#the music and animation was just beautiful
I recently joined a discord server full of a lot of different people and one of them has really taken a like to me. So they have inspired me to make this piece 🥰
Yandere Imagines: We’re Soulmates
GN Yandere Online Friend x GN Reader
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Yandere Online Friend who was so happy to become friends with you. The two of you have so much in common! It’s like your meeting was destined!
Yandere Online Friend who always replies to every message you send. They no longer converse with anyone else in the group since you’re their favorite! Won’t you keep them company? They promise to never be strange!
Yandere Online Friend who sends you voice messages and always texts you happy birthday. They want to know more about your life. More about you! What’s your favorite color? What’s your favorite animal? What keeps you up at night? They simply cannot get enough!
Yandere Online Friend who shares tattoo ideas with you and casually mentions how they’d tattoo your face on them. Don’t be alarmed! They just think a beautiful face like yours deserves to be immortalized on their body until they’re old and gray. It’s not too crazy to tattoo an attractive person on one’s body, right?
Yandere Online Friend who is mind blown you have the same music taste! You enjoy that band too! They thought they were one of the only listeners since they’re not very well known… you have to be their soulmate! There’s no other logical explanation on how you share so much in common with them.
Yandere Online Friend who wants to video chat whenever you’re free. They want to know what you’re up to and they want to see your face. How can you be so attractive?! Gosh… would you want to date? The two of you could really hit it off! They were positive of it.
Yandere Online Friend who makes subtle passes at you and begins to rain down compliments on you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to them! Please return their feelings… they’ve never felt such an intensity before. They loved you and you must feel an inkling of feelings back, right? Why else would you talk to them so much? Because you had a crush! Duh!
Yandere Online Friend who doesn’t take your gentle rejections to heart. You didn’t want a long distance relationship? That was understandable! They were perfectly find uprooting their life to be with you! They wondered if you’d like to come to them… if not, they could certainly move close to you. They didn’t have much going for them in their city anyways.
Yandere Online Friend who begins to save money so they can meet you in real life. They want to know you! They have to know you… you’re amazing! You’re perfect and they will stop at nothing until you’re finally in their arms.
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 days
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Task Force 141 Masked Metal Band AU x Backup Singer Reader
Chapter Specific Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): swearing, brief mention of alcohol
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: Part One of Second Act
The men behind the masks reveal their faces. You make a sudden realization.
Chapter Two
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // second act masterlist
Blood is ink.
Ink is blood.
The ink—
is dried.
Black ink from a plain ball-point pen.
The contracts are signed. Sealed. Have been for the last two weeks. There is no going back. No returning to the normal that you knew.
There is only forward motion toward a new beginning.
And what a beautiful fucking beginning it is.
The energy is electric, the crowd a surging, pulsing thing that moves in time with the music. You long to be down there, to be with them. But you are tucked away. Off to the side. Observing and enjoying from afar.
Lechery’s lead singer jumps and sways around the stage, microphone in hand but not near his mouth. The black straps hanging off his pants swing with him. His head is tipped back, black mask skyward, as if in ecstasy. The front of his leather jacket is open, exposing a black-painted bare chest. His hand is splayed wide, lightly running over taut abdominals.
Between the edge of his mask and ear is a visible paint line. It gives way to brown skin and black hair cropped close to his head.
Both the guitarist and bassist are just as into the drum solo as the lead singer is. The bassist is closest to you and his energy is that of a wild animal. His head whips back and forth along with his hips, and his short-length mohawk moves with him, the hair unstyled and free to do as it likes.
The bass drum rolls end over end in an impossibly smooth consistency. It is heavy. Fierce. And the crowd is screaming, throwing themselves around, crashing into each other and breaking apart like waves battering a coastline.
You feel the pounding of the drum in your chest as if it beats beside and between your bones.
As of now, it is just the four of them.
Lechery. 141 Music Group’s newest sensation.
They have no names. Not assigned ones anyway. They do not talk on stage. They only sing. They only perform. The music speaks for itself, and the masses are salivating for it.
It’s the final show of their European tour. In just a few months, they’re heading for North America, and you’re joining them. A back-up vocalist. One of three.
The other two stand beside you. Olivia’s frizzy, blonde curls bounce against her shoulders as she headbangs. The girl is likely to throw out her back—her form is terrible—but she’s having a good time, and that is all that matters. Lena stands next to Olivia. She bobs and sways, eyes closed as if in euphoric bliss. In her right hand, she clutches a plastic cup half-full of lukewarm beer.
The London crowd roars their approval when the solo ends and smoothly transitions into “Necrosis.” It’s the heaviest of their work—a throat-choke of a thrill that sends the masses before the stage into another frenzy.
“Put these in!” A tall, dark-haired man with tanned skin extends his hand, presenting three sets of foam earplugs.
You glance at his black polo as you reach for a pair. Lechery’s symbol is on the right side in red. Below that is “Vargas” and “Stage Manager.”
“Thanks!” you shout, shoving the foam into your ears as “Necrosis” ramps up and the shredding of the guitar vibrates your veins.
He smiles and nods, presenting the other two pairs to Olivia and Lena. Lena takes hers but Olivia is completely gone, punching out like she’s fighting the air, completely oblivious to everyone around her. Lena sticks hers in her ears and grabs the other pair, pocketing them, side eyeing Olivia in the process.
Vargas’ head tilts as he listens to something in his earpiece. He activates the walkie on his shoulder and rapidly fires off on someone in Spanish, switching to English once he walks away.
You return your attention to the stage.
