#self care tips
irlcupcake · 3 months
10 of my favorite easy glow up tips! 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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get a gua sha!! not expensive at all and made such a difference in my face shape and carving out my cheek bones and jawline. there’s lots of good tutorials on tiktok or youtube!
tea in the morning/night! there’s so many teas to help with different things but my favorite’s are spearmint tea for clearing skin and green tea for reducing bloating.
ice your face! helps SO much with de-puffing and closing up your pores! dipping your face in a bowl with ice water can reduce inflammation, help with acne and reduce oily skin!
make sure to get enough sleep! It’s so easy to stay up scrolling on tumblr until the sun comes up but getting enough sleep is so important mentally and physically!
find a skincare routine that works for you and remember too much skincare can be bad for your skin! my skin was breaking out the worst when i was using a bunch of skincare and It’s cleared so much since i simplified my routine.
use a lash/brow serum! my favorite brand is grande lash and it’s a little pricey but using castor oil works as well and it’s super affordable.
going on walks! I’ve never been a fan of intense exercises and I’m a chronic bed rotter but putting on my favorite hot girl playlist and strutting on the treadmill/sidewalk is genuinely so fun!
rosemary oil for hair growth! my holy grail of hair growth products along with a scalp massager. my whole life my hair grew so slow and since using rosemary oil i have to trim my bangs twice a month sometimes!
i cannot stress this one enough..wear what YOU want! don’t let new trends or judgment from others stop you from embracing your true style. we look our best when we feel most confident!
most importantly ~ take care of yourself! make sure you’re eating enough, drinking water, listening to your body and being gentle with yourself always. improving ourselves can be so fun but make sure it’s not at the expense of your mental health <3
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
beauty maintenance tips⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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get a necessary amount of sleep (8 hours or more) drink enough water for ur body and ur amount of movement that u do on a daily basis
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take supplements that are good and nourishing for ur body and focus on ur intake of fresh fruits and veggies and find a way to incorporate it into a balanced diet.
when using ur gua sha make sure to use a facial oil, i add a couple drops of facial oil into moisturizer OR i'll use the gua sha while i have an oil cleanser on my skin.
deep moisture overnight on ur lips, face, hands and feet.
use SPF on ur facial and body skin
use a sheet mask 1-2x a week
for the skin on ur hands, i recommend dry brushing ur hands and using some leftover facial serum or oils on ur hands, keep ur cuticles moisturized and moisturize ur hands also.
i apply my mascara in a wiggling motion, in a kind of horizontal motion (->) like that.
coat lashes with mascara vertically before horizontally 
let that layer dry 
and do two layers
use a body scrub before u shave and when ur out of the shower moisturize with a body oil before u use a cream/body butter. use lip scrubs and lip masks for softer and smoother lips.
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love-in-my-twenties · 2 months
Habits that changed my life for the better
I stopped joking about myself. It was mostly about suicide jokes (it was a decision that I made after the worst moment of my journey with depression, if I can call it that), but, really, it's about all self-deprecating stuff. It may be just jokes, but it stays in your brain.
Positive attitude. It's similar to manifestation, in a way, but in a... down to earth way, I guess. Thinking positively about stuff changes everything for me. Almost everything is simpler.
I deleted Twitter. It may be a different social media for everyone, of course - now probably TikTok for most - but, well, Twitter was where I spent long hours everyday. I started taking breaks from it about a year and a half ago and deleted it in August. It was hard - I loved the community there and I miss the daily updates from my fav fandoms, but it's for the best. I still can't explain how Twitter affected me but I do feel better since I stopped spending so much time there.
Taking vitamins. I didn't think it would really make a difference but it definitely did. The biggest surprise for me was vitamin C - my immune system has improved super quickly when I started supplementing it. I didn't even realise how bad it was before. Other than that, I take B complex, A+E (hair, skin), and iron (i tend to have a deficiency of it). (& D when it's winter).
Having a consistent skin care routine. It's calming and both doing the routine and seeing the effects make me feel better. (I do realise that many people have more demanding skin than me and searching for the right products can be frustrating and expensive. I'm just talking about my experience).
