#shit hit the fan in this episode
detectiveships · 2 years
they could have left us with a honeymoon phase until next week no???
ugh I honestly am tired of this 'third party old flame comes back and meddles with ML and FL's relationship by creating misunderstanding as soon as things start moving between them' trope LET ME ENJOY THEM JUST BEING HAPPY OKAY
I like a drama but this is tiring 🙄 it's one of the few things that put me off in Her Private Life as well even though it was one of the best comfort dramas personally.
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keepthetension · 4 months
went back to the first few eps of dff to get a memory refresher and when fluke says por will probably die soon, jin says
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and the camera cuts to phee giving jin this look
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which may be absolutely nothing at all but i can't stop thinking of it as a "oh? now you're desperate to help? now you're worried about letting a friend die?" face
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heroictoonz · 4 months
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When your dead baby brother comes back as a freak of nature
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lovecolibri · 7 months
Oh I am *cackling* at the producers trying to claim the show was driven by Loki and Sylvie's relationship when she refused to lift a finger to help multiple times (while platonic bestie Mobius was living out romcom moments by the dozen with Loki), and honestly they could have not had her in the season at all and barely anything would change. Like, I don't like that ship but it's still SO deeply disrespectful to give them NOTHING on screen all season while giving all the cute classically shippy moments to Lokius, and then come out after and claim it was some grand, sweeping romance and also there was nothing intentional about giving all the shippy stuff to Lokius. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Also, as I said in some tags, the "we can't get into Loki's head" like is just....peek absurdity. My brother in Christ, YOU'RE the writers! This character has been in the MCU for like, 14 years, played by Hiddleston who is *obsessed* with Loki. Getting into Loki's head should have been a cake walk! And even if it wasn't, IT'S LITERALLY YOUR JOB TO GET IN THE CHARACTER'S HEAD. Maybe this is why shows are so shitty? Instead of letting the characters drive the plot by getting into their heads and making choices from that perspective, showrunners instead twist the characters into a storyline.
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rossary-of-the-rose · 2 months
So. I just listened to MAG 200, finally finishing the fever dream that is The Magnus Archives, and all I have to say is: Holy shit. Just. Good lord.
Look, I knew it was going to be sad. I've been on Pinterest. But Jesus. I was not prepared. Now I'm shaking and will certainly be curling in the fetal position later, sobbing and screaming into the void. I mean, I'm happy for Basira, Melanie & Georgie of course, as well as our beloved Admiral, but God. Jon and Martin, I love you, you deserved so much better, I see why all your fanfics are fix it. But even just thinking about everyone we have lost, all the characters I got emotionally attached to. Sasha. Tim. Daisy. Michael Shelley. Even thinking about all the avatars (I'm a sucker for a villian, what can I say?) makes my lungs spasm with love and want. I shall miss them all for eternity.
And so ends possibly the greatest experience I've ever had with a fandom, at least until I recover enough to start tmagp. Everything about tma is just pure amazingness. Everything. It's funny how much you can grow to love random people just by hearing them voice act a character and laugh in bloopers. I love them so much, the whole cast. The two blooper episodes brought me more joy than I think I have ever experienced with a piece of media, trumping even the mighty Good Omens, which is saying something (To be fair though, Not with that thong on! and Oh god, I'm knackered, I've been doing all this labelling! would make anyone crack up, although perhaps not continue hysterically giggling for over fifty minutes... They still pop into my head sometimes and I'll just randomly snort in really inappropriate situations because I'm gonna buy some 'ead and shoulders, 'cause I found one on the road this mornin'! and Gertrude's been on the sauce, need I say more? Yes? Alright then,if you insist - Happy little DOORBELLS! FifTy MInUteS eArLY! and Fuck you, Jonny. God, he drags the rest of us down. What a wanker! I could go on, but I feel these brackets have already gotten way longer than they have any business being). I love these strangers more than I love anyone else I've actually met before, except my partner. They are everything to me. And I cannot wait to re-listen to all five seasons yet again, definitely screaming and crying and laughing and screaming while I do so. I have never before listened to and experienced something so perfect. Alex and Jonny, you have legitimately changed my life in all the best and worst ways possible, and I hate you and love you for it. You have my utmost gratitude and admiration, also kindly piss off.
