azmaarts · 27 days
Just realised Neil and Andrew's ship shorthand is N/A. N/A as in nothing. Their ship name is nothing. Fuck
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azmaarts · 7 months
good traits gone bad
perfectionism - never being satisfied
honesty - coming off as rude and insensitive
devotion - can turn into obsession
generosity - being taken advantage of
loyalty - can make them blind for character faults in others
being dependable - always depending on them
ambitiousness - coming off as ruthless
optimism - not being realistic
diligence - not able to bend strict rules
protectiveness - being overprotective
cautiousness - never risking anything
being determined - too focussed on one thing
persuasiveness - coming off as manipulative
tidiness - can become an obsession
being realistic - being seen as pessimistic
assertiveness - coming off as bossy
pride - not accepting help from others
innocence - being seen as naive
selflessness - not thinking about themself enough
being forgiving - not holding others accountable
curiosity - asking too much questions
persistence - being seen as annoying
being charming - can seem manipulative
modesty - not reaching for more
confidence - coming off as arrogant
wit/humor - not taking things serious
patience - being left hanging
strategic - coming off as calculated
being caring - being overbearing
tolerance - being expected to tolerate a lot
eagerness - coming off as impatient
being observant - being seen as nosy
independence - not accepting help
being considerate - forgetting about themself
fearlessness - ignoring real danger
politeness - not telling what they really think
reliability - being taken advantage of
empathy - getting overwhelmed with feeling too much for other people
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azmaarts · 11 months
Petition to Unalive Backgrounds.
The title says it.
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Thanks to the recent hype, I'm being reabsorbed into the Blue Lock franchise/fandom. My sleep schedule has shifted back from 12:00AM to 3:00AM. I've been high off of endorphins reading the official paperbacks, and now hangovers are whooping my gluteus maximus. ;-;
Anyway, it all starts with my love for ma boi, Nagi. I read this series back in 2020 or 2021, and to this day, one of my favorite scenes is the one where he scores the first goal at the U-20 match. So, naturally, I wanted to set my new phone wallpaper as that!
30 minutes of Googling, Binging, and Pinteresting... nothing.
With no satisfactory wallpaper, I looked at my drawing tablet and thought, Well, fak it. Imma do it myself. *inserts Thanos meme*
And that's how the nightmare started. :D
I find my references, and BAM. Sketch done. Pretty EZ cuz I had a solid vision in mind already.
A quick greyscale filling and dramatic eye color.... and I was done!
But on hon hon! YOU FOOL!
Curled like a shrimp, I stared at my new lockscreen. (Maybe this is a lesson for me to never stare at my art for more than 5 minutes.) Strangely, I felt a churn of dissatisfaction (or midnight hunger).
Maybe I should add some more saturation.
Maybe I should try...
Adding the background?
And so, after two days of trying to draw grass and people instead of seeing their 3D counterparts (JK, I still had to go to work and utilize my vernacular amongst those fleshy beings)... I finally finished.
OK. Maybe not finished finished...
Who am I kidding? Give me another three minutes to stare at my new lock screen and I'll probably start learning Blender to 3D animate my wallpaper or background or smth.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. UwU
*Yoinks you into a chokehold*
Who's your favorite Blue Lock character(s)? :D
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azmaarts · 11 months
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Artfight 2023! Let's go!!
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azmaarts · 1 year
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My friend gave me micron pens yesterday! :D:D <3<3
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azmaarts · 1 year
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the suffering never ends
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azmaarts · 1 year
*Resurrects from dead*
*Posts this*
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*Proceeds to dwell back in hell.*
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azmaarts · 1 year
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azmaarts · 1 year
Jason: *Gets shot in the ass*
Jason: HA. There was already a hole in there.
Damian, spawning out of nowhere: Just like your soul.
Dick, cartwheels into the scene: *Gives everyone a high five* HECK YEAH.
Barbara & Tim, sipping their 50th cup of spleen killer coffee:
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azmaarts · 1 year
Jason the Mosquito Sniper (Part I)
Welp. I was incredibly productive with my schoolwork yesterday BUT NOT TODAY. Only managed to finish my physics homework and half of my calc. Have only barely started writing out my upcoming college applications (Part II). I'm scared. :,D
ANYWAY... Started this thing back in... the second week of November?? Daum. Look at how Dickie's hair grew. ;w;
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These two panel sheets were drawn nearly a month apart... AND I STILL CAN'T DRAW DICKIE'S ABS.
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azmaarts · 1 year
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she’s working
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azmaarts · 1 year
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the six fanarts plus some details
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azmaarts · 2 years
Barbara: So where's this dog I keep hearing so much about?
Dick: Oh, he's right here.
Jason: That's a grown-ass man.
Dick: Yeah he's a little old but hey, who said you can't teach old dogs new tricks. Ready? Watch this. Speak.
Wally: 'Sup bro.
Dick: Good boy!
Kory: Yeah he just spoke English. That's a grown— that's an actual human being.
