#e writes ‚the witcher‘
joelslegalwhre · 2 years
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Thank you sm! And thanks for the request love, i hope you like it <3
pairing⁀➷ geralt of rivia x fem!reader
word count⁀➷ 1.5k
summary⁀➷ Geralt finds you injured in the woods (more in the ask)
warnings⁀➷ soft!geralt, fluff, mention of blood and injuries, swearing (only once tho), use of y/n once
a/n⁀➷ As always, tell me if I missed a warning please!
🥤my kofi if you’d like to leave a tip🩷
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You had expected this day to be different. You were supposed to help your uncle and learn more about herbology so that one day, you would know as much as he does about taking care of the people in the village.
Not lying here, on the slightly damp forest ground.
It would be a long walk back to the village, and your wounds and aches would not make it any easier. Your limbs felt heavy. Your body ached. And before you could fight back, you were defeated by tiredness.
Your eyes opened abruptly as you became aware of sounds coming closer and closer to you. A horse was coming towards you, on it an incredibly muscular man who looked familiar to you.
You had never met him before, but when he came closer and you saw his bright amber eyes, you knew who he was, what he was.
When he saw you, lying there on one of the big roots, he quickly got off his horse.
"Wait here, Roach." he told the horse.
Fear washed over you as he slowly approached you.
"Please, don't hurt me." Your voice was soft, almost a whisper. But witchers could hear better than ordinary people, he had heard it clearly enough.
The witcher stopped for a second and seemed… offended? He shook his head slightly and looked you in the eyes.
"I won't hurt you." His voice was low. Incredibly deep.
There was sincere in his voice, it almost gave you goosebumps.
He was terribly attractive, and his eyes both frightened and fascinated you. He came closer and closer to you and you could only follow him with your eyes. Your fear had eased a little, but it wasn't completely gone.
"It's not that bad," you said quietly as his eyes examined your wound. "I just need to rest a bit before I-" you made a hissing sound as he lifted the fabric covering the wound. "You are not fine." he grumbled.
He knew you wouldn't be able to walk one step on your own without collapsing. As the witcher walked to his horse and took an elixir-like phial from one of the pockets, he asked,
"What happened to you, who did this?" his voice almost sounded angry. But not because of you.
"I was gathering herbs. My uncle needs them to medicate the people in the village. And-" you had to swallow at the thought of the attack.
"There were three-three men. They were looking for someone." The witcher grimaced in anger, as if he already knew what they wanted.
"They wanted to know where the Butcher of Blaviken was."
He said nothing but an annoyed "hmm," his hand still holding the fabric so as not to cover the wound on your hip.
The witcher looked you in the eye, and up close, his own ones were even more special.
"Don't move." he demanded and you nodded. Then he dripped some of the elixir into the wound. It burned like fire.
"Ahh fuck!" you had to bite your lip to stop swearing. "It'll be over in a moment." He took your hand and nodded at you encouragingly. You squeezed his hand so hard that your fingers almost started to hurt.
"Breathe, can you do that for me?" He spoke so calmly and collectedly. You looked at him again, his gaze never leaving your face the whole time. Then you took a deep breath, as deep as you could under the pain. And as quickly as the pain had come, it was gone again.
You were breathing heavily and it felt like you had been running for hours. The witcher bandaged your wound and looked you in the eyes again. The fear you normally had of his kind, fear that was taught as a child, was now completely gone. If he hadn't come to find you, you would still be lying here now and would probably faint in no time.
He had saved you.
"What's your name?" you asked the witcher quietly as he lowered the bloody piece of cloth onto the tended and protected wound. He inhaled sharply. "It's okay if you don't-" you started but he spike over you. "Geralt of Rivia." He replied.
Your lips parted a little. You blinked in surprise as you looked at him. Geralt had gotten up and walked to his horse to put the vial back. Quietly you whispered, "The Butcher of Blaviken."
He turned to face you, "I'm sorry they attacked you."
You were astonished, because you didn't expect an apology. Actually, he had nothing to apologise about either. After all, the men were not acting on his orders.
You smiled at him weakly. Suddenly everything felt so exhausting, breathing, being able to see, everything.
"It's the potion," Geralt answered your unasked question. "It makes you tired, to heal your wounds in your sleep."
"Oh." you said softly, before you felt two strong arms lift you up. Then you fell asleep.
Geralt entered the small village on Roach, and you laying safely in his arms.
All conversation died down when they noticed the witcher.
However, when they saw you in his arms, some began to whisper.
„He's a witcher!" "What does he want with her?" "Did he kill her?" "Where did he come from?"
Geralt knew exactly where to take you. A healer was usually quick to find, but especially in such a small village. "Stop Roach."
He got down, careful not to hurt you.
Your uncle opened the door before Geralt could knock, but when he saw you, his face paled. "Y/N-" His gaze went to the blood on your coat then darted to the witcher.
"She needs to lie down." Geralt commanded. He looked at your uncle with a penetrating gaze.
"What have you done to her, Witcher?" There was hatred and disgust in his voice.
"I healed her." Geralt replied dryly.
He pushed past your uncle and quickly found what he was looking for.
He carefully laid you down on the small bed.
Your uncle hurried after the witcher, but when he saw you, he realised that what Geralt had said was true.
Your coat was bloody but the wound looked well taken care of. "I put a potion in her wound, it should work. She'll have to sleep for a while for that to happen though." Geralt sat down on the floor beside your bed and leaned his back against it.
Your uncle looked overwhelmed, but he knew well enough that there was nothing he could do now.
"Thank you, Witcher.".
"Hmm." Geralt simply replied.
While your uncle went to his herbs to make you some tea, Geralt closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and out.
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With a loud gasp, you woke up. You looked around in confusion, as you saw familiar walls and herbs, the ground was softer than before in the forest. As you slowly sat up, leaning on one elbow, you knew you were home.
Something moved beside your bed. No, not something, someone. Geralt stood up and looked at you with a soft gaze. "How are you?" he asked in his deep voice.
Your eyes went to your wound, or to the place where it had been. Your skin was completely healed, no cuts, no blood. You brushed your finger lightly over it, but it didn't even hurt anymore.
"Thank you." you whispered gratefully without really answering his question. "Thank you Geralt."
You stood up and in a matter of seconds you wrapped your arms around his strong torso. "Thank you." you mumbled into his chest once more.
Geralt was surprised, and at first he just stared down at you. You still had your arms wrapped around him when he carefully put one arm around your waist, then the other. He smelled terrible but that didn't matter right now.
He had saved you. You looked up at him, still in the embrace. Something in his eyes had changed, his look had changed. You didn't know what it was.
Geralt, however, knew, and he could not suppress it.
The way you looked at him without any fear, how you had thanked him so many times. Nothing even suggested that you thought he was the monster so many people saw him as.
Slowly his arms moved down your back. Your faces were so close that you could see the finest, smallest scars on his face. Geralt could hear your heart beating, not evenly but fast and irregularly. You looked into his amber eyes the ones that had even followed you into your sleep.
His hands pulled you closer and the moment, when his lips met yours, fast yet slow, hungry yet gentle, felt like time had stopped. As if there was only this moment, only the two of you. Your fingers played with Geralt's hair, feeling his strong neck and pulling him down even further towards you.
When you had to gasp for air and your lips parted, he still held you close to him. You bit your lip as you looked at him. Geralt exhaled heavily. "I don't believe in destiny," you whispered. "But you might've changed that."
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reposts are always appreciated, they really make my day🧡
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Prompt 17
"Jaskier, no! Keep your eyes open!" "I'm- I'm getting so tired, Geralt..." "You can rest soon. Now, talk to me." "G'rlt..." "Talk, damn it!" "..." "Jaskier, please, PLEASE. Stay awake! Fuck- Sing for me. I need you to sing for me, Jask." "...You want to hear me sing?" "Yes, yes, I've never wanted to hear you perform more than now."
If Geralt wasn't currently stitching up Jaskier's profusely bleeding wound, he'd find the time to sob in relief at the sound of fucking Fishmonger's Daughter.
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pinstripecommissions · 2 months
Commissions Open!
Welcome, everyone! I write commissions with ratings G through E, and I hope you’ll consider my writing when you want your next plot bunny written.
My pricing is $2 per 100 words, meaning a 1500 word fic would be $30. I don’t charge for words under the 100 mark, so even if I’m 99 words over what you paid for, those are free words!
I will write…
Terato content (any monster you can dream of!)
Most kinks (see below for what I don’t touch)
x Reader for any specifications
Any combination of MLM, WLW, NBLNB
Platonic fics or solo fics
Series (though I’ll have to be paid for each installment)
I will not write…
Rape/noncon (consenting non consent is acceptable! All stories must feature consent!)
