#Car Window Garfield
bestthriftfinds · 6 months
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spockvarietyhour · 9 months
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Falling Down (1993)
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orionsbite · 1 year
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Felt like this photo deserved its own post
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everymlmhybrid · 2 years
What do parents of gen Zers think when their kids are obsessed with like. Garfield and snoopy and hello kitty.
0 notes
lucky-bucky-boy · 1 year
Blooming Showers
Pairing: TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: A split-second decision leads to a night full of changes
Word Count: 3610
Warnings: Angst with some fluff at the end, little use of Y/N, assigned nickname towards the end, distrust, anger, wound/mention of blood, anxiety, racing thoughts, friends-to-lovers
A/N: This is definitely my longest piece I’ve written in a really long time. I started watching TASM with my cousin and friends and immediately fell in love with Andrew Garfield all over again so I NEEDED to write something. This isn’t smutty but I kind of want to do a part two thats smutty and angsty
I do not own these characters. Do NOT repost my writing and/or fics anywhere without my written permission. Reblogs are welcomed and highly appreciated!
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Rain softly padded against the window, causing the lights from outside to cast soft shadows, the lights from passing cars making those shadows dance. It was quiet, almost serene in New York - the sirens were few a far between tonight, and distant as well, the occasional coo of a bird trying to find shelter - there were no kids running down the fire escape trying to sneak out, no couples in petty arguments that shook through the thin walls.
Nights like this were few and far in-between, where for a few minutes you were able to fall in love with your city all over again, and you were able to remember every reason why you wanted to be here. 
The only thing that would've made the night better would have been seeing Peter, your lifelong best friend, and partner-in-chaos. Your phone lit up occasionally with messages from him, apologizing over and over for missing another scheduled movie night. 
It wasn't the end of the world, Aunt May needed help with something so you understood, but it still stung. This was the 4th one this year he'd miss. You understood when there was a foot of snow on the ground, and when midterms then finals week came, but it had felt like since graduation two weeks ago that Peter had been avoiding you. 
Trying not to dwell on the sinking feeling was hard, so many changes were happening and your brain was becoming more and more hyper-aware that more changes were bound to come. Graduation may overall be a good thing, opening up new opportunities and finally not having to worry about classes you'd never use a day in your adult life, but it also meant that you were about to start a new chapter of life. 
In an attempt to stop the racing thoughts, you decided Fuck Peter for missing your movie night and decided to watch a movie anyways. Pressing play on an old favorite, you left the comfort of your bed to grab some snacks from the kitchen. 
Ten minutes. That's all you were gone, but in those ten minutes, the city's beloved vigilante slid your window open, practically tumbling off of the fire escape and onto the floor. He did his best to avoid your bed, not wanting to soak it in the rain or the blood that was on him. 
There was a cut through his suit, not deep but enough to nick the skin and have scarlet drops dripping down. He reached for a towel that had been carelessly discarded by you earlier in the night, haphazardly tying his cut up with his free hand and then pulling his mask off. 
Peter's breaths were rugged, head now leaned back against your bed as he tried to calm himself from the adrenaline rush of the near-death experience he just had. Sure, he only had a cut and a few bruises to show for it, but he knew deep down without his enhanced sense he surely would have been dead. He hadn't even processed the split-second decision he made to go to your apartment instead of Aunt May's house. 
It wasn't until your shrill scream, the sound of the snacks hitting the floor that Peter's eyes flew open, looking at you as if he had just been caught committing a crime. His eyes were wide, realizing at that very moment the weight of his actions and inactions for the past several years. He didn't dare move, only a breathy sigh of your name leaving his lips. 
Your brain moved quickly once you realize that the intruder sitting on your floor was Peter… Your Peter, dressed in a red and blue skin-tight suit, holding a mask, with your towel wrapped around his arm. There had to be a reasonable explanation. 
"Peter?" You knew it was him, but your brain was still attempting to come up with some explanation as to why he was dressed as Spider-Man. 
You quickly grabbed the stuff you had dropped, putting it on the bed and kneeling next to him. "Peter, what the fuck is going on?"
He stared at you, blinking a few times and not sure what to say. He knew there was a lot he needed to say, a lot that needed to be explained but he didn't know where to start. He's been lying to you about a part of himself for years now. 
"I'm sorry," he breathed out, breaths still shaky. 
You now realized the towel was covering a cut, the smell of iron mixed with city rain present in your nose. "Shit, what the fuck. Are you okay? What the hell is going on?" 
He nodded, "I've been worse," he mumbled. "I'll be fine, don't worry 'bout me." He leaned his head back against your bed again, taking a heavy breath in. 
That was the worst thing he could have said to you. Don't worry, at this point, you were worried and confused about everything. 
"Peter, you're my best friend, you know I love you, but if I do not get an answer as to what is going on in the next minute I am kicking your ass and calling May."
His eyes opened, looking over at you. The look of regret and hurt was evident, "I'm so sorry," he said, barely moving. His body ached but his heart was aching more as he watched the expressions on your face change the more you noticed and pieced things together, "I should've told you but I was scared you'd get hurt."
"Peter, what should you have told me?" Your voice was betraying you, breaking and quivering as you attempted to be firm. 
"I- I'm Spider-Man, I've always been. That's- Something happened tonight and I had to go help-"
"So you've been lying to me for 5 years now?"
He went silent and all he could muster was a small nod. 
"You've been hiding this from me for 5 years? Peter - I - we tell each other everything. If you've been lying about this, then what else are you fucking lying about?"
The hurt in your voice was evident. It was more like betrayal, and distrust, and it wrenched his heart and gut. The silence lingered as you started piecing more and more together. 
Five years. For five whole years, through your senior year of high school and the entirety of your college career, you spent attached at the hip to Peter Benjamin Parker - and he had been lying to you about a pivotal part of his life. 
In hindsight, finding out Peter had been Spider-Man all this time made a lot of things make sense. Five years’ worth of last-minute cancellations, questionable excuses, black eyes, and bruises. 
There was your senior prom. Aunt May was so excited that Peter and you were going together, she had always joked and wished the two of you would end up as more than friends. "Just memories for your wedding one day", she would say. 
Everything leading up to prom was great. Peter went dress shopping with you, he got a tie to match the color of your dress, Aunt May made sure the two of you had a matching boutonniere and corsage, he even took you to and from your appointments the day of prom.
However, an hour into prom itself he had to leave hurriedly, frantically coming up with an excuse of not feeling good when moments prior you had just finished taking pictures and laughing at the cheesy poses. 
That one stung, but you never admitted it, at least not to him. Peter had insisted you stay behind, spend time with other friends and he'd see you the next day. You're not even sure if he knows you left 20 minutes after he did, heartbreaking and feeling stupid for hoping Aunt May could be right. 
The summer between your senior year of high school and your freshman year of college was filled with last-minute cancellations. 
Since you were kids, specifically since second grade every Friday night was movie night and a sleepover. Even as you grew into teenagers Aunt May and your parents worked out an arrangement they could both be comfortable with to let you two continue your little tradition. But that summer every single one was canceled or Peter would leave early. 
For weeks you were convinced Peter no longer wanted to be friends with you, that somehow, some way you upset him and he hated you. Until a week before college started and he called you out of the blue for coffee and school shopping. 
Suddenly, things seemed normal again. Aunt May's house was close enough that Peter would go home for the weekend, and you would usually just follow along for Friday and then head back to your dorm Saturday. You'd meet up to study a few times a week or go run errands together, you were even back to gaming together once a week. 
So, you figured that Peter's sudden change in behavior could have been from his break up with Gwen. You knew he didn't take it easy when she ended things after finding out she was accepted into Oxford. You couldn't blame her really, but you weren't happy to see Peter's heart breaking. He talked about it some, but his eyes would always tell you more than he actually would. 
Of course, Peter would bail occasionally throughout college, but a lot of it made sense. He forgot about a project due or was just plain tired from working part-time and doing school. 
The part that never made sense though were the bruises and scratches. Peter always had an excuse; got hurt in the lab, fell skateboarding, hurt himself helping Aunt May. But at the end of the day, that's all they were; Excuses. 
Peter reached out to you, the touch of his cold hand bringing you back from your racing thoughts. "I…I know I shouldn't have hid it, (Y/N), I'm sorry I did. There was so much going on, so many threats and I- I just didn't want you to get hurt. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if you got hurt."
Tears began to prick your eyes, instantly jumping away from his touch, the feeling of dread and distrust sinking deeper into you with the singular move.  "And what if you got hurt? How do you expect me to live with myself if you died?" Your voice was still shaky, fear now starting to fill in the gaps between each emotion. 
Your eyes wandered to the towel he had tied around himself, blood beginning to seep through. "Peter," you reached for his arm but he grabbed your hand, stopping you and making you look him in the eyes. 
"I'm okay, I promise. It'll heal quickly, just needed to stop the blood… I'll buy you a new towel." His voice was soft, his gaze never leaving yours. 
"I'm not worried about the stupid towel, Peter." You sighed, "I- How could you have hidden this from me for so long?" You asked again, this time much more upset than angry. 
Peter let out a shaky breath, his body finally starting to come down from the adrenaline and the full weight of his actions set in. "(Y/N), I mean it when I say I wanted to tell you," his voice was sincere, still holding onto your hand that had reached for his cut, "But I was more worried about your safety and making sure you wouldn't prioritize worrying about me over the rest of your life. The only person alive that knows is Harry. I never told anyone else, Aunt May doesn't even know."
It still hurt that Peter never told you, but it was starting to make sense, "How does Aunt May not know?" 
Peter shrugged, offering you a soft chuckle, "You know she only sees and hears what she wants to. I never told her, but I'm also shocked she hasn't figured it out."
Peter gave you a look that made you know he was truly sorry, lower lip pouted out some, eyes big and wide, almost looking like a kicked puppy. "I know I have a lot to explain to you, and I know I need to rebuild your trust in me, but I need you to understand that I am really sorry for hiding it for this long. I've wanted to tell you since it all started, but I was told that it could put everyone around me in danger if they knew so I didn't want anyone to find out."
