#small story
therandomartmaker · 4 months
DPxDC, of dead hearts and brothers.
danny is damian’s older brother au; reincarnation type. danyal is the soft-hearted but still exemplary heir, but convinces ra’s that it is better to have him be the right-hand to damian, losing his heirship. ra’s, having danny as his favourite (cough danny and his inability to not be involved with old creeps lmao) allows him this; thinking that it’d allow danyal to be protected and also give him another option for youth (taking over damian’s body, afo-shigaraki style /hj)
this is all fine and dandy until ra’s decides damian has reached an equal skill to danyal’s stagnant training, and sets up a fight to the death. the lazarus pits are always there for the al ghul family, after all. he expects danyal to win. he expects damian to learn that all of his children are disposable. precious, but tools for ra’s’ use (all except precious danyal, the heart that kept giving).
danyal dies, damian’s sword stabbed into his heart, his last advice to “drive it in harder.” and his last words, “congratulations, brother.”
they bring him to lazarus pit, but it takes him. he sinks into the pool of acrid green and they wait; hours. a day. a week. he doesn’t resurface. they continue waiting because what else are they to do? they are al ghuls, not danal. not precious danyal who could mourn.
this proceeds, a sigil at the pit’s edge once a month, waiting for the lost son to return; but eventually damian is brought before the bat (far less dramatic, ra’s was tired of damian’s growing frustration without danyal to soothe him but no assassin’s had the same emotional state as danyal to provide a pseudo-sibling to play the same role; thus the bats’ family was the next option)
the bats only find out abt danyal when damian sets up for a day of fasting, facing the direction of the pit.
it’s dick who asks why he is fasting, and damian explains calmly. They learn of the boy who knew kindness, of the al ghul’s heart, of the prodigal heir turned advisor to damian. they learn of damian’s brother. when they find out why he’s dead, horror drips down their spines, at damian being forced to kill someone who’d only done good for him.
damian has one thing to say; “Danyal’s advice was not ‘how to kill’. i killed far better than he, after all. i was efficient, but danyal worked cleaner. Danyal’s advice… was ‘to kill your heart.’”
time moves on; damian is adjusted to ‘outside life’ far easier, danyal taught him how to interact with others and understand that words are rarely literal. the lazarus pits are quiet, madness unlikely in those brought from it, and jason affected far less in the long term. until one day there is a knock at the manor door.
alfred opens it, to see a dark haired young adult, assassins’ garb, injured. he does not seem conscious. alfred brings him in; calling the rest to reach a decision on how to treat him, and what his intentions are.
Damian wakes up to the sight of his brother in the moment that damian killed him.
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dokkamj · 1 month
some of the characters are created by me to gave some layers at the story. But still, Simon Ghost Riley is from call of duty, enjoy.
english is not my first language, sorry for grammar mistakes!!🤍
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it was midnight and you were thirsty as hell, and it was hot, that’s why you hated summer, at least when it was cold you could cover yourself but in summer?? makes you wanna rip your skin off.
you drag yourself out of bed, yesterday training was rough, the bruises on your legs, arms and ribs could tell. But you won the sparring, that’s what matters.
whit sleepy eyes you get in the kitchen walking on your tiptoes to don’t wake the rest of the Task Force sleeping in their rooms at the squad apartment.
yawning and feeling like you where about to melt, you opened the fridge grab a bottle of water and gasped loudly and bring yourself in guard position.
“Oh chill young lady” you immediately recognize Ghost voice, you laughed and notice that he was well- shirtless.“fuck- what you doing here?” you ask but he was too focused on something else.
you look down to see if maybe you had something on your t-shirt, but you didn’t have your t-shirt at all, you gulped crossing your arms and sigh trying not to blush. you probably take it off during the hot night.
“care to explain why you are here, Ghost?” you asked, he look up at you embarrassed from the face that you catch him stare for too long, he gulped and look out the window that was right next at both of you.
“well Ace asked me to pick him up, as he couldn’t drive guess he had too many drinks, and he also spilled one of those on me” he said with a shrug, oh that’s why he was shirtless huh?
“if only Deacon will find out” you murmur before sigh, pinching your nose nervously. “he will be fine, don’t ya’ worry” he said with his Manchester accent.
you take a sip from the bottle of water “have a cig?” you asked, since your sleepiness disappeared when Ghost catch you off guard. He gave you one and grab one for himself too.
you open the window and light it up turn around “stil here?” you teased him before chuckle “funny girl aith’cha?” he grinned as he take a puff of his cigarette.
“gotta’stay here until 7am, since i left my keys in my squad apartment, i don’t wanna wake up Price” he says looking out the window. “mh i understand” you said.
“like ya’ new hair” he pointed out and you rolled your hair, last week at one of the barracks party you drank that much with the rest of your squad that you passed out on the couch, and of course Rocket had the brilliant idea to bleach your hair in white.
