#this is like that british bake off meme
the-darklings · 2 years
"What does the Lord of Dreams dream about?"
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zmediaoutlet · 3 months
🍄 and 🏜️ and maybe 🐚? (wth is that even... a conch?)
(i think it is a conch but honestly it could be a megaphone. why are the emojis so SMALL)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Dean would be unlikely to do it, but I think he has the patience to be a baker, and Sam does not. Sam would get offended by the way that yeast can react differently every time and be like IT SAID TO RISE FOR AN HOUR AND IT'S BEEN AN HOUR, WHY DIDN'T IT WORK. Sam is very patient and precise but he doesn't have the particular kind of obsessive energy that's required; in contrast Dean -- if he gets suckered into something -- treats it with wackjob fandomite energy. I heard someone else described recently as "she's either never heard of it, or she was at the convention," and that's how Dean is about like. All things, lol. So I can see him getting super into his sourdough starter and rolling with mistakes and learning how to form dece rolls and getting all invested in making the Perfect Loaf. And then watching Sam bite into a slice slathered with butter and making that Sam Eating Dean's Cooking face, and feeling all smug and delighted. He's a homemaker at heart. :)
🏜️ ⇢ what’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Literally anything substantive. Honestly, that's it. I know that the people who leave like emoji hearts or whatever mean well, but my actual heart sinks every time I open an AO3 email and that's all it is. And whoever invented that 'you have already left kudos here ;)' meme can stub their toe once a week for a year, honestly. I know that makes me sound ungrateful and I truly appreciate that anyone would even take the time to open up the comment box at ALL, given how rare the behavior is, but... We do this because we want connection, sending creative work one way and hoping there will be some kind of reaction coming back the other, and when it's been hours and weeks and sometimes years of sweaty effort on this side, being met with "❤️" in return is just. Miserable, lol. (I guess it's less miserable than nothing at all.) But any time -- ANY time -- a reader mentions something specific they liked, or asks a question, or proves that they thought about the piece for longer than a second, it is a jolt of loving adrenaline straight to the withered heart and it makes it all worth.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I like them! I guess it depends, haha. e.g. "hey we're all going to dinner, do you want to come? it's in an hour!" is the kind of surprise that makes me want to die. I'm very John Mulaney about plans. But given this is a creation-fandom-etc set of asks I'm trying to think about fandom-related surprises... A surprise gift? Always good. A surprise mention? Always a shock! A surprise sequel to a complete work? ...Could go either way, lol.
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juliaanoia · 2 years
me during bake off: Yeay, bake off! :D tumblr during bake off: >:(((( !!!! #!@* DEATH UPON THE JUDGES!!!
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ariaste · 11 days
So listen i have this book coming out in uhhh 10 days and I am Worried about it, because it is a Comedy, and comedy is really hard to market (why????? it's funny pirates, what's not to like??) even when it is, yanno, normal mainstream comedy.
It is even worse when it is Unhinged Comedy That's Mostly Going To Be Funny To People On Tumblr. (For example, the main character being a supreme gremlin made of 90% memes by weight (examples: carries around a bag that is never called anything but his "little rucksack"; has a near-verbatim "stick me legy out real far" moment; talks about his metaphorical "orphan gruel bowl" which is a direct reference to that one Oliver Twist gif) because those are funny to me personally.) Unhinged Tumblr Comedy is difficult because tumblr is not a platform where it is easy to market things to people, because we are generally violently anti-capitalist and LOATHE advertisements and reflexively resist being marketed to for most anything. I LOVE that about this website. Except for right now, because I have bills to pay and a cat to feed. So look, fellow tumblr gremlins, I am just trying to say that if your personal brand of comedy is laughing at the kind of jokes that could only be produced on this hell website, and:
you like pirates
you're queer and want to read more books by queer authors
you want your fictional queer characters to be a hell of a lot more Messy and Unhinged than they often are depicted as being
you're interested in seeing a love triangle (M/M/NB) that resolves into polyamory
you want books where the hottest character gets to makes Passionate Speeches about rebelling against oppressive institutional regimes like governments and organized religions
you believe that capitalism is the most oppressive institutional regime of them all
you think it's fun when two characters have been in a 15-year-long relationship where the vibes have been "We're Newly Divorced" nearly since day one
you believe that All Cops Are Bastards and want to know what to do when you get pulled over by the boat cops
you think the Great British Bake-Off would be improved with weaponry, ritualized bribery/coercion of judges, and elaborate shit-talk
then this book might be for you. Beneath the wall-to-wall hijinks, it is political and it is righteously angry and it is the funniest thing I have ever written (which is saying something, because I have written some funny shit). It's called RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND. Here's a picture of it.
