#soy says
soysauceartly · 3 months
Okay but… THEORY
What if Velvette gets soul contracts through Terms and Conditions agreements on apps
That’s why she’s an overlord and has so many souls
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yangjeongin · 7 months
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57sfinest · 1 year
kim is such a funny little guy like he emphasizes how little the rcm salary is when you ask about it (5500 reál annually- 460/mo) but here he is with his nice electronic sports watch and his little instant camera and his fancy revolutionary cosplay for plainclothes and he's living in the GRIH which can't be cheap and he's got his fancy little mnemotechnique notebooks which are like the moleskine of elysium i guess and his fancy little ballpoints that he does NOT want to share with you which i bet is because they cost him like a week of salary. and this is the rcm he's not getting stipends for supplies or watches or housing or probably even the gas for the kineema. poor as fuck but he is going to buy himself his little treats god damn it. if he lived in our world you know he'd be out getting himself a $9 vanilla soy milk half caf dirty chai iced latte every morning on the way to the station and eating instant noodles every night to claw out room in the budget for it
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betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
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stinkypeanutbutter · 3 months
img silly sbg art class headcanons for the folks !!!
Guess who’s first .
Ben , obvi . Who did you think ??? Aiden ?? Loser / j
Actually enjoys art class the most out of his other classes
Usually turns things in on time , but forgets the little things though like those stupid papers that tell you to copy and draw a nose 3 times
likes using charcoal pencils !! It’s his favorite out of everything , but he dislikes how messy it gets because the charcoal always covers his hands and arms .
not the best at painting , but he’s well known of his complimentary colors and what looks good with what .
Usually listens to music while he’s drawing if Taylor is busy or gone from class . He likes taking instrumental recommendations from Ashlyn .
Takes a drawing class , obvi , along with Taylor because he didn’t really want to be alone . Plus , She’s a nice buddy to have !!
Takes a drawing class with Ben as said before !! Whenever they have to pick partners , they go for each other the most .
she’s not the BEST at drawing honestly , but she takes it so she can study in machinery , like drawing and mapping out designs .
She likes using those kids markers , whatever their called . She prefers using the marker FIRST then going over it with pencil to really pop out the design . Digital art also works out for her , it’s one of her favorites because there’s so many options ( sometimes )
uses google for inspo or to copy certain parts down cause Pinterest is blocked on the computers and drawing gears is hard to do ( real 😿 )
Draws little cats on her work when she’s bored or smiley faces on Bens work just cause she’s silly ( trademarked smiley — Aiden / j )
Doesn’t have photography , but she does join Logan after school to help out with certain camera functions or just take photos of eachother for her memory book ( she has one , cannot tell me otherwise )
Also uses highlighters just cause . I mean they’re fun so why not . Her and Aiden share a bunch of random stickers that he got on like eBay for customization 😼
A ;) DEN !!! :
I swear I won’t repeat the same “ Aiden is totally good at art “ headcanon but …….. 😅😅
Went into painting just so he can have fun with the colors and , sigh … he’s good at mixing them . ( he’s not allowed too , but he makes it work out . Sometimes )
RARELY gets things done in time , like he’ll be doing anything other then drawing in class , yet somehow turn it in . Well , after a few weeks past the due date .
becahse of that , no one really knows what he draws but the teacher is impressed so 🤷
I like to imagine he has one other hidden room in his house , filled with unfinished paintings , sketches , projects , puzzles , yadda . He hasn’t really shown anyone where it is , or let’s anyone inside but has let Ben check it out a few times cause he’s special 🫶
Always does his projects in his room . Why ? Cause it’s bigger , more room to work , duh . Also , so he can BLAST music because music just gives him ideas of what he can work on ( projection go hard 🤟🤟🤟 )
he doesn’t really care what he uses , but he hates charcoal , opposed to Ben . It gets everywhere ( in a bad way ) , it’s dull , he hates having to blend it with those stupid paper things because they sound and feel gross , yadda yadda yadda . Butttt he LOVES markers and crayons . Colored pencils work if he’s feeling slightly unmotivated .
uses giant AF canvas’s cause more room to work plus more detail . He loves detailing the most random stuff because it all had to blend correctly , right ? 😼☝️
likes pottery , but he doesn’t like the feeling of it drying on his hands . It’s gross and crusty . Plus he got in trouble once for throwing some of it around the class lol
Totally draws on his arms with sharpie ( ashlyn tells him no cause poisoning or something but pshhhh what does she know ? He’ll still doodle on his pants ) .
