#cw meltdown
kitcatcourt · 7 months
I don't think you guys understand. SHE IS AUTISTIC!!! SHE HAS AUTISTIC MELTDOWN!!! HERE!!!
Btw, if people want me to gather even more autistic Courtney TDR clips, I WILL. Also, you obviously don't have to headcanon her as autistic. You do you!
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kingprinceleo · 2 years
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1000 Years Bound- grown man has a screaming match with a literal newborn within the few hours after Silhouette’s creation, shadow has a full on meltdown over the regret of what he just managed to do everything is fine after the first night though
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littlehypnone · 6 months
cw for accidental self harm during a meltdown
please be safe and delete this if you need to, your safety and comfort come first 💛
phantoms very likely to regress after having a meltdown but also is unfortunately very likely to hit himself when having said meltdown.
when regressed they get really upset because they hurt and they feel like they shouldnt complain about it “‘cause i did it mself” and also will need to be convinced into using pain management stuff. also sometimes they accidentally push into their bruises and because they hurt so bad the little guy starts crying and needs comfort and also stuff for the pain
it's okay with me, not triggering, but I still really appreciate the way you approach those heavier topics, applause for you honestly because a lot of people doesn't care
now, yes, I can absolutely see all that happening with phantom. their meltdowns can be intense and send them spiraling down and they don't even realise they hurt themself until they've calmed down. they're totally gonna try to be brave about what hurts because they feel like they shouldn't be complaining because it's their own fault, you're so right with that. I feel like this is mostly a newly-summoned phantom issue, that with their pack's love and everything those meltdowns happen less often and are less intense, as well as the bad thoughts
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reikane-enthusiast · 6 months
had a meltdown last night 😨😨😨
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ctomsy · 1 year
"sometimes I worry I may not actually be autistic" bitch you jsut had a meltdown over not being able to buy dsmp/scarian keychains because they were slod out
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le-trash-prince · 1 year
I went to visit my sister this weekend, and I let her know two days beforehand that I would be arriving around 5:30 on Friday (cut for length, cw)
So at 5:10 on Friday, after I’d been driving for 3 hrs and was intently focused on what I was going to do when I got to my sister’s—my mom called me to let me know that they were heading to a restaurant that I had never been to. And since this was a really abrupt change of plans for me that I had zero time to prepare for, I tried to protest that “I thought I was going to get a few minutes at the house,” but my mom was just like “I know you’re tired, so let’s just get you some food,” and I didn’t have the words to express myself beyond asking my mom to text me the maps link because I wasn’t going to be able to renavigate on my own while driving.
So then I had to just blindly follow the map instructions through a part of town that I’d never been through before, take a construction detour that was not listed, look for a restaurant that I’d never seen a picture of, and then figure out where I could park without getting towed. And I managed to do all of that, and then as soon as I parked I tried to pull up the restaurant menu, and I’d skimmed through ten different non-safe foods before I started crying and had a panic attack.
One thing I would like to note is that this is the first time I can recall that I’ve had an outwardly visible panic attack since I was in high school. Most of the time I just shut down externally and mask so heavily that even if I’m crying while speaking to someone, they don’t notice because my expression is so neutral. And rather than hyperventilating I usually just don’t really breathe much at all.
I think it took me maybe five minutes to get my breathing regulated, but I was still crying when I finally made it to my mom and sister. But I was able to let them know that I would be fine once I had time to adjust, and then a few minutes later I was able to communicate that I needed a little more time to adjust to a change of plans, especially if I was driving because it was hard for my brain to suddenly switch tracks. Although I forgot to mention that it’s also important for me to be able to look up a menu ahead of time.
Anyways they were both really understanding, and my mom said that it was good that I wasn’t just trying to hide the way I felt. Which I definitely would have done before this year, because I wouldn’t have understood why I was so upset over something so seemingly insignificant, especially when it’s not like they did anything wrong. I would have been really mad at myself for acting so selfish when my family was probably just hungry.
About fifteen minutes after sitting down I’d calmed down completely, which I’ve noticed is about par course for a smaller (?) meltdown (or at least a meltdown that happens when I’m not burned out). Like I had enough time to sit still and finally adjust to the change, so then my needs were met and I was completely fine. I think my family is still adjusting to that aspect of how quickly a meltdown can pass (lol the number of times I got accused of faking it as a kid because of this), but this was the first time that my mom wasn’t trying to dig for some secret hidden emotional issue that I was hiding—she accepted that it was something very simple that had triggered the moment.
