#no more excuses
remindertoclick · 19 days
Here's your reminder to Click for Palestine today! 🕊
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salanaii · 24 days
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novlr · 1 year
“(W)hat I write when I force myself is generally just as good as what I write when I'm feeling inspired. It's mainly a matter of forcing yourself to write.” ― Tom Wolfe
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imforeverjustyours · 1 month
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lorveings · 5 months
Let people say and think whatever they want about you, Even if they're wrong, Even if it upsets you and makes you want to chase them just to confront them and fix the way they think or talk about you. Never do that to yourself, just find peace in knowing that the past belongs in the past and we're not in it anymore. You're evolving and becoming a better person than you were in the past, even if they don't want to see it. Some people are willing to stay blinded forever in their own circle just to make themselves feel good about whatever happened in the past. If that gives them peace let them. Let them feel at ease away from you. No matter how much you're hurt by them and their actions, you have to move forward with your life. You'll be okay, I promise.
What's important is that you know you're a good person who was brave enough to try and put an effort into fixing things and even sincerely apologized for your past behavior that caused others pain, that's the only thing that matters. You were strong enough to face the consequences of your actions no matter how unbearable the pain felt while doing it. You became honest with yourself by holding yourself accountable, acknowledging all of your past mistakes, truly forgiving yourself for what happened and finally starting your healing journey to fix and improve yourself and be the best version of yourself for YOU. That's enough.
That. is. enough.
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lets-make-light-now · 3 months
Be neutral!
Look away!
Be a killer!
If you don't stand up with Palestine, you are worse than Israel.
Your choice.
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obviouschild2014 · 10 months
Now that gomens did old man yaoi whats stopping only murders in the building
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witchofthewaist · 6 days
Make no mistakes about it, I am FREE FALASTEEN 🇵🇸 through and through. I just needed a tiny corner of my Internet space to be my joy so I didn't spiral downward about it again. ❤️ Take care of your mental health so we can keep fighting for them and ourselves ❤️
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noturlondonboy · 5 days
No More Excuses//Katelena
Chapter 10: Knock-Knock, Boo! It’s Your Trauma.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Chapter Summary: Yelena and Kate put Connor in his place, determined to enjoy the rest of the night out together.
Chapter Warnings: harassment, alcohol, abusive ex, men being awful, panic/anxiety attack
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Yelena sauntered her way to the bar and sweet talked the girl behind the counter into giving her two shots of the strongest stuff they had (which is usually reserved for private parties) and made small talk with her while she prepped the drinks. The blonde stole a glance over her shoulder towards Kate, expecting the archer to be looking around the bar some more, but instead, what she saw left her blood running cold.
A man who couldn't have been less than 6 feet tall was standing in front of the booth that Kate sat at, his stance friendly but the tautness of his shoulders threatening. Yelena froze when she spotted him, and an angry heat began to build at the base of her spine when the man sat opposite the archer and she got a look at Kate's face.
She looked angry- scared, even, and that set Yelena off.
She accepted the drinks with a stiff nod and strode purposefully towards the booth, gaze laser focused onto the guy. She narrowed her eyes at him, scanning him over for weapons and weaknesses and scrutinizing his lean frame.
She was just a few feet away when she heard Kate order him to leave, and when the man said no, when he dared to smile at Kate like he was having fun, Yelena saw red.
"Who the fuck are you?" she demanded, her grip on the shot glasses nearly cracking the glass as she stared the man down. He turned to look at her, his smile lazy and eyes scanning her up and down.
"Hello, beautiful. There's room for one more, don't worry," he crooned, his voice dripping with ill intent.
Kate was stock still, her eyes wide as she looked to Yelena with panic written across her face. Get him away from me, she seemed to say. Get him far away.
Yelena growled and set the drinks down in front of Kate before folding her arms across her chest. "I asked you a question, you stupid pig. Who. The fuck. Are you."
His face drops immediately, and Yelena supposes the scowl he gives her is supposed to be intimidating as he stands to tower over her, but all she sees is a stuck-up little boy.
"You're too pretty to be a bitch. Watch your tone."
She grins at him innocently, but Yelena knows he sees the violence in her eyes. Her accent is thick with anger, and she knows from experience that it heightens her own intimidation factor. "We're not interested, dipshit. Get the fuck out of here before I rip the organs from your body and stake you to the ceiling."
