#I don’t know I’m not here to fight anyone
ramhaiba · 2 days
𝖮𝗇𝖾 𝖸𝖾𝖺𝗋 (𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖸𝗎𝗎𝗍𝖺 𝖷 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋)
contains- modern au, kidnapping, manhandling, intense bullying, cyber stalking. dubcon, oral (f receiving), thigh fucking, unprotected sex
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One year. It’s been one year since you were attacked from behind. You still remember every tiny detail of that event, you were struggling to find your stupid car keys in your purse, cursing under your breath. There was something eerie about being in an empty parking lot so late at night- but you were desperate for groceries. So there you stood, struggling to find your keys while your grocery bags rested next to your feet. 
You don’t know why you couldn’t hear him, it was like he was a ghost. It was all sudden, the feeling of his stern chest on your back, one arm wrapped around your waist, the other holding a black cloth over your mouth. You remember trying to fight him off of you but each second of inhaling the chloroform-infused rag made your eyelids grow heavy. 
When you woke up, your heart felt like it was about to run out of your chest as you noticed you weren’t in your room, realizing that your last memory wasn’t a simple dream. 
The room was unfamiliar, you were lying on a queen-sized mattress, the white walls were decorated with two small portraits of flowers, and the hardwood floor looked spotless as if someone had just finished polishing it. The room itself looked normal except for the fact there wasn’t a single window, the only source of light came from a bulb hung on the ceiling- in addition to the security camera tucked in the corner. 
Your first instinct was to run to the door, only to find it was locked. Then you banged your fist against it, cursing at anyone who was behind the door. 
That’s when you heard his voice for the first time, soft- slightly comforting as well. 
“Take ten steps back from the door,” he uttered, sounding more like a suggestion than a command. 
“What the fuck is this, let me out” you shouted back. “Ten steps away from the door” he repeated, tone with a hint of annoyance. “Where even am I? Asshole, if you don’t let me go right now I’ll-”
“I said ten fucking steps away from the door, Y/n” he shouted, his voice booming, banging his fist on the other side of the door, causing you to flinch. You didn’t dare to utter another word like your lips were stuck together by glue, slowly retreating a good distance away from the entrance.
You heard the voice sigh from behind the door before unlocking it.
He walked, dark hair swooped to the side, a light grey baggy sweatshirt paired with black trousers. The only thing odd about his appearance was a sliver argyle patterned masquerade mask wrapped around the top half of his face, highlighting his dark tired eyes. 
You don’t need to see his entire face to know you’ve never met him before. “H-how do you know my name?" You questioned, voice stuttering with anxiety, taking a step back the second he took a step closer.  
He gave you a disappointed look, his eyes narrowed through the mask, “because we know each other. Y/n” he replied. 
“What do you mean 'we know each other?' I don’t even know your name, you sick fuck” you remarked, clenching your fist. “Pancakes? Do you like pancakes? “ he asked, his voice calm and unbothered as if you hadn’t just cursed him out. 
“What? Why the hell are you asking me if I want pancakes” you scoffed. “For breakfast, of course” he beamed, lips curled in a sweet subtle smile. 
“I- I don’t want pancakes, I want to leave” you replied, voice stern. “Try to get some rest, you hit your head pretty hard before you got here” he suggested, as he began to retreat to the door. 
You looked at him in disbelief as his silhouette left the room. 
The next morning- or what you assume was the next morning, the ringing of a bell woke you, as your vision slowly focused on your surroundings, you noticed him sitting on your bed, holding a tray of breakfast assortments, head tilted as he smiled.
“I hope you slept well. I made you breakfast- I’m not the best chef, so don’t get too excited” he laughed embarrassed, leaning over to lay the tray on your lap.
You looked at the food, fresh pancakes drizzled with syrup, a glass of iced orange juice, and toasted bread on the side. Then you looked back at him, his innocent happy appearance pissed you off- it was like he wasn’t unaware of how morally wrong his mistakes were.  “I don’t want your fucking food- I want to leave” you shouted, trying to tackle him with the butter knife from the tray, the spread of food falling over as you pushed him to the ground, knees straddling his chest.
In an instance, his hands are on your waist, flipping you over as if it didn't take any effort difficulty, pinning your hand above your head, making you drop the butter knife, strands of dark hair dangling off his forehead. 
“If you ever do that again” he uttered, putting crushing pressure around your wrist as he squeezed them, he leaned over, his breath on your neck as he tilted his head, 
“I will fucking break your arm.”
That’s when you realize the man in front of you isn’t just your abductor - he’s a sociopath.
The first month of your new ‘lifestyle’ was the hardest, if he wasn’t keeping you company, you’d shout for help, praying for someone would hear you. But you’re pretty sure he was watching you on his phone, laughing to himself. 
He was interesting in a way in which he cared about you as if you were his pet, weighing you weekly, giving you vitamins to replace your need for sunlight, checking your temperature, and even trimming your hair. But not once for the entire year you’ve been with him has he ever taken that annoying sliver mask off. 
You wondered what would be under the mask, a scar or a burn? Maybe a really bad tattoo. 
There was a knock on the door, the knock meant that you had to step away from the door- exactly ten steps. As you watched the door slowly open, both of his hands held a silver platter on top of it was a circular handmade chocolate frosted cake with one yellow lit candle. 
He shut the door with his foot and used his elbow to hit the light switch behind him, the fire from the candle now more noticeable. “Sit down ” he advised, voice laced with excitement.
“What’s with the cake?” you asked, crisscrossing your legs as you sat on the softness of your mattress. “It’s a special day” he replied, sitting across from you as he placed the cake in the middle. “And why is that?” you questioned.
"It’s your birthday” he whispered as if it were a childish secret.
“My birthday?” you repeated. 
“Yeah, it's your special day. Go on, make a wish” he added, a sweet smile appearing on his lips, laying his hand on top of yours. 
That’s when your anxieties resurfaced, the girl who was scratching and biting her abductor every chance she got is coming back into the light. Fuck- how have you been here for a year? Why the hell are you still here- you need out because you can’t take it anymore.
“Y/n? Aren’t you going to blow out your candles” his voice snapped you out of your thoughts, noticing that you pulled your hand away from his.
“I-I can’t” you stuttered, beginning to hyperventilate, palms becoming sweaty. “What? What’s wrong” he asked, voice laced with panic.
“No- this is wrong, I shouldn’t be here. I-”
“Y/n. You’re having a panic attack, just try to calm down” he advised, leaning over to comfort your face, only to be pushed away by his chest. “Get the fuck away from me ” you shouted. He’s tripping off the bed, letting out a hiss of pain, rubbing his forehead as he notices something.
He’s touching his skin.
He looked down at his chest, there his mask lay, the ribbons that were once tied together now unraveled due to the fall. Then he’s looking back at you, with a panicked expression.
It’s all hitting you back now.
You can’t forget that face, soft pale skin, eyebags lying under his dark blue eyes. 
“Y-Yuuta?” You uttered
You finally realized his identity because you knew him from freshmen year of high school- but you were nothing more than an acquittance to you. The mere thought of Yuuta’s existence was a far memory in the back of your head, so no wonder why you couldn’t recognize him until his mask was gone. Yuuta was just a guy from high school you felt bad for because he was bullied relentlessly. He looked different now, his classic bangs pushed to the side and he was never this physically strong. 
“Don’t look at me” he mumbled, panicked hands trying to tie his mask back on.
“W-why are you doing this to me? I-I never did anything awful to you” you questioned, feeling your eyes swell up with tears.
“No- No, This isn’t a punishment, Y/n. I-I’m in love with you. I always have been in love with you” Yuuta corrected, disregarding the attempt to put his mask back on, as he got on his knees to look up at you from the bed, a pitiful expression on his face. 
“Then what the fuck is this Yuuta? Y-you’re in love with me? I didn’t even talk to you in high school. Even if I did, there is no way in hell, I’d ever date a freakshow like you” you remarked.
It’s like the word ‘freakshow’ triggered something in Yuuta’s mind, bringing back the memories of him being constantly berated by his classmates. As you watched him stand up, his facial demeanor became cold, and his eyes that once looked at you with admiration became dull.
“Y-Yuuta?” you stuttered, slowly backing away on the bed until your back reached the wall.
Then you feel Yuuta’s hand wrap around your ankles, dragging you back towards him, your back pressed against the bed, legs dangling off of the edge. He leaned over, his chest hovering over yours, his face so close to the side of your neck that you could feel his breath against your skin.
“G-get off of me” you panicked, laying your palms flat on Yuuta’s chest as you tried to push him off, only for him to quickly pin them above your head, only needing to use one hand to detain both of yours, his grip wrapping around your wrists.
“I love you. From the second I saw you, I knew you were different- different from all the other assholes who would want to make my life a personal hell” Yuuta explained, his free hand going to caress your cheek, fingertips tracing the soft skin.
“I’m not though, I just stood by and watched it happen. I’m not special” you argued, tears swelling in your eyes. Yuuta clicked his tongue, adverting his eyes from your eyes, eyebrows narrowed as he recollected his thoughts.
“March seventh, my birthday. Some guys from our high school decided to beat the shit out of me as a sick present. They threw me in an alleyway like I was trash, and took my umbrella too so I was getting drenched by the rain. God- they punched me up so hard that I actually thought I was going to die, my eyesight was going blurry and I was freezing from the rain. I couldn’t get up or anything, so I just lay in that alleyway to accept death. But then an angel came to me and she held me tightly in her arms in the shivering rain as we waited for the ambulance she called to arrive. 
Don’t you get it, Y/n? You’re my angel.” Yuuta recited, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you.
You looked at him in disbelief, you can’t even argue because he’s right. You did decide to help him. It’s one thing to look the other way when he got called horrid things- but you couldn’t let him die in that alley.
“I-I only did that because I couldn’t let you die and I thought you were too exhausted to remember it was me to help you” you stuttered out the truth.
“How could I possibly forget? Forget the only person in this fucked up world who’s ever been kind to me” Yuuta replied.
“I barely know you” you whimpered, voice trembling as his face inched closer to yours
“And you are my everything” he mumbled, pressing his lips against yours into a tender kiss.
You’re embarrassed- You’re embarrassed by how soft Yuuta’s lips are, how good they feel on yours, causing your heart to race.
You’re embarrassed about how intoxicating the feeling of his hands slipping under the hem of your shirt, letting his cold fingertips roam your side.
And you’re embarrassed about how you want to stop. But you can’t.
Yuuta doesn’t realize it but he has the face of an angel but the touch of the devil. The second he’s kissing you, he has you under his control. You’re almost missing the feeling of his lips on yours as he moved to trail wet kisses on your neck, biting, sucking the exposed skin he could touch.
Then you’re tilting your head, looking at him descend between your legs, his knees touching the floor, his fingers hook under the hem of your pants, slowly sliding them off. You could feel the embarrassment burn your cheeks as you watched Yuuta’s immersed expression at the sight of your panties, the thin fabric separating your desperate cunt from his tongue.
Yuuta thinks it’s funny, he’s the one who specifically brought you those pairs of panties- of course, he was embarrassed buying women’s underwear so he only picked out ones for comfort rather than appeal. But there's just something about seeing you under him, your flustered expression while wearing the clothes he picked for you- the panties he brought for you. Fuck- it turns him on. 