“oh really funny” you said as you grab one of your locks and start to play with it. “nah, not lying here, telli’n the truth, withe seems ya’ color” he said and you look away feeling flattered.
“wanna give you a compliment too but seems you like to hide yourself pretty boy” you teased him and chuckle as you take another puff of the cigarette between your fingers, was he trying to flirt in some way or another? you ask at yourself.
“hmm, it’s not that i don’t like to show myself little thing, but for the safety for person like ya’, that i need to protect” he says getting closer to you, and you stay there with a puzzle look on your face.
“huh? what do you mean?” you ask “i don’t need to be protect” you said, he chuckles “i know ya’ can handle ya’ self pretty well doll, but still-“ he trailed of as he didn’t want to talk about it, you heard many voice about Ghost being a prisoner of war, but you didn’t have the guts to ask.
“mh, i appreciate then” you said pinching his arm, you could see a smile appearing on his lips “wait you have some ash here” he said cup your cheek on his palm brush away the ash of the cigarette away from you.
his palm go grab your chin, and you couldn’t help but stare at him as he got closer, your hand grab his wrist gently, you don’t want him to step back.
your faces get closer, feeling his breath mixing with yours “Ghost…” you trailed off as he pose his lips on yours in a gentle kiss, other hand on your bleached hair.
god, he needed this so bad.
“yeah? sweetheart?” he murmur on your lips “we are not supposed-“ you trailed of as another kiss got on your lips “i like you y/n, always look around to see if you are next to me” he admit, you blushed, it was the same for you, you always had a little crush for him just a little…
“thought i wasn’t your type” you murmur and chuckle “ya’ definitely ma’ type sweet thing” he said before kiss your forehead.
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fiveki · 2 months
Small Huskerdust story!
(Angst )
It was a rainy night, Angel felt weak, tired and used. As always.
He opened the hotel’s doors, immediately collapsing on the floor as soon as he got to the lobby. His whole body ached, he could still feel Valentino’s hands all over him. It was disgusting. Angel was disgusting.
The spider teared up, unable to just stand up and go to his room. He was too tired, really weak. The poor boy began to sob silently on the cold floor, he really was pathetic. Crying unable to do something for himself, as easy as just standing up and going up a few stairs to go into his dorm, cuddle with his pig and sleep. As he always does.
That time it felt different.
Suddenly, a deep voice spoke out loud.
“You look like shit”
Husk was sitting down on an armchair, he stood up, the look that reflected through the red windows form the hotel’s main windows allowing Angel to see him, his eyes were teary, so the image was kind of blurry.
“You let himself be used again? You made me wait for nothing. You always bitch to me about how much you hate Valentino, how much you hate your job but you’re fucking unable to do something about it. You’re just an useless piece of shit. The only thing that makes you slightly useful is your body, and look at it. It’s so fucking disgusting. I’m about to throw up.”
Angel’s eyes widened at Husk’s rude words, each of them felt like a stab in the heart, completely. Slowly, he tried his best to stand up, he fixed his soaked clothes; that night he didn’t have too much time to change, he was almost wearing nothing
“Husk what are you- what are you talking about I- I am confused is everything okay are you-…drunk..? What’s up with you..!”
The boy’s voice cracked, showing how pain he was holding and was about to let go.
“I am not drunk, I’m being realistic. Do you know why I always drink when I’m with you? To forget I am next to somebody like you. You make me feel ashamed of even staying in the same place as you.”
Husk stepped closer to Angel, he was ready to receive whatever Husk had to give him. Valentino had taught him well to be prepared to get hit and not fighting back.
Husk made a quick movement, he was going to hit Angel.
As soon as Husk’s hand was going to collide against Angel’s face, he woke up with a loud gasp, trembling.
He immediately leant up and glanced around, he was terrified.
Husk woke up with Angel’s sudden movement.
“Angel..? What’s wrong, is everything okay..?”
The cat wrapped his arms around the spider.
“Bad dream again?”
The boy nodded, slowly starting to relax. He lie back down, hugging Husk gently yet tightly against his chest.
“Do you want to talk about it? I don’t like how tense you are”
The bartender lifted his head to look at him, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw Angel was crying.
“You’d never hit me right..? No matter- how pissed you are…”
Husk sighed, he knew what his nightmare was about now.
“Angel, my love… I’d never do that to you, alright?”
Angel nodded slowly, wiping his tears.
“I’m- it’s true… I’m sorry…”
Angel’s arm was grabbed in a gentle way by Husk, pulling it away. Husk’s hand cupped his face
“Dont apologise, I will repeat it as many times you need to make you understand or just remind you I’ll never lay a finger on you in a harmful way…”
A small smile was plastered on Angel’s face, he nodded, hugging him to show how much he appreciated that kind act, he kissed Husk’s head as well.