Because she could. She could kill him with three moves and gut him in even less time, and all she would need to stick him to the ceiling would be a particularly sharp leg from a chair.
Perhaps traumatizing the patrons of this bar would be less than ideal, however.
The man glares down at her, his teeth almost bared. "Are you fucking threatening me right now?" he snaps, daring to take a step towards her. Yelena doesn't budge, and Kate intervenes before anything can happen.
"I have an ongoing restraining order against you, Connor." She's suddenly up on her feet and in his face, expression dark and voice sharp. "You actively broke the law by even talking to me, and all you did was dig yourself into a deeper and deeper hole when both of us told you to go away and you literally said no." She bares her teeth right back at him, and her eyes are ablaze with blue fire. Yelena watches, absolutely fascinated.
"Get the fuck out of my sight before I call the cops. We both know they'll take my word over yours."
The man - Connor - is seething, the muscles in his neck quivering with anger. He stares Kate down, or tries to at least, before walking away stiffly and shoulder-checking Yelena on his way out.
Or he tries to, anyway. Yelena moves deftly aside and sticks her foot out, actively tripping him. He slams into the floor and lets out a keening wail, curling in on himself and cradling his face.
The entire bar has gone silent, and Yelena realizes with some satisfaction that they all saw this douchebag pull some shit. The bouncer from earlier hurries up to them and apologizes for not arriving sooner, then quite literally drags Connor out of the bar and shoves him through the door with a barked warning.
Every single woman in the bar cheers, the men quickly following if they know what's good for them. Yelena pays them no mind.
"Kate, are you hurt?" She whips around to face the archer, hands coming up to cradle the woman's face and trace gentle lines into her cheeks. "Did he touch you? What did that придурок say to you?"
Kate is slow to respond, her eyes still stuck on the doors where Connor disappeared. She slowly looks down towards Yelena, and after a moment, she rests her hands on Yelena's own, still cupping her cheeks. "I'm not hurt, Yelena. I'm okay," she whispers, her bottom lip starting to tremble as she seems to come back down to Earth. "He didn't touch me."
Not this time, anyway.
Yelena makes quiet, soothing noises, gently pulling Kate back into the booth where she can sit. "Breathe, милая. You are safe. He's gone. Breathe, Kate. In for four through your nose, hold for four, out for eight through your mouth." She takes one of Kate's hands and holds it against her chest, breathing deeply to show her. "There you go. Match me, Kate. With me."
Kate follows Yelena's lead, slumping into her friend after a few minutes once she doesn't feel like she's about to spiral into a panic attack. Yelena wraps her arms around her tightly, not hesitating for even a second before she's running her fingers through Kate's hair and scratching at her scalp with her short nails.
Not even five hours ago, Yelena recalls that she had been mentally panicking about her inability to comfort, but she marvels at how Kate's weight sinks into her, the woman breathing deeply as if she was trying to inhale her.
"It's okay. You're okay."
Kate nods into her shoulder, her nose pressed into the blonde's neck underneath the collar of her dress.
Yelena waits a moment before begrudgingly shifting away in order to see Kate's face, a tiny note of pride glowing in her chest when she sees that the makeup she painstakingly applied to her skin is still perfectly intact. Even still, her blue eyes are downcast, and a dent has settled between her furrowed eyebrows.
"Kate Bishop." Yelena is silent until their gazes meet. "Do you want to go back to your apartment?" she asks gently, ducking her head close.
Kate stares at her, and her expression falls into a confused frown. "I owe you a drink."
"We can always come back another time. And besides, it's on me, remember?" Yelena picks up the still-full shot glasses and offers one, holding up her own. "Cheers, and then let's be on our way?"
Kate knows Yelena is trying to figure out if she's alright to stay out after that rather unpleasant debacle, but she was also determined not to let some stupid creep she had dated years ago for barely five months ruin her night out with her friend. She needed this. They both did.
She accepted the shot from Yelena and clinked glasses with her, heart warming at the smile mirrored at her, and quickly downed the strong drink before she could let herself think about it.
"Wooh!" Kate gasped, thunking the glass down on the table and full body flinching as the alcohol burned furiously down her throat, tears springing to her eyes. Yelena gulped hers down without a hitch and cackled as the archer pushed at her shoulder in mock-offense. "Holy shit, I really was not ready for that." She blinked at Yelena, eyes wide as the liquor settled in her stomach. "Round two?"