His finger is gliding on your clothed slit, admiring the softness of the fabric, how your breath hitched when his fingertips pressed against your fabric above your clitoris.
He opens his mouth as if he were about to utter a word but then closes it, gulping his breath. He’s waiting- he’s waiting for you to stop him, to yell at him- to remind him that you don’t want to be here. “Yuuta. Why did- Why did you stop?” You uttered, voice hinted with shyness. He thinks he’s so stupid for not realizing it earlier but you’re sexually frustrated. This was certainly the most physical interaction you’ve gotten all year because Yuuta would mostly refrain from touching you too intimately. 
But hearing your words were the scissors that cut the thin thread holding Yuuta’s consciousness. Your panties were peeled off, legs hung over Yuuta’s shoulders as his mouth dived into your cunt, tongue dipping out of his lips, brushing over your swollen clit. 
Even the feeling of his hot breath against your needy cunt caused you to moan, you could barely contain yourself once you felt his fingers sliding into your entrance. Yuuta cursing at himself in his head if he had known how good it would be to taste you, he would have done it sooner. The pretty little noises that are slipping out of your mouth are going straight into his cock, his hips slowly grinding against the bed frame for a pathetic way of relief from the erection in his pants. 
Yuuta’s opting to switch out his fingers for his tongue, fucking you with the wet muscle, his nose nudging at your clit. 
Your hands grip the mattress as you lose yourself in pleasure, hips grinding against Yuuta’s tongue, growing needy on the feeling of him savoring your cunt. Yuuta doesn’t dare to pull away when you cum, if he could he’d spend the entire day between your legs, savoring the taste of your cunt and the sweet moans that fall out of your lips.
 It’s not until you're pushing his head away from you, does he pull back, wiping his slicked-covered chin with the back of his hand, chest heaving as his glance switches from the view of your wet pussy to your flustered expression. “ Y/n-“ Yuuta panted, getting up from his knees, giving you a better view of his hardened erection lying in his pants, looking down at you with narrowed eyes.
“That was- that was a mistake. I wasn't thinking correctly” you interrupted, adverting your away from Yuuta’s aroused composure, closing your legs to hide your wet cunt.
"This is far from a mistake, Y/n. ” Yuuta mumbled, tracing his finger from your calf to your thigh, before quickly straightening both of your legs to lean on his chest,
“This is fate bringing us together. This is the truest form of love."
While holding your legs together with one hand, Yuuta slightly pulls his hips away to undo his pants before slipping his hard cock between the softness of your thigh. He’s moaning at the warm feeling of your thighs tightening around his cock, instinctively humping between your legs. You bite your tongue every time Yuuta’s cock swipes against your slit, ashamed of the sexual frustration building up in you at his refusal to properly fuck you. You're wondering if this is his way to punish you- or maybe this is his way of helping you realize how desperate you are for his touch. 
“Feels good-fuck” Yuuta stuttered, leaning his head down as he memorized the image of his cock fucking your thighs.
“Yuuta, just do it already” you uttered.
“ Do what, pretty girl?” He asked, an innocent smile on his lips, placing a sweet kiss on your ankle.  
“J-just fuck me already” You confessed, forearms going over your face to cover your shame, not wanting to look at his reaction.
“That’s all you needed to say” Yuuta replied, leaning over to place a sweet kiss on the side of your neck before sliding his cock into your aching hole, the painful stretch causing you to bite your tongue.
“All you need to do is ask, sweetheart” Yuuta huffed, abdomen tensing at the tightness of your cunt sucking in his cock. 
“And I’ll do anything for you.”
Yuuta’s cock is slipping out of you, only the red tip still prodding in your walls until he’s snapping his hip, fucking his cock back into you causing you to gasp his name, overwhelming pleasure making your brain turn into mush. He can’t help but dip his head, letting out a moan, loud and unrestrained. And all you could think was
His moans are as pretty as his face.
But fuck- his pace is brutal, he’s bending one of your knees onto your chest, hard cock hitting a deeper angle in you. 
“Y/n. Hold on to me. Want you to bite kiss, want you to bite me, want you to touch me” Yuuta panted, talking incorrectly due to his loss in pleasure, eyes half-lidded as he gazed upon your fucked out expression. His cock is bullying your cunt with harsh strokes until you finally submit, wrapping your arms around his shoulder as you bit into the crook of his neck erupting a groan from him. He’s letting go of your knee, opting for his hand to creep under your shirt, groping at the softness of your breast.
Yuuta doesn’t know how many times he’s shamefully jacked off to one of your social media posts, even if they were just an innocent picture of you in a garden or with friends, everything about you drove him crazy. He can’t believe he has you like this, on the verge of tears, desperate for his cock to edge you into your blissful orgasm, your fingers gripping the back of his black shirt, the sweet sounds of you moaning in his ear while he plays with your tits.
If this is a dream, he never wants to wake up.
When you cum, you let out the prettiest noise and your walls clench so hard against Yuuta’s cock that it almost makes him spill his load inside of you.
Yuuta doesn’t wait for you to recover from your high, while you’re still trembling his hips are thrusting into your wet cunt until he feels his orgasm. He pulls out last second and spills his cum on your inner thigh, his chest heaving as he pushed back his sweaty black hair, admiring the messy sight of his load dripping down your thigh. 
Once your high was over, the shame kicked in. The shame that you allowed and even enjoyed letting the man that ruined your life touch you- to fuck you. You can’t help but curl yourself up, trying to get as small as possible, while uncontrollable tears stream out your eyes.
Then you felt Yuuta’s soothing touch as he got on the bed, laid beside you, pulling you close to his chest, his hand slipping under your shirt, feeling your warm skin as he stroked your bare back.
“You took care of me all those years ago, so let me take care of you.I love you, my angel.”
If you were actually an angel, you think Yuuta would be the dagger that cuts your wings off, trapping you on Earth.
Trapping you with him.
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@nyamocka @docosahexaenoic-san 
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cherry4nemo · 9 hours
uh.. I mean…
Pretty please write for Love and Deepspace, oh great fanfic writer.
Your wish is my command. I’m gonna make this one fluffy 😭
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Warnings: slightly suggestive on Rafayels part but that’s about it!
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XAVIER (inspired by this line)
It was about midnight when you finally arrived back to your house. It was stupid really, when you signed up for this job, you thought you’d be doing more fighting. but here you are having to do paperwork…
You grab the doorknob and open the door, only to see Xavier fast asleep on your couch.
Huh… “Xavier?” You leaned over him and poked his shoulder. What was he doing at your house?
After some poking and prodding, you finally see a pair of blue eyes looking back up at you.
“Hm? Oh [name] what took you so long?” Xavier rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes, but you thought you saw a hint of something else in his eyes too.
“Paperwork per usual.” You groaned in annoyance, sitting down next to him. He hummed in response before taking your hand into his gently.
“Do you still have time for our claw machine date tomorrow…?” He inquires in a whispering tone.
“Of course I do! We still need to add the new puppy plushie to our family.” That seems to bring a smile to his face as he kisses your hand.
“I’ll finally have your attention all to myself, huh?” He sounds awfully calm while he spoke, but you could tell there was a hint of jealousy.
“You always will Xav.” Your hand finds his shoulder as you give it a small squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.
“Hm…” he hums “A gesture like this… don’t do it with anyone else.”
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Tangled in your sheets was Rafayel, holding onto your waist for dear life.. it was already seven in the morning and you swore you would get groceries early today. With a small grunt you attempt to pull yourself out of his hold, only to hear a whine.
“No.. why are you already trying to get up?” His voice is muffled by the pillow, but it was still loud and clear.
“I gotta go grocery shopping today, I already told you.” You huff still trying to get up, but that only made him hold you tighter.
“Oh wow. So first you decide to cuddle with that stupid bird plushie all night instead of me, and NOW you’re trying to leave me?”
… what is he talking about??
“I’m not leaving you! It’s only for like 30 minutes.” You try to argue but you know damn well he’s just being dramatic.
“30 minutes too long!” Rafayel pouts. “Why can’t you just stay a little longer?”
“What do I get out of that, huh?” You roll your eyes once you catch a smirk growing on his lips.
“I guess I’ll just have to show you…” his hand slides underneath your shirt, grabbing at the flesh of your stomach. “Just stay a little longer, okay?”
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Deadly Proposal: Part Five
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: angst, drug use (cocaine), heartbreak
Summary: Amber takes it a step too far when she throws a party at Dean's house. She crosses a line completely when she reverts back to her old self, and you are done breaking your back for her.
Deadly Proposal Masterlist
Square Filled: force feeding for @badthingshappenbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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The fight with your sister and Dean made it so you couldn’t sleep well last night. You slide out of bed, throw on something to wear that’s semi-appropriate, and head down to the kitchen. You’re not expecting to see anyone but Sonja, so you’re surprised when Amber is sitting at the kitchen island. She gives you a side glance but doesn’t say anything to you.
“I thought you were leaving.”
“I know you want me gone but my boyfriend didn't show.”
“I never said I wanted you gone,” you sigh. “I was frustrated yesterday, and I said something I didn’t mean. I’m sorry.”
“Whatever,” she shrugs. “Looks like you’re stuck with me.”
You sit at the kitchen counter and turn to her.
“Why don’t you and I go into town today and look for jobs? You said you were going to try.”
“Yeah, maybe we can do that later.”
“You need to do it sooner rather than later. Dean only gave you a week here.”
“What are you, my mom?” she scoffs.
She leaves her untouched food on the counter and storms to her room. Your shoulders sag in defeat but you don’t dwell for long. Sonja takes her food away and sets a plate in front of you with a kind smile on her face.
“Thanks, Sonja.”
As you eat, you think about Dean and your fight. Was it a fight? You know you’re not supposed to feel anything for him since you’re just a blood bag for him but the more he drinks from you, the more you crave him. Not just him, but his time and attention as well. You want to know so much about him but he doesn’t give you much to work with. He’s so mysterious and it’s driving you insane.
The thing with Amara isn’t sitting well with you either. You hated how jealous you got when she came over. She’s so beautiful, and may or may not have been involved with Dean. You subconsciously touch the wounds on your neck that have mostly healed. What did she mean when she said your blood was special? She said that she’d never smell anything like it, but doesn’t she smell blood all the time? No, that was carnal behavior. Dean talked to her but you’re not sure what he said to her. Does he even care?
No, screw this. You’re not going to sit here and continue to wonder. You’re going to get answers now. After you’re done eating, you walk upstairs to where Dean’s office is. Your hand hovers over the doorknob as doubt begins to creep inside your mind. Would he give you the time of day? Would he send you to your room like a petulant child?
“I can hear you breathing, you know,” Dean says from inside.
It’s now or never. You open the door and walk inside. Dean is sitting at his desk typing quickly on his laptop.
“What are you doing?”
“Nosy much?” he smirks.
“I can’t help it.” You shrug. “I’m bored and you’re not paying attention to me.”
Dean chuckles and leans back in his chair to give you his undivided attention.
“If you must know, I’m working.”
“You have a job?” you gasp in a teasing tone.
Dean shakes his head with a smile he can’t resist. “Yes.”
“What is it you do?”
