#not that robin wouldn't love back just as fiercely
strangerwheelerthings · 9 months
I just read youe post about the way Robin and Nancy look at each other in s4 and come to lean on each other. You ever think about how as they start finding strength in each other's company that that they might feel trepidation about their own feelings? Robin bc obv she doesn't want a repeat of the Tammy->Steve situation (when from her pov that's probably what's happening) and for Nancy because she's still carrying around guilt for Barb (which is so recently refreshed when she presumably also thinks she got Fred killed) and I think you can see incredible concern in her eyes when she looks at Robin in Henry's lair in ep9.
Trepidation is an early ronance’s middle name. It’s actually one of the aspects I love to have explored in fics (because I’m a sucker for angst). Robin has plenty of reasons to be hesitant and worried about a crush on Nancy. They are living in a small town in the 80’s being the first and foremost. However, your point about the Tammy and Nancy parallels is completely accurate and valid. Nancy is literally well known around Hawkins High for her romance drama with two boys; not really a lot of reason for Robin to hope that she’s queer in the first place. My ronance!headcanon is that this is the reason Robin continues to keep all her hopes on Vickie in the end, because there appears (at first glance) to be more hope for reciprocation and she’s already a little less invested in Vickie and therefore there’s less risk. 
Nancy (whether bi or lesbian) is the epitome of compulsory heterosexuality. This girl could have the biggest crush in the world (she does), but it would take her a while to admit it to herself fully. You’re right, Nancy’s trepidation would be entirely focused on her trauma surrounding friendship and death, during the season. Nancy hasn’t really had an actual friend outside of Jonathan since Barb. Even before Barb, Nancy wasn’t the kind of person who is good at making friends, then you add a ton of trauma on top of that? Yeah, it would be a swirling pit of anxiety within her. Vecna activated every trigger in season four through murdering Fred while Nancy had brought him out somewhere, showing her Barb’s body and guilt tripping her, and then actively threatening all her living loved ones with gruesome deaths. All this is happening right at the same time as her developing friendship with Robin. 
The thing about both Robin and Nancy is that they don’t have a lot of secure relationships. Neither of them have great family lives, and their histories with friendships are not amazing. Both of them are literally making their second real friend in years (if you include Jonathan) in season four. As they grow to like and rely on each other, so too does their anxiety surrounding the relationship. They are starting to put trust in the other, but that gets so much harder once you’ve established an actual friendship with someone, that’s when you have to fight not to withdraw to protect yourself. 
Both of them have their own self-protective coping mechanisms. Robin’s is more barbed wire while Nancy’s is closer to a thick brick wall, but what’s interesting is that I think they’d both be especially good at overcoming the other’s barrier. In just the first couple days of knowing each other, Robin has already proven herself to be a safer person to give her thoughts and ideas to than anyone Nancy’s ever encountered before. Meanwhile Nancy keeps choosing Robin even though she’s already seen Robin at her most anxious and clumsy, and she seems to be so calm in the face of the strange and weird.
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ladykailitha · 8 months
So I started writing this last night thinking it would be a short little drabble. At over 2k words, it is NOT a drabble. It is a full on fic at this point.
Steve was at a crossroads.
To his right was his mother, calling him sweetly to come back inside so they can talk. Work something out. To stay with her and his father.
On his left was Eddie. Dear sweet Eddie calling out from him to run away with him. To get in his van and chase the sun for as long as they could and maybe find a new place to rest their heads. For a moment or to throw roots.
He could see the two paths before him as easily as he could see them standing before him.
If he went with his mom, they would convince him to give up his friends, Eddie. Well, they'd let him keep the Wheeler siblings and Dustin. But everyone else would have to go. Byers, Max, and Eddie because they were poor. The Sinclairs because they were black. He doubted they would keep him from El, considering who her adopted father was, but it would be a near thing. Robin would have to go. She would be a little too queer for their liking.
He would be forced to work for his dad where the employees would hate him and the managers would resent him. He would marry some dull woman picked out by them and have as many kids as possible.
Pretty much the life he thought he would have with Nancy their junior year of high school. He would be comfortable, well taken care of and absolutely fucking miserable. For the rest of his life.
If he went with Eddie...there would no certainty at all. It would very likely be hard. They wouldn't have a lot of money (the government hush money could only take them so far after all). It would a life on the road as Eddie and his band traveled the country looking for fame and fortune. It would be rough. Five boys in cramped quarters.
It's possible the band wouldn't even survive two days let alone two years.
But Eddie would love him. He would be loved. Not just by Eddie, but Robin and the kids. Nancy and Jonathan and even funky little Argyle. As their friends spread out over the country, Steve and Eddie would visit them all. And maybe someday they'd find their place. Throw down roots maybe even grow a family of their own.
Steve took a deep breath and started walking.
Eddie wanted to call out to Steve, beg him to stay. To give him a chance to be something. Together.
He watched in horror and disappointment as Steve took one step and then another toward his mother. He couldn’t look away as Steve reached her.
Steve’s name caught in his throat. Would she at least let them say their goodbyes or would the last memory Eddie had of the love of his life would be his back as he walked back into the house with his mother?
Steve kissed his mother’s forehead and then suddenly he was running.
Eddie barely had time to open his arms before Steve had filled them.
Eddie opened his mouth to ask, but Steve kissed him fiercely. “Come on Eds, let’s go.”
He pulled back and looked Steve in the eye. “You coming with me, darlin’?”
Steve nodded. He looked back at his mother and then at Eddie. “It’s for the best, I think.”
Eddie knew he was right. Knew it was the best thing for everyone. But he still couldn’t believe it.
“All right, baby,” he finally said after a moment of taking it all in. “Let’s go find that horizon, shall we?”
Steve grinned. “Hell yeah!” He swung into the passenger side of Eddie’s van and Eddie hopped into the driver’s side.
They had sold the BMW for extra cash as the van would be better suited for traveling cross-country in. It had been put in his name a long time ago and it was the last connection to his parents.
Steve kissed Eddie on the cheek.
Eddie laughed. “What was that for, sweetheart?”
“For luck!”
“You my princess, baby?”
Steve laughed too. “The van is in much better shape then Millennium Falcon, sunshine.”
Eddie cackled as he pulled out of the driveway. He was going to start a life with the boy of his dreams. Life really couldn’t be sweeter.
When Maureen Harrington saw her Steven start walking towards her, she knew.
She had lost him. Maybe she never had him. He was determined in a way she had never seen before. He was resolved.
“I have to go,” he whispered as though the answer was pulled from him.
She nodded, tears forming on her lashes. “I understand.”
He dug in his pocket and pulled out a ring. She looked at it and her heart sank.
“No, Steven,” she murmured. “Your grandfather gave that to you.”
He pressed it into her hand. “I know, but think of it as my promise to come back. To see you. That I’m not giving up on you, I’m just choosing my own path instead of the one you and Dad wanted for me.”
Maureen clasped it tight her perfectly manicured hands to her chest. “I love you.”
He nodded and kissed her forehead goodbye.
She watched misty-eyed as he ran to his boyfriend, tears streaming down her face. She stood in that driveway until they were both out of sight.
She wiped her eyes and went back inside.
“Where’s that wastrel son of yours?” Clint growled.
“Saying goodbye,” she lied.
He turned on his heel and then said over his shoulder. “I want him in office the second he comes in, you hear me.”
She nodded knowing that he would be angry with her later. But she also knew that he would blame Edward Munson and not her for Steven not staying.
Maureen paused. She did feel a little guilty about that, but it was unavoidable. She slipped into the kitchen. The one room Clint would never enter willingly and sat down next to the phone.
She had work to do.
Wayne had just settled in for the night when his phone rang. He heaved a sigh and got wearily to his feet. The government had paid a hefty sum for the witch hunt of his nephew and an even tidier sum for keeping quiet about the monsters, which meant he wouldn’t have to work another day in his life.
But he still got a nice little job down at the local plant nursery watering the plants a couple times a week for something to do. He had just gotten home from that when the phone rang.
“Hello?” he greeted.
“Hello,” greeted the warm female voice. “I’m looking for an Edward Munson, is he there?”
Wayne sighed again. “May I ask what this is regarding?”
“Of course,” she said brightly. “He applied with us a couple weeks ago and I was just getting back with him.”
“Ya just missed him,” he said. “He went on a vacation and won’t be back for a few days.” Weeks, really. But he didn’t want to scare her off in case she actually had a job for him.
“That is unfortunate,” she said softly. “I will hold on to his application of course, but I can’t guarantee the job will be there when he returns.”
Wayne sighed a third time. He knew it had been too much to ask, but it had been worth a shot.
“I appreciate you thinking of him,” he said.
“Of course, you have a good day.”
He cursed his nephew’s luck again. Just as things were starting to look up for him, he missed getting a job by mere hours.
That was the last he thought about that conversation for a few days until a large manila envelope came for Eddie and Steve care of him. The damn thing even read: Steven Harrington and Edward Munson, C/O Wayne Munson.
The boys had gave him permission to open anything that might come from the government or the kids in case it was urgent, but he wasn’t sure about this.
Thankfully he was save from something like indecision when his phone rang.
“Uncle Wayne!” Eddie cried cheerfully. “You’ll never guess where we are!”
“Disneyland?” Wayne guessed with a huff of laughter.
“Aww...you guessed,” Eddie pouted.
“A letter came for you and Steve,” he said. “You two want me to open it?”
He heard whispering and then Eddie came back. “Steve says go ahead.”
Wayne opened the envelope and as he read the contents, he put his hand over his mouth as tears streamed down his face. It took a couple of tries, clearing his throat before he said, “It’s from your mom, Steve.”
“It’s a bunch of paperwork transferring your joint bank account with your parents to one with Eddie,” Wayne explained. “As well as your information about your trust fund.”
“Oh.” Steve’s voice is breathless. “God. I assumed that they nixed that when I failed to get into college. That’s what it was supposed to be for after all.”
“Not according to the documents your mom sent over,” Wayne explained. “It was supposed to be given to you under one of three circumstances. Getting into college–”
Steve scoffed. “There went that one.”
“Getting married,” Wayne said.
Again Steve scoffed. “Would explain why they weren’t a big hurry for me to get hitched.”
Eddie and Wayne both chuckled in stereo causing Steve to laugh at how similar they were.
“Or when you turned twenty-one,” Wayne finished. “Which means next year the money is yours.”
“How much money could there be?” Eddie asked with a snort.
“By the time Steve gets it, at current interest rates?” Wayne said. “A little over a million dollars.”
“What?” Steve asked, his heart in his throat.
“Yup,” Wayne said. “And according to the bank statements of the new account she set up for the two of you, it has about three hundred thousand in it.”
“How?” Steve stammered.
“Well, according the statements of your previous account that she also sent along,” Wayne said ruffling through the pages, “there were deposits of five hundred dollars a month since you were born. As well as your checks from your jobs; the community center, the mall and of course Family Video.”
“Okay,” Steve muttered darkly, “but that only makes up for about a third of what you said was in there.”
“Apparently your first payment for stopping the apocalypse was put into this account when you were under the age of eighteen.”
Eddie swore. “And they didn’t fucking tell you?”
Wayne hummed. “Looks like there were some large withdrawals at first, but they were put back in only a couple months later.”
Steve scoffed. “Probably my dad and my mom making him put it back.”
“I agree,” Wayne said. “That makes the most sense. So if we add what you got from the government for your subsequent apocalypses, you boys will never have to work a day in your lives unless you wanted to.”
“Holy shit, baby,” Eddie cooed. “Did you hear that?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “It’s all unbelievable.”
Wayne nodded even though they couldn’t see him. “She also lists a couple of good financial advisors. I’ll give them a call and find one that fits, but you boys are free to do whatever the hell you want now.”
“Thank you, Wayne,” Steve murmured.
“Thank your mom, Stevie,” he mumbled. “She’s the one that did everything.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. “I will. I promise.”
Steve slid down in the cramped little phone booth in shock. They had only meant to tell Wayne that they had made it California and that they were having a good time. He sure as hell wasn’t expect to have his life completely upended.
It was a good kind of unending. There was no doubt about that. But when he made the choice to be with Eddie, he made in spite of money not for money.
Eddie held out his hand. “Come on, baby. Let’s go make some noise in the happiest place on earth.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah. I can’t wait!”
As they walked through park slurping on sodas and laughing, Steve knew he had made the right choice.
Because really, falling in love with Eddie was the easiest thing he’d ever done.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @redfreckledwolf @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @itsall-taken @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @vecnuthy
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redhead-batgal · 4 months
Hey , I recently read your Damian Wayne one shot called she's so gone and I was wondering if you were going to make a part 2 . I absolutely loved it and would love to read a part 2 and I look forward to seeing more of your stories and if you don't write a part please tag me in a post that u are not gonna write part 2 I would really appreciate it. And awesome stories btw .☺️❤️
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Type: Two-Shot (Part One: Here)
Pairing: Fem! and Best Friend! Reader x Damian Wayne/ Robin
Word Count: 7,462
Content: angsty, angsty times, arguing, confrontation babes, the sis is back, maybe some PDA, amazing friend! Jon Kent, fluffies????, language, violence, self-deprecating reader thoughts, batfam supporting reader, and aged up reader/Damian to 18 yrs
(P.S: Sooooo, yeah, I hope y'all enjoy this chaos cuz it may or may not get intense at some point but like.... you did ask for this, however y'all will like the ending I promise)
(P.P.S: Forgive me I'm really really bad at writing PDA)
Y/N: your name, S/n: Sister's name
There is something hollow and empty in heartbreak. Some emptiness that consumes everything in a twirling barreling black hole that destroyed anything that entered its orbit. Transforming the raw and fierce emotions into a numb and darkness that overtook and elapsed time and almost even life itself. It was almost like a never-ending wave, water pounding in ears and honing the sound of a beating heart. Something about that feeling that was almost...addictive.
Though this feeling- this destruction was oh so painful. Part of you- part of you clung to it. Maybe it was because these horrible and draining emotions helped you focus on something other-other than the betrayal and other then... other than your inadequacies. After all, Damian wouldn't have chosen S/N right? if you have been better if you had been greater, if you had just been more, maybe- just maybe he wouldn't have left- he wouldn't have abandoned you.
These thoughts had you up at night despite the heartbreak roaring through your mind. It made adjusting to your new life in Metropolis so much harder. And even though you had developed a poker face of sorts, your new roommate Jon Kent always seemed to know when you were struggling.