“I love you, Husk…”
“I love you more, Anthony”
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mylittleponyauprompts · 6 months
An AU where Twilight Sparkle was born an earth pony in a unicorn noble family. Her birth was a scandal, did Mrs. Velvet cheat on her husband? Twilight Sparkle was a very unique pony, an earth pony with unicorn like magic. Not just a unicorn born with out their horn, but a pony born with a chaotic mixture of two types of magic. A pony two thirds to being an alicorn magic wise. But her parents and other noble unicorns didn't particularly care about looking into what her magic could do. She was the odd one, the outcast, the weirdo. The only ponies who knew her who didn't treat her badly was her older brother and her baby sitter Cadence. Her biological parents were emotionally distant and abusive, her brother and Cadence were the ones who raised her throughout her childhood. And Shining Armor was going to make sure at least half of her childhood was enjoyable. With help from his childhood friend Cadence, they prepared for when he could legally take custody of Twilight and move away. The big move to Pony ville, a place filled with ponies more like his sister. He took a job as the towns librarian, Twilight ecstatic to live inside a library. Twilight was nervous about the new scenery at first, but quickly made friends with a kid her age. She just moved to town as well, and her special talent is in party planning!
Twilight Sparkle considers her older brother, Shining Armor, her father figure. She gets him and Cadence gifts each year. She and Pinkie Pie like to try and get the isolated unicorn outside and socializing, Shining Armor has turned into a bit of a hermit.
Twilight Sparkle found her special talent in a similar field as her best friend, Pinkie Pie's. She is a stage magician, using the fact that she is an earth pony to completely baffle and awe others with the intricate and colorful displays of magic. She is extremely talented and powerful in magic, both earth pony and unicorn. Ponies underestimate her often and regret it nearly immediately.
Twilight Sparkle becoming the Element of magic is of course noticed by Celestia, Celestia getting to know this unique pony and her friends. And soon her past when Twilight's parents come to try and get back into her life after she becomes an important public figure. Celestia isn't pleased when learning about this.
After Twilight becomes the element of magic, Shining Armor and Cadence finally have a chance to reconnect with each other without major repercussions. They stayed long distance for Twilight's sake, so that his and Twilight's parents couldn't find them easily. When the love of your life is a princess, it makes it difficult to connect when you need to go unnoticed.
Optional addition- Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie have a mutual crush on each other. Because it's my favorite and I can
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minty-drop · 1 month
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• Yandere godlike celestial x reader
Both the reader and the celestial will be gender neutral to let the reader decide what they want themselves and them to be. Please do not claim Celeste as your character! They are my character oc. This is a short warm up story to get my brain ready to wright a longer story that will be posted soon!!
Summary: Celeste and y/n are enjoying a night gazing when y/n asks Celeste a question that causes them to snap.
Warning: protective behaviour, hidden obsession
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The breeze was cold causing you to shiver. Your smaller body next to the godlike humanoid creature was humours compared to how much bigger they were to you.
It was beautiful out, the breeze was cool enough but not cold to nip at your skin, the temperature accompanied by the stars illuminating in the sky guided your senses to relaxing.
In times like these, you forget that you have a body, almost like your being sucked into the stars. Question in your brain come and go. But one sticks in your thoughts like glue on paper.
“My love, what is wrong? Do the stars not please you tonight? I could rearrange them if you’d like”
You heard your lover speak out there thoughts, there eyes locking with yours, those beautiful black and star dust filled eyes staring at you, as if you were a diamond in front of them.
You were a diamond to them, worth more then any star in the sky.
“No that’s alright, I think they are quite beautiful the way they are. why do you ask?”
Your perplexed confused face had made them chuckle, slightly grazing there hand on your back. The celestial scooted closer to you, pulling you into a side hug with there much larger hand.
“You seemed lost in thought, is something in that mortal brain of yours bothering you”
Yet again your lover asked if you were alright, there long white locks flowing like they was submerged into water. You didn’t bring yourself to speak, worried that it might upset the godlike being you have come to love. You did not want to hurt there gentle soul.
“Am..am I a burden?”
They paused, eyes pitch black filled with star dust first showed confusion, morphing into a angered glare.
“Now who told you that dear..”
You didn’t want to worry them, brushing the question off to look back up at the stars.
But you’ve said to much.
Two hands snatched your body upwards, forcefully being sat down in front of the god. They were…confused, angered.
They were concealing it well
“Who told you that.”
The darker there voice got, the more you could feel the cold hand on you waist start to become warm, the temperature rising with the boiling point of there rage caged inside.
“Celeste your hurting me”
There grip tightened.
“Theres nothing to worry about my little comet, I just want to know who made my sweet one feel that they are a burden”
It started to sting, there clawed like hands digging into you waist and shoulder.
