#pretty sure he was exaggerating cause looking back. it was good. but some of the wording was a lil wonky
i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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imfinereallyy · 10 months
Bedside Manner
for @acasualcrossfade request for "the infection has spread"
"Some birdie told me that you have been causing a fuss, Wayne, is that true?"
Wayne huffs from his hospital bed, glasses sliding down his nose. He places the newspaper he was reading on the table beside him. "You tell that Robbie of yours to stop exaggerating. It was only a small request."
Steve raises his eyebrows at his favorite patient (Dustin tells him he isn't supposed to have favorites, but he also used to cry anytime he picked up Max before him when they were younger, so what does he know) and gives him a knowing look. "Robin listens to no man, Wayne, you know this. You're better off sending that message through her wife. Besides, small? She was telling me you refused to have any other nurse help you because I wasn't here last night. Which surprised me since you are always pushing me on about taking a vacation. "
Wayne opens his mouth, but Steve presses on. "And the fact Robin was even in the room means they called a psych consult, so I can only imagine how bad it was."
Wayne grumbles like a little kid being scolded for getting his hands caught in the cookie jar. "Yea, well, it was a bad night, kid."
Steve feels his shoulders sag, he takes off his glasses and rubs a hand down his face before placing them back on. "Sorry, Wayne, I had a bad migraine last night. Nance and Robs wouldn't even let me pass the entrance. Bad news?"
"Kid, don't stress yourself out over me. I'm just your patient, and more so, I am just a cranky old man." Wayne patted Steve's knee as he sat down next to him.
"C'mon, Wayne. You're more than that. I'd like to think seeing you in and out of here the last year has made us friends. Although I gotta say, you're the only friend I have that I'll be glad if I don't get to see again, given the circumstances. So, what's the news?"
"The infection has spread."
Steve takes in a deep breath, he tries not to panic, but any infection in a hospital can be deadly, especially for a cancer patient like Wayne. "Incision site?"
Steve must not be as good at hiding his emotions as he used to be because Wayne jumps to ease his worry. "No, kid, don't worry. The surgery was a success. Just got that hospital fever, the good old bronchitis. But it just means I'm here longer than I have to. It also means my nephew is on edge, and I don't know if I can take a second longer of his hovering."
Steve laughed wetly, thankful for the topic change. "Ah yes, the mysterious nephew of yours that I've never met. The way you talk about him almost tempts me into switching to the day shift, sounds like he might be entertaining. But only almost."
"Always wondered why you were always working the nights, most of the others seem to switch. Not a big fan of the day?"
Steve shakes his head gently, "No, I like the quiet here at night. Like getting to know the patients without having to worry about fixing ten million things. Don't get me wrong, it has its downfalls. Like the doctors can be horrible at night, never tell Dr. Wheeler that or Robbie will kill me, and the food is awful. But there is something special about it here at night. So sorry, your ridiculous nephew isn't enough to tempt me."
Wayne smirked, "What if I told you he was a looker and single?"
Steve blushes slightly. He is used to patients trying to pawn him off to their relatives, it came with being a young male nurse, but typically it didn't phase him. But Steve has become close with Wayne, so hearing him suggest he get together with his nephew has him flustered. "I'm good, Wayne, thanks. Gave up on the dating scene a while ago. Not many people can keep up with a guy who works nights and suffers from severe head trauma."
"Shame, Eddie likes the nights too. I'd reckon yal would get along."
"I'm pretty sure we would need more than that, Wayne."
Wayne smiles fondly at Steve. "You don't need a whole lot to build a connection, son. Me and Linda, god rest her soul, only started dating for our mutual love of mugs. And we may not have had long together, but our love was strong. Besides, there is more yal would have in common than just the night shift."
Steve huffs a laugh, "Oh yea, like what?" The least he can do is humor the man.
"Well, you both care about me deeply."
Steve blushes again, "C'mon, Wayne. I'm your nurse. I'm kinda paid to care."
Wayne won't hear any of it, "No, son, it's more than that. You take your break in here every night. You make sure to record the game at home for me because they only have the news here. And last night, you tried to come in with a migraine, even though we both know I am the only patient you can stand right now."
Steve doesn't know what to say back. Wayne is right, of course. Steve has been spending all of his time with the man, giving him extra care. Steve isn't bad with his other patients, he goes above and beyond most of his coworkers, but there is something special about Wayne.
"You got nothing, kid, you know I'm right. Remind me a lot of my nephew. Before visiting hours ended is when I got the news of having to stay longer. Kid almost threw a fit when they kicked him out. Swore he was gonna break in to stay the night with me. I told him not to worry since you would be there, I brag about you too, ya know. When he found out today you weren't here, that boy threw a fit again. Swear he gets his tantrums from his father. Said he was gonna sneak back in tonight. Make sure I had company. That 'the man' couldn't stop him. That if he ran into you, he was gonna have a word with you."
Steve can't help the snort that shakes his body, "I'd like to see him get passed Hop first."
Wayne starts to chuckle, too, "Eds may have had his fair share of escaping the law, but no man moves as fast as Jim in a security uniform."
Steve is fully laughing now, "I know, right? It's like those pants make him aerodynamic or something. No way your nephew is getting by."
It is almost as if Steve's words summon what happens next. There in the doorway is the most gorgeous man he's ever seen, even though he is bent over and out of breath.
"Eds?" Wayne questions, clearly surprised. Steve has to mask his face and quickly before Wayne catches him ogling his nephew. Steve is finding it difficult, though. The man, Eddie, despite his out-of-breath appearance, is stunning. His long curly hair is thrown up in a bun, showing off the piercings up his ears. His clothes are simple but suiting, ripped jeans and a black band tee. Tattoos cover his entire body, and Steve wants to ask about every single one of them.
The most surprising thing about him isn't that he got by Hop (although he has questions for that later), no the most surprising thing to Steve is that Wayne somehow knew his exact type, which most people assume wrong in that department.
Eddie awakens an old craving inside Steve that he thought he had buried long ago.
"Wayne, you would not believe what I just went to get up here. The story I have for you, oh boy. You're gonna love it. Who knew security guards could move that fast. Anyway, I hope that nurse boy of yours is here tonight because I am ready to—" Eddie stops mid-rant when his eyes land on Steve, a lovely blush blossoming across his pale cheeks.
"I believe what you are trying to say is, what was it, Wayne? Oh yea, 'have a word with me,'" Steve laughs softly.
Eddie sputters, "Wayne!?!" His blushing becomes deeper as the seconds pass by.
Wayne just chuckles as Steve stands. "Don't be mad at your Uncle, I think he was just trying to make me feel better. I am sorry I wasn't here last night for the news. Got my head knocked around too much as a kid—" Steve taps his head with his knuckles, "—so I suffer from migraines sometimes. I really did try to come in, but well—you met Jim. He's pretty fast." Steve worries his lip. Eddie's eyes follow.
"Well, I can't be too mad now, can I?" Eddie swallows nervously before a smirk spreads across his face, switching from shy to confident in two seconds flat. Steve shouldn't be turned on by that. "The pretty face helps too. I'm pretty sure you could convince me to give you my kidney right about now. I'm Eddie, which I know you know by now, and you are...?"
Steve puts his hand out for a shake, "Nurse Harrington. But most people call me Steve."
Eddie grabs his hand gently and brings the back of it to his lips. "Stevie, a pleasure, really." A light kiss is placed on Steve's knuckles. Stevie, he thinks. That's a new one. And he isn't mad about it, at all. In fact, the butterflies in his stomach want him to get Eddie to say it again.
Steve catches Wayne's smug face in the corner of his eye as Steve begins to blush again.
"I'm just gonna—I'll be right back." Steve stutters.
"Leaving so soon?" Eddie says disappointed.
Steve has the sudden urge to fix the frown on his face. "No, no! Just, uh, gonna call Jim and tell him not to send out a search party. That it's okay if you stay. I'll keep an eye on you."
Eddie's face breaks out into a brilliant smile, "Really, Stevie? You gonna keep me around?"
Steve's heart skips a beat, "If I can help it."
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sku-nk · 23 days
I've been inspired Skunk. Do you lnow that TikTok trend where it's like "When they're all up on my girl in public but she thinks they're just being friendly" and it's that audio that's like COME HERE.
Can I request that.
Come Here.
Synopsis: Some guy's getting a little too close for comfort. Unfortunately for Sam, you're oblivious to it.
Warnings: Language, jealous Sam, Not really controlling but bossy Sam, Just funny shit
A/n: i got your other ask clarifying who u wanted :))
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Nothing is ever simple. Never.
Actually, there are a few things that are simple. A lot even. Things that are exactly as they're supposed to be, things that never have any extra complications.
With you nothing is ever simple. there has to be at least billion things that actually prove themselves to be what they should be, yet anything regarding you just can't be one of those things.
Like shopping.
It was supposed to be a boring little shopping trip. It was supposed to be quick. Pick up some things you need around the house, stuff you've ran out of and stuff you've suddenly realized you need. Maybe convince Sam to take you to Victoria's Secret and leave a dent in her wallet.
Honestly, Sam would prefer that to what's going on instead. She'd prefer anything over this. Like sleeping in, or watching a movie, or maybe punching that dude who's got his hand on your back.
What's worse is that you don't even seem to realize what he's doing. You've clearly been standing there for a while now, speaking to some stupid guy with a stupid chain and an even stupider fake deep voice.
At first Sam didn't even know where you were, you'd just wandered off. She'd assumed you were going to get something else on the list. When she caught up to you, finding you at the other end of the baking isle, she wished she'd followed you.
"Just need to start looking right, you know?" This guy says, standing much too close for comfort. "Pull a ten, maybe."
You nod, smiling. "I'm sure you will, Ryan," you say politely.
Sam can see the way his eyes rake over you, the look on his face so clearly filled with want it's actually ridiculous you're oblivious to it. Then again, you always have been. That's how you were with her.
"Shit, if I was like you, I wouldn't need to do all this. But you're just mad pretty," Ryan says, laughing for whatever reason. You're smiling kindly but Sam's got what's probably the dirtiest of looks on her face.
"Oh, thank you," you smile. Sam rolls her eyes. This dude's not your friend.
"Y/n," she says, making her presence known. Your eyes widen and an even bigger smile graces your face, head whipping in the direction you heard the voice. Ryan looks too, though his face is more curious than anything.
"Sammy," you say, as Ryan's hand drops from your back. Sam feels herself let out a breath despite the fact that you're still a little too close to this guy.
"Come here," she says, arms crossing.
"Hold on, this is Ry-" you begin, pointing at the guy who's now a good two and a half feet away, though you don't get the chance to finish.
"Come here." Sam points at the ground in front of her.
You tilt your head, glancing between Ryan and Sam, but you don't protest. You make a face, something between confusion and annoyance. Sam doesn't notice, or else she doesn't care.
"Now," she says, something in her voice possessing an odd sort of finality. You let out an exaggerated sigh and glance at Ryan, who seems to be just as confused as you.
"Sorry, Ryan," you say as you speed up. For some reason, this causes Sam to sigh and roll her eyes again.
She's irritable all of a sudden, you think. She shoots the not so poor guy a look, a look that has him stepping back even further.
"Let's go," she says impatiently as her eyes land on you, urging you to hurry up. You give her a look of your own.
"Why'd you do that?" you ask, despite the fact that you're doing exactly as she's told you to, glancing back like that dude's actually stupid enough to still be standing there. Sam grabs your sleeve and pulls you little closer even though it really doesn't benefit her in the slightest (besides making her feel better) and leans onto the cart.
" 'Cause I did. When you're shopping, you're shopping with me," she tells you, tone suggesting that you doing otherwise is an insult or something alike. "Not some weird ass dude."
"Ryan's not weird-"
"He's weird!" Sam cuts in, throwing a hand up. "Weird and wants you. You're with me, you're shopping with me."
You almost laugh. It's funny. What is she even talking about? Ryan wants you? That guy you just met? Sam notices your little smile out of the corner of her eye and scoffs.
"It's funny 'till he wants a smooch," she says, dead serious.
That does it.
You can't hold it any longer. You burst into a fit of giggles, smacking Sam on the arm. "He was being nice, relax," you laugh, as Sam rolls her eyes for the millionth time.
"He doesn't need to, he's being a little too nice."
"It's not that deep, I promise!" you tell her, grin unwavering.
"It's always that deep! Everybody wants you! All the time! I do!" Sam shoots back, instinctively straightening up as you grab the cart, shaking your head and beginning to push it down the isle. She nearly pulls her hair out when you start fully laughing at her again.
"Made me forget what I was over here for," you say to yourself as Sam follows behind you, saying something about the elderly crossing guard across the street checking you out.
I dunno how to end this guys
"So you need to stay with me all the time!"
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princessbrunette · 4 months
brother’s best friend!rafe is on my mind every minute of every day 😵‍💫 fucking in the most obvious places & reader is trying her absolute best to not make a sound, but rafe isn’t having it - he literally goes to POUND TOWNNN & the moans just pour out her poor mouth !!! :(
also, can i be clawdeen wolf anon? (i love monster high❤️‍🔥).
i misread the request i know i know pls
“i swear, you wanna get caught, don’t you? yeah, that shit gets you off, doesn’t it?” rafe pants, his dresser banging against the wall rhythmically from where you’re sat on top of it, his hips thrusting into you. he hadn’t even shut his bedroom door.
you’d been outside with sarah all day, lounging by the pool. rafe wasn’t that discreet about his attraction towards you, wandering out onto the the porch to stare you down in your little bikini. sarah had quickly shooed him away, yelling something about him being a perv which he didn’t deny — turning back around in disinterest with an eye roll, sipping his drink as he meanders back inside. but now, after you’d told her you had to grab something from your bag in her room — she’d left you to her own devices inside tannyhill.
“no! we — we can’t, i feel— mmph— feel terrible!” you whimper, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he destroys your little cunt, bikini bottoms pushed to the side, toes curling at his lower back.
“really? really. ‘cos to me it seems like you feel pretty good.” he whispers, smirk threatening to twitch at his lips as he switches over to rolling his lips languidly instead of thrusting incessantly. your jaw drops, forehead falling to press to his shoulder and you watch him fuck into you, whining as quietly as your body will allow you.
“she can’t know.” you reiterate in a shameful whisper, trembling when his hand presses between you, thumbing at your clit.
“wont know unless you tell ‘er.” he pants, speeding up again chasing his own high. “hey, you’re the one that likes sneakin’ around so much maybe we should tell her huh? — oh saraaaah!” he calls fairly loudly, turning his face to the open door knowing his sister was outside, likely not to hear him.
you gasp anyway, slapping at his chest making him lose his rhythm and he chuckles boyishly, grabbing you a little tighter so you stop fighting him. “you’re fine.” he reassures, lips hovering over yours as he continues to fuck you, about to kiss you.
“the fuck do you want rafe?” sarah’s voice is suddenly not far at all, half way up the stairs and your eyes widen in panic, shoving him away and jumping off the dresser. he presses his lips together in irritation, yanking his shorts up, sure to tuck his erectjon the right way, so that it wasn’t apparent. as her footsteps draw closer to the already open door, rafe grabs you by the shoulders and stuffs you behind it — opening the door fully to conceal you. she arrives, and he comes up with some bullshit excuse, saying he didn’t need to ask her what he was going to ask before.
she asks if he’s seen you and he shrugs, probably way too exaggerated and theatrical with his mouth turned downwards.
“why the hell would i know where she is, huh?”
sarah’s eyes subconsciously glance around his room. “she said she was coming upstairs to get something from her bag. did you say something to her? it’s bad enough you stare at her all the time like a total creep, but i swear to god rafe if you said anything to—”
“the fuck are you pointing fingers for? i said i haven’t seen her.” he argues back, more convincing this time. “last time i did see her in the house, she was saying she didn’t feel too good. maybe you just missed her.” he explains slowly, calmly. you barely breathe behind the door.
the explanation wasn’t quite adding up, and sarah’s brows furrow, eyeing her older brother. he stares back, knowing if he looks away it’ll be a cause of concern. she’s distracted by his overall appearance, the usually well groomed boy stood before her a little sweaty and red in the face, hair dishevelled and stuck to his forehead.