Probably does Rubix cube art when he’s feeling extra silly . Also glues and sticks whatever he can find onto what he’s working on for pizazz . But he doesn’t really like anything he’s made so 😿
also the reason why he has so many unfinished projects is because woopsy doo ADHD . It’s always “ oh I should work on this one “ but then there’s “ but this once looks funner to do “ but oh then there’s a “ which one would take me less time to do ? “ and “ if I do this first will I have time to do the other one ? “ and either ends up doing nothing or multitasking .
ASH TRAY !!! :
Takes painting with Aiden because she really didn’t want to go alone .
thought about pottery once , tried it , hated the feeling of it getting under her nails and it kept drying up and she had to wash her hands constantly and it kept getting in her hair and it was a bad experience . ( more projection )
painting really isn’t her favorite , but she likes the look of the colors mixing and it’s kinda like dancing to her , with the long , sometimes constant movements and new variations . Look it just puts her in a slight trance .
doesn’t do well with creativity coming into play , but she managed to find a way with turning art into dance , like referencing other dancers online and copying their moments onto a canvas to make it dramatic or something .
Prefers prismacolor pencils over most things , sometimes joins Taylor and Logan after school to try out photography .
Sometimes she and Aiden would share headphones and put on a shared playlist or a podcast on spotify . They always bicker about it though because ashlyn skips through songs often and Aiden can’t sit on a podcast unless it’s playing somewhere background ( still working on this one cause would that work ? Sharing headphones and listening to stuff or would that be too loud cause I’m not sure )
for once please can she see what Aiden has done like he’s always on his phone or playing with another puzzle from his backpack how do they fit in there anyway just Plsplslpsopls he has a good grade in this class how he’s so confusing sometimes double U - tea - eph
TIE - LER !! :
Joined because he already does baseball why not choose something to maybe help him relax
Bad choice , does not relax him ( most of the time ) , can’t understand color theory ( same ) , ended up getting put into the same class with Aiden ( remember when Aiden threw pottery ? Yeah . . Also ashlyn is there that’s cool but still )
He still likes hanging with Aiden , he just won’t admit it and it gets harder and harder too when he keeps writing and drawing on his work ( and him too 😡😡 )
Pretty fond of water coloring , it’s one of the few things that he enjoys doing in his pass time . . . But he’s not that good at keeping the water to a minimum so it ends up dripping everywhere .
He’s not that good at art either , but he’s pretty good at poses , specifically ones he can remember like the “ batter up ! “ stance in baseball or his signature “ crosses my arms and stares at you begrudgingly “ . He’s REALLY good at that one .
He teaches Ben Guitar , Ben teaches him easier ways to draw . Not a babyish style , but just a simplified way to do something without putting too much thought into it .
he and Taylor team up in art projects , but not in class , at home . Ash and Aiden usually partner up in class , and since he and Taylor have seperate classes there , who’s to say they can’t help eachother else where ? Twin telepathy ! ( I think , idk )
Just finishes quick and turns it in . He gave effort , and that’s good enough . If he really wants to try and ‘ finish ‘ finish it , he will . Trust .
DIALOG(an)UE !! :
Literally the only one in the group who really takes pottery ( he’s lonely someone help him )
dw Barron isnt there . He got kicked out for throwing clay at people ( mostly Logan )
Actually really likes taking pottery , it’s fun !!
He makes pots for the plants back home 💪😋
pretty good at using the utensils , one of the only people the teacher can trust to use them correctly
the pottery wheel isn’t his favorite favorite because sometimes it spins to fast and clay gets splattered everywhere , but it’s better then starting from scratch , and turns out really nice when he gets into the zone or something
made mugs for his grandparents !! ( and the gang , which they all used theirs for many different things . They love it )
not that good at coming up with particular designs , so he usually asks for help . Doesn’t matter who , he’s open to everyone’s ideas 😋☝️☝️
takes a littttllleee while to turn things in on time but he’s a good student so the teacher doesn’t mind
IM DONE !!! I DID IT !!! Praise me .
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an-onyx-void · 3 months
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si soy
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shoku-and-awe · 8 months
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Finally tested out my Daiso ajitama maker! It can make two ramen eggs in only 50 ml of liquid! Usually I figure about 175 ml for two eggs, so this is an improvement. For just one egg (if, for example, you ate the first one as fast as you could peel it, while standing next to the stove), you need about 6 tbsp/88 ml of marinade.
For the eggs, I placed 2 large eggs in a small saucepan full of cold water, brought it to a boil, switched off the heat, and let them sit covered for 5 1/2 minutes before transferring them to an ice bath. This was just about the perfect texture; I maaaaybe could've gone a little shorter but the risk didn't feel worth it.
