#tw suicide implied
hanafubukki · 10 months
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That’s what would end this dream.
But it wasn’t fair, this was supposed to be a happy dream was it not?
But someone needed to die in order for Lilia to wake up.
In order for them to stop Malleus.
It would be cruel to have Mallenoa die in front of Lilia, in a dream that was supposed to end happily.
It would be too much if any of you were to cause such a demise.
But any other answer would be just as cruel.
The devoted son? No, that would break Lilia.
The overly loyal prodigee? No, that would add trauma and guilt for Lilia and might affect his relationship with Baul.
Grim had little to no ties with Lilia, his death would not cause him to wake up nor would you allow any harm to come to him.
…so that left only one answer.
It would have to be the shock from your death that would awaken everyone from this dream.
Your hands shook.
Will this work?
And if it didn’t, what would happen to you? To the others? To Malleus?
As you stare at Mallenoa and the victorious fae army celebrating their win against the Knight of Dawn.
You had made a choice.
You breathed.
Deep breathes in.
Deep breaths out.
You swiftly turned.
I’m so sorry.
You knew your choice would bring pain to a number of people. Lilia and Malleus, who would lose a sister and mother respectively. They would also loose you if anything went wrong in this dream and reality.
Sebek, Silver, and Grim would feel devastated at not being able to stop you.
But this was the only way and the one least painful.
…you hoped.
You had never confessed your feelings to Lilia. You didn’t have the chance to, especially after he announced his departure.
And you couldn’t be selfish and weigh him down with your feelings.
But you hoped he cared enough about you that it would work. That the fleeing glances from General Lilia was an indicator of his feelings for you.
You allowed your self to be selfish just this once. You hoped that you would be enough to wake him up because anything else would be too painful.
If not, then at least it was just your death and the least painful of the four.
If this doesn’t work, I can at least keep Malleus company…despite his inky self and how awkward it might be.
By now, you can hear voices questioning what you were doing. You can hear the alarms in their voices as you near the edge of a cliff without any falter in your steps.
You turn around, there’s barely any space left between you and the air that would welcome you.
The others are in varying degrees of panic.
General Lilia had noticed the commotion by now, his eyes widening as he took in your form.
Good, he would be too far to get to you in time.
You smiled at them.
It will be alright.
…you fell back.
…only to wake up gasping back in Diasomnia’s lounge.
With several gasps echoing right after yours.
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Part 2
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transmasccofee · 10 months
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the dangers of being God
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(read left to right)
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bl33ditout · 5 months
i should start 2024 with a bang (gun to the head)
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nortess · 9 months
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wreckrinho · 5 months
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I've been watching a lot of Steven Universe recently.
Gumball doesn't feel alive And his body is slowly looking more and more like a corpse
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thefiresofpompeii · 2 months
is it pitifully sad to stay alive just because you’re waiting for the next instalment of your favourite media to drop. because i really don’t have much going for me but i want to know what happens next. fear of missing out is stronger than the loss of a will to live. also maybe i’m a little afraid of the possibility of an eternal afterlife
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borderlinereminders · 2 years
We so often see posts along the lines of “you’re amazing! You didn’t give up!”
But the truth is, some of us did and we sometimes feel we aren’t amazing because we tried to give up. The only reason we are here is because we failed for whatever reason.
So, this is to the ones who did give up. Who tried but failed, and not because they wanted to keep trying at the time. The ones who are only around because their plans to give up failed somehow.
You are still amazing. You aren’t a failure because you tried to give up at some point. You still survived that. And you’re still here. You deserve more credit than you give yourself.
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saintluil · 2 months
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transmasccofee · 9 months
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Saiki mental health timeline
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something about the way this sanji figurine is stanced just kills me
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tangledinink · 11 months
So if they all have the kraang happen, does Leo’s sacrifice happen too?
What’s gemini Donnie’s reaction?
Gemini is my favorite au of yours and i love the twin angst lol
Honestly, I'm not sure yet. I haven't planned that far ahead.
But let's say it does, hypothetically.