Animal abuse or bestiality (furry and monsters are welcome but no straight up animals)
Any kink related to urine or feces
Pedophilia, underage, or loli. I don’t care if the character is 9000, if they look like a child, they’re out
Fandoms I write for…
Fire Emblem Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses
BBC Merlin
Critical Role
The Witcher (game, show, & books)
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Does anyone else have a running list of phrases/details etc. that they’ve read in fanfic that made them go, “I’m FURIOUS I didn’t write that”? Like things that you see that were so good that you had to take a lap around your living room? Little phrases that you just want to scoop up and start using in your own writing immediately??
The two I’ve been hyped about recently are,
“Bloody the altars,” used as a curse in place of like “jesuschrist” or “ohmygod” or “goddammit” in worlds with witchcraft or pantheons or whatever, but no Christianity. Like! That’s so good! It’s so hard to avoid using colloquialisms that wouldn’t make sense in a fantasy world, and this is such a good alternative! It delights me every time I think about it. **(from shrug off the shroud by unconscious on ao3)   
“... good sir, madame, or otherwise.” “Otherwise.” “Good otherwise...” That’s such a fun way to incorporate nonbinary/agender/gnc-inclusive language in a fantasy setting! It flows perfectly, it sounds right at home in that high-fantasy/renaissance-adjacent way of speaking. I’m obsessed. I love the idea of “Otherwise” being an honorific used as commonly as “sir” or “madame.” 10/10 incredible stuff. **(from Braided Threads by stele3 on ao3)
 Basically what I’ve learned is that I get really excited when people find clever ways to add to the universe they’re writing in. I think it’s so cool every single time. If anyone else has any good ones, please feel free to add on!
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f-perspective · 9 months
Monsterfucking & You (a geraskier fic preview)
Chapter 1: All Its Sad Goodbyes
Geralt was absolutely not worried about Jaskier. It was perfectly normal for the bard to disappear, especially at night. He was probably -- actually undoubtedly -- just off sleeping with some of the people he had been making eyes at during his performance in the tavern earlier in the evening. So Geralt found himself sitting alone in their shared inn room, definitely not pining. Because witchers don’t pine. He was just annoyed with the unpredictability of his traveling companion, and not knowing whether he was currently dying slowly in some ditch, or being lavished as the centerpiece of  a fantastic orgy that Geralt was, of course, not invited to. 
Grumbling, he finally moved to take off his boots and strip to his smallclothes. Geralt had  been staring at the wall long enough that the cracks were beginning to form faces, and figured it was about time to at least pretend to sleep. Since Jaskier had become a constant in his life, Geralt had gotten used to having him nearby while he slept, so without him, he had no hope for actually sleeping. He refused to think too deeply on why the absence bothered him so much beyond a simple disruption of habit.
He also decided he did not have the energy to once again mentally berate himself about letting a human have such an impact on him, and how it spoke poorly to his future witchering. Never mind the implications for his future more generally after the human’s inevitable -- likely untimely, what with traveling beside a witcher and all the danger that entailed, and Jaskier’s reckless nature besides -- demise. Absolutely not thinking about it.
With his swords resting against a wall and a moody sigh, Geralt fell onto the bed and closed his eyes. His mind thought that precise moment was a fantastic opportunity to serenade him with “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher,” because he obviously didn’t miss Jaskier. Not even a little.
After about the fifth round of the song concluded in his head, Geralt heard a commotion in the hallway outside the room. Feeling content and uninterested, he stayed put. Though, as fate would have it, the noise was coming toward the room. In fact, whoever it was seemed to have taken to repeatedly running into the door to his room. Well, that was enough of an excuse for him to get out of bed and perhaps make some random drunk shit himself. Just Geralt’s type of fun. Getting out of bed and putting  on his meanest witcher face, he opened the door, and found Jaskier — of course it was Jaskier — falling directly into his arms. Ideal, in some other scenario, but concerning or decidedly annoying in this one. 
“Geralt! You will not believe it, I have just seen the most magnificent thing! I saw, prepare yourself, I saw a bouquet of penises!” Jaskier didn’t seem drunk, somehow off, but not drunk. He had managed to grab on to Geralt’s biceps and was staring into his eyes, deeply serious. “It was magnificent.” A brief pause. “Also, I suspect that I may be dying.” 
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tumbleweedtech · 10 months
Fringilla x Roche
Rated: E (Now on ao3!)
Fringilla sighed. She had done many things for the Lodge over the years. Seduction, spying, murder. While Ban Ard may look down on Aretuza's body modifications, even those crusty old men were fallible enough to fall for carefully trained whims of a sorceress.
But she didn't know why Sheala wanted more information about some filthy squirrels. And she really didn't know why this grubby, aging commander was apparently the way to get the most up to date and accurate information on their leadership. What made it worse was the man just wouldn't talk - none of her usual tricks worked, so she resorted to simple seduction.
It was boring, listening to him grunt and she covered a wince by moaning as he twisted her nipples inelegantly. The man fucked like he had been given a battle maneuver to follow.
He was a siege engine, rubbing his still mostly soft cock against her cunt. His balls slapped lazily against her ass, and he smelled of days old sweat. The face he was making was unpleasant, and apparently he'd never learned how to put his mouth to proper use.
How was she ever going to get him to talk? His grimace as he pawed at her was tiring, so she pushed him away, pressing his hands above his head until he gripped the heavy curtains that surrounded the bed. Fringilla fondled his cock, half hard and clearly having trouble getting into the groove of tonight's expectations. She straddled him, finding herself pleased to watch his hands flex as he stared at her breasts. "You know, I've fucked some of your friends, Commander." He didn't appear to like his rank in bed, having frowned and complained before. Call him Vernon, he insisted. She would not.
Phillipa was always better at faking affection. Fringilla found she had other priorities at the moment as she fiddled with the chain she'd made him keep on. It hung long and heavy now that it wasn't held in place by the small fasteners on his gambeson.
It was ugly, like him. She picked up the medallion with the lilies, as she ground her hips against his cock, just hard enough that it was a pleasing sensation that sparked pleasure through her core. Perhaps the man wasn't entirely useless? Fringilla raked her nails down his chest as she sought her own pleasure, arching her back and fully aware she made a beautiful sight. "Geralt spent months with me. We fucked on every surface of my chambers, and plenty other places." She watched his face, as he listened to her words, uncertain where she was going with this. "Do you know what I was surprised, and quite delighted to find he enjoyed?" His eyes finally stopped watching the rhythmic bounce of her breasts as she'd caught his curiosity. "He wanted me to fuck him. Right up the ass, with this beautifully carved phallus. He loved it if you pulled his hair and called him pretty. What about you, Commander? Would you like it if I bent you over that desk and fucked the stupid out of you?" There was no mistaking the way his eyes darkened at the idea. "It makes me wonder, if those witchers got up to the same thing we did in Aretuza. You pile a bunch of hormonal teenagers together in a dormitory, there's bound to be a little experimentation. What about you, Commander? When did you discover how nice it was to have a nice thick cock shoved up your arse?" He flushed, "They frown on fraternization within ranks." "Ah. So no blue stripe orgies, then. What a shame. Is that why Foltest's dog chases squirrel tail so keenly, then?" The commander flinched full bodied, then. A hit. Perfect.
"You do, don't you? Do you have a favourite? I personally detest rape, Commander. Are you that sort of man, who takes more than he should in spoils of war?" He moved fast, and gripped her hips hard enough to bruise. "Never."
"But you do have a favourite?" She petted his chest, flicking gently at his nipples, dragging her nails gently down his sides before he relaxed enough that she could shift her hips subtly. "Those elven women are beautiful. Small hands - have you ever had an entire fist up your ass? Incredible experience. Or do you prefer just a standard flesh and blood cock? I've heard those elves tend to run a bit small, I'm not sure how satisfying that would be." His face twisted, and was clearly done listening to her talk as he shoved a hand between them, his thumb pressed the wrong side of too hard, making her hiss and flinch back. Had this man ever fucked a cunt before? He was clumsy and rough, and - ah. "What's his name, Commander? This one you'd have fuck you. Do you dream of it, when you're sleeping in the forest?" She leaned close, and whispered in his ear, pitching her voice lower. "Do you wonder what he looks like under his armor? Or have you seen him? Have you spied on him, sneaky and silent, as he washed? Maybe he caught you. Maybe he held you down, and called you the filthy dog you are. Would he fuck you? Or would you fuck him?" His grip was near painful on her hips, but he was lost in the fantasy as he quickly grew to not a shameful size in hardness. She was pleased to have prepared before gracing him with her presence. So many men she'd been sent to seduce treated an asshole no different than a cunt, attempting to just shove the cock in. She'd planned on playing at pain if he seemed into it, but his dick was covered in her own dampness and leaking quite heavily... If she broke the fantasy now to fetch the oil she wasn't sure she'd be able to hold it again, so she pressed forward, curving her hips and reaching back to guide him. "Fuck me like you'd fuck him, Commander. I won't break. Maybe I'll leave your bed, covered in your cum and go find him and fuck him too. Does he even like dick?" She did her best not to hiss as the head of his cock pressed against her asshole, breaching slowly. It was more slick than she'd expected but she still privately lamented the lack of oil. Her knees were starting to get sore, however, so it was time to hurry things up. "Maybe he's laughed at you, so slow to get it hard. Even while you slavered over my tits you were soft. Does he call you names, or does he call you Commander? Maybe you're nothing but a son of a bitch-"
She couldn't stifle the gasp of pain as he yanked her down, shoving his hard cock fully inside. "Whore. He calls me the son of a whore." He punctuated every word with another bruising, driving thrust, and Fringilla knew she'd feel this coupling for days after, but the pain eased fast as he pummeled her. There was no angle for her own pleasure here, but she'd finally gotten him talking so she dragged her nails up into his hair and pulled. "So fuck him, you whoreson. Scream his name, then. Maybe he'll hear you and come running. Would he save you from me? Or would he join us? Have you ever done that, Vernon?"
