#burnt out gifted kid
i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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I was younger. I was in primary, younger years, probably yr 2… or 3
I was always a gifted kid. I was going to a club of other gifted kids in my school. Fun. We walked up the stairs and then somehow ended up in a scary rickety staircase. Apparently the club was at the top. The only other girl from my class was a girl, also very gifted who we are going to call S.
We walked up the staircase to the cool gifted kids club. It seemed to be all years.
then one.
by one.
kids started dropping off.
we were all walking in a straight line, and the staircase would rot under their feet and they would fall. Or they would fall backwards. I can remember kids falling through the stairs very vividly. And oh my gosh, I didn’t care. I walked up the scary stairs and didn’t seem to mind kids were dropping off. Me and S were the only ones left. Nearing the top.
Nearly there. I was behind her. I think I knew.
I fell down. I can remember S hopping up the broken stairs to the top, the only kid left for the gifted kid club.
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holierthanth0u · 4 months
"gifted children" are not necessarily gifted... sometimes kids just get a burst of development in certain areas, and it evens out and stagnates over time. its just how some people develop, you are not "failed" because of it.
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golden-letters · 1 year
some days im mothering the child within me who never got her words of comfort
you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine
i say to her, hugging her knees, 
it’s going to be okay, you’ll make it, you’ll be fine
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dacryphiliakitten · 2 years
do all ex burnt out gifted kids now have a dumbification/dollification kink now 💀? Bc I’m feeling like- really called out rn
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iriz-the-telepath · 25 days
the Athena cabin members as burnt out gifted kids
Barely remembering most of their summers at camp past a certain age
getting compared against Annabeth Chase (😘) constantly
”they said I was the worst idea Athena ever came up with… funny…”
knowing loads about mythology so everyone jumps on them whenever they make a mistake
used to always win capture the flag but barely having the energy to participate anymore (yet still with the same fierce competitiveness)
”isn’t being smart like your whole deal?” “THATS NOT THE ONLY THING ATHENA IS KNOWN FOR-“
feeling inadequate because in the Athena cabin there will always be a smarter kid
having dozens of assignments due over the summer that they desperately try to keep up with on top of surviving
scribbling on the walls because there is never enough paper spare
never getting visits from mom anymore
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magpie-misfortunes · 7 months
am i more productive at nighttime or am i so choked with responsibility and duty during the day that my free time is now only ever available to me when in exchange for a sacrifice of tomorrow's wellbeing? (because apparently revenge nighttime procrastination is an actual thing??)
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theinsomniacindian · 6 months
I don't understand how I could devour at least three large books in one sitting when I was in fifth grade but now I struggle to read just one page of any of my favourite books
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6sullengirl · 6 months
Girls after they're still seen as the gifted kid
(they don't know how to study)
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cynthiadasorceress · 29 days
Just to be clear, we can all agree that Raf is absolutely going to go through Gifted Kid Burnout Syndrome in the next 2 years, right? Like- Potentially neurodivergent, super smart kid who wants attention from his family. PRIME (pun intended) EXAMPLE OF A KID WHO GOES THROUGHT GIFTED KID BURNOUT.
I'm going to hunt down fics of this
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me core, 2024
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madeofbees · 9 months
me: I hate that I can never focus on books or reading, I need to go to a cabin in the woods with a stack and not be disturbed until I finish, there’s nothing like the feel of a paper book in your hands and the smell of an old, well-loved favorite and even the chunks that fall out bc you’ve read it over a hundred times and the binding is fragile books
me when the Wi-Fi goes out: böōōkš ?? never heard of her
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marang2real · 9 months
the girl i used to be
you're falling behind in everything, deadlines creep closer whilst depression has long settled in. you're breathing quickens, it's just anxiety so to ease it you procrastinate because escaping your reality is all you can think of be it by getting lost in a novel, a movie or show. whatever will temporarily make you forget your own worries. you catch a glimpse of an old picture of yourself on the wall. the brilliant little girl you once were glares back at you in disgust. "what have you done to yourself" the potential you used to have thickens the air around you, your breathing quickens, it's just anxiety. every minute of everyday the little voice in your head whispers you're not good enough, just give up, you're a failure and all you can do is listen and internalise it. where did our perfect little girl go? says your parents, they don't know she died a long time ago. take a deep breath. focus. you can do this. you used to be so much more.
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golden-letters · 10 months
the thing is, i'm pathetic. you'll watch me try and try again and again and still be a hopeless novice. you'll grimace with embarrassment when i fail again and again but continue to try and win. and the thing is, i'm pathetic, in the way that i'm a try-hard wannabe who's not really that good at anything at all. but you'll watch me, with pity, as i finally manage to achieve something average, and you'll watch me, as you're about to lose all the patience you have (or maybe your patience is already lost), as i succeed.
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Confessions of a Burnt-Out Gifted Kid (part 1/?)
[VIDEO ID: A sketched figure, labelled “me now” looks to the side with a worried expression on their face. They say, “You don’t have to be perfect or exceptionally great. You don’t even have to be GOOD”. The scene changes and it shows a slightly younger-looking figure labelled “teenage me”. They look angrily off to the side and say, “But I do.” They point to themselves. “I have to be all of those things all of the time”. END ID]
(Inspired by this video)
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mikrhsnobara · 8 months
I don’t want to be a doctor.
But I do want to study so I can be a doctor just so I can show to people I was not useless and I made it! Even if it was not on the first try I did it! I got a degree in medicine.
Now can I be enough?
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