#tanaka imagine
chosovixen · 2 years
tanaka loves to tease while cockwarming!!
he has your legs spread wide in front of a mirror and his cock buried deep inside you, stretching your pretty pussy. he places wet kisses along the side of your neck which makes you squirm. each time you feel the tip graze your sweet spot. you then start to whine that it’s not enough and you need more of him, he chuckles while now gliding his buff hands down your body and towards your clit. when his hand hover above your heat, he whispers in your ear making your body tingle.
“how bad do you want it, baby?” he teases but you don’t answer instead you sigh, throwing your head back to rest on his shoulder. you close your eyes and try to roll your hips a little, but tanaka stops you with a firm grip on your waist and a harsh slap to your clit. you jolt upright then look at him with a pout.
“i asked you a question.”
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Wow I’ve had this in my drafts for a year.
I think I’m gonna take a break from my requests and write for myself. It’s much more fun.
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Sweet Talk
This is lyric text
No flashbacks in this one uwu
Listen while you read!!! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡♡´・ᴗ・`
Ships: Ryu Tanaka x Gn!Reader
Warnings: probably moderate cursing? Nothing too bad. Fluff overload tho.
Prompt: Based off of “Sweet Talk” by Saint Motel. Ryu is absolutely enamored with the team manager, (Y/N). These two friends mainly communicate by playful banter, but Tanaka can’t help but fall deeper in love.
Tags: general tag list ❤️ @lisiwalker, @rebloging-everything, @erenluvsrini, @quoikuu, @tetsunova,@keyz-writes, @littlebbyleesfw, @0rodi0, @justanunknown
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Oh when it's cold, I get warm just thinking of you.
Volleyball season was starting soon. This excited Tanaka for so many reasons, but the one above all else was the fact that he could spend time with the team’s incredible manager. The winter air nipped at his skin, resulting in him wearing his signature beanie. He was sure that he would freeze his ass off outside.
Exiting the permafrost, and entering the club room, Tanaka felt instant relief as the heat wafted into his face. As he was slowly warming, he opted for quick chats with his teammates.
Hinata and Kageyama were already fighting.
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were talking about some movie they saw the night before.
His other second year buddies welcomed him with warm smiles. He put his bag down and sat with his friends on the mats. “Good morning, gentlemen.”
“Morning!” Kinoshita beamed, eyes focused on the game he was playing on his hand-held console.
“Mm!” Narita was also engrossed in the game. Perhaps the two of them were battling with each other?
As he stared at the console with a quirked brow, his wing-spiker “twin” (as he liked to call him) sat down next to him and handed him a tall cup. It had a cardboard sleeve to keep his hands from burning. Tanaka sighed in relief upon seeing the steam rising off of it.
“I figured you’d either be a big whiny baby about how cold you are, or deny it until you get frostbite, so I came prepared.” Ennoshita chirped, flashing his friend a closed-eyed smile.
“Ennoshita have I told you how much I love you lately?” Ryu mumbled as he opened the top and took a sip of the drink, “Hazelnut hot chocolate! I swear to the gods above I’m gonna marry you one day.” he said softly, drinking with a satisfied smile.
“Tanaka!” The brunette boy said with a flush, “Save talk like that for (Y/N)!”
The wing-spiker immediately flushed a gorgeous shade of gentle red, which he was quick to blame on the cold wind biting at his cheeks.
“Ennoshita!” Tanaka’s teeth were grit as he stared his best friend down. “Dude! I haven’t told anyone yet!”
Before the other wing-spiker could reply with endless teasing, Daichi called the group to the gym for warm-ups.
When I'm alone, I stare at stars and hope dreams come true.
Tanaka changed into his court shoes and walked as his head was filled with sudden scenarios. A love-struck look was plastered on his face as he imagined how life would be as your boyfriend. He thought about holding your hand in the hallways, surprising you with treats on your birthday and Valentine’s Day, how it would feel to be the one to make you laugh, or to hold you in his arms and-
“Tanaka? You with us?” Daichi asked, a gentle hand to his second year’s shoulder accompanying his question.
“Wh- oh! Hey, Cap! I’m just fine!” The wing-spiker chirped as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “Just thinkin’ about some stuff.”
“I thought I smelled smoke.” Tsukishima muttered as he opened the gym door for his teammates.
“Oh you’ve got cohones. Don’t forget that I’m still your superior.” Tanaka growled as he tapped the first year’s nose gently.
You're probably not aware that I'm even here.
Upon entering the gym, Tanaka locked eyes with you. You were talking to Yachi and Kiyoko, smile as bright as the sun. The wing-spiker swore his heart stopped on the spot.
Luckily, you hadn’t noticed him leaning onto Ennoshita’s shoulder and practically screaming
“They’re. So. Friggin’ cute, ‘Nnoshita.” the fuzzy-haired boy muttered, head hitting his friend’s shoulder with every word.
The other wing-spiker giggled as he patted his buddy’s head. “Poor Tanaka. I’m sure you’ll survive the day if you don’t make a total fool out of yourself.”
“Mmmmmmmm” Tanaka whined as his head came off of the other’s shoulder. “Great. So I have to do the opposite of what I do every time I see them!”
As his second year buddy retreated to talk to Daichi about captain duties, Tanaka went over to you to try and start some conversation up. You were talking to Yachi and Kiyoko, so he waited a little bit before walking up to you. When the two girls had left, you were scribbling down some notes on a clipboard. Perfect timing!
Well you might not know I exist, but I don't even care
“(Y/N)?” Tanaka asked quietly, not wanting to interrupt your conversation.
No response.
The wing-spiker bit the inside of his cheek and waited patiently. After a few more seconds, when the talking lulled, he tried again. “Hey (Y/N)?”
Sweet talk, everything you say.
“Ah good morning, Tanaka! I see you chose to bother me the second you got inside.” You chirped, eyes not moving from the clipboard.
“Oh you know it. I see that someone pissed in your cheerios this morning.” The second year replied cheekily.
You slapped your pen down and looked over at the wing-spiker, as he took a seat next to you on the bench.
It sounds like sweet talk to my ears.
“You drive me up the wall.” You emphasized the last word by shaking a fist at him playfully.
“Oh (Y/N)! I’m so flattered! I knew you loved me!” The second year threw a wrist up to his forehead and dramatically leaned on him.
“Piss off!” You barked in reply, laughing as your hand gently collided with his forehead. “Won't you stay away?"
It'll still be sweet talk to my ears.
“Ouch! I just wanted to know how that chemistry test that you were worried about went!” The wing-spiker said with added dramatics, “Sigh! And here I was thinking we were friends!”
You instantly erupted into laughter, playfully punching his shoulder as lightly as you could. “You’re such a dork!” You managed to choke between your chuckles.
Oh when you laugh, I forget that it's about me.
The light in Tanaka’s eyes glimmered as he heard the beautiful sound. It was like a symphony in his ears. He would do anything to hear that heavenly sound once more.