His hips stuttered as she dropped her voice into a sultry whisper. Geralt had liked "secrets" too. Men were so predictable. "I've taken two cocks at once before. It's delectable. Would you rather him fuck my cunt as you were buried deep in my ass? You would feel his dick inside me," She pressed her fingers against his stomach, feeling his muscles flex. "like this. Not touching. But stroking, so close" He groaned, and she thumbed at his nipples, twisting and plucking them gently as she continued telling him secrets he desperately wanted to hear. "Or maybe, he would want to fuck my asshole too. He could get the lubricant off the desk. And he could slide right in next to you. It'd be like he was fucking you directly, his spend mixed with yours, his dick right against yours. Call him, Vernon. We could fuck him together, right now. Maybe he'd even let you fuck him after. Maybe he'd call your name in bed." She ground into him, raked her nails down her chest as hard as she could, and cried out in as deep a register as she could manage "VERNON" It was more than he could handle, and he threw his head back, shouting startlingly loud, "Iorveth!" as his hips stuttered and he spent deep inside her. They panted, and he hissed as she shifted off of him, his soft cock now overstimulated, but he made no move to fetch a cloth. She wanted to be surprised at how thoughtless a lover he was, but he simply rose, ambled to the chamber pot to piss, dropped the ugly chain on the bedside table and promptly fell asleep. Fringilla sighed. She'd intended to rest the night here, but that was clearly not happening. So she finished pissing and cleaning herself before she dressed and silently padded out. She had a squirrel to find, that was apparently named Iorveth. He likely had the information Sheala wanted, and if Fringilla was lucky, she wouldn't have to fuck it out of him.
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faetxlity · 2 years
A Bit of Peace
Lambert/Eskel (2758 Words) Rated: E - Ao3 Link
Based off of THIS post by @whataboutthefish
Summary: Eskel wants a bit of peace around the keep but the hot headed trainee won’t let him have it.
      Eighteen, angry, and more pent up than a chort in season; that was how they described Lambert. The young soon-to-be-Witcher snapped and snarled at everyone older than him -and even a few younger trainees who had more pride than sense- no matter how many beatings he was put through for it. He cursed, he destroyed, and he spit in the face of every tradition and code Kaer Morhen held dear.
 “He needs a good fuck to set him right.” More than one Witcher muttered late around the fires. Eskel was inclined to agree. Sometimes.
 He himself was just old enough to demand respect from both elders and younger adepts, established in his own right as a damn good Witcher. It was this little fact that kept half the Keep from dragging Lambert into a storage room and wiping that permanent scowl from his pouting lips and giving him something to be bowlegged about. Because if anyone was going to put the pup in his place it was Eskel. Unfortunately, honor had stayed his hand each time there was an opportunity to do so. That same honor did not stop him from following the little Wolf into the baths late one autumn evening after listening to him curse Vesemir from one side of the mountain to the other and back. Whatever he'd done had earned him a lashing that he was clearly hoping to soak the sting out of.
 It certainly didn’t stop him from sinking into the water across from him with a sigh and muted “You can’t keep letting your anger control you. You need a damn outlet.” He almost added ‘pup’ to the comment but refrained. Barely.
 “What do you recommend, oh wait let me guess- you want me to suck your cock? Very original.” The sneer that twisted his face was unattractive. He was so expressive that his face already sported deep lines around his eyes and forehead, like a map of emotion. If he ever smiled it would be cute.
 “If you think it would help I wouldn’t say no.” Eskel stretched his arms wide on the edge of the pool and closed his eyes as he continued “Or in the reverse.”
 That stopped the young pup in his tracks, whatever spite was on his tongue halted and reformed.
 “Why in the thrice damned hell would you want to do that?”
 “Because I enjoy it.” Not necessarily the act itself but the effect it had on a partner was exquisite. He could go on his knees for hours just to feel that rush as someone lost control because of him, a hand in his hair and trembling thighs around his ears. That was damn close to bliss.
 They were joined by other Witchers then, technically Lambert wasn’t allowed in the springs at that time of day but he was the one survivor of his year and just a few months from his medallion - if Barmin and the others decided he was worth one after all the trouble he’d caused. No one was going to run him off when Eskel seemed to have given him permission.
 Eskel stayed in the water until he was lightheaded with the heat and then, only as he passed Lambert to be on his way, did he speak again.
 “Feel free to come to my room if you want to take me up on that offer.”
 He never really expected the mild effort to bear fruit. It took all of two days for Eskel to open the door to his room find Lambert sitting on his bed, seemingly come through the window if the snowprint on the sill was any indication. He’d heard the whispers that Rennes was pissed, spitting mad over an insult thrown out at lunch from their resident foul mouthed pup but he’d not expected to wind up in the middle of it.
 The door was heavy when it fell closed, a sort of finality in the sound of it. Lambert wasted no time in pushing forward and into Eskel’s chest with the demand to “strip”.  One might have thought he knew what he was doing.
 Vicious, wild, needy - there were many ways to describe the way Lambert kissed and the less generous of men would simply leave it at fumbling and unskilled. His lips were chapped, hands fisted hard in Eskel’s undershirt, and it was Eskel’s grace that saved them both the pain of a chipped tooth. But for all of that the pup was desperate, unwilling or unable to pull away to help Eskel in the simple task of undoing his own laces. He kissed with a desperation found in the adrenaline after a fight, the reunion of lovers, and the fervor of a dream.  
 Eskel tended to be slow to arousal, no longer twenty and better pleased by the slow spread of warmth in his belly than an inferno and fumble behind a barn but the simple fact that he was wanted with such desperation went far to getting him hard and willing.
Lambert broke free of their kiss with a gasp.
 “Wanna suck your cock.”
 And that was how Lambert ended up on his knees between Eskel’s thighs while the older Witcher sat on his bed wondering when exactly he had lost control of the situation. Lambert was no more skilled there than he was in kissing- no one to practice with. Eskel realized. He’d known that Lambert was the last of his group, the one of thirteen to make it to the end, but it was the first time he really thought about it. What being the only one meant.
 For him it meant that Lambert wasn’t careful, he scraped teeth along sensitive flesh while trying to find the right angle and his shoulders were set with years of tension that did nothing to ease the bob of his head. Lithe hands alternated between holding and stroking the length that he couldn’t fit into his pretty mouth and Eskel was almost too aware of the sounds and saliva dripping from an occupied mouth. It wasn’t good, not really. It was hot and wet but those were the only saving factors.
 “Slow down.” He urged, hoping that the young man’s known hatred of all things authoritative didn’t extend to this. He had potential to make it good, he just needed to listen. Lambert surged forward, seemingly intent on choking himself. “Lam-“ The pup had a Witcher’s strength when he knocked Eskel’s hand aside. For just a moment he had been able to touch the soft fluff of his hair. “Shit- you need to-“
 He needed to stop before he hurt himself but he wouldn’t listen. It took just seconds more for him to push too far too fast and he retched, body convulsing as he fell backwards onto the floor. All before Eskel could even get his hands on him.
 Too his credit, Lambert didn’t lose his stomach. He twisted and coughed, gagged and shuddered, but he kept his stomach. Before Eskel could assure him that it was alright he lunged for the door.
 Shaking hands fumbled the lock and he cursed violently, voice wrecked.
 “Pup.” Eskel stood to follow, wrapped one arm around Lambert’s thin waist and dragged him back against his chest; kicking and writhing all the while even with his feet in the air.
 “Fuck you! Let me go you fucking whoreson!” He spit while landing a hard kick to Eskel’s shin. If Eskel hadn't been going soft before he was after that. The tirade continued for a minute - everything from calling him a cruel bastard to damn pervert until Lambert seemed to realize Eskel wasn’t doing more than holding him. He wasn’t even really trying to stop Lambert from hitting him. He just wanted Lambert to be still, just for a moment. That was all he’s ever wanted out of this stupid endeavor. A moment of peace.
 “What is this?” He rumbled. “What’s under your skin?”