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If all that sounds cool, you can read a review of it here and the first chapter of it here to see if it as funny as I am claiming it is, and then if you think that it is, you can preorder it here. It comes out on June 11! Ten days from now!
Thank you for letting me market to you for a minute. Signal boosting would be very much appreciated.
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argyleheir · 4 days
For the top 5 meme, Top 5 favorite recipes to cook/eat? :DD
Yes! Thank you for the ask @qserasera, just going off the top of my head since this does change and I typically only riff and don’t use recipes in my day to day ;)
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Starting with Ina Garten’s kitchen clambake since I like it a lot and I’m actually making it tonight! This is a good one and adaptable depending on what I have to make it with (rarely lobster). Picturing some lovely cherry stones from Cape May, NJ, USA.
Great crumpets a la King Arthur
Blueberry scones from Smitten Kitchen
What a great cake! Little variation I’ve found between recipes, and so delicious.
Total green chile stew freak here, love it with hominy but any will do 😭
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clarisrenaldis · 2 years
I'm really liking this era of reality show competitions that I believe started from the great british bake off, where it´s a competition, everyone wants to win, but it´s such a friendly and supportive environment.
Like, I love RuPaul's Drag Race, but I watch it because of the genuine talent and culture behind drag and even though it makes really good memes or interesting plays like in All Stars, sometimes the drama is too much.
So it's nice to have shows like Next in Fashion, Blown Away, Academy of Chocolate and such, they make me so happy. Like, honestly for mental health purposes, go to the Reality Show section of Netflix.
Bonus points for also doing these shows about not regular stuff that allows people to showcase their talent and those in the field of arts get an impulse and profit even if they do not win.
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miraculousmitzi · 8 months
In honour of 'The Great British Bake Off' returning to television, here's how I think the UK bros would be as contestants on the show! 🎂
(Note: This, like my other headcanon posts, are posted onto my X account).
-No matter how hard he practiced or studied a recipe, something would go awry.
-Soggy bottoms, curdled buttercream, stodgy cake...
-Would place at the bottom or close to it in almost every technical and showstopper.
-Would come out with iconic one liners in the chaos.
-Is always seen sipping on a cuppa.
-Tries his best with his designs, but they do often turn out messy.
-Loves to chat with Prue.
-Chats with the other members of the tent and offers to make them tea to soothe their nerves.
-Creative, likes to think out of the box when it comes to flavours and designs.
-Unusual, but clever flavours and designs.
-Is low-key scared of Paul.
-Will occasionally burn or underbake a bake, but will try to salvage it as best as he can and crack a joke about it.
-Selfies and photographs of his experience, though he has to be warned not to post anything before the show airs.
-Enjoys talking with the hosts: he feels calmer when they joke with him.
-Will be snacking whilst he is baking.
-Messy workstation, flour everywhere.
-Offers reassurances and helps other bakers where he can.
-Will sit in front of the oven and internally pray for it to turn it half-decent.
-Is well loved by his fellow bakers.
-Can be a little clumsy and will burn himself or accidentally cut himself.
-Flavours are all over the place: they either aren't quite enough or are too overpowering.
-Some of the neatest decorating in the tent.
