#damian wayne/reader
damianwayne0 · 4 months
Y/n: Damian!
Damian: Yes beloved?
Y/n , putting on her shoe: I am going out ! Do u want something to eat !?
Damian, smirking : Yeah, you.
Y/n : ....*beep beep* *beep beep* Hey , Raven imma little sick, can we go out later? Thanks love ya~
Damian : I was kidding-
•The rest is unfortunately a history•
Raven: *sighs* I better get some nephews and nieces
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c1nnam00n · 3 months
me seeing that my fav character barely/doesn’t have any fanfics OR imagines
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kimjun · 6 months
girls are like “I want a boyfriend” but reject everyone because none of them are their comfort characters
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Bruce: I raised five perfectly functional children
Y/N: *tearing up* You have five other children we don’t know about?!
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kurogxrix · 8 months
Clingy Mornings
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Bruce Wayne x Wife!reader, Batboys x Batmom
IN WHICH your clinginess towards your husband never fails to disgust your sons.
WC: 1.5k
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“And where'd you think you're going?” The sudden sound of your voice, albeit muffled partly by your pillow and sleepiness, startled your husband from his sitting place at the edge of your shared bed. You could barely even see with the morning grogginess clouding your iris, yet Bruce’s defined back muscles somewhat managed to break through your view. 
Bringing a hand up to wipe at your eyes, you couldn’t help but relish in the sight of your husband’s fine muscles flexing as he turned to meet your eyes. The way his bicep laid there all deliciously as he tipped all of his body weight onto one arm, the other moving up to caress at your cheek lovingly. There was no denying the pure adoration that swam through his beautiful blue iris, they spoke for themselves. 
“Well one of us has to be downstairs before Alfred decides that we’ve had enough sleeping time and barges into our room.” he chuckled slightly, a rare instance for The Batman, yet he’d only show this side when he was Bruce Wayne alongside you. His beautiful wife and mother of his children, adopted or not, they were yours. He had to force himself and resist the urge to chuckle as he watched your expression morph into a pout, your delicate hand pulling at his arm as you tried to get him back under the sheets with you. 
“Cmon Bruce, just a few more minutes.” you pleaded, tiredness still evident in your voice but it progressively faded the more you stayed up begging your husband to fall asleep with you again. Your hopes spike as Bruce laid behind you for a second, but the fact that he was laying on his forearm and elbow immediately crushed all of your hopes. His warm palm never left your cheek once, making you snuggle deeper into the palm that was just as big as your face. 
“I’d love to, trust me. But are you sure that you don’t want to see those demons of yours before they leave?” Of course he’d do that, of course Bruce would use your beloved children as bait for you to accompany him downstairs and finally leave the bed. You grunted something along the lines of ‘well then you better carry me’ in the crook of his neck as you threw your arms around his shoulders. This time Bruce couldn’t resist chuckling as he grabbed you delicately by the hips, hosting you onto his lap as he stood up from the plush mattress. 
Bruce hadn’t complained once about your clinginess. Truth to be told you’d been like this since the night before because you had rarely seen your beloved Bruce for nearly a whole ass week. It wasn’t unusual that you both wouldn’t see each other, on days that you’d be busy with work and on nights that the city’s menaces just wouldn’t rest. But recently everything had just been too much, too many meetings, too many villains and yet not enough time.
You winced as his hands came to lay across the bruises that now decorated your hips, two huge hand marks engraved into your skin as a remnant of the previous night. Needless to say that the reunion sex had you reaching for the stars, and the faint ache between your legs was a constant reminder of just what Bruce’s perfect girth could do to you. 
Your husband moved his hands with expertise as he descended the stairs, having only one hand under your ass to support your weight as the other laid along your back. You weren’t even concerned about a potential fall, because your husband did happen to be Batman, and his strength was unmeasured to your body weight. No matter what it was. 
