#orlando owl
plusie · 27 days
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🦉 - owl board [oops all jellycat!]
for @nightnvrending
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starmi-designs · 1 year
#21 The Striga
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I don't know this guy, I'm still halfway through the books (starting to read hoole's story), but here he is.
I made him because of a request on instagram btw
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comparativetarot · 7 months
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The Moon. Art by ​Asia Orlando.
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korivv · 2 years
striga is totally trans
i was kinda thinking about war owls again and i am 90% sure the striga is trans. keep in mind i havent read the books in 4 years so bear with me.
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this is official art of the striga. notice how he has spots? like. a lot? yeah turns out thats only in female owls and male owls are almost pure white.
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female (left), male (right)
no wonder he ran away from the dragon owls.
conclusion? striga is trans and a boyboss.
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sann3e-blog · 4 months
Makari, Deserves as much Fandom as Atari
There's a sea of amazing guitarists, drummers, bassists, vocalists etc. Makari sticks out in the wave’s of hardworking, talented musicians that we all play throughout our day's via Pandora, Spotify or YouTube, to create that extra dopamine we need in today's tricky times. Eric, Matt, Kevin, John and Andy wrote some incredibly moving few songs as of recent for their upcoming album. I want to dig more into how much I encourage Makari's new album, Wave Machine, to be at the top of your 2024 playlists.
I highlight Makari because of their pure talent. I'll start with that. Listening and analyzing music over the past decade for one of my careers, I have been craving the subtle/not so subtle intricacies musicians create. The wind fortuitously blew me the name of a band I hadn't heard of yet and this band, Makari, was like an intravenous B12 shot that gave me the nostalgia of those sparking intricacies I could remember feeling when I first started to really study music.
Makari's tsunami of notes throughout their albums and drum sequencing illuminate my soul, truly. Faith I had in music was restored with my first listen to their album, "Hyperreal."
From Better to Fractals, straight through ending the 'Hyperreal' album with songs, Dashboard and Control, I was in awe. I was in awe at the connection the band members in Makari are able to communicate with their fans through guitar riffs, drum beats that'll steal your soul and vocals that range to the farthest black hole in space and back. That, is the definition of a band worth listening to.
What I find intriguing about all these apps we use daily, is the positive side of how we're all able to connect on a global level. How what we enjoy can be enhanced by suggested artists based on who's station you chose that day. Listening to Makari on Pandora, I have come across other artists that inspire the heck out of me. Strawberry Girls, Body Thief, Tillian and Hail the Sun are just to name a few.
Instagram can feel supportive in finding individual's with mutual interests. I remember this one person, vocalist, music producer Mitchel Madak, and I commented on one of Makari's post's. By him resonating with whatever I said on the photo, curiosity called and I checked Mitchel's ig because it seemed like he may be making some music too.
Listening to Mitchel Madak, reminded me of weekends with Owl City dream pop vibes on the way to the beach. With more punch and soul in the vocals, though. I might rename him as an archangel, you’ve brought me peace and ease when listening, Mitchel, thank you. Mixing in some rap to beat, you got your bases covered for a mood booster with Madak in your earbuds. Check him out on all music platforms. Links for Apple Music & Spotify here.
I asked Mitchel how Makari has influenced his own work. This is what he had to say, "Being a vocalist and even a music producer is all about getting out of one's own way and letting raw emotion come through. When listening to Hyperreal or really any Makari project, I can feel this sense of an unleashed outpouring of emotion. Especially for me as a vocalist, I admire Andy's voice and how there is really nothing he can't sing. His belting is just this blast of energy. I always feel inspired and even challenged by Makari to push myself to another level."
'Hyperreal, 'Elegies,' 'Continuum,' including the acoustic album 'Alternate EP,' are some of their discography worth many listens. These mentioned albums are medicine that help me stay sober. I found throughout my struggle with drinking (in particular, last year) that when I felt a craving, I could get in my car or sit in my room...and air guitar, then air drumming along, while sing out the notes...relating to every lyric, my craving would pass. These albums have been on my music listening platforms playing in circles. I have a lot to credit for being successfully sober...but Makari healed more than I knew I needed. Acceptance for me was found in how important it is to remain on the path of light and Makari helped me stay there.
Interestingly enough, someone I knew in high school (mind you, that's over 15 years ago for me) and I still see each other's thing's on ig. I knew her on an aquaintice basis more than me being able to say that I knew Payton well. I do know that she exudes from the inside out that she's a beautiful person. Strong, funny and caring. She now lives in Colorado with her husband. I posted "Breakers," one of Makari's tracks off their new album, so pumped to share. Payton said she really appreciated the post. Little did I know at the time how much the song helped her through. An ICU trip to the hospital with her husband, who as I do, struggles with alcoholism.
When I asked Payton generally, what her first impression was of Makari, what she had to say hit so close to home. "this song came into my life during another one of my husband's alcoholic relapses (he was in the ICU) the song just really got me through my day." I don't think she knew my struggle with alcohol, but I'm sure she saw it over the years. This article was not supposed to end up mentioning anything about being sober. When I asked Payton about Makari, she didn't know I had written of my own experience with addiction to alcohol. I generally asked, "what was the first thing Makari reminded you of when you listened to the "Breakers" song?" I didn't expect her to have experienced the same relief I felt listening through their albums, Makari's music was a perfect prescription for making productivity out of pain. I'm not a Doctor but if I was, I'd prescribe daily listen's to all things Makari.
“We’ve worked so hard on this album over the past 2 years,” Makari says. “We’re lucky to have amazing fans supporting our art, thank you.”
These interactions drive me to want to let as many people as I can know about this band. They know we’re here as fans to support them. Do all you can to support their music. Buy albums, go to shows and sing along. Raise the bar in your subscribe button pushing and “likes” because these actions can give back to the band members of Makari who gave Wave Machine their all.
2024, Wave Machine is about to drop in March and I couldn’t be more excited to listen. Everyone meditates in a different way. I meditate while I dive into music. Makari’s music center’s me. I’d like to walk into a meditation practice with a song like, "Soul Stealer" from Makari's new album. “Soul Stealer’s” intro will give you chills. And set you free.
On March 8, 2024, Makari’s album, Wave Machine will be released. The album will be my favorite new outlet. Makari continues to be my way to expel that excess of happy realizations in life. I love dancing in the car with them on my car stereo. Life hit's softer with Makari playing in my 2012 Honda Civic. Feel the energy yourselves when the album comes out in MARCH 2024!
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samasmith23 · 1 year
Geez! This was honestly quite a dark moment in the original Stan Lee Daredevil issues! You can actually see the suicidal accountant’s blood on the pavement! That’s virtually unheard of in the Silver Age!
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This was the Owl’s first appearance BTW! The original Stan Lee issues are often dismissed as being overly silly, but the scene where Owl brags about deliberately framing his accountant for his own tax fraud before said-accountant commits suicide is pretty dang heavy, even by Silver Age standards!
From Daredevil (1964) #3 by Stan Lee & Joe Orlando.