“whats up with you?” she asks in disgust and he rolls his eyes, waving her away.
“nothing is up with m— get out of my room, go.” he walks her back and she rolls her eyes, storming away.
“i’m not in your room, idiot.”
he watched her disappear before slowly closing the door, turning to you with a growing smirk.
“i’m going to hell.” you whisper.
“well until then, she thinks you’ve headed home so… guess i got you to myself for the rest of the evening.” he closes in on you, pressing your back to the door and cupping you over your bikini bottoms once more, free hand pawing at your tit. “gotta be quiet though, alright? stakes are higher now. don’t wanna ruin all the fun.”
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Oliver Quick X Reader: The birthday boy
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Warnings: smut, dom reader, sub Oliver, penetration (p in v), fingering, oral (m receiving), cream pie, mirror sex, dirty talk, cowgirl, choking.
Word Count: 2,4K
“You don’t look like you’re having fun.”
Oliver turned around at the sound of your voice. He’d been so focused on how everything had gone to shit that he hadn’t really had the time to enjoy the party. His party. You looked pretty, all dressed up in what Oliver could only imagine was supposed to be some sort of fae costume.  
You passed him the bottle you were holding. He grabbed it from you and took a swing. 
“I guess I'm not.”
“Sorry what?”
It was hard to hear each other through the blaring music. You leaned closer to Oliver so that you could listen better. He tilted his head up so his lips were near your ear.
“You’re right. I'm not having fun.”
You gave him an exaggerated pout before leaning back down to whisper in his ear.
“Want me to change that?”
Oliver looked at you watching the sultry look that made its way into your eyes as you smirked.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Come with me.”
You grabbed Oliver's hands, dragging him through the crowd of people. From time to time someone would try to talk to you but you’d just wave them off. Oliver enjoyed it. He liked feeling like he was more important than those other people. And he was. To you at least. 
The entire house seemed to be filled to the brim with people yet somehow the moment you got to the hall that led to your room there wasn’t anyone around. You could sense the questions swimming around Oliver's head.
“It's basic etiquette.”
“What is?” 
“Not going near peoples rooms. Rooms are private. Not to be used or seen by anyone other than the owner.”
“I’ve been in the rooms.”
“Well yeah. Cause you’re special.”
Your words sent shivers down Oliver's arms. What had he gotten himself into? Ever since he’d arrived at Saltburn you’d been nothing but kind to him. You understood each other in a way that the others didn't. After all, both of you were only temporary guests here. You were Venetias friend and even though this was the second summer you’d spent at Saltburn you still felt out of place. Oliver's arrival had been a surprise. And a pleasant one at that.
You’d found him wandering the grounds one day and from that moment on the two of you had become close. Even though Oliver had never told you the truth he knew you’d understand. You were like him after all. And perhaps that's why he felt comfortable walking into your room and sitting on your bed. Or maybe it was the silent promise that had filled the air as soon as you’d called out his name downstairs. 
“I have a gift for you.” 
“Oh really?”
“Yeah,wanna see?”
“Okay, close your eyes.”
Oliver did as you asked, shutting his eyes and relaxing into your bed. His fingers moved over the silk sheets. He could hear you moving around the room due to the clack of your heels on the floor. Oliver wanted to see what you were up to but he also wanted to be a good boy for you. He knew how much you enjoyed bossing people around. He was quite fond of it too so he decided to force his curiosity out of his brain and channel as much patience as he could.
You observed Oliver as you got ready, a smile spreading across your face as you noticed his head following you around the room. You turned around to look at yourself in the vanity mirror. Once you’d made sure everything was the way you wanted you slipped your heels off and made your way to Oliver. Oliver felt your well manicured hands on his shoulder causing him to instinctively grab onto your waist. You laughed at the action, manoeuvring yourself so that you were sitting comfortably in Oliver's lap. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your neck but his eyes remained shut. You caressed his hair, placing a kiss to his forehead.
“You’ve been a good boy haven’t you?”
“Yes ma'am.”
“Didn’t give any peaks right?”
“Well then I think good boys deserve rewards don't they?”
Oliver nodded, his tongue jutting out to wet his lips. 
“Go on, Ollie, open your eyes.”
Oliver opened his eyes slowly, a shuddered breath leaving his lips once his gaze caught onto your frame. His hands made their way over the lacy fabric you had on, eyes skimming over the parts of skin that were barely covered. 
“You like it?”
“I love it. Thank you.”
“Oh this isn't your gift Ollie. This was just something I got for myself.”
“So what did you get me?”
‘You, my darling boy, get to rip this off me and fuck me until your name is the only thing i still remember how to say.”
Oliver stared at you with his blue puppy eyes. You would never get tired of the way he looked at you. Such devotion. Such desperation. Such lust. You smirked at the brunette.
“You up for it baby?”
“Do you have to ask?”
In a matter of seconds Oliver had managed to drag you off his lap and flipped you around so that you were positioned beneath him. You wrapped your legs around his waist eagerly. Oliver knew you’d told him he was allowed to go fast and as much as his dick begged for him to just plunge into you he had another plan. He took his time kissing your body all over. He loved the whines you’d let out whenever his tongue lapped over your skin. You wanted to tell him to hurry up but it was his birthday so you decided to let him go at his own pace. And boy was it worth the wait.
Oliver's hands found their way to the top of your lingerie, fingers moving slowly against your nipples before deciding to free your breasts. As soon as your tits were free Oliver’s mouth latched onto them. Your hands curled into his hair as he sucked your tits, a moan of satisfaction leaving your lips. Any other time you would have been worried about being too loud but given how loud the music downstairs you had nothing to worry about. Oliver continued his path down your body. Each new patch of skin that was revealed was lavished by his warm tongue before he allowed himself to remove more of your clothing. He eventually got to the part you’d been needing the most attention. His fingers grazed against your hip bone as he tugged the final piece off your body.
“Ass up.”
You did as Oliver asked, lifting your hips off the bed so that he could slip the lace off your body entirely. Oliver hissed as he felt your pussy brush against his dick. You gave him a cheeky smile. He smirked at you and leaned down to place a kiss on your lips. Your mouth parted into a moan when you felt him plunge a digit into your cunt. It slipped in with ease. You’d been thinking about this since you stepped out of the shower so it was safe to say that you were soaked. Oliver gave an encouraging moan as he placed another finger inside. He curled his fingers and you moaned.
“Such pretty noises.”
“Ollie…ugh shit.”
You threw your head back, your body rising off the bed as Oliver began moving his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace. You reached out for him, your hands moving towards his neck. He lifted his chin slightly, his eyes closing as he felt your fingers wrap around his throat. You gave him a squeeze causing a broken groan to leave his lips. 
“Come on baby. Make me cum.”
Oliver's blue orbs found yours a feral look passing over them before he grabbed onto your leg and pushed it up. The new position allowed him to hit your g-spot perfectly. Your hands tightened around his neck as your eyes rolled back into your head, his name leaving your lips in a loud moan. You heard him moan, his hips launching forward as his fingers kept moving inside you. Even in your euphoric state you could tell Oliver had just cum in his pants and the thought alone made you feel even more desperate to have him inside you. Oliver removed his fingers from your pussy making you let out a whimper. He placed his fingers into his mouth and sucked. You watched him palm himself with one hand as he cleaned your juices off the other one. 
“Such a good boy for me.”
You sat up in bed, your hands making their way to Oliver's hips. He removed his hand from his dick so that you could see his cum stained pants.
“You made a mess didn’t you?”
Oliver nodded, removing his fingers from his mouth with a pop.
“Want me to help you clean it up?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes please.”
“That's better.”
You rose to your feet causing Oliver to take a step back. You glanced around the room, your eyes falling on the chair near your vanity.
“How about a change of scenery?”
Oliver looked at where you had gestured to with your head, a small grin forming on his face as he understood what you were suggesting. 
“Whatever you want, pretty.”
“Go sit for me. Legs spread and arms behind your back.”
Oliver did as he was told. He walked over to the chair and sat down, making sure it was angled in a way so that you could stay between his legs comfortably and so that he had a view of the mirror before him. Once you saw Oliver had settled in the chair the way you’d told him to you made your way to him. You walked slowly, making sure he could see every inch of your body as you did. Oliver's hands figited behind him and as much as he wished he could just tug you over to him he knew the rules. And he would follow them. Finally you got to Oliver, dropping to your knees before him. You reached for his pants, unbuttoning them as you stared into Oliver's eyes. He let out a breath as your hands found their way into his pants tugging his dick free. He was only semi-hard but you’d fix that in a moment. 
“You know the rules baby. No looking.”
Oliver gave you a pout.
“It’s my birthday.”
“Rules are rules.”
He let off a huff before moving his face to the side.
“That's a good boy.”
Oliver watched as his reflections mouth fell open with a moan. HIs brows furrowed as you continued to place kisses and licks on his dick. It was only when you wrapped your lips around him that he realised he could see your reflection. You placed your other mirror directly in front of your vanity which allowed him to watch you without actually looking at you.
“Oh you cheeky thing.”
You glanced at the mirror on the other side of the room blowing Oliver a kiss before moving your attention back to his dick. After a bit of sucking as carresing you managed to get Oliver hard again. You rose to your feet, your fingers going to Oliver's chin. He turned to face you. You smiled down at him.
“Ready for me?”
“Are you sure you aren’t forgetting something?”
Oliver looked at you questioningly.
“Your pants baby.”
Oliver understood immediately, moving to raise his hips so that you could tug his pants off his body. You looked down at his fully nude body with a grin.
You moved forward placing your thighs on either side of Olivers. His hands latched on your waist as his lips moved to kiss the valley of your breasts. You wound your hands around Oliver's neck, fingers grasping his hair before giving it a tug. 
“Eyes on me baby.”
Oliver looked up at you, his eyes never leaving your face as you sank down onto him. 
“Oh Ollie!”
“Feel so good darlin’-fuck-ugh.”
You ground yourself against Oliver's dick before beginning to bounce up and down. Oliver helped you out, his hands gripping your body as he guided your movements. You placed your hands on his knees giving you more leverage. Oliver glanced back at the mirror, his eyes following your movements through the reflection. The sight of you bouncing yourself on his dick was almost enough to make him cum again but he decided that this time he wanted to last longer so he opted for turning back to you. One of his hands found their way to your pussy, his finger moving to give your clit some attention. The moan that left your mouth was down right sinful and it made Oliver's chest rise in pride. He was the one making you feel good. Not any of those idiots downstairs. Him.
“You close?”
“Yeah baby…please Ollie please.”
He loved seeing you beg for him like this. It made him feel like a fucking king. But seeing you cum made him feel like a God. And he’d much rather be a God than a king. So before you could even process what was happening Oliver had leaned down and wrapped his lips around your nipple. The movements of his finger on your clit got faster as he sucked your breast and in seconds you were done for. You came with a scream of Oliver's name, your body sagging forwards. Olivers was close too but he needed a little something more to reach his peak. He called out your name causing you to raise your head from his shoulder.
“Yes Ollie?”
“What if I had been a-ugh shit- bad…boy?”
You understood what he was asking for. You moved your hands to wrap around his neck. You gave his throat a squeeze as you learned to whisper in his ear.
“Well then I'd have to punish you.”
Oliver groaned out your name, his hips bucking wildly as he filled you up with his seed. He threw his head back, his eyes looking at the ceiling as he tried to catch his breath. You leaned into his body, placing a kiss to his cheek.
“Did you like your present?”
“I loved it. Thank you darling.”
“Anything for my best boy.”
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asuyaka · 5 months
Heyy, idk if u're still taking requests or not but if u're not just ignore this!
TikTok really came to drag me down the Satosugu hole by the foot this week goddamn. Anyways, I'd like to request my favorite sad gay boys with a m!reader who's a effeminate soft boy and is usually pretty quiet and cooperative but the second someone says something remotely negative about the two m!reader is already throwing hands and burying the offender's head onto the ground. Bonus point if he's from the Zen'in clan!
No one's ever calling Geto's bangs 'weird' with m!reader around lol.
- '🌈' Anon.
★ - yes! reqs are open !! when the first (yippie!!) one piece one shot comes out s'when reqs are gunna close briefly cause 've got other things m'needa work on! (❁´◡`❁)
☆ - Satosugu x M! Zen'in clan reader!
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Lulling chirping sounds sounded through the second-year classroom as the sun began to rise. The sound of sweeping and the screech of desks moving across the table sounded through your ears.
With a gentle hand, you plucked the dead leaves off the bouquet of flowers that usually resided on the window sill next to your seat; plucking off the leaves as well and shaking it so the petals could become more pronounced.
After cutting the stem so water could flow through them, you placed the flowers in their vase and put them in their designated position, a pleased smile on your face when you realized that was the last thing you needed to do for cleaning duty, even though it wasn't your turn.
The door slid open behind you as a tired-looking Yaga walked into class. His eyes widened for a bit when they saw you before his expression turned sour. "Good morning, [Name]. I thought Satoru had cleaning duty for today?"
You bowed politely in greeting. "He asked me to do it because he had to get limited edition crepes today."
Yaga sets his things on the table with an annoyed mumble. "Thank you, please make sure he gets to class on time."
You nodded as you left the classroom. The sun shone down on your face through the windows as you made your way to Suguru's and Satoru's dorms.
You pass by Shoko in the kitchen who was hunched over the counter making a cup of coffee. "Want a cup?" She asks, biting and finishing the remaining pocky in her mouth.
'If Suguru woke up a few minutes ago, he'd want some. Maybe Satoru would like some hot chocolate too.' You thought briefly before turning your attention back to the brunette. "Yes, please. One hot chocolate and black coffee."
Shoko grins at that instantly recognizing the order. "You've got it Mister Zen'in."
You wave goodbye and continue your journey. Suguru's dorm isn't that far from the kitchen so you got there in a short amount of time. You knocked, politely waiting for an answer.
"[Name]-chan? If it's you, you can come in!" Satoru's voice answered.
You open the door to see two bags of delivered crepes beside Satoru, who is painting Suguru's nails black. "See? Got some for you guys 'cause I'm such a nice person!"
Suguru rolls his eyes. "You only got them because you remembered flunking on cleaning duty."
You take a seat beside them, staring at Suguru's black nails. "Yaga says I should make sure you two get to class on time."
Satoru snorts, the tiniest bit of blue peeking out from his glasses. "Yeah, and when have we ever listened to what Yaga says?"
"You don't. Maybe Suguru, but I actually enjoy not getting punched in the head every time you do something stupid." You interject, causing Satoru to gasp loudly.
"Suguru! Do you hear this? I do everything I can to make sure you two are well fed and all I get in return is bullying!" Satoru whines as he sets the nail polish aside to let Suguru's nails dry and picks up the bags with a bright smile on his face.
Shoko kicks the door open with two mugs in her hand. "Here you go losers. Zen'in blink twice if they're forcing you to be here."
Suguru and Satoru stare at you expectingly, an exaggerated gasp when they see your eyes close twice.
Shoko giggles, patting the top of your head affectionately. "Yeah, I'd be scared if I was forced to hang out with them too."
She walks out of the room with a reminder that class starts in a few hours. Satoru brought out the crepes and immediately started eating them as he read the Digimon manga, periodically sipping his extra-sweet cocoa.
"[Name], why didn't you get a drink?" Suguru asks, picking up a crepe carefully so the paint doesn't smudge.
You shrug. "The place I normally get my drinks at is too far to walk in the morning."
Satoru looks at you blankly as he stuffs his face with more food. "I could've teleported, dummy. C'mon, road trip time!" He exclaims as he grabs you and Suguru.