As much as you hated it, you did understand it. Giving him a soft nod, you let go of his hand instead of moving to rake your hand through his hair to get it out of his face. "I understand, but I don't like it."
"You don't like anything that doesn't go your way," he teased with a soft laugh, quickly earning a glare from you that made him laugh more. "I'll also explain everything once I'm not still soaked and healing." He said, motioning to his arm. 
You nodded, "Did you wanna go take a shower? I can make some food or order takeout."
Peter thought for a moment then nodded. He unwrapped his arm, looking at the little scratch that was left behind from the wound he had not even 20 minutes prior. "Yeah, yeah let me go shower… do yo-"
"I'll put your clothes and a clean towel by the sink for you once you're in the shower. I'll also take your suit and the towel you have and throw it in the wash, okay? You just go get cleaned up while I find us some food."
Peter nodded, giving you a quick hug and kiss on the forehead before disappearing from your room. It took you a moment, immediately sitting down on the bed, attempting to process everything. 
Your best friend of 15 years is Spider-Man. Your favorite person is your favorite superhero. Your best friend has lied to you to be able to go save people. Your best friend could have died, and has probably almost died countless times.
To say it was a lot to take in was an understatement.
You could hear the shower start running in the room next to yours, the sound thankfully pulling you from your spiraling thoughts and panic. As you moved through the apartment, throwing a frozen pizza in the oven and collecting some spare clothes Peter had left behind at your place before, the emotions started to make sense. 
Yes, it did hurt that Peter had hidden this, but his reasoning made sense. The hurt that you couldn't shake was how many times you could have lost him. He could have been dead on top of a skyscraper, no one able to discover his body with how high up he is, and you would've been none the wiser. Or if he died on the streets and eventually was unmasked you'd be left to mourn with the rest of the world instead of being able to process the loss of your other half in private. You'd be learning and losing so much so quickly. You'd be lost in a pool of emotions so chaotic it would make this moment seem calm. 
Peter was back in your room about 20 minutes later, the pizza fresh out of the oven and sitting on the bed with you. You were looking at the TV, not really watching the forgotten movie you put on. As much as you tried to not let your thoughts continue to run wild, your brain didn't want to listen. 
He moved the pizza to the closest surface and sat on your bed, immediately pulling you in for a hug when he saw the lost look on your face. Your mind felt like it was a broken record, spinning fast but on repeat. 
"What's going through your head?"
There was no reason to reiterate the same thing you had told him earlier. You pulled off of him, sighing deeply before giving him a small smile, "A lot, but I'll be okay."
He nodded, "So… movie night? I definitely owe you one."
You nodded, looking up at the screen momentarily, your gaze being pulled to your phone as a new news alert popped up about Spider-Man. You didn't bother checking it, but you're brain did finally click the two puzzle pieces together fully that Peter is Spiderman. 
You looked over at him with narrowed eyes and a slight pout, "You're fucking Spider-Man," your tone was accusatory which caught him off guard, a slow nod all he was able to offer before you continued, "You have let me tell you for years that I'm in love with Spider-Man. That I would marry this person I thought I'd never meet. That's so embarrassing!" You whined at the end. 
Peter chuckled, a blush on his features and his hand going to mess with the back of his head. "Yeah… you finally realize that means you've been saying you're in love with me for like… 4ish years now?" He teased. 
It was a joke. It was just banter which was typical for Peter. He was always teasing, playful, and borderline flirty with you. But that statement rang a little too true. You froze, movements and breath seemingly paused, and Peter quickly noticed that your heart rate quickened. 
It wasn't the first time that happened around him. He's noticed countless times before how your skin would heat up and your heart rate would increase when he complimented you. He even noticed when he would do something, only sometimes accidentally, that would turn you on. Peter, not wanting to ruin your friendship or make you uncomfortable, never acted on it though. 
"You okay, daisy?" It was a nickname he didn't use often, but one that he's called you forever. It held a special place for him, a reminder of some of his first memories of you - flower hair pins and daisy doodles all over your school papers. It was also a term that usually had you flustered and stumbling. 
"You finally realize I've been in love with you longer than that?" 
Now it was Peter's turn to freeze, taking a moment to make sure he heard you right. He watched as you squirmed some, re-situating yourself and pulling at your clothes, heart rate quickening and eyes avoiding his. 
It made sense really, but he couldn't believe it. Peter has had a crush on you since your 5th-grade school dance where you wore a dress your parents let you pick out, so you were beaming with pride and excitement. He remembers you spending the night at Aunt May's after, staying up all night eating snacks and playing video games. 
Every day since he's made himself believe there was no way you'd like him back. Peter believed you were far out of his league, and even if that wasn't true he was too scared of losing you to take the risk of pursuing something more. 
"How long?" Maybe that wasn't the right response but he wanted to know, felt like he needed to know. 
"Longer than I can remember," you responded, breath shaky, "I can't lose you, Peter… I - Spider-Man or not, I can't lose you. And you coming in tonight, wounded and dropping a massive secret like that on me - Peter, you really scared me. I love you and losing you would kill me."
"You're not gonna lose me," his voice was soft.
"Don't make any promises you can't keep," you could feel the tears starting to form. 
Peter moved to you, his large hands coming to cup your face and make you look at him. "I'm not making a promise I can't keep. You're not gonna lose me. Not now, not because of being Spider-Man, not ever."
He waited for you to blind away your tears, using his hands to squish your cheeks in an attempt to cheer you up a little. Once he got a soft laugh out of you, he broke out into a smile. "I love you," he said firmly, "I'm in love with you. I have been since we were kids." He confessed to you. "So I mean it, I'm not going anywhere."
Peter watched your eyes get wide as you processed what he said, feeling your skin heat up under his hands, "Can I kiss you?" His voice was soft and airy. 
A slight nod was all he needed before he pressed his lips to yours. It was intense and soft and sweet, everything and anything all at once. Butterflies erupted from low in your belly and vibrated your chest. His chapped lips moved in sync against your bite-swollen lips, sending waves of electricity and emotions down your spine and through every nerve. 
He pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours as the both of you caught your breaths. His hands fell from your face, searching for your own hands. "I know I have a lot to explain, I have a lot of work to do to make you feel secure and know I'll be here, but I'll do whatever it takes, daisy, I promise." 
She huffed out a small laugh, pulling away and nodding, "Thank you, Petey," you pressed another quick kiss to his lips before pulling away fully, giggling at the almost shocked look he had on his face, "Looks like we both have a lot to get used to." Your gaze softened some, "No more secrets?"
Peter laughed as well, grabbing your hands and bringing them to his lips, presently multiple kisses to them. "No more secrets
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seat-safety-switch · 2 months
There's lots of perks to working at the ol' Pick-and-Pull, my favourite self-service junkyard of all. They won't let me get a job there, partially because I'm technically "legally barred from entry by release conditions." And also because my attorney has worked out a long-term disability deal that will evaporate if anyone sees me thinking about employment anywhere other than Long John Silver's, but that's neither here nor there. It's a pity, too, because the benefits afforded to the junkyard elite are choice.
For starters, you get your pick of the junk left inside cars when they're scrapped. Pocket change? Trendy travel mugs? Radar detectors? Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, friend. For whatever reason, cash-strapped folks desperately attempting to unload their last semi-durable asset often leave the detritus of their life within the confines of the vehicle, and all that cool stuff can be yours. Of course, you also get things like "hissing, vicious rodents" and the occasional biohazard, but that only serves to make the highs that much sweeter.
Not convinced? You looked like you drove a hard bargain when you walked in here. I respect that. Most folks hear "free Garfield window clings" and they're totally sold, but not you. Rare these days to have such a killer in my office for a negotiation such as this. Okay, how's this sound? You get to get on a first name basis with Raul, the taco truck operator.
Yes, I know that Marcel is his real name, but the public health nurse said that we shouldn't deliberately try to tell him. It will only force him further into his shell. Speaking of shells, he makes some bomb-ass barbacoa. Perhaps you've tried it? It's the perfect thing after a day of wrenching, or, in the case of the proud employees of the Pickin' and Pullin' Patrol, a day of data entry and trying to fend off douchebags pretending that a turbocharger ($50) is actually an alternator ($35.) And Marce- Raul - will cut you a good deal on whatever fell into the fryer. You'll take home more cash, and a full belly.
All this is not to mention the health benefit of working in the fresh outdoors, whenever you want. Sure, those outdoors are full of atmospheric hydrocarbons and whatever aerosolized microplastics are coming off the seat grinder, but office workers would give anything to get a chance at a crisp December morning like you'll be enjoying while desperately tourniquetting a suburban father-of-three who made a very bad choice about which muffler to cut.
Come on down to the Pick 'N' Pull employment office, and don't tell them I sent you. Long John Silver's has spies everywhere. A simple wink, nudge, and yawn-point to me wandering the yard will be enough to get my referral bonus.
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Thanks to werewolf-garfield for sending in this unique 1965 Mid-Century modern home in Moline, Illinois. 3bds, 3ba, $375K.
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Before you enter the actual house, there's this big atrium with a glass ceiling. Judging by the number of heat/ac ducts, I would say that it's a 4 season room. This could be so beautifully decorated.
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From there you enter a large foyer with a coat closet.
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Then, a huge room with a massive fireplace and vaulted ceiling. This home can be magnificent and for the price, come on. They have it so bland in beige, and no cool furniture.
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The family room is huge and has a dining area with a brick wall. This could be fabulous. Look at the window wall- some lovely gardening would make a great view.
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The kitchen is so convenient to the dining room and the family area.
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This spacious kitchen could be stunning. Brick walls, original cabinetry with newer countertops, that double exhaust hood, vaulted ceiling, skylights- it has so much potential.
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Large primary bedroom has a brick feature wall, large closet and a great window wall.