Other things that I think are worth mentioning:
Therapy - just a short explanation that I've been on therapy (with breaks) for about 6 years now. I've had social anxiety for most of my life, now still struggle with depression (and amnesia, actually) a bit, but what I wanted to mention here is that I learned a lot from it. It's obvious, but I just think it's important to pinpoint that I did not just learn how to think more positively and love myself by myself.
Exercising! - I still struggle to make it a habit, but when I actually do exercise regularly (I do pilates), I really feel better. It's worth it.
Hydration - same with drinking water. I really don't think I have to explain it in any way lol.
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postitforward · 5 months
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Hey, y’all 👋
It is week five, our final week, of Holiday Blues. How y’all keeping? 
The holiday season can feel a lot. For those who celebrate, Christmas has come and gone, we are on the verge of a new year, and we’ve got the long winter months before us 😩 but that is why we’ve got Self-Care Sunday, and that is where we want to give you some essential time to rest and recuperate well into the new year.
For Holiday Blues this year, we have partnered with Therapy for Black Girls, who have put together some essential resources to help YOU through the winter and ensure you get the essential downtime y’all need to truly look after yourself. For this last week, the theme is Affirmations and Self-Care!
Did you take good care this year? Let’s talk about centering self-care and making more space for your mental wellness and personal growth in the new year. Join @therapyforblackgirls for tips and resources that will help you look after yourself when you need it most. 
🧘WATCH: Self-Care Sunday. Tumblr X Therapy for Black Girls: Affirmations and Self-Care. 12/31 at 1pm EST. 🧘
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nothing0fnothing · 8 months
hey I have some lived experience personal care advice I had to learn the hard way in my adulthood after growing up with abusive neglectful narcissistic parents. Maybe it will help someone else.
The most important room in your house to be clean is your kitchen. If you only have a few spoons and a whole house of mess, spend them on getting your kitchen clean, hygienic and tidy enough to be usable.
spending money on things that last longer or work better isn't a waste of money. You don't have to use the cheapest of everything because spending is bad work out what YOU think is worth splurging on.
Always buy the best shoes you can afford. Taking care of your feet is so important for your health. If you're afab the same goes for underwear, buying one pack of good quality, good fitting cotton breathable underwear will save you so much money on feminine care supplies if you get what I'm saying.
Get your feet measured in a shoe store. Especially if you're over 25 your feet will have grown since you were 18. I spent years thinking my body was wrong because my feet ALWAYS hurt. My girlfriend suggested we measure them and I realised I was in shoes two sizes too small. For years!! I didn't even know shoes were supposed to have space in them.
a cheap bottle of washing up liquid (dish soap) costs like £1 and can be used on basically every surface. Clean your counters, toilet, sinks, bathtub or shower, oven and hob with a scrub daddy and some cheap washing up liquid. It doesn't react with other chemicals and it cleans deeply and easily. I even use it on the inside of the shower glass where it collects that crusty water residue.
When bathing with an unscented bar soap everywhere first. Then wash a second time with your scented soap. The scented liquid soap isn't designed to clean you it's designed to make you smell beautiful.
Don't use scented soaps on your kitty. Don't use femfresh or other feminine washes on your kitty. Don't use feminine wipes on your kitty. You use your unscented bar soap you use on the rest of your bodh on your kitty once a day. That's all it needs.
You don't need sewing skills to mend things. A £5 sewing kit you keep somewhere in your house and maybe a 2 minute YouTube tutorial is all you need to fix holes in your clothes and make them last longer.
Cereal for breakfast is quick and convenient but aim to eat protein for your first meal. Things like eggs, meat, a protein shake, Greek yogurt. You'll feel fuller for longer and your body will appreciate it.
most things don't need to be ironed. For the things that need creases out a steamer is better for the fibres and easier to use. Simply hang up the item and hold the steamer against the creases.