 “I just want-“ Lambert bit his tongue so hard that blood blossomed in the air. Eskel waited, blood rushing in his ears as he fought down the urge to bite at the column of Lambert’s neck. “I need- shit- I’m lonely and no one here is fucking- I can’t do it. Nothing is right.”
 He doesn’t shush him, it feels wrong when the pup is trying so hard to explain himself but he did press a kiss to the tendon in his neck. It was as much for his own benefit as for Lambert's.
 “I understand.” He somewhat lied as he pet over the shaking boy’s ribs and let him stand on his own two feet, providing support as needed. “Now tell me, do you want to continue? Let me show you how to do it right?”
 It was instinct to nuzzle forward against the curl of hair beneath Lambert’s ear. To give in to the desire to kiss the salt from his skin and breathe him in. Just as it was instinct for Lambert to tilt his head and give Eskel more access. Gently he sucked a mark, the first of many.
 “Yes. Yes, I want it.”
 “Good boy.” He was not proud of how he tore Lambert’s shirt off of him but he was delighted by the gasp it drew from the pup. With purpose worked his way down the pup’s throat as his hands wandered over his chest to find wonderfully sensitive nipples. He hadn’t been allowed to play earlier and he intended to take his time then.
 Pulling his lips away from Lambert’s skin was difficult but worth it. So very worth it to be able to gaze at Lambert face when it was open and honest. For the first time in memory there was not a trace of anger in him and it was beautiful. Damn near pretty really.
 He's got dark lashes that rest above sharp cheekbones flushed with pleasure, long enough to give a working girl jealous pause. His lips, full and bruised but soft, are parted around whimpery little noises no one else on the continent had the pleasure of hearing. His nose was already crooked from too many breaks but it doesn’t detract from his beauty. It's a warrior's imperfection for Lambert was a fighter and for the moment he’s Eskel’s. His efforts in getting Lambert off had gone far in renewing his own interest in the proceedings. Lambert arched into a twist of his nipple and Eskel’s cock slid along between his cheeks.
 “Pretty thing.”  The front of Lambert’s trousers were dark with precum and he had half a mind to see if the boy could cum from just this. But he wasn’t cruel. He slid one big paw into Lambert’s braies and stroked the backs of his fingers over the length of him. It took no more than that for Lambert to gasp and cry out, falling fully into Eskel’s chest as he makes a mess of himself.
 Eskel used his teeth to tug at his earlobe and whispered.
 “Ok little wolf, let’s start that again."
 He stripped Lambert down where they stood and then helped him to lay on his back, head nestled in the pillows. Eskel had more than the average Witcher, preferring to sleep half sitting even at home. It made a perfect spot for displaying a pretty, desperate pup. “There’s not a Witcher in this keep who won’t know what I’ve done with you.” He growled, pressing Lambert's knees wider. The boy was already half hard again.
 “Does that get you going? Everyone knowing that you’re a dirty old- ah!” Eskel dipped down to take the pup’s cock into his mouth, laving his tongue over the silky flesh and cleaning him of his own cum. Lambert squirmed, oversensitive and unsure whether he should press into Eskel’s mouth or get away. It was cute.
 The hardened flesh jumped with he sealed his mouth over the head and sank down on it; usually he would tease some and see what noises he could coax from that once-abused throat but not that night, not with the trust laid at his feet. This was a demonstration and a promise all in one and he would do his task well.
 “Eskel!” Lambert gripped his hair on the right side of too hard and tugged. “Fuck- I can’t!” He sucked hard in response, his tongue dipping into Lambert’s slit before pulling off.
 He felt almost cruel when he turned his head and bit a mark into the pup’s thigh. At least, he would have if Lambert’s cock didn’t spurt cum as he shuddered through a second orgasm in near as many minutes. Eskel shuffled back, smoothed his palms down the inside of Lambert’s thighs and cupping his calves, not digging in but holding him steady.  His chest was heaving like a racehorse and Eskel decided swiftly that a break was in order. He slid his hands up the length of Lambert’s body, mostly unscarred, until he himself was prone above the young man. Flipping them so that Lambert laid half atop his chest was laughably easy.
 “You haven’t-“ Lambert squirmed, pressing his thigh firmly against Eskel’s cock. It took all his control to keep his hips still.
 “There’s time, let me hold you for now. Enjoy the afterglow.”
 The others wouldn’t believe him if he said Lambert was a cuddler, capable of tucking his face against another’s neck and being soft and pliant. That he was sweet and needy underneath the curses and hatred. Eskel wanted to show them all how they’d been wrong; he never wanted to Lambert from his sight.
 The kiss he bestowed on Lambert’s pouting lips was lazy, an open press of mouths and sharing of breath. His tongue swiped over and then behind the pup’s teeth, exploring the taste of him and then allowing him to clumsily do the same. Lambert took too long poking around the busted tooth where his lip didn’t close right and he turned his head away.
 “S’not polite to linger on things like that.”
 They kissed again and again until Lambert pushed himself up and said,
 “I’d like to try again.”
 They rearrange so that Eskel is propped against the pillows and Lambert is laid between his thighs, arms wrapped around a folded fur for his own comfort.
 Never let it me said that the boy couldn’t learn.
 He started slow, licking around the base and working up to the head of Eskel’s weeping cock.
 “That’s it.” He praised. “Keep going.” Lambert took him shallowly into his mouth, one hand sliding up to work what he couldn’t fit. It was slow but good and rather than watch Eskel tipped his head against the wall and slipped fingers into the boy’s hair. Lambert stiffened but once satisfied he was doing no more than petting he relaxed back into his task.
 There was no rush to finish, just varying pressure and heat as Lambert learned what made the Witcher moan and shift his hips, what made his toes curl into the blankets. Whenever Lambert's jaw tired he switched to laving the shaft with his tongue before taking him deep as he dared once more. Eskel's orgasm nearly caught him unaware and rather than give warning he used his grip in Lambert’s too-soft hair to drag him up for a kiss, finishing on both their stomachs. Laying his claim.
 “That was good.” He rumbled, kissing Lambert’s jaw. “Perfect.”
 The squirming began again and Eskel reluctantly released his hold. “Use my shirt.” If Lambert was going to clean up at least Eskel could stake one last claim on him. Lambert wiped his stomach almost aggressively and turned to drag his clothing on jerkily with jelly-like limbs. The effect was clumsy and Eskel frowned.
 “Hey, hey pup look at me.” Lambert froze but didn’t turn. “Lambert, come back here.” It was the wrong thing to say as the young man started toward the door. Annoyance crept in and he sighed.
 “Lambert, I want you to stay. It’s warm and I’ll bring up breakfast in the morning. Ain't no need to leave after you're done, not here at least.”
 He’d never know if it was his plea, the food, or the promise of warmth that lured Lambert back into his bed but one of them worked.
 They slept back to front, Lambert safely tucked in Eskel’s arms and Eskel with his nose buried in the curl of hair at the back of Lambert’s neck.
 Eighteen, exhausted, and desperate for a bit of kindness, Lambert slept and Eskel got his peace.
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thudworm · 2 years
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Ellie injured herself jumping off the couch over the weekend, and (after two visits to the vet) the verdict is most likely a ruptured cruciate ligament.
So now she is on strict rest orders, which means her world is confined to these two small pens, other trips outside to toilet. She is such a people-oriented dog that she’s really going to struggle for the possibly 6 weeks of time this is necessary, depending on when/if surgery happens.
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twistedappletree · 8 months
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shardminds · 2 months
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full moon, white honey
pairing: elain archeron x lucien vanserra. honourable mentions to feysand, nessian and one barely there hint at emerie/nesta. it's tasteful, i promise. rating: e (for eventually they get it on) wc: 11k primary tags: witcher!au, hurt/comfort, major character injury, non-chronological, ambiguous/open ending, sex on furniture - more detailed tags, see ao3! read on ao3
The worn parchment that had once held a recipe lay untouched in her quarters. She no longer needed it. Celandine, White Myrtle, Brain of a Drowner. Crush, Boil with Spirit, Bottle once cooled. Thirteen words seared into her bones. For the Witcher who too often showed her his.
a/n: happy birthday to me (well, i'm posting this early because i'm impatient, but the point still stands) i even made a little mood board/title card thing! this is all very exciting.
this fic is told entirely out of order (intentionally so. what is the intention? who knows. vibes, i guess.) and there's a detailed breakdown on ao3 on exactly what i pilfered from the witcher universe in order to write this so pls see there if you need a breakdown!
(very) small snip under the cut!
Fox cub at the foot of a golden throne, restless and wanting. Blood of the lion. And the lion was not a lion but a wolf; each paw print against the marble floor burst to flame. And the palace was burning, falling. And the cub stepped into the wolf’s jaws, bared its throat in submission, but there was no one to save him. Claws across flesh time and time again until all he had was red. And the fox was not a fox but a boy; atop Novigrad rooftops, launching from parapet to ridge at the first sunrise, the last sunrise. Bloodshot eye and black stained lips. 