“Why are you still laying on me? What if I get bugs?!” You yelped, lifting his head with two hands.
But it's alright, cause being your punchline still is something.
Tanaka put all of his weight in his head and leaned downward. “Good luck getting me off of you!”
The two of you laughed heartily, lacking any care of the world around you.
“Tanaka, (Y/N)! Stop flirting you two! We have nationals in two months and no time to waste!”
Yeah well I'm not scared.
The two of you turned to look at your captain, still releasing residual chuckles.
“I'm not going nowhere.” Tanaka said with a chuckle, nuzzling into your lap.
Yeah, you might want me to drop dead, but I don't even care.
“Get up, lover boy. We both have lots of work to do.” You demanded, bouncing your legs and making his head collide with your knees.
“Agh! Ouch! Okay, okay!“ The second year whined as he rose from the bench. He offered you a hand out of habit. When you took it, his entire world changed. It solidified everything. He knew in that little moment that he wanted to hold your hand every day.
The second year realized that he had to do something to ask you out. As he pondered and pondered upon date ideas, pick-up lines, and cheesy gestures to win you over, a text illuminated his phone.
Sweet talk, everything you say.
Why had you texted him?
Chuckling, Tanaka clicked your contact and called you. You picked up after the
It sounds like sweet talk to my ears.
“To be honest, I thought him and Kageyama would end up together”
You could yell
You and Tanaka chatted about anything and everything. From Tsukishima’s comment to him that morning, to the couples going to the prom together.
That’s it! Prom! He could ask you to the prom!
While on the phone with you, The wing-spiker rushed around his home to get all of the supplies he needed, and got to work on the poster he would make.
He settled for a super cheesy poster. He drew a really ugly volleyball, since drawing was not his strong suit, and wrote in blocky letters “my heart will be killed if you don’t go to prom with me. Dig the idea?”
“What are you coloring?” You asked from the other side of the line.
“Just a project for one of my classes.” He replied, marker cap in mouth as he outlined all of the letters in orange.
The next morning, Tanaka picked up a single flower from the florist near coach Ukai’s store. He recalled you telling Kiyoko and Yachi all about the beautiful (F/F)s you had passed on your way to school one day. He then stopped to get you a meat bun from coach’s store.
“Ooh. Who’s the lucky person that our resident flirt is asking to prom?” His coach asked, handing his wing-spiker a meat bun.
“(Y/N).” Tanaka replied, handing his coach some money.
“Wh- (Y/N)??” Ukai asked with a grin, “Keep that money; go get ‘em.”
“Will do, coach!” Tanaka chimed as he exited the store.
He knew that you would be outside the gym at this time. You always waited for Kiyoko to finish her morning run so the two of you could walk in together.
With a sigh of preparedness, Tanaka rushed up to the gym. You were there, undoubtedly, watching the people walk into school.
“(Y/N)!” The second year called, bounding up to you.
You turned and saw the sign. Your heart leaped and warmth found it’s way to your previously cold body. You were so excited that he was asking you, that you didn’t think about what you were saying. “Oh my god…Piss off!” You said absentmindedly upon seeing the sign.
The wing-spiker’s face dropped, as he stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh. Uh, sorry I’ll just…”
“Tanaka no that’s-“
“No, no. I know what you’ll say. You’ll tell me I’m an idiot and yell: Won't you stay away? Here, these are for you." The second year handed you the flower and meat bun, then turned and began to walk inside the gym.
You smiled with a sigh, grabbing his hand. “Ryuunosuke.”
His face flushed upon use of his first name.
It'll still be sweet talk to my ears.
“What I meant to say was: ‘piss off, of course I’ll go to prom with you.’”
“Wait, really?” Tanaka’s eyes sported the same glimmer they usually did.
“Really. You didn’t need to go through all of this to get me to go to prom with you.” You mumbled, pulling his hand up to your lips and kissing it gently.
The beautiful sound of your laughter, that Tanaka loved so much, echoed through the gym as his teammates commented on how sheepish your actions had made him.
He didn’t mind much. He got to hear what he always loved: your sweet talk, and your sweet laughter.
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haeoki · 8 months
⟢ tweets about you ! hq
synopsis: just lovesick boys 🤭
ft. atsumu tanaka noya suna oikawa sugawara kuroo kenma bokuto hinata
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7K notes · View notes
taones · 2 months
tw - flirting, good girl x bad boy, school setting but they are vv much 18+, suggestive, swearing
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“How’s my favourite girl today?”
Your best friend tensed up from her seat in front of you. She had chosen to hide out in the stuffy school library to avoid exactly this. She had never been a huge fan of him, but his recent attempts to catch your attention had been grating on her nerves. The boy seemed obsessed with you, following you into the cafeteria and hanging around in the shop you frequented on your way home. Nothing but bad news followed him, and she needed to keep him away from her friend. You were a good student, perfect attendance and good grades - the last thing you needed was someone like him bringing you down. 
“Fuck off, she doesn’t want to talk to you” she huffed at the man, “you’re not her type”
He chuckled, placing a hand on the back of your chair. Goosebumps travelled up your body. The musky scent of his aftershave permeated the air around you, settling in your lungs like a cloud. If you could bask in that scent forever you would. The top three buttons of his shirt were undone, tie loosely hung around it. Thin fabric did little to hide the muscle definition of his chest, slight but still very visible to you. And you couldn’t help but peer through the gap. His tan skin contrasted the crumpled white shirt beautifully. You felt your mouth go dry. 
“Hmm, I’m not too sure about that one” his voice rang out.
“She seems very interested”
You jumped slightly as his face was far closer to you than you realised. If you were to turn your head slightly, your noses would be just touching. A warm flush flooding your body. You gnawed at your fingernail, peering up at the man next to you through your eyelashes. He dropped his eyelid down in a quick wink and set his sights back on your fuming friend. 
“Why won’t you just leave us alone? She’s trying to study”
He tutted.
Next thing you knew the pressure of a wide hand was resting on your shoulder - making you freeze on your seat. The feeling of his warm, calloused palm on your shoulder did nothing to cool your feverish body and you tried desperately not to gasp. In through your nose, out through your mouth, you tried to remind yourself. You couldn’t let him fluster you - then he would be winning. 
A warm chuckle sounded from above you. The palm on your shoulder travelled towards your face, lithe fingers gripping your chin gently. He curled his index finger and dragged the knuckle up the soft skin of your throat. It was like you were frozen in place but your body was squirming under your uniform. His actions left you breathless and you couldn’t help but feel he knew exactly what he was doing to you. If the way his eyes trailed up your legs, thighs clenched together under your skirt, was any indication. Soft lips stretched into a smirk. 
Leaning forward once again, his eyes met yours under a piercing gaze. He let out a teasing coo in your direction. 
“Oh I'm sorry pretty girl, did I scare you?”