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petaltexturedskies · 2 months
"I have found my mate," she murmured. "It is the moor. I am nature's bride," she whispered, giving herself in rapture to the cold embraces of the grass as she lay folded in her cloak in the hollow by the pool. "Here I will lie. (A feather fell upon her brow.) I have found a greener laurel than the bay. My forehead will be cool always. These are wild birds' feathers - the owls, the nightjars. I shall dream wild dreams.
Virginia Woolf, Orlando
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brian-in-finance · 4 months
Beyond filming and cast, there's nothing about The Cut. I may venture a guess that until a studio buys the rights and distribution, we won't get much else. It certainly looks like an independent venture and will be classified as such. It will be interesting to learn when and where it will premiere. I trust that if Cait chose the project it's another good choice and look forward to it. Thoughts?
Thanks for the message, Anon. 😃
Yes, little information about the film is available, including a release date, but sometimes less is more. 😉
I think there’s a lot to look forward to. How could you go wrong with Orlando Bloom, Caitríona Balfe, John Turtuuro, Clare Dunne, Sean Ellis… This Instagram post is fresh ⬇️
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Who is Jeff Bowler?
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His company is one of the film’s three production companies:
1. Wonderfilm is an award winning (Emmy, Oscar and Peoples Choice) global media company with offices in Hollywood, New York City, Boston and London.
Wonderfilm focuses on the finance, production and sales of high-quality feature films and episodic television that offer international appeal through the Company's commitment to elevated storytelling.
Wonderfilm Media Jeff Bowler
2. With the human spirit at the core of our work, Amazing Owl is an L.A. based production company specializing in conscious and evolving stories that examine, and seek to elevate, the human condition. Founded in 2020 by Orlando Bloom and currently partnered in a first-look deal with Amazon Studios, our active projects in feature films, television, and docuseries, span across the U.S. and U.K. alike.
Amazing Owl Orlando Bloom
3. Established in 2010, Tea Shop is a film production company based in London and Los Angeles. We love unique genre stories from brilliant filmmakers.
Tea Shop Productions Leonora Darby
I look forward to hearing about premiere and cinema release dates, and also to any opportunities Caitríona may have to promote the film. 2024 is a busy year for her, with two films in the can and a directorial debut in a Season 8 Outlander episode. Can’t wait to see all three productions. 🍿🍿🍿
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Remember… I trained for three years at drama school to be an actor - not a celebrity. — Orlando Bloom
Orlando Bloom graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Acting from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in 1999.
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an-ecu-harrypotter-au · 3 months
TPS Part 1: Toby's Letter
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Ah'm a slow, 11 year old, southern boy wit a strong accent. Mah momma died when Ah was 5 so mah Pop's been raisin me by 'emself ever since. It ain't always been easy cause fer some reason Ah ain't like other boys. Sometimes shoes make mah feet hurt, a buncha people talkin makes me wanna run an hide, an if thangs jus don't go mah way Ah jus wanna cry. But today Ah'm doin well. Mah clothes feel good an nothin's too loud fer me. Even when Ah'm eatin breakfast, Ah'm feelin good. Ah see Pop comin in the kitchen with a letter.
"Son ya got a fancy letter today."
"Oh, gosh! Who'd be writin' a real fancy letter ta me? Ain't like Ah'm special. Did it say where it's from?"
"It done got sent from a fancy British wizard school, Hogwarts. Yer gonna be learnin magic."
Ah get real confused by it. We ain't in British. We're in Florida. Ah'm startin ta think this ain't real cause we don't even get mail till later in the day.
"How'd it get here?"
"Burrowin owl dropped it off by mah window."
Ah squint at Pop. Ah ain't ever seen an owl jus hang out by Pop's window let lone send 'em mail.
"Oh, yer jokin' wit me, Pop. Ain't no fancy school out there that teaches magic. Ah wanna hear ya read it ta me."
"Dear Mr. Kwimper, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress."
"Well doggone tha's a real letter. Does this Hogwarts school got a place ta stay? Ah ain't gonna be able ta sleep on no wood floors."
Ah start shakin mah head cause Ah slept on wood floors before. Mah head done hurt an Ah ain't stopped cryin till Pop picked me up an put me on his lap. He done tol me Ah's sleepwalkin so he made sure ta wrap me in a special blanket so Ah won't do that no more.
"They's got a dorm for all 'em kids. You's gotta take a special train jus fer gettin ta Hogwarts."
Ah start ta rock in mah chair cause Ah'm gettin excited.
"Wow! Do Ah gotta wear a fancy schmancy uniform, too?"
"We's gotta read the list Ms. Gonagall gave us so's we find everythin ya need son. Ah'm fixin ta make sure ya got robes that don't make ya meltdown."
Pop says meltdown an Ah 'member when he bought me clothes fer mah first day a school last year. Everythang done made mah skin itch an Pop had ta pay money fer grandmomma ta make me special clothes that don't make me cry. Her an granddaddy live in a nursin home in Orlando so we went on a big road trip ta get it. Ah ain't ever met momma's parents but Ah know the special blanket Pop wraps me in came from 'em.
"Here's the list. Gotta read it good son."
Ah start readin it an it's a real long list mah eyes start glazin over so's Ah start readin it out loud cause Ah 'member things better doin it like that.
"First-year students'll require: Three sets a plain black robes, a plain pointed black hat fer day wear, a pair a protective dragon hide gloves, an a black winter cloak wit silver fastin's. Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags."
Ah blink a couple times an look at Pop.
"Ah really gotta wear all this Pop? Ah don't wanna wear clothes that got itchy name tags cause then Ah'm gonna be cryin cause it's gonna make mah skin itch."
"Ah ain't gonna make the name tags itch, Toby. Ya ain't gotta wear it all at once. We's jus gotta make sure ya got 'em so yer ready. Don't wanna have ya goin ta a wizardin school nekked. Now keep on readin yer list."
Ah nod mah head a couple times an try findin mah spot again.
"All students should have a copy a each a the following: The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), A History a Magic, Magical Theory, A Beginner's Guide ta Transfiguration, One Thousand Magical Herbs an Fungi, Magical Drafts an Potions, an The Dark Forces: A Guide ta Self-Protection. Tha's a lotta books Pop. Ah dunno if Ah'm gonna be able ta read 'em all."
"We ain't gonna know what ya need 'em fer till ya get yer schedule. Jus keep goin son."
Ah start rubbin the letter again so Ah don't lose mah place.
"1 wand, 1 pewter standard size 2 cauldron, 1 set a glass or crystal vials, 1 telescope an a 1 set a brass scales. Pop wha's a vial?"
He taps his head ta think. Vial sounds like a fancy word fer somethin.
"Somethin like a bottle son. Gotta be a fancy bottle cause ya ain't gonna be jus workin wit water."
"Ah guess ya make sense Pop."
Mah finger traces over the final lines a the letter.
"Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad. PARENTS ARE REMINDED THAT FIRST YEARS ARE NOT ALLOWED THEIR OWN BROOMSTICK."
Pop pats mah head an he's smilin which Ah think's a good thang. Ah think Ah also said the last part a the letter too loudly.
"So how's we gonna be payin fer this Pop. A lotta stuff we gotta get if Ah'm goin ta the wizardin school."
