#wolfie and little red
navybrat817 · 1 year
The Animal Within
Pairing: Shifter!Bucky Barnes x Shifter!Female Reader Summary: Bucky can't help but follow you when you go through his territory. Word Count: Over 2.2k Warnings: Shifters, flirting, background character death, mention of blood, slight possessive behavior, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: Meet Wolfie and Little Red! My fourth and final Connect 4 (C4007 - Square 4) / Into an Alternate Juneiverse AND Week 2 of Hot Bucky Summer for @buckybarnesevents! Theme - What should I call you? ❤️ Beta read by @whisperlullaby (thank you!), but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by @firefly-graphics and thanks to @targaryenvampireslayer and @buckets-and-trees for the encouragement! ❤️Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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When Bucky was a child, the townspeople warned him not to venture too far into the woods. Dangerous creatures lurked in the shadows and many who strayed far from the beaten path never came back. What they didn't know was that he often did that very thing since he could walk. The townspeople had no reason to fear for him. While they were right that the forest held many dangers, it was also a place of kinship and wonder. He found solace in the trees.
Because even predators had soft sides.
Which was one of the reasons he started tracking you.
Who are you?
Bucky knew every creature in his territory, but hadn’t seen you before. You were stunning and quick as you wove in and out of the trees, a blur of red amongst the green and brown background. You stopped at one point to smell some flowers, as if you didn’t have a care in the world. Something about your scent excited him like nothing else, tempting him to chase you down. He refrained from doing so and maintained a safe distance as he followed, not wanting to spook you. He should’ve alerted Steve and the others the deeper you went into the woods, but he wanted to keep you to himself for now.
As if you were his.
Steve would likely ask him later why he decided to follow you in the first place. The easy answer was that this wasn't your home and he wanted to know why you decided to go through this part of the forest. It also concerned him a bit that you were by yourself. While he had his found family, he wondered why wasn’t someone by your side? Was it by choice?
Why are you all alone out here, little red?
The air was cool in this part of the forest, even with the sun shining through the branches, but it didn't seem to bother you as you stopped to play with a rock. Bucky crouched between two trees, careful not to draw attention to himself as he curiously watched. You were smaller than him and appeared far too sweet for your own good. It was strange how he felt the need to protect you and snarl that you needed to stay alert. You were all alone and anyone could come along and just eat you up.
A snap of a twig drew his attention, lowering his body more when another scent drifted through the air. You, on the other hand, were perfectly content in your own little world. Either you didn't sense the foreboding atmosphere shift or you didn't care.
Why aren't you paying attention?!
Bucky bit back a growl when he spotted the large man coming from the opposite direction, almost blending in with the background as he watched you. The fur on the back of his neck stood up straight when he saw the arrow aimed in your direction. The man had every intention of killing you. It was a cruel way to die, especially when all you were doing was playing in the woods.
Now I have to save you.
As the hunter released his arrow, you surprised both of them by suddenly leaping toward the nearest tree and narrowly avoided getting hurt. You didn’t look down as you climbed up the bark and walked across one of the large branches with more agility than he expected, your eyes on the hunter as he reached for another arrow. You must have sensed him if you were able to dodge his weapon like that. If Bucky didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought you were laughing or playing a game.
No time to play around, little red. You can't stay up there all day.
You must have known that, too, since you leapt from the high height and onto the man below.
With a small scream, you tackled the hunter to the ground. He tried to toss you away, but he didn't stand a chance when you bit into his neck. Bucky didn't expect such ruthlessness from you, but he understood why you attacked since the hunter intended to kill you. And while he didn't normally hunt without giving chase, the tear of flesh and tissue from the man's throat urged the beast inside him to join you. He had to help as you were smaller and could still get hurt.
Pack mentality. Nothing more, right?
Bucky jumped through the trees and charged at the man lying in the dirt. He was still conscious enough to throw an arm up to try and defend himself, but it only led to the wolf chomping down and crunching the bone. He relented after a moment, only to join you in biting his neck. Blood hit his white fur and dripped onto the soil, staining the earth and adding the hunter to the long list of fallen souls in the shadows.
Should've stuck to the beaten path.
You snapped your head up at the sound of his snarl, licking some of the blood from around your mouth as you assessed him. You seemingly forgot about the lifeless hunter as you slowly backed away. Bucky didn't approach you and he wasn't your enemy, but refused to lower his head in submission as you hunched your back. He was almost impressed at the fearless flash in your eyes.
You won't win a fight against me.
Your body collided with his a second later, a firm reminder of your speed even though he was stronger. You didn't claw or bite as the two of you rolled away from the body, but you screamed again. Maybe you wanted to warn him that you weren't a creature to mess with. Or maybe you knew he followed you and wanted to retaliate.
It was for your own good.
Bucky got on top of you as you came to a stop. With a small growl and raise of his lips, he went for your throat. He would've bitten through your neck, but he didn't since his intention wasn't to kill you. He wouldn't let you do any damage to him either. The clench of his jaw was a warning of what he could do if you didn't submit and the hold was enough to make you go lax beneath him with a small sound. And it was the pounding of your heart against his fur that made him loosen his hold.
It's okay, little red.
He let go completely at the sound of snapping and shifting bones beneath him. He knew those noises all too well. The shrill shriek you let out faded to a groan as your body stretched, the red fur disappearing into your skin. Your eyes were still glowing as you completed the transformation from a fox to a human.
A beautiful, naked human.
Though the townspeople feared the woods and knew monsters existed, not everyone believed the myth that shifters roamed the land. But here you were, living proof just like him. Maybe that was why your scent called to him, a mixture of something wild and grounding. It was only right that he changed back into his human form, too. It didn't mean he'd give you the satisfaction of moving away while he shifted back, his bones molding and skin stretching with a grunt. His hair fell in his blue eyes as he exhaled, his breathing harsh as he realized just how close your bodies were.
And that he could smell your arousal.
"You know I didn't need you to save me, right, wolfie?" you smiled, bringing a hand to his cheek. He bristled, but not because it didn't feel nice. It was because you touched him without hesitation. "I had it under control."
"I think you did need my help," he couldn't help but say. While you were a predator, you weren't as dangerous as him. Your touch was too soft. "You should be thanking me."
"Thank you for not minding your own business."
"It is my business when you're in my territory," he reminded you, placing his hands on each side of your head as he stared down at you. The intimidating look didn't make you cower. It made you smile.
Why aren't you afraid of me?
"I guess so," you said, stretching a little and drawing his attention to your neck. It would look beautiful with his mark on it.
No. I'm not thinking about claiming this beautiful, sly stranger.
"You guess so?"
"Okay, it is your business," you huffed softly. "That man killed a lot of defenseless creatures in the west end of the forest, so I lured him here. And if he didn't take me as bait, I figured a wolf would either scare him off or kill him."
Cunning and smart.
"So you did need my help," he smirked.
"I attacked him just fine without you."
"But if you hadn't, you would've had to rely on me."
"Yes, I would have. Because you're so biiiiig and so strooooong and I'm sooooo helpless," you teased, raising an eyebrow when you purposely lifted your hips to touch his. "Well, you really are big."
His eyes slipped shut, but it didn't stop the blood from flowing south. You were so warm and soft. If he spread your legs a bit more and sheathed himself, he wondered just how tight and hot you'd feel around him. Would you cry out for him or whimper?
"You're also smelly and hairy like a dog," you added.
With a growl, his eyes flew open. Instead of showing fear, you laughed. He was so thrown off by the sound that you were able to use your strength to roll him on his back. The sight of you above him, your breasts lightly bouncing from another laugh, was one he'd later dream about.
"You know the thing about foxes? People always underestimate us," you said with a smile. "Because we're smaller than wolves and so cute. We look almost innocent."
Bucky laughed this time, the sound deep as he brought his hands to your hips to steady you. No other reason. "I know damned well you’re not innocent at all."
He held his breath as you leaned down, your nipples brushing against his chest. "And how would you know that?" you whispered, your lips so close he could almost kiss you.
The scent of blood and death was only a few feet away, but the tempting smell of your pussy had his mouth watering. He had to keep a level head though. He didn't know you. "No one innocent would rip a throat out like that."
He wondered just how many men you lured to their deaths with your act.
The hunter becomes the hunted.
