#dont say gay
liberalsarecool · 3 months
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Well done, Florida. Kick DeSantis in the teeth.
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animentality · 1 year
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c-0-yote-teeth · 3 months
Pinterest and Tumblr have become my safe zones.
There's so much bad in the world, between the wars happening in the east to the mistreatment, abuse, and straight up murder of lgbtq people in the US, people that were children's role models being outed as abusers and groomers and racists, it feels like every time I turn on my phone screen there's just more bad.
Cats are being tortured and killed on stream. (China)
Nex Benedicts death was ruled a suicide. (US)
Women can't have abortions and children are being killed just for existing. (Everywhere)
Minimum wage hasn't been a liveable wage for fifty fucking years and I'm supposed to what- be grateful that I'm alive?
Fuck that. Fuck you. I don't want to deal with this any more, where every time I turn around a new evil is emerging.
Eat cereal for dinner. (US)
Don't talk about being gay in school. (Florida)
Be proud of who you are but not like that. (Everywhere)
Don't wear your hair too long (masc) or too short (fem) or else someone is going to fucking kill you, and they'll get away with it too. (Everywhere)
Teenagers no longer have child labor laws protecting them. (Florida)
Endangered fish are washing up dead in the keys. (Florida)
People (but especially homeless people) aren't allowed to sleep in public anymore (Florida)
Artists, voice actors, animators, photographers, all being fucked by rapidly evolving AI. (Everywhere.)
It's just... So, god damn overwhelming.
And I'm so. Fucking. Tired.
Pinterest and Tumblr have become my safe zones, because they're the only place where I'm free from all of that.
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actuallytybee · 11 days
Help me pay off my medical debt so I can finally move out of a state that's unsafe for me!!
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isa-ghost · 1 year
Reblog to let your homies know that Walgreens is deciding to stop selling abortion pills in some states because they’re scared of loser ass Republicans that are threatening them. As if their corporation ass couldn’t pay them off.
Walgreens also contributed funding to the Don’t Say Gay bill.
Reblog to tell your homies to stop shopping at Walgreens minus the prescriptions they can’t get elsewhere.
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“I’ll have the rainbow on my helmet [at Miami]. It’s no different to when we were in Saudi.”
Oh heck yes Lewis. Make them seethe.
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Help us donate LGBTQ+ books to schools! 📚
You might have heard that teachers in Florida are being made to catalogue and submit all of their classroom books to make sure they're "approved" under HB-1467.
Many feel it's an excuse to rid schools of queer books.
The good news? With a $50 donation, we send LGBTQ+ books to the LGBTQ+ center, GSA club/youth group, or school library of your choice!
Give books and choose your club/center/school here in our shop.
Find a specific LGBTQ+ center here.
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allthegeopolitics · 1 month
Lawmakers in Alabama have proposed to expand the horrific “Don’t Say Gay” bill to all public school grades, further restricting how schools in the state can address LGBTQ+ topics. On 20 March, The House Education Policy Committee approved the expanded bill, which would ban teacher-led discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in all classrooms. It would also prohibit the display of Pride flags in schools in the state. Currently, the law prohibits such open discussions and support of the LGBTQ+ community in elementary school, which serves children in Kindergarten to Grade 8. It would be expanded up to Grade 12 under the new proposal. 
Continue Reading
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clover-md · 1 year
Trans rights are human rights. 🏳️‍⚧️
Recently Florida senate passed a Bill that will legalise the kidnapping of trans kids. This ISNT RIGHT. why is it so hard for some people to see that? And Missouri has become the first state in the US to BAN trans kids and adults from receiving health care which is surely a human right so why is it being taken away?
Also it was voted to ban Zooey Zephyr, Montana's only trans lawmaker, from speaking for a whole year. When other trans people and trans allies attempted to fight for here the police were called for them to be arrested.
And Florida's Dont Say Gay Bill has changed recently meaning that ANY mention of gay or trans people is completely banned from kindergarten up untill 12th grade.
Future generations are supposed to be encouraged to be their own person and be who they are. They shouldn't have to feel like they have to hide for their own safety. What's so bad about people being who they were born to be? about being being themselves? about people living their lives their own way?
We have come so far. From when homosexual relationships used to be illegal to now gay marriage being accepted. We were making progress. Why are we going backwards now?
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animentality · 10 months
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I feel really bad for people living in Florida. But stop voting in DeSantis.
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jessie-lou · 3 months
GOOD-ISH NEWS! I mean, it's not great news, but the bar is really low for Florida right now. So low it's probably in a sinkhole somewhere in Polk County.
A written notice from the state is being sent to Florida school districts to lay out specifically what the "Don't Say Gay law" does NOT ban. Which is basically just
library books about queer/trans people
referring to LGBTQ+ people in class (including teachers and their families)
To be clear, this horrible law is still very much so in place and is doing very real harm. Read the whole article for a better understanding (it's not long) but here is a key takeaway from it:
"David Johns, executive director of the National Black Justice Coalition, a Black LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, pointed out in a statement that the Florida law served as a model for similar legislation across the country, primarily the South, and that such discriminatory measures also need to be fought. The settlement over the “Don’t Say Gay” law is a win and provides much-needed clarity to students and teachers, [Simone] Chriss said. However, the enforcement mechanism of the law remains insidious, she said, since it allows families to sue if they disagree with their child being exposed to content involving gender identity and sexual orientation.  “It doesn’t exactly cure the issue, which is many districts, regardless of what the state says, are going to continue operating from a place of fear and likely erring on the side of caution because this doesn’t change the fact that any parent at any time can bring a lawsuit,” she said."
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disneyvsdesantis · 7 months
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grobyna · 4 months
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.
- Poem by Martin Niemöller
( With all that's going on this giant floating rock rn, I feel that this Poem couldn't mire reflect it. Let's not make the same mistakes twice )
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thatheathen · 1 year
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Fuck Ron DeSantis
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trump666traitor · 6 months
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inthemarginalized · 6 months
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