Swords and signs. Horseback to haybale. Tavern, village, city — but no home. 
Blindfolded on a tightrope a hundred feet above the waking streets, nought but the swell of the wind and the call of birds, his audience. He slipped, and the ground rushed up to meet him.
“Vanserra is calling for you.” 
“He does not know me. He calls for any woman with a pulse.” 
“And yet he’s turned away all companions, refuted all offers of comfort, he barely rises above amicable chat with the others that dare approach him, but he calls for you.”
Elain huffed a fickle laugh at Maren’s observations. Of course she’d noted these things — probably weaned the information from any of the other healers, priestesses or patrons of the temple. The walls breathed secrets in The Mother’s temple, only half of them true. Elain saw the other half in her dreams. 
“What are you saying, Maren? That he favours me? As if I don’t know. I see it and I ignore it, as you all should. It is no business but his own.” She hauled close the tome she’d been scouring — a translated elven text on elder blood in horticulture — keen to end this interrogation. Not the first and definitely not the last. The Witcher might not have made a habit of getting injured in Temeria intentionally, but when he did, he always ended up here. Halfway dead, but still very much alive. 
“It makes him easy to care for. Each time I tend to his scratches, I learn a little more about just what his mutations have cost him and how little our healing aids him. His own concoctions knit his bones, quell his bleeding, but turn his blood to poison. I don’t know about you, Maren, but that terrifies me.”
It wasn’t just that which terrified her.
Maren held her tongue, probably for the first time in her life. 
“A monster visits our temple and calls for me by name and you would give me to him thinking not of my wellbeing, but of the scandal it would cause if rumour spread that I was fucking him.”
“That is not—”
“I will take my leave,” Finality crisp in her words. “But not for your worry. I have enough celandine and white myrtle to craft his potions. I trust he will have the rest.” 
Maren bobbed her head, a curt dismissal. To be honest, Elain was surprised she didn’t argue. The wine of her cheeks seemed to flush with an unchecked fury. But Elain was not one of her charges, not a priestess in the temple. She tended their gardens, helped in their kitchens, brewed their potions, but she’d been granted asylum above all else. The temple kept her from the clutches of ruthless kings, power starved elves, ambitious men. Any that would bind her powers for their own ill will. 
A Seer. What a rare and wonderful thing.
What a cursed blessing. 
And she was angry. Not at Maren, or the healers and priestesses, mothers and refugees that found home in their temple. She was angry at Lucien Vanserra. Because no matter the consequences, he always came back. 
Her footfalls through the stone corridors, an omen
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joelslegalwhre · 2 years
Her Sweet Kiss
oh i would love to request one where the reader is the dragon queen (a bit like daenerys from game of thrones) and geralt is sent to kill her which he refuses in the end
(Requested on Wattpad)
pairing⁀➷ geralt of rivia x fem!dragon!reader
word count ⁀➷ 3.2k
summary ⁀➷ You're a golden dragon and the king sent Geralt to kill you… (I’m shit at summaries i’m sorry-)
warnings ⁀➷ spoilers for s1 ep6, violence, (short) mention of blood/wound, mention of killing someone, fighting, kissing, angst (not much)
a/n ⁀➷ As always pls tell me if I missed a warning! And if anyone knows why my “read more” messes with my text (it doubles the first paragraph) i’d be thrilled to know how to fix that🫢
Jaskiers song
🥤my kofi if you’d like to leave a tip🩷
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Geralt came out of the cave, throwing some monster head right in front of the man's feet. You felt the fear the old man had of the white haired Witcher.
Geralt looked at him with a stern look, a little confused but still as if he'd rip the man's head off if he'd do anything stupid.
„I believe those are mine." He said in a low voice.
When the Witcher came down the small hill to his horse, the man hurriedly let the bag fall to the ground and ran away.
„This woman just killed a man with her bare hands for trying to steal your horse!" Jaskier shouted to Geralt.
You couldn't just walk past the men on your way to the village, already sensing the fight.
It really wasn't as dramatic as the bard told though, the man chose his fate when he chose to be ignorant and thought of himself as something better. Stealing a man's belongings, was the lowest another could do. And you didn't really want to have a bloody scene, so a snapped neck was the… well, best option.
The bard behind you was still in shock as he propped his hands to his sides and looked at the Witcher. Said one turned around and studied you with an intense look.
You just looked him straight in the eyes, a small smile spreading across your lips at his next words.
„Maybe she'll make a better travel companion, then." he dryly answered the bard, tilting his head to the side.
He put the bags back on his horse and turned around to you and the bard, Jaskier.
„Who are you?" he asked. You felt the curiosity he tried to hide as he asked.
„That is something you don't have to know." you answered sounding polite yet your answer clearly wasn't. But something about it made the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia as you knew, want to know more about you.
Normally he would just turn around and continue whatever he was onto. Not this time, though.
You smiled at Geralt. „I guess you'd like that back.” You threw one of his viles at him that had fallen out of the bag earlier. He caught it with ease, looking you up and down in surprise. Maybe there was even more to you than he could guess.
„Good luck with whatever you're doing!" you shouted, already continuing your way to the village. Jaskier's gaze followed you, his eyebrow raised, shaking his head.
„What the..." he mumbled to himself. Geralt on the other hand was completely thrown off by the way you behaved.
„Wait!" he shouted after you, his deep voice echoing through the air. Jaskier turned his head to Geralt. What had got into him? He never did anything like that, ever.
The strong white wolf, feared Witcher and butcher of Blaviken, shouting after a girl? Out of desperation? You clearly left Geralt completely and utterly confused.
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The large door of the tavern opened, and Geralt entered, followed by Jaskier. "I'd like a fresh ale, thank you." Jaskier smiled at Geralt.
The tavern was packed, and the waiters ran back and forth in hurry. Neither of them wanted to wait that long. "Hmm." Gerald grumbled, but made his way to the bar anyway to order two mugs of ale.
"What.." the Witcher muttered to himself as he saw you. He had barely managed to banish you from his mind since you had left. As if in a trance, he walked away from the bar. "Witcher!" the barman called after him, who had already put down the two jugs. But Geralt no longer heard him, no longer wanted to hear him.
He followed after you without paying attention to anything around him. If the fabric of your orange dress hadn't had all his attention, it would have been easy to follow your irresistible scent.
You had already noticed Geralt when he entered the tavern with Jaskier. You led him to the back of the tavern, and opened a door that led into a corridor. Which contained several rooms to store food and drink or other supplies. With a light smile, you noticed that Geralt was still following you. Good.
Geralt didn't even look around as he pushed the door open, and it closed behind him. The voices became quieter, and he concentrated on the sounds of your footsteps. It smelled like old wood... and you.
You opened one of the doors. Not a moment later, you felt his presence close behind you. His breath on your neck and the strong smell he carried.
"I don't know why I can't resist you." he whispered in your ear, and his hair brushed your shoulder. "But I'm done trying to fight it."
You leaned your neck to the side and felt his lips, spreading feather-light kisses. No one needed to know about this encounter, you both agreed on that. He didn't need to leave any evidence behind to remember it. His hands grabbed your hips and urged you further into the chamber.
"Show me." you whispered challengingly. If he no longer wanted to suppress it, you wouldn't stop him.
Not a moment later, his lips met yours. Although there was so much desire in both of you, the kiss was anything but. It was breathtaking. It was gentle, quite in contrast to your desire. It was a sweet kiss. And it was so much more fitting than a wild or hard kiss. It was full of feelings neither of you would admit to.
His hands pulled you to him and your hands intertwined behind his neck. Never before had a kiss felt like this. But even in this kiss, you had to gasp for air at some point.
Neither of you moved. Geralt's hands still held you pressed against him as he looked down at you.
Something on your neck shone gold that he hadn't noticed before. It reached to your shoulder and disappeared under the fabric of your dress. It almost reminded him of dragon skin.
You knew what his gaze lingered on. "It's a birthmark," you whispered. He looked into your eyes.
"It's almost the same colour as your eyes." you added with a smile. His lips parted and closed again. Your hands wandered along his hair, and you twirled a small strand between your fingers. Geralt's gaze followed your every move before he looked you in the eyes again.
"I have to go now.” You whispered, standing on your toes and pressing one last kiss to his lips.
Geralt didn't open his eyes as you released yourself from his grip. Only when he heard the sound of jugs scraping over wood did he look up. With three empty jugs, you left the chamber and your footsteps echoed.
But what he only noticed now, how he could have missed it he didn’t know himself, was the wound on your arm. It looked like it had already been treated, but you still had a cloth covering it.
Geralt had his back to the door. But he couldn't help himself and took a step out of the door to look after you. With light steps, almost as if given wings, you walked along the corridor. But before you left, you looked over your shoulder at Geralt. You looked into his eyes and smiled.
Then you turned around and disappeared through the wooden door.
Geralt looked down at the floor and exhaled heavily. "Fuck." he growled.