This is the first time you’ve seen the members of Lechery live. It’s completely different from the photos and videos on your phone. More tangible but entirely unbelievable. They are right there. Solid, whole, and yet apart as if you’re seeing them through a veil.
From stage right, you can only see the lead singer, bassist, and guitarist clearly. The drummer is tucked in the back. All you’re able to make of him is a plain, black balaclava. That isn’t his usual choice. There is almost always a skull face, but Lechery has never been known for a consistent dress code. The only standard they stick to are covered faces and painted bodies.
They rarely—if ever—leave any part of themselves exposed and untouched.
Perhaps that will change for the North American tour. There are thirty-two scheduled shows over a three-month period. A few of those are music festivals. Consistency might be needed—and one of your contracts touched on wardrobe. It’s entirely possible they might go in a different direction for the upcoming tour.
It’s an insane amount of work, but you’re ready.
“Necrosis” ends. There is massive applause from the crowd. It continues on and on as the leader singer approaches the very edge of the stage. He bows slightly while the guitarist and bassist look on, unmoving.
The roar of the crowd never ceases. It only grows louder as he exists via stage left. The guitarist and bassist incline their heads as well before slowly following his lead. It is the drummer who remains. He rises lazily as if stretching his muscles. Descent from behind the drum set is casual, and he never glances at the crowd.
The man is large. You didn’t notice that before. All the pictures and videos never did the sheer size of him justice. He does not exit stage left. He heads right for you even though his gaze is elsewhere—somewhere beyond.
But as he draws nearer, his gaze shifts, focusing in on you.
As if running face-first into a wall, he stops, eyes widening before hardening. It’s strange how assessing his gaze is. It is recognition, confusion, and apprehension all tangled together like broken branches. You’re not entirely sure that you like or appreciate it.
You’re struck dumb, blinking, unable to say anything. That stare of his is solidifying, shifting everything within you into stone.
But it’s not like you need to speak. He composes himself and walks right past, nearly bumping your shoulder in the process. You turn with him, watching him disappear somewhere backstage.
“That fellow looked at you funny.” Olivia says “fellow” like feller, a twinge of irritation in her voice.
Lena snorts, takes a sip of her beer, and grimaces. “Olivia. Your accent is slipping.”
“No it’s not,” she snaps, and then blanches when she catches her “no” coming out with a faint r on the end. “Oh fuck.”
Lena laughs good-naturally as Olivia playfully punches her in the arm. Olivia is from West Virginia, and she’s spent most of her life training herself out of her accent. It slips sometimes—usually when she’s pissed off, irritated, or frustrated—but it’s never smothered when she sings. Her voice is an eldritch hymn that could awaken the things that slumber beneath the mountains there. Lena is the opposite. Her voice is melodic and soft. A bit soulful.
The three of you together create an eerie sound. Haunting. Which is why you were signed on in the first place. It’s what Lechery is seeking for their upcoming live shows.
Lena downs the rest of her beer and gags with disgust before tossing it into the nearest bin. “We need to go back to the rental to get ready.”
Olivia beams. “That’s tonight, isn’t it.”
“Calm down,” laughs Lena. “It’s just a party.”
But it’s not just a party. This is the celebratory “the tour is over and done with” party. It’s for the band, tour crew, and everyone from the music label who had a hand in the planning and execution.
You, Lena, and Olivia were invited to the final show and afterparty as a gesture by the label. It’s supposed to be for “networking purposes” but really, it’s to introduce the three of you to everyone. There is always turnover, but the road crew from this tour will likely be the same for the North American one—at least in some capacity. International travel is always a sticky thing.
The three of you aren’t meant to linger anyway. Like the crowd, you disperse, nearly skipping back to the rental place. Olivia and Lena sing pieces of Lechery’s discography in different voices while you keep directions on your phone. The rental isn’t far from the venue, but you’ve been in it for all of two days, and London is not your city.
When the three of you finally make it, it’s a bit of a whirlwind. There is only an hour, and each of you need mirror, bathroom, and shower time.
“Where is it again?” asks Olivia, glancing up as she searches for the street sign.
You switch between the Maps and Notes app on your phone. “It should be right around the corner.”
“Thank fuck,” groans Lena as she pushes off from the building she’s leaning against.
“Should’ve gone with boots,” sings Olivia, poking Lena in her side with a knowing grin.
You ignore them as they start to bicker like teenage sisters. Stopping at the curb, you glance both ways, and check the map again.
“It’s this way,” you call over your shoulder, turning right.
The directions on your app bring the three of you to a stop at a four-story brick building. The ground floor is an antiques shop. Its lights are off, but that isn’t what draws your attention.
There are two doors. One is clearly for the shop. The other is propped open and guarded by a large, burly man that must be security. Behind him is an ascending staircase.
“I think we found it,” whispers Olivia, her hands clasped in front of her chest.
“I think we did,” you affirm, striding forward.
You give the man at the door your name. He only stares at you. You glance at Olivia and Lena who shrug.
Olivia steps forward, giving the man her best smile. “Olivia Mills.” She pauses. “Sir.”
Again, he remains quiet.
Lena sighs loudly and gives her name like it’s an inconvenience.
The man is silent for a few strangled seconds before he grunts and steps to the side.
With a giddy squeal, Olivia snags you and Lena each by a wrist, yanking the two of you forward and into the stairway.
“I swear to God, Oli.”
“Oh hush, Len. It’s your fault you chose the wrong shoes.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “Don’t appreciate my arm being pulled out of its socket,” she mutters.
The stairs are steep, the steps short, and the walls tight. It’s like you’re ascending to an attic space and not the second story of a building. But when Olivia tugs the two of you through the opening and into the room, you forget all about the horrendous stairs.