“Nothing you need to know about.”
You walk over to his desk, sit across from him, and cross your legs.
“Do you realize you’re always brooding or does it come naturally to you?” Dean rolls his eyes and continues typing. “So, where’s your brother? I’m assuming you have one, right?”
“Are we doing this right now?”
“Fine.” You pause. “Do you have any parents?” He doesn’t reply. “I’m going to keep asking you questions until you answer.”
“Fine.” Dean groans and pushes his laptop away to pay attention to you. “You have five minutes. Go.”
“How old are you?”
“Over half a millennium. Seven hundred and sixty-two years if you want to get specific.”
“How did you become a vampire?”
“I was working a hunt when I was human. Vampires. They got to me before I could get to them. I’ll spare you the bloody details.”
“What do you do for work?”
“I help women escape their abusers.”
You’re taken aback. You did not expect that to come from him. You want to know more but then you’d use up your five minutes and you need to more about him.
“You made it sound like you had a family. Any siblings?”
“Are all your friends dead, too?” Dean cracks a smile and looks away to try and hide it. Your smile fades slowly. “Are you going to kill me when you’re done with me?”
“Why me? Why take me out of everyone you could have taken?”
“I already told you.”
“Yeah, my ‘special blood’,” you scoff. “What does that mean? Amara said I had special blood, too. What makes me special?”
“You remind me of someone I used to know. She had the same blood you did. In fact, you two are more similar than I’d care to admit. Maybe I don’t want to be alone anymore. Maybe she was the best thing to have happened to me in a long time, and I want to have that again.” Your mouth goes agape as you try and process his words. He clears his throat and pulls his laptop closer to him. “Times up. Now get out and let me work.”
That’s more than you thought you’d get so you won’t complain. You get up as he continues typing, and you walk to the door slowly. You look back at him but he doesn’t spare you another glance. Since you don’t want to see Amber and Dean doesn’t want to hang with you, you decide to hang out in your room for the next few hours either reading, playing video games, or browsing Amazon for new stuff for your room.
It’s nearing dinner time so you get out of bed to see what Sonja has made. When you open the door, you hear music blasting from downstairs and commotion that sounds like chatter coming from a huge crowd. You take the stairs down two at a time to see people filing into Dean’s house. Strangers who are already inside hold red cups filled with God only knows what. This is a party. Dean would never throw a party and you didn’t, and there is only one person here that would.
You push past everyone to get to the living room where Amber is sitting on the couch with two nasty-looking men. Unkempt hair, dirty clothes, and yellow nails.
“Amber! What the hell are you doing?!”
“It’s a party!” she grins. “I was bored of staying in this house with nothing to do.”
“Fuck, Amber! This isn’t your house.”
“It’s not yours either. Plus, Dean is almost always gone. He won’t mind, I’m sure.”
How did you ever think you could change her? How did you ever think she would be willing to change? You’re about to respond to her when you feel a hand wrap around your arm. Dean pulls you away from Amber and to an empty room nearby. He shoves you inside the room and slams the door behind him with a deadly glare on his face.
“Dean, I am so sorry. I didn't know she was doing this. All these people just showed up,” you stutter. “God, she always does shit like this. I shouldn’t have brought her here.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Dean glares. “Get rid of them.”
“Yeah, you got it.”
“I mean it, Y/N. I am a vampire and this party is filled with blood bags. Get rid of them before I do.”
Your eyes widen when you realize the threat behind his words. You leave the room and push through the sea of people that seemed to get bigger from ten minutes ago. You grab a few cups from people but they pass you by without another thought.
“Party’s over! You need to leave!” you shout over the loud music. No one is listening to you so you push your way to the DJ who is spinning the record player. “Hey! You need to stop. The party is over!”
“Get lost,” he says and continues playing music.
The control is slowly leaving your body and you start to panic. People are doing body shots off of other people, some are in the pool half-naked, and some are playing beer pong and doing drugs, among them is Amber. From the DJ stand, you can see over everyone’s head and to the couch where you left Amber. There are white lines on the table, one of which she sniffs up her nose. You don’t think anyone can hear your heart break over the music.
You jump off the platform and push through the crowd to get to her. She sniffs up another line of drugs when you yank on her hair.
“What the fuck?”
“Are you serious right now?”
“Great, it’s the fun police,” she giggles with her friends. She grabs her alcohol bottle and takes a few swigs. “You need to lighten up, Y/N. Have fun. Get drunk. Get laid. Where’s Dean?”
Tears prick the back of your eyes. “This isn’t funny, Amber. This is my life. You come in and ruin everything! You’re poison and a parasite. I don’t even know why I helped you in the first place!”
Amber glares but she is too high to care enough to bite back.
“Let’s play Seven Minutes in Heaven!” she shouts. A few people cheer her on as she shugs the rest of her alcohol. Some drops fall from her mouth when she pulls the bottle away but she wipes it away with the back of her hand. “Y/N, you go first!”
“No, I’m not playing, Amber. Seriously, the party is over.”
Amber doesn’t listen and spins the bottle on the now drug-free table. The bottle spins and lands on a spot that’s right behind you, and she grins when she sees who is standing there.
“Dean, you gotta go in the closet with Y/N.”
You turn swiftly and see Dean standing there with an emotionless face. Shit, he looks pissed. Someone grabs your shoulder and pushes you and Dean into the nearest closet. The door closes before you can say anything. 
“I’m so sorry,” you whisper.
“I don’t care about the party, anymore.” Dean steps closer to you, puts a hand on the wall behind you, and leans in closer to you. “What are you doing to me?”
“What do you mean?” you whisper.
“I can’t get you out of my head. You’re so different from her.” You can only assume he’s talking about the woman before you. He’s so close that your heart is racing a million miles a second. He leans in so close that you think he is going to kiss you but he doesn’t. He’s stopping himself as if kissing you is the most horrible thing to do. You sigh in disappointment which Dean picks up on. “Fuck it.”
He turns back to you, grabs both sides of your head, and kisses you so deeply that your knees immediately go weak. He holds you close and takes complete control over the kiss. His lips mold to yours like they were always meant to be there. His tongue touching yours sends sparks flying down your body. Your head is swirling too quickly for you to keep up, and all you can smell is him.
He finally pulls away from you and you lean against the wall to steady yourself. Dean doesn’t say a word and leaves the closet since the seven minutes are up. You touch your lips with a shaky hand as you force yourself to calm your racing heart and mind. Amber is gone from the couch when you leave the closet but you don’t care about her. You storm over to the DJ who is taking a water break and snatch the microphone from the stand.
“Party is over. Get out. The police have been called and are on their way!”
That does it for most. They scatter like startled cats and the rest leave because everyone else is. Soon, the house is empty and covered with trash and empty bottles. You’ll clean this later but right now, there is one person on your mind who you need to deal with. It’s not hard to find your sister when she is vomiting her guts out in the downstairs bathroom. You don’t care if you get vomit on you. You yank her away from the toilet by her hair and pull her toward the door.
“Wait, Y/N, I’m sorry. Please don’t do this,” she cries.
“You’re done, Amber. You’re not living here anymore.”
“Please, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again,” she sobs.
You drag her to the front door and throw her out on her ass. She has tears running down her face and looks at you with a heartbroken look.
“Please, Y/N, don’t do this to me.”
“No, I am not doing this again. Go find somewhere else to sleep, and go find someone else who will give a shit about you because I am done.”
With that, you slam the door in her face. You start to clean the house from the partygoers but that doesn’t distract you from Amber’s cries on the front porch. You continue to ignore her until she stops which means she either fell asleep on the porch or she left. A quick check through the window tells you it’s the latter.
Amber stumbles from the house in tears and down the long driveway to the road. She has no idea where she is going to go but maybe there is a homeless shelter that might take her for the night. She pulls her thin jacket tighter against herself since it’s starting to get cold outside. She walks further down the road when she hears the rumble of a car behind her. Maybe she can hitch a ride to town.
She turns and puts her hand out to avoid being blinded by the headlights. The car slows down next to her, and the driver rolls down the passenger side window.
“Can I get a ride into town, please?”
“Hop in,” the man says.
Amber is quick to hop inside the car where the heater is gently blowing.
“Sorry if I seem like a mess. My sister just kicked me out of her life, basically. I know I’m a fuck up. I fuck up all the time. I understand why she would but she’s my sister. We’re supposed to stick together through thick and thin, you know? So I do a bit of drugs. So what?”
“You poor girl,” the man says. “I can help you.”
Amber looks up and sees he hasn’t moved the car since she got in. She glances over at him in confusion. He has a beer belly, hairy arms, a scraggly beard, and dark eyes.
The man grins with sharp fangs where his canines should be. He grabs Amber and sinks his teeth into her neck. Amber screams for her life but no one is around to hear them. He’s right about one thing: poor girl.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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holylulusworld · 2 days
Designed by pain (11)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, past break-up, arguments, daddy Dean
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (10)
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“Sweetheart? Y/N? Uh—I’m sorry,” Dean follows you inside your office like a puppy. “I saw red when that bastard came here. Men like him looked at you like you were their latest meal for years. I saw the same hunger in my father’s eyes when I introduced you to him.”
“So, what you are trying to tell me is that the fact my son is crying his eyes out is all someone else’s fault – not yours?” You size Dean up. “Really? That’s all you have to say!”
“No…I mean. Fuck,” he drops his gaze and shakes his head. “You don’t have to tell me that I fucked up big time! I wanted to get to know my son and now, I hurt him. But…but that man came here, wanting to claim you…he called me a cretin!”
“You’re a cretin,” you grin for a moment before you press your lips into a thin line.
“Only because I don’t eat my burger using cutlery, doesn’t mean I’m a cretin. He’s an uptight bastard wanting to dick you down,” He purses his plump lips, making you even madder.
“You won’t sweet-talk your ass out of this situation,” you snap at Dean. “Whatever Ketch has done, or attempted to do, has nothing to do with the fact that you fucked my life over only by your presence. You came here to turn my world upside down and dare to blame Ketch for the shit you, once again, pulled. Do you ever grow a pair of balls and take responsibility for your actions?”
You are a panting mess after your rant and need to sit down. Holding your head you take deep breaths. You don’t know how to fix things with your son, and how to handle Dean, Ketch, and the whole situation.
“You quit your job,” Dean watches you intensely. “What do you want to do now? I mean, uh…you need money and all. I could help you and stuff.”
“I got enough spare money to survive,” you huff. “The house is mine, and so is my car. I have no debts and know how to handle my finances. I don’t need the hero in torn jeans to come along and save me. Not you. Not Ketch. Not some entitled asshole believing he can rule my life.”
“I didn’t try to rule your life,” Dean argues. “Imagine my surprise to find out that I’m a father for eight years!”
“You’re not a father!” You curse his name and whole existence. “You’re a sperm donor, nothing else. Stop acting like my son or I owe you shit. If anyone owes us shit, it’s you!”
“I could…” Dean trails off. Arguing with you is the worst for Dean. He doesn’t want to hurt you even more. But, at the same time, he doesn’t want to give in so easily. “Let me help you.”
You groan loudly. “Did you even listen? I just told you that I don’t need a hero to save me. All I want is for you, Ketch, and your Sasquatch brother to leave me alone.” You glance at Sam who awkwardly pokes his head inside the room. “Sorry, Sam.”