Seriously though, the genuine adoration and idolization I hold for all the voice actors is sort of concerning. VA for Simon Fairchild gets a special mention, as well as Michael The Distortion because how is it possible to fall in love with a person after listening to only their voice for thirty seconds-
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todokidokifordeku · 9 months
So you teling me tomorrow we are gonna get the boyfiest not boyfies boyfiing around?
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Also probably this scene?
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5-pp-man · 2 months
I cant watch the final ep yet so I'm just rewatching stuff rn but. No matter how it ends, the first episode will always remain really really good.
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inspector-montoya-fox · 5 months
Hi again friend - hope you get through winter in one piece! For favourite mission, my go-to is always Laptop Retrieval. I always like how much it fits within the confines of what's technically one mid-level job
bestie that's very sweet of you to say and i hope the same for you too!
Laptop Retrieval is an excellent choice. first, it broke the illusion that the safehouse is actually safe (via a super meta presentation too). then you've got multiple members involved in this kinda two-parter mission that ends with a double phase bossfight, which helps flesh out Tsao as one of the most evil dudes in the series. 10/10
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widevibratobitch · 7 months
is it normal that i want to watch the terror because of you? i dont even know what it is about 😭😭
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do it haha i mean what could go wrong right come on give me your hand come here come here dont be scared its alright you dont have to fight it anymore its gonna be just fine you just have to trust me just trust me okay its alright its gonna be alri
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no1ryomafan · 4 months
My brain has gone back and forth on between which anime if arma or new is my favorite. Cause even with all its issues Arma means a lot to me, it’s the reason I got into getter and helped me through one of the worst times of my life- But then new is objectively better written and it drives me nuts compared to arma it’s not talked about ENOUGH despite all the stuff you can poke at from it’s plot and I’m trying to pinpoint that reason since the general consensus is “no one hates new and it gets a lot of fanart in the Japanese community yet it’s never deeply acknowledged so it feels unpopular”
So my standpoint is “do I keep investing into the popular iteration despite its issues or do I invested into the less flawed unpopular iteration when it comes to introducing getter to new people?” cause man as much as I’m a critical person of media I still can forgive some messy writing if I have a good time with it and can clearly tell the staff had fun making it, which is definitely armas case. (Though they absolutely had fun with new too)
#meg text#getter robo#this general philosophy I have is why im not harshly critical on SVN next to “I think it fulfills it’s purpose”#and a few other mechas I’ve seen but not gonna tag because I don’t wanna put them in their tag when this is just getter#I was tempted to make a post asking about what people don’t find appealing about new but it be on twit and blegh#I’d ask it here and if anyone has input feel FREE to put but my following is way to small to generate the feedback I want#but on Twitter people are dumb and I’m not taking the “new has bad animation” take any longer bc it’s cherry picked#next to “we all know this is better animation then arc LOL” even if that whole debate as stupid#but past that point I’m trying to understand what people don’t like to find new unappealing when it’s flaws aren’t turn offs#like Musashibo not having a proper character arc and the villains not being consistent is a big one but doesn’t make the show bad#especially because there’s still good from those issues being Musashibo still a fun character and the villains don’t ruin the pacing#you could maybe make the argument new starts off slow but also all of the introduction episodes are engaging??#there’s not a single thing about new-let alone getter when it’s paced right-that feels sluggish#Also for a 13 ep show picking up in the middle makes the MOST sense in comparison to a longer ep series#the middle is when shit hits the fan tbh#im gonna be at war until I hear someone’s in depth opinion but I just WANNA figure out what turns off people from new#cause when I also watched it in a group I had irls drop out of it midway through but I could chalk it up to they weren’t huge on mecha#Even if I argue new is the PERFECT mecha show to recommend to someone who’s skeptical of the genre but I digress
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ink-asunder · 1 year
People need to treat systems better.
People need to treat trauma survivors better.
People need to treat disabled people better.
I don't fucking care about "no one's entitled to anyone's attention or company" anymore. If you walk away from someone having an episode, you're scum. If you ghost someone because they are chronically or terminally ill, you're a bad friend. If your only support of trauma survivors lies in bossing them around and holding them to standards of perfection or whatever you think a trauma survivor should "act like," you're NOT in the right.
If people on tumblr can make posts about having the decency to make eye contact with homeless people, and long, ranting posts about commenting on fanfictions that you like (which is the LEAST important thing in the fucking world, I'm not sorry), then they need to reckon with the fact that treating everyone in the exact same way is literally oppressive. It's ableist, it's sanist, it's oppression.
