindness and gentleness and peace and freedom and peace. We all do.
keep up the good fight, it’s worth every agonizing and confusing second ⚡️
p.s. maybe don’t go more than like 2 weeks without a therapy session if you can avoid it 😅
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
"I thought that sort of thing was, you know," the king grinned sickly, "folklore?"
"Of course it's folklore, you stupid man!"
"I do happen to be king, you know," said Verence reproachfully.
"You stupid king, your majesty."
"Thank you."
Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
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ronearoundblindly · 5 months
new theme!!! i love the pink sparklies!!! 🫶🏻✨️🩷
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hooo, gurl, did i need the pretty pink sparklies! i'm "purging" my ex from my home for the next several days, and when I tell you that man left so much shit behind, i f***ing mean it.
i'm exhausted, and i don't smoke but if i did, me and curtis would be splitting a whole damn pack.
don't get me wrong: it feels good to get my house in order, put things where i want them, get rid of others, but damn...
soooooo tired I could stare at them sparkles for hours
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skylarmoon71 · 2 years
Bumblebee (Transformers) Extra
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Ever since Bumblebee made that confession, you can’t seem to truly think straight. The following week was probably the first time you didn’t completely detest Monday mornings. The first period rolled around, yet you could think of very little but seeing him at lunch. Grabbing a few books from your locker, you shove them in your bag. Your eyes survey the hallways, tapping your feet anxiously as you try to catch sight of Bee.
“Damn it, I must look so desperate.”
You scold yourself mentally, groaning as you make a sharp turn in the other direction.
You run into a sturdy chest, and you jest back. Said person grabs your shoulders lightly to prevent a fall.
“Woah I’m sorry!”
You’re steady, and you look up. Bee is smiling so brightly that you’ve almost forgotten what you’d been doing.
“I was waiting for you.” You admit. There’s no use pretending. His eyebrows lift in surprise, and he releases his hold slowly.
“You were..” He sounds hopeful, and a bit in awe.
“Yeah.” You’re wearing a little smile.
“Do you want to have lunch together?” He nods eagerly.
“Sure! Sam is almost out of class, do you want to head over there?”
“I do.”
Bee is grinning, his eyes brighter even without that magical glow. He leads the way proudly, and you follow behind, very satisfied with the pleasant feeling in your chest. From the back, you admire his frame.
“I guess this is what it feels like..”
You’ve never been someone to have crushes. Or maybe just not someone who ever acted on them. With Bee, everything just feels easier.
Sam and Mikaela have found a nice spot on the bleachers.
They talk among each other, and you offer little inputs in between. Bee is speaking energetically. Every now and then you both would steal a look at each other. More than anything, you want to address that moment back at your house. But you’re not really sure how to casually bring it up. Bumblebee is sitting right next to you, but you zone out for a second, eyes trained on the field. The memories of your meeting seem to be rushing through your mind. You smile to yourself. You only tune back in when you feel eyes on you.
“Umm, sorry did you guys say something?”
Bumblebee swallows, and you’re not prepared when his palm slides past your cheek as he leans in. Your eyes are a bit wide, and his are closed as he kisses you. Right there, in front of Sam and Mikeala. Your eyelids lower, and you lean in. Even though your cheeks are on fire. This is your first kiss. With an audience to booth.
Bee pulls back so slow. Like he doesn’t want to part. You let out a soft breath, eyes flickering open.
“I’m sorry…”
His gaze looks a bit hazed, and you see the familiar blue light reflected in those hues.
“I wanted it to be in a much more romantic setting, but then I saw you space out and I couldn’t help myself. “ He licks his lips, and your heart jumps.
Why was that so sexy?
Sam’s yell breaks the entire moment.
“When did this happen!!” He demands. You just roll your eyes. Mikeala is wearing a smile.
“You’re really dense when it comes to stuff like this.”
He turns to her.
“You knew, and you didn’t tell me!”
“I’ve known from the second I first heard him gushing about her.” Bee is the one who blushes this time. He rubs his neck bashfully. Mikeala isn’t blind, she can read the mood.
“Come on Sam, let’s go make out in the gym.” She grabs his hand. You would think he’d be excited, but he’s reluctant to leave.
“No kissing, you hear me!” Mikeala practically yanks him away.
His shouts as they get further away. When they are out of sight, you look at each other, then burst out in laughter. This entire morning was just so funny. From your nervous shuffling at the lockers to your little gazes earlier. Your laughter dies down, and Bee brushes his hand against your cheek. He looks a bit amazed.
“I never thought I’d be this close to you..” He confesses.
The warmth his hand gives off makes your cheek become a shade of red once again. He smiles, thumb running over your skin. It dawns on you that Bee has been nursing this crush for some time. In all those weeks of you chasing him for a story, he’d somehow develop feelings. Which is quite the shock. Because most people just saw you as persistent. Maybe a bit annoying. But Bee, he looks almost enchanted. You’re the one who leans in this time, and he hums happily, slipping his hand into your hair.
So much for no kissing.