For the marinade, I tried Just One Cookbook's version. It's very simple: mix 2 tbsp each of sake, soy sauce, and mirin, plus a large pinch of sugar, then heat it briefly on the stovetop to melt the sugar, and pour over the peeled eggs. Marinate a few hours to overnight. (This egg sat close to 24 hours, AND oops I cracked the white, but it was fine.) They also recommend adding vinegar and salt to the water for ease of peeling—I'll try that next time!
I had the egg for breakfast with somen noodles, shredded cabbage, and a bit of the marinade. It was much sweeter than my usual marinade, but had a great flavor. I'd absolutely make it again, with less sugar. Ooh, I also have to test this thing on miso eggs!
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
everyone talks about how sleep deprived and 3-coffees-away-from-becoming-the-walking-dead tim is but i want this energy for bernard too
i want him up at buttfuck in the morning reading about soy grand theory and how the soyification of the world is part of the domino effect that caused movements like we are robin
i want him crouched over a screen with his eyes wide like (O_O) as he pours over hollow earth theories and how hollow earth houses all of the shadow government's failed experiments to create metas
i want him red-eyed and clutching a can of redbull as he opens another page of how weather control isn't done by secret towers placed around the world but by ex-members of the justice league who are mind controlled by the illuminati
and most importantly i want him and tim to stumble into each other in the middle of the night like this:
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sudaca-swag · 2 months
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ladysophiebeckett · 7 months
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La Oferta de Michel \ Los Planes del Futuro de Betty y Armando
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soysauceartly · 3 months
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I find it really interesting how Lucifer’s horns are at the base. It’s as if they’ve ripped through his skin 👀 a very cool detail of an angel turned demon
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ameliapodcast · 8 days
I'm mildly allergic to cocoa and lactose intolerant
Still just made a warm cuppa of hot chocolate because it's appropriately cold and perfect to accompany my book reading
I hope the Interviewer is proud of me
Okay I get it because I do these things too but PLEASE take care of yourself. I have a lot of allergies and I truly understand the urge, but please be safe. The Interviewer also wants you to be safe.
Here is a cocoa recipe that you don't need milk for:
Oat-Milk and/or Oat-Milk-Cream (!!) There are recipes for making your own oatmilk from oats, if you can't find any! I found vegan heavy cream on the basis of oat at some point and it's been a lifesaver. Rice milk might work too, as well as almond, but I find it then to be very watery. I do stan oats though.
Boil and add dark chocolate: if you are allergic to cocoa, it might be that you are allegic to a specific thing that gets out due to processing it further. If you know what part is the issue, there might be ways to go around it. Melt the chocolate in the oat-milk and let it boil for a minute, be aware there will be foam but in my case, it actually makes things edible for me that I wasn't able to have before! You're the expert on your own allegies, so you know best.
Adding actual chocolate makes it thicker as if you used cows-milk.
Add some cinnamon on top, maybe some sprinkles of vanilla - especially the cinnamon is nice when it's cold and rainy!
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galerymod · 1 month
How do you think everything could go down the drain?
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Just vote for Trump, he'll privatise America completely without those pesky human rights and nonsense like equality before the law.
Is that somehow good?
Yes, of course, if you're rich as shit and your company is then treated like a natural person.
Or you're in the inner circle of the future despot, sorry president!
that doesn't sound so good!
He has said that he will only play the dictator for one day!
This is historically a problem, nobody plays a dictator for one day.
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What has become of the ideals when a man of his ilk without any morals or understanding of the law can become the top candidate of a former Democratic Party? A country without value based on equality and equality before the law can become America, but then China will rise so fast that the rest of our democracy will be dizzy.
China is better at dictatorship and also has all the raw materials and means of production.
America will become the keleptodracy of a nazism obsessed orange hairy old man and his minions and hangers on.
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Playing No Man's Sky, sending my little frigates out into the galaxy on expeditions, gathering resources to build fancy work stations for my freighter, going through and fixing the colors in all the corridors, working out a trade network: *happy little wiggle*
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cal-cium-the-nerd · 2 months
Fandom: One Piece Words: 707 Relationships: Shachi & Penguin, Shachi & Trafalgar Law & Penguin Characters: Shachi, Penguin, Trafalgar Law Summary: "Say, you ever feel like… After Capt'n puts you back together, it feels different? Even though it's not, like, wrong it's just— It's different. Something's off," Shachi mumbles, eyes closed, as he twists and curls up on the infirmary cot. “Woah, yeah, all the time.” Penguin pops another grape into his mouth. “Like that story about the girl with the mattress and the marble.” Heart Pirates Week - Day 2 ღ Shachi ღ Celebration
yessss I’m the latest one to this prompt again!!!! No one can beat my records!!! Lets gooooo
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stinkypeanutbutter · 2 months
me rn making an aiden angst fanfic and I’m literally dying over it I’m making him struggle fr
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