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Wow, I didn't expect this closet area in the en-suite.
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This is so nice. Love the private toilet.
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The 2nd bedroom is lovely and also has a brick feature wall.
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Another nice bath.
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Look at the amazing built-ins in this bedroom. A gorgeous roll-top desk, a cool shelving unit, and look at how crappy it looks.
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Roomy utility room has so much storage, plus room for another fridge or freezer, and two work surfaces- great for planting.
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3 car garage.
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This home has so much potential to be fabulous and the price isn't bad.
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And, it comes with 5.50 acres of land.
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heespect · 20 days
ℒost Time · n.rk
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pairing : Ni-ki x afab!reader
warnings : idk? It may probably sound a bit angst depending on some people's point of view
-note : honestly, I didn't like this that much but I spent last night working on this and I just decided to post it
wc : 1,3 k
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THE CAR SPEAKERS CRACKLED TO THE SOUND of the radio back then, singing the sweet melodies of the songs of the moment. However, their acapella could barely be heard as so many teenagers roamed the streets, enjoying their youth.
They had no time to waste, as sweat streamed down their foreheads and they laughed like wildlings after a few dumb jokes were told by one of their friends.
That was youth, the one you spent your entire childhood dreaming of, looking out the window and imagining when you would be one of those happy teenagers on the street.
But when we live in a world like this, there's nothing more ironic than time.
You couldn't quite tell exactly when your life seemed to completely unravel, following as if it were just an automatic flow that you wouldn't remember the next day. It was all so monotonous, you would repeat your entire routine daily, forgetting about the world outside. Why is it so draining?
Wake up, get dressed, have your breakfast, go to school, jot down any nonsense your teachers incessantly write on the boards, nod when your friends make a joke, go back home, do homework, and then sleep. You would repeat this tomorrow, maybe for the next few months, or maybe until the day you finally found yourself in adulthood, occupied with jobs and endless bills to pay every month.
At some point, you felt tired of this life, feeling empty. You saw yourself wasting away your life. Your youth.
But still, you felt unable to change it, suddenly feeling excluded from your group of friends and mainly feeling out of place in a place where everyone knew how to act or have fun. That was until you met him.
Nishimura Riki parachuted into your life, he was quite different and had a unique way of having fun. The boy didn't need to get high on alcoholic drinks or illicit things to have fun, he would just live life lightly.
That's exactly what captivated you.
When he introduced himself in front of the class, with his hair still dyed blond and a clumsy Korean, you would never imagine he would change your life.
"Hi..." He was the one who started talking to you back then, appearing on the terrace and standing right in front of you with a headphone hanging from one side of his ear.
"Hi?" You replied uninterested, almost about to get up from your seat and probably leave, ignoring his presence.
That might sound kind of rude, very rude, but still, you forced yourself out of this automatic zone. Come on, make new friends, live a little more than youth could offer.
But who were you trying to fool? Perhaps you had been living in autopilot mode for so long that you had forgotten how to act normally, how to interact with people instead of just nodding along to everything they say...
Luckily, that was easy for Riki. It was amazing how he could start any conversation, say or do anything that would make you laugh and want to talk more with him.
"Oh, you like him too?!" He practically almost shouted, ecstatic to find out that his new friend liked the same movie as him.
"Of course! Who's your favorite Spider-Man? God, I love Andrew Garfield so much!" You smiled excitedly, waving as you watched his eyes light up with excitement.
And that's how you became friends, sitting on the school terrace and sharing Riki's earphone, while randomly listening to his musical taste.
And then you started hanging out frequently. You rode bikes aimlessly or just went on any adventure he proposed. Sometimes, when you didn't intend to go out, you just lay on the floor of your rooms and talked about trivial things in life.
Thinking about it, that was the youth you dreamed of as a child. You didn't need to get high to have fun, you didn't need to sleep with strangers or probably be your parents' disappointment.
You just needed a Riki in your life to make more sense.
Fall was almost over, and soon winter would begin with small snowflakes falling on the gray streets. It was cold, but still your bodies kept warm as you left the large studio in the city center.
One of the main things you had learned about Riki over time was how much he loved to dance. His mother owned a dance studio, and since he was little, he was interested in and participated in it with his older sister and later with his younger sister.
It was his birthday, Riki was already turning sixteen when you suggested going to a dance studio with him to celebrate his years of life. The boy, on the other hand, immediately agreed to the proposal, promising to teach you some choreography.
Obviously, that didn't work out, you were so busy admiring his talents and trying not to step on his feet that the little meeting was just a failure.
At least a fun failure, you concluded.
"You're not going to get cold?" You asked, eyebrows raised, as Riki, in a gentle gesture, took off his coat to cover your body.
"Nah, I'm good like this," he shrugged, finishing adjusting his coat over his shoulders.
For a few moments, still that night, you considered kissing him. But you didn't, just admiring his beauty.
It had been a while since your heart fluttered strangely when it came to Riki. Sure, he was kind and had never done anything wrong to you; sometimes, he even treated you like a girlfriend, causing confusion in people who didn't know him.
However, you just considered that you might be confusing things. Riki had shown you the good side of youth, how to enjoy the moments, and he was definitely a great friend in the few months you had known each other. You imagined it was just your heart confusing gratitude with love.
The boy cleared his throat beside you, his hands brushing against each other as you both crossed the local bridge in the city, heading towards your homes.
"Thanks for coming with me to the studio, (y/n)," he smiled timidly, showing his white teeth. And oh... How you liked the way he smiled...
"No need to thank me, you goof!" You waved, nudging his arm. "Besides, I should apologize for not having money for presents or birthday cakes..."
Riki then scratched his head, looking away as you both stopped near the bridge railing.
"Um, actually, you don't need to buy presents to make me happy," he explained, looking at the hazy sky just above you both.
"How so? You gifted me well when it was my turn!" You waved, denying. "I'll give you something in return when I have money."
"In fact, you can give me something now..." Riki grumbled, reaching into his pocket.
Slowly, he approached, and you didn't mind, of course; this was the kind of attitude he had with you for some time. Before, you thought he would kiss you - you wanted that, but you would never vocalize it out loud, but then he just backed away,
as if he were teasing you.
Your heart raced when his stormy dark eyes met yours, shining as if a million galaxies were in them.
You would never know, but the reason for his sparkle was precisely because of you.
Riki hesitated, biting his lower lip as his soft hands touched your cheeks, slowly bringing his face closer until both were placed in a kiss.
A peck. That was the gift Riki wanted, and it also showed how worthwhile it was to embrace youth, creating memories with him.
The kiss was short-lived, your lips merely meeting his with a brief peck before slowly pulling away with flushed cheeks.
Today, you're happy to look back and reminisce about so many memories, to look at your hand and see the small silver ring on your ring finger.
Youth is like a fleeting butterfly, beautiful and delicate, dancing briefly in the garden of time before flying away.
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Within The Darkness, There Was You - Garfield Logan (Beast Boy) X GN Reader
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Title: Within The Darkness, There Was You
Garfield Logan (Beast Boy) X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Cyborg, Robin (Mentioned), Raven, Starfire (Mentioned), Slade, and Terra (Mentioned)
WC: 4,871
Warnings: Teen Titans canon violence mentioned, can be ead fo any Garfield/Beast Boy, Reader had been kidnapped mentioned, nightmares, Slade, yelling, crying, brief mention of death, teasing, banter, flirting, friends to lovers?, italics, slight angst, and fluff
You pulled your coat closer around you as a cold breeze flew past you. It was eerily quiet in Jump City. Your ears could only pick up on crickets and occasional cars in the distance. You shivered involuntarily, feeling goosebumps rise on your neck as you continued your trek down the sidewalk. The street lamps were bright against the dark sky above, and there wasn’t a cloud in sight, which was a bit odd. Dropping your gaze from the sky, you lightly surveyed the dark buildings around you. Nothing seemed out of place, yet you couldn’t shake the feeling of uneasiness.
"All alone, are we?" You heard a deep voice, and you swiftly turned, your eyes flickering rapidly around you, but didn’t see anyone. You took another few steps before you heard the voice again, "Wandering about without your little friends?" You knew that voice, another shiver ran down your spine as you whipped around once more; the voice seemed to echo all around you, off of every corner and brick. 
You brought your hands up, they shook as you tried to activate your powers, but they refused to obey. Your chest constricted with fear, and tears threatened to spill from your eyes as it became harder and harder to breathe. You frantically looked around you, your wide eyes darting across the buildings, as you desperately tried to use your powers; nothing was happening. Panic rose in your throat, and you found yourself gasping for a breath.
Suddenly, you were pulled backward, falling face-first onto the hard, cold sidewalk pavement. You scrunched up your face as a sharp pain erupted in your nose, bringing tears to your eyes. Your arms stretched out, your hands grasping at the concrete, your fingers digging painfully into the rough surface as the hand wrapped around your ankle began to drag you along the ground. You struggled against its grip desperately, your body jerked as you twisted around onto your back. Upon seeing the black and orange mask, you felt all the air leave your lungs. Slade. It was as though the world around you vanished, leaving you staring up at the creature from hell. 
This had to be some dream - some nightmare - as your wide eyes stared up at the man in horror. His body was replaced with a black fog, or mist, swirling all around his form. In response to your terror, Slade laughed darkly, his deep, smooth voice sending shivers down your spine, "There's no point in fighting."
Tears streamed down your face as you attempted to struggle to free yourself from Slade’s grasp. "Let me go!" You cried out, desperate and scared.
Slade chuckled again as he pulled you even closer. "Hmm," He hummed, the swirling fog around him expanded, slowly beginning to encase you completely, like a thick blanket of night. "Not so brave now, are you?"
As the fog surrounded you, you felt the pressure around your ankle slip away, allowing you to curl up on yourself. You wrapped your arms tightly around your leg, digging your face down into the crevice between your chest and knees; your breathing coming in short bursts as you struggled to not hyperventilate. 