“There was someone on your door. They got a package,” Sam sheepishly says. “I put it in the living room. Is it alright to grab a coffee or do you want me to leave immediately?”
You regret your harsh words. Sam is an innocent bystander. He always was nothing but kind towards you. “Again, I’m sorry Sam. Please grab a snack and coffee. Or you could order food. The numbers are pinned to the fridge.”
Dean rolls his eyes. “Sammy, can you leave us alone? We are having an argument I’m about to win.”
You huff. “This is not an argument, Winchester. We are fighting, and I’m about to win this fight. In the morning, I want you gone. My son needs stability. I cannot let you confuse him even more. You will fly back home and forget about Michael soon enough. It’s not as if you are ready to take responsibility for your son, or your behavior.”
“You are confusing me with the man you left eight years ago, Y/N. I have grown out of my cocky attitude and irresponsibility. I’m an adult and know how to take responsibility for my actions.” Dean talks back, stepping toward the couch. “I know what happened in front of your house with Ketch was…” He sighs. “Let’s say it was not one of my best moments. I fucked this up, okay.”
You rub your pulsing temples. Dean has this ability to make you mad and wants you to hug him at same the time. “You are giving me a headache, Dean. What you don’t get is that my little boy is sitting in his room, wondering why I never told him about you. How could I tell him that I left you because of what happened that night.”
“Maybe you could…” He bites his tongue when your son walks inside the room. Michael rubs his eyes and looks at you. “Hey…uh…bud. I’m sorry for the yelling earlier. I didn’t want you to find out this way.”
“Was it all a lie?” Michael turns to look at Dean. “Do you even have an Impala, or was this a lie too? You promised to take me for a ride. Did you lie about that too?”
“Michael,” Dean’s features soften when looking at your son. “I didn’t tell you that I’m your dad because I waited for the right moment. Your mommy and I wanted to discuss things before talking to you. Everything else was the truth, bud. I’d never lie to you.”
“You saw the car in the pictures, baby boy,” you slowly get up from the couch to run your hand over his head. “Remember? The one you liked so much with me and his car.”
Michael nods, realizing he forgot about the picture. “I remember now, mommy.” He looks at you, fresh tears in his eyes. “Can we talk some more tomorrow? I’m so confused.”
“We will talk about everything tomorrow,” you softly say and wrap your arms around him. “It’s getting late, and you must be hungry.”
“Hmm…” Michael nods against you. “Can Dad and Uncle Sammy eat with us? I want to hear more about my cousins. Uncle Sam said they like books, and cars too.”
“Oh,” you are surprised. Sam took his time to talk to your son while you argued with Dean and Ketch. You feel sorry for being mad at him. “It would be nice to get to know more about time.”
“Yeah,” Michael lifts his head to look at you. “Maybe we can meet them too when I don’t have school. Uncle Sam seems to be nice.”
Dean clamps his mouth shut. He tries to not disturb the moment of peace and silently walks out of the room. He sighs deeply and runs one hand down his face.
“I need to find a way to make things up to them…”
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Did you know you can move onto other brainrots and STILL be stuck brainrotting on the old thing too? My brain is a decaying piece of wood that has become an essential breeding ground for several species of rot. One of them is still the BatFam variety, so onto the next member!
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Initial traces of Carrie Kelley, my child! Be honest, how many of you who have seen the Nightwing and Red Hood posts thought that I was doing Tim next? Well HA! Joke’s on you, I make the rules here! I have a very specific order in my head, and I will stick to that order!
Carrie is technically an elseworld’s Robin from The Dark Knight Returns, but Robin is my favorite superhero, and anyone who has been Robin will get my attention (yes Robin. Not Batman or Nightwing or any of the individual characters who have been Robins. Robin as a hero, regardless of who it is, is my favorite). At this point, she’s actually graduated to Catgirl and then her own iteration of Batwoman, but in my head, she’s the same age as Damian or younger, so she gets to stay Robin in my art for a bit.
I did two traces here because, unlike other Batfam characters, Carrie is in so few comics that I can’t just FIND a perfect, full body action pose from an angle that I like. The first trace is by far the most popular and easy to find picture of her, but it has her hair blowing around in the wind. This is a Problem, you see, because Carrie’s hair is a special challenge for me. In The Dark Knight Returns, she has this very distinctive hair shape that I do not like looking at OR drawing. So I knew the pose I used for my reference was going to need to be a pose where I could update her hairstyle. But, I also needed a full body, and that first photo is iconic, so two for the price of one again.
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Stylization time! Carrie was honestly really easy to stylize, her hair is just a bit of a nightmare for me. I finally got a handle on it after the complete project, but it took a WHILE! Anyway, I more or less just lifted her updated hairstyle from her Batwoman costume and some cosplayers. And no, I’m not giving her pants. Damian and Tim are edgy Robins, they can have pants. Dick, Jason, and Carrie are not edgy Robins, so they get short shorts. I did give up on coloring her sleeves green. Too much of one color for me to effectively handle when her gloves overlap her sleeves. Also, I need to draw more characters with capes. They’re so fun to draw!
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Characterization pose! In the comics, Carrie wears her goggles as a civilian too. I interpret this as her needing glasses, so I gave her regular glasses instead because wearing the same distinctive goggles you wear as a superhero is maybe not the best way to keep your identity secret. Comics Carrie has like one friend that you don’t see after she puts on the costume, and her parents don’t remember they have a kid, so it’s not like she has a whole lot of people to be hiding her identity from, but it’s the thought that counts. Schoolmates and random civilians and nosy reporters and all that.
I put her in a Girl Scout uniform for her civvy outfit because I think that it’s important to her character. The whole reason Batman took her on was because she was 1) crazy/traumatized/determined enough to buy herself a Robin costume, fight petty crime on her own, and follow him into dangerous situations and 2) used her Girl Scout first aid training to save batman’s life and splint his arm after he got his sh*t rocked in an ill-advised fight. I figured a salute, even if it’s a bit of a sassy one, was a good pose for her not just because of this, but also because The Dark Knight Returns is a very depressing comic, and so Batman calls her “good soldier.”
If you saw the first two posts, you may notice that I did not trace the hero text for this one, and that I used the same font for both names. This is because 1) I didn’t feel like the regular Robin font with the spiky R fits Carrie’s vibe, but she doesn’t have any comics covers of her own I can steal from and 2) I feel like Carrie’s personality is the same as Robin and Carrie. Unlike with almost everyone else, there’s no posturing, no distinction, no divide there. So the same font works for both personas.
Nightwing Edition
Red Hood Edition
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purrincess-chat · 1 day
In Breakable Heaven CH1
It's @ladrienjune yall!
And I know what you're all thinking
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But I finally wrote something! One chapter of a thing. For now, but more will be coming, I promise! As I mentioned previously, I am moving for the next couple weeks, but I will hopefully have some down time to write here and there. I also still need to plan the ending for this fic, but shhhhh that's future Cat's problem ;) Anywho, here's the beginning of a Ladrien secret-dating adventure. Enjoy~
This chapter covers days 6, 7, and 8 (social media, jealousy, and biggest fan respectively).
Read on AO3
Rating: G
When Adrien wins a contest on the Ladyblog, he catches the attention of Ladybug herself and scores more than just an opportunity to hang out with her. Caught in a fever dream high, the two lovebirds try to navigate their budding relationship away from the public eye and find that keeping secrets is a lot harder than they anticipated. Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes, what doesn't kill them makes them want each other more, and they'll do whatever it takes to stay in breakable heaven.
Chapter 1
“You Play Stupid Games, You Win Stupid Prizes”
“Alright, Bugheads, now onto the big announcement! With summer holidays coming up, I thought it would be a fun time to host a little contest, and ask the question: How well you know our resident superheroine? I’ve created a quiz that only the most die-hard fans will be able to pass because the stakes on this one are high. The person with the highest score will get to spend an afternoon with Ladybug! And don’t worry, this was approved by the head bug herself! Details for entry are listed below. Best of luck to all of you, and don’t forget to stay connected!”  Alya’s cheery lilt ended on Adrien’s computer screen, and he leaned back in his chair.
“A whole afternoon with Ladybug?” He swooned.
“What’s the big deal? You already spend every afternoon with her.” Plagg hovered over Adrien’s head with a wedge of cheese.
“Yeah, when we’re fighting bad guys,” Adrien said pointedly. “She never wants to spend time with me outside of work. This could be my chance to finally see a movie with her.”
“What’s the appeal of seeing a movie anyway? You just sit next to each other in silence for several hours. The only plus is the buttery popcorn with its salty, crunchy, oily goodness...” Plagg shoved the cheese into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully for a moment. “On second thought, why don’t you and I go see a movie? I’m much better company.”
Adrien rolled his eyes and clicked the leaderboard in the comments of Alya’s post. Someone had already gotten a decently high score on the quiz, only a few points away from perfect. A few scrolls down, the same username popped up again, and Adrien’s grip tightened on his mouse.
ladybugsfuturebf: Good luck beating my score! Only Ladybug herself could score higher. Can’t wait to spend one-on-one time with her on our date!
“Who does this guy think he is? A date? Ladybug’s future boyfriend? Before me?” Adrien scoffed.
“Need I remind you, the contest is to win a chance to hang out with her, not date her,” Plagg said.
What kind of flowers do you think she likes? Oh, wait! I already answered that on the quiz! She’s gonna be so impressed she’ll forget all about Chat Noir.
Adrien’s teeth ground together. There was no way such a boastful, arrogant person was in the lead. And forget about him? Please, he was Ladybug’s best friend! No one knew her better than him. He could ace that quiz in no time.
“What are you doing?” Plagg sighed as Adrien clicked the entry form.
“Oh, come on, Plagg. I can’t let that guy win! If anyone is going to win a date with Ladybug, it’s me! I know her better than anyone,” Adrien said.
Plagg floated down in front of his face. “And you don’t think it’s going to be a problem if you get a perfect score? Let’s just broadcast to the world that you’re Chat Noir!”
“I’m not that dense, Plagg.” Adrien waved him out of the way. “I’ll sign up with a fake email and username. No one will ever know Adrien Agreste won.”
Pursing his lips, he tapped the keys of his keyboard in thought on the account creation screen. He needed something inconspicuous, but not too mysterious. Something that wouldn’t be surprising when Chat Noir revealed himself as the winner, but also, not something that would be a dead giveaway that it was him. He didn’t want Ladybug to disqualify him for cheating. Besides, he wasn’t really cheating. There were no rules that her best friend and partner couldn’t enter…
He’d keep it simple but on brand — thecatsmeow had a nice ring to it, and it was surprisingly not taken. Now that his account was squared away, he just had to pass the quiz. 40 questions? Piece of cake.
What is Ladybug’s favorite color? Easy, pink.
Favorite musical artist? Jagged Stone.
Eye color?
It was almost sad how easy the questions were, and before he knew it, he’d finished. Adrien sat back as the site tabulated his score, and Plagg came to a rest on the top of his chair. A perfect score flashed on the screen, and Adrien shot up with a whoop.
“Yes! Take that ladybugsfuturebf!” he cheered.