-Likes to play it 'safe' when it comes to his baking, sticking to what he knows best.
-Will cry if something goes wrong or is praised.
-Measuring and planning on point: he plans everything as best as he can to a T.
-Simplistic but effective designs.
-Alcohol in many of his bakes.
-Cracks some of the funniest jokes in the tent.
-He ranks highly in challenges and/or wins Star Baker.
-The public make memes and TikTok edits of him, he has a lot of admirers.
-He unintentionally intimidates the other bakers.
His timings are impeccable.
-Makes friends with pretty much everyone.
-Pretty sound decorating skills and flavours in his bakes.
-Is a source of motivation and positivity in the tent, but can also become a blabbering, rambling mess when something goes amiss.
-Comes out with iconic quotes.
-One of the public's favourites.
-One of the first to get a 'Hollywood handshake'.
-Will sometimes mess up but somehow manages to pull through and make it work.
-Like Scotland, he likes to incorporate alcohol in his bakes.
-Star baker and/or ranks highly in challenges.
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redraven3093 · 1 year
Cathing up with Philza Minecraft streams 15th 06
We sit
STOP making Brian says anything Spanish, he is awfully British
Who apple gang-Yeah Crows go bake a cake for our gurl Tallulah
Excited for the birthday lets goo
4 years of being a menace in the old man’s stream sounds like an achievement
We just waiting but Short stream today, I guess?
Yay farming- Opp secret can’t see I guess
A zombie horse man???? In the farm
No comment on who he supports
TALLULAH AWAKE HAPPY birthday Tallulah
Happy dance for the birthday gurl
Silly abuelitto
Chayanne has been having to many fun with scaring the old man
Did you have the goods Chayanne??
Yay celebrate ur self gurl
Mexican bingo
Abuelitto is struggling for kids
Oopp Chayanne dipped
Coolx5 yesyesx3 awesomex5 Lets goo
Aww the pinata-A Petting ZOO-Ooh special mob
Whoahhh-What are they???-Funky squirrel horse??-STARWARS-What are they srsly????
Ah shit-The server crached-IN HER BIRTHDAY THAT’S FUK UP QSMP
Education on how the server works from Phill
USE your MEME correctly
Strong horse-AWW THEY KISSED-Give them time
Glad Tallulah love them
“GO HAVE KIDDS I WANT GRANDKITS-“ oh god he is embracing the granpa experience
Yeah, you go Phil don’t listen to anyone
Invis Chayanne
Ohh a different name Mercury or Pluto
Chayanne keeps using Tallulah’s signs
Its baffeling to see a tinny kid with a butterfly wings pullingout an anvinl out of her pockets
Omg the big hat Lol
Ohhh surprise
The guest is cominggg
Phil likes to spoil his kid but clearly, he is as spoiled as well to them
No fight and no drinks for the violents
Give the babby a bath????
Aww no more animals??
More Europeans are coming
Oh wait why is there another face inside DeMezzanine???He already has 4???
While phill is bussy taking photo Tallulah is receiving many gifts
Ohgod its so loud
Everyone is so excited for Chayanne’s food
The Blond Twins are taking picture so cute-COCAINNE???
Oh god the Photobooth is so busy
Oh no the Spit horses are angry- MIKE DOWN MIKE DOWNN
Why is there a couple drama in the party?
OMG POMME?? An exploding chicken and a fox died poor girl
Forever is an average dad with a feral son and Oh, big brother Chayanne is joining forever to tell Richa to wear armor
AWWW CUTE ART FROM RICHAAA Richa is so talented omg
Omg the DRAMA is still going-STOP fighting-Good lord
Sit in someone’s lap” he says and Omg of course forever take any chances he got with Phill
He’s a month old he is mature enough
Opp Phill is gone- DADDDD WHERE ARE YOU???- ohno he’s getting milk isn’t he??