"Satoru, no— you haven't even mastered it yet—"
You feel reality split and your stomach churns uncomfortably for a brief second before everything stills again. The sound of cars blaring runs through your ears as a familiar sidewalk reflects through your eyes. "See? easy!"
"[Name]? Are you okay?" Suguru asks, squatting in front of you with worry all over his face.
Taking a minute to breathe, you feel everything finally settle. You have no idea how Satoru can do that without throwing up. "Yes, I am... okay. Just a little disoriented."
Suguru shoots a glare at the albino who rubs your back apologetically. "Well, my apology is your drink! So come on, I wanna get back to the crepes before Shoko's fat ass eats them."
"Shoko doesn't even like the crepes you order. It's always too much sugar." Suguru defends, slapping Satoru upside the head as the three of you walk into the shop.
It's a small cafe situated inside a bookstore with soft Lofi music playing in the background. The three of you get in line. It's short, most likely due to how early it was but that only meant you could get back to the dorms on time.
You hear snickering behind you but pay no mind. After all, it was a public place, and whatever affairs other people had wasn't your business.
Then, you hear something about how a guy has his nails painted. In the corner of your eye, you can see them pointing at Suguru.
Either Suguru and Satoru notice and they don't care, or they don't notice. Either way, you weren't going to let them poke fun at your friend (boyfriend?) and get away with it.
"Is something the matter?"
They stare at you, visibly sizing you up. "Wondering why your friend has nail polish on, isn't that only for chicks?"
Satoru taps you on your shoulder. "Take it outside, don't want you to beat their ass and get banned, yanno?"
You acknowledge him but keep a sharp gaze on the two of them. "Giving gendered terms to inanimate objects is an extremely stupid thing to do. It is not on you, so why should you care what he has on?"
The implication of calling them stupid seemed to hit a nerve because a vein pops in their forehead and their fists clench. "Cause it's fucking gay. What? You like taking it up the ass too?"
"If a fight is what you want, then that is fine with me. Do not let your petty ideals and quite frankly shitty opinions mess up my morning."
They keep talking as you make your way outside. The instant the door chimes close, a loud groan rips through one of their mouths.
They hold onto their nose, now streaming blood and broken. "Dude, what the fuck?!"
"You wanted a fight, did you not? Now, I am quite busy at the moment so if that is all, then I bid you a good rest of your day."
As you were about to walk back into the store, Suguru and Satoru came out with your drink in hand. "Yo! Here, got the kind you like cause I loveee you so much!" Satoru kisses your cheek and hands you your order, especially as you like it.
"Thank you, Satoru. Would you like to go back to the dorms now?"
Suguru stuffs a cake pop in your mouth, handing Satoru one and eating one as well. "Thanks for... that, by the way."
"It's no problem. You are my... partner, after all."
Satoru grins as he latches onto the two of you again. "Teleportation time, let's go!"
"Satoru, no—"
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A Quick Run
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Summary: Spencer attempts to exercise with Reader.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 638
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When you told Spencer you were thinking about getting into fitness again, he was excited to tag along. Maybe so you’d have an easy opponent. Maybe because he’d take any excuse to spend time with you.
Even if that meant taking a run through a nearby cemetery. He wasn’t afraid of cemeteries or anything. He actually found them quite peaceful. This is especially since besides the comfort they can give to living loved ones, they are largely untouched areas of land that should be used more by the public. No, the issue is that this cemetery is quite… hilly. And Spencer couldn’t oversell his lack of coordination or breath control.
And it’s when he gets out of the car and spots you doing stretches at the beginning of the path that he realizes he made a huge mistake. You’re even jogging in place, eager to get moving. Spencer could not relate less. If anything, his heart is pounding from inevitable embarrassment.
“Ready, go!” You exclaim before taking off. Spencer follows, picking up his arms and legs with every step. He's already winded and the burning wraps his thighs quickly. Meanwhile, you jog like you’re floating on air. Like it’s all-natural to you. Like you actually workout regularly (or at all, unlike him).
He catches your eye as you look back, noticing your pace slowing. “You go ahead!” He shouts, still trying not to look like exhaustion and heat are already bright red on his face. “You’re doing great! Go!” He throws his arm toward the first hill like it’s not about to pop out of its socket any minute.
When you turn around to pick up your pace, your natural pace, Spencer slows down to what could be considered a slight jog or a wounded animal. His lungs become dust in his throat. He looks around at the headstones, some clean and decorated and others barely withstanding time. He wonders if any of them would enjoy a new neighbor. And it’s when you disappear over that first hill that he finds a vacant patch of grass to collapse on top of. He cooks himself in the late spring sun. Every exhale sounds like he’s a cartoon character exaggerating an asthma attack, and the pain makes him question (briefly) if he actually is.
He heaves while lying flat on the short grass, surely sucking down a couple of gnats in his suffering. He shielded his eyes from the sun. Spencer wished he could impress you. Three doctorates and being an FBI agent only mean so much when encouraging someone new in his life to stick around. He thought his drive to put in effort would be enough. He’s not even sure that drive would be enough to even catch up to you.
He looks over to the path, seeing you in leggings and a tank along with a graceful layer of sweat causing you to glisten in the sun. If air could have stayed in his lungs he would’ve said something. Maybe an apology or insisting he needed five more minutes. But you were already close, and you held out your hand to help him up.
Spencer swallowed what bit of spit he had collected in his desert of a mouth, then took your hand. You brushed dirt and grass from his sweatshirt. “We can do this another time.” You insisted.
“I’ll be fine.” He somehow says. “I’ll just be a… a pit stop for you.”
You chuckled. “Come on, pretty boy.” You touch his back as you walk toward the car. “We can rest while watching Dr. Who.” You even threw one of Spencer’s arms around your shoulder.
“Actually that sounds good,” Spencer says. “I can do that.” His fingers make contact with the skin on your arm, and he thinks that this might’ve been worth it.
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harrystylesslutt · 11 months
summary: just a little fluff inspired by this picture (just pretend the cream is soothing cream in the pic🥰)
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As you stand backstage after one of Harry's electrifying shows, the adrenaline is still coursing through your veins, and your heart is beating wildly.
Harry's shirt is off, revealing his toned and chiseled abs, glistening with a thin sheen of sweat from his energetic performance. You can't help but blush as you catch a glimpse of his mesmerizing tattoos that adorn his chest and arms. His smile lights up the room, and he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a warm hug.
"Hey there, love," he whispers in that raspy, velvety voice that sends shivers down your spine. "You did great out there!" you compliment him, your fingers gently brushing through his damp curls.
He chuckles softly and leans down to plant a sweet kiss on your forehead. "I couldn't have done it without you here, supporting me," he says, sincerity shining in his beautiful green eyes.
You reach for a towel, dabbing away some sweat from his forehead, and he sighs contentedly. "Feels good," he mumbles, leaning into your touch.
"I brought some soothing cream for your muscles," you say, pulling out a small jar from your bag. Harry raises an eyebrow playfully, "Well, aren't you just the best girlfriend ever?"
You giggle, unscrewing the lid, and scoop a generous amount of the cream onto your fingers. Gently, you start rubbing it onto his abs, massaging in slow, circular motions. The contact of your fingers against his warm skin makes you both giggle like teenagers, and you feel a sense of intimacy and closeness that is uniquely yours.
Harry's eyes never leave you as you work your magic, and he can't help but feel incredibly lucky to have you in his life. "Mm, that feels amazing, baby," he murmurs, his voice low and appreciative. His eyes never leave you as he exaggerates his pleasure by subtly groaning, low enough for you to hear, the sound being all too familiar makes you squeeze your thighs together.
You decide to ignore the ache between your legs and continue to massage the soothing cream, making sure every inch of his abs is covered, "How did I get so lucky to have you?" he wonders lowly, his eyes filled with affection.
"You're pretty amazing yourself," you reply, leaning in to peck his lips softly. The soft, tender moment between you two is filled with unspoken love and appreciation for each other.
As you finish applying the cream, you gently run your fingers along the outlines of his tattoos, tracing the intricate designs. Harry leans into your touch, savoring the closeness between you. "You make me feel so loved, YN," he admits, his voice sincere and filled with emotion.
"That's cause you are baby, you're loved by everyone," you say, looking into his eyes with a reassuring smile, reminding him of the impact he has on people which secretly gives him an ego boost but he'll never admit that out loud. "I'm just grateful to be a part of your life."
Harry pulls you into his arms once again, wrapping you in a warm embrace. "I love you," he whispers into your ear, his breath combined with his toned body pressing against you sending tingles down your spine.
"I love you too," you reply, burying your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his comforting scent. In that instant, the world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you, basking in the sweetness of your love, but that moment is shortlived when you feel his not so subtle erection rubbing against your tummy. You shake your head and laugh, harry's arms never leaving your waist and before he can murmur an apology about his hormones ruining the sweet and innocent moment, you grab his hand and walk backwards until you reach his dressing room, finally pulling him in for another kiss, one that does not share the innocence of your previous one.
And before you know it your back is against the now locked door, with harry's hands roaming and groping every part of your body. Next thing you know your hands are reaching his pants while you find yourself on your knees looking up at him innocently even though there was nothing sinless about what was going to go down next. While your eyes are still fixated on his dilated pupils you whisper seductively "Why don't you repeat those noises you were making back there a little louder yeah?" which was followed by a whimper from him, affirming to you his full submission to your touch.
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redrobinhoodrat · 1 year
Danny looked around at the beings in front of him. He’d brought his closest allies as well as some trusted friends together for his supposed “council”. He had handpicked these few along with his friends to make sure he had the best guidance in ruling the zone. He needed help now more than ever. Making sure not to look too terrified he met each set of eyes as he glanced around what was practically his round table– no! His justice league. He kept the smirk off his face as he thought of frostbite with Superman’s red underwear getup on.
“Thanks for coming, you guys. Now I’m not going to beat around the bush. What I’m about to talk to you about is going to make you really upset, but!” Danny said nervously. He held up his hands as he gestured for Pandora to wait when her mouth opened to ask a question. ”I just need you to listen first.”
He avoided Clockwork’s gaze as he stood up from his seat. The ancient being was directly across from him so he could see the hint of worry in his expression. The ghost hadn’t been too happy when Danny had requested( i.e. ordered) him to quit monitoring his life so closely. Could you really blame him though?! Who wanted what was basically their grandfather/mentor/local time god watching every aspect of their life? Not him, no sirree. That’s what Jazz was for. It was kind of nice to be worried about though...not that he’d admit it.
He winced at the thought of Clockwork’s overprotective streak. It also made what he was about to say something of a bombshell about to be dropped. He just knew that everyone was going to overreact.
“So,” He fiddled with his hands as he tried to figure out what to say. “Y’all know how I was talking about the GIW makin’ some deals with Mom and Dad and getting better at the whole “Ghost Hunting” schtick?”
He waited to get some type of nod or confirmation from everyone in the room.
“Well, I got caught.” He blurted it out in a rush. He kept his head down as he watched everyone process what he had said, he scratched at the back of his head awkwardly as he thought about what happened. “And-uhh, what they did wasn’t so good.”
He looked up to gauge their reactions. Nocturn didn’t seem phased at all, ever calm as he always was in the zone. Beside him, Frostbite was sitting with his arms crossed, probably the most out of the loop due to how busy he’s been lately, he didn’t seem too worried but he also didn’t seem happy about the development if his tapping claws was any tell. Pandora was on Danny’s right side and most likely in the same boat. He could tell she was bothered by the prospect that he’d been captured and nobody had known though. She was probably the most overprotective outside of Clockwork. Wulf was to his left, looking at him with sad puppy-dog eyes, all too familiar with the feeling of being captured. To Wulf’s left, Dorathea was scanning him over, looking for injuries most likely. Too bad he’d hid everything with the express purpose of making the whole incident look less bad than what it actually was. No sense in exaggerating when it sounded bad no matter how you put it. Beside Dorathea, Ghostwriter’s eyes were wide as he transcribed everything about the meeting, his fingers slowing as he registered what Danny had said. He probably knew just how evil humans could be from his books. Danny made sure not to meet his eyes as Ghostwriter looked up. He didn’t want to see the worry that was easily read on the ghost’s expressive face. He figured everyone’s reactions were pretty predictable based on their knowledge of humans.
Finally, he looked over to meet Clockwork’s knowing gaze. He winced as he saw the red eyes flare briefly as Clockwork clenched his hands into fists. He watched the hands on the clock-staff start spinning rapidly and could only hope they didn’t actually do anything– ancients forbid just letting him know he was caught causes time to collapse or something.
He sighed as he prepared to explain what happened, hopefully in some way that didn’t lead to an all out war.
“-you know, I’m a human, or at least I was before I died and stuff. I never thought I’d be the one to have to declare war on Earth.”
“Then why even do it?” Batman growled.
He was standing towards the front of the group, though Superman had managed to edge in front of him just a little. From the way the Entity in front of them was floating regally he couldn’t get a good enough read on him to call the bluff and take the main front from Superman. Never let it be said that he hadn’t learnt to rely on his allies.
He was grateful his cowl hid his eyes as he subtly watched the rest of the league around him. Everyone was at attention, either looking at him or the stranger in the room.
The being in front of them had just appeared. Not even bothering with some type of warning before a glowing green portal had opened up in the Watchtower’s meeting room. As the main league members had gotten into battle formation a figure had stepped out, almost melting out of it as the– slime? matter?–clung to them when they exited, ducking through the circle as it closed behind them. The JL were all surprised to see the figure looked like a boy when they stood up fully. Their attire and coloring made it clear they weren’t from earth though. The snow white hair contrasted sharply against the mint-green tinted skin the figure had. Their hair seemed to be hazy, almost flaming but not quite. They had on a partial set of armor, made more for movement than all out protection. The matte black metal was inlaid with specks of silver,emulating stars in the night sky. It was layered over what looked like a futuristic hazmat suit.
Now that he’d had the thought Batman would say the whole thing was futuristic. Silver and black with white accents here and there. The shoulder pauldrons had a cloak hung from them, a pitch black thing that seemed to suck in the light around it and make the being stand out even more in sharp contrast to it. A cylindrical container hung at his side and in his hands was a bo-staff that looked just as futuristic as his suit. Neon green accents twisted around the silver staff from top to bottom. With eyes that glowed the same green as the portal the figure was impressive at first glance, then you looked a little longer–took a second look and realized they looked younger than most of the proteges. Younger than Damian and Jon even.
So forgive Batman for not taking him as seriously as he probably should have. He wasn’t outright dismissing him as a threat, he had several kids that got the best of him almost every day so he knew a thing or two about overpowered kids, but he didn’t believe the being was malicious. More on the nervous side in all honesty, maybe looking for help?
Then the kid had looked Superman in the eyes and said that unless certain demands were met his subjects would march on Earth and eradicate everything they deem to be a threat. He had then rambled on about useless information until Batman had cut him off. His attention snapped back from analyzing the encounter so far as the kid finally seemed ready to answer. Now that he looked closer he could tell the regal act was just that– an act put on to intimidate them.
“My realm is made up of beings from all over the universe, the dead and the neverborn, deities that have passed and lingered, beings that crave rest or resolution. I will not hold any one race, society, or planet in a higher regard simply because of my bias.” Danny said, keeping his voice as level as he could. He needed these heroes to listen to him, damnit! He couldn’t let his nerves get the best of him here. “I may be emperor of the Realms but I have a council that I hold in high regard. We have met and the judgment has been made. Should the governments of Earth not meet our demands, we will take action.”