Sucking in a deep breath, you jolted forward, your eyes opening. Your wide, teary eyes frantically flickered around the room, finding yourself in your room in the Teen Titans tower, on your bed. You pressed your hand to your chest, feeling your racing heart beneath your sweaty palm. You turned your gaze to the window, your curtains partially closed, the morning sun was just beginning to rise. You let out a puff of air, dropping your tired and wet eyes down to stare at your blankets, your hands curled around the soft fabric in fists. 
Just a nightmare, you rationalized. Just a nightmare.
But it wasn't just a nightmare... It was a memory. A terrible, terrible memory. Ever since you had been kidnapped by Slade, over a month ago, you had been having nightmares ever since. Thankfully, not every night plagued you with such horrifying nightmares, but whenever your brain allowed the nightmares to enter your mind and invade, you would wake up shaking. Every nightmare left you feeling drained physically, mentally exhausted, and emotionally scarred. You would wake with a headache, sore muscles, and exhaustion written all across your features. 
Usually after such nightmares, you would get up for the day and maybe even get a start on breakfast, but this nightmare was different. It left you wanting to hide under your covers, curl into a ball, and never emerge from them again. But you weren't going to do that. No, if you wanted to live in Jump City, you needed to be able to help people. You needed to be strong. And being weak would get you killed. But, you couldn't be strong all the time. Sometimes, you would need a break - or a breakdown.
And so you let the tears fall, bringing up your legs to wrap your arms around your knees; pressing your face into the crevice between your chest and knees. But, at the sound of your bedroom door opening, you shot your head up, blinking furiously to force any remaining tears away. Beast Boy - or Garfield as he had revealed to you - stood in your doorway. His dark green eyes were wide in concern, a frown on his face before he spoke up.
"Uh, I heard you scream," He looked away sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, "Are you okay?"
Ever since you joined the Teen Titans, you and Garfield have grown quite close. Normally it took you a while to get used to people, but Garfield always made you feel comfortable in his presence. When you looked into his warm green eyes, you couldn't help but feel like he truly understood you. You could confide in him, joke around with him, rant about the weirdest things, and he wouldn't judge you - not ever. And he made you laugh... He makes you laugh when you think you wouldn't be able to. He made you forget everything else that was happening in the world, if only for a few minutes.
You quickly brushed the tears from your wet cheeks, clearing your throat as you turned on the switch on your bedside table lamp, "I screamed?" You asked, somewhat embarrassed. You haven’t woken up screaming before, and you’ve been having these nightmares for a little over a month now. 
Garfield looked back over at you, and gave you a nod. "You sounded... Kinda terrified," He explained, approaching the side of your bed.
You let out a small sigh, pushing your hair behind your ear as you thought, before speaking, "I- I just had a nightmare." You began to fidget with your soft blanket, "I'm sorry if I woke you up."
Garfield shook his head vigorously as he moved to sit on the edge of your bed, "Dude, you don't have to apologize. I'll admit that I wasn't actually sleeping." He fiddled with his fingers, sounding a bit awkward, "I was up trying to beat Cy's high score on ‘Mega Heroes.’"
From that admission, you felt the corners of your lips turn up, "That's nice... Did you do it?"
Garfield shrugged his shoulders, "Nah, I was close though." He answered, cracking a small smile. Moments of silence passed by, leaving you to twist the soft fabric of your blanket between your fingers as Garfield glanced around your room. Your room was rather bare, compared to his mess of a room, and the others, but you did have a few things here and there. A large bookshelf was filled with all of your books near the window, along with one plant on your bedside table, and your desk and computer in the corner. You didn't have any rugs, or posters on your walls, though the walls were painted your favorite color; he remembered that was one of the first things you requested when you moved into the Tower over a year ago. "So..." Garfield spoke up, almost hesitating, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Hmm?" You asked looking up from your blanket, before fully comprehending what he was asking, "Oh, uh, about my nightmare?" You asked, trying to sound nonchalant about it, but your voice was betraying you. 
Garfield quickly shook his hands, becoming panicked as his eyes widened, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I know I talk a lot, but I am actually an awesome listener-"
"Gar, it's okay!" You interrupted him, finally cracking a small smile as you reached out and took one of his hands into yours, "I think it is best that I do talk to someone about this..." You began, dropping your hand from his to resume playing with the fabric of your blanket; you dropped your eyes, taking in a deep breath, "My nightmare... It was about Slade."
"Oh," Garfield muttered out, deciding to stay quiet as you continued to speak.
"I've been having nightmares about... About what happened ever since it…  Happened." You let out a scoff, shaking your head lightly, "Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I can avoid a nightmare or two, but they just won't go away." You finished, your shoulders slouching forward slightly as you let out a defeated sigh. "I hate how he still has a hold on me." You felt angry tears well up in your eyes. "I am just so tired... Tired of waking up in the middle of the night, only to not be able to get back to sleep, and then worry throughout the day, wondering if I'll have another nightmare." Your voice broke, and you bit down hard on your bottom lip, willing the tears in your eyes to remain hidden. You tightly gripped onto your blanket with both hands, your knuckles turning white as you shut your eyes. "I hate him."
You opened your eyes when you felt a hand resting itself against yours - your clenched fist relaxing at his touch - your eyes locked with Garfield's sympathetic gaze. "I'm sorry I- we didn't get to you sooner." 
He, and the team, were the ones that saved you from Slade. He was the one to break you out of the chains that restrained you in his gorilla form, and he was the one to carry your unconscious self back to the Tower. He knew that it wasn't his fault, but he couldn't help but feel that he could've done something to prevent Slade from taking you. He was there when it all happened. He was there, and he couldn’t do anything… He hated Slade. Hated him for taking you. First Terra, and then you… He’d kill him if he saw his face again… He could still remember the fear that filled him when he first heard that you had been taken. Determination, anger, and adrenaline fueled him; he didn’t stop until you were safe in his arms. He felt his chest tighten at the memory of it
Overall, every mention of Slade made his blood boil. Garfield liked you... Like really liked you. And the whole Slade kidnapping you thing made him realize that he cared about you a whole lot more than just a friend should. 
Your eyes visibly softened at his statement, your own chest tightening before you gently shook your head, "None of this was anyone's fault, Gar," Your voice became low and somber, "It was all Slade's doing. He got the jump on me." Garfield nodded, though somewhat reluctantly as you spoke up again. "Gar," You paused, giving him a small smile as he met your eyes again, "Thanks, for getting me out of there. For saving me."
A smile slowly formed on Garfield's lips, reaching his eyes as a warm blush spread across his cheeks; he scratched the back of his head nervously, "You're welcome, Y/N."
Finally, you woke up from a night where nightmares didn't plague your mind. A night of just somewhat peaceful sleep that was occasionally interrupted with a bathroom break, and a midnight snack. You finally had enough sleep to feel actually refreshed and ready for the day. 
Entering the main room of the Tower, you headed over to the kitchen. It was quiet, as it usually was at nearly seven in the morning. You couldn't count the number of times you had woken up hours before everyone else. It was actually nice - the quiet. You sighed heavily, staring at the fridge... What were you going to make today? You reached for the fridge's handle but pulled open the cupboard to grab a mug instead. 
You poured yourself some coffee before you began to prepare breakfast for you and your friends; deciding on pancakes. You normally made breakfast for them when you woke up so early, and you usually made pancakes; sometimes french toast if you were craving it. The first time you made them all pancakes, you were pretty surprised to receive many compliments from each and every one of them; even from Raven.
It wasn't until you were actually flipping the last of the pancakes, that Garfield entered the room and interrupted your thoughts. "Dude! Are those pancakes!?" 
You turned around, glancing over at the green Titan before turning back to the stove; flipping the pancake before it had time to burn. "Yep. And I made sure that I made a lot of extras." You gestured with your spatula to the large plate with about thirty pancakes stacked upon it. “And I made yours vegan. No eggs or milk.” You then gestured to another large pile of pancakes on a separate plate.
"Dude! This is the best day ever!" Garfield quickly sat down on one of the stools in front of the kitchen counter, unable to sit still, eagerly awaiting a taste of your amazing pancakes. Turning around, you slid a couple of fresh, steaming pancakes onto his plate, the corners of your lips turning up at the sight of his excited grin. You began cleaning up the counter as he scarfed the pancakes down - almost comically so - making you chuckle softly.
"So," You began, resting your elbow against the counter, your hand propping your head up; watching as he continued to devour the pancakes, drenching them in syrup. "How's your morning been?" You asked, making Garfield look up at you, pausing mid-chew to answer.
"Pretty good!" He answered with a mouthful of pancake, "Got plans with Cy to play this new game called 'Kangaroo Chaos' today." He swallowed, continuing, "What about you? What are you doing today?" He asked, and for a moment, you thought his green eyes were sparkling from excitement, awaiting your answer.
"I might go to the mall, maybe, but if not, I might just have to watch you and Cy play that game of yours." You shrugged a shoulder, moving to clean up the small mess you made while baking.
He fist-pumped the air, grinning widely, "Sweet! I hope you’ll root for me. I’m totally going to beat him this time."
A few hours later, Garfield sat on the couch with Cyborg, game controllers in hand; Garfield was doing his best to defeat him, but Cyborg was really good at the game. You sat beside the green Titan, reading one of your books, occasionally looking up from the pages to watch the game play out on the TV. 
"Boo-yah!" Cyborg exclaimed as he fist-pumped the air, the TV screen flashing a giant 'Winner' over his character, Garfield visibly slouched, pouting at another loss. 
As Cyborg did his little victory dance - as if he doesn't win every single round of every single game. You turned to Garfield, placing your book aside, a small smile tugging at your lips, "You did great." You told him kindly. “A lot better than what I could do.”
Garfield only shrugged as he turned to you, a smile plastered on his own face. "Thanks." He then nudged Cyborg in the side once he sat back down, “Rematch?” He asked, with a new-found determination.
“You’re on.” He answered with a grin.