Oh hey Sneeg glad u watching the stream too
Why is everyone sitting on Phill’s lap omg
Aww Thanks PAC
Glad everyone appreciates Chayanne’s cooking
Ohhh??? The Europeans and the Brazilians are singing for Tallulah??-that is sweet
FOREVER DON SAY THAT ABOUT RICHA-well he is a little brat-
Oh god someone already died-BAGHERA WHY?
Selfie-Guitar-good job Tallulah-aww nooo
Chayanne is such a teenager-GO SOSIALIZE YOU KID
Is Pomme being tained to be an Agent or a security guard like Etoiles
OH SHIT THEY FIGHTING-they want foo-OMG the TUPPERWARE-Yaeh that where is the drinks PHILL??
Ending party song-omg mike pls
The REVOLUTION-COMMUNISM???-YEAH use your Grand Daughter
MIKE is hilarious
Pac jut want food and then dipped
Oh god “never call me again” omg MIKE
Oh did Pac gave Tallulah more Flowers??
Pachito the security
Oh shit he stole a bike-wait Phill had a bike?
Ohh the surprise-
Hey Baghera
Omg Baghera nooooo-I mean its fair- the French literally got here by a crashed plane-BUT STILLL
AWW Tallulah baby-opp where she goin?-AWWW TALLULAH BABY DON’T CRYY
Oh it’s Pomme Birtday too?? Wow thereis so many celebrations this month holly shit
Its okk Tallulah-lol I think mike is salty
Ohh gift from Chayanne-let em cook-omg Phill noo-FOOD and OMG a KITTY :D
Chayanne is really living the best doting big brother life rn
Quest time-ohhhh it’s horse themed- oh yeah the skelehorse isi still there-
OMG THE FAN ARTS ARE SO COOOL-ok why is the soft shell so aggressive??-cute fan arts- someone is dying wth??
The turtles are so many they keep on dying-omg Chayanne nooo- oh well a chef needs their ingredients
YESYES POG BIRTHDAY-Chayanne did so good with the foods-opp did they killed one?
Opp nerd Dadza moment-might want to read that one-Philzaa noooo.
Omg PHILZA NOOOO-Purge the turtles-ill hire a guy he says
New horse near foolish
Phil knows these kids so well- see you there Chayane-opp another Minecraft tip from dad-HOLLY SHIT U FAST-opp bye Chayanne
I love the little songs that Phill will randomly sings out at random
Omg Phill- perks of having the main admins as your kid is that you can have more leeway on quest-
THE MAIN ADMIN CHAYANNE/CUCURUCHO PERMISSION IT OKKK??!!!- its magic Tallulah get in with the system
Omg Chayanne noooo-plant based meat
Tallulah u set them free to be killed bye a seasoned chef
BOAT TIME- OH Shit VENUUUS (or Mercury???)
Mushroommm yummy
Thankyu Tallulah
Pro Chef Chayanne- omg Chayanne nooooo
Everyone is going to vid con oh god
It most definitely won’t be avocado toast- Taco and Strawberries.
MUMZAAAA- mango pog-ohh FUK YEH
Phil’s cooking-OHH SHIT A GOD APPLE POGG-ohh chorus fruit-wait it didn’t worked????Endermen with low signal-RP at the most minimal-THANKS MUMZAAA
HORSE RIDNG TIME YEY- is the bridge new???
“dad are you running for President??” Sweety your father is an anarchist- purely to piss of the federation
THAT’S CHEATINGGG-okk Naruto run is fair-Yeah judge the old man Tallulah
Chayanne nooooo
HOLLY FUCK-been aging before he was born WHOAHH-wat was that?
It would be funny-COOK FOR THEM IN HELLL-THANKYU PHILL- Chayanne Hell’s kitchen-
GRACIAS TALLULAH- stop using other kids sign Chayanne!!!