Anyways it’s nice to finally have words to communicate what I’m feeling and why. Despite how upset I got, I view it as a positive experience and a step forward.
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trkstrnd · 19 days
the funny thing about autism online is it's only shown by parents of children who want sympathy for being so brave enough to raise an autistic child, or it's adults talking about their special interests and things that they use to help them cope with their specific issues.
but adults have meltdowns, too, and sometimes it comes from those special interests, or when a coping mechanism suddenly stops working, and in high masking autistic people, it's really hard for us to let our guards down enough for those meltdowns to manifest in a fulfilling way. not saying that meltdowns are fulfilling, but getting all of that pent up energy out is very helpful in problem solving, and sometimes we can’t fucking do that, so we shut down until we melt down.
and sometimes we meltdown and express that energy by angrily talking about the thing that bothers us, so if we are being annoying or frustrating or loud, it's because we feel safe around you.
i remember one time i was in NYC, like times square, Manhattan, the least sensory friendly place that I could be, but my special interest was this one broadway show that i was there to see, and I got excited and wanted to go to the theatre immediately, and i was navigating with my phone, and the person who was taking me took my phone, told me to live in the moment, and that we would get to the theatre when we got to it. i spent the next fourth minutes in an applebees bathroom unable to catch my breath. albeit we didn’t know about my autism at the time, it's really toxic to take something away that we are using to stay calm and comfortable in a space. sometimes that includes special interests.
i'm sorry i'm watching the same episode of the same show, or listening to the same song, or wearing headphones or crocheting in class. i'm sorry i'm crying for seemingly no reason. i'm trying to stay productive. please be patient and stop 'correcting' our behaviors to be more 'polite'. These are coping mechanisms to help us be as polite as we can. thanks.
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kelpk0re · 10 months
people today keep saying ‘kelpy you need to learn coping mechanisms’ ‘you need to learn accomodations’ ‘why so angry u need calm down’ but can’t fucking do that and be okay and not visibly autistic “normal person” when everyone ignore boundaries dont keep needs in mind and be overall shit then wonder why struggling. hurts brain and makes me mad at everyone want to scream and throw things. dont change my fucking plans for me let me be upset i’m autistic im regulating allistics kindly fuck off rn mad mad mad angry. don’t want people bend over backwards for me or feed me with silver spoon just want people be considerate and think.
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mothcpu · 22 days
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And the many shells cried out one word.
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule Tuesday [April 9, 2024] that will require 218 chemical plants to reduce toxic and carcinogenic airborne pollutants, aiming to reduce the number of people with elevated cancer risk by 96% nationwide.
The rulings principally address chloroprene: used to make rubber products, and ethylene oxide, used primarily for sterilizing medical supplies. Long-term exposure to these chemicals and their manufacturing have been identified as possible carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents.
According to a report in the Washington Post, this can include lymphoma, leukemia, breast cancer, and liver cancer.
Across a strip of Louisiana and Texas where half of the 218 chemical manufacturing facilities set to be affected by the new regulations are located, cancer rates of these kinds are substantially higher than national averages, leading it to be colloquially called “Cancer Alley.”
EPA Administrator Michael Regan visited Cancer Alley during the open-comment period of the proposed ruling, and said that across the 85 miles dotted with communities, he failed to meet a single person who didn’t know a loved one or friend who had either developed cancer, died of it, or knew someone who had.
Once implemented, the ruling will reduce more than 6,200 tons of toxic air pollution each year, according to the Post."
-via Good News Network, April 15, 2024
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 7 months
Sun looks rwdy to cry... he needs a hug
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Where are you?
[pt 2/2]
pt 1
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Communication Cards for meltdowns and Shutdowns
Lil Penguin Studios/Autism Happy Place
Lil Penguin Studios
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hollymacycomic · 9 months
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Holly & Macy and Everyone Else
Chapter 4: Page 26
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sweetpeauserboxes · 11 months
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[id: a light pink userbox with a pastel pink border and pastel pink text that reads “this user is having a silent meltdown; please and thank you.” on the left is an image of a pink heart. /end id]
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gongedtornado · 7 days
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deadbnnuy · 2 months
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There was a lockdown drill at school today. The only thing that prevented me from a whole ass meltdown was squeezing the FUCK out of this little guy's hand.
Shoutout to directdoggo, man. Your cringefail malewife is a great emotional support animal.
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