#quoth the raven
Bruh the fact that you can feel Morpheus’ anger through the screen. You can see him tremble with rage as his voice becomes cold hard steel. We already knew Neil was right about what he said about Tom’s gravitas, but that scene was on a whole other level. Even I was terrified, Jesus Christ.
And you contrast that with how gentle he is with Calliope. How upset and terrified he is for her. How he actually begs her to accept his help, because he cannot bear to see her in this situation a second longer. How scared he is she’ll refuse out of pride as he did, because he’s been there and he knows the regret that comes after, and because he sees her imprisonment as so much worse than his. Because he knows Calliope, and it horrifies him that something like this has happened to her.
And at the end, you can really tell how part of him still loves her, and regrets so much about what has happened between them. Because like all his lovers, he’s given her a piece of his heart, and that will never change as the millennia go by. And for chrissake, their relationship lasted long enough for him to marry her, to father a son with her. To raise him and watch him grow up and be there with her and the rest of the Endless on Orpheus’ wedding day. And for Morpheus, even after thousands of years of bitterness and sorrow and regret, to come to her aid and demand she be freed, and to tremble even as she talks of forgiveness and presses her forehead to his cheek.
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pratchettquotes · 7 months
"I'd better be going," said Susan. "Miss Butts always checks the dorms on the stroke of midnight."
"How many dormitories are there?" said the raven.
"About thirty, I think."
"You believe she checks them all at midnight and you don't believe in the Hogfather?"
Terry Pratchett, Soul Music
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thegorgonist · 9 months
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Restocked this baby right before it sold out, perfect timing! My shop!
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batwynn · 7 months
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Quoth the raven: my field of fucks is barren.
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flyingcubs · 3 months
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This one sort of came out of me. I think Biers only appears in a few of the Discworld books, but it's a fun setting.
Also, for the deep lore here, I know that the Igor in Biers is not AN Igor - I just wanted to draw one. But maybe Igor got himself an assistant who was an Igor. I'm sure it's not confusing.
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Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, and Peter Lorre
The Raven theatrical trailer (1963) dir. Roger Corman
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coolpixdump · 3 months
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jedibinx · 22 days
Alongside making ✨️art✨️ for my walls I have a new project I'm going to start fairly soon. Meet my kitchen table design that'll be made from 3000 mosaic tiles. Note the Käärijä coded colours. I'm also painting the chairs and table black and changing the leather bits to green 🤭 sometimes it pays off being an adult and in charge of stuff
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pratchettquotes · 4 months
"A lot of knowledge is a dangerous thing," said the skull. "A lot more dangerous than just a little. I always used to say that, when I was alive."
"When was that, exactly?"
"Can't remember. I think I was pretty knowledgeable. Probably a teacher or philosopher, something of that kidney. And now I'm on a bench with a bird crapping on my head."
"Very allegorical," said the raven.
Terry Pratchett, Soul Music
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corvidacryptida · 5 months
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Happy birthday to the madman himself, Edgar Allan Poe!
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sanguine-raven · 5 months
What is the best gift for a crow?
for this one specifically, shiny rocks are best :3
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vpgoldenrod · 5 months
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Lotta great quotes in American Gods but this one is my favorite so far
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Thinkin’ about Brian in High Noon Over Camelot.
The fact that the first we hear about him is right in the first song of the album, “The Tower”. The fact that it’s Lost in the Cosmos being whistled during the narration. The fact that it not only foreshadows Brian’s appearance as Merlin but also Arthur’s eventual fate at the end of the album.
The fact that he’s introduced as the Hanged Man: a fixture of the town since before its’ founding, possibly dating back to the anarchy years of Fort Galfridian in the wake of societal collapse. The fact that he’s been abandoned and sentenced to die, to hang from the gallows in the searing heat in the noonday sun for centuries, a punishment that echoes his original sentence for witchcraft by being sent out alone into the cold black of space to freeze to death. The fact that it’s been centuries at all and yet he’s still hanging there, even as the platform decays and the rope frays and he could just as easily snap his own bonds and walk free. How he chooses to stay there, despite the fact that even the crime he committed has since been lost to history, that his joints begin to rust and even functioning becomes a chore and the Galfridians have even forgotten that he’s alive, that he’s a person, because that is what he views as morally right.
The fact that he’s been giving out prophecies all this time (and oh boy imagine my face when I found out this man is psychic. This man is psychic and none of the fictions ever decided to tell me????). How when he does give them out so few people actually believe him. How they spurn and shun his gifts even when he wants to help them the most. How the only person who does take heed is the one he has to send out to die.
The fact that he’s been there since before history broke down on the station and seen countless people come and go.
He’s seen Captain Mathea, the kind and optimistic leader doing his best to keep things afloat. A man thrown into a nightmarish scenario who, when confronted with the brutality of the choice he is to be forced to make, ultimately decides to remove himself from the board before he can make it. Who decides to stick to his morals and sacrifices himself, while at the same time preventing others from gaining the same power he had for fear of their being corrupted by it.
He’s seen Mordred the Peacemaker, the kid who only ever wanted what was best for everybody, who never wanted to hurt anyone. Mordred, who came to Camelot bringing revelation, though his message was repeatedly shunned. Whose quest to see it realized eventually led to the doom of the very people he tried to save.
Then there’s Arthur, a broken man who’s lost everything he’s ever stood for, sent out into the dark and cold in much the same way as Brian was, by a person he wanted so badly to save.
And at the end of it all, as the rust-covered world grows steadily hotter and hotter as the station is hurled inexorably into the sun, I can’t help but wonder what Brian’s thoughts were, at that final high noon. Did he think of freezing cold and his vision fading to black as the frost crept in? Did he think of his crew, somewhere in the cosmos out there without him? Did he think of history, repeating itself no matter how many times any of them tried to stop it? Did he think of a preacher man’s last sermon, of sinners and hellfire and brimstone?
Do you think he remembered the words to the song, as Avalon’s heat began to consume him alive, that even as he burns in the inferno for his past sins, he is not yet for hell?
...Do you think this is part of when he started wanting to find out?
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ravensilversea · 2 months
@amikoroyaiart I'll take that invitation :D
6 random songs from my on repeat playlist
Virgin Sacrifice - The Bridge City Sinners I've Gotta Be Me - Ryan Tedder, Contraband Skol - Peyton Parrish To Life - Fiddler on the Roof (Motion Picture) Missing Persons 1&2 - OneRepublic Haunted - Taylor Swift
No Pressure Tagging: @myrmyrtheorca @steamworksfairy @immacaria @rebo-chan @thevastnessof @kyokosasagawa and anyone else who wants to play!
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handsoffmydinosaur · 1 year
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Have a S’more
Up for voting at Shirt.Woot!
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geezerwench · 10 months
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Quoth the raven
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