The playfulness faded from your eyes as you sat up. Had he touched on a sore topic? "Sometimes we have to do those things in order to survive," you said, lifting your weight off of him. "Thank you so much for 'saving' me."
"Wait," he urged as he sat up, not wanting you to go away so quickly. That should've bothered him that he wanted you close by. Everything about his pull to you should have. "That's not a proper thank you."
"And what is?" you asked curiously, your eyes moving along his body as he stood up. He wasn't ashamed of his nakedness. If anything, he liked that you saw some of his scars.
"Helping me get rid of this body," he answered, nodding to the hunter. He'd already have to explain to Steve that he assisted in killing him, but he wasn't at all sorry. "And I need to make sure you get back to the border safely."
You nodded after a moment. "Not the kind of 'thank you' I thought you'd want, but I'll help," you said, briefly looking up at the sky and avoiding his gaze. "Don't worry about taking me back. I can manage just fine getting out of here. I'm used to going it alone."
I don't like that.
"I'd feel better if I went with you," he said.
"Fine," you agreed, gesturing to yourself when a breeze picked up, goosebumps rising on your skin. "Just wish I had my red cape to cover up. Unless you don't mind the view."
He licked his lips when you did a spin, giving him a view of every delicious curve of your body. "I don't mind," he admitted.
Hell, he was still half hard just from having you against him on the ground.
"I like you, wolfie," you smiled.
"That's not my name," he said, even if the little nickname made him want to smile.
"What should I call you?" you asked, brushing a bit of dirt off his right arm.
"Bucky," he replied, gently taking your arm before you could walk away. "What should I call you?"
You smiled as you gave him your name and moved in close again. "You can call me little red if you want," you told him, your breath fanning against his ear. "Let's get to work."
Maybe once you finished burying the body, Bucky would convince you to tell him a bit more about yourself. Because he wasn't ready to let you leave his territory yet. Not when he sensed you had no one to go back to. And he had a feeling you weren't quite ready to leave yet either.
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Surprise, surprise, I love them already. Love and thanks! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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eclipseshotel · 3 months
My yautja chasing after me, only he trips over his big ass feet and falls and I stop to laugh at him, then keep running
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sunshine-1722 · 1 year
The fact that the big bad wolf, the embodiment of DEATH itself, canonically has sex (and doesn’t work in a bank) is not what I was expecting from the episode and yet here we are
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dragonknightcal · 4 months
Times that the chain forgot Wolfie is Twilight (Fluff for day 3 of Febuwhump)
Here's some fluff to soothe the soul.
Was super tired that day 
Saw Wolfie laying down and flopped on top of the wolf
Sailor was asleep as soon as his head was resting on Wolfies side 
Twilight didn't mind, but he definitely doesn't prefer it 
It becomes a regular occurrence later, much to his chagrin 
(he doesn't really mind that much, he's just keeping up appearances)
Wakes up from a nightmare 
Ends up cuddling with Wolfie 
Maybe cries a little bit 
Twilight politely doesn't bring it up the next morning 
He does keep a careful eye on Wars the next day and offers silent support 
He doesn't forget as often as the others might 
But every so often he finds himself idly scratching Wolfies ears 
Red does it most out of the colors 
But they all do it
Twilight doesn't mind 
He low-key enjoys it from time to time
 Rulie sometimes forgets Twilight is Wolfie
And that Wolfie is a nice wolf 
He has startled in a sleepy state and drawn his sword on Wolfie before 
Twilight takes note to approach slower as Wolfie 
Or just transform back to his hylian form 
He would never hold it against Rulie, he understands that wolves are not the nicest  
He lives on a ranch
He for sure has been around farm dogs 
When he's super focused/distracted he’ll give Wolfie commands 
The one that got the most laughs was when Wolfie/Twi was trying to snap Time out of his own head
And Time on impulse told Wolfie “No bite.” 
Neither lived that down for a while 
He also wakes from a nightmare 
Lege decides that he needs a walk and Wolfie goes with 
He ends up venting at some point 
Twilight never mentions the stuff Legend said that night
But makes sure that Wolfie is there to supervise more late night walks as they seem to help 
Completely forgets that Twilight is Wolfie 
Baby talk 
The whole nine yards
Twilight learns to appreciate it, despite the others teasing 
It's kind of nice to get praise just for existing sometime 
Wild almost never forgets 
However, if injured or really out of it, he completely forgets 
Wolfie becomes like his companion in his era 
Subject to all the cuddles and silly questions and weepy venting 
Wild has admitted to Wolfie his fear of disappointing Twilight 
Twi always makes sure to reassure Wild when he's more aware of reality
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obsessedwithhotmen · 3 months
✿⁎⋆ PAUL ⇢ *-ALL MINE-* ⇠ LAHOTE ⋆⁎✿
⇾ (Twilight) Paul Lahote x fem!reader
⇾ Summary: you had a few too many drinks at the bonfire.
⇾ Warnings: smut, drunk sex, raw doggin it, light spanking and hair pulling, dirty talk.
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It started off with having no drinks, if Paul couldn’t get drunk due to his wolfie ways, than there was no point in you having drinks either, after all you didn’t want to have fun without him. Then slowly, after a lot of convincing from the girls, you had your first drink of the night - and then your second - and then your third. As the night went on, you started to lose count of the drinks you had consumed, all you knew was that Paul looked way too good while he was sat joking around with Embry, Jacob and Quil. He had come to the bonfire in a button up shirt -something extremely out of character for him - and his hair was slightly tousled from the rough housing between the guys. You couldn’t take your eye off him.
After some encouragement from Kim, you had went up to your lover and bugged him until he had enough and dragged you into the house and away from everyone else.
That was how you found yourself bent over the bathroom counter, hands trying to grip onto any surface possible, your hips being relentlessly thrusted into the solid surface as Paul pounded in you from behind. Shameless moans escaped your lips as Paul pressed harder against your back, forcing you further onto the counter, your breasts coming into contact with the icy cold surface. “Fuck-” Paul hissed, he stilled inside you, bending over your body so he could mumble in your ear. “Should’ve heard what they were thinking ‘bout you.” He started. “Wanted to beat the shit out of them.” He thrusted hard once, stilling once again. “But then I thought how much better it would be if I fucked you close enough so they could hear you.” He felt as you clenched around his length, thighs quivering at the thought of the other pack member listening in on you and Paul. “Yeah… you like that? Want them to hear your desperate little whining.” You frantically nodded your head, unable to give a response as a shockwave of pleasure filled your body when you felt his fingers meet your clit.
Paul let out a growl as he heard some of the guys groaning and telling him to quiet down, only stirring him up to do more.
He pulled away from your body, his chest no longer pressed up against your back, as he continued his relentless thrusting. “Paul!” You cried out, his fingers picking up pace the more he fucked into your tight hole. One hand moved down in order to grip onto Paul’s forearm, nails digging into his flesh as you attempted to pull his hand away from your sensitive bud, only enforcing him to continue.
“That’s right.. say my name.” He growled, his voice deep and intimidating, giving you a light pinch that earned a yelp from your quivering lips.
Your head lifted up from the bench and your eyes met his in the mirror in front of the both of you. “Say-” thrust “my-” thrust “fucking-” thrust “name!”
You were certain your hips would be more than bruised by tomorrow morning, but that didn’t stop you from biting your lip and back arching from the overwhelming pleasure. “Fuck Paul!” You slurred, eyes struggling to stay open and grasp his reaction.
His brows were furrowed and his jaw was clenched s he pulled out of your seeping hole, reaching a hand down to rub his tip against your clit and nudge your tight entrance. A smirk showed on his face as he watched you attempt to push back against him to fit his entire length into your already red and bruised cunt. His other hand moved up to your hair, gripping a makeshift pony tail and pulling you back so you were stood up and pressed up against him. “I can’t hear you.” He whispered tauntingly in your ear causing you to shiver at his tone of voice.
“Please, Paul! Need you so bad.” You whined, rubbing your ass against his rock hard dick. “Want you in me.” Your eyes began to water the more you grew desperate, wanting nothing more than for Paul to man handle you with all his wolf strength.
The man behind you was staring down at your ass, watching the way it moved against his pulsing dick. He let out a groan, “want, or need?”