WHAT ARE YOUU-aww Phil might not come
Lol Rycharlison is stream sniping- maybe his version of Dragon magic
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maraeffect · 8 months
"This ask" *stupid emojiis*
Wow cunt. Sorry for asking questions to understand more. Sorry for not being taught about this in school. Sorry for talking about a highly contested issue that has been around since the 1960s *minimum* and still nobody cares about Palestine. Sorry for only knowing modern Israel was made by the victors of WW2 to prevent another jewish genocide. Or at least thinking to know. Is this how you speak to everyone just trying to learn?
Shut the fuck up.
can't believe you're sending this to me LMAO, but i'll attach the ask and my response in question, just so everyone can see what i was talking about.
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"whyyyyyyyy did the people whose land was stolen put themselves in the place where their land was stolen??? why did they think it was a good idea to be genocided????"
truthfully, my issue is that you approached this issue with a lackadaisical, near insulting attitude and a leading question; that inserted your misinformed opinion alongside a sort-of question. truthfully, you could have googled your question if you weren't looking to insert your, again, misinformed & half-baked opinion on top of that. you LITERALLY said "well, i agree with this, but NOT this". don't act dumb like you don't think you sent that ask to insert your own opinion. it came off as self-important and crass.
i didn't learn about this in school either. i'm 23 years old and only JUST became familiar with the topic in the past couple years. you wanna know why i know now?? I GOOGLED. i watched documentaries. i listened to palestinian journalists. and the whole time, i did not insert an opinion ONCE. much less open myself up to public political discussion on it. i knew that i knew next to nothing, and that it wasn't my place to talk over those who knew way more.
these people are enslaved and tortured. i didn't appreciate the way you talked about it. and i feel that you were motivated by things OTHER than a pure desire to learn. even if it WAS a pure desire to learn, you treated the topic with disrespect; at a time of (arguably) the most catastrophic series of war crimes committed against these historically imprisoned people.
not to mention, my 2 words and "woozy" emojis got you this fucked up. i think, genuinely, if after my response you felt so compelled to come into my ask box and call me a cunt?? you're too sensitive to be on the internet. i mean that. you need to grow a thicker skin, especially in the world of politics. people will disagree with you. always. no matter your opinion! politics is just that way. i didn't insult you, i didn't go into detail about my opinion of your ask at ALL until you came into my ask box and insulted me. (again, inserting your unwanted opinion into someone's messages. go figure.) others will not be so kind and i worry for your sake how you'll take it as you grow older and become more involved in politics.
i thought about not answering this or just inserting some meme, but i wanted to actually try and respect the topic like i feel you did not.
by the way, Israel was not "made after WW2". IT EXISTED AS PALESTINE. after WW1, Britain and France backstabbed their previous Arab allies, and COLONIZED EVERYONE'S LAND. this includes tons of middle-eastern countries, and the area of Palestine. The Zionist movement knew that the British military was withdrawing towards the end of WW2, and Britain for whatever reason gave control of Palestine to the UN. So, the Zionists argued for much more land than they were SUPPOSED to be allotted by the UN, knowing they would have the strongest military presence in the region (after Britain's withdrawal). They won. They then performed the Naqba (whole separate thing you should learn about, too complex to go here). Zionists won total control over Palestine, and continued racheting deeper and deeper into their ethnic cleansing. This is all heavily reduced just to give a simple gist. Israel was not just fucking invented in the 1940's, the same way the USA wasn't invented in the 1700's. it was STOLEN. people were ethnically cleansed and brutally tortured in order to take their land from them. even in your ask to ME you didn't bother to educate yourself before inserting YET ANOTHER PIECE OF MISINFO.
that's all i care to write (it's long i know lol). if you came into my ask box or DM's with a hint of decency, i would have loved to talk this over with you. but since we're throwing insults i guess, go fuck off back to where u came from, "cunt". (:
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I saw in a comment section that James Acaster seems like Rick and Vyvyan's lovechild and I didnt know who that was at first. So i looked him up and I thought yeah this guy kinda looks a bit like both Rick and Vyvyan but then I realized he's in all the Great British Bake Off memes and I was THIS IS RICK AND VYV'S SON! Like the utter chaos and i dont give a shit attitude in the kitchen is all Vyv but the lisp and the brattiness is all Rick. Made the Bake Off Episode with him in it a hundred times better he's exactly what a Rivyan child would be like 😄
@frankenbolt has a headcanon like this, which is why in some of her fics Rivyan have adopted a little boy called James. 😂
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lavellenchanted · 2 months
I was tagged by the wonderful @lotrlorien, thank you my lovely 💛
Are you named after someone? My middle name is for my maternal grandmother.