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- ATSUMU, tsukki, oikawa, SUNA, tanaka (hear me out), kuroo, gojo, KOJIRO, adam, bakugou, SHINSOU, dabi
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avatarchic · 2 months
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How the Karasuno boys would react to meeting Shoyo's foreign cousin.
— starring. karasuno boys x foreign exchange student!reader (separately), student teacher!reader in ukai's
— tags. fluff, first meetings, pining
— warnings. use of 'pretty' and 'cute' to describe reader, but no pronouns are used, you slap ryuu in his LOL, mild suggestive comment in ryuu's if you squint
— requested? yes! thank you so much for your request this was fun to write :)
— notes. some of these are longer than others sorry ADHKWH my biases are showing a lil // this ended up being a first meeting + how they act when they start crushing on you, but it they're so cute so i didnt wanna change it lolol
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daichi is whipped for you from the start
he doesn't show it (or he doesn't think he does) but he's attracted to you the second he lays eyes on you
he's extra sure to be polite to you, too embarrassed too show his brasher nature in case it scares you off
he loses his backbone whenever you're around
he needs to scold some of the first years for goofing off, but you're standing there? he's all sunshine and rainbows
when he finds out that you're a foreign exchange student, he's over the moon
he subtly finds out your classes from shoyo, who of course doesn't realize his intentions as he blurts out your schedule happily
he checks up on you often, making sure you're adjusting well to japan because "what kind of captain would he be if he let his underclassman's cousin have a hard time?"
the team is none the wiser, except for maybe koshi who sees through his shit immediately
he has a habit of patting your head as a greeting, even if he's just passing you in the hallways even if you complain about him messing up your hair
overall, he's super soft with you :)
sawamura daichi! was annoyed when he met you. shoyo hadn't shown up to practice and wasn't answering his phone, which left the captain ready to send the orange-haired freshman to an early grave. after kei made a smart remark that he saw shoyo lingering near the school entrance, he was on a mission to give the boy hell.
kei was right, of course. when daichi made his way to the entrance, he saw shoyo right away. he stomps over, lips parting to lecture the younger male about responsibilities when his eyes ghost over you. he stops short, shoyo's name barely dropping from his mouth as he pauses.
when you both turn to him, daichi feels his breath catch in his throat. it was clear that you weren't from around here. your odd sense of dress stuck out like a sore thumb—not to mention he had never seen you before. but if anything, he thought you were pretty.
"you're late for practice," daichi states lamely, barely managing to tear his gaze away from you to glower at shoyo. "i ought to put you on cleaning duty tonight."
the threat fell on deaf ears, shoyo's large grin unfaltering as he wraps an arm around your midsection in a tight hug. "captain! sorry, sorry," he apologizes, though the wide grin on his face told daichi he wasn't serious. "my cousin texted me that they were here, so i had to say hi!"
at his words, you finally snap out of your stupor, offering daichi a small smile. "i didn't realize he had practice. i wouldn't have called him out if i knew."
daichi presses his lips together, feeling his ears warm at your kind tone. "it's okay," he says softly. "i'll let him off for now. it's nice to meet you—i'm sawamura daichi."
when you introduce yourself, he finds himself repeating your name in his head.
"oi," he clears his throat, turning to shoyo with a deadpan expression. "c'mon. we're late enough already." daichi turns to bow his head at you politely, quickly turning around before you can see the warmth in his cheeks.
your sweet voice calls out a goodbye, and daichi decides then and there that he wants to get to know you better.
"hey, hey—why are you so red?"
"you're gonna shut up now if you want to go home early tonight."
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koshi didn't realize you were shoyo's cousin until after he got to know you a little
he couldn't help it—when he saw you he just thought you were super cute lmao
he fumbles a bit in front of you
he really really tries to be a cool, calm, and collected person but sometimes he embarrasses himself by saying odd things or staring at you a little too long
when he does figure out you're related to his underclassman, he takes the opportunity to get to know you better
and when he finds out you're in his homeroom? even better
the type to arrange study session together with you every weekend just to spend time with you
he actually invites you to watch their practices and games before shoyo does LOL
the whole team knows about his feelings and he doesn't even care, constantly throwing an arm over you shoulder and hanging around you during downtimes
wants to impress you, so he gives it his all (and then some) whenever you're there
his sets get more accurate and he even blocks more hits than he would've before
he really wants you to think he's cool
but if you compliment him, he's exploding on the spot
suguwara koshi! had no idea you were shoyo's cousin when he met you. you looked nothing alike and your personalities were completely different. despite you being a complete stranger, the lost look on your face amused him.
you met koshi when shoyo accidentally stranded you at the train station. you were supposed to take the same train to his house, but he didn't notice you weren't right behind him when he stepped into the train car. the last you saw of the tangerine-haired boy was the back of his head as the doors closed on you.
you were standing there in a panic, though no one stopped to check if you were okay. shoyo had you hold his schoolbag while he dragged your suitcase along, and when you tried calling his cellphone you heard it buzz in the bag that hung on your shoulder. for the life of you, you couldn't remember which stop to get off or which streets to take to get to his house.
"are you lost?" a gentle voice asks you, pulling you from your anxious thoughts.
your eyes meet and koshi can't help but think you're cute as hell. you look doe-eyed in your panic, rounded eyes and parted lips. when you don't answer right away, koshi's cool demeanor switches and he stumbles into an embarrassed frenzy. "wait, can you even understand japanese?"
thankfully, you do, having learned it from shoyo at a younger age. you blink away the remnants of your panic with a few hasty nods. "yes, sorry. my cousin accidentally left me here, and i don't really know how to get to his house..."
koshi calms down at your insistence, chuckling to himself. "do you know the address?"
you wince, "no."
"alright," he says in a way that he hopes is soothing for you. "i can keep you company while you wait for him to return, then. it'd probably be nicer than just standing here by yourself."
when you agree, he hides his smile. he asks you several icebreakers, such as your name and your favourite colour. with every passing second, he only thinks you're even cuter than when he first saw you.
eventually, shoyo does come back, panting and heaving as he runs up the stairs to the station platform. his bright eyes widen when he sees you together with koshi. "oh, sugawara? you've met my cousin?"
koshi meets your eyes with a grin. "i guess we'll be seeing each other more often."