Batman watched as the league seemed to swell before him, members reacting to the hidden threat but not willing to speak up. They knew better than to antagonize unknowns. He leaned around Superman who had continued to slowly creep more in front of him. The young boy seemed to be trying not to fidget as he held himself up in an obviously practiced position. Slightly elevated with his hands on his hips and head tilted up, forcing himself to meet the eyes of the adults across from him. Batman watched the kid swallow nervously and felt his resolve to hold his judgment give a little. Just as he was about to speak he saw Constantine move forward a bit. Just enough to get attention but not enough to get near the boy. He lowered his calculation of this getting resolved peacefully from the high seventies down to the low fifties. He tried not to sigh, of all the days for Constantine to have been in the meeting, why today?
“Realms? When you mean realms are we talking like, a different dimension or like, a different world?” He asked, his tone not leaving any doubt as to which was worse. Constantine was practically chewing his unlit cigarette as he gazed ahead, arms crossed and shoulders tense. “Cause that affects whether I need to be here or not. Also, when you said you were human, what did you mean? Did you sell your soul or something? You’re looking a little demonic there mate, and I can’t think of anything that would cause a transformation that big unless you messed with a big bad that shouldn’t have been messed with.”
Batman watched as the kid’s face scrunched up, a fairly normal response from a kid that’d been insulted but on this one’s face it certainly did look a little…demonish. Then again, people probably think his kids are demons too, especially the current Robin who has affectionately been called stabby. He tried not to shake his head as he turned his thoughts back to the boy, he needed to stop relating him back to his kids if he wanted to be objective. He could see why the JLD member was worried though, if the kid resembled something as horrifying as a baby demon.
“Well at least my soul doesn’t look like a paper mache project, dipshit.” Danny huffed. Crossing his arms as he settled himself down on the floor. The trenchcoat guy jerked like he’d slapped him, probably not expecting him to see that tattered old soul he had. Honestly he’d feel sorry for the guy in a different situation but he was tired of adults not fucking listening. People were going to get hurt if they didn’t listen. He blew out a breath to calm down, feeling the familiar burn of anxiety in his chest.
“Listen, I’ll be straight with you guys.” He said, giving up any pretense of formality. “Some type of government funded organization is capturing and experimenting on citizens of both our realms. In fact, I can pick out a couple of you guys that they’d probably love to get their hands on!” He started pacing as he looked at the group of superheroes. He felt his emotions getting the best of him as he took in the wary gazes that were settled on him. Not to mention the condescending gaze of the only normal looking human in the room. He didn’t even know that one! Isn’t the justice league all famous heroes?
“I’m sick of adults not listening to me! I’ve been trying to do this all by myself and I can’t! I just can’t!” He shouted, and grabbed his hair out of frustration as he finally stopped and faced them again. “I was one of them. They caught me and I barely got out. They’re too dangerous for me to face alone anymore and their weapons are designed to fight my kind, my people specifically. If I give them permission to fight back then the world won’t make it. Having my people fight is like lighting a fire, they’re dangerous and uncontrolled, when they start they’re not going to be stopped.” He paused to think of what releasing the denizens of the Ghost Zone on earth could accomplish.
An infinite number of ghosts of an infinite number of species with an infinite number of powers.
More numbers added to the ranks as more lives were lost.
An army that never ended.
He gulped.
“We’d win but life on Earth would be FUBARed, literally, and I don’t want that. My family still lives here, my friends. No one will have a chance.” He looked straight into the first pair of eyes he could –Batman– and hoped that the truth was plain on his face. “You guys are my only hope. Please.”
Notes: So I lost a lot of interest in this draft and probably won’t continue it. If anybody wants to feel free! If you want the tiny ideas that were thought up with it just shoot me a message.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
rules of conduct: the checkout queue
Series Masterlist See my full list of works here!
Summary: in which Loki learns the ways of having to wait in line
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 964
Warnings: smut (minors & pearl clutchers, don't even think about it); vaginal fingering; exhibitionism-adjacent; 1 cuss word (not even remotely sorry, Rogers)
Things to be aware of: teammates to…y'know what even I'm not quite sure what they are by the end of this…partners in smut? 😂
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"And after crossing out every item on this list, with a considerable amount of ancillaries…" You had to roll your eyes at Loki's comment about the boxes of Pop Tarts and grape sodas and Vanilla Cokes that took up more than half the space of your cart. "We can finally leave this market teeming with the mundanities of man?"
"Not so fast, Mischief," you called out to him, stopping him mid-stride as he made his way to the exit. "We have to pay first."
"You do not simply walk away with what you desire?" You shook your head at him, holding back your laughter as the concept visibly confused the god. "That was how merchants were to me and Thor back in Asgard."
"Well you're on Earth now. And I'm not royalty, they won't just give me all this for free unless I have an arsenal of coupons or they find me pretty enough to give me a 'friends & families discount' in exchange for flashing them my tits or giving them my number."
"But I am a prince—"
"Not here, you're not," you cut him off. "Some people barely even want to acknowledge that the Earth isn't flat, good luck getting them to accept that there's anything beyond the solar system. Let alone more intelligent and superior life forms." The corner of his mouth twitched in a smirk at that last bit. "So here you're an alien. Not a prince. Not a god. Well…unless we find people who heavily subscribe to Norse mythology so I gotta make sure we keep you far away from that." 
He took a look around the marketplace, two fingers hooked at the front of your cart and not so subtly dragging it, and you, along with him as he made his way through the aisles. You made the split second decision to place your feet on the bottom rack to give your feet a break from walking and letting the towering Asgardian do all the work instead. 
"Wait. Loki where are you going?" You avoided the pointed glares of the people in line that he passed, the irritation quickly melting into unabashed leering stares as they took in the way his black jeans and dark emerald shirt clung to and perfectly accentuated his lean, godly form. He looked back at you, breaking out into an amused grin when he saw how you were standing on the rack of the cart, his other hand pointing toward the cashier as if to answer your question. "There's a line, Mischief. Gotta move to the back and wait our turn. You know, just like everyone else." 
Loki let out an exaggerated huff before turning the cart around and walking to the back of the line, the sound morphing into a faint chuckle when he heard your muted 'wheeeeee', only dismounting from the rack when you two finally stood at the end of the five cart queue and causing the women to risk neck pain from looking back and shamelessly checking out your teammate. 
Your breath hitched when you felt his large hands resting on your hips, the lustful glances of the women in front of you once more becoming scathing as they switched their focus from him to you, and just how closely he stood behind you, the tip of his nose tracing the shell of your ear. "Okay now what're you doing?" 
"Simply waiting our turn, darling." You could feel him smirking against your skin as fingers played along the waistband of your jeans, briefly dipping under and stroking the skin underneath and making you grip the handle of the cart so hard your knuckles were turning white. "Do you not think this would be a much more…titillating way to pass the time?" 
"You are going to get us into a scandal, Laufeyson," you hissed under your breath, struggling to keep your composure and subtly kick him so that he'd stop fucking around as deft fingers undid the button of your jeans, sliding the zipper down at an agonizing pace. "If you wanna incur Pepper's wrath because you were horny during this stupid acclimation effort that Stark assigned me to, be my guest. But don't drag me in with you--"
"Did you truly think I would let any of these inferior prying eyes see what we were up to, little mortal?" he whispered, breath tickling the tiny hairs at the side of your head. "All these people are seeing is your ever affectionate lover, my arms wrapped around you, the two of us engrossed in our own conversation. Every now and then I would press a kiss to your face." As if to emphasize his point, he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, humming against your skin as he did so. "Just like that." 
"Cameras," you hissed. You couldn't find it in you to voice the rest of your sentiment. You are not my lover, and I'm not your darling. 
Mostly because you wanted so desperately for his illusion to be your reality.
"Under the same illusion." He kissed a path down to the corner of your mouth. "Tell me to stop." He groaned as he pressed another kiss to your skin, his fingers slipping under your panties and slowly making their way down. "Tell me you don't want this, too, and I'll stop--"
"I can't," you blurted out, a whimper slipping from your mouth as he finally pressed his lips to yours.
"Then you'll need to keep quiet for the remainder of the queue, darling." He captured your lips in another kiss, muffling the moan that escaped you when his fingers traveled further down and met your slick arousal, running up the length of your slit and rubbing tight circles against  your clit. "Or else we shatter the illusion." 
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A/N: so…welcome to 'rules of conduct'! requests for this series/collection will forever be open, so if you have any scenarios you want to put these two blorbos into that fit the theme of the story, send them over and I'll see what I can do 😄 (also I don't have that many ideas on what exactly I'm gonna have them do next after this other than another shot at fitting room smut, maybe public library, and then that's about it)
‘everything’ taglist: @sailorholly @loopsisloops @unlucky-number-13 @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @sarahscribbles @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @dangertoozmanykids101 @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina
Loki taglist: @calumance @severuslovebot @moonlightreader649 @i-stand-with-loki @nixymarvelkins @infinitystoner @lokisgoodgirlbackup @purplegrrl27 @thedistractedagglomeration
'rules of conduct' masterlist: @acidcasualties
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kastelixa · 2 months
☆彡The sky longs to see the sun go down
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Title from Fly by Bloodwitch
Summary: It’s a hot day today, but not hot enough to get a handjob from a certain best friend!
Notes: Is a crack fic supposed to be written this seriously. Forgive for some of the rambling and rushed writing it’s 4AM and I am running on sparkling water and belvita snacks. This was just for funsies ▼・ᴥ・▼
Cw: Male/Male, reader has cock and balls, some noncon mention, humiliation mention, sexuality denial, misoginy in one sentence, mentions of Ashley and Ada, OOC cause Leon’s a perv, mentions of fisting? Lol
Wc: 1,872
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You tug at the hem of your sweater self-consciously, the combination of sweat and oil making you shudder. It’s gross; makes you feel like you spent hours stuck in a locked car without the windows down or proper air conditioning. Kind of like a dog or a baby, except it must be worse for them. It’s not like you’re actually trapped somewhere after all— not permanently. It’s just that your room’s AC is broken, and you lack the balls to call up a repairman due to fear of judgement.
What? It’s a scary thing. What if with one good look they take off running for the hills? It’s a possibility. One in a million, but still a possibility. Still, it’s so damn hot in here that you consider going through with it. Anything is better than sitting in your personal hell— even calling someone through the phone. Maybe if you still lived with your dad, he could have helped. Mom would surely say “do it yourself” and leave you hanging. It’s not like she knows anything about that stuff anyways, she’s a woman.
Sitting up with a groan, you pass a hand over the bed sheets you were just laying on, cringing when moisture collects on your skin. It’s even worse when you look back and see the massive patch of sweat in the shape of your body on the bed. It’s like a crime scene. A nasty, sweaty crime scene. Enough is enough. You really can’t take much more of this. You feel like you’re dying, and no it’s not an exaggeration. This is why you prefer winter over summer. Sure, it gets cold, but honestly you’d rather freeze than melt into a puddle of goo.
First your sweater goes, then your shirt, then your pants, then your socks and shoes. You strip it all until you’re standing completely naked in the middle of your room. It’s not like your roommate is here. Well, he is, but he’s showering. Asshole got to the bathroom first before you could. The water has been running for at least thirty minutes now, and it bothers you more than you’d like to admit. Whatever though, right? Leon is Leon. He’s a greedy bastard, no matter how much he denies it. It’s like, just because you’re friends doesn’t mean you get to be pushed around and shit.
Just ‘cause it gets your heart fluttering and your blood flowing to places that are better left unnamed doesn’t mean you like it. (read: yes it does).
Somehow, it’s only getting hotter in here now. Getting somewhat desperate, you walk over to open the window beside your bed with a huff, having to crawl over the mattress to do so— which leaves you in a rather suggestive position. One that, due to your focus on the heat, catches Leon’s attention as soon as he walks in. Maybe you’d have focused more on the sound of the shower turning off if you weren’t so damn busy. Anyways, Leon isn’t so dignified either. He wears nothing but a thin towel around his waist, skin glistening with water droplets and moisturizing lotion. It’s not a gay thing, he promises that. Can’t men look good too?
The first thing his eyes land on is the way your ass juts out, back slightly curved as you used whatever strength you could from your upper body to slide the window up. Although he’s never particularly been interested in men, you’re his best friend. That’s different. He’s been friends with you since like… childhood. That’s enough time to make him forget about the junk between your legs. Though, it’s pretty hard to do that now when he’s staring straight at it. At least your cock is smaller than his. He’s just been standing there staring like a weirdo with nothing better to do. He gets an idea when his cock starts to kick, blood rushing to the thick length, making it stand tall at attention. He’s always wanted to try anal.
You finally get that window open after some grunting and huffing, hoping the small draft of fresh air would be enough to cool you down. With a sigh of relief, you turn only to come face-to-face with your best friend. Leon watches with a subtle smirk as you yelp and scramble to shield your bare body with the blanket left draped over the bed. It’s almost pitiful. And somewhat offensive? You’ve been friends for years, but you can’t even stand being naked around him? Some friend you are.
He snatches the blanket away with a quick hand, the movement making the towel around his waist fall and bunch around his legs. Now they’re both naked. “What?” He huffs, “Never seen a guy’s junk before?”
He knows that’s not true. You know that too. You’ve seen a guy’s junk before. Just not your best friend’s. Confused and embarrassed, you still try to cover yourself up with your hands, cupping them over your crotch. “What’s wrong with you?” You glare, shooting Leon a scowl. “You couldn’t have knocked or something?” You try not to stare, you really try. But it’s staring right at you. His dick. Uncircumcised and honestly a decent length. It’s not like it’s monstrously big or something, that’s ridiculous. Not that you’d mind if it was. Death by huge cock would be a nice way to go.
Leon rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. He’s acting so damn nonchalant, as if his dick isn’t twitching against his tummy, begging for attention. “Really? I could have sworn this was my place too.” He doesn’t hide his staring, not at all. You can see as clear as day that his eyes are looking directly at your crotch, examining closely. It’s a stare that could almost come across as judgmental, and that makes your cheeks heat up with humiliation. Sheepishly, you shut your thighs, dipping your chin so you could peer up at Leon through your lashes.
“Yeah, well…” You trail off, unsure of what to say at this point.
“You know,” Leon butts in before you could even finish your train of thought, “you have a nice cock.”
“Huh?” You stammer, mouth dumbly shaping an ‘O’ out of shock. Did he really just say that? Were your ears deceiving you? Well, obviously not, since he repeats himself without a care in the world.
“I said you have a really nice cock.” Leon nods, as if he were some sort of penis reader or something. It kind of reminds you of those competitions they would hold at fairs. What pig is bigger? Well, in this case, which cock is nicer? Now vote! Honestly, it brings you an odd sense of warmth knowing your best friend would vote for you in that case. Enough about cock comparison and voting though, you’re snapped out of your thoughts when you feel warm hands grab onto each of your thighs. What the fuck is he doing now? You don’t think your best friend would touch you without your explicit approval (not that you’d mind), but he’s getting oddly touchy.
“You know,” Leon clears his throat awkwardly, struggling with social ineptitude just as much as you were. “I hear guys touch their friends sometimes… just for fun…” As he speaks, his hands gently push yours away from your crotch, the thick pad of his thumb running a slow line towards your penis. Immediately, your heart jumps so high you swear you feel it in your throat. You wouldn’t say no to this. Not really. It’s a tricky situation, but who wouldn’t want their dick rubbed by their bestie? Especially one known for his good-looks. A few seconds of thumbing at the base, and he finally wraps a hand around your length, squeezing lightly.
“Woah!” You gasp, breathing coming out hitched and ragged. It feels good, so good. The combination of adrenaline and pleasure might be too much. Honestly, you’re way more worried about what you’re saying. What kind of imbecile says ‘woah!’ while getting a handjob by their best friend? You, that’s who. Judging by the slightly amused look on Leon’s face, he thinks you’re an idiot. But you’re the idiot he’s jacking off, so who’s really the embarrassing one here? All you can hear is the slow schlick schlick schlick of his fist pumping your meat, the noise wet and sticky due to the amount of precum you had produced in a short amount of time.
Yeah, you’re not lasting at all. Who fucking cares? You’re getting your dick beat! By your best friend!