Dick had been the first to notice his father walk into the living room, not that it was hard to notice him considering the absolute unit of a man that your 6’4 husband was. Your eldest son was perched up on the sofa, a bowl full of cereal and milk as the TV played in the background. He froze at first, unable to see you from your buried position in Bruce’s chest. Dick was afraid that you’d walk in shortly after you dear husband and start ripping one off on your son for eating on your couch, because even as the grown ass man that he now was, Dick was the messiest eater that you’d ever seen.
Though luckily for him that never came because it seemed like you had better plans, which included being stuck all day to your husband. No exaggeration. He watched in amusement as Bruce sat down amongst his children on the sofa, Damian not even displaying an ounce of attention towards his father as his eyes strained on the TV. could tell that it was a lazy morning for the both of you, even if Bruce claimed that it wasn’t for him. He had been clearly too bothered to dress before going down, instead clad in nothing but a pair of black boxers that he’d quickly thrown on in the morning. His warm, bare skin brought warmth against your clothed one, making you cling to him even harder than you previously were. 
Dick couldn’t help the smile growing upon his lips as he noticed the way your hands were clamped tightly around Bruce’s neck alongside the way your legs caged his waist. Like a clingy koala, he thought. 
You’d not moved from your position upon arrival, and at first your children could’ve thought that you were sleeping, and that Bruce was the clingy one after having snatched you from the comfort of your bed to snuggle with you downstairs on the couch.
Although they quickly found their assumptions to be wrong as they watched Bruce hand move up to your lower back, rubbing it adoringly before he gently tapped you to move and cuddle his side so he could eat. The bowl of cereal that he’d quickly grabbed from Alfred sat on the table staring at him, and his stomach was yelling for it. 
You squeezed in between Bruce and Damian as you climbed off your husband's lap, offering him the limited space that he’d get for the rest of the week. By all means you were still cuddled up to his side, an arm wrapped around his bicep as you rested your head on his bulging muscles. 
In the back of your mind, you heard a little voice telling you that this morning was all too weird. Why? Because the living room was far too silent for it to harbour all four of your children at once in. Maybe If you’d both been a little more aware you would’ve caught the sight of Jason trying and desperately failing in his attempts of ‘secretly’ snapping a picture of you both since the moment you’d walked in. 
Bruce could be sure that in a few hours he’d get a ping from his phone and a bunch of notifications about some sort of instagram post that your son has posted about the seemingly intimidating Bruce Wayne cuddling up to his wife. The caption would read ‘Bruce Wayne has gone soft, nobody is safe from the softpocalypse anymore’, but you didn’t know that as of now. 
Maybe you’d catch sight of that devilish grin adorning your youngest’s face, yet again that was nothing new. Or maybe you would have been able to notice the way Tim would often part from his beloved cup of coffee to check if Jason got the right angle. Although Bruce would admit later on that there’s no shame in showing some well deserved love to your spouse, he’d most definitely ground them all for playing this little ‘prank’ on him. 
You slowly returned in Bruce’s embrace after watching whatever idiotic movie that Dick had put on for god knows how long. Bruce’s bowl now empty and sitting on the coffee table before you. You took it as a sign that you could retake your spot within his arms, and your brooding husband didn’t even complain once as you got comfortable. With your face now buried in the warmth of his neck once again, you couldn’t help yourself but to give him a chaste kiss here and there.
“In front of my coffee.” you paused your movements at the disgusted tone in Tim’s words, effectively getting your other son’s to turn towards you both. You relished in their disgusted disagreeing, carefree laughter escaping you while blocking whatever sound came from the TV. You watched as your boys all left the room one by one to go on with their days, claiming that they can’t stand you two being ‘too in love’ because it was far too disgusting.
A solid minute after the room regained its original silence, save for the soft sounds of the movie still playing, Bruce allowed himself to relax in your arms. He slid down the sofa in a lazy position, keeping you tightly trapped in his embrace as he rested his head above yours. Hands regaining their comforting motions above your back, a rare and cocky smile graced Bruce’s face. Now that the whole mansion knew that you both were up and going, all in your ‘disgusting’ clinginess, he could only guess when the next person who dared to walk upon you both would come and disturb you. 