Immediately you began sputtering out words, “need, need you Paul. Please fuck me, need you so much.”
Relief filled your body as he removed himself from you, and once again his dick was at your entrance. “Love hearing my pretty girl beg.” He grunted before shoving his cock past your clenched walls, receiving a drawled out moan in response.
There was no time to be bashful about your moans when Paul’s cock was hitting further than ever, brushing past your sensitive walls and pounding into your dripping hole. It didn’t take much longer before you feel the familiar feeling in your stomach growing rapidly, your moans only growing in pitch and volume before your entire body began to convulse.
Even as he watched your orgasm hit, he didn’t slow down, continuing after your orgasm had finished and your body was twitching at the sensitivity, only opting to slow down as he reached his own climax.
He stilled inside you, pressing as close as he could to your body, allowing for his seed to fill deep in your begging hole, brain clouded due to lust and not thinking of the repercussions.
You could hear his heavy breathing over your own, added with quiet growling and grunts, had your body not been so sensitive after the prior orgasm than you would have happily pushed back against him to continue the moment.
‘Finished yet?’
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
I’ve done sooo much yapping about Warriors today, here are some headcanon about some of the others!
- Twilight’s hair grows similarly to a wolf’s pelt in that his roots are just permanently very dark and his hair is incredibly thick (I also think his hair is definitely a red toned brown)
- Time is not at all a natural born leader or an intentional father figure. He’s just very kind and genuinely wants to help others, and everyone else has really bad Daddy Issues. He’s not being fatherly on purpose and has no idea they’re all interpreting it that way
- More on that: The others all see Time as this stoic, mysterious man, but the reality is Time has HORRIBLE control of his facial expressions and will sit down and think his silly little thoughts and the others will be like “WOAH- He must be THINKIN- Hylia, he’s so wise!!!” but Time’s thoughts are actually just “Did I clean my sword… Wild was hurt earlier I hope he’s feeling better… Is this how Warriors felt about me during the War…”
- Wild is very extroverted and a reasonably chatty guy. He knows like EVERYONE in his era and they all just adore him (except that flower lady by that shrine). He’s cautious around new people because of the yiga, but the town regulars are people he very much enjoys chatting with
- Part of the reason Legend is so grumpy is because he has chronic pain, he doesn’t mean to snap at people. The other part is that he struggles to control his tone. He’s never intentionally rude or cruel to people, he’s incredibly nice and sweet once he relaxes around people
- Warriors and Legend have gotten into a full on physical brawl at least twice over a bet and Time had to break them up
- Sky will wander off with Hyrule and Wild sometimes to find more wood to carve
- Wind is a SHOCKINGLY good artist, he likes drawing places he’s been and the people around him. The others are just impressed he can sit still long enough to finish a piece
- Four would regularly take walks by himself, but Twilight got anxious about him disappearing off alone so he’d join him, but as Wolfie, out of respect of the fact that Four didn’t want Hylian company
- Hyrule has healing magic but is/was NOT a medic, or trained to be one at all. He knew a few basic things from his quest, but the more complex things he learned from Warriors who was trained as a field medic
- Wild is very independent, and is very responsible when he wants to be. He just… rarely WANTS to be
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gay-chef-boyardee · 8 days
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The first of my Ever After High Fan-Redesigns! Cerise Hood.
I /love/ Cerise. I think her name is the cutest (I’m glad they didn’t go with the obvious pick of Scarlett), her color scheme is amazing, and she definitely should have been a more major character. I chose to do her first because I already loved her design, and figured it would be a good test-run of this /maybe/ series(?)
For Cerise I gave her a more petite build to go along with her story of being the /little/ red riding hood. I imagine her to be around 5’1” and significantly shorter than the other characters around her, especially her sister.
Instead of a cape I fitted her with a big comfortable hoodie for a bit more modern take on the hood, though I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. I think if I were to try again I’d make the red a bit more emphasized, since for me, it’d be important that a kid walking through the doll isle would be able to identify what story each doll came from without having to check the name.
I do quite like the flowers though. In the original Little Red Riding Hood, she strays off the pass to pick a nosegay (objectively funny old word for bouquet) for her grandma to accompany the wine and cake, and that’s when the wolf sneaks away and eats the grandma. On her hoodie are Asters, which represent daintiness, as you would expect from Little Red Riding Hood. But on her dress underneath are Mock Orange flowers, which represent deceit.
I went with a sort of ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ theme for Cerise. Though she looks very cute and dainty, all EAH fans know that she’s anything but. And when you take her hood off, you’re left with a very 2014, almost scene outfit (though I wouldn’t go that far, since she’s still quite preppy). Without her hood, her ears, which are disguised as her bangs, flip up and expose her true /wolfy/ nature.
Anyways, I’m really happy with the final design and I think I would definitely pick up a doll of her. I’m doing a little poll on who I should draw next, so please vote if you’d like to see another :>
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sorcererofsolitude · 6 months
Wednesday, glaring at Yoko: You have the seductive capabilities of a dead ostrich. How you've managed to court a siren is beyond the scope of logic.
Yoko, smirking and putting an arm around Divina: At least I'm not a short little virgin with a stick up her ass.
Wednesday, breaking her gaze: Your assumptions are incorrect as usual, Tanaka.
Yoko, furrowing her eyebrows: Wait- you're not...? Who the hell would risk life and limb to...
Yoko notices Enid’s face going red as she stares straight ahead, sweating bullets.
Yoko: Uh... you okay, wolfie?
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Well... I guess they had to find out some time.
AO3: SorcererOfSolitude
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
what would your characters react to reader wanting to squeeze their chest? like they jutst walk up to them all shy and stuff and they just mutter out if they can touch da boob, especially valeth and baron 👁️👁️
Asking Them If They Can Squeeze Their Chest
My OCs x GN Reader
CW: touching the booba, a bit suggestive themes in some parts
Adrian scoffs while hiding his red face. "Pfft huh? What are you, some kind of pervert? Hah! W-wait why are you walking away! I didn't say no dumbass!" please cup his moobs he is begging you please hold them gently in your hands
Brandon is a bit embarrassed and doesn't know what to do.. Does he need to take off his shirt? Should he shower first? He's just had practice! If you compliment him afterwards he's blacking out over how flustered he is from you touching him.
Valeth is happy to let you feel him! A true warrior has no shame when it comes to showing off their body. You must admire your loving mate very much! He loves looking down at you as you feel him. Your eyes look like stars as your hands squeeze his chest, he won't lie, he might ask you to do this again.
Bo is a bit hesitant. Are you sure? There's not a lot left.. If you insist, he will sheepishly lift up his shirt and look away, he doesn't want to seeing him all shy. Please reassure him that you love him and his looks, he's very insecure about his body, the poor boy.
Screw is flustered. "Wh-what?! Y-you wanna- with me? Uhm..o-ok! P-please me gentle!" He's very ticklish so he's trying not to laugh while you touch him, you're both just very very flustered during the entire ordeal, Soda and Rib's was laughing their bones off watching the two of you.
Ribs is confused. "I...don't have any..."
Soda is flat but you're welcome to touch him. You are his mate after all :)
Wolfie rolls over and wags his tail. Please please please ! His leg kicks frantically as you rub his chest. Please nuzzle your face in his chest! He'll pull you close and lick your cheek telling how cute you are.
Dorik stand up and quickly lifts up his sweater. "Anything for you Master!......why are you not doing it yet?"
Kalva cocks his head in confusion. You have to act out that wanna honka honka his boobas and once he realizes what you're asking, he does a little :0 face and hops closer to you and sits down politely. He give you permission. :3
Jasper is in shock, he is frozen. If you ask if he's ok, he tries his best to compose himself and give you permission. He tries to look indifferent to it but he's not hiding his grin very well.
Viktor stops sipping his tea for a moment, his cheeks a bit red. "P-pardon me, my Dear?" Of course you can uhm...feel..him...if he had a heartbeat, it would be beating so fast it would sound like humming.
Garrick is ready for you to do it, he's read your mind, his tits already out to be honked baby. He's on the bed waiting for you to hop in with him. 'For the full experience' he says.