When he returned to the table, Jaskier wasn't alone anymore. An old man and two worrier-looking women sat with him. Geralt's gaze went back and forth between the three and Jaskier. The table was set with pies, beer and wine.
"Ah Geralt, we were wondering where you've been." Jaskier announced cheerfully.
Geralt gave him a glance and sat down.
"What do you want?" Geralt grumbled.
„A short while ago, a dragon landed across the border in King Niedamir's mountains." the old men started, „I know what you're thinking. Impossible, dragons are so rare. But it's true. Locals spotted it and went after it in search of treasure. Of course, they succeeded only in wounding the creature. And angering it so righteously that it swooped down from its lair and set half a hillside ablaze.
„Dead sheep everywhere." he continued his story.
„Now, the King is in a blind. He's set to marry the princess of his rival kingdom, Malleore, which means it's bad timing to have a murderous pest lurking about in the mountains."
„What does this have to do with me?" Geralt knew exactly what this had to do with him, but the old man mustn't know that just yet.
„The king sent me to ask you to kill the dragon, dear Witcher.”
„You've wasted your breath." Geralt said. „I'll tell you what l've already told the king myself. he looked up, directly into the old man's eyes. „I don't kill dragons.”
What Geralt didn't tell him was that the king didn't order any dragon to be killed, he wanted the dragon queen dead. Shaking his head in disapproval, the old man sighed. „It's nothing I could do myself.” he chuckled. Geralt did not even seem to grin.
"I'm sorry to interrupt," Jaskier interjected into the conversation. „Did you say dragon?" Geralt looked at him from the side,
„What people call green dragons', like the one we have here I suppose, they're the most common. Red dragons, less so. Black dragons are the rarest.” he explained.
„Gold dragons are the rarest." the old men stated.
„Gold dragons are a myth. For a gold dragon to exist, it would... have to be the result of... an accidental, unique mutation. And in my experience, mutations, they're intentional." Geralt said with a wry nod, "But it doesn't matter. Mutant or myth, gold dragons met the same fate as anything too different to endure. They died out." His gaze had turned to the table.
„Hello, Grandfather." you lean on the old man's shoulders from behind with a small smile. At the sound of your voice, Geralt's head shot up. Your eyes met, once again, and it felt like a storm was set free inside of you.
„Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Thank you so much. It's been very nice. Thank you for the wine and the pies, but as the man said, we really can't get involved.” Jaskier said with panic in his voice.
„Geralt, shall we?" he tried to ask the Witcher next to him. But when Geralt answered, his gaze lingered on you.
„l'm in.”
„Mother of. Jaskier sighed.
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„What happened here?" Jaskier asked in shock as the two passed a mountain, completely burned down on one side. It was once, full of green grass and most likely many sheep.
„Dragons avoid people." Geralt murmured. „It should have left when they attacked.”
When they had reached the cave the dragon was supposed to be in, Jaskier stopped. „Uhm Geralt…" he breathed heavily. The Witcher turned to the bard and tilted his head slightly. „Wait here." he just said.
Ready to draw his sword at any time, Geralt slowly walked to the entrance of the cave. It was quiet, almost too quiet.
When he saw the dragons, even the Witcher stared for a moment.
He had expected one of the black dragons, or at least a red one. Not a green one.
The dragon laid there, one wing protectively in front of an egg. Behind the green dragon stood a black one protectively, but this one was male.
So he could hardly be the dragon queen the king wanted to get rid of. He came closer, still cautious, listening for any sounds. But when Geralt heard footsteps that could not belong to Jaskier, he drew his sword.
"Get. Away. From. Her." Geralt took a step back. He looked almost startled, surprise visible on his face.
"Hello again, Witcher." you said coldly.
"What are you doing here." It was no question, more likely a request to leave and not put yourself in danger. "Touch her, and I'll kill you." you threatened the Witcher.
The black dragon growled dangerously as you approached Geralt.
Cassius, your guard. He grew up with you in the Royal Court, back when everything was still there, nothing destroyed. He was not much older than you, and acted more like a brother than a guard most of the time.
When you heard his snort, you did not turn to him. "You can go." you said, still looking Geralt in the eyes.
Another growl. "I can handle this. Go now." He understood, this was an order. The green dragon was still lying in the same place when Cassius swept his wings and flew out of the cave through an opening in the ceiling.
"You should go., Witcher." Geralt didn't respond, instead he asked quietly in a raspy voice, "What are you?"
"Don't act like you don't know." You replied, almost a little hurt at the thought of what he would think of you.
Geralt took a step towards the dragon. And no matter what he wanted, no matter if he wanted to harm her or not, you could only see black and white at that moment. In seconds, you had a knife to his throat and were standing in front of him again. "Touch her and Jaskier will have to follow suit."
At that moment, as if you had summoned him, the bard came to the entrance of the cave. "Geralt, what is happening here? I have just seen a dra-" but he fell silent the moment he saw the Witcher with you.
Neither of you paid any attention to the bard.
Geralt turned so neatly that he had his arm around your neck and his hand took the knife from your hand.
"What on earth are you two doing here?" Jaskier stood there as if he no longer understood the world.
"Please." Geralt said softly, but that exactly was his weak spot. You ducked and twisted out of his grip, quick and swift enough to outwit the Witcher and his reactions. Quickly, you had your knife back in your hand. But instead of raising it to his throat again, you placed it at the level of his hip. Geralt looked at you, there was both astonishment and sadness in his gaze.
"Guys..." Jaskier called out to you.
You knew that Geralt would defeat you. Unless you threw him off his guard. He tilted his head, his lips opened and closed, just like he did in the tavern. And your next move was connected exactly with this thought. Geralt was still standing in front of you, he had thrown his sword on the ground when your knife had touched his throat, and there it still laid. He had no weapons except himself, which only confirmed that your idea would make him harmless for a few seconds. At least, you hoped so.
His lips had just closed again, and you didn't know if he would stop fighting or just start now.
Before he could do anything, though, you stood on your tiptoes, your dagger still at his hip. Your free hand reached for his neck and pulled him close enough to you. Then you placed your lips on his. The kiss almost captivated you yourself, and you had to concentrate to continue your plan. Geralt made a grumbling noise, surprised and completely thrown off balance. Just like you wanted. With all your strength, you broke away from him, breathing out heavily. Your lips trembled, it had indeed been a dirty trick. You looked at him apologetically and bit your lip. In the same movement, you turned to the dragon. You took a deep breath. Held it for a brief moment and then blew a protective wall of fire between the two of you and the dragon.
Your breathing became heavy and you swallowed. The fire made the golden scales on your neck glow. As you slowly turned to face Geralt, you could make out Jaskier at the entrance. You looked cautiously back and forth between the two of them. They couldn't hurt you. Their gazes, however, could.
"You're the dragon queen. The golden one." Geralt finally said it.
"The dragon queen?!" Jaskier commented in a shrill tone and shook his head disbelievingly to the right and then to the left."Damn.."
"Yes." your voice was no louder than a whisper as you looked the Witcher straight in the eyes. "But why did the king-" Jaskier started in a confused expression, but you interrupted him at the rage that boiled up inside you at the thought of the king, "King Niedamir hasn't even seen a dragon himself. He knows nothing!"
You walked out of the cave and Geralt followed you.
"No dragon has ever done anything to him. His men started the treasure hunts, they started hurting them,” your anger rose with each word, “He is just scared that he will pay for the things his men did to us." you said, one hand on your almost healed wound. "We don't start fights. But killing baby dragons, for treasure and gold?" You shook your head and tilted it slightly. "I can't let that happen."
You pursed your lips and closed your eyes for a moment, "The sheep- were just a warning. I never had the intention to do more."
Geralt had looked down on the ground while you told them everything. When you'd finished, his gaze found yours, and he exhaled.
You held out a small pouch to them, "Uhm, this is a dragon's tooth. The king won't know it's an old one." Geralt gently took the pouch from your hand, which was trembling slightly.
"Ehm, if I may-"
"It's not mine, Jaskier." you lightheartedly grinned at him.
"I'll tell the king we killed the dragon, and he'll leave you alone." Your gaze went back to Geralt, you nodded with a thankful smile.
"Can I talk to you for a moment, Geralt?" you quietly asked.
"Ohhh, I see. l'I let you two alone. If anyone needs me I'll just.." Jaskier pointed at some rocks and turned around, walking away just far enough to let you have some privacy.
You wanted to say something about the kiss, but you decided against it. It wouldn't help either of you.
„Don't give up." your gaze became serious, and Geralt looked slightly thrown off. That seemed to happen around you more often than he liked. „She is out there. And you have to find her."
Carefully you took his hand and your fingers gently brushed over it.
„Please don't give up, Geralt. You and your child of surprise... are to safe us all."
Your gaze went to your linked hands. A sad smile on your lips as you let go of it. You exhaled. "Goodbye, Geralt of Rivia."