"Doncha worry son. Wizardin money ain't the same as our money. We's gonna do good."
"Wow. Ah ain't never even thought bout gettin a new pair a socks before. Pop, Ah gotta get there. How'm Ah gonna get there? Ah don't have no owl."
Ah start rubbin mah hands which Ah always start doin when Ah'm gettin nervous bout somethin.
"We's gotta move ta the UK when ya done wit your schoolin this year Toby."
"We's movin'?"
"We's got Kwimper kin in Ireland. Gonna be boardin with em."
Mah hands keep rubbin faster. Ireland's jus so far ways from Florida Ah'm kinda gettin scared.
"Ah don't wanna live in Ireland, Pop. There ain't any sweet tea there. Wha bout grandmomma an granddaddy? Ain't they gonna be sad that we're leavin?"
"Sure but they's got plenty a ponds full a frogs an toads fer ya son. They ain't gonna be sad Toby. Once they see yer letter they're gonna want ya ta go. Grandpa always said ya need ta go ta a special school meant ta help ya."
Ah start gettin excited. Pop thinks it's funny when Ah go from bein all scared ta bein happy. Maybe he knows it's cause everythang goes from bein scary ta bein fun so long's ya talk bout it right.
"They's got froggies an toadies there?"
"Mhm. Gotta have a pet ta bring so's ya can find a toad or frog there."
"Yipppeee! Okay, Ah'll find the smallest, quietest, cutiest lil froggie that there ever was an Ah'm gonna love it, an hug it, an give it a name! Ah'm gonna take it ta school!"
Ah'm wigglin in mah chair now. Wizardin school's soundin way more fun than regular schoolin.
"We's gonna have a lotta fun learnin bout the wizardin world. Lotta adventures ta have."
"Ah guess Ah got a whole school year fer learnin' magic an catchin' toadies! Boy howdy!"
Pop pats mah head an Ah start tryna ta calm down. Pattin mah head seems ta help when Ah get all excited. Thinkin bout froggies an toadies jus make me wanna wiggle.
"Now finish eatin so's we can get ya to school."
"Oh! Ok Pop."
Ah finish mah breakfast an hurry ta put on mah shoes an start ta follow Pop ta the car.
"Ah better remember the whole list! Ah ain't gonna be one a 'em kids who ain't ready fer school cause they ain't read the list."
"Got plenty a time ta learn the whole list son."
After we leave the house an head down the road tagether Ah start talkin again. Ah jus gotta get it all outta mah mouth cause now Ah'm too excited.
"Ya said there'd be a special train to Hogwarts, Pop. Wha's that mean?"
"Means only Hogwarts kids get ta ride on it."
"Well, how'd they know who the Hogwarts kids are, Pop?"
"You's gonna be gettin a special ticket tellin ya where ta go. Only Hogwarts students an kin can go ta that part of the station."
Ah ain't been on a train before. Ah only seen 'em go on by when Pop'd take me shoppin in the main town. Ah ain't even known what a train ticket'd look like.
"Ah get a ticket? Can Ah see it, Pop?"
He chuckles which probably means Ah done got somethin wrong.
"Ah ain't got it yet. We's gonna get the ticket durin the summer."
"Aww... But you'll gimme the ticket right when we get it?"
"Course Ah'm gonna give it ta ya. Ya only got yer letter cause ya turned 11 last week."
This is so much ta think bout. Ah can't even wait ta get ta Hogwarts.
"Ah can't wait fer mah own magic ta happen! Pop, have ya ever used magic?"
He looks down an Ah wonder if Ah done said the wrong thing.
"No Ah don't son."
"But ya know 'bout it. Why don't ya do magic?"
He keeps pattin mah head.
"Ah ain't been born wit it son. It happens."
"Oh, Ah get it."
Mah mind starts ta wander. How's it that Ah been doin magic an no one done tol me bout it.
"When mah own magic starts to happen, do Ah jus say a magic word or somethin an it happens?"
"Been makin magic happen past couple a days. Tha's why you's gotta be kept calm so's ya don't get meltdowns."
Ah gotta be quiet cause everythang Pop done tol me's gotta be thought through. Ah musta got mah magic last week cause Ah sure don't 'member doin tricks.
"Pop? Will they make it so's Ah won't have meltdowns no more?"
"Might get better when you's grown. That's why Ah've been tellin ya ta use yer times tables."
Ah blink a little an feel kinda sad. Ah thought magic'd be able ta do anythin but Ah guess it ain't like that.
"Oh. So Ah can go ta Hogwarts an learn magic even if Ah'm slow?"
"Tha's right."
Pop an Ah make it ta school. Ah'm feelin better now that we's had our talk.
"Now you's have a good day son. Ah'll pick ya up later."
"Ok Pop. Ah'll be good."
"Tha's mah boy. Jus get through these final months then we's gonna be movin ta the wizardin world. Don't go tellin yer friends though cause they'll jus get jealous."
Ah jus can't stop smilin. Ah hope mah teacher don't get mad cause Ah'm too busy thinkin bout bein a real wizard.
"Bye Pop!"
Ah head out the car an inta the schoolyard ta find mah friends. As much as Ah'll miss 'em Ah jus can't wait ta move ta the wizardin world.
AN: Shout out to @arrolyn1114 for helping me proofread.
Tagging my followers: @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @alienelvisobsession and @hooked-on-elvis.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 6 months
@themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa @angelixgutz @the-blue-fairie @thealmightyemprex @amalthea9
A Bela Adormecida
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Princess Aurora/Princesa Aurora: Maria Alice Barreto​
(Singing): Maria Norma
Prince Phillip/​Príncipe Felipe: Roberto de Cleto
(Singing): Osny Silva
Maleficent/Malévola: Heloísa Helena
Flora: Joyce de Oliveira
Fauna: Nádia Maria
Merryweather/Primavera: Nancy Wanderley
King Stefan/​Rei Estevão: Maurício Sherman
Queen Leah/​Rainha Leah: Nancy Wanderley
King Hubert/Rei Humberto: Hamilton Ferreira
Maleficent's Goon/​Lacaio da Malévola: Hamilton Ferreira
Narrator/ Narrador: Aloysio de Oliveira
Song Title
Once Upon a Dream - Main Title
Associação de Canto Coral
Hail to Princess Aurora ​Saudação à Princesa Aurora
Associação de Canto Coral
​I Wonder Quiser Saber
Maria Norma
Once Upon a Dream ​Era Uma Vez Um Sonho
Maria Norma ​Osny Silva
Skumps Brinde dos Reis
Maurício Sherman ​Hamilton Ferreira
Sleeping Beauty ​A Canção de a Bela Adormecida
Associação de Canto Coral
Once Upon a Dream - Finale
​Associação de Canto Coral
Technical Credits :
Person's Name
Director Direção de Dublagem
Luiz Delfino
Translation ​Tradução
Orlando Figueiredo
Musical Director ​Direção Musical
Aloysio de Oliveira
Lyricist Tradução dos Canções
Aloysio de Oliveira
Chorus Côro
Associação de Canto Coral
Supervisor Supervisão
Luiz Delfino ​Jack Cutting
Dubbing Studio Estudio de Dublagem
Atlântica Cinematográfica, ​Rio de Janeiro
Dubbing premiered in São Paulo on June 29th, 1960
On the 1989 VHS release, the opening titles are in English. The title "A Bela Adormecida" is presented as a subtitle. As a result, the Brazilian voice actors and technical crew are not credited on this release.
