#De-aged danny
charlietheepicwriter7 · 4 months
De-Aged Danny, gesturing to a dazed Bruce inside Wayne Manor: And this is Bruce! Otherwise known as the Himbo! Reporters: Hmm, yes, interesting... Bruce: What the- Danny: I'm not sure what that word means. I heard it from Dick, but no one will give me my answer, not even Jason, who is easily bribed. Bruce: Why are there reporters in my house!? Danny, innocent and childlike: They asked to come inside, Bruce! They seemed like really nice people, so I thought it'd be polite to give them a tour. Bruce, filled with infinite patience: I really wish you had asked me before you did that, chum. Danny: But why? We don't have anything to hide... do we, Bruce?
Or, in order to rise to the Ghost Throne, Danny has to complete a series of trials to prove he is capable of ruling (or any other reason, Danny just needs to do trials to prove himself).
The last trial, issued by Clockwork, is thus: discover the Wayne Family secret in two weeks without the use of any of his powers.
He has one shapeshift to pick a form that could endere him to the Waynes, but only one before he starts and he has to get close to the family by his own wits. Danny, after studying the family and reading of one sentence summary of each Wayne, picks the body of a six-year-old little boy that looked like a child Jason Todd.
Bruce: That child is up to something. Dick, third favorite: I don't know, Bruce; he acts like a normal kid. Jason, #1 favorite: I doubt the old man's ever met a normal kid. Tim, least favorite: Bruce is right, but can you please not talk like the villains from Chicken Run.
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satoshy12 · 8 months
The Jokes of the Ghost:
While de-aged, Danny stumbles into the Joker's hideout. Nothing special; it's a Clown. Well, Danny can prank him! The spirits around him all told him what they wanted to do to this clown. But no death, they don't want his ghost near Gotham, but very far away.
So Danny was causing harm with playful ghostly antics that turned the Joker's plans into comedy. Danny played pranks on the poor Joker for already one month. The Joker can't even leave the room without getting a bowling ball in his balls or a stumple to fall on his face. The money he stole is gone, the food he eats is rotten, or worse, his car is frozen solid, or his weapons are fake guns.
Much to the amusement of Gotham.
Then, one day, an angry joker and the police see who gave him all the problems. It was a meta! Dressed in a Bat Onesie.
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 289
While Bruce was lost in time, he made a Deal. 
He doesn’t exactly mention it to his family when he comes back- he was more than a little busy trying to figure out what he missed, where his children were, what the fuck had even happened. Besides, he’d put it in the report that he’d encountered some sort of primordial time being- even if he was still investigating that on his down time. 
So he thinks he can be forgiven for forgetting to mention anything until Clark drops a cup while staring at him with a pale expression and shakily asks why there’s a second, slower heartbeat in his chest. He just also wishes it wasn’t in the middle of a League meeting. 
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theglamorousferal · 11 months
The Cryptid of Smallville
I am posting the first couple chapters of the fic that I am currently working on juuuust in case AO3 goes down again. In the next couple days I’ll start posting some of my wips that I don’t think I’ll finish. If any of them inspire people to write more then I’ll be happy. 
I had the thought a while ago about what if Danny was raised alongside Clark Kent and the hijinks that would result in Danny being near the liminal space that is cornfields. These are basically a series of connected one-shots because I am not that great at trying to do a real plot lol
Without further ado, here’s the first chapter of the Cryptid of Smallville! (Small edit: here’s the link to AO3 the first two chapters are there)
______________________________________________________________ The night sky was clear and open above the cornfields as a gentle breeze caused the plants to stir. It was a calm night on the Kent family farm. A streak of neon green broke across the sky and landed in the middle of the fields, purple tinged smoke wafting from the crash site. A boy of about six rolled over in his sleep, glowing green eyes glancing at the stars above framed by smoke. The gentle breeze is still blowing, returning the night to calm.
Danny was gonna put Clockwork in soup time whenever he got back into the Zone. 
He was laying there, staring at the clouds in the sky, surrounded by corn, and only about three and a half feet tall, wondering where in the Realms he was. Clockwork had said something about sending him off somewhere with people who could handle a child with powers growing up before tossing him through a portal by the ankle. He had ended up in low orbit and was lulled to sleep by staring at the stars he is so fond of.
Crawling out of the hole he was in, he examined the surrounding area and just found a bunch of burnt and slightly smoldering corn and kicked up dirt. The gentle breeze brought the smell of bacon to his nose and he floated to look just above the tall plants around him. He spots a house in the distance and starts heading there, making sure to walk the last few yards just in case this isn’t where CW intended him to go. He finds himself stumbling from the field just to make eye contact with a man pulling on his work boots for the day on the porch steps, the man freezes. 
“Hey Martha?” The man yells into the house.
“Yes Jon?” a voice muffled from the door yells back.
“Do we have a spare room done up?” the man, Jon, asks, not taking his eyes off Danny.
“Why? Are you expecting someone and forgot to tell me?” the voice sounds like it’s getting closer to the door.
“No honey, I think we may have a repeat situation of Clark though.” He briefly glances from Danny up to the last bits of smoke wafting from the field. A quiet “What?” comes from the house. He gentles his voice, full attention on Danny. “Hey son, did you have a bit of an accidental landing in the corn? Is your head okay? Are your parents around?”
Danny stays still for a moment thinking about what’s going on. The man seems to at least suspect that he crash landed on his property and mentioned something about something like this happening before. Have these people dealt with a random child appearing at their house before? Specifically one that crashed from the sky? He has many questions, but he should probably answer Jon first. 
“Yeah, I got sent away until I was better, my head doesn’t hurt at all and my parents are not exactly from around here, and don’t know where I am.” He pauses thinking about it. “Does the children-crashing-onto-your-farm-thing happen a lot to you?”