It wasn't as though he could read your mind or that he had any feelings for you, but more as that he knew you so well. He was, in a sense, the sibling- the brother you had needed. A person to rely on and to confide in. It was surprising how willing Jon was to listen to your woes despite the fact that he was close friends with Damian. Despite the fact that he knew your sister, he knew her well, he still listened to everything that had happened and your point of view of it all.
It was even more surprising that he comforted you. Not in a soft way, but in the ruffling of hair and saying that your family, your sister and even Damian didn't deserve you. Before continuing with even if you really are annoying. You had laughed, tears spilling from your eyes before nodding.
Regardless of Jon's comments and the quiet messages of encouragement from Oracle saying she won't tell Damian where you were at and that you were in the right, your mind still scrambled and screamed.
It's all your fault
he left because you aren't good enough
you should have died that night
These swirls of terror overtook you at the worst of times. In the dead of night when you were all alone; in crowded rooms at parties Jon had convinced you to go to; even in your sleep. Yanking you from the one peace and bliss you had to the roaring of self-hatred and scorn. And today was no different.
Just as the soft hues of light brushed the horizon, your mind bellowed and twisted, pulling you from sweet dreams of the past you longed to return to.
Partially panting you sat up, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you intertwined a hand into your hair. Squeezing your eyes shut you focused on your racing heart instead of the thoughts that fought to be known.
Moments later there was a knock on your door. Sighing heavily, you slipped from bed and walked over to the door. Opening it with a weak wave you turned back towards your bed. In the doorway Jon stood a worried look on his face.
"Are you okay?" He whispered, having clearly been awoken by your frantic episode.
"I guess, I mean nothing out of the ordinary is happening." You grumbled in reply, rubbing your brow.
There was silence between the two of you and Jon walked into your room flopping onto your bed with a slight grunt, "So all the fun times?"
"Of course, what else would you expect from me?"
Jon laughed slightly and you sank onto the ground leaning your head half against the bed, half against Jon's leg. Something stirred and shifted in you and closing your eyes you muttered a question,
"Do-do you hear it too?"
"Your voices? no, I think those are your special friends."
Shooting him a glare of sorts you swatted at his leg, and he chuckled before letting out a soft yawn. There was more silence before he sighed.
"Okay, okay you're serious... yeah. I do. I mean it's not like what you're going through but I hear the doubts and negative thoughts too."
Something about his words made you want to protest, to say it wasn't that bad, or really untrue. Something also struck a match in your chest, alighting warmth and comfort and something almost burst.
Swallowing back your tears you leaned back a bit to see his face before you continued.
"So... I'm not crazy or awful for having voices tell me all the bad things I've done?'
Jon snorted and you had to resist the urge to punch him. He sits up glancing down at you before sighing dramatically.
"No, that doesn't make you crazy. You are perfectly crazy all on your own."
With that a wave of relief came over you as you jumped to your feet. Jon rose and you pushed at him a smile of sorts on your face. He gasped dramatically before reaching out to push you back. You dodged his hands as laughter began to build in your chest.
"oh, it is so on." Jon muttered and a laugh escaped you.
Turning you skidded out of your room, avoiding Jon's attempts to push you as you hurried down the hall into the kitchen. Your feet slid across hardwood floors almost gliding when your foot caught on a chair leg, and you practically flew forwards, your face slamming straight onto the ground.
A bit of pain raced over you, but it was familiar enough for you to know that the most you would have is a bruise.
There was silence, then roaring laughter and you hazily pushed yourself up to see Jon cackling. His hand pressed to his stomach as he laughed at your fall.
"You are such a dick." You mumbled as you pushed yourself up.
Jon did not seem to care and continued to laugh. You rolled your eyes before pushing yourself to your feet. His laughter seemed to halt as you turned towards him. He paused, weakly smiling, "Is this the part where I run?"
Smiling slowly, you tilted your head and shrugged.
"It can be; however I am willing to negotiate."
He hesitated, eyes going wide as he looked around the room clearly noticing the hardwood floors and his feet in socks.
"Ah okay, uhm how does hot chocolate sound?"
You narrowed your eyes taking a step forwards, Jon's hands went out and he blinked a few times taking a step back.
"And a donut or pastry or whatever you like."
You took another step forwards and Jon flinched raising his hands to cover himself as he squeaked out,
"From Nonna's!"
You hesitated, recalling the Italian woman's small cafe and all the baked goods inside. Including her delightful assortment of drinks.
"I want extra whipped cream on my drink and a bag of stuff."
Jon paused, looking up at you slowly, his eyes narrowed, "Is that all?"
You thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes."
He held out a hand slightly shaking, and you grinned, "Deal."
After a somewhat civil handshake, you took a step back feeling something warm in your chest.
"I'll get my shoes and coat!"
Bounding back to your room you grabbed a pair of shoes and a coat before practically skipping back into the kitchen. Jon had his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall, a strange look on his face. As you pulled your coat and shoes on you approached him.
He hesitated, making eye contact with you and blanching. He cleared his throat, eyes darting towards the front door.
"I- i I uh... I don't think going now is a good idea-"
You rolled your eyes, "You promised, we are going no backing out, we shook on it!"
But something about his hesitance made your stomach churn, pins and needles beginning to bounce on your chest.
Jon opened his mouth to say something else and you walked over to the door, your hand resting on the handle when something escapes him.
"Wait!" He almost squeaks.
You hesitated for a moment before looking back to the door and slowly opening it. An empty hallway stood before you and you tilted to show Jon. Snorting a laugh at his surprise you scrunched up your nose giving him a teasing look, hoping to make him roll his eyes- or at the very least stop his nervous behavior.
"Does the big bad empty space scare you Little Johnny?" You asked in a voice you'd use on a child.
Jon seemed to relax, his shoulders dropping and air leaving him as he stared at the doorway; clearly not registering your taunt. A second passed before his head snapped in your direction and he narrowed his eyes.
"Seriously? Little Johnny?"
You shrugged, "What else am I supposed to call you? Your name???"
This made him laugh, which calmed the buzzing on your chest and churning in your stomach. Yet, something about the look in his eyes made the pins and needles dig deeper, moving to the back of your neck and shoulders.
Jon moved towards you and the door, seeming more relaxed than before but... something seemed off. However, you didn't know Jon well enough to know what exactly that meant.
He gestured out the doorway smiling slightly, "Shall we?"
Pausing you nodded, a slur of worries being pushed back in your mind as you smiled, "Of course!"
Surprisingly, despite the early hour, Nonna's was in fact open. You were not in fact Nonna's first customers; however, you were able to get your order in. You had to wait but waiting for Nonna's goodies was worth it.
Though, Jon was acting a bit odd. Looking at his phone frequently as he shifted from one foot to the other, eyes darting to the door every once in a while. After nearly ten minutes of this behavior, you were suspicious. Elbowing his side, you tilted your head and opened your mouth to ask him what was going on when Nonna called out your name. You moved to get your order, smiling at Nonna from behind the counter.
"Here's what you asked for piccolina, I added some extra's since you and that patatino," She gestured to Jon who was staring at the door frozen, "over there are looking a little thin."
You nodded smiling, as you took your bag and hot chocolate from her, happy for the food but worried as the pins and needles stabbed into your neck and shoulders, dancing around your heart.
"Buongiorno Nonna."
"Torna Presto, Piccolina!"
Nonna beamed as she moved on to her next customer. Turning back towards Jon you moved towards him, brow furrowed as you stopped at his side.
"What the heck, are you okay Jon?"
He didn't reply, instead he stiffed as the bell to Nonna's rang. His eyes locked on who just entered as he took a breath in slowly. Confused, you looked to see what was making him so still.
Standing in the doorway, disheveled and sweating was none other than Damian Wayne. The two of you made eye contact and you felt the air and color leave you. Heart hammering, you froze for a singular moment, long enough to see the recognition and relief in his eyes.
Something warm blossomed in your chest, a wave of joy that wrapped around your throat. It squeezed at your heart as a bitter taste coated your tongue and you weakly took a breath in. He was here, he was here. It was almost instinctual to lean in and hug him. To start some sort of physical contact as if you make sure he was here-truly here. Then the tight pulsing of your veins and breathing of your lungs yanked you back into reality. He- he had betrayed you, he- he had abandoned you. Pulling back, you squeezed your hand into a fist, eyes raking over him before noticing the movement just beyond his shoulder. No, the person behind him. She looked a little frazzled, but still as perfect as ever. Looking back to Damian the sluggish feeling of betrayal up your spine.
A wave of emotions fierce and roaring climbed up your throat as you backed away from the door. For a moment you couldn't breathe, and the world was spinning as a realization crashed down around you.
He was here.
Why was he here? Why did he have to come just as you were starting to get numb to all those emotions? Why did he have to come after you just made it past an episode? Why did he come? Why? Why?!
Swallowing you pushed back your worries and fears, back the questions and pain. Gripping your hot chocolate tighter as you let out a slow breath, then you began walking towards the door. Hoping your nonchalant attitude would make them ignore you or so baffled you could slip past. As you made it to the doorway, you began to slide towards the street, outside of the store-the place with no escape, to the open and free air that allowed you the opportunity to turn and leave.
Unfortunately, your hopes were in vain. A hand clamped down on your arm, pulling you in. And you blinked, looking to find Damian Wayne practically towering next to you. Eyes frantically racing over your face and body, worry covering every feature as you felt his heavy breaths on your skin. Hell, his heaving chest nearly touched your arms as you felt his heat.
Taking another breath you gave him a blank look, your eyes instantly drawn to your sister loitering behind him. A muddled mixture of emotions on her face.
"If," You began calmly, your eyes locking on his nose, so you don't have to look into his eyes, "you're here because you think I'm trying to steal Jon or poison him against you, you should know I'm not. And there's no reason to worry."
You saw his jaw twitch and his grip tightened on your arm as he pulled you in even closer. Faintly, you could feel Jon lingering behind you. Clearly watching and waiting for a moment that deemed too much for you or a spot to intervene.
"I am not here because of that."
You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked away from Damian's face. Eyes once again drawing to your sister, whose brow was furrowed, a scowl of sorts on her face.
"Then why are you here?" You softly asked nails digging into your palm as you looked towards the floor.
"I'm here for you."
Snapping up, you raised your head and made the unfortunate mistake of meeting Damian's gaze. There was some kind of pain you noticed in his eyes. Pain, worry and something you refused to believe was real.
Looking away you tried to focus to stay calm, but your heart refused to listen.
Liar one side of it hissed
For me? the other side sobbed
Pushing down your feuding heart, you tried to think, think of the real reason he could be here. It took just a moment for you to come to what you thought was a viable conclusion.
He was here to show you how awful you really were.
He was here to prove he was in the right, and you were wrong.
To show that you weren't good enough.
That your sister was and that's the whole reason he chose her was because you weren't good enough.
Because you weren't enough.
The air stopped in your chest, and it was then you noticed your sister's gaze locked on Damian's hand gripping your arm. Forcing a breath you swallowed, your free hand to touch the one holding you there.
Almost instantly, Damian let go of your arm, his brows creased as his gaze flicked, just for a moment to Jon. Quickly looking back at you, almost as if he was scared, you'd disappear or be gone since he took his eyes off of you, Damian let out a long breath. Then, he stepped back until he was on the sidewalk, out of the doorway but blocking any escape onto the street.
Part of you hated that he knew you well enough to know you'd try to escape. Knew you well enough to know cornering you in a public place would not only make you even more hostile but frustrated people knew your personal business. Damian knew you well enough to know that even though you wanted to run, you did not want to impede on others.
Grinding your teeth, you exited Nonna's. You didn't have much of a choice other than moving out of the doorway fully and standing so close to Damian you were practically pressed into his side.
His hand was brushing your cheek, and you found a frown searing itself into his face.
"There is a bruise forming... what happened? How did this occur? Did someone harm you? Who hurt you?"
It took everything in you not to shove him away screaming,
when will you stop hurting me?
Instead, you gently moved his hand from your face and tightly smiled your eyes drifting to Jon, confused why he hadn't stepped in or tried to help you escape yet.
"I'm fine, I just fell earlier. It was an accident, don't-" You stopped.
Don't worry.
Why did you need to say that? Why did you need to reassure him you were okay?
Why why why?
"You fell?" Damian murmurs, eyes narrowed, clearly unconvinced.
"Yes," You retorted, taking in a breath, "I was running around the apartment and my foot caught a chair leg. Ask Jon, he was there."
"I know."
Stepping closer to you, your sister cleared her throat, smiling tightly, fully capturing your attention, "Y/N how are you liking Metropolis?"
"It's fine," You began narrowing your eyes as you looked her over, "why-"
Before you could even finish your question, she interrupted gesturing to Jon with a smug look on her face.
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"Who, Jon? No, no. He's my friend, a good friend, but just a friend."
Part of you wanted to look at Damian as you said this, but you kept your composure enough to keep your gaze on S/N. However, she rolled her eyes at your comment almost as if she didn't believe you. And there was a look on her face that made something in you snap. Taking a step closer to her you scowled, crossing your arms.
"What the hell are you doing here anyways? I thought you were happily living in Gotham now," You hesitantly shot Damian a look before turning back to her, "I thought you both were."
Your sister weakly laughed, "Well, things have been... interesting. Adjusting to living in a new city is difficult, you should know that."
"I'm doing perfectly fine here; in fact, I was doing great until you- until the two of you showed up."
S/N blinked in surprise almost recoiling from your words. She opened her mouth, clearly prepared to spin a sob story to make you feel bad when Damian pulled you away from her.
"Be quiet, S/N."
"But Da-"
"I said quiet. It is atrocious enough that you followed me here. I do not need you aggregating things with Y/N by lying again."
"It's not lying exactly-"
There was a loud crash that rocketed you all straight into silence. You paused, looking around before taking a step forwards, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.
At first you couldn't even see past the roof of the stores just beyond Nonna's. But as you slid into the empty street, you noticed a blur of colors. A familiar blur of colors.
Red and Blue.
"Oh shit," You whispered as an alarm of sorts began to blare.
You turned to shout to the others what was going on when a blast of sorts had you stumbling backwards. Looking up you saw a building tumbling towards you.
Blinking, everything seemed to go deathly still as a low whirling began in your ears. You turned, your eyes slowly blinking again as the building got closer to you and figures- blurred figures raced towards you as the whirling rose to a rumble then a voice, shout- no screaming your name. Before dust and rubble covered your eyes and something heavy struck your head sending you into pitch black darkness.
Dust and what must have been ash floated in the air. Catching on your eyelashes and blurring your vision as you stirred. Blinking to find heavy rock and metal-rubble surrounding you. Wincing, you shifted in an attempt to get on your feet when you heard a groan.