This dubbing was used in Portugal until 2008 when a European Portuguese dub was created. As a result, the Brazilian dub was included on the 2003 DVD release.
Release dates : Brazil - June 29, 1960 (São Paulo) Brazil - July 9, 1960 (Pernambuco) Brazil - December 22, 1960 (Rio de Janeiro) Brazil - May 26, 1961 (Minas Gerais) Brazil - May 27, 1961 (Rio Grande do Sul) Brazil - June 22, 1961 (Rio Grande do Norte) Brazil - July 8, 1961 (Espírito Santo) Brazil - December 25, 1961 (Amazonas) Brazil - January 18, 1962 (Paraná) Brazil - December 30, 1962 (Santa Catarina)
All Brazilian credits (VHS, DVD, BLU-RAY and TV's) countain many mistakes :
Maria Norma Moraes Illner, the singing voice of Aurora is credited under the name of Norma Maria.
Joyce de Oliveira's and Nancy Wanderley's roles as Flora and Merryweather are switched.
Maurício Sherman is wrongly credited as Prince Phillip's speaking voice. In the 50s & 60s, he was pairing with Hamilton Ferreira on a humor show, and they got chosen as King Stefan and King Hubert in 1959, and later as Jasper and Horace in One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961). He confirmed before his death in 2019 that he was King Stefan.
Selma Lopes is wrongly credited as the Queen. She confirmed later she didn't dub that role; her first Disney role was the Blue Fairy and Pinocchio's singing voice in Pinocchio in 1966.
Many great Radio and TV Stars of the time auditionned for the role of Princess Aurora : Nega Aparecida, Dulce Martins, Daisy Lucidi ...
It was Maria Alice Barreto's first dubbing performance for Disney. She was the secretary of Fernando Lobo, friend of Aloysio de Oliveira, who was conducting the Musical direction and translation. She was invited to audition, and came early : she watched the other actresses trying out for the role, memorizing the lines, and when her turn came, she already knew it well, and got the role eventually.
A mixing mistake was made in "Once Upon A Dream" in the 1989 VHS : the vocalizations of Aurora (PART 1 : between the speaking lines "Your Highness" and "I'm not supposed to speak to strangers" / PART 2 : when she's dancing with the owl between the two parts of the song) were actually of Mary Costa's for PART 1 and Maria Milde's, the German voice, for PART 2. In the 1996 VHS, this mistake was partially fixed : Maria Norma's vocalizations was restored for PART 2; but PART 1 are this time those of Maria Milde's. Reasons for this are still unknown, though it's possible Maria Norma Moraes might have not dubbed originally the 1st vocalizations.
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jgthirlwell · 1 year
2022 Year In Review
This year once again I invited some friends and colleagues to reflect on 2022
JG Thirlwell
Composer Foetus Xordox Manorexia Steroid Maximus Venture Bros Archer www.foetus.org
2022 was a marathon year. I took on too much work, but somehow got through it. It challenged me. I played some excellent shows in Woodstock, Los Angeles, Orlando and NYC. Reconnected with Soft Cell at the Beacon. Reconnected with Sarah Lipstate. Wrote a ton of new music for Archer and a Venture Bros movie. Taught a class on film scoring at the New School. I still woke up 5am in a panic on too many occasions. And I saw some great concerts.It was difficult to whittle down this list but here are a lot of albums I enjoyed in 2022, in no particular order.
Tyondai Braxton Telekinesis (Nonesuch) Zeal & Ardor Zeal & Ardor (MVKA) Papangu Holoceno (Bandcamp) Extra Life Secular Works Vol 2 (Bandcamp) Carl Stone Wat Dong Moon Lek (Unseen Worlds) / Gall Tones (Unseen Worlds) / We Jazz Reworks Vol 2 (We Jazz Records) Louis Cole Quality Over Opinion (Brainfeeder) Ben Frost 1899 OST (Invada Records) Loraine James Building Something Beautiful For Me (Phantom Limb) Persher Man With The Magic Soap (Thrill Jockey) Anna Meredith Bumps Per Minute (Moshi Moshi) Sault Air (Forever Living Originals) The Smile A Light For Attracting Attention (XL) Shamblemaths Shamblemaths 2 (Apollon Prog) Julia Wolfe Oxygen (Cantelope) Heiner Schmitz’s Symprophonicum Sins & Blessings (Big Band Records) Burial Antidawn EP / Streetlands EP (Hyperdub) Gotho Mindbowling (Controcanti Produzioni) Oliver Coates The Stranger OST Gilla Band Most Normal (Rough Trade Records Ltd) Blanck Mass Ted K OST (Sacred Bones) Arcade Fire WE (Interscope) Yeah Yeah Yeahs Cool It Down (Secretly) Catarine Barbieri Spirit Exit (light-years) Felicia Atkinson Image Language (Shelter Press) Netherlands Kali Corvette (Three One G) Kemper Norton estrenyon (Zona Watusa) Elysian Fields Once Beautiful Twice Removed (Ojet) Simon Hanes Hurricane Salad Two Fingers Red Bass DJ Mix 22 (NoMark) Backxwash His Happiness Shall Come…(Ugly Hag) Bob Vylan The Price of Life (Ghost Theater) John Elmquist’s Hard Art Groop Stars and Bells / Zero Rest Mass / Trip Up reissues (Bandcamp) Dan Deacon Hustle OST (Netflix Music) Bent Knee Frosting (TTTH) Boris Heavy Rocks 2022 (Relapse) Wet Leg Wet Leg (Domino) Author and Punisher Kruller (Relapse)
Honorable mentions Hudson Mohawke Cry Sugar / Rival Consoles Now is / Haunted Horses The Worst Has Finally Happened / Sirom The Liquified Throne of Simplicity (Tak:Til)/ Meshuggah Immutable / Ani Klang Ani Klang / Pimpon Pozdrawiam (Pointless Geometry)
The Smile at Kings Theater Julia Wolfe Steel Hammer Carnegie Hall The Protomen LPR Tristan Perich St Thomas ChurchSparks Town Hall Anna Meredith Elsewhere Lingua Ignota LPR Royal Blood Terminal 5 Kraftwerk Radio City Hiro Kone Pioneer Works RATM / RTJ MSG Matmos LPR Rammstein MetLife Stadium Yeah Yeah Yeahs Forest Hills Stadium Melvins Irving Plaza Roxy Music MSG Sean Lennon Stone Elysian Fields The Owl The Comet Is Coming Bowery Ballroom Child Abuse TV Eye Fennesz Pioneer Works Helm Elsewhere
Film / TV
The Stranger All Quiet In The Western Front Dont Worry Darling Moonage Daydream The Velvet Underground Elvis Men Northman Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent White Lotus
I read a ton of memoirs this year. Standouts were
Kid Congo Powers Some New Kind Of Kick Danny Sugerman Wonderland Ave
Kemper Norton
My favourite album of the year was the dayglo psychedelic joy of Panda Bear/ Sonic Boom’s Reset , with honourable mentions for the amazing Aethiopes by billy woods and Alison Cotton’s beautiful The Portrait You Painted of Me. Also, must mention the massive , varied and crucial Rental Yields compilations on Front and Follow /Gated Canal Community in aid of homeless charities in the UK.