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honestly asahi doesn't even acknowledge you when you first meet
he doesn't find out you're shoyo's cousin for weeks, so you're really just another classmate to him
you don't even talk to each other until like a month or so after you transferred
and even then, your conversations are short
he's polite to you when you work together, but he doesn't really try to become friends with you
don't get him wrong! he thinks you're nice and pretty, but he is too damn shy to initiate anything with you
you kinda think he hates you at first, but after you realize that he's just not an outgoing person you relax around him
when he does find out you're related to shoyo, you end up seeing each other more often out of class
you show up to more practices, even if you're just sitting on the benches doing homework
shoyo even drags you along whenever the team meets up outside of school to hang out
as a result, you and asahi eventually grow closer and he opens up more bit by bit
he doesn't actually start crushing on you until graduation nears
he realizes it when he hears you cheering his name at one of their bigger games
he thinks his name sounds prettier coming from you
he doesn't initiate any skinship with you, but he's always asking about your day and checking on you in his own ways
will absolutely combust if you even so much as brush pinkies as you're walking together
azumane asahi! first met you in class. like koshi, he doesn't know you're related to shoyo initially. when the teacher introduces you, making you write your name on the board, you don't have the same last name as shoyo. he doesn't really pay much attention to you, minding his own business as he takes out his notebook and pens.
several weeks pass and your homeroom teacher announces that you'll be partnering up for a group presentation. your first real conversation with him goes as expected—you exchange contact information and go your separate ways when the bell rings.
he thinks you're attractive, but he's too shy to actually act on those thoughts and he just pushes through the project, interacting with you as little as possible.
it's only when shoyo forgets his volleyball uniform at your house that asahi figures out you're related.
he sees you first, standing in the gym entrance while you wait to be invited in. you look hesitant as your eyes cast over the several members of the volleyball club, your gaze landing on asahi. when recognition flickers behind your eyes, he thinks you're there for him.
he opens his mouth to greet you, but before he can even utter a word, an orange blur runs past him. you're almost knocked on your ass as shoyo tackles you, excitedly calling out your name. "what're you doing here?" he asks you, tilting his head as he releases you from his death grip. "you never come to practice."
"you left your uniform at mine," you explain quietly, pulling the clothing out of your bag.
there's a moment of silence, before all hell breaks loose. the others scream and yell at shoyo, yuu and ryuunosuke shaking him by the shoulders as they demand why they weren't informed about his girlfriend.
even asahi's jaw drops at the thought of you, his classmate and group partner, dating shoyo, of all people.
"we aren't dating!" you exclaim, shaking your hands in front of you adamantly as disgust paints over your facial features. "we're cousins."
as the club eventually quiets down, you meet asahi's gaze over the commotion. when you offer him a bashful smile, he can't help but return it.
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as expected, yuu is also whipped for you the second you meet
he swears on his life that he has never met someone as perfect as you—not even kiyoko (which says a lot)
at first, his attraction to you is entirely physical and he doesn't hide it
he compliments you every time he sees you he even compliments your outfits even if you're just wearing the karasuno uniform
he practically begs shoyo to bring you to practice just so he has an excuse to ogle at you and profess his 'undying love'
you'd probably make good friends with kiyoko, bonding over the second years' unabashed feelings and loud professions of love lol
though he's completely smitten with your looks, yuu doesn't learn a thing about you until like two months after your transfer
he realizes it when koshi asks if he knows anything about you and no, the fact that you're pretty doesn't count as something
during a late night run to the nearest convenience store, he runs into you
you're dressed casually, and he realizes it's actually the first time he's seen you outside of uniform
he thinks you're very cute in your bunny pajamas
he approaches you with koshi's words in mind, and asks if you want to hang out for a bit
your hang outs become a common thing, and eventually it's your weekend tradition to meet at the convenient store after sundown
after really getting to know you, he realizes that he likes more than just your appearance
shockingly, once he figures out his feelings for you, he tones down a lot
he would stop confessing his love for you every moment he could, but he gets casually affectionate with you
he'd always stand close enough for your shoulders to touch and would absentmindedly guide you places by taking your hand
he's never had a real crush on anyone before, so he's feeling it out with you
nishinoya yuu! has hearts in his eyes the moment he meets you. shoyo brought you to practice one day, excited to introduce his favourite cousin to his teammates. he had all but dragged you to the gym by the wrist, ignoring your insistent utterings that you can walk on your own.
"this is my cousin!" shoyo announces the second he bursts through the doors in true hinata shoyo fashion. you were the last ones to show up, so the entire team was there to witness you getting dragged in by shoyo. "they transferred here from overseas."
yuu feels the world stop once he glances over at you after receiving a particularly harsh spike from tobio, freezing into his squatted position. his world becomes a romcom movie—he swears someone must be blowing a fan in your direction with the way your hair sways as you walk into the gym. he might even be seeing the air sparkle in your presence.
he's absolutely starstruck with you, and he makes no effort to hide it as he bounds over to you. he takes your hands in his, looking at you with wide eyes as he takes you in. he can hear someone groaning, maybe daichi, as they mutter something along the lines of "he's at it again."
"i'm nishinoya yuu," he introduces himself. "you're really cute!"
your mouth opens, but no words come out as you simply stare at yuu in surprise. shoyo had given you a brief rundown of his group members, and you realize that this might be why he warned you about the libero in particular.
even when daichi smacks the back of his head, apologizing to you quietly, yuu remains in his lovestruck gaze.
you stay to watch their practice, at both shoyo and yuu's insistence, and yuu makes a point to be even more extravagant than usual. you can't help but laugh at his boisterous rolling receives and the way he calls out ridiculous move names.
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oh ryuu. typical ryuu.
the first words he ever speaks to you end up with him getting slapped
like yuu, he thinks you've been blessed by the gods with your looks and he makes it clear to you when you meet
he asks you to go out with him, only to blatantly check you out right after, which earned him a smack to the face
eventually, he does apologize for his behaviour, though you don't accept it right away
when you tell him that you hate guys who treat others like eye candy, he's sure to tone it down for you
of course, a man can't change overnight
he still flirts with you, and with other women—he can't help it ;( him n yuu are menaces
however, when he's not being an absolute pest, he gets to know you
he learns about your interests and hobbies, and finds himself indulging you in them (who would've thought he'd end up enjoying the art of bracelet making?)
when you become close friends, you become his person
he goes to you whenever he wants to talk about something, and he lends an ear whenever you need to vent
he asks you about your home country often, wanting to know more about your life before you came to japan
he'd even go out of his way to do things for you that remind you of home whenever you start feeling homesick :)
it's not until well after graduation when he realizes that he might actually like you
tanaka ryuunosuke! was mid confession when you met. shoyo had brought you to one of their games, and just as ryuunosuke was getting on his knees to ask kiyoko to marry him, his eyes fall on you.
it's almost astounding how quickly the second year moved from the glasses-wearing beauty to you, appearing in front of you in an instant. before shoyo can even introduce you, he stares you down with a steeled expression, his eyes narrowing.
"you're the prettiest person i've ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on," he claims in his most serious tone. he takes your hands in his as he presses his lips to your knuckles. "please go out with me."
there's a collective sigh as the team turns away at his antics. you, on the other hand, feel your head pound in irritation. "excuse me?"
ryuunosuke doesn't hear the vexation in your tone, or chooses to ignore it, as his eyes trail over your features. even when you're staring at him in an angry disbelief, he thinks you're incredibly pretty. however, as his eyes drop lower and lower, his mind enters a less-than-appropriate headspace.
the feeling of your hand connecting with his cheek rips him out of his lewd daydreams. you didn't slap him hard, but the sound echoed over the loud chatter of the audience members anyway. "you pervert," you utter, gritting your teeth as you turn on your heel. you barely tell shoyo good luck as you all but stomp off to the bleachers.
ryuunosuke stares at your back, holding his reddening cheek in mild awe. yuu nudges his side. "don't tell me you're into that, man."
he at least has the grace to blush.