Dick: Yeah, yeah I guess he kinda does have like that human-like personality.
Jason: 'Cause it's a fucking dude.
Kyle: I feel like we're drastically overlooking the fact that this is just a guy on all fours that you... keep in your house? Or...?
Dick: He's actually a rescue. Did I mention that?
Barbara: What does that even mean in this context?
Dick: It's a shame. I found him out wandering the streets all by himself one night so I took him in.
Wally: I was walking to class one day and he just grabbed me.
Barbara: Okay, what's your name, dude?
Dick: I call him Snowball.
Wally: It's actually Wally.
Roy: Okay so this is like some type of kink thing?
Wally: No he genuinely thinks I'm a dog.
Kory: Okay, even then, why are YOU going along with this?
Wally: Free rent, free food.
Kory: Still, dude, that can't be—
Wally: 401k matching, pension plan, dental coverage.
Roy: You get dental coverage?
Wally: Let me tell you, my canines have never looked so good.
Roy: Meow.
Dick: Daddy's little kitten.
Jason, leaving: Okay, fuck that.
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azmaarts · 2 years
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The process of making this comic can be simplified to that yes-no-orange-jacket-guy meme.
Me working on my pile of assignments, studying, and drafting college applications: (¬_¬;)
Me screeching at my first comic thingy and only discovering "gutters" after I spent a full day of break drafting, and about to boogie the living hell out of Koalemos himself: ( ⊙ꇴ⊙ )
This post was based off of @theaceofarrows's post! Check out their post through this link!
Since it's Epilepsy Awareness Month, I tried to finish this at least sometime in November... even if it meant starting on the 27th, finishing it on the 29th, and posting on the 30th.
If you (or anyone around you) want to get a basic understanding of epilepsy, try epilepsy.com. Even though Epilepsy Awareness Month is ending, it's not like epilepsy is gonna suddenly vanish. SO. Donate and/or spread the info. And as always, be wary of what you read/find on the internet.
Gotta prepare my college applications Part II so I had to speedrun the rest of the coloring which has essentially become... blobs??? !(꒪A꒪|||)
Drafting and "line-art-ing" took two solid days. Bless Discord for granting me the strength to continue with supportive and uh... eccentric friends. XD
I've also been discovering a lot more Jason Todd fans IRL, so shout out to you wonderful people! It was so much fun screaming about Jason with you all! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
Edit: DAUM. Thank you all so much!! I'm glad that this made your week, @theaceofarrows! Thanks so much for creating the prompt. Apart from providing me the inspiration to draw, you also got me into better understanding epilepsy. So, thank you! <3
And thank you ALL! You have no idea how much I love reading through your tags. This is legit my new form of therapy. I’m glad that this was received well! You all are amazing. Seriously. Keep thriving, everyone! ( ˊᵕˋ )°♡
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azmaarts · 2 years
I love the headcanon of there being a swear jar in Wayne manor where the money gets donated to charity whenever it's full, but what about Jason swears enough to put a sailor to shame purely for charity reasons? Or, he makes everyone else swear too so they have to pay Example⬇
Jason: [kicking in the manor door, and starts throwing 5$ bills at everyone] It's Epilepsy Awareness Month, and you know what that means bitches
Everyone: [resigned sighs]
Jason: [purposefully bumps into Tim so he spills his coffee]
Tim: Oh, SHIT-
Jason: [slamming the swear jar down] Pay up, motherfucker
[Alfred the cat, sleeping on Jason's jacket]
Jason: Damian, you little bastard, come get your damn cat before they shed all over my fucking jacket!
Damian: [grumbling] Fucking, Todd-
Jason: [already holding the jar] Contribute!
Bruce: Jason... I appreciate your enthusiasm, I really do, but maybe you could slow down a bit on the language-
Jason: Bruce, you selfish prick! I'm doing my civic fucking duty! I don't see YOU contributing anything to the damn cause, you rich piese of shit!
Bruce: Jason, please...-
Jason: [slamming the jar into Bruce's chest] Do it. Do you it, you fucking coward
Bruce: [tiredly pulling out a 100$ bill] Fuck...
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azmaarts · 2 years
And That's How I Met Your Dad (Part II)
Link to Part I here.
Did I overdo the glitz and glam on that first panel? Absolutely.
No regerts tho.
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Lian be so done.
Edit: I NEED a way to like reblogs.
Me when I watch two characters (not more b/c cliche, crammed-in romance subplots tend to be monoamorous and hetero) suddenly start making out with each other in an action/fantasy novel without any warning/build up:
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azmaarts · 2 years
Me: I need to be serious and get my work done. Also me at school: How bad is the Discowing suit?
ANYWAY. I like to think that, as part of the punishment (from Wayne Family Adventures), Jason had to pose for the cameras in that suit. :D
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Did NOT expect to take so long to post this. Thanksgiving prep really drained me. I actually slept a solid nine hours last night. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! :D
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