Didn’t get out much this year but live events I loved this year here in Brighton, UK included the blasted joy of deafkids at The Hope, the final gig of the mighty Slum of Legs at The Green Door Store, and playing alongside Alexander Tucker’s Microcorps and Opal X at The Wire’s 40th anniversary shows at The Rosehill as part of the reanimated Outer Church.
In terms of radio, as well as Elizabeth Alker’s essential breakfast and Unclassified shows on Radio 3 there were loads of great shows on the fantastic Repeater Radio ( many previously on the mighty Neon Hospice) including Afternoon Delight by Ix Tab and the best of Eastern Europe showcased on Slav to the Rhythm by Catherine and Iris.
Apart from the works of nonconformist Cornish poet Jack Clemo and American novelist Pete Dexter ( Deadwood and Paris, Trout ), new discoveries were thin on the ground this year. I read and reread a lot of old favourites ( Ray Bradbury, Cormac McCarthy, Pat Barker , Elmore Leonard ) and finally fell in love with Jane Austen.
My film and TV viewing in 2022 was largely informed / enforced by my 5 year old daughter, and the essential texts we rewatched repeatedly were the lively and proactive Gaby’s Dollhouse, multi-species global explorers the Octonauts , surreal UK gem Sarah and Duck and of course, the inspirational Aussie masterpiece Bluey. I did manage to catch a few films either new or new to me in 2022…
Wake in Fright ( 1971) : another Australian key text ( although less adorable than Bluey ). The horrors of closed environments, toxic masculinity and continuous drinking.
Enys Men (2022) : Cornish filmmaker Mark Jenkin’s spooky and minimalistic follow-up to his incredible Bait (2019) , a wonderful drama of local economic realities and identities. Would love to score one of his films but unfortunately he does an excellent job of this himself.
Stalker (1979) : As good as everyone said it would be.
Chorizo with honey Chinese black fungus
Everything by Burning Sky brewery ( Sussex, UK)
I managed to churn out two tape releases in 2022 in between all the watching, listening, eating, drinking etc.
Estrenyon was released on tape and download with the Barcelona label zonawatusa and was inspired by historical UFO sightings throughout Cornwall from 1888 to 2021. Rife is the story of a Sussex Spring day and was released via Woodford Halse, who have released loads of great electronic and folky music by the likes of Xylitol and Sairie. On top of that , our first volume of download-only pay-what-you-like winter tunes Montol Melodies is available on our bandcamp until the traditional English old ‘ twelfth night ‘ ( January 12 2023).
Lee Ranaldo
2022 LIST
I’m terrible at lists like this, and usually don’t keep track towards such a year-end summary. Pardon the self-focus, this is my year-in-review accounting, mostly just remembering to myself.
August in Vienna Leah and I spent the month of August in Vienna, creating a public artwork, sound+image, called Fermata. I discovered the world of small-body, near century-old, German + Austrian guitars. I wrote the main melodic material one one of these tiny, wonderful instruments,. At one point we had 3 of them in the apartment down in the MuseumQuartier. A whole new world of sound to explore. Side trips to Berlin and Prague. (https://tonspur.at/soundworks/lee-ranaldo-leah-singer/?lang=en) Exhibitions in Berlin and Eupen, Chile Media Arts Biennial, Covid Flowers online Exhibitions of my Black Noise record print editions in Berlin, Lost Highway road drawings in Belgium, and watercolor covid-flowers online. In Chile Leah and I created an outdoor sound/art work, Do You Read Me?, in a field of trees surrounding an observatory above Santiago. Sounds were generated from signals collected from deep space by another observatory in the Atacama desert. A sound displacement work.
Medicine Singers in Brasilia, Montreal, NYC Had fruitful wanderings this year with Yonatan Gat, working with indigineous players from the USA, Brasil and Canada. Recording sessions in Montreal at fabulous Hotel2Tango studio, and in a splendid house set on the edge of the city in Brasilia, one of my favorite places. Happy to have been invited along for this most interesting ride.
Touring resumes Mostly in Europe, mostly quite wonderful. After 2 years at home it felt good to stand up in front of audiences again. Lots of solo acoustic shows playing In Virus Times and singing songs, but also interesting collaborations with Yuri Landman; My Cat Is An Alien, Jean-Marc Montera and Sophie Gonthier, and a special ‘Velvets Suite’ with French legend Pascal Comelade in Banyoles, Spain. Also the beginnings of a new collaboration with Chicago guitarist Michael Vallera, in a great new space in NYC for experimental music, 411 Kent (aka Shift). Leah and I premiered the new version of our Contre Jour performance with suspended guitar and films, in A Coruna, Spain and at the Three-Lobed Fest in Durham, North Carolina – which was an amazing three days of music. Also a short NorthEast tour with Jeff Parker in May.
London/Paris/Leah/ Catpower My touring year ended with a month split between Europe and the UK. A friend-lent apartment in Paris as base, with shows and lectures in Nantes, and Brittany. Five shows in the UK, the most I’ve played in some time there, including a free-ranging set with the Pop Group’s Mark Stewart and an eclectic band. Wild night! Leah flew over to celebrate her birthday, with CatPower at Royal Albert Hall (first time there for us both) recreating Bob Dylan’s legendary show there – both acoustic and electric sets – from 1966. What a great night, and our time together, in London, Paris and Brittany, was splendid.
Hurricane Transcriptions This year I played solo keyboard shows for the first time ever – the solo-for-Fender-Rhodes performance of my Hurricane Sandy Transcriptions, first at Karma Gallery in NYC, accompanied by films from LA Artist Mungo Thomson, and also at a Xenakis celebration in Vienna and at the opening of my exhibition of Lost Highway drawings, ‘The Road Is Like The River, Constantly Changing Yet Ever The Same’ – at IKOB Museum in Eupen, Belgium. (ikob.be)
Circuit des Yeux at Green-Wood Cemetery I think my favorite gig of the year was Circuit des Yeux in Green-Wood Cemetery on a rainy night in June. The weather threatened the show all evening, which made this incredible performance – just Haley and Whitney Johnson (Matchess). Just a magical, powerful night.
Godard’s King Lear In late August I committed to introduce Jean-Luc Godard’s King Lear, which I’d never seen, at TriBeCa’s Roxy Cinema, which has been doing terrific programs organized by Illyse Singer. I love Godard’s films, they are an important touchstone for me, and I took this as an opportunity to discover both the film and Shakespeare’s play; my Shakespeare knowledge is terrible, so I boned up on the play. Four days before the screening, the great master died, which cast the whole night in a new light. The film has been described by Richard Brody of the NY’er as ‘one of the best films of all time’ – wow. Burgess Meredith, Molly Ringwald, Norman Mailer, Julie Delpy, Leos Carax, and Godard himself center-stage and the plugged/unplugged oracle Professor Pluggy. What a film. As usual with a Godard film: what a sound mix!. See it in 35mm.