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nova2cosmos · 9 months
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request for @parniathedevil
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josephkravis · 2 months
Sunday Musings: Mindful Eating: A Spiritual Approach
Savoring Each Bite: The Art of Mindful Eating
Savoring Each Bite: The Art of Mindful Eating Introduction Good morning, everyone! In today’s Sunday Musings, I want to share with you a practice that has transformed my relationship with food: mindful eating. It’s a spiritual approach that brings attention, appreciation, and a deeper connection to the act of eating. Discovering Mindful Eating My journey with mindful eating began as I sought…
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constancezin · 12 days
hi! thank you for your CONSISTENTLY PHENOMENAL ART. just wondering if you go by constance or zin?
Thank you so much! I'm happy you like my art!
And for my name... i'll respond to both of them!
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Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach) - Extra 3
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“Taicho, would you like to go on a date?”
Byakuya snaps the cup in his hand to pieces, and Renji freaks.
Byakuya just clears his throat.
“I would enjoy accompanying you on a date.” He says coolly.
Both you and Renji sweatdrop.
“Are you really gonna act like you didn’t just snap that cup into dust!!”
He really was a different breed.
You scratch your head.
“A-Alright. When you’re done with your paperwork I would like it if you could join me on a walk.”
This worked perfectly. His desk was packed with papers, he probably wouldn’t be done for a while. That way you could start mentally preparing yourself for it.
When you look back his desk is completely cleaned, almost sparkling.
“Shall we get going?”
You laugh a bit forcefully.
Byakuya stood, moving to the door as he opened it for you. Stepping out, Renji just stands there a bit stunned.
“Love really does change a person.” He murmurs.
It’s already a bit late, and you’re thankful. Most of the reapers were either asleep or at bars getting wasted. So no prying eyes.
“I was the one who suggested it, but I have no idea what to do on a date!”
You were hoping to get some ideas from your friends before you actually jumped the horse. But Byakuya appeared much more eager than you expected.
“You seem uneasy.”
You flinch.
“Is it really that obvious?” He’s still walking in pace with you.
“I’ve said this before, but there’s no need to force yourself.”
You swallow.
“I-I’m not forcing myself.” You fidget with your fingers.
“This is a first for me, so I don’t exactly know what a date truly entails. It’s not really my area of expertise. Rangiku-san is usually the one I go to with these kinds of questions."
Byakuya sends you a look.
“I’m relieved she did not implore Matsumoto’s assistance.”
“I am fine with anything you wish to do. As long as we’re together it does not matter to me.” Your cheeks are red again.
Since the beginning it feels like he’s been doing all the chasing, and charming and being downright sweet. You can’t say that you ever anticipated your very own captain would be so earnest in regards to relationships. His cold exterior gave the impression that he was that way in every aspect.
“Then h-how about holding hands.” You extend your hand, and Byakuya stops, staring at it.
“Are you sure?”
He takes your hand gently, and you can feel your cheeks burning. You grip it softly.
“Is this alright?”
You nod, not looking at him fully as you begin walking again. Byakuya follows silently.
“Is this enough?”
“Am I enough.”
Those are the words you want to ask.
“What do you mean?” He inquires.
You bit your lip.
He’s already been married once, so surely something as minor as holding hands feels a bit lame. It’s not like you’re both just getting to know each other either. You’ve known him for hundreds of years. You’ve served under him for so long. Yet working with someone, and being with someone wasn’t the same at all.
“I’m willing to go whatever pace that you are comfor-”
“Stop doing that!” You snap. You release his hand, glaring at him.
“I may not know much about relationships, but I know they aren’t supposed to be one sided. You can’t compromise everything for me. It’s okay to tell me what you want. I won’t know unless you say something. We're meant to lean on each other, isn’t that how it works!!”
He can see that you’re agitated.
“It was not my intention to upset you. I assumed you would prefer to go at a slower pace. “
You grunt in annoyance.
“You’re doing it again!! Just tell me what you-”
“I want to hold you.” You stop your rant momentarily.
“I want to kiss you until you can think of nothing but my lips against your own.” You press a hand to your chest in surprise. Face flaming up.
“I want to be the only man that you think about. I want to hold your hand whenever we are together."
With each declaration, he’s moving closer.
“I want you to crave my touch so much that you lose all sense of rationality.” Your eyes shook.
You were the one who insisted he be more honest, but if he says anymore you’re positive your heart will jump right out of your chest.
“I’d like to be the one you run to when you need comfort, when you’re elated, when you need a friend.” His voice feels like a whisper, and his hand brushes your hair behind your ear.
“You’ve been with me for many years, and for all this time I’ve kept my most inner desires controlled. I never saw myself wanting love again after I’d lost it. But that was before I met you. Surely if I’d brought all these thoughts to you at once, you would run. You have no idea how much control I’ve exercised to keep from acting on all that I feel for you.”
His palm caresses your cheek so tenderly that you think you’ll turn into a puddle right at his feet.
“Don’t mistake my compromise for a lack of want, there is so much that I want.”
Boy did you misunderstand this entire situation.
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