Silas has a smirk on his face and leans closer to your face. "My dear sweet (Y/N), you really want to do such a thing~? Well then, how about we go up to our quarters so you can feel me all you want~"
Baron's cold facade breaks for a moment as you ask him, his saliva gets caught in his throat and he starts coughing out of surprise. Once he regains his composure he flatly agrees and gulps when your hands touch his chest. He doesn't utter a word or sound the whole time. When you look back up at him, he has a nosebleed. "I-it's nothing Boss, I'm fine..please continue.."
Caspian swoons and coos so much, you almost drop the request all together. "Oh my! How romantic! How forward! You're so sudden my Treasure, I love it!~" He's very loud and sensitive so expect him to make some questionable sounds if you ask him.
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navybrat817 · 9 months
A Crown of Flowers
Pairing: Shifter!Bucky Barnes x Shifter!Female Reader Summary: You make Bucky a crown of flowers and he gets a little closer to the shifter quickly stealing his heart. Word Count: Over 2.2k Warnings: Shifters, flirting, slight possessive behavior, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). Previous Part of AU: The Pull of Gravity A/N: More Wolfie and Little Red! I really need to give this AU a name. ❤️ Beta read by @whisperlullaby (thank you!), but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics! ❤️Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky considered himself to be a dangerous predator. A good man by nature, but vicious when the occasion called for it. Sam told him more than once that he didn’t look approachable even when he wasn’t in wolf form. A far cry from his younger years when he charmed most people around him with a smile. Life in the woods and seeing the things in both his human and shifter form changed him. He hoped for the better, even with his sometimes grumpy nature.
He was far from the predator he claimed to think he was thanks to the crown of flowers on his head.
“You look so pretty, Wolfie!” you smiled, reaching over to adjust the crown. Your eyes narrowed at the unmistakable growl that left his lips. “Oh, don’t you dare growl at me. That may work with your pack or family or whatever you call them, but not me.”
His lip lifted in a softer sort of snarl, but you remained unafraid as you tucked a lone flower behind your ear. You somehow convinced him to sit in the garden beside you and it felt nice. When was the last time he took a moment to appreciate the beauty of it? “And what are you gonna do about it? Bite me again?”
“Don’t tempt me,” you smirked, playfully snapping your teeth for good measure. “I don’t know why you have that look on your face. The crown looks nice. Steve’s wearing his with pride.”
“He’s just being nice to you,” he said.
But if we’re comparing crowns, mine is nicer and I refuse to let those words leave my mouth.
“Yeah, he’s a nice guy. That’s why he gave me your shirt,” you said, gesturing to the fabric that covered your skin.
Shifters ran warm, but it was starting to get darker and colder. You hadn’t had a chance to get the red cape of yours that you mentioned. Steve was kind enough to get you a long shirt of Bucky’s to wear, to both his and your disappointment when you covered yourself up. It was also smart on the blonde’s part not to give you one of his own shirts, as if he sensed that Bucky wouldn’t like anyone else’s scent on you.
I’m possessive and I’m fucked.
“We should probably head inside. I’m sure you’re starving,” he said, knowing if he dwelled for too long at the thought of his scent on you that he’d fuck you right there in the dirt.
Only if you wanted that.
“In a minute. I want to enjoy the view a little longer,” you said, leaning back on your hands to look up at the sky. While you took in the sight above you, he kept his eyes on you. “It’s nice here.”
“Yeah, it is,” he agreed, taking a quick look around as he inhaled the comforting smell of his surroundings. Your fragrance in the mix added something he didn’t know was missing or longing for. “It’s home.”
“Home,” you whispered, as if the taste of the word was bittersweet. No doubt a part of your story he knew you wouldn’t tell him today. “How did you two meet? You and Steve. Did you grow up together?”
“We did. He’s been my best friend since he was a runt. We’ve always looked out for each other,” he said, taking another flower to put behind your other ear. Your hand shot out to grip his wrist before he got too close. “You’re quick.”
“And strong, but not quite as strong as you are,” you smiled, releasing his wrist and tilting your head to allow him to continue. He tried his hardest not to smile at the compliment. “Must’ve been nice to grow up with a shifter friend.”
“It was, especially since we’re both wolves. My parents were shifters, too, but not having to keep it a secret from Steve made it a little easier. I don’t know. It’s hard to explain.”
“Because you understood what the other was going through. You had someone to confide in and I’m sure he did the same in return. I’m also guessing you both understood the need to keep it a secret with people outside of your circle, as well as the need to protect each other,” you mused, tilting your head to gaze at him with a wistful stare. “You weren’t alone.”
Shadows clouded your eyes as he inhaled slowly, mentally noting the subtle change in your scent. He caught shifts occasionally with Steve and the others when their moods changed, but this was something different. It was as if he could taste your tears on his tongue, but you weren’t crying on the surface. At that moment, he wanted to crawl inside your mind and heart to soothe whatever pain you tried so hard to hide.
Who hurt you? Tell me so I can deal with them.
“May I ask you a question and you don’t have to answer it?”
“Okay,” you answered.
“Why did you decide to come here?” he asked.
You breathed out when you shrugged. “Besides being wildly attracted to your rugged good looks?”
“Yeah, besides that,” he smirked, taking your hand in his. Yours was soft on the top and rougher on the palm. It suited your form. Playful and endearing, but ready and willing to fight.
His was rough all over.
“I got the sense that you’re not a bad guy. And I know if I would’ve pushed hard enough to make you go your way while I went mine, you would’ve let me,” you told him, gently running your thumb along his palm. You didn’t seem to mind his calloused touch. “My instinct said I could trust you, so I came here.”
Something warm wrapped around his heart at your admission. He wondered how long it had been since you put your trust in someone else. “I’m glad you did,” he said, his voice soft. He was glad you accepted his offer.
You smiled before you dug your nails into his hand. “I don’t trust easily, Wolfie. Don’t make me regret it,” you whispered.
A whispered threat is often more terrifying than a scream.
“I won’t, Little Red,” he promised, his voice at the same level as yours as he leaned in closer. “But while we’re on the subject of things given and earned, don’t break my heart.”
He heard the air leave your lungs as you loosened your grip and laughed, a sweet, beautiful sound. “You can’t give me your heart.”
“Why not?”.
“Because you’ve known me for a day and part of that was spent killing and burying a guy. That’s not romance. That’s a murder. What love story starts with murder?”
Bucky tilted his head like he was actually trying to think of another couple. “Technically, it started when you came into my territory. So our story actually began with you trespassing,” he smiled.
“And it continued with you stalking me. Trespassing, stalking, murder. Just a day in the life of a shifter,” you teased before your smile fell. “Even if you’re joking, why would you give your heart to me? I haven’t done anything to earn it.”
“Because I know you don’t trust easily and you still took a chance by coming here,” he replied. You chose to walk beside me. “So if you can give me your trust, why am I not allowed to give you my heart?”
“That is different!” you said, booping his nose with your finger. “I know you’re attracted to me and I suspect you don’t open up to many people either, but wanting me and wanting me are two different things.”
He brought a hand to the nape of your neck as he pressed his forehead against yours. “I can do whatever I want with my heart,” he whispered, closing his eyes when your breath touched his lips. “I just need to hear you say you won’t break it.”
A heartbeat passed before you spoke. “I won’t break your heart, Wolfie.”
Thank you.
Bucky wanted to close the gap and kiss you. It would’ve been easy to lay you down in the dirt and indulge himself in the warm haven between your thighs. But he would let you take the first step. If you were willing to trust him, he could calm his primal urges until you allowed him to unleash them.
“I think I want to play tomorrow,” you said, leaning back slightly and breaking the temporary spell he was under. “What’s there to do around here? Besides each other?”
The deep rumble in his chest only made you smirk. “Why do you keep teasing me?”
“Because it’s fun,” you said with a lift of your shoulder. “I’m not teasing you just to tease you. I very much plan to let you wreck me and I’ll happily welcome you into my mouth and pussy.”
Fuck. She’s trying to kill me.
“I may sit on your face for good measure,” you added, resting back on your hands again. You didn’t quite open your legs, but the stance was wider than before. “You strike me as someone who gets very hungry.”
Bucky ran his teeth along his bottom lip. “And you strike me as the type who’d ride my face to indulge me.”
“Oh, I would. And I’ll make you wear a flower crown while you show me what you can do with your tongue.”
Suddenly flower crowns are my favorite thing.