Staring intently at the screen, he reselected his character as Cyborg chose his, and then the match began. You lowered your book, now pretty invested in the game, hoping that Garfield would win at least once. After a few minutes of waiting, however, it became clear that Garfield was having no such luck; he had fallen behind, his health critical, and Cyborg, on the other hand, seemed to have everything under control. Garfield looked defeated as Cyborg gave his character a final punch.
"Awe, man…" Garfield groaned as Cyborg jumped back up to dance, hearing him yell out a 'boo-yah.' "Hey! Cy, I want another rematch!" He exclaimed, and the man in question placed his hands on his hips, tilting his head. “I’ll beat you this time.”
"Again? You're gonna need some stroke of good luck if you wanna beat me again!" Cyborg stated smugly, causing Garfield to huff indignantly.
Crossing his arms, he mumbled to himself, "Good luck? How will I get good-" He trailed off, his words becoming incomprehensible before his eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up. Garfield's eyes sparkled mischievously as he turned towards you; a grin on his face. "Hey, Y/N, how about lending me some of that good luck of yours?" He asked, a playfulness in his tone, poking at his cheek with a finger, wiggling his eyebrows.
You looked up from your book, meeting his gaze with a look of surprise, becoming a bit nervous. His request caught you off guard, but you couldn't help but feel a warmth in your chest at his question. After a moment of contemplation, you spoke, "My good luck? I don't think I got much of that, Gar." You were the one that Slade was able to kidnap after all. What good luck did you have? 'But it wouldn't hurt to try, maybe he’d win,' the voice in the back of your brain replied, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions swirling within you.
You knew that he was probably just joking, just fooling around like he usually did, but it still managed to give you butterflies. And as you watched him become somewhat chest-fallen, his grin dropping, you made your decision. And so, without saying another word, you leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss to his cheek, feeling the heat of his skin beneath your lips. Garfield's eyes widened in surprise, his downhearted demeanor momentarily replaced by a look of astonishment. The room fell silent, as you pulled back to look at Garfield who was staring right at you with his big, green eyes; a bright red tint spreading across his cheeks. You smiled softly as you then reached up to gently shut his unhinged jaw before pulling away slightly, your own cheeks flushed. 
The eye contact - the tension between you two - quickly dissipated as Cyborg loudly clapped his hands together, causing both of you to turn your heads to see him standing in front of you, his robotic arms crossing. "Ready for that rematch?" He smirked as you ducked your head back into your awaiting book, biting your bottom lip to hide your growing smile.
"Heck yeah!" Garfield cheered, the blush still evident on his cheeks, before grabbing his controller and starting up another match. And it wasn't long until he let out a triumphant yell, fist-pumping the air. "Yes! I won!" He cheered, jumping up from the couch with a bright smile on his face. You couldn’t help but smile at his victory as he continued to celebrate before he suddenly reached out and grabbed your hand, pulling you up from the couch and right into a bone-crushing victory hug. "We did it! We did it!" He chanted as you ignored the butterflies fluttering in your stomach, allowing yourself to enjoy the moment.
Robin leaned against the kitchen counter, his arms crossed, and a knowing grin on his face. Starfire floated softly beside him, her hands clasped together with a joyful smile on her own face as they both watched the moment between you and Beast Boy unfold before them. Slowly, Raven floated over to the both of them, pushing her dark blue cloak aside to reveal her awaiting palm. 
"I won. Hand it over," She spoke, sounding a bit smug as Robin slapped a twenty-dollar bill in her hand, making her grin.
You found yourself in darkness, this empty abyss that sent shivers down your spine. You tried to move, but you felt as if you were glued to the ground, your hands and your feet were chained. You struggled, pulling and twisting your body in every direction to no avail. There was nothing you could do. Your heart rate sped up as you pulled at your chains, only for a burst of dark, malicious laughter to echo throughout the emptiness around you. 
"Once again, I have got you within my grasp." Above you, a light flickered on, giving you some light, before one by one, light flooded the once abyss. You seemed to have found yourself in some sort of abandoned warehouse. And he stood - Slade - hand clasped behind his back, standing tall as he stared right at you. "How pathetic," He tilted his head to the side, "You're not as powerful as you think you are, child."
"I'm not a child," You growled, narrowing your eyes at the man, tugging on the chains holding your hands together. 
Slade raised his hand, showing off a small controller, "You and your friends sure act like children." He remarked dryly, pressing a button on the controller, revealing you one singular cage; hanging, slightly swinging in the air. “Especially this one.”
Your eyes widened, seeing Garfield in the cage, he was trying to shapeshift, but it wasn't working, "No! Let him go!" You begged, thrashing violently, but Slade merely chuckled.
"No," He began, stalking closer to Garfield in his hanging cage, "I don't think I will."
You could hear your heartbeat racing and drumming loudly in your ears as you watched him approach Garfield. His movements were slow and calculated - as if he were stalking prey. You quickly shut your eyes, squeezing them shut, trying your hardest to activate your powers, but once more, you felt nothing but a dull ache in your body. You felt a rush of pain and hopelessness fill you as you heard Garfield's screams echoing throughout the empty building, followed by silence. No matter how much you cried, pleading with Slade to stop or to let him go, he just laughed and laughed, and laughed-
You jolted up in your bed, breathing heavily as your eyes darted around your bedroom frantically, scanning it for any signs of danger. Your hands shook as you raised them, feeling the familiar tingle of your powers coursing through you; you dropped them, letting out a deep breath through your mouth. You blinked the tears from your lashes, before brushing them off of your cheeks. You rubbed your cheeks, trying to calm yourself as you looked out your bedroom window - past the curtains - the sun wasn't even in the sky. 
Suddenly, your bedroom door opened, and you quickly went into defense mode. Your hands raised, but as quickly as they went into the air, they dropped into your lap once you saw who was at the door. Garfield stood, his hand pressed against the doorway; deja vu came over you in waves - along with tears. You tried to hold back the tears, but a sense of relief and sadness overwhelmed you all at once. You bit down on your bottom lip hard, copper burning your taste buds as you stared down at your lap; meanwhile, Garfield entered the room, your door sliding shut.
"Another nightmare?" He asked, his voice soft as he took a seat on the bed. 
"Yeah," You muttered, clearing your throat, "Another nightmare." You repeated his words, looking up at him finally.
Garfield nodded, before - again - seeming slightly hesitant before speaking, "You screamed again… For me."
Your eyes widened, and you blinked twice, "I- I… Screamed for you?" You asked, and he nodded.
"Yeah," He rubbed the back of his neck. Your scream three nights ago had instantly woken him up, sending him running towards your room without hesitation - which didn't take long, since your room was right next to Raven's, which was beside his. How you didn't wake Raven up, he would never know. But tonight, when he heard you scream for him, the concern that he felt, the fear, the dread he felt... He ran faster than he ever thought possible. "What happened?" He then asked, his brows furrowed.
He sat in front of you as you stared at him, opening your mouth to respond, but closing it soon afterwards. You glanced down at your hands, wringing your fingers together anxiously, before you gave a shaky exhale, looking back up at him, "It was Slade again," You began, scoffing lightly, "Obviously because that's all my dreams consist of now… And I was having such a good day too…" You tried to make a joke of it, but Garfield simply stared at you, waiting patiently for you to continue. "He captured me, and... And you." You added quietly, looking away from him again, your fingers picking at the loose threads of the edge of the blanket, "And he hurt you." You swallowed thickly, tears stinging your eyes at the memories that flashed across your mind. "It felt so… So real..." You whispered, sniffling. 
"I'm here," Garfield leaned forward, taking your free hand in his, "I'm right here." You closed your eyes briefly as you felt a gentle squeeze from Garfield's hand, allowing your emotions to overflow and wash over you. "It was just a nightmare. I know me saying that isn't going to make them disappear completely, but I want to be there for you whenever you need me - you don't have to do this alone. I promise you that." His voice was soft yet determined as you opened your eyes, gazing straight into his emerald eyes. "Whatever you need, Y/N, I'll be there for you."
His words made your heart flutter, as a small smile graced your features, causing Garfield's lips to curve upwards in response, causing you to giggle softly before wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your pajama shirt. "Whatever I need?" You asked and Garfield gave you a nod, still grinning. "Can I have a hug?" You asked, and Garfield immediately responded by opening his arms out wide for you.
"I'm always down for a good hug." He said happily, wrapping his arms around you tightly as you returned the embrace, resting your chin atop of his shoulder and shutting your eyes. You breathed in deeply, smelling the familiar scent of pine trees and earth, that just was so uniquely him. "Anything for you, Y/N," He mumbled, and you tightened your grip on him just a little; your face burning, your stomach erupted into butterflies; you felt so safe in his arms.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments until Garfield reluctantly released you from his embrace, and you both became very aware of how close your faces were to each other. You averted your gaze, feeling your face heat up even more, and you cleared your throat; remembering the good luck kiss you gave him hours ago. Garfield continued to gaze at you, his eyes softening as you bit your bottom lip. He rubbed his warm cheek with a hand, the same cheek that you had kissed, "So, you'd probably want to get back to bed." He then gestured to the door with a jab of his thumb, "I should get going."
At the sudden feeling of your hand grabbing his, Garfield paused mid-step, looking back over at you. You couldn't quite meet his gaze, instead choosing to stare at the wall, "Could you stay?" You asked, "Just tonight."
Garfield, though slightly taken aback, gave you a grin and a nod, "Of course! Sleepover!" He exclaimed before suddenly shifting into a large green lion. You blinked in surprise, before bursting into giggles as he leaped up onto your bed. “I’d be lion if I said I didn’t love sleepovers.”
"You're ridiculous, Gar." You sighed, watching as he stretched out, and let out a large yawn, before plopping down and rolling on his side - which was overall very adorable in your eyes, just an oversized, green kitten. You couldn't help but laugh a bit as you flopped onto your bed beside him, your head landing on one of your pillows.