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scary-friend · 2 months
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moodboard-d · 4 months
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witchybitchypeachy · 10 months
Glow Up Tips
retinol, every night. start with a gentle one. I find the resurfacing retinol from Cerave very good. been using for 2 months and I never wear foundation anymore.
cut out carbs and fried foods and sugar.
protein dense diet.
drink lots of water and try to reduce alcohol consumption.
talk daily walks, for an hour or more.
take Vitamin D supplements and Magnesium.
deep core exercises and Pilates
Olaplex and K18 used together if you have damaged hair. MAGIC
glycolic acid on your heels and calluses
glycolic acid on your armpits once a week instead of deodorant.
hand lotion whenever you wash your hands.
Biafine on super dry skin.
dead sea clay mask once a week to purify.
monthly massages
keep nails and toenails clean and shaped.
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biophilianutrition · 3 months
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Sunday Vibes
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ros3ybabes · 28 days
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Updated Workouts 🎀
I have been out of the gym for so long. My schedule last semester did not allow it, but when I leave to Colorado in June, I'll be staying somewhere that has its own little gym, and next semester I'll have more access to the university gym as well. I've been doing at home workouts lately! Here's how I structure my workouts throughout the week, and some extra info about my current fitness!
🩷 Monday
Pilates Legs Youtube Workout(s)
🩷 Tuesday
Pilates Abs YouTube Workout(s)
🩷 Wednesday
Morning Yoga YouTube Workout
Pilates Legs/Pilates Glutes YouTube Workout
🩷 Thursday
Full Body Pilates YouTube Workout
🩷 Friday
Full Body Pilates YouTube Workout
🩷 Saturday
Morning Pilates YouTube Workout OR
Morning Yoga YouTube Workout
🩷 Sunday
Wake Up Yoga YouTube Workout
Yoga For Flexibility Workout
So, as you can see, I currently follow YouTube pilates workouts. I will make a list of my favorite workout youtbers on my main blog soon! I prefer low impact workouts at the moment but will switch it up a bit once I am in Colorado.
💕 Some extra stuff for my fitness:
I try to walk 5k to 10k steps a day, whether that be going outside or doing a walking workout in my bedroom
I do all of my workouts in the morning almost right after i get up in the morning. It eliminates obstacles and helps me do something active during the day
I am going to add more stretching into my routine, especially for my legs. I have pretty stiff muscles, and as someone who'd love to be able to do the spilts, I need to start stretching.
I have a foam roller, but it isn't one of the ones with the bumps on it that really helps the muscles, and I'm going to buy one as soon as possible.
I also am going to start using my massage gun on my legs because I've been so sore and again, stiff, and I think it'll be so useful to just use it on my legs at night. It might even help me sleep better.
Sleep!! I have been sleeping 6 to 8 hours a night consistently, and it's so nice. I feel like I can function so much better, and on the days I get closer to 7 hours of sleep, I feel so good when I wake up and can really get to my morning workouts.
I've switched up my diet a bit and eat healthier (in a sustainable way), and it's also helped me with my fitness too! it really makes a difference with what you put in your body! Food is fuel and food is great!
Always open to fitness and health related questions! Please don't forget I am 3 years into my nutrition and dietetics degree, as well as minoring in psyc and exercise science (also have a 2nd major in finance, but that's irrelevant to health). I also research health and fitness topics for fun. I'm not saying I'm the most credible whatsoever, but I do have some idea of what I'm talking about and am always open to questions or even advice you could give me!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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yay water
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time to drink water woo hoo yay
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
how to unwind⋆.ೃ࿔*:・☁️
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unwinding after a long week feels so good and a rly good way in general to self-soothe in a healthy way. its de-transitioning from the hustle and bustle of ur day/week and lulling urself into a relaxed and calm state, where u can be creative, restful and imaginative.