You groan into the palm of your hand, pathetic moans and whimpers escaping you within every second. Man, you’d be a good pornstar. Maybe you should consider it; college debt would be paid off much easier. Hips tilting forward for more, you watch intently, taking in every detail. Leon’s no different, he’s just as enthralled. Dare he say he’s finally getting what he’d dreamed of. Assuming dreaming about jacking your friend was normal. Maybe he’d try sticking this same hand up your ass later. He dreamt about that too at some point. Maybe he just likes you or something. That thought is weirder to him than all the other ones though.
His arm is starting to get tired, but he doesn’t slow down or anything, he just picks up pace. Fisting your cock is just as straining as when he lifts weights at the gym, and he considers doing this instead of working out every weekend. Easier to do and cheaper. Sure, he’s got all the money he could possibly need, but $30 for a gym membership that he has to pay for monthly is too much, even for him. He tightens his grip a little, squeezing rhythmically once he feels your cock starting to twitch and jump, signaling oncoming orgasm.
“Ah! Fuck! There… there!” You practically whine, back arching and hips bucking weakly, the muscles in your belly tightening and relaxing as wave after wave of pure, unbridled ecstasy washed over you. Who knew a handjob could feel this good? From someone else, that is. The ones you give yourself don’t match up. Leon obliges, continuing with his set pace and watching as thick spurts of cum splashed onto his hand, the enthusiastic bursts soon turning into lazy, creamy drools down the slit of your cock. He thought it’d be kind of gross to get someone else’s cum on him like this, but seeing how dazed and disoriented you looked made him smile, and that’s what counts. It’s not all that bad.
Curious, he brought his cum-coated hand up to his face, tongue lolling out to lap up one swipe of the mess. It smells musky, and tastes… peculiar. Not bad, so that means your diet is good at least. Just kind of salty and sticky, if sticky were a taste. There’s no other way to describe it really. He had remembered the taste of Ada’s cum and Ashley’s from when he had eaten them out before when they were dating (separately), but theirs also had variety. Anyways, instead of thinking like some cum connoisseur, he waits for you to finish panting and whimpering like some overheated dog before speaking.
“So, my turn?”
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bradandchris · 6 months
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Chris looked outside at the chaos below in search of its cause. Whatever presented itself here was big… really big. Like BIG, BIG.
Well, it was a good thing his thong was tiny. Perhaps it might help balance things out. Gay fashion always did thrive on size differences and exaggerated proportions.
Whatever it was, it was what it was, and what that was Chris didn’t know.
The people below sure seemed pretty clued in tho…
What Chris needed was more back up …but could he wear more than one thong? The thought consumed him. This second thong thing was a first.
Wait …no. No it wasn’t. He and his equally hot boyfriend Brad did that all the time when dancing. More layers meant more tips as they poured in every time something was taken off. So then what the f was this whole fiasco below all about?!?
Chris found himself more frustrated than ever. He was either at the cusp of figuring it out or really really horny and just not aware of its manifestation…
Well… In a stroke of luck, the whole thing blew over a few minutes later when Brad came in the room. He was already stirred up by some random exhibitionist that was live streaming and didn’t know it. Brad almost felt bad for the guy but he was just too hot to let that in.
Chris wouldn’t make the connection until catching himself on the balcony webcam grilling extra plump double jumbo hot dogs on their balcony wearing the same vintage blue Body Aware thong the following St Patrick’s Day.
You know, if it wasn’t for his deep disdain for getting pinched, Chris may have never figured it out.
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Walk your talk
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Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: Bucky survives and settles down back in New York. His wife discovers at SSR Bucky has been ahem- exaggerating around the lunch table. Punishment ensues. A good boy should know to keep his mouth shut. Right?
Tags: Period typical sexism, Bucky pretends to be tuff™️ but is the biggest sub in the universe, SSR gang reunited and by that I only mean Peg n Sousa are allowed, men wearing panties, chubby!subby!bucky, dom!reader, pnv!sex, orgasm denial, SO MUCH TEASING, subspace, Bucky just wants to be the best boy to ever, kinda fluffy, aftercare
A/N: This was already in the bullpen hahaha BTTOH is about 75% done. Writing full ass chapters confuddles me but it’s about GROWTH. Also I love sub chub buck
Bucky worked at the Strategic Scientific Reserve. He was a top dog— the heroic best friend of the dear Captain America and famed Howling Commando. He’d been working there since he lost his arm in the war. Howard Stark had since designed him a new one with some plans he said ‘certainly were not smuggled from a Nazi bunker’. He was happily married and recovering day by day.
Bucky’s pretty little wife was perfect. She never complained, and made his lunch for him every day. His coworkers would jab about Bucky having her under his thumb— how he probably gave it to her good. He’d laugh and go along with the talk, shrugging off their questions. Peggy would hound him about defending her honor and he figured he should before it got out of hand. He didn’t really prioritize that…being on a new case and all.
To Bucky’s consternation, it got out of hand as predicted. He was at a company cocktail party on Stark’s fancy pool property. He warmly smiled at his best girl, a big hand resting on the small of her back. She nuzzled his shoulder and cooed, “C’mon big guy, when are you going to let me meet some of these men? I’ve had an earful every night.” He shook his head with a laugh, calling over Johnson and Krzeminski. The pair of men were tipsy and goofily strode over.
Bucky introduced her, “Hey boys this is the wife!She’s interested in putting a face to the two who get on my damn nerves.” He pointed at the tall blonde, “That arrogant bastard is Johnson, and the lerch there is Krzeminski.” She airily laughed, a beautiful noise to Bucky. The woman teased, “Oh hush, I’m sure you two are perfectly ordinary!”
Krzeminski guffawed before slurring, “Ah Barnes I see why you kept her hidden. You’re a gem!”
Bucky narrowed his eyes as she blushed and laughed it off.
Ray continued as he elbowed Johnson, “Yeah, Barnes has told us all about you. I wish my wife took obeying so seriously, lemme’ get her over my knee for once.” The blonde chuckled lowly, eyeing the confused lady. Bucky intervened, “Alright. Thanks boys, we’re going to get something to drink now. Maybe some water for you Ray.” He clutched the man’s shoulder in a facsimile of warmth but gripped roughly, causing Krzeminski to wince in pain.
Bucky led his other half away internally cringing at his coworkers words. He should’ve nipped this in the bud earlier. She looked up at him, a sharp brow lifting up in question. Bucky stuttered to respond but she held up a hand. She asked, “What was that all about dear? What did you tell them?”
Bucky ran a hand over his brow and replied, “Y’know how guys get— just talk.”
“Just talk about our sex life? I guess you didn’t tell them the truth.”
Her painted lips turned into a frown, sending his heart to cracking. Bucky mumbled, “They worship the ground I walk on and I just got carried away— m’sorry sweetheart.” She rolled her eyes and looked up at his sorrowful blues. Her manicured hand reached up to thumb at his reddened cheeks.
“I understand. Maybe shut any future talk down baby,” her soft gaze hardened, “I doubt they want to know what happens when you misbehave. Who really gets taken over the knee, hm?” Bucky’s mouth gaped like a fish, his full cheeks flushing further at his baby’s words. He gulped, “N-no sweetheart, m’so sorry.” Bucky’s skin crawled as shame licked up his spine. He shifted in place, looking away from his wife’s piercing stare. He was in the dog house now.
“I think we need to head home Bucky-bear. Obviously you need a punishment for behavior like this.” A strangled noise leapt out of Bucky’s throat at her words. He didn’t need to be punished— Bucky just wanted to be her good boy but was doing poorly at that. She cooed, “Poor baby. You’ll be fine. Now go say your goodbyes.”
Bucky frowned and stalked off, saying sullen goodbyes to the partygoers. He waved off Sousa and Peggy asking about his mood, scurrying to the car instead. His wife waited in the passenger side, idly checking her nails. Bucky got in the two-door, avoiding her pointed gaze. She spoke softly, “I’m really disappointed in you sweetheart. I wouldn’t even speak, much less lie about our sex life to coworkers.” The brunette’s throat bobbed with emotion.
“It was messed up, I shouldn’t do that. M’sorry.”
Her voice cut him like a blade when she responded, “Sorry isn’t cutting it tonight. When I get out of my shower at home I expect you on the bed wearing your pretty things. Bad boy.”
Bucky whimpered.
“‘M not a bad boy,” he weakly protested. His face was red from embarrassment with hot tears welling up. His metal hand creaked against the steering wheel. She patted his thigh, giving it a squeeze as she teased, “You haven’t been acting like my best boy Buck. Don’t worry, I’ll get you sorted out.” He whined lowly, his dick traitorously jumping at her mean words and soft touch.
The rest of the drive she maddeningly stroked and gripped at his thigh. Bucky felt an oncoming haze at the edges of his mind— blurring and scrambling his thoughts. His cock was full to bursting, stuffed uncomfortably in his slacks. Bucky whined through his nose at the pain. She cooed, hand traveling up his thigh to brush against his need. He swallowed down a mewl.
“You’re something else. Getting hard when you’re being punished. Such a bad boy.”
Bucky frowned again then shot her a pitiful look. He wasn’t a bad boy, atleast he wasn’t trying to be! Bucky blinked dumbly at the road. His wife’s voice came through the haze, “C’mon Buck don’t go dumb on me yet. Parking is on the left.” On autopilot, he managed to park the car and escort his lady out.
She stepped in front of him, shouldering off the offered hand. Bucky moaned in distress and followed behind her like a lovesick puppy. He whined, “Don’t leave me behind!” The woman turned around with a smirk, eyes roving across his form. She replied, “Quit being needy baby— I’m not going anywhere.” Bucky softened slightly at the pet name but his cock stirred again.
He dug the heel of his palm into the swollen flesh, biting his lip to stifle noise. Bucky’s wife tutted and slapped at his hand, then turned to open the door to their brownstone. She kicked off her heels and walked to their room. Bucky did the same, calling her name as he followed her along. He watched hungrily as she unzipped her dress, smiling softly.
“Go change your clothes, puppy. I’m having my shower and you better be ready when I’m out.”
She moved away towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut. Bucky winced and his heart fell when he heard the lock. He pouted now, sullenly going to the ‘special drawer’. He rifled through the lingerie, settling on a baby blue set he knew she liked. “Brings out your eyes,” he remembered her whispering. He flushed and shivered at the memory.
Bucky stripped off his coat and yanked down his tie. He unbuttoned his shirt with frantic fingers, doing the same to his pants. Bucky moaned helplessly when he pushed down his underwear, brushing against his sensitive cock. The swollen member hit his belly when he uncovered it. Taking a deep breath Bucky collected and folded the clothes. He trembled with anticipation, heart thudding rapidly.
He slipped on the soft stockings first, shuddering at the feeling. Next came the garter, which Bucky shimmied on, his face flushing deeper in hot shame. He pulled at it, the material cutting into his softened waist and belly. He frowned down at the poorly fitting garter. His pretty baby was going to tease him to tears. Grabbing the last article of clothing, Bucky gazed at the skimpy panties. He had no clue where his wife even ordered them but he slipped on the silk clothing.
The soft material felt nice against his sensitive skin, Bucky’s lashes fluttering in response. When he pulled them up over his hips he mewled softly. The tight panties were snug against his leaking cock and achy balls. His left hand whirred as it twitched towards his crotch. He groaned, restraining himself or he’d be an even worse boy.
Bucky gingerly walked to the big bed and sat on the edge, tucking his arms behind his back. He whimpered in need, clenching his eyes closed to blot out the bright light. Bucky chewed on his lip as he waited, listened, and waited. He vaguely heard her humming and a couple of objects moving around. The fog began to collect around the edge of the brunette’s thoughts again, swaddling his racing mind. The humiliation of the lingerie and perching himself like a needy whore was fueling Bucky’s heady desire.
“Buck?,” came a soft voice. His missus voice. Bucky whined lowly, keeping his head down. He heard her bare feet padding across the floor. The light clicked off and a candle was lit. She instructed him to look up. He could see the outline of her until she got closer, his baby coming into view. Her eyes were soft but her face was locked into a predatory expression.
Bucky’s lips trembled as she caressed his jaw. She breathed, “Oh Bucky- you look so sweet. Like a good boy.” Oh please, Bucky thought. All he wanted to be was her good boy.
She crawled onto his thick thighs, seating herself flush to her husband. Bucky whimpered thinly, twitching.
“Lay back now,” she whispered into the shell of his ear. Following orders Bucky dropped back, no usual finesse on his part. Everything sounded dull and his muscles were lax. But he was keyed up to a 10. Bucky tried to speak but ended up whining and slurring nonsense; to which she pressed a finger against his lips. Her wide eyes sparkled when she murmured, “Shh bear. I’ve got you. This won’t be long- I know you’re sorry.”
“S’sorry,” Bucky cried lowly.
She stroked a tiny hand down his chest, soothingly stroking at the built muscle. She laid featherlight kisses onto his jaw and neck. Bucky preened, moaning at the soft touches. He faintly jerked when his wife’s fingertips swirled around his peaked nipple. Her lips split into a wide grin as she pinched at the sensitive nub. She teased, “So responsive, easy little thing.” Bucky was reeling when his girl combined the pinches with a roll of her hips.
“F-fuck!,” he cried.
Her hands moved down to the garter, rubbing at the flesh rolling out around it. Bucky’s wife taunted, “Oh, s’gotten a little tight hm? Maybe instead of yammering about our relationship around the lunch table you should get back to boxing?” Bucky gasped in mortification, his dick spurting out pre at the same time. She continued, “My plump little housewife at home— y’think they’d suspect it?“ She groped meanly at the fluff on Bucky’s belly, him squirming and whining in response.
“S-stop,” he begged, blue eyes watery and wide.
Bucky liked the humiliation so much, but he wouldn’t— couldn’t admit it out loud. His cock could clearly show you how much he was into it. It currently was staining the front of the silk panties. The woman tilted her head as she replied, “Oh sorry baby, was that mean? I don’t care.” Bucky sniveled at her response, tears rolling down his full cheeks.
Her hand finally, finally reached the hem of the underwear. The woman pulled down the blue silk to reveal Bucky’s cock. He hissed at the cold air hitting his hot skin. She marveled at his swollen member, flushed almost purple and profusely leaking. She moaned lowly, “Oh baby, that looks like it hurts. Want me to play with it?” Bucky nodded viciously, little whiny ‘yesses’ falling from his plump lips.
His wife rudely spat into her palm then wrapped her lithe hand around him. Bucky yelped like he’d been burned, twitching underneath her. Bucky hoped he was being good enough for her because she was still so angry. She ruthlessly jacked his cock, scolding Bucky about how bad he’d been. The brunette moaned non-stop, drooling pathetically. He was close already, his balls drawing up painfully.
He cried out his baby’s name, feeling his orgasm begin and followed by absolutely nothing. Bucky blanched at the loss, registering the denial seconds too late. He let out a confused sob, shaking intensely. Bucky mewled, “Nnno please baby— oh m’sorry sorry m’so sorry. Fuck it hurts s’bad, oh god!” He squirmed at his balls aching, the sensitive flesh swelling up even more. She pecked him on the lips, circling her thumbs on his plush sides patiently.
“That’s a good boy, shush, be still, taking your punishment so well. So proud of you sweet, handsome thing.”
‘Yes, yes,’ Bucky thought earnestly. He could deal with the pain if he got his miss to praise him like that. His stomach flipped excitedly at the prospect of her forgiving him. A delirious smile flicked onto Bucky’s face. She pressed a kiss to his delicate nose, her hand speeding up again. Bucky fluctuated between whiny cries and deep moans as she worked his cock.
“That’s so good, my pretty. My Bucky being such a good boy for me.”
“‘M your good boy?,” Bucky echoed in a frantic voice.
“Mhm,” she sighed.