“Don’t you think Ladybug is going to be mad when she finds out you won?” Plagg asked.
“Oh, come on. If anything, this just proves how much I pay attention. She’ll be impressed that I know her so well,” he said. At Plagg’s skeptical expression, Adrien sat back down. “And she’s not going to have a choice because I won fair and square.”
“You’re delusional.” Plagg floated off.
Adrien shrugged it off, smiling at his username at the top of the leaderboard. He was finally going to get that movie date with Ladybug! Nothing was going to sour his mood.
The next day, Adrien arrived at school as usual, shutting the door to his silver town car without a second thought. After winning the date with Ladybug, he was on cloud nine, imaging how romantic it would be in the dark theater. Maybe he’d pick a horror movie and hold her when she got scared. Oh! And their hands could brush as they both reached for popcorn at the same time! Entering the contest was the best idea he’d ever had.
“There’s no way it’s not him. Chat Noir totally won the contest,” Alya said as he entered the classroom.
Adrien stopped in his tracks. Okay, maybe not his best idea, but it was fine because he used a fake account. There was no way they traced it back to him.
None of them paid him any mind as he took his seat beside Nino, who was tapping his chin in thought.
“But why would Chat Noir need to enter a contest to spend time with Ladybug. He spends like the most time with her out of everyone,” Nino said.
“It’s so obvious. He’s been trying to get her to go to the movies with him for like ever, and now she has to say yes,” Alya said.
“Shouldn’t that be against the rules or something?” Marinette asked. “I mean, they spend so much time together, of course he’d know all the answers.”
“I’m willing to allow it because I think it’s really funny, and I don’t mind being Chat Noir’s wing woman.” She shrugged.
“Alya!” Marinette gasped.
“What? I want them to get together. Sue me.” Alya giggled.
“Hey, didn’t all the contestants have to have valid accounts to enter? What’s the name on the email address for the username that won?” Nino asked.
Adrien stiffened.
“Way ahead of you,” Alya said. “I looked right after the results posted, but the email is registered to an obvious alias, which further proves that it’s Chat Noir. He wouldn’t use his real name. He may not always look it, but he’s a smart cat.”
He wasn’t sure if he should be offended by that statement or not.  
“Dang, would have been cool if we learned who he was,” Nino said.
Adrien breathed a sigh of relief when they let it drop. Everything was fine, and Alya wasn’t going to disqualify him. He could already taste the popcorn!
“Ya know,” it was Max who spoke up, having stopped midway up the stairs to his desk upon overhearing their conversation, “if you’re interested in knowing who the account really belongs to, I can track the IP address.”
Adrien’s heart shot up to his throat.
“Wait, for real?” Alya perked up.
“That would be totally awesome!” Nino added.
Maybe it would be fine. His father paid for crazy firewalls to protect his design secrets. No way anyone could get through them… Right?
“I recently upgraded Markov’s tracking capacity. I can crack a low-grade military firewall and find an address with pin-point accuracy,” Max said.
Most of the time, Adrien was amazed at Max’s genius, but today he was terrified of it. Plagg was right, entering the quiz was a surefire way to get him caught!
“Guys, that’s an invasion of privacy! Besides, don’t you think it will be dangerous if it is Chat Noir? I mean, exposing his identity will lead Hawkmoth right to his door. You’re practically handing him his Miraculous,” Marinette, his sweet pig-tailed savior, said.
Adrien cleared his throat and turned around, “Yeah, Marinette’s right. I think it will cause more trouble than it’s worth.” For him specifically.
“Chill out, I’m not going to post it online or anything. I just think if we knew who he was we could help him. I can be the girl on the ground, and I can also give him tips to fix his pitiful attempts at flirting with Ladybug,” Alya said.
Pitiful! Oh, she was definitely getting snubbed next time she asked for an interview.
“Alya, it’s dangerous and wrong. Even if he entered the contest for selfish reasons, that doesn’t mean you can invade his privacy like that.” Marinette chided. “Promise me you won’t look into it. It would put all of you and him in danger.”
Alya pursed her lips, exchanging glances with Max and Nino before slumping in her seat.
“Fine, I won’t look into it,” she said.
“Good,” Marinette said as Mlle. Bustier entered and called for everyone to find their seats.
Adrien turned back around, breathing out a ragged sigh. That was close, but it had all worked out in the end. He’d have to stop by the bakery later and buy a caseload of chouquettes to thank Marinette. Her level-head really saved his hide.
As the day wore on, Adrien pushed the morning’s conversation from his mind, though he had a feeling Plagg would give him an earful about it later. It would all be worth it when he and Ladybug finally went on their date. Could he get cherry blossoms this time of year? They were just barely out of season, but he could probably pull a few strings.
He pulled out his phone to check as he entered the library, and he’d almost found a promising listing when he rounded the corner and found Alya and Max crowded around a laptop at a table. Ducking back behind the bookshelf, he strained his ears to listen.
“His firewall is surprisingly good, it may take me a while to crack,” Max was saying.
“But you can definitely get around it?” Alya asked.
“Of course, what do you take me for?” Max scoffed.
They were going through with it after all! Adrien’s heart sped up, his palms growing shaky and sweaty. He should go over to their table and call them out for going back on their word, but would it be suspicious if he got onto them? Why would he be so bent on keeping Chat Noir’s identity secret unless he was Chat Noir? This was bad! What should he do?
Adrien bolted from the library, peering out over the railing at the courtyard below. Marinette was sketching quietly on a bench, and he raced to her side. She looked up at him with wide eyes, recoiling back with a nervous smile, probably in response to how desperate and deranged he looked, but there was no time to worry about that.
“Marinette, we have to stop Alya and Max. They’re in the library trying to crack Chat Noir’s firewall right now!” He panted.
“What?” She abandoned her sketchbook on the bench and took the lead back up the stairs to the library.
She burst through the doors and stormed over to their table, and Adrien did his best to look supportive but not too panicked. Alya winced when she saw them, and Marinette placed her hands on her hips.
“So, you were just going to go behind my back and do it anyways?” She scoffed.
“I’m sorry, girl! But think of how much good we could do if we could team up and help him!” Alya said.
“Think of how much danger you’re putting yourselves in! If Hawkmoth finds out you know his identity, he’ll come after you and your families. What if one of you gets akumatized? You could get hurt. Chat Noir could get hurt or worse!” Marinette said.
“She’s right. You guys shouldn’t go through with this,” Adrien added.
“I’m almost through the firewall,” Max said.
“Call it off, Max!” Marinette ordered.
“Keep going! We’re so close!” Alya pleaded. She turned to Marinette and pressed her palms together. “Look, I know it’s risky, but what if we can help take down Hawkmoth? That’s worth the risk, right?”
“It’s not our job! We don’t have superpowers, and it can put us and the people we love in danger!” Marinette placed her hands on Alya’s shoulders. “Please, stop.”
“Girl, I know you’re scared for me, but I promise I’ll be careful. ‘All that’s necessary for the triumph of evil-”
“That doesn’t apply here!” Marinette shook her head.
“I made it through the firewall!” Max said. “A few more seconds, and I can tell you exactly where he lives.”
Marinette and Alya were at a stand-off, and every clack of Max’s keyboard was a nail in Adrien’s coffin. He didn’t have a choice, but if they were going to find out it was him, he was going to do whatever it took to convince them he wasn’t Chat Noir. He just hoped Ladybug didn’t think he was a total freak afterward.
“It’s me!” He blurted. When Marinette and Alya turned to him with quirked brows, he let out a sigh. “I’m the one who won the contest. I’m thecatsmeow.”
Max’s keyboard went silent, and he turned the screen to face them where Adrien’s home address was flashing. “He’s telling the truth.”
“Whoa, so you’re Chat Noir?” Alya grinned.
“No!” Adrien held up cautioning hands. “I’m just, uhh, I didn’t want my father to know I entered, so I used a fake profile. There’s no way he would have let me go if he knew about it.”
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Marinette asked.
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and averted his gaze. “I guess I was just embarrassed. I didn’t want any of you to think less of me.”
“I don’t think less of you!” Marinette assured him. “I-I mean, you won the contest fair and square, and you had every right to enter.”
Alya’s eyes narrowed, and Adrien shrank under her gaze.
“I’m still not entirely convinced. Ladybug and I made some of those questions crazy specific. How would you know she doesn’t like anchovies on her pizza, or that she likes lemon in her tea?” Alya crossed her arms over her chest.
“I… have a lot of money and free time.” He shrugged. “I got a bunch of drone cameras and spy equipment, and I watch her and Chat Noir all the time.” When everyone stared at him with wide eyes, he quickly added, “Not in a creepy way! I just admire her.”
“…You don’t know her identity, do you?” Marinette asked.
“No, of course not! I’d never do something like that.” Adrien shook his head. “I’m just…her biggest fan.”
Alya looked him up and down, her skeptical expression giving way to a smile. “You could have just said something. I mean, you know how freak-crazy I am about all of this. I would have understood.”
“I’m sorry. I’m just used to keeping a lot of my interests a secret because I have my father’s brand to consider — and my father to consider. If he knew what I was doing, he’d put an end to it immediately.” Adrien traced his thumb over his ring behind his back.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about us. Your secret’s safe.” Alya placed a hand on his shoulder with a wink. “Though, I may need to borrow your drone from time to time as payment.”
“Alya,” Marinette said in a warning tone.
“We’ll discuss the details later,” she said. “And if you ever want to talk Ladybug, I’m always here.”
“Thanks.” He smiled, letting his shoulders relax.
“Though, I am still a bit confused on your logic. I mean, you won the contest, so you were going to have to reveal it was you eventually to claim your prize. What was your plan there?” Alya quirked a brow.
“Uhh, wear a disguise?” Adrien said with a wince.
Alya threw her head back with a laugh. “Well, congrats on winning. I’ll pass the message on to Ladybug that you’re the winner, and we’ll arrange your prize soon.”
“Thanks,” Adrien said.
When the bell rang, Alya and Max packed up, and Adrien breathed a sigh of relief as they headed to their next class. That was way too close, but somehow, he’d managed to convince them. Plagg was going to scold him later.
Marinette fell into step beside him, tugging at her blazer.
“Um, congrats on winning,” she said. “I-I think it’s a good thing you won instead of some weirdo. I mean, if I was Ladybug, I’d be happy you won because it means we’d get to spend time together, and who wouldn’t want to spend time with you?”
Adrien smiled at her. “Thanks. I’m looking forward to hanging out with her. I admire her a lot,” he said. “And thanks for your help earlier.”
“N-n- Mmmhmm.” Marinette nodded.
She fell back to link up with Alya, and Adrien bit back a smile. It wasn’t exactly what he’d planned, but he still got to spend time with Ladybug either way. And who knew? Maybe there would be advantages to her going with Adrien Agreste instead of Chat Noir. At least this way, she couldn’t scold him. Besides, it didn’t matter to him which side she fell in love with, so long as it was him. He couldn’t wait for their date!
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are y’all not tired?