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have a mini spa day and try to incorporate self care every single day consistently as a way to unwind. if u wanna know how to have an at home spa day i recommend reading this post but some ways that u can do soothing self care include...
taking a bubble bath with bath salts and bath milks
do a hydrating facial mask after doing a soothing facial massage
this section is for activities that make u feel like ur releasing something that has been making u fatigued. an example of this could be exercising where you sweat out toxins and it helps u to de-stress.
go for a refreshing swim
journal + dump whatever is on ur mind onto paper
baking sweet treats for urself and ur family
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ofc u know urself best and what helps u to de-stress but u should be de-stressing in a way that is safe and healthy for u and those around you.
having something to indulge in and look forward to at the end of a long week is so fulfilling. whether its episodes to ur favorite series or show, or binging movies, or maybe enjoying ur favorite food.
i remember earlier this year my thing that i looked forward to every friday and saturday was the my demon episodes on netflix cuz that drama was SO GOOD. nowadays its desperate housewives.
do a calming meditation, unclench ur jaw, stretch and move ur limbs. let yourself be loose and relaxed. take a nap if ur someone who takes naps and if ur not then maybe a guided meditation can do the trick for you.
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boiiko · 7 months
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⚔︎ Damocles ⚔︎
It’s awful, isn’t it, to embed himself even further into the world, knowing he has to leave it? He’s setting himself up to be an even bigger wound.
I was here.
🗡 written by wingedquill
🗡 illustrated by eri
🗡 creepy cover art by me
@steddiebang dreamteam y'all. 🖤
Now go get your angsty steddie fix. First chapter is OUT. Shoo.
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Recommendations? 🎀
Hey lovelies <3
Let's help some girlies out by commenting or reblogging with your favorite self care products! Could be skincare, makeup, hair care, body care, etc! I'm always looking for some new products/tools to try so I thought this would be a good way to spread some helpful info!
Here's a few of my favorites:
🩷 Skincare:
I love face masks and eye masks! My current favorite face mask is the Red Bean Pore Refreshing Face Mask by Beauty of Joseon and my favorite eye masks are The Creme Shop Work Hard Rest Hard eye masks!
🩷 Body Care
body scrubs/body butters! I love using two similar scents together! For the summer, I use Tree Hurt Tropic Glow scrub and body butter and for winter I use Dove Exfoliating Scrub in Brown Sugar and the EOS Vanilla Cahsmete Lotion.
🩷 Hair Care
No specific product recommendations for this, but I love oiling my scalp twice a week! It makes my hair feel and look so beautiful! I currently use The Ordinary Moroccan Argan Oil and I use a scalp massager to gently massage the oil onto my scalp after applying it with warm fingers.
Hair Masks!!! I love the Shea Mositure Raw Shea Butter Hydration Mask so much, I use it with conditioner on my hair oiling days and my hair has never looked better.
🩷 Makeup
I love the Essence Tinted Brow Gel because even if I don't do much makeup, it makes me feel and look a little more put together.
Same goes for the Ulta Beauty Gel Eyeliner in Dark Brown, it makes me look and feel so much better some days, and it's not super bold like liquid liner so I don't feel the need to use Mascara.
Lip Oils!!! Milani Fruit Fetish and Elf Revive are my two favorites!! I have Milani In Cherry Lime and Elf in Jam Session. So moisturizing and a bit tinted so it makes me feel so good when I have it on. Even when I wear a bare face, I always use one of these to elevate my look!
🩷 Miscellaneous
Vitamin/Mineral supplements! I only take ones I know will work for me or ones I'm deficient in. I currently take Vitamin D3 and Aple Cider Vinegar supplements but I am looking into taking Magnesium Gylcinate and Ashwagandha soon as well!
Self care hobbies and routines! My gentle morning routine, journaling, yoga, a wind down night routine, and reading informative books has been so helpful for me!
I'm personally looking for hair growth tips and tools (like the efficiency of silk hair wraps or silk pillow cases, hair growth oils and supplements, etc), any and all skincare tips and tools (like ice face rollers, are gua sha effective, etc), and even body care products recommendations as well!!
I hope this post helps others out too, with everyone sharing their products recs, tips, advice, favorites, and so on!
Til next time lovelies 🩷
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positivelypositive · 6 months
loving yourself...
...also means being careful.
careful about how you speak to yourself.
careful about how much space you give yourself to just be.
careful about letting yourself breathe.
careful about being true to yourself.
and, careful about protecting your boundaries.
be careful how you treat yourself, everyday. you're precious ✨
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theereina · 2 months
Thee girl's guide to self care...
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Have a great self care Sunday!😘
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