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to be honest, you and tobio do not get along until much later
it's not because you're related to shoyo it is
he just genuinely has no idea how to talk to you lmao
you meet him on the first day of school with shoyo
the realization that he may be teammates with the very guy he had practically berated in middle school took priority over greeting you tbh
it's only after their initial fight when he realizes that you, a complete stranger, saw him yell at shoyo as harshly as he did (even if shoyo didn't have many nice things to say either)
he's kinda embarrassed abt it tbh
like?? you had to see him like that?? he's mortified
so when he joins the volleyball club and you're a manager, he avoids you like the plague
when he talks to you, he accidentally comes across as if he hates your guts (he doesn't, he just cannot properly converse with people to save his life)
your relationship is extremely terse for months, since you get pissed off at his behaviour and he doesn't know how to act normally around you
he doesn't warm up to you until one of their games later in the season, where the morale is low and the team is hanging their heads
you give them an uplifting speech, telling the team that they're stronger than they think
it's the first time tobio looks at you in a pleasant light, and he merely puts a hand on your shoulder to say thanks as he makes his way back to the court
slowburn as fuck tbh he might not even realize he likes you until you're about to graduate (cut him some slack he's only a lil slow)
kageyama tobio! barely acknowledges your existence when you meet. you had moved to japan before their first year at karasuno began, so you showed up with shoyo to the first day.
of course, tobio recognized shoyo immediately from their encounter in middle school. shoyo had dragged you to the gym to go with him to sign up for the volleyball club, insistent that you try to apply to be a manager or something. tobio was there, about to spike a volleyball.
the second shoyo and tobio lock eyes on each other, they're at it like cats and dogs, and you're left standing there in confusion. seeing shoyo as angry as he was is shocking to you and you wonder what the hell this other guy must've done to rile up your sunshine cousin so much.
tobio doesn't even look at you as he argues with shoyo, not meeting your eyes until after the fight has 'calmed' down. he stares at you quietly for a moment before averting his gaze, grumbling something under his breath as he leaves to retrieve the volleyball shoyo made him drop.
he doesn't say anything to you as you talk quietly with daichi about becoming a manager. he vaguely overhears shoyo introducing you as his cousin, but he's too annoyed to listen.
later on, when him and shoyo are finally accepted into the club, and you're brought on as a manager-in-training, tobio still ignores you.
you don't have your first conversation until a week later, when you corner him after practice. "what is your problem?" you demand, your hands propped on your hips. "i know you don't like sho, but you haven't said a single word to me since you joined the club."
tobio flushes in embarrassment as he stares at you. he doesn't mean to, but his eyes narrow into what could be perceived as a harsh glare. "i don't have anything to say," he says truthfully, his voice coming out colder than necessary.
when he rushes off to hide his growing fluster, you're left standing there confused.
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you and kei barely interacted at first tbh
he had never seen you before and it was the weekend when you met so he had no reason to assume you'd ever talk again really
even after finding out you were related to shoyo, he didn't bat an eye
after all, he's not exactly going over to the orange-haired boy's house for sleepovers lolol
but to his surprise, you're in his classroom the next monday morning as a foreign exchange student
your classmates rush to you, overwhelming you with numerous questions about your hometown, and it's clear to kei that you're flustered
you meet his gaze over the crowd of people, and for a moment you're shocked to see him
however, before either of you can do anything, you get bombarded with even more questions
to your surprise and his, kei scoffs as he approaches your crowded desk
"can't you see you're bothering them?"
the gaggle of students dissipates with embarrassed apologies, leaving you and kei alone
your relationship with him from then on is odd
there's an unspoken agreement that you both don't like being bothered by other people, and you lowkey bond over it
he would never admit you're friends, but he comes to your rescue often
if you can't understand a phrase or if you don't know the answer to a question in class, he'll quietly help you out (but don't bother asking about it, 'cus he'll deny it vehemently)
when you start hanging out during practices, he ruffles your hair and rests his arm on your head regardless of your height
making fun of you is his love language (not that he'd ever admit he has feelings)
tsukishima kei! meets you when you're babysitting natsu. the team had been out getting ice cream (as per koshi's insistence—for team building), leaving kei in a sour mood because he would rather be anywhere than here.
"shoyo! sho!"
the whole team looks over, seeing a little girl who is the spitting image of their short middle blocker running toward them. kei's expression drops even more, because there's two of them?
shoyo almost drops his ice cream cone with the way the little girl jumps on him. "what are you doing here?" shoyo asks, scrambling to catch his sweet treat. "where's—"
before he can finish his sentence, another figure comes running at them, out of breath. "natsu!" you scold airily as you make your way up to the team, hunching over and resting your hands on your knees as you try to catch your breath. "jesus, don't just run off like that!"
you look up at shoyo from your hunched position, letting kei get a good look at your face. you're flushed, sweat beading on your brow bone and lips are parted as you breathe harshly through them. it's clear to the blond that you've been running around for some time now, something that makes him snort into his strawberry ice cream cup.
"sorry, sho," you wince, practically dragging the little girl, natsu, to your side. "she ran off while i was paying for her snacks. she probably saw you through the window." you vaguely gesture to a nearby convenience store, holding up a bag of candy.
you talk with shoyo for another moment, before turning to the rest of the team. your eyes briefly meet kei's and he arches a brow at you. you apologize for interrupting them, but daichi insists that you're fine and that you and natsu can hang around since you're there anyway.
as a result, you and kei end up standing near each other as the group converses. kei had been hanging a little bit away from the others, minus tadashi of course. you end up near him by coincidence—you don't know the others, and the three of you end up quietly sitting in acknowledgement that you didn't want to talk.
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my darling baby tadashi is a mess when you meet <3
he was practicing his volleyball skills when he accidentally whams you in the face
he'd feel guilty about it for a while (even if you insist you're fine) and would use it as an excuse to buy you drinks from the vending machines lol
"this is the fourth drink you've bought me this week??"
