#new langblr
onigiri-studies · 25 days
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❀ 𝟡𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟜 ❀
Some pics of my notes from today, the other two photos were made a while ago. I barely did anything today, hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive day. Wishing y'all a blessed evening! 🫶🏻✨
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abnormalstudies · 26 days
hello langblr & studyblr community!
i'm a new sideblog focused on learning quite a few languages alongside coding and whatever other topic interests me on a day-to-day basis. my target languages are french, spanish, german, and japanese, but i also wish to learn korean, mandarin, irish, indonesian, and ukrainian, so i may or may not post about those once in a while too.
i'd love to make some friends and study buddies! and to find a discord server or two centered on learning c:
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this-is-beanstalk · 1 year
Currently learning a new language
It's hard
But I keep telling myself "I'm a toddler, scratch that, a baby, learning a new language, hearing it for the first time, trying to piece the words together"
It takes native speakers months, no years, to learn their native language.
I've been at it for a month
I'm not gonna get it in a month
It's gonna take me years
But if I'm willing to put the work in.........
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3oey · 1 year
Silly little drawing i did to practice body parts in russian (части тела)
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Vocab ru - eng:
голова - head
глаз - eye
ухо - ear
нос - nose
рот - mouth
рука - arm, hand
живот - stomach/belly (? Not sure which one is correct)
нога - leg
стопа - foot
колено - knee
палец - finger, toe
плечо - shoulder
шея - neck
бровь - eyebrow
волосы (pl.) - hair
тело - body
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babooshkaa · 23 days
ways to make duolingo useful
1. jump units
in the new "tree" all the new vocabulary is in the first lesson, then duolingo makes you study it for like a week if you're lucky, so if you're confident you've learnt all the new words just jump to the next unit (I also find myself remembering my mistakes better if I make them while trying to jump than when I make them in regular lessons)
❗after jumping always come back to the stories you missed, they're like the most useful thing there is in the app
2. use other resources
I know this is a post about duolingo, but people, mostly beginners, seem to think that they only need duolingo to become fluent. my mom has a 700 days strike and she still can't keep a simple conversation in english or understand an episode of fucking teletubbies, that should tell you everything. read content for beginners, watch youtube videos, tv-shows, use other apps, I promise the owl won't kill you for it
3. stop when it starts slowing you down
trust me you don't need to use duolingo when you're intermediate, it's just not worth it. leave it for the days you can't study properly and want to do at least something
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asterisquue · 9 months
studyblr/codeblr intro!
hi everyone! im Aru, i decided to start a studyblr/codeblr blog to keep myself accountable and track my progress <3
i'm a self taught android developer who's migrating to frontend development. i'm planning to do 100 days of productivity challenge with this blog as well.
im not very familiar with how people connect on tumblr, so i would be glad if someone could help me out with it...
🌷about me:
aru, 23, she/her
currently working remotely, studying frontend development, japanese and whatever i find interesting
🌷my hobbies:
scrapbooking, journaling and commonplacing
asian cinema and music
literature (mostly japanese and korean authors)
animal crossing
🌷my goals:
learn frontend development and find a job as soon as i can
get into masters
pass jlpt n2
be happy 🌷
🌷what will i post:
i am planning to track my every day progress here as well as share anything i've learned about frontend development or japanese language. as a big fan of acnh i will also sometimes share game screenshots. even though this blog will be mainly focused on studying and learning coding, i will occasially share whatever i'm interested in atm
i'm so excited to meet and connect with likeminded people here <3
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bhashashikhi · 1 year
诗歌 星期日#1
你好! Introducing #Shīgēxīngqírìbytsw or #诗歌星期日 with you all where on every Sunday I will share some Mandarin poetry!
"梦游" (Mèng Yóu) by Shu Ting (舒婷)
我像一只蜜蜂, 蜜蜂飞在青山上, 山上开着紫罗兰, 蜜蜂在花丛中忙碌。 忙碌的蜜蜂啊, 请你告诉我: 你们采的是什么? 你们采的是花的精华, 用来酿出美酒。
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langgo7 · 7 months
Hey! I'm Samuel (サムエル) (not Sam) and my pronouns are he/him.
I'm studying Japanese at university and self studying Mandarin Chinese less intensively. I have a whole list of languages I want to learn, though (off the top of my head, Vietnamese, Thai, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, and more).
My first language is British English.
I'll post about my progress, general language learning stuff, useful ways to learn and just stuff about culture/pop culture of the countries whose languages I'm learning. I'll also post about things I find helpful as a person with ADHD, as I don't think I approach things in the standard way.