Jon chuckled as he finished tying his boots up and walked down the stairs just as the door opens and a woman in an apron is standing there looking surprised to see an unknown child standing in her yard. The man crouches down in front of Danny, giving him a once-over. 
“You’d be surprised, now what’s your name son?.”
“It’s Danny Fenton, what’s yours?”
“Jon Kent, my wife over there is Martha. Now you look like you could use a good meal and a washup, how’s that sound?” Jon grins at Danny and musses up his hair before standing and offering a hand to walk into the house. He smiles over at Martha who blinks and then gives Danny a warm smile, standing aside to let them enter the house.
“Good thing I made some extra breakfast then, let’s get some food in you young man, you’re as skinny as a post!” She smiles and heads towards the kitchen. “Be sure to wash up your hands first hun, can’t eat with dirty hands! And Jon! What have I told you about your muck boots being in the house! I’m sure Danny can find his way and wash his own hands; second door on the right hun; and git outta my house with those things on, I’ll have more coffee ready for you once you feed the animals!” Jon pouted and trudged his way out of the house.
Danny smiled a little to himself as he looked for the door Martha was talking about, noting the wallpaper and decor that looked like every midwest farmer’s house he’d seen in any piece of media ever. After washing his hands he made his way to where he could hear soft humming and dishes being washed. He saw a plate of pancakes and bacon on the table next to a glass of orange juice, a glass of milk, and a container of syrup and headed to the spot.
“Thank you Mrs. Kent.” he said from his seat and she smiled back at him, going back to the dishes. Danny realized he’d probably have to start explaining what he could to them soon, but decided to focus on the breakfast in front of him. The breakfast that wasn’t alive and currently trying to kill him. He nearly cried.
“So Danny,” Martha began as she wiped her hands off with a dish rag. “Do you remember how it is you got here?” She joined him at the table with a cup of coffee after setting a mug, a spoon and the sugar bowl next to the machine for her husband when he came in.
“I do, it’s a really weird story though, I’m not sure you’ll believe me.” He was hesitant, he still wasn’t sure these were the people that Clockwork meant to send him to. Though they’ve taken the whole crash-landed-child-thing pretty well… Screw it, he’ll see if he can wait until Jon comes back and explain to both of them. “Can we wait for Mr. Kent too? I don’t really want to say it twice.” 
She smiled at him, taking a sip of her coffee and then nodded. “That’s fine hun, he shouldn’t be more than a couple minutes unless the rooster decided to pick a fight again.” she chuckled to herself, looking out of the window while drinking her coffee. She sees the faint trail of smoke rising in the sky outside and her eyebrows pinch in worry. “You didn’t happen to see anythin’ burning when you got up, did you?” 
Danny glances out the window and sees the smoke. “Oh no, there was just a little bit still smoldering in the hole, but there wasn’t anything actively burning. I can show you both when I finish explaining what I can.” The slapping of a screen door startles him and Jon walks in, heading straight for the coffee maker and making himself a cup, then joining them at the table.
“So Danny-boy, what can you tell us?” Jon gives his full attention to Danny. 
Danny shifts in his seat, looking every part the six year old he appeared to be, uncertain at the attention of two adults. “Well, it’s a long story and kinda out there? I’m not sure how much you’ll believe?” He looks uncertain at the pair across from him who share a look. Martha reaches across the table to take Danny’s hand.
“Honey, you wouldn’t believe the stuff we’re used to, I’m sure it’s fine.”
Danny only hesitated a moment longer and then sighed looking far older than his apparent six years. “So to start off with, wherever this is, I’m not from around here. I’m assuming since you both speak English that this is still Earth, but maybe not MY Earth, I’m still a bit confused on the whole ‘multiverse’ thing, but either way, I got sent here until some stuff got sorted out and so I’ll be here until it does.” He was rambling, he knew, but he’s kind of anxious about stuff. “I kinda got put in my childhood body and now I have to get back to my actual age and my Guardian said something about time here running differently than in my dimension before he just chucked me through a portal. He did say he was sending me to people who could handle my weirdness as I age, so I’m assuming you are them and maybe have some experience with kids with freaky weird stuff happening to them?”
The Kents once more shared a look, this one a little longer than the last, then turned back to Danny. “Oh son, I think you’ll fit in just fine. So, how long can we expect you for? I can tell you’re probably a lot older than six judging by how you talk?”
Danny blinked at him, trying to process the fact that they didn’t seem phased and rather seemed like they believed him. “Uh, I was sixteen, so I guess a decade? I’m sorry to impose on you for a while, really I can figure out stuff on my own, I don’t want to be a bother.”
Jon chuckled “Oh trust me son, it wouldn’t be an issue, I’m sure Clark would love a younger brother, or at the very least a friend who understands him. We have plenty of room here, and though we’d probably ask you for help with chores, we’d be glad to have you for however long you need.”
Danny blinks again at them. They weren’t serious, right? They just seem fine taking in a random child and having him live with them for however long. And who was this Clark? What did he mean by younger brother?
“Clark?” he asked hesitantly.
“Oh right, our son, you’ll meet him when he gets home from school, I’m sure you’ll get along just fine! Now Danny, let me show you to a room and we can get you settled, we’ll probably have to head on over to the thrift shop to get you something to wear besides these charred and muddy pj’s, but we should have something from Clark that’s too small that’ll fit you for now.” Martha took his hand and led him upstairs to where he’d be in apparently his new home.
Clark had had a pretty boring day at school. The classes were boring. He had to hold back in gym class again and when studying the skeletal system in biology, he started studying the teacher’s bones instead of the display skeleton or the worksheet. He was really looking forward to getting home and maybe going for a fly around the fields where no one could see him or maybe catching the latest episode of Rescue Rangers. 