Hope my bruce girlies eat this shit up. also this is UNEDITED😔
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kuromitos · 2 months
Dick/Bruce/Damian are 'she fell first but he fell harder' coded
Tim/Duke are 'he fell first but she fell when he fell out of love' coded
Jason gives hard 'he fell first and continues to fall harder the more he got to know her' vibes
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orionremastered · 4 months
Sleeping with the Batboys
fluff headcannons
Dick Grayson
Uses alarms. the most annoying sounds too
Spooning. He likes being the big and little spoon
If he's not patrolling, he goes to sleep around midnight
Avid user of rain sound videos and you cannot change my mind
Runs pretty hot but refuses to sleep without holding you or being held
Fan and aircon and no blanket LONG before he lets you sleep apart from him
When you complain about his alarms he just smiles and says nothing
Jason Todd
Runs even hotter than dick and same rules apply. he will not let go
Lays on top of you. like full weight on top of you
Sometimes his breathing stops while he sleeps and you were TERRIFIED the first time you realised and thought he was dead
Comes home at super late hours and just falls asleep on top of you without warning, even when you're asleep
You're used to it now, but you weren't before (he's still a bit mad you tried to stab him with the knife under your pillow he makes you keep (you didn't stab him, but you almost did))
Gets nightmares about dying and tightens his already tight hold around you when they happen
Goes to sleep whenever and wakes up whenever. says sorry when he wakes you up too
Tim Drake
Sometimes you have to tackle him into the bed
Like literally MMA style takedowns and dragging this man across the floor in order to get him to sleep
He complains about it and about you holding onto him like a koala but once he's asleep he's doing the exact same thing
If he's not sleeping with you, he'll sit at the desk in the room to be near you
Makes you breakfast in bed if he's not sleeping too
Don't ask him how long he's been awake for. just don't. it's for your own good
Damian Wayne
He likes you sleeping on him with your head on his chest
Warm, but not unbearably warm like jason or dick
Wakes up during the night sometimes and just looks at you. could and has done it for hours
If you wake up and see him staring at you he'll tell you to just go to back to sleep
Ignores you when you tell him to do the same
Goes to sleep late and wakes up early. manages to get out from underneath you without waking you up and it still perplexes you to this day on how
Makes you breakfast if he's not busy
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radicallxser · 4 months
"Careful", you snag the boy's shirt before he can step into the road. The boy's head snaps away from his phone and towards you.
He looks pissed but you watch his face shift into a blank sort of stare.
"Sorry-", you release the grip on his shirt, shifting the carrier on your hip, "you should pay more attention when you're this close to the road."
You offer him a weak smile and he blinks up at you, then turns and scurries across the road, focused back onto his phone. Sighing, you adjust baby carrier and begin walking again.
The walk isn't a horrible one, ten minutes is nothing on the half hour walk it takes you to get to work. It's just a little more difficult with a awkward sized baby carrier.
Typically you'd take the train, but you need to get to the grocery store before it gets dark. The air is already chilly but the forecast calls for snow and the baby doesn't need that.
The store is a little warmer when you step inside and you even manage to snag a buggy.
The store is relatively quiet and you find what you need to...except for the box of baby rice towards the back on a shelf you can't reach.
You groan softly, glancing at the snoozing babe. She loves those...
You stand on your very tiptoes, grabbing at air. Then, a hand reaches up and grabs them. You turn, about to ask them for the box, when the man passes the box to you.
"Here, you looked like you needed help." He holds the box out with one hand, running his fingers through his black hair with the other.
You blink curiously at him, then take the box.
"Thank you so much, hon." You grin, placing the item in your cart and hurrying to check out.
The walk is still cold, despite the sun barely starting to set. You shiver, somehow managing to carry the groceries and the baby carrier at the same time.
About half a mile from your apartment, you bump into a chest. Dropping a few bags and praying the eggs aren't in them.
