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Oddities, Treasures, and Queer Relics by GrandpasSwamp
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jeypawlik · 1 day
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I Got Married, a year ago today!
A year ago today I got married to Max (previously known as Michelle) and marriage is so much more wonderful than anyone ever told me or what I'd thought about. I did a comic on it shortly after the wedding. Of course we had a wedding during Pride month! I hope y'all read it: https://www.ohjoysextoy.com/i-got-married-jey-pawlik/
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suwuainna · 3 days
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Hello guys
Nudes available
Reblog if you love trans
Drop a DM 😘
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Day 3 of pride month! Headcanon and canon!
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hello-im-queer · 5 months
I want to find out how many people are aromantic and/or asexual on Tumblr so i made this
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masculinesapphics · 1 year
reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a kiss on the forehead and a hug to let them know they did a good job today
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Not me tearing up first thing in the morning over a supportive email I got from @prideknights
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Pride Frog Pins by OwlAndBearArtStudio
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dudasexy · 6 months
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userdocumentary · 1 year
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QUEERSTRALIA (2022) Episode 1 dir. Stamatia Maroupas
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bizarreaizen · 8 months
transphobes when they realize that pronouns look different in other languages: 🤯 /hj
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Incorrect Batfam Quotes
Jason: Hey, Dick, how did Tim come out to you?
Dick: He didn’t have to. A few years ago, we were doing a stakeout inside this bar hosting a drag show, and the whole time he had this look on his face like he was having a transcendent awakening.
Dick: And then halfway through, one of the queens came up to him and asked “Honey are you straight?”
Dick: And he muttered out “I don’t know.” After that, it was only a matter of time.
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jeypawlik · 8 months
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Coming Out
An idea I've had for a while, even before Zero, but after Zero came out I thought that'd be the perfect way to present the idea. This page in particular, the dialogue has been floating around in my head for probably well over a year now. Also testing out TrueGrit's halftone machine on this comic and... I gotta say y'all, I kinda love it! I've been wanting to do more halftone work but haven't been able to find a look I like or a method that fits well with my workflow. [Image description: Comic page, 2 panels. Panel 1 shows a young Lupin and Jigen, where Jigen is facing the left and angrily bending himself forward while Lupin is behind him worried and reaching a hand out. Jigen’s yelling “Lupin! I’m gay! …okay?”. Panel 2 shows an open panel with no borders or background, a shoulder up shot of Lupin’s concerned face. Lupin says “So?” Comic with four panels, done in black and white with halftones. Panel one shows a young Jigen with his back to the camera and his shoulders tense. He says “So…?” Panel two, a larger panel with a close up shot of his face as he turns around and looks to the right, his expression is pained and there’s a tear in his eye. He yells “Doesn’t that bother you?!” Panel three is a wide panel with young Lupin in the center from the shoulders up. He’s mad as Jigen accuses him. He says “No. Should it?” Panel four is an open panel of the two boys looking at each other from a side view. Jigen is leaning back away, while Lupin leans in closer with a determined and expectant expression. Comic with three panels, done in black and white with halftones. Panel one floats atop a big open panel. Young Jigen is startled and unsure of himself, he says “N-no…” Panel two is a big open panel with no borders or backgrounds, it shows a confident young Lupin with his hands on his hips and his eyes closed. He says “I mean my grandpa is into guys too, you know. So I know what’s up!” Panel three is a big wide panel with Jigen in the center from the waist up. He’s blushing and looking down and to the left with his shoulders by his ears, still a bit tense, but smiling now. He says “Uhh, yeah. Okay. Cool.”]
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squishymain · 2 months
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Overwatch Venture Nonbinary flag icons
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littlealienproducts · 2 months
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Trans People Will Live Forever A5 Art Print by HagstoneArt
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thenightling · 11 months
Dear newbie queer kids, We appreciate the sentiment but stop "correcting" the older LGBTQ+ community. And by "correcting" I mean trying to force them to adopt your language. "Actually, it's pansexual if you're attracted to any gender. Bisexual means only men and women." (I really was told that one today.) "Actually if they're attracted to anyone despite gender and even to non-human entities in works of fiction that's omnisexual." Guys, you may not know it but what you are doing is what we'd once call bi-erasure. A little LGBTQ+ history: The word bisexual is still relatively new for a lot of people. In 1973 when David Bowie came out as bisexual, a reporter misunderstood that to mean he had both male and female reproductive organs. Even today I've stumbled upon people who think bisexual means "nonbinary." meaning "I don't identify as a man or a woman." The only connection the words have is the "bi" part so this one is painfully stupid. In the 1990s there were older queer folk who didn't even know bisexual is what they were. When Roddy McDowall was confronted by Vincent Price's daughter and asked "Why didn't you tell me my father was bisexual?" He said "We didn't know the word." In the 90s most bisexual people used the term to mean attraction despite gender. I'm fine with the use of the word "Pansexual" but it IS actually gatekeeping to tell older bisexuals that the word bisexual means "disincluding trans and nonbinary" and "attraction to the gender instead of despite the gender." I can't think of very many people who identify as bisexual who are okay with those added restrictions that they didn't agree to. For most of the older queer community bisexual means their own gender and everything else. That's the two for bi. I am certain there are some people today who don't mind the new restrictions added to the word bisexual and use it to self-identify but those that were identifying a bisexual in the 90s and early 2000s didn't have such restrictions because the options of pansexual and omnisexual were not in use yet. Pansexual was a term invented by Freud to mean "attraction to anything" (this included furniture). It's modern meaning of "consenting adults without consideration of gender" is relatively new and frustratingly this was originally how most of us were using the word bisexual. When you "Correct" someone who self-identifies as bisexual that they are actually pansexual because you want them to use the more modern language, THAT is gatekeeping. Ironically this just happened to me and when I corrected the person that was "correcting me" by explaining that older people who identify as bisexual tend to use it with the same meaning as the modern pansexual, I was suddenly accused of "Gatekeeping." So now, ironically, they're misusing the term gatekeeping while gatekeeping. Please stop doing this. The new terms are okay but don't tell us how we can use the older terms, especially when bisexual isn't that old of a term in the grand scheme of things. I sometimes use the term pansexual just to make things easier for the younger folk since they adapted to the restrictive version of the term bisexual we never asked for. Also I like its connection to mythology. But please don't "Correct" people for using the term they had for themselves since the 90s because they never added those new restrictions to it. This is rude. And that is the gatekeeping. Them telling you what the word meant decades ago is not "gatekeeping." You telling them how they have to us it now- that is gatekeeping. Sincerely, Most queer folk over the age of thirty.
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