Yelena's face lit up hesitantly. "Do you not want to go back home?"
Kate shook her head and scooted out of the booth with a grin, already heading towards the bar. "Let's get drunk and forget all about that piece of shit."
Yelena watches her carefully, taking in Kate's long stride and the curls of her dark hair swishing against her back. Protectiveness swamps her in a wave, and she nearly growls to herself.
If that man shows his face again, he's going to regret it.
-придурок (Khuy): Dickhead
-милая (Milaya): Sweetheart
Kate Bishop counter: 1
This chapter's meme:
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Comments/reblogs/notes make my day :)
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dougielombax · 2 months
No, Jimmy!
Destroying ancient bogs and wetland to turn it into disposable turf is NOT an ancient, proud tradition!
It’s vandalism and savagery that makes us look like barbarians!
And no! To suggest that is NOT a “Zionist plot”, you’re only saying that because you get your news from Facebook and some idiots from the Ben Gilroy University of Hard Knocks and Lead Paint Inhalation!
You don’t actually know what that conspiratorially minded brainrot even means anyway!
It’s bumbrained ecological destruction and vandalism.
Nothing more.
Nostalgia and tradition be damned.
End it.
Starting yesterday!
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remindertoclick · 1 month
Hiya! Here's your Daily Reminder to Click for Palestine!
Click for the other causes as well if you can!
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salanaii · 2 months
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marichatbugaboo05 · 2 years
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just-michael799 · 2 months
Hey micheal I was wondering if u did this account in secret from ur mother and why are u saying rude stuff about her. She literally did nothing wrong. Plus she doesn't hate u for being trans gender she was only caring about u ,and u should be lucky for that.
And be happy that u don't have a toxic mother who doesn't care about u. Plus if she was bad she would make u isolated in ur home for years. Like me ,plus be happy that u have friends that cares about u ,but I see that ur the rude one here. Like they love u but u think that there bad ,like hello are u dumb can't u see it.
Also she pays for ur education ,like if she was bad she wouldn't pay for it. But u just like saying rude stuff about her. When she literally just cared for u like dude ur so rude. She loves u, she feed u, she wasted money on u,and u should be lucky that u have roof over ur head. Also I think u should thank ur mother for that.
Anyways u should always appreciate how many sacrifices she did for u, and always love her for that ,but u don't give a fuck u son of a bitch. And I think u should shut up and love her like how hard is that. Also u should support ur mother for how much she did for u.
Now I want u to love her or else u heartless bitch who doesn't have any respect.
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Respect ur mother kids.
No Bc If I Loved Her, She'll Still Act Like a Dumb Transphobic Woman. & Even If She “Loves” Me, I Can't Trust Her. No, Education Can't Help Me. I'm Aware School Can Kill Students Mentally. EVAN ONLINE SCHOOL. No, I Ani't a Heartless Bitch. I Have Mommy Issues, Just Bc I Have Them You Don't Get To Tell Me That Kind Of Stuff. Bc In My Opinion, As a Person Who Has Mommy Issues, It's Offense.
And Don't Even Thank My Mother. All She Does Is Literally Stupid Shit & Doesn't Like Me. And She Evan Says That If Her Dogs Do Anything Bad, She K!ll Them (Without Paying).
And Well.. She's Already Manipulative. She Gaslighted Me :)
She Did Do Anything Wrong. Don't Get The Wrong Idea..
And My Apologies For Being Mean, I Can't Control Myself Tbh.
And Don't Even Say “Not All Mom's Are Bad” Or “If You Hate Ur Mom, U'll Never Exist” Bc That's Just Pathetic, & I Know Mom's Can Be Bad, I'm Aware Of This. And Even If She Can Be "Nice" To Me, I'll Still Be Ending Up Doing Thoughts Of Su***de So Don't Be Like Her
Infact, Saying “If You Don't Love Ur Mom, Ur Heartless” Is Giving Me That Guilt Trip There, Stop
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catsanddemonssystem · 2 months
Ableist think disabled people are using there disability as a excuse because they creates excuse to justify treating disabled people like shit.
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news4dzhozhar · 3 months
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