I know alot of our accounts are rad fem based (obviously) some post about confused men and women,some post about other things about fighting the patriarchy,misogyny,some talk about religion,all centered around women and I LOVE IT really I do. But I guess some people think we talk about “tras” a lot,the ones that get it get it,the ones that don’t…don’t. There are too many cases of women being attacked,beat up,r*ped,and having our rights literally stretched just for men who want to fit in our spaces,women are so lenient and I hate it so much when it comes to women,I talk about this shit A lot personally because I had my first “encounter” a boy with a lopsided wig came into the girls bathroom to fix his “hair” my heart started beating so fucking fast because I’m like what? They get medical help faster than women, it takes MONTHS for women to even get a gynecologist appointment and a man can get one in less time than that,a man can go against women and take away an award that was meant for another woman,a woman that has been training her whole LIFE just to get stood up by a man,men going into woman prisons getting women pregnant,HOW CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT THEM,this is a big fucking issue and it’s disgusting seeing women once again pick the side of men (even here I see it,it’s so fucking gross) yet again I see posts about them screaming about how much they hate men,but as soon as women/girls exercise the weird shit that’s going on with them which is effecting US girls/women “you guys talk about tras too much” “there’s other things to talk about” you know what? That’s so fucking true,but this is an issue that wouldn’t even be happening if women weren’t so stupid and docile and just “let them be who they are” a woman was literally attacked in a fucking bathroom for confronting a man for being there,flaunting that they go into our bathrooms,writing weird shit about us literally threatening to kill us “rad fems” because we talk our shit,I don’t and will not follow ANYONE that does not NOT have a problem with this. This was a long rant but also as I said sometimes disappointing to see,no as women we don’t have to accept men into our community,no we don’t have to educate a confused man who stumbled upon our tags or pages,but then again some of you claim y’all don’t like men,but willing to put down a damn knee for a man in drag,gtfo😀 and the amount of black women I see get attacked by these goons just hurts me,because our community turns a fucking blind eye 💀
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Tao: Sir, can I listen to music?
Mr. Farouk: No Tao, you could be cheating!
Tao: Oh ya! Because Ed Sheeran gonna sing to me isn’t he! *eye roll*
Mr. Farouk: Tao, are you mocking me!?
Tao: Yes! That’s what I do when someone says something stupid!
Mr. Farouk: Also, Darcy! Why do you have your feet up on the desk?! Would you do that at home!?!???!
Darcy: Would I put my feet up at home? Yes you moron!
Mr. Farouk: Apologize for that right now!
Darcy: But whyyyyyyyy?!?!
Mr. Farouk: Until you apologize, you’re not going to lunch
Darcy: I don’t care! The food here tastes worse than your nans feet!
Mr. Farouk: It’s your time you’re wasting!
Darcy: It’s not though is it.
Aled: Sir, don’t act like you don’t want to go see Mr. Ajiei after class!
Mr. Farouk: How the fuck do you know about that!!!????!!!!
Class: *Histarical laughter*
Nick: *Talking to Charlie* Ok, so, you make 10 meals you’re not a chief, you make 20 paintings you’re not an artist!
Charlie: *See’s Ben lying on the floor*
Charlie: I’m going to a party
Tori: Are you going to get drunk?
Charlie: No
Tori: Are you gonna get in fight?
Charlie: No
Tori: Are you gonna get dick?
Charlie: No
Tori: Then why the fuck do you wanna go to a party?!
Tori: Some people have a boyfriend
Charlie: *blinks*
Tori: Some people have a girlfriend
Charlie: *blinks*
Tori: But IM stuck with DEPRESSION!!!???
Charlie: You wanna know how I’m like a bicycle?
Nick: Because when people learn how to ride you, they never forget. *smirks*
Charlie: *blushes* I..I was gonna say because I was 2 tired 😳
Charlie: My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do?
Tori: Punch him in the gut and when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.
Elle: Tackle him!
Tao: Dump him!
Nick: NO! TO ALL OF THOSE! Just ask me to lean over!
Imogen: *About Ben*Look at that face! How can anyone spend all day with that face and not fall in love?
Nick: Well, at some point that face starts talking.
Charlie: Tell me something I don't know.
Tori: Without mucus, your stomach would digest itself.
Charlie: Tell me something else. Something less disturbing.
Charlie: Quick, take my hand!
Nick: *Takes it* Now what?
Charlie: Oh nothing, I just wanted to hold hands.
Tori: I was just having a bad day.
Charlie: You threatened to decapitate a man over a parking space.
Tori: A very bad day.
Darcy: You can de-escalate any tense situation by saying 'Are we about to kiss?'
Darcy: It doesn't work on cops though.
Darcy: I’m invoking the “no judgments” clause of our relationship.
Tara: Oh God, what did you do this time?
Harry: So Nick, are you hanging out with us tonight?
Nick: Sorry guys, I can't. Charlie and I have plans.
Harry: Oh come on! Bros before ho-
Nick: *Glares*
Harry: ...Your boyfriend.
Tao: There's nothing sadder that cold hot chocolate.
Aled: Sure there is! What about cold hot chocolate with ketchup in it?
Tao: ...I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.
Charlie: How many times have I told you not to bring wild animals into our apartment?!
Nick: ...None?
Charlie: I shouldn't have to tell you!
Elle: You can't rush perfection.
Tao: I'm not rushing perfection, I'm rushing you.
Darcy: I have good news and bad news.
Tara: What's the bad news?
Darcy: The kangaroo pooped in the shower.
Tara: We don't have a kangaroo.
Darcy: Well, that takes me to the good news.
Nick: I wasn't that drunk last night.
Charlie: You kept flirting with me.
Nick: So?
Charlie: You asked if I was single. And cried when I said no.
Charlie: Hey sweetie, why are you crying?
Nick: It's just so beautiful how much they love each other!
Charlie: ...This is a commercial.
Charlie: For detergent.
Darcy: Do you think if skeletons were real boner would be a slur for them?
Elle: ....skeletons are real.
Darcy: That's the spirit, Elle. They're real for me too.
Elle: You're the most jealous guy I know!
Tao: You know other guys? Who are they?
Nick: I know I've been talking about him all morning, but another thing that I love about Charlie is that he just gets me.
Tao: Can he come get you right now?
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rafecamerons-whore · 2 days
Troublemakers(part 1)
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Parrings~ Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary~ your new to the outer banks, got in trouble back at home so you’re living with your aunt and uncle, and you meet rafe at one of his parties, wanting to get to know each other more after your first time meeting.
Warnings~ smoking weed, mentioned beer, y/n used once, language,
A/N~ first series so please bare with me:)
You were new to the Outer Banks, living with your uncle Chris and aunt Liz. The reason we were here was because you got into a bit of trouble back at home and your parents needed a break from your troublemaker self.
It’s been a few weeks living with you aunt and uncle. Tonight you heard about a party happening at the Cameron estate. You didn’t know many people but word got around.
It was around 11pm when your aunt and uncle went to bed. You wanted about half hour before sneaking out. You figured out that this house was only down the street from where you lived.
All you had on were a pair of black shorts, and a white branded crop top with some white shoes. You walked into the house, loud music filling your ears, the smell of beer and weed filling your nose.
You weren’t the type to drink beer, but weed was definitely your thing. Since you didn’t know anyone you made your way to the back of the house. Seeing a pool and the a deck out in the water.
You take your socks and shoes off putting your feet in the pool. You also take out a baggie of rolled blunts and your lighter. You light your blunt and wait a second before taking a hit. Letting all your stress be relieved.
Just as you finish the first blunt you got a nice high going, starting you second you hear footsteps behind you. “Who are you?” You hear a man’s voice ask. You turn your head a look up. Seeing a boy your age about 19, brown hair, blue eyes, and holding a beer. “Sorry I’m new here, is outside off limits?” You asked him getting up to stand in front of him.
He looked at you and realized he didn’t recognize you. His heart was beating a little faster though. “Names Rafe, Rafe Cameron, I’m the host of the party.” He said with no emotion. “Names y/n, I’m new here just got here a few weeks ago.” You said at him to take in his appearance and body language.
“Oh, really?” He asked a little intrigued. “Got into a bit of trouble back at home so I’m staying here with my aunt and uncle for a few months cause my parents need a break.” You said with a small smirk. “What kind of trouble.” He asked curious striking him. “Selling weed, got into a few fights.” You spoke with such a casual tone. “Got a troublemaker here, huh?” He said with a smirk.
You roll my eyes and scoff. “So you single?” You asked boldly. “Yeah why, like me already or something pretty girl?” He said with a smirk. “Really, a boy like you seems like he’s got girls lined up at his feet.” You said with a cocky smile. “I do, but they all want me for my money.” He spoke with a shrug of his shoulders.
“What’s your type, like is guys?” He asked with a cocky grin. “I like guys who are like me, I like troublemakers, but you gotta know how to respect a woman.” You spoke truthfully. “And a guy with a soft spot only for me.” You added on.
He gave you an amused smile. “Oh I see.” He said. “I’m pretty much the same you could say.” He added looking you up and down with a grin. All you do is smile, lighting your second blunt and take a hit before holding it to him. “You wanna hit?” You asked him. He shrugged and took it from you taking a long hit and giving it back.
“Why don’t you give me your number and we can talk again.” He said wanting to get back to the party. “Sure.” You spoke with a shrug.
He handed you his phone, you type your number in and make a contact for yourself putting it as ‘pretty girl😚’ before texting yourself and hearing your own phone ping. You smiled and handed it back to him before he returned the smile and headed back to the party.
You finished you second blunt and did a third before leaving the party. You successfully snuck back into your room and changed into something more comfortable before crashing into your bed falling into a deep slumber.
Rafe on the other hand, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, he looked so pretty. He’s a playboy but after seeing you he might change. It’s later that night when everyone leaves and he’s in his room alone, he opened his phone to check a few things and saw what you put as your contact. He smirked at it before closing his phone and going to sleep.
It was 11am when you checked the time. Waking up and remembering last night. You want to see him again already and you barely know him. You were known as a player back at your home town, would have a boyfriend and then cheat on him. But it wasn’t your fault. None of them were ever good enough.
You went downstairs and were met with you aunt and uncle about to eat breakfast. “There’s more eggs and bacon on the stove.” Uncle Chris said sitting down and started to eat.
You walk to the kitchen and grab a plate and started putting the eggs and bacon on your plate. You sit down with them at the table and also started eating.
Once you finished eating you went back up stairs to your room and changed clothes for the day. Checking you phone seeing you have a message from ‘rafe💋’. You smile and read the text.
Rafe💋: hey pretty girl whatcha doing today.
Pretty girl😚: nothing much why?
Rafe💋: wanna hang out with me and my friends today?
Rafe💋: would like to get to know you more:)
Pretty girl😚: sure why not what time?
Pretty girl😚: I wanna get to know you more too rafe:)
Rafe💋: ok cool, I’ll pick you up in like hour and a half?
Pretty girl😚: sounds good see you then.
You smile at the text and close your phone before you lay back on your bed and just scroll on your phone for the next hour and a half.
Rafe texts you about thirty minutes before, asking for you address so you give it to him even though your down the street.
Then a little later he sends you another text saying he’s outside and ready.
You walk downstairs and tell your aunt and uncle goodbye. “I’ll see you later, going out with friends!”
And you walk out the front door walking to Rafe’s car and getting in the back seat where another one of his friends topper was.
Rafe gave you a smile before driving wherever they are going. You all started small talk in the car talking about random shit.