Turning, you found just a few feet behind you a dusty and twitching person. Rubbing the dust away before you got closer you noticed a slab of concrete, a crimson splotch barely visible just on the area it made contact with the person's leg.
Moving closer, you noticed the familiar figure- the face and eyes. Moving closer you realized it was Damian. Going still you bit your lip as he grunted, clearly waking up.
Part of you wanted to just stare, to wait for him to notice you. But you also- the pain in your chest grew at the sight of him. Fallen and pinned, injured-bleeding; he was hurt. And-and in front of you. How could you just stand by and watch?
How was he even here? He was far away when the building fell and yet-here he was.
Moving closer you began to focus on his pinned leg, he blinked clearly trying to sit up.
"What are you doing here?" You muttered as you crouched near the slab.
"What are you doing over here! You should be by Nonna's safe from falling rubble and being trapped in a growing hellhole!" Peering around the slab, you noticed it wasn't too large. And there was definitely enough room for you to lift it up.
"I what?" You snapped, shooting him a glare.
He hesitated, seeming to realize what you were doing as you took in a deep breath and slid your fingers under the concrete.
"I was attempting to reach you. To-to- remove you from danger."
You froze, air stopping in your lungs as sweat coated your hands. Gripping the slap harder you yanked upwards, heart racing. The slab rose just enough for his leg to slip free. Rolling, he cursed and scrambled away from the slab as the sweat weakened your grip and the slab fell back in place.
Silence overcame the two of you and you sighed deeply before remarking, "... you pushed me out of the way of falling rubble?"
"It is possible that situation occurred."
"It is my belief that in consideration of our current... situation, we would be at a loss in continuing to bicker on what exactly occurred so that I would result in being confined here with you."
"Then what exactly should we be doing?"
"Perhaps we can discuss what truly occurred in reference to when your sister came to Gotham."
Your teeth sank onto the inner part of your cheek as you let out a hissing breath. Nails digging into the palm of your hands as you turned to him.
Frustrated, sad and-and angry.
Angry that this whole situation came about and that you were being pushed once again to listen. To understand. That what happened was always going to happen.
But part of you... part of you wanted to listen. To hear his explanation and get rid of the ever-growing pit of abyss in your chest. To listen and understand what he did. That it never really was between you and her. That you were enough and that, that.... he would choose you.
However, you knew it was too late for something like that to occur. He had chosen her. Just as everyone else did, just as everyone always will.
You were never and will never be anyone's first choice. Especially when your sister was an option. Especially when you were just simply you. Not something greater or grander like she was, like others will be.
So, you need to make a choice. Hear him out, listen to the same story you've heard hundreds of times before or sit in the unknowing. Questioning whether or not it actually was the same, whether or not you weren't enough. Questioning if he really did choose her over you.
And you weren't exactly good with questions, with curiosities and wonderings. But you were tired of hearing all the reasons your sister was better...
Maybe this time will make you realize the truth. Maybe this time, hearing the words of devotion to your sister from someone who you so deeply loved and trusted would make you realize it will always be her. Maybe it will make you realize you need to stop hoping and wishing and wanting it to be you. Because in the end it never will be.
Swallowing, you relaxed your hand and jaw. Sinking onto the dusty ground with a sigh you shrugged.
"Fine, fine. Why the hell not, tell me your little sob story. I'll listen. I won't cry or shout or say you're lying. Tell me the truth and it will all be over."
He began pulling himself across the ground closer to you. You locked your jaw, wincing before going still.
"It- There- A misunderstanding occurred. I wish to rectify this, because... for a lack of superior terminology, it is not what you think."
You raised an eyebrow as he slid even closer to you, sweat beading on his brow. Mixing with the dust and dirt that clung to his face, sliding down his face drawing your eye to his face- his jaw and- no.
"Really now?" You sneered.
"Y/N-" He began and you rolled your eyes.
"Damian stop with the antics, call me as you usually do."
"... I regularly address you in this manner."
"Wha- no- wait..." You paused blinking a few times as faint memories raced across your mind, with his voice always calling you by your first name, "when did you stop calling me by my last name?"
"Is that what you truly wish to know?"
You took a risk and met his gaze, seeing the unwavering determination in his eyes. Almost as if he'd tell you anything you wanted to know.
"Y- no. No, just continue, continue please."
He paused for just a moment before nodding weakly and continuing, "When your sister first arrived in Gotham, I was... concerned. You had previously stated that your accounts could be biased. Therefore, I desired to comprehend the truth in your... contemptuous relationship. Thus, I enacted a strategy to ascertain your sister's true intentions."
Strategy... a plan-he- he wait
"You-you... you wanted to know what my sister wanted with me?"
Eyes still locked onto each other you watched him sigh heavily, his jaw locking as he readjusted himself.
"In essence, I yearned to distinguish if your belief is correct or if your judgment was clouded due to... past grievances."
He...wa-he wanted to know the truth. Was there really anything wrong with that? After all he wouldn't have come all this way if he... if he truly chose your sister.
Speaking of your sister... what- what did he find that made him- made him decide to lie to you??
"... And what exactly did you discover?"
At this he broke eye contact and your stomach dropped. You were wrong, you were wrong she wasn't trying to hurt you. She wasn't being cruel. oh lord what had you done-
"You- you... your perspective on the matter is accurate. Extensively accurate. In fact, according to my comprehension, your sister not only dislikes you- but she wishes to have you... under her control."
wait, you were right? You were right? Then- then what exactly was she trying to do? Why was she so cruel? Why did he use those methods to discover this?
"So, you're telling me that you flirted with and went on a date with my sister because you wanted to know what her intentions with me were?"
"That is correct."
"And... she hates me."
Damian winced as he attempted to slide even closer to you. It was then you realized how you were leaning back, shoulders straight, arms crossed and nails in palm. Tense you were so tense.
"Hardly, rather she- well rather it appears to me she is... envious of you."
This startled you. What, what on earth could he mean by envious?
"Ugh, perhaps the word jealous provides more clarity."
"She's-... she's jealous of me?" You were barely able to get the words out as your shoulders sank and Damian's hand brushed against your leg.
He shifted once again, pulling himself so he was seated at your side. He was panting and his brow was soaked in sweat.
"That is how I have come to understand it."
It- none of this made any sense.
"As far as I was able to discern, she envy's your strength against society and peer's ideals on who you are and how you should behave."
He reached out, gently grabbing your hand and holding it in his own as you stared at the rubble surrounding the two of you. There was more silence when he squeezed your hand. You turned to him and he half heartedly gestured to his leg before remarking,
"Is this not when you scold me for causing further injury to myself? Better yet, why have you not voiced any complaints or objections to my actions?"
"Because you did it to yourself, who am I to tell you what to do?" You snorted rolling your eyes as you took his hand in return, "besides would you have actually listened to me?"
"I do not believe I would."
For a moment or two, it almost felt as though everything was going back to the way it was supposed to be. In fact, you were just about to lean into him when a thought crossed your mind.
why did he hide it? Why did he not include you? Why keep it from you?
"Why didn't you tell me?"
He was quiet and you swallowed, waiting for the weak explanation of how he realized he didn't like you all that much. Instead, you got,
"I- wished to inform you of my discoveries... but only after I obtained a method to prevent her from ever... from allowing her envy to create contention between the two of you."
Contention... wait-wait was- was he trying to protect you?
"You- you were trying to figure out how to prevent her from being mean to me?"
"I was attempting to, but... you ran away."
A heat of sorts rose up in your chest and burned away the fleeting sensation of relief and regret.
"I did not run away," You snapped, pulling your hand from his as you glared, "I left."
"I apologize," He said, his face pale as he reached out for you once again, "It seemed, at the time, that you were running."
It wasn't a wrong assumption exactly but... how- how did he-
"How did you find me?" You whispered.
"I- I will give you this information under an immovable condition."
You raised your head brow furrowed with suspicion rising in your throat, "And what is that?"
"You- you cannot act and must think through all I will tell. You must listen because there is much I will say."
Someone- someone had given you up. Someone had betrayed you...again.
"My... family, those who knew, would not even acknowledge your absence. So do not worry, they still hold your confidence in high regard."
You relaxed slightly, swallowing as a weight on your shoulders lifted. Making eye contact you raised an eyebrow and nodded.
"I searched for any trace and found none. It is my belief that Gordon erased your tracks... regardless I- i had begun to lose hope when... when Kent reached out to me."
You froze, your chest tightening as your nail instinctively stabbed into your palm. Biting your lip, you looked away as a heavy darkness clouded your mind. Clutching onto your shoulders and sinking into your skin as a pain of sorts danced across your veins.
"He was... concerned about my wellbeing. And soon, yours. He informed me he knew of your location, but it wasn't until he said you were looking gaunt- that it was evident not only with your action but with your appearance. You- he said-" Damian paused, swallowing as it seemed almost as if he was in pain as he continued, "you were suffering. And that though he did not wish to betray you, your welfare was far more important."
This was, this was odd. You had never experienced someone- someone doing something for your own good even though you were against it.
"Jon- Jon told you where I was because he was worried?"
"Yes, he- he ordered me to come to your side," Damian chuckled, "To explain and clarify what occurred. That he could not bear to see you in such a state for any longer."
"Ah... and you didn't originally tell me because-because you were trying to protect me?"
Damian blinked a few times, turning to you, confusion clinging to his features as you noted his flushed cheeks, more than likely due to his strenuous efforts to reach your side, "Pardon?"
"You approached my sister, trying to figure out what she wanted because you didn't want me to get hurt. You even wanted to come up with a plan to stop her from hurting me. So, you wanted to protect me."
He tilted his head and shrugged, eyes raking over your face as if he was taking it in for the first time.
"With it phrased in that manner, yes. It appears that way."
"Why did you-" You hesitated faintly recalling Damian calling you friend and you stopped.
You knew why he did it. At least most of it. A better question to ask- a question ringing in your mind over and over again was,
"Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?"
"I- I am afraid I do not understand."
"Why didn't you tell me you were planning on figuring out what my sister wanted? Why did you lie to me? Why did you hide this from me?"
"I feared it would harm you."
"You- you tend to be... excessively sensitive with matters involving your sister. I did not want you to... worry whether or not your intentions or beliefs about what happened with your sister were incorrect."
You paused, something sparking in your chest. A light of hope or joy. Something warm and happy that began to spread, the fact he knew you well enough to know you'd think that way-
But it didn't entirely make sense.
Damian would usually be there with you shaking his arms crossed as he sighed at your thoughts. Saying something along the lines of "you need not think that way. While I loathe to admit it, I made mistakes as well. And as Father has said, to make mistakes is human.... though I doubt he himself follows this proverb."
Looking him over you raised your head, eyes once again narrowed. Suspicion-a light more curious suspicion- rose up on your skin. Itching and crawling as confusion clouded your mind.
"What doesn't make sense."
He blinked, looking to you his brow furrowed pain etched into his face as he let out a ragged breath.
"I would appreciate some elaboration."
"That reason doesn't make sense."
"I beg your pardon?"
"You-... just as well as you know me Damian, I know you. And I know that me being worried I was wrong about my sister is not a good enough reason you'd keep that plan from me."
He faltered, wincing as he avoided your eyes, "It- at the time it appeared to me that you were... compromised emotionally due to your sister's unexpected arrival. I did not want to-to pressure you more with this... scheme of mine."
You snorted, crossing your arms as you gave him an irritated and amused look.
"Damian, even after my grandma died, who I was really close with. After I got back from her funeral, you still felt the need to tell me I was lacking when on patrol."
He shifted, eyes drifting away from you, his jaw locked.
"I do not understand how that circumstance and the present conversation connect."
"You are lying to me right now. I don't know why, and I honestly don't really care. I just want the truth."
He breathed out a heavy sigh before meeting your gaze, "I have grown a great deal since then. I now better understand what is appropriate and what is not."
Something stirred in you, it ached that he was still lying and-and you couldn't understand why. You didn't care about why truthfully. As long as you knew the truth, he could keep all the secrets about why he had lied that he wanted.
"I am telling you the truth." He seethed.
"I don't believe you; it doesn't make sense."
"Why would you do that?" You threw your hands up, shaking your head in confusion, that ache turning into a burning flame" Why would you care all of the sudden-"
The flame went out and all of the anger and frustration disappeared in the blink of an eye. You tilted your head, confusion overtaking everything, "...what?"
"I have amorous feelings... for you."
Confusion grew and grew buzzing in your chest and throat. None of this made sense what- amorous, what in the hell did that mean?
"I- I don't understand, Damian what are you saying-"
He pressed on, "Just as you told me when saying goodbye, it hurts to see you in such a state-it burns me alive to harm you in any way because- because."
Your throat went dry the confusion beginning to fade, "Damian-"
"Because I am in love with you."
The world went still and you couldn't breathe. His words ringing over and over again in your mind.
Because I am in love with you
I am in love with you
A faint shifting sound caused you to let out a breath, air flushing in and out of your lungs.
"You-you... what?"
"I, myself, do not fully comprehend the scope of these... emotions. However, I am not going to deny them any longer."
His voice dropped, and he reached out, taking your hands in his, pulling you in closer.
"I am in love with you, when I heard you say that you felt the same and-and that I had hurt you. It nearly destroyed me. Especially since I could not fix my mistake. Especially because I could not comfort you. I could not even see your face. But your voice- I heard all the pain and sorrow I had caused." He released your hands and cupped your face pressing his forehead against yours, "Knowing I had done that in an attempt to keep you safe- that it was all my fault... I have not slept since you left. I have not ate- I have not lived since you left me."
You swallowed heat racing across your cheeks as you met his gaze. That longing you saw earlier burning so much brighter. The regret and sorrow swirling in between his eyes as you felt the tremble in his grip.
"I regret every action of mine that led me here- that hurt you. And I ask you to forgive me for my lunacy-for my arrogance and stupidity."
Head spinning you breathed slowly, confused and-and happy. He- he hadn't betrayed you.
"Seeing you once again-I... " He paused, shifting his grip, "I could not breathe for a moment. You- you were so stunning standing before me.... I understand if you-you feel different, but I beg of you. Please let me stay by your side. I care not if it is in Gotham or here. I- I am certain that without you- without your mere presence I will not survive."
In fact, he was always on your side. Always. He never chose he- it was- it was always you.
He chose you
You squeezed your eyes shut, heart hammering in your chest as your eyes burned and something warm slipped down your cheek.
"Oh-ah I- I apologize. I did- I did not intend-"
Something bubbled in your stomach almost making you laugh at his worry and frantic words that happened merely because of a few tears.