The space is gorgeous.
It’s an entirely open except for a support column or two. The walls are brick, the floor an aged wood. Above you are exposed beams, metal piping, and thin hanging lights. The far wall that looks out over the street is all tinted window. Directly in front of you is an open bar and a buffet table piled high with all sorts of finger foods. There are a few high-top tables set up in this area.
In the middle of the room are two pool tables. The one furthest from you has a spiral staircase next to it made of a dark metal. A couple people descend from above with drinks in hand. At the far end near the windows are sofas and a few tables.
Music plays from speakers mounted near the ceiling but it’s not overly loud. The noise of the people isn’t that troubling either. It’s rather subdued for such a tight space.
Of everyone here, you recognize almost no one other than a handful of people from 141 Music Group’s primary office. You can pick out those in road crew from their shirts, but everyone else is a toss-up. You wouldn’t even be able to identify the band members of Lechery if you saw them.
And you will meet them. There was an entire portion of your contract that outlined not discussing their identities in public or with unnecessary parties. They’re supposed to be here. But who are they?
Are they even in the room?
“These are some familiar faces.” You glance to your left. The same man that handed you the earplugs at the concert extends his hand. “Alejandro Vargas. Stage Manager.”
You shake his hand, introducing yourself. Lena gives the man a little salute and Olivia beams as she greets him.
“We’re your backup singers,” Olivia says brightly.
“For the upcoming tour?” He whistles. “Have you been shown you the markup for the stage yet?”
You shake your head. “No. Not yet.”
He holds up a finger and starts digging around in his pockets. “I have it. It’s—” He pauses, hands tapping against his legs in disbelief.
Alejandro sighs loudly and turns to a nearby high-top. “Rudy! You have my phone?”
Rudy smirks behind his beer bottle. “I gave it to your lighting director.”
Alejandro mutters what you can only assume is a curse in Spanish. He rolls his shoulders, his gaze assessing the rest of the room. “Last time she had it she deleted all my photos and replaced it with a single picture of her middle finger.”
Lena snorts and Olivia’s eyes widen.
“I better find her,” he says, almost absently. “Enjoy the party.” Alejandro inclines his head and starts to walk toward the pool tables. He points, and shouts, “Valeria!”
Over the music, you hear her annoyed response. “What is it now, Alejandro?”
Lena shifts to one leg, popping her hip, a mischievous grin on her face.
“What?” you prompt, because you know she wants to say something but only wants someone to ask.
“I bet they’re fucking,” she whispers.
“Oh my god,” you say to the ceiling as Olivia cackles.
“Tell me I’m wrong,” shrugs Lena.
“I need a drink.” You hook your arm around Olivia’s and start to drag her toward the open bar.
Lena follows, her hand raised placatingly. “We can put money on it now.”
The three of you grab drinks and select a few items from the buffet before a representative of 141 Music Group whisks you away. Then it’s a never-ending stream of people. By the end of all the introductions, the only name you recall without issue is Kate Laswell. But you’ve met her before. She’s band manager, and had a vital part in bringing you on board.
“Are they here?” you ask, indicating the room without trying to look obvious.
Laswell frowns. “Who?”
“Lechery,” you clarify. “We haven’t been introduced to them.”
Laswell smiles softly and gives a little shake of her head like she’s recalling a fond memory. “Behind. They’re always punctual for shows.” She gestures to the room with a little wave of her hand. “Parties and other obligations are an entirely different story.”
She glances over your shoulder and then raises her cup toward someone you can’t see. “There they are.”
You, Lena, and Olivia all turn in the direction of Laswell’s extended arm. At first, you’re not sure who you’re looking at—but then you notice familiar broad shoulders.
The air is sucked from the room. Your vision narrows as if you’re being squeezed through a funnel. Your gaze zeroes in on his face, and when he turns, you follow his line of sight. There are three more faces.
And all four are familiar.
You’re shoved downward. Like Alice falling through the rabbit hole, you descend into old memories.
Of a shady punk bar in London. Of a dark corner where you kissed one and then the others. Of a time when you thought you were mature but were just an ignorant young woman who didn’t understand all the harsh realities the world hoarded in its hungry maw.
Of a summer spent abroad.
Of a love affair that flared hot, and never died out because you left. Returned home. No goodbye.
You know them. All four of them.
Their faces are branded into your brain. A cherished memory you only withdraw from the recesses when you’re needing a bit of comfort.
And you know this face.
The one you met first. The one that slipped beneath your skin to make a home, only to crack open your ribcage to allow for more.
He is staring right back at you, and now you know why he paused when he was exiting the stage. He recognized you. That is entirely clear by the crease between his brows.
But it wasn’t just Simon. There were three others.
And those three others are right there, loitering near the bar, completely oblivious.
“Girl, you look sick. Do we need to leave?” whispers Lena into your ear. She has her back to Laswell, her face close to yours. “You okay?”
Over Lena’s shoulder you spot Olivia. She frowns with concern.
They know, but they don’t know. You, Olivia, and Lena have been friends for the last few years. You’ve told them the story of that summer, but they don’t have all the pieces. They are lacking some of the more personal details.
This is not the place to upend that box.
What the three of you need to do is say your goodbyes and leave, but that would be rude. While you’ve done a circuit of the room, most of those were brief introductions, and the whole point of this is to meet people that you’re going to work with for the rest of the year.
You have to stay. You must, and yet you’re fucking terrified.
Because there is nowhere in this godforsaken room to hide. It is completely open.
You have to face them.
“I need some water,” you chuckle, and wince at how insincere you sound.