“Who ever they are, they are nothing compared to how pure as you are, do not listen to such a low life disgusting pig who doesn’t even know what there talking about”
“Celeste your scaring me”
“Because I know. I know your worth much more then anything down here and up in the farthest places of the many, MANY galaxy’s. No star can compete with you.”
“And who ever told you that. I-“
The bruise on your waist and shoulder throbs in pain as you wiggles out of there grip for only then they had snapped out of there delusion when your presence was no longer in there reach.
They only stared at there hands, the blackened fingers that slowly turned a light purplish white the farther it went of there arm.
“I’m..truly sorry for the way I acted..do not..”
You were swiftly pulled into there embrace, there hair that was moving rapidly steadied itself with your calming presence.
“Do not feel as if you have to tell me. I did not mean to frighten you my dove.”
The comforting sensation of there hands massaging your back was soothing, the fear swelling in your being subsiding.
“Yours safe from everything my love”
“As long as your in my arms”
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catsticky · 1 month
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properly learn wounds and gore ❌ incomprehensible scribbles of red ✅
based this off of my own story that I’m writing personally
i don’t usually draw with color let alone watercolor markers but i’m kinda proud of this one ^_^
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boredgoon · 8 months
A flashback.
I had been a homeless person. I never really had a home, a place to stay. Then I tightened my grip on my backpack and stepped forth into the wild world of Tumblr. It was a bustling city, towers many times taller than me stretching to the skies.
I was in a small alleyway, the cement clean and empty. It was calm, but it was lonesome. I stayed there for a while, making myself comfortable in the alley. Then I took a chance and entered the street. I felt so small. There were big, important people and then was me. I watched, made a few quiet comments to myself.
Then I saw somebody run past, laughing evilly. I jumped out of the way, and my eyes grew wide as I watched these people. Things seemed more colorful then. A mad scientist, an evil overlord. Heroes and sidekicks. Goons by the handful. They fought each other, the villains and the heroes.
I stalked them for a few days, asked some questions anonymously. Asked if I could be a goon too. Got accepted.
My boss is the best and most wickedly villainous person I’ve ever known. He gave me a sticker and a big cape. Those are my most prized of possessions. I feel welcome, I feel … as if I am one of them.
Maybe I even am one of them.
And now there’s these dang moles everywhere! But whatever. They’re very interesting… and possibly evil! >:D
And while you were distracted by this little story, I’ve taken your wallet. Have fun without it :P
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atlantis-just-drowned · 2 months
Can you do a barley x reader fic where the reader calls him “Barrel” as a nickname? Not even to tease or be mean, that’s just what they call him? And trader just fuckin LOVES him and loves cuddling him because mans is perfect for cuddling.
A/N: Thank you for this request!! I'm so sorry it took me so long, I'm a bit of a slow writer and had some things going on, but here it finally is! I made it a gn!reader haha I hope you'll like it ahberhfber-
Snowy day
Please reblog this post to show support! Reblogs are what keep me going!
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You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. It was too early in the morning to be your alarm and classes had been dismissed, but just from the ringtone, you could already tell who was calling.
Opening your eyes with a groan, you reached a hand out of your blankets and grabbed the flat screen on your nightstand, before looking at it with your eyes still half-closed. You blinked as your finger slid on the answering button under the name of Barrel Adventurer of Tomfooleries.
You brought your phone close to your ear as you groaned an interrogative "Yes?" with a morning voice.
This whole nickname thing has started dumbly, really. It went back to when Barley and you were only friends: one time, your tongue went astray, and the two of you had laughed so hard about it that it stuck around.
It was still fun - even though you didn't even need to see the contact name on your screen anymore since he has his own special ringtone, it didn't stop you from calling him that, on a daily basis. Maybe just a bit embarrassing to explain to strangers and friends. But who didn't enjoy some little banters here and there?
"Hello, beautiful thief." You heard from the other side of the line. For a second, your eyebrows furrowed in half-asleep confusion at the strange nickname, before you remembered.
Oh, yeah. This.
You forgot this cute idiot liked to call you by the class of your Quest of Yore's character.
"Do you have anything planned for today?" Barley spoke again.
You looked by the window of your bedroom. Snow was falling abundantly - the reason why classes had been dismissed for the entire day - and the whole neighborhood was already covered white.
"Uh... Not really?" You answered as you finally sat up in your bed correctly. "It's snowing too much to do anything anyway."
As you finished this last sentence, you felt a small chill on your arms because of the coldness outside of your blankets. If your bedroom felt that cold, you couldn't imagine how much colder it must have been outside. Yeah, today was definitely going to be an in-house day.
"Anything? Really? You're underestimating me I think." he spoke playfully, making you giggle a bit at his jest.
"I'm not!" There were still a bit of a laugh in your voice as you answered him. "But I'm begging you not to go out right now for some sort of adventures. You're going to catch a cold."