“So you’re new right?” Topper asked looking at you. “Yeah I am, don’t know much people.” You said looking back at him. “You single.” He smirked at you and put an arm behind you. “Yeah I am, but I’m not looking for anything.” You said with an awkward smile.
What you didn’t see was safe gaze watching you both in a mirror. He listen to topper try and flirt with you as he started getting jealous. He didn’t even know why he’s never felt like this about a girl before. He did calm slightly when you said you didn’t want anything, which made him a bit disappointed.
What he didn’t know was what you were think in your mind when you said you didn’t want anything. In your mind you wanted rafe even though you just met, something about him is attracting you to him and you don’t know what.
Same with him something is attracting you to him but he doesn’t know.
It’s only something for you both to find out and get to know each other….
A/N~ is it good or bad be honest
Part 2 soon….
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The Trials of Dating in Secrecy
Pairing: Harvey Specter x Reader
Word count: 2,374
Warnings: Discussion, yelling, some angst, workplace romance, nudity, and verbal sexual harassment (all very light).
Summary: Okay, so this one features a bit of work issues (workplace romance), and a bit of jealous!Harvey + Harvey taking care of his girl, as requested by Anon.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the show Suits, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Well this is the first request I took and I’ll admit that it was a bit challenging, not cause it was particularly hard but because I wasn’t super inspired at first, nor did I have the time. Though, now, I think it worked? Idk, don’t feel like this was my best work either but feel free to leave some feedback, and thanks for reading!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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“Seriously, Harvey!” You let out annoyed. “I think I should probably go home now,” you said, thinking that if you did go home you could keep yourself from saying something you might regret later. 
“Oh, really? So now you're mad at me because I’m simply asking a bit more of this relationship?” He asked, looking ready to have a full-on fight.
“No, Harvey! What I’m actually upset about is how you’re making today all about yourself and your needs, when I’m the one going through it all!” You really didn’t wanna shout but the little bit of patience you had left vanished when his questions reminded you of the little stunt he’d pulled today.
Earlier that day, at the firm, you had been giving a consult to a prospective client on an intellectual property lawsuit he may be looking at and the guy seemed a bit disinterested in his own situation, giving you — and by you, you mean your body — most of his attention. But that was fineish, it was a regular occurrence, being a young woman in that field, so you didn’t really mind it anymore, at this point — after all, ignoring the occasional sexual harassment was usually the easiest route to advancing in your career. The problem was that the man started interrupting your professional analysis to hit on you, and eventually, he reached for your forearm, caressing it as he spoke. And that was exactly when Harvey, the man you’d secretly been dating for about 7 months now, decided to walk into your office. As he entered your office, you yanked your arm out of the man’s grasp but you couldn’t shut him up just as quickly, so your boyfriend got there just in time to hear a “So, if you really like yourself a sturdy stallion,” he pointed at a framed picture of you riding a horse on the wall behind you, “you should ride mine, someday. If you know what I mean,” he finalized with a wink, and how on Earth could you — or anyone hearing that — not know what he meant when he had said it so suggestively? 
“What did you just say to her?” Harvey’s voice came sharply, indicating he was about to get into a fistfight with the man who was probably not going to be your client now.
“Oh, we’re just chatting about- uh, who are you, again?” The shorter guy had the nerve to ask.
After that, Harvey was so quick to hoist the man up from the chair in front of you, by the collar of his dress shirt, that you didn’t even have time to react before he started punching the guy right in the face.
“I’m her boyfriend, that’s who I am! And you will be out of here before I take you out myself.” The man didn’t fall backward solely because Harvey had a hold on him, still, so he just stared at the other attorney in shock. “What are you looking at? Get out!” Harvey shouted once again, tossing the man towards your office door.
After that, you tried calming Harvey down but you barely had any time for it before Jessica and Louis barged into your office, revolted by their partner’s behavior and asking what had gotten into him to attack a prospective client like that.
“The prick was propositioning my-” But you cut him off before he could complete his sentence.
“He was harassing me during the meeting, and Harvey walked in and heard it, and, as a good colleague, he wanted to defend my honor, I guess,” you said with a short, humorless laugh while making air quotes with your fingers.
“A good colleague?” The tall senior partner asked quietly, hurt pooling in his eyes.
“Well… That’s terrible but you know better than to do this, Harvey,” Jessica told him.
“You know, I’d never thought I’d see the day you would act like such a caring gentleman for anyone, Specter,” Louis added, as always, eager to make things worse. “And, (y/n), at the very least you need to reach out to that man and take him out to an apology dinner. Because you are well aware of how important it is for you to get more clients.”
“Yes, I-” You stopped what you were saying mid-sentence because the man you loved was storming out of your office and all you wanted to do was chase after him.
“And now you’re gonna let him get off with that shit he pulled this easy?” Louis shouted, obviously trying to be heard by Harvey too. “I mean, this firm is turning into a complete mess, Jessica! It’s like you can’t control your office anymore! A junior partner who barely has her own clients and a senior partner battering prospective clients? We’re gonna go bankrupt like this, if not sued for malpractice altogether! And-”
“Louis, will you shut up, for God’s sake? I’m the managing partner and I’ll deal with both of them. Now go and let me talk to (y/n) alone!” Your boss responded, making you apprehensive about the conversation you were about to have with her.
As he left the room, Jessica motioned for you to sit on the couch with her. “(y/n), first of all, are you okay? Because if that man did something to you, then…”
“No, no! The harassment was just verbal,” not that that made it any better, you thought to yourself. “Harvey intervened before it could get to that.”
“Right. Well, that’s a relief.” She paused for an instant, giving one of those smiles she used when she was going to convince you of something unpleasant. “Now, as much as it pains me to admit it, Louis is right. You need more clients. I didn’t think it’d be good to tell you this after our conversation but the board has been pressuring me about making personnel cuts. Directed mostly to the partners who aren’t producing much. And you know that I like your work, and see your value to the company but those old men in suits only care about numbers, so if you don’t manage to bring in a new client by the end of the week… I am going to push for you to go after that man’s account again. Using whatever means necessary.” She declared, still sporting that smile. “Are we clear?”
At that, a defeated “Yes, Jessica” was all you could mutter. And then she left. And all you could think about was how you’d somehow managed to screw up both your professional and personal life, all at once.
Leaving work that day, after setting up four meetings with potential clients for the following days, all you could think about was making up with Harvey, so you went to his place to talk. And that’s how you got to the argument you were having now. He was upset about the whole ‘good colleague’ thing and you were upset because you could have handled the situation without burning that bridge with the guy, which was multiplied by ten when you remembered that you were on deadline to get more clients — something you hadn’t told Harvey.
“Making it all about-” He’d started saying angrily but stopped himself and his voice instantly took on a soft, caring tone, “wait, what do you mean you’re going through it all?”
Now you realized what you’d said.
“Uh, I meant nothing. I was just being dramatic, is all,” you stated unconvincingly.
“No, that doesn’t make any sense. If anyone is dramatic in this relationship, it’s me and we both know it,” he said, making you crack a small smile, thinking of how right he was. “So tell me, honey, what’s going on?”
“I, um, I’m being encouraged, or, better said, ordered to expand my client list.” There, you’d said it.
“What? Why?”
“You know why, Harvey. You just can’t be a partner at the firm if you don’t bring enough money in.” You told him, defeated.
“But… but you’re so good! You bring such good attention to the company’s name, your clients might actually be more satisfied with your work than mine, and they are very satisfied with my work,” he said matter-of-factly with a grin on his face.
“Yeah, maybe. But you might not know this because you've always been a man and Jessica’s protégé but for the rest of us, women trying to be successful at Pearson, the bar is just much higher, babe. And they're threatening to take away my partnership, maybe even my job altogether, if I don't get it done,” you finally finished your confession with teary eyes, even though you didn’t want to cry about it.
“That’s… that’s just unacceptable!” He let out, running his hands through his hair, “Did- does Jessica know about that? Because I can-” He tried to go on with his speech but you cut him off.
“She knows, Harvey. She says she likes my work but her hands are tied.” You let him know, sighing a little.
“But… that’s not… that doesn’t make any sense! It’s just not like Jessica to give in like that…” Harvey commented, starting to look defeated as well.
“Maybe when it’s about someone like you. But with me? She might not even be trying all that hard.” To which he responded with a mischievous glint in his eyes, perking up.
“Then, I’ll talk to her! I’ll tell her that, if she doesn’t secure your place in the company, I’m going to start listening to those offers I get all the time!” He said smiling widely this time.
“Harvey! You can’t do that!”
“Why not?”
“Because it’d be incredibly stupid, and unprofessional, and-” You didn’t wanna finish your sentence but you had to. “And, that way, she’ll know.”
“About us. That we’re dating,” you finished sighing again.
“She’ll kn-” he stopped mid-sentence, full of disbelief. “And what’s so wrong with that?”
“No, don’t ‘Harvey’ me, (y/n)! If you don’t want me to help because it’d be unprofessional, then that’s okay. I can understand that. But what exactly are you trying to tell me, huh? That our relationship’s never gonna see the light of day? Or are you trying to break up with me?” That last question came out of him in such a low tone you could barely believe had come from him.
“No! Of course I don’t wanna break up-”
“Then tell me what do you want? Because I don’t understand why I can’t tell the world that I’m your boyfriend. I don’t get what’s so wrong about your boyfriend telling off a prick who can’t keep his hands to himself around another man’s woman-”
“Do you seriously think now is a good time to be possessive?”
“Oh, honey, I am possessive by nature. Especially around you,” he stated coming closer to where you were standing. And you could do nothing but welcome his warmth, after all, it’d been a long day.
As you stepped fully into his embrace and rested your head on his chest, you told him “I love you, Harvey. I don’t wanna break up with you. And I want you to tell the world that I’m your girlfriend, even Jessica,” hearing that, his eyes lit up. “But, as much of a prick as that man was, you need to understand that I can handle myself and that you need to give me space to make my own way at work, just like you made yours.”
“You’re right.”
“I know,” you joked, trying to shrug your shoulders at him.
“And I won’t try to interfere at work anymore. But don’t think that I’m just gonna stand around doing nothing if I see someone trying to mess with my girl again.”
“Well, that-”
“I’m not done yet,” he said, silencing you in an instant, “you should also know that, when you’re home with me, you’re mine to take care of.”
“Yeah? And how exactly do you plan on doing that?” You asked him with a smug smile.
His only response was swiftly picking you up and taking you to his suite’s bathroom, where he gently sat you down on the edge of the tub, just to start running the hot water into the bath he’d already filled with delicious-smelling bathing salts. “Wait here, baby.”
A bit later he came back carrying some candles he started lighting with one of the matches from a box he had in his other hand.
“What are you doing, Harv?”
“Just come over here,” he said after having spread the candles all throughout his spacious bathroom. They were scented too, you noticed. The second you reached him, though, instead of holding you close, he started taking off your clothes, slow and gentle, piece by piece. Which he followed up with little kisses all over your now bare skin. After being satisfied with his work of making you forget everything, he picked you up again and, this time, carefully dipped you into the bathtub. “Now, you just lay back and relax, darling.”
“You’re not joining me?” You asked him hopefully.