"i have to make up for hitting you somehow :((("
becoming friends with tadashi is surprisingly easy, given how shy he can be
it becomes a habit to meet you by the vending machines before practice
the time in the halls between classes and volleyball are spent getting to know you
he asks a lot of questions about what it's like in your hometown and the differences in your culture
i don't think he'd start liking you until after you also get close with kei though lol good luck
the first time he sees you joking around with the tall blond, he thinks his heart is about to beat out of his chest
you must be an angel, he decides as he watches you get along with kei
the three of you form a trio and you end up spending more time with them than shoyo LOL
kei absolutely knows about tadashi's feelings and takes every opportunity to tease him about it whilst you're blissfully unaware
he's so so smitten around you after he realizes he likes you
the type to look at you like you hung the stars in the sky yourself and to becoming maddeningly red whenever you so much as make eye contact with him
yamaguchi tadashi! hits you in the head the first time he meets you. he was in the gym alone, practicing his float serve. you pushed through the heavy metal doors just in time to get slammed in the face with a ball gone awry.
he feels his heart drop to his toes as he quickly rushes over to you, asking if you're alright and if you need to see the nurse. his panic only worsens when he realizes you're bleeding from your nose.
although the hit shocked you, you're left watching in amusement as tadashi scrambles to find something to stop your nosebleed with. when he eventually returns to you, having ran from the boys washroom to grab a wad of papertowel, he apologizes again softly.
"are you okay now...?" he asks when your nosebleed finally stops. he looks almost like a kicked puppy, his hair falling limply into his eyes.
even after you reassure him that you're fine, tadashi still wears his guilt like a crown. he offers to buy you something from the vending machines, and does so despite your insistence that he doesn't need to.
"you can accept it for my sake," he says sheepishly as he offers you the cold can. the two of you converse quietly, with you introducing yourself as a new foreign exchange student.
"oh!" he suddenly lets out, looking over at you. "did you need something in the gym?"
"i was looking for my cousin," you sigh. "he said he was in the volleyball club and i haven't been able to find him at all today."
he's shocked when he finds out that you're shoyo's cousin—the boy had talked about you earlier in the week when he found out you were transferring to karasuno. as you talk, tadashi thinks to himself that shoyo never mentioned how cute you were.
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your first meeting with keishin is awkward
ltrly knocks you off your feet when he runs into you
he's kind of brash when he meets you, not caring if you think of him badly because of it
you don't have much of a relationship at first—your work pulls you to the classrooms after all, so he doesn't really see you around often
the next time he sees you, you're stomping into the gymnasium mid practice with an irked expression
he's about to tell you off for interrupting practice, but he quiets when he sees you make your way to your younger cousin
he only watches in amusement when you tell him off for his horrid grades
when shoyo turns to keishin for help, he only shrugs with a lazy grin on his face
"sorry, little man, you heard 'em. no volleyball games until you raise your grades"
to shoyo's chagrin, you and keishin make a terrifying pair for him (and the other three idiots lolol)
you only really start hanging out with him when you end up making a late night run at his convenience store
it's the first time he sees you in casual clothing and the case of beer in your hands makes him laugh
"you wanna share that?"
he becomes your drinking buddy every other weekend, and he grows to cherish the time you spend chugging back cans of beer with him
keeps his feelings on the downlow, but as time goes on even the boys realize that their coach has a soft spot for you
ukai keishin! bodies you the first time you meet. the man doesn't realize his own strength until he literally knocks you flat on his ass after he turns a corner and bumps into you. his eyes go wide when the books and papers in your hands go flying, falling around you in a frenzy.
"shit," he curses under his breath, bending down to pick up your things. "sorry 'bout that." his voice is gruff as he speaks, collecting your papers without much care. when he returns them to you, some of them are scuffed and crumpled.
as he's handing you your things, he finally gets a good look at you. you're dressed more formally than he is by a mile. he holds a hand out to help you to your feet, his brown eyes falling to the lanyard around your neck.
"you new here?" he asks, jutting his chin out to gesture to your nametag. student teacher is typed above your name and picture.
you nod deftly, brushing off any dirt from your dress pants. "i started today. and you are?" your eyes meet his, and he knows you're silently scrutinizing him. he's much too old to be a student, you deduce easily, but he's dressed far more casually than any other other teachers.
when your eyes drift up to his bleached hair, he snorts. "i'm the coach for the volleyball club," he grumbles. "i don't need to be wearing fancy shit like you."
he sees your eyes light up in recognition as he analyzes your face with crossed arms. "the volleyball club? you must know my cousin then. hinata shoyo?"
keishin deadpans at you. "you're the runt's cousin?"
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©AVATARCHIC please do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or copy any of my works.
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tempobaekh · 2 years
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Pt.2 of some behind the scenes photos from Wednesday🫶🏻
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romeavecryst · 2 months
.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
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˖ ࣪⊹ He’s the kind of guy to help put and take off your shoes, even if your not drunk, but if your getting ready his large hand wrapping around your ankle as he slips your shoe on next tying the laces or strapping the heels your wearing “Hmm there you go love can’t have you bending over to put them on no?” His voice deep and tender kissing your lips gently.
Ushijima, IWAIZUMI, Daichi, Kuroo, TSUKISHIMA, BOKUTO, TANAKA, Kageyama,
Little reminder rq are open!(im desperate ☹️)
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forusomimiya · 1 year
Haikyuu boys being perverted 🤫
cw: pet names, finger sucking, hair pulling kink, praise kink, daddy kink, creampie, choking, felching, oral sex (m. receive), public sex
(oral sex, finger sucking, daddy kink) DAICHI, LEV, IWAIZUMI, KONOHA, KITA, ASAHI
"Damn, I can perfectly feel your throat opening up for me... I like having you well trained." You're not in the real world at all. Your brain just sends you the same command over and over again. .-Open wide.-
The tip of his cock tickles the roof of your mouth every time it comes out, and when it goes in, it comes back harder than before. Your mouth right now has no use for anything but a hole other than being fucked by your boyfriend.
"Huh huh, don't close yet" his fingers take the place of his cock and you can only suck eagerly before they leave you again and go down to your pussy, filling it hard and not leaving it alone for a moment. "I feel like I've left you a little lonely... but don't worry, here's daddy to make you come as many times as you want on my fingers. You've earned it."
"Ah-ah? F-faster? Mhmm... yeah? ya want me so bad? huh? Moaning like a slut, huh? c’mon baby, I know you can do it better." The heat in your belly increases with each tease, and also with each thrust. He reminds you in your ear how useless and desperate you are as you whimper clinging to the pillow, stifling the moans he never tires of imitating. "What do ya say? You're cumming? And without telling me? Oh… what a nasty girl”. And even though you can't see it, you can feel his gaze burning in the direction of your pussy, watching the white droplet emanating from it.
Much less could you imagine how hard he's cumming on you with the sight of you.
(Hair pulling, choking, semi-public sex) OSAMU, SUNA, SAKUSA, USHIJIMA, TOBIO
"Shh, no noise, I said. Or didn't ya hear me?" The shortness of breath turns you on so much, the way you smile at him at the grip on your neck, you know he thinks you're looking like a psycho in his eyes. "Wow, I didn't know I was fucking a whore. Do ya really like being treated like that?" the hair pulling makes you look at him better. You smile him again "I was right" His thrusts get deeper and deeper, and you can only enjoy the curses he spews out of his mouth.
"Please - don't… s-stop fucking me, please, it’s so good”. You ask. He won't.