He could spot his house in the distance and after looking around to make sure no one would see him, he sped down the driveway as fast as he could, knocking up a lot of dirt in the process. He really liked going fast, whether running or flying. He just loved the wind in his hair. 
“Ma, Pa, I’m home.” he kicked his sneakers off and rushed upstairs into his room to drop off his bag. He listened around for heartbeats and realized that Pa was out on the tractor and Ma was out with the chickens. He froze as he heard a much closer sound though. It was very slow and faint, but he could hear another heartbeat in the house. Even more, he could hear someone muttering to themselves in the guest room and the flipping of pages.
Clark slowly made his way down the hall towards the sound and peaked in the room with his x-ray vision. There, sitting on the ceiling, was a child about half his age reading a ratty old book about space. Clark stood in the doorway, now able to see him in regular vision and just stared at him. He took a moment until he decided to just join him up there and sat across from him.
“So who are you?” Clark asked while the kid was still focused on his book. He didn’t even look up from the book.
“Name’s Danny.” The kid paused for a second before he looked up and stared at Clark. Danny looked from Clark to the ceiling, to the floor, and then back to Clark. “Oh, so that’s why they said I’d fit right in here. I guess we are pretty similar! I’m guessing you’re Clark then?” The child beamed at him, putting out his hand to shake. Clark took it gently, not wanting to hurt the kid. Then the kid gripped his hand tight and Clark realized that they have more in common than he thought and gripped his hand tighter in response.
“So where are you from?” Clark asked, very curious as to how this kid who could fly and had his strength, but also had almost no heartbeat ended up at his house. Danny rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well, I’m not from this Earth and I kinda got put here to recover for a long while and my Guardian decided your parents are the best equipped to handle a kid growing up with powers, so he sent me here. I’m guessing because of you?” 
“Yeah, mine started manifesting around your age. What powers do you have? How long do you plan to be here? Where are you from? You said this wasn’t your Earth, I’m guessing you’re from a different dimension then? That’s so cool!” Clark, ever curious, shot off many questions rapid fire and Danny laughed while answering them all as best he could.
Part 2
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murdersansy · 2 years
This drawing is from a fanfiction i became obsessed with recently. Two of my favorite combined of course i was going to love it.
Its from the fanfiction : Raising phantom by @impyssadobsessions (keep the good work that fanfiction is amazing!)
(Plus dad jason is always a good bonus in my heart) anyway yeah i got nothing else in mind i just like this fanfiction and now i made a drawing of it.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
DPxDC Family Week June 22 (Day 5)
Prompt: Children | Music
A/N: Super random and I had no idea what to do with the prompts until a couple hours ago.
AO3 Link: DPxDC Family Week Contributions
It was supposed to be a slow and easy day, barely anything big happening. Just a day for them all to chill and relax. Danny really had hoped for that one calm day. He had gotten Jason to come to the Manor to help him with his literature homework. It took a lot of convincing but in the end he managed to convince his second oldest brother to come. Normally he would have asked Jazz or Barbara but the girls were out on a girls night Steph had demanded.
He knows that Dick was also in the Mansion the moment Danny had let it slip a day earlier that he had gotten Jason to agree to help him; the eldest had announced that was going to come visit too. Of course to spend time with the two youngest Damian and Ellie who were busy caring for the animals in Damians Barn. That he got to hang out with Jason, read: force a hangout, was just a bonus.
Bruce was probably in the office and Alfred was in the kitchen baking.
Everything sounds like a nice and calm day doesn't it? Yea, Danny would have thought so too if it weren't for that sudden slip of cold air leaving his lips as well as a certain ghost looking at him through his Textbook.
He blinked, Jason blinked, they blinked.
"Desiree?" Danny carefully started. "What are you doing here?"
She was supposed to be in the Ghost Zone, specifically in Walker's Prison on time out for granting Condiment King of all people a wish and nearly flooding all of Gotham in mustard, ketchup and other things. Lady Gotham hadn't been very amused either, which was why Desiree should be in Walker's Prison.
The ghost in question only smiled brightly at him and he resisted the urge to close the book in her face. He could see Jason digging around in his bag, ever since the ghost had followed him to Gotham he had made sure that all of his siblings had at least something to catch them. "Well hello there Phantom. I just wanted to see if anyone wanted anything."
Before he could answer her she slipped away from them. Danny cursed in a way that would make Jason proud as he jumped off his chair, changed forms and followed the other ghost through the floor, barely remembering to yell at his brother to tell the others to not utter anything that could remotely sound like a good damn wish.
Too bad Danny had not anticipated Desiree going to the Kitchen were Alfreed and Bruce were apparently having a little nostalgic chat. In which Alfred just happens to say that he wished he had more photos of the times all of them had been children.
One wish granting ghosts intermission later…
Alfred blinked at where Bruce had been sitting a couple seconds ago. No, Bruce was still sitting there but he was not the adult he had been talking to but the six years old version.
"Master Bruce?"
The child looked up at him, tilting their head. "Alfred? Why do you look so old? Older than you normally do?"
Well wasn't that a predicament, Alfred mused. "Master Bruce, what is the last thing you remember?"
"Mom and Dad told me they were going on a business trip and I would be alone with you in the Manor for a while."
Okay that was something Alfred could work with. Surely one of the children could tell him what was going on. Maybe Daniel had an idea, this could be something related to the Infinite Realms after all.
"Alfred! Do you know where Father is?" The butler turned to the kitchen entrance only to find Damian and Danielle each holding onto the hands of a young Richard. "Richard suddenly turned into a child and he doesn't appear to remember us."
