#clearing out the drafts
homoqueerjewhobbit · 1 year
Me taking my hypothetical children to pride:
See that man in the dog mask? He's playing a game of make believe with his friends to have fun, just like we do! See how his tail is wagging?
See that man with a gun? He's part of a violent institution that serves the ruling elite and upholds white supremacy. Fifty years ago he would have been raiding all these bars and arresting us all. He could shoot you in the face right now and probably not even lose his job. If he tries to talk to you, remember to say, "I won't speak with you unless I have an attorney present."
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stonebutchooze · 1 year
I need to see other butches. I need to see other butches unapologetically masculine and shirtless and relaxed in nature. I need to see other butches on TV and in my books and in my shop and bar. I need butches whose masculinity is not apologised for by feminine or otherwise mainstreamly redeeming qualifiers, like whiteness, thinness, able bodied-ness, attractiveness, feminine faces, earrings, women's jeans and shoes. These things are all okay, but I need to see a butch character who's not been shaped to be acceptable for all audiences with reservations about queerness. I need a butch who's fat, hairy, deep voiced, who's older, who wear shirts and ripped jeans and boots instead of dapper suits. Butches who are on T, or have PCOS, butches who also identify as ftm, or as a woman no matter how they're seen. I need trans fem butches who are fucking ACCEPTED for however they show up in their bodies and clothes.
We need butches not sterilised and redeemed by cis/het normative bounds of expression.
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artbyblastweave · 28 days
The thing I really like about the way Mr. House is written is the way he engages with and defies the evil overlord trope. House is on the hook for atrocities, but not in front of you, and never directed at you. There's never a moment where he goes from zero to 100 and unveils a Secret Evil Plan that has to be stopped from coming to fruition on principle, you never hit a point where you outlive your usefulness and he tries to dispose of you. The story doesn't make it that easy. The worst thing he asks you to do personally is wipe out the Brotherhood, and let's be real, the Brotherhood is begging for you to wipe out the Brotherhood. Those guys are assholes! If you decide to kill House, you'll always be the initiator, it'll always be a decision you actively have to account for. Not that it's necessarily a hard decision to have to account for, because House is an autocrat, a classist, a war profiteer who displaces people from their homes for the sake of his little walled garden. But let's be real here- you are a mailman. You are inherently going very, very far out of your way to put yourself in the position to pass judgement on him in this way, which in turn demands that you, the real life player, make a decision about the worldview and goals of the character that you're playing as. It's neat!
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frownyalfred · 5 months
Jason, overlooking the GCPD building on patrol: you know what GCPD is actually short for, right?
Dick, sighing: do I want to know?
Jason: Gettin’ Corrupt Pretty Damn fast. GCPD.
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carbonateds-oda · 4 days
teenzai w a cat plushy that he carries around everywhere (oda bought it for him cuz he said it looked like dazai and now he refuses to go anywhere w out it) and he sometimes makes other mafia grunts talk to it like it’s a real live person bc he thinks it’s funny
huge tall ass mafia grunt #67: y-you want me to what sir?
dazai: mr. whiskey says the sun is too bright, he needs your sunglasses
huge tall ass mafia grunt #67, handing them to dazai: of course sir, here you are-
dazai: Ah, ah! I’m not the one who needs them!
huge tall ass mafia grunt #67, awkwardly handing them to the plush: …forgive me. here you are mr. whiskey
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genericaces · 4 months
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they saw you from across the bar and liked your vibe
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spindrifters · 1 year
being a writer is like 'special interest: making this blow job in-character and emotionally resonant'
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violent138 · 3 months
You ever think things hit the fan majorly in Gotham and the GCPD goes frantic like, "Anyone have eyes on Gordon? Someone find him and get him on the roof now!" And every door in every breakroom is being thrown open while officers check the file room, morgue, and toilets to track the guy down.
And Gordon's just chilling outside on his smoke break, blissfully, briefly unaware that Gotham needs him to speed dial Batman for help again.
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deanhisnippleisout · 1 year
thinking about the heaven endgame after watching season 4 recently is SO infuriating... it was your writers room who demonstrated that we must be critical of the concept of a idealised afterlife. that's in the text. yet the finale is just like don't even worry about all that jack fixed it bobby is here you can fuck your car everything is perfect
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 months
Many of you are too young to remember, but back in 2001, when Fellowship of the Ring first came out, they literally had to put out a statement saying "no, we didn't cgi Frodo's eyes, Elijah Wood is just Like That."
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muppetbyers · 2 years
“A happy ending was imperative. I shouldn't have bothered to write otherwise. I was determined that in fiction anyway two men should fall in love and remain in it for the ever and ever that fiction allows, and in this sense Maurice and Alec still roam the greenwood.”
- Terminal Note (written in 1960) of Maurice by E.M Forster (written in 1914 and published in 1971)
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artbyblastweave · 7 months
One thing I really like about Steven Universe is that it's deceptively efficient in its storytelling. Near as I can tell, nearly every superficially "episodic" episode in the first season (at least up to ocean gem, and quite a few besides that) is introducing a foundational building block of the setting, some mechanic, character trait, character dynamic et al that's gonna come back in a big way later, but a lot of them are camouflaged as genre-typical Wacky One-off Eleven Minute Adventures, and that camouflage only drops on a rewatch with knowledge of the greater context. Producing a skip-list is a fraught prospect- even the nominally non-canon Uncle Grandpa crossover (which was supposed to air before the season one finale) is used to introduce crucial information about how Steven's powers work!
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Clark: “Please. You can barely tell I’m from Kansas, stop with the Midwestern stereotypes already.”
Bruce: “Look me dead in the eyes right now and tell me you don’t have corn kernels in your left pocket.”
Bruce: “That’s what I thought.”
Clark: “The squirrels in the park get mean if I don’t feed them, okay?”
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lovesbiggerthanpride · 6 months
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Content warnings: established relationship, flirting, teasing
Inspired by the photo below. Hope you have a great day.
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“Baby, can you help me?”
When Javi entered the room, you let out a huff.
Your arms could not quite reach behind you to successfully pull the zipper, currently stuck at a stubborn midway point.
“I can’t get this zipper to cooperate.”
“Ahh, I got you.”
The tender kiss you felt on the side of your neck, was equally calming and stirring. He always did this whenever he stood behind you. Standing dangerously close, as if he wanted to become your dress. You knew it was coming, but still a surprise. Mustache tickling your sensitive flesh while lips soothed the electricity running down your spine.
“On or off?”
Your head turned back immediately, shooting him a warning glare. “Javi! You know damn well.”
His light chuckle reverberated, prompting you to sigh and laugh as well. His fingers slightly tugging at the small contraption, while the other hand squeezed your hip.
You were about to burst; a simple act shouldn’t be so tantalizing, ragged breaths and all.
“You alright there, baby?” Javi’s husky voice interrupted you, knowing he had you in a predicament.
You answered slowly with an unmistakable firmness.
“This is your last warning.”
“Okay, my cariño,” he replied, pulling the zipper to its destination effortlessly, offering a neat, apologetic kiss at the base of your neck. “No more teasing.”
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wanderingaldecaldo · 15 days
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spindrifters · 5 months
I will say one of the funnier fandom tropes atyd spawned is 'remus can't fucking read'
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