"Sorry about that", a masculine voice mumbles above you. You tilt your head up to meet the eyes of a boy a little younger than the one who helped you before. He tilts his head, a tuft of white hair hanging in his eyes.
"Would you like some help?" He starts grabbing the dropped bags before you can answer. He makes a gesture for you to lead the way.
"I'm Jason, by the way. We live in the same complex."
You swear you've never seen him before, but maybe that's just you.
That night, groceries put away and a baby snuggled happily against your chest, you lay in bed.
Oblivious to several pairs of eyes watching you and the bickering from the rooftops above.
"Ummi spoke to me today, with the baby!" Damian speaks.
"Yeah, well I helped ma with her groceries!" Jason gives him a playful shove.
"Well, the baby smiled at me!" Dick jabs a thumb at his chest triumphantly.
"All of you hush!" Tim speaks up, crouched next to Duke, eyes focused on a familiar window.
Bruce looms nearby, caught up his daydream where he's the sweater wrapped so tightly around you. Someday.
Someday sooner than you think.
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issdisgrace · 5 months
Batdad Y/n: When I was like 18 I did coke off a stripper’s abs
Jason, Dick, Tim and Damian: WhAT
Cue Bruce shaking his head because he was there when you did it
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spidernuggets · 6 months
Dick: "Why is Jason sobbing in his room?"
Tim: "Jason cries?"
Damian: "Todd has emotions other than unnecessary rage?"
Jason shouting from his room: "Y/N BROKE UP WITH ME"
*all heads turning to y/n
Y/n: *sighs* "No, I didn't. I just told him I can't read Pride and Prejudice with him today"
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
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How’d they react to you calling them bro or dude whilst in a pre-established relationship…(platonic/romantic)
Dick: he’s insulted.
He will try to give you the silent treatment for such a shameful thing but ultimately fails as he ends up being the one pawing at you for attention.
‘Do you still like me? Or did you just run out of cute nicknames to call me?’ He’d say one night as your both cuddling in bed together. ‘If it’s the later then I can help you find something, just please spare me and don’t call me dude or bro anymore.’
He’d rather you call him Richard-wait, no he hates that even more because to him you’re not meant to use his fully name, only cutesy nicknames that’d make a grown man sick to his stomach. Nothing else would suffice other than Dickie bird, handsome, babe, hunk, honeybun or anything that wasn’t his name.
He’s go mad or would act delusional and say that everything was fine when everyone could tell that it wasn’t. People who know him have personally came to you and begged you to stop calling him dude/bro because he kept talking their ears off about how his beloved partner is torturing him, which ends up torturing them even more upon hearing about his relationship issues.
Dick would even consult Hayley on what he did wrong, only for Hayley to look at him with those big, big eyes of hers. This was not her level of expertise unfortunately. (Head empty, no thoughts. She can’t do her abc’s guys it’s a real tragedy.)
Jason: ‘I just had my tongue down your throat just now and you had to go and ruin the mood by calling me bro. What the fuck.’ - Jason at some point.
It’s a whole mood killer for him to be honest.
He’s calling you things like chipmunk or sweetheart but here you were calling him dude and bro. He knows for a fact that he’s well and truly out of the friend zone because the shit you’ve done together isn’t platonic in any sort of way.
Thinks Roy had set you up to call him dude or bro behind his back. (He hasn’t)
Jason is petty and will get his own back by referring you as ‘just a really good friend’, ‘buddy o’ mine’ or even worse than both of those; ‘chum.’ 💀
When you go low, Jason was more then willing to go to the depths of fucking hell to the point it had become a game to see who’d call out just how stupid this all was, and at the both of you for ever thinking that this was an excellent idea in the first place.
You’ll probs get punished…I’m just going to leave it there and let your minds guess what that ‘punishment’ was exactly.
As much as Damian hates it when you call him Dami, he hates it when you call him dude or bro even more, if that’s even possible.
Damian hates it when you call him dude or bro. He’s not your dude or bro, he’s your partner and he expects no less then darling, my heart or my beloved.