"I don't remember you because I don't know you." The child between the two frowned at them. "How did I get here? Did you kidnap me?"
"We didn't twerp. You got de-aged." Danielle was clearly fessed up with young Richard and Alfred couldn't help but chuckle.
"Who are you guys and why are you at my home?" Bruce suddenly piped up jumping of his chair and rushing over to the three.
"I live here, who are you brat?" Danielle questioned in return before Damian could say anything, her eyes narrowed at the young Bruce.
"Nu-uh. I live here with Mom and Dad. You're the stranger."
"Hi I am Richard but call me Dick, I got kidnapped."
"We did not kidnap you."
"Hi, I am Bruce and that's Alfred."
"Alfred, this boy… is that father?"
"I am afraid so, Master Damian."
Before anything further could be discussed the screaming of two other children could be heard. Bruce and Dick rushed out of curiosity toward the noise as children were. Damian and Ellie quickly followed behind them. Alfred didn't take long to also follow them.
The five of them did not expect to find more children but these two were brawling. Two similar looking young boys were currently fighting each other biting, hair pulling and even punching while screaming at each other.
Alfred did recognise one of them as Jason while the other most likely was Daniel. Clearing his throat the butler waited for the two brawling children to notice him before pulling them apart. "Master Jason. Master Daniel. You two shouldn't fight inside the house."
Danny scrunched up his nose side eyeing the Butler and Ellie cooed who would have guessed that her template used to be this cute. "I don't like that. Call me Danny."
Jason on the other hand stuck his tongue out at Danny once the two got separated. "Daniel, Daniel, Daniel."
Danny glared and Ellie could only laugh at the face he was making. "Stop that."
Damian let out a sigh. "It looks like everyone but us got turned into children. What could be the cause of this?"
Danielle shrugged. "Dunno, the only I know that could do that is a ghost but she is in ghost prison."
"I will see if I can conta-"
The two youngest turned oldest looked up in time to see Dick swinging on the foyers chandelier. The young child's hand slipped and suddenly the boy was free falling. Both rushed to catch the child, Ellie taking to the air and catching him while Damian on the ground let out a sigh of relief, before realizing that Jason and Bruce were gone.
Danny thankfully was still with Alfred holding on to the butler hand watching wide eyed and in awe how Ellie was slowly floating down to the ground with Richard in her arms. The boy was loudly yelling "Again" over and over.
"We need to find Father and Todd." Damian declared once Richard safely touched ground. The boy pouted but took Alfred's hand as he was told.
"I believe Master Bruce might have thought out his old room. It would be in the right wing of the second floor. In regards to Master Jason…"
"I will find him." Danielle offered, already speeing off. Damian only huffed in annoyance as the girl did not stay long enough for him to properly plan how to find the two missing children. With another huff he turned around and left to find his child turned father.
Alfred only smiled as the two now oldest children left and led the two whose hands he was holding towards the kitchen. "Master Richard, Master Daniel. How about you two help me bake some cookies?"
"They won't come to live will they?"
The butler chuckled at little Daniel's question but also noted that down as a worrisome statement he would have to inquire later about. "No they won't but they will surely taste better with two little helpers."
The boy let out a sigh in relieve as the other tilted his head slightly. "I love cookies! This is definitely the coolest time I have ever gotten kidnapped for."
"You have gotten kidnapped before? Jazz said getting kidnapped is bad."
"Nope, this is my first time! But how can it be bad if it's fun so far? I wanna swing on that ceiling thing again!"
"I wanna try that too…"
Alfreed only shook his head as he let the two children continue to talk. Whatever was happening the butler would make sure to take as many pictures as he could. This was his one golden opportunity to get these for the family albums. After all Tim had gifted him last month with the latest phone model that supposedly had one of the best cameras integrated.
Somewhere else in Gotham…..
When Tim finally got out of the meetings he took a look at his phone. Alfred had been sending pictures all day and he hadn't had the time to take a look at them. He choked on his coffee as pictures of Bruce, Dick, Jason and Danny as children greeted him. The young Co-CEO rubbed his eyes wondering if he was dreaming but then Alfred sent him a video that he instantly saved in his blackmail folder. Whatever was going on he would hold that over his brother's heads for a long time.
Duke leaned back into his chair finally taking a break from his study session. He had ignored his phone so far. Now that he was taking a break he looked at it and spluttered at the cuteness that greeted him. Wait, was that Bruce? And Dick? And Jason? And Danny? What was happening in the Manor? Wasn't today supposed to be a slow day? Hurriedly, the Meta packed up his things from his library table and made his way back home. He did stop shortly at one point to take a look at the video Alfred sent, trying but failing to stop the laugh that bubbled out of him.
The girls all crowded around the screen as Barbara pulled up a live feat from the Manors cameras. They all collectively squalled when they watched the children play. A part of them wondered if they should go to the manor to help Alfred Damian and Ellie but they were having too much fun just watching the chaos unfold on screen.
In the video and live on Barbara's screen four children were currently dancing to the strangest music with Danielle before them instructing them on how to pull off the best moves. All the children's attention was on her as she taught them everything from easy hip hop moves to the funkiest dance move she, herself could think of. Meanwhile Damian was on the sidelines, head in his hand mumbling something but because of the music neither the video Alfred was taking nore the video cams, the girls were watching them from, picked it up.
A couple day's later a blindfolded Constantine finally grazed the Wayne Manor with his presence and a solution to return the four children back to their original age. Once that was done, three out of four were certainly mortified, the fourth trying to take it with Humor all while Alfred was happily working on an additional family photo album.
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stormikitty · 1 year
Just watched Matilda the musical and then watched the original Matilda movie, and now I'm thinking about a DP/DC au based off of Matilda...