But yeah, hi ig.
(My main is shiny-sylveon00).
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kikikokonihongo · 2 months
📚(๑・ω・)📣・ω・)📣💪(•ᴗ•✍)📚 Strengthen your pronunciation with repetition!
💮Listen 💮Say Aloud 💮Write 🔁Repeat!
✍𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐀!!【らりるれろ】 第9課 | (書き方/筆順)
(๑・ω・๑)[๑・▿・๑](๑・ω・๑) 🤖 Especially in the digital age, it's paramount to incorporate kinaesthetic learning into your language learning routine!
🎒More importantly, no one is just ONE type of learner!
👩‍🎓Students benefit from engagement of ALL learning styles
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onigiri-studies · 17 days
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❀ 𝟙𝟟𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟜 ❀
What I did today:
Vocab practice
Made notes of the last sections of the chapter "pronunciation"
Read some articles on "der Spiegel"
Listened to the German news on "Die Nachrichten" by Deutschlandfunk on Spotify
The picture of the sky was made last year and the photo of the lake two years ago when I went on a trip with my family. I really love taking pictures of the sky and lakes, my phone is full with photos like these. 😆😅 Wishing y'all a blessed night! 🫶🏻✨
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morganmakesamess · 1 year
hello, i'm Morgan. i'm an age sliding alter of 15-16 and this is my studyblr! Sapphire, our new host, may also pick up where Kuiper left off on their account; @luminouslittlemoth
i'm new to the system so other than polish and korean, i don't know what i want to study yet. however i'm really really excited!!
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nicslangblog · 2 years
hi there! welcome to my blog!
my name is nic and i made this langblr blog to keep myself on track and to maybe even make some friends :)
i’m a native english speaker who minored in german in college, but i’m still always trying to improve my german. i also just started learning japanese, so i’m (very much) a beginner. i dabble in portuguese and spanish too! so you’ll likely see a mishmash of all those languages on here
if you see this, feel free to reblog! i’d love to make some mutuals :)
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resurggam · 1 year
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welcome to my blog !!
My name is mary (she/her), i'm 18, I come from the US, and I am currently 4 months into my gap year in germany.
I think this blog will be mostly langblr related- my German is about B1 (roughly,, lol) and I want to study spanish in the near future. I started learning german as a hobby in high school, but now I'm actually in Germany and I have to study in order to function decently in society :)
Aside from languages, I also really enjoy reading and analyzing literature and I plan to major in English Lit when I go to college. Soo a small part of this blog will be dedicated to some bookish thoughts.
I am very excited to be back on tumblr, and I can't wait to share things with you guys! Bye for now :')
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well hello there thanks for stoppin by lmao
i’m UFO (blog name makes sense now right?) and i’ve never had a langblr blog before.
wanted to try starting one to help keep myself on track with daily studies & maybe help someone out in the process! if anyone finds this blog that is
this blog will mainly focus on Japanese studies, but there might be occasional posts about other languages here too.
if anyone sees this, reblogs are appreciated! itd be nice to make some mutuals :D
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malukeando · 2 years
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ˚ ༘❀ ☄ introduction post* ✩ -°. *࿐✧
updated. May/20/23
my name is milena, i'm from uruguay, i'm studying a nursing career (which is very complicated due to lack of budget, no teachers etc etc public university), at some point I wanted to learn to program but it is no longer a priority or of my interests, and i'm an aspiring polyglot, i speak native spanish, i'm something like a c1 in english and i've been learning hebrew and portuguese!
i am also a christian so you will find things related to my faith.
my hobbies are: macramé, make friendship bracelets, painting and drawing, reading, singing and playing the guitar, sharing my interests and things I learn on different social media :)
future projects and dreams: i would love to become a missionary and be a housewife, so with this i would also be getting married haha
what I will post: my progress and information about languages, my progress in my nursing career, things related to my faith, motherhood and personal things I feel like sharing.
my favourite accounts :) <;3 @cherrypastries @decafstudies @xiacodes @hopefulmillennial @meafides @quietwarm @malevm @linstudying
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this-is-beanstalk · 10 months
sometimes I feel like
people who learn languages professionally (what are they called?) learn new la gages so quickly
and obviously they have a better understanding at how to grasp a new language, so it'll be easier for them
and I shouldn't compare myself to people who know multiple multiple multiple languages
but sometimes I can't help it
I've been at this for half a year and all I know are some words
maybe two full sentences
when will I be able to sit through a conversation with, even with broken language
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