Laswell has already moved on, speaking to a man in a suit.
“The bar’s right there. We can go grab one.” Lena’s head tilts to the side. “It’s something else, isn’t it?”
You nod because you don’t trust your voice.
“I’ll grab it. The bartender has to have some bottles back there.” Lena glances away from you and squints. “One of them is walking toward us.”
“Who is?” you ask quickly, fully turning to face the window.
“Blonde hair. Brown eyes. Handsome in a scary way.” Lena’s gaze returns to you and her frown deepens. “Seriously. Are you okay? We can go.”
“Fuck,” you mutter.
“Do you want to sit down?” asks Olivia.
“Please,” you say a little too loudly. You grab Olivia’s arm and head for the sofas over by the windows.
You drop onto the cushion and keep your eyes trained on the traffic below.
Olivia leans in, her blonde curls falling forward. “What’s wrong?”
You swallow harshly and rub at your temple. “Remember me talking about the last time I was in London?”
Olivia’s bottom lip pops out as she thinks about it. “I think so,” she replies slowly. “There were those four guys that you—” Her eyes widen. “Oh shit.”
“Oh shit,” you repeat.
Olivia leans back, and then her gaze shifts. You don’t turn. You don’t need to.
Simon’s scent hasn’t changed, and it invades your nostrils, filling your lungs with him. From your peripheral, he walks into view. All you see are his dark jeans and the bottom of his leather jacket.
You refuse to look up. You refuse.
Simon says your name, and it is so sweet that something in your stomach twists.
Olivia’s gaze flicks between you and Simon, but she doesn’t move. She doesn’t greet him, even as he says your name again.
Not looking at him—not addressing him, especially here—is only going to cause more problems. What an impression to make on the first day.
You unglue yourself from the traffic, and it is as if your eyes move through sludge. You are a skeletal creature who claws at its cage seeking the light that is Simon.
Those dark eyes—a whiskey brown—are piercing. And they are just as you remember them.
“Hello, Simon.” You hate the gentle sigh that accompanies your voice.
The corner of his mouth twitches. His brow softens.
“Thought I recognized you.”
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @coffeecaketornado @miaraei
@cherryofdeath @sapphichotmess @saoirse06 @haven-1307 @ferns-fics
@spicyspicyliving @unhinged-reader-36 @miss-mistinguett @ravenpoe67 @tulipsun-flower
@sageyxbabey @cod-z @keiva1000 @littlemisscriesherselftosleep @umno-yeah
@mudisgranapat @ninman82 @blackhawkfanatic @contractedcriteria @talooolaaloolla
@sadlonelybagel @lxblm @beebeechaos @lifes-project @lulurubberduckie
@lovely-ateez @kidd3ath @leed-bbg @suhmie @jaggersinclair
@dakotakazansky @hantheconqueror @certainlygay @sammysinger04 @iloveslasher
@yawning-grave81 @ash-tarte @azkza @daemondoll @yansouleater
@no-oneelsebutnsu @kayden666 @aykxz98 @soapyreaper @statixx-x
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 days
Yuri Manga for New (AND Not-So-New) Readers
I was talking on discord about some good yuri for beginners, and figured I'd repost here.
I get way more detailed some of these recommendations in this post, and there's great recs from another person too! Check it out!
I'm doing this accounting to various tones and tastes, so what works as a beginner yuri for one person might not for another, just read the info to figure out what your jam is.
I'll put a star by the ones about adults (which is the majority of them) since I've found that's always something people want.
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Goodbye my Rose Garden (Victorian yuri w/ beautiful art, just beautiful all around)*
How Do We Relationship? (messy adult relationships and lots of actually realistic intimacy)*
She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat- (A woman loves to cook but doesn’t have a huge appetite, only to find the woman next door to her does! She cooks for her and they really start to bond over food and the trials of being working adults. Yes, this is the one where the woman googles lesbian. It's really good)*
Bloom into You- a common go-to yuri for beginners for a reason, about a girl who believes she can't fall in love meeting a girl who wants to date her specifically BECAUSE she can't fall in love. Find out more about it and hear my thoughts here. It has a gorgeous anime that doesn't cover the complete story.
Doughnuts Under the Crescent Moon (sweet office lady romance, ace rep) *
Catch These Hands! (These two women were delinquents and rivals in high school, they meet up again, one reveals she was always into the other, she challenges her to a fight on the condition that if the other woman loses she'll date her. Lots of slapsticky fun and great for any lover of girl delinquents)*
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Run away with me, Girl (there's some abuse shown in this one, but it's a story about healing, the premise is these girls dated in high school, but one of the pressured herself "normal" and marry a man, that man turns out to be abusive, so when the former lovers reunite, they decide to run away together. It's got beautiful art and a well done story)*
The Moon on a Rainy Night (absolutely spectacular, explores the relationship between a hard of hearing girl and her closeted classmate, the characters are complex and the writing is so good!)
Kase-san And...- Starting with Kase-san and the Morning Glories, this is a very fluffy and sweet high school romance. It also has a short movie. (as the manga goes on they become college students, too)
The Two of Them Are Pretty Much Like This (slice of life about a voice actress and anime screenwriter who live together as a couple. Unfortunately the ending is a bit abrupt (and likely premature) but I love their relationship)*
My fave Otherside Picnic is great for scifi and (mild) horror lovers. It's Scifi creepypasta adventure yuri. It's a slow burn but does truly spectacularly deliver on the gay. Has an anime, it's not great, you should start with the novels. Wrote an article here. https://www.animefeminist.com/how-otherside-picnic-masterfully-uses-horror-to-explore-abuse-and-show-healing-queer-love/ *(v young adults, college students)
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The Guy She was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All: (A web manga about a girl who works at a record shop. Her classmate , Aya, wanders in but doesn't recognize her because she has her hair hidden with a hat and is wearing a face mask, and Aya assumes she's a guy. They bond over music and slowly start to get closer...and Aya's finds her heart is fluttering not only over this mysterious boy, but her female classmate that seems a lot like him...) It's going to get a physical release soon.