Danny gets de-aged, and his mind is a combination of what it was before and the mind of a toddler. He also somehow ended up in Gotham. He doesn't have parents to put him in school, so he reads books at the library every day. Barbara pays attention, obviously. Maybe Danny gets picked up by abusive adoptive parents, or maybe Vlad found him and took him in, but he starts going to school where one of the batkids is teaching. (I believe in Dick being a kindergarten teacher instead of a cop supremacy, but I feel like Danny would get along really well with Jason in this au.) Teacher/batkid finds out Danny's being abused, batfam takes legal action, and Danny gets adopted by his teacher, or his teacher's dad, or one of his teacher's siblings. (Danny still being afraid of Nightwing because electricity. He's also scared of lightning for the same reason.)
Jazz and Ellie are somewhere else in the world, very worried because they haven't heard from Danny in a while and don't know what's going on.
(You could give Danny a new power in this, or you could just not. Up to y'all.)
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deathlysilent13 · 9 months
DPxDC Fic Snippet: Selina Finds Hurt Danny
(Basic backstory for understanding: Selina finds Danny hurt. This is absoltuly a Bad Fenton Parents WIP. He's hurt enough that he's retreated into his core and Selina took him home and has been keeping him safe until he can reform.)
Morning dawns and leaves the cat burglar behind. She doesn’t rouse until just after 11, as per usual, but when she starts to stretch out, she notices a weight on her chest that hadn’t been there before. She nearly panics, opening her eyes to see fluffy black hair. Confused, she tilts her head to look over the face attached to all the fluffy locks and has to bite down fresh panic at the literal child curled up on top of her. She’d rescued a teenager with white hair, and somehow ended up with a possible black-haired toddler.
The boy stirs, groaning lightly, and only then does she look over at her nightstand to see the little nest she’d made for her orb empty. “Oh,” the boy whispers, sounding like it hurts to speak. 
Selina sits up slowly, keeping one hand wrapped around the boy. She won’t just fling him onto the floor like an unruly cat, after all. This is still a child, even if she has no idea where he came from. The boy stays curled against her, only whimpering once in pain. Selina’s concern grows. 
She shuffles her pillows around so she can lean back just enough to keep the boy lying comfortably while still being upright enough to try and talk to him. “Good morning,” she says softly, not wanting to alarm the boy. 
He nuzzles into her sternum briefly before finally looking up and pinning her with stunning cerulean irises. “You’re the one who found me, right?” he asks softly, still very clearly hoarse. 
Selina nods. “If you’re the white-haired teenager we pulled off that silver boat, then yes,” she replies, needing the confirmation. 
The boy sighs, his eyes closing again. “I didn’t….I’d hoped……” he murmurs, likely to himself. She cards her fingers through his hair, gently detangling as she goes. She wants to push, to know what was going on, but whatever had made him young may also send him running. She knows all too well how well untethered children fare in Gotham, after all. 
They lay quietly for some time. “My parents didn’t know,” the boy finally murmurs again. “Not for ages. I thought they’d love me more than they hated ghosts.” She feels the shudders first, but it doesn’t take long for the tears to start soaking her shirt. She expects to be mildly disgusted, at least, but finds as she sits there and holds him that all she feels is sorrow. No one should be broken of the belief that they’re a parent’s priority. 
She doesn’t do anything but pet him until his stomach rumbles, and hers answers. Even with his face still smushed against her sternum, she can see his face going red. “I should still have some leftover pizza,” she says, grinning when his head pops up with much more enthusiasm than she’d seen from him thus far. “Come on, up with you. There should be a spare toothbrush, and then you can decide if you want food first or a shower.” He doesn’t go far, but all she really needs is for him to slide off. 
She scoops him up, warming at the way he squeaks and flails but curls back into her anyway. She takes him into the bathroom, letting him sit on the counter while she pulls out a fresh toothbrush. Thankfully, he doesn’t argue, and the whole ordeal goes quickly. He blushes red again, however, when he asks if he can stay for a minute and points to the toilet. Far from being bothered, Selina simply ruffles his hair and tells him to wash his hands when he’s done. 
She’s in the kitchen, a nearly full box of cold, mismatched pizza from the previous night giving him options when he wanders through, clearly hesitant. She gestures to a chair, trying not to baby him since he is, or was, a teen and she remembers all too well how each of the Robins got about their independence. She won’t intrude if she doesn’t have to. 
He climbs up, eying the box, and she does nothing more than take a second slice out and slide it over. “Help yourself,” she says as though it isn’t important. “I don’t usually have leftovers when the girls come over, so I’ll probably forget I have it anyway.” It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it has him digging into the food with enough gusto that she’s probably right in it being entirely too long since he had actual food, and she’ll happily sacrifice an entire pizza to him if it helps. She’s gonna have to ask the hard questions soon enough anyway. 