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Geralt felt frozen in place. His back still in the direction you had gone. He didn't watch you go, he couldn't.
Jaskier's eyes widened as he looked past him.
„Geralt, you might want to see this." he almost whispered.
Geralt turned around. “What is-“ he grumbled but soon became silent at the sight.
The sight of a golden dragon flying away into the distance.
Geralt exhaled and looked after you until you were only a small point on the sky and then, gone.
The song about the charming girl, the one who was strong enough to fight and win against Geralt of Rivia, spread across the countries. Jaskier made sure it did.
The song about her sweet kiss.
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reposts are always appreciated, they really make my day 🧡
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Prompt 4
Geralt is the captain of a pirate ship, named "Kaer Morhen." Perhaps he's still a witcher, perhaps he's just a regular old human (with white hair and golden eyes? Lol) His brothers (and "cousins" from other witcher schools) are his crew Now I can see this going two different ways, so choose a favorite (or make up your own, I am only the beginning, I hold no affront of being anything more) Jaskier is a nobleman's son, aboard his family's ship, possibly on his way to be forced into a marriage to a woman he doesn't love. And either he falls overboard or he's shoved off as a murder attempt, but he's lost in the ocean. Lambert (or someone else, but I love to imagine how Lambert would attempt to call this out to his captain who he doesn't take seriously 90% of the time, #brothers) calls that he spots a man bobbing in the sea, and they haul him up. The majority of the crew sees sight of his jewels and finery and insists on holding him ransom. But when the prisoner wakes up and isn't afraid of death, Geralt looks into this a little more. Apparently their prisoner won't get a ransom because his entire family despise him and his want to run away and become a bard. Funny. Most pirate ships have entertainers aboard to help the pirates deal with months of nothing but ocean. Perhaps they'll have use of this dumb twink after all. OR, option number two Jaskier is a nobleman's son, chained and starved for the crime of wanting to become a bard and not wanting to marry some prissy noblewoman. He hears a lot of loud noises and screams and then a bunch of burly men in fur cloaks stomp down and start rifling through their supplies. One catches eye of him and immediately yells to the captain. The captain is a very handsome man with silver locks and bright eyes, and the dreaded pirate captain is treating Jaskier with more kindness and gentleness than his family or their workers ever have. The pirate hauls Jaskier up into his arms and carries him to their own ship, laying him down in his own bed, and looking over his injuries and sending one of his crewmembers to make hm a fine meal. Jaskier begins telling the captain of his abusive life beforehand and mentions that all he's ever wanted is to spread music and love, and shockingly enough, this big scary (gorgeous) man doesn't even laugh at him for it.. Oh fuck he's falling in love-
♡!Optional addons!♡ • Geralt gayly teaching his bard how to swordfight!!!
• Perhaps Jaskier's family is crueler and has done more than beat him, perhaps they've stabbed him or something, and the very last thing he sees before he passes out from bloodloss is Geralt (Maybe he even thinks he's an angel! Lmfao)
• Geralt getting lovingly bullied by his brothers for taking care of his songbird so well
• Geralt's crew revenge-robbing or revenge-killing Jaskier's family if we do Option one for the story (attempted-murder route), since it's implied it happens in Option Two while they ransack the ship-
• Perhaps I'll do a sequel for this prompt one day for Mermaid Jaskier, I do LOVE mermaids, take this as a much smaller and much less detailed prompt for if you want that idea, too! Perhaps the Pankratz ship has a captured mer aboard, parched and dehydrated (I just mostly think it'd be funny if Geralt was checking his pulse and if he has any injuries while random other witches dump buckets of sea water on him-)
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iftheshoef1tz · 6 months
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I Come With Knives
Azris, 13k words, rated E.
A party on the continent, hosted by one of Koschei’s lackeys, goes awry. Nearly magicless, Azriel and Eris must survive on the continent together or die trying. Inspired by The Nutcracker, with a helping of Polish folk tales.
I’m so pleased to finally post this for my sweet friend, @krem-does-stuff!! I was so excited to get you for this year’s @acotargiftexchange, and I hope you enjoy it! Your theories about what my TikToks could mean had me rolling with laughter, because you were rather wrong, haha. I have so many more rat/Nutcracker-related TikToks to send you, and hopefully they’ll make (slightly) more sense once you’ve read this. I tried to incorporate all the desserts you gave me (raspberries are very important in this), and I tried to write Eris in a way that was new to me but still believable and delightfully mean.
Special thanks to @witch-and-her-witcher, @queercontrarian, and @yanny-77 for their beta skills; to Cee and Emma again for saying “send the TikTok” and holding my hand through the usual self-doubt; @pippsmcgee for shaking this fic until nearly all the present continuous fell out of it; @velidewrites for helping me translate a few things into Polish; @damedechance for helping me find something dirty to say; and, ofc, Dylan O’Brien. You know why.
Read on ao3.
Azriel stares out at the crowd, at the finery draped over every inch of this infernal castle, and he can almost pretend nothing is wrong. His leathers – he had refused to wear something more formal – creak as he shifts his weight, though it’s eaten up by the merry shouting of the crowd.
This invitation had come, bristling with glitter and tied with a ribbon, from one of the lesser noble houses of a small duchy close to the border with Rask. The duke and duchess were newly appointed and quite young, only in their eighties. Let bygones between continent and island be bygones, the invitation had crowed.
It stunk of a trap, and Azriel had come because there was no one else who could.
Rhys had Feyre, Nyx, and a death bargain no one could undo. They couldn’t spare Cassian, never mind that Nesta wasn’t ever letting Cassian out of her sight again. Mor and Lucien never figured into the equation, Lucien because he wasn’t stupid, and Mor because she wasn’t authorized by the Queen of Vallahan to go anywhere else on the continent.
It’s Amarantha all over again. None of the original players are here, of course; none of them would be so stupid. But apparently not smart enough to stay out entirely.
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seidenbros · 3 months
Fic Writers for Palestine
Hi! We're a group of fanfiction writers trying to fundraise for Palestine! In exchange for a donation, one of us will write you your fic of choice!
Donations can be £5 or more to Operation Olive Branch (Operation Olive Branch - Google Drive)  or Care For Gaza (Care For Gaza (@CareForGaza) / X (twitter.com). 
Or, you can buy an e-sim at eSims For Gaza (gazaesims.com). Remember to follow the onscreen instructions after your purchase!
we ask that you be patient with the writers as we are writing for you. 
Meet The Writers:
Áine, onthelasttrain on ao3/sprnklersplashes on tumblr/sprnkIrsplashes on twitter! I write for six of crows, heathers musical (veronica centric, jdronica, martha x heather mac), mean girls the musical (cadnis, damian+janis+cady, janis centric) and the osemanverse!!
Kassel, neptune-scythe on tumblr/neptune_scythe on ao3, twitter and instagram, writes for six of crows, specifically kaz-centric and sometimes inej-centric!! please do not request smut for physical intimacy for kaz from Kassel, thank you 😊
Steffi/Staff, seidenbros on AO3/seidenbros on Tumblr/staff1989 on Twitter. I write for Six of Crows (Wesper, would try Kanej and Helnik as well), The Witcher (Geraskier). More modern AUs than canon stuff, but both work, and the occasional NSFW stuff.
Find the form to fill out HERE
If you would like to participate as a writer, let us know!
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agerefandom · 1 year
Agere Writers Masterpost (2023 Edition!)
Helpful reminders: 
all of these blogs are SFW but have their own DNIs, so please remember to check! 
not all of these blogs have open requests, so please read their bios and respect their boundaries! 
please let me know if I should add anyone! to qualify, blogs must take requests for headcanons or fanfiction, have an easily accessible fandom list, be specifically sfw/non-k!nk content, and have posted in the last three months! 
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Holy moly, the list is LONG this year!!! We are still growing and expanding as a community! Because I don’t want to flood anyone’s dashes, the list will be under a ‘keep reading’. 
The list is organized in order of the number of fandoms they write for: with the widest range of fandoms at the top, down to single-fandom blogs at the bottom.
Blogs in italics are folks who don’t match my DNI or vice-versa (but are still sfw agere): I didn’t want to exclude them as many of my followers might have different personal stances than me! However, to respect both of our DNIs, I didn’t want to tag them, so please feel free to explore their blogs in your own time if they’re up your alley! 