"Damian I'm okay," You whispered, opening your eyes seeing the panic on his face as you sniffed, "Happy- these are happy tears."
"oh- I... so you are not angry with me?"
"No- no I'm happy," You replied wiping away your tears, "happy I was wrong, happy you feel the same and-and..."
Damian went still and you pressed your head fully against his closing your eyes.
"I love you Damian, I still do. And- I-i... I accept your apology. It will take time for me to-to be comfortable once again but... I am willing to try-try at something more."
Opening your eyes, you felt your face flush even darker as you could see the pure and utter joy on his face. He leaned in and you did as well, eyes beginning to flutter when there was a crash of sorts.
Your eyes flew open, and you found just a few feet away from where you and Damian sat was now a hole. A gaping hole that led outside-into the clear open air and warmth. Just outside of the hole a figure floated faint streams of light catching to reveal colors to you.
Red and Blue.
Weakly laughing you raised a hand, "uh, ha, Hey Supes."
There was silence for a moment and Superman floated into the small alcove of rubble and dust. He looked at the two of you and raised an eyebrow.
"Are you both alright?"
You nodded slowly before hesitating, "Uh no- no."
You turned to Damian who was very pale and clinging to you. Swallowing you gestured to his leg turning back to Superman.
"His leg- it got caught under some stuff when we got stuck here. I think it might be broken or something."
There was a moment of silence before Superman flew closer to the two of you and in a second, he had pulled the two of you into his arms.
It was a matter of moments before you were outside, the sun bright as he set the two of you down. Pointing towards the paramedics nearby.
"You can get help there."
"Thank you!" You said with a smile as you grabbed onto Damian's arm.
Superman nodded with a smile before taking off, probably to help others. Damian half shuffled towards you wincing slightly and you began to reach for him when he said under his breath,
"And here I was desiring the opportunity to rescue you."
A heat rushed over you, and it almost seemed as if your body moved on its own. Your hands grabbing the collar of his shirt as you pulled him to you, pressing your lips against his.
There were a few moments, with your lips pressed against his, where nothing happened. Then, in an instant, with a wince of pain and body shaking, he grabbed onto your arm and kissed you back.
Heart, hammering you pulled away, almost panting as a slight feeling of regret coating your throat. Looking at his face you found a dazed look and released his shirt. Almost instantly he began tumbling towards the ground. Arms shooting out you captured him, pulling him close.
He winced muttering curses as he used your shoulder to pull himself up. Looking around you found people staring phones up and lights flashing.
"Oh shit," you whispered.
Damian shifted and you realized he wanted to move. Slowly walking half carrying him you began your trek towards the paramedics. Leaning against you he began muttering things,
"They will be relentless in their mockings for months."
Rolling your eyes, you steadied him, his head resting on your shoulder as you moved closer to the paramedics.
"Is it, all of this, the teasing and pain... is it all worth it?"
Shifting so he could look at your you he smiled, eyes locked on your face a soft and warm gaze- so heartfelt and yearning as he replied,
"If I am with you? Always."
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littlemissaddict · 6 days
To Eddie it was a usual Saturday movie night around Steve's until it wasn't. Well there was the usual suspects Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and the kids but there was someone new, someone he'd only heard them talk about in passing but now she was here.
He'd managed to wait until after the first movie when she'd gone to help Nancy in the kitchen after the pizza delivery. "So what's her deal? How come she just shows up out of the blue? I mean it's a small town, everyone knows everyone but I've never heard of her until you all mentioned her" he asks, trying to keep his voice low so she can't hear.
"Jeez calm down, there's more to her than meets the eye in fact you are both probably more alike than you think" Robin reveals which leaves Eddie with even more questions, questions that he doesn’t get to ask as she and Nancy enter the room with the food.
They all make it through another movie before Eddie stands up declaring he needs a smoke break. "Anyone joining me?" He asks to which everyone declines. Shrugging his shoulders, Eddie turns and heads through to the kitchen towards the back door.
"Actually I think I could use a bit of fresh air" she says to no one in particular, pushing up off the couch and stretching her body out.
"But you don't smoke" Nancy pipes up.
"And is it really fresh air if your just inhaling second hand smoke?" Mike adds with a roll of his eyes.
Max clearly sensing what was going on reaches over and smacks Mike upside his head. She shoots the younger girl a grateful smile and follows the way Eddie went just moments earlier.
She cracks the door open as quietly as she can, not wanting to scare Eddie. Though it doesn't seem like it would have mattered anyway, he's sitting on one of the sun loungers over by the pool staring up into the sky at the stars overhead.
"They're so much prettier out here" she says softly as she joins him, taking a seat on the sun lounger next to him. Eddie doesn't flinch, she guesses he heard her coming, only hums in response as he takes another drag from his cigarette. "I used to love coming out here as a kid, life's so much slower than in the big city, you know you wouldn't find anyone just sitting around stargazing but then again there's too much light there so you can't really see the stars" she doesn't know why she's telling him this, her mouth running away with her as she settles back into the seat.
They sit in silence as Eddie finishes his cigarette, dropping it in the ashtray he had the foresight to bring out with him. He eyes her up as he turns, trying to work out what to say next without seeming too prying but when she turns towards him having sensed his gaze he decides to just go for it. "So how did you even become friends with them?"
She blinks at him, processing the question and to be fair the topic had never been discussed and she could see where his curiosity was coming from considering she wasn't even from the town. "Nancy," she says finally, "we'd made friends when I used to visit when I was younger and then the rest of the group just kinda claimed me as one of the the last few years" she explained.
Eddie nodded with a smile as he relaxed back into the sun lounger. "Makes sense, you and Nancy seem very alike" he comments, missing the way her nose scrunches in discontempt that he's already seems to have a made up image of her in his head when he doesn't even know her.
"We are alike but we're also not alike in the slightest" she informs him, not that there was anything wrong with being like Nancy, she was smart, pretty and fiercely protective of those she loves but at the same time she was also her own person, not Nancy.
"Coulda fooled me" he smirks, raising his brows in challenge to her to prove him wrong, "but then again the others seem to think the two of us have a lot in common" he adds, disbelief at the words written across his face.
"And they'd be right" she states, a smirk on her own face.
"Yeah, you take three times to graduate high school? Or are you a secret metalhead or something? Got some hidden tattoos you not showing?" He tries, all things that he doesn’t believe fit her.
"No," she replies without hesitation, causing Eddie to interrupt with a scoff, mumbling an 'I thought so' with a smug smile. "You didn’t let me finish," she huffs in frustration at his interruption, "I passed high school first time round, yes I listen to metal and yes I have tattoos" she finishes, feeling quite smug with herself in the way Eddie's now quiet, mouth hung open in disbelief.
"You-you" Eddie stutters at a loss for words, "can I see" he asks, referring to her tattoos.
"Are you asking me to strip? Jeez take a girl out to dinner first" she teases, just to see Eddie splutter some more. Call it payback for the misconception he had of her.
"Are you serious?" He asks, his face tinted red enough to see even in the fading light of the sun.
"About the tattoos, yes, about taking me out to dinner, no unless that's something you'd be interested in" she winks, enjoying the teasing and more so Eddie's reactions considering the loud and boisterous way he'd been so far tonight.
Eddie just stares at her, seemingly deciding what to say when Steve's voice comes from the back door, "are you too going to stay out there all night or can we put another movie on?" He sounds frustrated with the two of them but one look at his face tells them both that the anger is fake, he's probably just happy they're getting along.
She jumps up from the sun lounger, making her way towards the house without even looking if Eddie is following her but then Steve's question about if she's playing nice tells her that he hasn't. "Always" she promises with a sweet smile as she slides through the door and heads towards the rest of the group.
"Come on man" Steve urges as Eddie finally stands, only stopping when he gets to Steve. "Yeah I know, you'll get used to her" Steve chuckles, seeing the look of confusion and awe mixed into one on his face as he ushers him back inside to where the rest of the group were waiting.
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melonteee · 4 months
Just saw someone’s wacko take on Whole Cake Island and I want to see your thoughts, as I get everyone had their own opinions but damn theirs made me baffled
Basically they said that Sanji being forced into marriage was completely unnecessary and was Oda’s terrible attempt to “fix” Sanji after the time skip. That we didn’t need to see how good of a person Sanji is as that was something already seen pre timeskip but was completely ruined post apparently
They then also claimed that Sanji’s blood family has no point of existing, and they questioned why he needed more story when his original backstory was enough. They claimed that this was a terrible attempt by Oda to make Sanji seem as broken as possible to apparently excuse his gross behaviour post time skip
They said that Sanji’s family being emotionless monsters shouldn’t mean anything to Sanji as he’s a pirate and faces cruel people all the time, they don’t think it added anything to his character. They believe Oda only did this to get people to like Sanji again after apparently assassinating his character post time skip
They also brought up Pudding being 16 (which we don’t know is true or not) and how that makes Sanji seem more gross and Oda gross by extension
Again I believe everyone can have their opinions, but when an opinion is as jaw droopingly awful as this it makes me want to slam my head against a wall, it’s also annoying that they’ve turned off comments to prevent any discussion really showing how stubborn they are on this
Anyway I wanted to see your thoughts as you are the no.1 Sanji fan
Sighssssss I cannot stand this "Oda wanted to 'fix' Sanji" idea these people have, because that just tells me...they literally do not pay attention to Sanji at all.
As always, yes, Sanji has pervy gags. Yes, he was a bit much in Fishman Island SPECIFICALLY, but he IS the same character.
Fishman Island showed his fierce care and love for Nami as a CREWMATE by telling Jinbe what the fuck Arlong did to her, because he was LITERALLY there for Arlong's defeat and nearly died with the others fighting for Nami! He spoke up for Nami as FAMILY and that means a LOT to her.
Punk Hazard showed his kindness towards Kinemon and the kids by helping Kinemon - a dangerous stranger - and helping the kids per Nami's request.
Dressrosa showed Sanji's kindness is so valued due to Viola breaking down and feeling safe with him, to the point she told him the truth about Dressrosa and Doflamingo.
Zou showed JUST how kind Sanji is by helping save an ENTIRE island, Pedro valuing his kindness SO MUCH he risked his life to help get Sanji back to his crew.
Sanji has never needed fixing, what Sanji NEEDED was an explanation for why the fuck he was a kid by himself on a sailing ship. He NEEDED an explanation for HOW he could be a kid from the north but somehow be in the east. He NEEDED an explanation for why he was so self sacrificing to the point he thought of giving his life - not just for Zeff, but for ANYONE - seemed like the best choice to him.
Yes, it wouldn't be a question if it was just for Zeff and the Baratie. But it wasn't just for Zeff, he also did it for Usopp, for Luffy, for Nami, for Zoro, for Robin. Sanji's self sacrificing nature was ROOTED in him, and we had no idea from WHERE.
In fact, his self worth was so little, he asked a LITERAL ADULT why he was being nice to him - when he was a KID! And as I said in my Sanji video, WHAT kid asks why an adult is treating them nicely? NO other kid in One Piece has asked an adult that, because they're kids!
The fact it was suspected Sanji's family were powerful from YEARS ago, due to the fact his face wasn't on posters, AND Duval was being endlessly chased after, AND Sanji was from the north, AND his blood type was rare, says plenty enough that it was TOTALLY necessary.
Sanji literally finds his worth in other people, and again, that didn't stem from Zeff! Zeff treasured Sanji to the point Zeff used his HANDS on him, so WHERE does this self-hating nature come from with Sanji?
And we get it! We get it with his WCI story! We see the depths of his soul, the peaks of his kindness, and just how extreme the HATRED for himself is. He didn't even think Luffy WANTED him because his self worth is THAT low.
But, most importantly, we see JUST how strong Sanji is due to STAYING kind - even WITH everything he's gone through. WCI is about SANJI'S strength of character, through and through, and calling that unnecessary is just INSANE to me. Again, it just tells me these people do not like Sanji at all, to the point they didn't pay much attention to him. Because of COURSE when you don't look behind you, but then someone appears in front of you, you're gonna go "?? now where did THAT come from??"
But literally anyone who pays attention to Sanji expected to find out about his family and his origins, because the seeds were there!
Overall, if you want the deep dive for why it was necessary? My Sanji video explains it all :]
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002yb · 1 year
I’m so in love with your nightwing dick and robin jason scenario ❤️❤️
I have this one in mind what if dick was the one who managed to save jason from joker, and he was so angry at bruce, feeling the surge of possessiveness that drives him to be selfish and keep jason to himself, because if bruce can’t keep the boy safe, who else is going to do it?
Featuring jaybin with occuring nightmare almost every night, dick being overly protective, and some cute tender moments in between ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Stories where Dick lets himself be something monstrous to save someone dear to him are so lovely, omg (send recs please). Just Dick making that conscious decision, fully aware of how cruel he can be in his passions and doing it anyway. Not influenced, not manipulated - just wrathful in his anguish. (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
Though really, anguish can't even begin to describe how horrifying it is to come across Jason in that warehouse. Broken, alone. To mutilate a child is a cruel and inhuman horror, but it's the way Jason breathes - shallow and wet, lungs rattling in his chest - that might be most haunting. That pain as Jason struggles to live, as he watches in resignation as a timer tick, tick, ticks down, resigned to a reality that no one chose him - from his first breath to his last -- those breaths are Dick's undoing, his becoming.
The heartache he would feel would be a forcibly compartmentalized thing. There's no time to focus on how slight this boy is, how thin or small - because there's a countdown and Dick won't let this cold place be Jason's tomb.
They make it outside, but not far enough to escape the force of the explosion they leave behind. It would burn, but Dick would wrap himself tight around Jason as they're tossed meters away, Jason held fierce to Dick's chest as they roll through the sand.
Dick's back would be burned, charred. Shrapnel would pierce him and it hurts, but he can bear it. Pain would cloud his gaze, but Dick would hear those pitiful breaths as Jason gasps; he moves forward. Blood dripping, leaving a trail in the sand that's blown away before long.
Getting to a hospital is a struggle, but they make it. They take Jason away from him and Dick rages until he's sedated for treatment, himself.
They're both stable by the time Bruce makes his appearance. When he tries to walk into Jason's room, Dick forces him back out. Shoving - shoving until Bruce is outside and Dick is the guard to the threshold of Jason's room.
The fight that follows is an ugly thing. Neither of them can understand each other, but that's nothing new. Bruce demands that Dick move so that he can see is son; Dick bites back that he lost the right when he chose Joker over Jason. And it doesn't fucking matter to Dick that the lives of hundreds of thousands was at stake because none of them were Jason.