I'm not sure what Gemini's relationship would look like that far into the future. But right now, at least, the two of them are extremely co-dependent. As far as they're concerned, it's them against the world. Who else is there that they can rely on and trust besides each other?... Neither of them has ever had friends or peers their own age. They've been fairly isolated their entire lives-- but they've always had each other. They live together. They fight together. They die together.
Donnie has no intention of living as just one part of a whole. Where Leo goes, he will follow, and vice versa. So if Leo sacrifices himself, Donnie will find a way to be wherever he thinks Leo is-- by whatever means necessary.
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danyayeni2 · 5 months
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don’t have the energy to color this, so have this.
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thundersyst3m · 2 days
Hey, Nimbus here, I'm allowed to front cuz we ended up having a long conversation with my partners and friends about the things happening, they gave me a lot of support and help, and I'm glad they did, i feel way better now...
I was really pressured with a lot of stuff involving my diagnosis, my financial, my life as a queer person too, a lot crashed on my head at once and it drove me out the edge, I should've taken some time for my mental health,
But now I got help, and I got friends, and I got lovely people on my side helping me at my worst, and I'm still not 100%, but I'm going forward with it...
Also now it is Nimbus writing, before it was Mr. Cunt (he still didn't pick a name)
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wreckrinho · 3 months
I'm in the hospital....I'm sick, that's great!!!/j I want to die uggghhh
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there's a giant needle in my arm. the pain is unbearable and I just want to go home
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I can't feel my arm hahahshdhf kms
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anti-endo-haven · 27 days
Tw grooming, suicide, drunk,
at this point I've just convinced myself the grooming trauma does notnecisht, like I was the one who sent that shit, I was never forced to, it was our fault for being a dumb 10yr old, like nop, dosnt exsist, not real,just dramatic , my fsukt, not matter either way, its all my fault, imy fault for being toungs and dtupif, shouldnt even live non!oes, sounds just die, deserve it anyway, just worthless fuckhead, hehehe istg I sound just die and sifeere l lie I'm sposs to only prupos non like to stuffer in sorey in deunk and iddiodic rn, stupid iddiot rn, I just want love but I don't deserve to love or happy just deserves suffter -tefz
It does exist. Telling yourself it doesn’t can cause more harm than good and can stop the ability to heal from it, but I also understand not wanting to deal with that right now.
You were 10. You weren’t dumb. You never have been dumb. You were taken advantage of and forced to do things, you were coerced. A 10 year old won’t always know the dangers. That doesn’t make you dumb.
You’re not dramatic or at fault. You’re not the one to blame. The one that hurt you and thought it was good to prey upon a minor is the one at fault and the one that needs to be punished. Not you.
You don’t deserve to die. No one does. As sad as it is, it’s so common for grooming online to happen even in person. That doesn’t mean the victim (you) is the one to have blame and be told “you should have known better.” You were 10.
Make sure to hydrate. I know I can’t help much with the drinking, but make sure to take care of yourself.
You do deserve love. You deserve love and happiness. Try to not deny yourself those things.
And remember. You were 10. 10 year olds won’t always know the dangers, that doesn’t make you or anyone else dumb, never made you dumb.
You’re loved and appreciated here. I know it might not be much, but you are loved and cherished.
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inkblot22 · 3 days
How would vil feel if we ended up commiting suicide somehow
I'm going to assume this is in relation to the fic I recently posted. The answer is going under a cut!
Vil would lose it. Everyone deals with grief in a different way, and with Vil, he'd become more cruel and easy to offend. He turns one of his late darling's old shirts into a pillow, using stuffing from the very same that they used to lay their head on, cut a lock of their hair and keep it in a locket, close to his heart, and I'm sure you can imagine that he'd get incredibly touchy at the very mention of them.
He's not one to brood but he starts brooding. Every so often, he seems fine (he's a good actor,) but then it's like a dark cloud is cast over the room. It's impossible to talk to him about it, since that's a point in which he is more likely to snap at someone.
To put it as simply as possible, he takes it very hard. Regardless of his brutal actions, I think he would be one of the few twst boys to actually love his darling in some capacity. He only swept up his darling so he could keep them safe, but now they're gone and under his care as well. It's a blow to both his heart and his ego, and it leads to many sleepless nights where he thinks of them.
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