Broken Circle / Spiral Hill I have had a long fascination with the work of Robert Smithson, since discovering the book of his writings in the 70s. In the early 80s on the first few SY tours, I ‘coaxed’ the band into visiting one of his 3 still existing artworks – Broken Circle/Spiral Hill – in the countryside of northern Holland. Back then it was like a treasure hunt trying to find it, in the dark, late on the way to Club Vera in Groningen. In 2020 I visited it for a third time w friend Carlos, in the week before the world shut down. It had been totally restored and ready for it’s moment – just at it’s 50-year mark. In 2022 the site-an old, long-unused quarry – was opened to the public for the first time in ages, across 8 weekends. This year I narrated a podcast for the Holt/Smithson Foundation and the Netherland’s Land Art Contemporary, about Smithson and the work, which went live in November. (brokencircle.nl)
Birdsong Project I worked on this project, as both producer and performer, to raise money to benefit the Audobon Society for the preservation of avian habitats. Over 200 musicians contributed to this 20-LP set, as well as writers, poets and artists. Uplifting and surprising. (https://www.audubon.org/birdsong-project)
James Jackson Toth In the early 2000s I produced an album – James and the Quiet – with Mr. Wooden Wand, who’s music I love. This year a group of friends organized a birthday tribute to James, with 33 of us recording versions of songs from his vast catalog. I recorded ‘Wired to the Sky’, a favorite from the album we made together, recorded in our Viennese apartment in August, which closes this Birthday Blues collection. (https://aquariumdrunkard.com/category/jamesjackson-toth/)
Some Music/Art/Books etc:
Lou Reed – Words + Music, 1971 RCA Demos David Bowie – Divine Symmetry Catherine Christer Hennix – Selected Early Keyboard Works (https://blankformseditions.bandcamp.com/album/selected-early-keyboard-works) Plus Instruments, Februari-April ’81 (first record I was ever on) on Domani Records, NYC. In/Out/In, Sonic Youth. So cool to see this release welcomed so warmly! Cecilia Vicuña, Tate Modern Turbine Hall Venus of Willendorf, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna Matisse: The Red Studio, Museum of Modern Art, NYC Claude Monet – Joan Mitchell, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris Marco Fusinato, Desastres, Venice Biennale Family Affair, a 20-minute short film included in the Criterion Collection edition of Josh & Benny Safdie’s 2009 Daddy Longlegs, outlining our two families intertwined involvement in the making of the film. The most glorious home movie ever. The Double Life of Bob Dylan: A Restless, Hungry Feeling, Clinton Heylin. First of a 2-part bio of the (other) Bard, making first use of all the new material out from Tulsa’s Bob Dylan Center archive. Loved: Olivier Assayas’ Irma Vep mini series. He’d used SY’s ‘Tunic’ in his original 1995 film, and we became friends and occasional collaborators. The new limited series mines the story anew, meta-mixing in his 1995 film and Louis Feuillade’s 1915 original, Les Vampires. The most contemporary piece of ‘television’ I’ve seen in ages, just wonderful, with fantastic cast including a spot-on stand-in portrayal by Vincent Macaigne as the director, Alicia Vikander as Irma Vep, and Lars Eidinger as Gottfried. Also Devon Ross, Carrie Brownstein, many other great performances. Loved it. Still watching: Westworld, Handmaid’s Tale. Hal Willner Memorial, St. Anne’s, April. Miss Hal all the time…
---LR, Winnipeg, December 2022
Brian Chase
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Brian chose to write about one album that impacted him in 2022
This write-up is in no way meant to be a formal review - I don’t deem myself qualified for that task here - rather, this is meant to share personal enthusiasm and bring an album to light - like, "Have you heard this, it's really really amazing and inspiring and why isn't there more talking about it, and…" As a musician working within a greater community, I am acutely aware of the creative drive to continually uncover new modes, methodologies, practices etc. of expressing our chosen art form - each performance and each album serving as an instance of discovery and offering new perspectives on old conundrums. Whether the genre is rock, jazz, noise, free-improvisation, modern classical etc. the relationship of discourse and dialogue is still the same. At the forefront of this dialogue is John Zorn, as he has been for decades, and a major contribution to the conversation is the 2022 album Incerto - Existentialism, Psychoanalysis, and the Uncertainty Principle. Here, Zorn is the composer and the performing ensemble consists of some of Zorn's tightest in recent years: Brian Marsella on piano, Julian Lage on guitar, Jorge Roeder on bass and Ches Smith on drums. As Zorn says in the liner notes, "Incerto is about possibilities, probabilities, inevitabilities and improbabilities." Formal logic for musical structure is considerably expanded with these compositions and never before have I heard such new forms for improvisation. In these pieces, unexpected juxtapositions and superimpositions abound, as foremost examples of its many distinct features. The syntax of this music is beyond the scope of any previous way that I've conceived of music existing. Not only are harmonic and rhythmic conventions regularly reconstructed - often replaced with adjacent compliments and aggressive contradictions - but entire paradigms of improvisatory behavior are game as well. Shifts in genre/mood/tempo/texture/harmonic character/melodic personality place the improvisor in varying contexts - often in a short amount of time - and each context requires its own set of responses. The whole scope of musical history+trends+possibilities takes on a dynamic relational co-existence, in ways that I've never previously heard or thought possible - like when angular atonal lead lines enter on top of a serene ostinato, or impressionistic chords alternate between stillness and motion, or genre styles and idiomatic references collide, or gravelly density and noise build tension culminating into a placid release. Plus, so much of the composed material is really just so cool. Paramount to it all is the music’s immense depth of feeling. The moods on this album are evocative, romantic and ecstatic as much as they are revolutionary, kaleidoscopic and mystifying. As the music winds through its structural twists and turns, the key that holds it all together is sincerity of spirit - the performance of this music, as well as listening to it, is a literal experience. And within each singular track is the remarkable performance of the individual musicians themselves - each a respective master at the craft. Additionally, the album as a collective whole, being comprised of eleven very different tracks, functions as a macro-structure in itself which expands on the themes present in each individual track. So many new modes of music making are presented here - integrating them into current music making will take a while as more people discover its brilliance and begin to absorb the concepts and ideas it conveys. It is uniquely Zorn and there for us musicians to process and in turn produce that which is uniquely ours. Incerto is a gem in the conversation - we can listen and run with it how we like - but we have to hear it first.