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Raising Phantom Chpt 8
Raising Phantom on Ao3
Jason sat up next to his favorite gargoyle as a kid, watching the city in thought. Duke, after the party, had confirmed something odd was with Danny and Vlad. Having caught a second glimpse of Vlad as he stormed out after recovering from a punch from Bruce. Which was a shock in itself as he was supposedly knocked out cold. Would have taken a normal man at least a few hours. Duke had tried his best to explain the image, but best he could describe it was a holographic card where it was two images at once. Danny's was a boy with white hair, and Vlad's was a vampire. It sounded ridiculous if Jason didn't remember that weird feeling he had when the boy was near. He had almost forgotten-well forgotten wasn't right word- He had accepted that strange feeling. It was eerie at first but grew comforting around the kid. He tapped his foot on the edge of the stone. Vlad had a weird pull too, he didn't notice until Duke pointed it out. He had assumed it was Danny, until he tried to track Vlad. Vlad always knew where to look for him, so he disappeared once he confirmed the feeling. Dick suggested that perhaps it was a freak accident both of them were apart of? Kept it secret from Jazz? But Jason doubted it. Tim brought up their unknown parents. Jason glared at the city view. That sounded plausible, they were responsible could be the reason they all had a falling out. “..I never known a boring day in my life..” Jason flexing his hand as he recalled Jazz's voice back in the library. Definitely pointed towards parents. Dead brother too. Jason stood up with a huff, he needed to stop reflecting on it. Let the others keep playing this game, but he was going to stomp his foot down if they cross the line. Stretching as he stared over the horizon. He definitely going to keep an eye on Danny. Though the tabloid story was going to make it hard. Stupid gossip. ---
Ever since they've arrived home, Vlad has been on their couch playing the 'pitiful me' card. He would whine about the gala, how foolish he looked. He begged Jasmine and Danny to let him get back at Bruce, which both declined. “Mr. Wayne started most of the foundations and fundraisers in Gotham as well as provide jobs for the city. INCLUDING the improvements made to both my college and future place of work. You can't hurt him because he punched you for threatening his kids!” Jazz would explain for a millionth time as she give Vlad his cup of coffee. Her hair wired and frizzed. Vlad was driving her nuts. “All for show! I bet the money ends up in the rogue's pockets.” Vlad sip his cup of coffee, while sitting in his fancy robs that were out of place on the makeshift bed of a couch. He gagged at the taste of the coffee, and made a face as if to tell Jazz his opinion of it, only to snap his mouth shut at the look she gave him. He cleared his throat, setting the coffee down. “BESIDES I was well within my right! What were you two thinking running off with those brats!?” Danny who was lazily poking at his scrambled eggs, “Thinking of kicking Dick and that it be funny to be kidnapped.” “Danny.” Jazz huffed, hands on her hips as she whipped back to face him. Danny just shrugged at her. “And you Jasmine!? Off with that boy! Have you lost your mind girl?! Bad boy look? REALLY-” “Not the first time-” Danny mumbled, only to get a look from Jazz. Message loud and clear, 'You're not helping!'. “Why can't you go to Harvard?! Or anywhere else!? I have the funds, my girl, just choose a place to go. You and Daniel don't have to stay in this filthy apartment, in this waste of a city! With terrible coffee and cat piss lining the hallways. You don't have to be here. That Asylum will get you killed and these vigilantes are like flies on a rotten carcass. So I trust them as little as I would Bruce to have a thought in his head!” Vlad moving dramatically, expressing with his hands as much as his voice. “I told you, Vlad. This is important to me! If I can learn and improve things here, then I can help so many more people than I could by being a family therapist. I could actually make a difference in their lives and the lives they affect. That's worth more than a comfy job writing psychology books and being a celebrity's psychologist.” Jazz huffed out of breath, tired of arguing her point. “And that's worth more than dying? What about Danny then?!” Vlad pointed out. His words making Danny flinch. Danny just stuffed his face with his eggs, looking away from them. He didn't want to be apart of this. “What if you perished because of your obsession with helping this god-forsaken place?! Of course I would take in Daniel, but his core would be damaged! Ghosts don't take grief well.” He hissed the last part. Danny frowned. Wanting to say he was fine, but the image of Dan made him shiver as he stabbed his eggs. At least growing up again means delaying looking like his future self... past.. self? He would only be four years younger than Dan was... Danny's eye twitched at the thought, hands clenching tight the fork in his hand. “I know that Vlad, but I have you know we TALKED about it. To get a doctorate in psychology will take years, so my plans won't even be in full swing until he's almost grown. Also I like to remind SOMEONE that I have nanobots in my blood stream so I be a bit harder to kill.” She put her hands on her hips. Vlad cleared his throat, looking away from her at the mention. He put the coffee mug to his lips, “Yes, well. I still think your obsession with this city is just as bad as your parents-” Vlad felt a dark chill down his spine that not even his hot watery coffee could warm. He quickly stammered to correct himself, “Oh. .did I .. I mean um. You know what, dear Jasmine. I-i think I may have been a little... dramatic. You are a grown woman and.. have.. your own ...ambitions. Who am I to judge...? hm?” He sipped his coffee loudly, as he stared at Jazz, whose eyes glimmered darkly. He was hoping that was enough to cool the situation. Jazz took a deep breath and turned away to grab her lunch bag and purse. Danny pushed from the table, hopping down to follow her, only for Jazz to put her hand in front of Danny to stop him. “Stay here with.. UNCLE Vlad, Danny. I'll be back at dinner.” Jazz running her fingers through her hair before putting it up in a ponytail. Danny stumbled back, confused. “What?! Why do I have to be punished?! Vlad's the one that-” “Danny, PLEASE. I just want to be alone, okay?” Jazz looked exhausted. Clearly she needed the break. Danny scrunched up his face and crossed his arms with a huff. Cursing Vlad in his head. “Don't worry about making dinner dear Jasmine! I-I'll order from that run-down- I mean quaint Italian restaurant you like.” Vlad doing his best to get on her good side, realizing how badly he slipped up with that comment. “Daniel and I will have a wonderful time.” Jazz and Danny both groaned as she turned to stomp out, closing the door with a hard slam behind her. Danny flinched at the noise, and rubbed his arm. He