"Be a good girl and clean me up" the tug on the leash attached to your collar brings you close to his cock, which continues to gurgle along with little spasms from the long licks you take over and over again, until you make sure it's left as if he hasn't cum. "Very obedient... you want your reward? You've been really good" you nod, and as you do so well, you kneel in front of him. Still sitting on the leather sofa, he reaches over to you and holds your stifle as he whispers something in your ear.
The next thing you do is turn around and get on all fours in front of him
"Good girl... let's make you have some fun”
A.N.: This post never existed 🥴
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strawberrykake · 2 years
men that would unashamedly wear your very feminine-looking handbag over his shoulder as you browse through clothes in the store.
—IWAIZUMI, Ushijima, Aone, DAICHI, Tanaka, UKAI, Kageyama, Akaashi, MATTSUN, Hanamaki, WASHIO, Sugawara, KITA, Aran, OSAMU, KUROO, KYOUTANI, Oikawa
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merlucide · 4 months
Watching you undress is one of his favorite things. I mean come on, he’s a total pervert you know that. He just loves your boobs, the way they look amazing in your cute bras or without, he can’t help but love them! So imagine the look on his face when instead of taking off your shirt and unclasping your bra, you shimmy out of it. The look on his face is absolutely priceless. “Babe, what the fuck?” He spits, a grimace on his face as he glares at you. You raise your brow at him “huh?”. His jaw drops as he flares he hands for effect “What do you mean ‘huh’ ?! I want to see your titties!!” 
He was revoked of his tittie privileges for a while. 
Yk what I mean by shimmy right?! Like when you pull your arms through ur shirt and slide ur bra down instead of unclipping it. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT?!
made January 25th 2024
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caitlynscat · 11 months
The Girls end up at the hospital for the umpteenth time
Wednesday barges in the room to find the werewolf, vampire and siren lying down in their usual hospital beds
Wednesday: Okay. Which one of you did it this time.
Yoko: Don’t look at me! I wasn’t the one driving!
Wednesday: I’m looking at Enid. Babe. What happened?
Enid: No, no, no this time it wasn’t my fault! I was the one driving but it was Divina’s fault.
Divina, sighing: Yeah it was.
Wednesday: You? I expected more out of you, Fisher. It’s usually these idiots that cause the trouble. What happened?
-earlier in the car-
Enid, driving: Come on! We’ve never heard you sing!
Divina: I’m bad okay! I sound like a dying whale, you guys don’t want to hear me.
Yoko: Oh come on, babe. Not even for me?
Divina: Not even for you babe.
Enid: Oh come on! Sing for us! Sing for us!
Enid and Yoko: Sing for us! Sing for us! Sing for us!
Divina: OKAY SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU. Okay. Here it goes-
-back to the hospital-
Divina: Yeah….. so that was my bad.
Wednesday: You put them to sleep with your singing.
Divina, sighing: I put them to sleep with my singing.
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strxwberrylemonxde · 1 year
“run away with me.”
silence hung in the air as you considered his words. turning to look at him, there was a sharp glint in his eyes. one that suggested trouble.
“you shouldn’t tease me with such a question.”
“who said anything about teasing, sweetheart? why not get out of this shit city? just you and me.”
SUNA, TENDOU, kuroo, kenma, nishinoya, matsukawa, terushima, yamamoto, konganegawa, tanaka
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tsukasalvr · 8 months
My I request headcanons for Fuyuhiko, Gundham, and another character of your choice protecting/saving a gender neutral reader? I'm kinda a sucker for those kinda things 👉👈
AN: I’m so in love rn and dw me too anon!!!! I’m gonna choose Hajime cus I don’t think I’ve write for him yet but I literally haven’t written for a lot of the danganronpa characters yet sooo
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protecting/saving reader
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Anime/Fandom: Danganronpa
Characters: Fuyuhiko’s Kuzuryo, Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: my stomach can’t stop making noise help
Danganronpa masterlist | Main masterlist
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Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
He knew you and Mahiru were out together taking a stroll around the island and were planning to go for a swim
He should’ve been more aware about Peko and how she would react, he knew Peko would never hurt you, and he was lucky enough to make it in time to the small house
Mahiru was waiting outside for you as you went in to grab a water bottle from the small fridge, Peko thought it would be Mahiru who went in first but was able to stop just in time when Fuyuhiko’s ran all the way to the house and pull you towards him so Peko would miss
Peko apologized and made it clear that she wasn’t going to kill you and had Fuyuhiko’s help clear it up as well
Seeing how it could’ve been you instead of Mahiru who died, and by accident form Peko of all people, made him even be more worried about your wellbeing and had you close to him at all times even if it was just you going to the bathroom
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Gundham Tanaka
He never had you stray too far away from him ever, he would always say that he would protect you from all evil with the help of his dark devas
You were never seen apart from each other even from when you both woke up on the island, especially since you two were dating for a while and even before the island
It was just a coincidence he saved you, Hiyoko sucked up and went to ask you for help on tying her kimono and you told her that you remembered there was a large mirror over at the live house and you told her you would gladly carry it over to her cabin so she can keep it
The only reason you didn’t was because Gundham had reminded you about a small dinner you were supposed to have later that day with him, Sonia and Hajime
So Hiyoko had to go alone and when it turns out that her going there alone, like you were going to, was how she ended up getting killed, Gundham was shocked
He didn’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if you had went instead. He has since then pledged to go everywhere with you so you wouldn’t be alone and to calm his nerves
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Hajime Hinata
Hes been on edge since he woke up on the island and even more worried when he saw you were unfortunately here as well on this hell island
Everything was going smoothly, there had been no murders so far and the little party they were having had been going well as everyone was having a great time talking and eating
You on the other hand, had been worried especially since you thought it was such a coincidence that only one pick had gone missing but Byakuya’s and Hajime brushed it off and Hajime comforted you with saying that nobody will kill someone in broad daylight and it probably just went missing
You weren’t believing it and when the lights went out, you noticed a small liquid neon dots that were leading under a table and crouched down to lift up the cover when Hajime who was next to you before the lights went out, accidentally tripped and you had both fallen on top of each other
And it was thanks to him tripping over you that you hadn’t died and crawled under the table
He’s since then taken this island more serious especially since you’re hear with him
Knowing that could’ve been you bleeding out under the table, haunts him
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tootiecakes234 · 7 months
NSFW: very smutty🤭
I love whiny men. The ones that don’t even try to hide their sounds.
He comes home from work exhausted and you’re the first thing he seeks out. When he does find you, he’s all over you. Kissing, touching, hugging. You already know what he wants.
You barely even have time to finish cooking the dinner you were in the middle of making, before he’s quite literally dragging you into the living room. He lays on the couch and gets on top of you. Starts whispering in your ear about how much he’s missed you… how bad he needs you.
This man wants your hands everywhere all at once. Wants to get lost in you but when you start exploring him the whines start. He’s asking you for more and saying please cuz he wants you so badly.