“I’d say it’s time to eat, but that’s maybe the wrong choice of words!” Steve called out from the other end of the garden.
Fucking punk and his fucking-
“Why are you yelling?!” Bucky shouted back as he threw up his hands. “Why don’t you walk over like a decent human being and tell us?”
“You’re yelling back at me!” Steve pointed out as your shoulders shook with laughter. “And I’m not walking over there when you two are seconds away from going at it.”
“We won’t go at it today, Steve!” you announced, giggling still as you pushed yourself up and dusted the dirt from your legs. “We’ll wait until tomorrow before we cause more havoc. I think we caused enough for today.”
He chuckled after a moment. It had been a day. “We’ll be right there, Steve,” he said, shaking his head as he watched his friend hurry away. “Punk.”
“I like him,” you said, taking his hands to pull him up. “You never answered my question. What’s there to do around here?”
“There’s a pond not too far from here that’s pretty much ours at this point. No one else really goes there,” he said, adjusting the crown so it stayed on his head.
An amused look crossed your face, but you quickly let it fade. “Maybe we can go for a swim,” you suggested before you turned on your heel. “Maybe I’ll even let you chase me.”
“You’ll let me chase you?” he asked, taking in how good you looked in his shirt. It somehow made the curves of your body more tempting than before. “Hunt you down?”
“If you’re good,” you said over your shoulder. “If I do decide you can chase me and you catch me, you can have me then and there. On one condition.”
Bucky had to will his cock not to twitch. How could he make time go faster? “What’s that?”
“Don’t laugh,” you warned as you turned back toward him. Your finger tapped against your thigh before you lifted your chin. “I want a warm blanket when I go to sleep tonight.”
He didn’t laugh at your request. He wouldn’t dream of it. But it did surprise him. It was a simple ask, but maybe it was much more significant in your eyes. “You can have my bed and the blankets on it.”
“You’re giving me your bed?” you asked, your eyes widening as he nodded. “No, I’m not making you sleep somewhere else just because I’m staying the night. We’ll share your bed. Agreed?”
“Thank you, Wolfie,” you said.
“You’re welcome, Little Red.”
You tapped your thigh again with a small smile. “Can you show me your bed before we eat?”
“Sure,” he smiled, motioning for you to go with him. There was a spring in your step as you walked beside him and he couldn’t wipe the smile from his face when he let you into his small hut. While everyone used the common area for living, they also had their own sanctuary for privacy and sleep. “This isn’t much, but-”
You darted past Bucky and launched yourself onto his bed. With a happy sigh, you rolled back and forth, your body eventually touching every inch of the mattress, blankets, and pillows. He didn’t ask what you were doing or why because he sensed your happiness.
He wasn’t about to interrupt that.
You sat up with a grin once you stopped. “Now that you have my scent all over your bed, we can eat,” you said, skipping over to grab his hand.
You’re possessive of me, too.
“I’ll give you the grand tour of the hut once we’re done,” he joked.
“Looking forward to it,” you said with complete sincerity.
Just like he was looking forward to having you around a little longer.
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What do we think? Wolfie hunting Little Red down? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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luckywolfsbane · 27 days
I think I figured out why Legend is so grumpy this update.
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He doesn't reveal that he knew about Twilight being a wolf. Look at that frown. He's got such a face going. I love this.
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He keeps saying how transformation isn't *that* cool. Honestly, if less of the Chain had been turned into something at some point, I'd think he was accidentally raising red flags.
He's not, though. No one is going to bat an eye at Legend saying these things. Because to so many of them, transformation is just part of being the hero. So yeah. Maybe it's not a big deal to them individually.
But who among them that have transformed has admitted it? Twilight is the only one the entire group knows about. He didn't even admit it willingly.
So Legend, who HATES his transformation, is over here thinking no one else gets it. He's grumpy because he thinks they'd never accept his transformation in the same way they have Twilight.
Because, in his mind, of course they accepted Twilight's wolf form. They already knew Wolfie. It might be a surprise, but it's not such a big jump.
Legend might be a little jealous. Twilight is no less vulnerable when transformed. Everyone accepts him. He's useful. He can fight.
I can't be convinced he's not thinking about his bunny form and how they'd never accept him so easily. Okay, I could be. But like... it would take a strong argument.
(Edit. Didn't know this was being done, especially with tumblr's comprehensive tagging system, but apparently, I made a social blunder by not adding this disclaimer: the panels are from @linkeduniverse. Go nuts lol)
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Hob would like it known right off the top that he is neither big nor bad --- he is very nicely cuddly in either of his forms, thank you very much, with some muscle and some [very, very sexy - if he does say so himself] padding; and he would say he's more saucy, with a healthy distain for authority, than bad!
He's lived in, and protected, this forest for longer than there's been a "king" and he'll be here well after the king is gone. This is all to say he's certainly a wolf (a lupine shifter) but not a big bad one -- he likes grannies (he helped the nice older "witch" of the forest with her groceries just the other day!).
So when he finds a crying young boy in the forest wearing a red hooded cloak his first instinct is to help. Orpheus is scared, bad men came and took his daddy; and he ran as fast as he could, like his daddy told him too,,,,,, but now he's lost and alone and the bad men still have daddy.
Mr. Wolfy, Mr. 'Ob, is so warm and cuddly. He said he would help Orpheus get get his daddy back.
I'm so soft about this. Imagine fluffy, gentle Hob (in human form) scooping little Orpheus up in his arms, balancing the sobbing child on his hip and rocking him gently. Orpheus explains the whole situation in whimpers and sobs and buries his little face in Hob’s nice soft beard. Hob puts him down carefully, promises that the two of them will find Orpheus's daddy, and promptly shifts into the biggest, fluffiest wolf you can imagine.
Orpheus is thrilled to ride on Hob’s back, hanging onto the shaggy coat as they travel through the forest. Hob has a pretty good idea of where Dream may have been taken, and when they reach the place where the forest ends and a huge fortress appears, he shifts back into human form. He gives Orpheus a big hug and tells him to stay put - he'll be back with daddy as soon as he can. He leaves Orpheus with milk and a nice big slice of pie, and disappears off in the direction of the fortress.
Orpheus waits very bravely and patiently and is just dropping off to sleep when... Hob springs out of nowhere!! He grabs Orpheus's little red hood in his jaws and uses it to pull him along until he is finally grabbed properly by a pair of hands - it's his daddy, riding on Hob’s back!!!
Even burdened by riders, Hob outruns Dream’s captors easily and takes him and Orpheus deep into the safety of the forest. Hob has an arrow in his butt, but he doesn't seem particularly hurt. There's logic as well as sexiness behind all that padding.
Orpheus and Dream end up staying with Hob for a while, for safety and so Dream can recover from the beating he got from the soldiers. Hob has a nice safe den and Orpheus gets to play in the pretty glade outside while Hob, ummm, nurses his dad's wounds? Hob definitely seems to be kissing him better a lot.
Orpheus feels so happy and safe with his daddy and Mr Hob. He hopes they can stay forever. And Dream seems pretty happy too - if the way he cuddles up against Hob’s soft fluffy tummy is anything to judge by!!
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cafecourage · 3 months
Little Red Riding Hood where Reader is Little Red but also a werewolf
Love Interest and rest of chain can be assigned however
(Cause I'm always down for a fairytale au)
I did a little twist on this. Idk if this was what you wanted. I had to ask doggo experts for how doggos act around each other. I am leaving this off on a small cliff hanger because I do want to write more of this.
Twilight didn’t trust the new person in the group. Well. It’s more like he didn’t know what to think of her. She came in like a hurricane running after the Shadow like it was her prey. Then when the dust settled and she calmed down the group quickly learned of why. The short of it being that for some reason the Shadow attacked her brother and she took chase. Which then led to her to finally agree to join the chain. Much to the Ranchers chagrin. However, he knows better than to start an unnecessary fight. Twilight could be civil.
Civility could only go so far.
Little Red, as Warrior’s likes to call her, noticed Twilight’s presence and slight unease of her and ran with it. Twilight couldn’t understand just why she was always running circles around him talking about this and that. It confused him to no end when she instantly would stick to him even when he was wolfie. He had to on more then one occasion threaten to bite Little Red’s hands. She never cared or backed away from Wolfie when he showed a bit of aggression. “He is going to bite you.” Wild warned her as he watched Little Red try to play with Wolfie.