He let out a small laugh, "You love me." He teased you, his lion tail swishing back and forth.
Your smile softened - forgetting about Slade and your nightmares completely. "Don't remind me," You playfully rolled your eyes, before yawning yourself. Lifting his large, green paw, you snuggled right into the fur of his chest, your smile widening when the fur tickled your nose. "Thank you, Gar," You muttered, before shutting your eyes. "Goodnight."
Garfield sighed in contentment, letting out one more yawn before nuzzling against the top of your head affectionately with his wet nose, "Goodnight, Y/N."
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ladyredmoon13 · 9 months
DCXDP prompt
Fun with nature
The whole family had been working so hard lately, and fearing burnout; Bruce decided that it was the perfect time for a family vacation. They all picked a place they wanted to go and after some debating they decided on visiting the family cabin in the mountains of Colorado.
Everything was nice. The family were together, having fun. Being in nature and trying to get along. It was nice. It was peaceful.
For about three days.
That's how long it took them to notice that something wasn't quite right. It started with Damian noticing a green bird following them on a hike.
At first he thought it might have been Garfield, but when he got a good look at it through a pair of binoculars. He saw that the bird had six red eyes and feathers that made it look like it was on fire!
He notified the others and that was when other animals started appearing. First a Mole that would pop out of its hole just to stare at them. Then a Chipmunk hidden in the bushes, scurrying around and following them around the yard.
Damian and Tim both swore they saw it on two separate occasions somewhere in the cabin. Things were getting weird, and they were about to get weirder.
The next thing they knew they woke up to the AC unit having been cut off. Only to find that the wires were not only chewed through but the unit had been moved to the tree line. 20 paces away.
Later, after they fixed it; they were playing board games when they heard loud crashes and what sounded like tearing metal. Once outside they see all their cars vandalized.
Every window was smashed in. The paint scratched and they were covered in random punctures as if they were shot at.
It was escalating. Someone was watching them, spying on them and they wanted them to leave.
But why?!
It all came to a head when a redheaded woman in a blue hazmat suit wielding a machete and her teenage son came out of the woods. Telling them about how their plane crashed and asking them to use a phone.
- Instead of ending up at Vlads Mountain Chalet, Maddie and Danny run into the Waynes on vacation during the events of the episode Maternal Instincts.
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bleekay · 7 months
dream: trying to show my brother you can’t break a car window with a normal hammer you need one of those special tools with the pointy tip, so i lightly hammer the window. it breaks. i’m like aw shit. now we have to go get this fixed what do we do. he says we have to tell the window guys it was an accident and i hit it with my elbow while taking a sharp turn, if they believe the story they’ll cover the cost and if not we’ll owe $10,000. so we get there and go into the window guys office and i’m prepared for an interrogation so i got the story in my head. big guy with a brooklyn accent looks at me with a stern look and says. “top 5 characters. go. you can’t say minnie mouse.” i say “sokka and zuko from avatar-“ he doesn’t let me list anymore characters which is fine because i couldn’t think of any. he interrupts, says “now imagine em fuckin each other with a third. the third can’t be minnie mouse.” i say “done, next.” he says “was the third jack the giant slayer?” i’m like “no...” i look away and back up and the guy is no longer big brooklyn guy, it’s steve harrington. he says “i love andrew garfield.” i’m like “ yeah he’s a great actor.” i’m completely unaffected by it being steve harrington. i’m like this is just a normal guy. he says “andrew garfield was great as jack the giant slayer.” he was not in jack the giant slayer. i go “yeah he killed it.” steve harrington says “your elbow isn’t bleeding.” i’m sweating. i change dreams before i know if i failed the interrogation
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thelampisaflashlight · 9 months
Everything Goes On Pt. 4
[Aether leaves. Not suitable for younger audiences. Previous Part Here.] Below the cut.
"...What do you think about getting married?"
It had been a lazy summer afternoon, and the two of them had practically glued together by their sweat soaked skin as they lounged by the lakeside.
Dew's lips had look so soft as they hung open, a look of confusion on his face.
Aether remembers them tasting even sweeter as he kissed him.
"I said," he chuckled, peppering kisses across his face until Dew squirmed at the attention, "What do you think about getting married?"
Dew laughed.
"No way." he'd said, breathless, "We're not even bonded yet, getting married seems so..."
"No, getting married sounds..."
Aether spins the ring he bought for Dew round on top of his dresser.
It's the last thing of the other man's things he'd found lying around in their bedroom, having gotten lost beneath the bed after it fell off of Dew's nightstand ages ago.
For the longest time, Aether had thought he'd misplaced it on purpose.
He hadn't been big on wearing it around to begin with, so even though Dew had seemed sincere when he apologized for not being able to find it... he hadn't believed him.
He hounded Dew about what he did with it for ages, insisting he wasn't mad, just disappointed.
The constant prodding had eventually worn Dew down enough that he cried and pleaded with Aether to believe him.
He didn't.
But he eventually let it slide, buying Dew a new ring and tell him to never take it off.
All the while though, Aether couldn't shake the feeling that Dew was lying to him.
And now he's standing here with clear proof that he didn't.
Aether watches the ring slow and begin to wobble.
"Sure, what the Hell?" the Dew in his memories smiles, flushed down to his chest, "...But not until we're bonded!"
Aether feels a twinge in his chest.
"I'm sorry I said all of that." he tells the air, "...I'm sorry I ever said I loved you."
Dew doesn't come to say goodbye to him with the others when he leaves that afternoon.
Aether hadn't expected him to, but a small part of him had hoped, maybe, he'd get to see him one last time before he left.
The car ride to the airport feels less fun than he remembers, it's not the same without Dew fidgeting in the seat next to him, checking and rechecking his carry on to make sure everything's inside.
Zipping and unzipping pockets just to peek inside at his wallet, his passport, his phone...
Aether spares a glance at the empty seat beside him.
Thinks about how Dew hated riding in the backseat because it always made his stomach turn sour, but how he'd fight through it just to spend more time cuddled up next to him.
Dew makes himself scarce once he sees Aether get into the car.
He'd decided to watch from the window, not wanting to come out as say goodbye, but not wanting to miss seeing him leave.
Swiss of all people had tried to talk him into it -seeing Aether off- but when Dew remembered what the multi-ghoul had said about him...
"I don't have anything left to say to him, so..."
And yet he still had courage enough to watch from a distance.
Courage... or, maybe, he's simply too numb to feel the pain of watching the love of his life leave him, possibly for good.
Copia will be summoning Aether's replacement soon enough.
Sunny's, too, though she won't be leaving for another month at least.
Dew wonders if it's not too late to tack on an extra summoning ritual and send him back to Hell for good measure.
He glides his fingers along the wall as he makes his way back downstairs to the dorms.
In another world, he's leaving the abbey with Aether.
They're going to start their life together, properly this time.
They buy a little house in some place in the middle of nowhere, somewhere where they have a yard so they can have a dog or seven, and a cat.
"Why so many dogs and only one cat?" Aether would ask him.
"Because the cat's the boss." he'd say.
It'd be a fat orange thing, like Garfield, but he'd name it something silly like Tomato.
"But it's orange, not red." Aether would tease.
Dew would get fake mad and pout about it every time, but at night Aether would snuggle that same cat and call it his little Tom-Tom and give it kisses, because, really, the cat is the boss.
Instead, Dew is standing in the doorway of his old bedroom, trying to imagine what the empty room looked like when it was still full of their things.
He leans on the doorframe and catches something shiny sitting on the dresser, illuminated by the light of the hallway.
He'd recognize the plain gold band anywhere.
Dew decides then that there's only one thing he can do...
Walk away.
Mountain has known Dew for a very long time, albeit only a smidge longer than he's known Aether, and if there's one thing he's come to learn about the ghoul over the years, it's that for all his rage, for all his fire, his sadness leans more to the cooler side of things.
His grief is a steady stream.
It does not stop.
It can be diverted, as one might change the flow of a river, but in the end the water will always follow the path of least resistance.
The one that leads Dew to isolate himself.
Mountain can hear him.
Moving about in his room.
It's hard not to, the wall between their dorms is terribly thin, sometimes Mountain thinks he can see his shadow through the drywall.
Of course, he tries not to listen.
Closely that is.
Dew talks to himself.
Never anything... worrying.
Just, little things.
"Where is my pen?"
"Did I blow out my candle?"
"It's in my bag. My wallet is in my bag."
And then there's the door.
Dew opens and closes it exactly three times before he leaves his room.
He can hear him twists the handle.
Can hear the soft click of the latch slotting itself into place, followed by the slide of it out of the hole.
It's repetitive, but it's consistent and doesn't bother Mountain in the slightest, not really, knowing it makes him feel better.
The hiccups though...
That's the thing that worries him.
When Dew first arrived, he had a habit of forcing himself to let out little bubbles of air from his throat.
More of a nervous burp really, but nine times out of ten the little air bubbles would catch and make him hiccup.
He'd do it so often it would give him headaches from the constant jump in his throat.
Once he found a different outlet for his anxiety, he stopped.
But now that he's living next door to Mountain, the older ghoul can't help but wonder if he ever really stopped, or just got better at hiding it.
For obvious reasons, he'd never been privvy to the goings on in Aether and Dew's bedroom, but he has to imagine how many of Dew's habits continued behind closed doors.
How many of those self soothing rituals had Aether witnessed and thought of as a bother?
How often did he tell him to stop?
Did he ever get annoyed by them or tell him he needed to hide the way he fidgeted in public?
A hiccup draws Mountain from his thoughts.
Sharp and painful sounding at this point.
Mountain gets up and grabs one of his water bottles from the space under his nightstand, heading to the bathroom to fill it with cold water from the tap.
He closes the lid and slides on his slippers before going over to knock on the wall.
"Hic-Hey-hic-ow..." Dew replies, wincing, "So-HIC-orry."
"Meet you in the hallway?" Mountain suggests, "I have something to tell with that."