David T. Little
composer www.davidtlittle.com
MUSIC (new, revisited, & in rotation)
Vile Creature – Glory! Glory! Apathy Took Helm! Burning Witch – Crippled Lucifer tryphème – Aluminia Louis Cole – Quality Over Opinion KANGA – You and I Will Never Die DELANILA – Overloaded Amyl & the Sniffers – Comfort To Me Kae Tempest – Let Them Eat Chaos Graindelavoix & Björn Schmelzer – Josquin, the Undead: Laments, Deplorations & Dances of Death Run The Jewels – 1, 2, 3, 4 The Cure – Disintegration, Wish, Show, Pornography Tenderheart Bitches – High Kicks George Walker – Piano Sonatas (Steven Beck) Rammstein – Herzeleid, Mutter, Sehnsucht, Untitled (in heavy rotation after the MetLife Stadium show) Living Colour – Vivid Utah Phillips – We Have Fed You All For A Thousand Years Tom Morello – Hold The Line (track, feat. grandson) ACRONYM – Oddities & Trifles: the Very Peculiar Instrumental Music of Giovanni Valentini Late Stravinsky (various) Son Lux – Everything Everywhere All At Once (ost) Harrison Birtwistle – The Moth Requiem Christopher Tin – The Lost Birds Karim Sulayman, Apollo’s Fire – Songs of Orpheus Hermann Nitsch – Symphony No. 9 “The Egyptian” Jay Wadley – Swan Song (ost) Herem – Pulsa diNura Danny Elfman – Big Mess / Bigger. Messier. (Deluxe.) Scott Walker – The Drift
FILMS & SERIES (new & rewatched) Hellraiser (Clive Barker) The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Jim Sharman) Tetsuo: The Iron Man (Shin'ya Tsukamoto) Private Life (Tamara Jenkins) Double Take (Johan Grimonprez) After Life (Ricky Gervais) One Big Bag (Every Ocean Hughes) The Village Detective (Bill Morrison) Polia & Blastema (E. Elias Merhige) Sibyl (William Kentridge)
The Copper Queen (Crystal Manich) Wishes (Amy Jenkins) The Once and Future Smash (Sophia Cacciola & Michael J. Epstein) End Zone 2 (August Kane) All Quiet on the Western Front (Edward Berger) Everything Everywhere All At Once (Daniels) Russian Doll (multiple directors) Piggy (short) (Carlota Pereda) The Mitchells vs. The Machines (Michael Rianda & Jeff Rowe) WHAT DID JACK DO? (David Lynch) The Power of the Dog (Jane Campion) Pig (Michael Sarnoski) The Green Knight (David Lowery) The Northman (Robert Eggers) Muriel’s Wedding (P.J. Hogan) BoJack Horseman (multiple directors) Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick)
BOOKS (some) Body Horror - Anne Elizabeth Moore Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf a ghost in the throat - Doireann Ní Ghríofa Cleanness – Garth Greenwell A Saint from Texas – Edmund White Out Loud – Mark Morris The Gastronomical Me – M.F.K. Fisher Agamemnon – Aeschylus (trans. Robert Fagles)
2022 good vibes - Hackedepicciotto tour photos such #couplegoals, kicking off the HTRK tour in Atlanta was exhilarating! Big hangs with my overseas buds Nathan Corbin and Yasmina Dexter, writing new songs with Nigel and keeping THE dream alive, my puppy Pali growing up into mumma’s good boy, instagram follows @the.holistic.psychologist (self healing)  @cracked.bolos (cakes), DJ Sundae, Amir Shoat, ‘Crush’ by Richard Siken (borrow from Nigel) writing bonkers dreams down again, Jonathan Richmond lyrics, tik tok #stayathomegirlfriend, jamming with Brother May in London and playing cafe OTO, second season Euphoria, White Lotus, Heartbreak High, rewatching Curb, Julia Fox’s eye makeup tutorial, films The Weekend and 45 Years by director Andrew Haigh, Charlotte Rampling interviews, fam long drives with Conrad and Pali finding songs for NTS <3 <3 Conrad got me into the Kinks!
Some music  i liked Actress — Dummy Corporation (Ninja Tune)  Autumn Fair - Autumn Fair  DALE CORNISH — Traditional Music of South London (The Death Of Rave)  Delphine Dora — A Stream Of Consciousness II (for piano solo) Coby Sey — Conduit (AD 93)  CS + Kreme — Orange (The Trilogy Tapes)  Harry Howard  - Slight Pavilions  Various / Kashual Plastik — Field of Progress Jonathan Richman - Jonathan Goes Country  Julia Reidy - World in World  Kitchen Cynics — Strange Acrobats Liz Durette - A Christmas Gift To You  Malvern Brume — Body Traffic (MAL)  Taylor E. Burch — The Best of Taylor E. Burch (Downwards)  The Incredible String Band — Wee Tam and the Big Huge  The Kinks - The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society  Thomas Bush — Preludes Warm Currency — Returns (Horn Of Plenty) 
Lawrence English
(Room 40 Records)
This year was the first time I had travelled internationally since 2019. The thing I realised I've truly missed is seeing people. The opportunity to share ideas, to be curious with others and to just be in the world was, well, magical. I think if anything the past few years has reminded me (us?) not to take things for granted…especially each other. This year was also the first time I returned to making solo electronic works. It had been about six years since I had completed Cruel Optimism and, if I am honest, I wasn’t sure if I still had an appetite for making solo electronic works. Approach however proved, to me at least, I can still derive great pleasure from working alone. Unexpectedly, I found the whole process of the album very satisfying, like it was new all over again, not something I always feel.
There’s been a tonne of great input into the system this year. Ergo Proxy totally got me thinking. I was late to the party, but it was a party I am glad I did make it to. Puce Mary made some tapes back in April, both of them were totally ace, filled with an acute sense of heaviness. I very much enjoyed Boy Harsher’s work this year too, outside my usual orbit in some ways, but they are really onto something of late. I caught up with my old and dear friend Kate Crawford, and had a chance to read over he excellent Atlas Of AI book, she is a tower of radiance. Annea Lockwood’s, work occupied a great deal of my thoughts this year, realising her Piano Transplants all at once was quite simply a delight. Adam Curtis’s TraumaZone left an indelible mark in more ways than one. I returned to Vancouver to photograph the crows that started off my homage to Masahisa Fukase, perhaps that tract of work is done? Oh and thanks to a dinner with Atsuo from Boris, and the encouragement of my small humans, we all started down the pathway of the epic saga of Gundam too. I missed that when I was younger, so it’s a long road to catch up on….but I started.
Oh and on a purely personal note I was able to commission a shikishi from Yoshihisa Tagami. Seriously, my 12 year old self was reborn when it arrived. The world is so much bigger, and smaller, than that little human could ever have imagined!
Love to you all and here’s hoping 2023 is full of curious surprises and wonder.