You heard him laugh in amusement at your warning, before he reassured you. "I didn't plan on going outside, actually."
Exaggerating a sigh of relief, you made him chuckle a bit, and he continued joyfully. "I was more thinking about... Coming to your house? Would it be too far to go in your opinion?"
"Too far?" You answered with slight disbelief, cracking an amused smile at his jests. "Barrel you're literally calling me when I live just next door!"
His laugh resonated again from the other side of the line and made an endeared expression grow on your face. No matter how many time you heard it, you could never get tired of his laugh.
"Well, you got me! Does that mean I can come over?"
"Uh..." Looking around the room for a second, you were still in your sleepwear, and you didn't even got up yet. You didn't really want to welcome him like that.
"Give me 10 minutes, okay?"
You could practically hear him smile.
"Okay, will be there in 10. Be prepared! Love you."
In his eagerness, the elf barely gave you the time to answer with an endeared smile and a soft "Love you too!" before he hung up and left you to a sped-up version of your morning routine.
Of course, Barley kept his promise: precisely 10 minutes and 3 seconds after he had hung up the phone, he was ringing your doorbell almost impatiently. You suspected he had been waiting at your door for a couple of minutes now, just to make sure he'd be on-time, and the thought drew an amused smile to your lips.
Swinging the door open, you welcomed him as his face lit up at your sight. "Hey Barrel!"
He didn't even pick up the nickname, instead moving forward into the house and close to you, planting a kiss on your forehead as he took away his coat. "Hi again, beautiful."
The jacket was left in the corridor while you smiled in endearment at the sweet gesture, and only a couple of minutes later, you were both cuddled into the sofa of your living room.
"Is there anything specific you want to see?" You asked, looking up at him from the place on his chest that you were resting your head on, while the young elf was pointing the remote toward your TV's screen and looking through the available programs.
Humming, Barley wrapped his free arm tighter around your back, his hand resting on your own arm. He continued to look at different movies as he answered you. "Not really, I was hopping you'd have some suggestions for us."
You couldn't really tell why, but the simple thought that he had come over without anything to do, just to be by your side, brought a delighted grin to your lips. You couldn't even stop your cheeks from warming up as you looked at him again. You knew he loved you - it wasn't a secret to anyone, really. He was making it incredibly obvious, on an almost daily basis. But still, each and every one of his sweet little gestures made your eyes sparkle and your heart race, turning you into an absolute love-struck idiot every time.
"What's going on?"
You blinked as you realized he was looking toward you, his expression half-way between interrogative and amused as he raised a brow at your staring. Surprised at first, your expression quickly came back to one of pure affection as you smiled at him, and answered:
"Nothing, I just think you're beautiful."
Barley melted at your words, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks the same way it did every time you graced him with one of your sweet compliments. He simply couldn't stop himself from falling further in love with you, as he cuddled you against his chest and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead.
"And you're the most magnificent person I've ever seen, sweetheart."
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sklifasofski · 4 months
Clingy fingers
A wonderful artist under the nickname @kamikotorayama391, drew me a wonderful comic! It's a short story about a girl resting in a boat in the middle of the ocean, and a merman who decides to poke the girl's legs that are dangling in the water.
Also be sure to stop by and check out her wonderful AU comic on Undertale! It's just about to start the fun part there! 😋
Also, check out some of her other publicks too! You will help her a lot)
DA: KamikoTorayama391 - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
VK: Маленький Мир Камико (vk.com)
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soukokumychildren · 5 months
New Year's Toast
Chuuya raises his ear feathers at the first indication of their clients, which, most notably, were actually all their friends, along with some of the Port Mafia invited over to have a good time. It was the last day of the current year, after all. Everyone was filing in, women with beautiful dresses that matched personalities and looks alike, men with tuxedos and tight suits, occasionally some with slicked-back hair.
Chuuya watched the guests come in one by one beside Dazai, who tucked his ear feathers for his eardrums not to be ruptured upon the arrival of a plethora of footsteps and voices. Gin was the first to hurry over in a rush, blushing as she apologized for being under-dressed. "What are you apologizing about?" Chuuya asked, his feathers neatly tucked and cleaned before he'd arrived. "You look beautiful, sweetheart." The redhead said kindly with a toothy grin. "T-thank you…I really don't deserve the praise." "Nonsense, you look good. We'll start hosting the drinks in a bit," Dazai cut in, leaning closer to Chuuya and slightly hunched over to meet Gin's eye-level somewhat.