Maybe it's unfair of Dick to be so angry, but disappointment stings and Bruce has disappointed him too many times. A good hero, but something so unintentionally cruel as a man that it staggers him. Dick feels betrayed. By Bruce. For Jason. It fucking hurts.
'He's my son.' Would be Bruce's final argument.
Only: 'He's not your son. And you're no one's father.'
Because a father, a dad - they wouldn't do this.
The hospital staff has to intervene when Bruce lashes out and Dick fights back. The both of them pull away once civilians involve themselves in their affairs.
When Dick goes to return to Jason though, Bruce refuses him. Calling out to the staff, 'He's not family.'
Once the initial surprise of the disowning (though legally, Dick knows there was nothing ever there) happens, Dick would just hurt. Betrayed for an entirely new reason. What follows would be rage.
Maybe somehow Alfred is there. And Alfred is so torn because Dick is family, but Jason is just on the other side of a too-thin door. Dick wouldn't hold the man back; he would ask him to stay with Jason - Dick will stay as near as he's able.
Then Kory and Roy would come around to meet Dick. And Dick could have an Outlaws era. :)
Or just as good - Dick reaching out to Deathstroke. And having something of a Renegade era that starts and ends with killing Joker (although...does it have to end?)
Joker dies by Dick's hand, either way.
Which only adds to the strife with Bruce, but it also endears Jason to him like none other. And then Jason choosing Dick because Dick chose Jason and it's a twisted love affair, platonic or romantic what have you. //3///
Which would lead into all of the above that you've written, anon! Which is all such a good vibe I've been thinking about this for days hahaha. But Dick being something more wicked and cruel, then coming back to Jason and being soft and reverent? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm weak to this sort of situation. ;3;
Also, it's become my MO to go off on a tangent and that somehow only vaguely relates to a scenario that's all sorts of inspiring LOL I'm so sorry. For soft tender moments though:
Dick being there as Jason goes to and progresses with physical therapy. No lazarus pits here, so Jason heals as his body allows. And Dick is all sorts of positive energy and encouragement and challenge to motivate Jason to push - one more step, one more - Dick having all the pride for how Jason fights. Dick being the support Jason needs on hard days. Omfg Jason running to Dick and jumping, wrapping himself around Dick and Dick being !! at all of it but then so thrilled as he spins Jason around because a;woiejfaoiwejfaiowjef;oawijegoaihrg
During that period of time when Bruce tries and fails to keep them away from each other!! Dick sneaking into the manor - into Jason's room. Holding Jason as he rests, exhausted because of the nightmares that plague him. Bruce looking in on them, a dark shadow. Only the shadow that Dick casts is that much darker, that much more consuming. The way Dick's gaze would shift from warm to an icy tundra from looking from Jason to Bruce - it would be jarring. A warning.
Jason seeing the burn scars for the first time. Jason sneaking up from behind Dick, brushing his fingertips featherlight over gnarled flesh and being overwhelmed. Jason resting his forehead to Dick's back. Wrapping his arms around him. Dick startling, then being so soft as he rests his arms over Jason's - still so small and strong and haunting.
edit: realization that I never originally wrote in all my ahhhhhhhh feelings over you enjoying the nightwing and jaybin content omggggggg!! this makes me so happy, anon. thank you so much. //U///
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 10 months
The Robin Manual
First posted: May 8, 2018
Focuses on: Bruce (with some Damian)
My favorite bookmark: "Dick and later Damian help Bruce with his depressed potato days"
Second favorite bookmark: "do not read if sad"
Tier: Definitely one of my quieter fics by all metrics.
This is my "behind the scenes" series where I indulge myself frightfully by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
This was only my third fic ever posted and my first one-shot. As best I can remember, it started because I was procrastinating on Much That Once Was Is Lost (in which Tim is verrrry depressed) and thinking about depression in general. That made me think of the posts about Batman's cape as a weighted blanket, and then I swapped out the cape for a Robin.
Bruce Wayne was having a very bad day that unfortunately had been preceded by a very good week.
This felt important, to set up at the start that Bruce is well-acquainted with bad days and can handle them, but that he also has happiness and that sometimes the light can make the gloom feel gloomier.
Most of the time, he could feel them coming the way a swimmer could feel the approach of something huge beneath the surface of the water. The pressure would start to build, tugging at him like undertow by the shore, and it was always a gamble to see how long he could tarry before the pull yanked him under.
My two earlier fics both had water imagery, too, so this third time's charm really cemented things, I think.
As Bruce Wayne, he charmed and cajoled and raised funds and awareness. As the Bat, he worked and fought and bled. 
"Why doesn't the billionaire just—" HE DOES!! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! This man has devoted EVVVVVVERY facet of his life to trying to heal his city and to prevent his own childhood trauma from happening to everyone else!!
Then Dick Grayson had come into his life. Bright, irrepressible Dick, who despite all he’d been through shone so fiercely with life that sometimes it hurt to look at him. Days with Dick meant chatter and laughter and so many questions that Bruce’s tongue felt like shoe leather by the end. He loved every minute.
This was also important to me, establishing Bruce as someone so very different from Dick but who loves that boy completely and irrevocably. This was also multiple years pre-Battinson. Get on my level, Reeves, I dare you.
And then, very carefully, a small body had climbed onto his back and lay down.
Confession: I very much wanted Bruce to be on his back when Dick came in, so Dick could sleep on his chest. Idiot wouldn't roll over for me. Turns out stomach-sleeping is the most depressed of poses.
He couldn’t risk sinking, couldn’t risk losing himself, even for a day. He forced himself up and through his bad days, his mind fathoms away but his body up, moving, fighting, protecting. It felt like trying to walk on a broken foot, each step grinding shattered bones further into dust. But he did it, because he had to. And then came the very bad day in the very good week.
Again, the good makes the bad seem worse. Also, Bruce has such mammoth willpower, it makes sense that he would push through mental pain the same way he would physical, because he felt like he had to, even to his own detriment, and only be able to fall apart once he was sure it was safe to do so.
Bruce didn’t know how long he had drifted until he bumped against the reef of that voice. Skeletal fingers scrabbled at its edges, trying to hold fast before he could float away again. His kids needed him. There was an emergency. A case. He needed to pull himself up onto those shattered bones and stride back into the fight.
I am pleased with my own imagery. That is all.
When Bruce woke some time later, he remembered to twist slowly and grab the child on his back before turning over completely. With a quiet, sleepy grunt, he settled the groggy boy onto his chest and tousled his dark hair.
Finally! I got him onto his back! Have a small child curled on your chest like a sleepy kitty as a reward!
Lastly: I forgot that in the endnotes for this one, I already had staked a flag in Bruce being touch-starved. Fascinating.
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charkyzombicorn · 22 days
Howdy, it’s me again.
So I came up with a idea for the god au. what if some devil fruits were made ether in spite of other gods or in liking of the other gods. like let’s say Zoro made a rude remark to him, so he then went on to make the rust rust fruit. Franky was really nice to him, he made stuff like the magnet magic fruit. Feel free to mention any other devil fruits that could have been because of how a god treated him.
Nika fruit - Usopp made it while distracted, accidentally made it similar to Luffy's god form because he was thinking abt him, asked Chopper to make the soul imbued into it picky about its users so it wouldn't be too easy to get power that could easily rival a demigod. The soul matches human perceptions of Luffy more than godly ones, Nika cannot speak, can only laugh, and is terrifying with how powerful he is and how nonchalant he is about it. It's currently with Coby.
Hito fruit - made for Franky, actually. Chopper and him were talking about engineering and Chopper got to explaining musculature and how he figured out how to make bodies run. Franky said it was Super, but also there was the downside of choosing limits - it's hard for a heavyweight to run fast, its hard for a runner to lift heavy objects, you kind of have to pick one or the other if you want to get near the limits of human capability, and that's not bringing in natural advantage- and then Chopper thought he wanted to see a human that could do both. Usopp helped by making the human fruit which could transform the body from heavyset to lean to tall to short to medium, even to different kinds of people (namely giants). Usopp made it for Chopper, Chopper gave it a reserved but fiercely protective and loyal soul and put it in the world so he could show Franky the first person that ate it. It's currently being hidden by a mortal
Hana fruit - Luffy made it from how he saw Robin - eyes and ears wherever they were needed and a hand in everything, and with flower petals because Luffy and Robin shared a great many things but their shared love of flowers is what started their friendship. Currently its user is Nico Olivia
Yomi fruit - Sanji had a daughter, 800 years ago. She was maybe 14, but she caught something, got exiled so she couldn't spread it. Sanji fed her, and for a few weeks it seemed like she was getting better. But then she got worse again, and Sanji asked for Chopper for help. Chopper said he could cure the illness, but not the damage it had done to her kidneys. Her body couldn't maintain itself, no chicken broth or plant paste could help it. So Sanji dropped his morals against Luffy and Usopp's latest devilfruit project and went to them begging for help - for some way to let her grow up. They made the fruit originally to grant immortality, but the little girl refused to eat it, saying she would rather die then than live to see everyone she knew grow old and die without her. Sanji went back and Luffy and Usopp revised it, made it one more chance, only one. Sanji didn't like it, but he was running out of time. He gave her the fruit on the promise she would get to live and die with a puny mortal's lifespan. She took that second chance, and died two days after, before being revived by her fruit the one and only time. And she lived, grew up, made a family for herself, grew old, and died only 60 years after the first time, just like she wanted. Sanji keeps the fruit with him.
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judasofsuburbia · 10 months
🔀 ask game with ronance or stonathan 🩷
New crush, high school love again The rush of slumber party kissing Don't touch, I'll never cross the line
okay so what i'm thinking is nancy is visiting robin in college in nyc. nancy's been harboring this crush for robin for quite some time now. she wants to go for it because robin and her are finally single at the same time but she's so scared!! what if she ruins their friendship!!
they're planning on going out to robin's favorite spots in the city but a huge thunderstorm ruins their plans. they were in the midst of pregaming with the first lightning bolt struck. already feeling tipsy and warm. nancy puts her lipgloss down that she was applying in the bathroom mirror when she hears robin calling her friends, asking if they're still on for tonight. they're not.
robin appears in the doorway, something between a pout and a frown on her face. "sorry nance. looks like it's just us tonight."
"that's okay," nancy rushes to say. i only came here for you, she wants to say.
"what if we did a classic sleepover? like we used to?" robin suggests.
nancy's smile widens across her lips. "i'd love that."
so they change into their pjs. pop some popcorn. put a romance movie on the tv. lounging on the couch with a bottle of pink moscato passed between them. they're giggling and being stupid. it's just like old times. only nancy is hopelessly in love with her friend now.
"your lip gloss is all over the rim," robin says as she inspects the bottle.
robin shrugs and takes a swig anyway. she licks her lips afterward and nancy's eyes go wide.
"flavored?" robin asks.
nancy's brain short circuits. "vanilla," she barely mumbles.
robin hums and takes another swig. "i wanna wear it," robin says. nancy's heart starts to race. that had to be hint, right?
this is her moment.
nancy scooches closer and gets her face in robin's. robin blinks owlishly at her and sets the wine down on the coffee table, not bothering to turn her head to do so.
nancy's hand is slow and cautious as she holds robin's jaw. they're both glancing at each other's lips. they've both stopped breathing.
nancy takes the plunge and kisses robin fiercely. pouring years of crushing and pining into robin's mouth. spreading her lip gloss all over her lips. robin kisses back with equal enthusiasm. nancy moans, something she wouldn't do if she was sober, or maybe she would because robin is a god damn good kisser. nancy slowly crawls into robin's lap, running her hands through robin's hair. robin's hand is going up the back of her sleep shirt, her fingers dancing on nancy's spine, causing her to gasp. their kiss to finally part.
robin licks her lips again. "i thought you were gonna just go get the lip gloss," robin confesses.
nancy backs away. "oh fuck. is that what you wanted?"
"fuck no. this is way better," robin says as she kisses her again.
send me a 🔀 and a pairing, and i’ll shuffle my playlist and make an au based on the first song that comes up
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
The Drive-In Part 16
Part 1 | Part 15 | Part 17 | Links to all Parts | AO3 Link
Taglist: @2btheanswertothequestion @cr0w-culture @panicatthediaz @rhyswritesreadsandcries @weirdspaceowl @duraffinity @thegeekcompanion @stereoteleversion @hagbaby420
Steve stays crouched and hidden under the counter of Family Video, silently cursing his luck.
Of course, it made sense that during a life-altering discussion with Robin about Steve potentially having a crush on a guy, mid-way through, that guy turns up.
The door opens, and Steve can't quite make out what they are saying, but he can almost feel the low timbre of Eddie's voice, shortly followed by a slight rattling of one of the chains attached to him.
Robin quickly jogs back around to Steve's side of the counter.
"So, Eddie, how can I help you today?" Robin chirps in her friendliest customer service tone. Which Steve is absolutely not used to hearing, so much so that it makes him screw up his face, but soon he realises he's not the only one.
A clatter of tapes above him and a quiet strained, "Are you feeling ok, Buckley?"
"Yeah! Yeah...really great" Robin adds, a slight panic in her voice as her leg bumps into Steve.
"Er...well... I'M PROBABLY GONNA SPEND A LOT OF TIME HERE BECAUSE IM SO INDECISIVE!!" Eddie yells around the store before dropping to a much quieter, "Do you need me to call the cops?"
Steve melts under the counter. This loud little freak had stubborn-ed his way in here because he thought Robin was in danger. Jesus Christ! Couldn't life have thrown him a softball first? You know, here is a little crush for you, Steve. This guy is kinda cute. Instead, Steve is contending with being taken to a great height and dropped to fall for this guy to his doom, and he just gets kept getting more and more adorable.
Steve was used to the girls he dated. They were all cute, and if he was lucky, they were funny. If he was really lucky, they might physically show their affection or compliment him.
Then there was Nancy. She was all those things, but she fiercely cared about things that mattered to her and defended the people she loved.
But this guy did those things too, sure he probably wasn't as smart as nancy, but he didn't make Steve feel dumb and he didn't think Steve was bullshit. Or, at the very least, he didn't say so.
"The cops? No, why would I...ohhh," Robin says in realisation.
"No, Eddie, these are just...um...gifts. Yeah, gifts...gifts for my friend," Robin stumbles a little over her words.
Steve facepalms silently under the desk. What kind of friend would have these gifts?? Come on, Robin!! Then Steve thinks about it. They wouldn't be all that bad as gifts after what they'd all been through.
Eddie snorts out a laugh, "Your friend likes fireworks and huge prop knives, huh?"
"Eddie...no...put that down...that is not a prop, ok? It's very real and very sharp. Don't...Eddie, that is not a toy!!" Robin reprimands over Eddie's giggles.