I Married my Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up (girl and her friend get married simply so her parents will stop bugging her about being single. You can probably guess where it goes from there) *
I Married my Female Friend (similar premise, except no parents involved, it's a platonic marriage they both agreed to with the promise they'll divorce if one of them falls in love. But one woman has decidedly not platonic feeling for the other that she's hiding from her, so It will likely turn romantic, it hasn't all come out here yet so I haven't finished it)*
Monthly in the Garden with my Landlord* (it didn't really hit with me but I might give it a shot again, it's solid despite the terrible title, a woman moves into a house and finds she'll be cohabitating with an idol) (Some more titles I haven't fully read that could appeal: After Hours*, Still Sick*, Cheerful Amnesia*)
My Cute Little Kitten (two roommates adopt a cat...and maybe fall in love?)*
I think all of those work as solid intro- though it does depend on what flavor you're looking for!
This article also covers some of these recs and some manga I didn't mention due to not having completely read it. so check it out: The Beginners Guide to Yuri Manga.
Here's some titles to try when you're a little more familiar with yuri (or you can try them now! I'm not your boss!)
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SHWD (action yuri that's taking forever to come out over here physically, featuring extremely muscular women fighting monsters. I think it was forced to end prematurely too)*
Kiss and White Lily for my Dearest Girl: (I'm only three volumes in, but it's really enjoyable. The main storyline is about two academic rivals, where one is determined to rank first in class, and the other is an effortless genius who becomes intrigued at the possibility of someone beating her. Honestly they have the kind of messy combative sexual tension I wish we'd see more often in yuri because it's so good. The story follows other couples too. However, big warning for some nonconsensual kisses in the first volume at least).
Sweet Blue Flowers/Aoi Hana- (This one is a little bit dated, and boy is the ending weirdly paced, but a lot still holds up imo. A painful and sweet coming of age tale, it also has an anime that's good but ends too soon.
One teenage characters backstory involves incestuous (older cousin) the perpetrator of which pulls the "oh no did I turn you gay? thing" but it's definitely framed as a bad thing. )
Yuri is My Job- a story about messy lesbians in a yuri-themed cafe, and how their real relationships differ from the personas they put on. Read more about it here. Big warning for sexual assault of a minor (by an adult villain) in volume 12. Has an anime covering early material.
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stars-on-the-water · 2 days
When I first started working with deities, I felt drawn to them. And I think that’s how most people choose their deities. But my favorite things is how they change us.
Before Lady Athena, I was quiet in class, sat in corners, and wouldn’t speak up for myself. Now, I raise my hand to answer questions, not afraid to be wrong, I prefer the front of classrooms, and boy do people wish I would keep my thoughts to myself. But it’s not just that. I grew drawn to pottery and sculpting. I enjoy strategy and I’m good at it. Specifically battle. (Thanks Fire Emblem Three Houses) I absolutely adore owls now and it brings me great joy to see them. Heck- I want to learn to use a spear.
Prior to Lord Hermes, I was mortified to drive, not much of a gambler, and hated running. Now, I want a sports car, drive whenever I can, love my scratch off tickets, and training myself to be able to run. However, I feel more love for my penpals and each letter I get makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I look forward to road trips and want nothing else than to fly. And above all- I want to learn all the languages I possibly can.
And Lady Artemis, she’s been around far longer than I thought she had been. But, there was always the childish fear of large animals and bugs that kept me inside often, I was not confident, and my interest in the wildness was close to nothing. Now I’m older. I appreciate all walks of life, animal and human. (Expect spiders and wasp- fuck them.) I feel safe in the woods and walk barefoot through clearings in them. I talk to the moon. I know who I am. And my gosh, the amount of money I spend on arrows.
And I feel them. When I’m trying not to cry as I mold clay, I feel a comforting hand on my shoulder and I know Athena is proud. As I laugh with the window down, music blaring, I know Hermes is in the passenger seat laughing with me. As I let my arrow fly, Artemis is doing the same right next to me. And I love them. And I think they love me back.
Everyone’s practice is different and that is so beautiful to me. We all love our gods one way or another and that’s what brings us together. And that’s enough for me. Knowing I’m not alone, even though most of us are solitary.
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strongestbanner · 1 day
What If:
Logan and Victor decide to forgive each other, escape together and live in a small cabin located in Argentine Patagonia (probably in the Río Negro province, towards the mountains of the west) 🏡❤️‍🩹🇦🇷
They both accepted that they are two sides of a same coin, and they'll always be there for each other, no matter the circumstances <3
(If you wanna cry at the end, keep reading)
Logan gets addicted to drink mate and can't live without his thermo (he choose Lumilagro when he just arrived bc he didn't have enough money for a Stanley thermo, but he doesn't give a f*ck). His favorite yerba mate is Rosamonte: the most bitter yerba mate for his taste 👌🏻
Vic shows off Logan the words he already knew in Spanish after so many missions. Now he learned to say to Logan: "enano boludo" (fool runt) just for piss him off.