I cannot compromise my sleep schedule or dietary restrictions. I cannot sit in at one of your theatre shows. I cannot help that I literally can't remember your names and pronouns. I CANNOT compromise my boundaries relating to my trauma.
Someone who is a system cannot control their switches. They cannot control who is fronting. They cannot control how disoriented they are at any given time. You shouldn't just up and abandon someone who was having a grand mal seizure, so why would you think it's okay to do such a thing to any ill or neurodivergent person HAVING AN EPISODE? Or treating disabled, neurodivergent, or chronically ill people like their needs are "too much" or like they're bad people just because they can't keep up with YOUR standards of what makes a "good person"?
If people have unique needs, you need to assess and accept that if you're going to choose to be their friend. Don't expect them to grow out of it, amd don't make it out to be "their fault" for "never changing." You're the one who became their friend in the first place. You shouldn't have done that to begin with if they weren't good enough for you.
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trisscar368 · 5 months
I know this is a small complaint but between the big games floating on my dash and the ones I’ve started playing recently, there’s something that’s just so [cat left outside on a cold day] when looking at the perception in others who love this thing, the heart of fandom, between a game’s storyline and the romantic subplots.
It ends up feeling like I’m missing half the game — like even though I complete every quest and find every secret I can — I’m left with something shallow and incomplete if I don’t engage in the romance storylines. Taking the options where you’re friends with your companions doesn’t seem to mean much beyond keeping that character around.
(I care, I love you, but you won’t share so much of your heart until I say Yes.)
Whatever resonance and immersion I had with my OC always withers and dies if I force myself through the romance/sex scenes. Instead of an avatar in a story it becomes something robotic, divorced and dissociated and disposable. It’s the same way I play an evil run — not caring about anything but ticking off boxes to get the achievement or points. Either I sacrifice my connection point with the story or I miss out on what draws everyone else back to replay and what sparks so much fannish creativity.
Haven’t I had enough of this from life without needing to face it in my fantasy too? Why can I only love one person. Why is sex the only way I can show it and have it matter.
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chlothequeen · 1 year
Y’all, Summer is not a Grimm. And if she were, it would be a recent development, and frankly, an uninteresting one, as we’d be dealing with a hero tragically turned monster instead of a character with flaws. I feel like too many people take Ruby theorizing that Summer is a Grimm at face value, ignoring that she doesn’t know the hound was an experiment, long after Summer’s disappearance. Whatever happened to Summer isn’t going to be as simple as death, or being Grimm, it’s going to be something that causes further conflict, especially for Ruby and Yang.
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projectdivaar · 16 days
WHAT okay so I js finished s1 of spn and I think I might not b normal after thos. and i am never ever recovering. what on EARTH
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sandwizard9 · 2 months
the women in JoJo's bizarre adventure are so handsome.....pretty.....
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steakout-05 · 5 months
he is not amused.....
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#barry steakfries#jetpack joyride#sketch#barry after you call him barreth for the 50th time and he's past the point of embarrassment and is now just grumpy about it#i'm in love with the fact his name's comically long and ridiculous#fuckin barreth mcsteakington friesenhausen.#one of the characters in AOZ has a ridiculous name as well (miss rubenstein sexypants) so i'm happy they kept that going in the vlog#i feel like he dreads going to family gatherings specifically because of that name because it's embarrassing#and he just has to put up with it for a night and a half#also i like to think craig would lightly tease him about it if he found out what his whole name is#he'd think it's actually kind of a cute name but also make fun of barry for it because it's funny seeing him get embarrassed#also speaking of that episode of the vlog: as an queenslander barry's mum is incredibly accurate to how quite a few people here are like#like her story about her friend getting hit by a bus after using the internet feels like something i'd hear a weird aunt or neighbour say#i think most of halfbrick's fans aren't australian so i find it really funny when people call barry british or get confused at certain term#and i have seen some people call barry british before and i feel this mixture of amusement and confusion about it#because 1. that's just really funny that people tend to immediately assume that pronouncing stuff like tomato as “tomahhto” = british#but also 2. have you even heard a british person. i assure you they often don't sound like us australians#especially with the many different variations in their accents depending on what area they come from#anyway.... barry grumpy :3#i like how i always end up going on long tangents in the tags about random loosely related shit#it's the autism brain going off
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