#the rooftop
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today is for THEM!!!
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rolloroberson · 4 months
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It was 55 years ago today….
the Beatles performed live on the rooftop of the Apple Building at 3 Savile Row in London on January 30th,1969.
Photos by Ethan A. Russell © Apple Corps Ltd. (http://www.thebeatles.com/)
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always-is-always · 1 year
If that rooftop had ears...
Now we have just one more teensy piece of the puzzle, that is the history of Jungkook and Jimin.  
The rooftop.
I don’t recall the rooftop being mentioned ever before.  Of course, I’m not original ARMY from 2013, but I have watched a ton of original content in the last 3 years.
That rooftop must have been a place that they frequented, when they needed time away from the ears and eyes of their hyungs.  They probably had a lot of conversations there, and I would bet a lot of bonding happened as a result of it.
When you think about how they were literally piled up together in a small living space originally (sharing the bunk-beds all in a room together).....and then still didn’t have their own personal sleeping space until they moved out of the dorm, it’s no wonder that a place like an accessible rooftop would become a little refuge.  
Humans need space.  Privacy.  An opportunity to think away from others. 
I personally had wondered about their private space in the years that they were living in the dorm environment.  It’s really not a normal way for 7 young men/teens to live, where literally every moment is captured by cameras, and there are staff persons and such around all the time.  (Not to mention the separation from their families.)  It was not a normal way to live. 
My guess is that the rooftop was a place that they all went to at various times, when they needed to.  It makes so much sense...
That “Rainy Day Fight” story just took on more depth, and has offered us a clearer understanding of the dynamics. And, Kookie just gave us a deeper glimpse of how he and Jiminie navigated during times of difficulty and stress...  
Oh, to be a fly on that rooftop...  the stories it could tell.  💜🐰🐥💜
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Ethan Freeman, "All I Ask of You (Phantom's Reprise)"
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boxfivetrades · 1 year
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From the wings: All I Ask of You Emilie Kouatchou and John Riddle
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I read my first paragraphs of The Rooftop by Uruguayan author Fernanda Trías, translated by Annie McDermott, in the small cobblestoned town of Colonia de Sacramento, a day trip away from Buenos Aires, and then I read the rest of it while on an atrociously delayed ferry and egregiously long customs line to get back into Argentina. It was a great read to dive into all at once like that, first page to last.
It's a claustrophobic book of very quiet, effective psychological horror. The pregnant narrator has a need to control her family, a certainty of surveillance and persecution, a sureness that if they go outside, they'll be hurt or known or captured or tricked, and so she keeps her sick father and her young daughter Flor more or less hostage in their apartment, in the environment she can control within her anxiety—but meanwhile she herself escapes often to the roof, a safe space of her own, a quiet place, a high place where she feels safety. 
It's a dark book, and effective in portraying this woman's psychosis and the world of the apartment seen through her eyes. There are many things unsaid but hinted at in this book that themselves carry a lot of real social horror, and the writing of Trías really allows the reader to glimpse between the lines at many points. Great stuff, and again—perfect to sit down, read in one big burst, and then shiver a bit and walk away from it for a drink.
Content warnings for fatphobia, violence, death, incest, suicidal ideation, neglect.
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crispyluc · 1 year
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small-golem · 7 months
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Billy Strings at The Rooftop at Pier 17
Instagram: smallgolem
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trashmakerarticle · 7 months
Everyone thinks that dick was the golden child when in reality it was Jason.
Clark: Bruce who was your favourite robin?
Dick: obviously it’s me?
Tim: it’s dick
Damian: I am superior robin, it will be me.
Bruce: it’s Jason
Everyone: WHAT?!?!???
Bruce: why are you so surprised? He didn’t jump on too my chandeliers which I had to replace each week
*everyone looks at dick*
Bruce: he didn’t drop out of school
*everyone looks at tim*
Bruce: I didn’t have to stop him from killing everyone who annoyed him
*everyone looks at Damian*
Bruce: in fact, he enjoyed school and handed all his homework in on time, we would spend hours in the library reading his favourite classics. He even helped Alfred with most of the cooking, He was my little boy
Jason: stop spreading lies, I hate you go away
Bruce: my precious little boy
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aleatoryw · 10 months
we poke fun at obi-wan for saying "sith lords are our specialty" and then getting his ass kicked by dooku, but in fairness, he was at the time the only person in living memory to have actually killed a sith. he showed remarkable humility honestly.
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Christine, I love you 💕✨
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first time making some gifs, with the help of @apileofpans !
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zegalba · 9 months
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Olivia Safe and Kyle Gonyea, "All I Ask of You": Part III
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Reminiscing back to Uruguay and the warm sun on my face.
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tokyostreetphoto · 2 months
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Vivid Light II, Shinbashi 新橋
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