Mountain shuffles outside, meeting Dew, who's standing half in, half out, of his room.
"Here." Mountain holds the water bottle out to him, "It's cold."
Dew takes the bottle and stares at it.
"What's in h-hic-ere?"
"Magic potion. Eye of newt, leg of frog, with a sprinkle of mint." Mountain deadpans, laughing a little when Dew gives him a dubious expression, "Just water. But like I said, it's cold. It'll help."
Dew unscrews the lid and take a long sip, gasping for air when he finally stops drinking.
"You don't need to chug it..." Mountain says, watching him breathe, "So, uh... What have you been up to in there?"
"Copia gave me..." he takes another long drink, "...songs to work on..."
Dew nods.
"Anything you can share?"
Dew shakes his head, mouth full of water, and then swallows it down all at once.
"You really have to learn how to drink slower." Mountain hums, "Little sips or your hiccups will never go away."
Dew sticks his tongue out at him, but complies.
"...How are you..." Mountain starts, "How are you feeling today?"
Dew twists the cap back on the water bottle, rolling it back and forth in his hands.
"I'm not really." he says, pointing at himself when Mountain tilts his head, "...'s a numb kinda day."
Mountain scratches the back of his head.
"Want to go for a walk? Fresh air might help..." he offers, "And it's not as humid as it's been the last few weeks so..."
Dew holds the water bottle out to Mountain.
"I... I appreciate the offer, Mount, but... Well, the siblings have already been talking shit about me since they found out about the break-up, and I think... I think if they saw me hanging around anyone solo they might assume..." he trails off, "I... maybe some other time. We can go out with the others, assuming they don't hate me for making Aether leave..."
"Thanks for the water, Mount." he says, stepping back inside of his room, "...I really do appreciate it."
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gabbywea · 1 month
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Those lil Garfield plushies that hang off ur car window (litho:p)
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spookierz · 8 months
honestly i think if someone came up to me & asked me “whats your one quick trick for being happy in life” i’d tell them to become a fan of garfield
because when there’s something you like or something your a fan of & you see it going about your day to day life it instantly makes your day so much better you know?? if you lovveeeee snails & u see a snail ur day will be amazing even if some parts of it where shit because you saw a snail
& if you see garfield in your day to day life ur life will be so much better because ur seeing something you love you know? & seeing something you love makes you happy. & i think the real magic of garfield is how he is *everywhere,* but only if your looking for him. hes just prevalent enough that hes around every corner but hes not spilling out the edges in a way that gets on ur nerves like some other mainstream things. like its actually really really easy to find garfield in ur day to day life- show’s constantly reference him, hes a household name, he’s stuck to the inside of car windows. hes easy as hell to find if you look & when you find him your gonna be happy
hes also just really easy to love. hes stupid & mean but he’s relatable, its easy to project a part of yourself you may not like without feeling any shame. everyone is a little slothful & everyone hates mondays, but you cant get mad at garfield for that because he’s a blameless cat whos just doing what cats do. hes flawed so no one looks at him & feels an expectation to be more like him, no one looks at garfield & feels guilt because they arent following in his footsteps, but no one looks at garfield & feels shame because they relate to him too much. if you relate to garfield, you get a good chuckle. if you dont relate to garfield, you dont exist.
so yeah basically being a fan of garfield gives you a basically infinite source of joy bc even if you aren’t actively directly consuming the insane amount of content he has you still get dopamine boosts from having him in ur surroundings plus garfield is a blameless & relatable character that’s difficult to dislike but he still feels (& is!) human & real & solid so i think hes pretty great & he definitely makes me happy
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neoyi · 11 months
So, my personal niche leans into gilded age-era pulp adventure stories starring Lovable Rogues and their sometimes comical, sometimes romantic, but always epic stories of derring-dos and questionable methods that often lead to the greater good. Think The Rocketeer, The Mummy, and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. But also stuff like Skies of Arcadia and Pirates of the Caribbean tends to poke a hole an adjacent hole in my interest bubble.
I lament its niche because I don't see enough of it on the greater internet nowadays. So, whenever I do and it specifically hits my button, I latch onto it like a Garfield suction cup plushie on a car window.
Enter Lavender Jack.
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Dear LORD, if this comic doesn't hit all my buttons. Handsomely charismatic rich man who dons a snazzy 1900-era costume to fight evil, early 20th century setting, dirigibles and dynamites, cop-and-vigilante cat and mouse games, queer as fuck characters, and all served with elegant writing (I would KILL to script dialogues the way creator, Dan Schkade, pulls from old-timey phrases and slang) and glorious, epic adventures filled with clever mysteries and plot twists afoot.
Like, if anyone is interested in what I just described, I wholeheartedly recommend it; Lavender Jack is the rare webcomic in that it is completed, so there is a finite at the end.
Go read it ⭐ here. ⭐
Go read it. Go read it.
I hope some publishing company (be it indie or otherwise) considers a full ass physical comic of this. I will buy it in a heartbeat.
(Look, what I am saying is, for those who follow me, this has Propeller Knight energy, okay?)
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Alright, this may or may not be the fic that I thought of waaaay back when I came up with Wendy. It's Vince dealing with lactose intolerance. This is a long fic, the build up is looong.
"You," Wendy grinned, crawling on the bed so she could hug Vince from behind while he put on his socks, "need a fucking break."
He chuckled, turning his head to steal a kiss, while she rested her chin on his naked shoulder, "tell me about it, honey."
Wendy muffled a smile against his shoulder, "no, I'm serious. Let's go on a weekend getaway, take me to meet your family, let's go down to the beach."
"Beach in the middle of September?" Vince raised his eyebrows, but she could tell just by the way his eyes sparkled that he was actually quite interested. Unlike Wendy who wanted to keep Vince as far away from her family as possible, he was actually quite the family guy and was eager to introduce her. She had already spoken with his mom, one time when he answered the phone around her.
Magda was just as extroverted as her son.
"Okay, maybe not the beach," Wendy rolled her eyes, hugging him from behind and leaning fully on his back, stealing a kiss, "but what about the rest? What do you think?"
He though about it for a minute, before nodding, stealing another peck, "I'll let them know we're coming. We're leaving tonight?"
Her heart did a split in her chest, fuck. All her life Wendy had fantasized having the type of love that would be just "let's up and go anywhere" and it was really really jarring to realize she had gotten it.
"Uhm, yep," she grabbed his cheek, kissing him harder and wrapping her arms around his neck, now fully falling onto his lap and no longer on his back, "tonight."
It was a four hours long drive to the teeny tiny town Vince's family lived in and Wendy was regretting already, not because of the distance, but because it was night. She was already sleepy by the time Vince turned up at her apartment after his own work shift was done, with a backpack slung over his shoulder.
"I don't suppose you packed light enough we can take my bike?"
"Yeah, try again," she rolled her eyes, throwing him her baby pink duffle bag. There was no way she was about to meet her boyfriend's family with just one change of clothes, all wrinkled.
She took the first turn of driving, trying to quell the anxiety and the tiredness and then the second one was Vince's, her head lolling against her car window, watching as the lights passed them by.
By the time he entered the city and slowed down, Wendy was blinking to fight against sleep. Only when he turned his block that she started to feel more alert, as Vince squeezed her thigh and said, "we're here, Wen."
"Which one is your parent's?" she asked, gluing her nose to the car window. It was a middle class suburb, with large cheap houses. Vince had grown up in the same house since they had arrived in America when he was 9, which made the place all the more special.
He parked before a terracota house and intertwined their fingers, bringing her knuckles to his mouth and kissing them, "don't be nervous, alright? I got your back."
"Okay," she was almost bouncing with excitement. Just then the front door opened and she heard, even with the car windows closed, as a childish voice yelled "VIIIIIIN!"
His baby sister was only six and she was already in pjs, but that didn't stop her from running across the yard to him. Vince opened the door and got out in time to scoop her up by the armpits, throwing her up in the air and causing a bunch of childish squeals and giggles erupt from her.
"Look at you, you're so big, bambi!"
"I knoow," She gloated, throwing her arms around his neck. She peered over his shoulder curiously, dark eyes pausing on Wendy.
"Oh, is that your garfield?" She whispered, as if Wendy couldn't hear her.
"Girlfriend," Vince corrected her, nodding solemnly. He turned around, raising a had up to pull her closer. Wendy went willingly, whole body on fire at the domesticity of the scene, "Wendy, this is Livia."
"Hi Livia," Wendy smiled, lowering her face so she could look into the girl's eyes. Livia had a lot of her brother's features, same dark frowny brows, round lips and deep, black eyes. Her hair was a chocolate shade of brown, all curly and down to the middle of her back, unlike Vince's each were raven black.
"Hi!" Livia piped up shyly, hiding her face on Vince's shoulder and causing him to roll his eyes.
"Now's that a way to say hi, bug?" he jostled her in his arms, tickling her sides and the little girl squealed and squirmed out of his grasp. He was still laughing as he put her back down on the ground and let his sister take his hand.
Despite the late hour, everyone was awake. Vince's mom, with whom Wendy had talked before, greeted them at the door. She was just as friendly in person, twice more talkative and Wendy didn't even have time to feel awkward or self conscious, as the woman quickly pulled her across the house to introduce her to the rest of the family.
Vince's father, Giuseppe, didn't look a thing like his son. It seemed like the whole family had gotten their features from Magda's side, the raven hair, deep black eyes and thick eyebrows. Giuseppe had very light brown hair, mostly silver at the roots now, and light blue eyes. The only similarity there was the nose and the jaw, as well as the red cheeks, which Vince had inherited.
"Hi Wendy, it's a pleasure to meet you. Did you have a nice trip?"
"Are you hungry?" Magda interrupted before she could answer, "you must be. Vincezo did you eat?"
"We're okay, mamma-"
"You're looking like you've been starved," she scoffed, to which Wendy muffled a chuckle. Vince had definitely lost weight due to the past rough month with him being sick twice and the tension in their friend group, but starving? He was far from that.