Victor has become very punctual at merienda time, he always waits for Logan with sweet facturas (like biscuits, croissants) (sometimes Logan is sick of eating sweet, so he asks Vic to bring salty facturas too). Also, Victor LOVES membrillo's facturas (quince jam) (his beard always ends up dirty as if he had blood on it, never forgetting his animal instincts).
Of course, Logan got a job at a sawmill, he has too much experience with wood hehehe. And Victor worked for a time in a food distributor for a bakery, but he got fired bc he was caught stealing some cookies with membrillo. So, now he stays at home doing housework (surprisingly, he's very clean and hates finding cobwebs on the ceiling).
Logan secretly listen to Tango music, somehow he feels internally moved and sometimes cries too!! He also bought some Carlos Gardel vinyls to send for Laura's birthday <3
They both bought earplugs to use once a month bc they discovered that they have a lobizón neighbor 2 km away (the argentine werewolf 🐺).
At first they slept in different rooms, until Victor decided to have a sleepover after watching a chick flick movies marathon with Logan over a weekend (yes, they have Netflix). How did he convince him? He used his secret weapon: kitten eyes ✨ This is how slowly Victor's old room was transformed into a leisure room. Now they have a shelf full of classic literature books (and Spanish literature too bc Vic is so interested in it and he wants to still learning). Some CDs and vinyls of Logan bc he also likes argentinian national rock (He seems to like "Los Piojos", "Intoxicados", and "Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota" 😂).
This is for the argentine fans: LOGAN SUPPORTS BOCA JUNIORS CLUB 💙💛💙 He's not a very huge fan for football games, but he stays focused watching them. While Vic usually falls asleep at half time on the sofa with him.
Victor convinced Logan that he would control his bloodlust, so their household is never short of a good supply of meat. Unfortunately, this is a vile lie. When Logan is away, Victor takes advantage of those free hours to hunt and devour little animals like hares or deer. He knows his schedules and how much time he has to clean up his tracks. Who knows how long he can sustain the lie 🫣
In my mind their first kiss was PURRFECT. The coldest month is July (it's winter there), so, after a week of overcast skies, one night Logan went outside the cabin to smoke a joint. He observed the number of visible stars until he realized that Victor was stalking him with a cup of tea in his hand. They both sat on the front steps and IT JUST HAPPENED. Logan tried to deny what happened, FOR SEVERAL DAYS. But Vic managed to take away his embarrassment and make him enjoy it many times more bc he ✨obviously✨ kissed him first.
It hadn't been a year yet and Logan had invited the X-Men to his whereabouts to celebrate his birthday in October. Logically, Victor didn't like this idea at all, so he decided to flee to the forest. Logan had so many feelings fluttering in his chest, but he knew better than to waste such a beautiful and special day. He looked for Victor and found him cooling off in a river. He was so upset and a little jealous, but Logan convinced him because they would make barbecue. It was a VERY uncomfortable moment for Victor, he was not sorry for what he did, but Logan took care of making him feel part of his family <3
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Ofc, I wrote all this with my tears.
I don't consider myself a good writer and my English is very poor, but if anyone wants to make a fanfic or fanart of this TAG ME PLS 😭💖
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letsbeflawed · 2 days
ErrorInk Ship Song I wrote bc I ship them so hard
So I wrote this like last year when I was listening to the opening to the anime UnDead UnLuck and I still love it. I don't normally like writing songs but it's so sweet I had to. A friend of mine literally sang it for me and one day I will hire someone to mix and make music for it. Until then here you go :3 Error: 
I see you in an endless dream,
Of broken code and memories,
I know this is reality,
The glitches scream,
The run never ends,
I long to be with you,
But do you remember me?
Ink: My mind barely sees you,
The flush of paint and vivid emptiness,
But I don’t need a soul to know you’re my home,
Maybe together we can fight,
Make something new,
Instead of fragmented dreams, a new AU?
Error: I envy your joy,
The endless love,
But I’m scared to open up,
I’m a demon,
A beast,
I belong nowhere,
Ink: I won’t leave your side,
Through our endless fights,
I have hope we can be more,
I know you’re suffering but we can change things,
You mean everything to me,
You belong with me,
May the strings of destruction destroy our wretched fate,
With your help we can paint a new reality,
Amongst the sea of universes,
Your touch is the only one I long for,
Together we make something better,
We can find determination against the endless odds,
Error: These wretched genocide runs,
Broken worlds crumble before me,
But I just want to be happy,
Do I really deserve joy?
I’m just tired of this loneliness I feel,
Even crowded rooms feel like a jail,
Lets break free from our confines,
Paint our dreams,
Emptiness is just room for possibilities,
I see endless hope with you,
So please don’t leave me,
I’m still here,
I don’t need a heart to always choose you,
Error: I’m more than my means,
My strings can create beautiful realities,
Together we can persevere,
I won’t let my circumstances define me,
I’m more than my suffering,
Together we can be anything,
May the strings of destruction destroy our wretched fate,
With your help we can paint a new reality,
Amongst the sea of universes,
Your touch is the only one I long for,
Together we make something better,
We can find determination against the endless odds
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honeytama · 3 days
Date w/ Matt in Dallas, TX Headcanons
Matt Dierkes x Reader
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A/N: I made my first moodboard?? Wild. This is dedicated to Matt being a proud Texas man 🫡
Content: Pure fluff, established relationship, some suggestive content, Matt and you being cute at the Dallas World Aquarium and Serious Pizza in DTX
Word Count: 1.1k
This is for the Matt lovers out there: whether you’ve been to Dallas, are from here, or haven’t been. For the sake of these headcanons, where Reader lives is open/undetermined.
Matt gets excited when he hears you haven’t been to the Dallas World Aquarium. 