Eddie's mischievous laughter makes Steve sigh quietly. He wishes he could see him throwing this knife around right now. He probably looks hot as hell doing it. Dumb ass counter with no gaps!
"Alright, Buckley geez. No need to get all uptight about it!"
There is a slight clatter on the counter above. Steve looks up and can just see Eddie clasped hands hanging over this side of the counter.
"Ok, now we've established you aren't in danger. So who are you hiding back there?" Eddie asks in a knowing voice, as his finger points downwards, almost directly at Steve. Was he part bloodhound or something? How did he know?
Rumbled, Steve goes to stand up, but Robin's knee pushes him further back under the counter.
"I...I don't know what you mean," Robin says nervously.
Eddie presents his case "You are flustered, Buckley, and as much as I'd like to think it was me causing that. I know that isn't the truth. You had the door locked before I got here. You've got these gifts for your friend all laid out nice, like this, but no friend in sight." Then, in a soft, teasing voice, he adds, "You've got someone hidden back there."
Robin slams her hands on the counter, "No, Eddie! I do not!"
"Ah! the lady dost protest too much, methinks! What if I just had a peep round there. I wouldn't find anyone? Is that what you're saying?" Eddie teases.
"What I'm saying is. Maybe because you were waiting outside for so long, you can have a movie on the house?"
"I knew it! Naughty-naughty! At work?! Shit!" Eddie lets out that filthy laugh slapping his hand on the counter. "Are you trying to buy my silence, Buckley? Because bribery works on me."
"Two?" Robin attempts to sweeten the deal.
"And some candy?" Eddie asks hopefully.
"And some candy", Robin concedes.
"Sold!" Eddie slaps his hand against the counter, making some dust tumble onto Steve. He has to hold his breath not to sneeze or cough.
Eddie moves away, and Robin bends down, arms full of fireworks and the machete.
Once she's crouched at Steve's level, she complains in a whisper, "Why didn't you hide in the backroom, dingus??!"
Steve sits up and accidentally bumps his head, "Ow."
"Shhhhh!! Shhhh! Be quiet!" Robin whispers quickly, poking her head above the counter and looking around like a meerkat.
"I'll just go in there now. He'll never know I'm here."
"Your car is literally parked outside the window over there, where he is right now!!"
"Oh shit, yeah...Erm...ok...ok I got it. Just distract him for me, please. Get him to face away from the doors and windows, just for a few minutes, ok?" Steve whispers.
Robin's eyes go to the ceiling, deep in thought, blinking a few times, "Ok, got it!" She grabs some tapes and goes to find Eddie.
Steve waits with his back pressed against the counter until he hears, "Have you seen the b-movies section, I've recently set up?"
"Buckley, there is no...are you talking about the two movies in your hands right now?" Eddie says with a sigh.
"Errrr...yeah!" Robin says brightly.
"Ok, well, this is bullshit. Conan the Barbarian is not a b movie" Eddie tried to laugh it off like it doesn't matter.
"I think...it is," Robin says with an added dramatic pause.
Steve peeks around the counter and can see the back of Eddie taking the tape from Robin and holding it up to her, "Conan is a classic! Look at the cast!!"
"I just think it's a bit, you know...hokey." Robin shrugs.
"HOKEY?!!" Eddie is annoyed and about to go into a full rant, so Steve takes his chance.
He crawls quickly to the door, stands up, brushes down his clothes, opens and shuts the door, pretending he has just walked through it and stands in a section on the other side of the store.
The sound of the door has not stopped Eddie's tirade one bit. He's started, so he'll finish. He's committed, Steve thinks happily to himself.
Steve rolls his shoulders back, runs his hands through the sides of his hair, and starts to look through the movies. As if he's even interested in any of this when Eddie is right there.
Steve still felt desperately unsure about the whole thing. Not his feelings, but that this still felt so impossible despite having those feelings.
Impossible that Steve could express these feelings for a guy. More impossible still that this guy would ever return them. Eddie was a beer-swilling, drug-dealing, nerdy metalhead. Nothing about that screamed that he was into guys.
Steve's brain sends him a glimmer of hope. Nothing about Robin had screamed that she wasn't.
He pushes the pipe dream maybe to the dusty corner of his brain. His eyes are pulled to Eddie and Robin when he is bored of not really reading the back of these movie cases.
From the corner of his eye, he can see Robin with a look of disgust on her face. Then, Eddie, hands flying around him, yammering on about something, tapping the VHS case, occasionally acting out a swordfight of some kind, and a secret smile spread across Steve's face as he desperately tries to keep his head down.
Steve's inner coach steps up to the plate.
Be cool, Steve. Be cool, just like usual. Act like you don't care.
He forces his smile down into his tried and tested, indifferent about everything face.
This Al Pacino film had a cool cover. Cruising? Was it about ships or something? Just pick it up. It's Al Pacino! He's cool. He's the Don. By proxy making, you double cool when Eddie sees you holding it.
You haven't even noticed anyone else is here, Steve. Stay aloof, Steve. Cool and aloof.
"Well, after that riveting speech, maybe I'll reconsider my classification," Robin says finally.
"I'm just tryin' ta help out. Always doing my bit for this fine community," Eddie replies dramatically. Steve isn't looking, but he can hear that massive grin on Eddie's face.
"Thank you so very much," Robin says sarcastically, but Eddie only hears the gratitude.
"Anytime, Buckley. Anytime." He says happily. "Just need to find my...I mean...the second movie...is for um...my uncle yeah..ah here it is"
"Oh! Happy day! Another customer has magically appeared. What luck. Hey Steve!" Robins says, totally hamming it up.
There is a clatter of tapes at the counter, "You know what, Buckley, I've just realised the time. Can I rain check on these? I'll um...yeah...bye!" Eddie says, and Steve can hear his voice's faint waver of nervousness.
Eddie tries to make a beeline for the door.
"Hey, Robin!" Steve replies casually, turning to them, giving them his practised suave half smile. "Hey, Munson didn't see you there," Steve says, pretending to pick up and read another movie.
Eddie is looking between Steve and Robin, "Of course...Robin Buckley" Eddie smiles and nods and his eyes flick back to Steve.
Their eyes meet for a few seconds, and it almost takes Steve's breath away, and his heart rages in his chest when a small sweet smile happens on Eddie's face.
Then Eddie looks Steve over. Steve almost can't help but stand a little prouder. Go ahead. Take a good look.
But then, Eddie's smile vanishes.
Eddie's jaw hardens a little, and his nose does a tiny scrunch. His mouth is tight. He looked pissed, but Steve hadn't done anything. He had only said hello. What if Eddie remembers everything too, and hates Steve now? Not possible. He just smiled at him.
"You've got a little something in your precious hair, King Steve!" Eddie teases with a huge grin and laughs, but Steve knows something about this feels off.
Eddie leaves the store calmly but slams the door as he gets in his van. Steve turns to Robin with a scoff, "What the hell was all that about? He was just smiling at me, looking me over. He wasn't like that at all yesterday," Steve laughs awkwardly.
Robin rests her elbows on the counter and her chin on her fists. She looks up at Steve sadly, "I think I do".
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lemonyinks · 1 year
I decided to combine all of my Robin and Ace posts into one. I wanted to put all of my thoughts together, change some things up and add on some additional thoughts that weren't in the previous posts.
Pretty long post ahead, so beware.
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(The moment that each of them fully realized that they are loved).
I think about the two of them so often it's not even funny anymore. they're so different in so many interesting ways and yet so painfully similar.
The Son of Roger and Demon Child; hated by all from a young age for crimes they didn't even commit and feared for what people believe they had the potential to become, rather than what they really were. But the way the world saw them wasn't the only thing that they had in common. They also viewed themselves in a very similar way to each other, but handled it in drastically different ways.
Robin was stuck believing what she's been told her entire life, that she was a demon who didn't deserve to live and that her simply being alive was a sin or crime in itself. People treated her as though all her worth came from what she could do, rather than who she was as a person. If she wanted food, shelter, or even companionship she had to work for it, nothing ever came for free for her. Everything had a price. Not only that, but the second they learned of who she was, they would turn on her without fail. From a young age she was all but taught that she would be betrayed again and again no matter what. Trust wasn't something she was allowed to have.
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And until she met the Strawhats, she had no choice but to believe these sentiments, because no one has ever tried to tell her otherwise. Saul's words were like a far off dream that she never had hope of obtaining. She was well and truly alone for more than half of her life. So, she didn't even let herself believe she deserved to want to live. She was ultimately a was too afraid to allow herself this hope. She was scared of being betrayed again by people she had grown to love. She would rather die in silence and leave behind the image of a cold-hearted killer than allow the crew to save her, because she fully believed that they too would inevitably betray her as well regardless of the amount of love she had for them.
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But she does want to live. She wants to be happy and sail the seas, learning about everything the world has to offer. She wants to be part of a family, she wants to love and be loved in return. After joining the crew, after they went through all the pain and effort of saving her simply because they loved her, she finally allowed herself to be vulnerable and express her desire to live. She even goes so far as ask for as much, she begs to live. She silently begs to be loved.
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She later even embraces her demon title and flips it on those who hurt her, allowing herself to be become a devil who can protect what is precious to her. She loves fiercely and is loved fiercely in return
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As for Ace, he has been told since he was young that being Roger's son pretty much made his existence a crime and that he was incapable of being loved, just like Robin. He had to be hidden away since infancy simply because of who his father was. Like Robin, he internalized all of the horrible things said to him to the point that he found his own bloodline to be 'rotten' and questioned whether or not it was a good thing he was ever born.
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He also embraced the title of monster, but in a very, very different way. He placed very little value on his life and even admitted with his dying breaths that he likely wouldn't have stayed alive as long as he did if not for Luffy and Sabo. He fully subscribed to the idea that he was a monster whose blood was rotten, had resigned himself to the fact that he should die because of it. He kept his self hatred under wraps and never really let anyone in close enough to let him know that they loved him. He loved deeply, so deeply that it hurt, but he never let the people in his life love him back. He didn't think he was even capable of being loved in return.
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Unlike Robin, even in his final moments, he wasn't able to allow himself to feel like he deserved to want to live or be happy. Right to the very end, he didn't think he was someone worth saving. He's grateful for his family and their desperate attempts rescue him, but it he didn't seem to be able to wrap his head around the fact that he was truly cared for. With his last words, he thanked his family for doing something that should have gone without saying; loving him. In the end, he did accept that he was loved. He died with a smile, happy to know that he was loved just as deeply in return
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Both Robin and Ace deserved to live, they both deserved to be saved. And they both had people who believed so too.
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In Ace's case a whole army of people who believed he was worth saving, just because they loved him. Well and truly loved him, simply for who he was. Both Ace and Robin had people willing to declare war on the entire world just to see them safe and happy. Both of them are so deeply loved that it makes your heart ache. It's just sad that one of them only realized this fact when it was already too late.
I really think Robin and Ace would have gotten each other in a way no one else in the series could have. They would have been able to sympathize with and understand each other in ways others simply wouldn’t be able to.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Only want to be with you 💞
I just love your writing! I’m honestly having a not great time mentally / with self image and I was hoping to request a Steve x Reader where the reader is dating Steve but there are a lot of jealous girls who say mean things or gossip about steve and how much they want to date him and it makes the reader feel bad but steve is reassuring and sweet and only cares about the reader.
Warnings; Angst, insecurity, Fluff,
Yn had been dating Steve for a while now and she loved him so much, he was sweet, kind, a perfect gentleman and so gorgeous.
Things were going so perfectly and she couldn't believe she had found someone who was so wonderful.
The only downside was the number of mean girls that liked Steve. He was a popular guy and he had a lot of girls that wanted to date him.
She heard the mean comments all the time directed at her.
"Why is he dating her? You know he turned down Hailey so he could ask yn out. Like wtf?"
"She's so not his type. I bet he's only dating her out of pity. He could do so much better"
"He should date me instead of her? I bet he will get bored soon and I'll be waiting with open arms"
Robin had overheard the comments alongside her and was furious, she wanted to tell Steve but yn wouldn't let her.
"It's just silly, jealous comments. It doesn't bother me" and at first she meant it but when she started to hear the comments all the time it was beginning to affect her mood.
Would Steve grow bored of her and want to date one of those mean girls? She highly doubted it but thanks to the vicious words it was something that was beginning to nestle in her head.
No matter how much she tried to ignore it, the words were fierce and unrelenting.
Steve had begun to notice that she was feeling down a lot and she wasn't sure what to say to him.
It's not like he ever seemed to notice the girls at all but hiding all of this hurt from him was beginning to tell on her.
When she visits Steve at Family Video she sees the same group of girls surrounding him and batting their eyelashes, flirting and trying to make him laugh.
Her heart skips a beat when the minute he meets her gaze he smiles so beautifully and immediately makes his way over to her, instructing Robin to take the girls orders.
Robin glares at them as begin to whisper away glowering over at her and Steve.
Having enough of their shitty attitude she cuddles into Steve and he presses a kiss to her forehead.
"What's wrong baby? You've been a little down for a couple of weeks now" she bites her lip and motions for them to talk in the back room.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" She sighs and begins to explain what's bothering her.
"It's those girls, they are always saying the most awful things about me and you, why are you dating me, you'll grow bored of me, how I'm not pretty and it's annoying and it's beginning to get me down",
At first, I just ignored it but it's constant Steve"
Steve looks furious and strokes her cheek.
"You're beautiful sweetheart, you're lovely and sweet and so fucking special to me. You're the girl I'm in love with and the only girl I want''
"Not those girls, they are too mean and remind me of when I was King Steve, when I valued sex and popularity over a real connection. I have a real, emotional connection to you and I love that. I love you".
She smiles and kisses him.
"I love you too Steve" he kisses her again and they head back out, Steve's hand entwined with hers.
Her fears were settled and she was so glad she had such a wonderful boyfriend in Steve.
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renegade-diamonds · 2 months
Max as an omega sounds really interesting because I never could have expected it. She has such an alpha energy, I imagine it would be hard for her to come to terms with it, considering she doesn't want to seem weak, like she's easy to hurt or like she might need protection. I like to imagine Billy would be an alpha and would love to terrorrize Max, like he'd just find it satisfying to physicall and/or emotionally abuse any omega even if it's just his sister.
Max definitely struggled with it at first, but she does a lot of research about it and realizes a lot of what society knows about omegas has been perverted and twisted by the Church and conservative culture.
She goes straight to Nancy about it, and they dive deep into the research.