“No, I’m taking care of your dinner,” right after he left, though, one of your favorite songs started playing softly on a speaker he’d set somewhere.
You probably dozed off in that tub, because before you knew it you were being held by your boyfriend in his bed, still completely naked. “Hey.”
“Good morning beautiful,” he greeted you with a grin, “you know, you were taking so long to wake up, that I was starting to think that the breakfast I made you was gonna get cold.”
“Wait a second, last night you were making me dinner and this morning you made me breakfast… two for two! What’s happening to you?” You asked, giggling like a child.
“Nothing, nothing! It’s just… I told you, at home, I take care of you, that’s all.” He told you while he guided you out of the bed, handing you one of his shirts altogether. 
“You know, you keep saying ‘at home’ but this isn’t really our home…” As you put on his dress shirt, you followed him towards his living room. 
“It could be…” And that’s when you saw a set of keys at the dinner table by the cutlery.
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lorkonsghost · 3 days
Here's a sneak peek into April dating a Wayne kid au I'm writing. Title work in progress
The Red Hood, The Red Head, and The Big Green Turtles
He just wants to be Jason again
Jason has no idea why he’s fighting alien robots with almost 6ft tall turtles, or why the girl he started dating a month ago dating is also fighting said alien robots but he wasn’t really going to question it. He was fighting alien robots makes a lot of things easier if you don’t question them wait are those fucking ninjas and why did the turtle in red say their name like it’s a bad thing. Jason really rethinking coming to New York to go drinking by himself was a bad idea maybe if he at least brought Roy he wouldn't be in this mess.
1 month ago, and 2 weeks after Jason’s 21 birthday
Jason was getting sick of always having someone tag along everytime he went drinking, for his 21st birthday wasn’t the problem, but the 4 times he tried after that doing it solo was the first time he tried it Dick showed up not 10 seconds after his first shot the next tine he did it was in star city and Roy showed up before even his first shot. The third time it had to be a joke because why did Rose fucking Wilson show up at the bar he was drinking at in central city she normally never even visit central city. The fourth time he knew it was joke because he went to the most swear rat bar in Gotham and for fuck sake why was Bruce their wearing a fucking fake mustache. Jason wasn’t really annoyed at not drinking alone if he actually wanted to do that he would just stay home and buy a few beers with Bruce’s credit card but it was the fact that he kept running into people he new he just wanted to get drunk and make a few mistakes but no now somebody he new was their and he can’t go embarrassing himself in front of them he had reputation to up hold. So that’s why he’s in New York he knows almost no hero’s who even touch New York so he thought no problems.
Jason was a few drinks in when he first saw her it looked like the first time she ever been in bar by herself and Jason thought why would she choose such a warn down bar like this. Jason took a shot for confidence and approached her thinking the most he could do is keep her company.
“Hello their beautiful looking kinda lonely mind if I join.” Jason say with his buzzed confidence
 “Hmph ha ha ha are you serious my ex had better pick up lines.” the red headed girl says
“Sorry I never been the kind of guy to try pick up a girl this way.” Jason says with a slightly bruised pride
“Oh so how you do it mister aren’t you look lonely miss.” Her blue eyes smiled behind her glass
“honestly most of the time we just start dating or they fall for bad boy charm” Jason with a cocky smile
“Sorry dated one bad boy don’t know if I need another” her red hair drops a bit but she says with a cheer in her voice
Jason doesn’t know actually why he tried flirting with her Jason knew it wasn’t good to get involved with a civilian Isabel taught him that he missed the flight attendant. But maybe it was the alcohol In his system, or it was the fact he wanted to ignore the hero stuff that’s also probably why he wanted to drink  without anyone he new he just wanted a night where he’s okay to be somebody other than Jason Todd the red hood son of Batman in somebody’s eye just Jason.
“I never introduced myself I’m Jason I’m not just a bad boy I also happen to read pride and prejudice.” Jason says in half cocky smile with another swig of his drink
“Okay mister Jason tell me your favorite quote and I’ll tell you my name” Her smile softens
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. I know the original quote is about falling in love but it’s like I lived my life by it”  Jason says trying to hide the emotions he feels when he says it
“My names April so you where telling the truth about reading it” April say with a reassuring smile
Jason collects himself for a moment he’s kinda surprised how far he’s come along in this conversation. Jason really was only Jason right now no baggage to unravel yet and he’s okay with that right now it only him, April, his slowly blurring vision, and the hope maybe he could get a date out of this.
“So miss April tell me something other than your name please”. Jason say with a half smile
“Well currently I’m trying to be a journalist but get the last 5 credits of my degree I need to intern under another journalist for a year.” April says with a slight annoyed frown on her face
“so what’s the problem can’t find respectable enough journalist or something else” Jason says trying to offer A chance to vent
“It’s not that it’s just any intern ship I apply for needs me full time and my home life just doesn't allow that right now* April says with happier expression
Jason wants to call in a favor from Clark or Lois so bad right know he really could solve this girls problems with a phone call. But Jason was taught by Bruce, Ras, Dick, and Talia you can’t solve all the problems even if two them he would stab and not regret it and Bruce and Dick have been off his shit list for a good minute. But all of them where right he can’t just solve her problem for no reason but Jason wanted to do he makes a compromise.
“Okay that’s problem I could possibly help with” Jason says with cockiest smile yet
“Oh how so” April says with curiosity
“So a family friend is a journalist I could put in a word for and give you a chance at something buuut with it would be uup to you to convince them to agree to whatever youuu propose” Jason say with seriousness but with slurring
“Are you serious why would you do that for me” April says questionably
“Well I could ask you for a date as compensation but instead here’s what in going to do I give them a word if they give you a chance you go on date with me as celebration if they don’t drop my number we never talk again” Jason says with a smile
“Well mister Jason you got a deal and if don’t get I might stillll give you a chaaaasnccce for at least not being a creeeep” April tries to say a little flirty
Jason grabs a napkin and calls the waiter over to closes his tab and ask to borrow a pen and writes his number down
“call me in the morning I’ll set up an interview” Jason say as gets and walks over to April
Jason kisses the back of April hand and says as looks into her eyes once more ”Did you admire me for my impertinence?”
April laughs “yeah I did.”
Jason offers to pay for April’s tab as well but she’s says it’s okay and as Jason leaves he wonders if he’s doing the smart thing involving April in his life.
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lotus-coups · 2 days
dialogue prompts ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
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1. “When the time comes, when it happens, promise me one thing?”
2. “You think I wanted this to happen? You think *I*, of all people, wanted to fall in love with you?”
3. “As if you would ever cross my fucking mind.”
4. “You can yell at me later. Just let me help you.”
5. “Why do you act like you're the only one with feelings?”
6. “Ah, so you aren’t heartless after all.”
7. “I’m asking because I’ve seen the way you look at me.”
8. “You’re the worst. And you’re all I’ve got.”
9. “I want you. All of you, and not just half-heartedly, *wholly*. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.”
10. “No, I don’t hate you. We’re not there, yet.”
11. “How does it feel to not get your way?”
12. “What are you trying to achieve here?”
13. “It hurts when I realize I’ll never mean that much to someone.”
14. “Do you want to go out?… Don’t think in a twisted way.”
15. “If I was throwing things at you in my mind, you’d feel it.”
16. “This is a very big favor you’re asking. It looks more like a sacrifice.”
17. "You're doing all you can, that's all anyone can ask of you.”
18. “Are you jealous? Want me all to yourself, do you?”
19. “Find someone else to listen to your problems.”
20. “You don’t like me very much, do you?”
21. “If tomorrow comes anyway, will you be there?”
22. “Kiss me like you’ll never forget me.”
23. “Your mind is the darkest place I’ve ever been to.”
24. “Just stay. We can figure everything else out later. Right now, just *stay*.”
25. “I was just kind of hoping that you’d, y’know…fall in love with me.”
26. “I would say we kind of have the same goal. We just take very different approaches.”
27. “The world would be a better place with more people like you.”
28. "It's fine, shout if you need. Just let it all out.”
29. “You can sleep now. I’ll fight the bad dreams off if they come to get you.”
30. “You can’t have her/him and it’s killing you inside.”
31. “When you touch me I feel a little less broken.”
32. “You have to promise me that you won’t fall in love with me.”
33. “I only ever thought there were two kinds of love: The kind you would kill for, and the kind you would die for…but you, my darling, you were the kind of love I would live for.”
34. “There are shooting stars in your eyes, and every time I look at you, I make a wish to be able to kiss you one last time.”
35. “Can you just…hold me? Just for tonight.”
36. “Truth is, I just wanted an excuse to hold your hand.”
37. “You have my heart. I don’t think I could get it back even if I wanted to.”
38. “Why not be angry? Anger is better than tears, better than grief, better than the guilt.”
39. “You’re most likely to steal my heart, does that count?”
40. “It's not my fault you can't handle the truth.”
41. “I don't usually believe in love/hate at first sight, but I'm willing to make an exception for you.”
42. "You're not going to believe who just walked in the door.”
43. "I'm sorry, but I can't be the person you want me to be.”
44. “I know this may be hard to believe, but I’m on your side.”
45. “Even if I could stop it, I wouldn’t.”
46. “What makes you think it was an accident?”
47. “Forgive me if I’m misreading things, but do you want to make out?”
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more to be added. | home
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greykolla-art · 2 months
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Alastor: “Now, let’s talk about literally anything else please!”
Me: “Good! Cause I don’t know where you went so I can’t go further with this!😂”
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
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I think this is the first legitimately crazy authors note on Ao3 I’ve ever read.
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fly-away-flynn · 10 months
Hey guys, I turned a new leaf (I was abused).
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designernishiki · 11 months
well. finished yakuza 5.
#not gonna go into all my thoughts right now because it’s A LOT but#the ending was pretty good overall like I got my little complaints here and there but overall I was pretty satisfied#the choice of final boss (for kiryu) was narratively pretty half assed but. I’ll let it slide because that fight was fun#i feel like shinada deserved more closure in the baseball realm of things#and I feel like majima should’ve had at least ONE conversation with katsuya at the end#I would’ve liked to see kiryu reunite with him as well but. you know#majima and saejima’s conclusion was also pretty open ended and not clear but yeah. idk just a lot of threads#that don’t feel like theyre tied yet#but despite how it sounds the story of 5 i overall liked quite a bit#it’s interesting that my friend really doesn’t like that there isn’t a singular Big Bad Villain that’s known from the start more or less#like in most games but I kinda feel the exact opposite in that I like the mystery and finding out who’s pulling the strings and all that#a lot of the characters in this game in general are very strong despite some being totally newly introduced#like I liked katsuya and watase and madarame and I’m forgetting his name but shinada’s loan shark#I liked aizawa alot up until the end where they pulled what they pulled and now I’m conflicted cause that was. weird. but yeah#OH and baba of course#idk alot of supporting characters felt really 3 dimensional to me#shinada’s great and very lovable and I’m very sad he doesn’t come back in 6 or anything m#I liked haruka’s ending generally too because she basically did exactly what I was hoping for#which is realizing her own dream and all that and not just doing the whole idol thing just to live out mirei’s ideal life#haruka finally getting to make her OWN choice that kiryu or mirei or anyone can’t interfere with#that was good that was very good#rambling#y5
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