@smollwriting​ (She-Ra, Creepypasta, The Good Place, Vampire Knight, BNHA, Undertale, Castlevania, Disney, Marvel, DC, D:BH, Life Is Strange, Resident Evil, Anne With An E, Black Butler, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note, Assassination Classroom, AoT, Free!, Lucifer, OHSHC, Arcana, Stranger Things, and MANY more) 
@agerefandom​ (Adventure Zone, Animaniacs, ATLA, BNHA, Castlevania, Critical Role, Danganronpa, Death Note, Disney, Doctor Who, DDLC, Glee, Gravity Falls, Hannibal, Harry Potter, Homestuck, Magnus Archives, MCU, POTO, Sandman, Sherlock, Star Wars, Steven Universe, SPN, Twilight, Untamed, WTNV, and more) 
@ember-owlet​ (Encanto, Chainsaw Man, Beastars, Jujutsu Kaisen, Spy x Family, Witch Hat Atelier, Arcane, DHMIS, Killing Eve, MLP, Steven Universe, Owl House, OTGW, Wednesday, Cats, Heathers, Hadestown, POTO, D:BH, DDLC, FNAF, God Of War, RE:VIII, Last of Us, Undertale, and more) 
@writerpey​ (Arcane, ATLA/LOK, BTS, D:BH, Disney, Downton Abbey, GoT, God of War, Marvel, OFMD, Peaky Blinders, RDR2, Sherlock, Shadow and Bone, Star Wars, Stranger Things, The Batman, Last of Us, Uncharted, Wednesday, WWDITS, and more)
@wonderinglullaby​ (DC, Invader Zim, Breaking Bad, MLP, ATLA, SPN, Doctor Who, Invincible, Inside Job, Walking Dead, Carebears, Bojack Horseman, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, OTGW, Spiderman, Deadpool, Horror movies, and more)
@deuce-t-agere​ (911 Lone Star, Bluey, Care Bears, Criminal Minds, Critical Role, DC, Ever After High, Disney (esp. Hercules right now), Friday the 13th, Horror, James Bond, Lilo and Stitch, LOTR, Marvel, Monster High, POTO, Star Trek, Star Wars) 
@littlefirefly42​ (Marvel, She-Ra, Riordanverse, Owl House, Adventure Time, Bee and Puppycat, Stranger Things, Heartstopper, Gone, OTGW, DHMIS, Dragon Prince, Goncharov, It, Wednesday, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, HTTYD) 
@paper--moons​ (BNHA, Saiki K, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, Death Note, FMAB, Dragon Ball, TAZ, Umbrella Academy, Marvel, DC, LOTR/Hobbit, Castlevania, TES, Dragon Age, Stardew Valley, The Witcher) 
@dreamties​ (Saw, The Collector, Black Christmas, Scream, House of Wax, The Boy, Heathers, Candyman, Carrie, Lost Boys, Psycho, Friday The 13th, Child’s Play, Spree, Laid to Rest, Dead by Daylight) 
@lavendermilkbottle​ (The Walking Dead, OFMD, DSMP, Hermitcraft, BNHA, Haikyuu, Star Wars, AFTG, DC, Grey’s Anatomy, Stranger Things, Leverage, White Collar, James Bond, Kingsman, Top Gun) 
@thorin-baby-bear​ (Stranger Things, Critical Role, Ghostbusters, It, Marvel, Ride The Cyclone, Doctor Who, Moon Knight, OFMD, Dead Poets Society, Welcome Home, Ash vs. Evil Dead, Werewolf By Knight, Bullet Train) 
@lains-cyberspace​ (Serial Experiments Lain, Complete Selection Modification, Welcome Home, BNHA, Genshin Impact, PJSK, Obey Me, Kpop, Slipknot, DHMIS, Enstars, TBHK, Danganronpa) 
@tinybeebo​ (Doctor Who, Marvel, X-Men, Moon Knight, Law and Order, Psych, Glee, Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen, Greatest Showman, Cobra Kai, Criminal Minds) 
@babiestbubbles​ (ROTTMNT, Daredevil, Spiderman, Stranger Things, Owl House, Bluey, Beyblade Burst, Disney, Harry Potter, DSMP/MCYT, BNHA, Sanders Sides) 
@strawbabys-blog​ (DSMP, Maze Runner, Harry Potter, BNHA, Merlin, Haikyuu, Heartstopper, Yuri on Ice!, Voltron, Hamilton, Marvel) 
@blankie-nest-agere​ (WarioWare, Psychonauts, MLP, Cookie Run, Stardew Valley, Owl House, Gravity Falls, Pokemon, Undertale/Deltarune, Invader Zim, Homestuck) 
@babybutlerarthur​ (Monster High, Danny Phantom, HTTYD, OHSHC, Hetalia, Disney, Welcome Home, SPN, Good Omens, Muppets, Star Trek)
@littlegummyfox​ (Series of Unfortunate Events, Adventure Time, Marvel, Steven Universe, Wednesday, HTTYD, Disney, Trollhunters, Welcome Home, Star Wars)
@mossysmolboy​ (OHSHC, BNHA, FNAF, Black Butler, Yuri On Ice, Stardew Valley, Creepypasta, D:BH, Sally Face, Arcane) 
shinxylullaby (Food Fantasy, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Cookie Run, Ouran, Sanrio Boys, Demon Slayer, BNHA, MXTX, MLP, Obey Me) 
@leos-regression-cove​ (Marvel, Parks and Rec, Good Omens, Bee and Puppycat, WWDITS, OFMD, Abbot Elementary, Ghosts UK/US, Better Call Saul) 
@froggy-clubhouse​ (Mr. Robot, Stranger Things, Teen Wolf, Homestuck, Haikyuu, Lucky Star, DHMIS, FNAF, South Park) 
aew-kun-age-regression (Marvel, SPN, Criminal Minds, Teen Wolf, Last of Us, Walking Dead, Harry Potter, Stranger Things) 
comfybuckets (Idolmaster, Project Sekai, Vast Error, Sanrio, Homestuck, Pokemon, Chrono Trigger, MLP g4) 
berrymoos (Moon Knight, Ninjago, Owl House, BNHA, Demon Slayer, Pokemon, Spiderman, Steven Universe, Stranger Things) 
@pup-writes-agere​ (Naruto, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Sonic, TMNT, FNAF, Danganronpa)
@sfwregressionfanfictions​ (Supernatural, RPF, Stranger Things, Marvel, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Addams Family)
@arcadian-agere​ (TWST, Genshin Impact, Death Note, Enstars, Black Butler, Nu Carnival, Pokemon)
kiddo-characters (Banana Fish, Owari no Seraph, Love Live!, Warrior Cats, sk8 The Infinity, ATLA, Genshin Impact) 
zeiru (Amphibia, ATLA, Disney/Pixar, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, MLP, Tangled Series, Owl House) 
@dino--boyy​ (Fear Street, Criminal Minds, Stranger Things, Owl House, Scream, Yellowjackets) 
@jjtheresidentbaby​ (Criminal Minds, SPN, Stranger Things, SWAT, Marvel, Teen Wolf)
@azulsgoldfish​ (TWST, PRSK, OHSHC, Persona, Enstars, Pokemon)
@honeybeewritings​ (Marvel, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Wednesday)
@karaslittlesunshine​ (Supergirl, Marvel, Pitch Perfect, Criminal Minds)
@agere-ena​ (Project Sekai, Pretty Cure, Love Live!, Honkai: Star Rail)
enderlyghost (Ok KO, Encanto, FNAF: SB, MCYT/DSMP)
800-little-space (BNHA, Haikyuu, Assassination Classroom, Harry Potter) 
@tiniestroses​ (Project Sekai, Sonic, TMNT, Undertale)
@agere-fics​ (Marvel, Good Omens, The Mandalorian) 
@angelbaby-fics​ (Marvel, Stranger Things, other Chris Evans characters)
@guppies-daydream​ (Legend of Zelda, Splatoon) 
@gothicmunson​ (Stranger Things, Our Flag Means Death)
@smallboyontheship​ (Just Roll With It) 
@littlemetaknight​ (Kirby) 
@pumpkaboo-princess​ (Project Sekai) 
@prince-honeypaw (BNHA) 
@babs-and-bones​ (Undertale)
@babybones-agere​ (Undertale)
@sleepy-watcher​ (Our Flag Means Death)
@star-struck-wonderland​ (BNHA)
@bnha-crimebabies​ (BNHA)
@bnha-littlespace-things​ (BNHA)
@little-lippie​ (Kpop Girl Groups) 
pyrohrtd (Genshin Impact) 
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bae-nhargreeves · 1 year
the witcher netflix and blood origin may have a lot of issues but the songs the write for my boy jaskier fucking slap. like song of the seven didn't need to be a bop, but I've listened to it nonstop in the mornings for the past week.
thinking about how, in twn universe, someone who follows jaskier's music/career could potentially place songs into eras. like the progression from how jask portrays elves in toss a coin to how he portrays them in song of the seven, and how he kinda reveres the dragon (and the soft way he sings the sorceress beauty) in the golden rule.
like i know in fanfics people wanna play up the effect toss a coin must've had on witchers in general and making their life easier or w/e, but i wanna see more about jaskier impacting the lives of elves and marginalized races in the witcher universe. I know people have kinda done that with jaskier being the sandpiper but not to the degree i see it in fics with the other witchers
also dear twn, i need an album of songs jaskier has written over the years. all performed by joey. i wanna know what song he wrote for the countess de stael
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