cursedluver · 5 months
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people are sharing this on insta again so here’s the version with the font i made 🥰💖
available as a postcard in my shop!
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evviejo · 4 months
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thirteen's era appreciation: 353/?
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overclassy · 5 months
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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2023 Goals for the Year
Personal growth
1. Attending one event (conferences, lectures, something educational) every month
2. Socialising and networking with crowds that help me improve my career prospects
3. Charity work on weekends
4. Reading 3 academic articles a month
1. Finish the online finance course
2. Learning about the business I’m working in, in more detail
3. Complete one short term online course in different fields a month to educate myself even more
1. Continuing the model workouts
2. Continuing my low carb, high protein diet because that’s really working out for me
3. A glass of water every morning
4. Alcohol only twice a month, and no smoking again
1. Stick to my am:pm skincare
2. Get nails done every 20 days
3. Get waxed every month
4. Get LASIK surgery for my eyes
5. Get acne scar laser treatment
1. Meditation regularly
2. Following my spiritual routine
1. Redo my room, build a whole new wardrobe
2. Work on my traditional attire wardrobe with my stylist (I have zero taste in my culture’s traditional clothing and I’m working on that)
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
because she broke up a fight. BECAUSE SHE BROKE UP A FUCKING FIGHT!!!!!
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THIS is why i refuse to send my black child to a public school. They are not here for us. SMFH!!
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goalsdigger · 5 months
Podsumowanie postanowień noworocznych 2023 - 17/21
1. Być wolną od nałogu. ❌
2. Nie brać leków rekreacyjnie! Ani nadużywać tłumacząc się, że potrzebuję i chuj. ✔️ (rok temu brałam dzień w dzień i o tej porze byłam na morfinie)
Terapia/praca nad sobą:
1. Znaleźć odpowiedniego terapeutę i sumiennie chodzić na wszystkie sesje. ✔️
2. Przypominać sobie co już wiem, dalej wprowadzać w życie, utrwalać, pracować nad tym czego nie udało mi się przyswoić, odkrywać nowe, mieć się na baczności, lecz z odpowiednią dozą wyrozumiałości. ✔️
3. Próbować na wszelkie sposoby (jak coś jest głupie, ale działa, to nie jest głupie).✔️
4. Nie spuszczać z oczu celu i doceniać nawet najmniejszy progres. ✔️
5. Nie czekać do ostatniej chwili, szukać pomocy wcześniej, informować o tym, w razie potrzeby zaangażować psychiatrę. ✔️
6. Z całych sił się starać by moje zaburzenia nie odbijały się na Dawidzie. ✔️
7. Nie kłamać/kłamać mniej. ✔️
8. Odpuścić perfekcjonizm i nastawienie „wszystko albo nic”, większość rzeczy robić na 40-70%. ✔️
1. Dogadać pracę u Michała albo szukać innej. ✔️
2. Zacząć robić C ✔️
3. Kontynuować nurkowanie i zrobić specjalizacje z ratownictwa. ❌
1. Wyjechać na wakacje za granicę z Dawidem. ❌
2. Spędzać częściej aktywnie czas z Dawidem i pójść z nim na te jego ASG. ✔️
3. Szukać rozrywki w tym co naprawdę lubię, a co olewam. ✔️
4. Nieco bardziej zadbać o swój wizerunek. ✔️
5. Spełnić zachcianki, które odkładam od lat. ✔️
6. Dbać również o zdrowie fizyczne. ✔️
7. Wytrwać w pisaniu dzienników (nawet choćby miały być chujowe). ✔️
8. Utrzymywać porządek (nie zaniedbać zwłaszcza łazienki i kuchnii). ✔️
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athenashaw · 1 year
Something I think we need more of are "human endings" in media.
Because sometimes the "will they/won't they" couple... Don't.
Sometimes stuff just doesn't work out.
Sometimes it may seem perfect on paper but shit just gets in the way.
Because sometimes you just don't get resolution or closure.
Sometimes "And they all lived" is a much more meaningful way to end than "And they all lived happily ever after". Because we know living happily ever after isn't actually achievable. Happy forever? Not humanly possible. So there's a sense of dissatisfaction. The resolution is not palatable. To allow characters to have story lines that just trail of unresolved or get forgotten, or who meet "The One" but it doesn't wor etc. is much more understandable. It's what happens. It's what we know. So the characters are allowed in our minds - if not eternal happiness - Life.
I'm not saying completely obliterate all of the tropes previously mentioned. Nor am I saying human endings aren't already in some media. And of course I'm not saying that media should be bland. Bring on the bizarre, the absurd, the wonderfully wacky! I'm just saying we need more of these impactful, personal, human endings.
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downfalldestiny · 8 months
En ce moment 🖤 !.
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evviejo · 10 months
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requested by anonymous >> thirteen + stunts
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Better late than never !
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maihonhassan · 5 months
My new year resolution is to find resolution of all my last year’s resolution.
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nobeerreviews · 1 year
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Each New Year, we have before us a brand new book containing 365 blank pages. Let us fill them with all the forgotten things from last year - the words we forgot to say, the love we forgot to show, and the charity we forgot to offer.
-- Peggy Toney Horton
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 4 months
(my new years resolution was to be more brave, and here are some things that have paid off this month:
-candlelight sleepy girl yoga (so relaxing and lovely and it feels so good to move my body and stretttch. if they did this class every night i would probably go to it)
-got my eyebrows done (i know this is silly but ive always been weird about folks putting chemicals and products too close to my eyeballs but got SO TIRED up maintaining brows and also doing them every morning, so here they are!!! And im going to bed and theyre still there and i am *so natural* so glamorous)
-i said yes to a teaching opportunity, so will officially actually be a Professor Grey too, and Im actually very excited (i never thought i would ever teach art, i always thought if i taught something it would be something serious and idk practical, but, thats not what worked out, and instead i get to spend my time once a week playing with paint and youths and clay and—)
anyway, will add to this as i hopefully continue to be brave 2k24)
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grottweiler · 5 months
2023 was my year of procrastination; I didn't draw very much because I didn't think I was good enough.
2024 will be my year of suck; I will allow myself to be bad, because that is the only way to get good. I will draw terribly. I will post stuff I'm not proud of. I will not self-deprecate or compare myself to others. I will suck, and that will set me free!
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