She looked up at Wild while holding Wolfie’s face, “what? No the baby is just playing.” That comment only made Twilight growl more.
“Baby? Wolfie isn’t a baby.” Wild was torn between being completely amuse and helping Twilight out as he did know about his slight distrust of Little Red.
“No no no, Champion. This is a wolf pup. He has to be like…” Her attention draws to the wolf as she observes the good boy. “Man… I have to say maybe 10? He is very small even for that age. Wolfie is like an adult dog size but he is definitely a wolf.” She boops the snoot and quickly pulled back as Twilight tries to bite her hand again. This only makes her giggle more.
“I think your wolves might be just bigger than my Hyrules.” Honestly to Wild, Wolfie was the same size as most wolves, but he just shrugs and not questions that further. Twilight couldn’t understand why you were like this, he wonders if it was just an eccentric thing. He has met a lot of weird people in his life and Little Red might be one of them. After being free from your grasp he takes it upon himself to run away for now. Only because you don’t tend to grab his face while being Twilight and thats the most annoying part of being wolfie around you.
It wasn’t until they finally came to her era that he finally understood.
The village Little Red lived in was small, but cozy. It reminded Twilight of his own home. People tended to light up when seeing Little Red. But given the size of the group following them most villagers tended to just say hi and remarks that they needed to talk to her later. “My house is a bit further.” Little red said pointing to a path that ran into the woods. “It’s just me, my brother and Grandma oh and our cat. I’ll make sure to keep her out of your stuff. But we should have room to fit everyone.” She explains as the path slowly clears up to a cottage in the wood with a small garden. There was a small pup running around in the yard playing with said cat. Who was purely annoyed at ready to pap the puppy in the head.
Little Red’s eyes brightened “Link!” She calls out gaining the Pups reaction.
She dashes towards the house as the puppy starts running towards her. They meet halfway and the puppy shifts into a young boy. “You’re back! You’re back!” This Link giggles as he gets lifted in the air by his sister and spun around.
“I am! For now.” Little red nuzzles her brother’s face as she shifts her grips on her brother to put his weight on her hip. “Boy’s this is my brother. Link these are the adventurers I’ve been traveling with.”
She turns to the group with a smile. The chain was utterly confused and silent before Wind speaks up “Did he transform into a wolf?”
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
Linked Universe Character Guide
I made this LU character guide for my friends and I thought it might be useful for any new LU fans out there! And also for anyone else who wants to info dump to friends about LU. So here you go :D
These characters are of course based on @linkeduniverse by Jojo! But, disclaimer, this does include some non-canon stuff (primarily the fandom nicknames and some War of Ages things) that’s common in fanfiction :). I made this for fun and for my friends so it includes my favorite tropes, canon and fanon.
Edit 4/4/23: Alt text and image descriptions added. Alt text only describes the official character art image (descriptions of all the images were too long for alt text and they were being cut off by my screen). Image text and other image descriptions are at the bottom of the post.
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Image text:
Hero of Time – Time – Old Man, Ancestor (by Twilight), Sprite (by Warriors)     |     Zelda: Lullaby
Games: Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask
Character Traits:
Oldest of the Links
Mental age unknown, physical age is probably 30s
Leader of the group, also group Dad
Very decisive and stoic when he’s being leader
Youthful sense of humor
Views the Master Sword as a curse/burden
Twilight’s mentor – Animated skeleton in the Twilight Princess game called Hero’s Shade
Loves his wife Malon so so so much
Important Game Facts and Items:
Majora’s Mask was a 3-day time loop basically, Time was the one to control the movement of time though
He has masks that give the wearer powers
His facial markings come from the Fierce Diety Mask, which gives him god-like fighting power, but he can’t always tell friend from foe
Had a fairy companion named Navi in Ocarina of Time
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Time is holding up Wild's version of Majora's Mask even with his face. His injured eye is open slightly and is completely white, and his facial markings are in focus. His text box says "Besides, with a legend like that, I'd be more afraid of what destroyed the demon."
Image 2: Time has his arm around Malon and is smiling happily. Malon is a middle aged white woman with long red hair. She is wearing a farming dress. She is smiling back at Time.
Image 3: Text above the image says "Post-Games, Pre-LU Time." It is a black and white sketch of Time when he was a young man. His hair is long and braided over his shoulder with fringe coming down around his face. He is wearing a simple undershirt.
Image 4: Time is smirking mischievously. He is seen shoulder-up.
Image 5: Time is smiling talking to Wind. Wind is putting his sword back in his sheath. Time's text box says "In every battle, you have a little more of the look of a hero." Wind is smiling sheepishly and his text box says "…"
Image 6: Time is scowling. He is holding his sword with both hands out to the side as if he was just attacking. There is smoke and debris in the background. End descriptions.
Hero of Twilight – Twilight – Twi, Pup (by Time), Rancher, Ordonian, Wolfie     |     Zelda: Dusk
Game: Twilight Princess                                                          
Character Traits:
Started his journey as an older teen/adult, now early 20s
Good sword skill & marksmanship, best on horseback, animal whisperer
Physically strongest Link
Grew up in a small town, Ordon Village, on a ranch
Brother bickering relationship with Warriors
Big Brother of the group
One of the most emotionally mature Links
He often comforts the others as Wolfie
Wild’s mentor (because Wolf Link can show up in Breath of the Wild)
Mentored by Time (Hero’s Shade) and Time’s blood descendant
Important Game Facts and Items:
One of the only ones to start his journey as an older teen/adult
Was cursed with Shadow Magic and can now turn into a wolf at will using the artifact he wears as a necklace (Shadow Crystal)
His horse Epona sometimes accompanies the group
Had a companion named Midna that he loved but can never see again
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Twilight is scowling and has his arms crossed.
Image 2: Twilight is in his wolf form. The wolf is large and primarily black, with grey fur on his chest, paws, and face. He has the same forehead markings as Hylian Twilight, but they are grey instead of black. Wolfie has his eyes closed but his head up and is laying on the ground. Wild is asleep on his back with one arm draped across him.
Image 3: Twilight as Wolfie at the end of his transformation. There are black cubes surrounding him, signaling the transformation. Wolfie has a metal shackle on his left front leg. His hackles raised and he is growling.
Image 4: Twilight has his shield at the ready. His brows are furrowed in concentration. Light is shining from the upper left corner and it makes his hair look more blonde than usual.
Image 5: Image from Wild's Sheikah Slate. Twilight is wearing his undertunic and none of his other usual clothes. He is smiling at the camera. In the background there is a lake with light shimmering on the water.
Image 6: Twilight is grinning widely. He is holding a staff diagonally in front of him. End descriptions.
Hero of Warriors – Warriors – Wars, Captain, Pretty Boy (by Legend)     |     Zelda: Artemis/Athena
Game: Hyrule Warriors
Character Traits:
War of Ages started when he was an older teen/adult, now mid 20s
Military man, but the good kind, Captain in the Hyrulean Army
Weird relationship with Time- Time is team dad, but during the War of Ages Warriors was his big brother figure
Wind’s mentor
Looks are important to him
Prefers to be in groups, good at communication
Best at strategizing and battle plans and such
Doesn’t trust easily because a lot of his soldiers betrayed him
Emotionally mature
Loves to bicker with Legend
Most likely to have actual field medic training
Important Game Facts and Items
War of Ages
Time and Wind were technically present
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Warriors is showing off the burn scar on his left arm. It covers his hand and forearm. He is sitting next to Wind and Warriors' scarf is over both their shoulders. Wind is holding a mug. He is leaning forward and looking at Warriors' scar in shock.
Image 2: Warriors during battle. The art shows lines from the swing of his sword, but the sword is not in the frame. He is mid-swing. His scarf is billowed out behind him.
Image 3: Warriors is smirking and shrugging. There is a text box, but it is cut off and unreadable.
Image 4: Warriors is speaking, but the text box is cut off and unreadable. The image is zoomed in on his upper body.
Image 5: Warriors during battle. He is crouched down and his shoulders are pointing towards the viewer but he is looking to the side. His sword and shield are both up. His sword is pointing in the same direction as he is looking.