stared down at his feet. This was first time in a while he seen her so upset. If he wasn't so small, they wouldn't have to argue like that. They could dump Vlad and be on their merry way. Danny sighed, then he glanced over to Vlad who dramatically flailed back on the couch with a groan. A hand over his face as the coffee was set on the table. He too let out a loud sigh. “What am I going to do with that girl? Insisting on living like this- surely you would like somewhere better? Right Daniel?” “Danny. And it's fine.” Danny muttered as he walked over to the table where his breakfast still sat. He picked up his plate and decided to throw it away. He didn't feel hungry anymore. “You two don't even have to live with me! It could be an apartment in a safer place. Nothing too fancy.” Vlad waved his hand as he talked, the other still on his face. Danny snorted. Vlad's version of nothing too fancy was far drastic than their image of it. “Vlad, I don't even want you here, let alone a place you own.” “Yes yes. Because of the cloning, the murder plotting, and all that.” Vlad sighed again, before removing his hand off his face peaking at the corner where Danny emerged from the kitchen. “But seriously, you can't be happy here. Aren't you afraid of what could happen to her?” Danny flinched and stared down at his feet. He rubbed his arm as he swayed in his spot. He debated on answering him. “I'm fine.. and of course.. I worry. But I delayed her life already, she deserves to seek out her dreams, ya know?” Vlad stared at him and then rolled over on the couch with a groan. “You two will be the death of me.” Danny rolled his eyes as he moved through the living room. He glanced at the tv that was playing one of Vlad's favorite soap operas, and then glanced over to the door to his room. He debated on just watching videos or playing in his room, but.. He glanced at the front door. “Hey... Vlad?” Danny asked hesitantly, refusing to look at the man. “Yes, Daniel?��� Vlad never moved to look at him either, his voice showing his exhaustion. His tired face staring at the tv screen. Danny stared at his hands, the question catching in his throat. Vlad waited a few moments, then shuffled to get up on his elbows, staring back at Danny with a raised brow. Danny twiddling his fingers, frozen. “Well? Get on with it.” Danny jerked staring back up at Vlad, matching his eyes. He blinked for a moment then glanced back to the side, taking a breath. Gathering his courage to ask in a squeaky, “......How's mo- how's our... parents doing?” Vlad's eyes stayed on Danny for a hard moment. Danny could see out the corner of his eyes, Vlad's flashing red with rage before cooling down. He sat up with a heavy groan, rubbing his face with his hand. Looking older by the minute. “Daniel-Danny.. its best you forget about them.” “I want to know.” Danny stated firmly or as firmly as he could. Vlad shook his head, looking away from the child. He propped his head on his hand, while he drummed his fingers with his other hand on the coffee table. His face morphing into sympathy or perhaps pity as he thinks about what to tell Danny. “They're still alive and bumbling fools.” Vlad rolled his tongue, trying not to let his anger get the best of him. “Do they.. still-” Danny tried to asked, afraid of the answer but wanting to hear it. His fist balling up in his shirt. “Yes. They still think you took their child- Danniel-Danny I really do think its best you stop worrying about them.” Vlad really reluctant to tell Danny more, not wanting to mention how delusional their parents had gotten. “I can't.” Danny stressed, pulling on his shirt. Vlad nodded, “Of course you can't. Oh what am I going to do with you?” Vlad's voice sounded more concern and gentle than Danny was use to. Danny stared at the floor, feeling his eyes water. Stupid. He knew the answer before he asked. He took breaths to keep his tears back and turned to run into his bedroom. The tv clicked off and he felt a ruffle of his hair before he could run. “I think we're overdue for a flight, don't you little badger?” Vlad smiled. “Don't try to teach me anything.” Danny said, his voice shakier than he would have like. “Don't plan on it, now come along. Be embarrassing to be out in our jammies.” Vlad ushering Danny towards the bedroom. “Jammies?” Danny questioned the childish nickname for pjamas. “Pjs, pjamas, sleepwear.” Vlad tiredly explained. Danny just frowned, but just wiped his face and sighed. He ran to his room to change, trying his best to forget about his parents again. He still didn't really get the answer he wanted, but perhaps its better he didn't know how far they were going.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Danny Fenton & Jason Todd Characters: Danny Fenton, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Gotham City, Jason Todd, Red Hood Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Protective Jason Todd, Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), BAMF Danny, BAMF Jason Todd, Sentient Gotham City, de-aged Danny Phantom, De-Aged Danny Fenton Summary:
Danny finally escaped his parents, and in his muddled thought process, went to see his mentor, clockwork. Clockwork, however, had no clue what to do and took Danny to his dear old friend, Gotham. Going along with this game of halfa telephone, Gotham took the now six-year-old boy to her most trustworthy knight.
tag list sobs
@starkcravingmad @terzatheunderscorerima @sunsetdew0101 @onyxlightdragon @ace-aro-agender @roseinbloom02 @aikoiya @theeclecticenquirer @blacksea21090 @the-legal-shipper @paperlicense687 @cursedchaosboys @corfinnsunrise @ascetic-orange @eonic @frostedthroughghost @bluebeariis @readerkayden @reach-for-the-horizon @xno-more-smilesx @undead-essence @f3rn4nd4 @fisticuffsatapplebees @smol5slytherin @littlefeather345 @welcometosasakiworld @phoenixcatch7 @bun-fish @always-be-a-stranger @suppengott @mimilikey @nerdypaintbrush @icedbluesoul @enderglace @09shell-sea09 @arandomturd @lesling123 @ae-vixrose @nedwec
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asher-turtle · 2 years
There's not enough fics of dc/dp with Danny deaged honestly you think there'd be more of them but if there is I haven't found them
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satoshy12 · 7 months
Phantom Kitten
It all started as the GIW got more brutal in Amity Park. And Jazz wanted to make sure Danny was saved; the test showed just Danny was contaminated by it, not her, his friends, or her parents. So while he talked with her Jazz, to make sure he was saved, she pushed him into the Ghost Zone, into a door, to a different place, timeline, or universe. It didn't matter much, she would find him after all is done with the Booomarang. She should at least talk to him first! Danny woke up. He was de-aged as a toddler in a place called Gotham City. He used his powers to steal small items around the city. What! He had no money for food. To cover up his identity, he took the mask he found with Cat Ears and now calls himself "Kitten". Having Ghost Powers is cheating when you escape.