John Tottenham
Best Books:   Woodcutters Concrete Extinction| Wittgenstein’s Nephew Old Masters 
Thomas Bernhard
A Father and his Fate More Women than Men Manservant and Maidservant A Family and a Fortune  -  Ivy Compton Burnett   Hawkwind: Days of the Underground  -  Joe Banks
Best Songs:   Eunice Collins  –  At the Hotel Gloria Barnes  -  Old Before My Time Sonia Ross  -  Every Now and Then Rozetta Johnson  -  A Woman’s Way Debbie Taylor  -  I Don’t Wanna Leave You Denise LaSalle  -  Trapped by a Thing Called Love Barbara Stant  -  Unsatisfied Woman Ann Alford  -  If It Ain’t One Thing Big Martha  -  Your Magic Touch Helene Smith  -  Sure Thing     Best Shows By Octogenarians And Nonagenarians:
Ramblin’ Jack Elliott – Zebulon, LA  / Bob Dylan  -  Pantages, LA / Marshall Allen (Arkestra)  -  Zebulon, LA / Swamp Dogg  -  Teragram, LA / Doug Kershaw  -  Zebulon,  LA / Sonny Green  -  Barnyard & La Louisianne, LA / Tommy McClain  -  Stowaway, LA
Brian Carpenter
Composer / Ghost Train Orchestra
My favorite recordings of 2022, in no particular order…also the most frequently played albums on my long-running radio show Free Association on WZBC in Boston. As I'm writing this I'm reminded that a lot of great records came out of bands from South London this year, across genres. 
The Comet is Coming - CODE Caroline - caroline Dry Cleaning - Stumpwork William Orbit - The Painter Akusmi - Fleeting Future
Electric Youth, David Sylvian, et al - A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto - To the Moon and Back Portico Quartet - Next Stop The Smile - A Light for Attracting Attention Zola Jesus - Into the Wild Mary Lattimore and Paul Sukeena - West Kensington Lucrecia Dalt - Ay! Bjork - Fossora Tindersticks - Stars at Noon Original Soundtrack Kamikaze Palm Tree - The Hit Bitchin Bajas - Bajascillators Bill Callahan - YTILAER Thurston Moore - Screen Time Bill Orcutt - Music for Four Guitars Horse Lords - Comradely Objects Curha - Curha III
Sharon Van Etten - We've Been Going About This All Wrong Aldous Harding - Warm Chris Weyes Blood - Hearts Aglow Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You Oneida - Success Brandon Seabrook - In the Swarm Jacob Garchik - Assembly Oren Ambarchi - Shebang The Lord and Petra Haden - Devotional Roedelius & Tim Story - 4 Hands Brian Eno - Foreverandevernomore Steve Reich - Runner Moor Mother - Jazz Codes Makaya McCraven  - Dream Another Sun Ra Arkestra - Living Sky Danger Mouse and Black Thought - Identical Deaths A Far Cry - The Blue Hour Nils Frahm - Music for Animals Mary Halvorson - Amaryllis Kronos Quartet, Van-Anh Vanessa Vo, Rinde Eckert - My Lai Attacca Quartet - Caroline Shaw: Evergreen
DJ Food
Music: Clocolan - Empathy Alpha LP (Redpan) Brian Eno - The Lighthouse (Sonos HD) King Gizzard &The Lizard Wizard - Omnium Gatherum LP (Flightless) Twilight Sequence - Trees in General: and the Larch 12" (Castles In Space) WTCHCRFT - Drugs Here 12" (Balkan Vinyl) Ghost Power - Ghost Power LP (Duophonic Super 45s) Dexorcist - Night Watch 12" (Yellow Machines) The Advisory Circle - Full Circle LP (Ghost Box) Fenella - The Metallic Index (Fire Records) S'Express & Daddy Squad - Music 4 The Mind (DL)
Podcasts: The Bureau of Lost Culture We Buy Records Oh God, What Now?
Gigs / Events: The Orb play U.F.Orb @ The Fox & Firkin, London Staying in a restored Futuro House, Somerset Fogfest @ Iklectik, London Funki Porcini's Lasarium @ Iklectik, London The Trunk Groovy Record Fayre @ Mildmay Club, London
Books / Comics: 99 Balls Pond Road - Jill Drower (Scrudge Books) Radio Spaceman - Mike Mignola & Greg Hinkle (Dark Horse) A-Z of Record Shop Bags - Jonny Trunk (Fuel) Mud Sharks - Dave Barbarossa Good Pop, Bad Pop - Jarvis Cocker (Vintage) House Music - Andy Votel (The Modernist) Defying Gravity - Jordan Mooney w. Cathi Unsworth 69 Exhibition Road - Dorothy Max Prior (Strange Attractor) Judge Dredd - Mike McMahon (Apex Edition) It's Lonely At The Centre Of The Universe - Zoe Thorogood (Image Comics) The Black Locomotive - Rian Hughes (Picador)
Films: Get Back (Disney+) Who Killed The KLF? (Chris Atkins) In The Court of the Crimson King (Toby Aimes)
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fall-dog · 1 year
ty for the tag @somerubberband <33
last song i listened to: the owl and the tanager by sufjan stevens (i'm currently lounging around my family's summer cottage so i've been playing a lot of sufjan he fits the vibe <3)
currently watching: rewatching succession with my friend lol i talked to her so much abt it that she's obsessed too. she hates tom so so much it's so funny
currently reading: left hand of darkness by ursula le guin!! i've been meaning to read this forever and i'm very into it :) i also just finished orlando by virginia woolf which i loved
current obsession: i got a book of alfonsina storni's poetry a few weeks ago and i love it she's incredible like just look at this part:
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i am!! kissing her!! through a hundred years and 13 000 kilometres!! i am holding her hand!!
anyway tagging @potensh @fatemy-friend @pomegranate-pill and anyone else who'd like to do this ^^ (sorry if you've been tagged already!)
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marvelreader · 10 months
Daredevil #3 (June 2, 1964)
Matt Murdock is hired by the villainous Owl, an embezzler with a cape that lets him glide. Daredevil knows he is guilty but takes the case so he can keep tabs on him. Unfortunately, Orlando & Colletta's art is not on par with the rest of the line.
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Lee / Orlando / Colletta
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jackiehadel1 · 10 months
Orlando, Florida 🇺🇸 10july23
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I sent this as an in-character ask yesterday to @wizardraziw because i couldn't make any more posts that day, so I'm posting this now, it's me as a scab wizard. a detail i had forgotten to mention in said ask was the wand in my hand, it's from Harry Potter, specifically an irl replica of one of the character's wand, idk who, i got it at a gift shop at Orlando universal studios.
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Also the owl stopwatch works, the ticking is a little annoying though, i also got the sketch here.
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adrianmata26 · 1 year
The Sachairi & Peaches Show - S1E4 - Bears, Unicorns, and Ice Merchants: Emma’s Trip to the 2022 Ottawa International Animation Festival
Emma has an update on their senior thesis short film and Adrian talks about his past few days working at Universal Orlando before the two of them talk about the former's visit to the 2022 Ottawa International Animation Festival in Canada, where Emma saw two notable films that form part of today's main segment: a feature, Unicorn Wars, and a short, Ice Merchants. Afterwards, Adrian recaps what has happened on The Owl House so far, and he and Emma offer up their initial thoughts about the program before its series finale on April 8 on Disney Channel.
Follow Adrian: DeviantArt: @ AdrianMata26 Instagram: @ adrianmata26 and @ sachlandhub YouTube: @ Sachland (Adrian Mata // Sachland)
Follow Emma: DeviantArt: @ LocalPeaches YouTube: @ localpeachesstudios8124 (LocalPeaches Studios)
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