"I hope you don't mind me bringing Akutagawa over." She added quietly, fiddling with her fingers, noticing the jolt in Chuuya's stature. "It's fine," The avian spoke, eyes flicking up to watch Atsushi scrambling as he tried to hold Ranpo back from heading over to the desserts set on a long table beside the dinner table. "Besides, we invited the Port Mafia Black Lizard ourselves. It's completely fine," Chuuya added, waving it off as if to wave the wafting worry from Gin beside him. "A-alright. Thank you. I'll go find him now," She said, her distress quickly vanishing as she smiled to the two. She almost went away entirely, then coming back. "You two look wonderful by the way," She bowed before parting and vanishing into the crowd.
"I better hope I do," Chuuya said, looking down at his sleek black trenchcoat with golden trimmings, his breast pocket peeking out with a golden locket, a small. decorative bird attached to a loop underneath. His wings had golden chains at the tips loosely hung but snug enough not to cause issues, gleaming with a few sapphires to match his eyes here and there. A dark blue tie encrusted with golden threaded vine adorned his chest, and tucked underneath a dark gray suit. Of course, tight black jean pants paired with his outfit, the curve of his ass perfect (Dazai was iffy about this one, adoring it but then backtracking at the possibilities others might stare, and of course, he was a possessive bastard, and decided fuck it, and to let his husband show off a little). "What about me, Chuuya?" Dazai asked, giddy to receive any scrap of praise. The redhead snorted. "You look dashing," He spoke, mimicking a lavishing tone to tease his partner. "So rude." The brunette huffed, exaggerating by leaning his head back and sighing. His outfit composed of a jacket slung across his shoulders, black with gold trimmings, somewhat similar to the plaid pattern, but just the line work, rather than colored in squares. A chain attached with a star-shaped clip from the front of the jacket, connected to his dark brown suit, a long red tie (not-too-subtly hiding the matching ties with Chuuya) with similar markings to Chuuya's remained untucked and reached about waist-length. His pants were a light gray, matched with black shoes. "You're saying I'm not handsome, then?" The brunette asked, blinking his remaining brown-red eye, the other having lost its color long ago when it was gouged out by an unsuspecting opponent, a long scar running from his eyebrow to the corner of his mouth. Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you're hideous. It's why I've spent basically all my life with you," The redhead snorted.
Dazai made a sound that bordered on a sob, pressing the back of his hand dramatically to his forehead. "Betrayed! By my own husband!" "Quit it. Atsushi's coming over," Chuuya glanced over to the boy who was nervously trying to approach. "Oh, and plus, when are we gonna toast to the New Year, already?" "In a minute. Hey, Atsushi!" Dazai greeted as the Were-tiger joined them. "H-hey guys. Wow, you two look amazing." Atsushi admired them, eyes sparking from the dazzling gleam of the gold on Chuuya's outfit. "I-I need help finding Akutagawa, if you don't mind," He began, but Dazai had an idea; quickly going to the dinner table and cutting him off short, a small section where cups were stacked next to a collection of wine bottles, grabbing a bottle, a silver platter, and a stack of cups, handing them to Atsushi, who wasn't at all ready to handle the extra weight. "Great! I was just wondering how we could get drinks out to everyone, and you can surely find him this way." Dazai spoke cheerfully, oblivious to Atsushi's shaking knees, prone to buckling. "For Arahabaki's sakes, Dazai, warn him first." Chuuya scoffed when the brunette smiled at him, taking the extremely heavy wine bottle off the platter. "This is a 1967 edition, huh? Heard this brand was good…" When Atsushi seemed to have gotten his wits about him and rearranged himself, Chuuya placed the bottle back on the platter, but the boy was prepared for it, better balanced now, then having the responsibility thrust upon him so suddenly. "E-erm, I guess I'll find him this way, then," Atsushi said weakly, pursing his lips. "I'll see you guys later." The redhead slightly waved, watching the Were-tiger gingerly disappear in the crowd of guests, just like Gin had. "Now we wait, I guess." Chuuya hummed, grabbing two spare glasses and filling them with a whiskey with a warm, orangey-hue, glistening with streaks of sunset yellow. It poured smoothly into their glasses, and Chuuya, from a refrigerated box half underneath the table, scooped some ice with a metal, curved scoop into his drink, then looking to Dazai. "Want that shitty circular ice you always get?" He asked, pressing his wings more firmly to his back to see the man's reaction. "Always." Chuuya mumbled under his breath of how much space the ice really took, leaving barely room for any liquor, yet doing his partner a favor by picking a rather large one, just as Dazai preferred. Handing his drink to his partner, they sidled up close to one another, eyes roaming over the tide of multi-colored heads of brown, gold, black, and red, fitting the cozy atmosphere of the yellow and orange surrounding the ballroom Chuuya and Dazai rented for the night. "Wanna head to the window? They'll be able to see you better there," Dazai jeered, nudging Chuuya's shoulder and nearly knocking the drink out of his hand, earning a sour look from the redhead. "Can you minimize the short jokes for one evening? Is that an impossible task for you or some shit?" "Hehe. You know me so well." Dazai bumped his hips with Chuuya's teasingly, before taking lead to a staircase that ended at a large set of glass doors, revealing the night sky behind them. Once they neared the top, they saw from their standpoint everyone had glasses filled with some sort of alcohol, some of them nearly drained of all their contents. Chuuya looked to Dazai. "How should we get their attention?" "Yell, of course, Chuuya. You have an unmistakable voice for a tiny Chibi, after all. I'm surprised for someone your size can fit your highest volume." Dazai said with a Cheshire-cat grin, his jokes getting shittier by the minute. "Sigh. Well, cover your ears."