You don’t give him that because even though he’s begging for it, when he gets like this he likes to be teased.
And you do tease him, doing everything but ignoring his leaking cock and even when you do touch it, it’s soft . He will try to get more friction out of it but all that does it cause you to pull away.
You make him switch positions with him and you sit on his face, and he eats like a starved man. Goes to town on you cuz he’s hoping it’ll make you more pliable. Maybe just maybe you’ll lean down and play with his dick for him. You cum once…. Twice…. Before you even look down at his swollen cock. It’s twitching and getting precum all over his stomach.
When you do lean down to stroke it for him he almost comes right then and there. You have to verbally tell him that’s he’s not allowed to come until you let him. “Don’t you wanna be my good boy”
That tears a whimper straight from his lips because yes he does. He loves being good for you. Every time he does he has an orgasm that shatters space and time so hell yea he wants to be good for you.
You lift yourself off his face and get down between his knees. Light kisses up and down the underside of his dick. He’s whining now… mmmmm. Music to your ears. Whining and whimpering.
When you do start to blow him his toes starts curling and his hands sink into your hair trying to control the pace. You know he’s close… you can taste it on your tongue, so you pull back from him. You wanna see how far he’ll let you push him tonight.
You bring him to the brink of orgasm 3 times before the tears start falling and the only words are please and so close…. Poor baby can’t take it anymore
It’s only then that you decide to have mercy on him. You ask where he wants to cum and as always his answer is as deep inside you as he can get. You ride him for all of 2 minutes before his cumming. He’s not even forming coherent words, just babbling.
You love him like this…. But you’re not done. Not when he made such a mess, so you hop off and start blowing him again. And this time when he does speak he’s begging you to stop. Telling you he can’t take anymore.
Why stop when you’re having so much fun, so you ignore him. He can go again. You’ve seen him do it. By the time you’re done cleaning him up he’s hard again, his own body betraying at the way your mouth feels wrapped around him.
You end up sucking him until he comes once more, this time deep down your throat. You were gonna be full before you even got to have the dinner waiting for you.
After he calms down and you have time to clean yourself up, you lay back in bed with him. He wraps hisself around you likes he’s trying to get into your skin. Hmmmm
You loved days when he came home like this. Your little needy man.
*he actually thanks you for treating so well before going to prepare dinner and bringing it you in bed. You put it down on that man.. no wonder he’s whipped.
Kotaro Bakuto, Satoru Gojo, Denki Kaminari, Toru Oikawa, Keigo Takami, Izuku Midoriya, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Armin Arlert
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romeavecryst · 1 month
Never let them know your next move˖ ࣪⊹
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Summary: them kissing up on you then they do the unspeakable
Characters; bokuto, kuroo, tanaka
Warnings: chaos, cursing, play fighting, kissing, little hot n sweaty. Not proofread! Touchy grabby boys what can I say.. fem!reader
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
☆ “your being mean baby..” he whined, ko had been loving up on you for the past fifteen minutes. You’ve only been ignoring him because you were working on school work. “I’ll give you attention in a minute ko.” You hummed.
His dramatic sighs causing you to laugh. It wasn’t like you never payed attention to him it just happens to be kniw when wants it the most. Acting like a puppy who’s deprived. He watched his head resting on your shoulder his eyes wondering your fingers that typed on the keyboard.
How could you ignore him he thought, “you hate me..” he muttered his lips kissing your shoulder. “With everything in my body.” You smiled, feeling his lips travel up your shoulder. His large hands squeezing your hips. “Jus’ want you to love on me.. wanna feel you on me..” he whispered, his tone seductive.
You bit your lip a tingle forming in the pit of your stomach “Ko-“
“AHH!” You yelled, feeling the wettest of his tongue like the side of your face. It wasn’t even small teasing he licked the whole side of your face, quickly pushing himself back knowing your were about to fight.
“You’re fucking kidding me” you laughed discarding your lap top going after him, a fat smile on his face as he grabed your arms pining you down. “Koutaro! Let go of me..” you groaned his big arms holding you against him.
“Nope! I’ve got you now!”
☆ His eyes watched you as you wondered around your room, your body pacing impatiently. Kuroo had come over as you were cleaning your room, bad timing yes but he wanted to see you. He wanted a danm nap but you just had to be set on cleaning your room. “UGH!! we can clean it later baby! For the love of god come over to me.” He fake cried sprawling out on you bed.
He watched as you rolled your eyes in the mirror of your vanity, you focused going back on organizing the drawers. He huffed pushing off your bed you watched as he walked up behind you.
“Let me finish I don’t even have that much to do..” you whined feeling his cold hands go under your shirt. “Tetsu my parents are home.” He nodded taking in what you said.
His hands cupping your Boobs over your bra fondling them you felt him smile on the nape of your neck, him enjoying himself. Yet when he looked in the mirror you practically ignored him, though the heat radiating of your face spoke other wise. “Just come lay down with me.” He squeezed a bit tighter.
A pleasant little groan leaving your lips caused him to chuckle mischievously. His lips starting kissing your face a small smile appeared on your face as he did so. But the moment was to nice..
“YOU DID NOT!” You yelled the feeling of your boyfriend letting go of you quickly.
Turning around he was laughing, laughing his ass off. He had licked you!
“AHH BABY PLEASE I WAS JUST JOSHING!”he yelled as you ran at him.
A fit of giggles coming from him as you whipped your wet face against his, “no!” He cried out.
“That what you get motherfucker,” you spoke quickly licking him back after.
“What going on?” The sound of your fathers voice spoke, him witnessing you beating your boyfriend your body on top of him.
“Never mind.. I don’t even wanna know..” he groaned.
☆ Let’s be honest you’d kind be used to it with him. But in this case you were not!
You two where out with his family at dinenr his family sitting around you, two talking amongst themselves. Tanaka was not afraid to kiss up on you in front of his family as nervous as it made you he loved doing it. His lips kissing your hand as you told him to stop “Ryu your grandmother is staring at us.” You whined.
His grandma was in fact staring a smile on her face as she watched her grandson love on you, “you’re so beautiful, I can’t keep to myself.” He said his head falling on your shoulder his lips still kissing on your fingers.
He was normaly very lovey dovey on you but there was just this feeling, you knew something was about to happen you could feel it. And it did happen.
Ryu licking the back of you hand. The back of you hand quickly meeting his mouth popping him. “Ryu! Fu- nasty!”
A heavy laugh left him as you beat on him, his family watching in amusement as you beat on him, “Licking me really! And I knew it was gonna happen!” You spoke is a hushed yell.
“Ahh! Please mercy, baby mercy!!” He yelled dramatically falling into his sisters side for protection just for her to gang up on him as-well.
“Please guys I couldn’t help myself.”he spoke putting a fake frown on his face.
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mrujaa · 1 year
some imagined tweets of xavier as your bf and rest of our favorites part 2
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