When was the last time you cried? Wednesday. My dad was having a six week follow up after a surgery for cancer and I got emotional. (Results were good though, thankfully).
Do you have kids? No. I hope I will one day, but I don't know how likely that is.
What sports do you play/have played? I try to avoid sport as much as is humanly possible since but did I ballet as a kid, and when I was recovering from a back injury a couple years ago I started doing some yoga & pilates stretches to help.
Do you use sarcasm? I'm British, what do you think?
What the first thing you notice about people? Hmm, probably hair and eyes. And if they're smiling.
What's your eye colour? Dark brown - I'd say T30 going off this chart.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I am not a scary movie person.
Any talents? Cross stitching and embroidery, writing, baking.
Where were you born? South-East England.
What are your hobbies? Reading, video games, D&D and RPGs, writing, embroidery and now crocheting, going to the theatre.
Do you have any pets? Nope, just a lot of plushies.
How tall are you? 5'3".
Favourite subject in school? English, drama, history
Dream job? Hmm. I do really enjoy my current job (publishing), but sometimes I look at these people who have managed to make a career out of crocheting/embroidering on Instagram and TikTok and think . . . yeah, that would be fun.
TAGGING: @minim236, @roboticonography, @lotsofthinkythoughts, @samseabxrn and of course my meme bestie @theawkwardterrier, if you want to play! 😘
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wasureneba · 8 months
9 people you would like to get to know better
9 people you would like to get to know better meme (hey @doublechocolate!).
1. Three ships: dinluke, ineffable husbands, obiquin (my current obsessions)
2. First ever ship: Oh gosh, I cannot remember. Probably Sam/Frodo?
3. Last song: Not sure but probably something by Tenno because I've been on a kick.
4. Last movie: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (why is this movie so good? why???)
5. Currently reading: Mudlark by Hannah Maiklem and Emily Oster's Expecting Better
6. Currently watching: The third season of The Witcher and the current season of Great British Bake Off.
7. Currently consuming: A maple-flavored oolong tea, which is a bit of a stretch out of my usual tea drinking habits but enjoyable.
8. Currently craving: A nice walk in the rain, which I should hopefully get in about 15 minutes...
9. Tagging: Umm, thinking maybe @witheringwraith, @user-anakin, @aliciadreams, @stargateinmybasement ?
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224bbaker · 1 year
I've been wanting to make fanart of fawx & stallion but idk what to draw. Suggestions? cool outfits or situations to draw them in or memes to draw them as? a specific scene you'd like to see fanart of?
Oh my goodness, we will ALWAYS welcome more fanart of the F&S crew! Probably not super helpful, but we'd always recommend drawing whatever excites you, and drawing the characters however you'd like!
That being said, we'd love to see what people think the various disguises look like (Britt Kensington, Daphne Pangea, ...George, etc)! And we always love to see some Archie and Ambrosius love (I personally always picture Archie in the "Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite" meme from Great British Bake Off).
Credit to @fyeahaudiodrama for the meme version of this but I dream of the day we're popular enough to get an illustrated version of "Ah yes. Me. My husband. And his two detective partners Hampton and Madge and their old fucking cat."
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matan4il · 2 years
You just posted a meme of Eddie looking at Buck in the bar. And listen I know there was a shit ton of layers worthy on an onion going on it that scene. Eddie struggling with. Ot being a firefighter ext.