"OI! ATTENTION EVERYBODY!" He shouted, so loud that it nearly echoed in the entire ballroom, within seconds capturing everyone's attention. Eyes trained on the two. The redhead's scars itched but he ignored them.
"It's been a great pleasure to invite you all here tonight," Chuuya said, loud and clear, keeping a tight hold on his glass. "This year, as many others, have been one-of-a-kind. I'd like to thank everyone here for being a part of that, friend or foe, for most of us have changed for the better for it. I have high hopes for the upcoming year, for myself, my partner, and all the rest of you. I'm sure, just as the many before it, will be just as great, if not better." A hushed silence gathered below, listening to Chuuya's speech. Some of them smiled. Chuuya raised his glass. "A toast, if you will, to the new year." Dazai beside him raised his glass. And everyone, other than the few among them that were underage, raised their glasses. "To the New year for the Stray dogs." "To the New year for the Stray dogs!" Yelled the courus of all the others below, the clinking of glasses creating a small song as others began laughing joyfully. Chuuya turned to Dazai with a wide, closed-mouth grin, his eyes gorgeous and sparkling, breathtaking, the ocean after a storm; a sight to behold. "And to us," He said, much quieter, his feathers bristling. "A new year to Double Black," He agreed, their glasses clinking together, liquor rising and licking the lips of the glasses, the ice bumping into the side. "A new year to Double Black," Chuuya reciprocated, and both drank, reminiscing the moment before it washed away into mind-numbing fun, and likely, succumbing to chaos for the rest of the night.
Happy New Years to everyone! :D I'm thankful to the mutals and the followers that have been following me since I joined Tumblr, and it's been pretty cool so far, so I hope for many years to come, I can stick on for a little while longer. Enjoy the rest of tonight, and see you next year in hopes for some more exciting content ;)
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To the Stray Dogs! 🥂 ;D
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therandomartmaker · 7 months
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[Image ID: An artwork featuring Danny Phantom, full green excluding his hair and white accents, transparent, sitting on a pile of rubble head tilted slightly upwards with his eyes closed. His hair is wispy, he’s got pointed ears and he’s much more identifiable as a ghost. The rubble includes the F of the Fenton Works sign, a satellite dish of some kind, pipes and concrete. The rubble, and Danny, is surrounded by yellow-black striped caution tape. Above Danny’s head is a conversation, in white, “It’s been ten years,” has been written, and in green, “It’s only been 10 years,” is written. /End ID]
Day 31: “It had been a decade since anyone last lived at Fenton Works. Or so people thought.”
tbh this took like. Less than half an hour to make haha. I may have forgotten to do this yesterday lmaooo. To make up for it, here’s a continuation of this prompt by @cryinginthevoid that i filled, wherein Danny has been stuck haunting the rubble of a ruined Fenton Works after his permanent death, only to later be approached by a very much alive Damian, who is the first person to See Danny in over 10 years. So yep, bonus challenge post 2 under the read more :D
Damian had visited. He’d promised and he’d followed through on it, Danny sitting still and watching as Damian approached, day after day, even after Danny had no more words to say, no more information to give. To quote, he was “a tolerable friend despite your intolerance for proper respect.” Danny had no idea if that was a good or bad thing, if he were to be honest.
But still! It’d been 10 years since he’d to spoken to someone, something other than the air. Damian said his brothers wouldn’t follow him, despite saying he’d bring them to meet Danny during one their tentative hangouts, and Danny supposed that was a good thing. He didn’t want Damian to sound crazy or look crazy for talking to thin air, especially not by his family.
Though, what was interesting was the weird amount of black-haired blue-eyed outsiders hanging around town. The FentonWorks rubble had a pretty good view of most of town, despite it’s slow erosion into dust, so Danny was able to see the several strangers in town whenever he went looking.
Damian said his family was looking into ectoplasm due to it’s relation with the dead, and trying to find if anyone around town knew how to access their information databases. They needed to know if there was a way to relieve “Jason’s” burden of the “Lazarus Rage,” and prepare in the case someone else in the family acquires it. And that ‘Lazarus Pits’ are classified information, but who did Danny have to share it to, no one could talk to him except Damian, anyway.