Her thumb swirled around his sensitive tip relentlessly, not stopping until Bucky’s legs were shaky and he was sniffling. He whined, “Oh doll, miss, Jesus Christ, oh!” When he approached the jumping off point she pulled back again. His face crumpled and he sobbed hoarsely, gripping his hands so hard in the sheets she heard them ripping. Bucky’s brain was fried at this point as he wept. His wife stroked his sweaty hair, scratching her nails into his scalp.
“S’okay Buck, you’re okay,” she soothed.
His chest wrenched with another sob, throwing his head back. His angelic demon of a partner asked, “D’ya wanna come bear?” Bucky could only let out a string of incoherent whimpers, his eyes fluttering and nose running. Bucky knew he looked like a mess— but she gazed at him like he hung the moon. She pressed herself on top of him, breasts against his wide chest. She grasped his chin and thumbed the drool away.
Bucky’s sobbing had died down to breathless pants as he watched her. “Color?,” she inquired. Batting the heavy cotton out of his brain Bucky managed a weak ‘green ma’am’. He sniffled again at the ache between his thighs, pounding and heady. She whispered, “Kiss me then?” The brunette puckered his lips and she closed the gap.
Bucky thinly moaned her name, desperately seeking her approval. He couldn’t move his lips as confidently as he usually did. She picked up the slack, kissing Bucky even more senseless. Her tongue roved around his mouth and massaged his own softly. He rutted up against her wet sex out of instinct.
His baby laughed into his mouth meanly and pulled back. Bucky chased her lips only to receive a tut. He whined in frustration, tears threatening to well up again. She grinned as she spoke, “Hush now— you’ve been doing so good. Crybaby.” Bucky pouted and clenched his fists up. He knew he’d been a weepy thing but didn’t need a reminder.
“I’m just teasing! I know you’re hurting bad. Think you can handle my pussy now? Not gonna blow your load immediately like a needy slut are you?”
Bucky shook his head vigorously. He was going to prove himself but he couldn’t find the words for it. She laughed again and reached down between them to guide his cock into her. Her composure broke at the stretch, the woman’s lips falling open in a moan. Bucky painfully groaned and shut his eyes, afraid he’d blow from seeing how pretty his wife looked above him.
She stayed still and gave him some time. Bucky was reeling from the feeling of her snug, wet heat around his achy cock. He cried, “Ah- ah— fuck!” Her legs wrapped around his hips as she rolled them over, Bucky now on top. He blinked at her and braced his hands to keep his full weight from bearing down.
“C’mon and show me how it’s done, slut. Punish me big man, like ya’ tell your friends,” she taunted and slapped his ass.
Bucky whined, dimly pondering if that was the only noise he could articulate now. He pulled out slowly and thrust back in with a slap. She arched her back, face smugly looking up. Bucky trembled and tried to fight his body screaming at him to release. He knew his wife would have to give permission first. Again he drew back and jerked into her.
“That’s the best you can do? I said fuck me James.”
Bucky’s cheeks were wet with tears again. He had to be a good boy even if it was going to be the last thing he did. He’d always been told he was stubborn. With a shaky exhale he started an easy pace into her lax body. He bit down on his lower lip, grunting and whining like he was hurt. She gasped and gripped onto his broad shoulders. Pretty legs wrapped around his soft waist, goading him on.
Bucky felt the initial insistent heat in his loins die down, thrusting into his girl harder. “Yeah, yeah that’s it puppy,” she chanted. Bucky latched his swollen lips onto her breasts: biting, sucking, and licking. The woman’s cunt leaked more at the roughening thrusts, wet noises filling the air. She whined his name when Bucky suckled at her nipple.
Bucky keened and moved a hand down to her sensitive bundle of nerves. He had to make his angel come. The sargeant slurred, “M’your good boy.” She moaned in excitement and gripped at his dark hair. The woman cried out, “You are- fuck don’t stop!” Bucky swirled his thumb around her clit harder, feeling her cunt draw tight around him. She yanked at his hair as she throatily rasped, “The best boy, come with me Buck c’mon sweetheart. Love you.”
Bucky’s heart leaped, his wife had granted him permission. Needy kisses were laid on Bucky’s sensitive throat. One hand gripped his hair, the other lovingly rubbing at his back. “Love you,” Bucky weeped. She dug her heels in as she writhed, moaning Bucky’s name like a prayer.
Bucky was frantically rutting into her now. He couldn’t stop— chasing their orgasm like a mad man.
Sweat dripped down Bucky’s neck and chest. He gathered his baby’s lips into a kiss, crying out between lip locks. He whimpered, “Mh! Gonna come baby gonna f’you up, ah sorry can’t stop!” He repeated his needy apologies as he took from her. She yelped in ecstasy and tightened around Bucky’s cock. Her moans pitched up as she rocketed into a peak.
She pulled his hair one last time and threw her head back, exposing the column of her throat. Bucky wailed when he emptied into her tight pussy. He slammed his hips into hers, milking himself one last time. The pulse of her hot cunt felt like a gut punch. Bucky needily babbled on as his balls emptied. He trembled down to his toes and tucked his face into her neck.
He shook through the orgasm, feeling like hours had passed before the pleasure was less intense. She cooed and praised Bucky throughout the whole ordeal, gently replying to his slurred nonsense with a smile on her pretty face. She tapped his cheek and Bucky groggily raised his head to look. His wife chuckled, “Oh Buck you’re so cute. Did so well baby boy.”
Bucky rasped, “Thank you s’much.” He wasn’t sure if he was responding to the compliment or the magical sex. She rolled Bucky to his side, him sliding out in the process with a whimper. His wife cuddled closer and hugged him tightly— exactly how he liked after a punishment. Bucky blinked away some welling tears. His mind was clear enough that he murmured, “I’ll straighten everything out at work, I promise. I didn’t mean to shame you.”
“I know bear, I know. Just relax now. We’re alright. I love you, I’m here, you’re my good boy, I’m not going anywhere.”
872 notes · View notes
breannasfluff · 1 year
Don’t eat that. 
Three words. 11 letters. Don’t; do not. Eat; the act of consuming, tasting, or chewing. That; what in the name of Ordonia are you holding—?
If Twilight was human, he’d consider beating his head against a wall. He’s stuck as a wolf, though, so he settles for head-butting a tree. 
Okay? Time asks, watching. 
No, he says, petulant. 
Wild, for his part, is happily munching his way through another mysterious mushroom. If he doesn’t get food poisoning he’s going to get actually poisoned from something toxic. 
Somehow, Twilight doesn’t think the Goddess will accept he’s a gremlin as the cause of death for her hero. 
No, instead the rancher has the dubious honor of watching any and everything go into the cub’s mouth. The kid is a blank slate; a little too blank. The world is an amazing discovery to him and muscle memory seems to be the only thing left. 
Cub, no! Time interrupts Twilight’s thoughts. He looks up to find Wild contemplating—is that another rock? 
No, no, no! Twilight abandons his tree to jump at the cub, knocking the rock back into the underbrush. 
Wild howls, batting at him. Snack! Tasty?
No! Don’t eat that! Not food!
The cub gives him a sly look. Only testing.
He’s not and he knows it. Good with kids Twilight might be, but that’s when he’s Hylian and can hold a full conversation with the person in question. Time isn’t much help, through no fault of his own. He may have appeared to Twilight as a golden wolf, but it’s clear he’s not used to a canine form like Twilight is. His body language is rusty for communication and he’s pretty sure Time tripped over his own paws at least twice. 
Still, this is a side of Time the rancher is happy to get to know. Sword skills may have helped on his journey, but this experience is deepening their bond. 
No! Once again, Time’s bark has Twilight jerking back to the situation at hand. 
Wild pauses, berry halfway to his lips. 
With a sigh, Twilight trots over to sniff the berry. Yes, okay, he says with an exaggerated nod to get the point across. 
Wild pops it in his mouth, followed by three others. Juice smears his lips and his teeth are purple when he grins. Here! Share! He tosses a berry to Twilight, who catches it out of the air with a snap. 
Time’s berry bounces off his nose and he has to hold back a snicker. The stink eye he gets in return says his mentor knows he’s laughing anyway. 
Pup. Here, now. Time’s bark is all serious and Twilight wakes groggily. 
Standing, he yawns and stretches his front paws, claws digging into the dirt. 
Time’s not really saying pup; it’s more little-pack-protect-young, but the rancher’s wolf-minded brain easily translates it for his Hylian half. 
Coming, coming. With another yawn, Twilight ambles to the outskirts of the clearing where Time was keeping an eye on the cub. 
Help. The whine needs no translation and Twilight is instantly wide awake. 
Wild is curled on the ground, half under a bush, and whimpering. 
Cub? Hurt? Twilight steps forward and nudges him, nose wrinkling at the sour smell around him. 
Wild only moans, pressing his forehead to the ground. His cheeks are flushed red and he’s sweating. 
What? What? Twilight turns back to Time for an explanation, but the other wolf is as lost as he is. How can they help a Hylian without hands? 
Twilight tries again, Hurt? Sick? Why are they locked to this pantomime of language? He can’t help if he doesn’t know what’s wrong!
The cub doesn’t answer, just jerks away to be sick. His lips are stained nearly black, matched by the dark color of his vomit. 
Time whines steadily, crawling on his belly to Wild and looking to Twilight for help. He nudges the hero again and his hands unclench, something rolling free. 
It’s smashed, but Twilight recognizes the sharp, sour smell. Poison berries. 
He runs through every curse he can think of and makes some up for good measure. How is he supposed to care for a sick Hylian like this? 
Sick, bad, do not eat. 
Hurt? Time’s attention is sharpening at Twilight’s words. 
Hurt, he confirms. Danger.
The two wolves turn to look at their cub. Wild whimpers and curls in a tighter ball, clutching his stomach. They have no fairies or potions, or any way to provide first aid. The most the wolves can do is keep him company. And pray. 
It takes two full days of sickness and misery for Wild’s body to stop rebelling. Partway through Time helps Twilight bully the cub onto his feet and lead him to a stream for water. 
His whimpers cut, but it’s better than him becoming dehydrated on top of it. Nothing will stay down, but hopefully, it means the last of the poison is expelled as well. 
Time’s wears his paw pads raw pacing and Twilight can barely keep his eyes open. He appoints himself on watch most hours, even though he can do little while Wild sweats and pants. By the time the color fades from the cub’s cheeks, everyone is exhausted.
It takes a long, dull moment for Twilight to focus on Wild and translate body language into words. He gives another yip, repeating it. Hungry!
Stay! No hunt! Time’s snarl has Wild cowering back into his shallow cave-den
Twilight shoots his mentor a tired look before crawling in next to him. Safe, peace, food yes.
Time seems unconvinced until Twilight gestures with his head. He will stay with the cub and Time can find him food. Safe food. 
It takes a while for him to return and when he does he’s covered in dirt. However, he’s gripping a large radish by the stalk. It may not be the best food for a sensitive stomach, but it doesn’t need to be cooked. 
Wild snatches the vegetable, then begrudgingly washes it in the stream when Time snarls warningly. The first few bites stay down and some of the clamminess fades from his skin. 
Twilight wiggles into the cave first, flopping on his belly so Wild can cuddle into his fur. Time joins on the other side, sandwiching him. 
“S-sorry,” Wild whispers. Then again, sorry, with a duck of his head and low whine. 
Oh, Cub. Scared, worried, keep you safe. 
On the other side, Time thrums, packmate, safe, love.
Finally settling, Wild rumbles back his own love, love, pack before drifting into quiet sleep. 
Also posted on A03 here!
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undead-supernova · 5 months
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
warnings: gay disasters, Steve (derogatory), a bit of angst but that's a given for pining best friend!eddie so enter at your own risk, weed consumption (but what's new in a series about weed consumption)
pairings: modern!bestfriend!Eddie x fem!reader (both bisexual bitches)
plot: let's go sing some karaoke and feel like we're dying, shall we?
wc: 6k
p.s. I listened to "Watch" by Maisie Peters the entire time I wrote this and I just cannot for the life of me let The Good Witch go. Anyone else in a chokehold from that album? Anyways, here you go!
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Part 2: "Live Resin"
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“For you, my good sir!” you exclaimed, feigning a British accent as you got down on one knee and presented Eddie with a joint like it was a sword. And it was an immediate scrape to your knee, your black crop top and miniskirt riding up. You tried to save yourself by planting your maroon Converse on the ground, but it was met with instant failure. Eddie chuckled, grabbing your arm to try and stabilize you before he continued the bit. 
(Leave it to Eddie Munson to commit to a bit.)
“For me?” he asked, feigning a gasp as he threw his hand over his chest, his rings clinking together. “You shouldn’t have.”
You exaggerated a wink as you stood back up. 
“Sure, I did.”
“Wha’da we got, Weirdo?”
You repeated what the guy at Jailbait Hemp told you. It was a THC-A pre-roll that was covered in live resin (which technically has a higher concentration level than just the THC-A alone). It burned differently than other joints, a glaze lining the paper to burn like honey. 
Let it in slow and watch it go.
“She sure is a pretty one,” Eddie said, lightly running the pad of his pointer finger along the resin. It didn’t flake off or leave any residue on his finger. Incredible.
You smirked. “I know, right?”
“Kinda like you.”
You swallowed immediately, nearly choking as the spit went down wherever the wrong pipe was located.
Panic, panic, panic. 
“Oh, whatever,” you said, waving him away. You distracted yourself with wiping the gravel off of the scrape on your knee that showed promise of blood but stayed put. The most embarrassing thing you could think of was having to ask someone for a Band-aid because you were too busy doing a bit with a joint to remember that you weren’t wearing pants. Eddie would love that a little too much and you weren’t about to give him the satisfaction.
“You’re right,” Eddie said with a nod, causing you to look back up. “Doesn’t come close to you, m’lady.” Without another word or time for you to even remotely process, he held out his hand and made obnoxious grabbing gestures. “Alright. Gimme, gimme. Wanna light her up.”
With shaky fingers, you handed it over. Eddie took his black Bic lighter and ran the flame back and forth against the twisted end of the paper. It took him two or three tries to keep it lit, but he finally got it, moving it around in circles to let it burn as evenly as it could. The air instantly thickened with the smell. But to be fair, you smelled weed wherever you went in Atlanta. Even on the highway somehow.
You could hear the music from Go Ask Mary from two blocks away, the bass of Madonna’s “Vogue” booming through the walls. It was almost time for karaoke to start and, to be honest, you were excited. Eddie had picked up some extra shifts at the car dealership and your shitty retail jobs at the Lenox Square mall had been draining. Especially when you were surrounded by stores like Chanel and Tiffany & Co. It was always your dream to work at a Sephora where all the pretentious rich people complained about needing a new Balenciaga bag before arguing with you when their sheer Tom Ford lipstick was out of stock. 
This was the first time you’d seen Eddie in a week, despite him practically begging to come over at 2am to watch the first Lord of the Rings movie on a Monday. The extended edition to be exact, all three hours of Elijah Wood and Sean Astin being the most iconic couple of the fantasy realm. It was embarrassing to admit, but you nearly considered calling out just so you could.
Tonight, you couldn’t wait to let off some steam, especially with the person who made every day worth it. Eddie looked as he usually did with all his chains and rings and pretty face and attitude. It was disgustingly unfair that he could wear variations of the same outfit every time you saw him and somehow looked better and better every time.
“There you guys are,” Steve sighed as he and Robin walked over from the bar. 
Steve was still in his suit, just without his tie and blazer. A few buttons of his white button down were popped with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Robin wore an oversized cotton button down, white with navy stripes and a loose navy tie. She looked like she was going to the beach for the day, even going so far as to wear jean shorts and checkerboard Vans.
“We should’ve known you were smoking,” Robin said, nose wrinkling before she pulled out her flask from her back pocket and took a few sips. “Did you know that one joint is, like, the equivalent of five cigarettes? I heard it on a podcast the other day and, believe me, that sounds bad. Like, really bad.”