“It’s like my fourth favorite place ever.”
You ask him what his first favorite place is.
“Probably, in bed, with you,” he winks.
You blush and slap his bicep.
“I was going to take you on a date there tomorrow, but I guess not,” he jokes, shaking his head.
You beg him to take you.
“Alright, alright. Just make sure you wear some comfortable shoes,” he constantly teases you about choosing to wear Dr. Martens with every outfit. They’re comfortable, what can you say?
The next afternoon, you’re in his car with his hand on your thigh as he drives you to the aquarium. The radio blasts with a blended playlist of your two’s favorite music.
He parks and you both make the walk to the front entrance to buy your tickets. You’re astounded at the detail of the building and it’s HUGE. Fronds of leaves and bamboo make the entrance immerse you into a rainforest jungle. It even felt a little more humid than outside.
Matt notices you looking around in awe as you wait in line.
“You’re going to love it as much as me. There’s penguins, alligators—,” he stops when you put a finger to his lips.
You tease him about giving spoilers.
Matt’s not too much into PDA, but he’ll hold your hand shamelessly. He does judge the “Disneyland-waiting-line-couples” that “choose to have each other's hands all over each other and their tongues fighting a war in each other's mouths.”
You lean in close enough so only he can hear and tell him that he didn’t judge you when you had your tongue in his mouth last night.
“That’s different! We were in the privacy of my own home,” he defends himself.
You two finally reach the ticket booth and he pays for you, of course.
He takes your hand, again. You figure he should lead you throughout the experience so you follow close behind him.
You two stop at the penguin exhibit first. There’s a door to step outside and a nice-sized area where small, Black-footed penguins swam and played.
Matt immediately releases your hand to take pictures. He spots a squirrel in a tree that somehow entered the exhibit, and takes a picture of that too.
“I just wish there was a raccoon exhibit here,” he frowns.
You warn him again about giving spoilers.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he groans, taking your hand to lead you back into the building.
You end up on a walkway on the second floor that looks over a lagoon below. The aquarium continues its rainforest theme with trees, mist, and birds able to freely fly around the building.
A toucan flies up to you both and lands on the fencing before you. It hops onto Matt’s shoulder and he carefully hands you his phone to snap a picture.
“Can you tell I’m trying not to freak out?” Matt says softly with a smile.
The rest of the rainforest-themed area you two hold hands through is gorgeous and super fun.
You two get the opportunity to feed a three-toed sloth and it’s Matt’s favorite part of the day.
You see some Pygmy marmosets, stingrays, bats, and otters, among many other animals that Matt got cutely excited over.
Then it was on to the classic aquarium area. You two walked through rooms together filled with tanks of fish from around the world. 
Once you're in the area where it’s dark and the fish tanks glow, Matt gets more comfortable and pulls you in by the waist so he can be close to you as you wash the fish swim by.
You tell him how beautiful he looks in the blue light.
“Stop,” he pretends he hates when you compliment him, but loves it. “You’re the most beautiful person in here, baby.”
He leans down for a kiss and his pink lips feel as plush as ever. He pulls you in close; his hands roam your waist and travel down the small of your back to your ass, causing you two to get a little carried away.
You lightly detach from the kiss and warn him that people could be watching.
“They can mind their own business,” he says with a smirk.
Your face flushes at him being surprisingly so bold.
You two finished off the aquarium with a stop at the gift shop on the way out.
“I’ll get you one thing. One,” he holds up his forefinger.
He buys you everything you ask for. Including a baby otter plush that you told him you couldn’t live without.
“Are you hungry? It’s almost dinner time,” he checks his phone.
You agree and you take his car less than ten minutes away to Serious Pizza in Deep Ellum.
You two walk in and Matt points out the pizza chefs tossing giant pizza doughs in the air. Holy shit.
Matt orders one slice of cheese and one pepperoni for you two to share and pulls out his card to pay for you. (Matt paying for everything is just so hot to me.)
You wonder if two slices will be enough for the two of you, but you trust him.
He leads you to a booth at the back of the shop and you sit down.
“What was your favorite part of the aquarium?” He asks you.
You tell him it was the otter exhibit. They just looked so cute swimming around.
You two talk back and forth about your day while you wait. 
“I got a ton of photos of you when you weren’t looking by the way,” he looks at his phone. “I’ll post them on Instagram tomorrow.”
When the pizza gets to you, your eyes widen as slices big enough to be one meal are placed in front of you.
Matt laughs and rubs his hands excitedly before picking up his cheese slice. 
“You take the first bite,” he raises the pizza to your mouth. You bite down and it’s delicious.
You two spend an hour at the pizza shop eating. laughing, and chatting away. Once you two are almost the only people there, Matt reaches across the table to hold your hand in his and laces his legs with yours underneath the table.
Once you're back in his car, the sun having fully gone down, he rubs his hand on your inner thigh again. 
“Want to finish off this date by sleeping over tonight?” He asks.
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genesis-otto · 2 days
If there is one thing that I'm sure of, it's that the losers club always bake cakes for their birthdays. But as we all know, they are iDiOtS. And their cakes are just...bad. I don't mean the taste, the cake always tastes good cause there are some responsible people in this group who somehow manage to do this part right. It's the visual that is horrible. Like do you imagine them trying to decorate the cake without fucked it up on purpose (or not) ? Yeah me neither. So here is what I imagine all the cake that the losers have done one year :
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This one is for Bill, it was the first time that they actually made a real cake so he is ugly as fuck. Bill is born in january which makes him the oldest of the losers and I would imagine the losers always making fun of Bill for being old. And since he is the first to celebrate his birthday, the others will totally tease him all the time with the fact that he has now like 15 while all of them are still at 14. This nightmare will last until Beverly finally celebrates her own birthday in february. One entire month of torture for Bill Denbrough.