And truthfully, those Lazarus Pits Damian mentioned sounded like pools of ectoplasm that Maddie and Jack would’ve killed for. Danny could only suggest looking into ‘ecto-acne’ treatments, as from one of the stories of Vlad Masters Danny’d heard, it sounded like the short-term effects of ectoplasm exposure.
Damian didn’t know why he was sharing so much confidential with Daniel, but he didn’t seem to mind, and didn’t seem to talk to anyone else. He figured it’d be fine. Daniel needed to know as much context as possible in order to help Damian.
Daniel was strange, he spoke in large amounts, but quieted as though he doesn’t expect someone would respond to him. He rarely moved, and there was something unnatural about him. Perhaps the lack of a rise and fall of his chest, or the way his eyes shined.
Damian couldn’t help but make comparisons to the dead he’d seen. Lightless glossy eyes, pale skin, sallow flesh. Daniel was built like a dying or dead person.
Damian… worried. He’d grown close to the other boy, Daniel’s snark to Damian’s sharp tongue and his acceptance of Damian’s veganism, multiple other factors about Damian never drove Daniel away from him. It was nice, being accepted by someone outside of his family. Daniel’s health was concerning, malnutritioned and Daniel’s reaction time was slow. Multiple things were off-kilter about him, and Damian wanted to know why. So he could help.
Because Danny was his friend.
Dick observed Damian. He’d taken to pacing the length of the hotel room, and he seemed worried about his new friend (!!! Dami has a friend!!!! And he’s worried about him!!!), muttering about bringing food to the next time he visited. Dick kinda felt bad about what he was about to tell Dami.
“Richard, why are you looking at me?” Dami asked, stopping his pacing to look up at Dick, a soft half-hearted glare on his face.
“Uh well, Tim…” (fuck! He wasn’t supposed to mention Tim!)
“What did Drake do?”
“Tim told me to tell you that we’d gotten enough information and that we were leaving in two days, just in case something new crops up!” Dick rushed, knowing that Dami would loathe the information, but despise Dick more for not telling him.
Dami needed to say goodbye to his new friend, after all, but from what Dick could tell, they couldn’t even have long-distance communication, because “Daniel Who Liked Being Called Danny” didn’t even have a phone!
Dami’s click of his tongue was expected, and his expression had worsened too. Dick had messed up, but he didn’t think there was anyway to break it gently that Damian would have to leave his newfound friend.
The boy stormed off, leaving the room with a door slam. Dick felt bad, man. Well… Dick did have a spare phone he was free to gibe to someone… Perhaps Danny would like it?
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3dgy-vamp1re · 1 month
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I go to sleep and hold something
A stuffed ram
I wake up to examine it.. It's old, worn out, lanky, can't move, and I can do anything to it, anyone can.
Yet the thing cannot speak or Yelp when it gets thrown down or ripped up.
Its eyes are sewed in so no tears can escape when people scream and throw it down.
It can't move once or squirm when it is held tightly.
I look at the poor thing and look into its old, worn in eyes..
I see myself in the reflection.
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coolheadofficial · 2 months
Two Line Story:
In the exam hall, the girl behind me whispered, "Hey, do you know the answer to question 21?"
I glanced back, and before I could respond, the invigilator affirmed, "Yes, he does."
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wikifuck · 3 months
Prompt: I'm the last of my kind, should I be worried?
Endling is the last of her species, the definitive end of her bloodline. The world around her has destroyed her people and is largely indifferent to that fact.
The people around her feel sorry for her, interpreting her stoicism as silent crying. The angst party in her circle of friends is never-ending and determined to not let her forget about it.
The thing is, Endling is scared. Not of being the last, oh no, but of admitting that she does not care. Should she care? Shouldn't she be angsting over how she will never feel "true love?" How she will never be able to bear a child? How she will have to settle for the wonderful people she has chosen to keep around her instead of the abusive family she ran away from? The family that was the whole reason she was off her home planet/city/nation when the genocide occurred? She does not know, and she wonders if she will ever find someone who can understand her.
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kogetaikid · 1 day
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I’m so out of ideas that I’m just gonna say, some random ass cat started following me around yesterday. I was taking a walk to help soothe some physical pain (from stress) and ended up having a full conversation with this guy when it jumped from its owners porch and started walking towards me. Needless to say, it was an interesting morning.
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postalvalhalla · 10 days
What the Beholder Saw
Xarnog was an eye tyrant - a floating monster who patrolled the Crypts of the Cryptid, their home. Xarnog guarded against two-leggers - horrible creatures who traveled in packs to invade the crypt, slay friends, and steal what they could.
There was just one two-legger that Xarnog tolerated - one solitary member of the species who served a useful purpose. He stood before the crypt at this very moment.
"Large combo and a large pepperoni for Mr. Xarnog?"
The floating eye smiled.
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