“What else is new?” you joked, taking the joint from Eddie and filling your lungs with a few hearty drags. “At least we’re not vaping. That’s, what, the equivalent of a hundred cigarettes?”
Robin shook her head. “Actually, I read that a thousand-puff vape is the equivalent of five to six packs.” She paused, moving her fingers through the air as she solved the problem in her head. “So…about one-twenty?”
Eddie hummed, nodding. “Aren’t you glad I stopped smoking cigs six months ago?”
“Well, yes.”
“So smoking weed should be the least of your worries, Buckley.”
“You have a point. But honestly—"  
“Rob!” Steve interrupted. “Rob, listen. I have exciting news.”
“What is it?” you asked.
“I’m getting the first round,” he said proudly. “I got a bonus at work.”
“Thanks, Steve,” you said, genuinely touched by the offer. “That’s awesome, though. You’re literally moving up in the world.”
“Bringing in the big bucks, this one,” Eddie teased with a big smile as he took the joint from you. “Always a generous giver.”
Steve glared at Robin. “She thinks I should quit.”
“No, I do not!” Robin argued. “I just think you’re in a weird environment with weird men—" 
The high was already making its way through you, causing you to not-so-subtly stare at Eddie again. His eyes were trained on yours as Steve and Robin rattled on, entering some bickering fest that you were positive he wasn’t listening to. And the way he was looking at you… Well, it didn’t seem that platonic, did it? 
His eyes were doing that thing again, that slow gaze down your body before reaching back up to your eyes. Your fingers inched just a little bit closer to his and you almost swore you could hear his rings again as they fluttered towards yours. 
Robin cleared her throat, causing you to look back at her. She was eyeing you specifically, not even bothering to look at Eddie. 
Could she see it? What did she know? Was there anything to know?
“Well, we’ll be inside,” she said, grabbing Steve’s arm. “Have fun with the extra cancer!”
Eddie chuckled. “Thanks, Buckley.”
You watched them walk away, right back in their little fight. It was nice to be around them again. Truly, it was. You didn’t have too many friends outside of Eddie, always working during the week and never truly finding time to go out unless Eddie dragged you along. You could engage in small talk with strangers at Go Ask Mary on the weekends, but it was different when you got home and found your phone void of anyone to tell those stories to. Zero messages, not even from your parents or your sister. No Instagram DMs of cute animals or Tumblr messages of photography and memes. Just a phone that looked more like a coffin full of wires than access to the whole world.
Except for Eddie.
As he turned back to you, he lifted the joint and let it hover just above your lips. 
“Want some more?” he asked.
You looked up at him, nearly startled by how close he was to you. God, what was it about him? Maybe it was the dark color of his eyes, still illuminated in the warm sunset, nearly glazed over with a golden sheen. Maybe it was the way his hair was doing that thing after a fresh wash where the ends were slightly curlier than the rest. Or maybe it was the way his tips of his sneakers were meeting yours and the smell of tobacco and car air freshener was wafting off of him.
“Come on, you can’t deny you want it.”
“Um,” you stumbled. “Yeah. Yeah, I want it.”
Nodding, you felt his fingers grazing your mouth as he placed it in between your lips. You took a long, slow drag while your eyes never left his. You wanted to look away. Really, you did. If anything, the sparks settling in your stomach were starting to pop and sizzle unlike ever before. 
You just couldn’t help yourself.
And if anything, he didn’t seem like he could either.
Tonight was going to be interesting.
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The bar wasn’t very crowded, but that’s why you liked to go as a group during the week. Even if there weren’t many people looking to do karaoke on a Tuesday, it didn’t matter. There were four of you ready to tear up the fucking stage.
You went in rotation for solo performances, Robin singing “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac followed by you singing “Love Is a Stranger" by Eurythmics (despite it technically not being from the Eighties) followed by Eddie doing “The Stroke” by Billy Squire and finishing with Steve’s off-key rendition “Africa” by Toto.
When Steve returned from his noteworthy performance, the three of you congratulated him. He did a little bow before wiping the sweat off his forehead. 
Eddie patted the table and said, “Alright, I’ll go get the next round.” As he was about to leave, he looked at you. “Still want a vodka Redbull?”
“Of course,” you said with a smile. 
He gave you a quick wink. “Just checking, Weirdo.”
You turned back to Steve and Robin, watching Steve dab his face with a napkin. He was mostly definitely inching towards being drunk, always starting to turn red and sweaty whenever he was getting close. That, and he started to run his mouth.
“God, he’s dreamy,” Steve said, leaning his head in one hand. You followed his line of sight, all three of you watching Eddie walk to the bar. “It’s almost annoying how hot he is.”
Robin snorted. “Yeah, okay. Keep dreaming.”
Maybe it shouldn’t have stung the way it did. Anyone was allowed to find him hot. It didn’t mean anything. Just a bit of flattery, that’s all. But then it was like you couldn’t stop yourself and suddenly you were unable to keep yourself from asking the one thing you never ever should have.
“Do you have a crush on Eddie?”
You watched Steve laugh pitifully. “I mean, maybe?”
“Maybe? What does ‘maybe’ mean, Steve?” Robin asked.
“I mean, he’s hot, right? But I don’t know if he’d even go for me.” As he talked, he popped open another button of his shirt, showing off a bit of his wife beater and chest hair. “Like, okay, he’s just so pretty and he fixes cars and plays in a band? It’s cool as hell. But I don’t think we even have that much in common, so I don’t know. He likes metal, I like pop. He likes D&D and I like, uh, I don’t know? Poker? Anyways, I don’t even know what kind of guys he’s into. Do you know, Rob?”
Robin shrugged, meeting your eyes before saying, “I don’t know, Steve. Ever thought about asking him what his type is?”
And you shouldn’t have asked. Really, you shouldn’t. Because now you were here, sitting at a table while Steve moaned and groaned about his chances with Eddie, like it was some statistics problem. And then someone was doing an awful cover of “Time After Time” by Cyndi Lauper, the shrill sound mixing with Steve’s whining. And you? You were sulking. 
You looked over and watched Eddie wait for your drinks at the bar, wondering if Steve had any chance and whether you were more likely to get the guy in the end. Surely there was a silver lining in there somewhere. You enjoyed metal music and even convinced Eddie to listen to other genres. You enjoyed listening to Eddie talk about Dungeons and Dragons and showed him board games you liked, like Catan. Relationships weren’t built off of just similarities and differences. Steve was wrong.
As if Eddie heard your thoughts, he caught your stare, his lips pulling back into a large grin as he waved and moved his hips a little bit along to the grating karaoke. You couldn’t help but laugh at how awkward he looked, in turn doing the worst arm wave in history. He immediately started laughing.
Eddie was looking at you, wasn’t he? Steve wasn’t even bothering to look at the object of his desire. He merely talked about the guy, putting his head in his hands and panicking as if Eddie wasn’t in the same room. But you were looking at Eddie and now you were in a makeshift dance battle, embarrassing yourself by doing an awful robot while he did that shopping cart move.
Could Steve have this kind of relationship with Eddie?
And what were the odds of you winning?
What were the odds of you losing?
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After a good bit of chatter, Steve and Robin headed towards the other end of the bar to set up a game of darts. Eddie went along, but you decided to stay behind. He found it odd, asking if you were sure and you’d nodded, telling him that you wanted a moment to yourself. 
But Eddie didn’t believe you. Not one bit. You’d started acting weird merely seconds after he came back with drinks. It was strange. One moment you were dancing with him across the room and the next your shoulders were slumped, falling out of any and all conversation. Even when he nudged you and tried to be playful, you seemed to pretend you didn’t notice. Instead, you focused on your straw and nodding along as if you were paying attention. 
He knew you hadn’t. He knew there was something wrong and, of course, he wanted to respect your privacy but there had to be something else there. Had Robin let anything slip? Did Steve act like an asshole? Were you upset with him? 
Robin and Steve were in the heat of a tie when Eddie finally decided to walk back over to you. He didn’t like seeing you so sad, so vulnerable. And with the addition of the high, he knew how scary that could feel. If something didn’t feel right, it could get extremely uncomfortable. And you couldn’t just be alone in that hole.
“Hey,” he said as he approached you. “Are you feeling okay?”
You put on one of the fakest smiles he’d ever seen before replying, “Yeah, I guess I’m just tired from work.”
“Is the high getting you down?”
You shrugged. “A bit, yeah.”
“Um,” he said, gulping as he held out his palm. “Do you need to hold my hand?”
You looked down at his hand before looking back up. 
“No, I think I’ll be okay. Thank you, though.”
“Yeah, sure. Sure,” he replied, placing his hand on top of the other. 
He squeezed it to elicit something resembling comfort for the rejection he felt. It was like your hand was some kind of phantom feeling that made his chest ache with want. And that want was slowly but surely starting to burn.
“Well, uh.” He gulped. “I’m gonna get myself another beer. Want anything?”
You shook your head. “No, I’m okay.”
Eddie nodded before turning away.
“Hey, Eddie?”
He didn’t think he’d ever spun back around that quickly before.
You smiled weakly. “If you need me to drive your van back tonight, let me know. I don’t mind if you want to get a little drunk with Steve and Robin.”
And just like that, he died a little inside. Again.
“Will do, Weirdo.”
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Steve was back on his bullshit.
“Oh my god, do you guys think I should try to sing with him? Get the sparks flying, you know?” He moved his head from side to side. “‘Do a little dance? Make a little love’?”
Robin smacked Steve’s arm. “You did not just do that.”
You let out a tiny sigh, looking away from his hopeful expression. Steve genuinely thought he’d cracked the code to Eddie’s heart. And you couldn’t blame him. Who wouldn’t want someone like Eddie? 
But really, you wanted to put your head on the table and bang it over and over.
Over. And. Over.
Eddie had gone to get a third beer and Steve had wasted no time before bringing this shit back up. You were seriously starting to dislike him for the first time in three years. Three. Years. He was obnoxious when he was drunk, sure, but it was never like this.
Or maybe you just hadn’t paid attention until tonight.
You shook your head, desperately trying to get the feelings out of your body. The blunt was starting to get the best of you, fogging your brain while your limbs felt like they were vibrating. This was killing your high. No, it was more than that. It was magnifying all the feelings you once swore to be dormant. 
You looked over to find Robin staring at you, her eyebrow quirked up. Noticeably, you might add. You and Robin weren’t that close—you were one of Eddie’s best friends to the rest of them. You had fun whenever the group would hang out, whether that be at Eddie’s shows or unwinding at Go Ask Mary, but you never truly hung out alone. 
Steve, Robin, and Eddie had moved to Atlanta three years ago, after they wanted out of their small town in Indiana. Steve’s dad had gotten him a job at a big boy law firm in the heart of Downtown. It wasn’t the best way to get into the business, but it was the best way to get all of them out. To start over somewhere bigger, somewhere with more opportunities. Steve convinced them to save up for the summer before driving eight hours to their shitty new apartment. He swung Robin a waitressing gig at a nice restaurant he had a business lunch at—charmed the owner and everything. Eddie had worked at a local gay bar in Decatur and played there sometimes on metal or punk themed nights.
And here Robin was now, staring at you like she was trying to figure out how you were feeling, as if you’d ever be phased by Steve’s confession. Confessions. And she was making eye contact, all bold and unashamed. Like she was some freakishly keen hawk, two steps away from letting out a ca-caw. And if Steve paid just a fraction, just a millimeter of attention, he’d notice. 
It was all quite unnerving.
“Don’t you think sparks would already be flying after years of knowing each other?” Robin asked, eyes flickering from Steve’s to yours and then back again. “I mean, I think you would know by now. If there was something between you.” She gestured over to you. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
What was her deal?
A bit of Steve’s spit flew out and hit your cheek. You would’ve laughed three hours ago. Now? Now, you were seriously considering bashing his head against the table.
(It was a big night for head bashing.)
“Last call for karaoke!” one of the bartenders announced.
“Wish me luck!” Steve said to you and Robin before raising his hand. “I’ll do it!” he exclaimed loudly, pointing to Eddie who had just finished closing out his tab. “I’ll do it with that handsome man over there!”
Eddie looked surprised but shrugged, a pleasant smile reaching his lips. “Yeah, sure, Harrington. Show me what you got.”
As they moved towards the stage, you swallowed the words resting on your tongue.
I wanted to sing with Eddie tonight.
“I hope he doesn’t embarrass himself.”
You couldn’t look at Robin. You just couldn’t.
“What song did he pick?” you asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
“‘Under Pressure’.”
Oh, fuck. You’d sung that in the car with Eddie plenty of times, always with a silent acknowledgement that whatever conversation you were having would cease and the volume was to be turned all the way up. You went for Freddie Mercury's part while Eddie took the lower octaves in David Bowie’s verses. Eddie sounded amazing when he sang it, confident with his range and feeding emotion into the song. And you melted. You just melted.
And when the song started and Eddie’s eyes drifted away from Steve and landed on you, well, you couldn’t help but feel seen. He thought about those times, too, didn't he? It was something you both held special. Right?
But Steve took Eddie’s hand and started trying to dance with him. Eddie laughed, trying to follow his complicated rhythm. Steve was stumbling and nearly fell of the stage, but Eddie caught him, stabilizing him. Just like he’d done with you in the parking lot.
Things were going downhill for you. And they were going down fast.
Eddie cleared his throat dramatically before starting the first verse. “Pressure, pushing down on me, pressing down on you. No man ask for.”
You let out a sigh at the sound of Eddie’s voice, all gravely and husky and soft all the same. It felt even better tonight with whatever was in this joint. You could feel it inside, like it was somehow spreading through you. There was a part of you that was sure you’d never get over it for as long as you lived.
Steve pulled Eddie closer, grabbing at his waist and slowly moving it down.
Oh my fucking god. Eddie knows what he’s doing, right? you asked yourself. Can he tell? Does he like this?
Eddie cleared his throat before belting, “It’s the terror of knowing what this world is about. Watching some good friends screaming—”
“Let me out!” Steve shouted.
They stumbled through a laugh at the ridiculousness, and you began to feel like you were slowly dying. Again.
“I’m…going to go to the bathroom,” Robin announced before scurrying off.
And you tried to keep your eyes off of them. Really, you did. You made yourself look around the room, scanning the face of a drag queen who was currently walking around and engaging in animated conversations with the few other people here. Her eyes were coated in pink glitter and tall eyelashes; nude lips perfectly lined and wrapped around the straw of a cocktail. She was absolutely gorgeous, as most Atlanta queens were. Plus, how could you ever look away from a drag queen? They were angels, truly. Archangels.
But it was Eddie’s singing that brought your attention back, as effortless as Bowie himself. Like there was nothing to it. Like he was always on the track to begin with.
You found yourself thinking about the night you met Eddie, right here in Go Ask Mary. It was the five-month anniversary of their official move to Atlanta, the three of them wanting to go out and celebrate not completely fucking up. They’d gotten out and they were doing pretty okay for themselves by the look of it.
And you? Well, you were a native to the south. Grew up in Tennessee, moved here when you saw the opportunity for college somewhere that wasn’t Tennessee. Found your way through college and realizing you were bisexual and, well, found Go Ask Mary. At the time, you came here with friends, but there was a period time after losing some of those friends where you preferred coming by yourself. It was an accepting atmosphere, one where everyone seemed friendly. You could have a six-minute conversation with a queer stranger and never speak again. But it would be fond and unforgettable. It would be transcendent. 
You’d gone up and done a dramatic cover of “I Miss You” by Blink 182, mimicking the singer’s voice rather than being serious about it. A few people laughed—and Eddie was one of them. He’d even let out a few whoo!s and yeah!s. When you’d gotten off the stage, he approached you immediately and asked you if you could be best friends. You laughed at that, thinking then that neither of you were serious. 
But then you’d spent the whole night talking and watching Robin and Steve perform.