But....... it's so funny when we look back, Buck didn't text Taylor to join him he asked Eddie. And he acted out when Eddie ghosted him. And Eddie felt left out an separate. And I guess my addled brain is just screaming dear God Buck just wants to hang out with you. Just you. If he had gone up to him and been like can we ditch this place and go watch British Bake Off, he would have called an uber!Uber!!
It just like you said in an answer earlier this week. They really are star crossed lovers!!
Hi lovely Nonnie! Thank you so much for your ask!
Okay, due to my vertigo I can't read back meta I've written before. Sometimes I remember what I said, sometimes I don't. Doing a quick search, I wrote about Buddie in the pub scene in the 511 meta, as well as in these three ask replies. If you read these, I hope I said at least one useful thing.
So because in this case, I don’t remember what I’ve said (you can fill me in with a summary if you’d like to. I would appreciate it), I’ll just agree with you that it is absolutely insane how much those two want to be together. Buck wants Eddie there. Even as he was coming to terms in that ep with Eddie not being at work, he still needed and trusted Eddie to be there when the team hung out. And Buck wasn’t wrong! Eddie did show up. I know he then ended up jumping to the wrong conclusion when he saw everyone seemingly so happy without him, so he left, but HE DID SHOW UP. Buck reached out to him, and Eddie came. Let’s be real, he would always come. There is no scenario in the world in which one of them calls or messages the other and the latter wouldn’t show up. Soulmates. Oblivious, moronic soulmates, but still. And yes! Their timing is always just one step out of sync, like all star crossed lovers. But they will eventually fall into step. It’s the one thing I have no doubt will happen on the show no matter what: their futures are forever entwined.
I hope you have a great day, lovely! And here is my ask tag! xoxox
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solomontoaster · 7 months
Stealink this meme from @orchidbreezefc becuase it's 9am and i'm trying to encourage myself to be enough of a person to do all of them homework I didn't do over Thanksgiving break.
Last song? Oddly enough it's "We're All In This Together" from High School Musical, which I've never seen, but it's on the playlist I built for the absolutely insane Vampire the Masquerade game I'm in right now.
Favourite colour? Not to be stereotypical, but like... baby blue has my whole heart and it's a little bit because it's the Boy Color™ and I get to choose the gender things I like.
Last movie/TV show: Uh.... I've been bouncing around a lot. Either Phineas and Ferb or the Great British Baking Show.
Currently watching/listening: I am in the midst of binging all of Mythbusters while I try to write my first two major papers in five years.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury? Spicy. Like, I like all of them, and I do have quite the sweet tooth, but I like spicy food enough that I trained up my spice tolerance. As a kid I couldn't handle spicy food at all, now I don't blink about ordering off the authentic menu at my favorite Sichuan place that doesn't spice adjust.
Relationship status: There's a sort of thing. I'm the occasional side piece of one member of a poly thruple, which honestly, has been a pretty ideal set up.
Current obsessions: So you know that Vampire the Masquerade game I mentioned? For all it's issues VtM has consumed me heart and soul. I liked it because vampires, but then I found a Jewish religious path in the Dark Ages configuration? And it was shockingly good? And that was the point I realized "Oh, I'm here to stay huh..."
Last thing you googled? How to spell "Sichaun."
tagging @calsyee, @jamesclarkross, @handfuloftime and anyone else who wants to
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dadbastiandisaster · 2 years
Modern AU Black Butler
Okay okay so I know I’ve done a bit of modern day kuro but here’s a longer post
- Sebastian does not know how to use electronics and is very wary of them. The electric lights are far too bright, he can’t even begin to comprehend what the internet is, and touch screen just seems like wizardry to him.
- also, and this is headcanon but so is the rest of it, Sebastian can see at higher fps than humans can, so he can see the individual frames on the tv and computer and frankly it gives him a headache
- Sebastian cannot drive a car.
- there are so many things. he doesn’t get what the clutch does. and you have to go so fast???
