#spoonie positivity
neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
you can trust the signals your body is sending you. whatever physical symptom you're experiencing is real. your pain, fatigue, weakness, numbness, unsteadiness, malaise, dizziness, nausea - all of it is real. i believe you. even if you, doctors, friends, or family dont. i believe you.
you should have never had the idea that you cannot be the authority on your own body put in your head. you are the only person on this planet who can convey what you are going through. no one has the right to take that from you. please believe in and advocate for yourself. and know you deserve to have someone advocating for you, too.
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spooniepositivity · 1 year
Shoutout to people who require noise cancelling headphones everywhere they go. Shoutout to people who cannot listen to certain music, or music period. Shoutout to people who cannot use headphones for sensory reasons. Shoutout to people who can't eat certain foods because of textures. Shoutout to people who can't wear certain clothes or fabrics because of textures. Shoutout to people who can't use certain items, such as blankets, pillows, etc, due to textures. Shoutout to people who can't use certain mugs, cutlery, plates, etc, for sensory reasons. I see you. You are valid. You are not overreacting.
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amethystsoda · 1 year
just wanna say for people who have chronic illness/adhd/any form of low energy or spoons—using premade items, canned goods, boxed meals, microwave meals, and everything in between isn’t a shame or embarrassing!!!!
If you have limited energy, helping yourself find a manageable way to eat meals is so important!!
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wishing everyone a low pain and manageable symptom day youve got this.
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desultory-suggestions · 11 months
If you are technically capable of going out or doing something during a chronic illness flare-up, that doesn’t mean it isn’t debilitating. You shouldn’t have to push yourself through pain, and it's okay to say "I could but I shouldn't. I could but I don't want to."
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happy disability pride month to disabled people who were scared to call themselves disabled
happy disability pride month to disabled people that don’t prioritize a cure or diagnosis
happy disability pride month to ambulatory aid users/people with invisible disabilities who have had the validity of their conditions questioned
happy disability pride month to disabled people with medical trauma
happy disability pride month to disabled people who have struggled loving a body that doesn’t always support them
happy disability pride month to people with chronic illness who felt they had to hide or minimize their pain in order to be liked
happy disability pride month to disabled people who were bullied or harassed for their disability
happy disability pride month to disabled people who have been criticized for speaking about their disability “too much” or “making it your whole personality”
happy disability pride month to disabled people whose disabilities are messy, chaotic, and difficult for abled people to understand
happy disability pride month to disabled people who thought they could never live a happy, fulfilled life and are doing so anyway.
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Disability positivity is recognizing your disability, and adapting to it. It is the small wins each day, the things you accomplish.
Getting out of bed is an accomplishment.
Completing that task, however small it may seem, is an accomplishment.
Reading that book, is an accomplishment.
Making that thing, is an accomplishment.
Cooking dinner, is an accomplishment.
And even when you can't do all of that, just remembering to have patience with yourself and that productivity does not equal to your value as a person, is an accomplishment.
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clownrecess · 1 year
You are not gross, or bad, if you struggle with hygenine. Its okay! Last night I brushed my teeth, which was a big achievement for me! Whatever achievement you made, I'm proud of you. And if you didnt make an achievement, I'm still proud of you. I love you so much, and your ability to take care of yourself is irrelevant to that love. /p
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calmmyfears · 2 years
i hope you did at least one thing for yourself today. whether that's brushing your teeth, drinking a nice cup of tea, taking a break to listen to your favorite song or reading your favorite poem. it doesn't have to be grand to be meaningful. it is so important to stay close to what brings you joy and purpose in life. ❤️
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disability-can-be · 6 months
Heya everybody! Time to check in.
How's your body feel? Do you need to move, stretch, stop clenching, or change positions? Have you fed and hydrated yourself? Taken care of your bathroom needs? Cleaned up, showered, or changed your clothes as you're able? Taken any applicable medications?
How does your mind feel? Are you stuck? Do you need to change activities, talk (or stop talking) to a particular person, or listen to a different playlist? Have you done something to nurture peace in your heart? Have you seen the sky and breathed some fresh air (even through a door or window)?
I love you, and I hope you have a better day tomorrow!
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st0rmy-sleeps · 1 year
• - - Just a Reminder - - •
In case you need it:
You’re the only one who knows what you’re going through
Your pain is “enough.” Your illness is “enough.” You shouldn’t have to prove that to be taken seriously
It’s okay to not be productive. You are not less of a person for struggling/being unable to work, or go to school, or maintain friendships
You are just as deserving of love as any healthy, Neurotypical or able bodied person
Your needs and accommodations are not a burden or an annoyance, and anyone who actually cares would do what it takes to make sure they get met
It isn’t your fault if others treat you poorly for things you can’t control, that says more about them than you
You are just as deserving of a good life as anyone else
You deserve love, and even if it doesn’t feel like it, there are people out there who don’t mind and won’t see it as an obstacle
Just because you go through something regularly doesn’t mean it’s any less upsetting/traumatic/scary
Your life is not worth less, you are still a person, and you are still alive
Even if you haven’t done anything today just being here at all is an achievement. No matter what you’re going through, I’m happy you’ve made it this far, because I can’t imagine what you’ve had to go through to get here
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neuroticboyfriend · 5 months
i hope your bodymind gets even just a little more rest and calm tonight. i hope you stumble upon a more comfortable way to lay down. i hope the amount of light in your room is just right. i hope your bedding brings you comfort. i hope you find that moment right before sleep where there isn't a worry in your head. i hope whatever pain is held within you quiets even just a bit tonight, and i hope you know just how much every little improvement counts.
goodnight, sleep tight. i'll be thinking of you. you're not forgotten.
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spooniepositivity · 1 year
Gentle reminder that you're NOT a burden for needing accommodations. You're not too much if you need more help than others.
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Hope everyone manages to be gentle with themselves this holiday season. This time of year is hard for a lot of people myself included just remember you can only do as much as you can manage and that will always be enough.
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thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
"It is illegal for an employer to discriminate based upon disability! So if you have no excuse if you are unemployed!"
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[ID: Snippets of job requirements. By bromantically]
1. "This position requires the individual to drive either a company car, rental car or his/her own car in the course of performing their job from time to time. Employee must be able to perform the physical functions of operating a motor vehicle, including use of eyes, ears, arms, hands, legs, and feet. Employee must be able to prove that he/she has a current, valid driver’s with no restrictions." The part that says, "Employee must be able to perform the physical functions of operating a motor vehicle, including use of eyes, ears, arms, hands, legs, and feet." has been highlighted.
2. "Ability to repetitively stoop, crawl, bend at the knees and waist, squat and lift 50 lbs; includes body weight, equipment, tools and boxes, in addition to ability to stand for long periods of time on varied surfaces. Must be able to stand up to five hours at a time." End ID.]
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