Image 6: Warriors is holding out a cloth covered in black blood. He has a cut above his left eyebrow that is bleeding. There is a text box but it is cut off and the only visible word is "creature." End descriptions.
\Hero of the Four Sword – Four – Smithy, Little One (by Time)     |     Zelda: Dot
Games: Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Minish Cap
Character Traits:
Smallest but not the youngest, probably mid teen age now
Only one in the group with a functioning braincell
Very skilled blacksmith
Confident, quiet, calm
Often strategizes with Time and Warriors
Important Game Facts and Items
Friends with Minish, which are a race of small mouse-y creatures that can only be seen by children
Wields the Four Sword, which can split him into four versions of himself: Red, Green, Blue, Vio
Each color displays an aspect of Four’s personality
Keeps this a secret and in LU canon just recently revealed it to Wild. Time also knows
Never wielded the Master Sword, doesn’t have the Triforce of Courage
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Four is split into his four colors: Vio, Red, Green, and Blue. They are standing in a semi-circle and looking at something outside the image. Vio looks contemplative, Red looks upset, Green looks surprised, and Blue looks angry.
Image 2: Four is blacksmithing. He is sitting in front of the forge. He is holding a hammer in his left hand and tongs in his right hand. Both hands have thick leather gloves. In the tongs, he is holding up a horseshoe to inspect.
Image 3: Four is standing next to time with his arms crossed and brows furrowed. Wild's legs are in the frame, and he is on the ground in front of them recovering from an injury. Four's text box says "You think this is gonna (read: going to) be a pattern?"
Image 4: Four during battle. He is leaping backwards out of the way of an axe. He is holding his sword in his left hand and his shield in his right hand. His eyebrows are furrowed. His hair is flying forward as he jumps backward.
Image 5: Four is laughing as he stands next to the Master Sword. Sky is holding the Master Sword with the tip on the ground. The Master Sword is only a few inches shorter than Four. Wind's hand is above Four's head measuring the height difference. End descriptions.
Hero of the Winds – Wind – Sailor     |     Zelda: Tetra
Game: Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks (?)
Character Traits:
Youngest Link, started his journey at 12, now almost 14
Very fun personality and very expressive
Good at stealth and navigation
Is a pirate
Has a little sister named Aryll
The others look out for him since he’s the youngest, but he wants to be able to prove himself as a capable hero
Likes joking and pulling pranks
Important Game Facts and Items
He can control the wind with his Wind Waker, though this has never been used in LU canon
Started his journey because his sister was kidnapped
Was not originally gifted with the Hero’s Spirit of Courage, he assembled the Triforce during his journey
Killed Ganon at age 12 by stabbing him in the face
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Wind during battle. He is holding a huge two-handed sword and it mid-swing. His eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is open like he's yelling.
Image 2: Wind is grinning widely and watching a fairy fly. He is holding a bottle in one hand and pulling the cork out of the bottle with his other hand.
Image 3: A full body image of Wind. He is standing like the standing man emoji meme. He is scowling and his frown is squiggly.
Image 4: Wind is gasping in surprise. His eyes are very wide.
Image 5: Ain image of Wind from the side. He is leaning back sightly. He is holding a shield. He looks very much like a child in the image.
Image 6: Wind is grinning widely. He is leaning toward the viewer and his eyes are focused on something off screen. He has one hand curled against his chest. End descriptions.
Hero of the Wild – Wild – Cub (by Twilight and Time), Cook, Champion     |     Zelda: Flora
Games: Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom
Character Traits:
117 (17 physically)
Survivalist, best archer, crazy good stamina
Only Link that is actually good at cooking
Very prone to injury, a bit reckless, breaks his weapons a lot
Has insecurities about being the only Link that ‘failed’ their mission (this is obviously not true)
Lost his memories when he died, still getting them back
Used to be a knight pre-Calamity Ganon
Mentored by Twilight
He and Hyrule often run off and get lost together
Important Game Facts and Items
Has the Shiekah Slate, the inventory works, bombs and stasis are the only runes still functional. Technically in LU canon he has an enchanted bag, but in fanfics his storage is usually the slate
Scars are from when he died during the Calamity. Shrine of Resurrection fully healed his body internally
Wolf Link (older version of Twilight) helped him on parts of his journey
Image desriptions:
Image 1: Wild is holding his bag tightly with one hand and a soup ladle in the other hand. There are lines on the art implying he was just swinging the ladle. He is scowling. The phrase "grrr" is above his head.
Image 2: Wild is frowning and is very anger. The lines on the image imply he just stood up very quickly. The scars on his face, ear, and neck are purposefully in focus.
Image 3: Wild during battle. He is leaping through the air and his hair is flying behind him. He is holding a sword in one hand and the Sheikah Slate out in front of him with his other hand.
Image 4: Wild is shrugging, grinning, and his eyes are very wide. His expression is very comical. His text box says "SO?"
Image 5: Wild is sitting in a chair in front of a Time and Malon's dining table. He has one hand gently braced on the table. He is smiling sheepishly at something off-screen.
Image 6: Wild is holding his bow with one hand. With the other hand he has three arrows at once nocked on the bow's string.
Image 7: Wild is shrugging and grinning widely at something off screen. There is a text box but it is cut off and unreadable. End descriptions.
The Hero of Legend – Legend – Veteran, Vet     |     Zelda: Fable
Games: A Link to the Past, Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, A Link Between Worlds, Tri Force Heroes
Character Traits:
Older teen age
Most experienced Link, but chooses not to be a leader
Closest to Hyrule and Warriors, bickering relationship with Warriors
Very magically inclined
Mature for his age, very reliable
Very snarky, tries to act emotionally unaffected by his adventures
Truly loves adventuring and travelling
But likes to do things the right way and know where he’s going
Important Game Facts and Items:
One of his adventures may not have been real (Koholint), and he has a lot of issues surrounding that and the woman he fell in love with during it
Has so many items, has a tool for everything (bit of a hoarder)
Can turn into a pink rabbit sometimes
Ravio is his counterpart from Lorule, they live together
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Legend in his bunny form. It is a very cute pink rabbit and he is still wearing his red sleeveless tunic in bunny form.
Image 2: Legend is smirking and in the middle of telling a story. He has his hands out in front of them as if he is using them to portray his story. There is a text box and it has a lot of words but they are cut off and unreadable. His hair is primarily pink.
Image 3: Legend is smirking and elbowing Wind. Wind is mostly cut off of the frame.
Image 4: Legend is pointing at the viewer and yelling in surprise. His hair is mostly pink, but his roots are growing out blonde. His text box has extra pointed edges to show he is yelling but the words are cut off and unreadable.
Image 5: Legend has a confused look on his face. He is holding his shield but it is resting by his side. His text box is cut out of frame.
Image 6: Legend mid battle. The lines in the art imply he is running toward the viewer. His shield is hooked to his back and he is holding his sword with both hands. His sword has a blue hilt and a red blade.
Image 7: Legend has his chin pointed up and out and looks contemplative. The image has a regal vibe. His text box is cut out of frame. End descriptions.
Hero of Hyrule – Hyrule – Traveler, Rule, Roolie     |     Zelda: Aurora & Dawn
Game: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: Adventures of Link
Character Traits:
Mid-teen age
Soft-spoken, kind, just a humble traveler
Doesn’t think he’s as much of a hero or warrior as the others
Handles himself well in battle despite having no formal training
Never gives up
Very magically inclined, and has healing magic
Looks up to Legend since he is Legend’s successor
Loves exploring with Wild
Grew up in a cave
Important Game Facts and Items
Original two Zelda games
His world is kind of a wasteland
Monsters in his world want to use his blood to resurrect Ganon
Never used the Master Sword
Has the entire Triforce
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Hyrule is looking down on the viewer and his hands are glowing with his healing magic. His eyes are closed in concentration. In the bottom of the frame, there are bandages on Twilight's chest.
Image 2: Hyrule is grinning widely and has one arm locked with Wild's. Wild is cut out of the frame. Hyrule is pointing over his shoulder with his thumb. The text is cut off, but the readable part says "curiosity sure doesn't!"
Image 3: Hyrule is standing in the center of the frame. The lighting and his stance make him look very young. Both his arms are extended out of the frame, and on one side there is a sliver of his shield visible.