"I'm fine," he pouted, while Giuseppe gestured for Livia to move closer, crouching down to pick her up with a grunt.
"Did you say hi to Wendy, Liv?"
"I did," she nodded, while Magda tugged all of them to the kitchen, not before yelling, at the foot of the stairs, "Sophia Maria, your brother is here come greet him!"
"Maggie," Giuseppe chuckled, following them in, "you'll scare the girl."
"No I won't, she's dating Vince," Magda rolled her eyes, "get your daughter down here - Vince said you're a med student, Wendy?"
"I am, yes," Wendy nodded, all the while Vince pulled a chair by the dining table - which was inside the kitchen for some reason unknown to Wendy - and promptly pulled her to sit down, standing behind it as he planted a kiss on top of her head. Wendy's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but none of his parents seemed to pay any mind.
"Your parents must be proud," Magda hummed, turning on the stove and grabbing a huge tupperware of leftovers from the fridge, "you eat pasta, right?" her question didn't really leave any room for denial and Wendy didn't bother even answering it.
"They're both doctors too, so it was more or less expected of me," she explained, to which Giuseppe let out a snort, sitting down with Livia on his lap.
"Children doing what's expecting of them? Ever heard of that Maggie?"
"Never," Vince's mom chuckled, "where is Sophia- Vincenzo sit down, don't just stand there."
Wendy felt like she was in heaven. They were lovely people, but mostly they loved each other. There was none of the weird formality that her family had.
Vince's sister, Sophia, finally emerged from her bedroom about halfway through their semi-forced meal. In true teenage fashion, she had headphones hanging around her neck and was not interested at all in the fact her brother was home from college, until she saw Wendy sitting next to him.
Sophia was sixteen and out of all three kids, she was the one who looked the most like her father, with slightly lighter hair and blue eyes.
"Oh I thought Vince had made you up," Sophia said, her voice filled with amusement, "Wendy this, Wendy that. Wendy is a doctor, Wendy is so badass, she's so pretty. Wendy once invented the wheel-"
"Sophia shut up," Vince cheeks were burning red and Wendy opened a huge smile.
"Sadly the wheel was already around by the time I was born," she retorted, causing both of Vince's parents to chuckle and Sophia's smile to grow even more, while Vince groaned.
"Don't encourage her, she'll be insufferable."
"Not half as much as you are," Sophia wrinkled her nose, sitting down with them, now suddenly interested. Vince quickly decided that his food really needed is undivided attention, completely ignoring his parents and sister's comments and nagging at him.
The only one who didn't make fun of him, much, was Livia, so she got all of his cuddles, feeding him from her plate here and there and Wendy struggled to focus on the conversation, when her boyfriend was being that adorable right next to her.
It was well past eleven when they wrapped it all up and Magda kicked them all out of the kitchen, regardless of Wendy offering to do the dishes and Sophia's preaching that Vince should absolutely be the one to do them.
"Can you tuck me in?" Livia asked sleepily as Vince carried her up and Wendy almost groaned. She wasn't sure how to survive the weekend without exploding from the cuteness.
Much to her surprise, Vince shook his head no.
"Tomorrow I will, okay?" he said, voice sounding a little strained, "I pinky promise."
Livia pouted, but nodded, little head peaking out of his shoulder as she looked at Wendy, "goodnight Wendy!"
"Goodnight, Livia," Wendy couldn't help but reach out to plant a kiss on her brow as Vince planted the little girl down.
He pulled her to his old childhood room and then let out a sigh, falling on the bed, "so?" Vince asked, throwing an arm over his eyes, "are you regretting suggesting coming here yet?"
"What?" Wendy scoffed, getting on the bed and falling almost on top of him, causing him to let out a huff, "I love it. I love them," she told him, removing his arm from his eye and Vince opened a sheepish smile.
"Really," Wendy nodded, kissing him and he reciprocated immediately, grabbing her ass to pull her up on top of him - She felt a gurgle against her own belly and pulled back, frowning, "was that your tummy?"
"Uhm, yeah," Vince paid it no mind, grabbing her chin between his index and thumb, kissing her again. His other hand moved inside her pants, resting on her butt and Wendy chuckled, pulling back.
"We are not fucking when your parents are right next door, give up," she whispered in his ear, only to feel another churn pressed against her stomach, "oh wow, even I felt that... Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am," he pouted, once again trying to kiss her, but there was a loud whine from his belly and Wendy raised an eyebrow, resisting when his hand on her nape pulled her back in. She moved her hands from his neck to his chest, keeping them apart.
"My mom sometimes adds milk to the tomato sauce," he explained, making a little wince, "just a little to counter the acidity..."
"Vince!" Wendy exclaimed, "why didn't you say anything?!"
"It's fine, I didn't eat that much," he rolled his eyes, "my belly will just be a little upset, I'll be fine."
"I really don't think you know what that word means," Wendy scoffed, rolling off of him and pushing his arm, "c'mon, lets get into bed."
She stripped off her clothes and into the silk pajamas, which caused Vince to tease her about where she was going dressed up like that. He, in the other hand just stripped his clothes off and threw it over chair in the corner of his room, next to his teenage years study station.
He didn't bother putting anything else on, brushing his teeth and climbing in bed with her.
Wendy turned off the white lights, but his curtains were open and there was a streetlamp right outside it, so she could actually see him perfectly. She cuddled closer, resting her cheek to his arm and planting a hand over his belly.
Lately his boxers had been loose on him, but not tonight. He was already bloated enough that the elastic was pressing on it, not painfully yet, but inconvenient. She rolled them down and Vince let out a huff.
"I thought you said we weren't fucking."
"Shhhh!" she hissed, cheeks burning, "you want your parents to hear?"
He chuckled, delighted by how embarrassed she was, only to interrupt himself with a surprise burp when she pushed her hand against his belly, "shit- Excuse me."
"It's fine," Wendy rolled her eyes, cheek still burning. She trailed her fingers up and down, pressing them in the soft skin and feeling around for the tightest spot. Vince let out a little groan as she circled his upper belly and she raised her eyebrows, pressing even closer.
"Uhm...Here," he moved her hand further in, right on the middle of his belly, towards the top. Wendy pressed gently, rubbing circles in it and Vince squirmed under her touch, a gurgle going up his throat but dying there.
"No point me giving a belly rub if you're not going to let out the gas, Vin," she rolled her eyes, pressing a kiss to his chest, "I don't mind."
"Gross," Vince sighed and she pressed on again.
"I'll be the judge of that."
He turned his head, muffling a burp against the pillow, "I think it's objectively gro-"
Wendy scoffed and leaned in, shutting him up with a kiss. She pulled back enough to repeat, "I'll be the judge of that, honey."
Vince squinted at her, his own cheeks all red, eyebrows raised and Wendy quickly ducked her face back down to his chest, going back to the belly rub. He was quiet now, thankfully.
She was enthralled by the symphony of noises coming out of his belly. It had been just a splash of milk and yet she could hear it clearly in his tummy, loud gurgles and whines, "you don't feel sick?" she asked, moving her palm to cup where the latest noise had been emitted from and pressing gently. He muffled another burp.
"Not really," Vince shook his head, "a little queasy, but not gonna be sick, sick."
She hummed something to show she had heard him, moving her hand once more to the down part of his tummy, where it was bloated and sticking out enough she could actually cup his belly.
"You're into this, aren't you?" Vince asked, voice thick as he muffled a burp into the question. She froze, didn't dare to look up.
"Yeah, you totally are," he chuckled lightly, his hand that was resting on her hip squeezing her in a teasing manner, "freaky."
"It's hot," she decided to give up any attempt at self defense, "and cute."
"Whatever you say," Vince shrugged, then groaned, "okay, now it's cramping."
Despite her concern her heart leaped up a little and Wendy mentally cursed, unsure if he was teasing her or not, "Vince?"
"No, really, here-" he guided her hand to the side of his belly, "I don't care if you're into this, more belly rubs for me, I guess."
Her whole face was on fire, "Really?"
"Really," he squeezed her again, then his belly interrupted the serious conversation by whining loudly, almost howling. Wendy raised her eyebrows.
"That didn't sound good," she whistled, resuming back to her initial position and trailing her fingers around, pressing on the pockets of air. Vince muffled another burp, then another, groaning lightly.
"It's not feeling so good," he agreed, squirming on the bed and moving from the lying down position to a half sitting up one, planting a hand over his chest and thumping.
His cheeks inflated with an airy burp, which only caused him to grimace, "it's stuck."
Wendy could feel her heart in her ear, "are you playing this up for me?" she blurted out and Vince looked surprised.
"No, but good to know it's doing it for you" he chuckled, still with a painful grimace on, "it's actually stuck, tho."
"Lean forward," she grabbed his wrists and pulled him half lying forward, arms stretched ahead.
"You're gonna make me hurl," Vince warned her, voice thick and she rolled her eyes, digging her fingers into his soft belly.
"Not that much forward, honey-" she held him in place with one hand, the other pushing into his stomach until she found a spot that made him recoil.
"Shh..." she rubbed her thumb in circles and then heard as the gurgle went up an exploded out of his mouth in a burp. He groaned, sitting up correctly and slammed a fist against his mouth, as that one burp pulled with it a bunch of smaller, wetter ones.
Finally Vince slumped back against the pillows, eyes squeezed shut and cheeks on fire, "that was fucking gross."
"That was fucking hot," she corrected, no longer embarrassed at all and curling up against him once more, entangling their legs. He let out a snort.
"At your service," Vince huffed, yawning, "I feel better now."
"Maybe tell your family you're lactose intolerant?" she scoffed, planting a kiss over his belly, "not that I'm not enjoying myself, but this can't feel good, honey."
"Uhm, I'll think about that," he said sleepily and Wendy rolled her eyes, fully resting her face on top of his tummy and closing her eyes as she heard the gurgling going inside.
She couldn't believe her luck.
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