- also it’s not really like you can drive a car without lessons so he has to have someone he doesn’t know sit there and watch him repeatedly fail to change gears and he cannot stand it
- don’t get him started on the headlights. Humans should just be able to see! In the dark!
- Ciel’s maths homework. Ciel comes in one day and asks Sebastian for help with his maths homework, and Sebastian is agrees to help with no doubt in his mind that he can because he knows all the maths that one could reasonably need to know in their life (subtraction, multiplication, maybe a bit of basic geometry) and he is totally right, but that’s not what teach kids in school.
- Sebastian doesn’t even know what a parabola is, let alone where its roots are. And there are LETTERS?? Ciel watches his 2000+ year old butler speedrun all five stages of grief and discover some new ones along the way just because of his maths homework.
- he thought ships were bad but aeroplanes just take the cake. humans just fly themselves off into the stratosphere in these massive metal tubes that must weigh the same as several whales with wings that don’t even flap and yet they still stay in the sky??? That’s not how flight works???
- they have to go on a plane once and Sebastian spends the entire thing this 👌 close to having a complete and utter mental breakdown
- ciel: u good? Sebastian, gripping the seat handles tight enough to bend/crack them: perfectly fine.
- sebastian does not know what a meme is. Ciel does.
- Sebastian is kind of suspicious of modern medicine, both because he can’t even begin to understand it and because he’s grown up with kind of unreliable medicine. He spends a long time pinning down a slightly confused doctor about what exactly is in Ciel’s inhaler.
- also Sebastian giving the A&E department heart attacks. Comes in there after his fight with Grell with his arm half hanging off and flatly refusing painkillers beCAUSE YOU CAN NEVER TELL WHATS IN THESE THINGS.
- A&E thinks they have a bunch of broken ECG monitors because ‘his heart rate can’t be that slow he’s still conscious’ but no that’s just how his heart is.
- He’d absolutely LOVE cat videos. It’s his only motivation to learn to use the internet.
- Sebastian, in tears: look,,, at this cat. It just keeps,,, jumping in and out of the box,,,
- in terms of dress I am very torn between him still being a butler so basically just wearing what he wears in the show, Sebastian dressing like a man having his midlife crisis a la Lestat in The Vampire Lestat, and Sebastian existing solely in cardigans.
- all of Ciel’s classmates joke about Sebastian being an immortal and Sebastian panics.
- they watch BBC Sherlock together and Ciel’s like ‘this is such a bad mystery show and such bad adaptation of the novels >:(‘ and Sebastian’s like ‘Martin Freeman😍’ (and is Mrs Hudson’s #1 fan)
- Sebastian watches The Great British Bake Off religiously. He has the taste in TV of a fifty year old woman. It’s coming up to Christmas, Ciel just wants to watch some Norwegian crime show and Sebastian’s like ‘no. Kirsty’s. Christmas. Crafts’. Ciel seriously regrets telling Sebastian about TV.
- Sebastian does not get CG though. He gets practical effects but he does not get how a computer can just make things exist. Ciel tries to explain it and eventually gives up.
- Sebastian v Smoke Detector
- Sebastian hears the smoke detector for the first time and nearly has a heart attack
- Ciel tells him about vacuum cleaners and mops and Sebastian nearly cries with joy.
- also central heating is literally the best thing ever. He still likes fireplaces and definitely still lights the fire during winter for the ✨ambience✨ but he very much approves of the radiators
- Mey-Rin loving horror movies (obvs) and Sebastian’s like oh sure I’ll watch one with her but he has not been desensitised to them (see: everyone losing their shit about The Exorcist back in the 60s but nowadays it’s not that bad). They watch Autopsy of a Jane Doe or something and Sebastian is Not Okay.
- he likes the Gay Horror Podcasts ™ though (Sebastian listening to the Magnus Archives anyone?) good old fashioned horror story + its gay whats not to love?
I’ll definitely add more but my rsi is really protesting so for now enjoy
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