That was how he met the hero Batman, and Danny was fascinated by the gadgets. So he slowly started to steal his gadgets. The first time Batman met the toddler thief was when Danny tried to steal his Batmobile. Yes, the whole Batmobile. Batman, let the toddler play with it and have a head start... He didn't think that "Kitten" would be able to really steal his car. Danny made Catwoman and Batman determined to catch "Kitten" as they underestimated the adorable ghost's abilities. Catwoman Selina Kyle. Well, he is an adorable kitten, and he goes around as a cat already! And he stole her targets not once not twice but 10 times!!
A/N The Batman who lost the Batmobile can be Dick while Bruce was busy in the JL. Kind of want to see Dick trying to explain how he lost the Batmobile.
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dclovesdanny · 4 months
DcxDp prompt
Teen dad Danny Fenton moving into Crime Alley and getting a reputation for helping. Street kids willing to babysit Ellie and Dan while he’s job hunting can spend the night, have a meal, get cash, whichever they choose. Sec workers who do Ellie’s hair/nails/babysit some nights also get the same benefits. He will treat anyone with injuries for the low price of showing Ellie and Dan their guns/taking them to the observatory/getting him job opportunities.
All of the people in Crime Alley know the single meta dad with two kids, who has helped half the alley at least. Everyone is also aware of how Ellie calls her other parent ‘The Bastard’, and how bad their nightmares are, the ones they have to call Danny for(A few of his repeat guests have seen the scars and burns on his arms. Some of the older street kids recognize that hunted look he gets when people touch him when he doesn’t know they are there. Some of the sec workers notice how protective he is of his kids, and the younger workers. No matter who they are, they all notice how Dan gets quiet and angry when asked about his ‘other dad’. They all have sworn never to let those kids go back to the other dad, Danny included. They are a part of Crime Alley now, and they protect their own)
Danny doesn’t realize how far his reputation goes/how much everyone trusts him until two of his regulars bring in an injured Red Hood, promising him whatever he wants in exchange for him helping their boss.
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Promp 54
So Danny has found himself stuck possessing a doll. Good news! He can move the doll around and still use his powers- bad news, he uh, seems to be stuck in some different dimension or something. At least he’s managed to crawl into an apartment for safety, even if the place has a lot of guns and swords. Oh well, it’s almost like home anyway!
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Do it for the Plot
I like the idea of Tim and Danny meeting and just clocking each other as little shits TM.
Just causing chaos to everyone in a way that can't really be traced back to them like 'Who? Me? I was busy doing all of these other things I have no idea how I would do that?'
Danny helps Tim get revenge on the bats for all the shit he's had to put up with and being absolute trolls about the whole thing *chefs kiss*
Tim&Danny dragging Ra's body
Damian: "Wha-?"
T&D: "No one will ever believe you"
Danny makes them go invisible
Bats: "Where ya going Tim?"
Tim holding back a cackle:" Oh, it's my anniversary so it's date night!"
Bats: "Anniversary?! We didn't know you were getting serious with someone?"
Tim: "Serious? He's my husband of course I'm serious about him"
Bats: "Wait hold on-!"
Tim: "Gotta go! Can't be late I have to make sure the babysitter has everything they'll need."
Tim: "Bye bye~!"
(They planned all of it including their 'fake marriage', Danny went back in time with the help of CW who is a troll at heart, and made the legal changes including Dan and Dani as their kids (their de-aged) otherwise someone (Oracle) would have eventually realized that the license is fake. So they went back in time and made it legitimately real)
Danny being Ghost King means that Tim is now also royalty
Tim walking up to John Constantine:" I have your entire soul"
and then just turning around and leaving
John very much felt the very strong Death Energy claiming Tim: "I don't want to be sober right now"
Earth about to be taken over for the 5th time that year by higher beings
Tim walking up late with coffee in his hand: "Leave or I'll call my husband"
Higher Beings very much not wanting to mess with the High King of the Infinite Realms: ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ
The Phantom family relaxing with cucumbers on their eyes and face masks: "Did you hear something?"
The Bats & Everyone else:
Tumblr media
Just an Idea
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emacrow · 1 month
Aquaman was only patrolling the ocean, not expecting a baby mer swimming with the whales along the way.
It one of the few things he would like to do in his free time is to help the ocean sea with minor problems, a seal having his neck stuck with a plastic can holder, a a couple shark with a hook stuck to her fin/nose or tailfin, a couple of trapped rare fish in poacher traps.
He wasn't expecting a small group of whales, mainly a momma whale and two Baby whales to swim by singing their song while hunting a vast enormous group of krills.
Only to hear a tiny little baby mer singing along with them. It was a boy, with chubby lil arms, a beautiful trails of sparkling white and neon green color, fade gray and black tips mer tailwind. A fainted trail of electric shock probably from a mishap by jellyfish tracing from one of his chubby hand down to his body.
Hair white as snow, eyes greener then the grass on land, tanned skin and a odd sliver mechanism purple clock on a necklace that was ticking slowly despite being in deep underwater.
Arthur was going to get closer but the Momma whale Block his view using her vast body after she noticed him getting closer, the two Baby whales hiding behind her along with the baby mer.
Meanwhile Danny as clockwork apprentice until he grows into his state as the ruler of ghost realm and away from noisy observators has been on a mission to keep the timeline in check in other dimensions. Clockwork insisted this form would do the trick
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