Image 4: Hyrule during battle. He is running at something out of frame and yelling. There are scratches and dirt smudges on his face. He is holding his sword with both hands and it is on fire.
Image 5: Hyrule shoulders and head are centered. The lines in the art imply he quickly turned his head. His text box says "?" and he looks confused.
Image 6: Hyrule is grinning mischievously. His shoulders are facing away but his head is turned towards the viewer. He is snapping his fingers, there is a "SNAP" written next to his fingers, and there is lightning coming from his fingers. He is holding his sword with his other hand and his shield is strapped to his back. End descriptions.
The Chosen Hero – Sky     |     Zelda: Sun
Game: Skyward Sword
Character Traits:
Started his journey in mid-teens, now early 20s
Best swordsman- don’t get on his bad side
Skyloftian Knight
Kind, joyful, bashful, emotionally mature
Loves cuddles, loves comforting the others and making them smile
Very low stamina, needs more resting time, loves sleep
Very very in love with his Zelda
Friends with the soul of the Master Sword (Fi) and view the Master Sword as a blessing
Important Game Facts and Items:
Chronologically the first hero
Grew up on a floating island called Skyloft
He and his Zelda are rebuilding the Surface, and their kingdom will one day become Hyrule
Never actually fought Ganon- fought Demise, who cursed the hero’s spirit to be tied to his own
Image descriptions:
Image 1: Sky during battle. Sky's back is to the viewer and he is looking over his shoulder. His text box says "?!" He is holding his sword with one hand and his shield with the other. His shield has a very ornate metal design. His sailcloth is flowing behind him like a cape. There is black debris in the background.
Image 2: Sky is smiling kindly. His textbox says "Well I think it's neat."
Image 3: Sky during battle. He is holding the Master Sword above his head in the position for the Skyward Strike from his game and the sword is glowing brightly. His brows are furrowed in anger. He is holding his shield in his other hand.
Image 4: Sky is smiling bashfully and blushing. He has his head resting on a hand and is looking towards the Sky. There are hearts surrounding his head.
Image 5: Image from Wild's Sheikah Slate. Sky is asleep against a tree and there are hands in the image stacking sticks on his head.
Image 6: Sky is smiling up at the sun. Sun says are shining down on him. His hair looks especially fluffy. End descriptions.
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Hey Linked Maze fans! It's me! :D
Another update another ramble from yours truly! :D
I love the smol updates just as much as the large ones cause it gets me thinking ngl. Makes me wonder what's gonna happen next!
(Especially in situations like this)
Okay enough from me
A link to the comic page can be found here! Please do go and check it out and give it a lil reblog to show your support! It's wonderful.
Linked maze belongs too @linked-maze and its creator @frulleboi. if you've not seen it note that it's for more mature audiences! :)
without further ado!
You might not need snacks for this one, but get some water, I know you need some right now. Got some? Awesome, let's begin!
We start with this panel!
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First off the saturation of the image, we know that wind's outfit is like blue blue. So it's interesting to see it so discoloured. Makes me wonder if this is how wolfy sees generally or if it's just in wolf form.
(Ha you thought I was gonna go straight to the sents right, nope :D)
But now I will
So we can see 3 colours here. A reddish pink, A purple, and cream? I'm gonna call it cream.
So this confirms something
Three people have had enough contact with this object to leave an impression.
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And here we can see two of them
If im understanding this correctly, Red belongs to Sky. The purple belongs to this second figure who I am going to assume is Zelda.
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Also who I can assume is Wolfie seeing this red in his eyes. A cool touch!
A visual representation of whose scent he is following I can only assume., which would defo be useful later. For like when we oh I dont know
Go looking for the cream-coloured scent owner?
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This is the only frame we see this cream-coloured scent. So I'm gonna call this now and assume that this scent belongs to Angel or djævel. Probably Angel since she's the one we've seen wandering around collecting the hero's items.
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He sniffin
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it's the windy boi
I love him, your honour
Also totally not Wolfie pretending that sword isn't his.
It's not mine what are you talking about :))))))))))
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I like this shot, it's very nice.
I am a little worried as to why Warrior looks worried. Surely he must know about dog scenes. and I feel like Wolfy has proven himself by now as to not be a threat to him.
Do you think Warrior noticed Wolfy does not smell the sword handle? And smell the random fabric instead.
A sword handle would have the most intense smell of something right? Because of the sweat. So...
Warrior is wondering and now so am I.
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This is the face of a man who knows something is up with that wolf
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Man is trying to be a good friendo
Warrior dont apologise you smol cinnamon roll it's fine let the kids lead
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The mix of the colours here is interesting.
(Totally not me zooming in on the coloured lines to see if I can figure out what colours they are made from)
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I see mainly that pinky red here.
But something in me wants to say that there's a little bit of cream in here.
You think they are gonna use the sailcloth to find Angel later? That could be cool. Maybe get Wolfy to smell a bunch of items to build a scent profile for Angel so they can go looking for her later?
Just a thought! let me know what you think! I love doing these and it's great. Thanks again to @linked-maze for the permission to do this. I love doing them.
Thats all tho so I hope you have a wonderful day/night! :D
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xylon8 · 5 months
Wine Tasting
[Dom!fem!reader x Sub(?)Kafka]
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[NSFW warning!]
“My.. What a view.. So pretty even when you’re under me.” Kafka coos; she pulls off her iconic, and beautiful smirk as she drinks her expensive wine and makes a small ‘mm..’ sound at the taste, and in pleasure. Your head was in between her plush, and well built thighs. You left dark bruises and red marks at every inch of her inner thighs as you licked long stripes at her folds, tasting her sweet essence better than any expensive drink that you’ve drank thanks to her. “Mmf.. tastes s’good..” your voice comes out muffled, low vibrations from your voice pleasure her clit and lets out a soft moan. but she seemed to understand anyway. Her hands travel down your velvety locks and caresses your hair, her mischievous but tender looking eyes look at your perfect face that she just can't help but fall in love over, and over again. “Please Kaf.. wanna.. taste you..” you whine, finding it hard to not immediately give in into her. But you know she wouldn't like that. You are her good girl anyway. You can take it. You always do. “Patience, darling.. Surely you can wait a little longer, right?'' she grins, taking some strands of your hair and curling it around her finger. Patience. Oh how you hated it especially since you're in front of such divine beauty. All you want to do is dig your head deeper into her sopping wet cunt and make her cum until she finally feels fear. But then you won't be her good girl anymore, she will overstimulate you. She will fill you up with so much of her strap that your folds will be molded into the shape of the magenta colored faux toy. Insides painted in your own cum and slick as she thrusts deep into your cervix moaning nothing but her name and only her name and feeling her in you until all your holes have been stuffed. Your tears and incoherent whines and moans will be nothing but to her amusement, as a little appetizer to her wine per se.  “You are taking it so well.. You don't really make it this long.. Mh.. well it doesn't matter, it won't be long until i have to go back to the crew,” she hums disappointedly at the lack of time with you. ”well.. It's only natural that i reward you for staying still like a good little dolly.” she grins seductively, swirling the darkish red liquid in her fancy glass. you don't hesitate one bit once you hear her hypnotic words and her consent to proceed. You immediately latch your tongue onto her clit perfectly as she gasps at the sudden motion, almost dropping her glass as she puts it down and gripping the chairs arm rest in extreme satisfaction. “Hhn..! aahn… yes.. Just like that doll..” kafka groans lightly. You spread her legs wider and her legs begin to tremble, her hand that was in your hair now getting tighter by the second you go faster. Your chin dripping of her own slick and cum mixed with your own saliva. Moans leave your mouth as your tongue tastes more of her heavenly essence. “Keep going..” she grunts and moans, pants and breathy moans echoing around the room, deliciously pleasing into your ears like an angels song. “Almost.. There..!” she grips a large handful of your hair and pulls it, bringing you closer to her pulsating folds in complete ecstasy as she lets out a loud moan enough so the crew can hear how much of a good wife you are to her. You ride her through her orgasm as she pants, but you dive in again and she jolts at the overstimulation. “wan’ my fill too…”  you expressed with a lustful gaze. looking up to her and licking your lips that are happily coated in kafka’s cum. “Oh.. fuck it.. I'm sure Wolfie won't mind me being absent for a while.. i won't stop you.”
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