She has pride in the fact that omegas have historically actually been really fierce. They are the last line of defense for the family- you don't fuck with a protective omega defending their pack. They will tear you limb from limb when threatened.
I think that's the beauty of ABO, is that everyone has different interpretations, and I whole-heartedly categorize the dominance and submission between mates as being earned.
An omega's submission is sacred, and Max quickly realizes that she doesn't need to bow her head to every dumbass-alpha that decides to parade their status around. Lucas has never tried to make her submit- he's so supportive of her, it's cavity-causing sweet actually.
El, her other mate, isn't exactly a normal alpha either. Because she grew up away from society's rules, she instinctively acts based off what her mind tells her unconsciously. Which means, she knows Max would only bow her head if she's earned it, and that's not something she wants to rush. Hopper is very careful in how he presents himself around her- his relationship with Joyce is what El uses to mold how she herself should act- so he's ridiculously devoted to Joyce, partly because he knows he needs to set a good example.
Nancy is her other role-model. As a fellow female alpha, Nancy is there to guide her as she grows and matures. Because Max is super-close to Nancy and Robin, you best believe that they ensure El is fully taught how to be a respectful and loving alpha to Max (and eventually Lucas too).
Plus, they're all still pretty young. So, they're barely learning the standards of behavior now that they've presented. Nothing crazy yet for the babies.
Billy- well, he's just a piece of shit. It's true that he sacrificed himself in the end, but he continued the cycle of abuse. Max is super conflicted, because while he never tried anything inappropriate, he still lorded his status over her to get his way. He had no problem making her submit when she wouldn't listen- he had no problem raising his hand against her when she fought back. He's the very definition of an asshole-alpha, and she unfortunately had to deal with that all by herself until she met the Party.
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romanticizingmurder · 2 years
The Absurdly Long Jason Comics Post
This is all personal! I’m not claiming what’s canon or not and I’m not the final judge for anything - this is just what I like and what I don’t! Also this generally isn’t talking about the overall quality of the comics and the writing unless I specifically mention it, just how I feel about Jason in them. So....recs and unrecs, I guess, under the cut! I mostly just cover the well known ones, maybe one day I’ll do the less well known or really short ones.
These are what I personally view as the base of Jason characterization, this is the basics of what I’m going to use to gauge future characterization and where I get some fundamental character characteristics from. 
Robin Years (Detective Comics #568-#582, Batman #408-#426, The Cult) 
Robin Jason is the bedrock foundation of all Jason for me. When I think about post-resurrection characterizations of him, my primary concern is “Does this make sense as a progression from Robin Jason? Is this a person he could concievably become after x event?” If the answer is no? I’m out! 
Important character takeaways for me here are: Violently upset by abuse, strong desire to punish people who hurt women, experience with an addict mother, a father who turned to crime, and himself turning to theft to survive, very empathetic.
Under the Red Hood
🎵the boy is back in town 🎵
Bruce’s characterization here is shaky
narratively, this story is gorgeous. this is a greek tragedy in a comic.
the scene where he beats the joker is the most pure and cathartic expression of a victim’s rage i’ve ever seen. this is a comic about coming back from trauma screaming and vicious and demanding blood.
that said? the things he does here can be rough to square with his later character developments and i do think parts of this are best just accepted as a thing that happened that won’t ever be addressed because they decided they didn’t want to go with that character direction.
These are things outside of what I consider foundational that I think are Excellent.
Lost Days
This doesn't get put in foundational because it actually came out 5 years after UTRH but it's one of my favorite Jason comics. I wrote a whole post on how I think this tackles the subject of Jason & killing better than any other comic.
Task Force Z:
I went into TFZ knowing nothing about it except the concept and expected it to be awful and instead it became my favorite Jason characterization of recent comics.
I'm really grateful that Rosenberg is pushing back against the narrative that Jason died being reckless and is presenting Jason as competent and highly skilled - which he should be! The idea that *any* former Robin wouldn't be an excellent detective and fighter is just absurd, even if we don't take Jason's own history into account.
That I said really strongly dislike having Jason say he wants to do better than just street vigilante work. I think I don't mind the idea they were going for here? Like I think they were trying to echo Jason's frustration at how cyclical and futile all their work is? But it's worded So poorly and I think Jason should always fiercely love Gotham, the city that made him and killed him and brought him back.
Jason as a smart fighter! Built like a tank but agile as a gymnast and smart as hell, that's my man.
He chokes someone with his thighs, what more do you want?
Robin 80th Anniversary Special
Fun fact this is actually my hands down favorite thing written about Jason ever.
The way Robin Jay and current Jason are tied together. The melancholy fondness, Bruce and Jason loving each other but there still being a gulf between them.
It's very short, I don't have a lot to say, it's just quiet and fragile snapshot of two people who love each other deeply, even after all this time and all this pain and a distance that seems insurmountable.
RHATO Rebirth 1-11ish
Look. Lobdell is an awful writer and horrible person. He is a sexual predator and it does show in his writing of women.
Most of RHATO is garbage and not even the fun kind. The early issues of rebirth are, somehow, genuinely good despite all that.
Jason showing his love for Gotham! Jason being caring and gentle with Bizzaro! Jason's immediate ride or die loyalty (some fatal flaws continue even after death, huh, Jay?). Jason having severe and vivid flashbacks and hallucinations of his death and himself as Robin!
Also the premise of the initial arc of this one makes more sense to me as something Jason might do than most other outlaw plots, like Jason knows Black Mask is planning something and is worried about it - that makes sense for Red Hood to investigate. Jason is actually showing....concern for his city, which is a good thing. 
The thing about WFA, for me, is you cannot go into it expecting normal comics characterization.
I view WFA as like the comics where everyone gets turned into kids. You know going in this is meant to be lighthearted and will remain so even at the cost of characterization.
And honestly? I don't think it does that bad of a job. This isn't my Jason but this is a person I could see Jason becoming if the world had been kinder to him and the other bats.
Titan Tower
My view of this issue is very negatively influenced by how it has Raven trash Robin Jason as “always wanting to be the best” in the same issue after the attack, when Jason’s time in the Titans in canon was him being incredibly empathetic and mature for his age, and actually admitting that he was too young to lead them when Donna tried to make him. 
The thing about it is I don't think "Jason being an ass to Tim" is ooc it's just this specific bizarre situation? Why does Jason suddenly care about Tim, specifically, when all his anger has been at Bruce before this? 
The most out of character thing here though is that they gave his Robin costume pants. I know my man is brave enough to rock the scaly panties again.
Brothers in Blood
I think my hottest take in this post is putting this one higher than "no" but like hear me out!
I really like that this shows Jason and Dick both saving each other and despite everything genuinely have some? Strange bond? And it think it's cute.
I also appreciate how differently Dick reacts to Jason killing and I think this is one of the more realistic reactions he could have. He doesn't try to engage Jason about the actual killing as much as it's effects - Jason killed a kidnapper in front of a child, probably traumatizing her, and he's damaged Nightwing's reputation and Dick is rightfully pissed about it.
Speaking of. Why is he dressed as Nightwing. Did he get a two for one costume deal when he was commissioning his adult sized robin one? There's never a good answer given for this one. Even if he didn't want to bring back Red Hood as his persona at the time, surely they don't expect us to believe he's so uncreative he can't think up a temporary identity. If he was actually shown to *want* to ruin Dick's reputation, that might be a reason. But he doesn't seem to hold any ill will towards Dick here so it's just ????
Even worse, though, is that he makes some creepy comments to Cheyenne. That's something I find unforgivable in a Jason characterization. Make him mean, make him cruel, make him a callous asshole - but nothing about his Robin years shows us a boy who would grow up to be disrespectful of women. Robin Jason would punch this Jason.
Seriously though why the tentacles.
RHATO (nu52)
Kori we're gonna get you out of there
I do like the little flashback of sick Jason staying home with Bruce. That’s it.
RHATO rebirth 12ish-end
I know everyone focuses on how brutal Bruce is with his son in #25, and that's absolutely fair, but frankly I think this is just beyond the pale for what Bruce should or would do to *anyone* in this situation like I think even movie and game Bruces would look at him here and say he's being a bit much.
We aren't touching that weird abuse apologism Willis storyline with a 10ft pole.
Urban Legends: Cheer
I would honestly take a villainous and his own code of ethics breaking but competent Jason over this dumb brute shit Zdarsky feeds us.
Jason killing while emotional I can believe. Jason "took over a crime empire and bought out part of WE at 18 and fresh from the grave" Todd suddenly unable to track down a drug without harassing addicts I cannot.
Jason is a good detective. Jason is someone who plans things meticulously. This is not Jason.
What is with the Robin Jason and guns flashback. Does Zdarsky think guns operate using some sort of psychological curse upon their user, and Jason was infected and became obsessed? I can only assume that because otherwise there's no reason for this section.
10 year old Jason apparently murdering someone? Does Zdarsky walk around poor areas worrying about getting merced by traumatized grade schoolers?
Jason works as an interesting character because he should be presenting and embodying an actual moral conundrum but the morals in this storyline are so vapid and shallow that Zdarsky can't actually have a well written Jason.
The plot makes no sense because the kid couldn't have gone home with his father either way so making it into "but now he's Jason's responsibility" is SILLY okay okay deep breaths I'm done
These are comics I will under no circumstance consider as in character. I don't count them as canon. I don't take them into account when I write meta. They may as well not exist to me.
Battle for the Cowl
This is a just travesty for everyone involved, not only Jason. Jason going on a murderous rampage. Jason shoots Damian. Bad for everyone, bad for Jason, terrible story, let's all pretend this was a fever dream.
Hey at least Jason is presented as relatively skilled though.
Robin Vol. 2 
Jason "no selling to kids or you go in the duffel bag" "killed his teacher for using child soldiers" Todd is going to condone using the "child gangs" of Gotham? No. Absolutely not. Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.
Batman & Robin (Morrison)
Why is his hair red. Why would he try to kill Dick or Damian. Why would he poison the prison's food supply. What's with the helmet. Why does he strip Dick & Damian. Winnick tries to salvage the last two issues with him in this run but there was nothing to save in this hideous ooc mess. If I thought this was what Jason was like, I wouldn't like him either.
The idea of Bruce making Jason dye his hair just to get a blonde and a girl Robin later is a hilarious concept though like maybe I’d become a mass murdering maniac too if I found out I did all that and he just let it drop later. 
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fe-fictions · 2 years
pretty please repost that story that robin comes back but doesn’t remember frederick?
(Of course it is, I wouldn't be fe-fictions if I didn't have Fred's stuff... (the "f" in "fe" stands for "frederick".. frederick emblem ;0)
Frederick had just begun training the new recruits when a messenger came flying at him..
The Exalt and princess had sent for him, the man said between pants for breath, they found the tactician. You came back.
Frederick bolted for the stables, blood roaring as he leapt onto Hebert and galloped to Southtown. His grip on the reins was so tight they nearly snapped.
Three long years, and you were finally home.
He streaked across the roads without a pause. Hebert’s hooves pounded the dirt paths, Frederick’s eyes glued to the hills beyond, searching for the valley.
He was halfway to Southtown when he spotted the Exalt, walking alongside a woman in a dark coat. Frederick jerked to a stop. He slipped from the horse’s back, eyes never leaving the trio.
He froze on his feet, eyes locked with yours. Those eyes he longed to see for three years.
His breath caught in his throat, a sob welling in his chest. He pressed forward, one step after another. Then he was running to you.
You stared at him, shocked to see such a large man charging you. Yet when he collided into you, he swept you into his arms with such gentleness you couldn’t react.
“Robin! Oh, Robin…!” He whispered fiercely, a strangled murmur as he clutched onto you and buried his face in your hair. “Oh, my sweet…my precious, dearest love! Gods…I’m never letting you go again.”
“Frederick…” Chrom’s voice was static in his ears, too overwhelmed with joy. The tears slipped from his eyes without a care he was being watched by his superiors. Being pitied.
He squeezed you tight, breathing deeply as you swept across every sense. He could hardly stand it. You were really here, again.
What finally drew him out of his reverie was your stiffness. You weren’t returning his embrace, nor crying and laughing…nothing.
Slowly, Frederick pulled back, and cupped your cheek. There were no tears in your eyes…not even joy. His brow furrowed softly, a confused smile on his lips.
“I’m…I’m sorry…how do you know my name?”
The blood froze in his veins.
“Do I know you? You…seem familiar, sir, but I don’t…know.”
Frederick painstakingly dragged his gaze to meet Chrom’s, searching for answers.
“I’m sorry, Frederick. I didn’t realize it until after we sent the messenger.”
“O-oh, Freddy…” Lissa hiccuped, seeing just how joyful Frederick was, only to crumble in an instant. “She doesn’t remember a thing.”
He didn’t touch her after the realization. It wasn’t possible, yet there she was. Living proof his wife was gone. She was touchable, breathable…but she didn’t know him. She knew nothing.
They took you to Libra, to look you over properly to see if anything could be done. However, amnesia induced by a spiritual event was difficult to reverse.
“Don’t lose hope.” Libra had told them as you sat awkwardly on the cot, Frederick standing protectively beside you. “There are several things we can try to spark her memory. Frederick, she spent the most time with you. I’m certain if you take her to your quarters, she could remember something.”
“I-I’m sorry, his quarters?” You piped up, drawing the attention of all around you. “But I barely know the man! You wish for me to go and visit his home?”
“Robin, my…” He caught himself before uttering another sweet name that would only discomfort you more, much to his heartbreak, “My lady, you do not remember, but it is your home. We…we are married. Do you not see the ring on your finger? Look at its inscription. It has both our names written on the inside, as does mine.”
You eyed him warily, glancing to Chrom and Lissa to check it was okay. You slowly pulled the ring off your finger, and there it was. “Frederick and Robin”, delicately inscribed on the ring.
“I don’t believe it…”
“You must.” Frederick insisted, showing you his ring, as well.
“Robin and Frederick”.
“R-Robin, we’re husband and wife. We’ve been married for five years, although you disappeared for three of them. D-despite that, we lived happily together, and….”
“Frederick, please slow down. She’s only just come back- we mustn’t overload her with too much information. Realizing she has a life beyond her own is a lot to handle.”
“But she must know. She must remember! We’ve waited so long to see her again!! She promised she would come back, and…how can this be? I-it cannot be like this, the gods cannot curse my family…!”
Chrom placed a hand on Frederick’s shoulder, drawing the man out of the room as the grim reality swallowed his hope.
“Frederick, we can’t give up hope.” Chrom promised, “It’s not like Naga would drop her on us without her memory, not completely. We just have to bring her back.”