And then they tapped out and decided to head home.
However, Eddie wanted to stay. 
And you told him you could call him an Uber. 
And then you stayed until closing, just talking. Nonstop. Like you were seeing an old friend for the first time in decades.
(Is there a joke in there somewhere about three disaster bisexuals and one tragic lesbian walking into a bar?)
“Is that your man?”
You looked behind you, noticing the queen from earlier standing with her hand on her hip as she tapped her acrylic nails along to the beat.
“Which one?” you asked.
“The crazy haired one over there with the wallet chain.”
You could feel your chest start to ache. “No, no. We’re best friends, but we’re not dating.” She let out a hum. You looked at her again, feeling hot all of a sudden. “Um, why? Why do you ask?”
A smirk formed on her lips as she touched your shoulder, leaning down to speak softly into your ear. “Baby, that man’s only looking at you.”
“He is?”
“Are you sure?”
The queen looked at you again, her eyebrow raising. “Oh, so you’re jealous of the other one?” She laughed as you gave a defeated shrug. “You ain’t been lookin’ hard, have you?”
“I’m not sure—"
“Honey,” she started, tapping your jaw. You looked back at her. “I know that look. But you ain’t gotta look hard to see what he feels for you.”
She patted the top of your head and stood up straight. “Girl, look harder. Oh, and don’t forget to invite me to the wedding.”
And then she was waving you a goodbye and walking away.
You looked back to the stage to watch Eddie. You didn’t know how to believe her. Couldn’t. He was right there, leaning in and sharing a microphone with Steve, their faces practically touching. Lopsided grins coming from the two as Eddie hit a high note perfectly and Steve butchered the harmony. Eddie’s voice was dark and angelic. Steve’s eyes were red and perhaps they were sparkling in the purple and blue neon lights. They were having fun. 
They’d be a cute couple, a voice in your head said bitterly. And you can sit and watch and be okay with it. Swallow all your emotions like you always do. Let yourself fade into background noise as you watch someone take the spot you want the most. It’s normal at this point, isn’t it? You’re going to be that pathetic and weak, aren’t you?
You looked down at your drink, riddled with those incessant voices in your head telling you that you weren’t good enough. Because you weren’t as forward as Steve, or as brave as Eddie. You couldn’t just say the words or say anything at all. Eddie said everything he thought and made it clear how he felt. It was so simple for him. 
Besides…where would the friendship go if Eddie rejected you? Would it remain firm, the foundation solidified enough to keep you where you were before? Or would it start moving away, returning less and less frequently before the inevitable crash? 
And how could you ever fathom surviving the implosion?
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Eddie began to belt the final chorus, leaving Steve in the dust while secretly trying to get your attention. Maybe he was trying to impress you with his strengthened vocals and (pathetically) wanted you to notice.
But you continued to look down at your drink, scowling and swirling your straw around. He wanted to know what the hell was going on, why you were acting so strange tonight. It’d started out so well when he picked you up, letting the music be the only thing moving you forward. Even in the parking lot, with the jokes and a longing look that felt like it lasted for hours. And now you were…well. Whatever you were. 
And the song ended, alongside the minimal applause and stage lights being turned off. 
Steve patted Eddie’s shoulder as they got off. Eddie nodded at him before turning towards your table. 
But Steve pulled at his forearm. 
“Munson, wait.”
Eddie looked back. “Yeah, dude. What’s up?”
Steve smiled and Eddie could tell that he was utterly drunk. It was one of Steve’s goofy smiles, always seeming cartoonish with the way his lips curved into a wave. Eddie always thought it was kinda weird how he did that. Even a little creepy.
“Listen, I’m just gonna come out and ask you a question.”
“Okay…” Eddie trailed, now facing Steve completely. 
“Would you ever want to go on a date?”
Eddie’s eyes widened, scanning Steve’s face to try and see if any of this was a joke. 
But there was no punchline. He was serious.
“Like, together?” he asked slowly.
Steve laughed, having to lean on a nearby table to stable himself. “Yeah! I don’t know, I just kinda thought we had some chemistry or something. I’m drunk so I can’t articulate it very well, but I’ve wanted to ask for a while.”
Eddie raised a hand to scratch along his stubble and thought about it. Had he really not noticed that Steve was into him? He thought he’d made it clear to Robin his affections for you. He’d just assumed she would tell Steve but, clearly, she hadn’t. 
It was all Eddie ever talked about when him and Robin were alone, holed up in Eddie’s bedroom with a couple of beers and When Harry Met Sally playing on his TV. She told him over and over how he should just say something to you or even drop hints here and there. And to be fair, he thought he had. Even tonight with the joint in your mouth and the comment about it not being as pretty as you. And you’d just waved it off. Acted like it was nothing. Moved on so quickly and so suddenly.
Was there such harm in saying yes to Steve? You certainly hadn’t said anything and maybe it would be good for him to explore something with someone who he knew for sure wanted him. It could be simple with him. Steve was fun to be around. He could be happy with him if it went anywhere. Because it could go somewhere…
He stared at Steve for some time before he responded.
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You tried to leave with Robin and Steve, but Eddie pulled you towards his van instead. That meant two blocks of walking together and he didn’t waste any time before he started talking.
“Where are you going, Weirdo?” he asked, throwing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into a side-hug. “You know you live closer to me.”
He was right. After Eddie had snagged his current job as a mechanic at a nice dealership, he’d gotten his own place so that he could have a space for himself. He really liked his alone time as much as he liked being around you or any of his other friends. One of the main reasons was because he needed complete silence when planning his campaigns and, well, Robin and Steve weren’t necessarily quiet people.
You chuckled, but it sounded forced. “Yeah, sorry. I guess I’m crossed or something,” you replied. “You’ve always had a higher tolerance than me.”
Eddie gave you a concerned look. “You okay?”
You nodded and tried to keep walking. 
But he didn’t.
“You’re not holding my hand right now.”
His voice was soft, hardly above a whisper.
“Oh, I guess I just wasn’t thinking about it tonight.”
Or you’re not actually cross-faded, Eddie thought to himself. But he didn’t say anything, just bumped your shoulder with his and tried to bring the energy back. You hadn’t smiled since you’d all left and there was no way you’d leave tonight without one. So, he turned around and started walking backwards, shimmying his shoulders. He cracked the code, watching as you began to snort. Thank God.
“So, did you like my killer vocals?” he asked, his playful tone raising the energy back to its rightful place. 
Until your smile faltered.
“Ohhhhhh, yeah,” you said, hardly sounding sarcastic or playful. And it certainly didn’t meet your eyes. “You and Steve looked like you were having fun.”
Eddie hesitated, wanting to tell you about Steve’s…proposition. Should he casually drop it into the conversation? Would tonight be the night that he admitted how he felt? Or would he continue to rely on you doing it?
“He asked me out,” Eddie said before he could think further, heart racing.
“Yeah, right after we got offstage. Crazy, right?” 
“What did you say?” you asked, stopping in your tracks. You were only across the street from his van now. Only twenty steps. 
But you’d stopped. 
So, Eddie did too.
“I told him I’d think about it,” he replied.
“And have you? Thought about it?”
He tried to read your expression, but he couldn’t. He just couldn’t.
So, he pushed. 
“I don’t know. Hadn’t thought of it before he said anything. I mean, it’s kinda out of nowhere…”
“Do you like him?” you whispered. 
Eddie thought about lying, to try and elicit some form of jealousy from you so he could start the conversation. Gamble and see what happens. But he couldn’t lie to you like that. It wouldn’t be right. It’d just be shitty. 
“Not really. Like, Steve’s pretty and all and he’s a really good friend or whatever. But I just haven’t really thought much about it and then suddenly there he was, poof, asking me out. And, I don’t know, I just thought it was a bit weird.”
You nodded along, looking away. “Yeah, that’s weird.”
Eddie couldn’t help himself. “Do you think I should say yes?”
“You’re asking me?” you asked, your eyebrows pinching together. 
You looked…upset. Why did you look so upset at the question?
“Absolutely,” he said, nodding.
“Why do you want my opinion? I mean, you’ve known him longer.”
Eddie shrugged. “Well, I don’t know. I value your opinion or whatever.”
You scoffed. “I don’t think I should be the determining factor on who you should date.”
You have no fucking clue.
“And if I wanted you to be?” 
The words left his lips before he could save himself and, God, his heart was banging on his flesh, like it was trying to escape. Like it wasn’t able to handle it any more in his wired brain.
You hesitated again. 
“Well, I don’t know.” Before Eddie could ask again, you sighed. “Do what you want, Eddie. Just…be careful.”
He shut his mouth again and nodded. 
“Yeah, alright. Sure.”
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Eddie spent that night analyzing your hesitation. Maybe it was a sign. Maybe you were thinking about how stupid he was or, even worse, maybe you were just too scared to say anything. Like him. 
Your lips had quivered slightly. You were holding back those words again, the ones that felt like they’d already been shared and were waved off by the time you spoke again. And it drove him absolutely crazy.
And instead of asking you, he texted Steve.
About that date… When and where?
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Taglist: @mrsjellymunson
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jadewritesficshere · 11 months
Eddie Munson x Reader
Contents: effects of alcohol, underage drinking (because it is a high school party, but reader is >18) , pet names (Sweetheart), flirting
This just developed from a drunk night with friends and I thought "How would Eddie react?". Enjoy.
Your head was pounding. You weren't sure if it was from the music being blasted in the house or from the amount of alcohol you drank. Your limbs felt heavy snd sluggish. You weren't tired persay, but if you sat for too long you weren't sure you would be getting back up.
You had no clue where your friends were. Robin had convinced you to come, wanting to have a "normal" high-school senior year experience. With you having already graduated last year and being in college, you didn't really feel the need to go. Robin's insistence at you having never went did make you feel like you missed something.
And here you are. Drunk and alone. Well, not really alone. There were a lot more people then you expected to be here. You recognized some people you had graduated with, returning to another party for some reason. You shouldn't judge as you were also here.
You stumble outside the house and towards the shed. Maybe with some quiet your head would stop pounding. Each movement was slow and calculated, feeling like you could fall at any moment. The world wasn't spinning (well, okay the earth was technically rotating still), but you felt so uncoordinated and sluggish. You round the corner of the shed furthest from the house and-
You squeak and immediately attempt to dart back around the side of the shed, yelling," sorry!" You aren't even sure what or who you saw. A wad of cash and a bag of some substance. Enough for you to know you don't want to witness anything and be an accomplice. However, your retreat was less than skilled. Having turned on your heel so quick, you actually slipped...and landed still in sight of the people.
You hit the ground with a thud and a groan. You cover your face with your hands in embarrassment. "Holy shit! You oka-" one of the people pauses before you hear footsteps," Sweetheart?" You glance up between the fingers covering your face and see Eddie standing above you. Ah, of course it would be your boyfriend. You know he sells, and what a perfect place at a party to do so.
He quickly crouches," What are you doing here?" "Uh, nothing. Just going for a stroll. I totally didn't see anything," you close the fingers to cover your eyes again," I saw absolutely nothing Officer." You can hear Eddie chuckling and imagine him shaking his head before a hand touches your shoulder making you jump. "Nobody out here but you and me now," Eddie says through chuckles," but that was very convincing." You know it was not convincing at all. "Think I rolled a...what's it called a one? A nat one?" You grumble.
Eddie helps pull you into a sitting position and you reluctantly lower your hands. Eddie looked just as good as he always did. Simply looking at him made your heart thump wildly and your head spin- no wait, that was absolutely the alcohol. You groaned and closed your eyes, laying your forehead on his shoulder. "Oh Sweetheart, you're drunker then a skunk, aren't ya?" You whine back, "Not a skunk. If anyone is it's you."
You can feel Eddie's shoulder shake as he laughs. You can't help but smile at it. "You saying i smell?" Eddie asks, nose wrinkled from smiling so wide. You pull back to look at him slightly. "What if I am?" You poke his side causing him to jolt back. Eddie was always ticklish on his ribs. Eddie bats your hand away," I'll have you know i smell wonderfully." You hum again leaning your head back against Eddie's shoulder. You exaggerated inhale makes him smile. "Yeah, you smell alright i guess."
Eddie rolls his eyes at your teasing. You pull back and grin up at him. "You're so pretty." You murmur, looking into his deep brown eyes. They seem to widen slightly as his face flushes, a dopey grin on his face. "Yeah? You are too-" "Not as pretty as you!" You cut him off and smush his face with your hands. His lips jut out slightly and he sets his hands on yours. You give him a quick kiss on the lips before kissing his nose. "So pretty. The prettiest." The joy in Eddie's eyes is evident as he pulls your hands from his face. He gives you a quick kiss on the forehead, knowing arguing with you right now is futile.
He slowly stands, hands steadily holding onto you and helping you up. "Did you get hurt?" Eddie calmly asks, checking you out over. "Think i broke my ass." You grumble shifting your weight slightly, feeling tenderness in your glute. "No!" Eddie gasps dramatically," do you have a crack in it?" You frown at Eddie," That joke wasn't funny the first time you said it." Eddie snickers to himself.
You realize you're still holding onto him and let go, stumbling back slightly. Not that there is anything wrong with holding your boyfriend's hand, but drunk you doesn't seem to think that. Eddie's hands dart out to catch you in case you fall. "I'm fine!" You swat his hands away and turn to look back at the house. "You got-" Eddie cuts his sentence off. You can feel his hand brush something off your butt. "If you wanted to grab my ass you could just ask." You bend forward slightly and shimmy your hips at him.
Eddie groans slightly at the sight before clearing his throat and saying," Yeah no, you're definitely drunk." "Am not." "Yeah you are." "Mmm nope" you pop the p sound as you start to walk stumble towards the house. "Whoa okay hold on," Eddie rushes after you.
You can feel his hands on your waist and guide you towards the street, not the house. "Let's get you home," Eddie mumbles more to himself then you. Typically, you'd put up more of a fight. But your head was pounding and your arms felt like lead. Each step took a ton of effort. It felt like you had jumped in the lake with all your clothes on and were being dragged down by them.
Eddie guides you to his van and opens the passenger door. Eddie tries to get you to go in when it clicks that you left Robin behind. "Bobbie!" You push away from Eddie and look at the house," I left her and she and i..." Eddie's brow furrows slightly before looking back at the house. "Not leaving without her." You cross your arms and glare at Eddie. Well, one of them. "I'll go get her, can you just get in and wait?"
You mull it over. Waiting meant you could sit. Maybe do that trick Wayne does- resting his eyes. The more you thought it over the more pleasant it sounded. You nod and clamber into the vehicle. Eddie gently shuts the door after you. You watch him in the side mirror head back towards the house.
Yes, Wayne had a good idea. You close your eyes and sigh. Practically melting into the seats. Your bones feel like jello now. The buzzing in your head a beautiful white noise. Yeah, this was a great idea.
You startle awake at the sound of a door opening. You glance back and see Robin being corralled into the van with Vickie (when did Vickie get there you have no clue but that must be who Robin was with). Both of the girls are giggling and talking to each other, Robin overly loud without realizing how loud she was being. Vickie mumbling half the time in response. But they seemed to be having a great time, making you smile.. The doors slam shut and a few seconds later Eddie throws his door open.
He huffs before getting into the car, " like coralling a bunch of cats. You get one to follow and the other goes the opposite way." Eddie shakes his head, curls bouncing. You blink slowly at him before smiling. Eddie glances at you and grins. You hum closing your eyes again. "You going to sleep on me?" You hear him ask. "You'd know if I was sleeping with you."
Eddie snorts and laughs as the car takes off. You aren't sure what he found so funny. "I definitely would know that Sweetheart." You hum in response. "Go to sleep, I'll keep ya safe." "Not sleeping," you mumble falling asleep," just resting my eyes like Wayne." You hear Eddie chuckle as you drift off, feeling comfortable and safe with him.
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