So you calling him dude or bro is more than enough reason for him to give you the silent treatment.
‘Until you learn that I am your partner, I won’t want to be anywhere near you if you’re going to keep calling me your bro or dude. It is a disservice to who I actually am to you.’ He says with a huff and beckons Titus to follow, only for the Great Dane to be left confused as to why his human parents were at a disagreement over something silly.
Also Titus, Ace, Jerry, Alfred the cat, Goliath and BatCow are children of divorce because I said so.
So it’s bests that you apologise while you still can because Damian can hold a grudge unlike any other. Even if you didn’t, you’d still crack first before Damian and quickly put an end to calling him dude/bro.
He just thinks being called a dude/bro when in a pre-established relationship is an insult.
He can take a joke but not when it’s aimed at his relationship. He’s well and truly devoted to his relationship -if we’re to completely ignore the whole being Robin thing- that it might as well be an insult towards him too at this point.
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damianwayne0 · 16 days
Damain : why are you crying beloved?
Y/N : ....
Damain : what happened???
Y/N : ....
Damain : beloved did I do something??
Y/N : yo-u are disappearing...
Damian : oh yes beloved *smiles* it's my time to go..I only came here to see you my love..
Y/N : please don't- * Damian disappears* I love you...
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c1nnam00n · 2 months
me trying not to smile from the fanfic i just read
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kimjun · 5 months
Jason: how do I make a date really romantic?
Dick: be mysterious
Jason: got it!
*later, while on a date with Y/n*
Y/n: where are we going?
Jason: none of your fucking business
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Jason: I accidentally poisoned one of our drinks, but I don’t remember which one
Damian: With the way this gala’s going, I hope it’s mine
Tim: *chugs his drink*
Bruce: *quickly takes Y/N’s drink before she can do the same*
Y/N: Aw man :(
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superhero--imagines · 8 months
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He’s literally obsessed with you - With the Bat Boys
A/N: trying out these fucking ugly banners again because y’all seem to like them and I need the internet-good-writer validation points.
Dick Grayson
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* He’s a simp bro
* Just because he’s hot doesn’t mean he isn’t hiding a whole horde of daddy and mommy issues isn’t into you
* He trails after you like a lost puppy and he would kiss the ground you walk on if it didn’t make you a little concerned
His breath brushes against your calf, a tender kiss placed on your knee.
He’s done this enough for you to know it’s not sexual.
“I can do it myself Dick,” you murmur, cheeks hot as you watch him kneel on the ground, his nimble fingers working to untie your shoes.
“I know you can.” His eyes sparkle when he looks up at you with a smile. “But I want to do this for you.” He grins when you hide your shy smile behind your hand, setting your shoes to the side and placing a soft kiss on your ankle.
Jason Todd
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* He’s in between terror and bliss
* Jason doesn’t understand how you meant so much to him so fast
* It’s simultaneously thrilling and terrifying how much you occupy his thoughts and time
* But for better or worse, he can’t seem to let you go
He can’t tell what’s warmer, the heat from your body or the heat radiating off from his face.
Here he is, face bright pink with the heart of a sixteen year old boy in a man’s body, falling in love for the first time.
And you’re asleep.
You’ve turned his whole world upside down, and made a mess of his mind—and now you’re getting the best sleep of your life using his chest as your personal pillow.
And he has no room to complain since he’s enabling you, wrapping his arms around you rto keep you pressed securely against his chest.
Because the only thing scarier than holding you close, is having you somewhere he can't reach.
“I can't believe you made me fall in love like this,” he murmurs, pressing a sweet kiss to your hair.
Damian Wayne
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* He really embodies “hard to the world, but soft for my girl” vibes
* This man has never done a chore in his life, but if you’re feeling out of it or overwhelmed, watch him at your doorstep with a broom and apron
“Damian I support you in anything you choose to do,” you start, “but do you know how to use a washing machine?”
“Of course I do my love, I’m not a savage.” But the fact that he’s putting dish soap in tells you otherwise.
He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit.
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