“But how, milord? How can we bring her back if she cannot even remember her family?”
“T-there are plenty of ways! We just…w-we just gotta find’em!” Lissa insisted, “I’m sure there’s something that’ll bring her around! We can’t give up, Freddy. Not yet!”
“I…I know. I do not wish to.” He replied earnestly, “But what can I do? How can I help her?”
“For a start, we can begin by informing her of the past events from five years ago, to today. Even if she cannot remember, it would do well she learn the context of everything.”
“I-I would like that.” You spoke up, drawing Frederick’s hungry attention to you. Whether you spoke to him or not, he was starved for the sweet sound of your voice.
“Then that’s where we begin. Robin, a vast majority of your memories are beside this man. He has guided you more than anyone, and he does love you. If anyone can be trusted, it’s him.”
“I…I see…” You murmured, casting a bashful glance towards the knight. “W-well, then I suppose I ought to try and trust him a bit, doesn’t it?”
Lissa giggled at your remark, “Isn’t that funny- to think he was so distrustful of her the first time they met, and now it’s the opposite!”
Frederick shot her a look as Robin’s eyebrows rose, “I do appreciate your trust, Robin. I will do everything in my power to return your memories, and protect you until they do.”
You blushed softly at the man’s conviction; wary or not, you had to admit he was quite the dashing gentleman. “T-thank you, Sir Frederick.”
His bitter little smile was mistaken for amused. You only ever called him “Sir Frederick” sarcastically; and almost as frequently as “Freddybear”.
Gods, what he would give to hear you call him that, again…
“So, this is everything.” Frederick opened the door to your quarters, a small surge of excitement running through him. He knew you weren’t yourself, but he dreamed of this moment.
“This is your home? It’s so big!” You gasped, taking in the open living area, which acted as the hub that split off into the kitchen, master bedroom, and office.
“Yes, well, it is suited for someone of my rank, as well as to accommodate an officer who wished to wed and have a family, as we…as I did.” He corrected himself softly. “As you can see, we set up your desk here by the window, to give you a proper study space.”
He gestured to the hearty oak thing, stacked with papers and inkwells and tomes that looked as if they hadn’t moved in years. They were immaculately dusted, in pristine condition.
“This is my desk?” You said with a small frown, which deepened when you examined the contents. The papers were written in your handwriting, and signed with your name… Clearly you had done all this, but you couldn’t remember any of it. It muddled up your thoughts more than they already were.
“I see…well, this is certainly vexing. At least I know you aren’t completely lying.” You murmured more to yourself than anyone. Frederick bit back a scoff. To think you were wary of him.
“I would never lie about something like this, Robin. Least of all to you.” He assured you, which drew a shy smile to your lips.
“I do appreciate the gesture, Sir Frederick. I just…worry this won’t work. I don’t remember any of this, even after seeing my own place in it.”
“We mustn’t think like that.” He shook his head, stepping closer to you. He reached out as if he wished to comfort you, but in remembering his place, drew back. “We will find a way to bring your memories back. I promise.”
“If you believe that to be the case, then…all right.” You agreed. “I’ll entrust all of this to you, Sir Frederick. And…I do hope that my memory comes back, soon.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” He mumbled to himself. But you heard it loud and clear. It resonated with your heart, knowing deep down that this man meant more to you than you could fathom.
It started to hurt more when the weeks passed by.
His mind had become far more scrambled as of late. Since you agreed to board in Frederick’s quarters, Frederick had insisted vehemently that you take the bed.
He would sleep in the living area, he assured you, and would be quick to settle into his new place on the couch, the cushions hard and unforgiving much like his cot in the soldier’s quarters.
He didn’t miss it, that much was clear. However, he wasn’t sure what all options he had besides staying here, beside you.
Wondering if you would recall your memory at any given moment, if you would wake up afraid and unfamiliar in your old home.
He couldn’t risk leaving you alone, no.
He would stay nearby and keep watch over you, hoping and praying you would come back to yourself.
For those weeks, however, nothing really happened.
Every other hour another Shepherd would visit, insisting that you join them and get to know your past, once again.
He would accompany to review and correct facts as necessary, watching your expression with every twist and turn in hopes you might recall something of value. So far, though, despite everyone’s best efforts, you remained locked away from your own memories.
The man wouldn’t admit it out loud, but after hoping for so long, and praying and wishing that you would come home to him…he was finally starting to lose his hope.
No, he would berate himself, he wasn’t going to give up. He had waited three years, knowing you would come home. He could wait a million more for your memory to come back, too. He didn’t need to tell himself that this was all over. That you were never going to come back to him.
That he had truly lost his wife.
He couldn’t do that to himself.
“Frederick,” You had called to him quietly, one afternoon between sips of your tea, “Do you ever suffer from bad dreams?”
His teacup slowed before his lips, a strange sense of pain overcoming his senses. It was naught for a moment, but you could see it in his eyes, too.
“They are infrequent,” He began, in an attempt to cover his own suffering. “But I have, yes.”
“I see.” You took another sip of your tea, though you seemed disinterested. “I…have been having them more and more often, it seems.”
“May I ask what they are about?”
“They’re strange, I suppose…sometimes they’re like plays, the same scenes running over and over in my mind. There are people in them that I recognize, many of them bear resemblances to the people here. The Shepherds.”
“There are many of them, to be honest. One that strikes me over and over is where an evil mage tries to kill the Exalt, Chrom…but I push him out of the way, and it strikes me instead. I usually wake up just after it happens, but if I try to sleep, it happens, again.”
“Robin,” Frederick set his cup down, looking at her with a deadly seriousness. “That’s not a dream. That happened.”
“What?” You stared at him, and he nodded.
“You protected Lord Chrom three years ago from an attack by Validar, the evil mage of which you speak. That’s not a dream at all.”
He recalled the terror he’d felt when he watched your body skid across the floor, limp and unresponsive. How he couldn’t break through the barrier and help. He was lame and incapable of protecting you, then. He was separated from you and there was nothing he could have done about it.
Just like it was, now.
“So, then…the other dreams…could those be memories, as well?” You wondered with excitement that contrasted so sharply with his own terrible gloom.
He cleared his throat, “I suppose so, but you’ll have to tell me what they are. I can only guess what goes on in your mind, but I can’t know, for sure.”
“Do you think…it could be my memory coming back?” You asked him in an even smaller voice, just a small sparkle of hope in your eyes. He paused and looked at you, studying your expression.
“I’m not certain. But if it’s a chance that there’s truth in your words, then we should pursue this as passionately as possible.”
You smiled at him, with a warmth and a love that had his heart skip a beat and had him confused between whether he was looking at his wife, or the woman who simply looked like her.
“All right, then. Here’s hoping!"
Unfortunately for the two of you, little more would come of it.
Your dreams were repetitive, clearly memories your brain was trying to recall, but they wouldn’t move any further.
The names you knew were only because you had reintroduced yourself to those who bore them.
Another five days would go by without any further progress.
Exhausted, Frederick sank down onto the couch yet again. His hand came through his hair, before falling to the floor.
What more was there for him to do? You had stayed in his home for nearly a month now, and yet you were still no closer to finding yourself.
You were still gone. A stranger.
Could he really put up a stranger in his bed for another month? What about two, or three? A year? Forever?
His heart twisted at the thought, and he grimaced. It couldn’t continue like this, and he knew it. The odds of you recovering your memory were shrinking by the day.
It was possible that…that it was time to let you go.
He turned on his side, facing the sofa’s back. The fabric became blurred and misty as the thought crossed his mind.
Maybe there wasn’t enough Robin left to find. You could very well be gone, forever. And if you were to be a new woman, if you were to go on without him…he couldn’t keep you here.
You needed to discover yourself, again. Your new self. Reborn from your sacrifice. His Robin was gone.
“Please, Naga…” He prayed, sucking in a trembling breath as the grief overwhelmed him. “I think it to be true…t-that my wife may very well be gone, but…please, if there is even a modicum of hope that my sweet Robin can return to me…please, Goddess, I beg you…let her come back.”
His desperation was palpable. Perhaps that’s why you could feel it, even with the door shut. You could feel how sorrowful the knight’s home felt.
You tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. The dreams, they kept flashing in your mind. Coupled with Frederick’s discomfort outside, you were a mess.
Another hour would pass before you fell into a fitful sleep, and even then, you were plagued.
Nightmares and dreams, bad and good…all of them suddenly assaulted your rest without cause or care.
Dreams of war, of sacrifice…dreams of bear meat and late chats sitting in front of a fire…protecting your husband, your husband protecting you…
Your husband.
Your husband.
Holding him in the night, trembling from the cold and trying to keep each other warm. Walking hand in hand in the mornings on patrols, whispering promises to keep each other safe. The day you were kidnapped; and he rescued you. The day he was stolen, and you tore apart the enemy fortress to bring him home.
The day you fought, bitterly, when you told him your plan to sacrifice yourself to Grima. That night you wept, unable to fall asleep with the realization of what the morning would bring.
The promise as your body slipped away, as he gathered you into his arms, begging you not to go.
“I’ll come back.” You told him. That’s what you told him. “Wait for me.”
“I will.” His voice trembled and cracked, choked with grief.
You smiled at him.
“I love you…”
Who do I love?
You launched up from the bed with a sharp gasp, your vision white and your blood racing in shock. It was all hitting you at once. A dragon crashing into you, reminding you exactly who you were. Who he was. What you were, together.
“Frederick!!” Your coarse yelp was all the warning you gave, scrambling from the bed and stumbling across the floor, bursting through the door. “F-Frederick!!”
“Wha…” His voice was thick with troubled sleep, and you found him on the couch, barely stirring. Your husband.
Oh, gods, your husband.
“Frederick, I remember!!”
He didn’t quite register your words, but there was nothing he could do. You were suddenly on top of him on the sofa, grasping his nightshirt and spilling tears over his chest.
“I remember everything, I- oh!!” You tumbled from your place, losing your already shaky balance in your unstoppable excitement. A strangled noise escaped him as his arm shot out, catching you only to send you both to the floor.
He had only a moment to touch the painful bump on his head, before it registered what exactly you had just said.
His eyes grew wide, staring up at you. Even in the dark, he could see the joy shining in your eyes. That expression he had seen so many times, before.
“Frederick, I’m back, I…!” You couldn’t even finish it. He engulfed you in his embrace, clutching to you tightly and crying out in joy.
“You’re back-!” His voice was thick with tears, muffled against your skin. Calloused fingers curled into your nightdress, squeezing you against his chest as close as he could. "Oh, my love... My love!"
You laughed, the both of you, relishing the touch you had been starved of for years. That Frederick had suffered months longer for, wondering if he might ever feel it again.
But here you were.
You came back.
Really, truly, you were back in his arms. In his hold that you would never dare leave again, never ever. You swore it to him up and down as you wiped at his tears, gently cupping his cheeks and gazing up at the only man you ever loved.
You didn’t know how long you stayed there on the floor with him, but the sky had begun to shift from black to a purple and gray.
He deserved a proper rest, you said. You found strength enough in your legs to stand once more, grasping his hand and leading him to the bed.
How long had he slept outside it, after all?
It didn’t matter, he told you, drawing you into his chest as you pulled the thick blankets over your bodies. It didn’t matter, because you were here with him, now. That’s all he could possibly care about.
As if you needed to dissolve into tears yet again, that day.
Stahl came to fetch Frederick for the morning duties he seemed to be tardy from, but…once he saw the two of you…he figured you could both use a morning to sleep in, for once.
That one, and every morning after for at least two weeks. Frederick, for the first time in years, had never been happier to spend time away from work.
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what is love
don't hate on me for the title I'm late its tired flashfic! haha two in one night. once again, just doing a little drabble based on #42 touching from this prompt list .6k oc x yamato (look I just discovered that these two are fantastic for each other, v cute couple okie dokie? who knows if it will ever actually happen, but here you are, big himbo x tiny waifu) - braiding the other's hair -
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Yamato was dumbstruck.
When Haven had offered to pull back his hair for him, he thought it would be a quick braid, nothing more. This was not what he had expected.
Haven sat on the bar in Sunny's kitchen, to give herself better leverage, while Yamato sat on the floor. Given the differences of height between them and the matter of Haven's hip, the current arrangement worked out fairly well. The feeling of her legs brushing his sides was unfamiliar but almost welcome in a way. How long had it been since he had experienced such friendly, casual touches with another person? Since the last time he saw Ace.
"Your hair really is so beautiful," she had murmured as she combed through his hair. He found himself closing his eyes and enjoying the warmth from her hands, the way her fingers gently brushed his scalp. "Would it be okay if I added some flowers into the braids?"
"Flowers?" Yamato blinked and tilted his chin up to look at her.
Haven smiled brightly down at him. "Yeah, flowers. I won't if you prefer not to, it's just something I like to do."
"No, you can. Whatever you like," Yamato agreed hastily. Perhaps too hastily. He cleared his throat and sat up a bit straighter, trying to sit just where she needed to braid his hair. She softly chuckled and set to work, parting his hair, then slowly adding sections of hair to each braid.
As she worked, she told him stories of islands she had visited, people she had met, adventures she had had. Yamato clung desperately onto each word, enthralled with the life she had led. She was the same age Ace would have been if he were still around. They had both lived such rich lives. Lives he had once longed deeply for.
Now, he would lead his own life and live out his own adventures.
"Finished!" Haven announced triumphantly and threw her arms in the air. "Turn around and let me see!" She patted his back, and he obliged. He didn't know it was possible, but she smiled even bigger when she saw his face. "You look so handsome, you need to see! Nami and Robin have a big mirror in the girls' cabin, let's go!"
Yamato didn't wait for Haven to try to get down from the counter; he picked her up and started running. They earned many laughs and yells from the Strawhats, but he was excited. No one had fixed his hair for him in a long time. He wanted to see how it looked!
The girls' cabin was empty when they burst in, and Haven pointed him to the mirror. He crouched down in front of it, and when he saw himself in the mirror, he froze. Yamato tilted his head slowly in every direction, trying to see her work fully in the mirror.
There were two braids parallel to each other on each side of his head, each running from the front to the back, where they gathered into a ponytail. Some small red blooms were tucked into the braids where they wrapped around the ponytail, creating a beautiful contrast.
"You like it?" Haven asked after letting him fully examine his hair. Yamato suddenly wrapped her in a fierce hug, biting his lip hard. Haven immediately returned the embrace, wrapping her small arms around him.
"I love it. Thank you." He whispered when he had control of his voice.
"Your welcome."
Having nakama, people he could trust with such simple things. This was a wonderful feeling. He wouldn't give this up for anything in the world.
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