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Bev is the only girl of the group and I'm sure that sometimes she's just so done with the bullshit of the other losers. She always reminds them that "boys are trash, but no offense guys." So it was obvious for them to make her a cake ridiculously girly with that beautiful sentence on it. (The cake is way better than Bill's cause they eventually did practice for it to be perfect. 'Bev deserves a perfect cake' they all said. It took them at least three tries before to manage to make it look good).
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This one is obviously Richie's. They did it the year when Richie officially came out to them. They wanted to make a trash cake at first (Eddies and Bills idea) but Stan thought that making a gay joke was funnier. Mike agreed saying that it would show that they truthfully support their gay favorite trashmouth <3. (Eddie still used colors that didn't match together cause he wouldn't let go the trash idea).
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(I don't know who are the people on the pictures, but let's just pretend that there are the guys of the new kids on the block). So this one is Ben's. It's Bev that came up with the idea and all of the others followed her cause they like to make fun of Ben for his, as Richie says, bad tastes in music. Ben still was happy when he saw his cake (and he ignored the comments of his friends) cause he thought that his cake was matching with Bev's.
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This is Stan's cake. Who is surprised ? Not me. It was a collective message of all the group and Stanley flipped them off when he read what they had written (even if he found it funny, which he will never tell out loud). He also tried to say that he didn't need to go to therapy that bad but they're all traumatized, Stan fooled no one. (Bill promised him that they'll make him a bird's one for the next year so Stan was happy).
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Mike is a sweetheart and they all know that. So they HAD to make him a cool cake. They know that Mike LOVES the animals at his farm so they wanted to make him a cute cow. They eventually manage to not completely fucked it up and Mike, very happy with his cake, give it a name. So when Bev tried to cut the cake for eating it, Mike took it away from her because "YOU CAN'T EAT JOHNNY, HE'S MY CHILD."
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Eddie is the youngest, born in september. And oh god you don't know how long it seemed for Richie who was waiting for this moment all the year. Since the first time making a cake for Bill, he already knew what he wanted to do for Eddie's when it'll be his turn. The losers all made the cake and it was pretty nice. They left it one moment without supervision and it took only one minute to Rich to fuck it up. He was very proud when the others came back with Eddie and saw the note. Richie died this day.
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pokemonpowergirl · 8 months
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anyataylorjoys · 6 months
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POCAHONTAS (1995) dir. Mike Gabriel and Eric Goldberg 
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knee-stockings · 1 year
suzume was so good…it’s about abandoned places overwhelmed by the feeling of being abandoned, fit to bursting. it’s about remembering the people who once inhabited those places, remembering what those places once meant to them, and then letting go. it’s about the kindness of ordinary, everyday people. it’s about wanting to fight fate for the sake of loved ones. and most of all, it’s about a girl in love with a chair. in love with what it represents and the memories it holds, but also literally in love with it. what’s not to love
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myriadeyed · 2 months
I know we've all been hurt and I do understand where misanthropy comes from but I can't help but respect a species that will travel for hours and gather in open spaces to witness a rare astronomical event and start howling like coyotes when it happens just because it's cool
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misakarose · 1 year
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ifwebefriends · 2 months
I am not the same person I was before seeing this scene in particular (Major Spoilers for The Sign!!!!!!)
[Video ID. A clip from the Bluey episode “The Sign,” Lazarus Drug by Megan Washington is playing which drowns out all other sounds and dialogue. Bandit looks sad as he’s about to open the drivers side door to the family car. Chilli is in the front passenger seat also looking sad. She looks at Bandit just as gets a call on his smartphone and silently excuses himself to take it. The phone conversation starts as Bandit walks around to the other side of the car from the front. He continues to the sidewalk a few yards away from the car. Chilli looks at Bandit right before the phone call ends and Bandit puts down his phone with a surprised look on his face. He slowly walks to the large “For Sale” sign in the front yard before ripping off the big yellow “Sold” sticker, which confuses Chilli and gets the attention of Bluey and Bingo in the car, Bingo with a raised brow looking confused. Then Bandit turns to look at his family in the car, contemplates for a moment, then dons a determined expression. He then turns back to look up at the “For Sale” sign with clenched fists as we see the sign tower over him, casting a shadow. After a moment, he looks level at the sign and then fiercely grabs the sides of it as Chilli, Bluey, and Bingo look on in shock. He starts to gradually pull it out of the ground with all his might with clenched teeth, a furrowed brow, and a slightly quivering lip. After he finally gets it out, Chilli, Bluey, and Bingo stare at him, eyebrows raised and mouths agape. As the lyric “as I start to break into a billion pieces” plays, Bandit looks backwards, turns a bit, hobbles backwards a bit, and then throws the sign into the middle of the cul-de-sac with what seems like a yell, looking down angrily at it. Zoomed in, Bandit pants for a moment before Chilli tackles him to the ground when the word “shatter” is sung in the song. From an aerial view, Chilli and Bandit are on the ground and Chilli seems to be crying into Bandit’s neck while he grins, putting a hand on her arm. End ID]
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eternallycraved · 2 months
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a day out in nature is always a necessity.
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shima-draws · 10 months
I started watching Bluey and when I say I was absolutely fucking ENLIGHTENED.
Me: Bluey’s such a popular show and even my adult friends like it…but why?? Isn’t it just a show for preschoolers
Me, after watching one (1) episode: OH….I UNDERSTAND NOW…..
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